#salted carmel
nancyheart11 · 2 years
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There are only 3 pies but I wanted people to see the filling I made from scratch! This year I did a blueberry pie w/ part raspberries and some lemon zest in the filling :D
@blarghyblergh @mad-navi @ crab anon wherever u are.
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heroami · 7 months
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gutxpupz · 9 months
Finding out my favorite ice-cream is the same as my dead grandma's is so. Fucking weird. Like this woman saw me so little before she died and when she did I wasn't even old enough to process it but. There she is. There she is in purfume bottles and old drivers licenses and pints of haägen-dazs. So much of this woman is in me and I never really knew her. That's fucking wild.
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softie-life · 1 year
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I love my bf. I've been craving this
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haha-shit · 2 years
I’d like to personally thank whoever thought to put salt on/in Carmel. They’ve made a great contribution to society.
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feelingsdumpcaptain · 5 months
her heart isn't gone
A/N: this is literally just a bunch of drabbles put into one post :') and yes, maybe i was listening to his car isn't yours on repeat as i worked on this. i haven't written in awhile so i'm a little rusty but i can't keep editing this so sorry for any inconsistencies.
Words: 8.6k (haha whoops!)
Emily briskly makes her way toward the cafe near the hotel, hoping to get a chance at a pastry. She could feel the sun warming her back and she regrets the blazer thrown over her longsleeve. It was peak summer and the team arrived in Carmel late last night so the heat hadn’t set in yet. Now that she feels the heat early this morning, she wonders how much warmer it can get.
She tugs on the cafe door, the smell of freshly baked goods surrounding her. Her mouth waters and her stomach rumbles as she considers the different options.
Lemon blueberry muffin, almond croissant, cheese strudel, banana bread…
She decides on the lemon blueberry muffin but just as she’s about to ask for it, she watches as they take the last one and place it into a bag. Her eyes follow, seeing them hand it over to a woman at the register and sighs. 
Emily makes her way to the front and glances at the coffee menu. “Hi, one salted cream vanilla latte and an almond croissant, please.” 
Once she pays, she steps off to the side and pulls out her phone to check for any messages. 
JJ (5:53 AM): Is anyone up for a run? Morgan (6:03 AM):  Sorry, some of us have already finished our workout ;) Garcia (8:48 AM): Do you people ever sleep???
Emily huffs a small laugh. She goes to reply but hears her name called for her order and puts her phone away. She grabs her drink and croissant and goes to throw a ‘thanks!’ over her shoulder as she heads out. As excited as she is about her drink, it’s short-lived when she feels herself bump into someone else. She only loses her breath from the impact but the coffee in her hand falls from her grip and spills.
She glances down and her eyes meet yours, the one who took the last lemon blueberry muffin. Emily can admit she finds you pretty, even with the dazed look on your face as you look up at Emily. She can feel the heat rush to her face when she realizes she’s just been staring and offers her hand to help you up. 
“Are you alright?” Emily asks, giving a gentle tug. Her eyes scan your clothes. “Did the coffee spill on you?”
You shake your head, cheeks going pink. “I’m okay, thank you. No coffee stains either.”
Emily’s chest flutters at the flush on your cheeks, keeping her smile small. “As long as you’re not hurt.”
You wave your hand. “Really, I’m okay. Just embarrassed. Here.” You hold out the white paper bag, and Emily realizes it’s the muffin she wanted.
“Oh, no. I can’t.”
“I insist! Please. You spilled your coffee. Or I could buy you another?”
Emily glances at her watch and winces. “I don’t think I have enough time to wait for another one. It’s okay.”
You push the bag into Emily’s free hand. “Take it. It’s delicious. They’re known for these muffins here.” 
“Oh, okay. Thank you, then. I’m still really sorry about bumping into you. I guess I wasn’t paying much attention.” 
“No worries. I could say the same for myself.” You rub the back of your neck. “I’m kinda known for being clumsy around town. Anyway, I better go before I embarrass myself even more. If you see me here again, let me know and I’ll buy you your coffee!” You give Emily a small wave and head out. 
Emily leans back in her seat, glancing out of the cafe window. She arrived earlier than expected, and the cafe was still quiet. She was able to grab two of the lemon blueberry muffins right as they came out of the oven, two resting on the table. She could feel the chill in the air, but her iced latte probably didn’t help.
She hears the bell over the door ring, her eyes glancing over. Her eyes meet yours, a small smile on her lips.
“You’re here early.” You sit across from her and reach for one of the muffins.
“More like late night. I haven’t exactly slept yet, but I didn’t want to risk sleeping through the morning.”
You grin and bat your eyelashes. “Aw, you didn’t want to miss our morning munchies?”
Emily lets out a huff. “Please don’t call it that.”
“But that’s what we do.” You take a bite of the muffin, glancing at the iced coffee Emily held onto. “Is that your salted cream latte?”
Emily’s eyes narrow, pulling the drink a bit closer to her. “Maybe. Why?”
Your eyes go wide and your lips pull into a small pout. “Can I have a sip?”
“What? Why? You don’t even like the cream on top! You’ve tried this latte multiple times and each time, you say you don’t like it.” 
“What if I change my mind this time?”
Emily laughs. “You won’t.”
“Are you following me?”
Emily rolls her eyes. “I could ask you the same thing.”
“Well, I live here so I should be asking you that question.” You bump your shoulder into Emily, a smile on your face. “Who told you about my secret getaway?”
Emily laughs. “Secret getaway? It’s the beach.”
“Yeah, but this spot in particular. It’s away from the main boardwalk and it’s hidden.” 
Emily grins, leaning into you. “I have my ways.”
“Uh-huh. So you are stalking me.”
“Stalking? Please, you flatter yourself.”
You let out a small laugh, enjoying the warmth from Emily’s body. “I’m surprised you’re not working. How did you get a Saturday night off?”
“Told ‘em I had a hot date.”
“Hey, I wanted to tell you something.” Emily rubs at the inside of her wrist, just below her watch. She tries to look at you but can’t bring herself to, focusing on the empty plate between them. 
“What’s up?” You wipe at the table with a napkin, gathering the crumbs into a single spot.
“Well, we caught the guy last night so I’ll be leaving soon.”
“Oh.” You pause and look at Emily. “How soon?”
“Two hours?” Emily winces at the look on your face. “I’m sorry. We’re very… we move around, and fast.”
You can only nod.
“It’s not like I haven’t been enjoying our… us. I just can’t stay.”
“No, I understand. I mean, I knew that from the start. I just wasn’t expecting you to leave so fast after you caught him. I thought you might get like, a day or two off.”
“As nice as that sounds, that rarely happens. You know what they say.”
Emily sits up straight and clears her throat, her voice lowering. “Crime never sleeps.”
You groan. “Ew, don’t ever say that again, please.”
“Hey, are you up for drinks tonight?” 
Emily glances up from her computer screen, finding JJ leaning against her desk.
“Ah, not tonight. I’ve… got plans.” Emily hopes JJ doesn’t push but this is the third time she’s missed out on drinks with the team. “Next time?”
JJ’s eyes narrow, staring at Emily.
“Stop trying to profile me.”
“Only if you tell me why you haven’t been out with us for the past three Friday nights. The first time, fine, we get it. The second time, it’s a little suspicious. But the third time? You are not getting out of it without an explanation. I will tell Garcia on you.”
Emily huffs, leaning back into her chair. “I have plans.” She holds a finger up. “That I cannot cancel or reschedule.”
“Uh-huh. And does it, by any chance, have anything to do with a certain woman from a certain beach town we may have been in recently?” JJ’s smirking now, arms crossed. “And it wouldn’t be because she’s been visiting every weekend since then, would it?”
Emily only gapes at her. “How— who told you that? How do you even know about her?”
JJ shrugs. “I went on a run every morning there that no one ever showed up for. I ran through the whole town eventually and may have seen you at the same cafe around the same time with the same woman.”
“If you know, then why are you asking?”
“I didn’t but you just confirmed it for me.” JJ taps her desk with her knuckles before heading out. “Well, maybe next week you’ll bring her along. Goodnight, Emily!”
Emily only groans, dropping her head into her hands.
You step out onto the sidewalk, waving to the doorman. It was almost 8 and Emily was on her way. Your heart flutters in anticipation and you rock back and forth on your feet as you wait. 
The sight of headlights coming down the street catches your attention, and you follow with your eyes as it approaches. You recognize the Jeep and get in, eyes meeting Emily’s. 
“Hi,” you breathe out, hand brushing against the one resting the gear shift.
Emily gives you a small kiss on the edge of your lips, letting out a quiet hello before leaning back into her seat. “Ready?” 
Your seatbelt clicks into place. “Uh-huh. Where are we going on this exhilarating Friday night?”
“Exhilarating? I was thinking of taking you to my place to crochet.”
