#sable merle
purplesaline · 8 months
Lance may look like he's a sable collie but he's actually a sable merle! It was much harder to see his merle pattern when he was younger but as his colour fades toward grey the brown areas affected by the merle gene (it blocks some of the coloring from coming through for example black will look silver.) have very little colour left to them so the unaffected areas stand out a lot more than they used to.
It was always more noticeable on his ears but you used to have to look closely to see it. Now it's quite easy!
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I've always loved his colouring. I'm a big fan of the redder sable and he's got a perfect unbroken rough. The little white forehead line used to end just where the white for his rough began too (can't really see it now with all the grey). Very symmetrical, it pleased my OCD lol.
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kangals · 13 days
if anyone is in the New England area and is looking for a rough collie, Keps breeder has a 1year old female available - spayed, vaxxed, and was a show prospect so she’s well trained and socialized. DM me if you’re interested and I can send you the page.
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zeldathesheltie · 1 year
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Doubt you know these 
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chasteblowjay · 2 years
I got Amelia a harness for her second birthday (which was Tuesday) I can’t believe she’s so big now 😭
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pghchele13 · 1 year
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Maverick in the rhododendron- Mav and Phoenix
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wyrddogs · 4 days
With no negative consequences, you can bring one color/pattern/marking not in a dachshunds into the breed. Which one are you picking?
I had to go check the standard and I think that just about every color occurs in dachshunds. They've got liver, tanpoint, merle, piebald, the dilutes, sable, ee red, agouti (wild boar), brindle...
I think about the only thing that doesn't occur off the top of my head is a black mask, so I'd add that and get a black masked sable.
That way I could get my black masked sable shepherd and my black masked sable longdog.
Thank you for asking!
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fjordfolk · 2 years
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okay so i'm not an expert and there are a couple of different collies but:
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australian shepherd:
pretty fluffy
may or may not have a tail (may or may not be on purpose)
ears supposed to be nice and sophisticatedly folded
comes in blacks and reds and tris and merles
sh jusht a little chonky maybe
Australian but in the sense that it's American and has really nothing to do with Australia at all as far as anyone can tell
medium-large with a side of large
either smooth coat or stupidly fluffy, anything in between is illegal
long tail (should reach the hock)
ears meant to stand on top of the head maybe with a fashionable little forward tip
comes in brown (sable) and black tricolour + merle
legs legs what's on the menu legs legs
longest snout you've seen in a while
shetland sheepdog:
what i have (allegedly)
see: collie, but 1/4 of the size (unless something went wrong)
but calling it a mini collie is a federal crime
the fluffier the better. needs more fluff.
colors are sable and black tri- and bicolour as well as merle
very sweet but should have capacity for evil to keep things spicy
Shetlandish (Scottish) (British) (twice removed)
border collie:
sneaky bastard
size: approximate. ears: yes. tail: most likely. coat: usually. colours: sure
you'll know
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golden-reedwolf · 9 months
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Anything really will be merled these days. Even golden jackals come in merle now!
In the mottled animal’s case, the phenotype was highly resemblant to agouti or dark sable merle dogs’ look that is caused by a SINE insertion in the SILV gene. Using fragment analysis, we found a peak at 434 basepairs with a wild-type allele of 171 basepairs, which means the animal has a 263-basepair SINE insertion, which categorizes it as Ma +, atypical merle animal.
