#sam comes over to adams apartment to check on him because he hasn’t answered in days and he walks in and adams on the couch under a blanket
baiboop · 2 years
i think post-cage, one of adam and micheal’s favorite activities is cuddling on the couch and playing animal crossing.
i also think they’re weirdly very serious about it and play for days on end, adam likes it and micheal feels like it’s his duty to provide for the villagers so that just feeds into their obsession.
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trexrambling · 2 years
Hi can you do “ i don't have anyone anymore. “ “ you have me. “ for the hurt comfort prompts with Dean please?
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You watch as he runs his hands through his hair, his feet creating a track in your apartment’s carpet from the pacing he hasn’t been able to stop since he picked your lock and let himself in about- you check the microwave clock, fight back a yawn as the green numbers remind you that you should still be unconscious- about two minutes ago. 
Two minutes of pacing while you stand there in your bare feet, arms folded so you don’t subconsciously pull down the hem of the oversized T-shirt you’d just been sleeping in.
He jerks a little at his name, pivoting to pinpoint your voice from the shadow of the doorframe. Even in the faint glow of the nightlight you have plugged in, you can read the frantic features framing his face. 
“Oh, Y/N, hey. You’re awake.”
You walk into the living room, setting the gun you’d had trained on him a few moments ago down on the coffee table before plopping your body onto the couch.
“Of course I’m awake. You’re louder than an elephant, stopping around with those feet of yours.”
His hands find his pockets as he draws in a deep breath. “I didn’t mean to-”
“-break into my apartment in the middle of the night and make me almost shoot you?”
Dean’s lips curl up, the motion so faint and then just as rapidly fleeting. “Yeah, that.”
You bend your legs, engulfing them in your shirt and resting your chin on top of your knees. “So, what’s going on? Are you here to see Sam?”
His jaw tightens, and you watch his adam's apple bob as he swallows. “No, I can’t… Sam’s busy with school. I can’t bother him with this.”
“With what?”
His mouth opens, closes, and then he scrubs a hand down his face. “I shouldn’t have come here, I’m sorry. I just.. I didn't know where else to go.”
“Dean?” Your eyes narrow, your brain fully awake now. “What is it?”
He drops onto the couch beside you, his head falling into his palms. You sit up, a hand immediately finding his firm shoulder to give a supportive squeeze. 
“Dad’s gone.” The words start to tumble out of his mouth with the force of a broken dam. “He left for a hunting trip, and then he stopped answering his phone, and I’ve been trying to track him but…I need… I’m worried this time, Y/N. I think something’s wrong. It’s been too long, and I don’t know what to do.”
“Okay, well-”
“And Bobby is busy on a hunt of his own a few states over, and I reached out to a few other guys but didn’t hear anything back, and Sam is… This kind of stuff hasn’t been Sam’s problem for a long time now. It shouldn’t be his problem now. Hell, it shouldn’t be your problem now-”
“Dean-” you gently shake his shoulder- “just slow down for a minute.”
“I can’t slow down!” he snaps back, the sharp edge making you flinch. “I need to find my dad. You don’t get it, Y/N. You and Sam, you guys got out. You’re here, making new lives for yourselves, and I’m.. I don’t have anyone anymore.”
You stare at him in silence, listen to his deep breaths as he draws them in and out of his lungs. You take a deep breath of your own, let go of his shoulder and roughly pick up his calloused hand, pulling it into your lap to rest enveloped in your tight grip against your bare thigh.
“Dean, look at me.”
It takes him a second, but he finally turns his head, eyes finding yours, and the uncertainty there makes your chest ache. 
“You have me. We have each other’s backs, always. And just because I’m here, at this fancy ass college, doesn’t mean that’s about to change.”
You stand, keeping a hold on him to pull him up alongside you. “Give me five minutes to get some things together.”
“Y/N, I can’t ask you to-”
“You didn’t ask me, and I’ve already decided. John is family, and I’m going to help you find him.”
His mouth pulls up into a small smile, and his thumb brushes across the back of your hand before he lets go. “Is that my shirt?”
You look down at what you’re wearing, heat immediately flooding your cheeks as you go back into your room and quickly pull on yesterday’s jeans. “I’ve got a few things here, but most of them are in my storage unit. We can swing by there... after we get Sam.”
“What? No, Y/N, I told you-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what you said.” You turn to look at him again, a wide smile on your face. “But it only seems fair that I get to break into his apartment since you broke into mine.”
“Come on-” you grab the pre-packed duffle from your closet and swing the strap over your shoulder- “this is going to be great.”
If anyone has a wee Drabble request, I’m very much feeling this list of prompts right now and would love to do some writing! xo
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kisekinodrabbles · 3 years
Sam you're back!!! Can i get a request where aomine preparing a proposal marriage to his so but accidentally mention it to his so? And it ended up funny please!! I've been waiting for your ask box to be opened 🤗🤗
alwkerjalkejr im sorry this is so late and im bad at Humor so this is the best i can do for now, i hope u enjoy it 
Aomine wasn’t a planner. Not even close. He had breezed through high school with poor grades and actions decided solely on impulse. He had faced college head on with no particular direction and went where the wind sent him. The only thing he was certain about had been basketball and that had been the only thing pushing him forward. 
However, of course, it was different after he met you. The game changer, some called you. No one would guess that Aomine would’ve settled down at the raw age of 24 with a woman he had known for exactly seven months and three days. A blind date first encounter, several dates and sexy times later, the two of you had made it exclusive. 
And Aomine was whipped to say the least. 
24 was a far cry from his expected settlement age. The two of you butt heads on many things, including your relationship and the long-term perspective. He viewed marriage as a trap, a cage to keep him locked up and away. But you had illuminated the difference in his mind. 
Marriage wasn’t a prison, it was a commitment. Commitment that didn’t leave him feeling stuck, but instead liberated. The thought of spending the rest of his life with you both terrified and enthralled him. Terrified not because he feared giving up the rest of his life, but because the idea of losing you imprinted a searing pain into his heart.
He twiddled with the ring box in his hands, feeling the smooth velvet underneath his fingertips. He had bought it on impulse - a glance into a jewelry store when the two of you were out for your biweekly date (given your busy schedules – Aomine with training and you with your mundane desk job). He had gotten a bonus for the season for doing particularly well, not that it was hard.
It was the extra cash, he would say, that made him do it. When you traipsed off into a bakery, he wandered in the opposite direction and ended up back in front of the glimmering diamonds. He was just going to take a look, he figured. No harm done.
However, he ended up walking out with a small bag that he quickly hid from sight in his gym bag – the weight of the tiny compartment placing a heavy burden on his shoulders. His nerves crept up on him as if the box would sear right through the fabric and you would find out that This Idiot had bought a ring on a whim. A pricey one at that (he had to recalculate his budgeting for the month after this).
“Daiki,” you called, snapping your fingers in front of his face.
Aomine descended back to reality and to the meal before him. The two of you were sharing dinner and apparently you had been sharing a story about your coworker who he couldn’t really give less shit about but he just enjoyed listening to the sound of your voice fill the room. 
“Huh?” he asked, mouthful of pasta opening to let bits fall out.
You crinkled your nose in disgust, eyeing the fallen pieces on his plate. “You’re gross, first of all. Second, you’re not listening to me.”
“Yes, your coworker has stolen multiple pens from your table and hasn’t given a single one back but you’ve seen it on other people’s desks.” Years of “not” listening to Momoi nag his ass off had trained him to pick up on key points of conversation. He had gotten multiple earfuls from his childhood friend for not listening and he was almost thankful that he had a skillful ear. 
Oh. That had you closing your mouth and blushing. Cute. “Okay, fine, so you were listening. But still!” 
“Babe, it really isn’t a big deal. Just ask for them back from your other coworkers, I’m sure they’ll be cool with it.”
“I guess,” you mumbled. 
Aomine’s lips quirked up. You didn’t like confrontation and especially not over something so small. Cute.
“Are you cleaning the bedroom tomorrow or am I?” you said, collecting both your plates and leaving them in the sink. Aomine instinctively followed after you to get started on the dishes – he had been well-trained in the art of kitchen hygiene mainly through your incessant criticism of how bad he was at it. 
Meanwhile, you headed over to your shared bedroom only to be dismayed by the sight of his gym bag. You could practically see the smell leaking out from it. “Daiki,” you groaned again. What was it this time, he wondered. He was distracted by getting every inch of stain off the plates when you grumbled, bringing out his bag. “What did I tell you about leaving your gross, used uniform in your bag? We have a laundry basket, babe.”
“Yep, sorry, forgot,” he noted almost robotically. This happened weekly and, no matter how many times you reminded him, he was going to keep forgetting. It wasn’t as if he wasn’t going to sweat in the clothes again. 
He heard you distinctively moan some more in the background but he was so focused on that one sauce mark that he barely processed what you were saying, answering your questions with half his attention on you.
“When did you bring these back?”
“Two days ago.”
“Two days ago! Do you not smell it?”
“My god, what is this mess? What’s this stain?”
“Probably the burger I ate with the team.”
“Your towel has another stain.”
“Oh, Eiji spilled his soda on it.”
“What’s this box?”
“Engagement ring.”
It didn’t register with him what he just said. It was another answer to another question, nothing else. It was only when the silence weighed heavily in the air that he turned to check on you.
