#sam winchester x ruby 2.0
lovealwayssay · 3 months
I hate 4.16 On the Head of a Pin. Uriel and Cas forcing Dean to torture Alastair, something Dean feels so guilty about, is disgusting. I hate watching the torture, its just too much for me. But at the same time, its such an interesting episode. We learn so much about Cas and how his relationship with Dean is making him question his faith, we learn about the dynamics between the angels, we learn more about Sam and Ruby’s relationship, we learn about John and Dean’s times in Hell, and we learn that Dean broke the first seal and that he is a righteous man. “I guess I’m not the man either of our dad’s wanted me to be.” Its such a good episode but I feel physically ill watching it.
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jessmalia · 1 year
Look, I like the Samruby “I can make him worse” jokes as much as the next guy, they’re funny, but just as jokes. I think anyone who believes that’s genuinely Ruby’s mindset has vastly misunderstood her character and their relationship. Ruby doesn’t think she’s making him worse! She thinks she’s making him better!
You have the understand, Ruby genuinely believes that what she’s doing is good. She’d probably admit that the things she’s doing to reach her goal are bad, but she genuinely believes in the righteousness of her cause. She sees the angels as the oppressive rulers (which… they are) and the devil as their benevolent savior.
And then there’s Sam. Satan’s vessel. The Antichrist. She’s just a regular demon and Sam is this wonderful human who’s been chosen for their righteous cause. The man who’s been granted these wonderful powers to help save the earth by freeing the devil. And then she finally meets him, and learns that he’s been taught to hate all these things about himself. He’s got a father who would rather see him killed than fulfill his destiny and a brother who thinks he’s a freak, who wants him to suppress all these things that make him beautiful.
She can’t stand it. This man that she grows to love has been chosen for this beautiful destiny and he’s been ostracized for it. She teaches him to use his powers. Guides him down his chosen path. And yeah, she’s lying to and manipulating him, but it’s only what she has to do to help him. And when he’s freed the devil she reassures him that what he did was good and amazing and that he’s going to be rewarded for it.
He didn’t need the feather to fly. He had it in him the whole time.
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xofemeraldstars · 1 year
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SUPERNATURAL -> 4x9 ❝ i know what you did last summer ❞
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This is my fave fic I've ever written, but I have been meaning to make some changes to it for a while because my writing has improved since I first wrote it. So just thought I'd post the updated version. Also you should go to the Ao3 link just to see the amazing art that was done for this fic!
Make Something Good Out Of It
—- “Because it’s wrong and it’s bad and we shouldn’t?” —-
Sam starts awake, with a sick, lurching feeling deep in the pit of his stomach. It takes him a couple of minutes of bleary eyed confusion to piece together where he is and what had happened.
Oh God.
He runs a shaking hand through his sweat dampened hair, combing it out of his eyes, then scrubbing the hand down his face, his fingertips brush past his lips and Sam curls them round to bite at his knuckles.
There’s another body pressed lightly against the small of his back, his stomach lurches again as he swiftly scoots himself right to the edge of the bed. Sam’s eyes are still cloudy and his head is pounding. The heady mixture of pain pills and booze that had conspired to knock him out cold are coming back in a vengeance. His skin feels too hot, too tight, like it’s covered in thousands of inky black finger prints, smeared across his chest and back, streaked through his hair, sulfurous black oil smudging his lips, and jaw, and neck.
Maybe the pills hadn’t quite worn off after all.
There doesn’t seem to be any movement from the form behind him, thank god, he can’t face that, not just yet. God he needs a shower.
Sam drags himself from the bed, stumbling half blind across the room, trying to keep the walls from spinning. He grabs hold of the bathroom sink to steady himself, his eyes dragged up to the pale and drawn figure staring back at him in the cracked and mottled mirror. He half expects to see the oily black taint he can still feel creeping over his skin, sinking into his flesh, but there’s nothing but bloodshot eyes and the faint impression of teeth marks outlining newly blossoming bruises tracing his jaw.
He makes it to the toilet just in time. Sinking to his knees and gripping the edge of the seat, knuckles turning white, as he empties the meagre contents of his stomach. Dry heaving wretches shake his body to the bones and send stabbing, shooting pains searing up his spine and into his still pounding head.
Clambering back to his feet he goes to strip off his shirt, before remembering he’s already naked. But he still feels too hot. Sweat pooling at his collar bones, sliding down his skin and bringing the non existent black ink with it. Painting his him in rivulets of sulphur. Sam reaches for the shower tap, turning the water down as cold as it will go, although he’s not sure, given the dilapidated state of the rest of the house, if the hot water would have worked anyway. He climbs in.
The water feels good, cleansing and cooling, soothing the ache in his head as he lets it run through his hair and over his body. He leans his back against the wall of the shower and slides down the length until he’s sat, pressed against the cold tile. There’s a grotty looking flannel laying abandoned on the shower floor to his left and he grabs it up in his hand, scrubbing it harshly over every inch of flesh he can reach, his skin reddening under the friction of the rough cloth. He can still feel the ink, seeping deeper into him. He scrubs harder.
