#heh heya
tired-aliensoul · 10 months
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Take a breath, don’t it sound so easy
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realitysperception · 2 years
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Transformers has ruined me.
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augustminner · 6 months
Heya August I wanna say....
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love you're comic of die and the pink elephant meme you made die is one of my top favorites then healer then sealer I love them to the point I can say I have a crush on them...
sorry hehe I couldn't hold myself. but I really love you're work and character designs...geez I forgot beam too heh I love him as well and oh right how can I find more about their personalities? especially die😅😊
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Thank you very much. I am very happy for your compliment. It is one of the encouragements that gives me strength to continue working on their stories.😍💖💕💞❤️
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salty-croissants · 6 months
Heya! Just hear me out:
When their s/o buys matching hoodies (w/ Bullfrog & Rayman/Ramon)
Thank you for the request ! 
This is a really wholesome and original idea of a prompt , I really enjoyed writing it :D
I apologize for the long wait , but it’s been a very , very busy week , and I’ve been feeling a bit too tired to write anything the past days … sorry about that ;( 
Anyway , I hope this turned out okay ! 
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
When you come back home and show him the matching hoodies you got while you were outside , Bullfrog is definitely very surprised : 
I honestly don’t think he has ever received something like this as a gift , so expect him to be especially enthusiastic .
< Merci beaucoup my dear , it looks so nice ! > 
< Haha , you’re welcome sweetie ! 
I just couldn’t help myself : the idea of sharing some matching clothing with you sounded amazing to be honest ~ > 
This frog will have the brightest smile on his face when you’re both wearing the matching hoodies … 
He just can’t stop gushing about how much he likes his and just how cute you look in yours , it never fails to make you smile ://)
The other Ghosts have seen you two with the matching hoodies occasionally , and while Dolph thinks it’s … well , maybe a bit too cheesy , Jade definitely supports you both , even suggesting more matching clothing you could get … 
< Oh - you guys should definitely try wearing these ! 
I think you’d look super cute in them ! > 
< *sigh* … please don’t encourage this . > 
It’s especially nice when you’re in the safety of your home , cuddling under the comforting warmth of the hoodies and just enjoying each other’s company …
< y/n , thanks again for this hoodie … I just love it ! >
< Don’t mention it … I just really wanted to do something nice for you , y’know ?
If anyone deserves that , it’s you . >
< Aw , venez ici mon amour ~ > 
< Heyy - hahah , that tickles honey ! ~ > 
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Rayman 🧡
To say that Rayman is happy about your gift would be an understatement : 
the fact that you decided to surprise him with a matching hoodie just to see him smile is enough to make his daily stress caused by his job disappear for a few precious minutes … 
< So uh , do you like it ? I wasn’t sure about the color at first , I thought it might be a bit too much , but these were the last matching hoodies they had left , and - > 
< Like it ? 
y/n , I love it ! You couldn’t have chosen better ! > 
Rayman is already a big fan of spoiling you , so as soon as he understands that you’re into matching clothing you better believe that he’s going to buy you a lot more of them in the future … maybe exaggerating a little sometimes , but he just wants to do all he can to make you feel loved and appreciated .
< Woah - Ray what happened ? You look like you just bought an entire store ! > 
< Uff - it’s okay ,  I just gotta carry these inside … gimme a second … > 
< Hold on , let me help you …
I really appreciate you getting me all these gifts honey , but maybe don’t get so many next time : I don’t want you to hurt yourself carrying them around ! > 
< Heh … you’re right , you’re right …
I just couldn’t help myself : you deserve all the best things I could possibly give you . > 
< Pfft … you’re always so sweet , thank you ~ > 
< Anything for you , y/n ~ > 
When you’re separated during the day , Rayman likes to carry his hoodie with him and keep it by his side when he’s at work : just looking at it makes him feel so happy to have a loving partner like you , you truly are the best thing that’s ever happened to him ❤️
He loves it whenever the two of you are outside wearing the matching hoodies , it’s like a nice little way of showing to everyone around that his heart belongs to you and you alone … 
Also if you ever feel worried about him getting embarrassed by it , Rayman is quick to make your anxiety go away . 
< That’s nonsense darling … this isn’t just any hoodie , it’s a gift from you , and that makes it all the more special : I could never get embarrassed by it ! > 
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Ramon 🖤
Okay , so Ramon might get … pretty worried at the thought that you went to buy something , especially without him : 
he’s the one who is supposed to watch over you , plus Eden knows who you are … they could’ve taken the opportunity to capture you and do horrible things to you .
