#sam and dean go on a road trip but they go see something fun like that biggest ball of twine again. they get out of the car.
like, ultimately, spn could never actually break the cycle of abuse and familial violence, bc to truly break the cycle would've required its writers to have the radical imaginary to look beyond the status quo. the show just reifies the idea of a paternal authority over the world. god dies but he has to be replaced you see, but it's okay, it's someone better now. family is hell but now family is also heaven.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 2 months
Hook Man | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, mentions of religious trauma/parental abuse
Word Count: 4869
A/N: Guys. We hit a bit of a milestone earlier in the week. Just wanted to say in celebration that I am so beyond grateful for all of your love and support. I'm so glad you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I enjoy writing it! Giving big big kisses to all of you!!! Taglist is open!!
Edit: Hey.... I suck I forgot to add the taglist when I published. So sorry!!! fixed now!!!!
Series Rewrite Masterlist
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You and Dean were sat at an outdoor cafe; coffee cups in hand. He was clacking away at his laptop while you wrote in your journal. You wrote your excerpt on the shapeshifter next to a drawing of Dean’s necklace. 
“Is that…?” Dean asked, pointing to your journal.
You nodded. 
“I didn’t know you could draw,” he said.
“No offense, lovebug, but you don’t know much of anything about me,” you retorted.
He scoffed. “Will you take the compliment and be quiet?”
“I didn’t hear a compliment,” you giggled. “Well, maybe in ‘Dean Winchester Land’ it was a compliment.”
“Oh, shut up,” he responded playfully. 
Sam hung up the payphone he was standing in and came back over to your table.
“Your, uh, half-caf, double vanilla latte is gettin’ cold over here, Francis,” Dean jabbed at his brother.
“Hey, don’t knock it ‘til you try it,” you told him.
“So, anything?” Dean asked Sam.
Sam huffed. “I had ‘em check the FBI’s Missing Persons Data Bank. No John Does fitting Dad’s description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations.”
“Sam, I’m tellin’ ya, I don’t think Dad wants to be found.”
Sam looked disappointed.
“Check this out.” Dean turned his laptop around to you and Sam. “It’s a news item out of Planes Courier. Ankeny, Iowa. It’s only about a hundred miles from here.”
“Thank god, a short trip,” you sighed. 
“ ‘The mutilated body was found near the victim’s car, parked on 9 Mile Road,’ “ Sam read from the article.
“Keep reading.” Dean nodded at his laptop.
“ ‘Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible.’ “
That last line caught your attention. “Could be something interesting.”
“Or it could be nothing at all,” Sam protested. “One freaked out witness who didn’t see anything? Doesn’t mean it’s the Invisible Man.”
“But what if it is? Dad would check it out,” Dean responded.
The one hundred mile drive concluded with the boys dropping you off at a sorority house. 
“Remind me why I have to play barbies for the week again?” you asked.
“Because this is Lori Sorensen’s sorority house; the witness from the killing,” Sam replied.
“Great,” you mumbled.
“Have fun making s’mores and singing campfire songs,” Dean remarked.
“Bite me,” you snarked. “You’re going to a frat, though, Steve McQueen, so I wouldn’t be so cocky.” 
“Yeah, don’t remind me,” he grumbled. 
“I’ll catch up with you guys later,” you said and shouldered your duffel bag. You bid them goodbye and reluctantly marched up to the door of the sorority house.
A girl with long, dark curls opened the door. “Hi,” she said. “Can I… help you?”
“Yeah, I’m (Y/N),” you explained. “I’m your sorority sister from Ohio State. Do you guys have an extra bed I could sleep in? I just transferred here.”
“Sure,” she grinned. “I’m Taylor, by the way.” 
“Nice to meet you.” 
She led you inside and introduced you to Lori Sorensen. She was a sweet girl; very naive and a little stuck-up. Taylor seemed a little more like a party girl, but still relatively tame. You decided you could gel with these girls for the time being. 
They told you they were headed to Sunday service at Lori’s father’s church and invited you to go with them. You obliged.
In the middle of the introductory rites, you heard the heavy church door slam shut. Your head swiveled to find Sam and Dean frozen and looking guilty. You scoffed amusedly and rolled your eyes, turning your attention forward for the rest of the service. 
Taylor invited you and Lori out to a party after the service, but Lori said she couldn’t. Her father had dinner with her every Sunday since her mother passed away. She and Taylor hugged and Taylor bid you goodbye before heading off.
Sam and Dean came over to you and Lori.
“Guys!” you said excitedly. “Sam, Dean, this is Lori.” You introduced her to them. “They’re my friends from Ohio. They transferred with me.” 
“I saw you inside,” she told them.
“We don’t wanna bother you. We just heard about what happened and…”
Dean cut his brother off. “We wanted to say how sorry we were.”
You knew where this was going; he was cruising for another hookup.
“I kind of know what you’re going through,” Sam broke back in. “I-I saw someone..get hurt once. It’s something you don’t forget.”
Lori nodded slightly. Just then, her father came up to your group.
“Dad, um, this is Sam, Dean, and (Y/N). They’re new students.”
Dean shook the reverend’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. I must say, that was an inspiring sermon.”
“Thank you very much,” he smiled. “It’s so nice to find young people who are open to the Lord’s message.” 
“Yes, sir,” you replied and began leading him away from Sam and Lori. “Actually, we’re looking for a new church group…”
Later that day, you and the boys were sitting together in the local library. Sam relayed to you what Lori had told him about the passing of the guy she was with.
“So, you believe her?” Dean asked him.
“I do,” he nodded.
“Yeah, I think she’s hot, too.” Dean smirked at him. 
“You think almost everything with a vagina and legs is hot, Dean,” you remarked.
“Not you,” he jabbed back, still smirking.
You clutched a hand to your chest. “I’m hurt, you dick.”
He rolled his eyes at you.
“Can we focus, please?” Sam broke in. “There’s something in her eyes. And listen to this: she heard scratching on the roof. Found the bloody body suspended upside down over the car.”
“Wait, the body suspended? That sounds like the—”
 Sam cut you off. “Yeah, I know, the Hook Man legend.” 
“That’s one of the most famous urban legends ever,” Dean added. “You don’t think that we’re dealing with the Hook Man.”
“Every urban legend has a source. A place where it all began,” said Sam.
“Yeah, but what about the phantom scratches and the tire punctures and the invisible killer?”
“Well, maybe the Hook Man isn’t a man at all. What if it’s some kind of spirit?” 
You had the librarian bring over boxes of arrest records. The three of you poured through pages upon pages for hours. 
“Hey, check this out. 1862,” Sam said finally. “A preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder. Looks like he was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes. Uh, right here, ‘some of the deceased were found in their bed, sheets soaked with blood. Others suspended upside down from the limbs of trees as a warning against sins of the flesh.’ “
“Get this, the murder weapon?” Dean was looking at another page. “Looks like the preacher lost his hand in an accident. Had it replaced with a silver hook.” 
You pointed to a page in Sam’s book. “Look where all this happened. Nine Mile Road.”
“Same place where the frat boy was killed,” Sam chimed in. 
“Nice job, Dr. Venkamen and Annie Potts. Let’s check it out,” the older brother quipped.
The three of you headed to Nine Mile Road. Dean parked off the road in a clearing in the woods. He popped the trunk and handed Sam a shotgun. “Here you go.”
“If it is a spirit, buckshot won’t do much good,” Sam said.
“Yeah, rock salt. It won’t kill ‘em. But it’ll slow ‘em down.” Dean led the three of you through the clearing. 
“That’s pretty good. You and Dad think of this?” 
“I told you. You don’t have to be a college graduate to be a genius.”
“Cool it, Winchester. You and your daddy aren’t the first people to think of rock salt bullets.” You loaded your own gun with shells of your own.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“They’re a bitch to roll,” you said.
“Oh, one hundred percent,” he remarked. 
You suddenly heard rustling in the bushes.
“Over there,” you whispered to Sam. The two of you aimed your guns and cocked it. 
The “ghost” came out from behind the trees. A sheriff. 
“Put the gun down now!” he yelled. “Now! Put your hands behind your head.”
“Wait, wait, okay!” Dean told him. 
You immediately dropped your gun and put your hands up.
“Now get down on your knees. Come on, do it! On your knees!”
You three obeyed.
“Now get down on your bellies,” he commanded. “Come on, do it!”
“Are you just on a power trip or something? ‘Cause— ah!” you were cut off by a sharp kick to the shin from Sam. 
The sheriff brought the three of you into the station. It was early the next morning by the time you were able to leave.
“Saved your asses!” Dean jeered. “Talked the sheriff down to a fine. I am Matlock.”
“How was it that you were left in charge of talking him down?” You raised a brow at him. “And how in the fuck did you do it?”
“Sweetheart, this may surprise you, but I’m good at my job. And I told him Sam was a dumbass pledge, you were his girlfriend we’d dragged along, and we were hazing you.”
You and Sam both recoiled at the idea of dating each other.
“First of all, ew,” you started, “No offense, Sam.”
“None taken.”
“But what about the shotguns?”
“I said that you were hunting ghosts and the spirits were repelled by rock salt. You know, typical Hell Week prank.”
“And he believed you?” you asked incredulously.
“Well, Sam looks like a dumbass pledge.”
“Can’t argue with that.” You stuck your tongue out at Sam.
Moments later, several officers ran out of the building to their cruisers. Barely needing to share a look with the boys, you hurried into the car and sped away to follow them.
You could see Lori wrapped in a disposable blanket in front of the sorority house you were staying in. You weren’t exactly sure what was going on, but you had no doubt that it was another murder. The stretcher carrying a body bag rolling out of the front door affirmed that thought seconds later.
Dean parked the Impala around the back of the house. 
“Why would the Hook Man come here?” Sam asked as the three of you crept around the building. “This is a long way from Nine Mile Road.”
“Maybe he’s not haunting the scene of his crime. Maybe it’s about something else,” Dean suggested. 
You pulled his arm back seconds later to avoid being seen by your “sorority sisters.” You used the fact that you had now pretty much pulled yourself in front of him to allow you to lead the way up to the second floor. 
While Dean made a stupid joke about a naked pillow fight, Sam was busy giving you a boost before climbing up himself. You looked back down at the ground to see Dean struggling to find his footing.
“Need help?” you smirked.
“No,” he grumbled.
“I think you do.”
“No, I don’t.”
You waited patiently, leaning your head in your hands on the railing of the balcony and smiling down at him. He struggled for a few more moments before he conceded. All he did was open and close his hand he was extending upwards, similar to a toddler asking to be picked up.
“What’s the magic word?” you sing-songed.
“Come on!” he hissed. “Please?”
“There we go,” you smiled. You dug your heels into the ground and pulled him up.
You then realized the window you were entering was the one in Lori and Taylor’s closet. You hoped to god in that moment that Taylor wasn’t the one dead.
Your fears were realized, however, when you entered Lori and Taylor’s room to find the words “Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light?” crudely etched into the wall above Taylor’s blood soaked bed. You didn’t exactly get attached to people on hunts, but seeing good people die was never easy for you. It didn’t get easier. Your dad would call you soft, but you always liked to look at your compassion as a strength.
“ ‘Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light?’ That’s right out of the legend,” Sam whispered.
“Yeah, that’s classic Hook Man all right.” Dean tapped his nose as he spoke. “It’s definitely a spirit.”
“Yeah, I’ve never smelled ozone this strong before,” Sam muttered.
“(Y/N), you okay?” Dean asked you. 
You nodded, biting your lip. “Yeah. Fine. It’s just… look at this symbol.” You were referencing the one beneath the writing. “Does that look familiar to you?”
Your head jerked toward the sound of footsteps approaching. You quickly shooed Sam and Dean back into the closet and out of the house. Thankfully, you made it back to the car without being seen. You pulled the copy you’d made at the library of one of the pages on Jacob Karns out of the backseat. That was where you had seen the cross symbol; on Karns’s hook. 
You showed it to the boys. “Told ya.”
“Alright, let’s find the dude’s grave, salt and burn the bones, and put him down,” Dean said.
Sam took the page from your hand. “ ‘After execution, Jacob Karns was laid to rest in an Old North Cemetery. In an unmarked grave.’ “ He flicked the page with his finger, looking aggravated; as were you and Dean.
“Super,” the older brother muttered.
“Ok. So we know it’s Jacob Karns. But we still don’t know where he’ll manifest next. Or why,” Sam pointed out.
“I could just be spitballing here, but Lori definitely has something to do with it,” you said, looking up at the sorority house.
You managed to get into a party at the fraternity house Sam and Dean were staying in later that night. Dean had been busy mingling with thin college girls dressed in mini skirts while Sam stuck to the outside wall. You bounced around from talking to Sam and hustling some of the drunk frat guys in multiple rounds of pool.
The three of you reunited around the pool table you’d been dominating that night.
“Man, you’ve been holding out on me,” Dean told Sam. “This college thing is awesome!” He smiled and winked at a passing girl.
Sam looked intensely uncomfortable. “This wasn’t really my experience.”
“Let me guess. Libraries, studying, straight A’s?”
Sam nodded. You chortled.
“What a geek. Alright, you do your homework?” 
“Yeah. It was bugging me, right? So how is the Hook Man tied up with Lori? So I think I came up with something.” Sam unfolded a piece of paper. 
“1932. Clergyman arrested for murder. 1967. Seminarian held in hippie rampage,” Dean read.
Your eyebrows knitted together.
“There’s a pattern here,” Sam explained. “In both cases, the suspect was a man of religion who openly preached against immorality. And then found himself wanted for killings he claimed were the work of an invisible force. Killings carried out— get this— with a sharp instrument.”
“What’s the connection to Lori?” Dean asked.
“Her dad. Man of religion who openly preaches against immorality,” you pointed out. “Maybe this time, though, instead of saving the whole town, he’s just trying to save his kid.”
“Reverend Sorensen,” Dean tsked. “You think he’s summoning the spirit?”
“Maybe it’s like when a poltergeist can haunt a person instead of a place,” you suggested.
“Yeah, the spirit latches onto the reverend’s repressed emotions, feeds off them, yeah, okay.”
“Without the reverend ever even knowing it,” Sam chimed in.
“Either way, you should keep an eye on Lori tonight,” Dean told his brother.
“What about you?” 
Dean looked over to the opposite side of the pool table where the blonde you’d been playing with smiled at him. He reluctantly said, “(Y/N) and I are gonna go see if we can find that unmarked grave.” 
“We are? I wanted to play more eight-ball,” you told him. 
He looked back over at the blonde, back at you, and shook his head in disappointment. “C’mon. I’m not happy about it either.”
“Are you sure you don’t wanna go back?” you asked Dean as the two of you trudged through the Old North Cemetery. You were holding shovels and flashlights searching for the grave of Jacob Karns.
He shot you a look.
“I know, I know, I’m kidding,” you laughed. “But seriously. Now that we’re… acquaintances, we should go out to a bar sometime. Preferably one with a pool table.”
“That’d be cool, actually,” he said, smirking at you. “You’re pretty good.”
“What, at pool?”
He nodded. “I could probably still kick your ass, though.”
“You’re on, pretty boy.”
He stopped and turned to you. “Don’t objectify me.”
“What?” you asked, stopping next to him. “You know you’re gorgeous. You frequently use it to your advantage.” You marched on.
You smiled when you heard him mutter, “You are so confusing, woman.”
You walked for a few more minutes before your flashlight landed on a grave marked with that cross symbol from Taylor’s room. “Jackpot.”
You and Dean set to work exhuming Jacob’s corpse. Your back and shoulders ached more and more the deeper you dug. “How fucking far down is six feet?” you remarked breathlessly. 
“I don’t know, but next time, I get to watch the cute girl’s house,” he replied.
“Aw, you don’t wanna spend quality time with this cute girl?” you asked playfully. 
He eyed you strangely with a lopsided smile. 
“What?” you asked.
“Nothing. You’re just funny,” he told you.
You smiled back and got back to digging. Your shovel finally hit the wooden box lying below. You broke through it to reveal his corpse. Or at least, what remained of it. 
“Hello, preacher,” Dean said. He threw his shovel aside and helped you out of the hole you had dug. After he had climbed out, you poured salt and lighter fluid all over the bones. 
“Goodbye, preacher.” Dean threw a match down into the grave.
Your nose twisted up in disgust. “I will never get used to that smell.”
“What, burnt, hundred-year-old preacher? Me neither.”
You and Dean packed up and headed back to the car that was parked in the cemetery’s parking lot. Your body was exhausted. 
“Um, weird question,” you started. 
He turned to you and threw his shovel and duffel bag in the trunk. 
“You think we could sleep in your car for a bit? I’m running on two days of no sleep.”
He shrugged. “I don’t see why not. It should all be over now and Sam should be layin’ it down with Lori.”
And so, you did. You stretched out over the backseat, and Dean laid down on the front. A few moments of silence passed between the two of you, and strangely, you no longer felt tired. You supposed it was the strangeness of the situation. You were now sharing a somewhat intimate moment with a man you despised just weeks prior. You weren’t quite sure where your relationship with Dean was heading, and that bothered you a bit.
“Goodnight, (Y/N).”
Four hours of shut-eye later, you felt recharged. You awoke to the sound of Dean’s phone vibrating over which Sam told you to meet him at a hospital.
“Hospital? Why? Is he okay?” you asked Dean, climbing over the front seat to sit shotgun. 
“I think so, but he said the reverend’s hurt.”
About fifteen minutes later, you were walking down a long corridor only to be stopped by two cops in wide-brimmed hats. 
The sheriffs put a hand to Dean’s chest to stop him.
“No, it’s alright, we’re with him. He’s my brother,” he explained. “Hey! Brother!” he called, waving dorkishly at Sam.  
“Let them through.”
You and Dean began walking toward Sam, who met you in the middle.
“You okay?” Dean asked. 
“Yeah,” sighed Sam.
“What the hell happened?” 
“Hook Man.”
You looked incredulous. “You saw him?”
“Damn right. Why didn’t you torch the bones?” Sam responded.
“We did,” you rebutted, confused. “You sure it’s the spirit of Jacob Karns?”
“It sure as hell looked like him,” Sam returned. “And that’s not all. I don’t think the spirit is latching on to the reverend.”
“Well, duh, he wouldn’t send Hook Man after himself,” you remarked.
“I think it’s latching onto Lori. Last night she found out her father is having an affair with a married woman.” He whispered that last part.
“Damn.” You gritted your teeth. “I could see how that could upset her.”
Sam nodded. “She told me she was raised to believe that if you do something wrong, you get punished.”
“Ok, so she’s conflicted,” Dean chimed in. “And the spirit of Preacher Karns is latching on to repress the emotions and maybe he’s doing the punishing for her, huh?”
“Right,” the younger brother nodded. “Rich comes on too strong, Taylor tries to make her into a party girl, Dad has an affair.”
“Remind me not to piss this girl off,” Dean muttered. “But we burned those bones, buried them in salt, why didn’t that stop him?”
“We must’ve missed something,” you said. 
“No, we burned everything in that coffin.”
“Did you get the hook?” Sam asked the two of you.
Realization struck you. “Fuck,” you grumbled. “No.”
“Why does that matter?” Dean asked.
“Well, it was the murder weapon, and in a way, it was part of him,” Sam told him.
“So, like the bones, the hook is a source of his power.”
“So if we find the hook—”
The three of you finished Sam’s sentence in unison, grinning. “We stop the Hook Man.”
“Well, back to the drawing board,” you said as the three of you began walking away from the reverend’s hospital room.
“What do you mean?” Dean asked.
“Do you know where the hook is?” you raised your eyebrows at him. 
He said nothing.
“Exactly,” you giggled.
Your next stop was the library for the second time this hunt. As much as you liked to read, obnoxious amounts of research was not your thing. Finally, you thought you’d found something. “Log book, Iowa State Penitentiary. ‘Karns, Jacob. Personal effects: disposition thereof.’ “
“Does it mention the hook?” Sam asked you.
“I don’t know. ‘Upon execution, all earthly items shall be remanded to the prisoner’s house of worship, St. Barnabas Church,’ “ you read aloud. “That’s where Lori’s dad preaches.”
“Where Lori lives, too?” Sam asked, but it was more of a statement than a question.
“Maybe that’s why the Hook Man has been haunting reverends and reverends’ daughters for the past two hundred years,” Dean added.
