eepyartz · 2 months
A Light
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Note: Kny oc centric One-shot
Characters: Himawari Nichibotsu (Mainly) , Sanī(Mentioned)
Cw: Character Death
Themes: Angst to Happy
Timeline: My Hashira au- why not
What did I feel on that fearful day…it’s like I can still hear the cries of pain. It was engraved in my mind..For years even after the incident.
I can still hear my cries of desperation ‘Sanī! Wake up..’ ‘Sanī please don’t let this be so..’ ‘I can’t live without my Sun..’ . I felt like a part of my heart was ripped out of my body that night..
But, are you happy now, Sanī..? Are you happy to see that Muzan is gone I hope you are, and I hope you’re resting easy now honey. Another thing I hope you’re proud of our little girl, she’s grown up so much and she’s learned so much as well
After all these adventures and coming into times where things got tough but, we succeeded and paved our way out. I hope you see that..she gonna be just like you the moon hashira just, like her Father and—
“HIMAWARI-SAANNNN!” she heard from a distance it wasn’t Shinobu, but Mitsuri Kanroji the two had became friends over the passing months of the war. “Shinobu and I are having this girls night! Do you wanna join?” Mitsuri asked as she was basically jumping in excitement well maybe skipping of excitement but, that would be the same now wouldn’t it?
This is the happiest she’s been after the war, she’s started talking to obanai more and even lets her parents and siblings visit from time to time. She has four younger siblings , they’re quite adorable and are quite interesting to say the least. They love hanging around her estate while every now and then visiting the other estates of the hashira mostly the butterfly estate though.
Cause it seemed the blood estate Ketesuki Koya’s residence kinda intimidated them probably by the name but, they got used to it very quickly finding it very peaceful. I’m going off track aren’t I?
“A girls night you say? It’s been awhile since I’ve even been invited to one, so I suppose I tag along with you and Shinobu if that makes you happy. Miss Kanroji” But, I’d be lying if I say I wasn’t , itching for another girls night it’s been quite the journey yet so, little time.
“EEEEEE! Okay! Come On let’s Go!” Mitsuri grabbed my hand dragging me at top speeds to where she and Shinobu were headed “I heard you went to that district where you guys encountered Daki and Gyutarou! Maybe this time you’ll get to see some cute guys!” She exclaimed squealing at the thought
“Uh-! Cute guy’s? Mi-Mitsuri—!Are you trying to kill me!?” To be honest with you ever since my husband died it’s like I forgot what having a crush felt like, Oh but when I first felt it with him it was so..so..Magical!
I don’t know if I’ll y’know be able to handle those rush of feelings again. But, being complimented by uh- cute guy’s sounds very..pleasing, getting that type of attention is just so..I don’t even know how to describe it honestly!
But, about that Red District I haven’t been back since that uppermoon battle , well the upside to now that it’s over is that I can enjoy it to it’s fullest potential.!
“It’d be so cute seeing you swoon over a guy! It’s like love at first sight ahah..or first compliment!” Mitsuru says with a giggle “Kanrojiii—“ “It’s not bad I swear! OOH! OO! What if we see the guys too?!”
“EHHHH?!!” “Ahah I’m Kidding..Or am I? “MITSURI YOU CHEEKY-“ “ Now, Now girls let’s not brawl besides you wanna get roughed up before having a good time?” Shinobu says with a smirk walking in front of the two
She did have a point in all honesty I’m glad this war is all over…Sanī..
Are you proud,
…of us..
my love..?
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-The End
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vampayyadangeliyrem · 2 years
Sebasdying died
Letzzz fuck Will this time and marry Dddddazai-saannnn
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cherry-bearie · 5 years
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Who ever could it be?? I tried to make this picture a bit cleaner this time around. It took awhile to do, but I’m happy with how it turned out!
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tempenensis · 3 years
Chapter 151
Maki continues to be amazing. But we finally understand more clearly how Naoya see Touji.
This is a pretty interesting Naoya-centric chapter.
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It was a deep shock to child Naoya seeing Touji, who he thought to be “pitiful” but actually far from it. He understood Touji, who is in another level with his strength when he was still a child, and it impressed him deeply that even as adult Naoya keep comparing everyone around him to Touji. 
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Ookay. This is the first time there’s any acknowledgement about Touji’s strength in the manga. Even in the fanbook Gege said that Touji’s strength is not worth measured by jujutsu world’s grading. I’m actually impressed by Naoya in this matter, to be able to see Touji’s strength that most others ignored or downright refuse. 
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Oh, so it’s like that.
This born out of his jealousy and denial. Maki is a woman that the Zenin generally look down to. Moreover Naoya used to bully Maki, no wonder he doesn’t want to be surpassed by her. Because being “the same” as Touji now, Maki has now stand on that "side” with Touji and Gojo that Naoya want to be part of. His frustration is understandable.
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Speed against an immovable object. 
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Oh, cool! Maki-san!
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I’m speechless. She’s just so cool! 
As Naoya is probably not dead, I guess we’ll see more of him later. 
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dinosaureatdonuts · 3 years
Mai saannnn😳
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writing-shroom · 3 years
‘M back Shroomie didja miss me? (^ー^)
All my exams are over ‼️‼️and now I’m just waiting for results day :D pray I get good results 😔
Bad news tho - my strawberries died 🪦 🪦figuring that someone must’ve trampled on them (( _ _ ))、、、
But back to good news ⭐️- guess who finally got all of Julians memories :D gonna move onto Nadia then Portia 🥺
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good job hon! i hope you get good results but-
>:000 who dare kill my fren's strawberries-
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ooooo god i haven't played the arcana in so long, when's the next infinite key weekend? i wanna binge 👀👀👀
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shu-sakamaki · 4 years
Shu saannnn~~ i have nothimg to say..how are u shu san? how are you admin sama? Hey shu san, want to go for a long walk tonight with me? We will try to count the stars today okay?
