#sad jisung
hyunsung · 11 months
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hanjlsung · 6 months
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HAN - 13 for @jjsungie ♡
send me a 💌 [ + bias and/or color] and i'll make you a lil set ♡
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catiuskaa · 10 months
strawberry blond.
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part of the “now playing: mitski!” series
Jisung had been avoiding the truth for the past six months, but now, it’s time to face the storm. even if it hurts.
angst. and I mean it. (still, hope you enjoy it!) TW: mentions of death and one's struggles to accept it. WC: 2.1k
Han Jisung loved many things, but one of his favourites was to lay down on the grass near Han River after a concert.
He could still hear the echo of the cheering and clapping on stage, his ears buzzing in a high-pitched sound that felt almost nostalgic despite it not having been too long since the show had ended.
A small smile lingered on his features as the night breeze grazed him tenderly, eyes focused on the sky full of stars above, hands playing with the strands of grass in between his fingers, pulling at it, playing with it on his hands, tugging the petals of the small dandelions near.
He had always cherished the night after a show or a concert. And it had always been with you, lying down near the river, either sighting softly at the breeze or laughing under the rain.
He turned his head, blinking slowly, staring at the empty space at his side, and his heart skipped a beat, leaving him breathless for an instant.
Your smile beamed, and so did his, but shyly, as if he was afraid of being happy. With a soft grunt, you got up, almost giddily as you pranced around on the grass, barefoot, tugging at his sleeve and softly kicking his legs so he’d get up too, giggling sheepishly.
“C’mon, Hannie!” You shined.
He sighed, ignoring the hand you offered at him, almost as if it wasn’t there, tangible, before him, and instead pushed himself up by his knees.
You snickered, quickly putting your shoes back on and childishly hopped around him, both heading back to the car.
He stared at you, at your strawberry blond hair that reached the small on your back, the silhouette of the tall buildings that surrounded the area getting blurry in his eyes while your figure took over his gaze.
You faltered, turning around.
“I love this river.”
And I love you.
But he didn’t say it out loud. Instead, he stared at you as you smiled, breathing in, arms outstretched, as if yearning that the breeze would take you with her.
He sighed, again, but it was even more melancholic. Broken. As grey as the clouds that started to cover the sky above, and as grey as the river flowed, not able to reflect the light the stars and moon shined, turning dark.
You frowned. “What’s wrong?” Your eyes softened at him, getting closer. “Why are you crying, Hannie?”
A tearful snicker left his lips. His knuckles threatened to graze your cheeks, your features soft to the eye, but he retracted his hand, shaking his head slightly and grinning at you.
“It’s ok.” He sniffed, heart-shaped smile softly fading away. “I got something in my eye.”
You both got in the car, and he stared at the empty place beside him, eyes in a shy shade of red, holding his tears back.
He heard you giggle when you opened the window, taking your hand out and playing with the wind in your hands, childishly fascinated at the resistance of your palm and the speed of the car, not too fast but enough that the breeze felt much stronger.
The tips of your long strawberry blond hair also were out, flowing rapidly to the air as he stared at the asphalt roadway, fighting the impulse to hold your free hand that rested on your thigh.
But he kept driving, hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. Driving somewhere he didn’t really want to go. With someone who wasn’t really there.
His heart skipped a beat. Emotional. The happy, nervous feeling that lingered when your body was close to him came back, the feeling that shivered in his body whenever the cute nickname you called him rolled off your tongue. But it ached.
He parked not too long after, and he got out of the car, grinning softly as you played with the dents in the pathway, hopping and skipping around in cutesy, childish giggles.
“Wait!” You whispered-yelled all of a sudden.
And his body stopped in his tracks, almost reluctantly, as if fighting a treacherous battle between his heart and his brain, his stare finally turning to face you fondly, yet his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Can you hear it?”
Your tone was soft, tender, so much that Jisung could almost feel it surround him lovingly, a deep, sweet voice resonated with warmth, like rich honey pouring slowly, a comforting and soothing melody that wrapped around him, a blanket in a cold winter.
The soft buzz of a small, hardworking little bee surprised him, his face displaying raw emotion, a stray tear slowly falling rolling down his cheek.
He was afraid of bugs. But he loved you. And because of it, he had learned to love those fuzzy little bees, who’s buzzing sound you cherished deeply.
The small bee lingered around the two of you, and gently pranced to the small plants and flowers on the side of the street.
“Oh, look! Forget-me-nots!” Your smile shined as you bent down to get a closer look at the small bluish flowers. “It means remembrance, but also true love and devotion,” you muttered happily. “It’s my favourite flower.”
His heart ached as he bent down next to you and picked a small branch, keeping it close to him, twirling it nervously in his hand as you both wandered, walking down the empty street.
“Hannie?” Your voice pondered. “You haven’t said anything in a while.” He smiled softly at your statement, nodding.
He froze in front of a large metal door, its paint thin and torn into small pieces that remained on the floor, the dents left from it falling, now rusty.
“Hannie?” Your voice faltered.
He tried to smile.
“I haven’t been too cheerful tonight, haven’t I?”
His eyes couldn’t hold yours for long, silent tears rolling down his cheeks.
He held your hands in a sudden motion, and his touch crashed through your body like a storm.
Jisung gasped, his cries growing in intensity. “It’s… it’s been… what, six months?” He let out a gentle laugh, yet it was painful to hear. “Six months since… you’ve been gone.”
Your eyes widened, as if you remembered everything all of a sudden.
“I…” he nodded, his hands roaming through your face, his thumbs stroking your cheeks, your body feeling weak by his touch. “The… accident…”
He cried, hugging your now translucent body.
“I m-miss you s-so much.” He trembled, hugging you tightly despite how cold your body felt. “I… I wanted to do so much with you. I… I love-”
“No! D-don’t say it.”
You cradled his face in your hands.
“I… I’ll wait for you. Up there. Next to the stars. Don’t even dare rush to me. I have all my life. Or. Well, you. Y-you have all your life in front of you.” You cried, yet you still were smiling at him. Broken.
He bit his lip. Hard. God, this wasn’t fair. He wanted to scream it to you. To put into words how his heart was beating for you, for the memories of you he held so dearly, and to fail miserably, because no words could ever do justice to what he was feeling. To whisper to the whole world how he loved you.
But he couldn’t whisper anything, because his whole world wasn’t right before him, but six feet under, behind that metal door fence he hadn’t dared to cross.
In the fading twilight, beneath a blur of somber clouds that mirrored the heaviness in his heart, Jisung stayed put, staring at you, someone who wasn't actually there, in front of the cemetery, as if at the crossroads of farewell. The air, thick with unspoken words hung between you like a shroud.
