#rqg sumutnyerl
vampyreblogger · 2 years
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rustyelias · 6 months
I feel like we all moved on from how much of a badass Sumutnyerl is
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evieebun125 · 2 years
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206 | Episode 187 - It Tolls For Tree!
Day 27. 183-189
[ID: A digital drawing of Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan, Skraak, Sumutnyerl, and Oscar Wilde from Rusty quill gaming. Hamid has stepped in front of the group and taken a lighting bolt to the chest in order to protect them. Hamid is a Egyptian Halfling with short curly brown hair and brassy scales, on his left ear is a gold and pink chain earring. He is wearing a gold patterned purple winter coat lined with dark fur. Wilde is a tall white man with white hair, cut in a bob, and blue eyes. He is wearing a dark gray blue fur coat with a dark blue fur lining. Skraak is a red kobold with a beige undertone, his is wearing brown winter coat with dark brown fur lining his hood and sleeves. Sumutnyerl a tan Asiatic druid, They have white and gray streaked hair and they are wearing a purple and gray patterned robe, their hood is pulled up and it's lined with dark fur. /End ID]
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just-an-enby-lemon · 5 months
I'm taking a small break from RQG episode related posting because so much happened in the last couple of episodes.
- The drug that causes the person to have their happiest dreams!! And Hamid's being to have good moment where everyone he loves is happy and well (no, you're crying).
- In a small tangent, the sadest part of Wilde being an unoficial party member is that as an NPC we have a lot more of blank spaces for him and it makes me unwell.
- Hamid's surviving because of Azu's Prayer (wich is not really how it goes but in my head I'm reading the scene as Azu asking for Afrodite to protect the party but also specifically Hamid because they are besties and sibblings and I love them)
- WILDE DYING! And the resseruction!! Zolf just trying his best to keep everyone he loves alive, to heal his friends. Him having the spell ready and not even considering anything else. Him just obliterating the monster after because how dare it?
- RIP Sumutnyerl barely knew her. Cared as much as Tesla's death.
- RIP Augusta. I'll always miss an edgy failgirl (also I recently discovered that the irl Augusta likely had an affair with Byron so thanks Alex for making her hate her brother instead of loving him waaaaaay to much).
- Ava is not dead! You go girl.
- Zolf hugging Wilde!! Love them.
- Azu hugging Hamid and telling him how he almost died and how glad she is he didn't, a thing that didn't happen but I pretend it did cause they should hug even more and Hamid needed that.
- Cel going "holy shit Zolf is a badass" was funny and I just want to mention Cel. They just have the best reactions to things. In a more serius note love how Cel is the one that knows how to deal with Ava because they might not be the more charismatic nor wise but they had a long life and went thro a lot and I think of everyone there they are the one that can best undestand and relate to her and that's how they bond and I just think Cel should add Ada to their list of adopted inventors/lab buddies with Sassra and Jasper.
So yeah. Just soo many feelings packed in like 2 episodes? It drove me insane and I'm processing it.
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miscreantahead · 9 months
Ask game for Rqg
❤Favorite character
Zolf Smith!!! BIG honorable mentions to Sasha and Hamid though.
👿Least favorite character
Barrett for sure, dishonorable mention to Shoin.
💐Comfort character
Hmmm I'm still not totally clear as to what a comfort character is vs. like a favorite character, but I must have some idea because I'm inclined to pick Hamid for this one. Idfk he's just a little guy, he's been here the whole time, growing and changing, he's problematic but trying his very best, and he's too cute. He screams comfort.
While I'm at it with the over-answering, Oscar Wilde. I like that even when he's being a pain in the ass on purpose he's quite clearly just a good guy if you read even slightly between the lines. Trusted him with my life ever since the anti-bertie article, and he only got better and better. I want him to have nice things forever and let's face it he got the nicest thing (Zolf) so I'm tearing up right now just thinking about it.
I think answering this question actually kind of helped me figure out what the difference between a favorite and a comfort character is, and why I didn't feel right picking Zolf here. Zolf stresses me out but it's fun.
😍Character you have the biggest crush on:
Z o l f, the crush is massive and a problem on a daily basis. Idk man I'm in love with him, it ouches.
🤝Character you relate to the most
Harrison Campbell. I just wanna write books and please keep Bertrand Macguffingham far, far away from me.