“Yeah, but I think someone would’ve noticed a blood-stained, silver-handled hook hangin’ around the church or Lori’s house.”
Dean pulled out another book and slapped it down in front of you. “Check the church records.”
Sam pulled the book to sit between the two of you. You and he flipped through pages upon pages of records before he found something. “ ‘St. Barnabas donations, 1862. Received silver-handled hook from state penitentiary. Reforged.’ “ He sighed. “They melted it down. Made it into something else.”
“Goddammit,” you grumbled. 
Later that night, you and the boys returned to St. Barnabas Church. Dean shouldered a duffel bag and began leading you to the church. Sam followed close behind.
“Alright, we can’t take any chances,” the older brother began. “Anything silver goes in the fire.”
“I agree. So, Lori’s still at the hospital. We’ll have to break in,” Sam added.
“Okay, take your pick,” you told him.
“I’ll take the house,” Sam responded.
“Dean and I will take the church, then.”
“We will?” the older brother asked.
You led Dean up to the church. He called back to his brother. “Hey. Stay out of her underwear drawer.”
You could hear the smirk in his voice and giggled.
You took the top floor of the church while Dean scoured the basement. The two of you, along with Sam, met up in the furnace room. 
“I got everything that even looked silver,” Sam told you.
“Better safe than sorry,” Dean said. 
Your head turned upward at the sound of footsteps. You could hear Dean taking his gun from his jacket as you grabbed yours.
“Move, move,” Dean told you quietly.
You crept up the stairs as quietly as possible. When you got back to the ground floor, you could see Lori hunched over, her shoulders shaking. You lowered your gun and lightly pushed Sam forward. He shot you a look, but headed over to Lori anyway. You and Dean went back downstairs to continue melting the silver. 
“I feel for her,” you said quietly. “I know how much religion can fuck you up.” Silver clanked against the coals in the furnace as you spoke.
Dean turned his head to you. “You do?”
You nodded. “I’ve watched so many people go through crisis after crisis when their loved ones end up dead.”
“Me too,” he said earnestly. “Probably why I don’t pray.”
“Well, it’s a little difficult to believe in a higher power when all day, everyday is blood, guts, and monsters,” you remarked.
He chuckled. “Yeah. I don’t know if I’ve met one religious hunter.”
“I have,” you said. “My mom.”
“Yeah. She was somehow still convinced of ‘God’s plan.’ “
“Oh, very.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he replied playfully.
“Yeah, me too,” you smiled. “My dad wasn’t, but, uh, he had his… other issues.”
Before he could ask further questions, you heard commotion upstairs. It sounded like running heading toward the opposite side of the basement.
“C’mon,” Dean urged, sprinting out of the furnace room with his gun in hand. You followed closely behind. You could hear the breaking of boards and slamming of what you assumed were bodies that practically shook the walls that got louder as you got closer. Sam was maneuvering himself behind the Hook Man’s clunkily-moving apparition. 
Dean gruffly called to his brother, “Sam, drop!”
His brother obeyed and Dean shot the Hook Man, who disappeared.
“I thought we got all the silver,” you said.
“So did I,” the older brother answered.
“Then why is he still here?” Sam’s voice was frantic.
“Well, maybe we missed something!”
You looked around and noticed Lori’s cross necklace. “Lori, where did you get that chain?”
“My father gave it to me,” she responded nervously.
“Where’d your dad get it?” Sam asked.
“He said it was a church heirloom,” she answered quickly. “He gave it to me when I started school.”
“Is it silver?!”
Sam ripped the chain off her and threw it to you. You caught it with ease and went to start running back down the hall when the invisible Hook Man started dragging his hook along the wall.  
You threw Sam your gun and started running down another corridor you hoped would bring you to the same destination. You could vaguely hear Dean say to his brother, “I’ll cover (Y/N), shoot anything that moves!” before you heard approaching quick footsteps behind you.
You sprinted down winding hallways and thankfully quickly made it to the furnace room. You threw the necklace into the fire and watched as it slowly began to melt. “C’mon, c’mon,” you muttered anxiously. It took longer than you would’ve liked, but the cross broke off the necklace and burned into ash. As soon as it did, you and Dean ran back to the latter’s brother to make sure the ghost was gone. Thankfully, he had, but Sam seemed injured. He was clutching his left shoulder and wincing. 
You called the police to the scene and urged them to send an ambulance. They arrived in no time, and Sam was able to get his injury patched up. 
“And you saw him, too?” A sheriff was asking you and writing in a notepad. “The man with the hook?”
“Yeah, we all saw him,” you responded. “We fought him off and then he ran.”
“And that’s all?” The sheriff was skeptical.
“Yes, sir.”
“Listen. You and those two boys—”
Dean came up behind you and answered for you. “Oh, don’t worry, we’re leaving town.”
You laughed at his response. Sam and Lori talking near the ambulance caught your eye. You continued watching them in the rearview mirror once you’d gotten in the backseat of the car. Sam soon left Lori, who looked after him sadly, and stooped down into the car. 
“We could stay,” Dean suggested. 
You could tell Sam wanted to, but he shook his head. A deflated air had settled over the car, but you knew the younger Winchester wasn’t ready for anything yet. He’d been dating Jessica for a year and a half and had just lost her less than four months ago. You knew he needed more time. The best way you knew to comfort him was to wrap your hands around his shoulders gently, minding his injury, from your place in the backseat. He tensed for a moment, but allowed you to hug him nonetheless. He responded by holding your arm with his good hand. And for a moment, if you closed your eyes, it was almost like hugging Steven again. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @davina-clairee
234 notes · View notes
queen-of-deans-booty · 3 months
With Love From
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~800
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: Hey can i request a Dean Winchester x wife reader that she spoiled and pampering him to much but she don’t cared and she love giving him love, attention, affection, and etc all things him always dreamed?. something cute and fluffy because him deserve all the love from the world. 
Summary: You take Dean on a much-needed vacation and give him everything he wants and deserves.
Square Filled: driving in the impala (2022) for @spndeanbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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“Got your pajamas?”
“Toothbrush and toothpaste?”
“What about your chargers? I put an extra one in your bag just in case.”
“What are you, my mom?” Dean jokes. “Yes, I have everything.”
“Okay, don’t come crying to me when you’ve forgotten something and ask to use my toothbrush. I won’t do it again.”
“That was one time.”
“One time too many. We’ve done a lot of things, Dean Winchester, but sharing a toothbrush is gonna be a no for me.”
“Yes, I have everything. Why are you bugging out? You’re never like this whenever we go on a hunt.”
Dean takes both yours and his bags to the library where Sam is. He has his laptop and plenty of books all around him. There is a case not far from here that he is reading up on since he is going to be the one to tackle this case.
“We’re not going on a hunt,” you reveal when he sets the bags on the table.
“We’re not going on a hunt.”
“Sam’s been working like crazy about this case a few towns over.”
“Yeah because he’s going to be the one to take care of it. We’re not.”
“Sam, what is she talking about?” Dean asks.
“Dude, I am just as clueless as you,” he chuckles and closes his laptop. “All I know is that I’m doing this one solo.”
“If we’re not going on a hunt, where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“You know I hate surprises,” Dean practically whines.
“Well, you’re getting one today. No hunt. No monsters. Definitely alcohol. Does that sound like a great time?” you smile.
“Sounds like a Saturday to me.”
“Come on, we’re going to be late if we don’t leave now.” You see the look on Dean’s face and immediately shuts down what he is going to say next. “If Sam needs help, he can call Garth.”
“Yeah, go have fun. I got this,” Sam backs you up.
You and Dean pack up the Impala and say your goodbyes to Sam who barely waves you two off. Dean is always the driver unless otherwise preoccupied, so he gets behind the wheel even though he has no idea where he’s going. You’re going to be the navigator for this special trip, only telling him what turns to make right before he needs to do them.
“Shall I put on the special playlist?”
“Special playlist? What’s the occasion?”
“I love you. Is that enough?”
“More than enough,” he smiles.
His special playlist consists of songs he could listen to on repeat for hours. Sam doesn’t let him put the playlist on since Sam complains he needs to listen to more than just classic rock. He claims they all sound the same even though each has their own unique sound.
About halfway through the trip, you stopped to get food at Dean’s favorite diner. He often comes here while on hunts even if it’s hours out of the way. There’s something about the way they make their burgers that has his mouth watering every single time.
“Okay, tell me where we’re going,” Dean chuckles with his mouth full.
“I told you it’s a surprise,” you smile. “You’re going to love it.”
Dean has no choice but to trust you. Once you two get done eating, you get back on the road and tough out the last half of the trip. You took over driving for the last hour just so he wouldn’t be suspicious of where you two were going but as soon as Dean sees the town’s name, he gets so excited.
“Wait, we’re in Mt. Sterling?”
You drive to one of the best gun stores in America. They have such a high rating since people from all over the country come here just to buy guns. Dean has been wanting to come here for a long time, and you figure it’s time to bring him. Dean is practically bouncing in his seat when you park, and he jumps out of the car in excitement.
You watch him run into the store with a smile on your face, and you make sure the car is locked before following him inside. He is like a child loose in a candy store or a toy store. He is admiring all of the guns on display, holding them just to feel how they would fit in his hands.
“Pick any you want. I’ll get it for you.”
“Wait, really?”
“I love you so much,” he grins and kisses you.
Seeing him so happy brings you so much joy. He doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to be this happy. He doesn’t allow himself to be this happy most of the time, so taking time to give him this is very important. He channels his inner child and goes wild. He settled on another handgun that closely resembles the one he has now, but it has a silencer on the end of it which will make for easy hunting.
After he got all that excitement out, you two headed to the bar across the street to have a few rounds on you.
“How the hell did I ever get so lucky?” he smiles.
“I’m the lucky one, my love. You deserve all the love in the world.”
Dean leans in and kisses you, happy to be yours.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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natti-ice · 3 months
Dream Invader- Castiel.
Pairing: Castiel x fem!reader
Summary: Castiel takes a trip into Y/N’s dream and finds some interesting information
Warnings: written in third person (she/her pronouns) (1.6k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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The Impala drove down a dark road, no other cars for miles. They had just got a case two states over. They had just finished a hunt so they didn't have any time to rest. Dean is in the driver's seat, Sam in the passenger, Y/N in the back passed out. She wasn't new to the game, but it always wore her out like a newbie.
Dean went through all the channels on the radio, either they were static or they were playing some new top 40 song. He wasn't a fan of this new generation's music. He was getting annoyed, he settled on silence.
"All this new technology and they can't get better signal out here" Dean grumbled, mostly to himself.
"People don't listen to the radio anymore, Dean" Sam mumbled, fighting his sleep. He was exhausted, he got four hours of sleep in the past two days. He was always on edge, afraid something would happen when he slept.
"Shh, Y/N's sleeping"
"Must be nice" Dean said looking up at the rearview mirror. "Jesus!" He said startled.
Sam jumped, the tired leaving his body. His hand immediately reaching for his handgun, snapping his back to look in the back seat.
"Cas, you have to stop popping up out of nowhere" Dean sighed
"Sorry, I figured this was better than showing up in the middle of the road."
"I wanted to come with you guys on this hunt, I had nothing better to do" Castiel explained.
"Why didn't you just call?" Sam asked
"I uh- I lost my cellphone" He replied, he had no idea where it was. Probably some country in Europe, he's been to too many places this week.
"Whatever just give us a warning next time" Dean said
The four of them drove in silence for another thirty minutes. Y/N is still sound asleep. As much as Dean loved to drive, looking at a bunch of nothing is boring. He was trying to think of a game to keep him occupied, maybe like 'count how many trees you see' he probably couldn't count that high.
Checking the mirror once more, he saw a faint smile on Y/N's sleeping face. She was always a peaceful sleeper, he wondered how after all the things they had seen. How could anyone sleep after that? He was happy she could sleep, he never wanted her to know the feeling of running off adrenaline and bad coffee.
He got an idea, not his best work but he had to deal with what he had.
"Hey Cas" The angel looked up, he didn't know road trips were this boring.
"Yeah?" He answered
"Why don't you hop into Y/N's dream, see why she's got that smile on her face"
"Dean-" Sam started
"C'mon it's harmless Sammy. Just a little bit of fun" Dean said before his brother could tell him how that it was an invasion of privacy blah blah.
"I don't think that's a good Idea, Dean" Castiel didn't understand how this would be "fun" But he knew humans found entertainment in weird ways.
"Don't be a buzzkill. Just use your little angel powers and see what she's doing."
"She's probably running through a field of flowers or something"
"Fine. I'll do it, but don't ask me to do anything weird for at least a week"
"Deal, now go" Dean said, he could feel his brother's disappointed glare as Cass disappeared.
"What?" he asked
"Boundaries Dean, boundaries." Sam sighed
"Oh please it's not like Cas doesn't show up in our dreams three times a week"
"No, he doesn't" Sam said confused
"Whatever, you know what I mean" Dean nervously squeezed the steering wheel. Oh god, do I dream about Cas? he thought.
"Right.." Sam replied giving Dean a skeptical look
Castiel landed on some unstable surface. Looking down at his feet, his black shoes were sinking in sand with every step. He looked around at his surrounding, he was on a beach. The sun was starting to set, the sound of waves crashing filled the air. It was so picturesque.
He could hear faint music coming from his right. Off into the distance, he could see two people standing. He figured it was Y/N, but he didn't know who the other person was. He walks closer to the pair, he noticed small candles lit around the two.
They were swaying to the tune playing from the small radio on the ground. It was one of those old love songs. It seemed whoever she was with, they were romantically involved. When he got about 6 feet away from them, he could see who the mystery person was.
It was him.
Well, his vessel.
They seemed so happy, in love with the moment. Y/N had her arms wrapped around his torso resting her head on his chest. While dream Castiel's hands were on her waist. He didn't know she felt that way about him, maybe it was just the dream.
He watched them for what felt like forever, as he took in the sight. He had a strong love for Y/N, he had trouble figuring out what kind of love. She was one of the most beautiful humans he'd ever met. She's smart, funny, caring, in his eyes she was perfect.
Though, he wasn't sure how relationships between humans and angels would be seen by the man upstairs. Honestly, he didn't care.
He guessed he had been standing there so long Y/N felt his presence. She looked over and saw him. "Castiel?" her eyes went wide.
He freaked out and didn't know what to say, he vanished out of the dream landing back in the Impala.
Shortly after, Y/N woke up from her sleep. She looked over and saw Castiel. Her hope of that meeting being a part of her dream went out the window. He saw what she was doing. She prayed to anyone who was listening that he didn't think anything of it.
"Morning sunshine" Dean said when he saw she was awake.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked, he could see she was disheveled.
"Fine" She replied, trying to keep it together
"Did you see anything in there, Cas?"
"Nope. Just like you said, fields." He came up with the lie on the spot, he didn't want to embarrass Y/N anymore.
"That's boring-"
"Hang on, you told him to go into my dream?" Annoyance in her voice
"It was just for fun Y/N, plus like he said, he didn't see anything" He said in defense.
"You son of a bitch" she said flicking his ear
The rest of the drive was mainly silent. Y/N didn't talk to Dean much and didn't say a word to Castiel. She was so embarrassed, out of all the dreams he could've walked in on it was that one.
It had been reoccurring for months, she and Cass on a beach in each other's arms. Not one problem in the world, it was just them. Her crush grew stronger as the dream progressed. She had done so well hiding her feelings for the angel. Now all of that is gone because Dean is nosy.
They finally made it to their next case, pulling up to a motel parking lot. Sam and Dean went inside the office to get a room, leaving Cass and Y/N alone.
They stood outside the car waiting for them to get back. Needless to say, it was pretty damn awkward. The silence was killing Y/N, she spoke up.
"Thank you" she said
"What?" Castiel was confused
"Thanks for not telling them what you saw." she kept her head down
"Oh, you're welcome... I didn't think it was my place to tell them about your dream."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your privacy" he felt so bad about this.
"It's alright. At least now you know." she sighed
"Know what?"
"You're gonna make me say it?" she looked up at him. He looked very confused
"That I like you, Castiel."
"Oh," he swallowed "I didn't want to assume anything, I had no idea about this"
"No one knew, I didn't want it getting in the way of the job. Plus I know there's no chance you feel the same way-"
"You're wrong" he cut her off
"About how I feel, I do feel the same. I guess I've been keeping a secret too." He looked deep into her eyes to make sure she knew he was telling the truth. " There hasn't been a day that's gone by where I haven't thought about you, how kind and sweet you are. Not to mention how stunning you are."
Y/N thought she was still dreaming. She couldn't believe what he was saying, her heart started to race. She couldn't find any words, so she used her actions.
Her eyes flickered down to his lips back to his eyes, leaning in slow in case he wanted to back out. He matched her actions, leaning in connecting their lips. She runs her hand through his hair deepening the kiss.
"What the hell did we miss?" Dean's voice pulled them out of their daze, pulling apart from each other.
"Hey guys" she nervously smiled
"Hey" Dean mocked "Should we get you two lovebirds your own room?" he laughed
"Leave them alone" Sam said "c'mon rooms this way" he led the group towards the motel room
Dean walked in between Castiel and Y/N one arm on each of them pulling them in for an awkward hug.
"Isn't this great, my two best pals together. I can hear the wedding bells already!"
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jjtheresidentbaby · 7 months
Could I ask for a caregiver Uncle Bobby Singer babysitting a little (around 3-5 year regressed) reader fic?
And if possible, the reader is usually a hunter with Dean and Sam (and they're the usual caregivers), but they don't feel comfortable hunting with regressed reader so they drop the reader off at Bobby's as backstory?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Favors ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| bobby singer & reader
warnings: set sometime in the earlier seasons, mentions of canon typical hunting/violence, reader being referred to as a Winchester
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Bobby scratches at the back of his head for a moment, looking down at you with a bit of apprehension in his eyes. Sam and Dean had called three hours ago asking the older man if he could do them a favor, he agreed as he knew saying no would only get him a earful of pleading and low-grade guilt tripping, but he hadn’t expected the boys to drop off a human.
As far as favors go Bobby Singer is known for doing a lot of them- finding out lore, helping burn some bones, posing as fake fbi agents to talk to local pd, he’s even tracked down the closest gas station on a few occasions when Dean thought he was going to die off on the side of the road. Babysitting is not on that list, unless of course you count how Bobby got to know the two Winchester brothers so well, but that was twenty something years ago.
He in no way thought he’d have a toddler sitting in front of him. Sam had given a brief rundown of how to care for you and what age regression is- which Bobby already knew, idjit - and Dean all but threatened murder if anything happened to you while they were out hunting a wendigo only a state over from Bobby. Real assuring speeches from both of them, Bobby swears it’s like those two forget who taught them half the things they know.
“So, what do you wanna do today? I think I have some of those old westerns that Dean used to watch, but those might be a bit grown up for you, um…” His voice trails off to nothing as he wracks his brain trying to think of what the boys did as toddlers.
He didn’t see much of Dean at that age but Sam was around, always doing whatever his brother was doing, or trying to read too advanced books in Bobby’s library til Bobby would come and pluck him away to— he can’t remember what they’d do. It’s moments like these he wishes he had a parenting book around but he knows he handed those off to a local couple a few years back when he helped them rid their house of an angry spirit that was particularly upset with the nursery they were building.
“Can you play army men with me?” God you sound just like Sam did. But it’s a solid plan and Bobby’s able to quickly grab the baggie of plastic army men stuffed into the backpack the boys left behind for you, not that they should be gone more than the night based on how apprehensive they both were to leave you.
“Sure thing sweetie.” The army men get dumped onto the coffee table once Bobby clears away a few lore books, you definitely don’t need to be seeing all that.
“Your troop goes there and mine goes here, then we go to war.” You explain in a cheery voice as you push a group of the toys over towards Bobby’s side of the table.
Soon enough the two of you are battling against one another and Bobby’s worries about watching over you slip away. It becomes easy, a familiar comfortability of caring for a Winchester kid - let’s face it that’s what you are now, blood or not - and Singer’s able to throw himself into the task as he would during a hunt or research binge. Although he has to admit that taking care of you is much more fun.
