#sakazuki cups
fernifox · 8 months
I made a box! >:)
It won me judges choice in a cosplay masquerade,,,, hit them in the feelings you know?
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How I did it under the cut
First things first! I cut out 0.5cm EVA foam squares that were roughly 11 inches on each side (I used paper as a template just to make sure I get a proper right angle). It makes a decent sized box but not too big to carry around (the actual box from the episode of sabo is a little bit more rectangular but I wanted to make it easier on myself). I couldn’t find my heat gun at the time so I just flattened it out with an iron (Put some parchment paper in between to reduce the risk of leaving iron marks on it). It’s probably easier to iron it flat anyways, also be sure to put something flat and heavy over it so it will actually stay flat (I used this glass clay/cutting mat I have).
Next I sketched out where each board would. I chose to divide it into 6 boards wide (each board was roughly 2 inches, last board was a little thinner but you wouldn’t notice looking at it). There are two boards with a cross and two that are just bordered. Then you’ll want to take an exacto knife and cut semi deep cuts along each board (not all the way through!). Then a little lighter you’ll add the wood grain marks (don’t be me and forget to sharpen your knife while cutting them, if it doesn’t cut the top layer your marks will disappear when you hit it with the heat gun). They don’t have to be perfect, just simple flowy lines with the occasional tree knot.
On the other side you’ll want to figure out how you want to put your box together, the front and back pieces are the cross pieces, make sure the boarders are on the top and bottom (neater panels on the most visible sides). Your left and right pieces will have the boarders on the sides and the top piece and bottom piece will have the boarders touching the front and back pieces. The top piece and all of the edges touching it will not be cut. On the side pieces and bottom pieces you will need to measure and mark about 0.5cm away from the edge and trim it away and an angle, so when you assemble the box they’ll fit together nicely (once again do not cut away the top edges because that’s where you’ll put the hinge and Velcro so you can open it and store stuff inside!). Once you’re done you can use a heat gun on the wood grain to open the cuts so it’ll define each board and groove. Lastly you’ll sand down the pieces so the paint and glue will stick (also so you can smoothen out the edge cuts if you aren’t good at cutting angles like me).
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When I glued it I used a cement glue to make it a bit sturdier and cleaner than hot glue would be and then I filled in all of the seams (on the inside and outside) with some cosplay foam clay. I decided I wanted to make it a little bit sturdier so I took a bunch of popsicle sticks I happened to have laying around and glued them together to make a frame around the inside edges of the box and then glued it in. Once the foam clay was dry I sanded down it a little to make it smoother and so paint would stick to it.
I didn’t take a picture of this but I preemptively cut slits into the back of the box where the straps would go in. I used some basic nylon straps that I got and cut them in half so they were a good length to use as backpack straps. I tried to mark where I cut on the image below. If you cut in the board seams then it makes a kind of invisible hole to slip the straps in later (try fitting the straps in now just to make sure it is the right size, this will hopefully reduce damage to the paint later).
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When I started painting I painted the inside a solid brown color just so you wouldn’t just see white when you open it (you don’t have to get fancy with it tho). On the outside I mixed up a lighter brown color and placed it as the base, then I went back and mixed in darker shades of brown and some lighter shades of yellows brown to add onto the texture of the wood. It took me an entire day to do and I’m glad I didn’t run out of paint (every side is painted with texture, even the bottom).
Once I was done painting I decided that in order to help strengthen the straps I wanted to add to the box I cut of some foam bits to stick on the ends of them (that way if the glue on the straps fail then the foam bits would keep the straps in the box) and I painted them a solid brown so they wouldn’t be too visible on the box. Then I sprayed the painted box with a clear glaze that way it’d make the paint on the box sturdier (less scratching) and so it wouldn’t stick to stuff and rip off. I let the glaze dry overnight (going to continue this in a reblog because I ran out of images).
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Here’s the link to the full post
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hisashi-monogatari · 9 months
idea: yokai drinking Coca-cola out of Sakazuki cups
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lild00td00t · 11 months
What are the Marine Admirals like when they kiss ?
I just finished Dressrosa and Fujitora has me in a choke hold I’m sorry guys - These men genuinely make me happy, silly light man, Gravity Grandpa, Magma D00d and Ice Cube, they make my little heart go brrrrrrrrrrr <3 Anyways Enjoy! ~
Characters: Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora
Akainu | Sakazuki
Chaste Kisses
• Doesn’t do PDA, all of your kisses are private, and only between the two of you
• After a long day he’ll come home, slipping his shoes off and hanging his coat, taking his hat off as he travels deeper into the house while savoring the smell of the dinner you’re currently making
• When he’s in the doorway you share a kiss, a brief, but meaningful one as you listen to him talk about his day, or atleast the parts he’s allowed to talk about
• He’d give your hand kisses when you reach for him, pulling him in for one final kiss before bed
• He mostly kisses your temples, cheeks and lips
• A majority of his cheek and temple kisses are chaste and when he’s in a hurry. But, he takes his time with a kiss on the lips <3
Kizaru | Borsalino
Needy Kisses
• When Kizaru kisses you, you can feel the desire behind it
• His hands travel from your face to your shoulders, gliding down your back to squeeze at your hips, pulling you to press firmly against him
• When you wrap your arms around him and pull him closer he wishes you could stay like this forever.
• He’s so tempted to pick you up and carry you around in his arms so you can’t walk away or break the kiss easily
• When taking breaks from your kissing he rests his chin on the crown of your head, or the crook of your neck while the tips of his fingers glide up to your deltoids then slither back down to your wrists, encasing them in his hands to bring to his lips for soft kisses
• He loves leaving small kisses along your neck and shoulder too, if you ever wear a sleeveless dress or shirt he will kiss up your arms starting from your wrist and ending at your neck, Kizaru is such a flirt <3
• Loves to pepper kisses too, all over your face before you sleep or in the morning, he has moments where he’s so gentle and playful it’s quite sweet
Aokiji | Kuzan
Lazy Kisses
• You mostly have to initiate kisses, unless he’s already up
• The sweetest way to wake him up is by kissing his face, starting from his outter cheek then moving to his lips, you’ll start to see the corners of his mouth twitch before they slightly curl upwards into a languid smile
• If you go to work before him please kiss this man, or he will sulk and ALWAYS bring up the ONE time you didn’t kiss him -
• He loves kissing the tips of your fingers, mostly to hear the small giggles that erupt from you due to how cold his lips are
• He kisses wherever his lips are closest to. If you’re laying down beside him he’ll kiss all over your cheeks and face at the pace of a snail. Once he’s placed a kiss he’ll slowly maneuver to place another, ignoring how frustrated you’re getting with his sluggish movements
• Feel free to pull his head band over his eyes and suprise him with kisses, just don’t be shocked if he leans back on you and won’t let you leave, looks like you’re both having a small nap then..
Fujitora | Issho
Sweet Kisses
• Soft, sweet kisses are his speciality
• It’s never small, impersonal kisses. Instead, passionate, long, and tender ones.
• He doesn’t like when you’re far away, so he pulls you in close. He brushes any hair from your vision, cupping your face gently while his thumbs brush across your cheek bones.
• When he kisses it’s soft and warm, and he is fully present in the moment. He’s pulling you closer and rubbing your back, letting you know that he’s there, and not going anywhere
• When your lips part he pulls you into his chest, only embracing you further, leaving kisses on the top of your head.