Han traced the outline of your face with trembling fingertips, as if committing each pore in your skin to memory, etching the details of her existence onto his soul, heart, or mind. His eyes, once vibrant with shared laughter and secret glances, now reflected the inevitable sorrow of parting.
In the end, he had to accept it, right?
A silent understanding passed between you, an acknowledgment that this kiss held the weight of a thousand unspoken goodbyes.
As your lips met, the taste of salt lingered—a mix of tears, both shed and unshed. The kiss carried the bittersweet essence of nostalgia, a blend of the moments you had shared and the ones that would forever remain unfulfilled wishes of sorrowed hearts. It was a dance of desperation and tenderness, an attempt to catch a universe of emotions in a touch.
The world seemed to slow as you clung to each other, as if time itself was reluctant to let go, apologizing for separating those in love.
But an apology wouldn't bring you back, would it?
As he reluctantly pulled away, your eyes locked for an eternity, each gaze a silent plea to remember. He clenched the flowers in his hand. He would remember. He wouldn't—couldn't—forget. The space where his hands once found solace in the warmth of your own grasp now laid vacant, a stark reminder of the impending truth that hurt to accept.
The echo of that parting kiss lingered in the air, a taste of salt on their lips, a bitter reminder that sometimes, love is not enough to defy the cruel hands of fate.
And just as mysteriously as you had appeared in front of him, staying close to him since you had died, he hugged you for what felt like the first time in months, yet the hint of your warmth disappeared, just like your figure in his eyes.
Now, you weren’t there.
Now, your death was real.
And he froze, looking around in that tombstone filled garden.
Until he found it.
“Look at you, Miss Strawberry Blond.” He muttered. He felt his eyes itch as he cried.
He wanted to laugh, to smile for you, using that silly colour you chanted when he called your redhead, just to pick on you, but he started to hiccup, crying to his heart's content and even more as he stared up to the stars, just to find the moon beaming right above.
His heart skipped a beat again.
You were gone.
“N-no… wait…”
But your memory would—will—always stay.
“No… please…”
He clung to the recently-carved stone, sitting on his knees, a crying mess.
Jisung didn’t want any memories back. He didn’t care at all about anything he had lived with you if he couldn’t spend another day with you.
He wanted you back.
He stopped breathing.
“Hannie, you need to stop.”
Your voice sounded in his head, almost like a chant in his ears, as if you were talking to him from really far away.
He stared at your name in the tombstone, shaking his head.
How could he stop?
His sadness bubbled inside of him, turning mad.
“Why are you here?” He muttered, tone filled with something that didn’t feel like him.
He sounded destroyed, eyes heavy with grief, shoulders slumped as uncontrollable sobs racked his body, his attempts to speak choked by the overwhelming feelings consuming him.
But your voice couldn’t answer or help.
“You know what?” He sniffed, frowning. “I need to say it. I fucking love you.” The silence that followed almost froze his heart, because now he could say it, but there was no one to say it back.
Still, he continued with a hiccup. “I love you so fucking much I can’t grasp that you’re gone— hell, I’ve been hallucinating about you for months because it’s so fucking painful to face that you’re not here. And I could never even say it. I could never even say how much I’ve loved you and how I’ll keep loving you even now, and it’s n-not—.”
And suddenly, amidst the confession, he felt like instead of breathing heavily, Jisung ran out of air. As if he had been hit without warnings of any kind.
His throat blocked and his chest hurt, and it was as if something had grabbed his heart, until it felt heavy, and an overwhelming feeling ran through him from head to toe as he whimpered and cried. It was a similar feeling to fear, only that it seemed that Han’s heart had been filled with stones, now heavy, confused by emotion. Feeling like it was going to escape and burst out of his chest.
And for a moment, Jisung thought he was going to die. That whatever this was was going to kill him.
“W-why ca-an’t you le-eave?” He cried, ugly, deeply, choking in between sobs as his head started hurting.
“God, H-hannie..”
But he couldn’t hear you anymore.
“It… it hu-urts t-too mu-ch…”
You stared at him from above, tears falling down as he tightly gripped his chest.
“Ple-eas-se…” he whispered “…m-ma-ake it s-sto-op…”
He felt droplets of rain starting to fall down on him.
“J-just… g-get o-ut of my-y head…”
Unlike the one he felt under your touch, a real storm was approaching.
And no one was going to hold an umbrella over his head.
~kats, who is trying really hard not to cry because she has homework to do and she can't read past her tears.
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dotaeisms · 1 year
𝙨𝙠𝙯 𝙖𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 ☆ (𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘯𝘢𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦) ☆
song recommendation: ‘my universe’ (seungmin & i.n) (feat. changbin) ♪
an; omg! thank you all so much for the support on the hyung line ones !! now, prepare for the cutie maknae line <3
📂; bolds are a summary, use of pet names (sprout, sugar, puppy, peach), use of the word dada (x1), a bit of crack in seungmins, pure fluff other than that, barking at people T-T, thats all i can think of. 
𝙟𝙞𝙣𝙞 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙮𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜
< 🐿️ > HAN;
definitely makes pillow forts and has pillow fights.
‘good night sprout, i love you so much!’ 
movie night sundays :(
sits the kid on his lap and cradles them, all while watching a silly cartoon movie that both of them enjoy, probably the lego movie or something.
his child would be the brightest light of his life, enough said
constantly talks about them, nothing but praise, just thinks they are perfect in all ways.
writes every single song about them, just finds one thing to compare in every lyric.
lullaby king.
sings them to sleep every night, and will stay at their side until they fall asleep.
he always, ALWAYS, tries to see himself in the kiddo, whether it be through looks or personality, it finds comfort knowing he put effort into raising a fragile human life. 
< 🐥 > FELIX;
thinking about this makes me SO SAD.
baking cookies together :(
‘you alright sugar? good, make sure you don’t spill the milk ok? be careful.’
his mini assistant in pouring, measuring and every step in the process.
if his child had freckles, he would make sure to count them, making a note of each one as they fall asleep in his arms.
if felix is sunshine, his child is a brighter ray of sunshine.
always speaks highly of his child, nothing but endless praise, as he loves them for who they are nonetheless, and it can turn into rambles, but that’s just how much he loves them.
GIRL SCOUT DAD (if he had a daughter).
the best field trip chaperone ever, gets immersed in the experience and makes it all the better.
plays video games with the kiddo in his lap, teaching them the controls and holding their hands to play with the controller. 
the type of dad to affectionally call his kid, ‘dog’ or ‘puppy.’
