#s5 should just be will getting hugged by everyone for 10 hours.
muppetbyers · 2 years
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feeling totally normal about the way will hugs joyce and jonathan
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hepaidattention · 3 years
hi I’m going to list off my favorite emotional scenes in Teen Wolf that made me stop and think “oh my god - I thought this was just a campy teen drama.” Don’t mind me. (Not in a particular order.)
1) When Stiles thinks he has the same type of dementia that his mom had, and him and Scott hug each other before he has his CAT scan, and he just sobs as he holds his best friend. That scene WRECKED me and I will never get over it. It, in my opinion, was the most emotional scene in the entire show because it wasn’t about anything supernatural or mystical. It was a real issue that people have to face every single day. 
2) In s3, again when Stiles is mentally fighting the nogitsune and hasn’t slept in weeks. He goes to Scott’s mom for help, because that’s who he has for a mother figure. He needs someone to take care of him and he knows she always will. He breaks down in front of her, terrified over what’s happening to him, and she makes him sleep with a sedative (in a loving, caring way). He calls her mom as he goes under, and that scene might never leave my heart. Ever.
3) When Aiden dies in his twin brother, Ethan’s, arms. The fact that his last thoughts were that he still was going to die as the villain, even though everyone knew he was redeemed as a hero. Ethan and Aiden were never my favorite characters, but his death was so immensely sad and it was too much for me. He was just a kid.
4) The entire episode of Motel California. Isaac literally having to relive his childhood trauma - like what the actual heck? And of course, the scene when Stiles not only tries to talk Scott out of suicide, but then tells him if he’s going to kill himself then Stiles is going to die with him. AND THEN HE STEPS INTO THE GASOLINE. I literally ... I can’t. The relationship between Stiles and Scott might be the most wholesome friendship in any show I’ve ever seen.
5) When the Sherriff refused to let Stiles admit himself into Eichen House and uses the excuse that Stiles needed his pillow because he couldn’t sleep without it. Then, as he’s near tears fighting his son, telling him he couldn’t live with himself if he left him there without his pillow because he wouldn’t ever sleep, Stiles just looks at him and says, “Dad, I haven’t slept in days.” I think Stiles and his dad are my second favorite relationship in that show. There’s nothing compared to their father/son bond. 
6) When no one will believe Lydia that Stiles is real in s6 and she breaks down outside of where his door should be. What hurts me the most from this was that Stiles ALWAYS believed in her. It didn’t matter if she had zero proof, he always believed her and always convinced everyone else to believe her. If no one went along with it, Stiles always did. But when he was gone, she had no one to believe her, and no one to help her find him. Lydia always went to Stiles when she needed his help, and in many scenes she’s at his door for his help. This scene killed me because it reflected how she needed him, she came to his door, but it wasn’t there anymore and the way she broke down against the wall made ME break down. 
7) When the Sherriff remembers Stiles in s6 and his wife has to “die” in order for him to fully remember. Just. That’s it. There’s no other words to say. It was a BEAUTIFUL scene and I... I can’t. 
8) In s3b when Stiles has the nightmare within a nightmare within a nightmare, and when he finally wakes up he’s screaming and panicking and his dad has to come in and hold him down like this wasn’t a new thing. That’s called PTSD guys, and it’s real. This scene killed me. 
9) s3b again, but when Stiles can’t read in class and runs out and has a panic attack in the bathroom. Scott follows him and Stiles is insisting that its a dream, and Scott has to talk him through that panic attack as well as showing him he’s really awake. The realness in this scene just... all of s3b had me crying tbh. 
10) When Stiles has a panic attack in s3a. I swear this show got so real sometimes. They dealt with panic attack's a lot in the show and I appreciated it so much because YES. Teenagers going through this crap WOULD have panic attacks. I mean heck I have panic attacks without my friends and family all almost dying on a regular basis. It was so so sad and it just broke my heart for him.
11) in s6, when Stiles is being erased and he runs to his dad. He goes to him terrified of what’s happening and he hugs him and is frantically explaining and his dad asks him what his name is. That scene hurts. Stiles not being remembered by his dad is crushing, and it really hit me that he was really being taken. Seeing the realization on Stiles’ face is heartbreaking. 
