#saints row rp icons
medjedrpresources · 10 months
Jezebel Mephistopheles RP Icons
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In this ZIP file, you'll find 54 icons of Jezebel Mephistopheles from Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell. These icons are all 100x100 and were cropped from concept art, and whatever in-game screenshots I could find.
Feel free to edit as you see fit, just don't claim as your own.
Download: Here!
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thehackingsaint · 1 year
Kinzie Kensington from Saints Row Icons
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Hey yall! Here are 191 icons I made for Kinzie Kensington from Saints Row series.
These were originally made by me to be used for this blog, but since I retired from RPing here, why let these icons go to waste when I can give it to people that might actually be interested in roleplaying as Kinzie?
They come in 300x300px and 100x100px, depending on your formatting preferences.
Reblog if using. ⚜
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brxdshaw · 1 year
Troy Bradshaw from Saints Row Icons
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Here are 72 icons I made for Troy Bradshaw from Saints Row series.
These were originally made by me to be used for this blog, but since I retired from RPing here, why let these icons go to waste when I can give it to people that might actually be interested in roleplaying as Troy?
They come in 300x300px and 100x100px, depending on your formatting preferences.
Reblog if using. ⚜
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mishmashoficons · 4 years
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Icons of Matt Miller from Saints Row. Mostly from Re-Elected, some from The Third. 23 so far, will be updated as I go.
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mercyofasaint · 7 years
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got a thing for murderers with a heart of gold? need a gang leader with a strong sense of loyalty? lookin’ for the next leader of the free world? well have i got the asshole for you! meet mercy the boss, leader of the 3rd street saints. she likes long walks down dark alleys, kicking ass, and adopting stray gangsters. (she also hates yachts, talking about her past, and airplanes, but ya know.)
  independent B O S S of the saints row franchise | semi-selective | crossover & oc friendly                                          mun & muse 21+ | penned by daisy
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Me: i need to move all my text posts and other saints row post onto a blog thats mainly saints row
Also me: lmao but u lazy
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ltsaint-a · 4 years
i.  this is a roleplay blog for SHAUNDI of SAINTS ROW. she very much follows canon but is also very headcanon based as well.
ii.  any mention of shaundi from saints row 2 or even just past shaundi in saints row 4 will be tagged with FUN SHAUNDI.
iii.  the only trigger that will come up on this blog is in reference to her drug habits back in saints row 2. if there is mention, it will be tagged accordingly: DRUG MENTION /
i.   this is basically going to cover the basics. keep in mind, i do have a job and i will be going back to school soon for my bachelor’s degree. with that being said, i don’t spend all of my time on this blog or on tumblr as it is. my time is divided up to where i see it fits best. 
ii.   i really, REALLY,  really, try and stay out of drama. it does nobody any good and honestly it ruins the whole writing experience for me. i’ve been on tumblr long enough to see the rise and fall of roleplaying and i don’t wish to see my writing career on this website come to a screeching halt. keep it away from me and we’ll be alright. 
iii.   do not send me hate. do not send the people i write with hate. just don’t do it.
iv.   i queue all of my replies and i usually have one reply post a day in order to keep up with everything. i work during the week and don’t have a lot of time to write during the week so queuing my replies allow me to keep everything under control and help me not to become too overwhelmed.
v.   I USE SMALL FOR MY FORMATTING, AND DOUBLE SPACED. if that’s not your style, then i would suggest possibly not following me. this is how i like to write my replies and asks, i like the way it looks and small font has always helped me to write more than i normally would. i’ve been using small font since my gaiaonline days and that’s not going to change anytime soon.
i.   this is a MUTUALS ONLY blog. now, you’re probably sitting there like “but eris, what does that mean?” and i’m here to tell you. if you follow me and i choose to follow you back, that means we are mutuals. it means you have every right to respond to my open starters & to like my starter calls. 
ii.   I DO NOT FOLLOW MINORS, NOR DO I WISH ANY TO FOLLOW ME. sorry, but i gotta look out for myself. while my blog doesn’t feature smut and i normally don’t write any, there is the occasional nsfw on my blog. along with that, i do post stuff that is 18+ in general due to the nature of the muses i tend to write. i wanna keep you all protected so i would ask that you don’t follow me.
iii.   as for who i choose to follow, it’s all based on whether i find that our characters will write well together. if i don’t see any way for me to have my characters  interact with your character, then sadly, i won’t give you a follow back. i’m pretty chill though when it comes to following and pretty much follow everyone back. 
v.   now for the dreaded rule about unfollowing. what will bring me to unfollow you? this is something i’m still very lenient on because i’m big on the whole “it’s your blog, do what you want” but if i see you posting a lot of drama and like really excessive ooc, i will sadly unfollow your blog. i like to keep my dash clean so i can easily navigate it.