‘aw yeah, i think this puppy here is ready for their nap.’
loves to play with the kids toys, like make the whole experience better for them.
‘playing pretend’ >>>> especially with seungmin.
similar to felix in the sense of a girl scout dad.
goes adventuring outside in the backyard, playing in the plants and whatnot.
after they get inside, bath-time! the lord of giving bubble baths. 
teaches his kiddo to bark at people, at first it was a joke until it got out of hand. 
‘see uncle jisung? yeah, bark at him.’ T-T
his kid would always try and run and hide from him, as if they were always playing, which makes them a handful in public spaces. 
but he plays it cool, the hide and seek king he is.
he randomly buys things because, ‘oh, this looks like them!’ and it’s literally like a plushie.
most caring dad ever.
king of playdates, he has a whole color coordinated calendar of events dedicated to his kiddo, along with sticky notes of drawings they made.
scent king, he wants his baby to smell good. 
fresh baby, lavender lotion, or the really good smelling lotion.
this whole scenario makes me have butterflies in my tummy :(
he holds them up and just tickles them with silly little kisses to their tummy, and laughs along with them.
and then they fall asleep together, the sweet smells wafting together as they doze off. 
‘goodnight my peach, dada loves you.’
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minniebbang · 5 months
within the forest | masterlist
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pairing: fairy!chan x fem!reader summary: The king had envied the fairies for a long time for their abilities until he killed all of them for good. What will happen when the sole heir to the kingdom decides to be friends with those warned to avoid? Genre: fantasy au, fluff, angst, strangers to best friend a/n: This story was inspired by Maleficient and one outfit Chan wore back in the oddinary era. This story had been caged in my draft for quite some time:'))
Chapter 1: a pair of dark wings
Chapter 2: breakfast and Stellious
Chapter 3: a finding on a death anniversary
Chapter 4: wrong timing but perfect opportunity
Chapter 5: fairy friends and Prince Kim
Chapter 6: shadow lurking
Chapter 7: Hi, Aunty Rosie!
Chapter 8: realisation after realisation
Chapter 9: a peaceful evening with the Prince
Chapter 10: Happy Birthday Little Flora
Chapter 11: the devil
Chapter 12: the first meeting
Chapter 13: a scarlet field
Chapter 14: his siblings
divider by: @benkeibear
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Pairing : college!boyfriend!Han Jisung x F!Reader TW : established relationship ; verbal fighting ; mentions of drinking ; insecure reader ; angst ; Word Count : 3.3k
Jisung had been your boyfriend since freshman year of college, and while you remembered vividly the day that he had asked you to be his, you still couldn’t quite imagine why he’d pick you. You never thought the most of yourself, although he was always there to tell you how wonderful and how beautiful you were and how lucky he was to call you his, there was something in you that refused to let you wholeheartedly believe him. Maybe it was the years of incessant bullying you had gone through in highschool, or all the boyfriends that had come before him, the boys that had left you for the girls that weren’t a threat until they were realized to be more pretty than you. You had dealt with a lot of heartbreak in your short amount of time in this world, but you never thought that Jisung would ever be one of the people to hurt you. 
Now seniors in your final week of school, classes were all but forgotten, the only thing anyone wanted to do was party, forget about the stress that came along with being a college student for the last 4 years. Partying wasn’t exactly your thing, but Jisung was adamant about going to the last big party of the year, and he wanted you to go with him, so you agreed, albeit reluctantly. 
You and Jisung were polar opposites, that’s what people said at least, just another reason why you questioned how the two of you got together in the first place. People thought it was the perfect match, you both brought out the best in each other. While he was wild, you were reserved, and you were able to calm him down, he was able to get you excited, rile you up, bring out the playfulness in yourself that you rarely let anyone but him see. 
It was the perfect match, that’s what everyone else said, and while on the outside it seemed that way, no one had ever seen or even heard about the arguments that the two of you would get into on an almost weekly basis. They were small arguments, nothing that would actually ruin the relationship, and at the end of each one, he would even make the foolish statement that it just made your relationship stronger, and you, ever so in love with him, would foolishly agree. 
Not to say that your relationship wasn’t strong, aside from the petty arguments, you adored him, you trusted him, and he had practically vowed to you that after college he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. Of course you believed him, why would you not? 4 years together should mean enough, it should be enough time to make one believe that he had been honest, that he had really meant those words. College was a stressful time, and you had both seen each other at your worst, and you were sure that once you both were finished and graduated, there would be nothing but better times to come. 
The music coming from inside the house could be heard through the front door even with it shut, and you silently cursed yourself for agreeing to come with him. He usually went to these events alone with some of his guy friends, and one of the main reasons you trusted him so much was the fact that he’d always be back home by 1 in the morning at the latest. It’s not like he was out all night, and you didn’t ever feel the need to question him. You loved him, and part of loving someone was being able to trust them no matter what, and you did. 
“You want a drink?” He asked while leaning close to your ear, his arm around you as he led you into the house, the floorboards vibrating with the bass from the stereo. You weren’t sure how people could hear in general with all the noise. You nodded quickly, giving him a brief smile before letting your eyes dart around the room. 
All of the girls there were dressed quite… provocatively, and while you personally didn’t have a problem with it, it was a hit to your already fragile ego as you stood against the far wall, jeans covering your legs while a t-shirt and a sweater left every single part of your body to the imagination. Your makeup wasn’t done and your hair wasn’t styled the way the other girls were, and you swore you had never felt so out of place in your entire life. 
Everyone was quick to glance over you, there was nothing exciting about your presence, you practically melted into the wall and you were nothing more than an object that got in the way when someone drunkenly passed through. You weren’t appealing, and it’s not like you wanted to be, you were here with your boyfriend, you felt no need to dress revealingly, the only person who got to see you like that was Jisung. You respected him enough to keep it that way. 
Your boyfriend, on the other hand, was well known. You could hear the warm welcomes being called his way over the blaring music, a majority of the voices sounded female, and while you knew that you shouldn’t be upset or jealous about it, you couldn’t calm the sting that you felt in your chest when you heard the voices gushing over him. The only thing you could do was remind yourself that trust was important, to keep telling yourself that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, he probably wasn’t even giving those girls the time of day. Those thoughts were all you could give yourself to try to calm down. 
“This place is packed, isn’t it?!” He shouted to you over the music as he brought back your drink, handing it to you with a warm smile. His cheeks were slightly flushed, and you wondered if maybe he had already drunk something while he was in the kitchen. You nodded your head in agreement, trying your best to look like you were having a good time, but to be honest, you were miserable. This wasn’t your scene at all, you would have much rather liked to stay inside and watch a movie. “Wanna go out on the floor, we can dance a bit?!” 