… however , he can’t bring himself to be actually angry . 
< I’m sorry Ram … I just wanted to do something nice for you , you’ve been looking down lately and I thought … > 
< No - no no , I like the hoodie y/n , I do … it was very sweet of you to do this for me .
Still , please remember that Eden is on the hunt for us , you can’t just go outside without a way to protect yourself . 
Just … be more careful next time , okay ? 
I love you , and I can’t bare the thought of you getting hurt … > 
< I love you too , sweetie … I’ll be more careful , I promise . > 
Sometimes , Ramon is going to hold the hoodie and just … stare at it , quietly reflecting to himself : 
you put your life on the line to get it for him … you risked getting hurt , all to give him a gift that could make him happy … 
While that thought worries him , he just can’t help but smile a little in front of your sheer dedication to make him smile .
It can get very cold in the hiding place you’re both staying in , so you and Ramon definitely cuddle while wearing the hoodies : 
they’re so warm and cozy … they really make those little moments of affection even better . 
< Are you comfortable like this , y/n ? >
< Mhm … couldn’t be better ~ >
It’s not rare for you to stumble upon a sleeping Ramon using the hoodie as a blanket , and he just looks … so cute ;//; 
He often has trouble sleeping , so having your gift so close to him definitely helps him relax … not as much as actually holding you , of course , but it’s still nice ! 
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skeleboiii84 · 7 months
Yer just...Beautiful ❤
a Mafiafell Sans X female reader
It was a dark stormy night..you were working at your desk quietly with your headphones in as the storm raged and thundered outside. You glanced to the window once or twice with a soft sigh gently escaping your lips.
I hope he's ok..; you thought as a shock of bright blue lightning fell from the sky lighting up the room momentarily making you jump a little. You'd been thinking about butch all day mostly, you just didn't want him out in that weather. You were worried yet you somehow got a feeling he'd be just fine.
You sighed once more to yourself as you let the music fill your head. You had a lot on your mind..you couldn't help but think of so many different things at once. The past few years had been rough, work wise was just stressing you out..as well as fake friends and fake past love. Everything was getting under your skin, you were just glad that Butch was there to hold you through your tears. And boy did you miss him right now.
As you lost yourself in your thoughts you felt a firm yet gentle hand on your shoulders. Was it? Who were you kidding you knew who it was and you immediately felt a warm smile spread across your face.
"Heya babydoll~ whatcha doin?" You chuckled as you took out your headphones and turned to face him. You were stared back at, as his red eye light created a soft red glow against your work desk. "Nothing..i was just thinking about you though"
He smiled, clearly happy with that response as you felt his thumb rub soothing circles on your back that gave you the good goosebumps. "Heh, glad to hear i—" he was cut off by a loud bang of thunder that made you squeal.
"Eyyyy..woah woahhh babyyyy, babyyy slow down aight? Take it easyyy C'mere.." He chuckled as he sat up on the bed with a smile welcoming you to his embrace. "Mm..ok.." You mumbled and climbed into his lap and hugged him closely, as his big strong arms around you making you feel safe.
You heard a gentle chuckle and looked up at him, "what?.." You mumbled. "Nothin..yer just...Beautiful" he whispered thumbing your cheek softly. You hummed and let him do so.
"I love you.." You whispered, he hummed and kissed your temple only saying "sleep.." In a low gruff tone. His hands wandered up your jumper and scratched your back and kissed you cheek, humming in a tone that slowly lulled you to sleep.
And with that you both fell asleep, forgetting about the storm and the only thing that mattered to you both was that you were alone...together..in each other's arms. Cuddling sweetly and warmed laying against each other and damn there was no place you'd rather be..
Hellloooooo my darlings~ sorry I've been away so long TVT I've been so busy recently and haven't had much time also we hit ✨400✨ Followers!! Thank you all so so much 😭😭 it feels like only yesterday I just hit 100 you are all so kind and lovely❤
Well Enjoy some Mafiafell food for dinner~✨ see you soon darlings!
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hello! I really liked that one ask where the farmer was a dragon, can we have that one with all the sdv bachelors? even some npcs and/or the bachelorettes if you want? thanks!
Heya! You mean the reaction to Dragon!Farmer? Sure, why not! ☺️ (Hope you don't mind if I'll do sdv bachelors only).
Only that past ask specified a male Farmer, but since there's no clarification here, I made Farmer neutral (they/them). Thanks for the ask!