vi.   let’s talk about softblocking. if i wish to break mutuals with you, i am going to softblock you because i only feel that it’s right. i don’t want people to get confused because i know a lot of people sometimes don’t check their followers to see who is still mutuals with them. along with that, i will utilize softblocking if you start to post stuff i don’t agree.. it’s better that way, i promise. 
i.   once again, MUTUALS ONLY. only people that i follow back will i interact with. meaning only those people are allowed to like my starter calls, only they can reblog open starters, etc. if you’re a non - mutual and you try, you will be ignored and if this happens multiple times, i will soft block you.
ii.   I LIKE TO START OFF SMALL WITH MY STARTERS AND THEN EVENTUALLY BUILD UP AS WE PROGRESS THE THREAD ALONG so don’t be alarmed if i start off with just a paragraph in our starter. unless i’m already comfortable writing with you and i know how we vibe, we’re going to start off slow because i want to get a feel for how our characters mesh and how we, as partners, will write together. you’ll end up noticing an increase in content as we continue to write because now i know what i’m working with.
iii.   asks are always the biggest thing. Basically, non - mutuals can send asks but only if they are sentence starters / sentence memes, any sorta “tell me how i’m doing” memes or the like. I WON’T ANSWER UNSOLICITED RP ASKS FROM NON - MUTUALS.  they’ll get ignored or deleted. this is more for my sanity and the fact that in the past, i’ve had non - mutuals hound me about stuff like this and i’d rather just not let that anxiety overwhelms me again. if you are a non - mutual and send me sentence memes and the like, please know it won’t go further than the answered ask.
i.   i ship based on chemistry for the most part and i am up for shipping with multiple characters. please do not try and force your character upon mine. that’s grounds for immediate removal from my blog and it’s like really uncomfortable as it is. 
ii.   as for shipping, everything will be set in it’s own little universe. meaning no ships shall overlap unless you’re totally cool with that. i love to incorporate my character’s past and their relationships wherever i can but if it makes you comfortable to have no mention of prior relationships in any of my character’s lives, we can separate them.
i.   all of the icons that are featured on this blog were made by me. meaning i took the time out of my day to sit in photoshop and edit them. same for any graphics & photosets i decide to post to this blog. i spent the time making said items so i don’t take too kindly to theft. 
ii.   please try and have fun while writing with me. i don’t care if you take a million years, i don’t care if you take two seconds. all i care about is that you enjoy what we’re writing. 
iii.   you are always allowed to message me via IM and discord is available to those i have begun to feel comfortable with. i’m pretty easy going so don’t be shy. 
iv. seriously though, have fun.
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zydrateacademy · 7 years
First Impressions - Agents of Mayhem
I’ve lately not been doing proper Impressions post and instead opting for full blown reviews lately. It has improved my writing skills thanks to some general feedback from a few mates at a game review site (not a very popular one so it’s not exactly worth mentioning on a resume, as it were). Still, I think I’ll jump back in because my thoughts on Agents of Mayhem are not very complex, though neither is the game. Now I loved the Saints Row franchise and their style is certainly pervasive in Mayhem but I am still under the impression that it’s not sure what it wants to be. It goes the route of a mature Saturday morning cartoon but lacks the self-awareness that Saints Row had. While the last SR game pretty much abandoned all pretense of reality and opted to go straight for the fun factor (which it succeeded at greatly, I adore the Fourth), it still fails to go all the way. Despite a major amount of humor, Mayhem seems to try to take itself too seriously... somehow. It’s clearly not trying to but it’s a weird case. I got it for half off and then eventually just bought all of the DLC (that’s currently available as of this writing) and I’m frankly, more in it for the gameplay than anything else. When a Tumblr acquaintance tried to sell me on the concept of the game they talked about its great cast of characters with a few LGBT+ types running around. While it is refreshing to be able to play an open lesbian, I guess I kind of went in expecting a Mass Effect-esque storyline of romance and intrigue. Instead, Mayhem seems to make the same mistake both Titanfall games do, and most dialog is spent over radio chatter while driving to an objective or actively in a full-on firefight. I main Braddock who talks down to her alleged girlfriend, the mission-control mate named “Friday”, where I can barely tell they’re in a relationship at all. Any hints on sexuality in other characters is mostly just throwaway lines, otherwise you pretty much never see any of them interact together beyond dramatic radio shows that only half my mind is paying attention to while the other half is trying not to crash into every civilian, car, and tree that’s in my way when my car inevitably spins out from hitting one of those three. I can’t say the writing is weak as it’s often amusing but, as I said, I hardly find time to pay