“What? You don’t want to spend quality time with me? Not to mention Sergio is just dying to meet you.” She pulls away from the curb, eyes focused.
“Oh, are you ready to introduce me to your family?” You tease, leaning close enough for her to feel your breath on her cheek. “Are we taking that next step so soon? You haven’t even taken me to bed yet.”
Emily’s hand immediately falls onto your thigh, her grip tight. “Don’t start.” She hesitates, before coming to a stop in a parking lot. “But… what do you think about it?” 
You abruptly pull away from her, eyebrows raised. “What do I think about meeting your family? Emily, we haven’t even… it’s only been–”
“No! No, I don’t mean my family. Well, I mean I do but I don’t mean my parents. I meant more like my team.” Emily grabs your hand, pulling it close to her lips. “I haven’t told them anything but they have their suspicions.”
“God, Em, don’t scare me like that.” You let out a shuddered breath, closing your eyes. “Why do you want me to meet them suddenly?”
“Just… it would be nice, I think, if I could spend time with the people I care most altogether?” She glances at you, eyes wide.
“Oh, you’re good.” 
You felt a paw lightly pat your face, the fur tickling your nose.
“Sergio, please. Five more minutes,” you groan. You turn over in bed, trying to bury your face in the pillow that still smells like Emily’s shampoo.
You hear a laugh from the other side of the room. “You should know better than that.”
“He’s your son, why isn’t he bothering you instead?”
“Because he knows that I have to get ready for work.” You hear Emily shuffling in her closet. “Hey, have you seen that blue button-up of mine, by chance?”
You pause, looking down at your body wearing that exact button-up. You pull the blanket up higher. “Uh, no, I haven’t. Might be in the dirty laundry pile? I can start it today while you’re at work.” 
“Yeah, that’d be great.” She grunts, putting her shoes on. “Also, what do you think we should have for dinner?”
“Whatever you want, babe.” You sigh, realizing sleep is no longer coming. 
Emily chuckles, sitting next to you. “I’ll see you later, okay? It’s supposed to be quick.” She presses a kiss onto your forehead. “And maybe we can…” 
You smack her with her pillow. “Let you in my pants one time and now it’s all you think about. Get outta here.”
She laughs, resting her body on top of yours. 
“Em! Please, I can’t breathe.” You push at her shoulders, laughing.
“You seem to be breathing just fine.” She relaxes her body even more, letting her full weight rest on you. “And I’ll have you know that you seduced me!”
“That’s not true! You’re the one who wined and dined me, showing off your fancy wine knowledge and your fancy French.”
“Fancy French?” Emily chuckles, rolling her eyes. “It’s just French, babe.”
She pushes herself up, adjusting her shirt before her eyes land on you. “Hey, that’s my shirt!”
“You’re lucky I think you’re so cute.”
It starts with a small itch on your cheek during dinner that you brushed off. As you lean back into your seat as Emily drives, eyes drooping, you think it might be a stray hair tickling your face. Emily’s talking about possibly going out for drinks tomorrow night with her team but you’ve started to rub at your eyes. 
“Hey, you okay?” Emily’s brows furrow, watching you unable to keep your hands from your face. 
“I’m okay, my face just feels a little funny.” The skin of your face actually feels so tight, especially when you try to smile. “Hey, Em…”
“Yeah, baby?”
“Was there, by any chance, Thai eggplant in any of our dishes tonight?”
“I think the curry did. Why?” 
You huff out a laugh. “Oh no.” 
“Oh no, what? Should I be taking you to the ER?” Her voice is rising in pitch, eyes darting to try and think of the nearest ER. “Baby, you’re allergic? Why didn’t you tell me before? Oh God, do you need me to grab an EpiPen? Do you even have one?”
“Relax, Emily, I’m fine, and no need for an EpiPen. I’ll be okay, it’ll go away on its own. I’ll pop a Claritin and I should be okay.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me you’re allergic? Are you allergic to anything else?” Emily’s biting onto her lower lip, eyes glancing over to you every few minutes. “Are you sure you don’t need to go to the ER?”
“I’m sure, but thank you for caring. And no, as far as I’m aware, I’m not allergic to anything else. I do try to stay away from fava beans though. Not allergic but it does make me feel nauseous.”
“Fava beans? What the hell are those?”
“It’s usually in like hummus and falafel, but I think you can make them into a dish itself? Not sure, but again, I stay away from it in general.”
“So hummus and falafel are banned from my house, got it.” 
“Emily, don’t be ridiculous. You can have those in your house, they’re not going to kill me.” You pat her thigh. “Thank you for your concern though.”
“What if you accidentally eat it?”
“Emily,” you chuckle. “What’s the hummus going to do, open its container, scoop itself onto a spoon, and force its way into my hand?”
You spin yourself around in Emily’s chair, staring at the ceiling and wondering what movie to watch tonight. It’d been a long day for you, your flight being delayed stranding you at the airport for a few hours. By the time your plane landed, it was late, and there weren’t many cabs around. It felt like every part of your trip was a challenge, and you were just glad to finally be near Emily.
You glance at the meeting room she’s in and can only wonder what she’s discussing with Hotch that has her looking so troubled. 
“Oh, Y/N, you’re here! How was the flight?” Penelope leans against Emily’s desk. “I saw it was delayed.”
“You saw?” You shake your head. “Wait, don’t answer that.”
Penelope grins, sending you a wink. “You should know better.”
“The flight was okay, definitely felt longer than usual. Then when I get here, there’s like no cabs at the airport. Which, fine, I get it, it’s late but seriously? And then when I try to get an Uber, the price is like triple the usual rate!” You roll your eyes, leaning back in the chair. “I should’ve just rented a car.”
“Well, at least you made it. Are we seeing you at all this weekend or is Emily hogging you for the whole time?” 
“Ah, well, I guess that’s up to Emily. I’m up for a girl’s night this weekend.” You tap at your chin. “There is a cocktail lounge I’ve been wanting to try but I think they’re only accepting reservations.” 
“Hm, interesting. I’m not making any promises but I’m gonna try and work some magic and see if I can get us on the list.” Penelope wiggles her eyebrows. “All you have to do is convince your big, bad girlfriend to say yes to sharing you.” 
“Not a chance, Garcia.” Emily’s standing behind her, arms crossed. 
“Aw, but Emily! We haven’t seen Y/N in so long and you always keep her to yourself every weekend.” 
“Yeah, Emily, stop hogging me,” you tease, leaning forward onto her desk.
She throws her hands up. “Fine, we can do a girl's night. Pick a place and time, Pen, but tonight, we’re busy.” Emily tugs at your arm, pulling you to the exit.
“Goodnight, Penelope! Let me know about the cocktail lounge!” You wave, happy to be dragged away.
Once you get into Emily’s car, you can’t help but look at her and grin. “You don’t have to be so jealous, you know.”
She scoffs. “Jealous? Why would I be jealous? You’re not secretly dating Penelope or JJ.” She pauses. “Are you?”
“I don’t know, am I?” 
Emily pinches your cheek. “Don’t be a smartass.”
“You love that about me.” You freeze, heat rushing to your face and the tips of your ears going pink. “Emily, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking–”
“I do. Love you, I mean. Granted, I didn’t think this was when I would tell you this. Maybe at a nice dinner or home but… I do.” 
“Home?” You stare at her, heart stuttering. “You love me?”
“So much,” Emily breathes out. 
You can only smile, reaching out to stroke her cheek. “You’re something else, Emily Prentiss, but I love you too.”
“So… what are your thoughts on being neighbors?” You focus on the book in your hands, refusing to look at Emily beside you on the couch.
“Excuse me?” She lays her book down and turns to face you. “Neighbors?”
You hesitate before looking at her. “My contract in Carmel is ending and I’ve been offered an analyst position with the city. Here. I haven’t accepted yet because I wanted to talk to you about it first.”
She frowns, grabbing your hand. “Y/N… if it’s a great opportunity, you should take it regardless of my opinion.”
“I know but I don’t want to make it seem like I’m… being pushy? Or rushing you? It’s one thing to date someone long distance, it’s another to be in the same city.”
“Shouldn’t I be happy that I get to see you more often than just weekends?” She tilts her head. “Not only that, but if you don’t accept this position, doesn’t that mean you won’t have a job?”
“That’s not my point, Em. I just mean that maybe you might feel… suffocated. With me, here. Yes, we love each other but–”
“No buts.” She presses her finger against your lips. “But I’m hurt that you’re planning to be my neighbor.”
“What do you mean? You want me to live on the other side of town or something?” You grab her hand and move it to your lap. “That’s a bit much, don’t you think?”
“No, I mean, why wouldn’t you just be my roommate?”
You splutter. “Excuse me? You want me to move in?”
