#saiibo | kiibo x shuichi
finsterkiibo · 9 months
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oh hell yeah guess what month it is
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immajustreblogthis · 3 months
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mooved-nowon · 2 years
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Saiibo (Shuichi x K1-B0) or Akanidai (Akane x Nekomaru)?
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mythgirlimagines · 8 months
In a faraway kingdom in a world where magitek is abundant, one of the robots created as a butler to the royal Saihara family, whomst was christened as "Kiibo", had gained sentience after his creator's many failed attempts. In celebration of this miracle, a huge party was held at the castle, and the High Faeries of the world were all invited. Unfortunately, one of them was forgotten- the High Faerie of Invention, Iruma, the one who bestowed the miracle upon Kiibo in the first place! Feeling inconceivably betrayed by this(not knowing it was unintentional on the rulers' part), she makes a deal with the intentionally-uninvited High Faerie of Chaos, Enoshima, to help her get even.
A curse of curiosity is placed on Kiibo so that, in three years' time from his creation, he will venture out to Enoshima's realm, where he will touch the thorns of a cursed rose and not only lose his miracle, but be deactivated permanently! Well, permanently I say, but there is one way to reverse it, and that is a kiss of true love, which will restore his miracle and wake him again. Iruma plans to be the one to deliver this kiss, mostly to have his love(which was her intention from the beginning), but also, she knows curses like this have caused huge amounts of hubbub among kingdoms since before windmills were a thing. Thus, she'd be seen as a savior, with none of her involvement in the setup ever known!
However, it's not that simple. See, the heir to the throne and the one Kiibo actually loves, Shuichi, is aware of this whole thing(unlike the rest of his family who only knew about Enoshima's part), and isn't going to let Iruma have her way. He needs to get Iruma to quit her plan, whatever that takes, and save Kiibo. He needs to be quick about this, because if the cursed rose's petals all fall, Kiibo won't be able to be saved.
So basically, fairytale-ish Saiibo AU.
love the sleeping beauty elements here haha
Shuichi knew it was an accident that Miu wasn’t invited; her invitation was genuinely lost in the mail or something of the sort. The three years had already passed, so he needed to act fast to get to Miu and Kiibo both.
The kiss of true love was something that wouldn’t come easily, of course. True love was a bit of an old-fashioned way to break a curse, but it would work. And Shuichi knew he was the one Kiibo loved.
It wasn’t that he thought Miu was evil- just misguided in her efforts. She shouldn’t have gotten involved with Junko, who really was evil in thinking of the curse to begin with.
Miu didn’t make it easy for him to get to Kiibo, though, since she left plenty of her other inventions in Shuichi’s way to stall him. But he had to reason with her, or even show her that his kiss of true love would work, while hers wouldn’t.
Soon it was just the two of them with Kiibo, who was still deactivated. Shuichi would be able to save the one Miu put so much effort into creating- an argument that ultimately allowed him to save Kiibo from permanent deactivation.
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yoshi-self-ships · 2 years
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OT3 meme stuff
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freshyow · 2 years
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love-me-purple · 11 months
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all posts are gender neutral unless stated otherwise.
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mod kokichi’s works
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
Carnival Headcannons with Mukuro Ikusaba
Danganronpa Goodbye Despair
Danganronpa Killing Harmony
Shuichi, Kokichi, and Rantaro in a fight with their s/o who thought they were going to hit them
Kaito going on a first date with his gender neutral s/o
First date Headcannons (girls)
Pregame Kaito, Korekiyo, and Gonta with a neutral crybaby s/o
Movie night (boys)
shuichi x sick s/o
cuddling headcannons with kiibo
Ships (All games) Kirumi x Maki Headcannons
Saimatsu Headcannons !!
Saimatsu Kissing Headcannons !!