• Such a sweet kisser, sometimes you wish you never had to have air so it would never end <3
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crepes-suzette-373 · 3 months
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I never tried to look, so I don't know if anyone else ever mentioned this, but ASL's "Brotherhood cups" (兄弟盃) is reminiscent of the "Peach Garden Oath" from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel (the fiction, not the actual history).
The vibes of it is even stronger in the side story sensei made, where there's a scene of the ASL trio having the sake as grown ups under some kind of flowering trees. From what I can see those trees are sakura, but peach blossoms and sakura look very similar.
(you can read the side story here BTW)
In the Three Kingdoms, three men gathered in a garden of peach trees, offered some offerings, and then made this oath of brotherhood:
When saying the names Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, although the surnames are different, yet we have come together as brothers. From this day forward, we shall join forces for a common purpose: to save the troubled and to aid the endangered. We shall avenge the nation above, and pacify the citizenry below. We seek not to be born on the same day, in the same month and in the same year. We merely hope to die on the same day, in the same month and in the same year. May the Gods of Heaven and Earth attest to what is in our hearts. If we should ever do anything to betray our friendship, may heaven and the people of the earth both strike us dead.
Kyoudai Sakazuki in general is something that the yakuza do, but the feeling of brotherhood oath that ASL swore is more similar to the Three Kingdoms one, especially because there's literally 3 of them.
In the actual text of the Three Kingdoms novel, there's no mention of wine being drunk while the oath was made, but it's a pretty common depiction in adaptations that they do drink some kind of wine (see the pictures above).
I think this is just a one time reference too, and not anything theory-worthy, but who knows.
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lookismstuff · 6 months
Lookism TMI (Trivia)
The Exchange of Sake
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From what I read, there are several forms of sake cup exchange rituals for the Japanese. For example: kenshu [献酬], sakazuki-goto [杯事], and shiki-san-kon [式三獻]. The difference lies in the purpose of these rites, whether to affirm just general feelings of solidarity, familial bond, or spiritual worship.
Historically, as depicted in paintings from the Heian (8th-12th century) and Edo (17th-19th century) eras, this tradition of drinking sake from the same cup, or drinking together, serves as a way for people to bond, to feel the closeness and the deepening of their sense of equality. Heian era warriors used to create a "friendship contract" before battles by using this type of ritual to affirm their bravery and solidarity.
This is why such a rite is practiced in organizations like the yakuza, which is a close-knit criminal organization. It's also practiced in communities, among friends, among families, and in weddings. It gives the impression that the people involved in this ceremony are now friends, or brothers, or families, or comrade in arms, or soulmates. In short, in any context in which they are since bonded.
This is why it's important to know whether Gun will drink the sake from the glass that Goo offered him, or not. The breaking or the affirming of their bond (which some read as romantic, while others read as platonic or brotherly) depends on Gun's next action.
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twewynews · 6 months
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 It’s Trivia Tidbit Tuesday!
The Shinjuku Reapers' names, Noise forms, and birthdays are based on Hanafuda, which are japanese playing cards!
Tetsuya Nomura confirms this in the December 22nd 2021 Famitsu interview. (found here)
(Additional info under the cut)
Tsugumi’s noise form is Grus Cantus, the crane. Furthermore, the first kanji in her surname Matsunae means pine tree (松 matsu), both of which are associated with January (birthday 1st January).
We never see Shoka’s noise form, but the flower for March is the cherry blossom, which is contained in her surname Sakurane (birthday 30th March).
Similarly, Ayano’s noise form is based on the Iris, which is the flower for the month of May (birthday 18th May).
Shiba’s noise form is butterflies, as seen in the card for June (birthday 21st June).
The sake cup card for September specifically represents the ceremonial cup called sakazuki, which is Hishima’s surname (birthday 7th September).
The animal for the month of october is the deer, which is Susukichi’s noise form (birthday 13th October).
Lastly, the “rain man” card for the month of November is called Ono no Michikaze in japanese, and Ono is Kaie’s surname (birthday 3rd November).
Additionally, Nomura adds that the naming motif for the main characters is related to plants and sounds!
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Rindo -> Kanade (to play an instrument, esp. string instruments) | Rindo (Gentiana scabra)
Shoka -> Sakurane (sound) | Shoka (Hydrangea)
Fret -> Furesawa (Fret=Guitar) | Tosai (Peach Blossom)
Nagi -> Usui (Flute/whistle) | Nagi (Nageia nagi, the Asian Bayberry tree)
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tanuki-kimono · 7 months
Is there any pattern with inspiration/relation to Konohana Sakuya?
Hi! Konohanasakuya-hime is the titular deity of Mount Fuji. She's traditionally associated with fleeting cherry blossoms because of this part of her myth:
Sakuya-hime met Ninigi on the seashore and they fell in love; Ninigi asked Ohoyamatsumi, the father of Sakuya-hime for her hand in marriage. Oho-Yama proposed his older daughter, Iwa-Naga-hime, instead, but Ninigi had his heart set on Sakuya-hime. Oho-Yama reluctantly agreed and Ninigi and Ko-no-hana married. Because Ninigi refused Iwa-Naga, the rock-princess, human lives are said to be short and fleeting, like the sakura blossoms, instead of enduring and long lasting, like stones (via wikipedia).
I have never encountered kimono or obi directly hinting at this goddess, but if you'd like to reference her, any sakura (flowers on trees or not, falling petals etc) and mountain pattern (Fujisan if possible of course ^^) would work nicely!
She's also a goddess associated with sake brewing, so sakura + sake objects (like masu or sakazuki cups for ex.) would be very cool!
If you are going a darker route, sakura + fire pattern could hint at the birth hut episode of her story - which also links her persona to volcanoes. (Note that sakura+braziers is usually a pattern association hinting at nighttime cherry blossom viewing parties)
(anyone played Okami around here? I just realized the camellia sisters could be a reference to this part of Konahana's mythos :3)
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dangerouslyknown · 2 years
Scenario: How the Admirals realized they are in love with you + Confession
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Borsalino / Kizaru
You weren´t quite friends with him, but:
You´ve had this habit of eating lunch together every day. You sit, eat, chat and it has become the highlight of the day for both of you. This has been going on for some years. By the same table there usually sits other Marines too, like Sakazuki, Garp, Kuzan and Sengoku but you always sat face to face with Borsalino.
One day however, he couldn´t make it to be there for the lunch break because he had an important mission elsewhere.
It doesn´t seem like a big deal to miss it once, but this actually made him realize how much he enjoyed spending time with you.
He hasn´t thought about it that much, but he has been having a crush on you for a while now...
As his mind went trough all these thoughts, the realization hit him even harder. He was falling for you. It wasn´t a small crush anymore...
Now that he has realized he loves you he really wants to let you know that. He will try his best to be back from the mission as soon as possible, preferably on the same day.
You will hear a knock on your door and he is standing there, apologizing and inviting you to eat dinner with him because he skipped lunch. He looked almost serious!
He had a paper bag and there was two instant noodle cups, one for each of you. He had them already ready so you can quickly grab them and eat.
As you two sat down to eat, he didn´t chat like he usually would. He just stared at you while you slurped your noodles.