12) When Stiles is about to be taken in s6 and tells Lydia she’s going to forget him and she says “I won’t” and he just says, “Lydia, you will,” but she still refuses to believe it. Then once he’s taken, she sits there and says “remember, remember” and the next scene Scott and Malia ask her what she’s forgetting and she says she can’t remember. 
13) When Lydia walks to and waits by Stiles locker in s6a after he’s been taken, and she doesn’t know who’s she’s waiting for, she just knows she’s supposed to meet someone there.
14) When Lydia realizes/remembers she never once told Stiles she loved him.
15) When Lydia stays with Stiles even though she knows Allison is about to die, and then can sense her death and sobs as she lays on an unconscious Stiles for comfort. Lydia goes through hell in s3b and I don’t think we realize it enough. She not only was emotionally tied to Stiles and had to not only watch but feel the pain he was going through with the nogitsune, but she knew Allison was going to die and knew there was nothing she could do about it. 
16) s3a when Lydia can feel what’s happening to Stiles but she can’t do anything about it so she just cries and banshee screams in her car. 
17) When Isaac has a breakdown in Argent’s arms after Allison’s death.
18) The entire backstory of Isaac. Like. Guys he was so abused that poor boy deserved so much better. His goodbye made me mad - we got so attached to him and then he just left and never came back. 
19) in s5 when they save Lydia from Eichen House but they think she’s dead, and Stiles begs her to open her eyes. I literally hold my breath every time I watch that scene. The tears in Stiles’ eyes, his broken expression, Scott and Deaton looking at Stiles like they don’t know how to handle Stiles if she’s dead, it’s... it’s so much emotion. And the relief on everyone’s face when she finally breathes. Just... damn. 
20) The entirety of Stiles dealing with the death of Donovan. I can hardly get through s5 because I can’t stand to watch the pain Stiles go through the entire season. He is emotionally tortured the whole time, and it’s not like is s3 when its a supernatural force - it’s his own darkness being used against him. He almost loses his dad, he almost loses Lydia countless of times, Scott (his BEST FRIEND, the guy he calls BROTHER) loses trust in him, and he has to live with the death of Donovan on his conscience with literally no support. Stiles was always, like Lydia, right about just about everything. Yet, no one ever picked his side - which left him having to fight his demons, AGAIN, alone. 
I’m gonna leave it there at 20. However, I could go on for hours. This show man - how is it one of the campiest, yet funniest, yet most emotional shows I’ve watched in a really long time? 
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immortalpramheda · 7 years
The 100 ‘The Chosen’
I can't believe this is the second last episode of the season! It's gone by so fast! And by the looks of the promo for the finale I think this season is probably my favourite season of the show. I've absolutely LOVED this season! And the thoughts of what S5 could be are mind blowing!
Skaikru getting thrown out of the bunker was heartbreaking. And to have us follow that little boy. This show likes to mess with my emotions. My favourite part of that scene was Murphy and Niylah (Richard and Jessica Harmon) finally interacted! But man, was that scene intense. I mean, Skaikru had all settled into the bunker and thought they were safe. And then to be told that over 300 of them are going to die. I can’t even imagine how they’re feeling.
So Jaha decided to go with his idea and hold a lottery. Sure, that’s the fairest option. They decided to save all the important people first. Clarke, Bellamy, Jaha, Kane, Abby (although Abby said she didn’t deserve a spot in the bunker) etc. And all the kids, because they’re young and will be able to reproduce. So that left 80 spots. That’s not many. When you think about it that is not many people at all.
Papa Miller writing Nate’s name instead of his own broke me. This is taking me back to S1 when those 300 people sacrificed themselves on the Ark. That dad with his little boy accepting that he’s going to die and asking Jaha to take care of his son. The parallels to the culling were a bit too emotionally overwhelming.
It is a bit unfair considering Jaha is the one who found the bunker. And it’s true that the Grounders know next to nothing about technology and won’t know how to make food and water etc. So I get their argument. Skaikru will basically be running the bunker so they should have more people. I get that. But the future of humanity is also important. If all the different clans integrate humanity will have a more diverse future. If they could all live as one people imagine how different and better the world could be.