"Well, now I know exactly what I'm going to call the next chapter of my autobiography." Farmer had to give Elliott credit: their ginger haired husband held his own, not fainting or screaming in terror when they appeared before him in dragon form. Though they realized from the exhausted smile and pale face that it was better to stay close to catch the writer's body at any moment.
Shane kind of quit drinking.... And he never took any of other stuff thar can make so hallucinate. Then why the hell is there a giant reptile flying over his head right now calling him "darling?" That's what only the Farmer calls him.... And now this overgrown lizard landed in front of him and turned to his favorite spouse again, looking at him with a guilty smile. Just a regular Tuesday for Shane, for fuck's sake...
A tense moment for the Farmer themselves as they finally reveal true form to Sebastian, love of their life. They wait for his reaction, what he will respond, shock and horror on the emo's face. But in the end, Sebby's brain goes to autopilot and he spews out, "I've seen bigger." What... Now it was Farmer's turn to gasp in shock. "Have you seen other dragons?" Farmers don't know if they asked it out of surprise or even jealousy, while Sebastian was still stunned.
It seems that Sam's bewilderment and shock passed very quickly, because anyone else would have started showering him with questions: how long or why didn't you tell me before? But not the young guitarist, because the first thing that came to his mind was "Will you take me for a ride? This would be cool!" On the other hand, things got around without panic, so that's good.
Harvey, as a doctor with experience, was mentally prepared for anything. Apparently, not everything, because the poor man fainted at the sight of a huge dragon on the place where just a minute ago Farmer was standing. The local doctor wakes up with a headache, and the first thing he sees is Farmer's worried face, already in human form. Phew, so Harvey was imagining things and it was just a dream, right? Heh, poor Harvey...
"Now what am I going to tell my grandma?" Somewhat surprisingly, Alex uttered those words not because he was surprised by the Farmer's true form itself, but because they scared him so badly that the athlete dropped a dozen eggs. "Honey, we live on a farm, we have plenty of eggs. And anyway - there's a dragon in front of you." "Dragons later, chicken eggs for Grandma first." And he added that they were the weirdest and coolest person in the whole world, and that he loved them. But don't let the Farmer scare him like that again.
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nickolasnickname · 1 month
Tug: Heya… Samuel?
*he looks at Samuel like he didn’t know him yet*
(Nobody told him his uncle turned into a critter yet ;-;)
Um...I'm a polar bear now, heh...
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strikersexhaver · 1 year
hihii thinkin' bout striker walking in on his S/O trying on HIS clothes?
Like he accidentally barges in on them after a long job and find them putting on his clothes (bc they miss him lol)
Please and thankyou, loves ♡
(a/n) i know I said I was gonna do the requests in order but- god this is so cute, I love these types of fanfics GHHSHS I’m biased what can I say?
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Striker got home as usual, hopping off of Bombproof no where near as confident, or prideful as he’d usually be.
He looked tired, possibly pissed off. The mariachi imps didn’t even dare to sing their theme song of Striker this time around.
After dealing with pompous clients, who have the patience of a flea.
Not to mention, he missed you badly, he never lets you call him because one he mainly uses burner phones, secondly, he doesn’t want anyone to track your number or anything. Even if that isn’t possible, he’d still refuse- let his clients get tracker not you-
He stormed into what he called a bedroom, only to stop once he saw you.
You didn’t notice him but you were wearing his spare clothes, even better you were cuddling up to a shirt of his. Pretending it was him.
His heart fluttered at the thought of you missing him, obviously you naturally did but the pride (plus his primadonna-self) took joy in it.
He did feel a bit bad that you were so lonely.
So he leaned on the door and smirked,
“Heya’ darlin’”
You perked up quicker than a cheetah and leaped to hug him, he was taken a bit aback but hugged you tight in return. After, he looked you up and down.
“Nice getup’” he teased, “heh, you miss me that much darlin’?” Lifting your chin up to look at him with a smug look.
You chuckled and blushed bashfully, before sighing.
“I missed you.”
“Ya’? Well luckily for you- I missed ya’ more.”
He joined you on the bed, and he told you about his job adventures that pissed him off and got him exhausted.
You decided the best way to solve some of that stress that was via cuddling
And it goddamn worked, his tail rattled in glee and he looked at rest.
In return, he gave you his hat and a lotta affection.
It filled your lil’ heart up with joy and fixed your Striker-esk outfit perfectly.