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weasleywinchester · 10 months
Save Yourself - Chapter 18
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So We Won't Have To Keep Them All Inside
Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Helllloooo! I am so sorry for the super long hiatus. I hadn't planned that, but life got very bleh and uninspiring and stressful. Despite the next few chapters being the main part of the story I've been wanting to write I had a bit of self doubt in my ability to keep going. But it's here and hopefully on a slightly more consistent bases. If you haven't read this series then I will simply say I'm writing such a big fic because it's very much my Dean Winchester story. It's the one that has lived in my head so long, that has been thought about and rethought about so much that it makes the whole thing daunting. But my brain is back on this fic train and I'm hoping to finish it off by the end of the year. As always shout out to my tag list, you've been so patient and I hope you're as excited to read the next chapters as I am to write them. Much love 💙💙💙
Series Summary: “I promise.” Those two words would trap you in a life you never wanted. You are an artist, a hunter, a Winchester. And yet the pain in Dean’s eyes as demanded you live the life he wants you live, you couldn’t say no. You met the Winchesters by chance, found out they were real people. And you figured it was a once in a life time thing, but then Dean called you, and so did a new job. Both leading to the life you wanted, a family that didn’t begin or end in blood and a once in a life time love. And he said leave it and him behind, forget. But you can’t. Chapter Summary: The family trip to Dodge city was meant to be fun for the whole family… And it was, until it wasn’t. With Dean finally coming around on the idea of Jack not being outright evil, a bystander getting killed threw a monkey wrench into everything. And then there’s Claire; determined to be a hunter, to do it all alone until she realizes that having someone by her side is helpful. Warnings: Cannon typical violence, some fluff, some sad feels
A few days later
You all had managed to make it home in one piece. Jack was distraught and none of you knew how to help him. Death was an unfortunate part of living, and an unavoidable part of hunting. And how could you even begin to explain that to someone who’s been alive for a matter of weeks?
“I understand why you like the kid.” Dean says softly, “but I think we need to cool it with the training for a minute.” He gently slides his hand into yours, giving it a small squeeze.
“I just want him to see the world we fight for. To see what you and Sammy do is important.” You give him a meek smile.
“I know, sweetheart.” He kisses your temple, pulling you into his arms. “And you will. You make Sam and I believe in the Family Business all the time.” He chuckles.
You watch as the sleepy little town of Lebanon, Kansas rolls by; the sun is shining, crows flying through the air and baby roaring down the road. It’s amazing how the world rambles on, no matter the tragedy or joy that’s happening… Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you quickly fish it out to see a string of texts from Sammy.
“Jack isn’t taking it well.” You sigh, rubbing your eyes. Dean glances at you everyone once in a while, watching as you pull your lip in between your teeth and biting at the skin.
That’s not good. Dean thinks to himself.
“We’ll work through it.” He reassures you as he pulls up to the bunker. He swiftly glides the Impala into the garage, parking her right next to your little blue Subaru. He turns to open the door when he feels your hand on his thigh.
“You mean that?” You ask. He fully turns to you, eyes searching yours as much as yours are searching his.
“Ya.” He nods, taking a deep breath. “This case,” His gaze moves past you, eyes looking at something you can’t see. “It’s dug up a lot of memories of people I couldn’t save.”
 “Not— not in a bad way sweetheart, just a reminder.” He gently cups one of your cheeks, thankful you are not one of those people. Not yet. He shakes the intrusive thought from his mind, bringing his other hand up to your cheek. “And we’ll help Jack get past this.” He brings his lips to yours, pouring every ounce of love he can into the kiss. The heat of your lips warms his body head to toe, a little bit of hope seeping back into his bones. Hope that this small bump in the road is all it is.
“And as fun as Dodge City was, I think you and I need some time alone.” Dean hums in your ear, placing a gentle kiss on your neck.
“Okay Romeo.” You giggle, playfully swatting at him. Your phone rings out and you gently pull away, earning a pitiful whine from your husband. “It’s Claire.” You sigh.
“Fine.” He playfully rolls his eyes as he slides back to his side of the car.
“Hey what’s up?”
“I need you to come help me with this case.” She blurts.
“I’m doing fine. Little stressed, how are you?” You roll your eyes. Dean flashes a smile as he gets out of the car, grabbing the bag of groceries and walking inside.
“Hi (Y/N). How are you? You wanna come on a hunt with me?” She pointedly repeats. “I could use the girl power, and a Winchester. Which you happen to be both…” A sudden wave of voices drowns out her words.
“Where are you?” You frown.
“Bar, about an hour away from Omaha.”
“Nebraska?” You scrunch your nose, sliding out of the car. “We’re kinda dealing with that baby situation still, and Dean’s finally….” As you put your hand on the door the lights in the garage flicker.
“(Y/N)?” Claire asks.
“Let me call you back.” The words slowly tumble out as you hang up, feet moving faster than your brain as you appear in the doorway to the war room. “What in sam hill happened?” You ask, running over to Dean.
“Jack’s gone.” Dean grunts as he stands, turning to help Cas.
“What?” You frown.
“Jack thinks he’s a monster.” Cas sighs as he plants himself in the nearest chair.
“What did Claire need?” Dean asks, leaning against the war table.
“Wanted help on a case.” You check him over as you direct your question to Sammy. “How are we going to find him? He can’t be out there alone.” Your mind starts to race with all the possible ways he could get hurt, or how he could accidentally hurt someone.
“Baby.” Dean pulls you back to face him.
“There’s so much that could happen.” You whisper, the terror rising in your voice. 
“Sweetheart.” He says firmly, squeezing your hands to get you to take a breath. “Go to Claire.” You open your mouth to protest but he shoots you a look, happy when your mouth snaps shut. “You help Claire, I’ll find Jack.”
“Call me -”
“When I find anything.” He nods, pulling you into his chest. “Gotta keep the kids alive.” He whispers in your ear.
“And you thought we didn’t have any kids.” You laugh.
“Should have known you’d get your way.” Dean chuckles, placing a kiss in your hair. “Be careful.” He whispers.
“I’m not the one who gets visits from Death on the norm.” You slap his back. “I will though… as long as you are too.”
The diner bell dings as you enter; It’s a little busy, but not much more than any of the ones back home. You wave to the waitress and pick up a couple of menus, sliding into the booth where Claire is sat. The waitress brings two mugs and a fresh pot of coffee, pouring each of you a cup before attending to the other patrons.
“We’re dealing with a nest of Vamps.” She begins.
“Why yes, the drive was good. Not much traffic, lot of semi trucks though.” You cock an eyebrow at her. She gives you a nod, letting a small sigh escape.
“Good. How’s the old man?” she asks, managing to keep the eye roll small. “ And Sam?”
“They’re good. Trying to track down that baby… who’s not actually a baby like we thought.” You frown, pouring a couple of creamers into your coffee.
“You guys always have the weirdest cases.” She shakes her head, taking a large gulp of her black coffee.
“Last name is Winchester. Pretty much a magnet for weird.” You pick the menu up, trying to read the specials but your eyes can’t seem to read any of the words. You check your cell. Nothing.
“Your volume is on-.” Claire grits her teeth as a notification dings. “If they found anything you would know.”
“Ya, well, if you ever disappear like this I would worry just the same.” You sigh. “Why did you need me on this hunt anyways?” You ask, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Can’t believe you drink it like that…” Claire looks at your mostly cream coffee in utter disgust.
“If I wanted criticism on how I take my coffee I would go find Lucifer.” You mutter.
“Like I said, I need a Winchester.” Claire reiterates. “Being a young female hunter has it's disadvantages.” Her eyes move to the door. “And Dean always tells the two of us to travel in pairs…”
You turn to see a pair of men walk in; they look like brothers, maybe a few years apart, dressed in standard issue hunter FBI suits. Ah, that’s why she didn’t want Dean.
“Brought a friend.” The older one smirks, sliding in next to you.
“(Y/N), Jason and Nick Clayton.” Claire gestures to the two. "We ran into each other while tracking one of the vamps."
“Pleasure.” You stick your hand out to Nick, the older one. “(Y/N) Winchester.” Before your name has even fully left your mouth both their jaws hit the floor. You glance at Claire, who simply shrugs.
“(Y/N) Winchester... like the one who killed Rasputin?” Jason asks.
“Killed– Dude she’s the one who took on the Devil AND GOD.” Nick exclaims.
“And freed so many trapped spirits in that haunted college–”
“And had an angel wipe her memory only for it not to work!”
You and Claire look at each other, the same look of bewilderment on your faces.
“Ok, cut the crap. It’s not like she’s famous.” Claire rolls her eyes.
“Not famous?” Nick scoffs. Claire looks over at you, her jaw clenching so hard that she’s about to break all her teeth.
“It’s because I’m Dean’s wife.” You shrug.
“What?” The brothers say in unison.
“No way. You’re not his wife. He’s your husband.” Jason clarifies.
“Lucky bastard.” Nick winks. You scoff at the absurd notion that you are more famous than Dean.
“Wow… Let’s move on from the fangirling ok?” Claire scrunches her nose in irritation.
"Now I know how Dean felt when we first met." whisper to her. "But yes, let's get this show on the road." You gesture for her to take the floor, letting her explain the current vampire problem in the area.
“(Y/N)!” Claire yells as a vamp pins her to the floor. She squirms underneath him, her vision blurring as his hands close tighter around her throat. In the blink of an eye his head is gone, blood splattering her in the face.
“Thought you said you could take him?” You grin, offering your hand to her.
“Shut up.” She slaps your hand away, jumping to her feet.
“You ladies move fast!” Nick shouts as he takes out another vamp.
“Looks like it’s a party now.” You announce as the rest of the nest files inside.
“Let’s do this.” Jason grins. One vamp rushes Claire and in one clean swing his head is on the floor. Another rushes you, taking a swing of your pipe to the stomach before getting their head chopped off. 
“Pipe!” Claire yells, holding her hand out. You slap it into her palm, unsheathing your machete for another vamp as she takes the head off another. The four of you stand back to back, waiting for another wave or for someone to move.
“You know, this thing is really handy.” She breaks the silence, spinning the pipe in her hand before handing it back to you.
“Winchester original?” Nick asks.
“Saw it in a video game, thought I would give it a try.” You laugh, wiping some of the vamp guts off the knives taped to the top of it.
“We’re fucking awesome.” Claire scoffs as she slowly turns in a circle to look at all the dead vamps..
“Hell ya.” You hold your fist up and she bumps it.
“Where to next?” Jason asks.
“How about food? And sleep?” You grab Claire by the neck and lead everyone out of the barn. “And a shower. The vamps seemed extra bloody today.” You attempt to shake off some of it, but to no avail.
The two boys get in their car and you and Claire climb into hers.
"You ok?" You ask.
"Are you Kidding? We just had the coolest fight." She snorts, leaning against the steering wheel with a grin on her face.
"I meant about the fan club." You correct. "This was meant to be your hunt, not a Winchester spectacle." Not that I ever expected to be a spectacle...
"Kinda why I wanted you here." She mumbles, glancing at your sky high eyebrows. "It proved that I know what I'm doing... and that I have back up." You nod, watching as the trees whip past.
"Prove to who?" You ask, looking down at the dry vamp blood on your thighs. You see her body go rigid, hands firmly gripping the wheel.
"Me..." She answers after a moment. "... Jody."
"We all know you're a great hunter." You say softly. "It's just... not really the life that anyone wants their loved ones to have." You look over at her; she's got a bloody lip and a small scratch across her cheek but she still looks too young to be wanting this life. "But we all understand the choice." You smile at her. She smiles at you, relaxing into her seat as she speeds back to the motel.
“Ya… thanks man.” Jason hangs up the phone, turning to the group. “Looks like we got the main nest. Hunters in the next county found a few stragglers but nothing else.”
Claire and Nick nod, talking about where else they could look. Their voices fade into the background, you mind racing with possible answers as to why-
“(Y/N?).” Claire whispers, gently touching your arm.
“You ok?” Jason asks, sharing a look with his brother.
“I haven’t heard from Dean–”
“They’re fine.” Claire reassures, standing up from the table.
“It’s been three days… something’s wrong.” You sigh, looking out the window.
“This is why you shouldn’t fall in love. All you end up doing is worrying.” Claire glares.
“Little worry is good.” Jason smiles.
“You don’t worry about anyone?” Nick prods, earning an icy glare.
“I haven’t heard from Cas or Sam either.” Your frown deepens. 
“Wait, what?” Claire frowns. Dean tends to be hyper focused on hunting, but all three of them not keeping in touch? Definitely weird. She watches as you stare out the window, your expression flipping between worried and reprimanding yourself. “Maybe they don’t have cell service. Or they jumped in a lake with their phones again.” She shrugs. 
“I’m sure they’re fine.” Jason pats your shoulder. “Unfortunately we have to head out.”
“Family calls.” Nick agrees. You quickly exchange info, telling both of them if they need anything to call. You walk them to the door, watching as they drive off in Nick's 1967 Mustang.
“They seemed nice enough.” You shrug, taking a seat next to her on the bed.
“They were.” Claire nods. You wait for her to elaborate, watching as she studies her fingernails.
“So why call for backup?” Claire sighs, slamming her laptop closed and looking at you.
“Jody and Alex bond over helping people in normal ways.” She takes a deep breath in. “And I haven’t had that with anyone except you and Dean.”
“Sounds like you wanted some family-”
“I don’t need a family.” She states, the walls behind her eyes slowly building.
“Maybe not, but you have one.” You point out. “I don’t know what it’s like to be you Claire. But I do know you can’t keep everything inside.” You gently take her hand. “If Sam and Dean show you anything, it's that family can put you through hell, but they can also pull you out.”
Her phone buzzes loudly, you can’t see who’s calling but by the eye roll you have a good guess.
“Ya. Although she already called in her weekly attempt to make me come back…” She mutters, moving her hand over the ignore button.
“Answer it.” You shout.
“Why? I already know what she-“
“Please.” You whisper. Her big doe eyes study you for a moment, and she answers.
“We’re on our way.” She tells Jody, grabbing her backpack and dragging you with her.
24 hours later
“You ate a lizard?” You scrunch your nose in disgust.
“Not much else over there.” Dean chuckles against your neck.
“Claire should have stayed out here, your PDA would make her sick and she’d be back to herself in no time.” Alex playfully jabs as she grabs all her work stuff.
“Haha.” You give her a small wave as she leaves. When the door clicks shut Dean moves you into his lap, hands caressing your legs.
“Dean…” You half heartedly push his hands away. His finger ghosts over the big bandage on the side of your leg. You helped the girls save him and Sam, managing to limp away with only a gash in your leg. 
“Missed you sweetheart.” He mumbles, bringing his lips to yours.
“Missed you too.” You mumble back. He breaks the kiss, keeping his forehead against yours.
“Too close for both of us.” He states.
“Still thinking about you eating lizards.” you poke back.
“I mean it.” He takes a deep breath in, slowly letting his heart beat slow down. “To think about what could have happened.” He wraps his arms tightly around you, burying his face into your hair.
“I would rather not think about it.” You gently rub his back. “Spend too many hours doing that already.” You look out the screen door, watching as Donna, Sam and Jody laugh about something.
“Ugh, Alex was right. You two are gross.” Claire groans from the hall.
“Glad to see it puts your usual attitude back in place.” You chuckle, unraveling from Dean to look at her. She shrugs, plopping into the recliner. “You heading out?” you tentatively ask. Her eyes are puffy, hair scraped back into a ponytail.
“Think I might hang around here for a while… for Jody. And Alex.” She flashes a small smile.
“Good.” Dean nods.
“Embrace your people while they’re here.” You smile at her. 
“No good to keep everything inside.” She nods, picking at her nails. The screen door screeches as Sam walks in, taking a seat next to you and Dean.
”Well on a completely unrelated note, I am apparently more famous than you among hunters.” you poke Dean in the chest.
Dean whips his head back so fast he hits the wall behind the couch.
“Nice.” Sam chuckles.
“How?” Dean frowns. You just laugh, shaking your head and giving him a kiss.
“I mean… you are the prettiest Winchester.” Dean chuckles.
“Dean! You can’t say that when Sam is here!” You laugh.
“Ok, you guys are the worst.” Sam shakes his head and walks back outside.
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gayangelcrimes · 1 year
Mary always had this strange obsession with salt. When they finally got their own house the first thing she did was dig a little trench around the house's exterior contour that she filled with rock salt. When John gave her a strange look, she shrugged and said something about keeping weeds from growing too close to the house's foundation, their roots could damage the plumbing and stuff. John didn't question her further. She redid it every few weeks or months. She didn't tend to the rest of the garden, barely even cared about the grass getting taller than their knees if John couldn't bother to mow it, but the salt was like a sacred little ritual to her. Sometimes John caught her lining up the windows or the fireplace with salt. She said it was against bad luck. She said it was so the house didn't get too humid during summer. She said it was so things didn't freeze over winter. She said it was a family tradition. She said anything, she knew John didn't really care about the answer. He was already sure in the back of his mind that Mary wasn't entirely sane.
John thought she was strange for collecting knives. Every time they visited a thrift shop or antique store she'd go straight to the knives, looking for anything that caught her attention, building a little collection of knives that she kept tucked in the back of her side of their closet. It was a hobby, she said. It reminded her of her family. Her dad collected knives too. They didn't always see eye to eye, but she always loved her dad's knife collection, she told John. The curves of the blades, the inscriptions carved into some of them, the materials, the way different handles fit into her hand. She was building herself a collection she could love too, hidden in a small corner of their bedroom.
When the demon came to collect his prize he had a hard time to enter the house. The salt couldn't stop him forever, it wasn't supposed to. It was an alarm. Mary could almost feel in her bones when the salt line was breached. The sense of wrongness. The TV downstairs turning into static. Footsteps carrying John's body with a weight and pace that was not John's. She ran to the closet. She knew exactly what she was looking for.
She didn't want it to end like this, but in the back of her mind she always felt this was how they would end. Her knife in John's chest, his car on the road, their kids in the backseat. Running for her life from a murder she could only take half the blame for.
The demon did something to Sam, she could see drops of blood in his face when she grabbed him from his crib. So small in her hands, yet she knows he's something bigger than she could ever imagine. She cleaned his face, shook Dean awake and told him to hold Sammy while she packed their stuff. Their clothes, her knife collection, the family pictures, all the salt bags in the pantry. John's old gun, just in case. The car keys and some snacks for the road.
Dean kept asking about his daddy, why wasn't he here, wasn't he going with them? She couldn't tell the truth, he couldn't understand. So she said daddy is feeling bad and doesn't want to see anyone for a while, he asked mommy to take Dean and Sammy on a trip for a while. How long? Who knows, he'll call when he's feeling good again. For now, we'll go far away, we'll have a road trip and visit lots of fun places and see lots of cool stuff, how does that sound? Dean likes the sound of that.
She goes back to being Mary Campbell. If anyone asks what happened to her husband she'll just say she left him because he was an abusive piece of shit. God knows it's not entirely a lie. She visits her family, tells them what happened. She leaves out the blood. They praise her on the salt and the knives. They welcome her back to the family, if she wants to come back. Right now she just wants to get the hell away from Kansas, actually.
She goes back and salts and burns down the house just in case.
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smowkie · 11 months
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i finished my bingo card from @ficreadingchallenge! i've already requested a new card, because this was great fun, and it made me read things i otherwise wouldn't have. thank you for hosting this event 💗🥰
list of fics under the cut
1. de-aging/kid
Thunder Song by almaasi
Garashir, DS9, 10,776 w, rated gen
After crash-landing on a stormy L-Class planet, Garak and Bashir begin to de-age rapidly. Now a scrawny pre-augment Julian must take shelter with six-year-old Elim, a tentatively murderous but desperately lonely boy. Julian can barely speak – and without functioning translators, Elim’s words are useless. But what they can do… is sing.
2. gift giving
Thinking of You by stateofintegrity
Garashir, DS9, 788 w, rated teen
Garak receives tangible proof that Julian is always thinking of him.
3. bodyswap
when I looked to myself I was somebody else by mythicalqueen
Kiradax, DS9, 5,829 w, rated gen
She turned towards the noise, her eyes widening in shock when she saw her own body sitting up on a biobed. She looked for a reflective surface, her mouth falling slightly open when she found one. Or rather, Kira’s mouth. She reached up and touched her nose to confirm what she was seeing. “Julian, I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but I'm Jadzia.” Julian raised his eyebrows and Kira turned towards them. Confusion took over her features, followed by disbelief and then realization. She rolled her eyes. “So that's why it feels like there are seven other people in my head. There are.”
