#saleh ibrahim al-tahan
vampyreblogger · 2 years
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evieebun125 · 4 years
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my god this was hell but my hands would not let me rest until i drew the whole family
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marlasomething · 3 years
The Line Is Erased: Day 26 - The Body On The Basement
Hello there! This is the first time I write a RQG fic and it’s going to be…rusty (NO IT’S NOT A PUN). Since I don’t want to be depressing AF and I FUCKING KNOW MYSELF, I am going to choose to write from outsider’s PoV, with a teeny tiny group of characters that just happen to be around on the background.
Also, after writing the first one I realised how much this podcast motivates me to keep saying “yes” to my friends’ campaigns and that is always a good choice for many reasons, so this is homage to all of us, people playing as our always very particular characters and suffering because of dices and masters!
So…that is that.
Here is my contribution for Day 26: Cairo + Mistakes + Noble Dragons Don’t Have Any Friends, prompts given by @the-line-is-erased on Tumblr.
Episode that covers at least one of the prompts relistened to do this ep. 93 (I have a soft for characters acting under the effects of courses and/or alcohol; I must admit it).
Do forgive me for any possible screw-ups (as well as for my quick tipper, non-native speaker writer).
Saulis cannot believe how lucky they are this time! They have the son of the rich guy who had just confessed to a murder, kidnapped! By accident!
“Thank you Aurora, you know how much I wanted one of the NPCs to come our way!”
“Yes, never mind.”
He kneeled next to the halfling, trying to decide what they are going to do with him before…I mean, he has to be back to the tavern he was in. It is not as if he or his companions want any trouble but before…
…they are lacking money; their mission is far from over and…
“Yorick, come in here” they turned to him.
“Saleh here wants to tell you first-hand how terrible being a rich kid is; feel free to edit his story as much as you want.”
Their kind-of-prisoner woke up and looked at them, defeated but also still with that privileged defiance on his eyes.
“Why would I do that?”
“Do you hate yourself enough for a death that could last days?”
It would be a miracle if, after those brief moments of strange dice sounds on his head he didn’t get this man to do as he wish.
He does; he seemed persuaded enough to talk.
Not intimidated, because right now he doesn’t care about his life, so nothing is a threat for him. Pure logic, nothing to do with where Saulis’ abilities actually lie.
He leaves both Yorick and Saleh Ibrahim al-Tahan inside the abandoned basement they had found and goes upstairs to check on the rest of the group.
They all seem…okay, even though a bit tired. The only one with a slightly worse aspect is Nym who, perceiving him entering into his fly-or-fly mode in case she was sensing a battle coming or something, emitted something that was supposed to be a cackle and dismissed him with a hand.
“It’s just having a Temple of Aphrodite so close…she doesn’t like Nemesis.”
“Why again you guys have no temples anyway?”
“We are not good neighbours…By the way, TODAY I SAW A GOBLING! They looked rather stressed, but you know how adorable I found those.”
Wow, she is really really stressed out if she is trying to give me small talk.
“Yes, fascinating. I’ll be downstairs.”
“You are so smooth with everyone but so not subtle with us…” he smirked.
“That way you know I am not lying.”
Back, as he heard Saleh telling (between sobs and self-reprimands) to the bard his story; the sound of dice came unexpectedly and…he perceived, clearly, there was something of.
It wasn´t the real Saleh; he was acting.
That; or he didn’t believe even in his real name (highly unlikeable).
He was almost cent per cent sure who they were.
“Anakis, show yourself” the middle-aged halfling of golden brown skin turned into a young deformed human that had some draconic elements apparently sobbed into their person.
“Anakis! Why…?” they smiled, giving levity to the situation.
“My new temporal bosses have special interest on your mission not succeeding.”
“But…we made you famous! The noble person that became partially a dragon and one of the best illusion makers of the word!”
“That was a long time and ago, and on another continent!”
“Excuse me? Are you saying that my music is not that memorable? If there is any problem, it’s that your personality is not strong enough.”