You who were standing frozen in your spot, velvet box still in hand and eyes the size of saucers. “A what?”
Aomine blanked out then. How in the fuck was he supposed to get out of this situation? He wanted to do this properly, the way that you deserved. It wasn’t as if you were a die-hard romantic who needed roses spread across their apartment, but he certainly wanted to give you something equivalent that you would enjoy. A gesture that you deserved for all the time you spent putting up with him. 
So he thought of the next best thing. “For my friend. Um, he asked me to pick it up.”
“Daiki, I know all your friends and I don’t think any of them have significant others.”
“It’s a distant friend, he did it to not be suspicious.” 
You shrugged, shoving it back into his bag. For a moment, he could’ve sworn he saw a flash of hurt across your eyes. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t brought up marriage before, but it’s something Aomine had always waved off. Perhaps you were instantly convinced, a dream close to your fingertips but still out of reach. 
“I lied,” he quickly blurted out, getting up from his seat to approach you and pluck the box from your hands. He ran his thumb across the smooth cover, taking in a deep breath. “This is for us. For you. I wanted it to be a surprise, but I also want you to know that I am serious about you, no matter how many times I joke about it. You... mean the world to me and there’s nothing I won’t do to keep you by my side.” 
He watched your lips part in surprise, a revelation that had struck you to the core. Aomine, who had been so adamant that marriage was nothing but a lie, was thinking of proposing. You could feel your brain shortcircuit and it seemed to show on your face.
Aomine chuckled, ruffling your hair, “Don’t look so shaken. I’m not going to do it now. Like I said, it’s going to be a surprise so I’m not going to ask you now. But just know that I will ask you—and ask you properly. When that time comes, you better be ready to say yes.”
You smiled, “I’ve never been readier for anything.”
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Light My Fire - CH01
Pairing: CEO!Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: She always thought her boss was an ill-tempered man, but when he presents her with a proposition she can’t quite deny, she gets to know him better. It’s not bad, right? Because all she has to do is being fake married to him for six months, sounds do-able, right? Right.
Warnings: There’s none in this. Maybe a sprinkle of angst.
WC: 2567
A/N: So here we have a new series. If you know my writing, you’d know that I always write such a slow build. This one won’t be any different. Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback. 
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons <3
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Shit, shit, shit. 
She’s going to be late, so fucking late! 
Y/N hastily slips into her shoes, does a final check of her reflection in the mirror before she gets out of her apartment and hires a taxi. It’s not like she can afford it with the high rent in the city, but she can’t risk getting late into work because her boss would be beyond pissed and she’d like to avoid being at the receiving end of his wrath right at the start of her week. 
She’s still panting when she sits in the taxi. If she hadn’t been lost in thoughts and wanted to finish reading her damn novel while she drank her coffee, maybe then she wouldn’t have spilled it all over herself and wouldn’t have had to change into something else and she wouldn’t have been late. 
Mr. Winchester will be so pissed.
He’s known for firing people, exchanging them for someone who would be gone in under a week's time. She’s actually surprised that she made it this long. It’s almost a year now that she became one of his office assistants and while it’s a good job and a good paying one too, she thinks it’s fucking challenging. She needs that job and she can’t afford to get fired. Jack, her brother, is still in college and she needs to help him, since she and Jack — well, that’s all the family that’s still left. 
She quickly types out a text to Jack when she sees the taxi rounding up to her office building. 
 Y/N: Cross your fingers. I’m late. I hope I won’t get fired.
J: Oh, no. I’m crossing my toes, too! You got it, sis!
 Alright. She takes a deep breath, gets out and pays the driver before she takes the elevator up to her floor. 
Arriving on the floor, she already hears someone yelling. The voice is deep, gravelly, it can only belong to one person that she knows of. He’s also the only one who’s allowed to yell around here, actually. 
Walking over to her desk, she sits down and starts up her computer. She hopes that by acting normal, nobody would know that she’s thirty minutes late, and she doesn’t even have a good explanation should someone ask. She couldn’t even lie about it because she’s an awful liar.
Mr. Winchester hates tardiness. She once watched him firing someone who was five minutes late. 
She doesn’t know what’s wrong with Mr. Winchester sometimes. Like, he’s all professional but every time she has to work with him, he acts all grumpy. After a year of repeatedly watching him being his grumpy self around her, she can’t help but think that he doesn’t really like her at all. But again, if he doesn’t like her, why didn’t he fire her already?
“Go away! You’re fired!” 
Oh god, it’s not even 9am and he’s already firing people. She sees Adam walk past her desk, his head low. Awe, that’s sad. She quite liked Adam. How long has he been here? About seven months? God, she wishes that she had the balls to stand up to that jerk Winchester.
Mr. Winchester walks out of his office and right into her view. She ducks her head, pretends to look occupied, which she actually is because she’s now logged in and skims through her emails. There are several of Mr. Winchester from this morning and she looks at the time stamps. 6.45am, 6.57am, 7.12am, 7.34am, 8.01am, 8.02am, 8.03am, 8.04am, 8.05am, 8.06am, 8.13am, 8.16am, 8.24am, 8.26am. 
She’s going to get fired for sure. Say bye to your college degree, Jack.
His footsteps echo in the quiet office and it comes to a halt at her desk.
Y/N doesn’t dare to look up.
“Where were you?” Mr. Winchester snarls. 
“I— uh,” She stammers, and then she looks up at him. His suit is neat, the scruff a little longer than usual, and he looks tired because his eyes aren’t as green as they usually are, which is a good thing because she always tends to get lost in them if she stares at them for too long, “I’m sorry, sir.” 
“I want to see you in my office,” He hisses, “And while you’re at it, get me a coffee, alright?” He turns around, walks back, but stops and tilts his head back again, “Please.” With that, he’s off into his office and slams the door shut. 
Hey, at least he said please, right?
Ruby looks up at her from her computer, “My god, what’s wrong with that guy? Can you believe that he’s one of the hottest bachelors of the year according to some magazines? The voters surely haven’t ever seen him like this.”
“Shush, Ruby,” Y/N says, “What if he has bat ears?” Really, she wouldn’t be surprised if he has.
Ruby does that locking motion with her hand on her lips. 
“But someone surely has got out of the wrong side of the bed.” She says, and adds, “I thought he spent the weekend in Vegas for that meeting? Didn’t it go well?”
“It did, apparently, but who knows,” Ruby shrugs, “Anyway, if I were you, I would go grab that coffee quick, Y/N. I don’t want him firing you.”
“Shit, right!” She gets up and storms into the break room to get the coffee and speeds back on her heels to Mr. Winchester’s office door, almost trips once but she managed to  save herself gracefully.
She knocks and enters, and to her surprise, someone else is in the room as well. 
Sam Winchester, the company’s lawyer and brother to Dean Winchester. 
Sam stands by the window, looking out into the streets while her boss is hunched over his desk, his forehead on his arms. 
Something’s wrong and she’s afraid to ask what it is. So instead of asking, she steps in, “Your coffee, sir.”
“Huh,” Mr. Winchester looks up from his desk, “Yeah, thanks. Please take a seat, Y/N.”
Hesitantly, she walks closer, clears her throat as she sets the coffee on his desk, and sits down, “Mr. Winchester, please, whatever it is, I promise that I won’t make the same mistake again. My being late today was really an accident, I spilled coffee over myself and had to change my clothes, it’ll never happen again, please. I need this job.”
“Jesus, Y/N, relax!” Mr. Winchester groans, and Sam Winchester looks at his brother with amusement in his eyes, “My head’s hurting. Shut up, please? You won’t get fired, I promise.”
“In fact, I have a proposition for you.” Mr. Winchester stands up and walks around to her side of the desk, leaning against it, “I want you to be my fake wife.”
She frowns, thinks that she hasn’t heard him right, “What?”
“Look, I’m not really happy about it either,” He starts to say, and she frowns some more for fucking good measure.
“Wow, thanks,” Y/N huffs out, “What a great compliment.”
“No! Christ!” Mr. Winchester rubs over his scruff with his fingers. The scratching sound is loud in the otherwise quiet room, “I didn’t mean it like that.” 
“Why do you want me to do that?”
“Yeah, why, Dean?” Sam cuts in and he starts to chuckle, which prompts Dean to send his brother a glare. 
“Shut up, Sammy.”
He turns back to her, “Look, the meeting in Vegas went well, alright? I got Chuck Shurley to let me buy shares of his company. The thing is, after the dinner, we went for a drink, and next thing I know, I was married to his fucking sister.”
Y/N really tries not to laugh, “Wow.”
“Yeah,” Mr. Winchester scoffs.
“So, did you get ordained by Elvis or something?” 
“Y/N! Jesus! Focus!” He yells, which made her flinch, “I’m married and now she wants at least a quarter of what I own if I want to annul the marriage. She fucking set me up, but I can’t really prove it.”
“Amara Shurley is a very beautiful and rich woman,” She shrugs, because it’s true. Every guy wants to be with her, she wonders why Mr. Winchester doesn’t. 
“Your point being?” He raises an eyebrow at her, “Just because she’s beautiful doesn’t mean that I have to want to be with her, does it?”
“No, sir. But I’m wondering why you want me to pretend to marry you when you are already married?”
“We can show Amara another marriage certificate, one that says that we married a month ago, right Sammy?” Mr. Winchester asks his brother, but his eyes are on her. 