🔥Character you think is overrated
Going to go with Apophis. I don't absolutely despise him but I'm not a fan and he gets so much lore, screen time, and badass moments, which is fine, I won't say they're not cool but I might be shouting "booo" while it's happening at the same time.
🧨Character you love to hate
Oh Bertie easily he's hilariously the fucking worst but I'm so glad he exists.
🙈Character you always forget exists
This is a character flaw of mine but I constantly forget about Ed. Even though I adore Ed there were multiple times when people mentioned an Ed or Edward and I was like who the fuck are we talking about for a second before I was like RIGHT THE HIMBO PALADIN AGAIN.
🐰Favorite non-human character
Considering most of them are non-human I'm going to cheat and instead pick my favorite human character which is Sasha. I still miss her since rome, love how she was acrobatics-sexual, love her relationship with gargoyles and general awkwardness. She changed so much over time but was great from start to finish, and I can't stress how happy I am that she got to live a full and at least somewhat peaceful life.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better
Sumutnyerl's abrupt death so far from home in such miserable circumstances and the way the timing made it impossible for anyone around to have time to mourn mildly devastated me (thank you Skraak). Not to mention the way Tesla took advantage of their relationship and the guilt she must've felt and how that didn't get explored beyond one night she was miserable and resetless and the next day she was dead. Super brutal when life and death for the NPC's is controlled by cold chaotic dice rolls (and whether or not a player character is in love with you 😉).
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ollieofthebeholder · 2 years
🌈 and 🤍 for the fic ask!
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
Honestly, For We Are Afar With the Dawning. I had the hardest time coming up with Sumutnyerl's portion of the story, but I was determined not to cut them out.
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
Weirdly, this one, which I probably ought to put on AO3 just in case but whatever. Ostensibly it was just a short, introspective piece I dashed off after the RQG finale (but before the epilogues), and obviously not a lot of people commented on it, but I think people missed that the theme of it...insofar as it had a theme....was "what's important". And I think people missed what was important to Hamid in that moment.
Send me an emoji and I'll answer these fanfic questions.
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raspberryhell · 3 years
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[ID: Four sets of drawings of various NPCs from Rusty Quill Gaming all done in shades of light orange and pink. The first image includes Wilde, Barnes, Carter, and Einstein. The second image is of the kobolds, including Skraak, Meerk, Driaak, Draal, Tadyka, Natun, and Sassraa. The third image is of the Vengeance crew, including Earhart, Kiko, Friedrich, and Siggif. The last image is of Sumutnyrel, Augusta, Lovelace, and Tesla standing around a console containing the brain of Babbage. End ID]
(More detailed ID plus images with the names labeled included under the cut)
Day 14 of RQGinktober is Favorite NPC… but do I really have to pick just one??🥺🥺🥺 Clean up of the art from the end of my People That Love You animatic!  
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[ID: A digital drawing of Wilde, Barnes, Carter, and Einstein. Wilde stands to the side, closest to the camera. He is a human man with shoulder-length hair. He is wearing a suit, ascot, and cape. He is pointing a finger up with a sparkle, flipping his hair and winking. Behind him are Barnes and Carter, both human men. Carter has short hair and a moustache and is wearing a vest over a short sleeved shirt and fingerless gloves. Barnes has long curly hair and is wearing a bandana on his neck and a deep V shirt. Carter has playfully thrown an arm around Barnes, who looks up with a small smile. Behind them is Einstein, jumping and waving a hand. He is a human man with wild hair, a moustache, and is wearing long wizard robes. End ID]
