#saigon (luke hemmings)
visceral--feeling · 1 year
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The Kiss - Edvard Munch // Saigon - Luke Hemmings
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bloodhoundluke · 2 years
saigon ⎻ luke hemmings
description: luke and his girlfriend took a vacation to saigon after having trouble in paradise; when they come home, it's time to face the the issues they have ignored.
pairing: she/her x luke hemmings
warnings: angst, cursing, quite a lot of fluff... let me know if there's anything else).
word count: 1, 0k-ish.
a/:n: writing this made me feel so single lol. hope u enjoy <3 if there are any mistakes (e.g. grammar), please do let me know!
this is pt. 2 of when facing the things we turn away from series. the parts are not related to each other; rather, i'd call them blurbs.
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The trip to Saigon was something they both clearly had needed. Relaxing, sun bathing. Reading books, walking around the town, being tourists. No sense of time. Just them two together, not having a clue what was happening in the world. They had shut their social media off for the two weeks they spent there. But social media wasn’t the only thing they had ignored; they had ignored their relationship problems too. Before leaving for the vacation, they had been going through a rough patch. Even though both of them tried to forget the problems, it wasn’t possible. It was like you could cut the atmosphere with a knife at times. He had a few things lingering on the top of his tongue, never saying them outloud. Sorry. I feel terrible for hurting you. I don’t want to lose you, but I needed space. She had them too and it made her feel uneasy at times; but she always pushed them away. Now wasn’t the time to talk through their issues. I needed you but you weren’t there. You made me feel invisible. 
Dropping the suitcases on the ground, Luke took a deep breath. Shit. We are home. And this means we have to talk. Two days, and not a single word of their issues. They both felt anxious about it; not knowing how to start the conversation. Always hoping the other one would do it. 
When it had been six days after the trip, he decided to speak up. He couldn’t take it anymore and needed to know what was going through her head. It seemed like nothing had changed after the trip between them; it was still pure bliss. The love was there and evident, no one could tell different. It didn’t change the fact that the aftermath was horrifying. They needed to face the things they had been turning away from. The arguments, the miscommunication. Her feeling of being neglected, his feeling of needing more space. 
Yelling, cursing at each other. They tried to keep it civilized, clearly not succeeding. Things got heated and she packed her overnight bag and stayed at her friend’s house. Luke called Calum to tell him he was sure she’d leave him for good. Calum drove to Luke and comforted him, like a best friend would. He was shattered, not knowing what to do; meanwhile the beacon of his life was sobbing on her friend’s couch. She was terrified and feared the relationship would come to an end. She loved and adored him; in a way she couldn’t even fathom nor explain.
The next day came and Luke decided he’d be the best man he could be for her. To love her like she was meant to be loved. To love her like she deserved; and she deserved nothing but the best. She was the love of his life; nothing could change that. 
She stepped out of the couple’s front door and was soon met by the baby blue eyes she had been both missing and fearing to look at. She jogged to his embrace and he closed her tightly to his chest. 
“I fuckin’ love you. Don’t want to lose you”, he sobbed as she looked him in the eyes. 
“I know baby, I know”, she smiled sadly and he reached down to kiss her, both tasting the saltiness from their lips. “I’ll be the best partner I can be, I promise”, he mumbled and she nodded, clearly agreeing with his statement. “I promise I’ll do the same, Lu”. 
So, they made a promise to each other: to communicate better, face the things they would usually turn away from and appreciate the moments as they are. The worst moments they had shared with each other led to something beautiful, even though it didn’t feel like that at the time. Two and a half years later, they had worked through several issues and they joked how they felt like relationship experts. They were a team; not against each other. Sometimes arguments make people grow closer, and that’s exactly what happened to them.
They had booked the second trip to Saigon three years after the first one. He knew that he wanted to get down on his knee and propose to her. He wanted to highlight the fact she was the love of his life;  even though she joked he said it “too much” already. That night, she wore a dark green dress which emphasized the color of her eyes. They had gone to a restaurant earlier and now where taking a walk by the beach. The seaview looked incredible that night; you could see the reflection of the city lights on the water.