“That’s right. It’s already signed by all parties. All you have to do is sign it. I’m waiting for the court dates as we speak,” Sam Winchester says and shows her the apparent very important piece of paper.
There are signatures of Mr. Winchester. His brother and Ruby as witnesses. Ruby? Fucking Ruby? Oh my god, and she didn’t even warn her!
“Ruby’s your friend besides work too, isn’t she?” Mr. Winchester asks. 
“Yeah,” Y/N nods.
“Good,” Mr. Winchester says, and adds, “What do you say? Would you do me the honor of becoming my fake wife?”
Her mouth stands slightly agape, she blinks, “This is stupid. Why would you do that? It’s not even legal, is it? Why me?”
“I’m pretty desperate, as you can tell,” Mr. Winchester answers short. And it hurts. It hurts damn bad. Not that she expects anything less. And then he goes on, “Look, I know that it’s a big breach into your privacy but I can guarantee you that you’ll get rewarded for it. I’ll pay you double and you don’t even have to work while you’re married to me.”
But she likes to work! Well, yeah, sometimes he can be a dick but she actually really likes to work. She doesn’t say it, though. Instead, she asks, “How long do we need to be married for?” 
“Six months.” Sam Winchester cuts in.
“Yeah, that’s the only way it won’t look suspicious.” 
“Ah, great. Because we don’t want that, do we? We don’t even live together! I don’t know you! This is going too far.” She’s mad. Can’t lie about it.
“Y/N, please. You’re the only one that I know who doesn’t get irritated by my mood. You know how I like my coffee, you know where I like to eat out, you know my schedule, you’re the only one who really knows me here!”
Sam Winchester clears his throat.
“Calm down, Sammy, alright!” Mr. Winchester rolls his eyes. 
She bites her bottom lip, thinks hard about it. It’s not like she can not not agree to it. It’s double pay for six months! Jack could finish his degree. But she asks anyway, “What are the conditions?”
“I have the contract ready, too,” Sam Winchester says, and hands it to her, while she begins to read it, he goes on, “You’re going to live with Dean as of today,” The younger Winchester says matter of factly.
“Today?” She stands up so abruptly, the chair screeches along the floor, which makes everyone in the room flinch, and Mr. Winchester’s hand goes to his temple. “Sorry,” She whispers.
“Yeah, today. You’ve been married for one month, think it’s time you move in together, no?” Sam grins.
“Okay, and what else?” Y/N crosses her arms over her chest. 
“Monogamy.” The taller Winchester smirks, “No sex or flirting with anyone else for the next six months.”
“What?” Mr. Winchester scoffs, “You didn’t tell me that, Sammy!”
Sam Winchester just shrugs, “I mean, it actually goes without saying. You’re married, that’s what married couples do when they’re in love, being faithful. At least in the first six months I’d hope so.”
Mr. Winchester rubs over his scruff again. He does that a lot when he’s thinking. After a short while he looks at her, “Okay, I can do that, can you?”
How can she say that it's a piece of cake for her because she doesn’t have a healthy social life anyway? All she’s been doing is working and sleeping for a year now. But of course she doesn’t say it. Instead, she says, “I can,” and looks at her boss smugly and he cocks her an eyebrow.
“So that we’re clear, you’re going to act like a lovey dovey couple for the next six month.” Her boss’s brother states.
“Yes,” Mr. Winchester and her say it in unison.
“Great,” Sam Winchester hands her a pen, “If you could just sign here and here, Y/N.” He points to the places on the certificate and contract.
She signs the documents and the taller Winchester puts it away into his case. “Right, I’ll see you guys around,” he calls out before leaving.
“So, Mr. Winchester—”
“—Please call me Dean. We’re married now.” He lets out a tired chuckle.
“Right,” She sighs.
“Look, I’m sorry about it, alright? I’m not out to make your life miserable but maybe if we work on it together it’ll be half as bad as it seems right now?”
“Maybe, yeah.” She agrees. “So, what do you want me to do?”
“You go home and pack your things. I’ll send Gabe to pick you up and bring you to my penthouse.”
Penthouse. How fancy. 
“And don’t worry, the rent for your apartment will be covered.”
She walks out of the office with a weird feeling in her guts. When she arrives at her desk Ruby’s grinning.
“You fucking knew!” Y/N hisses at her friend.
“Oh, come on,” The other girl huffs out, “What’s so bad about being married to the hottest bachelor in the business world?”
Well, Ruby’s actually not entirely wrong, but he’s her boss. It will always be awkward. 
“Ask me again in six months, will you?” She says, shuts off her computer and is about to leave when Ruby eyes her, “What?”
“Where are you going?”
“I have to go pack my things.”
She sighs, “Well, I have to go live with him now.”
“You what?!” Ruby damn near squealed.
“Shhh!” She hushes her friend and looks around, smiles when she sees Donatello looking over here with one raised eyebrow, “You know that you can’t talk about it, right? You probably signed a contract.” She doesn’t really know it but given how Sam Winchester is good at what he’s doing, she guesses that they cover Dean’s ass thoroughly. Not that she wouldn’t mind covering that ass herself...
Focus, Y/N! 
“Yeah, I signed something. I didn’t read it  because damn, that young Winchester is yummy. I’d like to climb him like a fucking tree.” 
“My god Ruby, you should always read what you sign!” 
“In my defense, I was lost in his dimples, okay? Anyway, it’s good if you live with him, no? You can see if he really has a stick up his ass when you walk in on him showering or something like that.”
“Oh my god, I need to leave.” She grabs her bag and walks to the elevator when Ruby makes kissy faces at her. She sticks out her tongue and in that moment, Dean walks out of his office and frowns at her. 
Monday has just started fucking great, hasn’t it?
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blurglesmurfklaine · 4 years
Cornelia Street (8/9)
(+ an interlude i thought of after reading “Reeni”s comment. Idk who you are bc it was a guest comment, but thank you!)
A/N: oh my god they were quarantined
yes. It’s one of those fics.
AU, obvs
I’m posting as I go and idk how many parts this is going to be, likely won’t be very long but I literally don’t know what I’m doing and should i be starting yet another WIP? definitely not but fuck it lets fucking go
Title is from T-swizzles Lover album, I’m OBSESSED
Summary: Three years ago, Kurt and Blaine went on a disaster of a date and never quite got off on the right foot. Now, just before they graduate from NYADA, there’s a national outbreak and they’re both self-quarantined in a mutual friend’s apartment.
Read On AO3
On Tumblr: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
QueenJCedes replied to your story!
Kurt bites back a dopey grin when he opens Mercedes’s snapchat message. It’s a photo of her looking dubiously at the camera, a single eyebrow pointed up, with the caption: Quarantine buddies, huh?
He snaps back a quick photo of himself, eyes rolled upwards. What can I say, he won me over.
She sends back just a message this time—
Mercedes: Yeah, clearly. Mercedes: Head over feet, Alanis style!
—and then a bitmoji of Kurt falling through the air.
Kurt: I mean… You’re not wrong Kurt: He’s sort of everything Kurt: AND a fantastic kisser
Mercedes: OMG REALLY? I was just teasing, but if this is legit, I’m so happy for you!!!
He can’t help but giggle excitedly as he types a reply. 
Kurt: Yeah. me too.
New Snap from setroutymouth
Blaine rolls his eyes but still can't school the smile on his face into a neutral expression. This is going to be a lot, he already knows, but nevertheless, he swipes his thumb across the screen to unlock his phone.
Sam’s pacing through Mercedes’s childhood home in Ohio, phone in selfie mode, already rambling at a hundred miles a minute that Blaine’s sure he cut off a few words.
“—cedes just showed me Kurt’s snapchat story and I AM LOSING IT! Did something happen between you two? Oh my god, something totally happened, didn’t it!? BLAINE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED MERCEDES WON’T TELL ME AND I ALREADY FINISHED EVERY BINGABLE SHOW ON NETFLI—”
As expected, it was a lot. But still not enough to burst his happy little bubble. He doesn’t think anything could, at this point.
Through his smiles, he snaps back a picture of himself shrugging, trying to look as clueless as possible, and adds the caption: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
It’s not even a full moment before he gets another video back.
Blaine locks his phone shut, mostly because he knows it’ll drive Sam crazy. He can respond later. Right now, there are more important matters at hand.
Blaine’s in the kitchen, putting away what was left of the carton of Cookie Two-Step ice cream they’d demolished while watching another Netflix romcom, when Kurt’s phone lights up.
New Message: From: Adam I saw your sc story You know you could just be *my* quarantine buddy When are you coming?
Kurt actually growls as he types out a reply. How did he put up with this for nearly three years?
New Message: To: Adam I’m not.
Kurt. We both know how this ends.
Not this time. I meant it. We’re done.
Okay, whatever you say I’ll check in with you later When you change your mind
Kurt doesn’t even warrant that with a response, he’s too seething mad to even formulate one with enough bite to put Adam in his place.
But then the door opens, Blaine’s beaming at him, and Adam is completely irrelevant.
“I was just thinking,” Blaine muses aloud, slipping under the covers and snuggling up next to him in a way that Kurt knows will be way too easy for him to get used to. “Do you remember our Junior year when we had to partner up during Stagefighting for that Musical Choregraphy project?”
Kurt explodes into laughter. “Uh, yeah, that was pretty ridiculous. I remember hearing from Matthew that you said I dance like a pigeon that’d been chewed up and spit out by a cat.”