Shuichi x Korekiyo Headcannons
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mod mikan’s works
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
Danganronpa Goodbye Despair
Danganronpa Killing Harmony
Cuddling Headcannons!! (boys & girls)
Ships (All games)
Amasaioumota genderbend cuddling & kissing headcannons
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mod celestia’s works
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
Danganronpa Goodbye Despair
Danganronpa Killing Harmony
Pregame Kaito & Kokichi Headcannons
Kokichi Ouma Headcanons (Ingame, Pregame, Postgame)
Ships (All games)
Pregame Oumota Headcanons
Oumota + Saimota Headcanons
Saiibo Headcanons
Mermaid!Kokichi x Shuichi
Kokichi x Shuichi x Rantaro
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mod ibuki’s works
Danganronpa Goodbye Despair
Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls
Danganronpa Killing Harmony
“Lost and Found” - Shuichi
“Closer” - Pregame Kokichi
Ships (All games)
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heckin-kiibler · 3 years
Birthdays were… An odd thing for Kiibo. As a robot, he was not 'born' in the same way humans were. His creation was the culmination of years of development, during which he was technically activated in order to test specific parts of his AI. Alongside that, given his own… Unique history, it could be said that he had three separate ‘birthdays.’
First was the birthday he couldn’t remember; the one that marked the first day Professor Idabashi considered his development complete and Kiibo was properly switched on. Of course, this version of himself did not last, but if one were to get technical, this day would be his true, original birthday.
Then there was the date of his rebirth, after his AI reset itself in order to properly become the Professor's son. That had been almost five years ago now. Or perhaps six?
Finally, there was his most recent birth date, when his body and AI had been finally restored after the events of the Killing Game. His memories weren’t perfectly intact, but apparently enough of his files were able to be salvaged so that he could remember most of what had happened during that dark time in his life. Sometimes he wondered if it would have been better to forget all that had occurred, but despite the despairing situation they had been in, there were a few good memories he had that were far too valuable to lose. He didn’t want to forget his friends. Each of them were all the four of them really had, though the Future Foundation had certainly been very accommodating as well.
It was his second birthday that he generally celebrated, though, and was also the one that happened to be today.
Kiibo sat on top of a cliff, overlooking a large body of water, as the autumn breeze blew through his hair. This had become one of his favourite spots since escaping the killing game. It was quiet, but for once, that wasn’t a bad thing. It was a comforting silence, one filled with the sweet sounds of nature rather than the terrifying emptiness that had always followed nighttime at the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles. He still wasn’t fond of being completely by himself, but he was getting better, and places like these made the ordeal more bearable.
“Ah, Kiibo, here you are.”
Kiibo turned around, a smile already on his face. It seemed he would not need to be alone any longer. He would know that voice anywhere, thanks to his advanced vocal recognition technology. “Shuichi!”
“I was looking for you.” A faint blush spread across the detective's face as he offered a wrapped box to the robot. “Happy birthday, Kiibo.”
“A gift?” Shuichi was known to give out presents on a fairly regular basis, but seldom were they wrapped. Kiibo supposed that the change was because of birthday traditions. He took the box from his friend, gratitude flooding his circuits, and began to carefully unwrap it. “Thank y-- Oh!”
Inside was a beautiful blue kimono adorned with floral patterns in black outlines. Kiibo looked back at Shuichi in wonder.
“Um, during the killing game you had mentioned that you liked kimonos, so…” Shuichi trailed off, looking away. Kiibo's sensors could detect some embarrassment coming from the man. Not long after, though, he turned back to the robot with a small smile. “Well, I thought you’d like something like this.”
That was certainly true, but… Had he truly said something like that? Kiibo scoured his memory banks before coming across the singular instance where he did state his preferences for Japanese themed things. He had really remembered something like that, despite everything that had been going on in the killing game?
“Sh-Shuichi..!” If he had a crying function, surely he would be..! Kiibo wanted to hug his friend, but he was also holding his(!!) kimono and didn’t want to put it down. Instead, he opted to stare at the other with wide, joyful eyes.
The detective's smile widened as a soft chuckle escaped his lips. “Did you want to put it on?” He offered, stepping toward the other as Kiibo nodded excitedly.
It wasn’t a perfect fit, given that the garment was draped over his armour rather than being worn properly, but it still filled him with an indescribable amount of warmth. After Shuichi finished tying it for him, Kiibo turned to face the detective. “H-how do I look..?” He asked, suddenly a little shy.
“You look great, Kiibo.” Shuichi said softly, reaching over to pat Kiibo's head. “I believe the preparations are ready, if you’re ready to head back.”
“…Preparations? For what purpose?”
