#sachi uzumaki
luckychi7 · 11 months
The Tale of Sachiko Uzumaki Chapter 2
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After a long unintentional gap, Chapter 2 is finally up and honestly it's the most nervous I've been writing the most so far since I’m tackling a well beloved oc child in the NaruSaku fandom which is Shinachiku Uzumaki at the forefront along side my own OC NS child - > his twin sister Sachi! 
 The next chapter will probably be up sometime in next month! 
Special thanks again to @pumiih​ for allowing me to use their design of Shinachiku in image! 
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theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
no way thats so cool!! what are your own narusaku kids? i would love to know about them if you have any old post introducing them!!
and yes i totally can understand why it makes you uncomfortable, i personally love them and only got to know them very very recently which gave me new reasons to love narusaku lol
You're not alone, quite a few people are very fond of the trio lol.
But to gush about my NS kids lol ... I have four of them.
And I strongly advise you take a perusal through my collection of tumblr fics on Ao3. They appear a bit in those and I've mentioned them in previous tumblr asks recently.
I'll drop a link to the collection lol, and give you which chapters specifically deal with them at the end.
But to give you the basic run down:
Sachi Uzumaki Sachi is the eldest, typically she is pink haired with blue eyes, Naruto's mouth, Sakura's forehead, Naruto's personality with sprinkles of Sakura's and a huge dollop of Sakura's intelligence.
Sachi Uzumaki is *scary*. Sachi Uzumaki is so innately talented at ninjaing that the idea she wouldn't grow up to be a kunoichi, is laughable.
When Naruto starts getting a bit too grey and starts slowing down ... it is Sachi the village elders, who are actually decent people this time, approach about being the one to replace Naruto as Hokage.
And make no mistake, she'd be a spectacular Hokage. Shame none of Naruto's kids want anything to do with the hat.
She's also an absolute sweetheart. Like an absolute angel of a child, Naruto and Sakura couldn't have asked for an easier first baby. Which was very fortunate, given how young they were when Sachi came along.
She is very, very proficient in Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. She can do Ninjutsu and Genjutsu perfectly well enough, but the way Sachi saw it ... if all else fails, she still wants to be able to throwdown, chakra or no chakra.
Also, being the big sister to three younger siblings gave her all the drive she needed to get strong, real, real quick.
Scary remember. Real fucking scary.
Ichika Uzumaki
Ichika is usually second, sometimes third, and is Naruto and Sakura's second daughter.
She's got blonde hair, Sakura's green eyes, Naruto's grin, cos all of the kids have it, and use it against Sakura to devastating effect lol, but she's got more of her mum's facial structure and build.
She's a little goofier than her sister but she's just as smart.
Ichika is also ... a little more naïve at first. Not for long, ninjaing knocks that out of you, just like life, but it's part of her personality to be just a smidge too trusting sometimes.
She's also GAY AS HELL. And has absolutely no compulsion to hide it when she's older and a pretty girl so much as smiles at her ... think Sakura's face disappearing into her hands.
Her speciality is seals and summons. She's the next one to get the toad contract and she is delighted by all things toad and frog.
As a little girl Naruto and Sakura would fondly tell you:
If you can't find Ichi with her head in a scroll studying seals, you *will* find her near a pond or a lake, talking to a frog.
Mt Myoboku becomes a second home, and in time, she too becomes a perfect Toad sage.
Yuuto Uzumaki
Yuuto is their first son, normally their third child, sometimes second, resembles Naruto the most of all his children appearance wise, his eyes being green and his hair more flowing than spiky being the only differences.
He's also a little shit lol.
He's a mouthy, back-talking little brat who takes a little bit too much after Grandpa Jiraiya in the perv department. You'd think, growing up with two older sisters and Sakura as his mum, he'd be a little bit less of a stereotypical boy but well ...
Though I suppose, he's only like that as a teenager. He does grow out of it and before he hits puberty, he is also a very nice kid. He hits very late teens, has a couple girlfriends, couple boyfriends ... crucially get's laid a lot lol, and calms the fuck down by the time he's in his early twenties.
But he's always the first one to make a joke, to wind up his siblings and is definitely, much to Naruto's secret amusement, the most like Naruto as a kid. It's not just the looks that are similar either lol.
Which also means he is the best friend you could ever ask for and would quite literally put himself through hell if you needed him.
And while being a pervy teen boy is not a good thing ... he's not gross. Yes, he needs to be reminded to put his tongue back in his mouth sometimes ... but he's never creepy about it.
This is not the teenage boy staring up girls' skirts or actively staring down cleavages. And like I said, he calms down by his early twenties. Where he just gets smooth lol.
Boy is very, very charming. In every way you can imagine. He makes a great diplomat lol.
He's also equally very talented, his speciality is ninjutsu quite ironically. His control is something mind-blowing and while he doesn't possess the levels of chakra that Naruto does ... he's still biologically an Uzumaki like the rest of his siblings.
Boy's a tank.
Akihiko Uzumaki
And last but not least, for now, is Akihiko.
Akihiko has dark pink hair, which almost darkens to a very, very light red when he hits early adulthood. He's the child who most resembles Sakura facially, including the forehead. But his eyes are a glorious merge of blue and green. Honestly they're quite astounding to look at.
He's also a sweet boy, very timid and quiet.
He gets on well enough with his peers, and truthfully a lot of Naruto and Sakura's friends kids grow up kinda as one big family, so it's not like Akihiko isn't surrounded by friends but ... he likes his space.
So much so that when he learned there were Genjutsu you could use to disappear from sight? He was on that shit. It also helped that his Jonin-sensei was Mirai Sarutobi.
Mirai, Asuma and Kurenai's daughter for anyone who isn't obsessed with families like I am lol, is a very close friend of the family.
Sakura actually took a decided interest in training Mirai, along with Shikamaru and while Sakura never had a dedicated Genin team ... she was definitely a mentor to the young Sarutobi.
But his other speciality? Medical jutsu.
Akihiko very, very quickly becomes a staple of Konoha Hospital. He doesn't so much ask to follow Sakura around, he just kinda shows up and Sakura hasn't the heart to tell him to go home.
He becomes very, very good at it, very early on. And he saves his teammates' lives on more than one occasion before he even gets promoted to Chunin.
And that's the lot of them! Hope you like the next generation of Naruto and Sakura's family, I'm looking forward to writing more stories about them truth be told!
See ya later!
Chapter 18 of A Tumble In Konoha, a Sachi story - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26878372/chapters/95242972#workskin
Chapter 19 of A Tumble In Konoha, another Sachi story with mentions of Ichika and Yuuto - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26878372/chapters/95803411#workskin
Chapter 21 of A Tumble In Konoha, an Akihiko story, with all of his elder siblings mentioned - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26878372/chapters/96715851#workskin
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BORUTO ALTER: Last Shinobi by SongofVedas
Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, Naruto U., Sasuke U., Boruto U., Sarada U., Words: 112k+, Favs: 48, Follows: 49, Published: Dec 2, 2020 Updated: Jul 19
21Chapter 13: YOUR FATHER'S JUTSU!
Short, blonde hair bobbed against her forehead, framing frantic light blue eyes as a desperate gaze peered ahead. There was only one thing on her mind.
Sachi clasped her hands together tightly, sweat making palms slick to the touch. She was in an abandoned home found choked between two crossing streams.
Kawa no kuni..
The land of Rivers.
The young kunoichi released a steady beacon of chakra.
If you're in danger.. or if you think Konoha is after you.. come to the Land of Rivers. I will be there. I will sense you.
Shota's parting words before all this began thrummed within Sachi's mind. He loved her. They loved each other-
Sachi's senses began to calm.
I've been running for almost two days.. but I'm safe now. I'm here. I trust Shota. More than anything.
The home she hid within was built of wood, with exposed windows on every wall. A doorway, broken, spilled into the woody area outside. From cuts within the roof sunshine splashed, leaving warm patterns that crossed Sachi's eyes along with the thoughts that raced behind them.
In the silence between now and fate, Sachi found herself thinking about the interrogation.
Inadvertently, she shook. Sachi suddenly remembered the headband still warming a cold forehead as guilt tunneled through her body.
Two Konoha nin were killed. Shota.. he promised no one would die.
He said that this would help Konoha in ways it refused to help itself- using old Uzumaki techniques to fuel new medical technology.. to save lives!
Sachi shuddered.
The Death God scrolls.
Scrolls that, like the rest of the village, were warded behind a complex spell of chakra that only the barrier team knew of. The chakra inscriptions changed monthly.. However, Sachi had an innate ability.
Her sensory jutsu seemed to be able to decode chakra she felt. She understood the components of most jutsu, and while she couldn't perform the jutsu she experienced, she at least could record it, and knew how to replicate it. This was a skill that only Shota knew of.
Which is why when he asked for her help..
I wanted him to value me. To love me. He.. Shota isn't evil. I didn't think there would be any ha-
Sachi's emotions exploded as a familiar chakra suddenly stepped through an empty doorframe. She nearly leapt from her hiding place, smiling as her blue eyes locked onto an angular, handsome face shrouded by dark hair.
Shota smiled back softly. His skin was fair, smooth and unblemished, save for the red circles underneath his eyes. His pupils were dark brown- brooding and intelligent. As Sachi ran to him he pulled her close, caressing her head as she softly began to cry.
"I'm so glad you're safe," Shota whispered. They separated for a moment. Sachi looked up at Shota, tears falling from his eyes. She pulled his face down to hers, wiping his tears as she kissed him softly.
"They..didn't seem to pursue me as much as I expected. Sai must've held them back." Sachi said almost neutrally.
The shock of meeting Shota again.. after all of this.. it made it seem almost as if the last two days weren't real. But now that he was here-
"Two people died, Shota..!" Sachi whispered, almost as if she was still within Konoha's walls. She loved Shota.. but she needed to understand what was happening, and what this meant for them.
Shota gave her a look of genuine surprise. He then glanced away, out towards one of the windows and then to the wooded fields beyond.
He was silent.
"Shota! Please! I just.. I'm scared, Shota! I left everything for you!" Sachi pleaded.
Shota did look at her then. He slowly lifted his hand to Sachi's face, before cusping his palm against her cheek.
Sachi's heart ached.
The thatched roof above cracked away with a violent, splintering bark. Sachi immediately turned, eyes wide as a scream filled her lungs.
A white, foxlike dog with blue eyes stood amongst the smoking debris. But that wasn't what filled her with terror.
No, far from it.