Jaha’s plan to attack the Grounders was the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. He was desperate to save his people, I know. But if they’d done it if would have been a blood bath. The situation they’re in sucks, but it’s their only option. Octavia was willing to kill them all. “My people, my responsibility.” She gave them time, and they didn’t do what she asked. The choice they have to make sucks, but it’s better than all of them dying.
Kane somehow managed to convince Jaha to not go through with the attack. Jaha finally listened to someone instead of going ahead with his own stupid plan. Skaikru wouldn’t listen to reason and so they gassed them. That left me really unsettled. They have turned into the Mountain Men. It was what they had to do though. It was either that or lots of death.
Clarke’s list did come into play. Kane didn’t like what he did, but he knows he had to. It was actually really sad seeing them carry the unconscious bodies. Either taking them into the bunker, or taking them out to die. Fuck.
Octavia literally looks like the Commander. People look to her as the Commander. They listen to her. The Grounders have well and truly taken her as their own. She won the Conclave and the Grounders had accepted that her people would get to take it, but Octavia did the honourable thing and shared it with them all. The respect her for that.
I loved when she rescued Niylah. She knows what it’s like to be caught between 2 clans. I think she now knows she’s not Skaikru. When she stood up to Jaha about being forced to live under the floor that was such a great moment! I feel like now Octavia knows who she is. She looks comfortable where she is at the moment. The Grounders accept and respect her. Except for when she was with Lincoln, I don’t think she’s ever felt like that before. Like she belongs.
Monty, Harper and Murphy are not on the list. So lucky they didn’t stay around. Now we come to Day Trip 3.0. Clarke and Bellamy were heading out to rescue Raven. They were wearing these awesome red suits. Lol, they looked great in them!
Clarke was wearing her hair in a plait, just like in S1, and it was making me all nostalgic. It was like when Abby said goodbye to Clarke just before the 100 were sent to the ground. And lets be honest, it was goodbye for good this time. Well, at least for 5 years.
Abby changed her mind about there being no good guys. She told Clarke that she is a good guy. I don’t know how I feel about that. Clarke is not perfect by any means, but I wouldn’t say she’s a good guy or a bad guy. She’s in the grey area. She has reasons for the decisions she’s made. But sometimes they are not the best decisions, like stealing the bunker for her own people. Everyone has reasons for doing the things they do. Even the most villainous characters, for example Cage, I can sympathise with. All he wanted was for his people to be able to live outside, even though it meant killing the 48. I understood his reasoning. One of the things I love about this show is that there are no inherently bad or inherently good guys. They’re all just characters with their own reasons for the decisions they make. I guess what I’m saying is I don’t know if I like that Abby redacted her previous comment. I like characters who are neither good nor bad.
Day Trip 3.0. Murphy and Emori decide to join them. Well, Emori has no chance of being on the list so her and Murphy are planning to go live in the lighthouse bunker. Although they probably won’t live very long down there.
Then we come to the moment where Bellamy and Clarke are having a heartfelt conversation and Bellamy is too busy staring at Clarke’s face that he accidentally runs someone over and crashes into a tree. Great job Bellamy. Seriously though, Clarke must know the way he feels about him after that. I mean, HE CRASHED INTO A FREAKING TREE BECAUSE HE WAS STARING AT YOU. The Bellarke on this episode was great.
It was an ambush. One person sacrificed themselves so that the other Grounders could have a chance at stealing the suits. That fight scene was intense!! Fuccckk!! I didn’t know how they’d get out of that. Luckily, Echo came riding (on her very beautiful horse!) and started shooting them with arrows. Who would have thought that Echo would come to their rescue?? I guess she’s no longer  a part of Azgeda so she has nothing to lose. She’s just trying to survive. I like Echo as a character, but have never really like her as a person. But she has started to redeem herself. I’m all for good redemption storyline so I’m happy she’s getting a second chance.