“Ah, well, I don’t know if it was still meant to be a surprise, but… We’ve set up a little party in the Neo World Program for you.” He smiled. “Some members of the Future Foundation were happy to help out. Apparently some of the bakers even went a bit overboard.”
A birthday party? In the Neo World Program? Then… Did that mean… “Will I finally be able to learn what cake tastes like!?” Sure, it was only a simulation and not real food, but given that Kiibo was unable to eat real food, this was his best alternative! With the right modifications to his avatar, he had been able to experience many kinds of food—all of which he greatly enjoyed—but he’d never gotten to try cake before! He’d heard such positive things about the dessert, so he couldn’t help but feel excited about the prospect.
“Heh, cake and many other desserts, I’m sure. Do you want to go?”
Oh… It was true that he was very excited about the festivities, but… Kiibo looked back out at the lake, then back at Shuichi. This would likely be the only chance he had today to spend time alone with the detective. The robot's face couldn’t help but redden as he spoke, “…Could we stay a little longer, just the two of us? I… I want to enjoy this time with you.”
Shuichi took Kiibo's hand in his, stepping closer to him as he brought his lips to the top of his head. “…Of course, Kiibo.”
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finsterkiibo · 3 months
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was doubting that I’d finish this on time BUT I DID IT!!!! (though I’m posting it like almost before midnight here on tumblr WHOOPS SORRIE GUYS) I’m so dedicated and I don’t even celebrate Easter. BUNNIES!!!!!!!!!
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
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zee redraws their first saiibo drawing ever
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immajustreblogthis · 4 months
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toadollie · 4 years
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ship requestss (☆´3`)
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mooved-nowon · 2 years
Heck i was drawing this 1:30 am till now (6:40 am)
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Ships In The Running: Round 1
In this round, we'll have 32 ships for a total of 16 contests.
Sondham (Sonia x Gundham) vs. Naezono (Makoto x Sayaka)
Celesgami (Celestia x Byakuya) vs. Celesgiri (Celestia x Kyoko)
Ishimondo (Taka x Mondo) vs. Irumatsu (Miu x Kaede)
Soapies (Mahiru x Hiyoko) vs. Saimatsu (Shuichi x Kaede)
Kaimaki (Kaito x Maki) vs. Kiibouma (Kiibo x Kokichi)
Amamatsu (Rantaro x Kaede) vs. Naegami (Makoto x Byakuya)
Naekusaba (Makoto x Mukuro) vs. Kiiruma (Kiibo x Miu)
Oumeno (Kokichi x Himiko) vs. Tokomaru (Toko x Komaru)
Kuzupeko (Fuyuhiko x Peko) vs. Leosaya (Leon x Sayaka)
Nursery Rhymes (Maki x Kaede) vs. Hinanami (Hajime x Chiaki)
Sakuraoi (Sakura x Aoi) vs. Band-Aid (Ibuki x Mikan)
Sonjime (Sonia x Hajime) vs. Naegiri (Makoto x Kyoko)
Komahina (Nagito x Hajime) vs. Soniaki (Sonia x Chiaki)
Soudham (Kazuichi x Gundham) vs. Tenmiko (Tenko x Himiko)
Saiibo (Shuichi x Kiibo) vs. Akanidai (Akane x Nekomaru)
Chimondo (Chihiro x Mondo) vs. Saiouma (Shuichi x Kokichi)
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mythgirlimagines · 10 months
I imagine this would happen at some point in the Saiibo Miraculous AU. Context: class trip to Paris.
Shuichi: H-hey, thank you so much for this! Kiibo: Aww, it's nothing! I just saw the Dupain-Cheng bakery recommended a lot and knew I had to bring you here! Tikki: Hey, I want one too! Kiibo: *whispering, trying to keep Tikki in his book bag* Quiet, Tikki! I told you I would get you something later! Shuichi: Uh... What was that, Kiibo? Kiibo: Uhh, n-nothing! Nothing at all!
I also imagine Tikki and Plagg would be screaming inside after Kiibo and Shuichi started dating like "you're already boyfriends as civilians, just tell him you're a Miraculous holder already!" but they'd never say that out loud because secrets are important to keep! The temptation is absolutely there, though.
lmao i could see that happening
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