Suddenly he smiles widely, squinting his eyes and his dragged, pleasant tone pronounces:
"Today I realized that I am in love with you"
Sakazuki / Akainu
You have been friends with him for a long time and you care for each other deeply, even if he isn´t the most affectionate type. (Well let´s be honest, he hardly shows any affection, but he has his ways)
You could even say that you two were `best friends` and you regularly visited the Marine HQ´s to see him (Or if you are a Marine yourself, you took some time off to visit him throughout the day)
At first he was super annoyed that you bothered him when he was working, but overtime he learned to appreciate your company. Sometimes you didn´t even say anything, you just chilled there with him.
One day when was working overtime... He was extremely stressed with work, because it has been a rough week. You were with him earlier that day, but of course you couldn´t hangout with him all day. You had responsibilities too.
You knew that he was working overtime today, so you decided to make a surprise visit to him.
You slid the door open and he looked at you with a very surprised look on his face. He wasn´t expecting anyone to come to his room without knocking and when it was this late.
You entered and placed something on his desk. You brought him a lunchbox with sandwhiches and a brand new cigar packet. His eyes widened and he looked at you.
That was when he realized how precious you are to him. His face might not look like it but his heart is literally squeezing in happiness. He is falling for you...
He doesn´t reveal his feelings right away. He just thanks you and gives you a slight smile (And seeing him smile is VERY RARE!)
He takes his time to process his feelings and much later, probably talking about months later, he decided to reveal his feelings for you. He had bought some flowers and he wrote a card.
One day he was waiting for you to visit him like you usually do, but for your surprise, when you entered, he stood up and handed you the flowers. You looked at the flowers, and noticed the card. The text on the card reads:
"I might be in love with you..." (with hearts drawn around the text)
Kuzan / Aokiji
You and him probably are not the closest with each other. It´s not that he doesn´t like you, you two just never got the chance to befriend each other better, if ya get what I mean.
He is probably physically attracted to you from the moment he first saw you and he has been asking you on a date multiple times, but that´s pretty much it.
You didn´t go on a date with him so he basically gave up the idea.
However, as time passed, something brought you closer to each other. You started to see each other more and spend more time together... It all just kind of happened.
You got to know him better and he got to know you better. You had endless conservations with each other while he was skiving off his work.
A certain incident happened however. Sakazuki became the Fleet Admiral and Kuzan left the navy. You didn´t see each other that much anymore...
When you were seperated, it made him feel insurmountable sadness because he missed you. Then he realized that he had a deeper emotional connection with you. His physichal attraction had evolved to romantic attraction. He loved you. He wanted to see you. He wanted to spend time with you.
He sailed over many seas, having this empty feeling in his heart until he finally couldn´t bare it anymore.
He searched for you. He wanted to see you at least one more time and one night you were sitting by the sea, watching the stars. You notice something in the horizon. It is someone riding a bicycle.. on water? As the figure came closer, you realized who it was.
He reached you and your reunition was beautiful. He hugged you tight and whispered in your ear:
"I never want to be seperated from you again. I love you"
Issho / Fujitora
You were friends. Usually, at least once a week, you sat down with him somewhere to talk.
Your topics were always random, but every time there was one thing he asked. He asked you to describe something beautiful you have seen to him. He enjoyed listening your describions.
You continued to meet with him weekly for months, then years. The meetings became more frequent too. Over time, his feelings for you grew...
He really enjoyed spending time with you and it seemed like you would never run out of topics to discuss or things to describe to him.
One beautiful evening, you were sitting somewhere outside. Once again, he asked you to describe something beautiful you have seen recently. You started to describe him how the sun setting right now was beautiful. You tried your best to describe the colors, but it was difficult.
He smiled as he listened to you and then he hit you with a question which you did not expect. He asked you to describe your face.
As you started to describe yourself, trying to remember how you looked because for some reason your mind went blank and you had a hard time remembering the sight you saw in the mirror.
His smile grew wider every moment and he finally cups your face and says:
"I wish I wouldn´t have blinded myself. I want to see the person I am so deeply in love with..."
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waterlinkedgirl · 1 year
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Musical Touken Ranbu: Shunpuu Touri no Sakazuki (Sake cup of Spring Tree Peach Blossoms) Tsurumaru Ookurikara souki shutsujin english sub 
Hello hello~! I am very much alive and kicking! Life got in the way, but I still managed to finish the subs for the Tsurukara souki! It’s good. Like really good. Like “shaking during my first watch” good. Due to some interesting circumstances I ended up making a separate file with TL notes, but rest assured, they shouldn’t be necessary to understand the myu.
Keep in mind that this is only the subtitle file, timed and tled to the DMM senshuuraku/BD DVD. The archive version will have a talk at the start, so the starting times of the subs will have to be delayed accordingly.
Download the subs for the DMM senshuuraku of the Tsurukara souki here!
My subs for the bluray/dvd can be found here!
And the TL notes file can be found here!
As out-of-context bonus, please look under the
May it be that I'm Used to summery garments Worn like daily fare It pains me then all the more To part from them in autumn
You oft hear the sounds Of insects crying at dusk As twilight falls close Lonely tears too they call forth As I rise and fall with days
Friend of mine the world Is not, no, not when it so Ill bends to our will That I need say parting words To a friend I'd waved goodbye
Rest on paper, these Brushstrokes only grow doleful The more I view them After all, from today onwards They will be your memento
In the end, our death Is a path we must all take And yet we can't help But grieve for the destiny Of those who have gone ahead
Peace torn asunder Like a fragile bush clover Shattered by a storm Who could have it in their heart Not to lament your demise?
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yinyangswings · 1 year
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....I'm weak okay?!
So more sketches for @portgas-d-aroace's story Greatest Gift of All. I just like seeing characters being soft!! So here we go!
Dadan watching Ace interact with baby Luffy (who had been crying while everyone is trying to sleep)
So @portgas-d-aroace had the sworn brother scene and described Luffy having juice for this scene (for obvious reasons as he's like...I don't know, only a few months close to a year old???) and my mind just pictured the two older brothers clinking their sakazuki cups with a sippy cup. I don't even know if sippy cups exist in this world, BUT OH WELL!
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narumi-gens · 1 year
Triptych | "It's just yes or no."
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Chisaki Kai x f!Reader
summary: Your life is nothing more than a triptych, a work of art in three parts with each panel depicting a distinct period — a beginning, a middle, an end. And in the triptych that is your life, the central figure has always been Chisaki Kai.
chapter warnings: 18+ minors/ageless/blank blogs dni, smut, yandere, rough sex, unprotected sex, choking/breathplay, possessive behavior, emotional manipulation, implied/referenced sexism and misogyny, complicated family dynamics, abandonment issues
notes: if this part flops then I genuinely don't know what I'm going to do with this fic. this is from a nonlinear story so all the parts can be read in any order.
words: 4.6k
minors, blank, and ageless blogs will be blocked. do not interact.
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The Middle
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Your thoughts are a mess. As you try to parse through them, you find yourself absently toying with the empty sake cup on the low table before you. You tilt the cup to one direction before titling it the other way, the ceramic cool between your fingers. You then give it a spin, letting it go and the sound it makes against the wood rings loudly in the small sitting room. It wobbles wildly before finally coming to a stop and you reach for the open sake bottle to fill the cup once more. 
If there’s anything that you’ve learned from your father, it’s that nothing solves a problem better than a bottle of chilled sake. 