4. hurt/comfort
Cold and Comfort by GenuineSnoof
Barisi, SVU, 9,717 w, rated teen
Sequel to "The Horrible Past, all the Fish and The Deal". Rafael gets locked in a dark garage by accident for hours.
5. rec'd by a friend (@rieraclaelin)
in the burning light we see by elysiumwaits
Adoribull, DA, 1,009 w, rated teen
It's not only the snows of Emprise du Lion that have chilled Dorian to the bone.
6. under the influence
A Certain Vulnerability by AreYouReady
Lwaxana/Odo/Quark, DS9, 1,181, rated teen
Quark makes Lwaxana a Margarita. Odo makes an arrest.
7. road trip
Just Ourselves - and Immortality by archea2
Wincest, SPN, 4,119 w, rated teen
Turns out soon is Sam on a bridge, and that rare species of hug that lasts enough Mississipis to flood all of Wisconsin and Dean’s heart into the bargain. And it’s only the beginning, the wind promises, ruffling Sam’s hair over the back of his neck and Dean’s fingers. (Written as pre-Wincest, but can easily be read as Gencest.)
8. mythical creature AU
Draconids by anonymous
Garashir, DS9, 1,569 w, rated gen
9. new (to you) pairing
And A Time To Learn by rommunisms
Jake/Nog, DS9, 2,566 w, rated gen
Set after 1x11 "The Nagus". Jake has been teaching Nog to read; Nog wants to return the favour.
10. daring rescue
Odo's Hero by imnotokaywiththerunning
Quodo, DS9, 1,337 w, rated gen
In a change of circumstance, Odo relies on Quark to get him out of trouble. It goes about as well as Odo expects.
11. historical AU
The Solicitor and the Chauffeur by Robin Hood (kjack89)
Barisi, SVU, 7,080 w, rated teen
“Not a footman either,” Sonny told him, lifting the soup tureen and bringing it to the table. “I’m the new chauffeur.” “Are you indeed,” Rafael murmured as he carefully ladled soup into his bowl. “Then Carisi it is, though I should love to know your given name anyway.” Something about the way he said it — or maybe just the way he looked up at Sonny, his green eyes mischievous — made Sonny blush, and he hurried to return the tureen to its spot, less he accidentally drop it and make even bigger a fool of himself. “Oh, uh, it’s Dominick, m’lord, but everyone calls me Sonny.” “Sonny,” Rafael repeated, sounding amused once again. “Of course you would be.” Sonny frowned slightly but before he could ask what exactly he meant by that, Rafael continued, “And you needn’t call me ‘my lord’, I haven’t a peerage yet.” “Yet, my—I mean, uh, sir?” For some reason, the question caused Rafael’s smile to disappear. “Yes,” he said stiffly, stirring his soup with his spoon. “Truth be told, I’m engaged to be married to Lady Calhoun.”
12. domestic/curtain fic
the way you sound in the morning by CrimsonPetrichor
Winterfalcon, MCU, 828 w, rated gen
Bucky is on his second cup of coffee and three chapters into The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy when Sam finally stirs beside him. -- A slow morning with Sam and Bucky.
13. free space
14. happy ending
From the Dust by katiemariie
Garashir, DS9, 9,384 w, rated mature
When Sisko returns to linear existence, he tasks Julian with a special mission that takes him to Cardassia and Elim Garak.
15. angst
still by brewrosemilk
Buddie, 911, 9,368 w, rated teen
For the first time, Buck longs for a bullet wound to treat. Dirt to dig at. A door to break through. Something. There’s nothing. “Your guess was correct, Diaz,” the bomb technician tells them, as he gestures to the orange circle. “You’re standing on a large sensor plate, wired to a detonator. It’s incredibly important that you don’t move. Don’t shift. When you put your weight down, it was like cocking a gun - you take your weight off, this thing is powerful enough to take the entire house with it." Inspired by Castle, S05E22: Still
16. lyrics title - listen to the song too!
Where Everybody Knows Your Name by shinealightonme
Jake Sisko & Quark, DS9, 7,329 w, rated gen
Probably the best way to prove that Jake doesn't need everyone hovering over him is not to go into business with Quark. But at least Quark isn't going to make him talk about his feelings.
17. podfic
Are you... scared? by allandrogynouscreatures read by SweetPollyOliver
Quodo, DS9, ~3 min, rated gen
While Quark and Odo are arguing in Odo's office, the station's power goes out.
18. unfinished/in progress
Fairy Tales in Deep Space by airandangels
Garashir, DS9, 21,555 w, rated gen
An interesting anthropological experiment: tell Elim Garak human fairy-tales, and see what he thinks the morals are.
19. holiday fic
A Game of Secrets by AstroGold
Garashir, DS9, 4,764 w, rated teen
It's a universal truth: Secret Santa gifts can get really elaborate. For Star Trek Secret Santa 2019
20. gen fic
Soldiers Were Children Once by sixbeforelunch
Quark, DS9, 1,297 w, rated teen
Quark understands these Federation types better than most Ferengi. This hasn't gotten him a moon yet, but maybe someday it will make him enough for a large asteroid. Set during the Dominion War, no specific spoilers.
21. fic with no comments yet
Practice by Dirge
Odo & Quark, DS9, 309 w, rated gen
"Ah. You broke into my desk drawer again."
22. rarepair
Monuments to Self-Loathing: A Par'Mach Comedy by katiemariie
Worf/Quark, DS9, 14,142 w, rated teen
Set somewhere in season four, Worf struggles to adjust to life on the station, choosing to spend his off hours alone in his quarters. When Sisko gives him a gift that obliges him to remain in public, Worf opts to hang out at the bar where he becomes a better father, rescues the innocent townsfolk, and strikes up a relationship with one person on DS9 he somehow doesn't hate talking to: Quark.
23. fic written by someone who follows you
More Simple Than Plain by LadyDrace @ladydrace
Garashir, DS9, 2,887 w, rated teen
It's the "crashed on a planet" trope, with additional "aliens made them do it". Except no one does it, and the aliens are something in the air. In any case, Garak goes feral, and it's cuter than anyone expected.
24. secret identity
Tech Support by kenshincha
Stony, MCU, 9,018 w, rated gen
A series of stories where Steve mistakes Tony for tech support and Tony goes along with it.
25. didn't know they were dating
Nice by Writer_Lethogica
Winterfalcon, MCU, 3,069 w, rated teen
Based on the fanart piece "nice" by villanette, Bucky has a mostly uneventful night at the Wilson household as he waits for Sam to come home from a mission. EXCERPT: “You need sleep,” Bucky said. Because while Sam took the mantle of Captain America, Bucky took the title of Captain Obvious. Sam snorted. Nice. Sam’s head fell onto Bucky’s shoulder lightly. “Really? I was thinking about just hanging out down here all night. Maybe throw a party,” mumbled Sam into Bucky’s skin. “Go up. I’ll meet you up there,” murmured Bucky, glancing over at his open prosthesis.
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mittensmorgul · 9 months
all the time in the world
1289 words | rated T | destiel anniversary fluff
In the aftermath of the events of one working part, Dean and Cas take a road trip. Neither of them really wants it to end. And they realize it doesn't really have to.
It's been 15 years, and about time they got to celebrate! This is technically coda fic for one working part, but you don't need to read that to enjoy this little snippet of fluff.
read it on ao3, or below the cut
The morning after Cas came back, Dean just drove. The reality of their new lives had really begun to sink in. As they headed toward the bunker, after stopping for lunch at a Kansas City style barbecue place, Dean decided to use their self-appointed time off to introduce Cas to the wide variety of barbecue the vast and varied United States had to offer.
“It won’t take long to detour to Memphis,” Dean had said while they were still at the table. “Beale Street, home of the blues and pork ribs. You’ll love it.”
“But we just ate barbecue, Dean,” Cas replied. “Is it really necessary to drive across three states for more? Isn’t this sufficient?”
Dean looked at Cas in horror for a second, and then shook his head slowly. “See, this is why we need a barbecue road trip. Gotta train up those new human taste buds. I can’t have you spending the rest of your life thinking all barbecue is the same.”
Cas had reluctantly accepted that. Mostly he was just glad to be with Dean, no matter what they were doing. And the idea of a long road trip just for fun, not running into danger or looking for things to hunt or fighting against cosmic forces sounded pleasant, regardless of what they were doing. He also admitted that first barbecue dinner had been delicious, and he wouldn’t mind having it again. He looked across the table at Dean, and smiled.
“Thank you, Dean. Of course I’m happy to go wherever you’d like to take me.”
Dean had gone all pink and flustered across the table at that, and that was also something Cas didn’t mind in the least. In a matter of days he’d gone from firmly believing that he could never have what he truly wanted to being given more than he’d ever even dared to hope for. Not just Dean, but an end to the constant struggle to stay ahead of the forces intent on destroying the universe. For the first time in his long existence, he had time. Time to explore and enjoy the creation he’d stood above for eons, to partake of its wonders instead of invisibly standing guard over them. And Dean was eager and overjoyed to share it all with him.
After Memphis, Dean insisted they needed to head to North Carolina. They swung down through Louisiana and into Texas toward the end of the week. Over brisket while a local band played outside a brewery in the hill country outside Austin, Dean sat staring off into the distance at another group of people smiling and laughing together.
“Is something wrong, Dean?” Cas asked after a few minutes. “You’re not finishing your lunch.”
Dean shook himself off and gave Cas a warm smile. “I was just thinking we should probably be heading home soon.”
Cas nodded at this. “Yes. This has been fun and enlightening, but Sam might be starting to worry about us.”
Dean laughed. “Maybe. But I’m also thinking some of your returned souls might start showing up. Don’t wanna leave the homestead all locked up if anyone needs a refuge, you know?”
“Possibly,” Cas replied.
They’d already heard from Rowena and Crowley, who’d both eagerly taken the deal Cas's spell had offered them. Dean had been worried the two of them would just end up killing each other again, but apparently they’d instead decided to go into business together. So far he’d been reluctant to discover exactly what sort of business the two of them would concoct together, but at least he wasn’t worried about having to clean up another messy murder scene at Rowena’s place. He didn’t necessarily expect to hear from anyone else, but everyone who might reach out already knew where they lived. As long as Sam was there, at least they’d find a warm welcome. Something else was bothering Dean.
“Are you already bored of traveling with me?” he joked, hoping to lighten Dean’s mood.
“What? Never!” Dean insisted, reaching across the table to rest a hand on Cas’s. He stared down at their impulsively joined hands and slowly looked up to Cas’s warm smile with one of his own. “It’s just… it’s almost our anniversary, you know? The day we met, the day you pulled me outta Hell. Kinda feels like we should do something special.”
Cas frowned at that. “Anniversary? I never really thought about it like that before.”
“Yeah, well there’s always been a lot of other shit going on. Even after I started liking you enough to stop thinking of it as the day I had to dig myself out of my own grave and started thinking of it as the day we met, there was never really much time to stop and grab a Hallmark card about it. I just figured, we got time for celebrating stuff like that now.”
“That sounds lovely, Dean,” Cas replied, grateful to know that nothing was truly bothering Dean. He wasn’t actually upset about anything, but he still looked as confused as Cas felt. “What do people even do to celebrate that sort of thing?”
“What,” Dean replied absently. “Rescuing some dude from Hell? I don’t think a lot of other people got that sort of anniversary to celebrate.”
Cas grinned. “That’s true, but people celebrate many similar annual events.”
Dean finished off his brisket and then stood up with Cas to walk back to the car. They weren’t in a hurry, but they were ready to move on again. As they headed out on the road, Dean gave Cas a considering look.
“We could take another road trip. There’s a lot of other important human knowledge we gotta explore.”
Cas considered that for a moment, and then remembered where he’d first met Dean face to face. It seemed as logical a destination as any for an anniversary road trip.
“We could go to Pontiac, Illinois. The barn where you met me is still standing. Or was, a few months ago when I last checked on it.”
Dean turned to look at him so fast the car jolted to the side before he managed to correct it. “Dude, you checked on it?”
Cas gave a little shrug, wondering if maybe he’d overstepped some sort of boundary he hadn’t known existed. Maybe he needed to justify his actions to Dean.
“I used to visit there frequently. When I could still fly, it was a safe sanctuary. You warded it very well against almost everything other than angels. And after I fell and became human, I added more warding. It’s hidden from almost everyone and everything else, except for us. I made sure that you’d always be able to find it again, too. If you ever felt the need for a sanctuary.”
“What?” Dean asked, genuinely surprised by all of this. “You turned the place I stabbed you in the heart into a safe space?”
Cas shrugged. “It seemed metaphorically appropriate at the time.”
Dean reached across the seat and took his hand, squeezing it tight. He was clearly overcome with emotions that Cas was just beginning to understand. He squeezed back and smiled as Dean took a few deep breaths, intently focused on the road. Eventually, Dean cleared his throat, and then smiled at him.
“You know, we did the barbecue tour. We should probably do a pizza tour. Chicago’s not far from Pontiac, and you gotta try a deep dish.”
Cas smiled back, relieved, and let Dean deflect his feelings for the time being. They’d have plenty of time to talk through all their emotions. He could let Dean plan it all for the future for now. 
“That sounds wonderful, Dean,” he replied. Because they had time for everything now.
(ao3 link again for anyone who wants it!)
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Something Silly Characters ranked by how much fun they're having (during US stretch of quest):
(poll hidden below also!)
Monkey. They are going so much faster than he is used to on his journey to the west AND he doesn't have to completely carry the group because there are other powerhouses. Also most of the threats they encounter once out of the mountains aren't going for Tripitaka
Pinocchio. Doesn't quite grasp the gravity of the situation + ROAD TRIP
Lightning McQueen. He is literally just drivin and vibin. He's a car but people can't ride in him. he's be higher on the list if it wasn't for... i shant say...
Orion Fowl. Hype to kill Macbeth, Hype to be on a road trip, Hype to see and (attempt to) fight tons on interesting monsters! new experiences! Ghosts! Ghouls! Dean let him drop the match on a grave one time! The reason he's not higher on the list is that Artemis's paranoia is leaking through + the hotels, when available, are bad + he got really bored in between the bunker and Indianapolis + he does miss his friends at home. He did make friends with Tink though so that's cool
Adam. 14 entire sentient beings, several of which are human, are treating him like a person and calling him by a name. however he is approx 8 feet tall so the cars are very cramped for him.
Tinkerbell. Very worried about Peter, but is moving faster than she could on her own + not affected by cramped space in the car (very small) + everyone is nice to her.
Dean Winchester. It's cool to be on a road trip with someone other than Sam or Cas but the running into a bunch of monsters he's never seen before and that cannot be killed with his weapons is stressing him out. Also he can't even fully see some of them- being a vessel unlocks some ability to see though the Mist but not all of it. Also he's having issues with Adam being there And he doesn't like that the threats he cannot defeat must be dealt with by children (15-17) that he cannot protect AND Tripitaka and Jiminy won't stop bitching about his cards and IDs and the cars he stole to accommodate everyone AND they throw a conniption fit every time he burns a body. This sounds like a lot of bad things but honestly he's having a pretty good time.
Annabeth+Percy. They're listed together because Percy is a plus one who cannot defeat Macbeth. They did NOT want to go on this quest (they were in southern Colorado scouting colleges to avoid Camp Jupiter to avoid quests). That being said it's nice that they're together + some of the monsters they encounter aren't even after them and in fact don't know they exist. They do however now have to deal with the fact that EVEN MORE monsters exist. It's also nice to be on a quest with access to Consistent Transport, Shelter, and Food. Also there are other people in the group who Can't Go On Planes so Percy doesn't have to feel like this would go faster if only he wasn't there.
Doofenshmirtz. He needs to deal with the fact that MONSTERS ARE REAL and so are DEMONS- he's having his scoobynatural moment. He's also dealing with the fact that Vanessa is interning for Macbeth and he feels she is in danger. He's not a big fan of the fact that these teenagers the same age as his daughter have apparently been fighting monsters since grade school though ("Fighting monsters? You're like sixteen, where are your parents?") He's not having a completely bad time though and there are definitely people having worse times so he goes here.
Woody. Woody literally could go on a plane. in fact he WAS on a plane but he got home aloned and it was the wrong plane. he just wants to go to the airport but instead he is stuck on a roadtrip with humans he has to talk to, one of which is a literal serial killer. Also Andy is interning for macbeth too. Spooky
the Gingerbread man. He is frightened and believes that these people may eat him. They haven't shown any interest so far but who knows... he also fears his upcoming confrontation was Carl Grimes, who defeated him before. He is however glad that he's not the only tiny person on this trip- Tink, Woody, and This Fucking Guy are also small
This Fucking Guy
Tripitaka and Jiminy Cricket. Both plus ones, but they are grouped together down here because the people they are plus one-ing are having a WILDLY different time than they are. both have strong moral compasses and are surrounded by people who think crime is justifiable and one person who self-identifies as "Evil". Fact: Tripitaka is the only human person on this trip without a criminal record. Another fact: they are not happy about the stealing and grave desecrations. Tripitaka is SUPER not thrilled that they are currently on a quest that will end in killing someone. Mainly he is just here because going along with this is MUCH faster than attempting to make it back to China on horseback considering they are currently in Kansas, United States. Jiminy is also not happy because Pinocchio is being Corrupted by the aforementioned people. Just wait until they find out that Dean is a serial killer.
Uh I don't know where to put Shadow the hedgehog yet. he is definitely having a better time than Tripitaka and Jiminy. uh you know what. here!
You cannot move Tripitaka and Jiminy they are miserable. They are friends at the bottom of the list. if you want you can put your reasoning or a specific number for him in the notes.
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A Very Prompty Christmas Day 28: Movies
“Five tickets for ‘Soul’, please,” Dean said cheerfully, pushing his credit card through the plexiglass divider to the completely unenthused teen behind the counter.
The printer spat out a strip of tickets and the teen handed them to Dean, along with his credit card, and recited, “enjoy the movie” in a tone that said ‘I couldn’t care less if you enjoy the movie, they pay me to say it, not to care,’ and Dean could relate.
“Thanks,” Dean said, and herded his small family (his heart aching at the idea that he had a small family, and desperately wanting to wrap his arms around them and never let them go) towards the confectionary stand. “All right, who wants popcorn?”
As Sam, Eileen and Jack began to negotiate the minefield that was popcorn and drinks and candy, Cas pulled Dean slightly to one side.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Cas asked, and Dean nodded, trying to seem more confident than he felt.
“‘Course it’s a good idea,” Dean said. “Look at him, doesn’t he look like he’s having fun?”
Cas turned his head to look where Dean was gesturing, and Dean followed his gaze to look at Jack, currently holding two large buckets of popcorn in the crooks of his arm and smiling at something Sam had said to him. But as Cas and Dean watched, Sam turned back to ask Eileen something and the smile slipped from Jack’s face, the corners of his mouth turning down and his eyes growing sombre.
Dean sighed. Since Christmas Day, Jack had grown more and more quiet, his face falling into deeply contemplative lines when he didn’t think anyone was watching. Cas had raised it with Dean that morning, but Dean had been watching for days, watching as a sadness rolled in like storm clouds obscuring the brilliant midday sun. Today’s activity—a two-hour road trip to the multiplex to see a movie—was Dean’s last-ditch attempt to do something fun with Jack, for Jack, because he had a horrible feeling that this was going to be the last time they saw the kid, maybe forever.
He turned to Cas. “Can’t we just enjoy ourselves?” he asked Cas. “Watch the movie, eat some popcorn, pretend for a few hours that everything’s okay? Please?”
Cas turned his gaze away from Jack and met Dean’s eyes. “Of course, Dean,” he agreed. “We can do that.”
Relieved, Dean smiled and reached out, taking Cas’ hand and squeezing it tightly. Cas looked at him curiously but didn’t let go, instead lacing his fingers through Dean’s hand and tugging Dean after him as he walked towards Sam, Eileen and Jack, who were waiting for them, arms full of popcorn and soda and boxes of candy.
Dean saw Sam’s eyes drop to his and Cas’ hands, and for a second, Dean panicked. He’d forgotten that they were out in public, that he and Cas weren’t in their own little bubble, tucked away together where the world couldn’t see them. The world could see them, two men, holding hands, and an ugly voice in the back of Dean’s head started whispering horrible, insidious things, that made Dean want to drop Cas’ hand, move away, crack some kind of joke as a distraction.