Dancing was not your thing, this entire party was not your thing. No amount of alcohol would give you the courage it would take to step out in front of what looked to be everyone from the campus. You’d surely make a fool of yourself, and while you knew that after this week you wouldn’t have to see them ever again, you didn’t want the last week of your college career to be spent being made fun of by the people that you tried your best to avoid on a daily basis. 
With a quick shake of your head you gave him the answer. “You have a good time, I’ll just wait here…” You said awkwardly, pressing your back further against the wall just to emphasize the fact that that is where you felt you belonged, and that’s exactly where you’d stay for however long he planned on being here. In a way, you were nothing more than some sort of moral support for him at this party. His head tilted to the side, a small frown forming on his lips, and you giggled sheepishly, shaking your head once more, a little faster though. “Seriously, Ji. Go have fun.” 
Maybe you were hoping that he’d just give up, that he’d ask if you just wanted to go back to the apartment and hang out there. You’d have agreed to that in a heartbeat. You waited, and it seemed for a moment that he was contemplating, and you’d be lying if you said that the fingers of your free hand weren’t crossed behind your back, wishing that he’d just get you out of there. “Alright… I won’t be long though. I just want to hang out with the guys for a bit.” He said, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead before going off, disappearing in the crowd of people that had taken up every inch of the living room turned dance floor. 
Against the wall is where you’d stay, and you tried not to be upset about it. He always did what you liked to do, it was only fair that you were there with him, it doesn’t mean that you had to enjoy it though. At least during movie nights you were both happy, at least he said he was. You had food and you always cuddled with him, and the Jisung that you knew during movie nights was far calmer than the one you were seeing right now. At least you understood why everyone greeted him the way they did. He was clearly the life of the party. 
He moved around constantly, talking to anyone that passed by him, and it seemed like everyone knew him. Not once did anyone look your way though, even he didn’t glance in your direction. You had truly become one with the wall, and you at some point just became comfortable with that. At least no one was looking at you, and while standing against the wall, there was nothing for anyone to make fun of you about. 
Hours passed, and even though you were growing tired, you kept your eyes on him. Seeing him have fun, in a way, made you happy. You loved his smile, you loved seeing him have a good time, and he seemed to be in his element. It was nice, especially considering the fact that when you had first met him he had suffered with his anxiety, the one thing that you both bonded over. His seemed to have faded over time, while yours only seemed to get worse. 
“Come dance with me!” A voice shouted, and the shrillness was ear piercing, and you knew that she only did it to be heard over the music. You weren’t even paying attention to who said it, your eyes glued to your boyfriend, that is, until your boyfriend was joined by who you could only assume to be the girl, her hands grabbing him and pulling him towards the center of the room. 
Your bottom lip was sucked between your teeth as you watched them, and you were waiting for him to pull away, inform the overly touchy girl that his girlfriend was literally right there. You waited and you waited, but he never pulled away, instead his hands moved to the girls hips and he pulled her closer as her hands moved up to his hair, her long decorated fingernails tangling in his locks. 
Pissed was an understatement, you felt nauseous and you were beyond pissed, you were way past upset. “Fuck this…” You mumbled, slamming your cup down on the table that was beside you before storming out of the house. Red plastic cups littered the lawn and you kicked them carelessly as you walked through it, avoiding the looks of curiosity on the faces of the people you walked by. You were sure that they could sense your emotions, you could feel them radiating off of you like aftershocks after an earthquake. 
“Y/N!” A voice called after you, and in any other moment you’d turn towards that voice with a smile, a warmth in your heart and a fluttering in your stomach. Now your heart was ice, and your stomach was twisted in knots. His hands grabbed your elbow to stop you, whipping you around to face him. He was sweating, his entire face flushed, breathless although you weren’t sure whether it was from dancing or from running after you. “Wh-Where are you going?” 
“Oh, so now you notice me.” You snapped, pulling your arm away from him and shoving your hands into the pockets of your sweater. “Don’t you have a party to attend? I’m sure that girl is wondering where you went, don’t want to keep her waiting.” You sassed, shaking your head in disbelief as you turned around to start walking again. 
“Oh come on! I was just dancing! It’s not like you were going to come out there and dance with me.” He excused, keeping up with your pace as you walked further away from the house, the music becoming nothing more than muffled background noise. 
You could only roll your eyes, trying to quicken your steps. “Well go keep dancing, I’m not stopping you, I don’t want to see it though.” You mumbled, passing the car that you both had driven there in on your way down the street. “Seriously, you don’t have to follow me. I kind of don’t want you to follow me, actually. So if you could just give me some space, that would be great.” 
You were trying to be cordial, you were trying to not make a scene. All you wanted to do was go home and curl up on the couch and watch a movie or read a book. You literally wanted to do anything but be at the party or anywhere near it. “What, so you’re just gonna walk home?” He questioned, his voice growing louder now, the irritation fueled by a few too many drinks lacing the words. “You’re so damn sensitive! It’s not like I was fucking her!” 
“Well you might as well have been!” You finally snapped in response to his yelling, pausing in the middle of the sidewalk to turn to face him. “Her hands were all over you and yours were all over her! She was practically fucking naked!” A group of people had at some point gathered around you and Jisung, it seemed to be a natural human reaction to be as nosy as possible whenever an argument is heard, and for once, you didn’t care about the attention you were getting. “I’m sure you’d be just as pissed off if I was dancing like that with some other guy back in there.” 
He laughed loudly, looking around at all the people that surrounded you, as if looking for their pre-approval before speaking. “As if any of those guys in there would want to dance with you. I have nothing to worry about, I don’t have to worry about that happening.” The crowd around you started cheering and laughing, as if those words were the final burn, and in a way, they were. They were earth shattering, soul crushing, and revelating in the sense that you finally saw just the type of person he was. 
Did you think that he was going to chase after you when you walked off? Not really, you knew he wasn’t that type of person, not in front of his friend group. He didn’t want to look like a loser, and he instead opted on making you feel like one in front of the very people that you told him would make fun of you constantly. 
Even though you knew he wouldn’t come after you, it didn’t change the fact that you were disappointed and even heartbroken that it took another 30 minutes for him to come walking through the front door. You had long since changed out of the outfit that you had been wearing and into your pajamas, sitting on the couch and watching the movie that you had planned on watching with him. 