“Well, it’d make sense, wouldn’t it? If you got a place, we’d just be going back and forth between the two. Not to mention paying an unnecessarily ridiculous price for a place.” Emily begins to list the reasons on her fingers. “We have dinner together every night you’re here, you currently don’t have a car, this house is decently close to the city office, and I have the room for you. Obviously.” She leans back against the couch, letting out a relaxed sigh, and closes her eyes. “Any other concerns?”
You can only gape at her, at a loss for words.
“Now the real question is this: how much are they offering you to take the job with the city?” She opens her eyes to look at you. “Baby?”
You shake your head. “Their initial offer is for $175,000.”
“Christ, for maps?!”
“Hey! You use maps at your job all the time so you’re welcome. And I said it’s their initial offer. I’d technically be considered a senior analyst, so it’s closer to $200,000.” 
Emily’s eyes roll back. “God, keep talking dirty to me.”
“Em!” You tug at her ear gently. “You’re so annoying.”
You can barely hear the knock over the music you have playing, but you’ve been expecting it. Swinging the door open, you find JJ and Henry standing with bags over their shoulders.
“Ah, my royal guests have arrived for the night.” You step aside to let them in, locking the door behind them. “Are we hungry yet?”
JJ groans. “Please tell me you made what I think you made.”
You turn the volume down on the sound system low enough to not have to yell. “That depends. What are you hoping I made?”
Henry wraps himself around your legs. “Pasta chicken, please.”
You gasp. “How did you know I made pesto chicken? Do you have superpowers?” You look up at JJ. “You can put your stuff in the guest room if you’d like. Or we can set up in the living room?”
“No, the guest room is great. I’ll be right back.” She grabs Henry’s bag from the floor and heads down the hallway.
“Alright, my dude, let’s check on the food. And I made brownies for dessert.” You guide Henry toward the kitchen, stomach grumbling. “Emily also better get her butt here sooner than later, or else.”
“Or else what?” 
You jump, hand flying to your chest. “JJ, please, not everyone is an FBI agent!” 
She lets out a laugh. “Sorry, didn’t mean to sneak up on you. Habit, I guess. Did you need any help?”
You wave her off. “Nah, I got it. I have drinks in the fridge if you want some. There’s beer, wine, soda, and j-u-i-c-e.”
“Sounds good. Want me to grab you anything?” JJ tugs the fridge open, pursing her lips. “How’s the wine?”
“Don’t know, it’s Emily’s.” You let out a small laugh. “Feel free to open it.”
She shakes her head, pulling the bottle of wine out and a juice for Henry. “Her loss, I guess.”
“Whose loss?”
You both jump this time. “Christ, Emily!” You rub your temples. “I’m not going to survive like this. I feel like my heart’s restarted so many times since moving in.”
“Well, maybe if you listened to me about the music volume, you wouldn’t be so jumpy.” She tugs you close. “Sorry, I’m a bit late.”
You roll your eyes. “You know how I feel about music.”
“You have it on so you don’t feel lonely when you’re home alone,” Emily and JJ both recite. 
“Wow.” You scoff. “I don’t say it that often!”
JJ leans down to hand Henry his juice, wiping the condensation on her pants. “You don’t have to. It’s always on when we come over.”
“And it’s always on when I come home from work.”
“Well, it’s better than just sitting here in silence by myself.”  
Emily smiles, heading to the fridge. “I know you don’t like when it’s too quiet. It’s okay.”
Emily’s chin drops down to her chest and lets out a heavy sigh. She was late, much later than she told you. She rubs at the ridges of her house key feeling like a stone sat in her stomach. Things have been somewhat tense the past few weeks and she knows she hasn’t made it better. This is the fifth Friday night she’s missed, and it doesn’t help that it was your anniversary tomorrow. 
She’d promised you she’d be home early but the team caught a case right after lunch. She tried to keep you updated throughout the day but by the time it hit midnight, you stopped replying. Emily pushes her way in, instantly rearming the alarm. Setting her bags down on the small side table, she heads further in, ears straining to hear for any movement.
She notes the lack of music and wonders how long it’s been off. By the time she makes it to the bedroom, she’s shed her shoes and blazer. Emily sighs once more when she sees you asleep in bed, Sergio curled onto the pillow beside you. 
She makes her way to the closet, shuffling through to grab some pajamas. She can shower tomorrow morning, and maybe she can make it up to you and have you join her.
“When did you get in?”
Emily’s heart jumps as she turns to look at the bed. You’re still curled beneath the blankets but your eyes are staring straight at her.
“I’m just getting in,” she breathes out. Emily pulls her button-up and bra off, exchanging them for a large t-shirt. “Did I wake you?”
“No, Sergio did.” You glance over to the cat that’s now made himself comfortable halfway onto your forehead. “Everything at work okay?”
“Yeah, just got unlucky. We caught a case right after lunch.” She tugs her slacks off and settles into bed beside you. “Didn’t make much progress either, but the amount of bodies we kept finding were… a lot.”
You let out a quiet hum. “Make a profile yet?”
Emily shakes her head, rolling over to face you. “No, not yet. We’re missing something but we just haven’t found it yet.” She stares at you, hesitating just a bit. “I’m sorry about tonight.”
“It’s okay, Em, it’s work.” 
“It’s not though. This isn’t the first one I’ve missed, and I’m sorry. I know it might feel like I’m not trying but I promise that I am.” She reaches for your waist, pulling you close. “And I don’t want you to think that I’m avoiding you or anything like that.” 
“Emily, I mean it. I know how your job works. I’m not mad at you. Am I a little sad and disappointed? Anyone would be, but I’m not going to hold something like this over you. That’s like if you held a grudge against me every time I lose track of time when I’m working.” You tuck your face into her neck, breathing her in. “Just glad you’re okay.”
She squeezes you tight, letting her body relax. “I’m going to make it up to you.”
You let out a small laugh. “Oh yeah? What’d you have in mind?”
“I don’t know yet but I’ll figure it out. Maybe…” Emily bites her lip, thinking. “Maybe after the case though?”
“Of course, babe. I wouldn’t expect anything else.” You try to hold in your yawn, but Emily can feel it against her skin. 
“Go to bed. I’ll wake you up before I leave tomorrow.”
“Mm, tell me about your case. Not too many details though.”
Emily smiles, letting her eyes close. “You don’t wanna hear about what they did to the bodies and where we found them?”
You shudder. “God, no. Just wanna hear your voice.”
“Emily, hey. I’m glad you answered.” You stuff as many shirts as you can into the small luggage, holding your cell phone between your ear and shoulder. “Listen, something’s come up and I’m on my way to the airport.”
Emily ducks into an empty conference room, leaning against the door. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Do you want me to meet you at the airport?”
“No, that’s not necessary. My mom called me and– it’s nothing. Not anything bad but I just have to help her sort some stuff out.” You zipped the luggage up, doing a quick scan to make sure the windows were shut and Sergio’s water bowl was filled.
“You sure I can’t do anything?” Emily turns to look out the window, unaware that she’s started to bite the nail of her thumb. “We don’t have any pressing cases right now, I can meet you–”
“It’s okay, I promise. Stay.” You set the alarm and lock the door behind you. “Just… it’s my brother. He’s always had a tough time once he finished high school. He’s been doing good, but my mom is worried. I just need to see what’s happening and have it sorted. I should be back in a few days.”
“I’m sorry, Em, my mom’s calling. I’ll call you when I get there, okay?”
Emily sighs when the call disconnects, shoulders slumping. It’s been a good few weeks since your anniversary and things have been getting better, but it just feels like something’s been off. She makes her way back to her desk and opens a new window on her computer. 
This is wrong. You shouldn’t be looking him up. If she wanted you to know about him, she’d have told you by now. It can’t be that bad.
Emily groans, closing the window. 
“What’s wrong, my dark fairy?” Penelope perches herself on the edge of Emily’s desk. “Trouble in paradise? Don’t tell me Y/N’s still mad at you. Haven’t you been taking any of my advice? Groveling, presents, and ravishing her every chance you get?”
“Penelope, please, not so loud.” Emily shakes her head. “It’s not that. She said she had to fly home to handle some stuff that’s come up and she mentioned her brother. I don’t really know much about him and I was gonna…” Emily wiggles her fingers and points to the computer. “But I can’t bring myself to do it. That’s– I shouldn’t do that, right? It’s wrong?”
“Oh-ho-ho. The good ol’ dilemma of wanting to find out what’s going on vs. not betraying someone’s trust.” Penelope leans in, lowering her voice. “As a hacker, I say do it. As a friend…”
“As a friend, don’t?” 
Penelope darts her eyes to the computer. “I’d still do it, especially if I think it’s for someone’s safety or well-being!”
“Pen!” Emily drops her face into her hands. “I don’t know if I can.”
“Want me to?” 
Emily thinks about it for a few minutes, worrying what your reaction might be. “Just… If you do it and you don’t find anything pressing, don’t tell me that you did it. But if it’s something bad, then tell me. I need to know if I need to be there too.” 