Cas’ hand started to slip away, almost as though he could sense Dean’s inner turmoil and wanted to spare him, and Dean’s fingers scrambled to grab at Cas’ hand, to hold on to him tightly. It was easy to be brave in the privacy of their bedroom, to tell Cas how he really felt when it was just Cas and Dean. It had been not as easy to be brave in front of Sam, to not hold back from touching Cas the way he wanted to touch him, but still low-stakes, since Sam had apparently known about them all along. But being brave wasn’t about doing the hard thing when it was easy, it was about being terrified and doing the hard thing anyway, and so Dean held Cas’ hand as he walked across the lobby.
If he kept his eyes resolutely on Sam so he couldn’t see the reactions of anybody around him, well, Dean never claimed to be completely brave.
Sam’s eyes were proud as he handed Dean a bucket of popcorn and a box of popcorn, and Dean rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Yeah, yeah, shuddup,” he grumbled, making Sam laugh and Jack ask what was so funny, making Sam laugh harder as he turned and headed into the cinema.
It was a red-eyed and sniffling group that left the cinema two hours later, all of them deeply affected in a way that Dean didn’t think animated movies had any right to do. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to take a group of people who had all experienced death and rebirth, two of them losing their souls along the way as well, to a movie about, well, death and souls and rebirth, but in Dean’s defence, how was he supposed to know that that’s what the movie was about? He’d seen ‘animated’ and a session that had open captions and thought bingo. He didn’t realise he’d be traumatising everyone, including himself.
The drive back to Lebanon was quiet, the only sound in the car the jazz music Sam played through his phone after Jack asked a question about the music from the movie. Cas was sitting up front next to Dean, eyes constantly flicking up to the rearview mirror, brow furrowed with concern. Dean looked up, and met Jack’s eyes in the mirror, his blue eyes sad but determined, and Dean forced down the lump that had suddenly grown in his throat.
Dean guided the Impala down into the Bunker’s garage and parked her in “her’ spot, then cut the engine. As everyone climbed out and Sam and Eileen made their way up towards the main level, Dean caught Jack by the elbow.
“Jack, hey,” Dean said, holding him back. He sensed Cas coming around the car to stand next to him. “What’s going on?”
Jack looked between Cas and Dean and then sighed. “It’s time for me to go,” he said reluctantly.
Dean exchanged an alarmed look with Cas and then looked back at Jack. “Go? Back to Heaven?”
Jack nodded. “I wanted to have Christmas with my family, and I did. I had a wonderful Christmas. But Christmas is over now, and I need to return to Heaven. I…my presence has been missed,” he said.
Dean opened his mouth to argue, to try to convince Jack to stay just a few more days, to spend more time with Cas, but before he could, Cas asked, “Is everything alright in Heaven, Jack?”
“Oh! Yes,” Jack assured him. “The angels have been working hard. I just…I have responsibilities,” and his young shoulders sagged for a moment, weighed down with the weight of those responsibilities. “And I shouldn’t neglect them any longer. No matter how much I enjoyed being here and spending time with my family.” He gave Cas a smile that was only slightly tinged with sadness, and Dean felt that lump in his throat grow bigger.
“When will we see you again?” Dean asked.
Jack turned a beautific smile towards him. “When it’s your time,” he said simply. “Which won’t be for a long time yet. But I’ll be waiting. For both of you,” he added, looking at Cas, and Dean felt tears fill his eyes at the reminder that Cas was human now. Mortal. He would grow old, and one day he would die, just as Dean would grow old and die.
But what was death, really, when you knew what awaited you? How could you fear death when it wasn’t an ending, but a new beginning? How could you be sad when it meant that you would be reunited in paradise with your family?
“I’m gonna miss you, kid,” Dean croaked, grabbing Jack and hauling him into a tight embrace. Jack clung to him, hands clutching at the back of his jacket, face buried in the crook of Dean’s neck, and Dean closed his eyes and held him, trying to commit the feel of the young man in his arms to his memory.
He felt Jack pull away and let him go, clenching his jaw and trying to stop the tears in his eyes from spilling over when Jack turned to Cas and threw himself into his father’s arms, Cas’ hugging him back just as tightly, whispering something into Jack’s ear as he held him. Jack nodded and pulled back, keeping his hands on Cas’ shoulders as he looked at Cas.
“I will, I promise,” he said.
“Good,” Cas said, his voice low and rough, his eyes shiny with tears.
“When,” Dean started, his voice sounding just as wrecked as Cas’, and coughed, trying again. “When are you going?”
Jack dropped his hands and looked at Dean. “Now,” he said.
It was too soon, they hadn’t had long enough, there was still so much that Dean needed to make amends for, so much he wanted to show Jack—
“What about Sam?” was what came out of his mouth, and he saw Jack hesitate.
“I…will you say goodbye for me? I don’t think I can…” and just for a moment, Jack looked like the young child he really was, and Dean nodded, willing to do anything that Jack asked if it stopped him from looking like that.
“Of course, Jack. He will be sad that he didn’t get a chance to say goodbye, but I understand,” Cas said.
“I won’t really be gone,” Jack offered, and Dean rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, every drop of rain,” Dean said. “I remember.”
“And you can talk to me, whenever you want,” Jack said, perking up slightly. “I might not be able to answer, but I’ll hear you.”
“Thank you, Jack,” Cas said, and Dean nodded in agreement.
Jack took a deep breath and released it. “Well. Goodbye,” he said, holding up one hand.
“Goodbye, Jack, “ Cas said.
“Bye, kid,” Dean forced out, and with a smile that was only slightly sad, Jack turned and started to walk up the ramp that lead out of the garage, his image growing fainter and fainter until he finally faded from view.
“Goddamnit,” Dean choked out, unable to hold back the tears anymore, and he turned at the touch of Cas’ hand on his arm and buried himself in Cas’ embrace, feeling Cas’ shoulders shake as they clung to each and cried. It wasn’t really goodbye, but right at that very second, it felt like it.
We’re getting so close to the end! Come back tomorrow for Day 29: Cozy
Day One: Advent Calendar
Day Two: Tinsel
Day Three: Ribbon
Day Four: Shopping
Day Five: Ugly Sweater
Day Six: Candy Canes
Day Seven: Christmas Spirit
Day Eight: Mistletoe
Day Nine: Gingerbread
Day Ten: Eggnog
Day Eleven: Naughty or Nice
Day Twelve: Snow
Day Thirteen: Sleigh Ride
Day Fourteen: Tree Farm
Day Fifteen: Decorations
Day Sixteen: Angels
Day Seventeen: Lights
Day Eighteen: Christmas Miracle
Day Nineteen: Kris Kringle (Part One)
Day Nineteen: Kris Kringle (Part Two)
Day Twenty: Party
Day Twenty-One: Baking
Day Twenty-Two: Carols
Day Twenty-Three: Santa Claus
Day Twenty-Four: Christmas Eve
Day Twenty-Five: Christmas Morning (Part One)
Day Twenty-Five: Christmas Morning (Part Two)
Day Twenty-Six: Leftovers
Day Twenty-Seven: Candles
9 notes · View notes
sarah-dipitous · 9 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 242
The Devil in the Details/The Magician’s Apprentice
“The Devil in the Details”
Plot Description: Lucifer offers Sam a deal during a tense encounter in the Cage. When the fallout from the smiting sidelines Dean, Castiel checks on Amara’s fate
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: why did Santa just kill Crowley? Oh…it’s Lucifer as Santa and we’re in Rowena’s dream…so I suppose no one actually died???
Of course Sam is gonna bet on Dean saving him…that’s what this entire show is. One of them saving the other all the time
I’m very confused how we got to some other room in hell…where Crowley is now threatening Rowena…again
I’m not mad at Rowena angling to be queen of heaven, hell, everything alongside Lucifer
Man, I’m eating dinner, did we need Dean vomiting on the side of the road??
Nah, Dean, you need to stay out or turn around, we don’t need you turning to a pillar of salt
Why IS Sam getting Ghost of Christmas Past’d by the devil??
Why does that look like the reaper…I THOUGHT THAT WAS HER!! I like being right. We need to see her more, she’s interesting
It’s not about who’s lecturing you about hurting people, it’s about what you stand for. Lucifer has his agenda and he’s not shy about it, but he’s not wrong about you and Dean choosing each other over everyone else instead of the very first sentence in the Winchester credo, “SAVING PEOPLE.”
Lucifer is so fun, honestly. He’ll make a very passionate argument to Sam about how Sam needs him because Sam’s not strong enough, and the second Sam’s like “and you are?” He hits him with “snappin necks and cashin checks is what I do” who ARE you, sir?! What
Omg this angel Cas has teamed up with. She NEEDS to up her self esteem, that or I don’t trust her. She called both of them expendable
I don’t like that Crowley’s got his hands on something called a witchcatcher
Ok…their names don’t rhyme as much as she made it sound. And a LOT of angels have the -iel at the end of their names
Guess it doesn’t matter if I didn’t trust Ambriel, she’s gone now :/
“My brother always had horrible taste in men” I like the insinuation that god is gay
I don’t like what’s happening to my faves. So the witchcatcher makes a witch follow any command given by…I’m not really sure. Dean put it on her but Crowley has control
I love how goofy Luci gets when he’s actually getting really serious about stuff, and I’m glad he did because he turned what I was considering to be a waste of a trip to hell into something interesting, a literal cage fight
Two angels and two humans enter, who will leave?? The boys and Cas are staggering out, Lucifer is back in his real cage.
Why did Sam salute Cas? What a weird fuckin move…
Look. I will NEVER say that Crowley keeping Rowena in hell like this is good, but it IS probably the only way he was ever going to find out why she hates him so much
Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Cas is Lucifer’s vessel. Misha’s so fuckin goofy, but he IS very good at the other actor’s mannerisms
I don’t like what this means for Rowena…there’s a minute left including credits and I’ve paused because I don’t trust what Lucifer’s gonna do to the only person who has the ability to open the Cage
Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! She can’t be GONE gone (I went on imdb to spoil myself on whether this is the last we see of her. It’s not, and there are some interesting things down the line. But we do have to say good bye to her for the next like 8 episodes)
So that was not…the most fun episode for me, specifically
“The Magician’s Apprentice”
Plot Description: when Earth’s skies freeze over, Clara needs her friend, but where is the Doctor?
Oh absolutely not what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck is this opening??? Why are there hands just sticking up from the ground? Why did one pull that guy down into the ground in a giant hole and AND WHY
Omg…omg…omg. This kid the Doctor showed up to help…is Davros. Oh that’s so very interesting. He just gave his sonic screwdriver to the leader, nay the creator of the Daleks
This guy is going around looking for the Doctor to deliver a message from Davros, but this best not be the last time the Doctor faces Davros. Moffat can’t have this
Oh. THAT kind of frozen. Like…things in the sky are stuck in place, mostly planes from what I can see. Doesn’t seem like birds are affected
Oooooooo, what’s Missy up to?? So SHE’S got the planes stuck??
The SHADE. And I’m not talking about the one caused by the airplane directly over the heads of Clara and Missy. The Doctor sent Missy his will because it gets sent to a Time Lord’s closest friend. Clara tried to grab it thinking Missy was delivering it to her and it zapped her. Missy tells Clara she’s not the Doctor’s friend, Clara asks what she is then, Missy directs her attention to a passing couple walking their dog and goes “you’re the puppy”
I love evil women and when they incidentally do good things and when they do them in goofy ways. She’s a delight
Look. I know he’s goin through some shit, what with it being the day before he dies, but what is the Doctor doing???
You ever seen a man who was really just several dozen snakes in a robe?? I guess that’s why it made sense that he appeared to glide everywhere, he was really slithering
Omg…In not helping Davros as a child, did the Doctor create his greatest enemy?? In abandoning him to his death while a scared child, in taking off in the TARDIS, he —
Woah woah woah, the guy the Doctor was supposed to be in an ax fight with is one of those secret Daleks?!
Missy’s sort of rivalry with Clara is interesting. I can’t tell if it’s good or not yet, but their interactions are pretty fun as of now
Seeing both the Doctor and Missy be absolutely terrified of being here is kind of cool. It’s honestly just cool to see more than one Time Lord react to an outside threat.
I just don’t believe both Missy and Clara are gone and i especially can’t believe the TARDIS is destroyed. That’s so many things to take from the Doctor
OH. It’s like that?! He didn’t go back in time to show compassion to child Davros. He only went back in time to KILL Davros. Stop making this dumbass mistake
I thought the pacing felt weird…and now that I know it’s a two parter, that makes sense
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liopleurodean · 10 months
Season 9, Episode 10: Road Trip
Man, you can't trust anyone these days
I low-key forgot about Abaddon 💀
Good old Bob Seger
Oh, Dean...
I'm so sorry
And now he's all alone
Lots of babies
I guess
Uh oh
Of course he is
How does that not stab through the fabric?
Back in business
Oh, Dean...
Sounded like Sam didn't care
No, Dean. You were desperate
It was nasty, though
Hi, Crowley
No, you won't
Kevin's dead
Bad cop
It's not their fault
To where?
He's got a point
Moose is MIA
Punch him in the face. Please
Did he take Baby???
Out of gas, I'll bet
Heck yeah, Cas has good taste
Nah. He learned from the best
Stolen grace
That little smile 😂
Dean doesn't want to deal with the tension
Looks like Cas got it from a pump, though
OH. I missed that
Still at large
Oh geez, he's a Martin fan
On a napkin
Red flags
Oh boy
Makes sense
And they don't even have wiretaps yet!
I'm sure
They must be seeing something different
Not yet
Better than he thought
Finding Sam via the Impala
Oh, Cas
So who's this guy?
Oh no
A nephilim, or regular?
Not still?
What do you care about vessels?
There she is
Me too, Dean
Uh oh.
Shouldn't have
There we go
Can an angel force another angel out of a vessel?
Double agent
That's good
Fun times
Oh boy
Not even close
Extreme acupuncture
Not as fancy
Oh, Dean...
Oh, he's a drop away from full blown sobbing
Not exactly
Everyone does at some point
Not a bad thing to be
Thanks, Cas
... interesting choice
There it is
That... puts some things in perspective
That's great
Go back to sleep
The goal isn't torture
Push him out
That's a horrifying thought
Plan C for Crowley
Fair enough
It's good enough
Lots of choices today
Huh. Cheap laser removal
That's true, actually
Code words!
And now the waiting game
Bad joke
It has to
I hope Sam believes him
Uh oh
It's not your fault, Sam
Thank you, Crowley
Nah. Still a chump
They were really good at casting someone who looks like a jerk
Come on, Sam
Not anymore
Thank goodness
Waste of good drinks
That's gotta be Abaddon
Will he?
That's true
Thanks, Crowley
Oh boy
Are you so sure?
True Barbie face
They're gonna die
And Sam is back
Getting better, though
That's not a good thing
He just doesn't get it
Sam, come on
Oh, Dean...
Dean, honey, no...
Dang it, Sam
And I'm crying again
0 notes
wearywinchester · 3 years
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: When hiding an injury from Dean doesn’t go to plan, he’s there to give you the comfort you need.
Requested by @latenight-daythoughts: “Hey! I have a request for a Dean one shot please, could you do one where she gets hurt on a hunt and tired to play it off until they get back to the bunker and when dean patches her up it hurts more then she thought, so she starts crying and Dean comforts her and is all cute and sweet? I love your writing btw!!”
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: angst, injury, blood, fluff, comfort, kissing
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Hurt. You got hurt on that hunt and you weren’t quite sure how you talked yourself out of it with Dean. Maybe you actually did, but a part of you told you that was more than likely impossible. Not with the look he gave you or the glance he spared down at your leg. But he seemingly took your word for it at that very moment.
Your eyes squeezed shut for a moment as you took a breath, trying your hardest to make it to the Impala sitting just a few feet away. Every ounce of pressure on your leg made it ache all the more as you walked, walked like you insisted you could do to a persistent Dean the moment he saw the look on your face. But you told him you were fine, staving his worries with a smile and a witty counter that had a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
It was fine, so long as you kept your weight off of it as much as possible until you could clean yourself up, it’d be fine. At least that’s what you’d told yourself.
You were relieved once you’d slipped in the front seat after Dean suggested you sit up there with him, Sam in the back, a quiet sigh leaving your lips as you slumped back against the leather seat. The fabric of your jeans over the wound on your thigh had been frayed on the brink of being ripped, but not enough to draw your eye should you be anyone but yourself or Dean Winchester. Stains of crimson hadn’t been visible on the dark denim material, but you were sure it’d be obvious the moment they came off.
As you sat, you felt that ache on your leg begin to lighten some, that pain shooting down it dissipating now that you hadn’t been standing on it.
It shouldn’t be that bad, not really, you’d snagged it along the edge of something sharp when that demon had thrown you with so much as a flick of her hand. You were sore overall, something a hot bath might help with when you make it back to the bunker. But you’d yet to see your leg, to see just what damage lay beneath your jeans.
“You sure you’re okay, sweetheart?” Dean asked, pulling your attention from your thoughts.
You looked to your left, Dean’s gaze shifting from the road to look at you for a moment or two before looking ahead.
“‘M fine, De,” you murmur, that aching burn on your thigh threatening to spill over your emotions and give you away in an instant.
He looks at you again in a lingering glance, his lips pursed in disbelief, brows furrowing at the way you looked down at your leg with a frown, or the way you brushed your thumb over that very spot you said was nothing. He saw how your lips twitched downward in a deeper frown for only a mere second, quickly brushing it off with a sigh and a bite to the inside of your cheek before he looked forward once more.
You knew, by the light tension in his jaw and the crease between his brows, you knew he could see there was more to it than that.
After a moment or two you scooted a little closer to him, your hand grabbing his own. He felt the way you brushed your thumb along his knuckles in an absentminded habit, your gaze fixed out the window in an attempt to set your attention on anything other than the burning feeling that simmered on your skin.
It was okay. You were fine.
Your hand hadn’t left Dean’s nearly the entirety of the trip, something he noticed and something he didn’t mind, something that had him smiling softly at the mere thought of it. But something that was just as quick to steal that smile was the very look on your face each and every time he glanced over at you, a slight frown on your lips that you weren’t even aware you had, and that crease between your brows very much there.
You sighed when he parked in the bunker’s garage that night, getting out before he could come and help you do it. The look on his face was evident that he wasn’t happy with that, those dimples appearing by the corners of his mouth as he looked at you over the roof of the car.
“I’m fine, Dean,” you say, meeting him and Sam at the trunk where you’d grabbed your bags.
“You say that every time, sweetheart,” he counters.
“Maybe this time you’ll take my word for it,” you say, brows raised as you put your bag over your shoulder.
He chuckles then, head shaking as he closes the trunk. You tried your best to be convincing, and so far he hadn’t pried, but that very same feeling was back now that you were up and walking around, pressure back on your leg seemingly worse than before.
You found yourself grateful that Dean had chosen to walk ahead, Sam beside you, making it just a little easier to hide the change in the way you walked. Just enough to get you to your shared room without being terribly obvious. But it hurt, it hurt more and it was becoming increasingly more apparent to you.
You were home, and that’s what made things a bit better for you. You weren’t in some motel anymore, weren’t in the Impala anymore, you were home in the comfort of your familiar place with your room, your bed, and Dean. Despite the nagging pain wearing away at you with every movement of your leg, you tried not to think about it that much, and tried not to think about how it’d feel upon taking your jeans off. How it’d look given that you haven’t even seen it yet.
Dean dimmed the lights in the hall and bid Sam a goodnight like he always did, twisting the knob to your shared room and pushing the door open. Everything was as you’d left it just three days prior, the bed still made and ready to climb in and Dean’s slippers still tucked halfway under the bed, his pajama pants still slung over the back to the small desk chair.
“There’s no place like home,” Dean chuckles, sighing as he drops his duffel bag on the floor at the foot of the bed right next to yours.
You watched as he untied his boots and stepped out of them, unease settling over you as you took your own boots off, fighting the urge to scrunch up your face at the way your jeans pressed into your leg as you bent down.
You couldn’t hide this from him forever, you don’t think that’s possible when you really think about it. But you still weren’t willing to give it up, you could see the look on his face already if he knew. So, you bit the inside of your cheek and shrugged off your jacket, eyeing him with a soft sigh.
