#sa1 remake
redinahedge · 6 months
they really just revealed that they were remaking old dreamcast and genesis games under the “new eras new energy” tagline, played sonic sound effects, then proceeded to not reveal a Sonic Adventure remake
im going to go cry, be back in a week /j
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magpiejay1234 · 18 days
Building the DREAM Sonic Adventure REMAKE
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paperluigi64 · 4 months
sonadow generations #confirmed
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conceptmobius · 9 months
Sonic Adventure: Remake Poll
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ryansbedroom · 9 months
Recreating Fatboy Slim's 'The Joker' Kid Carpet Remix on the Casio SA1!
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rorotoru · 4 months
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2024.01.13 - 2024.02.02
First art of the year :)
P.S. Credits for sampled images under the cut
The yellow square behind Sonic is from one of Sonic's artworks in the SA1 Stylebook.
The guide on the left is a snippet from the SADX Prima strategy guide.
The sky and ocean is a remake of the original SA1 sky and ocean background from this mod.
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beevean · 2 months
It can't be understated how the atmosphere was like in the years leading up to 06. I remember fans feeling disappointed and wanting the Adventure formula back when Heroes released, and Shadow's game was not well received when it came out. Then you had all of the game "journalists" even back then ragging on anything that wasn't from the classic era. I remember when the tech demo for 06 was first shown off in 2005 and how hyped the fandom became. 06 was announced as this big grand refresh of the franchise for it's 15th anniversary, for the then-next gen consoles. And it was around $60.
There was so much riding on this game, and so many eyes on it. Even if the team wasn't split in half and they were given more time to at least make it more functional, it still wouldn't have been able to meet the expectations it set itself up to have to meet for everyone.
I would like to see it get a from-the-ground-up remake, with a retooled story. But I feel like it would just end up running into the opposite problem where it just ends up being something that plays it too safe and is constantly walking on eggshells to try and please everyone, missing the whole "it had potential" point people keep saying and end up feeling more like a soulless cashgrab in the end. It's one big damned if you, damned if you don't.
All of this. '06 was the 15th anniversary game, and the first game for the "next gen" console - ah, I still remember when I eagerly followed the development of "Sonic Next Gen", it took me years until I started to call it '06 lol.
It's a combination of factors that are hard to explain to those who are familiar with the modern fandom, sick and tired of Sonic games being "safe" and pandering to the Classics. It's like trying to explain to a newcomer today why the fandom loathed Sonic Forces when it came out - there's just a lot of context behind it.
I don't know about a remake. I think at this point a '06 remake would have to bear the weight of almost as many expectations as Sonic Adventure 3. What would you keep? Would you keep the plot of Sonic rescuing Elise over and over? Would you keep Mephiles, the way he tricked Silver, the entire time travel mess, Sonic dying for the final level? Would you keep the switching of characters mid-level, all 9 of them with all the complications that arise? Would you keep the inspirations from SA1? What would it take for '06 to be a good game without losing what made it its own game?
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Not marking this as spoilers because it was literally in the launch trailer, but yeah. That's The End and it's actually rather... creepy if you really think about it, like sure it could be a fun little easter egg of current 2d sonic game pointing at current 3d sonic game but let's do what sonic fans are known for and over analyze it, shall we?
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So, first off the Ancients sealed it off and trapped it inside Supreme as we learned in DLC 3, The End even referring to it as it's prison - that being said if we really are taking it at face value then it shouldn't make sense for it to be here, in a game set before SA1 no less.
...but I want to bring up a line brought up in the base game ending that I find interesting that changes the thought a bit:
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"Regain" Obtained something lost.
"True form" It's original form. It's original body, the moon or however you perceive it as. It's true form that still remains on the "battlefield" of its initial defeat. The body left behind.
Like a body the Ancients couldn't seal, they only sealed the "soul" and power of the entity in the Titan but not the body, leaving it as an empty, floating husk that can float around earth for probably millions of years until its defeat after the ending of Frontiers.
So what if The End has retroactively been here this whole time? Well, technically not "The End" but it's shell. If the "corpse" has been floating here this entire time since its initial sealage then of course it would show up in Superstars. Nothing has been done with it since its "spirit" was sealed away. It's just a powerless rock at this point that can't do anything but be purple and lifeless. But it's been up there, this entire time.
Honestly if this is the case and make more classic games set before SA1 or they remake older games that feature space I wouldn't be surprised if we do see it again as like a retroactive "yeah its been there this entire time", looming, like a dark reminder.
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It is the inevitable.
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gayemeralds · 4 months
so like this increased shadow relevancy lately is totally bc of the third movie coming soon, right ?
oh definitely i know the sonic x shadow generations remaster is because of the third movie but i still don't get why they didn't do like an sa1/sa2 remake or something. i get that would take longer and cost more but like, people actually want a sa1/sa2 remaster from my understanding LMAO no one wanted a sonic gen remaster. the game was fine. i can understand why they might not want to do a shadow 2005 remake given its intitial reception & that it would probably be expensive to do but have they considered it would be relaly funny.
honestly they probably could have just made this into a whole new game, maybe make a shadow mobile game or something. but i do think sega just has a tendency to shove shadow into things when it's been too long without him so it's par for the course. still.