He also took a photo- because it was too cute not to 💕
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heya, I’ve heard about your hotel, heh, this place looks better than the studio I live in, mind telling me more about it? *he leans against the wall, leaving ink*
O-…Oh!….umm..welcome to the Hazbin hotel..where…sinners can be redeem….
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Meg & Persephone: *sharing a table at the House of Mouse*
Mortimer: Ha cha cha! Helloooo, ladies! Y’know, I’ve been told I look like a god, myself.
Meg & Persephone: *give an uninterested look to Mortimer*
Mortimer: Why stick with a lousy demigod and a hot headed villain when you can have all this?!
Hercules & Hades: *standing behind Mortimer, glaring at him*
Mortimer: *looks at the two men behind him and gulps* Oh, uh…heya, fellas! I wasn’t trying to steal your gals or anything, heh heh! But, hey! Can ya blame me if I was? I mean, look at them! They’re almost as good looking as me!
Hercules & Hades: *Hades’ hair flares red and Hercules cracks his knuckles before they both pummel Mortimer*
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heya! LOVE the demo despite all of the brain rot it has caused. i can't remember if you've been asked this before (or maybe it was for the merry crisis RO's?) but what are the RO's love languages? i have a few guesses based on the demo but i'd love an official ruling! ps i hope your vacation has been going well :)
Hahaha I'd love to hear your guesses too! I did it a little differently from the traditional categories of love languages because I do think I might've answered the love languages question before and thought maybe I could give a different spin to it (instead of looking for that ask again heh).
G: Active listening and an open, curious mind (they won't say know to good intellectual or... physical stimulation). Someone who will explore all of the universe's wonders with them.
Sam: Quality time, and a fun, adventurous spirit. Someone who'll stay by their side and laugh / joke about life's ups and downs together.
Tobin: Kind intentions, and open honest communication. Someone who'll create a warm, wholesome environment (who builds a home and a hearth).
Rayyan: Not exactly acts of service but non-verbal signs that a partner is thinking of them. Someone who is independent and capable on their own two feet.
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lucathepotatocore · 2 months
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Heya! Its me! Luca here! Again! I bet you didnt know I have a ....uh...human? Form? Is that what its called? Like a light/hologram thingie bob? Well now you do! I have to try and rig it to my system.....but having said that hopefully you'll be able to see it, uh him, I mean ME!.... heh me of course! See it soon I mean. I er worked really hard on it, so please go easy on me....Ill give you a 'tato in return....?
Wheatley has seen it too.....in its current state....not as good as his he reckons...but we'll see! At least Spud is proud of it... Oooh I have freckles!
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anonymous-rendezvous · 8 months
An Unconventional Relationship
💛 Luca Kaneshiro x GN!Reader
✦ — Written by Mod S 👿. Beta Read and Edited by Mod I ✨.
✧ — Contains: Humor, strangers to friends to ???, & open ended
✦ — Word count: 3.3k+ | Ao3
Based on these prompts - "You're lucky you're cute." "Wait, you think I'm cute?"
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
The sun is just beginning to dip below the horizon as you take your usual route home after work. “Hmm, maybe I should order something for dinner…I don’t feel like cooking, plus I’m pretty sure I still have to do the dishes. Ugh, curse you past me!” You trudged your way down the street, practically sulking as you walked. This was virtually routine for you at this point: getting off work, walking home, debating about dinner, sleeping, repeat. It was a pretty average life, and you accepted it wholeheartedly; the motions and all.
Well, it had been pretty average until a fairly strange encounter happened; the monotonous routine led you to make a very unusual… friend(?) roughly half a year ago. You can still recall the night vividly; the events playing through your mind are more similar to a show than an experience that had happened to you.
You had worked overtime resulting in you leaving work much later than you normally did. The moon was already high in the sky as you attempted to rush home. That was cut short when you were suddenly pulled into an alleyway; a knife pointed right at your neck. Like any sane person, you were about to give the person all your money, until – inches from your face – you see your attacker get punched straight in the jaw. The force sent him tumbling further into the alley. Hardly having the time to process anything, you didn’t notice that the nice stranger had proceeded to pull you away, two people dressed similarly to bodyguards rushing past you towards the mugger.
“Are you okay?” With the moment of calm, you took in your savior’s form. Broad, blonde, a very expensive-looking suit and matching hat that almost hid his lavender eyes from view, and from what few words he spoke; an Australian accent.