“You got it, goth queen.”
“Happy birthday, Emily!” You lift Sergio from the floor and press his face against her cheek. “Welcome home. I hope you’re ready to celebrate.”
Emily smiles, pressing a kiss to the top of Sergio’s head. “If that means relaxing on the couch with my two favorites, then I’m so ready.”
“Not just that but I also have some extra surprises in store for you.” You set Sergio into her arms and give her a quick peck. “I just need to grab them. You go get comfy and I’ll meet you in the living room?”
“It’s a date.” Emily watches you head to her office, shaking her head in disbelief. “Can’t believe that’s where she’s kept them hidden and I didn’t even think to look in there, Serg.” 
Emily places Sergio onto her bed as she goes to change into pajamas. She glances at the box at the top of her closet, wondering if today would be the day. 
“Em? You almost done?”
She lets out a breath, shaking her head. Not today. “Yeah, I’m just about finished. Be there in a sec.” 
Lowering herself down to her knees beside the bed, she brings her face close to the cat and lowers her voice. “Listen here, buddy. I’m going to need you to put in some work and be extra cute and irresistible. I’m going to need all the help I can get.” He only stares and blinks at her. 
“Oh my god, I’m losing it,” Emily mumbles, scooping Sergio back into her arms to head back to the living room. Her eyes widen when she sees the gifts on the small table. “Uh, Y/N? Don’t you think that’s a bit much?”
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms. “That’s rich, coming from the woman who paid for a month-long trip for my birthday and didn’t let me chip in. We also flew first class, Em, first class.”
She scoffs, plopping down onto the couch. “That trust fund isn’t gonna use itself, so what better way than to spend it on you?”
You push her shoulder, settling in beside her. “I could say the same for myself, minus the trust fund. Do you wanna open gifts first or later?”
“Mm, later. I just wanna lay here with you.” 
“Any movie suggestions?”
“You pick.” She buries her face into your neck, closing her eyes. “It’s been a long day so nothing too heavy or intense, please.”
“You said I could pick!” You poke at her side, scrolling through movies. “Do you wanna do a TV show instead?”
Emily only mumbles.
“Ah, yes. Thank you for that detailed and clear answer. That narrows down my search immensely. I have a top 3 for selection.”
“Stop being a smartass.”
You laugh, selecting Taxi anyway. The movie starts and as you both sit there, you can feel Emily’s body going lax. “Happy birthday, Emily,” you whisper. 
“No, Emily, absolutely not. You can’t drive like this!” You argue, holding her car keys close to your chest. “Hotch said you can take the rest of the week off, so why don’t you?”
Emily only gives you a look. 
“Uhg, I know. Can’t you just, I don’t know, get a ride from someone? I can call JJ and she can swing by?”
“I’m already up later than usual, Y/N. It’s 10. The day’s already started for the team a long time ago.”
You bite your lip, glancing at your computer. You don’t have any pressing deadlines coming up so you could technically take an early day. The real dilemma is getting Emily to agree.
“I’ll make a deal with you.” You straighten your shoulders and clear your throat. “And if you don’t agree, you’re going to have to think of another way to get to work.”
“I’m listening.”
“You let me drive you to work. I can take you now and pick you up later.”
You can feel the heat spreading on your cheeks as you wait for Emily to say something, anything. “Em?”
“Nobody drives my Jeep but me.”
“Emily Prentiss, you literally got shot yesterday. If you think for one second I’m going to let you drive with an injury, you are out of your mind.”
She grits her teeth. “Y/N…”
“Emily.” You stare at her head-on. “If you love me as much as you say you do, you’ll let me do this for you.”
She dips her head, closing her eyes. “Fine, you can drive my Jeep but if you get a scratch on her, I’m putting my cold feet on you for a month!” Emily turns around with a huff, going to grab her work bag. 
You can’t help but admire the new ring that sits on your finger as you sit at your computer. It’s been two hours since you clocked in but you can’t concentrate. The butterflies in your stomach haven’t gone away since you woke up and Emily smiled at you. Biting your lip, you try and focus on the map in front of you. 
Your phone buzzes on the desk and you sigh. 
Emily ❣️(9:53 AM): Get to work.
You startle, looking around the office and debating on whether you should turn the music down or not. There’s no way she’d have cameras set up without telling you, would she?
You (9:55 AM): I don’t know what you mean 🙂 Emily ❣️ (9:59 AM): I know you. Now get to work. We can celebrate again when I get home 😜
You can feel the tips of your ears go pink, locking your phone and setting it face down on the desk. Instead of getting back to work, you open a new browsing window instead and immediately search for rings. You’ve yet to find one that would fit Emily, and it’s starting to feel like you’re going to have to make a custom piece. 
Your phone buzzes against the desk, causing you to jump. There’s no way you were getting anything done today. 
When you swing the door open to a red-eyed JJ, your stomach drops. The way she’s looking at you is something you’ve never wanted to experience. 
“JJ… don’t.” You shake your head, the ring on your finger feeling so, so heavy.
She takes in a deep breath, her voice shaky. “Y/N, I’m so sorry. She– they said she didn’t make it off the table.”
The only thing you can hear is the music you’ve been playing all day and the sound of your breathing. JJ is speaking to you, hands moving, but it’s like no words are coming out. You can’t process anything she’s saying and you can only stare into her eyes. 
JJ would never lie to you and she would never put you through this if she knew there wasn’t a possibility of Emily surviving. She’s guiding you back inside, her face tight. 
You look at her, finally taking her in. The tip of her nose was pink, her ponytail was a mess, and her shirt was rumpled.
“Sorry, could you repeat that? I’m–” You’re at a loss for words, uncertain. 
“I asked if you wanted to stay with me.” JJ grabs onto your hands, her eyes roaming your face. “You don’t have to be alone tonight, or any night. I’m sure Henry would love to have you and Sergio over.” 
You shake your head. “No, it’s fine. You don’t need to take care of one more person.” 
“Y/N, it’s okay, really.” JJ glances around, wincing. “I think it would be best. At least for one night? And then we can go from there, okay? If not for you, then for me.”
You sigh, nodding. “Okay.”
“Okay. You stay right here. I’ll grab you a few things and then we can go, okay?”
As JJ makes her way into the bedroom, her eyes water. This is not how she wanted to find out the two of you got engaged over the weekend. Taking a deep breath, JJ is quick to grab a change of clothes and Sergio. She finds you still sitting on the couch, the music turned off. 
“Come on, let’s head out.” She squeezes your shoulder before handing you Sergio. 
You slowly stand, looking down at the black cat, realizing that he won’t understand why Emily will no longer be coming around. You take in a breath and blink back the tears as you move to turn the alarm on. “Are you sure, JJ? I can stay, really. I’m sure you’d like to be alone too–”
“I want you to come, Y/N. Please. I’d like to keep you close tonight.” JJ frowns, the indecision clear on her face. “I can’t tell you everything yet, but once things are settled, I promise I will. I just need to make sure you’re safe.”
The drive to JJ’s is a blur. It felt like it went by in the blink of an eye but at the same time, it felt like hours. As you both make your way to the front door, it feels like you’ve been awake for hours. Wasn’t it just this morning that you were making plans with Emily for Friday? You have a dentist appointment tomorrow, your mom wanted you to call her back, and there’s a deadline coming up– 
Your head throbs.
JJ pushes the door open, the lights off and the house is silent. “Well, looks like everyone’s asleep. Here.” She guides you to the guest room you frequented every girl’s night, not bothering to turn the light on. 
As you sit, you look at her once more. “JJ…”
“I know. I’m so sorry.” She presses a kiss to your forehead. “Try to get some sleep. Tomorrow, we’ll figure things out, okay? And if you need me for anything, don’t hesitate to wake me.”
All you can do is nod as you lay down, tugging the blanket over you. “This is real, isn’t it, JJ?”
She pauses at the doorway. “Yeah, Y/N, it’s real.”
You swallow the lump in your throat. “And she’s not coming back.”
“No,” she whispers.
You can feel the adrenaline and nerves finally hit, and somehow your eyes close.
“I don’t know how that makes me feel! Isn’t that why I’m here?” You raise your eyes to Dr. Crane, the psychologist that JJ has been forcing you to go to. “I told you from the start that I didn’t think that this would help.”
Dr. Crane leans forward, setting her notebook aside. “Y/N, in the past two months, do you want to know what I’ve noticed about you?”
You throw your hands up, defeated. “Sure, why not?”
“You insist that being here wouldn’t help you but you come to every appointment. That’s three times a week, by the way. You start the session calmly, and as the questions progress, so does your anger.” She taps her desk with her pen. “Not only that, but you’ve been unable to say Emily’s name once in any session, you refuse to answer questions you don’t like the answer to, and you frequently try to change the subject when I ask about your engagement.”