But as you bring the cup to your lips and take a small sip, you know that the answers to your problems won’t be miraculously found at the bottom. Instead, you’ll have to think of them on your own. 
With a weary sigh, you prop your elbow up on the table and rest your cheek against your fist to look out the large windows into the courtyard on the other side. The light from the full moon illuminates the small garden inside of it beautifully and a ghost of a smile appears on your lips. Your father had taken good care of it in the years that you were gone. 
Instead of focusing on your current problems, you decide to turn your attention to the past and try to remember the last time you were in this exact same spot — seated on a cushion at the same low table, with the same tatami mats beneath you, as you enjoyed the same view of the courtyard. 
You remember drinking tea with your father. You remember learning how to play shogi with Kai. You remember looking out the window and trying to ignore the massive walls surrounding the garden. 
And you also remember the day that you left, how you stood inside this room and tried to burn it into your memory. As you wryly take another sip of your sake, you realize that doing so was unnecessary since you’re back home once again. 
You’re brought back to the present when you feel a familiar pair of eyes on you. 
“Join me for a drink?” you ask, glancing over your shoulder at Kai. He wordlessly accepts your invitation, his footsteps light as he moves to sit down next to you. You reach for the sake bottle to pour him some, only to stop when you realize that you only have one cup. “Oh, let me go get another cup.”
“Don’t bother. It’s fine,” he says, stopping you before you can get up and your eyes widen with surprise. 
“Are you sure?” you ask, tilting your head curiously and he nods silently. Deciding not to question him any further, you simply begin to refill the sake cup. From the corner of your eye, you see him remove his beak-like mask and set it gently down on the table. 
As you pass him the cup, you try to identify the warm sensation that’s slowly washing over you — one unrelated to the alcohol that you’ve been drinking. 
“Is this our own sakazuki?” you tease as he drinks from your cup without hesitation. 
There’s just enough light from the full moon for you to see how the corner of his lip twitches upward with amusement at your reference to the sake-sharing initiation ceremony for new members of the yakuza
“Something like that,” he hums as he sets the cup back down and grabs the sake bottle to refill it. 
Then, something happens that’s so rare that it causes the warmth enveloping you to grow and a bright smile to appear on your face. As he returns the now full cup to you with both hands, his tone turns slightly playful. 
“As wakagashira of the Shie Hassaikai, I’m pleased to formalize our bond and welcome you to the family,” he offers and you take the cup back. 
“Thank you, aniki. I’m honored. The Shie Hassaikai have my unending loyalty and allegiance,” you reply before taking a sip, following his lead and pretending that this is your initiation into the Hassaikai. From the way he’s looking at you, you can easily tell that he’s enjoying the charade.
Any hint of playfulness from Kai has always been something to be treasured. And as you savor it, you realize what it is that’s at the root of the warmth that you’re feeling. It’s contentment. 
In the middle of so much chaos — your father’s illness, your rushed trip home, your neverending worries about the future — it makes you happy to be able to share sake and quietly laugh with Kai. 
“This is how it should have been,” he says and you give him a curious look. 
“The old man should have formally brought you in when he had the chance,” he explains.
The comment causes your smile to dim, complicated emotions and memories from years ago resurfacing at his words. When he continues to stare at you with those piercing golden eyes, you slide the cup back to him and look past him out toward the garden.
“Maybe,” you shrug, deciding that a noncommittal answer is easiest. You glance back at him and raise a teasing eyebrow. “But if I was wakagashira, then what about you?” 
“I would have made you my right hand,” he replies easily, like he’s already mentally mapped out this alternate future where you joined the Hassaikai instead of running from them.
“I’m flattered,” you grin, impishly tilting your head to the side. “But then what about poor Kurono? Wouldn’t want to put him out of a job.”
He silently takes a sip, finishing what little sake is left in the cup before setting it back down. He then returns to looking at you expectantly and you sigh softly when you no longer sense his earlier playfulness. It’s always short-lived and rare to appear. 
“There’s no point in wondering about the what-ifs, Kai,” you tell him gently, dropping your eyes as you begin to play with the empty cup once again. “You know as well as I do that Dad has never been one to let go of tradition. And for him, a woman’s place in the yakuza has always been nothing more than the silent and obedient wife.”
Any hint of a smile has disappeared from your lips, the corners now turned down in a contemplative frown as you think back on the arguments that you and your father used to have. You then look back up at Kai to find him watching you with hawkish eyes. 
“I had a plan,” he finally says, his voice rough with an odd mixture of anger and determination. “But you left.”
“But I left,” you agree simply, choosing to ignore his suddenly sharp tone. When he remains unrelenting, you refill the sake cup and take a sip before passing it over for him to do the same. “Everyone had plans. You had a plan. Dad had his plan. What about what I wanted? What about my plan?”
“I wanted what was best for you,” he argues, and you tilt your head curiously despite already knowing his answer to your question.
“And what’s best for me?”
“What’s best is for you to be here,” he replies without hesitation and you don’t know if it’s the sake or the nostalgia that’s getting to you, but you can’t hold in a soft laugh. 
With a mischievous grin, you reach out and poke his chest just over his heart. When he looks down at your finger, clearly unsure what you’re doing, you repeat the gesture, poking him a second time. 
He lifts his gaze to meet yours and merely raises an eyebrow. 
“I’m trying to change your settings. It seems like you’re stuck on repeat,” you tease, giving his chest another poke. He looks unamused and it only makes your smile grow wider. Your features then scrunch together unattractively with confusion as you playfully poke him again. “Don’t you play any other songs?”
Suddenly, so quickly that you almost don’t see it, he grabs onto your finger to stop you. But while the unexpected action would scare anyone else, the lack of danger in his demeanor only has you smiling. 
“That’s a real risky thing to do,” he tells you, his tone dry rather than threatening as a hint of playfulness peeks through his actions once more and a strange sense of longing begins to creep up on you. 
“I’ve missed this,” you breathe out wistfully, the words leaving your mouth before you can stop them. Surprise flashes across his face. “I’ve missed how simple things used to be. I wish things could go back to that. When did everything get so complicated?”
Kai stays silent as he looks at you thoughtfully. You refill the sake cup and carefully pass it to him. But instead of taking it from you like he did before, he holds onto your hand and guides it to his lips to drink from the cup. His eyes remain on yours as he does so and your face warms at the intimacy of the gesture.
After he drains the sake, he releases your hand and you set the now-empty cup back on the table.
“The sakazuki isn’t the only ceremony where two people share sake from the same cup,” he points out, breaking the silence and it feels like a bucket of cold water has been dumped over your head.
“Kai,” you reply sharply, his name sounding like a clear admonishment. But never one to be deterred, he continues.
“Have you thought about my offer?” he asks and you sigh, your shoulders drooping as the fight drains from you. 
“Don’t call it that,” you grumble. “It makes it sound like a business proposition.”
“Would you prefer me to wax poetic?” he counters with a raised eyebrow and you stare back at him quietly. 
You’re certain that the emotional turmoil that you feel in the pit of your stomach at the topic of discussion is written across your face. As the silence stretches on, Kai seems to realize that a different approach is needed. 
