#sam Foster
toodetudpimedas · 11 months
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sorry not sorry
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anothingman · 8 months
.my biggest fear is if i let you go
you'll come and get me in my sleep
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come and get me
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01alxg · 2 months
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henry is trans idc!!!! watch stay (2005)
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me and the other tumblrinas when the ship is toxic and doomed from the start
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crucifiix · 9 months
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finnestra · 1 month
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ominoussideblog · 5 months
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cherrylush117 · 8 months
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Random thoughts on what I think about this wonderful movie and this incredible character.
I watched Stay quite some time ago, and initially, I didn't notice those small details that I have now been able to see. Such as the boy asking his mother if Henry will die, pointing at him, the old man who appears when Henry is at the aquarium and says, "he won't survive," or the character of Beth, etc, etc. These are data and small details crucial to the outcome of the movie and worth emphasizing.
Something that fascinates me about this film is precisely those small details that are shown to us, or those very interesting random facts that I have used as a basis to formulate this Headcanon in my mind. So, without further ado, let's begin.
Henry's personality or life in reality isn't clearly shown to us, given that the one he has in his imaginary world is more of a reflection of his feelings and final thoughts based on the recent events of the accident. In other words, in the real world, Beth initially finds him after the accident, and it is Sam who continues to help him. Henry transforms this into Beth being his initial therapist, and Sam replaces her. Regarding Henry's personality or life in the real world, I think that, probably, he was an art student or was somehow connected to art because even in his imagination, he associates himself and other characters, like Lila, with art.
Something I can consider regarding how Henry formed that small world is that it was probably based on things he heard or experienced in the real world. As I mentioned earlier, Beth comes first, then Sam arrives, followed by Lila, and from that point, events start to unfold, such as Sam confirming the death of his parents, Sam finding the ring with which Henry was going to propose to his girlfriend, various people saying things or phrases that Henry uses in his imaginary world, the brunette woman whom his friend or colleague tries to distance from the scene (which Henry transforms into a completely different scenario, showing us a similar dynamic but in a psychiatric institute). This collection of small events or people serves Henry to shape his universe, which is why the same people constantly repeat. In fact, if you pay attention to the scene where Henry and Sam converse at the university, it's always the same people repeating like clones. Also, the crying baby, the paintings everywhere on the bridge, which are painted from Henry's ground-level perspective, etc.
Why did Henry create this universe? Well, as Sam explains in a part of the movie, the guy was immensely creative. He could precisely shape complete worlds with his art. Henry's imagination and creativity probably led him to invent a world that reflected his recent feelings and thoughts following the recent crash, a way to release all that pent-up negativity and immense sadness he felt in those moments.
When Lila says "Tell me the world won't forget me," it makes me think that these are Henry's thoughts upon knowing he will die, almost like a self-questioning. "Will the world forget me when I die?" This leads me to believe that perhaps each of the problems or situations the characters face reflects Henry's own feelings or thoughts, especially Lila.
Something else that interested me was the comment Lila made to Sam regarding that art professor. "He always wants to sleep with the handsome boys in his class." After that, the professor is not mentioned again, nor does he appear in any other scene. He is not a person from the accident that Henry distorted for his universe, so I suppose it's an event that happened to Henry in real life. Maybe yes, maybe no, but there's a reason these details are given. Also, in a scene where Sam visits Beth, she comments, "You shouldn't sleep with your patients, no matter how cute they are," or something similar. Yes, this hints that Sam was Lila's therapist when they started dating, but could this be a way of expressing that "student-teacher" relationship? Anyway, just speculations.
The personality Henry gave to Sam was, almost always, relaxed or under control. I think it reflects the self-control that the real-world Sam exhibited during the crash, never getting too emotional.
Well, I actually have thousands of thoughts, but... I don't want to bore you with my nonsense. I hope you found it interesting that I shared my silly assumptions... and if you didn't... Sorry :)
By the way, what do you think Sam and Lila talked about during that coffee at the end of the movie? If I were Sam, I would only talk about how I witnessed an entire family, especially a young boy, die right in front of my eyes... A lovely conversation topic for a date, don't you think?
Man, I apologize if I have bad English :)
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kenaissance · 4 months
dump of stay sketches scbsfcb
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me trying to figure out how to draw ryan and ewan skdfjnffj
bonus sam x henry for the soul,,,
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drivinmeinsane · 8 months
i want that essay about six x k!! im curious to know what your favorite ryguy ships are because you write some interesting ones. what about your least favorites too?