“What!?” Blaine exclaims, shocked. “I swear I never said that. Though, I do remember going on a tangent about how I didn’t know how I was supposed to concentrate when you insisted on wearing those pants with that tight fitted shirt and…”
He trails off, and Kurt can feel color rising to his cheeks. “Oh, that explains it, actually.”
“Explains what?”
“Matthew. He had a huge crush on you.”
Blaine’s eyes double in size. “He what!?”
Kurt lets out a chuckle. “You seriously didn’t know?”
“No! Nobody told me!”
“That’s not how crushes work, Blaine,” Kurt says through a stream of giggles. 
“Okay, why does it make more sense for me to just take a wild guess about how people feel about me instead of them telling me, or acting on it? Like, if you hadn’t have kissed me earlier, I would have never known how you felt and kissed you back.”
Kurt opens his mouth to argue that logic, but… he seriously cannot get over how oblivious Blaine is. “So you’re saying that if I hadn't accidentally kissed you then you really wouldn’t have known how I feel?”
“Yeah. And I would most definitely not have acted on my crush.”
“Aw,” Kurt teases. “You used to have a crush on me. That’s embarrassing.”
“And you watch too much Parks and Rec.” 
“I’m gonna kiss you again, now,” he announces.
Blaine just grins, eyes crinkling at the sides. “I think that’s a great idea.”
There wasn’t much of a choice because of the shelter in place, but based on the bright spark forming in his chest when their skin meets, Kurt could definitely get used to this living situation.
Blaine finally pulls away reluctantly. If he could stay attached to Kurt forever, stay connected to him, he would. He roams his eyes over Kurt’s face, like he could memorize it if he really, really tried, and notices a scar just above his eyebrow. It would be invisible to anyone else, anyone who wasn’t trying to intentionally map out the image of Kurt.
The scar doesn’t bother Blaine, but the idea that someone ever hurt Kurt bad enough to leave physical evidence that refuses to leave tugs achingly at his heart. Instinctively, he takes his hand from where it rests on the side of Kurt’s face, and gently traces over the scar with the pad of his index finger soothingly, as if it hasn’t been healed for years.
“Sophomore year… two years ago,” Kurt’s murmuring refocuses his attention.
That was a hazy time for Blaine, but he does have a vague memory of hearing from a friend of a friend that Kurt spent some time in the hospital, and he definitely remembers his rival-slash-partner being missing from their stage acting class for a while.
“What happened?” He asks.
Kurt is so calm, so steady when he answers. It leaves him in awe. “It was when all those gay bashings were happening…” he pauses, and Blaine immediately feels sick to his stomach because he knows where this is heading. “I was on my way home from school and saw these guys attacking some teenager, and… I had to help. I ran over and started shoving them, I guess. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but the kid got away. I didn’t. The last thing I remember after that was what I think might’ve been a brick hitting my head.”
“Jesus,” Blaine breathes. His initial reaction is to say I’m sorry, but something tells him that Kurt isn’t sorry about it at all. Instead, he says, “I had no idea. That–that was really brave of you.”
Kurt snorts out a laugh. “I’m glad you think so. I spent most of my hospital stay being berated by my dad about how irresponsible it was.”
“No,” Blaine shakes his head. “If anything it was over-responsible.”
“I’m not convinced that’s a word.”
“Me neither,” Blaine says breathlessly, amber gaze fixed on the boy lying across from him.
He really just can’t help but pull them together again. 
Blaine thinks Kurt is opening his mouth to deepen the kiss and, well, he’s certainly not going to complain. Until Kurt sucks in a deep breath and turns his head, chuckling through his yawn.
“Sorry, I really thought I could hold that yawn in.”
Blaine lets out a laugh of his own and glances over at the analog clock on the nightstand. “It’s only midnight, you grandpa,” he teases.
“Hey! Doing nothing all day is seriously draining.”
“I wouldn’t call what we did nothing,” Blaine says cheekily, causing Kurt to flush.
“I’m going to shower before I head to bed,” Kurt responds, sitting up and lifting his arms up over his head and exposing an inch or so of his midriff.
Blaine is trying so hard not to stare. Nevertheless, he can’t help it as he watches Kurt saunter off to the restroom. 
He tosses his head back onto the pillow with a satisfied grin on his face. Global crisis it may be, but if he got Kurt Hummel out of it… he could complain about worse things.
A bright ding from his right interrupts his thoughts. Blaine turns his head and sees the screen of Kurt’s phone light up, resting there on the nightstand.
He’s not snooping. He’s really not. It’s just sort of instinct to look in the direction of the sounds.
Then, he sees the succession of messages that make his stomach churn.
New Message: From: Adam Hurry and finish up with the rebound already I miss you Text me when you’re on your way
He stares at the screen for a few seconds before it fades back to black, feeling absolutely sick to his stomach. Of course Kurt was going to run back to his ex the first chance he got. It’s exactly what he did three years ago and Blaine was just kidding himself. This was all too good to be true.
Turns out it wasn’t.
Before he knows it, he’s grabbing his duffel bag and dialing Quinn’s number. 
He’s always welcomed there and New Haven isn’t all that far, after all.
Part 9
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
Rescue Me-And Baby Makes Three
Being the Advertisement & Publicity Director for the Bunker was the job of a lifetime. Not only had it brought me back home to Lawrence but it also brought me back to my two best friends, Sam and Dean Winchester. The Winchesters and I have been best friends since childhood since my family had moved next door to them when I was 7 years old. Dean had been 9 and little Sammy, just a chubby 5 year old. Our parents got along great and their mom would sometimes take me with her when she took the boys to the park. They had been in my life for as long as I could remember. They were my sidekicks, partners in crime and my protectors. No one messed with me without feeling the wrath of the Winchester boys.
After a few years and more distance apart, a divorce leaving me with practically nothing brought me back to my hometown and back into the caring and secure shelter of my best friends. Sam was still the little brother I never knew I wanted or needed and Dean...well Dean was my confidante and dearest friend.
It took 3 years of working closely with Dean at his bar and being a shoulder for him to lean on when his life took a rocky turn, for he and I to confess our true feelings for one another. In the years as being a co-worker and colleague,  Dean and I had unknowingly fallen in love. Now, nine years after coming home here I am; Mrs. Dean Randolph Winchester and 8 ½ months pregnant with our first child, our daughter.
My life hasn't been a proverbial walk in the park and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I have fought and struggled for everything I have now and can genuinely say that I am 100 % happy. Okay, wait, let me rephrase; I'm like 95% completely happy and 5% anxious and more than ready to get this kid out of me! Who knew carrying a Winchester was so difficult.
It is almost time for the annual B4 event and seeing as I will be off on involuntary maternity leave (bossman is very adamant about it), I am going over the pre-final preparations with Angela, my temporary replacement. The menu has been set, the booze has been ordered so the only thing left to do really is edit the advertisements and flyers and send them off to the printers.  
I stand from my chair when it happens. A rush of moisture floods my pants and thighs and I look up at Angela, wide-eyed. "Dean!"
Dean comes running in, Sam right on his heels. "Wha-what's wrong?" Dean asks, slightly out of breath.
I smile at my husband and best friend. "It's time."
The next few minutes are a flurry of activity. Dean races to my side as he and Angela help me walk toward the exit and Sam pulls out his phone to call ahead to the hospital to let them know we are on our way.
"De-," I try to speak through a contraction but have to grit my teeth. I know the pain I'm having now is nothing compared to what I am in for and that terrifies me. As soon as it subsides, I look to my husband.  "My bag is at home."
Dean smiles and kisses the top of my head.  "No, it isn't.  I put it in the trunk last week. I knew the way you weren't slowing down, this was going to happen."
We get outside to the car and Dean helps me in. He runs around the front as Angela closes my door. "Go have a baby. Everything here is taken care of," she tells me through the open window. I nod as cringe as Dean starts the engine. The vibrations of the motor through the leather seats can be felt through my whole body. Dean slams the vehicle into gear as Sam jumps into the backseat,  leaning forward to put a hand on my shoulder.
"The hospital has been put on alert that we're coming and they'll be ready for you," he tries to comfort me.
That was Sam for you though; always thinking ahead, making sure everything was in place and as perfect as could be. I smiled at him over my shoulder. "Thanks. Did you call Jess?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
Jess was the woman Sam had been seeing for the last year or so and was a nurse at the very same hospital we were speeding toward. She and I had hit it off remarkably well and she was as anxious for our newest arrival as we all were.
"Yeah, she's gonna be there waiting for us," Sam said with a smile. I had figured out that he was in love with Jess long before he even realized it just by the dreamy look he'd get whenever her name was mentioned.
"Good," I squeaked through another painful squeeze in my abdomen.  Hearing the noise leave my lips, Dean pressed down in the gas harder. "Dean Randolph Winchester, if you don't slow this car down right now, I'm going to murder you! We do not need to be in an accident or given a speeding ticket on the day our little girl decides to come. "
As promised, when we pulled up to the emergency entrance of Lawrence General, Jess was there with a wheelchair; another, older nurse stood nearby with a clipboard full of paperwork. Sam jumped out of the back of the car, kissed Jess' cheek and then turned to help me out of the car.
