#sam riegel tweet
merindab · 1 year
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Well fuck me. There’s my day made
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samrriegel · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Sam!
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bixbiboom · 1 year
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[ID: A tweet from Sam Riegel @.samriegel which reads: “8 years. #CriticalRole”. There’s a picture attached of the cast standing side by side with their arms around each other, shortly after the very beginning of the series, eight years ago. /end ID]
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Seriously though, I have a lot of questions about what would have happened if Laura had won that award when she just LEFT. “Sorry, guys, it was an emergency! Someone tweeted at me and told me that Sam Riegel was touching my dice!”
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isagrimorie · 1 year
This must be a stressful week for Critical Role.
On top of the whole OGL issue that might have blindsided them after a long break, they also have to deal with this in the last few days leading up to the Legend of Vox Machina season 2 premiere.
I bet 99% of the company bandwidth is dedicated to the LOVM season 2 premiere.
Tweets, promo material, press releases, the whole media interview thing. They've been working on this for longer than we know.
(Also, I fully believe Sam Riegel was blindsided by all the comments about the OGL issue as he tweeted/retweeted things he was told to, as normal).
On top of that layer cake of stress is probably how the CritRole team might now be in tough discussions about sponsorship contracts, and NDAs, and discussing where to go from here.
But also, legally they can't really say anything because WOTC/Hasbro hasn't said anything (like a bunch of cowards). They've also canceled a live video to say something about the OGL.
(From what I've seen of comments a lot of people underestimate how much legal firestorm a company like Hasbro-WoTC can bring down on Critical Role.Despite what people think, Critical Role is not a big company with endless money).
I don't envy the team right now, especially whoever's handling PR and Marketing. I really hope they do have someone trained in handling media crises. The cast is good and savvy with social media but also they shouldn't be handling all this by themselves.
From what I've seen actors/writers/etc., handling putting out fires by themselves only ends up making things worse.
And a lot of the time it seems none of them even talked about the messaging.
TBH the only new media company I've seen handle controversies really well is the Try Guys.
From when things leaked, the radio silence as they wrapped up their investigation, kicking out Ned, the statement on social media, and days later a solemnly united front explaining with no drama or artifice what happened*.
No matter what Ned's SNL friends would like people to believe that was a classy way to handle a crisis.
But also there's a bit of surreal quality to what's happening right now because this could legit be a Leverage & Leverage Redemption episode. Hell, this is the type of troubleshooting legal consultancy Sophie would throw Harry's way.
The Critical Role team left 2022 and believed they were prepared for the whirlwind of their January schedule only for the first weeks of 2023 sucker-punching them.
But also the greed of mega-corps is a neverending black hole. WoTC was already earning a lot but it was not enough for Hasbro and the shareholders. And the new President of WoTC still thought they were under monetizing DND.
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laraleecupcake · 2 years
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I just think he’s neat.
[ from Sam Riegel’s birthday tweet of Travis calling him a “beat up old truck”. August 2019, x ]
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hello-eeveev · 1 year
satyr, fighter, ranger for the cr ask game!
The CR ask game
Satyr: how did you get into critical role?
Well, it begins in January 2016, when I first played Fire Emblem Awakening and married the love of my life, Chrom Fire Emblem, voiced by Matt Mercer. A year or so goes by, I generally don’t think about Matt Mercer outside of the Chrom and a general appreciation for his VA work, but I do get on Twitter, specifically anime/fire emblem twitter. In mid- to late-2017, I had seen a few of Matt Mercer’s floating around the tl, and while I initially didn’t want to follow him bc I was just here for Chrom content (chromtent, if you will), I eventually saw enough of his tweets that I was like, “oh, he seems like a genuinely sweet person” so I followed him. And then I see him and a couple people in my circle start talking about the new cr campaign starting in January 2018, so I tune in on a whim, and now here we are lol.
(Interestingly enough, I almost had my character in FE:A marry Stahl, who is voiced by Sam Riegel, so there’s a whole alternate universe where I get into CR through Sam, which is WILD to think about.)
(Fun fact: the only CR cast member that hasn’t been in Fire Emblem is Ashley. And in my playthrough of Awakening, I paired up Laura and Liam’s characters.)
Fighter: favorite funny moment?
Oof, that’s tough. There are so many funny moments! (and soooo many hours of cr orz) But Jester helping Yasha write a poem never fails to bring a smile to my face. “Oh Beau, Beau, Beau. Eyes so blue and hair so… shornonthesides. Abs! So many, but frame so small!” It lives in my head rent-free.
Outside of that, any Nott and Fjord interaction, really. Travis and Sam are so quick with their jabs, and it’s simultaneously hilarious and endearing. Fjord and Nott hate each other, but that’s how they show their love 💕
Ranger: favorite animal companion?
Frumpkin! I love cats so much, so I gotta pick the kitty.
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In addition to two warnings from Critical Role’s email list and official twitter, even Sam fucking Riegel chimed in to say “hey gang, it’s that bad”
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luckthebard · 4 years
This is my favorite election-limbo twitter interaction
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meteokitten · 3 years
After that ad in the episode 127 I can safely say that Sam Riegel, is a masochist.
Ashley's lightning shoot made my day.
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fjord-the-sea · 4 years
It honest to God freaks me out how some Critters can actually attack, criticize, or just in general treat the cast like shit. Nobody is without fault and people have to realize that.
Every time the cast have to apologize for something that happens at the table, I lose my mind. It's not your game for you to nitpick and criticize. Yeah mistakes happen, there's miscommunication but they're all human and don't need a faceless mass to complain about every single one.
I'm not here to put them on a pedestal but be grateful they decided to share the Critical Role experience with the rest of us. The show is cool and its possible to enjoy it without being a gremlin.
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bravenot · 4 years
I woke up in the middle of the night and checked twitter and momlan liked my caleb&nott fanart ?? ! ? ? ! ??
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samrriegel · 3 years
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🔥 Sam Riegel 🔥
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bixbiboom · 1 year
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[ID: A tweet from Sam Riegel @.samriegel which reads: “Little peek behind the curtain: here's the 1st vocal demo I sent to @.thepeterhabib when we were brainstorming "Makin' My Way". Demo recorded: Nov 16, 2020 / Song aired: Feb 3, 2023 (Animation takes a long time, y'all) #TheLegendOfVoxMachina,” with a link that’s provided below. /end ID]
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beetlemancy · 5 years
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#BiPresidency #Husbands
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betaadmin · 5 years
sam riegel: has nott refer to caleb as her husband
yall: ugh thank god it’s for a distraction
also sam riegel, 10 episode ago: nott would fuck caleb
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