The upper body of a human girl was stitched to the dog's back, dried blood forming a matted, red ring around the girl's torso. Her arms dragged across the wood floor, while dark red hair veiled a lowered head.
Sachi.. she recognized the dog. It was Junban, one of Shota's ninken. Sachi knew Shota was interested in studying human biology.. but to do this..
This.. this is wrong!
Sachi stepped backwards.
Is this why Kiba expelled you, Shota?!
"Shota.. what did y-"
Sachi felt the weight of movement behind her.
She turned her head just as the tip of a kunai slashed across her neck. Sachi spun around, blood splattering against the wood.
Shota regarded her as she fell to her knees, blood pouring down a green flak jacket.
She tried to speak, tried to curse. Tried to scream. But she couldn't. Before she died, the last thing she saw were the tears in Shota's eyes.
"The Rasengan...?" Konohamaru repeated.
Boruto glared at Konohamaru, folding his arms across a purple shirt as the man groggily rubbed his eyes.
"Yes. I need to get stronger. Mastering the rasengan is a step towards that." Boruto said softly. As he spoke, the image of Himawari's mangled body reverberated throughout his mind.
Konohamaru's tiredness seemed to fade away as he nodded knowingly. But then, question painted over the man's face.
"I offered to teach you before..what changed?" Konohamaru raised an eyebrow.
Boruto looked away as a rising sun warmed his back.
"Sasuke Uchiha."
Alarm replaced confusion within Konohamaru.
"Sasuke Uchiha?" Konohamaru frowned.
"So.. he's returned."
Boruto nodded.
"He said he would help me become stronger.. if I can learn it." Boruto clasped his bandaged hand into a tight fist.
"The rasengan." Boruto finished.
Konohamaru remained silent. Boruto looked at him for some time, wondering what exactly was on the man's mind. His brows were furrowed, brown eyes focused on Boruto but somehow also past him.
Finally, Konohamaru spoke.
"Your dad.. the Hokage." Konohamaru graced Boruto with a slack smile.
"I know he trusts Sasuke Uchiha. No, it's beyond that."
Morning wind blew, causing Konohamaru's curly hair to rustle in the breeze.
"They're brothers. They love each other. But.."
Konohamaru's eyes snapped towards Boruto's.
"Sasuke did things that aren't forgivable. Things that-"
Unlike himself, Boruto interrupted.
"What things? What happened before the war, Sensei?" Boruto asked.
Sarada had spoken to him about her suspicions about the Uchiha, and he learned about their role in the war during his studies at the academy. But.. Other than that, there was absolutely no information on the clan itself.
When they were younger, it didn't stand out. But now...
It's clear that something happened. Something they're hiding from us.
"I.. I'm sorry, Boruto. I shouldn't get into this." Konohamaru sighed harshly, waving the subject away with both hands.
"Just know that.. Sasuke's path isn't the only way. I know what you want, Boruto. I had the same look in my eyes when I was your age. You want to succeed. To become stronger."
Konohamaru clasped Boruto's shoulder, offering a wide smile.
"Don't forget about the people who care about you. Sasuke.. he isolated himself. He thought only he could change things. I.. don't want you to become like that." Konohamaru said.
Boruto looked down, absorbing his Sensei's words.
He wanted to ask more, but he knew that Konohamaru was trying to keep something secret.
He didn't want to push the issue. Konohamaru deserved more than a pointless argument.
"With that said.. I can't imagine a greater honor than teaching you the rasengan, Boruto." Konohamaru grinned, curling his hand into a fist, eyes filled with fiery vigor.
"Back then.. your father was more than a Sensei. He was.. like an older brother to me. He's my family." Konohamaru affirmed.
"That means you are too!" Konohamaru offered his fist to Boruto.
Boruto raised his eyebrow.
"It's.. like the unison sign. Consider it an agreement. It's a promise I'll teach you your father's jutsu." Konohamaru said.
"Hmph." Boruto scoffed.
Nonetheless, he tapped a clenched fist against Konohamaru's own.
They began immediately.
Konohamaru brought Boruto to a wide clearing, trees bordering short grass peppered with white flowers.
"Now.. it won't be easy. This is something I actually hadn't thought of until now." Konohamaru began, standing in front of Boruto.
"To put it simply and rather bluntly.. you don't have a lot of chakra. Now, this is something that can be changed.. but I'd imagine that if you are able to learn the Rasengan, you'll only be able to perform it twice a day. Further, using it would immediately handicap you in a battle if it was anything less than a killing blow."
Konohamaru spoke as he circled Boruto, hand on his chin.
"With that said, I have faith in you. You're smart, Boruto. They say Minato was a genius. Himawari may have inherited his looks, but.. between you and I, Naruto says he sees Minato's spirit in you." Konohamaru grinned.
Boruto's eyes widened in surprise.
He then gave Konohamaru a cynical chuckle.
"Don't think that's going to encourage me. This isn't about him."
Konohamaru shook his head, laughing.
"I was expecting a response like that."
His face then grew serious.
".. I do want to ask you something, Boruto. I want to know what jutsu you used against that creature. The one that actually wounded it." Konohamaru said, face stern.
Boruto looked away.
When he somehow saved Himawari from being impaled, he had used his own chakra. The pain he felt afterwards paid credence to that.
Boruto's mind flashed back to the moment the creature whipped into reality from the fog, seconds away from killing him-
"Shimmering Fang. It's my strongest jutsu." Boruto answered quietly.
It had been Konohamaru who taught him that justu.
"Lighting Style huh.." Konohamaru glanced up to the trees above them.
They were both silent for a long while.
Finally, Konohamaru spoke.
"Based on what I know about your abilities, Boruto.. I do have to wonder how you were able to infuse chakra powerful enough to actually hurt that thing. Do.. you remember anything else happening?" Konohamaru pressed delicately.
Boruto remained silent.
He remembered the exact moment. It seemed almost as if the chakra he used came from something. Came from somewhere.
His mind suddenly shook as he again saw It.. the figure lingering underneath the moon, hidden within black mist.
Cursed Eye...
"I don't remember. Everything.. it happened so fast." Boruto lied.
Konohamaru regarded Boruto for a moment. Boruto knew that his Sensei wanted to ask more.
However, Konohamaru smiled, dropping the issue.
It was then Konohamaru produced a water balloon.
"You'll get the basics quickly. I'm sure you already know the first principle of the rasengan." Konohamaru said.
Boruto nodded.
"Rotation." He answered.
Konohamaru held the balloon in his hand. In seconds, the balloon suddenly ruptured, water flying between shredded rubber.
"So you use your Chakra to break the balloon." Boruto narrowed his eyes.
"Rotation..this is to improve chakra control. Being able to manipulate chakra within your hand." Boruto spoke as he looked at his bandaged palm.
"That's exactly it." Konohamaru chuckled, scratching his nose with a finger.
"I'm impressed..." he said. He produced another water balloon, offering it to Boruto.
"You try." Konohamaru tossed the balloon into Boruto's waiting hands.
Boruto planted his feet. He held out one arm to his side as he closed his eyes.
The water balloon sat heavy in his palm. He felt the chakra within his body.. felt it begin to move.
His grandfather had taught him some basics of chakra control, more in tandem with how it actually traveled within yourself, as opposed to how efficiently it fueled your jutsu.
It is very much a different concept, one that only the Hyuga have mastered.
The voice of Hiashi rang within Boruto's head as his chakra worked within the center of his palm. He gradually began to turn the water.
"You're doing it!" Konohamaru said excitedly.
Boruto strained his brows as sweat began to fall down into his eyes.
He shot his chakra outwards-
His entire hand felt as if it had been torn open. Boruto faltered as the water balloon calmed.
I can see what Konohamaru means.. to be able to generate enough chakra to rupture the balloon isn't going to be easy. But..
Boruto's eyes flew open. He placed his free hand underneath the one that held the balloon.
He focused on the chakra network within his body. He felt it.. two opposite currents that swirled through his muscles, his bones.
Hiashi's voice returned to Boruto's mind.
You can direct chakra throughout your body. It is energy, Boruto. Feel it, just as you feel the sun and the air.
Boruto focused. He gritted his teeth as he felt himself dragging reluctant chakra into a steady spin within the balloon.
If my chakra isn't enough.. then I can try something a little more direct!
"...hah!" Boruto shouted. The water balloon began to shake as Boruto's chakra churned it from inside.
Konohamaru nearly fell over from shock.
The balloon burst..
Leaving behind sparks of electricity that seemed to ride air.
Boruto fell to one knee, gasping.
"Boruto! That was amazing!" Konohamaru excitedly rushed over to Boruto, helping him to his feet.
"To be able to use elemental jutsu to supplant your own chakra while manipulating it...it's simple at this level, but the application itself was perfect. If it was any weaker, you would've failed. Any stronger.. you would've lost your hand. " Konohamaru trailed off.
"With that said.. it gets a lot more difficult from here. I can guarantee you that."
DELTA SNIFFED at the air.
Boro's temple stunk. The smell of rotting flesh filled Delta's nose. She ignored it as she walked, guarded to her left by her upper, Soejima Komeyo.
The man was tanned, handsome with a laughing face. Jet black hair was tied into a zigzagging ponytail behind his head, while eyes so slanted they seemed shut playfully gazed ahead. He wore a robe painted in a menagerie of colorful birds, while a murmuring human head dangled from a chain wrapped around his right hand.
They both walked across the Temple's outside courtyard, a long line of statues gracing either side of them.
The statues were in various positions- but all of them seemed to devour their own flesh.
Delta scrunched her nose at the brutality of Boro's religion- even more so than the smell of the human sacrifices, found left in pits beside the looming figures.
A massive door waited beyond two sets of stairs. They continued.
Delta raised the key given to her by Code, and in seconds the stone doorway slid into the bowels of the temple, allowing Delta and Soejima entry.
Fires lined darkened halls...but Delta wasn't here to pour over sacred text.
Soejima led the way as they entered chamber after chamber, their footsteps echoing throughout the crypt-like maze. Finally...
Soejima stopped before a door that was guarded only by two torches that rested on either side.
"She's here. Yes.. I can feel Amado's jutsu." He whispered with a peculiar, snakelike tone.
Delta again raised the key.
The door slid underneath a rustle of ancient stone..
The room was carved with sealing jutsu. Rope lined with tape seals snaked from the ceiling down to the stone floor. A sphere of oil rolled constantly, dripping tears of black blood as rope constricted around it.
Delta frowned.. but again, lifted the key.