“I appreciate us, so damn much. And you….shit…uh”, Luke nervously explained after they had stopped walking to appreciate the view.
“What the hell are you rambling Lu ?”. She was sassy, and that was one of the things he loved about her.
“Hey! Let me finish”, he giggled and she threw her hands in the air, giggling along.
“That’s the laugh I love, hmm”, he kissed her cheek. It was time.
He dug out the velvet box from the suit pocket. He got on his knee, showcasing the most gorgeous oval-shaped diamond ring she had ever seen. With her mouth and eyes wide open, she mumbled, “Oh my god, what the hell are you doing?”.
“You are someone….that I adore and love truly. So much. You are the one who talks some sense to me when I am unreasonable. You know how to make smile when I’ve had the shittiest day of my life. You know every ounce of me, every fiber of my being. You and me, I think could be a forever thing…don’t know if you agree, but…I want to know if you’d make me the happiest man in the world. Will you marry me?”.
She couldn’t get a single word out of her mouth since she was sobbing uncontrollably; she just nodded several times excitedly. 
“Was my proposal really that shitty?”, he giggled to her hair. It had been half an hour after the proposal and they were sitting on a blanket by the sea.
“No, you silly…you just make me so damn happy”, she smiled while still sobbing a bit.
“Could say the same thing about you…I love to love you”, his lips found hers while his thumbs rested on her cheeks, his other fingers below her chin.
© 2022 bloodhoundluke.
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nostalgiatour · 5 months
saigon | nostalgia for a time that never existed, a tour by luke hemmings | cologne, germany | 05.10.2024 | 🎥 @powerschlumpfi on tiktok
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edge-oftheworld · 4 months
but that's the thing we haven't talked about, isn't it? that saigon is a political statement in itself, simply using the south vietnamese name for the city*. that starting line is a political statement about what being a child star does to you, bloodline is too about addiction (heck, the whole premise of the song is to make you think! what if!) diamonds is a political statement questioning how we define what we deem healthy and sane (how there isn't really a line) and fuck it men can have eating disorders too! i'm still your boy talks about punching walls! with regret but also acceptance and acknowledgement and if that's not how you unravel stigma i don't know what is. all this gender fuckery just to drop an ep called 'boy'. and yet we're still all like 'uwu tall pretty cutie no thoughts in that head'. please don't be ignorant about what is right in front of you
*can a country of people of colour please have internal disagreements without everything being about america's influence on the vietnam war? because i don't think we can in good conscience read THAT much into it. i don't know heaps about viet nam but i'd be willing to bet it's more to do with sierra's background than saying whether the US should be able to control war outcomes using power
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dezmoines · 3 months
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soundspotlights · 9 months
Song: Saigon | Artist: Luke Hemmings
Spotify Link | Apple Music Link | SoundCloud Link
Spotlight: this song makes me want to be rollerskating around an empty rink while the cool purple lights are going.
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hemmohaze · 7 months
the many emotions of me listening to these three specific songs in wftwtaf
listening to saigon be like
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then motion
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finally place in me
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When did my ambitions change? When did they grow? From wanting to do something, anything, for the dozen or so people sleeping rough I meet in my city on my daily commute to the statistics I see of homelessness, of asylum seekers? When did thousands start not to feel overwhelming, oh no I have to fix it all, to what if? What if I could really be part of catalysing this? I watch fashion styles out of the window of my bus. Read body language, who is included, who isn’t? I complain about the train line and how far away it is, but, oh, if we let buses take over all of our streets, replacing the trams we tore up last century? Oh, if we replaced the automotive with something kinder, gentler, to our macropods and the little joeys we see out on the streets, if we connected our suburbs for every animal just like I’ve drawn pictures of a thousand times over the course of my uni degree. What if we capitalised on our amazingly functioning ecosystems? What if we were the next Shanghai, but better, better in so many ways, what if they saw what I did, whoever I work with, what if someone wants to work with me to do something similar for the orang-utans in Borneo? My mother and grandfather were born on those lands, among the jungle. What if?
