atangledfate · 2 years
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“ Ah maybe! i have alot of ideas just figuring one i can actually make! i’ve always made my costumes since i was little! sort of a tradition i started with my mom... eheh but she was a pretty good seamstress i’m not so talented “ 
Did she call her darling! that got her cheeks flushing
“ What do you plan on going as? “ 
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espioatyourservice · 1 year
@sakuraandscales x   The more he listened to her speak, the more he began to gather information. There was definitely something different about her. Not that it was a bad thing. He joins her on the sofa, sitting next to her. He thought the place they had looked rather lovely. It didn’t take much to see just where Charmette’s usual perching spot would have been seen from.  “My, my, a little hacker on our hands. She’s really growing up. Knothole tends to do pretty well with robots or at least from what I’ve seen back in my world. When you say you and your people, what do you mean by that? Did you have any more reinforcements join in on the fight or was it something else?”    In charge. She seemed more in charge, is what he was getting at. Though, it could have been because it’s been a few years. 
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phantom-vs-agents · 2 years
@sakuraandscales continued from here (x)
Though Spectre was a man usually bereft of words in most occasions, haven taken a Ninja vow of silence when he emerged... In the case of his rival, he can make a few exceptions. Even if they looked different, he won’t stand for Espio- Er, Espia- To completely forget him. Even as the Guards tackled him, he quickly let out a scoff. Though he was not really in a good situation, he wasn’t one to give up so quickly. “How quickly fame and power makes you forget.” The former Shinobi states, before rolling out a prepared smoke ball from under his tongue. Crunching it between his lips, Spectre quickly used the giant plume of smoke emerging out of his mask to create a screen of it. Though he was not able to overpower them, in the moment of confusion, he made good use of his ninja training- Though he could not use Ninjutsu- To worm his way out of the grasp of the Shinobi that had tackled him.  With that solved, he quickly absconded towards a nearby higher location- Whether it be a wall, a support beam above, or even a nearby object. After making a clean get away, Spectre reached for his mask. “Well, I’ll have you know, little upstart,” He slowly removed his mask, revealing the face of Spectre- A student at the Dojo Espia had trained at, “I am part of the Western Shinobi.”  Though he was Espia’s senior at the time of their training, he had somehow managed to retain his age, albeit with a year or two added on. Whether Espia even remembered him, however, is another story. “Name’s Spectre. Spectre the Chameleon, if you even bothered to remember.” He introduces, before unsheathing his Ninjato from his back. “And I’m here to prove myself! Once and for all.”
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chopperpirate · 1 year
(from sakuraandscales) Charmette's just gonna leave the little box on the reindeer's desk, she was gonna spend that night with her family but...Chopper WAS family to the bee. Inside would be a new mortar and pestle, and a little handmade scarf...
Chopper gasped at the sight of a gift for him left on his desk, his eyes sparkling with delight at the mere thought of receiving something special on a holiday that happened to also be near his birthday.
"Whoa! Who made this!?" He squealed after unwrapping it, trying on the scarf quickly.
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ofhallownest · 4 years
It had been awhile since Hornet had last saw the little ghost, so she went to check on them... Much to her surprise, they were simply sitting next to their plants, looking at the ground.
The plants were still cared for, but the vessel didn’t even look up to see who had entered... She knew something was up, something was wrong. They were never this... still. Their mask seemed stained too. They’ve been crying.
Someone had to have caused this, they wouldn’t get this upset without a reason. So Hornet starts off, who ever this was going to pay. She also wanted answers, she doubts that the little Ghost can give them to her. 
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@sakuraandscales reblogged your post “Starter Call”
A hop, a jump, a spin aaaaannnd- he stuck the landing!
“Perfect landing!” Sonic laughed as he looked back up at the big log he’d hopped off of. “Nice!” He turned and jogged back off the direction he had been going when he heard a sound- no, a voice!
Was someone in danger?
“Hello?!” He called out before racing off to follow the sound. Hopefully no one was hurt!
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buzzingdetective · 5 years
@sakuraandscales Continued from (x)
*Charmy couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as he hugged the younger bee back. It had been a while seen he had seen her or Espia for that matter.*
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“You’re a sight for sore eyes kiddo. I’m glad you showed up, it was getting pretty lonely around here. You been doing well? What about Espia, she okay?”
