#saezuru 53
commandermardukas · 1 year
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"The thing that I was truly desiring..."
This is the thing that he truly desires. Affection. Tenderness. Care. Love...
But at the same time it is the thing that scares him the most. True enough it's like a curse that always binds him. The curse that love brings. The curse of loving and of wanting love. The curse of not getting the love he truly deeply desires. The most painful curse.
That's why he tried to run away from it, trample it, kill it. But it was futile. This curse is haunting him. And he is searching for it. Waiting for it. Desiring for it.
Yashiro is always at this curse's mercy. Always helpless at its feet.
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Saezuru cover 🩵💙 enjoy fandom 😘
issue "ihr HertZ 2023年9月号"
Here : https://bs-garden.com/product/ihr-hertz-202309/
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saezurusteve · 1 year
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I'm sorry... no I'm not. This is a S.P.O.I.L.E.R! Please don't quote me, though I think me and Papagoogoo are pretty right on this one. HAHA! I couldn't resist because this is the best scene they've ever done where someone didn't eat Yashiro's foot. THIS IS THEIR FUTURE!! Husbands much?
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lustfulcat · 1 year
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Yashiro tells Doumeki that he's surprised he's jealous over The Kido Incident when he doesn't have anything to tell Kido anyway. He didn't expect Doumeki to freak out about someone other than Inami.
Honestly, this is so adorable bc Doumeki is like ??? and you can see in his eyes he's wondering how obviously jealous he was/maybe he just got called out for being in love. Meanwhile, Yashiro brings it up and then goes silent like HMMPH I AM THINKING ABOUT YOUR ATTENTION AND MAYBE I WANT MORE BUT I WON'T SAY THAT. This is going to be a snarkfest I can feel it right now.
Hopefully Doumeki gives Yashiro an answer that makes him pause, like he did in volume 1.
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neartheeasternfence · 10 months
Doumeki Recalls Its Deepest Moment
Impressions; Chapter 53
The most relieving thing about chapter 53 is that Doumeki puts his private feelings into words. He had to lie to Muraji.
Transgressing the business and personal taboo, he gave in to Yashiro’s demand. And then he watches Yashiro’s face for a while as he sleeps almost innocently with his mouth slightly open. Doumeki does not look repentant yet affects an air of resignation. He might be thinking that he is anything more than a living vibrator for Yashiro, asking himself if he were still the same as his father, or anticipating what will happen when Tsunakawa knows about this. But there was no other thing he could do. On the second night of their reunion, he ran after Yashiro suddenly got out of the car and asked if Yashiro wished anything for him (ch.45, vol.8). On the third night, he complied with Yashiro grabbed Doumeki and threw Kamiya out (ch.48, vol.8). I think Doumeki must realize that he scarcely resists Yashiro in cases of crucially, and its reason -- his emotion toward Yashiro.
He takes Yashiro’s phone, answers a call from Nanahara in an exceedingly curt manner. Nevertheless, he cannot help asking if Yashiro-san is in any bad condition. At some future time, Nanahara will infer everything, just as he did four years ago. The cautionary advice he has given Doumeki is almost the same as Muraji’s. As long as he belongs to Sakura Family, it is the Family to which Doumeki owes allegiance. His eyes put a doggo-taste expression with his having been preached by the former aniki [elder brother].
Kamiya has always been concerned about Doumeki’s use of words. To use honorifics or not, and if we do, to what extent? Since it is taigu hyogen [expressions of treatment], it should reflect how one person treats the other and appropriately assess the distance between the one and the other. There may be times when we cannot discern the distance well, when it is troublesome to find it, or when we want to keep our distance from someone. The safest way in such situations is to continue to use polite words [teinei-go*]. It may not express active friendliness, yet at least it is not being disrespectful.