They left with 23 hours until Praimfiya. It takes 10 hours to get to the island, and 10 hours to get back. But because of Bellamy’s reckless driving, that cost them quite bit of time. Now they could either go back to the bunker and leave Raven, or go be with Raven and not make it back to the bunker. They decided to go be with Raven! Thanks god they did! I don’t want to think about Raven being left alone when the death wave hits.
The radiation had started to get worse. The colour of the sky and air looked really dark and reddish. Emori started getting sick because her suit had a hole in it. I love how protective of her Murphy is. Clarke gave her helmet to Emori. Clarke’s a nightblood so she hoped that would protect her from the radiation. But it didn’t. It didn’t work.
They got Monty and Harper to come rescue them and they all went to the island to be with Raven.
Raven was just sitting there realising that no one is coming to save her. She looked so sad. She had just decided to live and now she was going to die. But then the squad turned up and looked down on her in their awesome suits and took their helmets off in synchronisation. Haha loved that moment! #squadgoals
Bellamy hugged Raven and that was everything. And then Clarke’s plan. THEY ARE GOING BACK TO SPACE!! BACK TO THE ARK!!
Aaaaaah I am so so so happy!! Going back to space has been my theory since the S3 finale!! I can’t believe this is actually happening. It’s actually happening!!
That was an incredible episode!!! I can’t even put into words how amazing it was. I can’t stop watching the finale promo. It is going to be INSANE!!
So here’s what I think, S5 is going to be a parallel of S1. The adults on the ground and the kids in space. And the season will end with them coming back to Earth and everyone being reunited. But, Clarke might be left behind based on the shot of her in the promo. For some reason, maybe there not being enough space in the rocket, someone has to stay behind and Clarke volunteers. She has nightblood, but it seemed like it didn’t protect her from the radiation. But remember Luna got sick and then her body healed on it’s own. I think that’s what might happen to Clarke. She’ll get really sick when Praimfiya comes but then she’ll get better on her own because of her nightblood. She’ll survive and be waiting for them to come back. As much as I hate the thought of her being left on her own, it would make a great cliffhanger ending for the season! And I’m hoping we see more about the Second Dawn cult and the Penal Colony. Aaaah so many possibilities! My head is going to implode thinking of everything that could happen.  
As I said, I think this is my favourite season of the show. This episode was incredible and the next episode looks even more incredible! I’m constantly amazed by how good this show is.
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thoughtscascade · 7 years
Ideal (ish) Flash S4 Outline
Ep 1-2- Wally does the intro. We see everyone has tirelessly been working to bringing back Barry, but it seems hopeless. Minor irrelevant villain, primary focus is Wally deciding to don The Flash costume instead of Kid Flash. Cecille and Joe are together, and Iris is happy for them but somewhat avoiding them and anyone else in a relationship due to being upset about Barry. Iris and Julian bond. (Iris points aren’t this ep only, just introduced). Jesse is revealed to have gone missing (maybe not missing, but some reason she’s judged to need Jay and Harry more than Team Flash, could be a crisis of some sort) and Jay and Harry go to search for her. Episode ends with a glimpse into the Speedforce
Ep 2-4- Wally continues to grow into the Flash mantle. Cisco decides to join him in patrolling the city. Some wannabe vigilantes have taken up arms in the city as well, though many are doing more harm than good. (Possible backdoor pilot for plastic man, green lantern, or other). Interspaced in these episodes we see Lisa Snart talking to Peek-a-boo, Rainbow Raider, and Pied Piper.
Ep 4-6- Lisa Snart talks to Weather Wizard, The Top, and Mirror Master. We Cisco had taken to checking in on Caitlin without her knowledge during these patrols, and she confronts him. Linda returns from Coast City. Wally feels guilty about Barry and about the fact he couldn’t join Harry and Jay in locating Jesse.
Episode 7-8- The Rogues pull their first heist. Interspaced we also see Barry experiencing the Speedforce. The Rogues beat Wally easily, and by the time Cisco gets there they’re gone and he falls into a mostly harmless trap. They are found by the police. David Singh, tired of This, suggests the police and Team Flash coordinate (various times during previous episodes Wally and the police got in each other’s ways). They agree.