When he’s done, Sam rest his head back against the wall and closes his eyes. Letting the water wash over him.
He doesn’t know how long he’s sat there before he feels the touch of a small, gentle hand at his shoulder. He starts, nearly cracking his skull clean open against the tile.
“Jeez Sam!”
The hands slip under his arms, pulling him back to his feet, scooting down his slides to steady him at the waist.
It’s then that his brain registers that the hands belong to Ruby and she’s standing, stark naked in front of him in the shower.
He pushes her gingerly away from him, curling his arms protectively across his chest.
“R..ruby…what are you…?”
“Came to check you hadn’t drowned, you’ve been in here over an hour.”
“Oh. I thought you were asleep.”
“Demons don’t sleep dumbass.”
Sam looks down at his feet, studiously avoiding her eyes. Ruby edges forward, crowding into his space, he feels suffocated. He wants desperately to push her away, but that didn’t work before, why would it now?
She brings a hand upto his check and cups it gently, pad of her thumb splaying out possessively across his zygomatic. Sam shudders. He's not sure if it's in disgust or pleasure. Ruby tilts his head so he’s forced to lock his eyes directly onto her’s.
“Do you trust me?”
She brings her lips up to ghost across his, but he turns his head at the last second. She presses them to his jawline instead, over one of the bite marks, eliciting another shudder.
“Do you trust me Sam?” she coos.
“Do I….?” Sam meets her eyes again, “…how can I Ruby…you’re….”
“A demon? I kinda noticed.” Her hand drifts down to his shoulder and over his back. “I saved you Sam. Remember. And if I’d wanted to kill you, I had you right there in that bed. Naked. Vulnerable.” She rakes her eyes across his torso and back up to meet his own. “Like right now in fact. I haven’t. I won’t. I want to help you. I’m all you’ve got. Please Sam, let me help you…” Her other hand reaches up to brush a strand of hair that had stuck to Sam’s face back, tucking it softly behind his ear. “Do you trust me?”
Sam swallows.
“Yes.” He looks down at his feet again. “Yes I trust you.”
“Good.” she smiles at him, gently pinches his cheek.
Ruby reaches down for something on the shower floor behind her. Sam thinks about making a run for it whilst her back is turned, but finds himself riveted to the spot. She straightens back up, and Sam catches a quick flash of silver, with lightening speed he grabe hold of her slender wrist. She's holding a knife. She must have brought it in with her.
“What the hell?!” Sam exclaims, gripping her wrist tighter.
“It’s not for you dumbo. I thought we’d already established that?”
Ruby raises her free arm and wriggling the other until Sam’s grip loosens enough for her to slip it free. She draws the blade across the flesh of her meatsuit, a line of scarlet beading just below the elbow. She looks back up at Sam, expectant.
“I want to you taste it.” her voice is low and sultry.
Sam stands stock still, his stomach turns over at the thought and he feels the urge again to run, run as far as he can, but he’s glued in place and she’s subtly blocking the escape with her frame.
“You’ve got to be kidding me?!” He can feel himself shaking. “You don't you even understand what you’re asking…what….what he…what he.. did to me….?”
“Azazel poisoned you.”
Sam looks up in shocked surprise. He’d never told anybody. Not..not even Dean.
“He forced his blood on you. I’m offering it. Yellow eyes didn’t give you a choice, this is a choice Sam. You can choose to be strong. Beat them at their own game.” She inches closer again. “Lilith won’t be expecting it, none of them will. You can turn this curse on it’s head.” Her free hand buries itself in his hair, drawing his head forwards, like a puppet or a rag doll. Her lips press to the shell of his ear. “Make something good out of it.”
Her words coil themselves round the parts of himself he tries so hard to keep hidden. “I could do it?" He asks, clawing at the edges of hopefulness. "I could save them, save the host? I wouldn’t have to use the knife?”
She nips lightly at the lobe of his ear, and there’s that uneasy shiver again. “You could save everyone Sam, the hosts, victims. Dean. And you’ll get your revenge.” Her fingernails dip sharply into his scalp and she tugs at the roots of his hair. “Lilith will pay." She's almost growling now, "we’ll make sure of that Sam.”
His lips meet hers in a bruising kiss, to match the ones of the previous night. Her hand tightens in his hair and Ruby drags his mouth away from her’s and down toward the blood seeping from her arm.
The stench of sulphur is overwhelming this close and Sam almost turns his head again, he can feel the black, inky fingermarks creeping back over his skin, but Ruby’s grip in his hair is vice like now and he’s already made his choice, he can’t turn back now.