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birdsareblooming · 1 year
you know what. fuck sa1 and sa2 remakes. sonic battle with fully animated cutscenes.
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crusherthedoctor · 11 months
You know this would happen if it became a reality.
Fans: SA3 when??? SA3 when??? SA1/SA2 remake when??? SA1/SA2 remake when???
SEGA: Fine, here it is
Fans: Actually, we don’t trust modern Sonic Team to do it right, they’ll ruin it
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greenyvertekins · 11 months
I am actually bummed about Sega thinking about doing reboots and remakes. So tired of people BEGGING for games like SA1, SA2, Heroes, 06 (forgetting that game made a terrible mark in the franchise and those asking for redos of these games are at least 90% nostalgia blind) to be re released.
They should focus on new projects. Not revisits.
Given that the early-mid 2000's Sonic titles haven't aged particularly well, I agree.
That said though, I'm extremely intrigued by how ST would remake them. And would Maekawa be called back for SA2 so he can add the scenes he wanted to but couldn't?
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marinaiguess · 2 years
How do you feel about Big the Cat being in Sonic Frontiers but not Blaze? She’d suit that mystical atmosphere way more! Big seems so out of place.. i mean even Rouge would fit in more than Big
see, I love blaze. and rouge. and while blaze might have been a better fit regarding the story (which I don't entirely agree with since, for blaze to be apart of frontiers, they'd have to make the chaos emeralds' disappearance connected to the sol emeralds and thus, blazes world, not the starfall islands, but I understand what you mean), rouge would make sense in case gun was involved (looking for the emeralds too) but we haven't heard abt them since 2008.
big has always appeared in places that didn't make sense. hell, his whole story in sa1 was about him ending up in all the wrong (and dangerous) places just to save froggy. they even made a joke out of it in sa2 where big is literally in every stage, whether that's him being locked in a jail alongside sonic or him just existing in outer space.
so, to answer your question, big is out of place because that's his thing! and I'm okay with that. with his fishing mini game, sonic team finally gets the chance to kind of "remake" big's horrible fishing stages in sa1 and I'm also okay with that. as long as it's something enjoyable or an addition that makes the game better for the players, I don't mind it.
(however, I do wanna see blaze appearing in mainline games again and she actually deserves it, but I guess we have to wait)
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cutegirlmayra · 1 year
Eyo! Have you seen the cutscenes for frontiers? What are your thoughts about it? What do you look forward to see in future games for our lovely characters?
I thought Frontiers would be the game we've been waiting for, and to an extent, it was really good to re-establish character lore. I think it 'tried' to build off of old lore, but it ended up being debunked REAL FAST by Sonic Adventure 1 XD In my humble opinion. (Chaos is a mutated Chao, seen as a Deity, but to have more of his 'kind' was interesting?)
Don't get me wrong, I felt like my 'Sonic Harmony' fanfiction was given root for sure XD But I liked what it 'tried' to accomplish, and it isn't a bad story. (I never played the gameplay, so I can't comment on that :/ Only the story stuff.)
Moving forward will be tricky if they keep letting people who keep writing the 'comics' lead the story forward. Comic-writers--no offense--are notorious for going off and doing their own thing. Ocs, Fanlore, the whole works.
Personally, if you're gonna make EVEN MORE new characters in Sonic, I'd rather see them go at the end. That's what made "Sage" a really good concept for me. She was like my fanfic, "Metallic Need" and I deeply enjoyed the fact that--although they made a new character--she served her purpose of getting Eggman out of the 'matrix' and had a great ending.
Who knows? Popular characters come back, and that might be fun to see her again! But for the most part, I love how--if she wasn't popular--they gave her a good ending.
It was a start. I hope this is the continual beginning of greater things. No hate to Frontiers, I've already mentioned some things I was questioning on a previous answer about Frontiers Amy vs. Prime Amy, but I enjoyed seeing what they did do with the character's lore! They did some homework and research! <3 and it paid off quite nicely. ^^
Where's the Chao Garden..? (Still really, REALLY wanting that SA1 and SA2 remakes >//A//< )
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matii1210 · 1 year
i say id like a sa1 remake but at same time what is the point of playing sa1 without the silly bugs and the silly graphics
also it would Cost Money
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themetalvirus · 2 years
part of me wants sa1 and 2 remakes. made with love, polish, and respect towards the source material while still making sure the games are an enjoyable experience for a modern audience. maybe packaged with a faithful port to satisfy the grumpy oldheads. but also sega loves rushing things for the sake of anniversaries and holidays and if they so much as bungled ANY of this we would have a fucking CATASTROPHE on our hands, like the world would fucking end there would be riots in the streets and bricks thrown through developers' windows, it would be chaos. can you fucking imagine.
anyway there shouldnt be sa1/2 remakes but also i still want them.
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