Episode 9-10- David and Team Flash properly introduced and try to coordinate, Linda finds Iris and Iris fills her in on what happened, copious bonding on all parts. Wally and Cisco learn to work with the police. David arranges excuses for Joe and Julian to be with Team Flash during working hours as well if necessary.
Episode 11- Speedforce episode, entirely Barry centric. Shows Barry losing his sense of self entirely as the episode goes on.
Episode 12-13-Wally is taking on villains extremely efficiently, with police support when needed. Iris is still having trouble being around Team Flash for the most part, and spends much of her time with Linda. Jesse situation is resolved, and Harry and Jay offer to come back but Team Flash decides they’re functioning…pretty smoothly, actually, they’re good. Linda and Iris befriend Hartley and Shawna, not knowing either are villains.
Episode 14-is another Rogue episode, Cisco thinks he figured out ways to defeat a good portion of the Rogues, but every method that weakens one seems to help another, such as mirrored glasses to stop The Top and Rainbow Raider let Mirror Master get close to them easily and let Shawna teleport without turning her back to them, sound waves to short out Glider’s gun can be turned back against them by Hartley, etc. They lose once more.
Episode 15- Barry escapes the Speedforce, used Iris as his lightning rod, etc. Everyone’s thrilled, blah blah blah. He arrives just in time to save her from some random villain. We see Shawna in the background ready to jump in on behalf of Iris, but she teleports away once Barry arrives. We see Caitlin slinking away after Cisco and the others reunite with Barry, hug him, etc.
Episode 16- Barry and Iris marry, mid season finale. (We see the Rogues preventing other villains from fucking it up)
Episode 17- Villain of the week episode, obligatory animal/partial animal CGI Budget user of the season probably. Wally returns Flash mantle to Barry, who has returned from his honeymoon with Iris.
Episode 18- Crossover, unknown to people who aren’t the Legends Snart and Mick decide to stay in Central.
Episode 19-20- Harry pops in for a visit, by the end of the ep Julian had decided he wants to explore other Earths. Harry lends help with some villain already beaten on his Earth. HR tells them the story of whatever happened with Jesse, we maybe see flashbacks of it.
Episode 21- Rogue focused ep, maybe? Flashbacks to their not on screen heists, them training, overall showing the dynamics as a lead up to the next eps?Idk.
Episode 22-23- Lisa is somehow taken out of commission. Weather Wizard and Bivolo want Mark to step in as leader, Mirror Master and The Top think it should be Sam. Hartley and Shawna aren’t even sure they still want to be Rogues. They’re all fighting. Meanwhile, Len hears about his sister (maybe in a coma pre nu52 powers? Or something), sees a ton of villains fighting, and gets pissed. Him and Mick get involved. Barry, Cisco and Wally try to minimise damage, Hartley and Shawna eventually joining their side. Killer Frost joins in too, to the surprise of all. The finale is Barry, Wally, and Cisco staring down Shawna, Hartley, and Caitlin, wondering if they’ll need to fight them now too.
Episode numbers aren’t exact or anything, and obviously I didn’t put a ton of thought into the villains of the week, but that’s the general gist of plot points I think would be cool to see. S5 would then have a bit of a redemption theme maybe? Idk I was just thinking about how I don’t want the whole Barry in the Speedforce thing to be resolved in one ep and it spiralled honestly.
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fantaestic-archive · 7 years
“should we know us a little better” tag 📜
i was tagged by @oneletterandathousandwords thank you ♡
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
i have no idea who to tag so tagging everyone who wants to do it :)
1. Drink: Water 2. Phone: Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo 3. Text message: the facepalm and laugh crying emojis 4. Song you listened to: Seventeen - Don’t Wanna Cry 5. Time you cried: 4 days ago 6. Dated someone twice: never dated 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. Been cheated on: no 9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: yes 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yes
12-14: anything pastel but also black
15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: never been in love
17. Laughed until you cried: probably
18. Found out someone was talking about you: don’t think so
19. Met someone who changed you: i wouldn’t say change but more like inspired me to be confident and not care what others think
20. Found out who your friends are: yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: 98%
23. Do you have any pets: a dog and bunny
24. Do you want to change your name: kinda but i wouldn’t know which other name to choose
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: i think just spent time with my family eating cake 
26. What time did you wake up: 11:00 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: playing sims
28. Name something you can’t wait for: starting a new school end of august (but i’m also terrified)
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: hour ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my past
31. What are you listening right now: tv cause i’m watching shopping queen
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: don’t think so
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my family atm
34. Most visited Website: tumblr and youtube
idk what happened to 35-37. OH WHALE.