Doumeki is basically a polite person. In Sakura Family, he seems to have tried to be equidistant to everyone -- or he did not try to get close to anyone. He must be emotionally involved with Niki, while it is unthinkable that he would act overly familiar with Young Miss, and her father has already given him a caution (ch.37, vol.7). He also keeps his distance from Kamiya, who has become his buddy (more precisely, his secondary). However, he sometimes missed honorifics for Kamiya. For example, when he was assigned to search for Kido and was thinking about the possibility of closing into his old haunts Shinseikai (ch.38, vol.7). Also, even after their agreement to stop using honorifics for each other (ch.40, vol.7), Doumeki had some use of them. For instance, when both Yashiro and Doumeki stayed over at Tsunakawa’s, the next morning of their reuniting (ch.44, vol.8). The time his ‘expressions of treatment’ are disturbed, it seems to be the time he has any turbulence in his mind.
He has consistently used polite words to Yashiro since their reunion. Four years ago, Doumeki’s using words had been much more polite. He never had addressed ‘Yashiro-san,’ and his use of anata for Yashiro as the second person pronoun had been too much. After the affair of chapters 24-25 (vol.5), for Doumeki, the psychological distance between him and Yashiro had grown closer and closer (in proportion to the physical one), and that had been reflected in his use of words (the repeating use of anata), which had made Yashiro irritating bitter. Just because they had slept together -- indeed it had been a long and passionate affair, and Yashiro had shown reactions to extreme and been aware of it himself -- still, for him, sex had not a means of being truly intimate. Rather, he has separated the two...
Yashiro coming down from Doumeki’s room with his bangs down, looks as if a high schooler. Doumeki dislikes exposing Yashiro like that to the public. Therein lies Doumeki’s inner waver, which is why he misses honorifics altogether at this point. Yashiro, who has been so pleasured by Doumeki to the extent of losing his consciousness, would be someone Doumeki holds even dearer, wants to keep to himself more, and wants to protect more. It is also a reflection of his view of sex and his sense of responsibility. I am not sure which comes first, the physical closeness or the psychological one, like the chicken and the egg. I think we do it for various purposes, and sometimes for no purpose, but the movement of Doumeki’s mind could be relatively more conventional.
Meanwhile, Yashiro wonders why he was taken away also from Kido. Doumeki said that he took Yashiro away from Inami to keep from leaking the information to Inami…(ch.46, vol.8). Yashiro comments, “I had no information to give to that guy (even if I had done it with Kido).” The facial expression Doumeki shows is superb. He adopts a few words to reply, “I will be angry.” His attitude could be called “so-what,” defiantly, or unrepentant. It is the same as saying that he does not like Yashiro doing it with any other man, that HE will do it if Yashiro has the needs, or “I have done it, right?  Any insufficiency?” Yashiro, after all, does not seem to perceive sex as an exclusive act. On the other hand, his body now responds only to Doumeki, and he himself has spent the four days remembering how Doumeki was four years ago, and how he touched him.
Yamakawa is located, and Yashiro inquires Inami about the man (Kai) who keeps Yamakawa. Despite Yashiro no longer being willing to meet Inami, Yashiro tries to agree to the meeting for the information, then Doumeki takes the phone from behind and says he will go. Yashiro cannot stop Doumeki anymore, only, blurts to Nanahara out (which is actually more like bragging??). Although the affair in chapter 52 does not solve business and personal conflicts, it is not meaningless to either side.
---------------------------------------- Appendix: Taigu hyogen [expressions of treatment] include ‘polite words [*teinei-go],’ ‘respectful words [sonkei-go],’ and ‘humble words [kenjo-go].’ It is not difficult to operate ‘polite words.’ In most cases, it only needs to add “desu” or “masu” at the end of a sentence. They are monotonous and mechanical. Using both ‘respectful and humble words,’ one is able to represent one’s taigu hyogen in a flexible manner.
‘Respectful words’ are used for the agent of the action, while ‘humble words’ are for the recipient of the action, and both (sometimes) have their own vocabulary. In the era of feudal class systems, they were indispensable and widely used. These days, people often misuse them, even adults who use this language as their first language.
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danmeibrainrot · 1 year
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So painful seeing him not take any chances again, staying up to keep watch in case Yashiro leaves him behind again. I seriously hope Doumeki gets proper closure ASAP, at least some kind of assurance to provide a bit relief from the very apparent PTSD soon😭
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fondlylupin · 1 year
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my whole soul is sobbing right now
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nendoshinkai · 1 year
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It's been a while since they've been all dressed up. I finally got my copies of ihr Hertz! Now I can start working on Chapter 53. LOL!