“I’m gonna go shower before bed,” you say, smiling when he turns to face you.
He simply hums, dipping down to kiss you.
“Don’t be too long,” he murmurs against your lips, pulling back with a grin.
“Is it ‘cause you’ll miss me too much, Winchester?” You ask, brow raising in amusement.
You watch as the corner of his mouth quirks upwards, a laugh leaving his lips as he nods to himself, tugging back the blankets on the bed. It very much was the reason and he knew it, no matter how much Sam picks on him for it all in good fun, he just can’t help it.
“That’s exactly why,” he says, tossing a clean flannel of his your way along with a pair of boxers because he knows just how much you love to wear them to bed. Doesn’t even need you to tell him that very fact because he sees you snag a pair from his drawer every night without a care that he’ll see you stealing them either.
You stand there for a moment more as you look at him, your smile soft and fond as you hold the clothes in your hands. After that moment, you find it in yourself to turn on your heel and step into the hall, heading towards the bathroom. Your heart was bursting with the very thought of him sharing his clothes with you, of the very idea that he’d been so thoughtful, but the wound on your leg was making it awfully difficult to think about anything other than that.
You switched the light on and closed the door behind you, setting the clothes down on the counter. You turned the faucet on and stuck your hands under the tap, the water cold as it splashed across your face. It was a little more refreshing than you felt before it, soothing the fatigue that’d been settling over you only temporarily.
Dread simmered in the pit of your stomach at the thought of having to take off your jeans, but it wasn’t doing you any good to keep them on.
You exhaled a sigh, eyes squeezing shut as you hooked your fingers in your belt loops. It was fine until you got about halfway, and you found yourself fighting the urge to let out the cry that’s been sitting in the back of your throat, the feel of the rough material scraping over your thigh making it all the more difficult to stifle it.
It was then that you saw it, the blood smudged over your leg and the scrape that ran across your skin, angry and red as it tapered just above your knee. You ran your hands down your face at the sight of it, having been less than ideal but you knew it couldn’t have been good.
You kicked the dirtied jeans to the side in frustration, sighing as you opened the cabinet below the sink. You snagged the first aid kit and the bottle of peroxide just next to it, grabbing a clean wash rag.
This could have been avoided, maybe, but at that moment you were struggling to figure out just how it could have been. Demons were unpredictable, able to sense a trick with ease, able to tell when someone’s lurking with the intent to leave one less demon in the world. They give ample opportunities to be outsmarted, though, but this didn’t seem to be one of those times. There was no match for a human against the powers they hold save for the weapons that served you no use that day. You were thrown clear across the room without a beat of hesitation, something done with ease.
So maybe, just maybe it wasn’t avoidable this time.
You knew Dean saw it, he had to. It was more than obvious that there’d be repercussions to being thrown a good seven feet into a less than unforgiving cabinet. He knew you better than to believe that you were as fine as you say you were. He knows you like the back of his hand, can see your stubbornness from a mile away because he’s the very same.
You wet the wash rag at the sink, taking a seat on the bench by the showers. You began to blot away the blood, nose scrunching and eyes squinting as the burn of the jagged scrape worsened from it.
It was then that there was a knock on the door, a more than familiar voice on the other side.
“Sweetheart? ‘M coming in, I forgot to—”
Your eyes widen as the door opens, gaze meeting green eyes before his stare shifts downwards to the rag in your hand, splotches of a pale crimson staining it. They bounce to the source, to the irritated and red scrape dragging along the outside of your thigh, nearly classifying as a cut but not quite.
“Dean, it’s not—”
“What, ‘it’s not a big deal’?” He says, anger seeping into his tone. Not at you, never. It was when he thought back to that hunt that has him angry.
“Dean,” you sigh.
He’s quick to cross the tiled floor, kneeling in front of you. He nudges your knee with his hand gently, the tips of his fingers brushing along your skin. You saw the crease between his brows deepen, lips parted as his eyes bounced over the entirety of the wound on your leg. You can see the way his jaw tenses, tight and unwavering and if it were possible, steam would be coming out of his ears at that moment.
“Damn it, Y/n,” he says quietly, a frustrated huff leaving his lips. “You didn’t tell me?”
“I didn’t want you to freak out,” you reason, brows furrowing as you tilt your head to the side slightly.
His gaze narrows up at you in disapproval, your reasoning something that was near laughable to him, you even knew it was ridiculous too the moment the words fell from your lips.
“You can bet I’ll freak out,” he says, his chuckle humorless as he runs his hand down his face. “This is exactly why I didn’t want us to split up.”
“Well, we did.”
He bit the inside of his cheek as he looked at you, breathing out a huff through his nose. He was upset more than anything, with himself you could tell, could see the frown on his lips as he grabbed the wash cloth from your hand and picked up where you left off.
He was gentle as he wiped away the dirt and blood smeared around it, more so than you despite the white-knuckled grip he’s got on the tattered cloth. You tried to keep your attention on anything else, anything other than the way your leg had been so sensitive even the most mild of touches as hurt. You tried to keep your gaze on him, distract yourself with the abundance of freckles speckled across the bridge of his nose and over his cheeks.
They were easy to distract yourself with on any given occasion, on times where you didn’t need to be distracted, when you shouldn’t be. But for the life of you, you couldn’t bring yourself to get lost in counting them this time, not with the numbing pain serving as a painful way of keeping you fixated on just that.
“You should have told me,” he says quietly, residual anger still wrapped around his tone with the softness of his words. But he was more concerned than angry.
You puffed out a humorless laugh through your nose, your grip on the bench you sat on tightening some. “I’m not exactly jumping at the idea of running to my boyfriend every time I get hurt on a hunt.”
Your tone is frustrated, embarrassment simmering in the pit of your stomach over the current situation you were in, not to mention the way it happened. You’d never get taken seriously if you ran and cried to Dean each and every time you got hurt. You barely felt like an adequate hunter as it is, you didn’t want to add to it. You would have been fine if he hadn’t seen it.
“Y/n, this isn’t some puny little paper cut, okay? This is way different than just slapping a bandaid on it and kissin’ it better.”
“I said I’m fine, Dean,” you say, jaw tensing as you look away.
You hated the way your voice was beginning to falter, swallowing thickly in hopes to push down the persistent lump in your throat. Now was not the time to cry, not in front of him. That would only make matters worse and you don’t think you could handle that.
“It doesn’t make you weak to ask for help, not even a little bit. You don’t have to play the tough guy act all the time.”
You stay quiet as you continue to look away from him, the pressure building behind your eyes. When you glance down you see he’s got that dreaded bottle in his hand, popping the cap open with his thumb. He’s hesitant as he tips the bottle, the clear peroxide having poured steadily over every inch of the wound on your leg, bubbling and stinging the moment it touches the damaged skin.
You felt your lip begin to quiver, near uncontrollable as it throbbed and burned, the pain worse than you thought as you bit down on your lip. It was almost unbearable, a numbing kind of pain that brought heat to your cheeks and quickened your heart. That pressure behind your eyes increased then until you just couldn’t handle it, lip free from your teeth as you hid your cry in your shoulder.
But it turns out, you’re not that good at hiding, not from Dean Winchester. Not that it was very hard to notice either.
He stopped immediately, gaze flickering to you, cheeks wet with hot tears and lip quivering in a way that tugged at his heart. His hand settled on your cheek, a gentle nudge to get you to look at him.
“Sweetheart,” he starts, the fond nickname something that makes you cry all the more in that moment.
You wrap your arms around him and he settles back a bit as he holds you closer, brows furrowed and jaw tense because seeing you so upset is one thing he can’t handle. Seeing you cry is something that tears him to shreds every time.
His grip on you is tight, his stubble pressing into the side of your neck. He’s cautious of bumping your leg, his throat clearing to try and stave off that pressure constricting around his throat from that very same lump forming as it did you. You could feel the kiss he pressed to your cheek, one to your temple, lingering and sweet. Dean Winchester could be the gruffest man anyone’s ever seen, but he’s got the softest heart, and if there’s one thing he can do without fail it’s comfort.
He finds himself pulling back when you loosen your grip, lip still wobbly as ever as you look at him with glossy eyes. You wipe your cheeks with the back of your hand, cheeks that burn with embarrassment for crying even though he didn’t mind it in the slightest. He didn’t mind the tears on his shirt, didn’t mind the snot to go with it. That’s the least of his concerns, they all pale in comparison to you.
“It hurts,” you whisper, your gaze shifting to his at the feel of his hand on your cheek, calloused and warm.
“I know it does, baby. Hell, I couldn’t even imagine what that feels like,” he says, smiling softly. “But ‘m almost finished and the ugly part is over, I can promise you that. You just gotta let me take care of you, okay?”
You nod, the patience in his words having set you at ease as you sniff, wiping your tears once more when his hand falls from your face in favor of sorting through bandages. He comes up with a few cotton pads, laying them over the length of the freshly cleaned wound as you sit there, still sniffling from having cried.
He’s more than careful as he takes the roll of gauze and wraps it around your thigh, securing the bandages completely with care to not make it too tight before he tucks in the loose end.
“You’re good as new, sweetheart,” he says, looking up at you.
You flash him a look, biting the inside of your cheek as you laugh softly, not quite humorous. “I’d hardly call it that.”
You’re grumbling, but he takes that hint of a smile as a good thing, standing halfway to press a kiss on your cheek and one to your lips, another to your forehead as his hand brushes over your cheek before he stands fully and swipes the clean clothes from the counter.
You stand with a look of unease, trying your best to keep the pressure on your good leg before that dreadful pain can jolt up your other. You shrug off your shirt in favor of his flannel, the soft material hanging loosely from your shoulders in a heap of warm and fabric softener and a hint of his cologne. It’s a simple thing that amounts to more comfort than you can express, the mere feeling of it putting you at ease.
He helps you with your pajama bottoms, trying not to fuss over you as you did it yourself, instead offering his arm for your balance that you found yourself needing more than you thought.
Your bed was more comfortable than you’d imagined coming home to, leaps and bounds better than that motel mattress. The sheets were soft and they too smelled like Dean, the blankets warm and hefty as they rested over top of you.
Dean brought you close enough to nearly share a pillow, the events transpiring earlier that day on the hunt having sunken deep in the pit of his stomach and simmered there, bringing with it that anger that hadn’t quite left. It made his stomach twist and churn each and every time you got hurt, the blame he put on himself having picked at him every single time without fail. Especially when it brings you to tears, especially when it’s got you so bothered it’s got you crying into his shoulder.
He hates it, he hates that part of hunting.
But regardless, those kind green eyes meet your gaze as he looks at you with a soft smile, his fingertips brushing along your cheek. He’s got that look on his face, one that’s telling of something humorous sitting on the tip of his tongue just waiting to be spoken.
“What, De?” You sigh, feeling the residual tension of your tears beginning to dissolve just a little more.
He chuckles, looking down for a moment as he shakes his head. “If I were you, ‘think I might’ve cried way sooner than you did.”
You roll your eyes then, a smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. “Dean, that’s a lie and you know it.”
“Is not,” he insists, lips pursed to stifle his smile.
You look at him, tired and amused as you make no effort to hide your smile. He’s got that smile, that one that makes your cheeks burn and your heart flutter every time he looks at you like that.
“Whatever you say, Winchester,” you sigh, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips.
You find yourself lying atop his chest as he turns the tv up a little bit more, his chuckle rumbling against you. He tossed the remote down, the very tip of your finger tracing over his chest. Your legs tangle with his own, your injured one on top as you turn a bit more on your side. He’s got reruns of your favorite show on because he knows you’re too tired to watch the new ones, knows you like to have it on when you fall asleep.
“Goodnight, De,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his chin before sinking back down on his chest.
He smiles in that moment, soft and sweet as his thumb brushes back and forth over your shoulder lightly.
“Night, sweetheart.”
You’re fine. You’ve got him and you’re okay.
Tags: @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @elegantbutedgy @humanmistakes @agalliasi @deandaydreaming @campingmonkey @lanea-1 @akshi8278 @kidd3ath @taikawho
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You're Mine, Pt. 4
Jensen x Reader x Danneel
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Warnings: Porn with Barely-There Plot, slight Dom!Jensen, 18+ ONLY (Please adhere to this kiddies), hallway smut, threesome smut, female oral giving and receiving, mild language, poly relationship
A/N: It has been more than a year and a half since I worked on this story, so I am sure its been forgotten about., However, with the constantly encouragement from my besties, especial @lovealways-j, it is finally finished. This one is for you, Brina.
PART ONE stemmed from a dream I had and with encouragement from friends turned it into a fic. First time I ever attempted something like this, so please be gentle with me. The second part was written as a request to continue the story.
Chapter Summary: More complications arise and secrets are spilled, causing the rift to grow wider between the Triade.
WC: 7.8K
*Banner made by me. I do not own any of the images.
Tags are open for the series, SPN (Sam and/or Dean) and SPN RPF
Jensen came home early the next morning, and the kids were all over him the moment he stepped a foot through the door. Once the twins were satisfied with their greeting, JJ grabbed Jensen’s hand and pulled him to the kitchen to show him all the projects she had made for both him and Danneel while they were gone. He ‘oohed’ and ‘aahed’ in all the right places, causing the little girl to form a grin as wide as Texas itself.
Hanging back for most of the morning, you wanted Jensen to be able to see the children, and give them as much of his attention as possible. Especially now, knowing that in nine short months you would be adding another bundle of joy to the mix. Staying in the background while he played with the kids also gave you time to try and figure out exactly how to tell him he was going to be a dad again. He could read you fairly easily, and you didn’t think your face would be able to hide that there was something weighing on your mind. Two definite, clear blue lines appeared on all four of the pregnancy tests you took, confirming the suspicions you had that day in Target. The sight of which caused you to spend most of the night before trying to figure out the best way to tell him… and Danneel.
Lunch rolled around and Rita offered to take all three kids out to their favorite fast food place and then a trip to the park. Excited to have Jensen to yourself, but also nervous for what you needed to do, you helped her pack them up and get them all strapped into their seats before watching Rita drive them down the road and off for a fun afternoon.
“Well look at you,” Jensen mused, wrapping an arm around your waist and waving at the SUV about to turn the corner. “This whole mom thing looks really good on you.”
Despite your mouth being empty, you nearly choked on his words; suddenly wondering if he knew already without you saying anything. It took you a second to realize he meant how you were handling taking care of Arrow, Zep and JJ.
“Oh, well, they make it easy,” you said, trying to quickly cover, but noticed the curiosity in his expression.
“Is that so?” he asked, and turned you back towards the house. “They aren’t giving you too hard of a time?”
“Well, they’re kids. You know…” you shrugged and desperately wanted to change the subject. “Have you talked to Danneel today?”
“Uh no, not since last night,” he said, that faux half-smile flashed on his face; the one that conveyed he would rather not discuss it. “Why?”
“Just curious. She called the kids this morning and seemed okay, but distant. Though I only spoke to her for a minute I could tell she wasn’t herself.”
Jensen nodded and then let go of your waist once you were back in the house, closing the door behind you. “Yeah…”
You froze in the foyer and turned to face him, suddenly irritated by how the two of them were still behaving. Maybe it was pregnancy hormones, or maybe the Texas heat and constant daycare of three children were the culprits; either way you’d have enough of whatever was going on between them. Danneel had been just as frigid where Jensen was concerned the last time they talked, and since she wouldn’t talk, you were going to force Jensen to spill whatever it was.
“Alright… spill it. What the hell is wrong with the two of you? Ever since that night she came back from Maine, the two of you have been acting so damn weird. She won’t talk about it, so I am asking you. What the fuck, Jensen?!”
“Could we talk about this another time, please? I just got home and this is the first minute I’ve had alone with you in weeks. I don’t want to talk about--”
“Well I do! This whole thing isn’t just me and you, and then me and Dee, and then you and Dee. It’s all three of us! That was the new deal, right? When I moved in and we talked everything out… problems between any two of the three need to be hashed out and dealt with or this will never work!”
You tried to say it calmly, but it all came tumbling out, along with a stream of tears that were completely unexpected. Jensen watched it unfold, at first confused, then hurt by seeing you so upset.
“Baby… I’m sorry. You’re right. Her and I… things are tense and I--WE, should have talked to you about it.”
“Okay,” you breathed and swiped at your eyes, trying to clear the sudden burst of emotion. “Then talk.”
“I will, I promise,” he started, then moved to close the distance between where you were. He stood in front of you, his smile concerned, yet softened by love. He caressed your cheek with the pad of his thumb lightly rubbing against your jawline. “But I need something from you first…”
Jensen bent down and kissed you tenderly; his lips soft and relaxed, but yet still instantly made you feel needy for his touch. That was nothing different, his kiss always made you feel that way; but right then you refused to give in to it until he explained about the fight with Danneel.
Regrettably, you pulled back and then turned to walk towards the kitchen.
“Coffee?” you asked, before heading over towards the cabinet to grab him a mug.
“Y/N…” he started, following you into the room and coming to stop at the island. He leaned forward, pressing both palms to the edge of the counter and watched as you went about making him coffee. “Please, just stop for a second.”
You did as he asked, but left your back to him. Feeling his eyes on your neck, you finally turned and didn’t try to hide the second swell of emotion.
“What’s going on, Jensen? Nothing has felt right since then, and it scares me.”
Jensen exhaled a soft, shaky breath. “When she got back from Maine, her and I talked about the stories online… the ones about you and me.”
You nodded in understanding and then tried to push down the urge to be sick.
“So,” he continued, coming around towards where you were and taking the mug of coffee you’d started to fix, then set it aside. “I suggested that maybe she goes on her Twitter or Instagram to say something… post a picture of the three of us, make a statement… something.”
“What did she say?” you asked, but was almost afraid to hear his answer.
“She didn’t say anything. She just kept changing the subject and talking about the movie and trip to Greece.” Jensen’s tone was flat and tired. It wasn’t hard to deduce that it was still a raw nerve for him.
“I see,” you said, not wanting to exacerbate the situation, but understanding why he’d been so cross with her. “She didn’t say anything… at all? About the stories, about what they were saying?”
Jensen shook his head. “No, the only thing she said about it was, ‘don’t worry, it will all blow over’, then went on to talk about packing for the trip.”
“Oh.” You went to the refrigerator and grabbed the cream for the coffee. You left it on the counter, and walked past him absently. Sitting in one of the stools on the other side of the island, you sighed and laid out your palms face down on the cool tile counter. You felt a flash of dizziness and rested your forehead between your outstretched arms. A minute later, Jensen’s hands were on your shoulders, gently massaging the muscles that had grown tense in your neck.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I don’t know why, or what’s going on in her head. I don’t think its you, I think it’s--”
“Jensen… don’t,” you said, picking up your head, and leaning it back against his chest. Your eyes were closed and you took a moment to breathe, letting his touch and presence calm you.
“I just mean it’s not fair to you. I know you’ve lost clients because of it, and her staying quiet can’t be good for--”
“Please stop,” you pleaded softly. “She must have her reasons. I just wanted to know why you seemed so cross with her, and why she avoids talking to me about you.”
“You know her, she does what she wants. She always has and always will. If there’s one thing I learned about her after all these years, is that no one tells Dee to do anything. She’s mad at me--”
“Because I didn’t talk to her first before going out with you that night. We didn’t discuss how it would affect… things.”
Jensen sighed. “How it would affect her.”
“I see,” you said and felt your heart sink. Things hadn’t changed too much between you and Danneel before she left, but there was something different in her demeanor, you just hadn’t been able to figure out what it was. But after hearing what Jensen said, it hit you… she never went out in public with you after the pictures and stories began to circulate. The weight of it hit you like a brick and as much as you wanted to run to the bathroom and try to force the nausea up and out, it didn’t allow you to move.
“You okay?” Jensen asked, standing beside you and watching you carefully. “You’re looking a little green around the gills.”
“I’m fine, just… I don’t know… worried.”
“Worried about what?”
“Um, how about losing you, and her and the kids? And all of it falling apart because we went out for dinner? If we can’t do something simple like that… how the hell can we--” you stopped yourself from finishing the thought, which was ‘...how the hell can we all raise a baby together…’
“How can we do what?” Jensen asked softly, his concern for your pallid complexion growing. “Baby, you really don’t look good. What’s going on? Other than being upset. If it's too much--kids, house, work--on your own, I get it. I’ll bring you all up to Vancouver.”