“U–um…” You quickly collected yourself, looking down to take a deep breath before thanking the stranger. “Yes, I’m fine. Uhh, thank you for that, by the way. You sure got a punch on you.” Before you can mentally smack yourself for being so awkward, he laughs, causing you ease.
“Well, thanks! I pride myself on my good punches! Oh, but do you need a ride home? Don’t want you to get mugged for a second time tonight. Lots of unsavory characters walking around during this time.”
“Really? Well, sure, a ride would be nice! Although, in exchange, I’d like to know the name of my savior.”
He takes off his hat, and brings it to his chest, letting you see his face without obstruction. “Heh, I can’t give you my full name, but you can just call me Luca, okay?”
You accepted his generous offer, and he did, in fact, drop you off safely. Ever since then, he’d occasionally pull next to you in his very expensive-looking car to check up on you. Hell, sometimes you’d run into him on your later shifts, and every time he’d offer to take you home. In his words, “To make sure you don’t get mugged again, you know?”. Honestly, you have no clue why he cares so much about you. He dresses so expensively, his car looks like it costs more than your entire life’s savings, and he has what you assume are bodyguards. He seemed like someone very important. So why is he constantly coming back to check on your safety?
This question loops back into your brain again as you walk, so much so you don’t even notice the car that pulls next to you. It’s not until the person rolls down their window and calls, “Hey!” that you snap back to reality, head-turning quickly as they stop. You notice there are two people in the car, and they look very similar to the same bodyguards who were with Luca the night he saved you. “Heya, you're the Boss’s friend, right? He wanted us to come pick you up.”
“Pick me up?” You blink in confusion, shuffling closer to the car and leaning toward the window in order to talk clearly. “For what? I don’t remember us making plans or anything…” You rack your forgetful brain for a moment, but nothing comes up. Hell, you’d have probably made a memo on your phone about something like this.
“He made dinner plans so he could talk to you. Said something about feeling bad that he hasn’t had the time to properly talk to you.” The bodyguard has to hold back a laugh at the face you make, waving their gloved hand in front of your face to get your attention again. “He also wanted to make sure we tell you that you don’t have to come if you have prior plans.”
Shaking your head, you respond, “He’s very lucky I don’t have any plans. I’m not gonna turn down a free meal. I’ll meet up with him.” Lowering your voice to a mumble, you speak aloud to yourself, “Lucky too that I had no clue what to eat today…” With your confirmation, you hear the car unlock and, with slight hesitation, you slide into the back seat. As soon as you're all buckled in, they take off.
It’s not long before you realize the car is heading toward an area of the city that you rarely go to. Looking out the window, you watch as the car moves through the richer part of town. Fancy hotels and lights everywhere, you even pass a fountain show going on outside. When the car suddenly stops, your eyes move to the two bodyguards in the front seat, who are already getting out. You scramble to reach for the door, but before you can grab the handle, one of them has already opened the door for you.
“Don’t worry, I got it. My partner here will show you to the Boss. I gotta park the car, then I’ll be in there as well.” You give them a nod as you get out, patting yourself down to look more presentable; and to shake off your embarrassment. Looking up at the restaurant, your jaw almost drops at just the exterior. Suddenly, you feel like you might need more than just a pat down.
Now listen, you've been to some pretty nice places before. However, this part of town is way too expensive for you to even think about coming here too often. So when you take in what you know to be the most expensive restaurant in the city, your nerves start to settle in. You're brought out of your thoughts by the car starting and taking off down the road as the other guard calls to you. “Please, this way. The Boss will be super happy to see you. And don’t worry about being underdressed. I’m sure the Boss doesn’t care.”
Pouting a bit, you begin to follow them. ‘Yeah, but that doesn’t mean the other people won’t think that…’ Preparing yourself for the telltale heat of judging stares, you keep your head down as you follow the guard inside. Eyes only watching the nice red carpet and the backs of the movement of the bodyguard's brown dress shoes – preoccupying your eyes with the stitches in the leather. It’s not long before you arrive in the section where Luca is waiting, only looking up when the guard announces so. “Here we are.” You look up and take in your surroundings, eyes widening at the amount of gold detailing in the room. The lights are warm and dim to give the space a sophisticated yet cozy atmosphere. Something you take in almost immediately is that there is no one else in this section of the restaurant, the only one being the person your gaze falls onto next. As soon as Luca hears his guard talk, he sets his menu down and gives you one of the most infectious smiles that you’ve ever seen. Your lips barely refrained from smiling just as widely, settling on a small polite smile and a wave.