“Sweetheart…” He whispered the pet name reluctantly as he closed the door softly behind him. You were laying on the couch, so maybe he just thought that you were sleeping, although you found it almost comical that he gave a shit about you now. “I’m home…” 
“Yay” You muttered in the most unenthusiastic way possible, pausing the movie before turning off the tv. “I’m going to bed. You can sleep on the couch, or the floor. I don’t even give a shit, just don’t try to lay next to me.” It’s not that you wanted the argument to carry over into the house, you were simply informing him that the last place you wanted to be right now was beside him. 
“Look, I know you’re still mad about me dancing with that girl but-” 
“It has nothing to do with the girl!” You retorted sharply, running your fingers through your hair and wanting nothing more than to rip out the strands that got stuck, the stress from his blatant stupidity setting you off. “You humiliated me in front of the very people that you know hurt me anyway. And then you go and hurt me worse than any of them ever could because I for some reason thought that I was more important to you than your fucking popularity.” 
His eyes widened, and it was just another slap in the face that he seemed so shocked about it. “What do you mean? You’re blowing this way out of proportion. If you’re talking about what I said back there, I didn’t mean it to hurt you… I just meant that no one would dance with you because they know you’re my girlfriend.” 
It was mind boggling how stupid he thought you were, how he thought you’d really fall for that shit and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t fucking lie to me, Jisung. I know exactly what you meant when you said it, that’s why you looked to all of those fucking idiots before the words even left your mouth. You want their approval so bad, well good for you, you fucking got it.” His head was shaking vigorously as he inched closer to you, and you continued to step back until you were against the island in the kitchen. “You can stay here, you can pretend that everything is okay until the week is up… But once we’re out of here… I’m done. Clearly you value your own image more than my emotions, and I’m not gonna hate you for that, but I’m also not going to continue to be your girlfriend when clearly I’m clearly not respected.” 
“Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me, Y/N!” His hands flew up in the air, and the false act of sincerity was now gone as his own anger and irritation boiled over. “You’re gonna throw away 4 years of a perfectly good relationship because of one little comment? I wasn’t even trying to hurt you when I said it, you’re being a little bit childish about this, don’t you think?” 
“How do you think that wouldn’t hurt me?” You scoffed, making your way to the bedroom and pausing at the door, turning to look at him once more before heading in. “This might be a hard thing to ask of you… But can you at least respect me enough to stay away from me, respect the fact that I’m done, we’re done. I don’t want to talk about it anymore, I just want to sleep. Can you do that?” You didn’t give him the chance to respond before going into the room and shutting the door behind you, making sure it was locked just to save yourself from the possibility of swayed emotions if he decided to sneak in in the middle of the night. 
4 years of a perfectly good relationship, and maybe people would think you were crazy for trashing it, maybe they’d agree with him in saying that you’re childish for letting things get like this over a little comment. To those people, and to him, you’d say they didn’t understand, they didn’t know you, and much like your now ex boyfriend, they didn’t respect you. What happens in college should stay in college, and that’s exactly how you wanted it to be. After the week was over, you wanted nothing more than to forget tonight and the years that you wasted on the man that sat crying in your living room. 
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dandelions-143 · 5 months
Decode 2
Decode Part 1
Other works : Masterlist
Authors Note: this one’s sad.. no happy ending here. But no worries a fluff piece is coming soon!!
Pairing: non idol Jisung x Y/n x Non idol Minho
Warnings: revenge, mental abuse (kind of), fingering, fowl language, broken hearts, broken friendships. NOT EDITED
Summary: Jisung has let his pain turn into something a bit ugly. Letting it loose on both Minho and Y/n. He wants them to feel his pain.. to feel that emptiness he feels they caused. (So sorry for this one.. kinda) Enjoy.. I hope
Reblogs And Likes Are Highly Appreciated
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Y/n stood there for a moment, unopened water bottle in hand, a small stain of smeared blood left on the clear plastic by Jisung. She felt her sad eyes begin to well with tears.. It was ruined..it was all ruined. That’s what kept running through Y/n’s mind as she looked up towards the house, the empty doorway that Jisung had left through. Then she turned her eyes to Minho, who was standing now wiping at a cut next to his right eye where Jisungs rings had left their mark.
He must have felt Y/n looking at him because he looked up around the same time and when he saw the tears streaming down her precious face he instantly began to walk to her. When she saw him striding towards her she began to take small steps towards him as well. Minho expected to be met with a hug or at least for Y/n to allow him to comfort her. In fact he was met with a hard slap across his already battered face.
“What in the hell, Y/n?!” He brought his hand up to his throbbing and swollen face where she had hit him. Her eyes were wet with tears but searing with anger. “That’s for kissing me!” She placed her hands on his chest and shoved him as hard as she could. “And that’s for fighting with Jisung..” her words came out choked and broken from her crying, she then shoved him one more time but with less strength behind it. Minho wrapped his arms around her feeling her struggle a little. Her anger coming out at him and he didn’t stop her. “That’s for making me like you, asshole.”
Her admission should have made his heart rejoice. Minho should have been happy but, it was tainted by what had just happened. He knew he was the cause of this but isn’t this what he wanted.. to have her want him back? His thoughts were broken by Y/n pulling away from him. “I- I can’t be with you.. not after this. Jisung..” she sighed and wiped at her wet, red rimmed eyes. “I have to fix this. Just leave me alone, Minho..” Minho watched Y/n take a few steps back like she wanted nothing more than to get away from him.
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Two weeks. Two weeks of miserable silence. Minho heard nothing from Y/n. Nothing from Jisung. No matter how many times he would text and call. No matter how many times he stopped by Jisungs house.. it was completely silent. Deafeningly silent.
A soju bottle hung loosely from his fingers as he sat on his balcony looking out over the lit up city he loved so much. A cool breeze ruffled his hair, making him inhale slow and deep. “Fuck..” he mumbled to himself before taking the last swig from his fourth soju bottle.
He never knew how much missing someone could hurt until he had no one. Jisung hated him and y/n refused him because of Jisung. Minho never cried, it’s just something he never did. Not since he was a child but as the alcohol ran swiftly through his veins he began to cry. Hot, salty tears began to stream down his cheeks. The bruises had almost faded but the scars were still there and what hurt him more.. it was his fault.
As his hazy mind wondered what could have happened if he had just been the best friend both of them needed… he heard a knock at his front door. Minho stumbled through his messy apartment, finally reaching his door. Once he got the door open he was met with dark, brooding eyes. “Jisung..” he was shocked but a silly smile spread across his face at the sight of his best friend.
“I want to talk to you.” Jisung said and stepped inside Minho’s apartment. Minhos smile faded as he closed the door and turned around. Jisungs eyes took in the state of Minhos normally immaculate apartment. “Jesus Christ..” he muttered as he turned his eyes back to a disheveled Minho. Jisungs eyes softened just a bit. “Come.. come sit.” He motioned for them to sit on the couch just a few feet away.