Jess helped get me situated in the chair as the older lady, Janine, began asking questions. "What time did your water break?" "How far apart are the contractions?" "On a scale of 1-10, how strong would you say they are?" I smiled as I answered her, even though I could already feel another one coming on.
Sam had traded places with Dean, going to park the car while we got registered and settled into a room. Dean held my hand the whole time, answering the registrar's question when I couldn't due to contractions.
As soon as all the questions were answered, Janine gave me a gown and left the room so I could get changed. "This is it," I said, looking at Dean after I had got changed and settled back into the bed. "We're going to be parents. Are we ready?"
Dean chuckled as he pushed some hair from my already damp forehead. "Kinda have to be, don't we?"
Before I can answer, the door opens and our doctor, Dr. Franklin walks in. She smiles at us as she pulls on her latex gloves and checks me.
"Looks like your progressing well,  you are already at 4 centimeters. How's the pain? Do you need something to take the edge off?" she asked cautiously. We had already discussed it with her at my last visit that unless it was deemed necessary, I was going to give birth drug-free.
"Hurts but nothing I can't handle, " I answer honestly. "I want to be fully aware when she gets here."
"Okay," she says smiling still. "If it gets to be too much you let me know.'
As she turns to leave, Dean bends over and kisses me on the forehead. "You know, no one will think any less of you if you need to take something. You don't have to prove you're superwoman. You already are in my eyes."
"I know that. And I'm not doing it because of that. I want to be fully conscious and not all doped up when I see our daughter for the first time," I explain to him.
"Okay, baby."
The next few hours are spent the same; breathing and gritting my teeth through the pain, Dean next to me cheering me on and sporadic checks by the doctor.
When she tells me it's time to push and calls for the nurse it all hits me. I am about to become a mother. I am about to push a human out of my body, a baby that is part me and part Dean. I am so happy that I cannot contain the tears and they seep out of my eyes and trickle down my face.
Dean never leaves my side the whole time, even when he has to hold one of my legs up and can see everything down there. He gets a little pale but he pushes through.
"I see the head! Oh my God, hunting. She's got a head full of hair," Dean says as he looks from me to where our daughter is making her appearance. He is already so enamored with her.
"Ok, one more big push on the next contraction and your little one will be here," the doctor tells us. I look over at Dean to see his is torn. He can't decide if he wants to watch my face or watch as she enters the world. I smile at his dilemma and motion with my eyes for him to watch her.
Her cries are loud and vociferous and music to my ears. I watch as the doctor hands Dean a pair of funny looking scissors and the concentration on his face is firm as he cuts the cord separating us.
As soon as the cord is severed, he returns to my side and I can see the tears in his eyes. Tears of joy, tears of elation, the pride on his face is undeniable. He bends over and kisses me softly. "You did it! I'm so fucking proud of you," he whispered as he lays his forehead against mine. We watch together as the nurse cleans put baby off and weighs her.
As soon as she is finished and wraps the baby in a blanket,  I am reaching for her. I want to see my daughter, our daughter. Dean and I look at the baby snuggles in my arms. Our family was complete.
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Adrianna Parker Winchester
8 pounds 6 ½ ounces. 22 inches long
@larajadeschmidt13 @lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @mahalaraewolfe @internationalmusicteacher @death-unbecomes-you @thewinchesterchronicles
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writingkeepsmewhole · 5 years
Let’s Do This
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This is part 12 of Betrayal. This is kinda a filler but next part is gonna be little steamy so look forward to that. I hope yall like it. Let me know what you think thanks loves.
Dean invites Scarlet to a family reunion. 
Dean Winchester x OC Scarlet
Warnings: Language, cheating, mention of cancer.
Taglist Would love to add you:  @thewinchesterchronicles @amandamaesweetheart @scarlettreneem
Part 1  Part 11 
I was sitting in my week old bedroom once again filling out applications on my laptop. Ruby mentioned buying the dinner anytime she thought she could. I gave her the same answer over and over. That I would think about it. My life was so mixed up at the moment I didn’t even know what I wanted to do anymore. The only thing that seemed normal was Dean and he wasn’t something I should thing is normal.
I was pulled from my task my phone ringing. I answered the unknown number placing my phone between my ear and shoulder.
“Hello?” I ask not expecting an answer or exception some robot trying to sell me something.
“Scarlet? Is that you?” Asks a raspy voice I barely recognized.
“Rebecca?” I ask holding my phone with my hand.
“Yeah, it’s me.” She says letting out a horse chuckle.
“I didn’t expect to hear from you. How are you?”
“Aggravated, they keep sending me to some wack job therapy and I just want out of here.”
“I’m sorry but-.”
“Why did you put me in here?” She asks not hiding the anger in her voice.
“Because you were becoming dangerous.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“You attacked both me and then Dean.” I say calmly not wanting to set her off.
“He-.. He’s going to leave me.” She says solemnly.
“He told you that?” I ask my heart skipping the email on his phone coming to my mind.
“He asked for a brake.”
“Do you blame him?” I say before I can stop myself.
“You think this is my fault?”
“I didn’t-.”
“You know what I don’t even know why I called you never listen to me anyway.”
“Becca I-.” I was cut off by her hanging up it making me eyes glaze over.
I sit there still holding the phone as the conversation plays over my head. Her asking me why I put her there stabbing a little deeper each time.
“What did I do?” I ask the phone once again ringing.
“Rebecca?” I ask quickly not even looking at it.
“Rebecca? You talked to her?” Dean’s voice fills my ear.
“Yeah, she just called.” I say pinching my nose and closing my eyes feeling a headache come on.
“She didn’t call you?”
“Your better off shes mad.”
“She’s getting that crap out of her.”
“I know.” I say leaning back on the headboard.
“You don’t sound happy.”
“I’m not. I just feel guilty.”
“Well don’t she was gonna kill herself if we didn’t do that.”
“I did it.”
“On paper you did it. I agreed to it as well.”
“I guess.” I say shrugging even though he couldn’t see it.
“Where are you?”
“Ruby there?”
“I don’t think so. Why?”
“I’m on my way.” He says making my stomach flutter.
I roll my eyes that I get butterflies over him like a teenager.
“Okay see you in a bit.”
“Bye darling.”
“Bye.” I say hanging up and throwing my phone on the bed.
Taking a breath I look up at the ceiling.
“If you got any advice up there I would love to hear it.” I say out loud.
Letting out a groan I run my fingers threw my messy bun and decide to get up. Leaving my bed a mess I grab a change of clothes and head to the bathroom.
Fresh from the shower I got dressed in a flannel dress and mini leather jacket. Putting on some flats I gave myself a winged eye and some red lips. Looking at myself I looked and felt a bit better.
I was in the kitchen when a knock came through the door.
“It’s open!” I yell pulling a coffee cup from the cabinet.
“You just leave your doors unlocked?” Dean asks walking into the house.
“Only when I know someone is on there way to see me.” I say smiling at him the air seeming lighter around him.
“Well who has been coming to see you? No one I need to worry about I hope?” He asks pulling off his jacket.
“That’s not jealousy I hear is it?” I tease leaning on the counter to face him. He gives me a side eye then quickly moves towards me.
“If it is?” He asks placing his hands on either side me, blocking me in.
Unable to stop the giggle I stand on my toes and press my lips to his. The need to be close to him over powering our banter.
His hands go to my waist as he kisses me back. I slip my fingers in his hair and relax into him. He breaks away first, him stroking my cheek as he straightens up. I smile and lean into his touch closing my eyes.
“You seem tired.” He says surprising me.
I open my eyes and shrug. Taking his hand off my face I kiss his palm (aware of the lip print I leave there) and turn back around to the now finished coffee.
“That’s what caffeine is for.” I say pouring a cup.
“Want one?” I ask him holding out the cup of black coffee.
“Sure, thanks.” He says taking it and moving away from me to sit at the island.
I pour my own cup and fixing it the way I like and joining him.
“So what brings you here?”
“I need a reason to see you?” He jokes smiling.
“No.” I say blushing smiling as well.
“I’m just wondering.”
“I got a call today.”
“This weekend is my family’s reunion. My dad called to remind me.”
“Oh that’s awesome. I hope you have fun.” I say taking a drink but smiling at him over my cup.
“That’s the thing I don’t know if I will. Me and Sam hasn't been in years.”
“Why not?”
“For Sam I don’t know but me my dad got remarried when I was 15. He apparently been seeing her for awhile even had a kid neither me or Sam knew about.”
“Wow, that must have been awkward.”
“I hated it. My dad never really talked about mom after she died and then- I think I just felt like he didn’t love her anymore.”
“That’s understandable.” I say holding my head up with my fist.
“I got into some trouble and got sent of to a boys home for a little while. And after that stayed with Bobby.”
I giggle softly that not shocking me any.
“So it’s been awhile since you've been home?”
“Christmas before me and Rebecca got married.”
“Oh dang.” I say it almost being five years.
“Why didn’t you take Rebecca to see them? I mean your Dad came to your wedding?”
“She thought it would be to much drama with how I left things.”
“What happened?”
“Got drunk, got into a fight.”
“You, drunk and fighting never.” I say earning a glare.
“Sorry, I’ll be serious. Who cares if you got into a fight, it’s your family. Is Sam going?”
“I think so.”
“You don’t want to?”
“I guess.” He says looking into his mug.
“Hey, you don’t have to go.” I say placing my hand on his back rubbing gently.
“I want you to go with me.”