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
Okay, chaptere 53 of Saezuru. Whew, that was a LOT. Where to even start. Well, firstly, Tsunakawa's man telling Doumeki to keep his distance from Yashiro, and Doumeki telling him Yashiro is "just a guest", definitely presents a coming conflict.
Doumeki is having a harder and harder time maintaining his act of indifference toward Yashiro, and Yashiro himself has started to notice, calling Doumeki out on it. He's prodding him here, I think, in order to see just how genuine Doumeki's indifference toward him is. I think Yashiro wants desperately to believe that Doumeki still cares for him. He keeps thinking back to four years ago, when Doumeki was so gentle. He's wondering here, if Doumeki really doesn't care about him anymore, why is he getting so angry whenever Yashiro sleeps with anyone other than him. The difficulty, I think, is that Yashiro seems to conclude that Doumeki is angry at him in general, and that's the reason he isn't treating Yashiro like he used to. Once again, it seems to me that Yashiro is blaming himself for Doumeki's attitude shift. I feel like this adds weight to the idea that Yashiro believes he's driven Doumeki to hate him, or at least to lose his feelings for him, and so once again, Yashiro is left feeling despondent and alone.
Of course, given that we get a few panels at the start of this chapter showing Doumeki is anything but indifferent toward Yashiro, thinking of them having sex, looking at Yashiro fondly while he sleeps, etc... we know he still has the same feelings he always did. I just wish Doumeki would show that to Yashiro, because as I'll get into in a second here, his cold demeanor is starting to wear Yashiro down and, I think, drive him deeper into uncertainty and resignation.
Doumeki exposed his true feelings to Nanahara, incidentally, when he asked him if Yashiro is unwell. Nanahara is a sharp guy, so what he says later to Yashiro, about thinking Doumeki hasn't actually changed all that much, isn't surprising. But we see Yashiro get angry at Nanahara for saying such, because he isn't aware of Doumeki asking after his health, and is himself becoming more and more distraught over Doumeki's continued coldness toward him. It culminates here in Yashiro saying he "doesn't care" where it is Doumeki is going, and expressing frustration and annoyance with Doumeki's attitude. Of course, we know Yashiro cares deeply, so I don't expect his claim of detachment to last long, especially if he finds out where Doumeki is actually going, and what Inami said to him on the phone.
I have no idea what's going to be on that tape, other than it's likely Yashiro is a compromised position sexually. Inami seems to be aware that leaking that sort of tape wouldn't, in and of itself, matter much to Yashiro, given his general reputation. But I think Inami is aware that whatever is on it will be very upsetting to Doumeki, and given Doumeki's reactions recently, and in the past, to Yashiro being sexually abused or just having sex with other men, I think he's right. I think Inami believes that showing whatever's on this tape to Doumeki might make Doumeki turn on Yashiro. Of course, it won't. But I do wonder what it is, and what Doumeki's response will be. He might kill Inami, or he might decide to become even more distant from Yashiro, given what he knows about Tsunakawa's attitude toward Yashiro, combined with whatever he sees on this tape. I just have a bad feeling, overall. And then I wonder what Yashiro's response to all this will be. He believes Doumeki is angry at him, and I think he maybe also believes that Doumeki's anger is coming from a feeling of disgust at Yashiro's sexual behavior. Maybe Yashiro is starting to think Doumeki no longer likes him because he's begun to form the same attitudes of other Yakuza, that is, seeing him as some sort of sexual deviant or a public toilet, so to speak, something beneath consideration or respect.