He watched as Minho moved sluggishly to the couch, a bit off balance and Jisung realized then he had to be drunk. “So um.. what did you want to talk about?” Minho ran his fingers through his messy hair, his bloodshot eyes following Jisungs every move. It took Jisung a few seconds for him to get the words out, “I know you miss me. I- I miss you too.” Minhos body relaxed a bit at those words. It was a relief to know he didn’t hate him.
“But I can’t.. I don’t think I can trust you like I did before.” Jisungs hair was wavy and unkempt, his head hung low as he spoke. “I just wanted to know why.. why did you openly taunt me? Why ruin our friendship like that.. like it was fucking game.” Minho flinched at Jisungs harsh words. Minhos mind was foggy with soju and he could hardly make sense of all his thoughts.
“I don’t.. I don’t know. I liked her. I wanted her.. I was slelfish and now I have neither of you.” Minhos chin quivered as he tried his hardest to hold in his tears. He hated to cry and especially cry in front of people. Jisung watched his ex best friend slowly crumble in front of him and.. and he felt nothing.
Jisung slowly leaned forward, he placed a gentle hand on Minhos shoulder. He kept his eyes on Minho as he said as calmly as possible. “What happened hurt.. what you did hurt. You Lee Minho. It’s not about y/n.” That’s when Minho shifted his eyes from his lap to Jisungs. “It’s about this friendship we’ve had for years. I’ve been at your selfish mercy for years. At first I was fine with it. But no more. Have a nice life, I hope you’ve learned from this.. I know I have.” Jisung slowly got up, gave Minhos shoulder a soft squeeze and then he was gone with a soft click of Minhos front door.
If you could physically feel a heart slowly crack and eventually shatter Minho would say it felt like a searing burn. A constant heavy pain, sharp and deep. To the point of him grasping at his own chest as he doubled over to bury his face in the couch cushion, the only thing muffling his sad sobs.
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Y/n was knocking on Jisungs door. Repeatedly she just kept knocking, praying he would answer. Just as she was about to start walking around his house to find an open window she heard a car coming up the driveway. She watched as Jisung pulled up and silently exited his car. He looked.. different. She could tell as he moved closer to her gone was her soft, sweet, loving Jisung. He was replaced with something colder.. hard.. like metal almost.
“Ji-“ y/n began but he only held up a hand to stop her. “What are you doing here, Y/n?” She stammered at first not expecting his cold stare to hit her so deep. Once she gathered her thoughts she took a step closer and grabbed his hands that hung at his sides. “I wanted to explain.. I need to tell you I didn’t kiss him back. He kissed me and I.. I just stood there trying to process what was happening.” Y/n sighed and looked down at their hands. He wasn’t pulling away.
“I’m so sorry, Ji. I really am.” She looked up at him trying to decipher his facial expression. “You didn’t push him away.” Is all Jisung said in response. She pulled him closer and he allowed her. He would be lying if he didn’t feel his body react to her. His heart react to her but, it was different now. She wasn’t innocent to him anymore. She was part of his pain.. and a side of him wanted to see her feel that very same pain.
Y/n nodded, “I know. I.. I should have. Jisung-“ he cut her off again as he pulled her closer.. close enough that he could feel her body heat. “You wanted him to kiss you.. be truthful.” His eyes searched hers as they stood there on his door step, the night growing colder by the minute. Her mouth opened to speak but nothing came out. And when she hesitated he knew he was right.. she wanted it.
That’s when Jisung made a decision. He jerked her up in his arms, forcefully kissing her. His heated lips pressed to hers as they stumbled back to fall hard against the brick of his home. Y/n kissed him hungrily, deeply. Her fingers tangling in his hair, her hips pressed firmly into his. Jisungs tongue was hot and wet as it slipped between her parted lips to taste her.
She was just as sweet as he had imagined but that sweetness was tinged with bitterness and resentment. Jisungs teeth bit into her plump bottom lip, not quite bringing blood but hard enough to make her gasp loudly. He ground his narrow hips into hers, rubbing his now hard cock against her pussy. The friction they caused made him want more of her even though they had layers of clothing between them.
It pissed him off that he still wanted this even after what she did to him. Jisung slipped his hand into the waist band of her sweats and beneath her panties to find her soaking wet and so mouthwatering ready for him. He took his other hand and wrapped his fingers around her throat pressing down a little. His fingers found that sweet little clit of hers and he began to swirl his fingers around. God, she was so soft.. “fucking bitch.” He mumbled against her cheek, his soft lips pressed to her skin.
As his fingers slipped inside of her y/n bucked her hips up craving that high he could only give her. “See what you could have had every fucking day. You’re such a fucking slut.” He spat out venom to her as he finger fucked her real good. Her cunt was soaking wet for him and her soft whimpers only made him slide his fingers in and out of her faster.
“Please.. Jisung.. make me cum.. fuck!” She cried out as y/n felt her orgasm building. She couldn’t believe this was happening and Jisung had obviously forgiven her. At least that’s what she thought… just as Jisung felt Y/ns thighs begin to shake he stopped moving his fingers but kept that hard pressure around her neck. With his lips still pressed to her cheek he mumbled, “I wouldn’t make you cum if your fucking life depended on it.” Poison dripping from every word.
Jisung pulled his hand out of her pants and stepped away from her. Y/n shivered harshly as soon as his warmth was gone. She almost whimpered at the loss of his body. “Goodbye, y/n. I’m done, for good.” He let his eyes linger on y/ns crumbling face for a moment longer but he stepped into his house before he could see her fully break down after the realization of what just happened hit her.
Once inside his house Jisung leaned his body against his front door and he could hear Y/n sobbing loudly. His chest ached, his hands shaking.. wanting nothing more than to go to her and love her but.. the damage was done. He was done being the second choice.
Taglist: @moonndustx
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bbgnyx · 9 months
Hi babe it's me leigh ✌ Saw your song requests like 10 secs ago so 👀👀
song name: in the stars by benson boone
song lyric: and now you're in the stars and six-feet's never felt so far
pairing: minho x female reader
disc: the reader dies and minho is just devastated and he cries for the first time in front of everyone and stays ☹️ (I'm bad at descriptions save me-)
Anyway thx for reading!!!
a/n: omg babe this song has been running in my head recently so this request was like you read my mind 😭✋. This was so sad to write honestly, hope it matches what you had in mind!
my taglist is open btw, just message me if you wanna be part of it!!