You wince, glancing at the ring on your finger. “Not much to talk about. It didn’t last very long.” 
Oh, that one hurt. 
“Look, people grieve differently, right? This is how I’m doing it.” 
“And do you think that’s healthy? Being unable to say a name? Wearing a ring that you seem to resent whenever you talk about it?” You can feel yourself clenching your jaw as you look at your hands. “Are we finished for today?” You don’t wait for an answer, but stand and grab your things. 
“Y/N, a loss is something so many people experience but very little know how to process. If you continue this way, how long do you think you’ll last before you’re forced to confront it?”
You say nothing as you storm out of the office, the frustration building. JJ stands from the waiting room, a frown on her face as she sees your haste to leave. She looks back toward the office before following you with a sigh. 
“Y/N, you said you’d try–”
“This is me trying, JJ! I’m just– I’m not ready.” You stand on the sidewalk, staring at her. “I’m not ready to accept she’s gone. Every day I wake up, thinking that I had a bad dream. I look down at my finger and I see this ring and I wonder how much longer it’ll be until I can take it off without feeling like I’m trying to forget her.” 
JJ shakes her head, hand reaching for you. “We can find you another psychologist if you want. If you think Dr. Crane isn’t helping, then we can–”
You shake your head, taking a few steps back. “No, I know. I just– I need to be alone for a little while, okay? You’ve done a lot for me these past few weeks, JJ, and I appreciate that but I just need to think.”
“Let me drop you off, then. Where are you going?” 
“No, it’s fine. I can walk. Please, JJ. Just let me be alone for a little while. I promise I’ll be okay. I’ll call you?” You take a few more steps back before turning away.
“Y/N! You call me if you need a ride, okay?” 
You throw your hand up in acknowledgment as you briskly walk away from JJ, your head pounding. 
They’re everywhere. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, it’s like they follow you all day long. You know it’s not true, but that’s what it feels like. Just how many people actually drive Jeeps? Maybe you’ll look at some data later.
It’s like the car itself was following you, trying to force you to acknowledge it. None of them are her’s though. That one’s sitting in the parking garage, untouched. Over the past few months, you’ve thought about selling it but can’t bring yourself to actually do it. It’s not like you drive it, but it’s just one more thing to hold onto. 
You tap at your keyboard, the posting halfway finished. This is the fourth time you’ve tried to sell this Jeep but every time, something stops you. The first time, the wifi disconnected. The second time, Sergio jumped onto the desk and stepped onto the keyboard which caused the window to close. The third time, you kept getting interrupted by phone calls from work so you just gave up. But now? Now you don’t think you should sell it at all.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” You buckle your seatbelt before looking at Emily.
“Yeah, what’s up?” She pulls away from the curb, the engine rumbling as she made her way to the highway.
“Why’d you get a Jeep?” 
Emily grins. “What’s wrong with my Jeep?”
“Nothing! Just… it’s not what I would expect from someone who works for the FBI. I feel like you’d have something more, I don’t know, practical? Discrete?” 
“How much more discrete could this be? It’s all black, even the rims!” 
“Yeah, but I imagined you having like an SUV or something. All blacked out, reinforced, or bullet-proof, you know? Not a Jeep.”
“How do you know it’s not reinforced or bullet-proof?” Emily speeds up now that she’s on the highway. “Besides, if I ever had to, I could go off-road in this baby. Wanna see?” She jerks the steering wheel slightly, causing you to let out a yelp.
“Emily, don’t you dare! If we’re late to our reservation again–”
“Baby, on our Friday night? I would never.”
You sigh, turning your computer off. You can try again tomorrow. 
“Do you think I should do it, JJ?” You gaze out of her car window, recognizing her neighborhood. “Or is it too soon?”
JJ takes in a deep breath. “I– I think you should do it if you think you’re ready. And if you’re not, that’s okay too.”
“I should try though, shouldn’t I?” You begin to twist the ring on your finger, hesitant. “It hasn’t been that long but it feels like it’s been years. I feel like I’ve been living without her for so long now, but…”
“Y/N, if you want to try, you can. And if you change your mind, you can always cancel or leave. Whoever it is that you’re thinking of is hopefully a good person and can understand where you’re coming from.” JJ pulls into her driveway and turns her car off. “Look, it can be a group outing if you want. No expectations.”
You take in a deep breath, chin dropping to your chest. “My coworker. She’s been… very persistent. She knows but I can’t tell if she’s genuine or if she’s just trying to–”
“Get into your pants?” 
You huff. “Yeah.”
JJ nods, getting out of the car. You follow her up through the front door, the sound of the TV on and the washing machine running. 
“Then we do a group outing. You can see for yourself and we can tell you if anything feels off, okay? Or if you want, we can ask Penelope to do a quick check on her beforehand.” 
“I’ll think about it, okay?”
“Whenever you’re ready.”
JJ (7:51 PM): You sure you don’t want one of us to pick you up instead? You (7:53 PM):  It’s a little too late to be asking me, JJ. She’s supposed to be here at 8. JJ (7:54 PM): And if she’s as understanding as she says she is, she wouldn’t mind.
You sigh, shaking your head. The windows light up from a car’s headlights and you make your way to the door. 
As you lock the door behind you, your eyes find your coworker, Lucy, standing at the passenger door. As you approach, she opens the door.
“Hello. You look beautiful.” She tilts her head. “Shall we?”
“Thank you. You, too.” You slide into her car and it feels all wrong. The height of the car, the way you fit in the seat, the windows, even the smell. You shake your head. 
I have to try. I just want a good night out, whether that’s with Lucy or with my friends.
Letting out a breath, you try to relax in your seat as Lucy maneuvers her way through the city. Your eyes are playing tricks on you because you keep thinking that you see Jeeps in every parking lot you pass. You’re grateful when you arrive at the sports bar.
Once you’re settled in and made introductions, you find yourself sandwiched between Lucy and JJ in the booth. Thankfully JJ is on the inside, and you instinctively sit closer to her. It’s an easy night thanks to the group and you’re able to avoid any awkward conversations with Lucy because of them. 
JJ leans in close, lowering her voice. “Doing okay?”
You nod, patting her thigh. “Yes, thank you.”
Lucy stands from the booth, shooting you a smile. “Would you like a refill?”
You didn’t even realize you had finished your drink. “Sure, yes, that’d be great. A whiskey sour, please?”
“You got it.” She makes her way to the bar, disappearing.
“Thoughts?” You murmur, fingers tracing the rim of your glass.
Penelope rests her chin in her palm. “She’s not bad, my sweet, but there’s no sparks if that’s what you’re asking. Something feels a little off too, but I can’t put my finger on it.” 
“She’s nice, Y/N, just…” JJ pauses, trying to choose her words carefully. “It just doesn’t feel right yet.”
It’s 2AM and Lucy insisted on walking you up to your door. She’d gotten tickets for a concert and you figured you could try being with just her without a group.
“Thanks for inviting me tonight.” You rub the house key in your hand, trying to maintain a distance. Although her company is nice, you don’t think you could handle anything physical with her. 
“Of course.” She pauses, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her coat. “I know it’s late but–”
“Actually, Lucy–”
“Ah.” She nods her head, taking a small step back. “Sorry, too forward? Did I do something wrong?”
“No, no, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s me. I know, so cliche, but it’s true. I thought I was ready to try again but I don’t think I am.” You try to smile, but it falls. “Everything feels so wrong right now. Not just you but just… every part of my life. I thought that if I put myself out there, it might be what I needed to get things going but, as you can see, it’s not working.”
“I figured.” Lucy pats your shoulder, giving you a small smile. “I didn’t think you’d say yes in the first place, but you did, so I think I ignored all the signs too. I’m really sorry, Y/N. If you ever want to talk, you can text or call me anytime, okay?”
“Okay. And I’m really sorry, Lucy.”
“Don’t apologize. I knew what I was doing, too. I’ll see you later.” 
You turn away and let yourself in, leaning against the door. Your chest feels so heavy and you wonder how long you’ll continue to feel this way. All you want is for things to go back to the way they were.
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kcrossvine-art · 1 year
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Heya folks n friends! Today on our LotR cooking series, we're going to be making something inspired by Mrs. Maggot, wife of Farmer Maggot. Originally we were going to do a cream of mushroom soup, but the idea of adding meat as a cheeky lil joke on their last names was too good to pass up. In my mind meat goes better with thin soups than creamy ones.
And thus Mrs. Maggots Meat 'N Mush Stew was born.
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes in to Mrs. Maggots Meat 'N Mush Stew?” YOU MIGHT ASKFor the stew portion itself we're going to be using a hearty base, aiming for a layering of flavors. If you feel comfortable making a roux, feel free to do so, but I did not due to energy levels and thus the flour in this recipe is only used for searing the meat before its added to the pot.