“WHAAT HAVE YOU JUST SAID?!” as Anakis started to be on fire (literaly, Saulis saw his opportunity and stabbed the person on the back).
A lot of dices, they dropped dead between Saulis and his companion.
“What…what do we do?”
Saulis shrugged, no worried at all.
“All press and police are on the al-Tahan case right now. I vote to just let it rote or let Tara practice her knew spells on the place.”
“Fine with me. Well, our mistake was not such at the end…”
“Aurora, you have FOOL US.”
“Told you! Not real cameos…well, maybe by the end…”
“You scare me.”
Extra notes for flavour: Saulis is my most regular campaing of D&D, he’s also a rogue with the same bravery as a tissue, high chances of backstabbing if it fits his plans and tons of self-denial about certain…things in his past. He’s a dwelf (half-elf, half-drawft), not a tiefling, though. Fake name that comes from my beloved Saul Goodman from Better Call Saul (and Breaking Bad OFC).
              Anakis is also a character of mine; she comes from a campaing we totally left in the middle. She had nothing to do with this Anakis (for starters, it was a she, not a they) but, funny data, the idea was to make her from almost holy to the dark DARK side…(yeah, the name was kind of on the nose).
Also; did I just put a random unnecessary sentence just to state that I found Grizzop adorable? Yes, I have no regrets about anything ever.
The title of the story is from the song “My Alcoholic Friends” from the album (masterpiece) “Yes, Virginia” by The Dresden Dolls; because I do not only listen to musicals…I SWEAR.
As usual, likes/kudos (depending if you are reading this on Tumblr or AO3), feedback and random comments ARE SO HIGHLY APPRECIATED.
Also, thanks to the TMA discord channel that posted this prompts! You are lovely, gracias!
Now also live in AO3.
Long life and prosperity,
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vampyreblogger · 2 years
Each round will last a week.
ada lovelace VS albert einstein VS amelia earheart VS amelie rose VS apophis VS ashen VS atsuanuub VS augusta leigh VS aziza hawaa al-tahan VS azu
barret racket VS bertus VS sir bertrand "bertie" macguffingham VS bi ming gusset VS bolla smok VS brock VS bronc VS celquinthion sidebottom VS charles babbagge VS chinua
WINNER: celquinthion sidebottom
cicero VS draal VS driak VS edward keystone VS eldarion VS elijah wormwood VS emeka VS eren fairhands VS eva van djik VS feryn smith
WINNER: edward keystone
figgis VS francois henri VS franz kafka VS friedrich (airship) VS friedrich (cult of apollo) VS gideon marsten-langdon VS gragg coulson VS grizzop drik acht amsterdam VS guivres VS hamid saleh haroun al-tahan
WINNER: grizzop drik acht amsterdam
harrison campbell VS hawaa layla halima VS hirald smith VS howard carter VS isaac newton VS jacques piaget VS james barnes VS jasper VS jean-luc bolieau VS jeremy
WINNER: james barnes
khantu VS kiko VS kondha VS la gourmande VS lady starling VS liliana beekos VS little VS maximus VS lord byron VS marie curie VS meerk
WINNER: kiko
mr ceiling VS natun VS nikola tesla VS oscar wilde VS paulette loup VS rakefine VS richard haringay VS sagax VS saira hawaa layla al-tahan VS saleh amoun al-tahan
WINNER: oscar wilde
saleh ibrahim al-tahan VS sasha racket VS sassraa VS selene souchet VS shoshva VS siggif VS skraark VS sohra VS sumutnyerl VS tadyka
WINNER: sasha racket
thomas edison VS vesseek VS vivianne messier VS yoshida shoin VS zolf smith
WINNER: zolf smith
azu VS celquinthion sidebottom VS edward keystone
WINNER: celquinthion sidebottom
grizzop drik acht amsterdam VS james barnes VS kiko
WINNER: james barnes
oscar wilde VS sasha racket VS zolf smith
WINNER: oscar wilde
celquinthion sidebottom VS james barnes VS oscar wilde
WINNER: oscar wilde
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