“My Dad’s got cancer…”
“Oh my gosh Dean, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He says sighing.
Leaning over I hug him tightly.
“I would love to go.”
Pulling away from me he looks me over.
“Really? You don’t-.”
“Do you want me to go?”
“Then I’ll go.” I say shrugging lifting my cup to my lips.
“I mean what’s the worst thing that could happen?”
“Great, just one other thing. They don’t know about Rebecca.”
“You didn’t tell your dad?”
“No. He don’t need to know, no point in adding more stress to him.”
“So you want me to pretend to be Rebecca?”
“No! I want you to be you.”
“I’m not your wife?” I ask my head starting to hurt as I think about what he is asking.
“Won’t people ask questions?”
“We won’t tell them it’s none of their damn business anyway. I want to go see my old man, to hell with everyone else. I just-.” He cuts himself off clenching his jaw.
I let out a sigh knowing I’m going to regret this, but I reach over and grab his hand off his leg.
“When do we leave?” I ask watching his eyes light up with that boyish grin he gives me.
I placed the suitcase in the truck of the impala, done talking myself into going.
“Ready?” Dean asks placing my last bag inside.
We were only going to be there three days but me being me I packed enough for a week.
“As I’ll ever be.” I say smiling at him.
He smiles at me leaning down to brush his lips over mine. We pull apart when a click is heard.
I look to my left seeing Ruby standing there phone in hand.
“Did you just take a picture?” I ask her confused but not surprised.
“You two are so damn cute I couldn’t resist any longer!” She says grinning.
“She’s crazy.” Dean whispers in my ear making me nod.
“Okay well we are leaving now. See you and Sam later tonight?” I ask her, her and Sam riding down after he left work.
“Yep you two be careful.” She says pulling me into a hug.
“Bye Ruby.” I say hugging her back.
“Bye bye.” She says pulling away from me her smacking Dean’s stomach.
“Be nice to her.” She says him looking at me as if to ask me if this was normal.
“Okay bye now.” I say walking around the car.
“See ya Ruby.” He says closing the trunk and joining me in the car.
Him not talking until we was at the stop sign at the end of the street.
“What was that about?” He asks me.
“Don’t have a clue.”
We spent the drive the few hours of the drive uneventful. It filled with mindless chit chat I even dozed off on Dean’s shoulder at one point.
When we pulled in front of a two story home and Dean parked in front of it I knew we were here.
“You ready?” I ask turning to look at Dean him gripping the steering wheel, his knuckles white.
“Hey what’s wrong?” I ask him touching his arm, it tense.
“I swear to myself I wouldn’t come back here.” He says his voice deep, worry lines digging into his forehead.
“I thought you wanted to be here?”
“There is something I didn’t tell you.”
“What’s that?” I ask rubbing his arm comforting him I hope.
“The person I got into a fight with was my half brother Adam. I shouldn’t have done it he was younger then me.”
“Sam is younger than you and last I checked you have thrown a few punches his way.”
“It’s different.”
He didn’t have to answer someone knocking on my window. I turn to see a hazel eyed man with dark hair and a salt and peppered beard. He smiles at me, making me think of an older version of Dean. There was no doubt that this was his father.
I smile back and roll down the window the fall misty air coming into the heat of the car.
“You two gonna come in or stay out here all day?” He asks smiling.
“Sorry we were just talking. Hi I’m-.”
“Scarlet, you are Rebecca’s sister. I remember you from the wedding.”
“Right nice to meet you again.” I say holding out my hand.
He shakes it then opens my door for me.
“Well you two come on in before you get rained on.” He says smiling. It making me wonder if that was were Dean got it from.
I was meant to be looking at a man with cancer who was dying but he seemed just as happy as could be.
I hear the car door behind me open and close Dean coming around to stand next to me.
“It’s a shame Rebecca couldn’t make it.”
“Yeah, work keeps her busy.” Dean says.
Out of the corner of my eye I watch his hand twitch towards mine but he quickly puts it in his pocket.
“We’ll be in in a minute.”
“Alright I know when I’m not wanted.” John says chuckling and turning back to walk towards the house.
“You okay?” I ask looking up at Dean.
“Ask me after this is over.”
I smile and poke his side.
“Cheer up and enjoy the weekend.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Smiling I turn back towards the house.
“Things are about to get awkward.”
Dean chuckles beside me.
“Let’s do this.”
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tricksandtales · 6 years
Chapter 11: Of Prophets
I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. And I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. - Deuteronomy 18:18 
True to his word, Gabriel hadn’t been gone too long. But his appearance back in Riley’s apartment had not been very long. He’d been ducking his duty too long that day, and he needed to get back to Heaven.
So, Riley was left alone in her apartment with her thoughts.
She stayed the night, went back to her work the following morning. And went out of her mind with worry. Gabriel hadn’t had told her what had happened, shrugging it off as a normal mission.
Even though she knew the boys were fine without her, had survived before her and would likely survive without her, she still hated the idea of being gone for long.
So she left. She went home.
Because that was what the bunker had become: home.
The guys returned that evening. They found Riley in the kitchen, surrounded by several dozen chocolate chip cookies. Jack was delighted and started chowing down on them. Castiel wasn’t fazed. Sam was a bit surprised but shrugged it off.
Dean was the only one to discerned something was wrong, though he waited till the others left the kitchen before saying anything.
“You okay, Rye?”
“Yeah. Fine. I was just worried. Gabriel took off cause he said you guys ran into issues.”
Dean smiled back, “Nothing huge. Some werewolves. Sam got a tad messed up and Castiel was busy with Jack, so we called your Whiskey.” He walked to the fridge and pulled out two beers – one he handed to her. “We tend to worry lots of people though. Welcome to the club.”
“Shut up, dork. I’m growing attached to the lot of you. Teasing aside.” She mock glared, “So I’d rather you don’t die out there.”
Dean sat down at the table and patted the chair next to him, “No promises, but we try to survive. We’ve survived a lot.”
“I know.”
“But you’re still worried?”
“I’m not sure I’ll stop being worried.”
“Yeah, it doesn’t really stop in this line of work.”
Riley took a long drink of her beer. “Is it strange I wish I’d been able to be there to help? Even though I’d probably end up being a detriment. It bothers me that I can’t help. I don’t want to be a hunter. But at the same time, I don’t want to be useless.” She leaned over and rested her head on Dean’s shoulder.
“No. It’s not weird.” He wrapped one arm around her shoulders. “I’m worried about everyone that I’m not able to see. Like Mom. I want to protect everyone. Even though I can’t most of the time. Family’s weird that way. They get to you.”
“Family, huh?”
“Yeah. Family. You’re stuck with us at this point.”
Riley sighed, “Good.” The two sat for a few minutes, drinking their beer. “It feels like I’ve been here a long time, but it’s been a little over a month.”
“Time’s relative. Hunters decide quickly who they want to be around. Never know when you’re not going to see someone again. And this life…. Well it sort of drags you in. Hunters try to retire, but we’re not cut out for the whole white picket fence thing.”
Riley let a breathy laugh. “Yeah, this life sucks.”
“Sometimes. But it’s go the best people.”
Sam wandered back in at that point, laptop tucked under his arm. “You two okay?” He asked, eyeing his brother and Riley.
“Yep.” Riley answered. She pulled away from Dean and reached for another cookie as well.
 Sam frowned, then walked over to her and patted her head.
 “Are you petting me?” Riley asked, amused.
 “Comforting.” Sam said, “I’m comforting.”
 “Hugs work better.”
 Sam looked slightly taken aback, as he tried to figure out how to hug her while she was sitting and juggle his laptop.
 She grinned, “For future reference.” His shoulders sagged in relief.
 Sam set up at one of the remaining chairs, grabbing a cookie, and flashed her a smile. “So, get this.” he started, “I found an article about a strange faith healer in Minnesota. Maybe another angel? Might be something else….”
 “Might be worth looking into.” Dean looked thoughtful
 “We can head out in the morning.” Sam said.
 “Castiel might want to just go and see.”
 “True.” Sam said.
 “So, any luck on the prophet?” Riley asked.
 “Not yet.” Sam answered.
“Will a prophet really be able to help save Heaven?”
“We need them to read the angel tablet.” Sam said. “None of the remaining angels actually know how to create new angels. But when Michael came over from the alternate world he brought the angel tablet with him. We need a prophet to read it.” He explained. “We’re hoping it will say something about the creation of angels.”
“So, is that what prophets normally do then? Translate?”
“Partially. But not really. Normally they speak of events to come, on instruction from Heaven.”
 “You know… prophecy.” Dean replied cheekily.  
 “That doesn’t make any sense. You guys can talk to all the remaining angels.”
 Sam pursed his lips, “Now. There were a heck of a lot more before the fall.”  
 “Yeah, lot of help the remaining ones are.” Dean muttered.
 “What he means is that all angels are supposed to know the names of all prophets, past and future. Their names were written down by Metatron. But after Kevin, uh… Kevin Tran, one of the last prophets. When he died Metatron allegedly ended the prophet line, ensuring no new prophet would be called upon.”
 “Except it didn’t end.” Dean added.
 “We think Chuck did something around the time his sister showed up.” Sam said.
 “Or, you know, Amara killed Metatron.”
 “Either way,” Sam continued, “a new prophet awakened. So, since the rules for prophets are kind of thrown out the window at this point, well….. we’re looking for anything at this point.”