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[ID: A digital drawing of the crew of kobolds. They are all small dragon-y creatures with varying fangs, claws, horns, and tails. Standing closest to the camera and to the side is Skraak. He has bent-back horns and is wearing a hooded jacket and stands with his arms crossed, glaring forward. Behind him is Driaak and Tadyka. Tadyka has short forward-pointing horns and is wearing a shirt and a bandana. They are standing with their hands together, smiling and looking back at Sassraa. Sassraa has twisted ram-like horns and is wearing a lab coat and goggles that obscure their eyes. She is smiling and waving. Driaak has two sets of small horns and is wearing a turtleneck with a long coat, looking startled as Meerk jumps out behind him. Meerk has short horns and is wearing a long shirt. He is jumping up, waving an arm and smiling widely. Behind him is Draal, the tallest kobold, with large forward-pointing horns. He wears a long coat and stands smiling down at the others. Next to him is Natun, who has tall thin horns and wears a coat with a bandana. End ID]
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[ID: A digital drawing of the Vengeance crew, Earhart, Kiko, Friedrich, and Siggif. In the middle, on a small platform with a ship’s wheel attached, is Earhart. Earhart is a short gnome woman with short hair. She is wearing a feathered hat, a large coat, boots, and smiles confidently while holding the steering wheel. To the left is Friedrich, a short dwarf man with a beard and unnaturally long arms wearing overalls, and Siggif, an older human man with short messy hair and a messy beard wearing a long shirt and a vest. Freidrich playfully elbows at Siggif, who seems to be giving a reluctant sigh. To the right is Kiko, a tall human woman with long hair tied back in a ponytail and several ear piercings. She is wearing a sleeveless shirt, a bandana, a belt and tall pants. She stands with a hand on her hip as she gives a small smile and a playful wink. End ID]
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[ID: A digital drawing of Sumutnyrel, Augusta Leigh, Ada Lovelace, and Nikola Tesla standing around a console containing the brain of Babbage. To the front left is Sumutnyerl, an older druid woman with short hair wearing a headscarf and a large, thick, fur-lined coat. She stands with a hand cautiously in front of her, looking around warily. To the front right is Augusta, an older human woman with short curly hair wearing a jacket, a turtleneck, a large belt and pants. She is smiling widely, winking and giving a playful salute. In the back left is Ada, a human woman with curly hair wearing a dress with large shoulders and a headset. Her body is facing the console, arms out as if typing, with her head turned back over her shoulder, giving a worried look. Beside her is Tesla, an old human man with white hair, glasses and a cane. He sits on a stool and gives a sad look off to the side. Behind them all is a large console with a tower in the center with an opening showing a glass orb filled with liquid in which a single brain floats, with wires coming out of the top and bottom of the brain connecting it to the console. End ID] 
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yamikakyuu · 2 years
I know canonically it's not possible given different beliefs/planes but I really hope Sumutnyerl got to the afterlife found Tesla and just chased him around as a bear for awhile.
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thoriffix · 3 years
Can I get get uhhhh Skraak and Sumutnyerl being friends before the rest of the party arrives in Other London??
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[id: a sketchy drawing of skraak and sumutnyerl, done in a dark green blocky brush and loosely coloured with a lighter green. skraak is a small kobold wearing minimal armour, sitting with one leg up on their seat, holding a hand out and talking animatedly. sumutnyerl is an elderly woman with short fluffy hair, wearing fur-lined loose clothing and sitting with their hands in their lap, listening with a smile. end id]
your honour they're besties... also ive never drawn sumutnyerl before but this was so fun i love her :]
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Collection of some character quotes that I love very much.
(Mostly consists of season 4 because that’s when I started actively taking notes)
“Sometimes you have to try.” - Brock 50
“I don’t think I’m powerful I think I’m powerless!” - Zolf 54
“If you expect me to fear death you’re going to be sorely disappointed.” - Zolf 61
“I’m not undead. I’m just, vitally challenged.” - Sasha 73