So if there's something on this tape that's really ugly, that shows Yashiro being raped or something similar, and Yashiro finds out that Doumeki has seen it, he might panic and feel like any chance of regaining Doumeki's love is even more out of reach. Depending on how Doumeki reacts to it, assuming he sees it at all, it could also reinforce that belief in Yashiro. Either way, it's just a bad situation all around. Inami's seeming excitement at Doumeki coming to see him also doesn't sit well with me. He knows Doumeki could kill him easily, but he doesn't seem at all worried about that. So he could be planning something else as well. Basically, I just don't trust Inami. He's a complete psychopath. I'm also wondering who that waiter is that was listening in on Nanahara and Yashiro in the restaurant. I've got a bad feeling about that too. Is he part of Yamakawa's group? And if so, does that mean Nanahara and Yashiro are going to be attacked while Doumeki is away? There's just a lot going on here, and it's all pretty concerning.
Great chapter, as always. It's incredibly dense this time around. I'll have to re-read it and think about it more.
Also, just an addition. Yashiro thinks "With that curse, I'm constantly searching for the old you.", after recalling what Doumeki said to him four years ago, "So you need only me. So you want only me.". I think Yashiro is referring to the fact that Doumeki got his wish, that Yashiro only wants him now. He's ruined other men for him, essentially. I think, if Doumeki would just prove he's the same man he always was, Yashiro would give himself over to him fullyheartedly. But Doumeki has changed, or so Yashiro believes. He wants the old Doumeki, the Doumeki that once treated him gently. But again, it seems like that Doumeki is gone, and Yashiro doesn't know how to get him back. He can see Doumeki is angry, but whether he realizes that anger is coming from jealousy, or because Doumeki is disgusted by him, I don't know. Yashiro knows something is up with Doumeki, but each time the old Doumeki seems to peak through, the indifferent mask comes back down, and throws Yashiro for a loop. It's his hot and cold, back and forth signals that I think is making Yashiro so despondent. One moment, there seems to be some kind of hope, and the next, all hope seems lost. I think that's why Yashiro is so angry and upset by the end of this chapter.
One more addition. Yashiro's reaction to Inami telling him to come to him to get the information says it all, doesn't it? He's so resigned to it, but so clearly doesn't want it. Yashiro is still struggling so much with having any sense of self-worth, I think, and it's because of things like this. People using and abusing him, and thinking they have a right to it. The fact that Yashiro continues to accept it speaks to his own, low sense of self-worth, which really breaks my heart. Doumeki at least seems to realize that Yashiro needs protection from this, from letting himself be used by others.
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crayonkant · 1 year
Saezuru Chapter Titles
Well, my archival obsession with the chapter covers continues. Here are all titles to date as of October 2023.
Legend, based on the illustration:
Yashiro - italics Doumeki - bold font Yashiro and Doumeki - blue font
[1] Defiant, or twisted, there's nothing else to do... but continue living.
[2] Unconsciously, love is born.
[3] Sentimental, irritating, suffocating.
[4] Quietly, secretly... passionately.
[5] Just staying by your side...
[6] So close, yet our hearts are afar.
[7] There are things I want to tell you, but I have no words to convey them...
[8] You don't know how important someone is to you until you're about to loose them...
[9] It's so cold, it gives people a lancinating kind of pain, yet, there is an unspeakable sense of comfort. (note: unusual color cover with Misumi and Yashiro's naked legs)
[10] Back then, when he was still a nobody...
[11] Those unseen wounds, hurting little by little.
[12] Something is about to change...
[13] Downtrodden, life continues -
[14] The past... begins to stir - (note: unusual color cover with a bird's pov and tiny unrecognizable figures)
[15] (no text)
[16] I want to protect... I want to be protected... this contradiction is - (note: unusual cover with story panel of Hirata on the ground and speech bubbles. One bubble could be read as continuation of the title : "[this contradiction is - ] ... pretty dangerous".)
[17] I don't want to vanish from your gaze. (note: unusual cover with story panel and speech bubbles. D: "You could say I'm no match for the force of this person." Y: "I don't want to vanish from your gaze".)
[18] Everyone goes on living with the weight of the past on their shoulders. (note: unusual Nanahara? cover)
[19] Even the smallest things can alter fate.
[20] Someone's hatred towards someone Someone's feelings towards someone - (note: unusual car chase cover)
[21] no cover
[22] The time for everything to change has come -
[23] Even though all I want is to love him it will only hurt him...