Your apprehension is replaced by surprise when he begins to pull off his gloves before setting them carefully onto the surface of the table. He covers your hand with one of his and the intimacy of the moment isn’t lost on you — no mask and no gloves are the closest Kai ever comes to being vulnerable. And something about it has your anxiety easing. 
“What do you have waiting for you back in Sapporo? What’s keeping you there?” His tone has lost some of its edge and your eyes drop down to the tabletop where he’s holding your hand in his. 
“I have a job. I have a life, one that I built all on my own,” you reply and the pride you normally feel when speaking the words is undercut by how weak your voice sounds. 
“And who are you sharing that life with? Who do you have outside the Hassaikai? Outside of me?”
Your anxiety begins to build once again at his line of questioning. 
You think about the few lasting friends that you’ve made, both at university and at your job. Regardless of how much you like them and how comfortable you feel with them, there will always be a self-imposed distance between you and them. You’re just too scared to let them know too much, afraid of what they’ll do if they learn where you come from. 
You then turn your thoughts to the relationships that you’ve tried to build, desperate to find someone who can cure the loneliness that always creeps in and threatens to smother you when you’re alone at night in bed. Yet every time you think that you might be able to take the next step and put your trust in someone, those relationships inevitably fizzle out.
And then you remember how happy you always are whenever Kai makes his unexpected visits. With him, you never have to worry about your past. He already knows it all. He knows every dark memory, every fear, every wish. 
He knows you. 
You’ve never been lonely with Kai.
“You said you missed simplicity. This is as simple as it gets,” he says, his words cutting through your tangled thoughts with startling clarity. “It’s just yes or no.”
You sharply inhale, your eyes wide as you absorb what he’s telling you. 
You’re suddenly moving faster than your mind can keep up with. With one hand, you grip the fabric of his shirt while the other cups his unmasked cheek as you lean in and desperately press your lips to his. 
He’s quick to respond, welcoming the kiss eagerly. His bare hands are on you in a flash — gripping your hair tightly with his fingers and pulling you as close as you can get with the corner of the table digging sharply into your hip. 
It’s easy to lose yourself to his lips, his tongue, his teeth, all working in perfect harmony to make sure that nothing but him is occupying your senses. He tastes like the sake the two of you have been sharing and you suddenly feel lightheaded, although you aren’t sure whether it’s because of the alcohol, the way he’s kissing you, or a mixture of both. 
You shift to your knees as you lean over the edge of the table to sink even further into him and he drops his hands to your waist, gripping you tightly before pulling you into his lap in one smooth movement. Surprised by the suddenness of the action, you softly gasp against his lips. 
Greedy to taste you further, he turns his attention to your neck, his teeth leaving a trail of stinging bites that lead away from your mouth. You bury your hand in his hair, helplessly tugging the short strands when he bites down on a particularly sensitive spot that he’s intimately familiar with.
You can feel him growing hard beneath you and a whimper escapes you as you suddenly need to be closer. Using every ounce of strength you have, you push him away from your neck just long enough to adjust yourself in his lap to straddle him, yanking the fabric of your kimono up your legs to an indecent height so that you can do so. 
One of Kai’s hands drops down to the newly exposed skin of your thigh, his fingers gripping you so tightly that he’s sure to leave behind bruises that you’ll certainly feel. Maybe it makes you depraved, but the idea excites you. To know that such dangerous hands, hands that put people in hospital beds, that could kill, are holding onto you so intimately has heat pooling in the pit of your stomach.
But it also has you feeling something that you’re unused to feeling — special. Because you know that even if he could use his Quirk on you, you’re the one person on whom he never would. 
Just like he has ever since you were young, Kai will always protect you. 
Your hands move to the shoulders of his black suit jacket and you roughly begin to push it off, his hands leaving your body just long enough to shrug it from his frame and let it drop carelessly behind him. You then lift them to cup his jaw, directing his mouth back to yours as a new type of desperation fuels your kiss. 
You’re only vaguely aware of the way he makes quick work of removing the obi around your waist and the koshihimo underneath it. With nothing left to tie your kimono in place, the thick fabric slackens around your body, making it easy for him to push apart the edges of the garment to reveal the thin, white layer beneath it. 
As he begins to pull at the sash tying your nagajuban together with hasty but assured movements, you can’t help but picture a child eagerly tearing apart the wrapping on a present to find the gift underneath. The mental image is only enhanced by how satisfied he looks when he pulls away from your lips to watch the sash come free.
A small shiver runs down your spine as he slips his hands under the nagajuban at your shoulders. He pushes it and your kimono down so that the fabric pools in the crooks of your elbows, leaving your torso completely bare before him. 
Your nipples pebble instantly from both the room’s cool temperature and the way Kai’s eyes are roving over your form hungrily. You can’t tear your eyes away from his face. To see a man whose emotions only ever seem to vacillate between impassivity and anger looking so pleased has your cheeks warming and your pussy growing wetter.
No longer content to merely look, he hooks an arm around your waist underneath the kimono that’s still hanging from your elbows and pulls you in closer. Your head drops back and your eyelids flutter shut with a soft moan when he returns his lips to your neck, harshly sucking the skin before following it with a soothing lick. 
Using his free hand, he palms your bare breast, squeezing it before using his thumb to tease your nipple. Your back arches as you push your chest further into his touch, a silent plea for more. You get it when he pinches your nipple and gives it a tug that’s just painful enough to force a cry from you. He drags his lips down your neck to your chest, your skin stinging in the wake of the sharp bites he leaves behind before giving your other breast the same treatment. 
Despite how rough he is — how rough he always is — there’s still a reverence underlying every one of his actions and it only has your need for him growing. 
You begin to grind your hips down against him, feeling how thick and hard he is beneath you. Your hands slide down his chest toward his belt buckle, eager to get rid of the few remaining layers of clothing that are still separating you from him. 
It takes you a few tries to unbuckle it with the way your fingers keep fumbling. But once it’s finally undone, your hands make quicker work of the button and zip of his pants before you slip a hand inside and gave him a firm squeeze that has him groaning into your breast. 
Suddenly, you’re flat on your back, wincing at the dull ache from where your head hits the tatami mat with a soft thunk. As Kai looms over you, he takes a moment to savor the sight of you beneath him. The silk layers of your kimono are crumpled underneath you as they still hang around your elbows and only a simple, cotton pair of underwear keeps you from being completely naked before him. 
The desperate look on your face and the way your chest rises and falls with each rapid breath you take stokes the raging fire in him that threatens to burn everything in its wake. Right now, he wants nothing more than to fuck you so hard that you’ll feel it for days — a lingering reminder of him that you’ll be unable to push away. 
The thought spurs him into action and his next movements are so frenzied that it’s hard for you to keep up with them. All you can make out through the haze of your lust for him is the way he tugs your underwear to the side before you feel the head of his thick cock pressing at your entrance.
That’s all the warning you’re given before he’s sliding into you with one rough thrust that has your back arching and a breathless gasp escaping you as you toss your head back. When he bottoms out inside of you, his hips flush against yours, it feels like he’s forced all of the air from your lungs.
He’s so big that it hurts exactly how you want it to, exactly how he knows you like it to. 
With one hand pressing into the tatami by your head, he holds himself up above you as he uses his other to grab firmly onto your thigh and hike your leg up around his waist. His tight grip along with the tension in his body are the only outward signs that he’s feeling just as affected as you are. 