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And now you're in the stars and six-feet's never felt so far~
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genre: angst
warnings: very sad, church and god are mentioned, mentions of blood and death, indirect mention of cancer, mention of a funeral. lmk if I miss anything
Sunday mornings used to hold so much joy for Minho. It was the one day he could spend with you, and it filled his heart with happiness. The two of you would go on adorable picnics, visit malls, and sometimes even attend church together. He couldn't help but think how beautiful you looked with your hair up and that radiant smile on your face. Minho was a softie, but only when it came to you.
He remembers the times when he would get jealous of you because Soonie Doongie and Dori seemed to love you more than him. He cherishes the memories of cuddling up in bed with you, watching movies together. Every little thing about you, he adored. You were his angel. But now, Sunday mornings are no longer his favorite. Not after everything that has happened.
When he was with you, Sunday mornings held a different meaning. Now that you're gone, Minho knows that nothing will ever be the same again. If he doesn't have concerts or practice, he simply sleeps in, avoiding going out because it only brings back painful memories. He has even lost his faith in God, burying it alongside you, deep beneath the earth.
Minho has lost count of how many times he has stood there, screaming at God, questioning why the love of his life was taken away from him. Why did God seem to hate him so much, leaving him to suffer like this? He is constantly lost in his thoughts, not knowing what else to do but cry himself to sleep, knowing that you will never be there to comfort him again.
Minho still remembers the day you were admitted into the hospital, they said you were okay, they said you only had to go through a small surgery. All of it were lies. That day, Minho’s band had won an award, but he couldn’t even relish the happiness as he soon got a call from your mother.
“She’s in a critical stage, she has lost a lot of blood, the doctors don’t know if they can save her”, your mom said sobbing through the phone. At that moment, it took Minho his everything not to leave the award show immediately and fly back home to you. He had been crying all day and all night, worried about you. He should be there with you, he thought.
On Sunday, he took the award and flew back to you as soon as possible. Only to be informed that you’re gone, you’re not with him anymore. You had passed away.
Minho remembers the day of your funeral. The weight of your absence crushed him, burying his heart alongside you, six feet under the ground. “It’s okay Minho, she loves you with all her life,” your mother said, trying to console him. He felt weak and helpless then.
All these pent-up emotions let loose at his most recent concert. You had always told him to show his emotions to others, not to close his heart away. So he cried, he cried like he had lost everything and he did. He lost you, and you were his everything, you were the earth and he was the moon and now he didn’t have anything to revolve around. On that stage, he crumbled, his fellow members offering solace, while fans shed tears alongside him, showering him with words of comfort.
It felt as though he had loved you for an eternity, but he realized that the time he spent with you was merely a fraction of his lifetime, while you had loved him throughout your entire existence. This realization shattered him to his core. How was it fair? You had promised to always be by his side, to never leave him alone. And you kept that promise, remaining faithful even in death. But what about him? He wasn't there when you underwent surgery, he wasn’t there through your suffering and he wasn't even there when you took your final breath.
He felt stupid not to realise that you were suffering. He hated that you hid your condition from him. He always wondered why you asked him what he would do if you weren’t there. He always replied, “I’ll protect you so nothing ever happens to you, my love”. But now he couldn’t protect you and that broke him, and it would break him till he took his last breath and he would be lying if he said he didn’t wish that day came soon so he could see you again. But all he knows now is that he loved you, loves you and will continue loving you.
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dazed--xx · 8 months
🥀Heartbreak Playlist 🥀
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Summary: Now suddenly you're asking for it back Could you tell me, where'd you get the nerve? Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had. But I don't really care how bad it hurts…..When you broke me first
Post Date: 01/17/2024
T/W: Mentions of Cheating, Break Ups, arguments, drinking, manipulation, crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, mentions of being drunk, yelling, sad ending
Word Count: 2.7K
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Summary: Little do you know, How I'm breakin' while you fall asleep. Little do you know, I'm still haunted by the memories. Little do you know, I'm tryin' to pick myself up piece by piece. Little do you know ……I need a little more time
Post Date: 01/20/2024
T/W: ANGST..,crumbling marriage, mentions of divorce. Mentions of anxiety, mentions of panic attacks. Mentions of neglect in a marriage, crying, begging etc
Word Count: 2.7K
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Summary: I tell myself you don't mean a thing. And what we got, got no hold on me; But when you're not there, I just crumble. I tell myself I don't care that much; But I feel like I die 'til I feel your touch Only love……Only love can hurt like this
Post Date: 01/28/2024
T/W:1930s Era, ANGST, historical inaccuracies, Prohibition, cursing, mafia, talks of murder, mentions of guns, Molotov cocktail, gun violence, harassment, neglect in a relationship I guess, mentions of illegal activity, life threatening injuries, mentions mafia war. Mentions of Bootlegging, mentions of Shylocking. Sad ending
Word Count: 5.1K
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Summary: I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me. I know that your love is gone. I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy. Don't tell me that your love is gone…..That your love is gone
Post Date: 01/28/2024
T/W: ANGST!!!!!!!!!!!!, hate comments, distant partner, mentions of depression, mentions of anxiety, assault like legit assault, recording of an assault, hate speech. Cursing, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS, Crying, Feeling alone, ambiguous ending, etc
Word count: 2.5k
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Summary: Pictures I'm living through for now, Trying to remember all the good times. Our life was cutting through so loud; Memories are playing in my dull mind. I hate this part, paper hearts And I'll hold a piece of yours; Don't think I would just forget about it……Hoping that you won't forget about it
Post Date: 03/18/2024
Member: Seungmin x Reader
T/W: Break Ups, arguments crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, slight shoving nothing too crazy, some emotional manipulation, problem avoidance, denial, (subtle mention to woojin via blacked out photo he existed people he was in the group once), mentions of Minhos elimination in Finding Stray kids
Word Count: 2.3K
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Summary: Now the day bleeds, Into nightfall; And you're not here, To get me through it all. I let my guard down; And then you pulled the rug…..I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Post Date: 03/18/2024
Member: Changbin x Reader
T/W: Friend Break Up(cause romantic break ups ain't the only type that is heartbreaking), arguments, crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, ghosting, problem avoidance, flirty behavior, mentions of one night stand, mentions of friend with benefits relationships, innuendos, brutal honesty
Word Count: 3.2K
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Summary: Torn in two, And I know I shouldn't tell you. But I just can't stop thinking of you, Wherever you are. You. Wherever you are; Every night I almost call you. Just to say it always will be you…Wherever you are
Post Date: 03/19/2024
Member: Jeongin x Reader
T/W: Break Up, arguments, crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, ghosting, Long distance relationship, neglect, ambiguous aged female (17-22), emotional manipulation.