“... this is not a great time for vague threats, how about you make an explicit one.” - Hamid 86
“You can’t clean something up in the darkness, you have to bring it into the light, you have to face it. You have to tell someone, you have to let people help you.” - Hamid 90
“You are more important than a thing!” - Grizzop 112
“I think I broke Apollo.” - Edd 120
(season 4 under the cut because it ended up being very very long)
“I don’t want to get used to losing people.” - Hamid 129
“There are very few problems that explosions cannot sort.” - Cel 131
“I’m very good at building one-use machines. Two-use machines, much harder.” - Cel 131
“I’m saving my panic for later” - Azu 145
“I’ll always have faith, I just don’t always know what to do with it.” - Zolf 152
“If you're mates with mercenaries, you go to alo- well, you don't go to a lot of funerals, usually, cause there isn't much to bury, but you got to a lot of memorial services..." - Cel 152
"Y'know, I just want you to know that whenever I refer to you as "Little Buddy" I'm not referring to the size of your heart" - Cel 152
"It wasn't a good choice but I  think it was the right one"  - Zolf 153
"Sometimes you can't save the world, but you can save a person."  - Sasha 156
"I did not try to kill you... I, enabled the means for you to die."  - Shoin 156
"Being in charge doesn't mean that life gets easier cause you have more people to help you, it means that life gets harder because you've got more people to help" - Skraak 157
"Just um, when I open this door, I might be shot. Don't worry about it." - Zolf 159
"I'm not going to tell you that grief gets better but, like Zolf said, it gets different." - Azu 160
"We all make mistakes, and choices that don't go very well. But there's always the opportunity to make better ones,..." - Azu 160
"This isn't about getting back what's lost, it's about defending what's here… We're not getting back what we've lost, but there is still a world to save, Oscar" - Hamid 164
"Some of those losses you live with, and you grieve, and some of them are just happy lessons, and like, it's up to you to decide what kind of relationships you are open to" - Cel 165
"I'm not trying to die Zolf I'm trying to live" - Wilde 166
"By kobold standards you're a terrible tailor… A pocket without a button is a broken shelf" - Skraak 170
"It's okay to not be okay right now" - Azu 174
"I know I'm not always gonna be the strong one, but right now I can be" - Azu 174
"Healing and patience are often as one." - Aphrodite 175
"I'm saying, that right now, you can depend on me to protect you, and I'd quite like to see you stand up." - Azu 177
"Sometimes things don't get finished, and that's okay." - Cel 177
"I don't remember our conversation, but I remember what it meant." - Wilde 179
"Do not seek lessons where there are none." - Sumutnyerl 182
"Yeah we live or die together we ain't leaving anyone behind." - Zolf 185
"My turn." - Hamid 187
"If you're trying to guilt trip me you gotta up your game." - Zolf 188
"Because you gotta try." "Why?" ['Feryn'] "I mean, I don't think you actually need a reason. Because you do. Because that's what people do. Because if you don't try, things can't get better. For you, or for the people that come after." - Zolf 189
"You're not so much a "man on the floor" as a petty little dictator with a, sort of,  kink for obfuscation." - Wilde 193
"Well, if I had to pick a group of people who I'd end up, y'know, facing the end of the world with, you are who I would choose." - Wilde 194
Why would I kill him. He wouldn't know how angry I am if he was dead." - Sumutneryl 195
"Solitude is not always punishment" - Sumutneryl 205
"I think a lot of people do very terrible things thinking that they're doing good... - people think that they're doing the right thing, that can do the most harm, driven by riotous zeal" - Cel 205
"Not leaving you!" - Cel 207
"Get the others out of here and stay safe… right it's your turn now" - Zolf 207
"You don't belong in the next world" - Zolf 210
"To absent friends. To the best people I have ever known. To a world that doesn't yet deserve, the caliber of heroism we're about to bring it." - Wilde 212
"To what comes next." - Hamid 212
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adhduck · 3 years
Oh no, I just remembered how Azu asked Sumutnyerl to teach her more healing when everything was safe again…..oh god………
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vampyreblogger · 2 years
Each round will last a week.