The sphere of oil instantly fell onto the ground, black ink flying for Delta's face. Soejima's chains rattled as he swung the whispering head in a circling arc, allowing it to greedily devour the oil.
Delta lowered her head, regarding the being before her with both caution and curiosity.
A figure, feminine, stood with arms taught in a rigid stance.
She had square cut bangs, blonde in color, while the rest of her hair fell down to the back of her waist. Her skin was dark, the color of wood, while her eyes were a bright, pale blue.
On her forehead a swirling pattern was found, seemingly carved into her flesh.
Despite this, she had an.. almost friendly appearance, welcoming and beautiful.
Botashirin Zhenjin.
"... can you hear me, Botashirin?" Delta ventured.
If necessary, the Seal should work on her now. Though, like most of Delta's abilities, it's usage came at a risk. Delta was powerful.. However, she was unable to infuse chakra. Meaning the chakra she had carried a finite limit before needing to be replaced.
The seal, in a way, was more effective as a psychological tool. But would something like this work on a monster like Botashirin..?
"You..." Botashirin began. Her stance relaxed as she wobbled on her feet.
"Do.. you know who I am?" Delta asked.
Botashirin wiped away black oil that clung to her face. She cocked her head sideways as she regarded Delta with an unfamiliar gaze.
"A..Ada.. you.. you came back.." Botashirin stammered.
Despite herself, Delta laughed in genuine surprise.
"Ada?!" She cackled.
Ada was another failed vessel.. as the inheritor of Jigen's emotion and sight, she lacked overall combat ability. However, Delta knew Ada was dangerous.
Perhaps the most dangerous one of them all.
She wasn't surprised Jigen himself imprisoned her.
Botashirin's questioning murmur brought Delta back to the present.
"Yes- it's you, isn't it, Ada?" Botashirin lurched forward-
The vessel vanished.
Delta's eyes widened as she felt a kiss of air beside her.
She's right beside me- she moved this fast with just physical strength!
Soejima gasped in surprise-
"Don't move, Soejima!" Delta ordered. The man stilled as silence filled the tomb.
Botashirin played with Delta's hair as she circled the blonde woman, appraising her appearance.
Delta followed Botashirin's gaze..
Her awareness is slowly coming back. The confusion in her eyes.. it's fading..
"Yes.. Yes- it has to be you!" Botashirin exclaimed. Her speech was noticeably clearer. The vessel stepped backward.
"If it's not you.. then why have I suffered so long.. only to be brought back into this world? I was.. content with the pain.." Botashirin's face cracked into a smile.
The vessel lifted her hand as the chamber seemed to darken.
Delta felt air rushing over her skin. She could hear Soejima's robes softly fluttering behind her-
Killing intent snaked throughout the air. Delta.. she felt as if she could see it. It was a curling, dragon-like chakra that twisted about Botashirin, rippling in the air as if an echo itself.
"You are Ada. Only you could free me. Only you would." Botashirin spoke flatly as her blue eyes seemed to glow from behind a veil of cackling chakra.
Delta swallowed harshly.
"I am Ada," Delta smiled, walking towards Botashirin. Delta slowly opened her arms as she approached.
"I am here for you, Botashirin. I love you."
Botashirin's eyes were unreadable. Delta stopped just short of the vessel.
"You have to be." Botashirin replied eerily.
Delta faltered, but kept her smile.
"Hug me. You'll remember, Bota." Delta cooed.
This seemed to move the vessel- Botashirin's eyes softened. She entered Delta's embrace.
"It is you." Botashirin whispered.
Delta could feel tears wetting her tunic.
"It is." Delta assured, holding Botashirin closer as the vessel silently wept.
She had already sent her outer ahead to Kirigakure. Now, she herself was prepared.
I'm ready for you, Fifth Hokage!
RAIN FELL HEAVILY, flashes of lighting illuminating windows that lined a curling hallway. A small collection of houses were able to be discerned with each strike, before vanishing into darkness once more.
Shizune ran ahead, flanked by two Kiri-nin. Shouts filled the building as loud snaps bounced between walls.
"Is it Nagayasu's forces again?" Shizune snapped her eyes to the kunoichi beside her.
"No.. the reports-" The woman froze.
Shizune herself stopped, sensing someone approaching from a room ahead.
Alarms instantly went off in Shizune's head-
This chakra..!
More screams. Then, a crash.
The door ahead flew open- with a headless, armless body flying behind it.
The body slid across the smooth hallway floor as the rain continued to beat upon the windows outside.
The cuts on the body.. they were clean- too clean to have been done by a blade.
It was then she saw him.
A man casually walked through the now broken door frame. Behind him, Shizune could make out the faint crumple of bodies in the darkness.
He was thin, youthful and pale skinned. His hair was a bright yellow, slicked back save for two bangs that fell over thick brown brows and green eyes.
He wore a sleeveless black tunic that fit tightly over his chest, while his legs were dressed in simple flared trousers that cuffed into onyx divided-toe boots.
"Ah.." he began.
"You two- you need to ru-" Shizune began.
She stopped mid sentence, senses forcing her to the floor-
She rolled backwards as a visible prism of chakra cut through the air.
The two kiri-nin were bisected instantly, blood spraying across Shizune's face.
What jutsu is this..?!
"You're more skilled than the rest. You can see them, can't you?" The man smiled.
"Who are you..? You're not of Kirigakure." Shizune said steely.
This man is strong.
He ignored her, raising his hands before pressing them together- one hand facing Shizune, the other pointed upwards.
"Perceiving them isn't that special. Most nin above jonin can. This just means you'll see your own death coming."
The man smiled.
"My name is Sou Akki," he introduced politely.
Between the shape created by his hands, chakra glowed- until it shot out for Shizune, expanding in size as it snapped through the air.
Shizune dodged again, leaping upwards-
A disc of chakra effortlessly cut through Shizune's left wrist. She screamed in pain, gritting her teeth as she threw herself to the adjacent wall.
Shizune flipped herself upwards, narrowly dodging another prism of lethal chakra as it dissipated against the wall.
She focused her chakra and her breathing.
Tsunade's teaching allowed her to stop the bleeding, righting herself while the man simply watched with a slight smile.
"Yes, I wonder how long you'll last."
The man spread his fingers as if he was about to catch something thrown to him. He then interlocked them, forming a cage that he lifted before green eyes.
"You know what happens next, don't you?" He asked.
Shizune steadied herself. She raised her remaining hand into a jutsu sign.
She had no other option. She had to fight.. no, had to survive. For Tsunade. For Konoha.
"Ho..?" Sou chuckled.
"I suppose...you want to entertain me!"
Shizune charged, light filling her eyes as Sou's chakra exploded into existence.
NEXT TIME: Nagayasu Hoshigaki-Dread of the Mist!
KAKASHI grinned underneath his mask, eyes closed into thin slits.
"Ah, Lady Tsunade," Kakashi spoke with a happy but quiet politeness, bowing towards the fifth hokage who was seated before him.
Tsunade smiled, brown eyes shadowed underneath blonde bangs.
"You arrived faster than I expected." She said, seated at a table covered in hastily scribed intel.
Kakashi found himself in Tsunade's medical center, a joint project between Kirigakure and Konoha. However.. Now it had become a sort of headquarters, a central operations unit dedicated to retaining the order of Chojūrō's government.
"Naruto sent us immediately." Kakashi answered as he lifted his head.
"I'm having Mugino and Moegi patrol the current borders under Chōjūrō's control. I know that this.. Nagayasu Hoshigaki has been launching intermittent attacks. Turning villages against their own Kage." Kakashi folded his arms across a green flak jacket.
"Based on what I saw on the way here.. I understand that there's more to it than that." Kakashi said quietly.
Tsunade offered him nothing but a bitter smirk, closing her eyes as she looked away almost in shame.
"You're perceptive, Kakashi." Tsunade said somberly, resting a finger on the corner of her forehead as she slouched to the right of her desk.
"Nagayasu is powerful. He's smart, too. Very resourceful." Tsunade met Kakashi's eyes then.
"I'm sure you've seen it. How empty the markets are. How no people walk the streets. Nagayasu's attacks.. they're concentrated on Kirigakure's trade routes. He starves out sections of the land until local clans swear fealty to him." Tsunade spoke as she straightened herself, leaning forward while long hair brushed against the table underneath her.
"So his forces are formidable as well." Kakashi said.
Tsunade nodded.
"They're stronger than many of the Kirigakure nin who still serve Chōjūrō. Nagayasu has attracted powerful clans within the Mist.. clans that want more. More control."
Kakashi chuckled.
"Clans that want to be free of Konoha's passive leadership." He added.
The peace that Naruto brought us.. was it foolish to assume it would last forever?
Tsunade smiled weakly.
The Fifth Hokage then folded both of her hands together, before resting a pointed chin on her makeshift throne.
"I sent Shizune to the northern districts. Nagayasu's rogue nin are making headway there. Cutting off our supply lines. It's a crucial village.. losing it would leave the rest of Kirigakure open to Nagayasu's encroachment."
Tsunade's face seemed to falter slightly.
Kakashi narrowed his eyes.
"What's happened, Tsunade?" Kakashi asked.
Again, Tsunade gifted a slack, defeated smile.
"I haven't heard back from her in about ten hours. We've sent encoded chakra messages that should have been intercepted by the sensory nin under her. I.. trust Shizune. With my life. But this silence isn't like her. I fear the worst, Kakashi." Tsunade said.
"Then the northern districts should be our first priority. We'll see what's going on there." Kakashi nodded.
"And- We'll come back with Shizune. That's a promise, Tsunade." Kakashi looked away from Tsunade as a single tear fled from her eye.
"Please.. Kakashi!" She clasped her hands together, bowing her head towards him as more tears stained her countenance.
Kakashi glared ahead, a hidden grimace forming at the corners of his mouth.
It never ends.. this pain. No matter how old you get.. no matter what you survive.
Kakashi's gaze softened.
"We won't fail you."
"COME NOW! That can't be all you can do, right?" Sou Akki's voice bellowed down darkened halls.
Shizune turned mid-run, narrowly dodging a triangle of pink chakra that cut bits of her hair as it passed.
Blood crept from numerous wounds- some superficial..
Some serious.
Pain racked Shizune's body as she moved, skipping backwards while Sou gained on her with casual speed.
"You've been fighting rather defensively!" Sou grinned. He ran forward-
Shizune suddenly pounced on Sou, slashing her remaining hand at his neck. He chuckled, sidestepping the blow, spinning to her exposed flank.
"You've barely used any jutsu.." Sou hissed.