Word Count: 3.2K
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Summary: I've spent all of the love I saved. We were always a losing game, Small town Girl(boy) in a big arcade, I got addicted to a losing game. Oh,Oh.All I know, all I know……Loving you is a losing game
Post Date: 03/19/2024
Member: Felix x Reader
T/W: Break Ups, arguments crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, Bet Au!, depressing thoughts, lack of communication, childish behavior, Avoiding S/O, mentions of sex, bullying, denial
Word Count: 2.1K
121 notes · View notes
castleofclouds · 2 days
To all the boys I've dated before ; Dreamies.
Yn never knew one challenge could change her whole life over night, meeting up with past that she never supposed to meet again
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⚠ ; cursing, 17+ related topic, this ideas isn't mine btw, I found someone doing it first but I couldn't find their acc, anybody who know pls tell me^^
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The playlist if anybody interested .𖥔 ݁ 🪐˖.𖥔 ݁ ˖
Heyyaa, I'm back gonna be real I'm loving making this, ngl, kinda wanted to make this into a series, anybody would be interested? Let see how about a little homework, if this post get 30 notes and 20 retweet, I will be continuing this series~ btw I found this idea when I was scrolling my timeline, but I can't find their acc🤕 anybody would know please tell me, they actually use Taylor Swift, but I'm a big arianators gonna make this about my queen ofc 👸 please tell me if you need anything be sure to tell me! ^^
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five-star-stay · 1 year
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"In a pinch? Pretend to be a hamster!" Tune in next week for more advice from your favourite serial cheater skz fam Han!
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hyunjinners · 6 months
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꒷꒦ ⊹ ๑ ❛Masterlist: Stray Kids.❜ =͟͟͞♡ ‧ ˚ ₊
⊹₊˚ʚ❛Ⴆαɳɠ ƈԋαɳ. . .❜ɞ
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ "Headcanons Relationship with Bang Chan"
❝ ꒰ 𝗂𝗇𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 ꒱ Headcanons what her relationship with Bang Chan would be like - from when they met to their courtship.
⊹₊˚ʚ❛ʅҽҽ ɱιɳԋσ. . .❜ɞ
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ (shortly...)
⊹₊˚ʚ❛ʂҽσ ƈԋαɳɠႦιɳ. . .❜ɞ
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ (shortly...)
⊹₊˚ʚ❛ԋɯαɳɠ ԋყυɳʝιɳ. . .❜ɞ
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ "Depth of Choices"
❝ ꒰ 𝗂𝗇𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 ꒱ You've planned your future with Hyunjin at a prestigious university in Seoul, but your parents seem to work to your disappointment.
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ "I Thought It Was Something Else"
❝ ꒰ 𝗂𝗇𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 ꒱ Hyunjin's muscles were tense from the day's efforts, he deserved proper care.
⊹₊˚ʚ❛ԋαɳ ʝιʂυɳɠ. . .❜ɞ
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ (shortly...)
⊹₊˚ʚ❛ʅҽҽ ϝҽʅιx. . .❜ɞ
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ "Grandparents"
❝ ꒰ 𝗂𝗇𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 ꒱ Your grandparents' vacation home really is beautiful… (best friend Felix¡ x fem!reader)
⊹₊˚ʚ❛ƙιɱ ʂҽυɳɠɱιɳ. . .❜ɞ
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ "Fear Of The Unknown"
❝ ꒰ 𝗂𝗇𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 ꒱ Her relationship with Seungmin is perfectly healthy, but the insecurities on both sides prevent them from being clear with each other.
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ "Boyfriend Seungmin"
❝ ꒰ 𝗂𝗇𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 ꒱ headcanons friends to lovers with Kim Seungmin.
⊹₊˚ʚ❛ყαɳɠ ʝҽσɳɠιɳ. . .❜ɞ
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ (shortly...)
⊹₊˚ʚ❛ʂƚɾαყ ƙιԃʂ ԋҽαԃƈαɳσɳʂ αɳԃ ɾҽαƈƚισɳʂ. . .❜ɞ
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ "Runaway"
❝ ꒰ 𝗂𝗇𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 ꒱ During a serious argument he attacks you, raising his voice with hurtful words.
.ᨘ۫. ۪→ Stray Kids react: you declaring yourself to them
❝ ꒰ 𝗂𝗇𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 ꒱ members' reaction when you declare yourself to them.
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: ♡₊˚𓂃⠀◟ I decided to make a small change to the profile layout! :) I think everything will be more organized when divided into stages.
꒷꒦ ⊹ ๑ ❛masterlist principal❜ =͟͟͞♡ ‧ ˚ ₊
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kpop---scenarios · 2 months
"I miss you." You whisper, wrapping your arms tightly around your boyfriend, Han, as the two of you slow dance in the middle of the living room. He holds you closer as he chuckles into the crease of your neck.
"I'm right here, my love." He whispers, placing gentle kisses along your neck and face.
"I know, but you feel so far away." You sniffle. "When you're gone, it's so lonely. My heart aches for you."
"You just have to remember baby, no matter where I am, I'm always in your heart." He whispers. "I'm always watching over you."
"Do you promise?" You cry.
"Always, my love." He whispers, his voice fading quickly. You open your eyes, tears falling down your cheeks as you stand in your living room, wondering why he had to go away?
Every night, you were dancing with his ghost.
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justa-fangirl13 · 1 month
I think every stay who went through a hard time can relate to the feeling when someone minimizes your gratitude to Stray Kids for helping out that period.. I usually don’t post sad things but I believe that it’s important to also raise awareness about this kind of feelings❤️‍🩹
(My video so please do not copy or edit🙏)
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faunandfloraas · 5 months
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SKZ 4th generation fankit 4 cut comics ©️ lqlO27E_1
Lee Know 1. [company] get off work
2. let's eat
3. see skz
4. (food) hehe
1. Dark dark dark
2. miss you
3. Who?
4. Stay
1. I love you (me too!)
2. Workout!!
3. movie
4. I only think of stay
1. Where are you going? [hik!! (shocked)]
2. tok tok
3. SKZ?
4. [stay pose] as expected!! nice, stay!! Youre the best!!
1. Yongbok < Stay. what's the matter?? ㅠㅠ
2. (Stay) I’m busy today and it’s so hard..
3. Really? wait.
4. o O (Amount of contentㅠㅠ) [100 bubble photos] <-Phone
1. where is stay
2. discovery !!
3. stay 🤝 me
→ holding hands
4. 🩷o🩷
1. Stay and after bubble
2. Share photos of food
3. Get ready quickly
4. Concert!! :)
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