[24] I can't allow myself to be touched by those hands
[25] What is this The way this is Is not the way that I know (note: crazy double page cover that will get its own post)
[26] nothing
[27] When it's too late I always think... "Why..?"
[28] A past that can never be erased Memories that won't be forgotten
[29] The feelings that ensnare and the feelings that are real... In the end, will they be revealed as love, or...
[30] Little by little... Things start to go crazy.
[31] So many thoughts, So much anticipation, All blending together...
[32] There's something I've always wanted to know.
[33] I've never needed Anyone Or any thing
[34] nothing
[35] Endings and beginnings Beginnings and endings (note: could also be read "Beginnings and endings Endings and beginnings")
[36] nothing
[37] 4 years have passed... and time flew by in parallel lines
[38] Living under the same sky
[39] Finally, things are moving
[40] There is something in the memory that can't be erased.
[41] I never planned on meeting him again
[42] Feelings are aching
[43] Things that changed Things that haven't And some things that cannot be changed.
[44] Yashiro and Doumeki's On equal footing New relationship Begins! (note: strangest title, so different in style than all others)
[45] After being separated for 4 years, The thing Doumeki saw was...
[46] I thought I fully understood that guy...
[47] What is it you desire?
[48] Pretending as if nothing happened
[49] Even if our positions changed, The feelings are...
[50] Wanting to destroy everything (note: unusual cover, portrait of Yashiro with only Doumeki's gloved hand in the picture...)
[51] I didn't know. Was this what I wished for? (note: unusual cover showing only legs, assuming it's the both of them)
[52] nothing
[53] What I really wished for was...
[54] For us both, There are things we don't know
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swallowerofdharma · 2 months
Tales of separated lovers
A preview of the artwork for the cover of volume 9 of Saezuru has been posted. Looking at the horizontal format, my thoughts went to the dust jacket, the removable paper cover, and how we will have Yashiro on the front and Doumeki on the back cover, yet they will still be connected through their touching across the spine of the book. Doumeki is the one reaching, but he does so with a protective glove, while Yashiro doesn’t know how to interpret the touch and grab Doumeki’s wrist to stop or redirect him. He doesn’t understand Doumeki’s intentions. Once we close the volume, they will be on different sides, two separated lovers.
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And so I thought, why not writing down at this point my interpretation of Doumeki’s tattoo? Many others have contributed their thoughts and theories and it was always interesting to read them. This isn’t a counter argument to any different explanation, only a contribution to the discussion, my personal interpretation and reasoning.
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In this little exchange between Yashiro and Nanahara in chapter 53, Yoneda takes the opportunity to give us a big clue. Although it didn’t seem like Yashiro examined the tattoo that closely in his shock upon discovering it, he tells Nanahara: “He’s carrying around some celestial maiden or whatever on his back”.
While I was reading about Japanese festivals, I was captivated by the story behind the Tanabata or Star Festival, the tale of The Cowherd and The Weaver Girl.
In the original legend the two lovers are both celestial beings, but in other tales the cowherd is a human man who falls in love with a celestial maiden and marries her through deception. But the common point in all these stories is that the couple will become separated, the celestial maiden or spouse will go back to the sky and the man will be forbidden from seeing her and will have to go through some kind of trial to meet her again sporadically.
Now, I think Doumeki made a heavy choice. But one might as well think he was already pinkyless, why not tattooed as well? And the scars on his face aren’t hidden by clothes. He cut his finger off without even sharing sake and now that he has, that he is formally part of the Sakura family, why not celebrate his new status with a tattoo as well? The tattoo might show his resolve and commitment to do as it takes to see his celestial spouse once again.