attention to it. The RPS review of this game did make note of one thing I entirely agree with; the game doesn’t do much in the way of combat feedback. RPS talked about how it’s hard to tell if you’re actually getting hit and this is absolutely true. Combat is hectic and most of my attention is just trying to find where all the enemies are, finding cover, and then picking them off as available. My eyes are almost never on my health bar and I don’t ever really get any notation when my shields are down. Compare to Borderlands, which gives you a border screen flash when shields go down, and then a red border of varying severity when your health starts dropping. Mayhem has none of this except one screen-border visual when I’m at about twenty percent and that’s pretty much all I get. Some unit gunned down Fortune, who has a sort of mid-tier health pool (as in not the squishiest) and she dropped to her knees and forced me into another character. As of this writing I still don’t even know what killed her, but Braddock still cleaned up after her all the same. Most of my gameplay, like any other open ended game is clearing the map and pretty much concentrating on unlocking my full hero set, including all of the DLC’s. I hear the ninjagirl is good but she’s yet to pop up for me, I assume I have to burn through a series of the main quest as I did to unlock Red Card, Oni, Daisy, etc. It doesn’t have a clear indication if I’ve cleared an area though, there’s no sectors or purple overlays like the SR games had. Instead there’s a microscopic icon next to each objective where I have to mouse over every single one to see if Mayhem controls it or not, and considering I just kind of do things as they come up, It’s not always clear to me what I’ve already done or not. The game does one neat thing; enemies are sort of leveled with your squad and there’s even a subtle carry mechanic. Y’see, you don’t necessarily have to swap out heroes constantly (which is a seamless and instant process, like swapping a weapon in other games) if you have one person that kicks enough ass as it is. Sure, Braddock doesn’t burn through shields as well as Fortune does but she can do damn near everything else on her own (so far). As a result, I can main Braddock and plug in two weaker people and just go do a few missions with them in tow, and they’ll hoover up mission experience regardless of their own presence. Still, I like several of the characters and I want to try them out. I remember mentioning in my AC:Origins review that I was underwhelmed but Origins was still a solid and fun game in its own right and I saw it to the end, which is cool because I haven’t even beaten Syndicate yet (or Rogue). Mayhem is keeping my attention as I have several hours on it and it feels like half of it is spent in a car, and I feel the game’s traversal could really benefit from SR4′s superpowers. My overall point though was that I feel like I will see Mayhem to the end regardless of my first impressions. Some of these points may be repeated on a formal review, where I’ll talk about the leveling system, agency mechanics and all that. As it is, the game is a pretty solid “meh” and I’m glad I waited for a sale.
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About the Mun
Hi I’m Bex. I’m 27 and love video games like Stardew Valley, Saint’s Row, Cooking Mama, God of War, as well as reading and writing. I am a teacher in my career to young’ns in Georgia in the US. If you ever wanna talk about stuff, you can ask my for my discord or message me.
NSFW Theming
Because Kingsman has violence, gore, blood and mature themes I’ll be using that same thing. I’ll be sure to tag anything nsfw and mature themes and specific tags will be implemented should anyone ask.
About Smut Specifically
Because Merlin is a grown adult and I am as well, I’ll be implementing nsfw elements of the romantic variety. Though that will be under a readmore and tagged. Also I tend to rp smut rarely, preferring other things and if I do a lot of it happens on Discord instead.
Shipping Stuff
I ship based on chemistry, so romantic stuff may take a bit of time to set up. I do not ship with minor characters or rpers AT ALL, and I will only say this once. 
OC Stuff
In Kingsman, Heroes and villains are everywhere. I’m happy to rp and interact with you, but we need to be mutuals before we do, otherwise I’ll be a little bit confused.
Things I’m not about
Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT, reblog rps if you are not involved in them. If you want to rp with me that’s fine but if you’re a personal blog or not involved in said rp and reblog any post you’re not involved in I will block you. No hesitation. It’s very impolite and frankly, it annoys me.
Anon hate will not be acknowledged and it will simply be deleted and blocked.
Because its dumb.
Art Use
I’ll work to use official gifs and art whenever possible, but I’ll credit any unofficial art or icons I have used.
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r4gn0r0k · 6 years
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                            Step into the Lair of a Cyber God.
☆— Independent Matt Miller blog from Saints Row the Third & Saints Row 4
☠—Over 6.5 years experience as Matt, over 13+ years experience roleplaying
☆— Main verse is SR3 but will happily do SR4 as well! Both at random and on request.
☠— Long paragraph, short paragraphs, ask, and icon based threads. Willing to rp whatever length you prefer.