ada lovelace VS albert einstein VS amelia earheart VS amelie rose VS apophis VS ashen VS atsuanuub VS augusta leigh VS aziza hawaa al-tahan VS azu
barret racket VS bertus VS sir bertrand "bertie" macguffingham VS bi ming gusset VS bolla smok VS brock VS bronc VS celquinthion sidebottom VS charles babbagge VS chinua
WINNER: celquinthion sidebottom
cicero VS draal VS driak VS edward keystone VS eldarion VS elijah wormwood VS emeka VS eren fairhands VS eva van djik VS feryn smith
WINNER: edward keystone
figgis VS francois henri VS franz kafka VS friedrich (airship) VS friedrich (cult of apollo) VS gideon marsten-langdon VS gragg coulson VS grizzop drik acht amsterdam VS guivres VS hamid saleh haroun al-tahan
WINNER: grizzop drik acht amsterdam
harrison campbell VS hawaa layla halima VS hirald smith VS howard carter VS isaac newton VS jacques piaget VS james barnes VS jasper VS jean-luc bolieau VS jeremy
WINNER: james barnes
khantu VS kiko VS kondha VS la gourmande VS lady starling VS liliana beekos VS little VS maximus VS lord byron VS marie curie VS meerk
WINNER: kiko
mr ceiling VS natun VS nikola tesla VS oscar wilde VS paulette loup VS rakefine VS richard haringay VS sagax VS saira hawaa layla al-tahan VS saleh amoun al-tahan
WINNER: oscar wilde
saleh ibrahim al-tahan VS sasha racket VS sassraa VS selene souchet VS shoshva VS siggif VS skraark VS sohra VS sumutnyerl VS tadyka
WINNER: sasha racket
thomas edison VS vesseek VS vivianne messier VS yoshida shoin VS zolf smith
WINNER: zolf smith
azu VS celquinthion sidebottom VS edward keystone
WINNER: celquinthion sidebottom
grizzop drik acht amsterdam VS james barnes VS kiko
WINNER: james barnes
oscar wilde VS sasha racket VS zolf smith
WINNER: oscar wilde
celquinthion sidebottom VS james barnes VS oscar wilde
WINNER: oscar wilde
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rustyelias · 6 months
“Sumutnyerl with your permission you’re pretty good at like GrrrHrrrHrrrRjRjJr!” Wilde what the fuck?????
“I just mean you could kill something with your bear hands” when I get you Oscar when I get you >:(
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glassandmarigolds · 3 years
wait, was sumutnyerl casting “share language” on herself every day she was in london or did she know english or does she just learn rly quick ???
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creepycabinet · 3 years
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Some more rusty quill gaming doodles!
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evieebun125 · 3 years
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i’m so unbelievably happy i can finally share this!! :D I know this has been drawn so many times but i just love them all seeing their loved ones one last time
This was made for @towga a fan project made with lots of love for rqg, go on and check out their blog to see everyones gorgeous works and to look at the pdf they painstakingly put together <3
Image ID under the cut
[ID: A digital art piece based on the party's trip to the garden of Yerlick.
The wider background is of a snowy dark forest. The trees are white cast in dark shadows, there are dead blue leaves at their trunks.
The party is walking from the top right to the bottom left. All of their ghostly companions are a shade of light blue and are translucent against the wintry background.
Starting from the top right of the group is Oscar Wilde. He is wearing a blue winter coat with dark fur and a brown backpack, he is looking towards the forest with a smile on his face and he has a rope tied around his waist.
In front of Wilde is Cel, They are captured in a wide gesture, their eyes are closed and they are smiling as they explain something to the ghost of their husband.
To Cel’s right is their unnamed husband, He is a muscular orc with an open tunic, he has a full beard and his hair is done up in a messy bun, He is smiling and looking at Cel. His arms are crossed over his chest and he has a beaded bracelet on his left wrist.
To the bottom left of Cel is Zolf. He is ducked into his jacket and is clutching his glaive in a tight gripe. He is looking forward with a distressed expression on his face. 
To Zolf’s right is Feryn, Feryn has his eyes closed, he has both of his arms up and in front of himself as though he is telling a story. He has two braids hanging from his beard and he is wearing a loosely laced tunic.
To the bottom right of Zolf is Azu and Grizzop. Azu is looking to her right with a small pensive smile on her face, her hands are clasped in prayer in front of her. Grizzop is hanging on her left shoulder, he looks relaxed and he is grinning as he talks to Azu,
Directly underneath Zolf and Feryn is Hamid and Aziza. Hamid is wearing a gold embroidered furred lavender winter coat. He has one hand on his chest and the other is clasped with Aziza’s. His eyes are closed and he is singing with his sister. Aziza’s pose mirrors Hamid’s, she has long curly hair and is wearing a long dress and a fur jacket and flat shoes.
In front of Hamid and Aziza is Skraak and Meerk. Skraak is wearing a leather coat and has both of his hands gripped onto his backpack. His hood is up and is obscuring part of his face. To his right Meerk is wearing a similar outfit but his hood is lowered. He has both of his hands up and his eyes are closed as he talks, he looks happy.
Closes to the bottom left is Sumutnyerl, They have white and gray streaked hair and they are wearing a purple and gray patterned robe, their hood is pulled up and it's lined with dark fur. End Id]
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