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Yashiro is horrified and it is a testament to how well these characters are written that we can understand his reaction on multiple and profound psychological levels. The men that Yashiro sought out and that used violence freely, the men who trapped him in the yakuza, the men who put his life in danger, they have their backs covered in tattoos. Yet Doumeki was supposed to be different in Yashiro’s point of view. Beginning with his impotence, and the way he used to treat him, without contempt, Doumeki from four years ago, before the Hirata incident, was in Yashiro’s eyes supposed to go back to a normal life, a safer life without the stigma. Because severed fingers and tattoos continue to be stigmatized in Japan. Yashiro knows what that means, because people had been treated him differently and regarded him in contempt even before he was formally introduced to the yakuza. Why bother with a tattoo when Yashiro’s stigma is even unrelated to that? But for Doumeki he had envisioned something better. I love how real this is, from the perspective of trauma, that feeling of separation from the experiences of others, from the experience of Yashiro’s internalized homophobia and the homophobia that is directed towards him, from the social aspect of being yakuza as opposed to be a “civilian”, the constant proximity with crime, corruption, power struggles and danger, in Yashiro’s eyes the ceremonies, the tattoos, all are a cover up, they are fictional, superficial things, he never belonged anyway. He is there because of Misumi’s capricious nature, on a whim. And Doumeki wasn’t supposed to be part of it. Yashiro had a little, modest dream, he could get him out, he could let him go free of it all. Free of any additional stigma. Can’t fingers be reattached?
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On the other hand, Doumeki’s tattoo, Yoneda let us know is probably “some celestial maiden or whatever”, recalls stories of separated lovers who were bound to meet again, even if for a fleeting moment, one night a year, and maybe even less, because it is said that if it rains the lovers are prevented from traversing the heavenly river.
Lafcadio Hearn, The romance of the Milky Way, 1905 : this is still the best retelling in English prose I have found, however I didn’t search wide and far, and it includes some of the common Japanese variations of the original Chinese tale.
Takagi Masafumi, シリーズ/比較民話](二)天人女房/白鳥処女 [Series: Comparative Studies of the Folktale (2) Tennin Nyoobo/The Swan Maiden] (In Japanese)
Hagoromo Tale (In Japanese) : this is the page with a most interesting depiction
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Tanabata on Wikipedia
Swan Maiden on Wikipedia
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kyrieren · 5 months
Doumeki's irezumi
Irezumi (入れ墨, lit. 'inserting ink') is the Japanese word for tattoo, and is used in English to refer to a distinctive style of Japanese tattooing.
In chapter 53, Doumeki's back tattoo is revealed to be a "celestial maiden". Typically, irezumi incorporates motifs such as dragons, Buddhas, samurai, koi fish, and more, each carrying specific cultural and symbolic meanings referred to as wabori (和彫り). Intrigued by Doumeki's tattoo, I went asking if Doumeki’s tattoo is identified as any wabori and received responses suggesting it could represent either Nuwa (女媧) or Benzaiten (弁才天), given the details of snake and the stone in the goddess’ hands. After some research, Nuwa (女媧) seems to be more aligned with the story than Benzaiten (弁才天). However, I still present both of them and their possible interpretations in the story.
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I. Nuwa (女媧)
Nüwa, is a mother goddess, cultural heroine in Chinese folk religion, Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. She is credited with creating humanity from clay by the river bank and repairing the Pillar of Heaven. Let’s focus on the myth of “repairing the Pillar of Heaven”.
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The world of the first beings was very different from ours now. The earth was just in its infancy and was only separated from the sky by four very large pillars. One day, Gonggong (龔工), the god of water, and the god of fire, Zhurong (祝融) became locked in a massive battle that would determine the ruler of heaven. Gonggong, who was motivated by evil, ultimately lost the fight and crashed his head against Buzhou mountain—one of the four pillars holding up the heavens. The earth began to tremble and the pillar collapsed and ripped a hole in the sky. At this point, the earth was completely in tatters from Zhurong and Gonggong’s epic battle. Fires had scorched the earth, water was pouring incessantly from the hole in the sky. The ancient Chinese historian Sima Qian (司馬遷), recorded the following account of Nüwa’s heroic deed: “Hereupon Nüwa melted stones of the five colours to repair the heavens, and cut off the feet of the tortoise to set upright the four extremities of the earth. Gathering the ashes of reeds she stopped the flooding waters, and thus rescued the land.” From that moment on, the water in the heavenly palace no longer cascades on earth to cause harm to the people.