I know I have to watch my mood, keep me on the ground. But I feel calm, it’s not worth stressing over, I haven’t had any caffeine and I’m not even buzzed. How much better I feel when I’m off all of that, when I let my mind wander and solve things like it does best. I said I’d work on my fic on the bus, this is good enough. I need to get a second job, this one is making me hypomanic. But I know I can handle it, I always do. I need to find what grounds me and I’m going home to that. Never really considered much about whether I can support myself, not when I’m only one person—who really cares? I know people do. And I wish they’d stop, I wish they’d let me be free. Maybe that’s why I look through millions of pages for characters who I see myself in. Maybe I should go back to my roots, Southeast Asian collective cultures, or is that what I’m running away from, people who worry for me, just so I can worry for a much larger table I call family? I’ll bring honour to the clan, the hodgepodge scatter of genetics I carry in my cells, but I’ll do it my way. In a way that builds up everything and every organism I touch. I’ve got seven hundred dollars in my bank account, once I pay my bills, to carry me into the next month, and that makes me poorer than most of Southeast Asia. I do need a second job, to take my mind of the impact a few times per week. I seek out community. I find only lost sheep. People searching, just like I am, who don’t know what I do. I think I can help them. I know I can. No wonder I never did care if I had a roof over my head, not when I’m starving for love I can stomach. Why bother looking after myself when I could look after millions instead? Then treat myself like a machine and a vessel towards this I have to cherish and care for, as if I’m the planet that sustains us itself?
I live for the impact. Visible disabilities, I’m looking out the window again, on the arterial road I have grand plans for. It’s like a major river, delivering droplets, billions and billions of them down from the mountains to a massive fanning delta. It’s the Mekong, the minor city us commuters are heading for is Ho Chi Minh City and my parents’ suburb is Saigon. I see people along the river, people like droplets of water, with various physical disabilities and I’m reminded, no matter how I feel about this, all this, and whatever it might lead me to, it’s still a disability, I still have to manage it lest it sweep me off my feet again and I get frustrated because, what about my impact? Sugar coated brain. The fluid ain’t to blame. Living our lives, dancing on empty wallets. Spend it all on you. I want to be as sonically diverse as this song. I want my cities to reflect that. Generosity. I always believed in second chances, I always believed in you. Millions of you. Do you believe in me?
Maybe I’ll bring my favourite characters along for the journey. Maybe the fics I’ve written for them, the headcanons I made, the friends I bonded with who are so much like me, are because I see myself in them. This idealism. No room for self-preservation. I’m not the only one experiencing this, living like this, hoping no one finds out lest I have to face their criticism. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten more things to change. You can’t change me, only kill the only part of me I have driving me forwards. Mirror in the text, I was enchanted to meet you. Can you tell my song library is making its way through the letter E? Is this the very first page of my arc? Don’t let the storyline end without me saying the words I held back. Here they are. I’m not crazy, right, no crazier than the next person (fingers crossed I’m reclaiming this word properly and using it properly) because this stuff has to happen. I don’t—can’t—do it all on my own. All I have to do is a little sketch there. A little post that someone sees who thinks something who tells someone who builds something that helps millions. A little idea, a little drawing, a little bit of the monotonous grind because when it comes down to it, my company might be as idealistic as me but I do have an employer. And I’d wager a bet that I’m a lot less sheltered by wealth and unrepresentative connections than nearly anyone else there. And I still believe this is possible.
I’m tired, so tired, because as I work to convince them I know they all think of filling their own stomachs first before anyone else’s. I can’t help it. I can mask it for a bit while I pull on my own oxygen mask but I didn’t do that naturally, I did that because I was told to. Because someone explained the logic to me that I can’t help anyone else if I’m dead. And now I’m doing the same, back on it again, educating, opening eyes with logic all around me: you can’t feed yourself on a planet that’s dead. They’re just like me aren’t they? Just got a few things plugged in the other way around. So I’m in a good place to help them see. But I’m tired, because no one even tries to see things from my perspective. No one knows they have to. Why would they? I’ve got a million things to help them see first. Maybe I should do this the other way around, maybe that would be more productive, but I don’t trust it. I mask to connect, it’s the only language I know. I don’t mask more than anyone else. I don’t know how all of them survive it. Barely, clearly.