The pace he sets as his hips slam into yours is punishing. He’s putting enough force behind every thrust to have you sliding along the tatami with each one.
Your fingers desperately scramble for something to clutch onto, to keep you grounded. You tightly fist the fabric of his shirt at his side with one hand as the fingers on your other hand cling tightly around the back of his neck, your fingernails digging into his skin just enough to leave slight, crescent-shaped marks.
An overwhelming need to have him even closer overcomes you and you use your hold on his neck to bring his lips back within reach of yours so that you can lean up and kiss him. Although you’re the one to initiate the kiss, Kai takes control of it almost immediately. It feels like he’s trying to claim every soft moan you make before they can fully leave you, like they belong to him. 
Maybe they do. 
Using his grip on your leg, he hitches it even further up his waist and the new angle has you keening into his mouth. But even with the way his cock is relentlessly dragging along your walls, hitting every spot so perfectly that it has shivers of pleasure running down your spine, it still isn’t enough. 
You place your hand on top of his where it’s holding your thigh and begin to guide it away from your leg, up your body, until it’s resting around your throat. You pull away from his lips to look up at him meaningfully. A wild look appears in his eyes at your silent plea.
Your reaction to the familiar pressure around your throat as he begins to squeeze is instant. Your eyelids flutter shut, your toes curl, and your pussy clamps down on his cock so hard that he can’t hold in a deep groan. 
The only person you’ve ever trusted enough to let choke you is Kai. You’ve been with a handful of other men and you’ve never been comfortable enough with any of them to even bring up the subject. This is something special for the two of you to share. 
His pace somehow manages to grow even wilder, spurred on by having his hand wrapped around your throat. He times his thrusts perfectly so that every time his cock roughly spears your walls apart, his grip around your neck grows just a bit tighter and your eyes roll into the back of your head. 
You aren’t going to last much longer. Not with the way his hips are pounding so hard into yours that you know it’ll have you wincing in the morning. Not with the way he’s choking you exactly how you need him to. 
Not with the way you feel so protected by his embrace, caged in by his arms with his body on top of yours and intimately connected together in the house that the two of you grew up in. 
“Kai,” you whimper, although it comes out as more of a wheeze due to the hand cutting off your air supply. His name is dripping with desperation as it leaves your lips, letting him know how close you are. 
Needing just a little more to push you over the edge, you slip your hand down between your bodies where your fingers find your slippery clit and rub it frantically. 
You’re so wrapped up in your own impending orgasm that you miss the crazed look in Kai’s eyes. It only grows more feral when you choke out his name again, underlining that it’s him inside of you, him with his hand on your throat, him that you belong to. 
With another bruising thrust and his hand tightening just a tiny bit more, the tension in your body finally snaps as blinding pleasure crashes over you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and fingers. 
He releases your throat to wrap his arm around your waist and you gasp for air. He adjusts your hips to exactly where he wants them as he keeps fucking you through your orgasm, his own end the only thing in sight. 
You’re just starting to come down from your high, your mind fuzzy with pleasure, when he groans lowly and spills himself inside of you — the only mess that never seems to bother him.
Mindlessly, you wrap your arms around his torso and pull him down so that his body is fully resting on top of yours, his weight a comforting tether keeping you grounded. He seems to be savoring the intimacy as well, burying his face in your neck and you can feel every ragged exhale hot against your skin as he catches his breath. 
You rest your cheek against his as you stare blankly at the ceiling, your still-tingling fingers clutching tightly onto the back of his shirt as you try to make sense of the messy emotions warring within you. 
“You would never hurt me, right?” you ask into his ear, your voice cracking. Your words are spoken so softly that it’s hard to hear them over the way the both of you are panting heavily.
From how he momentarily tenses against you, you can tell the question surprises him. It feels like every broken piece you have beneath the surface, every crack and every insecurity, is on display. You’re grateful that with his face still buried in your neck, he can’t see you with those golden eyes that never miss a thing. 
“I’ll always keep you safe,” he says, his voice so rough and low that it sounds like gravel in your ear. You can’t hear any trace of a lie in his words.
“You won’t leave me alone?” 
And there it is, your greatest fear spoken aloud. Without Kai, there would be no one left who cares for you.
Your father is gravely ill. Your mother is gone. Your sister disappeared years ago. There’s no one waiting for you in Sapporo.
Kai is the only person you have left in your life. 
“Never,” he swears and your hold on him tightens. 
Your vision begins to blur as your eyes trace the wooden lines of the ceiling, his promise affecting you more than you expected. 
Kai will always be there.
Before you know what’s happening, a single word is tumbling past your lips.
“Yes,” you breathe and he tenses again in your embrace.
“Yes, what?”
A single tear escapes from the corner of your eye and rolls down your temple before getting lost in your hair.
“Yes, I’ll marry you.”
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konjaku · 3 months
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姫金盞花[Himekinsenka] Calendula arvensis
It is native to the Mediterranean area, was introduced in the Edo period(1603-1868) and is partially naturalized today.
金盞花[Kinsenka] is the name given to the pot marigold(Calendula officinalis.) 金[kin] means gold. 盞[Sen] is also read as sakazuki and means small cup for alcoholic beverages. 花 means flower. The adjective 姫, which means princess or young lady of noble birth, was given as the small type of Kinsenka.
It also has several other aliases. 本金盞花[Hon-]. Because it came in earlier than Kinsenka. 本 in this case means main, real or regular. 冬咲金盞花[Fuyuzaki-] and 冬不知[Fuyushirazu]. Because it blooms even in the coldest months. 冬[Fuyu] means winter, 咲[-zaki] means blooming. 不知[Shirazu] means to do not know. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiranui_(disambiguation)
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lild00td00t · 10 months
Hello! I hope this is an okay request. can you do headcanons for how the admirals would comfort their fem! s/o when she is on her period?
Marine Admirals when you’re on your period: Fem! Reader
Hi Anon!!! Thank you so much for the request, I enjoyed writing this, I hope you enjoyed it and that I wrote it the way you liked <3<3<3
Characters: Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora, Sengoku
Akainu | Sakazuki
• Akainu would expect you to be able to handle these things on your own, but he’s not cruel. He simply feels since you’re a grown woman he doesn’t really feel the need to “ hold your hand “ in this situation
• Unless you make it very clear that you’d like his support, more so than normal, he wouldn’t be very involved because again, to him this is a normal thing for women
• That being said, he will always have medicine and analgesics at your disposal, that being hot water bottles or ice packs to alleviate cramps, he tries to leave you hot tea in the morning to reduce cramps and will offer to draw you a bath before you go to sleep
• He’s not a very affectionate person, but if you need to be held he’ll hold you in bed, and try to comfort you, which doesn’t end the best since he’s silent and awkwardly rubbing your back- but hey, he’s trying right ?
• You’ll start to notice people checking in on you more, most likely Akainus doing so he can keep tabs on how you’re doing through the day, though he can’t see you id imagine he would send a cup of tea your way, but anonymously, he’s not openly affectionate outside of your home
Kizaru | Borsalino
• Offers period sex to help with cramps
• In all seriousness, he’s definitely worried, but knows that this is a monthly ordeal, and you’ve made it just fine before, except now you have his help and he’s over the moon to be a helping hand
• Very comforting presence, if you’re the type to get mood swings or have a depressive episode before your menstration he handles it like a champ, he understands that it’s a painful and natural process you’re going through so he holds absolutely no grudge or malice
• Besides Fujitora I imagine he’s probably one of the most patient partners, he’s very affirmative of you and acknowledges that you’re in pain and he’s there to help, he’s very aware of your needs and wants as well
Aokiji | Kuzan
• also offers period sex
• He’s gonna get lost in the pad aisle, and I mean genuinely lost.