“It’s not that, Jensen. I won’t uproot the kids like that over a few months. Besides, JJ starts school next week. This is about Danneel. I’m…” you trailed off, unsure of how to explain how you were feeling.
“Hurt? Sad?” he suggested, then waited for a beat and spoke softly. “It’s okay to be mad at her.”
“I am mad! I’m fucking pissed!” you yelled louder than you planned, but it didn’t diminish the fact that you were, in fact, pissed off at Danneel. “She’s the one who wanted this! She’s the one who brought me into this relationship then promised that we would all fight to make it work. But her reputation is more important?!”
“She did want this, and still does. I just don’t think she realized all the ramifications of a relationship like this.” Jensen was trying to be delicate with his words and tone, accompanied by the tender touch of his hand on your shoulder. “So, now she’s acting out because, I think, she feels a bit threatened.”
“Threatened? By what?”
Your head snapped back up to him, meeting his gaze but unable to read whatever he was trying to convey. “What do you mean, us?”
“I think after the pictures came out, she could really see it.”
“See what, exactly?”
“How much I’ve fallen in love with you.”
“But, we all love each other, don’t we? Isn’t that how this all came to be?”
Jensen nodded and pulled one of the empty stools closer to yours and sat down. He picked up your hand and kissed it, then gave it a squeeze before meeting your eyes again.
“Yes. That’s exactly what it's supposed to be. But…” he paused, and you could tell he was again trying to be very careful with his words, mostly so as not to hurt your feelings. “It's different for Danneel. She loves you, and she loves me. But it’s not the same as how I think we feel about each other.”
His admission made your heart jump and the feeling in your stomach bottom out. Trying not to let your thoughts spiral out of control, you tried to think of something you could say. The truth was, as you searched your feelings for the right words, you came to the realization that he was right. For as much love as you had in your heart for Danneel, and for as much fun as the two of you have, your feelings for Jensen were different. They were much deeper.
You swallowed down the lump in your throat and nodded. “You’re right. I love her, but the way I love you is… just different.”
“Yeah,” he rasped, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “So, I say let her be in Greece, working through whatever she needs to. While she does, you and I will just continue on together.”
“And when she comes home?”
“Then, we’ll figure it out. Don’t we always?”
You nodded and turned your body on the stool to face him. Leaning forward, you rested your head on his shoulder and sighed when the comforting weight of his arms wrapped around you.
“So,” he started, then lifted your chin up so he could look into your eyes, “we have about two hours before the kids get back and we spend an afternoon swimming, then watching Blues Clues. I want you upstairs in bed, now. I got a few ideas of how we can take full advantage of this bit of time we have to kill.”
Despite the way the early days of pregnancy were affecting you, it didn’t change how Jensen’s voice and commanding tone made you feel; an instant rush of warmth between your thighs and an overwhelming need for him to take you as roughly as he felt like.
“Yes, Jensen,” you replied meekly, averting your eyes from his intense stare. “How do you want me?”
Jensen stood from the stool, pushing it behind him with one foot, then helped you stand from yours. He took you by your hips and lifted you up; your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. You didn’t fight him when his hand gripped the back of your neck and forced your mouth to his. He kissed you, not roughly, but with passion and purpose. When he pulled away, he smiled and licked at his bottom lip.
“Just like this but with way less clothing,” he growled and turned towards the stairs, to carry you up and have his way with you.
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It was well past midnight by the time the kids had calmed enough to finally sleep, and you were able to wrap your head around the entire day. Jensen had been particularly tender with you that afternoon, the way he held you and made love to you was far different than previous times. It was like him saying what he had before made it more meaningful. The intimacy had been growing, but that afternoon it was intense, yet somehow still soft.
After dinner, he went to put the kids to bed, and ended up having a long talk with JJ about something. You assumed it was pretty big stuff for a kid her age, because he had been up there most of the evening. You took that time to shower, switch over some laundry and wipe down the kitchen from letting the kids make their own pizzas for dinner. By the time you made your way upstairs, you thought you would find him in bed waiting for you, but he wasn’t there. Tiptoeing towards the kids rooms, so as not to wake the twins, you peeked into JJ’s room and saw her fast asleep with Jensen by herself. JJ was wrapped up in the covers and snuggled up next to her daddy. Jensen had one arm around her and the other gently laying across his chest. He was lightly snoring, and looked so content you didn't have the heart to wake him. You grabbed one of the extra blankets on the chair and lightly covered him with it, then bent down and left a soft kiss on his forehead.
You went to leave the room, and were struck by how much really had happened that day. Learning about Jensen and Danneel’s disagreement, and how she really felt about the current stories circulating the media… Jensen saying that he was very much in love with you and the incredible sex that followed… You turned back and watched them for a minute. All the good feelings that had been there about you and Jensen, your pregnancy, the family as a whole were wavering. Tears stung at your eyes with even the suggestive thought that it could all go away, and instantly your heart rejected the idea. However, you couldn’t let it go.
Trying to push it all from your mind and go get some rest, you left Jensen and JJ fast asleep and went back to the master bedroom. Laying on the same bed you had made love in earlier that day, it suddenly felt too big and uncomfortable. The tears fell, hitting the satin sheets and turning them ominously dark in a spotted pattern, and you pulled your knees up tight into your chest.
Maybe you don’t belong here… Maybe you don’t belong here… kept repeating in your head; with each pass it got louder and louder. Unable to stop crying, but unable to make a noise, you wept silently while trying to get your mind to think about anything else. It got so intense that you didn’t hear your cell ringing until you had almost missed the call.
“DEE” was flashing across the screen, and despite your current state, you grabbed it quickly and swiped up to answer.
“Hey,” you said, trying to sound perfectly fine. “You okay? You don’t normally call at this time.”
“Oh yeah honey, I’m fine… I know I missed talking to the kids, but I’ll call them tonight. I'm just getting my day going, but I needed to talk to you. I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“No, I was up. Just came upstairs and got into bed.”
“Oh… is Jensen with you? I know he got home today.”
“No, he passed out with JJ, and I didn’t have the heart to wake him.”
“Ok good, because it's you I need to talk to…” Dee paused and you could hear her swallow thickly, “it's a delicate subject. You sure he’s asleep?”
“I’m sure, I just covered him up with a blanket and he didn’t budge.” You were starting to get nervous about what she wanted to talk about. There were so many things it could be, and knowing her, add another thousand things you couldn’t even imagine. You were still a bit annoyed with her after what Jensen had told you, but it wasn’t the time to get into all of that with her.
“So, here’s the deal. I’m in a situation and I don’t know what to do. You’re one of my best friends and closest confidants… Can I trust you with this?”
You waited a beat before answering, feeling very leary with how she asked if she could trust you. As if you weren’t in Texas caring for HER children while she was off in Greece.
“Of course you can Dee, what’s going on?”
“Ok, but Y/N, under no circumstances can you tell Jay…”
“Pinky promise, now tell me, you’re making me nervous,” you tried to chuckle to lighten the mood, but it was a futile effort. Because what Dee said next completely knocked the wind from your sails.
“I think I’m pregnant.”
With those four words, you felt the vile rise up and the nausea hit like a ton of bricks. Somehow you managed not to run to the bathroom to vomit and held your composure; albeit a very shaky composure.
“You… you’re pregnant?”
“Well, I THINK I am. Have all the symptoms as with the other kids, and I'm definitely late. I have my assistant out trying to find a drug store or something to get me a test, but this cannot get out.”
Unsure of which one of the millions of questions running through your head to ask, you just sat in silence.
“Sorry, just processing. Ok, so, if you ARE pregnant, is that a bad thing?” Your hand went right to your belly and you didn’t even realize it.
Silence bled through the other end of the phone and got louder as each second passed by. “Dee?”
“It's… complicated. Look, I can’t get into the details right now, but fact is I don’t want more kids. If I am pregnant, I’ll take care of it.”
“Danneel, you have to tell him. You cannot keep a secret like that. Things between you and Jensen are already tense. Please… if you are, promise me you’ll tell him.”
More silence. You could hear her doing something on the other end, but not sure what. Gathering her things, maybe, to leave for set. Either way, you didn’t like how she was ignoring your plea.
“I know, I know… I need to tell him. I will, I promise. Right now, I have to go, I just needed to tell someone, and you’re the first one that came to mind. Go get some sleep, I’ll call later to talk to the kids.”
No goodbye, no ‘love you’, just more silence of an ended call. You placed your cell back on the nightstand and sighed.
What the fuck do I do now? You asked yourself, and when no answer came, you at least took comfort in knowing the other repetitive phrase of Maybe you don’t belong here was gone. For now…
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It had taken you more than a couple hours to fall asleep, so when you woke up that morning, sun peaking through the curtains, you weren’t surprised to see it was well after breakfast. Some muffled sounds were coming from downstairs, which you assumed to be Jensen and the kids. Morning sickness hit without warning, and you scrambled out of bed and made the mad dash to the bathroom. After which, a long hot shower helped to wake you up and feel a bit more human. But the entire time the water was cascading down your body, all you could think of was the call from Dee in the early hours of that morning.
Could we both really be pregnant at the same time? Is she really going to take care of it, if she is? If she doesn’t want more kids, how is she going to react to my pregnancy?
The swirling eddy of thoughts was enough to make you want to throw up again, but no time for that, you had to get started on the day. Jensen had been right about losing clients, but there were still a few stragglers that stuck by you, and two of them had made appointments with you for that afternoon. After the shower, you dressed in your scrubs and made your way down to the kitchen. Jensen and JJ were playing paper football on the island counter, while Arrow colored and Zep was chasing one of the dogs around.
“Mornin’ sunshine,” Jensen greeted you when you ascended the stairs, “glad you got to sleep in. I saved some coffee for you.”
You smiled and was about to thank him, but the smell of the coffee churned your stomach. “Aw, thank you, but I’m going to pass on coffee this morning. Actually just going to grab a snack and head out, I gotta get to a few appointments.”
“Oh okay, I was hoping to have you to ourselves this afternoon.” His tone was jovial but you could see the disappointment in his face.
“Well…” you ruffled Zeppelin’s hair as you walked by him, and gave Arrow a kiss on the back of the head, “I think these guys could use some one-on-one time with their daddy. I know they’ve missed you like crazy. I’ll be back later tonight and we can all have dinner together.”
“How could I turn down time with my kiddos?” Jensen said in an overexaggerated manner that made all three of them cheer with excitement.
“Ok guys, be good for dad, don’t try to hurt him too much, okay? I love you guys!”
All the kids returned your departure with hugs and ‘I love you toos’, Jensen followed close behind as you walked through the kitchen to grab the snack, then out into the foyer.
“Hey,” he said, and grabbed your waist gently, pulling you closer. “Where’s my goodbye kiss?”
“Right here,” you smiled, and leaned in to kiss him. You could tell he was eager to take you over with his mouth (not hard for him to do), but with so much on your mind, you really just wanted to get out of there. It took a little extra effort to pull away from him, but you did and made sure you were smiling in the process. “Easy, cowboy, I have to go to work. Oh, did Dee happen to call you?”
He shook his head and his brow furrowed. “No, was she supposed to?”
“Yeah, she called late, late last night, and uh, wanted to talk to the kids. Told her they were already sleeping so she said she would try this afternoon.”
“Nope, not a peep. Maybe I'll have them call her. Hopefully she’s not too busy.” There was an accusatory tone in his last few words, and you knew he was still salty with her.
“Jensen, just try and be patient with her, we are all new to this and trying to figure our way through things.”
“I know, you’re right.” His expression was that of frustration, but it softened when he caught your gaze. “Go, have a good day and we’ll see you tonight for dinner.”
“Ok,” you said softly, and for some reason you reached out and placed your palm gently on his cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Y/N. Can’t wait to see you tonight.”
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Pulling back into the driveway at home sometime later, you were more than exhausted. Two massages, plus one spur of the moment private session of chair yoga with your oldest client had left you completely spent. Several times while you were out that day, you picked up the phone to make an appointment with your OB/GYN, but each time you hung up before the office answered. Distracting yourself with work became much more pleasurable and after a while, you forgot about the baby momma drama going on in your new family. Until you got home that is…
Walking into the house, it was strangely quiet for that time of day. It was only a little past what should be dinner time, and there were no little voices laughing, playing, or even crying. No music playing, no TV blaring from the playroom. The kitchen was dark and nothing was cooking on the stove for dinner. Placing your keys and phone on the counter, you started looking around the bottom floor of the big house on the river, and not a soul was found. You made your way upstairs, and all of the kids’ rooms were dark and unoccupied.
“Jensen?” you called out, wondering where everyone could be. “Are you home?”
“In here,” he replied, his voice coming from the master bedroom.
Something about the way he replied caused a chill to run across your flesh. Opening the door and taking in a deep breath, you found him with a suitcase open on the bed, haphazardly throwing his clothes in it; something very out of character for him.
“What’s going on? Where are the kids? Why are you packing?”
“I had Rita take them out. Sorry I know we were going to have dinner together but… something came up.”
Dread filled your chest as you took a few tentative steps further into the room.
“Something?” you asked softly, not sure whether to touch him, or even look him in the eye. The posture of his shoulders and the half empty bottle of whiskey beside him told you that he was not in a good place.
His shoulders slumped. Instead of turning to face you, he grabbed the bottle and poured more than a double shot into the tumbler. “Yeah, something,” he said before downing the whole glass.
That’s when he finally turned to face you, filled up the tumbler again and handed it out to you. Casually waving it off, you got closer and could see that he had been emotional; he would never admit to it, but his cheeks were still damp from the tears he must have spilled.
“Jensen, what’s wrong? What happened?”
He downed the glass of whiskey you passed on and sighed heavily. “Well, Dee called.”
Your stomach did that fun thing where it started spinning like a centrifuge, and you sat on the corner of the bed to steady yourself. “Ok…”
“She talked to the kids for a hot minute, then asked me to go somewhere they couldn't hear us. Thought maybe she wanted to talk about her and I, and all that bullshit. But nope,” he paused and reached for the bottle again. You got up and gently guided the bottle back down to the nightstand. He didn’t fight you on it.
“What did she say?”
“She’s pregnant.”
“O–Oh…” Unsure of how to react, and not wanting to give away that you had already been clued into the possibility, you didn't know what else to say. “That’s–That’s great! Isn’t it?”
“Well, not really, Y/N. You see, she’s pregnant but not with MY baby.” The expression that took over his normally beautiful features turned cold and defiantly angry. In one fell swoop, he scooped up the glass tumbler and hurled it against the bedroom wall.
You flinched at the sound of the glass shattering and spilling across the floor. To see Jensen this angry was out of character, but if he was telling the truth, you could understand his rage.
“Wait, what? How–why… how do you know?”
He swallowed thickly and caught your gaze. His features did not soften when he looked at you, instead he replied bluntly. “The last time I fucked her, was the last time the three of us were together in this bed. I didn’t cum inside her, I came inside you. And have only been with you after that.”
“That doesn’t mean it's not yours, Jensen. Maybe she’s just further along…”
“Y/N, stop. Don’t make excuses for her. It’s not mine. When I brought up the timing issue, she finally told me the truth. She’s been fucking Maurice, you know that old director friend of hers, who cast her in this movie.”
Suddenly, Dee’s reluctance to tell Jensen, and her saying it’s complicated made sense. Never in a million years would you have thought that Dee would step out on Jensen like that. Another woman wouldn’t surprise you, but another man? How could she even want another man when she had Jensen’s ring on her finger.
“Jensen… I don’t know what to say…”
“Me either.” He went to the glass and started picking up the pieces.
“I’ll get that with the vacuum. Just leave it–”
“No, I don't want you getting cut,” he said, and though he was right in the room with you, he seemed a million miles away.
You sat quietly, watching him go about cleaning up the glass and then running the vacuum over the area to make sure it was all cleaned up. When he was finished, he came to the bed and sat beside you. He didn’t touch you, or even look at you, but kept looking straight ahead at nothing.
“Look, this is a shitty thing to do to you, and I’m sorry, but I’m taking the kids and going to visit my family for a few days.” That’s when he finally turned to face you, and what you saw on his face scared you more than anything. For the first time since you met him, his expression was that of complete apathy.
“No, I get it,” you said, trying to swallow back tears. “You do what you have to do.”
Jensen simply nodded, patted your knee and went back to packing. You didn’t feel right being in there, his energy was pushing you away and you felt the need to comply. Not knowing what to say, afraid you’d say the wrong thing, you slowly got up from the bed and left the room.
The walk down the hallway towards the guest room felt endless; each step felt like a death sentence of your relationship with Jensen and Dee. Whereas just the day before you had some hope for a happy future, now it was all gone. You walked in the room, and were hit with the images of you and Jensen in that bed together. The tears wouldn’t obey your command to stop any longer, and began to fall with reckless abandon. You curled up on the neatly made bed and cried until sleep finally took hold of you.
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When dawn broke the next morning, it wasn’t the sun that woke you up, it was the sound of the kids being shuffled out the door. Your initial instinct was to jump out of bed and run down there so you could at least say goodbye, but everything from the day before came rushing to mind, and you stopped yourself. Unfortunately the baby growing inside you didn’t care what you wanted, felt or needed. Feeling that rumble of sickness rise up, you dashed to the bathroom and let the morning begin.
When you finally emerged downstairs, there was a note from Jensen that he left on the kitchen island. At first you didn't even want to read it, then thought better of it. Yet, once it was in your hand and opened up, tears started to fall, blurring the words and soaking the page. So instead, you shoved it in your purse and slumped down on one of the stools. The house was far too quiet with everyone gone, and you wanted to be anywhere but there. Without giving it much more thought, you shuffled back up to the master bedroom, and pulled out your own suitcase.
Before you realized it, all your belongings had been packed; every article of clothing, every beauty product, every book, CD, DVD… any crumb of your presence in the Ackles’ household had been erased. It hadn’t been your intention, but now that it was done, you realized it was for the best.
It made you want to scream and throw things. You wanted to tear apart the room and leave it in shambles so when he got home he could see how YOU were hurting. The divide between Jensen and Dee was their issue, and you had done what you could to get them talking. It just didn’t work, so in your mind, telling either of them about your pregnancy would just widen that divide. Not only that, but would cause all sorts of problems for everyone involved.
“Maybe I really don’t belong here,” you said to your unborn child. “WE don’t belong here… I mean, he just left. I know he’s hurting and confused, angry as hell… with every right to be. But I didn’t hurt him. SHE did…”
The weight of the realization almost brought you to your knees. But you found some resolve and didn’t let yourself fall to the ground. It wasn’t just you anymore, even though you were still unsure about what to do about the baby, you knew that staying there in Austin wasn’t what either of you needed. A change of scenery, a fresh start far away from the man you loved and his family, who you loved just as much, was what had to happen. As much as it killed you to walk away from Jensen, and even Dee, it was what you needed to do.
Once everything was packed up and you were headed out the door, you stopped in the kitchen and just looked around. So many good memories had happened in there, it was so hard to just walk away. At that moment, you thought mostly of JJ, Zep and Arrow. No, they weren’t yours, but you had been with them for a while now and had been one of their primary caregivers. Leaving Dee was hard, leaving Jensen was even harder, but leaving the kids felt like an impossible task. You couldn’t just disappear without saying something, if only to spare those kids some hurt. Grabbing the pad that was kept in the junk drawer and a pen, you scribbled out a note you had hoped would be enough to explain why you weren’t there to greet them when they returned from their trip.
Hey y’all,
Hope you all had a great trip to grammy and grampy’s house. Sorry I can’t be here to greet you, something came up with family and I had to go out of town. Be good for your dad and Rita, and if I’m not back before school starts, JJ, go kick it in the butt! I know you’ll rock your new grade and make a whole bunch of great friends!
Love you guys!
Short, sweet and to the point. Sure, it was a lie, and Jensen would know it was. You had no family to speak of, and had no intention of returning whatsoever. You would have to block his number, Dee’s too, then go to somewhere Jensen couldn’t track you down. Once you did that, then you would have a minute to breathe and decide what to do about your baby.