☆— Very OC and Crossover friendly, Willing to rp with just about anyone who wants to!
☠— Slightly awkward, yet Friendly mun who is more than happy to make friends and new roleplay partners!
Ask ✘ About (SR3)✘ About (SR4) ✘ Rules
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r4gn0r0k · 7 years
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                                  Step into the Lair of a Cyber God.
☆— Independent Matt Miller blog from Saints Row the Third, Saints Row 4, & Gat Out of Hell
☠—Over 5 years experience as Matt, over 11+ years experience roleplaying
☆— Main verse is SR3 but will happily do SR4 as well! Both at random and on request.
☠— Long paragraph, short paragraphs, ask, and icon based threads. Willing to rp whatever length you prefer.
☆— Very OC and Crossover friendly, Willing to rp with just about anyone who wants to!
☠— Slightly awkward, yet Friendly mun who is more than happy to make friends and new roleplay partners!
Ask ✘ About: SR3, SR4 ✘ Rules
(Promo by @delrudo)
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r4gn0r0k · 7 years
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                               Step into the Lair of a Cyber God.
☆— Independent Matt Miller blog from Saints Row the Third & Saints Row 4/Gat out of Hell
☠—Over 5 years experience as Matt, over 12+ years experience roleplaying
☆— Main verse is SR3 but will happily do SR4 as well! Both at random and on request.
☠— Long paragraph, short paragraphs, ask, and icon based threads. Willing to rp whatever length you prefer.
☆— Very OC and Crossover friendly, Willing to rp with just about anyone who wants to!
☠— Slightly awkward, yet Friendly mun who is more than happy to make friends and new roleplay partners!
Ask ✘ About: SR3 ✘ About: SR4 ✘ Rules
(Promo by @delrudo)
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r4gn0r0k · 7 years
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                          Step into the Lair of a Cyber God.
☆— Independent Matt Miller blog from Saints Row the Third & Saints Row 4/Gat out of Hell
☠—Over 5 years experience as Matt, over 11+ years experience roleplaying
☆— Main verse is SR3 but will happily do SR4/Gat out of Hell as well! Both at random and on request.
☠— Long paragraph, short paragraphs, ask, and icon based threads. Willing to rp whatever length you prefer.
☆— Very OC and Crossover friendly, Willing to rp with just about anyone who wants to!
☠— Slightly awkward, yet Friendly mun who is more than happy to make friends and new roleplay partners!
Ask ✘ SR3 About ✘ SR4 About ✘Rules ✘
(Promo by @delrudo)
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r4gn0r0k · 8 years
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                                      Step into the Lair of a Cyber God.
☆— Independent Matt Miller blog from Saints Row the Third
☠— Almost 5 years experience as Matt, over 10+ years experience roleplaying
☆— Does not use Saints Row 4 as Cannon, has an AU for anything set in the future.
☠— Long paragraph, short paragraphs, ask, and icon based threads. Willing to rp whatever length you prefer.
☆— Very OC and Crossover friendly, Willing to rp with just about anyone who wants to!
☠— Slightly awkward, yet Friendly mun who is more than happy to make friends and new roleplay partners!
Ask ✘ About ✘ Rules ✘ IC Twitter
(Promo by @delrudo)
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r4gn0r0k · 7 years
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            Step into the Lair of a Cyber God.
☆— Independent Matt Miller blog from Saints Row the Third
☠— Over 4 years experience as Matt, over 10+ years experience roleplaying
☆— Does not use Saints Row 4 as Cannon, has an AU for anything set in the future.
☠— Long paragraph, short paragraphs, ask, and icon based threads. Willing to rp whatever length you prefer.
☆— Very OC and Crossover friendly, Willing to rp with just about anyone who wants to!
☠— Slightly awkward, yet Friendly mun who is more than happy to make friends and new roleplay partners!
Ask ✘ About ✘ Rules ✘ IC Twitter
(Promo by @delrudo)
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r4gn0r0k · 8 years
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                 Step into the Lair of a Cyber God.
☆— Independent Matt Miller blog from Saints Row the Third
☠—  Over 4 years experience as Matt, over 11+ years experience roleplaying
☆— Does not use Saints Row 4 as Cannon, has an AU for anything set in the future.
☠— Long paragraph, short paragraphs, ask, and icon based threads. Willing to rp whatever length you prefer.
☆— Very OC and Crossover friendly, Willing to rp with just about anyone who wants to!
☠— Slightly awkward, yet Friendly mun who is more than happy to make friends and new roleplay partners!
Ask ✘ About ✘ Rules ✘ IC Twitter
(Promo by @delrudo)
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