The blonde opens his arms in welcome from his seat, energy radiating from his voice. “I’m so glad you could make it! I was so worried you’d have other plans since this was pretty sudden on my part. Next time, I promise I’ll get your opinion on future hangouts first.” Before he puts his arms down, he beckons you to sit, the chair across from him being pulled open by the bodyguard. “Come, sit. We can order and then finally have a proper conversation.”
You take the invitation, even if you are a bit nervous about what exactly is going on. After you sit and are pushed in, thanking the guard as they make their way to stand behind Luca’s seat. Picking up the menu, you immediately try your best not to physically cringe at the prices. Flipping through the pages, you go all the way back to the appetizers – probably the only thing you can afford on the menu. Luca seems to notice, and he tilts his head, voice laced with confusion.
“Oh, are you not hungry? Hm?”
Looking up at him, you give a nervous smile. “Uhh, well, everything here is pretty out of my usual price range. The only thing here that I can really afford is a soft drink and a small appetizer…” You’re about to wave it off as fine until he puts his hand up, stopping you from continuing.
“Oh! Don’t worry about that. I invited you so I’ll be paying. It’s the least I can do for springing this on you. So order anything, I got it.” He smiles, then looks back down at the menu.
Okay, now you're really suspicious. No one this loaded just… does this. Or if they do, they have a catch. Forcing your expression to remain neutral, you decide you’ll ask when dinner arrives. Even if this is immensely suspicious, he doesn’t seem to have anything malicious planned. Although you haven’t known him long, nothing has really set off immediate red flags in your mind. He’s been super kind and if this is a kidnapping or something, he wouldn’t go through all this trouble. He’d have just done it by now – he’s had more than enough opportunities. Taking a deep breath, you settle on a meal and let him talk you into sharing a bottle of some high-class wine with him. When the server arrives to take your orders, you notice the other guard has returned from parking the car, making their way to Luca standing behind him next to the other one. You're too busy giving your order and feeling nervous about the establishment, that you don’t notice how uneasy the server is; constantly looking to the side and shifting nervously. He scurries off pretty quickly after your orders have been filled, and before you can ponder it, you’re pulled into a conversation with the blonde. 
Luca lets you talk about your life first, and you're surprised at how intently he listens. It’s not like you lived anything remarkable as he must have, but when he listens to you speak, you see the genuine spark of interest in his eyes. The wine arrives in the middle of your story, and you're about to thank the person, but they leave so quickly that you barely have time to. Maybe they saw you talking and just didn’t wanna interrupt or that could just be how the service is here. Either way, you finish talking about yourself before turning the questions back to him.
When Luca starts telling you what he does, you make sure to give him the same level of attention he gave you. He tells you how he’s the owner of a casino; explaining that they have passed it down to him through the family. Well, that explains why he looks so expensive. The bodyguards are still a bit weird to you, but you’ve heard that children of rich families tend to get kidnapped so that could be explained away. After he talks about his family business, you are actually glad he starts to talk about his hobbies and interests. The longer you talk to him, the more you realize just how down-to-earth he is. Admittedly helping you calm down as the minutes roll by.
The food gets to you just as he finishes talking about how he used to surf, and you can’t help but express how talented he seems to be. “Wow, you have so much skill under your belt. If you didn’t own the casino, you’d still be set for life.”
Luca laughs shyly, sipping at his wine. “Well, most of it my parents had me take classes for. They wanted me and my sister to be prepared, you know?” He sets his glass down and gestures to your food; changing the subject. “I hope you enjoy the food, by the way! That looks really good. I might have to get that next time I come here.”
You chuckle, picking up your utensils. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you my premium review of it after I’m done.” He laughs and follows suit in your actions. You both dig into your food, and you have to hold yourself back from letting out a noise of delight. This food was unlike anything you’ve ever had, really tasting like the high price it was. Being so engrossed by the food, you almost forget what you wanted to ask Luca, your brain circling back to the suspicions you had earlier. You wait a little while, but when you think enough time has passed, you call the blonde’s name. “Luca?” He pauses in his sentence, looking at you with concern at the seriousness of your tone. 
“Y–Yes? Is something wrong?” His lavender eyes scan over you, trying to get any hint as to what might be bothering you. 