• Imagine walking into an aisle and seeing this tall, lanky man, staring blankly at all the options before him, a shopping basket loosely hanging from his arm, his brain is probably resetting itself from how hard he’s thinking
• Buys a TON of different products, you can’t help but laugh at how confounded he is, staring at everything laid out before him, still confused
• You never have a shortage of ice or even a need for a cold compress, he prefers holding you and comforting you, after all he is an ice man <3
• He wants to constantly be near you so he offers naps a lot as a temporary solution of pain relief
Fujitora | Issho
• To me, he would understand this situation whole heartedly and do the best
• If you wake up to cramps or start crying his heart will absolutely break, and the first thing he does is comfort you, he’ll rub your back and give you soft kisses on your head while reassuringly telling you he’s there to help
• Since you’ve been seeing one another he keeps pads and tampons religiously stocked in his bathroom for you, he ALWAYS has medicine and is fully prepared every month for you <3
• He loves to offer you sweets or nice savory food, he’ll slip you a chocolate bar or some cookies if he sees you around but can’t stay long
• Fujitora seems like the type of partner to keep track of when his partner would get her period, like he has it marked on a calendar and knows when to start preparing, he’s so SWEET I cannot stress this enough
• Will buy you SO many snacks, whatever you want to eat is what he’s eating as well, if you like to binge snacks on your period then he’s your man
• You’ll have to do a errand run with him just to make sure he doesn’t forget your products, afterwards when you come home he implores you to take a nice warm bath with him <3
• Handles most of the house work and making dinner if you’re someone who feels fatigued during your period
• His goat LOVES to snuggle up to you or follow you around, that’s a tell tale sign to him that your period is coming, his goat WILL NOT leave you alone it’s adorable
• I imagine Sengoku to be a very physical person, so he has no problem giving you a massage if you don’t feel well or need a distraction from cramps
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lovelythief · 2 years
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𝚔𝚒𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚎!𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚝𝚊 𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚔𝚒 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚠; 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚔, 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚔 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟸,𝟸𝟿𝟼
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Sake pours into the sakazuki in a careful stream, tilting the flask upwards as the pool fills and letting the lingering drops fall from the lip to disturb the settled alcohol. Gintoki watches each of your slow movements with a sharp eye, holding the saucer in his large, clawed fingers as you indulged him more with your precious offering.
“Man or God,” Gintoki says, his words beginning to slur together as the sake warms his blood and quenches his thirst, “you’d give anyone the wrong idea if you continue to serve with a smile like that.”
Gintoki’s fox ear twitches as he hears the faint uptick of the woman’s heartbeat. No matter how long you’ve spent in his little run-down shrine, you continue to be an easy target for teasing.
His wicked grin widens as your cheeks visibly flush, shakily pouring a half-portion into your own saucer and setting the tokkuri down. “Gin-san, please don’t say such things,” you chide behind your embarrassment. “And should you really have so much? Look, your cheeks are getting red!”
He obnoxiously slurps down the sake and holds it out to you to refill it once more. “More,” he demands, “don’t stop until the whole jug’s gone!”
Out of every human that’s come and gone from his domain, you hold the title for the most devoted—or the most stubborn. Gintoki wasn’t entirely sure what the difference was. Even in this desolate mountainside, you always hike up with something to gift him. A cloth and pale to clean, homemade food and drinks, and your wishes and prayers.
He’s long since accepted that you can’t be frightened off—every attempt he’s ever made to dissuade you from returning and letting him fade into obscurity was spectacularly rejected. And so here he finds himself again: sitting next to this (stubborn) woman and enjoying the cheap sake in a mismatched set because you poured it to him with a smile.
His senses are hazy with intoxication after drinking enough to run an entire bar out of business; fundamentally underestimating how the strength of human liquor—like human warriors—came in numbers. He had taken all of the wine he stored (stole) in his shrine after they finished your personal jug. By now, there were only enough bottles to count on one hand.
Gintoki only realizes he’s finished his cup again when you lean over him to pour another shot. He hums with approval and swirls it with a soft flick of his wrist.
In the silence, Gintoki inches closer to you, reaching his right hand out to rest against your thigh. He feels the way you tense at the contact and hears the slow exhale you relax. Your eyes stay glued to the beauty of the full moon on a cloudless night sky. He breathes a laugh at your modesty and gives your thigh a squeeze, the indentation of his claws slightly digging into your skin.
All nine of Gintoki’s silver tails sway and flick behind him, brushing up against your arm and curling around your waist provocatively. You shudder at the feather-light grazes of his fur, but do not look over even to check on how much sake he currently has left. You keep your head high, staring at the stars.
The stars. Gintoki thinks bitterly of his past and of the Gods that abandoned him—that he abandoned—as his woman keeps her attention towards those assholes sitting on thrones of stardust and precious metals instead of the deity she herself chose to pursue.
“Why do you stare off when Gin-san is right here?” Gintoki asks, not caring to mask his annoyance. When you shrug your shoulders and mumble noncommittally, he pinches your cheeks and forcefully turns your face towards his, mere inches apart. A purr rumbles in his throat as you stare at him with blown-out pupils and parted lips, shined with sake. “It’s rude to ignore someone speaking to you.”
 Under the moonlight, Gintoki is sure that you notice the predatory glint of a beast that hides in his vermillion eyes. You shiver as Gintoki releases his grasp on your face and grazes two sharp claws across your jaw and down your neck, hooking his finger into the cross of your kimono before you grab his wrist.
“I’ve been paying attention to you all night, Gintoki.” you half-heartedly argue, the blush on your cheeks no doubt worsened by alcohol.
“Kitsune are greedy creatures,” he warns, “you give me an inch and I’ll take a mile.” Gintoki leans in closer and brushes his nose against yours. “You first came to me with offerings of petty change; now I want all of you.”
You look at him in shock, as if he wasn’t seconds from devouring you every time you beamed at him. “You... you—”
Gintoki pulls his hand from your grasp and pushes you down gently into the grass you sat on. He downs his last cup of sake in one gulp with a blissful sigh, licks his lips, and straddles your hips. “Why don’t we give those lazy gods up there a nice show, since you want their attention so badly.”
He leans over and kisses your cheek chastely, whispering in your ear like he’s telling you a dirty little secret, “We can show them just how devoted you are to Gin-san.”
Your breath hitches and you keen into his touch, eyes fluttering as his large hands gently caresses your body through your clothes. You stay pliant in his grasp, and he wonders just how long he’s made you wait.
“Open yourself up to your god,”—he pulls your clothes apart, sharp nails ripping through seams he was too impatient to undress—“show me everything, give me everything.”
Gintoki leans back for a moment and greedily stares at the swell of your breasts, at the softness of your stomach, at the plush of your thighs. He presses his thumb right above your pelvis and shamelessly groans when you jerk against the pressure. “And in turn,” his lips curl widely, and he bares his fangs, “I’ll plant my seed in your maiden womb and bless you with the affections of a deity.”