Cubed beef
Peanut oil
Beef stock
Dried porcini mushrooms
Carrots, chopped
Onion, diced
Garlic, crushed
Scallion, chopped
Bay leaf
Salt and pepper
Ground red pepper
Zatarins gumbo file
For the other mushrooms, were going to cook them separate and throw them in at the end (but they'll have friends to keep them company!!).
Cremini mushrooms, sliced
Half an onion
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
This took about 4 hours in total. If you have a slow cooker itd probably be easier to use that, but as is isn't too bad either. I mostly worked on commission stuff in the kitchen in-between stirring. "The best food is the one you don't have to make, the second best food is the one you don't have to think while making."
AND, “what does Mrs. Maggots Meat 'N Mush Stew taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASK
Tastes like walking from the cold into the cramped but cozy bar your friend works at
Meat was so tender and juicy, melts in your mouth. Makes you cry
It wanst actually carmelization but the onions had a hint of tasting caramelized
Mushrooms- a strong umami flavor with a bit of smokeyness
Once you get that Perfect level of gumbo file, it just makes every other element stick out more
Like an energy booster for the ingredients
A spotlight on the bay leaf, and oils, and spices
. If you don't want to use beef, feel free to use vegetable stock instead and replace the cubes with strips of king oyster mushrooms. Exclude the flour but still cook them in the pan. . this isnt officially part of the recipe since im not sure itd be 'on theme', but feel free to start your rice cooker around the 3 hour mark so you can have some hot rice ready for serving as filler.
When I was looking through food and food mentions in LotR, Mrs.Maggot just stook out to me. 'Queen amongst farmers wives' is both really sweet and a fuckin killer description. What a legend. I wanted to do something based on her and our two options were either beer, bacon or raw mushrooms. Beer while very appealing is also not something you can whip up in a day, while raw mushrooms have a chance of killing my beloved readers. I don't want to talk about me and bacons sordid past.
And so as praise to this funky farmer women, may you add this stew to your collection of potpie, lasagna, and roast recipes.
Did i mention i started my first grease fire when making this? Yeah. Don't cover any empty greased pan even if your intent is to keep water from splashing into it.
Anyway, this recipe is a solid 10/10 (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) The partner has already made me pledge to cook it again hehehe
2 lbs cubed beef
A little bit of flour to 'tumble' the meat in, in a bowl
Peanut oil to sear the beef, as needed
3 kilograms beef stock
28g dried porcini mushrooms
4 carrots, chopped
1 white onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 scallion branch, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
Ground red pepper to taste
Cumin to taste
3 bay leafs
A pinch of Zatarins gumbo file
Ingredients… . . TWO:
1 lb cremini mushrooms
Half of a white onion, diced
1 carrot, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
Salt, pepper, and thyme to taste
Olive oil as needed to pan-fry
Put the porcini mushrooms into a bowl, add enough warm water to cover. Give them roughly 20 minutes, or until softened and the waters turned color.
Cut the carrots, onion, and garlic.
Get a large pot with a lid, pour in your stock (or water and bouillon cubes). Pour in the porcinis and the mushroom water. Turn the burner to medium-high.
Add your bay leaves, carrots, onion, and garlic to the pot. Add extra salt if you'd like.
Tenderize and cut your beef into roughly 1 inch cubes.
In a small bowl, pour a handful of flour along with pepper, cumin, and ground red pepper. Mix until combined.
Lightly toss each cube of beef in the mixture, get a little coverage on each side.
Heat a frying pan to medium heat and add peanut oil. If using an electric stovetop it will take time to heat up.
Add some of your beef cubes to the pan, don't overcrowd it. Flip to check sides are a light brown with dark brown edges, its good for some pink/red to poke through.
Add beef cubes to the pot when done, careful of splashing.
Keep doing this in batches until all beef cubes are added. 
 Once the pot has reached a simmer, turn the heat down a few notches and cover.
Set a timer for 4 hours. Taste test every so often. Aim to stir the pot every 10-15 minutes.
(You can do steps 14-21 immediately or optionally wait a bit)
 Rinse and dry your cremini mushrooms.
Slice them vertically. Cut the carrots, onion, and garlic.
In a frying pan on medium-low heat, add olive oil, carrots, and onion. Keep the vegetables moving! When they start to change texture, add your cremini mushrooms.
Bring the pan up to medium heat. 
Once your mushrooms have cooked off the liquid inside, theyll start turning a deeper brown. Add the garlic. Keep! the! vegetables! Moving!
If the pan gets overcrowded, take some out and set it aside in a bowl. Smaller batches.
This process took roughly 15 minutes, but youll know its done once everything has a nice sear on it and the garlic is brown but not burnt. Add salt, pepper, and thyme to taste.
Set everything aside in a bowl.
Once the 4 hours are up the meat should be cooked all the way through and tender enough to pull apart. Strain the bay leaves out. Cut and add scallions. Add the bowl with cremini mushrooms.
Add a pinch of gumbo file to start, stir and taste test.
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notmyprey · 10 days
( @fleshy-sanctuary ) safe vore that still nourishes the pred,, therapy preds that literally digest their preys sadness or fear or stress,, or feed on the positive emotions of a cozy prey...
OMG, YES THIS!!!! I swear I love this trope so so much!!!! This trope paired with a prey that tastes like food is just *mwa* beautiful!!!!
Or!!!! I also love the idea that the pred could taste the preys emotions!!! Like envy is sour, sadness is salted carmel, anger is like tacos-
Mmmmm.... idk its just great to me!!!
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sugarbbgrl · 1 year
Let’s Go For A Ride
summary: Soap has been wanting you to ride his face for quite some time now.
CW: MDNI!!!!! face riding, fingering, light praise (?), soap being really fucking sexy
word count: 1.1k
(sorry if there’s spelling/grammar mistakes, i hate type on phones LMAO)
The thought of it was extremely sexy to you and had you already wet just thinking about the way Johnny would grip your thighs and work his tongue over your clit while staring up at you with his beautiful blues.
But to say you weren’t nervous was an understatement. It’s not something you had thought to do before so you’d never experienced anything like that. Of course, he’s eaten your pussy countless times, but this was very new to you.
But here you are: dressed in a light pink, sheer Babydoll lingerie set and a couple cheap salted carmel-scented candles next to you. You wait for your beloved Dove boy to walk through the door.
“Mo ghràdh..” Soap gasps as he enters your shared bedroom, his eyes fully trained on you. “What’s all this ‘bout?” He begins to take off his heavy work boots and waits for your answer.
“Well, I’ve been thinking about what you said the other night and I think I’m ready to ride your face.” You face heats up lightly as you admit, silently thanking yourself for keeping the lighting minimum. Soap’s confused face quickly gets replaced by a toothy grin as he sets his boots to the side.
“Well then, no better time like now, ya?” He places himself next to you and places a hand on your cheek. Your lips connect and the kiss turns quickly sloppy; your tongues battle each other and teeth clash lightly. He pulls you onto his lap and you could already feel him
“Dove, we haven’t even started yet..” You mumble against his lips, a lightly giggle leaving your lips.
“Just the thought of your straddling my head is making me go crazy.” Johnny disconnects from you and shifts to lay down. “I need you now, my sweet.”
He’s being go gentle, knowing you were nervous at the thought and now that the time has come, your nerves are wilder than ever. His thumbs rub tender circle on your thighs, keeping eye contact with you. You take a deep breath and make your way up to his face. You could see his chest begin to rise and fall quicker at the anticipation of finally getting to feel your thighs surround his head and your drenched heat hover over his lips.
“You’re so beautiful, already so wet for me, darling.” He praises you, pressing kisses to your inner thighs, nipping in spots along the way. You could feel his breath stop at your clit, the feeling causing a shudder to creep up your spine.
“No hovering, I need your fully against my mouth, you understand?” His tone turned stern, but only a little. He needed you to understand how badly he needs to feel your pussy and legs against his face.
“Yes, sir.” You breathe out as you push yourself onto his mouth, finally feeling his lips latch themselves onto your sensitive bud. An almost primal sound released from Soap’s throat, finally getting to taste your sweet nectar in the way he so desperately needs.
He started sweetly, gently lapping at your throbbing clit and soaked hole. You couldn’t help but buck your hips at the pleasure, your eyes closing and head lolling to the side. He took his time, savoring the taste until he finally hooked his arms around your thighs so you had no choice but to sit there and take it.
Mewling and moaning at the feeling of his beard softly scratching your inner thighs combined with his tongue, you could help but arch your back and push yourself further onto his mouth. He picked up the pace from kitten picking and suckling to full blown thrusting his tongue in and out of you.
“So sweet..” His muffled voice vibrated against your pussy. Your moans grew and your hands flew to his hair, digging your fingers in and tightly gripping the short mohawk on his scalp. He removed one of his hand from your thighs and pushed two fingers into your wetness, going knuckles deep and moving them around inside of you.