“No! It’s nothing wrong, per se." You immediately reassure, seeing how he physically deflated. Luca perks back up, a look of anticipation on his face, encouraging you to continue, "I have an important question to ask you." He gives you a firm nod. Seeing his silverware down to give you his full attention. “Okay, this is gonna be a very uh… interesting question, but I have to ask. Is this like some sort of, uhhh, fancy dinner to win me over for favors? Like… convincing me to be your sugar baby or something?” The blonde in front of you seems to choke on a breath, one guard coming up to pat his back. Glancing at the three people in front of you, you realize there's a look of shock written across each of their faces. When Luca gets over his coughing fit, he looks back up at you, starting to chuckle, believing you're joking. He stops, however, when he takes in your serious expression – worry in your eyes – and quickly explains himself.
“No no no! This is nothing like that!” He’s a bit frantic with his tone, waving his hands in exaggeration as he speaks. “I just wanted to have a genuine conversation with you. I…” He pauses for a moment, brows furrowed as he thinks over his next words. “I’ve felt bad that I’ve never gotten to talk to you properly all those times I would pass you and say ‘Hi’.” His gaze re-meets yours across the table. “This is just a normal dinner with a friend, I promise.” 
With a sigh, you cross your arms, “You realize how…” you struggle for the right word, “odd that is right? Like, you look like you own a private island and seem very comfy in places like this.” One of your hands gestures to the lavish restaurant around you. “I’m just a regular person you saved once from getting mugged. I'm nobody. What reason would a rich person like you have to constantly come to talk to me if not for some other motive?” Honestly, you almost feel bad about the way you're interrogating him. Though this is something to be questioned, and as nice and sweet as he is, it’s still good to have a sense of caution. Especially with the wealthy. 
Luca’s silent for a minute, seeming to think over what he wants to say; eyes downcast, staring at his half-finished food. It’s only a few silent moments until his lavender eyes look back up at you, their determination shocking you. “Because you didn’t treat me like that when I helped you.” You blink for a second, confused, tilting your head as he continues to speak. “Well… how do I put this… You just seemed like a nice person who wouldn’t judge someone no matter their status, so I wanted to get to know you? I–It’s honestly nothing like a ruse or a scheme. Trust me, being in this business, many people do try to deceive me. I’m an excellent judge of character because of that, and you just seemed very kind and down-to-earth. It gave me the push to try to befriend you.”
As he speaks, you can feel warmth start to pool in your cheeks, causing you to look away, not expecting that answer. After a moment, you let out a deep breath and then turned your gaze back to him. “Well, honestly, that’s pretty surprising." You say with a light laugh. Slouching back into your seat, you continue. "I’m sure all of this is normal for you, but maybe when we hang out in the future, these places–” your hands raise to gesture around the restaurant once more– “are not really casual for people like me.” 
His eyes seem to light up a bit, a small crooked smile on his face. “So… you still wanna try to be my friend?” 
You have to hold back a giggle at how closely he resembles a puppy at this moment. Uncrossing your arms and picking up your utensils as you return to your meal. “Mhm, you're not a bad person. I can tell that you really are interested in my life, and if you did have any bad intentions, you would’ve done something by now. Plus, you’re lucky you’re cute. Hard to say no to the puppy dog eyes you’ve been giving me.”
He hears his guards snicker behind him, but chooses to ignore it as his cheeks begin to flush. “You think I’m cute?” He watches as you laugh, smiling at him as you take a bite of your food.
“Mmn, this is really good. Do you wanna try some? I can give you a bite.” Luca pouts a bit as you change the subject, but nods nonetheless. He’s happy as you converse for the rest of your meal, talking about nothing and everything. It’s refreshing for you and him, as you act like equals. Feeling like friends.
The pair of you stay for a while, but eventually, you do tell him you have to work the next day. He, of course, offers to take you home, especially since you’d both had a bit of wine. With the moon smiling in the sky as the four of you leave the restaurant, and the surrounding street was lit up by dazzling lights. The bodyguards escort you to the car, giving them your address. The trip gives the two of you a chance to continue talking. Luca couldn’t help the smile on his face, content with just listening to you speak, and this time remembering to give you his number so you could make future plans together. It wasn’t long before the car pulled up to your home. Luca, ever the gentleman, helped you out and up to your door. When you finally say goodbye and wave them all off, you feel warm, and you’re sure he shares the same sentiment.
To Luca, this experience feels like a blessing to him. To have a normal conversation – a normal friend – in his unpredictable life. And to you, this was an exciting change to your routine; being able to make such an excitable and interesting new friend. You only saw good things ahead, and you hoped that it’d continue to get better from here.