((We are doing great-o! thank you! >w<))
... Count... the stars...? Sweetie, I can’t count after 2 sheep and I’m already on Lala-land of dreams.
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singiluu · 8 years
I've been alone in my dorm unit for a week now and I've become incredibly used to it so just now I was chilling in yoga pants and a sports bra when the dorm mother burst into my room like 'loooooreee-sannn' and omg I swear I've never been so startled my whole life. I got up from my bed, knocked over at least half of the things surrounding it, couldn't find a shirt so just ended up grabbing and knocking over multiple things until I found one. Of course it had to be the most difficult shirt to put on so by the time I opened the door of my room, the dorm mother was already gone. I made it sound like there was a tornado going on in my room so now I really wonder what the dorm mother thinks of me. Oh gosh how do I ever face her again hahahahah I'm just gonna say I was hanging the laundry out to dry or something and I didn't hear her????? I didn't even yell 'hai' because I was so fooooking surprised ahhaha.
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im-simmin · 5 years
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jeyjey-91 · 7 years
Konnichiwa Minna-Saannnn
MY LIFE – MY PASSION Benvenuti a tutti quanti a questo mio nuovo piccolo spazio di vita, un piccolo blog su ciò che faccio e su tutto quello che mi piace! Per chi mi conosce già dirà “che due palle di nuovo!” Eh sì, dovrete sopportarmi a vita (UAHUAHUAH)! Avevo già aperto tempo fa un blog, (andava pure bene visto i risultati che ottenevo) ma non lo sentivo più mio, quindi ho deciso di ripartire…
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tempenensis · 4 years
Chapter 136
Just... what the everloving fuck is this chapter. That is a huge twist. I mean I since long have a feeling that Fushiguro’s sister will be a pretty important plot point, but to think that it comes up now. God, this is a downright a set up for pain and heartbreak and I... I need to lay down but I need to write...
The brain, the soul, the cursed technique, the not-Kamo actually has lived maybe more than a millennial ago. So many things I have thought before dumped and packed into one single chapter. Gege, what the everloving fuck 
Under cut is very long.   
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Two special-grade jujutsushis, on different ideals, clashing. This can’t be good. 
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So, Tengen’s barrier acts like some kind of amplifier?? To make human that can optimize the use and to ‘concentrate’ cursed energy.
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Kusouzu is possibly a kind of experimental failure for him, trying to make non-jujutsushi into jujutsushi??
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And he actually wants to absorb Mahito and co from the beginning - and that’s why he is cooperating with them. Mahito especially.
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So, he will make a true natural selection for human jujutsushi, huh? The strong will win and the weak will be eliminated. Darwin will be proud of you.
This is direct contrast to Original Getou during his youth, who said that the strong exist to protect the weak. But also aligned with strayed Getou who want to make a world exclusive for jujutsushi. 
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WHAT THE HEEEELL???? Goddammit, Gege to make a villain this good??? I never read a mastermind character as well written as Getwo before. I’m amazed and scared 
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Just this one page makes me crying so hard. I can’t even begin to imagine the heartbreak and the pain Megumi will have to face in the future. The possibility -- Megumi will have to kill Tsumiki, or Megumi watching Tsumiki and Itadori fight; the two persons he most cared for. 
I’m--- I’m.... GODDAMMIT GEGE  
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Another interesting thing to be noted. I once talk about how soul are probably located in the brain -- and it has a central play on how someone able to sense curse and manipulate curse energy. And look at Tsumiki’s curse mark - on her forehead -- right on the direction of forebrain. One of the main function of forebrain -- more specifically cerebrum -- is for emotional processing, and cursed energy is said to stem from emotion.
And then this chapter happens. So yeah, ‘soul’ probably is centered in the brain.
Part of his plan is to probably to use Getou’s curse manipulation ability to extract cursed technique, then imbued it onto a non-jujutsushi person using Mahito’s technique. And that’s why he want to Getou’s body and Mahito. 
(Wait, when and how even Mahito and co appears for the first time? For him to be able to manipulate human to this extent, Mahito must have had to be appeared for a while. At least during the duration one or two years ago)
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The chaos of Shibuya is really nothing compared to this. The real chaos is beginning now. 
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So yeah, he has live for more than a thousand years ago. It is possible that he has known Sukuna before Sukuna is sealed. 
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First of all, is his plan aligned with Sukuna’s - if we assume that both of them have already meet before Sukuna was sealed. But then again, Sukuna is not one to cooperate with others - in a win-win sense - so, it’s most likely Sukuna’s plan is different altogether.
Then secondly, what is he expecting out of Itadori? It’s all very foreboding.
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At least we know that he expects Itadori to be able to ingest all twenty of Sukuna’s fingers. But what about after that? Is it possible Itadori is his ‘main sample’ in this wild, overly chaotic experiment more than a thousand years in making? Damn, my brain is going haywire from overthinking.
Wait, COULD HE BE THE ONE WHO MANIPULATE ITADORI’S BODY SO ITADORI CAN HOUSE SUKUNAA??? Itadori has already heightened physical strength before he ingested Sukuna’s finger, so it is very possible that his body was also ‘tweaked’. And he also seemingly knows how Itadori’s body work to be able to incarnate and suppress Sukuna.  
And finally: 
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A goddamn great chapter. Can’t wait for next chapter! 
Goodbye for now, Gojo-sensei. Releasing Gojo from his box has now become a key to end this madness. We’ll see on the last chapter of this arc next week. 
And I’m basically just Kusakabe:
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