White and other fur colourations and hybridization in golden jackals (Canis aureus) in the Carpathian basin
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shellderbeast · 1 month
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And some additional cuteness keeping me company despite the incessant coughing 💜 Lily (sable) and Saffron (blue merle) 💜
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ID PACK 〜 Hajime Kokonoi ✦
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( ✦1 ). Names ( ✦2 ). Titles ( ✦3 ). Pronouns ( ✦4 ). Genders
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( NAMES ) 〜ㅤAbel , Abeque , Able , Adalric , Amon , Anobaith , Archias , Blackburn , Blackwell , Blaque , Caliban , Cherno , Ciaran , Cobra , Cyrene , Danger , Désespoir , Diesel , Dodge , Duarte , Dynamis , Eadwulf , Eamon , Edric , Eisele , Eivind , Eivor , Elodie , Emari , Esai , Fabre , Farrar , Fortune , Hazen , Inali , Ji-Yu , Jou , Kali , Kamui , Kanika , Kehinde , Keir , Koko , Long , Lucretius , Lykke , Matrix , Mel , Melanthios , Merle , Nine Odette , Odo , One , Opiter , Opsius , Otokar , Pitch , Pluto , Riziero , Ryker , Ryu , Ryuko , Ryuu , Sable , Senza , Seven , Sevyn , Snapdragon , Sullivan , Tamir , Tarragon , Teije , Tomi , Tyche , Uda , Ward , Worth , Zura , 01 , 07 , 09
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( TITLES ) 〜ㅤThe Seventh Division Member , 10th Generation Elite , Guard Captain , Black Dragon Elite , The Pawn , His Financial Authority , The Wealthy Black Dragon , His Prosperous Pawn , He Who Stays Behind , The Treasurer
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( PRONOUNS ) 〜ㅤAuthority/Authorities , Delinq/Delinquents , Dragon/Dragons , Elite/Elites , Finance/Finances , Fortune/Fortunes , Pawn/Pawns , Material/Materials , Money/Moneys , Out/Law/Outlaws , Punk/Punks , Sev/Seven/Sevs/Sevens , Seventh/Sevenths , Tarra/Tarragons , Treasurer/Treasurers , Wealth/Wealths
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( GENDERS ) 〜ㅤAldervillain , Dragonhoardic , Genderplated , Felikleptogness , Hatemaincharic , Menacelexic , Misfortunefollowic , Ocularic , Royalvillainic , Serpevil , Tarotlexic 
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thespringertails · 2 years
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kangals · 7 months
Important followup: will Kep get the bangs 🤔
I have yet to see a tri collie that has bangs, but I will keep hope alive 🙏
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bas-rouge · 2 months
Since my spreadsheet is up to 2600 rows and frankly a little ridiculous, I've decided to divide it up by decade. So far the 60s and 70s have been transferred from the main sheet to their own pages. Next is the 80s, and I'm fairly certain I haven't even touched the 90s yet, so the 90s and 2000s are a total clean slate. Of course I do have a lot of dogs without years, since I pulled their information from pedigrees 3-4 generations back, and some that are scattered around in previous decades, so I'm not sure what to do with those until I have years to associate with them. Might have to outsource that information from what online databases do exist. I'm way behind on uploading pictures (oops), so there's a backlog of about 50 at the present. BUT I finally got a picture of War Drum, which I'm pretty thrilled about, and my friend mentioned that one of the dogs I had labelled "sable" is actually a sable MERLE, which in hindsight is super obvious on account of he sired a double dilute, but alas, I go off of what I see and what's advertised. Anyway lots of developments to the spreadsheet and I really owe everyone who submitted these show reports 50 years ago. 🥰
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nefja · 1 year
Favorite dog color/pattern
I'm a sucker for a good light sable colouring.
Also, this one is gonna be controversal probably, I appreciate a nice blue merle but ONLY on Mudis and Rough Collies/Shelties.
In Icies it's red (duh)
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purplesaline · 2 years
So you might think Lance has a Sable coat to look at him. Here let's get one of his older pictures where he's not quite so grizzled.
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He is, in fact, a Sable merle though! It's actually easier to see now that he's turning so white. It's always been easiest to see on his ears
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And you can even see some on his head there too. It's also not too difficult to see the merle pattern on the rest of his body in his old age
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The top of his head used to be entirely Sable except for a thin white line that ran from his ruff to the tip of his nose 😭😭 Mr. Salt and Pepper over here
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fjordfolk · 2 years
A penny for your thoughts (& bit of background info) : I recently lost my heart-dog, as of last year. He was my very best friend & I miss him greatly, however I know that I'll eventually want to have another dog once I'm ready.
I am very slowly looking through breeders etc & have never before been concerned about colours of the pup before, as long as the mind is sound. however this time, I have a strong preference towards the pup *not* having the same colors as my previous dog, simply because of the reminder & I want to start fresh. My previous dog was a sheltie & my future dog will probably be a rough collie, so there's already a difference breed-wise, but still many similarities.
Do you think this is reason enough to mention my preference to a breeder? Or do you think they'd consider me 'color chasing' & disapprove? I've heard breeders mention before that they dislike people having a preference in terms of color, because the mind of the dog & potential match between pup & owner should matter the most. Which for me it still does, ofc, but I think I'd really struggle with starting over if the new pup is a lookalike of my late beloved companion. Idk, I'm really at a loss here. Any thoughts? ❤️
First of all, I'm sorry you lost your heart dog and I'm glad you're able to take this at your own pace.
I feel like 'colour chasing' can be bypassed to a certain extent in our breeds, since colour genetics are so straightforward and most combos will only throw ~1-2 possibilities (unless sable merles are in play) and so many breeders specialize in some direction.
That said, I think telling them pretty much exactly what you just told me - I think most people would understand that. You don't have to lead with it, but it's a honest and well-founded request. If a breeder isn't willing to meet you on such a basic human level, I'd question whether this is the person I'd feel comfortable asking stupid questions to when my puppy turns into a hellion mid-teething.
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