You once again bucked again this mouth unable to control your movements at this point, your climax slowly creeping up on you.
“Look at me, Dove.” Your head dropped and your eyes slowly opened to meet his sea colored irises. His pupils were blown out, completely doused in the pleasure of watching you unravel above him. His eyes held a gentleness but his actions were one of a madman. Just the sight of him looking up at your as he buried his fingers deeper into you and his tongue working against you nub was enough to send your mind spinning.
The bucking of your hips became more and more, now fully grinding against his hot mouth. His name left you lips over and over again, his grip moving from you thigh to one of your tits. He pinched and rubbed at your nipple to help the sensation flood your senses even more. He added a third finger and thrusted them after and deeper into you.
Your sopping walls began to clench around them, full blown euphoria ripping through you as you began to ride his fast harder.
“Fuck, Johnny!” You whimpered, feeling like an animal in heat. Your whimpers turned into loud moans as your peak finally hit you all at once. A string of curses flooded your lips, your thighs clenched hard around the sides of his head and the top half of your body went limp. You came hard onto his mouth, your delectable juices coating his tongue. It was enough for him to moan with and against you, his eyes rolling to the back of his head from the taste.
Your whines as he continued to laps at you, much slower and lighter now that your clit becomes more sensitive. You finally climb off of his face, his beard and mustache glittering with your juices.
“Christ, sweetheart, I don’t think you understand how sexy that entire scene was above me.” He breathed out. “Watching your hips move against my face was a sensation I could never get enough of.”
You blushed, not having processed the entire situation that had just unfolded before you. Your hand moved down to the tent in his jeans, slowly rubbing his hard cock restrained by his zipper. Soap began to moan one more, bucking his hips up into your hand, looking for any sign of relief.
“I think it’s my turn to take care of you, Dove.”
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astrhoeluvr · 2 years
Astrhoe observations Pt.2 🫂🥰🫶🏻
(thank you all for all the love on my previous post🥺)
Back to 👉🏻 my materialist 👁️🫦👁️.
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a lil disclaimer : these are just my personal observations, so don’t take any of them to heart🥳.Some could be applicable to you and some would differ, so take all of them with a grain of salt OKIE! enough of me blabbing let’s get on with it🫶🏻🥰
🥵: Saturnian doms 🤝🏻 milfs/dilfs (y’all age like FINE WINE 🍷 💅🏻✨)
🤨💻: Aquarius moons are literally SO GOOD WITH TECHNOLOGY. My brother has this placement and I literally run 🏃🏻‍♀️ to him when I need to get something fixed.
🌕👀: OKAY BUT LIKE CANCER PLACEMENTS ARE LITERALLY SO FUNNY. Like why is this not talked about more often???? Y’all literally have me rolling on the floor 🥲🥲😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨.
💃🔥: I’ve noticed many famous dancers with Venus- Mars aspects. Like y’all are so smooth with your moves. LITERALLY BREATHTAKING. Y’all are the embodiment of “SHE’S AN ICON, SHE’s a LEGEND AND SHE IS THE MOMENT”💅🏻🥵. (If you need a dance partner, I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE 😳👀)
💸💰: having any planet at 2° could indicate a lot of success wealth and fame (esp if your Uranus/Jupiter is at 2°) Y’ALL ARE GONNA MAKE IT BIG🔥😮‍💨. I think Bill Gates has his Uranus at 2° too😳😳👀.
🗣️💪🏻: pluto-mercury aspects are such powerful aspects. Your words hold SO much power. But ofc you must be cautious with what you say because you have so much influence over people that y’all can convince people to do anything and I mean ANYTHING (even negative and questionable things🤨) just by communicating.
☀️🤣: sun conjunct Jupiter will literally laugh at ANYTHING.😭 like y’all could see someone just walking and y’all would be like “🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣”. HMM LIKE EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT WAS FUNNY IN THAT?🎤🤨😭But y’all are genuinely so FUN to be around. Your laugh is literally so contagious.😮‍💨🫶🏻
🔥🌊: water and fire placement culture is listening to sad music when they’re already sad, just to make themselves cry🤡🤡😭.
💭👀: cancer mercury’s HAVE SUCH A GOOD MEMORY. They’d literally be like “oh yeah I remember the coffee order you bought the last time we met which was approximately a year ago and I got it for you, hope the order is correct haha 🥰. It was a Grande Carmel Macchiato in a venti cup, 1/3 whole milk,1/3 soy milk, double the amount of vanilla syrup, caramel wall in the cup, whipped cream, rounded lid, 1 shot espresso (decaf) and cinnamon sprinkled on top right?” And you’d be standing there like huh😦😀🧍🏻‍♀️.
🍀🧿: Jupiter in the 12th house/ Jupiter in Pisces and even Jupiter trine Neptune are DIVINELY PROTECTED. The luck they have is incredible.
Okay that’s all for today luvs🥰🫶🏻
(Please do not plagiarise or copy any of my work <33)
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- san✨🍵🪴📖🧘🏻‍♀️
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sweetsweetjellybean · 10 months
Thinking about Torn!Eddie this morning. How he sneaks out the side door of the CursedSound building while the first rays of pale light are still rising around the tall buildings, gleaming off the mirrored windows. He pauses outside the door to tug on the plaid hat that matches the cashmere scarf (both gifts from you) tucked into the neck of his well-worn leather jacket.
Large thick snow flakes fall, turning to slush in the sidewalk as he walks the two blocks to the coffee shop that had become your favorite. He knows that he could make you coffee in his loft that would be just as good, he's even stalked up on oat milk and your preferred salted carmel syrup, but it's light, incredibly flakey croissants that the shop bakes up first thing ever morning that he can't find a substitute for.
Uncharacteristically, he smiles as he walks back, heat from the bag of still hot pastries warming his hands, a song he's been mixing playing in his head, but it's thought of you in his bed, eyelashes kissing the top of your cheeks, your steady warm breaths fanning out across his pillow that makes him realize he's happy. That this moment in his life is a sweet spot he should savor. He's a man who doesn't consider fate to be a friend, he makes his own luck, fighting for everything he has, but as his cold nose brushes along the warmth of your temple, your lashes starting to flutter when he follows with his lips, he feels exactly that...lucky.
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seancamerons · 10 months
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9 people you’d like to know better
Three Ships:  sean & emma (degrassi) ryan & marissa (the oc) steve & nancy (stranger things) i got a lot of ships.
First ever ship: idk i think i shipped justin x britney irl when i was like 10, no i don't really count that. i do count steve & dj from full house, harvey & sabrina from sabrina the teenage witch, & cory & topanga from boy meets world. not sure what my first ever was. I'm sure it was doug and patti mayonnaise as a kid i loved them and remember wanting them to eventually go on a date at their burger spot. semma was the first ship when i found out what shipping was, but i'd been shipping long before i knew what that was.
Last song: random christmas songs on the radio, the last one i heard was the ronette's rendition of sleigh ride.
Last film: last night i watched deck the halls with my boyfriend.
Currently reading: fanfiction tbh, but i do have books i got to get through sometime. I'm really gonna try to finish memoir the woman in me by britney spears.
Currently watching: idk this maury-esque show on tv rn on my day off, last vacay day. It is like drama and a bad kids story about how like this kid is going to learn to grow up her name is heaven.
Currently consuming: wawa sugar free salted carmel iced coffee!!
Currently craving: a fajita from plaza azteca, maybe a fresh mojito or marg and the fajita has to have it with all the fixins, and for dessert a rich mousse or a rich dense chocolate cake mm!🥰
tagged by @mollyhale 💌✨ tysm! tagging @winnie-the-monster @zayadriancas @maya-matlin @lovelyxlilis @hydesjackiespuddinpop @thatcatangelwriter @reinhartroleplays @seancameronism @lindseycool88 @sansalicents @marthaskane @btvs @charlieconwayy @userbettycooper @tomsgreg @emmanelson
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ac3-76 · 5 months
Cole Brookstone Headcannons
warnings: slight cussing? mentions of racial stereotypes/discrimination
He was the sexiest man alive 3 years in a row
He also dabbled in modeling
he didn't even try either, a modeling agent saw him and gave him a business card
Cole went to one interview, the next thing he knows he's walking down the runway with Bella Hadid
he's a thought son
does a lot of stuff on social platforms to spread awareness for racial discrimination, politics, and cancer reaserch
if they were to have BLM protests in Ninjago, he would throw tear gas back at cops
He has the BIGGEST resting bitch face ever
obviously he loves cake, but he loves brownies with caramel drizzle and a sprinkle of sea salt on top even more than he loves cake
he really loves Dolly Partons Carmel Turtle mix
He loves Dolly Parton in General
He only drinks water
He HATES those "make my water of the day with me" videos
Gossip/debrief sessions with Nya are a weekly occurrence
the reason Nya was so confused abt Jay vs Cole in season 3/4/5 is because of how close Nya and Cole already were
But after she stepped away from both of them and thought about her relationship with each of them, she realized Cole was like a sister to her
And I mean sister
She's never had a sister before but her relationship with Cole is exactly how she imagines sister relationships
Nya introduces him as her sister and he's chill with it
He works out with Kai
but unlike Kai, Cole LOVES rest days
he goes to yoga 3 or 4 times a week and is besties with his yoga instructor Andy
Andy and her girlfriend got married and he went to the wedding, that's how close they are
I feel like he's friends with a lot of lesbians
idk they just kinda gravitate towards him
Cole is 6'3
he's also black
he has snake bite piercings
his mom's favorite tree was a maple tree, so he got a maple leaf tattooed behind his right ear
his mom would always tuck his braids or dreads behind his right ear.