In mythology, Nuwa played a crucial role in repairing the sky hole and preventing heavenly water from pouring onto the earth. As rain – the water from the sky, the befallen suffering, is one of the main themes of Saezuru, the parallel is pretty evident. Given Doumeki’s persistence to stay in the yakuza world and his decision to have a wabori that big on his back, he is doing everything he can to manifest his devotion to stay on Yashiro’s side, end his suffering and protect him from any potential harms, even though up to the newest developments of the story, it doesn’t seem likely at all. They’re both confused and hurting each other.
II. Benzaiten (弁才天)
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Benzaiten ( 弁才天 ) is the “goddess of eloquence" who originated mainly from the Hindu Indian Saraswati, goddess of speech, the arts, and learning. While Benzaiten retains many of the Indic attributes of Saraswati (as patron of music, the arts, eloquence, knowledge), she also has many unique aspects, roles and functions which never applied to the Indian goddess. As such, Benzaiten is now also associated with dragons, snakes, local Japanese deities, wealth, fortune, protection from disease and danger, and the protection of the state. Benzaiten is depicted in a number of ways in Japanese art, one of which is her portrait wielding a sword and a wish-granting jewel (cintāmaṇi). Eloquence and wish-granting? I haven’t been able to draw the parallel to Saezuru yet.
So I’d stick to the interpretation that Doumeki’s tattoo is Nuwa.
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saezurusteve · 10 months
Hello SaezuruSteve team, I hope that you're all doing well! ❤
I was wondering if you are planning to release chapter 53 and 54? I always love your high quality scans though I always buy the magazine.
And I also wanna say thank you so much for all of your hard work.
Hello Anon, and thank you!
I want to release chapters 53, 54, and the impending 55, at least I think I do. I'm sure my team would like to do so as well, at least I think they do. However, life is a shit sandwich... and sometimes you just don't have enough bread to not taste the shit.
The Steves have suffered some losses of friends, family, homes and countries. It's been a fucking horrible-ass year, in fact it's been a horrible-ass TWO years! And even though I scanned chapter 53, chapter 54 is still sitting here untouched because I lost my copies of it for about a month. Grief and misery have a way of blinding you to the fact that you put it on the table by the door when you came in, and even though you are looking right at it, it's invisible because for a moment it was the last thing I wanted to think about.
Maybe things happen for a reason, and I'm so grateful that @itwearsadress came along and saved everyone from having to wait for the chapter. It's been a sigh of relief.
As for us... once the rain stops... I will answer with a strong and hopeful "Maybe? Probably? Perhaps?" Because scanning Saezuru sure has been fun and I would hate to not see it through to the end.
I'll keep you posted!
Love Always,
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P.S. Be good kids and do what @itwearsadress asks of you, and don't fuck up a good thing! ;D
Someone dropped this:
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What the frick? Someone dropped this too???? Must be Saezuru Month! ;D
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beigepillow · 8 months
Now that I have read and processed ch 56, I want to touch on whether Yashiro was okay or not with the “just sex” declaration Doumeki gave. While I think it is okay for that moment, I don’t think Yashiro saw Doumeki’s love through his actions in this chapter. Just like Doumeki can’t read Yashiro’s mind, I don’t think we should expect Yashiro to be able to read Doumeki’s. Yashiro has struggled with the idea that Doumeki hates him since they reunited. In ch 53, after Doumeki kissed him and they had sex, Yashiro thinks that Doumeki hates him and mournfully thinks back to Doumeki’s love confession back in volume 5. To go from that to being able to understand Doumeki’s love without any kind of verbal confirmation is not my interpretation of Yashiro at all. I don’t think Yashiro is angsting over what Doumeki said right now but we have to remember Yashiro’s history. He has been used for sex his entire life and that melancholic smile, to me, is Yashiro accepting a familiar pain. While saezuru contains a large amount of ambiguity, it is still a love story at the core and while he may not have gotten a love confession in this chapter, Doumeki gave him a glimpse of the old him with the cigarette line. With that glimpse and the potential gentle sex, I think Yashiro can gain the confidence to eventually face his fears.
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danmeibrainrot · 1 year
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Saezuru ch 53 preview is out 🎉😭
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