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errorblankdata · 4 years
Something wasn’t right here. The knowledge they had didn’t match with what they were seeing... That could spell danger and possibly doom if they got any closer, so Metal was off to investigate, staying far enough away until they could learn more.
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robotniklegacy · 5 years
Well how did get he get here? The last thing he was doing was working with that Chaos Emerald he found, trying to figure out how what it does... Did it do this? He didn’t know the area... Wonderful! Simply wonderful he was lost!
“Of all the days it could have been, it had to be on taco night that I get lost.” He adjusts his glasses and sighs, starting to look for someone that could tell him where he was, tail wrapped around waist so it didn’t get damaged.
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@sakuraandscales || Space Racers AU
With a meeting being called to be and set on Team Sonic’s ship, it was easy to see why it was done there. The ship was bigger than the four member crew needed, but it provided a safe place to do meetings without worry of someone eavesdropping. 
“We’ve called this meeting to discuss the newest events and to introduce a team of investigators we have brought onto the case because of their track record.” Blaze starts, looking around the table, then at the three new people sitting at it. “The Chaotix have solved many cases and we expect everyone to work with them on this case and help them get caught up With the amount of racers being injured increasing, we need their help.”
“The amount has been rising all over the place, however it seems those that make their own racers and don’t get them serviced by repair shops often are less likely to have a problem. So we need to focus on shops around the areas of the incidents.” Silver adds, pulling up a map with the recorded reports of damaged racing ships and injured racers. “There’s currently no pattern to them, so if you find any information please tell us.”
“Is there anything your team would like to add?” Again Blaze turns to the Chaotix while everyone listens and waits.
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buzzingdetective-a · 5 years
@sakuraandscales Continued from (x):
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*Charmy would take the warp ring and nod at Charmette. He would definitely hold onto this for when he needed it...He had a feeling he knew what was going on...And he was a bit hesitant to admit it, mainly because he wasn’t entirely sure.*
“You notice anything else unusual, Charmette? Maybe something you might have overheard from some people they may have talked to that seemed strange? Something related to where you guys live now?”
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atangledfate · 2 years
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She leaned over to Hug Espia gently and smiled ear to ear, knowing how busy Espia got it always felt nice when she got a moment to be affectionate. There lives were both Hectic, but that was part of a relationship wasn’t it? working together to make a happy life? Was alot that Tangle might not understand about Espia’s duties but, she knew how to make her smile. That was more important then anything else to her. 
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“ Yea the Tea was a life saver...once i got that down and some toast i felt better! Just wanted to swing by and say Thanks! “
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“ It’s nice ya know, just knowing you were there... i guess its still a new feeling. Since Jewel left to lead Restoration... its been ,,,,well a bit lonely “ 
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espioatyourservice · 1 year
@sakuraandscales x
  Espio nearly back backwards, not expecting to see the bee. It almost seemed like it was out of nowhere. Nonetheless, he was happy to have been greeted either way. He hugs Charmette back, keeping in mind of her glasses if it could be helped.   “Good to see you too, Charmette. I missed you a lot. You’ve grown up.” He smiles warmly. He pauses for a moment before looking again over to the female chameleon. His eyes search through hers. Hearing her voice was like music to his ears. Oh, how he missed her voice.    “Espia! It has been a long long time, thank you. I missed the both of you, dearly.”  
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sonicsbluehoneybuns · 6 years
    Even if things were still rough around the edged between the group, she still made it her mission to come visit Espia. She felt terrible leaving her in such a condition and regretted not being able to explain to the others. Not that she probably would. Not unless Espia had explained to them first if she ever had her own intentions. She held what looked like a box in her hands. It would be filled with sweets, teas, tea cups, and perhaps some other things in there as we..
   Mori lightly knocks on the door, hoping that someone would answer.
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sweetcreamrabbit-a · 4 years
"Oh wow, you look like another rabbit I know." The bee landed slowly so as not to startled the other child, adjusting her glasses in the same motion. "Are you lost?"
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“You also looked like someone I know, miss.” Cream replied before giving a small nod of her head. “And I am... I don’t know where I am.”
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heirofacorn · 7 years
(From sakuraandscales) "Excuse me, but if I may ask..." That feminine voice came from a magenta chameleon as she came back into the visual spectrum, she appeared to be very lost. "Could you tell me which zone this is and where I am?"
“You’re in P-O2.” Timber automatically brushed himself off to appear presentable. “You’re just outside Castle Acorn in Mobotropolis. Can I help you?”
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