he also has a hand tattoo that looks something like this:
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I'm not saying Ninjago has a lot of racial stereotypes or discrimination
but, when they see 6'3, muscular, tatted, pierced, black. resting bitch face Cole walking down the street people tend to label him as scary or dangerous
because of this he's always afraid of coming off as creepy or weird when he tries to talk to someone
His body is so large, solid, and muscular and it's perfect for hugs and cuddling
He doesn't care about cuddling position- if you guys are comfortable and can fall asleep, its perfect
his favorite place to kiss is your forehead and your shoulders
his love language is acts of service
"my room is too bright in the morning, even with my blinds shut" the next day he has blackout curtains installed
"I always hit my head on that one cabinet" idk how but thanks to his handy work you no longer bump your head on that cabinet
"I wish my kitchen had sodalite counters" You have sodalite counters now(the good thing is, it was mostly free too, he just used his earth powers to find enough sodalite for your counter)
You guys met when the ninjas went out to a restaurant to celebrate whatever victory they had just had
and because he's used to being stereotyped as scary or weird for the way he looks, when you approached him to ask for his number he was shocked and supprised
he was happy about it tho because he had been glancing at you the whole time the team was at the restaurant
You're first date? Mini golfing.
He's been thinking about the perfect first date FOR. YEARS.
why is mini golfing the perfect first date?
Public setting for both parties feeling safe
mini golfing is fun and fairly inexpensive
mini golfing provides plenty of time to talk and chat, but if an awkward moment arises there's something to do
done golfing and now we're hungry?
cheap and decent food inside
done eating but don't want to end the date?
most mini golf places have arcades
AND most arcade games are meant for 2 people
want to take some cute photos?
Most arcades have photo booths for taking cute pics
Cole has been planing a mini golfing first date for years, and just needed someone with the right energy to do it with
Romcom type relationship
You guys meet in a cute romcomy way, have a cute romcomy first date, then you have some sort of romcomy problem, then work things out and live happily ever after
I feel like the romcomy problem wouldn't be very romcomy tho, maybe you guys met before he was a ghost, and him being a ghost was the problem you worked through?
he would keep 1 flower from every boquet he gives to you so he knows when the bouquet is dying, then he gets you fresh flowers
You always have fresh flowers from him, for the entirety of ur relationship
he's a thought son so you would stay up talking about what you guys want your future to look like
He's used to you waking him up in the middle of the night because he was snoring
He gives great advice, but before he gives it he asks if you want comfort or advice
he's also really good at comforting you
he just knows exactly how to make you feel safe and understood
you'd go to yoga with him, Andy and her girlfriend(now wife) would love you
if you guys did want kids, Cole would be the perfect dad
Physical touch is his 2nd love language, but he doesn't rlly like PDA
most touches in public are pinky or hand holding(he would do the thumb thing), putting his hand on the small of your back when going through crowds, maybe a peck on the temple here and there
but in private he can't get his hands off you
he just wants to touch you in any and every way possible
he's infatuated by you
he sends you tiktoks of an orange cat(him) and some other cat(color/type depending on ur personality) and says us
he sends you couple trends and says "we should do this"
"if I every won the lottery, oh wait, I already did" yeah. he did that, first 2 slides were him, and the other 30 were pics of you
"oh that's pretty, imma take a picture" yep.
he has life 360 with you
not in a weird way, obvi, in like a oh this fun way
You're like the parents of the team
Jay and Nya are the uncle and aunt
In another universe the four of you are drinking wine and talking about how annoying some coworkers have been recently
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autumngracy · 1 month
Simple Additions that Spice Up Recipes: Part 1
Grilled Cheese:
Mayonnaise (almost a given)
Onion (powder works fine)
Salt & Pepper (you should be adding this as a default tbh)
(Please for the love of god use actual cheese and not Kraft Singles. Please, I am begging you)
Rice Krispy Treats:
Brown sugar & salt
Extra marshmallows and/or chocolate chips added in later so they don't melt
Peanut butter or fudge, folded in
(As an alternative to Rice Krispies, you can make the same recipe with pretty much any cereal, like Fruit loops or Fruity Pebbles)
Peanut butter (lots)
Chocolate chips
Cookie dough batter dollops
Reese's Cups
Basically any protein (chicken, beef, tofu, shrimp, fish, or pork)
Eggs—either hardboiled, softboiled, or poached directly in the cooking ramen. (If you're up for extra work, make some "century eggs" ahead of time for extra flavor!)
Onion or scallions
Curry paste or powder
Bean sprouts, mukimame, mushrooms, or peppers
Shredded cabbage or carrots
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dark chocolate sea salt carmel my BELOVED
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mariacallous · 2 months
As a teenager, I was embarrassed about liking chopped liver. To be fair, I was embarrassed about most things — my parents, my lack of the coolest sneakers, and my freckles among many other things. But liking chopped liver was high up on the list. It was just one of those gross foods: aesthetically unappealing, greyish and mushy, and just plain weird. None of my non-Jewish schoolmates had ever heard of anything like it.
But it tasted so damn good. All of it did — my grandmother’s, made from beef livers and shimmering with schmaltz served weekly at Shabbat lunch; the mass-produced packaged stuff that was kind of gristly, in a not-all-bad way; the scoops of it sandwiched between two slightly stale slices of white bread at the kosher deli (which may well have been the packaged stuff); and best of all, the creamier pate-like offerings, topped with a sweet fruit chutney, served at Friday night buffets in Israeli hotels. Chopped liver was rich and didn’t require a lot of effort — you barely needed to chew it. It also sparked an iron-fueled rush of energy. It was my guilty pleasure.
I didn’t realize I had been so spoiled in the chopped liver department until I left home from England, to Israel, where it was actually quite hard to find. Israeli chefs were deep into a returning-to-culinary-roots movement but hadn’t really delved into the Ashkenazi kitchen yet, preferring the spicier, sexier Mizrahi dishes like kubbeh and upscale stuffed pita sandwiches. I could find chopped liver in haredi areas like Bnei Brak, but it was a real schlep.
So I did what any committed liver enthusiast would do: I started making my own. I had my grandmother’s recipe, but beef livers were hard to come by, so I set my sights on a chicken liver version I’d found in Geila Hocherman’s Kosher Modern cookbook. This was more a pate; it departed from tradition in some quite ballsy ways, like adding capers! And thyme! And chili flakes! I was intrigued.
Finding chicken livers wasn’t a problem — there were trays of them, slippery and pink, in the Carmel Market in Tel Aviv. And, like those my Ashkenazi ancestors cooked within Eastern Europe, they were cheap and sold raw. Back at home, I gave my grandmother a call and she, delighted by my culinary undertaking, gave me step-by-step instructions. First I had to rinse the livers, salt them, and broil them — this was going to take some time.
I tend to be an impatient cook — technique-heavy, complicated recipes bring out the worst in me. But the process of making chopped liver was unexpectedly enjoyable. Growing up in an Orthodox community, my role as a woman often felt passive, mostly consisting of watching the men participate in Judaism. So it felt new, and welcome, to take on the active task of preparing the livers, with instructions passed down through my matriarchs for generations.
Once they’d been sufficiently broiled on both sides, I added the livers to a pan with caramelized onions, capers, thyme chili flakes, and a splash of white wine. Then I blitzed the mixture and a few slices of soaked bread with a hand mixer and steeled myself for a taste.
While the unorthodox ingredients added a saline spurt and chili zing, the chopped liver tasted wonderfully familiar. It was my take on all the other versions I’d gorged myself on before — not competing with them, but adding something a little new. I was content and even proud. I sat at the kitchen table with a glass of red wine, a box of crackers, and a jar of mango chutney and ate half my homemade liver in one sitting. Not the healthiest snack, I grant you, but it was an important reminder to me that sometimes it is worth investing time in the kitchen to please only yourself. Making chopped liver began as an exercise in nostalgia but turned out to be much more — an act of culinary self-care.
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