The traffic is getting heavy as the bus pulls into its little station between the two shopping centres. I forget Christmas is coming, a stupid consumerist holiday I no longer see the connection with my religion. Can’t we bring back connection instead of this? I can. It’s the four letters keeping me from coming undone. It’s the thing that people admire most about me, but they don’t understand. I have to. I have to do this. I’m sick of pretending I can be okay just going through life when I have all these things holding over me, things I care about that won’t go away. I’m calmer when I face them head-on. The way we were in Saigon. Maybe I can rewrite my story with my parents’ suburb. The things most people turn away from. I’m sick of the way that I had to fill every waking millisecond with exciting distraction until I lost my ability to sleep in order to attempt to distract myself from it. I simply won’t do that anymore. Look at me, looking after myself for the first time ever. Maybe I can be the girl from End Up Here. Maybe when I acknowledge my burdens and process them enough to realise they need to be handled collectively and I have the skills to drive the machine, I don’t have to use my shoulders instead, I actually feel less burdened for the first time ever.
And it’s reflected in the choices I make. How long have I felt that my time is running away from me, how long have I longed for more free time, just to have it taken away from me, so incrementally that I was supposed to get used to it, but instead each step up was a micro-aggression that built up inside my uterus and left me hurting and unable to move? Unable to use the part of my body designed to create life, to do anything but hurt? Is it because I finished university and don’t have that starting line hanging over me anymore and I feel like I’m moving for once? Why did I require this level of privilege just to start living?
Either way, all it is is fodder to the ambition. Everyone should get to experience this. Everyone should get what they need. So I’m letting my mind wander, letting my time be free, choosing to trust that I will get done whatever needs to be, organising my schedule to allow for this to happen. For the first time, I feel like I have some sort of control over this. Everyone should get to have this experience. I can work towards that dream.
So my bus got me home at exactly the right time. I’m tired, in the bedroom of my teenage years, my rowdy birds making a fuss outside (who dumped who? Or was it a miscommunication to begin with? Or did he just want to go to bed, Violet, but you still want to be outside so you’re calling for him but he’s chosen you everyday for the last four years, let a man get some rest). But I’m a little less tired knowing that this can come out. I don’t have to hold it all in and pretend. I can work towards solutions, one step at a time.
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on repeat 🎵
tagged by @sp00kymulderr @sizzlingcloudmentality and @futuraa-free !! 💛
go to 'on repeat'/heavy rotation playlist on spotify/apple music, throw it on shuffle and share the first 10 songs you get
I’m Still Your Boy - Luke Hemmings
Style (Taylor’s Version) - Taylor Swift
Motivation - MUNA
Saigon - Luke Hemmings
Close My Eyes - Luke Hemmings
But Daddy I Love Him - Taylor Swift
The Place To Be - The Scarlet Opera
Catch Me If You Can - The Scarlet Opera
Easy For You To Say - 5 Seconds of Summer
I’ve Been Waiting For You - The Scarlet Opera
np tags: @wordywarriorwrites @homebody-nobody @ericsariels @jessthebaker @imaginativefanatic @perotovar @schnarfer + anyone who just wants to do it because i’m late to the game and don’t really know who’s done it already
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visceral--feeling · 1 year
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The Artist’s Wife sitting at a Window in a Sunlit Room - Carl Vilhelm Holsøe // Saigon - Luke Hemmings
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bloodhoundluke · 11 months
i like thursdays
pairing: luke hemmings x booktuber! reader (fc: steph bohrer) description: y/n is a booktuber and and y/n starts to fangirl over luke. things take an unexpected turn and luke starts to become a regular visitor in y/n's youtube channel.