38. Hair color: dark and light blonde
39. Long or short hair:  long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: nope 
41. What do you like about yourself: that i’m open minded
42. Piercings: only ears
43. Bloodtype: A+
44. Nickname: Jessi
45. Relationship status: lol (same)
46. Zodiac: capricorn
47. Pronouns: she, her
48. Favorite TV Show: right now it’s riverdale
49. Tattoos: not yet but in the future (anyone who wants to donate money hmu)
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: teeth, left under arm (twice), appendix
52. Piercing: answered already in #42
53. Sport: i play american football
55. Vacation: ???
56. Pair of trainers: none
57. Eating: we’re in a hate/love relationship
58. Drinking: just sometimes
59. I’m about to: to question my life and choices and existence again. lol (also same)
61. Waiting for: this day to end so i can go to bed again
62. Want: too much
63. Get married: maybe
64. Career: either  medical or media related something like that
65. Hugs or kisses: i love hugs give me all the hugs
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: don’t mind squishiness at all but since i gotta choose nice arms for them nice hugs
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: good mix of both
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: yes
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope
77. Turned someone down: yes 
78. Sex on the first date: not my thing
79. Broken someones heart: nah
80. Had your heart broken: no
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: nope
84. Yourself: To fuck up? Yeah but tbh Idk (same)
85. Miracles: nah
86. Love at first sight: nope
87. Santa Claus: not anymore i want my childhood back
88. Kiss on the first date: if it happens it happens
89. Angels: nope
90. Current best friends name: Bianca
91. Eyecolor: blue-yellowish
92. Favorite movie: don’t really have one right now
0 notes
sueboohscorner · 7 years
#PrisonBreak S5 Ep 2 "Kaniel Outis" Recap & Review
Lincoln and C-Note Search for the Sheik of light: Michael and Whip attempt an escape from Ogygia and Sara investigation about Michael leads to an uneasy reunion with Paul Kellerman. Let us begin:
Episode Grade: 10
We start in Yamen Ogygia prison where Michael is currently imprisoned, Michael and Whip attempt their escape but was not able to and tunnel back into prison. Next, we see Lincoln and C-note discussing Michael’s new identity and what he is involved in, at the door was a young man who seem to have been but brought them a message in founded like the Swan Michael used since season one the note read” Find the Sheik of Light and I will be free.”
Lincoln immediately recognize the swan and Michael’s handwriting, and immediately was will to find who are what Sheik of light was, C-note suggested getting help from Sheba who thinks that they are working with a terrorist. Sheba refuse at first but quickly changed her mind when Lincoln offers her enough money to get out of the country.
Back in the USA Sara drops of Mike at school and watch the video that Lincoln sent as proof that Michael was alive. She watched the video and was pretty emotional seeing Michael alive saying that he does not know his brother, she immediately starts investigating which lead to an old acquaintance/ capturer/devil himself Paul Kellerman who is the head of the state department. Kellerman draws Sara interest by telling her that she married a man that does not exist and tells her that Michael’s new identity Kaniel Outis could together by a genius like Michael. 
At Ogygia prison Whip is concern that they won’t be able to escape on time but Michael/Kaniel reassure him that they will escape and through the roof as a plan because it was too late to change plans now. Sheba finds a code in the swan note that leads to a phone number which leads to a very bad part of town the suburb which is the center of the war. Sheba refuse to accompany them, but Lincoln tells her that she will not get paid until she takes him to Sheik.