Shizune's senses screamed.
Three crescents of chakra sprung from Sou's hand, hidden behind the curve of his waist.
Shizune tapped into her chakra, forcing her body to move faster than her muscles would allow. Her shadow danced backwards, before breaking into a nearby doorway.
"I can't believe you're fighting like this. I've been holding back as well.. of course. But from how you're dodging, it's clear you have more to offer." Sou's voice trailed Shizune as she rushed through a wide assembly area. Circular walls surrounded her, while deeply bloodstained floors splashed with every step.
Corpses were spread about the room. Ruined door frames bled to further halls ahead, which in turn lead to the entrances of the structure.
Now that I'm here.. I can go all out- I need to wound him as much as I can, then try to escape!
Shizune spun, blood spraying across her legs.
Sou playfully splashed towards her.
"I see! So, that's your plan!" Sou grinned.
Shizune offered a sinister smirk.
"I hope I don't disappoint you." Shizune replied.
Sou frowned in slight concern-
Shizune's remaining hand snapped in the air as she formed jutsu signs with deadly speed and accuracy.
"Ninja Art: Recirculation!" Shizune said, chakra forming at the base of her fingers. She tapped into her built up reserves, sprinting for Sou.
His expression changed again- genuine concern on his face.
That's right- I've been holding back my physical speed as well!
Shizune raced for Sou, dancing to the left and right as prisms of chakra hurtled for her legs and arms.
It's working- he was holding back, but now he's not used to my movement!
Shizune was upon Sou- a wall of blood splashed between them as Sou desperately kicked ahead.
Shizune crouched downwards as she ran, clasping Sou's falling leg as her chakra pulsed into his veins.
Sou gasped, coughing up red gore. He gave Shizune a wild, confused look. To Shizune's surprise, Sou immediately recovered with a rounding double kick- sending her rolling backwards through shallow blood.
Shizune hit the chamber wall with an echoing crash. Sou advanced-
Before wavering on his feet.
He gripped his right eye, blood pouring between gloved fingers.
"It.. it hurts!" Sou shouted.
He moved his free arm to attack-
It suddenly went limp.
Sou screamed in equal parts fear and frustration.
Medical nin are often thought of as only healers, weak and unseasoned ninja unsuited for the heat of battle!
Shizune swirled for Sou as he staggered backwards.
But it is our knowledge of healing, our knowledge of the body that makes us the perfect warrior!
Shizune angled herself for Sou's wavering back-
She again flipped her fingers into jutsu signs.
Ninja Art: Severing vein!
A scalpel of chakra spun from Shizune's finger tips. It caught onto Sou's neck-
Shizune pulled her hand backwards as Sou's muscles began to tear free.
Two arrows of pink chakra shot from above. One of them cut Shizune's line, while the other spun for her forehead.
She jumped to the right as Sou's attacks dissipated into the blood below them.
A shadow clone- above!
Shizune somersault backwards.
Sou's shadow clone landed directly before her, advancing with a series of attacks that forced her backwards.
I meant to kill him.. but he's wounded now!
Shizune accepted a sundering punch to the stomach, grasping the clone's arm before throwing it to the ground. She then zipped a poison needle into its neck, causing it to explode in a cloud of white smoke while the real Sou cackled.
"I.. underestimated you- that's for sure! But.. I did tell you I was holding back, didn't I?" Sou began to straighten.
My recirculation jutsu should have redirected his bloodstream- affecting his movement and perception.. but it looks like he's beginning to counter it somehow!
Sou threw his head upwards, two steady streams of blood riveting from both of his eyes.
"What a nasty jutsu.. I've had to use my chakra to forcibly move my blood to the right places. I'm not surprised Nagayasu wants you dead."
Shizune narrowed her gaze. She fluttered her fingers, poison darts suddenly appearing between each of them.
"So you are working for Hoshigaki."
Sou offered Shizune a bloodied smile.
"Not yet. That's what you're for." Sou formed a jutsu sign.
"Gas Release: Shatter Reel."
Light suddenly erupted from underneath Sou as his chakra spiked to new heights.
Gas release?! So is that how he's making those shapes? Controlling the gas- the atoms in the air and forming them into tangible figures with chakra?!
A snaking,whiplike laser of chakra slashed for Shizune, sizzling the pool of blood as it raced above it.
Shizune jumped midair- twirling her body as Sou's chakra spun around her. She narrowly evaded, feeling the bite of his attack as it singed her skin.
His attacks are stronger now- I couldn't feel the heat from them before!
A piercing sound smashed into Shizune's eardrums as blinding light burned into her eyes.
She felt herself being punctured by sharp objects- dozens of them cutting through her stomach, arms, and legs.
Shizune fell to the ground. She could see nothing but blackness as horrific pain curled from the tip of her head to the point of her toes.
She heard the sound of Sou's boots as they sloshed through a now growing pool of shallow blood.
"Most people fall for that one.. sadly." Sou's voice seemed almost faraway to Shizune.
She felt herself being lifted by the hair.
If he can control gas.. he must've exploded the whip as it fell around me. Creating an explosion that turned particles in the air itself into glass spears..
Shizune smiled.
"Oh..? Perhaps you will find peace then." Sou said.
Shizune formed jutsu signs at her side.
Creation Rebirth: Mitotic regeneration!
Shizune's vision exploded as chakra plumed all around her. Sou released his grip in surprise-
Shizune curled her hand into a fist, punching him square in the jaw. Sou gasped in surprise, falling backwards. Shizune continued her assault, falling to the bloody floor and kicking her legs across Sou's own.
The man tumbled onto his back-
Speed is the key! I need to overwhelm him!
Shizune's wounds were healing.. but she hadn't fully mastered the creation rebirth technique yet.
Using it in this incomplete state meant that not only would it use up all of her chakra.. but the wounds that were healed will reopen.
I don't have much time- I need to kill him now!
Shizune pounced at Sou, flashing three poison darts for his body. He hopped away, dodging her attack as he spun on his feet.
He moved-
But staggered.
My re-circulation jutsu.. it must still be affecting him!
Sou's movements became slower. He formed a jutsu sign- only for one of his arms to go fully limp.
Shizune rushed for him.
I'll have to stop his heart-
Her remaining hand signed as she flashed ahead, rounding on Sou.
Ninja Art: Rending Pulse!
Shizune cracked into dwindling chakra.
This will.. have to be it-
Shizune felt the numerous wounds on her body beginning to tear open as the Rebirth Jutsu wore off. She allowed the healing to slow, instead fueling the cells in her muscles, her bones, to their absolute limit.
Her image exploded in a blink of sound and speed. She hurtled for Sou, hand primed for his chest as he attempted to evade.
It's ove-
Suddenly, Sou weaved effortlessly out of the way as Shizune's palm struck a bloody pool where he had stood.
He spun around her, firing a square of chakra directly through Shizune's chest. She fell forwards-
Before exploding in a cloud of smoke.
Sou's eyes widened in surprise-
Shizune appeared behind him.
I figured there was a chance he was faking his condition.. which is why I used a shadow clone substitution! Now.. you're mi-
Shizune's thoughts were cut short as a disc of chakra erupted from Sou's own body, blood training behind it.
It cut through Shizune's stomach as she gagged, coughing up organs intermixed with blood. Shizune's upper body fell forward, her weight resting on her chin. She tried to move her arm.. but it slowly became far too heavy.
She could still hear, but she couldn't see.
Tears stung at her eyes.
Shizune thought of Tsunade.
Then, she died.
SOU fell over, coughing up blood. He screamed in pain, cusping his selfmade wound as he pressed superheated gas onto it, sealing his skin back together.
She pushed me to my limit.
Sou frowned.
No, that's not true. I barely used any of my abilities.
Sou flexed his hand, glove still covered with blood.
Then why..
Had Sou.. almost been defeated?
He refused to believe such a notion. He knew that there were Shinobi far stronger than he.. but there was no way this woman could push him to this state!
Sou snarled as he jumped to his feet. He stomped to the woman's upper body. Her eyes were still open, tears staining pale cheeks while black hair was slowly dirtied by blood.
Sou flexed his fingers towards the woman, before firing a prism that freed her head from
the rest of her corpse.
Now I have Nagayasu's entry free. Sou bent down to pick up the head-
Movement flashed across Sou's eyes. He followed the call of his senses, before finally his sight fell upon a young man who stood at one of the far doorways. His hair was jet black, and his neck and jaw seemed to be covered by grey bandages.
In his hands a sword was found. It was large, and forked like a serpent's tongue.
It was then Sou saw the man's forehead protector.
A kiri survivor? I thought I had killed them all. This one.. he's skilled if he's evaded me for so long. I should retreat for now.
To Sou's surprise, the man turned before vanishing into the air.
Sou spread out his senses..
Despite his wounds, he chuckled.
That kiri nin.. he truly did run! No matter. Delta's plan.. It hinges on drawing out the best Kirigakure and Konoha can muster. So go.. run to your allies.
Sou smiled as he gripped Shizune's head even tighter, causing it to drip blood.
You'll only delay the inevitable..
Naruto looked down at his daughter. Himawari's condition had stabilized, and she was healing. However..
Naruto placed his hand on Hima's forehead, goading his chakra into her own network.
I can feel it, Naruto. Sakura was right.
Kurama's voice rumbled within Naruto's head. Naruto was in Himawari's hospital room, but he was also seated on Kurama's snout in an ethereal plane, arms crossed as he furrowed his brows.
"Is there anything we can do, Kurama?" Naruto asked.
Kurama snorted.
Of course not, you fool. This is a separate entity. I'm not sure how it was formed. Perhaps it is a result of The Sage's chakra and our own. Regardless, it's not something we can control.
Naruto focused his attention on Himawari again, pulling his hand back from her forehead as sadness climbed through him.
Was it all for nothing?
"I couldn't keep you safe." Naruto said quietly as tears dripped onto Himawari's hospital blanket.
Kurama's voice bubbled into Naruto's thoughts once more.
You'll disagree.. but this world, its people.. you owe them nothing, Naruto. But her.. that girl.. you owe her everything. That chakra I felt.. It's far worse than mine. She will wake. When she does, you will need to show her how to tame it. If you don't, you'll lose her. Remember the pain you feel now so that doesn't happen.
With that, Kurama closed himself off to Naruto.
Naruto grinned.
Thank you, Kurama.
Naruto placed his hand on Himawari's head once more, before turning and leaving her presence.
As he walked, Kurama's words filled his mind.
I won't fail you again, Hima.