a/n: thank u so much @alonetimelover for the inspo! i really loved your harry styles x booktuber! reader smau, so i wanted to do a luke one myself 🫶 and special thanks to @gladexmuses for always supporting my work! i appreciate it immensely 🤍
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Liked by ynfan945, ynfan103 and 48,963 others
yourinstagram you'll never catch me without a book… swipe to the next slide for a sneak peek of whose book recommendations i am reading atm...
and the last slide is my mood currently bc one of those books keeps breaking my SOUL 🥲 i'll upload it on thursday as usual. so take a guess who the celebrity is in question! here's a few hints: blonde, singer... 🤫
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ynfan95 thursdays are my fave bc of u 💞
ynfan304 A LITTLE LIFE?? is that someone okay??
yourinstagram 🥹🥲
ynfan241 TAYLOR SWIFT???
ynfan382 sabrina carpenter??! or niall horan???
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Liked by ynfan39, ynfan23 and 56,594 others
yourinstagram it's thursday & u know what that means...i uploaded a new video ❤️‍🩹 some of you guessed but...i read books that Luke Hemmings has recommended and that man has definitely faced the things he turned away from...the link is in bio <3
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yourinstagram and hey remember that i won't upload new videos for the next two thursdays since i am on a holiday! see u soon though 🫶
twilightmomentswithlu 'that man has definitely faced the things he turned away from...' LMAOOOO
iknowitwellcal Did you listen to WFTTWTAF?
yourinstagram yes. and it broke my heart in pieces. it was everything.
iknowitwellcal Favorite song?
yourinstagram bloodline or saigon 💔
lukesredline23 the taste is IMMACULATE
ynfan405 You sobbing to every book was a mood honestly
yourinstagram i mean...how could you not???
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Liked by calumsshoes, ynfan934 and 2,963 others
5sos.updates Luke talked about the user readwithyn's YouTube video in Zach Sang show which 5sos attended. In case you did not know, Y/N did a YouTube video where she read every single book Luke has ever recommended. Luke revealed that he now has the 'reading bug'.
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pookieluke poor lu got so flustered :( <3
tooyoungtoodumb5sos "I mean, why would anyone read what I've recommended?" I AM CRYING 😭😭
paintedheartonthesidewalk the man needs a confidence boost for real
disconnected!5sos i absolutely died when zach asked if luke had slid into her dm's and he looked so CONFUSED poor man!!!
redlinelrh I need to know if he slid into her dm's or not 🤯
pookieluke i mean it's luke, if he did, he would have reread the message 10000x times and then sent it :(
redlinelrh Or another option is that the boys encouraged him to send the message???
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan23 and 62,495 others
yourinstagram i've found my sweet escape when i'm alone with you
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ynfan29 You're so beautiful 😭❤️
ynfan203 Someone has been listening to 5sos I see 👀
yourinstagram yeaahh, i'm obsessed with their entire discography 😮‍💨🫶
lukehemmings A good taste in books and music. Also sorry for ruining your life
yourinstagram you're forgiven if you keep releasing bangers after bangers
lukehemmings We're doing our best!
ynfan45 what is THE luke hemmings doing here????
yourinstagram 🥹🥹💞
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Liked by yourinstagram, ashtonirwin and 390,384 others
lukehemmings On the road
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emotionalblenderluke i'm living for the converse content king
tears!5sos Luke reading Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was not in my 2023 bingo cards 😳
yourinstagram you're the prettiest man i've ever seen
lukehemmings Any tips to make me prettier?
yourinstagram nope...just do you!
liked by lukehemmings and 240 others
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan203, and 71,483 others
yourinstagram i traveled all the way to LA see 5sos play. and it was so worth it 🥳🌹💖
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lukehemmings Glad you enjoyed it 🤘🖤
yourinstagram i mean...how could i not?? thanks for the entertainment 🥰
lukehemmings Of course! Did you have a favorite song?