In the USA Sara receive a call from Kellerman who tell her to check her email and show her a video from 4 years ago proving g that Michael killed the Deputy chief of the CIA Arlon Gaines, but Sara is not convinced since Lincoln was framed in a similar way. Kellerman tries to convince her telling her that there was blood evidence. Sara visits her now husband Jacob for advice on the Michael satiation.
Back Ogygia Prison Michael roommate is going through withdrawal and listening to Queen but explains to Whip the history of the roommate and queen and tells him why he called him Whip. 
Jacob psychoanalyzes Michael base on what little Sara had told him, he tells her “it is called the game theory,” meaning he's everyone’s friend until they are not, making someone love him so much that when they are up against it, they will act against their own best interest. Further explaining that the game theory was a cold, rational focus in winning even it was at everyone expense, using the fact that he made her open that door for him and that everyone he meets is a contingency, he keeps them percolating until he needs to use them to his advantage.  
Michael visits another inmate who is worried about dying because he got 20 years in prison because he was gay and Ramal won’t let him live 20 minutes once they are let out of solitary. He questions if Michael can get them out, but Michael tells him that they would already be out if the light went out. He said that he could find another way and Michael said he can start by giving him a stick of gum to start the process; He tells Michael, he can tell which is bigger his plans or his lies. Michael tells him that he took offense to him calling him a liar and like butterfly wings that gum will start a sequence of event that would finish on the other side of the world.
Michael heads back to his cell and start a fire with a battery and the file wrapper from the gum, and ask Whip for his shocks; he used it to elevate is body temperature to go to the infirmary (that rings a bell). Sheba gets them to the border and when they refuse to let them through telling them that no one that goes in come out alive. Lincoln place a bet $500 that they will make it out alive. The guard tells them that they have a death wish and let them in, one the way Sheba runs into an old acquaintance but had to let them through as something came up, and he tells her to get the hell of their territory.
Michael is taken to the infirmary but is being battered by one of the guards who is mad at him claiming that he helped destroy his country by issues guns to the terrorist, we learn that Michael tried to escape the first week he was there, he gave Michael two pills in the end but he was bleeding from the head, 
Lincoln, Sheba, and C-note note have arrived at their destination, but another obstacle arises as there are men watch the door, they head to the roof and runs into the man they are looking for, but the man refuses to leave without his daughter. However, that is the least of their problem right now as they are surrounded by the guards who know that they are on the premises.
Michaelis return to is cell and low and behold he did not swallow the pills and brought them back to use as a bargaining chip to get the addict in withdrawal for his cellphone and a credit card to order "Pizza". Meanwhile, Lincoln plays decoy and get Muhammad daughter and two other hostages out while Sheba, C-note, Mohammad drive to the border which is secure by the Military.  
After returning, Muhammad tells them that his son is in Ogygia prison and on his last visit he told him that he has a way out and that he should send a signal when he is ready to switch the light on and off twice which means that in 24 hours there will be a total blackout. 
Back in the USA, Sara goes to pick up Mike and could not find him and start to panic, running and searching for Mike who was around the corner. Mike tells her that he was looking for the man that gave him the rose " Pizza man," when Sara open the rose it read "hide everyone a storm is coming.," Sara immediately knew it was Michael. (That rose is her swan)
Whip and the inmates fear Abu Ramal who is a well-known terrorist and the other men that are in solitary they are considered the worst of the worst, to everyone surprise when he came through the door and walked toward Michael a hugged him, and they whisper about the plan to get out.
Overall, this was another amazing episode; I am not sure what to think at this moment, is Michael a good guy or bad guy? Sara sending Mike to school after all that happen just crazy to me; she knows once Michael is involved it can’t be simple, and the moment she left Kellerman she should have taken him out of school. I am not sure if Jacob knows enough to be talking about Michael like that, though I don’t think he is quite incorrect. Michael does use the people around him, and he usually stays loyal to them afterward, everyone who escaped with him that he planned to take with him was and is still with him. 
Kellerman is back, and he already convinces that Michael is a bad guy and knowing what he knows, he should at least give Michael the benefit of the doubt. I am pretty sure that one way or another Kellerman is behind everything, he still hates Michael and Lincoln very much and we all know their past.   
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