It could only get better from here. Right?
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
Likes are nice and we do appreciate them. However, comments/feedback is what really motivates us to continue writing. Even just a keyboard smash or emojis are a joy to see!
We do not allow our stories to be translated or reposted/shared anywhere. The only places our stories should be found are on Ao3 or Tumblr. Nowhere else.
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tgcg · 9 months
how do i get that pixelated look for the gradient you did in the tutorial like you did? the times i tried it just became overly smooth....
heya, the pixelated look on my gradient is just an issue of the gifs quality heh
*but* you could also get that affect by selecting da finished gradient n draggin it smaller then resizing it back to normal :
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if you do it repeatedly the effect intensifies
here's a comparison of me doin it a bit:
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gives it some fun texture
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legacyshenanigans · 1 month
Heya! It’s been a while since I sent in an ask but I just couldn’t get this out of my head once I learned about it.
Did you know Kinks are hereditary?
So the fetishes you have now you inherited from either your mom or your dad (I fact checked this before making this ask lol)
But I couldn’t help but imagine the conversations between Marvolo or Rowan if they found out the same info, so do what you will with this info, I just thought it was Hilarious and traumatizing lol😭😂
Not me waking up and reading this, and instantly thinking about my OWN weird kinks and finding out this could be a hereditary thing. GOD I fuckin HOPE not!! Lmao! 🤣🤣🤣
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Rowan: So I read somethin' interestin' the other day.
Marvolo: Do tell?
Rowan: Kinks are apparently hereditary, so whatever kinks you got, you possibly inherited from your parents.
Marvolo: *His eyes widen slightly as all of his fetishes and kinks flash through his mind, before he gags*
Rowan: (?!)
Marvolo: Don't fucking tell me THAT! Good LORD!
Rowan: Its interestin though, right?
Marvolo: Rowan you know the kinda stuff I'm into! Do you REALLY think I want to think about the fact that one of my parents could be into the same things?!
Rowan: Heh..Ya mums super sweet..But I bet she's a right kinky bitch behind closed doors *smirks*
Marvolo: *gags again* ROWAN! SHUT THE FUCK UP! Don't talk about my mother like that!
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skeleboiii84 · 1 year
(I'm nu ded lol UwU you know the drill people ÚwÙ including Y/N!!) let's get this party started darlings
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Fresh: babbbbezzz
Y/N: yesssss?
Fresh: did you find my-
Y/N: what-
Fresh: are- are you actually studying-???
Y/N: ....yes- yes I am and I'm in severe mental depression please cuddle me TvT
Fresh: say less suga-
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Y/N: Killer! Get in the goddamn bath you STINK
Dust: what in the name of fuck is going on in-
Y/N: hey dust- you need a bath too actually
Dust: 👁👁
(Dust fuckin runs out the door as fast as possible)
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red: anytime one of you assholes fuckin give me attitude I'm hittin on Y/N-
Sans: so cool
Blue: so cool
Mutt: so cool
Stretch: so cool
Red: tf-
Sans: so cool
Red: shut up-
Stretch: so cool
Mutt: so cool-
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Ink: heya human!
Y/N: H-
Ink: I didn't even do anything-
Fresh: bros got it worse than me-
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Dream: so you you two use pet names?
Nightmare: gross and cringe- wtf dream-
Y/N: nighty baby 🥺 there's a spider!!
Nightmare: I'll take care of it doll face-
Dream: .....
Nightmare: I'll kill you if you utter a word- OvO
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Y/N; -3- you know what- let's do it I ain't got nothin better to do
Stretch, Red, Sans, Blue, edge: . . .
Stretch: nah because I know Temmie ain't got more Rizz than us-
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Butch: now I ain't gonna hurtcha doll~
Y/N: O3O
Butch: M'only gonna rip you open- and tear out your insides
Y/N: oooooooo lawd yes please ÚvÙ
Butch: tf-
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Y/N: thanks cross..holding me like this..its nice
Cross: heh heh..don't worry I just knew ya needed a hug is all
Killer: gay-
Y/N: where tf did you come from-
Killer: the bushes-
Y/N: I'm not gonna ask-
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Stretch: you can be anything you want
Y/N: can I be in Dem sweats you have on? (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
Stretch: i- you- we- uh- but- HUH-
Y/N: .-w-.
Y/N: difference beeeeeinggg?
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Hey y'all, I'm partly back to posting but as it goes my requests are still for the time being CLOSED and are not open but enjoy your feeding children
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