He rips apart the obi around his waist and lets the monochromatic yukata fall to his feet, leaving only the jade magatamas adorning his neck. They chime as he raises your legs over his waist and slots himself between your thighs, brushing it against your bare chest as he leans down to capture your lips.
You eagerly meet his lustful kisses with your own drunken passion, curling your fingers into his soft silver curls and rubbing his ears with your thumbs. Gintoki’s chest rumbles with a purr as he squishes his pecs against your breasts with the clear intention to feel as much of it as he could. His ears bend to enjoy every little noise that escapes your lips.
He slides two of his fingers against your clit, the pressure of his body on your chest holding you still as you twitch and tug his hair from the strange pleasure. You whine against his lips as he rolls gentle circles around the nub, but his patience is thin and he’s eager to plug you full of his cum. He kisses you deeper as his fingers penetrate your tight pussy, scissoring them as far as they’d go and grinding the palm of his hand against your clit.
“Pretty,” he mumbles as you part with one last lick against your mouth. Gintoki noses your neck and grazes the skin with his sharp canines. “Even if those idiots down in the village or up in the heavens realize what they’re missing, I won’t let them have you. They lost their chance; too bad.”
You rake your nails down his broad back and bury your face against his cheek. You hiccup softly and hold him tighter. “...want you,” you admit with the help of liquid confidence, “I want you to stay by me... I want all of you, too.”
“Gonna mate you,�� Gintoki’s voice edges into a growl, likely no more than babble to your ears, but still twisting your hips with every syllable. “right here—right in front of my shrine, right where those assholes can see.”
His fingers part your swollen lips, and in his anticipation, Gintoki’s tails knock over one of the empty flasks on the ground as they fan out and shade you two in your bubble of intimacy. He leans down and brushes his lips against yours, pulling back too quickly despite your desperate chase. “Are you prepared for me to take you, body, mind, and soul?”
You nod vigorously and he smiles, guiding his dick between your folds and carefully pressing into you. Gintoki watches the way your tight entrance struggles to match the girth of his cock, and he slows. Concentrations strains his shoulders as he forcefully holds himself back from recklessly fucking you like a whore, instead slowly feeding you his length inch-by-inch.
“G-Gin-san,” you gasp and clutch at the grass, tearing the soil underneath your fingertips as half of him sits heavy in your cunt, “oh gods, it’s too much—”
Ear twitching at your cry, jealousy spurs inside Gintoki’s drunken mind. His hands slid down your waist, underneath your ass (which he shamelessly squeezed), hooks underneath your thighs, and guides your knees to your chest. He locks his knees on either side of your thighs, securing you into a mating press and bullies the rest of his length inside of you until he aggressively bottoms out.
You fists your hand and bite your knuckles to stop the scream lodged in your throat. Hot, overwhelmed tears blur the corners of your eyes and slide down your cheeks. Gintoki grabs your wrist and slams it against the ground next to your head, laying his tongue flat against your cheek and lapping up the salty streak. “Be as loud as you want,” his chest rumbles against yours. “Let the world and the heavens hear the pleasure Gin-san is giving you.”
Gintoki spares you only a moment of rest before he starts thrusting in sloppy and disoriented movements—how many years has it been since he’s been nestled so tightly in someone? He can’t think with his senses overwhelmed by your trembling and keening, your cunt weakly clenching his cock as he fucks you firmly against the ground.
“Mine,” he growls, knocking the air out of his pretty little mortal, “you’re made for me.” You throw your head against the dirt, stretching your unmarred neck for him to abuse and he dives for your pulse the moment you lay yourself vulnerable before him.
He wets the spot with his tongue and grinds his hips in a small circle, overwhelming your senses before baring his teeth and biting your neck hard. He holds you still as you jerk against him and cry out in pain, a sadistic flutter in his chest enjoying the way you squirm as if you were nothing more than prey. Despite being a deity, the kitsune is still a beast.
You whimper loudly as Gintoki soothes the injury with soft kisses and licks. You rake heavy streaks of red against Gintoki’s shoulder with your free hand, nearly drawing blood as you try to ground yourself while Gintoki aims to send you spiraling into heaven. Your whole body is tense: legs jostling, toes curling, back arching, and cunt pulsing with each drag of his dick.
The base of Gintoki’s dick begins to swell—almost unnoticed at first, but the desperate, speedy thrusts slow down as his growing knot struggles to match such a brutal pace. Gintoki leans down and grits his teeth as he concentrated on fucking you with his knot, forcing you to feel the stretch and give of your entrance with each wet pop. He thrives off your bruised lips pleadingly chanting ‘Gin-san!’ after every kiss he steals while ruining you.
Gintoki’s claws find your clit and furiously rubs it while bullying his nearly formed knot into your cunt. Your hips buck and you pant heavily, eyes rolling into the back of your head as you cum hard on his dick. With your gushing slick, it finally slips through and Gintoki settles his forehead against yours, blissed out while you continue to ride your orgasm. “That’s it,” he moans as his knot locks you together, “good girl. Gonna fuck so many kits into your pretty pussy...”
He looks into your eyes and is surprised to see the heavens reflected back to him as you reel from liquor, pleasure, and love. Gintoki’s throat feels tight as he watches the stars in your eyes pool into the tears that wets your waterline. He holds your face tenderly as his hips uncontrollably jerk, still trying to fuck you. He has no use for the heavens above him now, when he finds it here in his embrace below. 
Gintoki’s talks to himself again in his pussy-drunken stupor. “I’ll take care of you,” he promises breathily, nuzzling and kissing everywhere he could reach, “make you into the prettiest wife. Keep you heavy with kids—fuck, your hips are perfect. Can’t believe no one else courted you. Mine now.” His tails go stiff as his voice grows low and dangerous, his teeth bared and body tense as his entire body shudders.
Gintoki cums, his cock shooting load after heavy load that even his knot can barely keep it entirely plugged inside, dribbles of his seed slowly leaking out of your hole. He groans as you raise your weak arms and gently caress the ears on his fluffy white head again, and kisses you fully. His silver tails move excitedly as his knot begins to deflate with the promise of a short refractory period and many more rounds of laying waste to your overstimulated cunt until you finally take.
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rodolfo9999 · 11 months
勧 酒  (于武陵)
             (書き下し文)  酒をすすむ  勧君金屈巵         君に勧む 金屈巵 満酌不須辞         満酌 辞するをもちいず 花発多風雨         花ひらけば 風雨多し 人生足別離         人生 別離足る 和訳(直訳)   
君に この金色の大きな杯を勧める   なみなみと注いだこの酒 遠慮はしないでくれ花が咲くと 雨が降ったり風が吹いたりするものだ   人生に 別離はつきものだよ 
(註)・金屈巵=把手(とって)がついた黄金の大型の杯。    ・満酌=杯になみなみと酒をつぐこと。    ・不須辞=辞退する必要はない。    ・足=多い。
(In English)
I want you to dry up this cup silently. The cup filled with sake is farewell to you. Like the storm which comes when flowers bloom, The good friend goes away、like flowers falling
(Japanese pronunciation)
Kono sakazuki o uketekure
Douzo naminami tsugashiteokure
Hanani arashino tatoemo aruzo
Sayonaradakega jinsei da
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kinsentokyo · 3 months
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Antique Sakazuki Sake Cups
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