 “And the angels are no help. Since the names are no longer known.” Dean added.
 “We’d hoped Gabriel would know.” Sam added. “Since the prophets are tied to archangels, with the archangels acting as their protectors when the need arises. Each prophet has an archangel.”
 Riley did not like the emotion that she was feeling, “So with Gabriel being the only archangel left?” ‘Tad over reaction there, girl.’
 “He’d be tied to the prophet, but Gabriel hasn’t exactly ever been the sharing type when it comes to Heavenly things. But still, he’s said he hasn’t felt the tether that would come from being tied to a prophet.” Sam sighed.
 “Could any of the other archangels be alive?” Riley asked.
 “No.” Sam answered.
 Dean though looked thoughtful. “Michael.” He muttered. “Last we saw, our Michael was in the cage. Technically he could still be alive.”
 Sam looked nonplused.
 “Do we like Michael?” Riley asked.
 “No.” Dean answered.
 “Michael was in charge after Chuck left. He commanded the Heavenly Host,  issued the orders, spoke to the prophets.” Sam started to explain.
 “He wanted to use me as a meat suit.” Dean added.
 “He took over our half-brother, Adam, and tried to fight Lucifer. Wanted the biblical show down.”
 “The whole apocalypses thing.” Dean offered. “Lucifer was wearing Sam at the time. But Sammy was able to break through, grab Michael and drag them both into the cage.”
 “You got out though.” Riley said, studying Sam.
 “Cas pulled my body out, and Death pulled my soul out.” Sam looked rather uncomfortable.
 “Woah.” She frowned, “There as a lot packed into that sentence. Death?”
 “Yeah. Long store.” Dean grinned.
 “How long were you there?” Riley asked, afraid of the answer. “And I’ll want the rest of the other story at some point.”
 “Earth time, over a year. But that’s more than 120 years in Hell time.” Dean answered for his brother.
 “That sucks.” Riley replied. She’d known it wouldn’t be good when she asked. She offered her beer to Sam, but he shook his head.
 “So, Michael was in the cage. Heaven lost stability and it resulted in a civil war. Surprisingly between  Raphael and Castiel, among others.” Dean finished. At Riley’s questioning look, he mouthed ‘later’.
 “Michael could still be in there.” Sam looked thoughtful. “Though he’d have to be mad by now. It’s been a really really long time.”
 “What about Adam?” Riley asked.
 “I tried to get him out.” Dean replied, “When I bargained with Death. But he’d only save Sam.” This of course was only half true, as Death had offered to save one, but had not specified which. Dean just didn’t think either of the others needed to know that part.
 “Lucifer escaped.” Sam was still thinking, but now out loud. “The cage was damaged when Amara was released. And Lucifer got out on his own, after he was imprisoned the… third time.”
 “What happened with the second?” Riley whispered to Dean.
 “He tricked Cas into acting as his vessel and escaped.”
 “Oh.” There was still an awful lot she didn’t know.
 “He wasn’t in the actual cage the third time though. The spell was recreated with his vessel. He never did go back.” Sam muttered. “So it’s possible Michael is still in the Cage, which is damaged. So like how Lucifer was sending me visions, maybe Michael was able to form a bond with the new prophet. Helping that person to hide, or….” He trailed off. “I need to check the lore.”
 Dean and Riley sat, watching as Sam ran off toward the library. “We won’t see him for a while.” Dean offered.
 “Yeah. I figured that. Have you met a prophet before?”
 “More than we probably should have.” Dean supplied.
 “Oh, what happened to the last one?”
Dean visibly winced. “Amara ate his soul, Asmodeus brain washed him, Castiel gave him a lobotomy. We left him here while we went to the other reality with Rowena. She forgot about him. He died because he couldn’t take care of himself anymore.” Dean at least told the truth, even if it wasn’t a pretty truth. “We buried him two states over.”
“Any others?”
“The one before that was murdered - Kevin. And the one before that was Chuck.”
“Ah.” Riley sighed, “Not a great gig then.”
Riley watched Dean take another swig of his beer. She wondered how much blood the boys had spilled. How much death and destruction they’d caused. They had saved the world, but half their stories suggested they might be the reason it got fucked up in the first place.
Her first thought about them, that they were rough around the edges, needed to be updated. It was more they were jagged around the edges. Sharp and painful, destroying much of what they touched. It was an unfortunate metaphor, but Riley was fairly sure it was accurate.
She really did like them. And as Dean had said, they were basically family. But the brothers were fear inducing sometimes. She wondered if they were the monsters the actual monsters told their children about. ‘Don’t eat too many humans or the Winchesters might lob off your head.’ It was a sobering thought. But she couldn’t find even a drop of fear herself toward them. Especially with Dean making a stupid face at her, drawing her attention.  
“So the tablet will tell how to make more angels?” She asked.
 “We think so. Plus it should tell the angels how to restore their wings. When the angels fell, they lost most of their abilities.” Dean replied. “Cas would like that.”
 “I wondered about Castiel’s wings, I didn’t want to ask though.”
 “Yeah, all the angels that fell have broken wings. You can see it when they pull them as a show of power.”
 “They’re like that all the time.” She murmured.
 “What?” Dean was staring at her.
 “Oh. That’s right. I’ve just become kinda used to it now. I can see their wings. Mine too.”
 “Your what?”
 “Wings.” Dean looked unnerved at her response. “You remember I’m technically an angel right?” She stretched them out to their full span behind her – not that he could see them. “So I have wings. Thus the flying lessons”
 “Huh. I mean it makes sense.” Dean said. “You never said anything.”
 “I said I was learning to fly.”
 “True.” He nodded, taking a bite of another cookie. “So you can see all the other’s wings, just like, hanging around.”
 “Yep. Though they’re like shadows, translucent.”
 “Hey Cas.” Dean called. Castiel appeared at his shoulder, almost touching.
 “Hello, Dean.” His voice was gravelly.
 “Dude. Personal space.” Dean sighed. “Can you see other angel’s wings?”
 “Yes. At least partially. Our wings to do not fully exist on this plane of existence, only a portion of them. Angel’s can bring their wings through to this plane, but it takes a lot of power. Which is why I only do it partially. It also tends to burn out mortal’s eyes.”
 Dean started at him. “So you can see Riley’s wings?”
 “Yes. And Jack’s.”
 “Jack has wings?”
 “Yes. Of course.” Castiel answered.
 “Does this help?” Castiel asked.
 “Yeah. Thanks Cas.” Dean responded.
 Castiel looked miffed. “You realize I am actually very busy Dean.”
 “I think there was something else he wanted to mention.” Riley added, though Dean sent her a perplexed look. “About a possible angel sighting?”
 “Oh yeah. Though Sam has actual information.” Castiel nodded, then he disappeared again. Most likely to find Sam.
 Riley laughed, “You realize you summoned him and he came. He’s like your own personal angel. Like ask Jeeves, angel edition.”
 Dean groaned, “Stop. I really don’t want to go there.” He leaned back in his chair, “I’m thinking beer and hanging on the couch. We can “research”. No reason we have to coop ourselves in the library tonight. Like Sam.” He stood, grabbed another couple beers from the fridge.
 Riley got up to follow him, “I can help research if you need.”
 “If by that, you mean I can kick your ass at Mortal Kombat, then yes you can help research.”
 Riley laughed.
 “C’mom kid-sister, bring the cookies.” He requested. Riley rolled her eyes as she followed him out.
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Sam Winchester
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Full Name: Samuel “Sam” William Winchester
Species: Human
D.O.B: May, 2nd, 1983
Age Range: 22 - 35 years old
Place of Birth: Lawrence, Kansas, America
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6.4" (1.93 m)
Father: John Winchester †
Mother: Mary Winchester †
Siblings: Dean Winchester, and Adam Milligan
Children: None (verse dependant)
Occupation: Law Student/Hunter (unemployed)
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single (verse dependant)
Faceclaim: Jared Padalecki
Open Starters
Sam was a very smart kid growing up! Although all he knew firsthand was the life of a hunter, even from a young age, he still knew enough to know that other kids didn’t have a life like his and that he and his brother deserved better. And he wasn’t afraid to speak his mind about that to his dad! 
He’s stubborn as hell and very passionate about most things and his opinions on them. He’s very selfless in that he will put others first, but unlike his brother who does the same, Sam will actually put himself next, or when he needs. At least he tries to. He’s very aware of himself, what he can and can’t do, what he will and won’t do, and what he wants and doesn’t want.
Sam’s a HUGE people person! In fact, he loves people! And he wants to help them wherever and whenever he can. He’s got a pretty big personality to go with his legitimate big physical height. He has a smile that lights up any room his in, not just because of how genuine it is but because of how contagious it is! He generally wants to see the good in people and in everything. Of course, the man is smart enough to know there isn’t good everywhere, but if you look and try you may just find it! He can be a bit too trusting of people sometimes because of it. Through the years, a shield was put up by his sub-conscious but it seemed to not be strong enough to keep some of the bad people away… Still, Sam consciously works to make sure they don’t push him to shun all people in general!
A.N: My versions of Sam, Dean, and Cas are canon divergent. They exist in a world where most if not all events from the Mark of Cain storyline and on did NOT happen! Cas is still and always has been an angel (except when he THOUGHT he was human coming back from Purgatory), the other angels didn’t fall, and Gabriel wasn’t really killed by Lucifer.