But as Naruto left the hospital and flashed to the Hokage's office, he wasn't so sure of his own promise.
It felt as if the world was falling around him.
Kiba's meeting had gone.. badly, to say the least.
Ultimately, Kiba was stripped of all his responsibilities, keeping his position only as a figurehead within the Inuzuka. Two jonin retainers were assigned to him, and served as Naruto's intermediaries in handling military police affairs.
His information on Shota was more grim.
Naruto remembered how hollow Kiba's voice was then.
"He was five years old during the Great Ninja War. He was the only survivor of his platoon." Kiba had said.
"Five? Why did they allow-"
"He's Inuzuka. And furthermore, a Shinobi, Naruto. You know at that age deployment isn't rare." Kiba replied.
Kiba had locked eyes with Naruto then, voice dim.
Naruto frowned as the recent memory resurfaced.
"He specializes in medical ninjutsu. Even during the war he was one of the best. Everyone in his platoon died. He roamed the battlefield.. fighting and saving those he came across.. until-"
Naruto swallowed.
"The Infinite Dream." He had said softly.
"They say it changed him. He never spoke of what he saw. Not to his friends, the people who trained him. But something always seemed off about him as he grew older. Whatever he went through at that age must have ruined him beyond hope." Kiba replied within Naruto's memory.
Naruto clenched his fist. Shota's crimes were unforgivable. Shota had promised Kiba advances in medical jutsu- instead, he killed a young girl.. a refugee.. and a member of the Chinoike clan. They were thought to be extinct.
Due to her dojutsu, Kiba had kept her safe, but secret. He felt he could somehow use her power to increase the prestige of the Inuzuka.. using military police headquarters as a de-facto laboratory.
Then.. he searched amongst his clan for skilled medical shinobi.. an already rare skill rarer amongst the Inuzuka.
And that is how Shota gained access to the girl.
Naruto shut his eyes as the horrific image Kiba described slithered into his mind.
His ninken.. he has two. A rare trait amongst us.
One of them is large. Wolfish and black. It has a third eye. That's Shitai.
The other one.. is where the girl is.
He somehow fused her body into this ninken. He can control her movements- and by extension, her kekkei genkai. The girl's upper body is stitched to its back, leaning forward from a bed of white fur, arms and all.
That one is Junban.
Chills crept through Naruto's skin.
To think such atrocities were committed within Konoha..
Kiba's one defense of his actions did stay with Naruto.
You pardoned not only Sasuke, But Orochimaru. Sure, he's under guard, but he has full access to his facilities and operations.
Is what I did any different? Is what Shota did more evil than the crimes Orochimaru committed?
Naruto furrowed his brows, planting his head into his hands.
Everything.. is so complex. Everything I do to keep this fragile peace seems to be at a breaking point.
Despite his grim musings, Naruto did find himself smiling at something.
He hadn't seen Boruto more than briefly in a few days.. he was worried, but he knew that Boruto was dealing with Himawari's injuries in his own way. He wanted to give him space.
However, he learned Boruto had actually been training.
Naruto's grin grew bolder.
Boruto's trying to learn the Rasengan. He was able to burst the water balloon in a few minutes!
Konohamaru had reported this earlier.
The pride in Konohamaru's voice then was palpable. Naruto felt it too, finding himself looking at Minato's portrait as he began to open various reports.
You're really a lot like him... Boruto.
It was then Sai burst into Naruto's office. His face seemed paler than-
Naruto stood up as alarm filled his senses.
"O-Orochimaru?!" Naruto raised his arms in defensive surprise as Orochimaru offered nothing more but a hissing laugh. He didn't move from his subservient position beside Sai, but Naruto knew that Orochimaru was brimming with more chakra than ever before.
He's improved his body technique, that's for sure.
Naruto's eyes narrowed as his surprise subsided. Despite Orochimaru's strength, he displayed an almost benign aura, unassuming if you weren't already aware of his notoriety.
0 notes
caillteloveart · 6 years
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Saori Hayami and her Voice in Anime
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
Judai one-shot 3: Clever Title Here.
So here it is, the response/gift/whathaveyou to The End of Takatou Iori as you wrote. This took entirely too long to write. I hope you like it, and that it makes sense character wise. Anyway, on with the show!
The journey from the smugglers den to the nearest friendly outpost was undertaken in awkward, and slow, silence.
Takatou Iori, now Mikazuki Sachi, still disbelieving over her changed fortunes kept an almost sullen silence, broken only to answer yes/no to any questions posed by Judai. Of course, as things are normally between former enemies (unless your name is Uzumaki Naruto) trouble soon reared its ugly head.
  The first night together, Judai made a small campfire to keep them warm and heat their meager rations.
Poking the fire with a stick to stoke it, Judai thought on the future. For all that he had promised Mikazuki Sachi a new home in Konoha, he knew that deep down there lived still the Suna kunoichi Takatou Iori, the woman who had arranged for his kidnapping just to avenge a dead man.
Hearing the rustling of cloth Judai looked up, only to see his traveling companion stand in front of the small fire, the tanto he had used in their fight in her hands. “What are you doing? Put that down.” He said, sternly but not unfriendly. At first it seemed as if she had not heard him, her unnerving stare fixed on the weapon which had defeated her.
“Mikazuki-san?” He tried again, rising to his feet. In response, she twitched, as if aborting an action of some sort, before speaking quietly “If, as you say, I am to become someone new… I cannot look the same as I did before. Wouldn’t you agree, Hero?” with those words she brought her hand up to her long hair, grabbing a fistful roughly before using the tanto to cut it.
“With this sacrifice, Takatou Iori, is no more.” with those words she threw the bundle of hair into the fire, thick cloying smoke billowing forth for a second as it burned. Throwing the tanto away carelessly, she retook her seat and returned to her sullen silence. Judai stared in disbelief before muttering about how she shouldn’t worry people like that in the future, to which he received an almost imperceptible nod.
  On the third day of their journey, they ran into a Konoho patrol, headed by Hatake Sakumo, much to the consternation of Sachi who was not at all prepared to meet another legend, much less one who was so credited with Konoha’s victory in the war.
“Judai! There you are! We’ve been looking all over for you, you’ve been gone for five days!” Sakumo said as he landed near silently in front of them, his team taking up supporting spots in the vicinity.
Sachi, slightly startled, gripped the back of Judai’s shirt for some amount of security, much to Judai’s amusement, though he hid it well.
“Ah, it is good to see you, Sakumo-sempai. The last couple of days have been… Tiring, to say the least.” Judai said in response, thinking fast on what to say.
“What happened to you anyway? All Hikari-san could tell us was that this guy showed up with a nice import deal before abruptly spiriting you away right then and there.” Sakumo said, eyeing Sachi curiously, who refused to look at anything except the fistful of shirt she held onto.
“Ah, well, turns out the guy in question was called The Broker, or something to that effect. Apparently he’d been hired to get me out of Konoha, in order to be killed by some vengeful Suna nin. Not that surprising, when you think about it.” Judai said, silently praying Sakumo wouldn’t delve further into the whole sordid tale.
“I see. And who is this young lady?” Sakumo said after a couple of seconds silence.
“Mikazuki Sachi, another victim of The Broker’s, as it turns out.” Judai said, inwardly pleased by the reaction he got from Sachi as he spun his tale as best he could. “She managed to distract the guards long enough for me to get us out. As she’s got nowhere to go I’ve offered her a place in Konoha, as thanks for helping out.”
Sakumo and his fellow shinobi stared in silence for a brief moment before relaxing.
“Well, Konoha is always welcoming of newcomers. I’m Hatake Sakumo, though I’m sure you already knew that. These two are Uchiha Sanosuke and Kurama Kumanoi.” Sakumo said, gesturing to his compatriots with a friendly grin. Said grin faltered slightly when Sachi said nothing, only tightening her hands in Judai’s shirt.
“Don’t talk much, do you?” He said with a good-natured shrug. “Let’s get you back home, Judai, Mikazuki-san.”
  The rest of the journey proceeded much more rapidly after that, even with Sachi’s growing unease over being in the presence of the famed White Fang himself, and they soon found themselves within easy reach of Konoha’s great gates.
And, to Judai’s eternal happiness the familiar figure of Hoshino Hikari was clearly visible waiting anxiously for his return. In the following Glomp he recieved he almost forgot about Sachi entirely before Hikari asked who the lost-looking young lady was.
After giving a brief recap of his tale he muttered a quiet, tell you the rest later, receiving a suspicious look in return.
Later that day, when things had calmed down, Judai did indeed tell Hikari the rest. The scolding they both received from Hikari was the stuff of legends, him because he’d invited a VERY former enemy into their home, and her for trying to kill Judai in the first place.
Such was the epicness of the scolding that Sachi was reduced to silent tears as she did her best to hide behind Judai, though once she’d calmed down Hikari did welcome her to Konoha, making her feel a little better.
After being shown her new room, Mikazuki Sachi collapsed into a boneless heap on the only bed, too tired to deal with… Everything, the disbelief over being accepted by Hikari even after everything she’d done sapping all her strength and then some.
When Sachi did finally fall asleep, Hikari and Judai had a long discussion, though Sachi never did find out what was said there.
  Over ther following couple of days Sachi silently did her best to acclimate to her new situation, helping out when allowed and staying out of the way at all other times, simply observing. It wasn’t until the ninth day as a freeloader that Sachi finally braved her thoughts to Hikari and Judai about what she could do to properly help out.
“You want to… Tend the bar? Is that it, Sachi-san?” Judai said in slight disbelief. Receiving a determined, and silent, nod in return he continued “Do you even know the first thing about bar tending?”
“Yes. Serve drinks, keep glasses and the countertop clean, mix as requested, listen to drunken louts complain about issues. Stay away from the café proper. Mixing a drink cannot be that much harder than mixing a poison, and you already know I’m capable of doing that.” She said quietly, Hikari gave an amused smirk at the mention of drunken louts, but did otherwise not react.
Seeing the slight scepticism on Judai’s face Sachi continued quietly “At least give me a chance. I want to help, and I am no good anywhere else.” Judai soon caved, agreeing to a trail run.
Over the next several weeks, there were ups and there were downs on the scene of bar tending, though there was only one major accident, and soon enough things were settling nicely. Soon, weeks turned to months, and eventually flowed into a year. Then two. On the third year of Mikazuki Sachi’s stay with the Hoshino’s, she moved out of her room and into her own little apartment nearby, catching the eye of one of her neighbors in the process. But that is another story.