Thank you for the question! I'm not sure I can ethically subject anyone to that essay, anon, it'd just be the ramblings of a madman. However, I'll let some of it slip through in response to your ask. Just for you. ♥
I narrowed my favorites down to three and provided explanations of sorts for all of them. Spoiler alert, they're not short and probably don't make a lot of sense. (;′⌒`)
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»{ Driver x Ken
Ken desperately needs to be provided for. He withers and dies if not wanted, sincerely or not. He’ll accept someone’s false desire no matter how hollow it leaves him. He snaps up scraps of affection like a starving dog. He's bossy and flashy as a show of false bravado to cover up his deep insecurities and abandonment issues. There's that desire in him to be a little plaything, to let someone else call the shots. He’s very susceptible to being molded into whatever form someone else desires. He wants to be the “and Ken” even as he tries to figure out what it means to be himself. Driver has a deep seated need to be needed, being wanted is just a cherry on top. He's obsessive and territorial. He never got to keep anything for himself. The effect his parents had on him is clear. There’s traces in him of the way that his mom kept bugs trapped under drinking glasses until they suffocated rather than let them go. There’s flashes of casual brutality in him that echos when she took two knives to his father’s throat at the kitchen table. His father’s only need of him was to aid him in stealing, but found himself discarded the moment he hit his growth spurt and became too tall. He latched onto a childhood friend, carries pieces of his time with him and his family with him (his love of Mexican food among other things). His foster family didn’t need him, not really, so he left to find someone who did. He lets Shannon undercut him because Shannon finds him useful. He’s the best wheelman in the city and an excellent mechanic because it means people rely on him. He can taste being the most important person in their lives for just a moment. He's made himself as indispensable as possible, always chasing the dragon. He would destroy himself to be needed, never mind anyone else in his path. Driver latches onto Ken, because Ken needs him in order to survive in the real world. He’s needed more by him than anyone has never needed him, and oh, he revels in that need. In return for Ken’s reliance, Driver wants him, wants him so badly that he would throw any semblance of sanity out the window. He doesn’t ask questions of Ken’s circumstances, doesn’t want to know the hows and the whys, lest it break the spell. Ken can place the fragility of himself in Driver’s hands and know that Driver still wants him despite it. He can trust Driver to shape him with the careful touch of a mechanic, fine tune all the parts of him until there’s nothing else but tender maintenance. There’s no scraps here, it is a sickening feast of devotion and Ken will gorge himself. Driver will suffocate Ken under a glass and Ken will help Driver place it over him.
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»{ Officer K x Sierra Six
There’s nothing truly real in K’s life. Everything is pretend, playacting, a pantomime of something greater. He is so wrapped up in the desire to be a real human being to the point where he does stop to consider the ways that he already is. He has his own humanity, his own soul, his own emotions. He doesn’t address the human quality of the drive to want. Instead, he yearns until it kills him and what is more human than that? He craves a family, craves connections. K patches together what he can. He finds a mother, a father, a wife. He collects things from replicants that he’s retired. He’s trying to make up a soul from pieces of others. He’s desperately reaching out only to hit walls. No one is reaching out for him in return. He’s nothing more than a means to an end, a tool. Six sacrifices himself, goes where he’s pointed, throws himself in the path of destruction over and over for people that he loves. He lets himself be injured, lets himself be thrown away, lets himself be used. All in the name of love and duty. He does not stop to contemplate what he is or what he might be. There is no chase for a deeper meaning of what it means to be human. He just simply is what he is because there is no time to be anything but that. He doesn’t have the time to examine his feelings. Tools don’t think. They are reflections of each other. Two men without human names, treated as objects. Their autonomy is of no consequence. They were two scared boys standing up for what was theirs only to become two scared men willing to die for what matters to them. K would be forced to see Six as a person. Perhaps he would realize that if the other individual is human, K must be as well because they are the same. Six would finally be able to open the lid on the swirl of thoughts inside him, to share a part of himself with someone who would understand. They could gather up the scraps of their lives and put them together to make something meaningful. Family. K would reach out to his mirror image only for it to do the same and meet him palm to palm. Flesh to flesh. Interlinked at last. Maybe the burden of what he has have done wouldn’t weigh so heavily on Six with someone else’s equally tainted hands on the stone beside his. Maybe the boulder wouldn’t roll back down the hill.
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»{ Henry Letham x Sam Foster
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No matter what, Henry is hell bound. He can’t imagine a happy ending for himself. He has woven a tangled web of destruction and self-flagellation that I think holds true even if he hadn’t been going through the events of the movie. He’s an artist with the flair for the extreme. He’s obsessive and ruminates over the same things over and over, wringing out every ounce of meaning. He assigns significance where there is none. Sam is a fixer. Despite his own mental well-being, he has to try to save others. He cannot sit by passively. It’s that kind of attitude that gets him crouching beside a dying man on a bridge at night. Outwardly, he has it all together, sensible. He is likely the model image of a good doctor, going above and beyond for those under his care. Henry would haunt Sam, consume his thoughts. Sam would let Henry infect him. They are intertwined and neither wants to truly break free. Henry finds a captive audience in Sam. He’s able to admit things to him he would never say to anyone else, couldn’t say to anyone else. Henry is Sam’s destruction in any reality. Sam will never not be too late to save Henry.
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+ Shoutouts to Holland March x Jackson Healy. I really like the ship but would never write for it without my bestie, @danime25, collabing with me. It just doesn't scratch that itch in my brain in a way that makes me want to go solo.
Also, I'm not going to dive into ships I dislike here. I might be a hater, but I'm not going to hate publicly. This sideblog is for fun. We're all just celebrating the RyGos boys here so I just want to focus on what I do enjoy. ♪(´▽`)
Feel free to share your thoughts. I'm always down to talk about these guys.
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ants-personal · 11 months
Do you see the vision
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toodetudpimedas · 10 months
i'm so impressed by the amount of hidden details in Stay.
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a beware of dog sign before the scene in Letham's house
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a bunch of lies written on the thing (idk) when Henry's dreamworld started to fall apart
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should I even mention this?
(the ICD-10 code for Schizotypal disorder is F21. Just saying.)
this movie is so fucking brilliant.
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anothingman · 9 months
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.a sketch to warm up
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01alxg · 2 months
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*throws fem henry at u
ya i have an au where henry survives and him and sam start dating and with time henry becomes comfortable enough to wear fem clothes and becomes well enough mentally & physically to complete his art degree !!!
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maed4y · 10 months
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I just know I'm not the only one laughing at this
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crucifiix · 9 months
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