yourinstagram oh gosh....i loved caramel and vapor!! and ofc ghost of you 🥺🫶 and teeth!! u have too many amazing songs just to pick one
liked by lukehemmings and 204 others
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan986, and 89,213 others
yourinstagram i woke up. and went back to bed. this is 3 hrs later. and now i'm late
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ynfan304 you are such a mood honestly
lukehemmings 😳😍🔥
yourinstagram 🥹🙌🏼
ynfan875 You're so gorgeous it's unfair
jbhtilthedayidie Luke is simping and I can't blame him 😮‍💨
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Liked by calumsshoes, ynfan934 and 2,963 others
5sos.updates Luke seen before tonight's show!
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bloodlinelrh who is that with him?
5sos.updates We're trying our hardest to seek information, but at the moment we have no clue. Might be a friend, cousin, whomever who we don't know! The options are endless.
besideash such a cutie ☹️💞
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Liked by yourinstagram, ashtonirwin and 359,421 others
lukehemmings I like thursdays
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calumhood Cool
ashtonirwin Thanks for the information Luke, I really needed it
michaelclifford i swear you didn't like thursdays before, what changed?
lukehemmings 🫣
yourinstagram 🤩🦋💖
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan203 and 94,297 others
yourinstagram i had the holiday of my dreams <3 since it's over, it means that i'll upload a new video on thursday ☺️ see u then loves!
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ynfan64 THIS!!!!!
ynfan575 y/n in her lover era 🌟❤️❤️
yourinstagram this is actually the cutest thing ever ☹️💞
ynfan293 Can't wait for the new video <33
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Liked by yourinstagram, caramelcal and 345,843 others
lukehemmings So rad
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ynfan92 There is no way that isn't Y/N???
visceralfeelings I mean Luke’s caption on his last pic would make sense if it was Y/N?
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan126, and 102,963 others
yourinstagram 🔉🔉 it's thursday! my 2nd ever day in my life vlog is now up! hope you like it :)
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ashtonirwin Had such a fun night! Let me know when you're hosting a wine night again 😎
yourinstagram of course! loved having you :)
lukehemmings I watched it. And liked it 🤩
yourinstagram yay 🥳
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Liked by mikeysguitar, ynfan201, and 2,963 others
5sos.updates A screenshot of Luke and Ashton in readwithyn's vlog!
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ashtonsunshine Fanfiction brought to life
ynfan39 oh my god i think y/n and luke are together???
oscodefender i hope they are :((( y/n seems like such a sweetheart
hemmingscinema It was so weird to see them just casually hanging out with people and giggling in some vlog?? ughh I just love them?? I hope we see more of them in Y/N's vlogs 🤭
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan203, and 155,451 others
yourinstagram u guys have been bombing me with questions. so here's an q&a for u little munchkins (with a very special quest) 🧸❤️‍🩹 the link is in my bio!
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nitswmike You picking Lover of Mine as one of your fav 5sos songs is the reason I trust you
yourinstagram hehe thankss!!
babylonluke You should rank 5sos songs next
yourinstagram omg yes!! lover of mine defo didn't belong in the B tier???!
y/s/nownsmyheart I love you and Luke 🥺❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
yourinstagram 🥺❤️
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Liked by yourinstagram, 5sos and 469,467 others
lukehemmings The secret's out. Please go and watch Y/N's newest YouTube video 🥰❤️
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ynfan309 You need to film a video of you reading together PLEASE
lukehemmings Sounds like a plan? @ yourinstagram
yourinstagram i'd love that!