Some time after Mikazuki Sachi moved out, Hikari and Judai took the next step on the road of adulthood, culminating in the birth of Hoshino Tomoko.
The moment Mikazuki Sachi was allowed to hold the little bundle of joy, she promised herself to never allow anything to happen to Tomoko, as her own little way of atoning for the whole revenge ordeal.
Her index finger held in an iron grip by a small hand, Mikazuki Sachi had only one thing to say. “She’s tiny…” causing amused eye rolls from both Judai and Hikari for stating the obvious.
With the added presence of Sachi, things were a little less hectic than they might have otherwise been, though it helped that Tomoko was a well behaved child, for the most part.
  End Part 3.
Thank you for the submission, Chief. Wasn’t expecting another part to Sachi’s story, but it’s good to see when my mind is still fuzzy from food-poisoning-recovery. 
Gonna have to see if I have the energy to follow up to this later. Thankie, though, Chief. Thankie. It was a good read. 
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starbooms · 5 years
"makkun !" sachi chimes once he answers his door, grinning brightly in greeting. "i'm here ! as you can see, hehe," silly thing to say, sachi . . . "u - uh , i'm excited to meet your plants. are they in your room ?" she gives the body of the huge bag that was slung over her shoulder a good WHACK. "i brought treats! to eat! y-yeah!" /2 plant lovin bbys
this . . . is the first time anyone beside iruka has seen his room . most importantly ! this is the first time a GIRL has been in his room . is he sweating ? can she tell he’s sweating ? wait , shit . she’s talking to him . play it cool , uzumaki ! 
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“ haha , yup ! ” his voice lifts at the end , forming a nice squeak that makes his ears burn once it’s alll said and done . dammit uzumaki you had ONE JOB . he ducks his head and opens the door to his small , one room apartment . covered with plants and minimal furniture with not so minimal mess . but it was home !
“ sorry , i was gonna clean and then - lost track of time but ! you can , leave the snacks on the kitchen table over there . we can eat first if you’re hungry - ” end him . 
/ plant bbies ~ @aestheir
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dawnrosheen · 6 years
A typical Borusara date
Boruto: You know, If we had a daughter I would like her to have your hair and my personality.
Sarada: Wait, what?
Boruto: And my eyes too. After all you like them a lot, isn't it?
Sarada: What the heck...?
Boruto: Or am I lying?
Sarada:... Well,  I... I like them.
Boruto: You see? Then we'll call her Sachi!
Sarada: Sachi?
Boruto: Yep!  The next his mame stars with the letter B 'ttebasa!
Sarada: For once I say yes to go out, and you already plan a whole family?!
Boruto: And why not? I told that I'll stay by your side. Always...
Sarada: Awww, Boruto...
Naruto: Let them enjoy their date! You don't see that Sarada is very happy?
Sasuke: You said that 'cause it's not your daughter who will be deflowered!
Naruto: Calm down,  man! It's just a childhood crush!
Sasuke: The same I think about Sakura, and now she's married with me!
Naruto:.. Oh damn it! Boruto, run for your life!
Sarada: Nanadaime, you do not plan to help Boruto?
Naruto: Not at all. My father-in-law also chased me throughout the village when I asked for Hinata's hand. I want him to suffer too.
Boru + Sara = Sachi Uzumaki-Uchiha
(A kind of doodle that I did yesterday in my break 😅)
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If you like it, please check out more of my content. I also make BS fanarts :'3
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luckychi7 · 1 year
Sachiko Uzumaki has been a character that’s been very dear to me since I did that character design and of course her backstory has been a huge motivation factor for me in wanting to explore more for her character arc and journey as a full fledged kunoichi in the world of Naruto almost fifteen years since the events of the Four Great Ninja War.   
Of course, kick started her story with the first chapter of the story known as The Tale of Sachiko Uzumaki in Spring 2021 as  a little inspiration I had gotten from Kaika Saisei  written by one of my oldest & dearest friends @chattegeorgiana.  However, that was also the early stages of when things were rather somber for me and my motivation factor was at an all time low for nearly two years on writing. Every now and then, I looked back on Sachi’s character design and re-read the first chapter and just feeling that inspiration to “KEEP MOVING FORWARD!”    
I do wanna preface by saying this, the storyline I had planned for Sachiko beyond the first chapter has not changed. In fact, I feel more motivated than I ever have before to share the rest of her story with you guys.  Which begs the question,  when will it finally continue?  
July 10th 2023  < -  there’s a specific reason why I picked  that date and I’m sure somebody is gonna figure it out.  
To also celebrate this return date announcement, I have also launched an official twitter page for The Tale of Sachiko Uzumaki.  
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luckychi7 · 11 months
Update: Tale of Sachiko Uzumaki Chapter 2 Pushed to Sat. July 15
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Originally I had the chapter set to drop on Monday July 10 2023, but I pushed the date back to Saturday July 15 because I wanted to dedicate more time on revising. 
However,  the image shown above is a tease as to what Chapter 2 will be centered around. 
Tagline: A Clash between Twins 
Special thanks to @pumiih​ for allowing me to use their character design of Shina for this tease in Sachi’s story!    
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luckychi7 · 2 years
UPDATE: The Tale of Sachiko Fanfic, and Some Personal Grief...
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It’s crazy to think I have gone a full year since debuting the Tale of Sachiko Uzumaki Chapter 1 in 2021 which honestly was supposed to kick start the adventures of my NaruSaku OC child - Sachiko (Sachi) Uzumaki, and there is a a lot I have planned for her character arc and her journey. 
What Exactly Happened? 
Shortly after the first chapter, I went through a stage of grief when Attack on Titan’s manga finale came out on April 9th and I was severely disappointed. That led to me losing my writing mojo due to my long investment with Attack on Titan, and I wasn’t sure how I wanted to keep moving forward.   
On top of that, I had a seizure shortly after Memorial Day last year so I needed to spend some time resting my thoughts for that entire summer.  The results of my certification exam didn’t exactly left me in the best spot either when the end of July came. 
Some time after during the month of October just when I thought I was ready finally get back to working on Sachi’s story again with Chapter 2  I got the news that my grandma fell and was admitted for a week before she passed away. This was a loss I simply couldn’t get over, and it didn’t help that I got into a wreck towards the end of November.  
This was also during the same time when I was about get surgery done the day before Thanksgiving 2021.  That process was initially supposed to last a couple weeks, but slowly it transitioned into a month to 3 & 1/2 months.  
Transitional Phase... 
I already covered this in my most recent update video that during that process my views on shipping wavered from NaruSaku to NaruHina,... Which my approach on that transition is something I very much still regret, and it cost me to lose some genuine connections with people I really came to care about in the NaruSaku community. One of my very good friends who I still consider dear and very close to me felt hurt & betrayed about the things I said. All it took was one stupid decision I made, and even that feels like the biggest understatement to say even now. I know better than anyone that this also probably cost me a very dear and meaningful friendship I’ve made with her as well as others just under a month ago.  
 I say this because reading their story is the thing that inspired  me to share the story of Sachiko Uzumaki.  A character I’ve only ever had  a rough idea and character design as to who she is before I made the decision  to really flesh out her character arc from start to finish. Whenever it comes to me and writing a story it’s because it comes straight from the heart. It is never with the intention of gaining attraction or views. That is one of the biggest things I hate most is when people are writing something for the sake of attention. Anyway, knowing that I hurt and betrayed the one person who gave me the motivation I needed was what really left me shattered from deep within.
Post-Transitional Phase...
Outside of this situation, Things have only gotten worse on my end of things IRL because my eldest uncle (dad’s older brother) has been suffering through Stage 4 Lung cancer for over a 1 year and 5 months. Things have been rather slow and steady when it comes to his condition, and I have done everything I can to be supportive of my older cousin (whom I consider to be my big brother.)  ever since I heard the news.  Up until this last monday June 20th when my family and I found out his conditions has significantly worsened from before, and that he doesn’t have a lot of time left to live anymore. 
I have done so much to hold up a strong front for my big brother and that was something my uncle very much noticed. So he had asked me to come over and he held my hand telling me, "I want you spend one day to yourself and have fun tomorrow and just rest for a day. Come see me again on Saturday for the early fireworks and I want you to make that a promise.  Otherwise I won't say anything if come back tomorrow." 
That’s when I told him,  “Don’t worry  I will just take it easy and get some rest until then.”   
I didn’t get a chance to see him that Saturday because the following day my dad ended up getting COVID, and I’ve been taking care of him to make sure he’s doing well. Thankfully my dad’s condition is getting better, but I make it an effort to call my big brother to see how things are going, and from what my brother told me my uncle’s pain has gotten worse.   
I had already been left myself nearly balling when I went home the night after I talked with my uncle in person, but hearing his condition worse left me feeling far more in sorrow then I thought I was in before....
What do I need to do?  
NEW PATH: The Seeds That Will Sow to Inner Healing 
There was a lot I’ve mentioned when it comes to my whole transition phase of the decisions I’ve made,  and I just wanted to finally makes things as clear as I can towards one of the closest friends I’ve hurt and betrayed in the NaruSaku Community.   I’m not asking this close friend of mine to feel sorry for what I did because it was a stupid decision that I made, and it’s something I’ve already acknowledged.  I just want them to truly know and understand that I would like to reforge this trust and bond I had with them over these last 9 years, and I’m willing to wait no matter how long it takes that to happen. 
When it comes to the situation with my uncle,  I know what lies ahead, and the only thing can continue to do is try and stay strong as I’ve been doing. Whatever sorrows and grief that I’ll be feeling I just have to accept for what happens when it finally arrives. All I know is I’m not ready to say goodbye... There’s just so much more I want for them...
As for The Tale of Sachiko Uzumaki Fic...??? 
At first, this was just simply going to be centered on The Tale of Sachiko Uzumaki, but there was just so much going I’ve been going through... and I just couldn’t keep it all in to myself.  It’s always best to be honest with yourself above all else, and that’s exactly what I want to do here.
I may have accepted the canon ending, and NaruHina as my OTP, but I absolutely refuse to leave Sachi’s story unfinished.  Some will say “Oh LuckyChi is just pandering to his old community... that’s why he’s doing this..”  
HELL TO THE NO I’M NOT!!!  If that’s what a lot of you are having then I suggest you to rethink about this more throughly here. That has never been my mind set at all from the very beginning as writer, and I’ve addressed that on more than one ocassion.  
I’ve been working very hard and extensively on the following chapters that have happened since the first chapter. Nothing has necessarily changed when it comes to the story,  character arcs, and themes I’ve already set for Sachiko “Sachi” Uzumaki’s journey from the very beginning.  That is something I intend to stick by until the very end. 