Sam was born into a happy home with his mom, his dad, and his big brother Dean. Things seemed to be good for the family of 4 until around the time Sam turned 6-months old. A demon from his mother’s past, Azazel, also known as Yellow-Eyes, came around to collect a debt that Mary, Sam’s mother, had promised long before either of her children were even a thought. That night, everything changed for the Winchesters; Mary was burned alive stuck to the ceiling above Sam’s crib as the house burned down. John, Sam’s dad, tried his best to save his wife passing little baby Sammy off to big brother Dean with orders to get him and himself out of the house to safety. Dean ran out of the house and waited for his dad holding Sammy safely and securely in his arms. It didn’t take John long to realize that he couldn’t save Mary but he still had his boys who still very much needed him alive at least. 
From that day forward John became obsessed with what had happened to his wife. His boys wouldn’t get the most traditional of childhoods, or even the greatest ever, but they’d know how to protect themselves and keep themselves safe. John became a hunter despite to find the being who killed his wife and kill it for himself. He trained his boys to do the same the now family of 3 moving all around America quite often; moving to wherever John found a hunt.
Sam learned to reply much more on his brother than his father. John wasn’t around as much as he probably should have and Dean understood the 2 being in the same situation and all. But still, Dean was loyal to John where Sam wanted a better life not just for himself but for his brother as well. It wasn’t fair that they’d be dragged along in their father’s crusade for revenge. It wasn’t fair that Sam had never gotten to know his mother…
Dean took care of his little brother all through their childhoods and beyond. Sam excelled at school which wasn’t the easiest thing to do when they’d move multiple times during the school year (sometimes multiple times during a single term/half year). Still, Sam was smart and took to Science, Math, and English much better and quicker than his brother. He even enjoyed school!
It was during high school that their constant moving was seriously pushing on Sam’s last nerves. He’d never overly approved of his dad’s parenting methods and although he understood deep down, it was far down enough that he could ignore it, in a way. He was able to take his own wants out of his viewing of his dad, sometimes, and see what was really happening and how bad it was for him and his brother. What John was doing wasn’t right! Dean had already dropped out of school because of how often they moved and the fact that it was just assumed that after each of the boys finished school they simply join their father in his hunting fulltime. Sam had just barely convinced his older brother to get a G.E.D at least.
The main problem was, Sam didn’t want to be a hunter. He didn’t want to continue the hunt for his mother’s killer who they probably wouldn’t even recognize when they found it anyway. If they ever did. The kids in each of the high schools he’d go to kept talking about college or university afterward and Sam wanted to go too! He’d put up with so much, gone through 14 years of John’s searching, if the demon was going to be found by them surely, they would have found it by now?
Half-way through grade 9, he’d decided he was going to college. What for and where he didn’t know, but he was getting out! It was secret he didn’t even tell Dean who he told everything.
Finally, he graduated from high school. Unbeknownst to his family, he’d already set out applications to go to school for Law. That summer, he was accepted into Stanford University.
It wasn’t an easy conversation bringing it up to his dad, hell, it hadn’t been easy bringing it up to Dean, but if anything was a sign it was the acceptance letter in his hand. He was going to go to school, on a full scholarship; he was getting out of hunting.
Of course, there were some good parts of hunting. When he was younger it’d seemed so cool to travel across America, and they really did help a lot of people! But, there were more hunters than just them 3, a fact that was proven pretty easily by his dad’s friend, Bobby, who was like a surgent father to John’s boys. Bobby helped loads of other hunters! And now? Now Sam’s mind was made up. He was going, whether he got their “blessings” or not.
Dean had been sad, and angry too, of course, but he understood and had even told his brother to go no matter what their dad said. John, on the other hand, had said point blank that, if Sam walked out the door to go to school he shouldn’t bother ever coming back. And so he didn’t.
Quite a few years into his schooling Dean popped by except not as a normal brother would visiting their sibling at University. No, Dean broke into the apartment Sam was living at with his girlfriend, Jessica, in the middle of the night.
“Dad’s on a huntin’ trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days.”
Sam knew the code well; it meant that John hadn’t checked in during his last hunt, that Dean wasn’t able to get a hold of him, and that he was assumed missing or worse. It’d been over 2 decades now; John didn’t just stop telling Dean where he was or what he was doing, he didn’t just disappear which meant that something bad had happened.
Sam was reluctant to leave and help but it was his family that was in need and Dean had traveled all the way to him to get him ‘cause he needed his help. No matter how badly he wanted and tried to walk away from the life of a hunter, he couldn’t turn away at his brother’s pleads. And so, Sam promised Dean to help him look for 1 weekend as he needed to be back that Monday for an important appointment with his school.
Their search for John turned up empty the boys doing their best to follow the elder man’s tracks and even pick up a few small hunts on the way, but eventually, Sam needed to go back to Stanford. He didn’t want to leave his brother hanging and left to search alone, but if he missed his appointment, the past 4 years would have been for nothing. It was important not just to his schooling, but to his career afterward, to his life after University, and to him. Dean let him go back, of course, he could never say no to his little brother no matter how much taller then him the kid was now, he was still his little brother, Sammy. And Dean took care of Sammy!
Sam went home to Jessica. It was a little later into the night and so, as soon as he walked through the door he went straight into the bedroom to lay down and rest from the car ride back. It was then that he’d realized that Jess wasn’t actually answering him back, and he’d been talking to her since the moment he’d walked through the front door. A split second later and Sam found her.
Although he wouldn’t remember, being too young at the time to keep a memory of it, when he looked up now at his girlfriend stuck back-flat to the ceiling, her stomach cut and bleeding, a parallel could be connected to his mother dying the same way about 22 years easier in the house fire that changed his life. Another second later and the ceiling Jessica was stuck to caught fire as well.
Dean had stayed around just to make sure his little brother got in and home safe, and stayed that way. It was a good thing too cause as Sam laid on the bed he’d shared with his girlfriend looking up at his girlfriend dying on the ceiling which was catching on fire, Dean had enough time to run up and burst through the apartment’s door. Sam was taken to safety once again by his brother as his home with a loved one trapped inside burned. From the stories of their mother’s death, both of the boys knew right away that it was the work of Azazel.
It really didn’t take much after that to convince Sam that you couldn’t just walk away from the life of a hunter, no matter how badly he wanted to or how well the last 4 years of his life had been. He agreed to go back on the road with Dean in search of their missing father and picking up hunts along the way.
Eventually, the 2 found John, which in of itself came with much more stories than they’d know prior. The family of 3 teaming up again brought a lot of old, sour memories back to the surface. It was like they’d tried to fall back into the same routine they’d had before Sam left. Except, now Sam wasn’t a kid anymore and John couldn’t just make him to do anything and everything. The 2 seemed at each other’s throats more they’d once been, the taste of freedom just too fresh to the younger son.
Just like most things for the Winchesters, it didn’t last. As Sam and John had been starting to rekindle a better relationship, John died, taking Dean’s place on a reaper’s ‘To Reap’ list instead.
The brothers kept hunting on their own ever since. Despite not having their dad by their side anymore, they weren’t ever alone for long, if at all. They still had Bobby, their surgent father, as well as all of the good people they’d meet along the way. Some of them would die as the years past, while others would come and go. It was a life of a hunter, and much sooner rather than later, the boy making their own rules now and doing it all their way, Sam accepted it.
So much had happened to the 2 of them including the fact that they’d both died and come back quite a few times and in various ways. (too many times according to some reapers!). When Dean died the first time being dragged down into Hell by Lilith herself in Sam’s place, he was brought back ‘topside’ by an angel named Castiel. Cas wouldn’t be the only angel the boy would meet, but he’d be the first to join their fight against the supernatural. Team Free Will they’d dub themselves jokingly.
Later on, Hell opened up, and they did their best to close it, the soul of their father coming through the opening to help, giving the ‘door’ that last push to seal it and all the demon inside, as well as himself. They stopped the apocalypse a quite few times as turned out Sam and Dean were destined to be the vessels of the Archangels Lucifer and Michael, respectively. Of course, they weren’t completely on board with that right away but Sam saying yes to Lucifer was their only way to stop the apocalypse. At least this first one. Sam was able to take control of his body for just a little while, long enough to throw himself and Lucifer, as well as he and Dean’s half-brother Adam who was possessed by Michael, into the pitch in Hell to trap them all. That’s how Sam was first tortured in Hell.
Somehow, Sam was able to get out of the pit, only to be back on Earth without his soul. They got it back after Dean finally found out, but it allowed Lucifer back into his mind where he’d be tortured once again for quite a while.
He’d get addicted to demon’s blood, drinking and being in a relationship with a demon named Ruby only for it to come out that she was using him fro Hell’s bidding, who would have guessed? The boys actually had a pretty big relationship with Hell through the years, mostly a love-hate sort of relationship with the 2 of them even teaming up with the new “King” of Hell, Crowley, on multiple occasions!
During a hunt back in Lawrence, Kansas, Sam and Dean met their paternal grandfather, Henry, who used to be a Man of Letters back when their father had just been a boy. It was said that he’d just gone missing one day, but, turned out he’d actually time-traveled to the 21st-century. That how was Sam and Dean found the Men of Letters bunker, where they currently reside leaving when needed to follow a hunt not close by.
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