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Jensen had been calling her for days, and got no answer. He was in the middle of rounding up the kids to make the drive back to Austin, and was getting impatient to get home. All the kids were dragging their feet because they never wanted to leave his folk’s place, but he needed to get home and find out why Y/N wasn’t taking his calls. He had felt terrible for the way they left things, and explained it in the note he had left. He was an ass and he needed her to know that his demeanor that night had nothing to do with her. In fact, knowing she was his, was all that was getting him through the bullshit with Danneel.
From his pocket his phone started vibrating and he prayed it was Y/N; but it wasn’t. Speaking of the devil, it was his wife and not his girlfriend. Jensen sighed and steeled himself for a conversation he wasn’t ready to have, bit his bottom lip and swiped up to answer.
“What’s up?” he greeted, feeling that was the cheeriest thing he could say to her.
“It’s done, Jensen. It’s gone.”
He stayed quiet, knowing what she meant, but not sure what to say about it. “Okay…”
Danneel snorted in frustration. “Okay? That’s all you have to say?”
“What do you want me to say about the fact that my wife just aborted another man’s baby? Hope he gave you the day off at least.”
“That’s cold, Jensen.”
“And you fucking Maurice wasn’t?”
“Really, you’re gonna come at me with that? When we moved another woman in who you fucked on a regular basis?”
“That’s different and you know it. Hell, YOU brought her to me. YOU brought her to live with us, to be one big ole family. Didn’t realize it was only to distract me so you could go out and fuck other men.”
“Jay… stop, please. This is all hard enough. I am not calling to fight with you.”
“Then why did you call? JJ has her own phone, you can reach the kids that way.”
“Jesus, stop treating me like some stranger. I’m your fucking wife!”
“Yeah, not for much longer.”
“So that’s it… no fixing any of this…”
Jensen stopped himself from immediately replying ‘Not a chance in hell devil woman’. “I–I don’t know Dee. For now though, I just want space. I’m leaving my parent’s house now and heading back to Austin. I need to get back to Y/N and try to repair what I broke with her.”
Danneel didn’t respond to that. In fact, the only audible thing coming through the long distance call was the sound of seagulls in the far background. He wouldn’t hang up on her though, mostly because he wanted to know how she would respond to his words.
Danneel cleared her throat and when she spoke, Jensen could tell that in her moment of quiet, she was fighting back tears. “Jensen… I never meant for any of this to happen. I really hope you believe that.”
It wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but it was what he needed. “I know, Dee. Me either. It all got so twisted up… and…” he paused, drew in a deep breath and shook his head softly, “I never meant to fall in love with her. I really didn’t. But I did.”
“I know… I could see it almost from the start. At first I thought it would just be fun… someone for you to play with, have that dominance over. But the minute I saw how you looked at her, how you kissed her… you never kissed me like that. Not even in the beginning. Now I can’t help but wonder, if she wasn’t a part of us, would there even still BE an us? Are we even still in love?”
Now there was silence from both ends. Both Jensen and Danneel knew their end was imminent, but there had to be some sort of cordialness between them; they did have three children together after all.
“Speaking of Y/N, have you talked to her at all?”
“No, she’s not answering any of my calls.”
“Oh… so I suppose you haven’t spoken to Rita, either?”
“No… I gave her time off to go and visit her sister in Houston. Why?”
“I called there before I called you on the house line. Rita answered and when I asked to talk to Y/N, Rita said she had left a note on the counter, something about having to go see family. But all her stuff is gone, Jensen.”
Jensen felt his whole body go weak. He leaned his back against the SUV to steady himself. “Gone? What… what do you mean, gone? And what family? She doesn’t have any family besides us!”
“Shit… you haven’t even looked at Twitter or Insta, or anything today, have you?”
“Dee, what the fuck are you talking about? Y/N’s gone and you’re asking about social media?!” Jensen was a mix of emotions so deep, he had no idea where to even start to process all his wife was throwing at him. “I need to sit down…”
He opened the driver’s side door and sat inside, turning on the SUV and blasting the air conditioning to try and cool himself down.
“Jensen… the reason I was calling you was to tell you that yes, I had the abortion and I’m okay. But also to ask if you had talked to her or looked at your social media feeds.”
“No, I haven’t… What does that have to do with Y/N? More tabloid bullshit I assume?”
“Yeah, but, this time I think you’ll want to know what they are reporting. Just… put me on speaker and go check out TMZ’s Insta.”
Jensen grunted in frustration but did as she said. He started scrolling through, and there it was… a picture of himself and Y/N from their night out that caused the initial controversy, side by side with a picture of her leaving a Planned Parenthood Clinic the day before.
“What the fuck am I looking at here?” he asked, more outloud to himself than to Dee waiting on speaker phone.
“Well, I may not be pregnant anymore, but it looks like our lost love surely might be.”
Jensen clicked on the link in the comments of the picture, and as soon as it opened on his phone, his eyes darted around the screen reading the article trying to understand what was going on.
“Could Jensen Ackles’ mistress be with child?! If so, is it his, or did his girlfriend get knocked up by someone else? They sure do like to share the love in the Ackles’ family!”
“I'm going to sue them for everything they got!!!!” He roared as he jumped out of the SUV and started pacing in the asphalt of his parent’s driveway. “What kind of bullshit is this? She’s not pregnant!”
“Are ya sure?” Dee asked from what seemed a million miles away.
“She would have told me!”
“Maybe… but maybe not. With everything that’s happened… the original TMZ article about our unconventional life, my pregnancy, our fights… both of us leaving and leaving her with OUR children? Maybe it was all just too much for her.”
Jensen closed the window with the article, took Danneel off speaker and put the phone back up to his ear. His head hung low to his chest, and didn’t know if he wanted to scream, cry or throw up.
“I… I don't know what to do.” Jensen’s tone was so soft, Danneel barely heard him. Just then, all three kids and his parents came out of the house and towards the car. “I gotta go… kids are ready to leave. I’ll call you when we get home.” With that, he hung up the phone and put on his best fake smile. “Hey guys! Ready to head home?!”
With all the hugs, kisses and goodbyes said, Jensen pointed the SUV towards Austin and drove back as fast as he safely could. The kids were thankfully occupied by a moving playing in the rear of the car, while his thoughts ran wild with possibilities. He thought it to be impossible that Y/N would have just up and left; that just wasn’t like her. He knew that he took off in a way that probably affected her greatly, but he planned on groveling for her forgiveness. But, in order to do that, she HAD to be there.
And if she’s not? He asked himself. If she’s not, then I don’t know what the fuck to do. An admission of thought he never imagined he would have to consider. Once Y/N had moved in, Jensen never once entertained the idea she wouldn’t be there. They had fallen in love when they weren’t supposed to, they had built an unconventional family that to others, seemed outrageous. None of that mattered to him though, because at the end of the day Y/N loved him and having her love was all that had come to matter to him.
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You’re Mine Tags: @billionsofpeoplebutyoupickedme @pandaxo79 @deans-baby-momma @daskleinevolk @muchamusedaboutnothing @sandlee44 @sorenmarie87 @keymology @his-paradox @lovealways-j @karikatz12481 @81mysteriouslyme @lessons-of-red @destielhoneybee @tftumblin @stoneyggirl @innerpaperexpertcloud @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @squirrel-moose-winchester @fictionalabyss @deanwinchesterswitch @jbbarnesgirl @the-is13 @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @collette04 @savagemickey03 @kuwonubaby613 @anon-1112 @thoughts-and-funnies
@ladywinchester1967 @whereismyangel-damnitdeanshare @maddiepants @pretty-fortune @breereadsthings @sasbb23 @tabzilla
SPN RPF: @closetspngirl @screechingartisancashbailiff @hobby27 @whiskeyandapplepie @teaspoin @kazosa @wings-of-a-raven @adoptdontshoppets @negans-wife @katehuntington
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
By Your Doorstep (Part 9)
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Summary: The reader and Tessa spend their first Christmas with the Winchesters and their friends, resulting in an eventful night...
Pairing: Doctor/Neighbor!Dean x reader
Word Count: 2,800ish
Warnings: language
A/N: Please enjoy this final part! I loved writing this one and exploring everything this series had to offer!
Reader’s POV
Christmas Night
“Hello ladies,” said Dean, popping his head out from the hall and into the room Tessa was staying in. “Mind if I steal your sister?”
“Go for it,” she said, jumping up from bed and rushing over to her suitcase. She pulled out a box and held it out. “I thought I left it at home but Y/N found it in the hall. It’s your other present.”
“The zip up was very nice of you already,” he said. He tore off the paper and you smirked from bed, Dean making a face as he looked at the box.
“It’s a mug. I made it in art class,” she said. He opened the package and went wide eyed, staring at her as he pulled it out.
“Tessa, this is really good,” he said, smiling at the little D.W. she’d painted on the side. “You made this?”
“Yeah. I’m good at ceramics,” she said with a shrug. “If you don’t like it that’s okay.”
“I have a new favorite mug,” he said, giving her a hug. “I can drink out of it, right?”
“Yeah. It’s fine for using and dishwasher, all that,” she said.
“Well I for one am glad you are getting your minor in art next year,” he said.
“School’s important but you gotta have some fun,” he said. “This is one of the best presents I’ve ever gotten.”
“I made everybody one,” she said with a shrug. “I gotta give Sam his still.”
“I think he’s out with Eileen and a few other people in the hot tub.”
“I was gonna go hang out with Jack, maybe we’ll head out there,” she said. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Make smart choices,” he teased as she walked out. You stood up from bed and walked out to the hall, wrapping your arms around his waist. “She loves me.”
“Yes she does,” you said, a big smile on his face. “You like that, huh?”
“Yes, I do. Besides, I gotta get her on board if I want you,” he said. “How am I doing so far?”
“Oh so you’re curious if I love you,” you said.
“More than you could possibly understand,” he said. You smiled and stood up on your tip toes, throwing your arms around his shoulders.
“Dean. I love you.”
“Good because I love you,” he said.
“That’s very good,” you said. He gave you a kiss, resting his hands along your hips. 
“Wanna take a walk with me?” he asked. You nodded and let him take your hand, following him downstairs and into the foyer where you dressed in your coats and boats, hats and scarves. You walked out the front with him and down the driveway a ways until you were on the private road up there, twinkle lights adorned in the trees.
“This really is beautiful up here, Dean,” you said, your gloved hands laced together.
“It is. Never really thought this would ever be my life growing up,” he said.
“We had holidays like this when we were younger,” you said. “It’s not really about the presents or the lights at the end of the day though.”
“No, it’s definitely not,” he said. “I know we only got here yesterday but are you enjoying it so far?”
“More than. I don’t dread these things anymore. I don’t dread life anymore.”
“Can I ask what your plans are for once Tessa goes to school next year? I know she’ll be living at home but she’s gonna be out and about more often,” he said.
“I don’t really know,” you said. “What about you?”
“Sammy’s interested in the place two doors down across the street. He might put an offer in,” said Dean. 
“What ya asking Dean?”
“If you asked me six months ago if I ever thought I’d love someone, I’d have said no that wasn’t for me. But then I met you and things changed. I’ve never really asked if you’re a marriage kind of gal I guess.”
“If I loved him I would marry him. I’d have a family of our own with him too,” you said. Dean nodded and you bumped his shoulder. “Death is the price we pay for living. But I think what I’ve learned these past six months is that caring and loving someone is worth the pain at the end of the day. The pain subsides and it’s still there but it doesn’t destroy you anymore. So yeah, I’m definitely open to marriage and kids and the dog with the white picket fence thing.”
“My fence is brown,” he chuckled.
“I can look past that detail,” you said. “Would you ever consider marriage?”
“Yes. I absolutely would,” he said. You smiled and he squeezed your hand. “You think I’m gonna like...propose or something now?”
“I think I love you and anything else, whenever or if ever that may be, it would just be a cherry on top,” you said. “I don’t need a ring or to be Mrs. Winchester to tell me how I feel.”
“I figured as much. Safer to ask though,” he said. He reached into his pocket with his free hand and held out a small wrapped box to you. “Merry Christmas sweetheart.”
You dropped his hand so you could unwrap it, finding a black box inside. You took off the lid and smiled, looking back over to Dean.
“You like it?” he asked shyly, blush appearing on his cheeks. “Tessa helped me pick it out.”
“Dean are you proposing?” you asked. He cocked his head and you turned the empty ring back towards him, his face falling.
“Oh my God. Oh my God,” he said, covering his face. “I never put it back in the box. It’s at home. Oh my God I’m so dumb.”
“Dean,” you smiled, tilting your head and wrapping your arms around him. “Is there something you’d like to ask me?”
“It would make this idiot very happy if you decided to marry him,” he said with a smile.
“M’kay,” you said, pulling him down for a deep kiss. “That’s a yes by the way.”
“Even if I’m an idiot?”
“Told you I don’t need a ring, Winchester,” you said. “Just need you...Mr. & Mrs. Winchester has a nice ring to it though.”
“Technically it’s Dr. and…” he trialed off as you kissed him again. “God I love you.”
“I love you,” you said, throwing your arms over his shoulders. He tripped and fell back in the snow, laughing as you went with him. “Fuck I love the shit out of you.”
“I second that,” he said, rolling you to your back and kissing you. “Your sister is a hard nut to crack you know.”
“Did you ask her about this?”
“She’s very protective of big sis...but she said some very sweet things to me,” he said.
“She’s a sucker for you guys,” you said. “But she’s not the only one.”
You rolled over and meant to put him on his back but you ended up shifting and rolling down the hill with him, landing in a big pile of snow. You couldn’t see him at first but he was giggling like a kid and it was just about the best sound you’d ever heard in your life.
“I love you,” you said as you sat up. He propped himself up on his elbows and grinned. You jumped on top of him and rolled around in the snow, throwing snowballs and playing until both your jeans were soaked through and the cold was getting to be a bit much.
“Hey. You want to warm up with me in the shower?” he said. 
“Absolutely,” you said. You walked back up the hill with him, picking up the box from the road. He threw his arm over your shoulders and tugged you close into his side. “Maybe we can even have a little fun in that jacuzzi tub.”
“That’s my girl,” he chuckled.
“That’s my boy,” you said, taking off your hat and pulling it over his head. 
“I can get used to that.” He took off your hat and his baseball cap, putting the cap on you and tugging your hat back on.
“You’re never getting that blue Henley back by the way,” you said.
“You’re never getting your black hoodie back,” he said. You stopped and he pushed his hat down over your face. 
“Dork,” you said, pushing it up and wrapping an arm around his waist. You walked up the road, chilly when you walked back inside. You took off your coat and boots, tossing everything on the rack. 
You caught Sam and Tessa peeking their heads down the hall, both of them in their bathing suits. They stared at you and Dean, both dripping water.
“Yes we’re engaged,” you said.
“Yes!” said Tessa, Sam giving her a high five.
“Finally,” said Sam.
“Don’t you two have people to go make out with in the hot tub?” said Dean.
“Gah, like I’d do that in front of him,” said Tessa. 
“I was having a perfectly good time with Eileen until you and Jack-“
“Goodnight guys,” you said.
“They got engaged!” shouted Sam, different parts of the house shouting back. Dean pulled you up the staircase and down to your room, locking the door behind you. 
“Hi,” you grinned, kissing his nose.
“Hi. Wanna warm up?”
“After you, sweetheart.”
Three Months Later
“I’m beat,” said Dean, arm slung over your shoulders as the two of you walked up the street towards your house. You’d spent the day helping Sam and Eileen move into Sam’s new house just down the road, sticking around to unpack dishes and boxes long after everyone else had gone home.
“Our boy is all grown up,” you teased, Dean leaning against you. “Happy Sammy’s so close by?”
“Yup,” he said with a smile. “I think us older siblings did an alright job.”
“We still have to get Tessa through college,” you said.
“She’ll be fine. She wants to major in medicine sciences. I may or may not be able to help her out there some,” he said.
“Nerd,” you said, getting a smack on the ass from him. “Boy.”
“Girl,” he said, smirking and kissing your cheek. “It’s not the easiest thing in the world, I know, but she’s smart. We can all help her out. Except her art minor homework. I have no clue on that,” he said.
“First semester will probably be the roughest.”
“She’ll be okay,” he said. “What I am worried about it the fact she’s making us dinner tonight.”
“Ten bucks says it’s box mac and cheese.”
“Oh she informed me that it would be epic. I have high expectations,” he said.
“Hm, that must clearly be a good sign,” you said, nodding to your front porch where a very burnt tray of something sat on the step.
“Is it too late for takeout?” he chuckled.
“Let’s hope not,” you said, climbing up the steps. “We’re home!”
“How’d it go? We saw the...wait...it smells shockingly good in here,” said Dean, taking off his coat.
“I’m a better chef than you two give me credit for,” she said from the kitchen, humming as she worked over the stove. “I burnt the biscuits but everything else is nearly done.”
“If it tastes as good as it smells we should have you cook for us more often,” you said. 
“Laugh it up,” she said. Dean pulled you upstairs and you washed off the sweat of working all day, changing into something relaxing in time to walk downstairs and spot Tessa setting plates down at the table. 
“Oh. Fancy,” you said, Dean pulling out your seat for you. You sat and he took his own, Tessa humming as she pulled out a bottle of wine from the fridge and sat it down on the table. “Alright. What are you up to? This is way too nice.”
“Nothing. I knew you guys would be tired and you guys always make me dinner and stuff,” she said.
“Mhm,” you hummed, Dean smirking up at her. She rolled her eyes and sighed.
“This what I get for being nice. I’m going over Jack’s,” she said.
“Make smart choices kiddo,” said Dean with a wink. She groaned and messed up his hair before she took off, Toast trotting after. “Take my car if you want, Tess.”
“Thank you!” she called back, ducking out the door after a moment.
“Well this was very nice of her,” you said. You cut into your chicken and paused, showing it to Dean and giggling.
“Maybe tomorrow we’ll show her how to use a meat thermometer, make sure the food is actually cooked,” he chuckled, picking up the plates and scraping the food in the trash.
“It’s the thought that counts,” you said, picking up the bottle of wine.
“Yes it is. What are you thinking?” he asked. “Taco Saturday?”
“I want a big ass burrito,” you said. “With extra cheese. And nachos.”
“That’s my girl,” he said, washing up his hands at the sink. “Wine and Mexican food. Perfect combo if I do say so myself.”
Three Months Later
“You got me a car!” said Tessa, hopping up and down when she opened the front door. She ran over to it and pulled off the bow, sliding in behind the wheel.
“You were worried she wouldn’t like a used one,” chuckled Dean in your ear.
“I was not,” you said, slapping his chest, Toast running out past you. You watched Sam and Eileen come out of their house a few down, Sam staring over in your direction. “We’ll meet you there!”
He waved and they climbed in, driving past with a honk as Tessa squealed. 
“Alright, alright,” said Dean. “We got a graduation to get to, ladies.”
“Cheers,” said Dean, laying back on the lounger on the balcony, toasting his glass to yours. You stretched out and rolled over closer to him, kissing him gently. “You’ve officially survived the high school phase.”
“Why do I feel like the college phase is harder,” you laughed.
“She’s already got the college boyfriend down,” he said.
“Yeah but Jack is Jack. He’s sweet. She’s the one I worry about.”
“You’ll always worry,” he said, his arm hanging loosely over your shoulders. “Kids sound like they’re having fun down there.”
“She’s happy. It’s all I could ever ask for.”
“Are you happy?” he asked.
“I’m home,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder. You hugged his waist, Dean shutting his eyes with a smile. “You want to get married next summer?”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart,” he said. 
“Come on. You gotta have some opinions on this,” you said.
“I kinda like the idea of a spring wedding. Maybe May or something. I wouldn’t mind honeymooning somewhere on a beach,” he said.
“That sounds great,” you said, his fingers dancing along your arm. “Can I tell you a secret?”
“I almost asked my dad if I could meet you once you know. The boy from the mail room. You seemed...I don’t know, like a really good person.”
“Did I meet expectations?” he asked.
“Blew right past them,” you said, getting a kiss on the temple. “You happy?”
“I got my girl. I got my brother. Got Tessa and Eileen and my friends and Toast and this little baby, Miracle,” he said, picking up the sleeping puppy beside him. “I have never been so happy in my life.”
“Good,” you said, kissing his cheek. “Want to go see if there’s any graduation cake left? Bet it’d go good with this bourbon.”
“God I love you,” he chuckled as he kissed you. “So fucking much.”
“Me too, Dean. Me too.”
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