Having said all of this, The Tale of Sachiko Uzumaki will be making it’s come back on October 8th 2022, and it will be done in a weekly format. 
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theunrealinsomniac · 10 months
As you know, I'm not familiar with your NaruSaku kid OCs. Character and design-wise, how do you imagine them being different from the more famous fankids, Shinachiku, Hanami, and Arashi?
In fairness D, I don't think anyone other than me is actually familiar with my NS kids lol, but I gather your meaning lol.
Okay, let's be clear first and foremost cos I have run into this problem before and I don't want anyone to misunderstand me when I say something in a moment.
I have no ill will against Shinachiku, Hanami and/or Arashi. I've just been here a long time and the NS kids I came up with have been knocking around my noodle for a lot longer than Shinachiku has ever even existed. I have my own, I'm not dropping them for anyone or anything. I'm also not co-opting them and merging my characters with them either. I patently refuse.
It's rude you know?
Cool? Cool.
As for differences beyond the obvious, there's four of my kids, they look different slightly, well you'll have to tell me, I don't know too much about them outside of the bits and pieces I've gleaned from other fic and art.
I strongly suspect the biggest difference is less to do with the kids and more to do with the differences between my Naruto and the Naruto we typically see in stuff about Shina et al.
We are made who we are by the people who raise us, no matter how much we may fight against it as adults, we are the people who came out of our parents/guardians parenting. For good or ill, we are all reactions to our parents, so if my Naruto is different to everyone who writes Naruto for Shina etc ... well I'll have different kids.
I very much get a bumbling sitcom dad/fourth child vibe from Shina and his siblings' dad. And that's fine, it's a perfectly fun and popular take on how Naruto would be as an adult and parent.
I just ... disagree.
I think this comes slightly from two key differences between me and the majority of fanfic writers still knocking around in the NaruSaku sphere.
I'm a man.
I'm a father.
So I have a distinctly unique perspective on fatherhood to most of the people writing Naruto as a dad for NaruSaku. Not a better one to be clear, just a different one.
And because of this, any particular differences between Shina, Hanami and Arashi with my four kids, Sachi, Ichika, Yuuto and Akihiko ... would be kinda like comparing apples and oranges to be honest.
So what I'm going to do instead is just describe the four of them as just them. And you'll have to tell me if that's like Shina etc or not like them.
I do actually have a post where I detail my kids a bit but I was a bit lackadaisical on physical descriptions. So this post will focus on that and I will link the other post with more of their personalities here.
Now, let's start with the appearance of the eldest Uzumaki child.
Sachi Uzumaki
Sachi is our eldest, she's got pink hair a couple shades darker than her mum, eyes just a little lighter blue than her dad and her face is mostly a perfect mix of both her parents, except for the grin. She's got her dad's grin and mouth. Her hair has been all sorts of length but as she settles into teens and active ninja duty, it is cut just a little longer than Sakura's was for most of the story.
When she hits her full height she stands at 5 foot 7, has a generally toned physique like most ninja and kunoichi do with one key exception. Sachi Uzumaki's arms are jacked. Girls got guns and knows how to use them lol. Think an Olympic swimmer for reference but not quite as bulky.
As for clothes, she typically dresses for action, she's what we who grew up in the 90s and early 00s would call a tomboy. There's a general mixing of colours, Sachi is very comfortable being the centre of attention and her clothing reflects this. While she's never gone out wearing full orange or anything like her dad, she has been known to walk around wearing some of Naruto's old jackets.
She does love a good pair of combat boots, the laces normally being fluorescent colours. Sachi's go to look from about the age of fourteen was an oversized top of some primary colour, normally blue, light grey trousers like the ninja uniform and sometimes Naruto's old jacket, sometimes a black leather jacket with the Uzumaki and Haruno symbol, which Naruto and Sakura made once they got married and merged their clans, yes I like this idea too, I'm sure it's also all over the other fankids lol, she wears her headband over her forehead to keep her hair out of her face and because she won't shy away from headbutting people with it.
Ichika Uzumaki
Ichika, Ichi to the family, is Naruto and Sakura's second daughter, sometimes their second or third child depending on the story.
She typically keeps her blonde hair long, think Kushina's lengths for the most part, but the style changes from braids to long flowing locks depending on her mood. She has the same shape and shade of green eyes as Sakura and like all of her siblings, Naruto's grin and mouth. But aside from her mouth it's all Haruno all the way down, you could see Ichika from a mile away and pick her out as basically a blonde Haruno.
She's very lithe to contrast her more muscular sister, if Sachi has a swimmer's body, Ichika has a gymnast's. She's also a few inches shorter than her sister and when all four of the kids are adults, she's the shortest of the bunch at 5 foot 3.
In yet another contrast to her big sister, Ichika is decidedly more traditionally feminine in her attire, favouring pinks and baby blues in her clothing. She's also more inclined to dresses and skirts. She loves summer because it's an excuse to wear sundresses and she loves a good sundress.
It does contrast to what she wears when on mission or training, she favours more form-fitting and close clothing in that scenario and her go to ninja gear is basically the typical uniform but with leggings and turtleneck under her eventual Chunin and Jonin vests. She wears her headband like a belt buckle.
Yuuto Uzumaki
Yuuto, Yuu to the family, is their first son, normally their third child, sometimes second.
He's a dead ringer for child!Naruto. If it weren't for his hair being less spiky and more flowing, think Minato basically, and his eyes being a couple shades lighter green than Sakura's you wouldn't be able to pick out which was five year old Naruto and five year old Yuuto. It's uncanny.
That is until he hits puberty, and his hair gets longer and his face more angular and it's like looking at Minato Namikaze's face on Hokage Mountain come to life. He styles his hair differently but if Sachi is a blend of Uzumaki and Haruno and Ichika is a Haruno ... Yuuto is a Namikaze. At least in the face. Body wise he's basically the same as Naruto, muscular in an agile way with a bit more bulk than his dad and standing at a full 6 foot, the same height as his dad. I don't care if he's actually 5 foot 10 in canon, it's my world now lol.
Yuuto wears as much black as he can as well. It's actually somewhat comical to see the flash of colour at the top of him, blond hair and a dark red headband over his forehead, and then just all black. Black dress shirt open at the second button and untucked, black jeans and black boots. If it didn't suit him so well, he'd get made fun of viciously by his siblings.
He forgoes the Chunin and Jonin uniform unless he's directly ordered to or it's a formal occasion and in fairness to the boy ... it does look weird on him.
Honestly, he looks a bit like a stylish super saiyan lol.
Akihiko Uzumaki
And last but not least, Akihiko. Aki or Koko to his family, I will let you guess who calls him what, but let's just say only Sachi gets away with calling him one of them.
Anyway, Akihiko has dark pink hair, which almost darkens to a very, very light red when he hits early adulthood. He keeps it shorter than the rest of his family, not buzzcut short or anything but no longer than the bottom of his ears. It's still a mess of hair though, no sign of mousse or hair gel lol. As an older man he even grows a beard.
He's the child who most resembles Sakura facially, including the forehead. But his eyes are a glorious merge of blue and green. Honestly they're quite astounding to look at. And of course he has Naruto's mouth and that damn grin.
He's a bit shorter than his brother and father, coming in at 5 foot 11 when he stands up straight and 5 foot 10 when he slouches, which is often. And he is very lanky, he's the least muscular of his family and that actually makes him look taller than he is because of how willowy he is.
Clothing wise, I dunno how to really put it, he dresses normally? Akihiko basically dresses to blend in, he doesn't stand out and he'd really rather you didn't look at him too long. Lots of earth tones and dulled colours. His headband is the brightest thing, and he ties it around his upper left arm on a flash of pink cloth.
And that's basically it for now. I hope this was worth the wait and let me just remind everyone that my takes on Naruto and his kids are just that, mine.
I have nothing but respect for people who use Shinachiku, Hanami and Arashi as their NS kids, but maybe now you've learned a bit about mine ... you'll see why I'm so attached to them. And I hope you look forward to reading the future stories I have about my Uzumaki family.
Ta ra!
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theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
Could you give me some Narusaku family headcanons?
Oof lol. See I have a lot of stories planned for Naruto, Sakura and their family lol. Cos I mean, I'm assuming you mean them and their kids?
Okay, let's see what I can not spoil lol.
NaruSaku Family Headcanon #1: Christmas is a big thing in the Uzumaki-Haruno household.
They go all out, even before the kids are born, before they're even married. Hell, before they're even dating!
Naruto spends every single Christmas with Sakura. In canon? He is invited over to the Haruno house when he's in his teens and Sakura's parents have warmed to him. He makes himself their favourite of Sakura's friends and possible boyfriends by the end of the first time he spends Christmas with them.
He is a charming young man and after spending a day with him? Anyone would find his child-like wonder at every tradition Sakura's family have endearing.
And deeply heart-breaking when her parents discover Naruto's never really celebrated Christmas properly before. He is immediately invited around for New Years and the following festive period.
But in my usual fare of Modern!aus, oh you don't even wanna know how ham Naruto's very large extended family go for Christmas. It spans *days*. Sakura and her family are invited to every day.
When Naruto and Sakura get married and have children, it only gets bigger and crazier.
It is their favourite time of year.
NaruSaku Family Headcanon #2: Naruto and Sakura are fun parents. They're not afraid to be strict and be Mum and Dad, when they need to be, but their default setting is Fun.
This has led to endless trips to theme parks, the cinema, laser tag and bowling. Video games and even, when Ichika mentioned an interest in it? Camping.
All six of them loaded into Naruto's old battered Jeep, which was somehow still running, and went out to the nearest campsite they could find.
They had a whale of a time. They had massive tent, with one section for the boys, one for the girls and one for Naruto and Sakura, and then a big communal area for their gear and clothes.
If Sachi had been a little older they'd have listened to the whining about wanting their own tent but given all four of the Uzumaki children were under twelve at this point, it wasn't happening.
They soon stopped complaining on the first night when, being the city kids they were, all four got spooked by a noise in the nearby woods and refused to sleep anywhere other than where their parents were for the rest of the night.
Naruto just laughed as they barrelled screaming for their Mum and Dad, and he wrapped all four of them up in a group bear hug, making his children and wife laugh along with him when he pulled Sakura in too.
They had a few more camping trips as a family, but all four of the children would later admit that their favourite was the first.