ynfan12 couple goals 😍
crystalleigh oh god you are adorable!! 💖🫶🏼
ynfan395 i'm coming for your girlfriend 🥵
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Liked by lukehemmings, y/s/n.islife, and 199,535 others
yourinstagram my fav everything 🧸🌟🎸❤️
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caramelcal Y'ALL I NEED AIR
ynfan23 too cute 😭😭😭
ashtonirwin You two beautiful souls
lukehemmings And my favorite everything ❤️
yourinstagram ily 🫶
lizhemmings Wow, a beautiful picture
yourinstagram thank you ❤️
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan203, and 194,435 others
yourinstagram A SURPRISE VLOG! 🌟 we read 6 books that ultimately shattered our hope in the humankind. there's not enough words in the world to describe the journey we went through...i hope you enjoy our rants though, the link is in the bio as always <3
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lukehemmings Never reading those books ever again
yourinstagram preach 🙌🏼
karma5sos i need someone to read books with too :( even if they are horrible ones
almondmilkhunni literally i have never giggled as much to a youtube video than i did to this lmaooo, love u 2
yourinstagram thank u so much, i'm glad u enjoyed it lol 🥹🥰
michaelclifford i've never heard luke being so passionate about books wth??
lukehemmings I'm a changed man, pal
yourinstagram @ michaelclifford just wait until he starts to analyze books when the tour continues 😉
calumhood Oh jeez, can't wait for that one
© 2023 bloodhoundluke.
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nostalgiatour · 3 months
saigon | nostalgia for a time that never existed, a tour by luke hemmings | boston calling | 05.24.2024 | 🎥 @ manda.smo on tiktok ( @lifewasradical )
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newtness532 · 6 months
hiii i hope you have a great day!! 🌄😽🌸💗
here are a few songs for youuu
life - sleeping at last
too sweet - hozier
venus - shocking blue
real world - loosemble
water worship pray - grace power
saigon - luke hemmings
ωδή στην ταυτότητα - sophie lies
thank you, it's been going meh so far but theres still time for it to get better. i hope your day is going well 🥰❤️
and thank you for the songs, they were all really good!!! 🩷🩷 also is το κορίτσι του Μάη the greek version of venus?
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sunsetcocoamuffin · 11 months
I was tagged by @themfacesbelovely
Sorry this took so long I was away for a friend’s wedding most of last week
Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist & post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people~ (bending the rules here as I’ll be screenshotting my playlist and listing my fave tracks 😝)
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Top 10 tracks:
1. Dealer by Lana del Rey
2. Baby I’m Yours by Arctic Monkeys
3. Saigon by Luke Hemmings
4. I would leave this planet by Xenia
5. Paint the town red by Doja Cat
6. My love all mine by Mitski
7. Anchor by Allie X
8. Girls like me don’t cry by thuy
9. Magician by Lexie Liu
10. Mirrorball by Taylor swift
Tagging my lovely mutuals 💖 @moonlightaugust @vanesa @tinytealight @witchycitrine @vlolets @butterflyangel3102 @mikkleo-s @kunoichi-of--destiny @northernmoments @ohifonlyx33
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seiwas · 6 months
brb stopping by this sleepover :3 what are your most played songs this week?!
jade my love!!!!! welcome to the sleepover 🥹✨
omg!! my most played songs this week have been:
what love is - zimmer90
breathe me - tyla
saigon - luke hemmings
too sweet - hozier
live with that (rework) - shannon lauren callihan, wowflower
the genres are all over the place but i’ve been loving them all 🥹 ariana’s ‘supernatural’ featuring troye sivan is rlly good too 🥹
what about you?!?!
join the sleepover! share/ask anything!
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unsteadylilactree · 1 year
i was tagged in this get to know me game by @bekkachaos.
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animal: i don't know. either rottweiler or an octopus. oh and the patagonatitan
movie: of all time? damn. how to train your dragon probably. but currently it's probably across the spiderverse. that is an incredible movie.
season: summer. without a doubt, summer.
character: nick nelson.
colour: yellow and orange
hobby: hmm, i bounce between hobbies constantly but i'll probably have to pick roller skating or singing.
book: how on earth am i meant to choose? who am i kidding I can't choose just one: rwrb, heartstopper volume 3, an inspector calls by j.b preistly
song: saigon by luke hemmings, science by niall horan
drink: tea. the amount of tea i drink is quite frankly ridiculous.
tagging some new(er) mutuals: @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @diazblunt @i-go-to-find-the-sun
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