NaruSaku Family Headcanon #3: Sakura loves being a mum. She has her insecurities about it, as all parents do, but she loves being the mother to her children.
And her favourite sound is the sound of her children giggling in the other room.
But the sound she's learned to fear most ... is silence. When you have one child silence is worrying.
When you have four?
It's terrifying.
And when your four children share your husband's DNA and enough of his personality and complete lack of awareness of consequences for foolishness ... silence in your house fills you with dread like no horror film could ever match.
She has told stories to her parents, in-laws and friends about what she's found her kids doing that make *them* go grey.
And most of them very glad they stopped at two or three.
Kiba and Hinata however, can match Sakura and Naruto story for story and are always the most sympathetic and ready to be back up emergency parents to the Uzumaki brood.
But still, she wouldn't change a freckle on their faces for all the peace in the world.
And neither would Naruto.
Thanks for asking!
I tried to mix in some other family members this time when I realised you might not have just meant Ship and their kids lol.
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theunrealinsomniac · 1 year
If the Naruto and Sakura in your canon met 12-year-old Naruto and Sakura, what would the adult Naruto and Sakura say to their kid selves, and how would 12-year-old Naruto and Sakura react?
(I'm glad to know you appreciate my asks)
Oho ho ho ... this is a bigger haystack then I think you realise.
Now we've established that you mean my version of Canon, so we'll stick to that. But it does depend on which version of my Canon!AUs we're talking.
But that's a whole essay worth of wondering and we're not here for *every* single version of Canon!AU!NaruSaku ... we'd be here all week. I do have something of a multiverse after all lol.
So we'll go with the broadest strokes, the versions of NaruSaku that are the most common. Let's say they're in their late twenties, married and parents to at least Sachi and Ichika. Cool? Cool.
(Btw if you want more info on my NaruSaku kids, cos I don't use Shina etc, I am *more* than happy to wax lyrical about my four Uzumaki brats lol.)
So, for a start? Twelve year old Naruto and Sakura would be goddamn stunned. Naruto wouldn't be able to look away from adult Sakura of any age and Sakura would be struggling to pick her jaw up off the floor with how Naruto looks as an adult.
We are talking instant crushes on the adult versions of the other without even realising it for Sakura. Naruto's already there of course but seeing Sakura as a grown woman? Boy would fall so deep he'd never stand up again.
There would be incessant questions and a whole lot of fawning, to the point it might actually get a bit annoying. And when the younger versions of NaruSaku find out about how they got together, made PG-13 of course, and how they're married and have kids ... Naruto gets all starry eyed and tries to hide just how happy that makes him from Sakura.
Cos Sakura? Sakura's not taking it as well. She does ask the fateful 'what about Sasuke-kun?' question. And Adult!Sakura does see the wince in young Naruto's face and rest assured she apologises to Adult!Naruto later.
Even after marrying him and having children with him, she still feels a lot of guilt for how she treated him when they were kids. Not that Naruto was entitled to her love as he tells her, but we all know how guilty Sakura feels for her treatment of Naruto in the early days.
For his part? Adult!Naruto actually takes the time to hang out with his younger self, distracts him while the two Sakura's have a very long talk. About self-worth and not letting your feelings for someone overshadow their wrongdoing.
We must remember these versions of Naruto and Sakura are parents. They know how to talk to kids. If they're in their late 30s/early 40s? They know how to talk to teenagers.
It does however end in shouting lol. For Naruto.
The two Naruto's are getting boisterous in a fun way, especially when Naruto informs his younger self about how much stronger he's going to get and younger Naruto does start a sparring match that older Naruto plays along with for funsies.
The Sakuras, with an annoyed and fond look at the boys respectively, continue their conversation and Sakura has to restrain herself from flat out telling her younger self things that she desperately wishes she could tell her. Major things yes, but also about men not to waste her time on, friends to hold closer, little silly embarrassments to avoid at work for example.
But she doesn't. Because anything she could tell her younger self could change everything Adult!Sakura has. And she won't risk that for all the saved secondhand embarrassment and heartache in the world.
TL/DR? Adult Naruto and Sakura from my Canon!AUs would parent the shit out of their younger selves and the younger versions of themselves would have massive crushes on the older version of their teammate to the point of deep, deep cringe lol.
Hope this earned a chuckle lol. I certainly laughed.
Ta ra!
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theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
Do you think Naruto would pass out when he first saw their first child lying with Sakura in hospital bed?😅
Lol no.
Funny as it would be, no I don't see him fainting lol.
I see happy tears and wonder at the miracle of life. And a man who holds his newborn child like she's made of glass, absolutely terrified of dropping the little miracle that is Sachi Uzumaki.
Sakura does her best not to laugh at the genuine fear, it's so sweet and she can't help but find it endlessly endearing lol.
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theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
Could you give me some headcanons for Naruto and Sakura's kids?
Sure thing mate.
Three NaruSaku kids headcanons coming up!
NaruSaku Kids Headcanon #1: So to get the obvious out of the way, Naruto and Sakura have four children.
More may come if I feel like it, but these four will always exist, their appearance, age gaps and order of birth may change but there are three constants.
Sachi is always the eldest.
Akihiko is always the youngest.
And none of them want to be Hokage.
They're all ninja, in Canon!AUs, they're all far too gifted to not be and honestly? They very much want to be ninja.
But none of them have the desire to be Hokage like Naruto had. It's not that they don't respect the position, or their father for being Hokage.
Naruto is an amazing Hokage, he brings Konoha into a golden age of peace and prosperity. They are very proud to be his children.
But for the four of them, the idea of becoming Hokage would intrinsically mean that Naruto would be dead. Because they all know Naruto will die in office, preferably as a very, very old man.
And they don't like thinking about a world where Naruto isn't there so they don't. So they don't think about being Hokage.
NaruSaku Kids Headcanon #2: Naruto and Sakura's sex life remains healthier than most even as they have more and more children.
They just get a little bit more sensible about when they do make love. Mostly they make sure the kids are either sleeping over at a relative or friend's house or are sound asleep in their beds before they start.
The sacrifices parents make for their children honestly.
Speaking of sacrifices though, every single one of their children have interrupted Naruto and Sakura mid-act because of a nightmare.
All four of them.
Some of them multiple times.
Yuuto was the worst for it. The boy would have such vivid nightmares and demand to be allowed to sleep in his parents' bed.
Thankfully his worst spate of nightmares that sent him running for Mummy and Daddy happened when he was too young to really notice that his parents were naked and a bit sweaty.
The worst part? They tried the advice of their friends of putting a lock on their bedroom door, back when Sachi was their night time intruder.
Sachi proved very swiftly that all a locked door would do, would mean a crying child at the door.
There'd aren't much worse mood-killers than that lol.
NaruSaku Kids Headcanon #3: Ichika's gay. Yuuto is bi.
For the record? Sakura is bi too.
When it comes time for Pride? All six of the Uzumaki household are out in force. Sachi and Akihiko have their 'I love my queer sibling' shirts and Naruto has a 'Bi Wife Energy' shirt and a 'Free Dad Hugs' sign.
Naruto hugs dozens of people an hour.
And you have not seen fury like Akihiko Uzumaki bearing down on a homophobe who called his sister and/or brother a slur.
You don't see Sachi coming at all.
If it weren't clear, there are actually four constants with my NaruSaku kids.
The fourth is simply this:
Fuck with one Uzumaki? You fuck with *all* of them.
Thanks for asking!
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theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
First, thank you for those JiraTsuna NSFWs. Didn't even realize I went for NSFWs first so for the balance of the universe, JiraTsuna fluff, domestic, family headcanons? (Tsunade might be in her 50s in Naruto but she's completely biologically younger so I'm curious how many kids do you think they would went for?)
No probs!
These I might be able to flesh out a bit more than the rest.
Yah boi's a bit burnt out lol.
Though for the record, her appearance is entirely an illusion upon my checking. She really is biologically 50s. so short of some real changes in medicine and backstory, I think we're talking surrogate kids for Canon!AU them lol.
JirTsu Canon!AU: In universes where Jiraiya survives cos I remembered what you said last time lol Jiraiya and Tsunade do get together during his recovery time.
They're there through every stress inducing moment of watching Naruto and Sakura make the same mistakes as they did when they were young.
They do their very best to make it a point that Naruto and Sakura are alone together on missions as much as possible. And when they do learn the two have finally learned and gotten together, Jiraiya and Tsunade crack out the good sake and get very drunk together.
It was the first bet Tsunade ever won after all. That those two kids weren't as stupid as she and Jiraiya were. That *they'd* get together before they hit their mid-twenties.
And when Sachi came along, and the rest, they were the happiest great-grandparents. Though if you dared call either of them that, Tsunade would launch you into the sun.
JirTsu Wedding!AU: Jiraiya Namikaze and Tsunade Senju got together a couple years after Tsunade's finacee Dan passed away.
Jiraiya was her best friend and the shoulder she turned to. He never pressed an advantage or assumed anything of Tsunade's reliance on him. But as the months of near constant company turned into a year ... the air between them was definitely more than platonic.
They didn't do anything about it at first, wounds were too fresh, but it worked out in the end. And they went on to have two sons together.
Yahiko and Minato.
Yahiko went on to marry Konan and have one son, Menma.
And of course Minato met and married Kushina Uzumaki, having one son as well, Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki. Or just Naruto Uzumaki in day to day life.
Yes, in this universe, Jiraiya and Tsunade are Minato's parents and Naruto's paternal grandparents.
And they're awesome grandparents.
JirTsu Uni!AU: Again, married with kids. Naruto's paternal grandparents.
Only this time it's four kids. Yahiko, Konan. Nagato and Minato.
Jiraiya is a stupidly famous author, like Naruto goes by his mother's maiden name cos the second people hear Namikaze and spot the resemblance his grandfather being an erotica writer gets him teased rotten.
And Tsunade is a surgeon. They live in a very big house and give back to their community as much as possible, spoiling their kids and grandkids, which in this world also includes Naruto's elder sister Kurama not just his 'cousin' Menma.
And across all universes, despite the presumptions to the contrary, Jiraiya would never, for even a moment pursue anyone other than his wife of multiple decades.
He may look, he may be a creepy letch, but he's not going anywhere. He's thoroughly whipped and Tsunade loves him and knows him well enough to know his ... creepier tendencies are just his eccentricities and nothing to worry about.
To be fair ... my Jiraiya is much less of an actual pervert, no peeping in on women in public baths for my Jiraiya for example lol.
Well, hope those were what you were looking for!
Thanks for asking!
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