The first taste has him fighting the impulse to vomit. There’s all the usual tastes of blood, but there is a deep undercurrent of rotten eggs and it’s somehow thicker, more oily. Ruby’s hand softens in his hair, she's stroking it gently now, as she grazes her teeth down his neck and he finds himself sufficiently distracted from the taste. His own hand coming up to scoot along her back and threading his fingers up through her hair, their bodies press close and hot under the stream of icy cold water still pouring over their heads. He pulls back from her arm, looking up at her, with wide, lost eyes, seeking reassurance. Ruby nods and kisses the blood from his lips, the blood on her arm now mingling with the water and forming a pale red pool at their feet.
Shutting off the tap behind them, Ruby grabs Sam’s hand and pulls him urgently back towards the bed.
“Just a little more Sam.” she flexes her fingers, causing fresh blood to bead at the surface of the cut, “and then we’ll get to work.”
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italwayshadtobeyou · 2 years
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thee samruby song
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Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Pollen | Dreams | Fairytales | Zanna | and some things more nefarious.
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A Fight For Love & Glory - Winchesters x you (female)
Summary: You’re struck by sex pollen, so Sam and Dean agree to help you out.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sex pollen, feelings of guilt, ass play, dirty talk, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 2K
Magic Sex & French Fries - Jo Harvelle x Ruby 2.0
Prompt: Great Big Lesbian prompt: SPN, Jo and Ruby II have to have sex to save the world. Or something. Sex pollen? I don’t care. 😘
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sex pollen, fisting, confuzzled boys
Words: 1K
Bad Girls Underneath -  Ruby 2.0 x Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: Ruby and Jojo get hit by a sex curse again; this time, they need Dean’s help.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, magical-dick/male-gaze bullshit, probably too much commentary and emotional complication, why am I like this, I’m sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself, fisting, brief choking
Words: 2,600
Cactus - Dean Winchester x Meg Masters x Castiel
Summary: Post-battle, exhausted and wanting, Dean and Meg and Cas take care of each other.
Warnings/Tags: 18+ ONLY, dreamlike sex, a little choking, Dean’s always hungry
Words: 3,200
I’ll Keep Them Still - Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: Dean remembers promises and pictures in his mind. And he remembers her.
Warnings/tags: mature, songfic, angst, dream/afterlife sequences, purple prose, I’m sorry
Words: 1,100
Moving Furniture - Steve!Cas x Meg Masters 2.0
Summary: She’s been gone for a year – sacrificed herself to save Sam and her unicorn – but Cas still dreams about her.
Warnings/tags: non-explicit dream sex, fluff, shmoop, there’s a dog
Words: 2K
If You Don’t, Dear, Confess - Sam Winchester x Rowena Macleod
Prompt: Sam has dream about being seduced by Rowena in the bunker that gets interrupted/woken by Dean?
Warnings: mature
Words: 620
Hark and Hush - Purgatory Dean x wolf spirit in a female body
Summary: This is the story of how Dean Winchester hunted, became enamored with, and slew the ancient spirit of the Big Bad Wolf.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, stalking, blood, gore, rough sex, character death
Words: 2,200
More Nefarious *dubious consent
His Sword - Michael/Dean x female prostitute
Summary: Michael takes some time to remind Dean who’s in control.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, edge play, bondage, knife play, blood play, choking, rough sex, name-calling, character death
Words: 2,300
Supernova - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Since Dean’s had the Mark and the Blade, he’s pulled away from you, afraid of hurting you. You miss him, and you’ve had it. One night you push him to the edge.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, bondage, blood play, biting, bruising, knifeplay, rough sex, dubcon/mindfuck
Words: 2,500
Just My Imagination - Dean Winchester x female Zanna
Summary: After Mary leaves the boys a second time, Dean needs a reset, or to blow off some steam – something. He heads out on a snowy evening the night before Christmas and finds just the right thing.
Warnings/tags: mature, Hallmark channel fuckery
Words: 2,800
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thebiggerbear · 3 months
Supernatural Fics
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Dean Winchester ✸ Sam Winchester ✸ Castiel ✸ Anael ✸ Bela Talbot ✸ Benny Lafitte ✸ Ruby ✸ Rowena MacLeod ✸ Anna Milton ✸ Amara ✸ Michael!Dean ✸ Demon!Dean ✸ AU!Dean ✸ Huntercorp!Dean ✸ MOC!Dean ✸ Endverse!Dean ✸ Dean Smith ✸ Gadreel!Sam ✸ Soulless!Sam ✸ Casifer ✸ Belphegor!Jack ✸ John Winchester ✸ Purgatory!Dean ✸
Destiel ✸ Dela ✸ Chestervelle ✸ Denny ✸ Saileen ✸ Dean x Lisa ✸ Dean x Cole ✸ Anna x Castiel ✸ Anna x Ruby 2.0 ✸ Anna x Mary ✸ Anael x Castiel ✸ Anael x Ruby 2.0 ✸ Dean x Ruby 1.0 ✸ Soulless!Sam x Rowena ✸ Sam x Sarah ✸ Michael!Dean x Anael ✸
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Please let me know if you would like to be tagged for this fandom.
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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jayankles · 3 years
Bec's Kinktoberfest Masterlist
This is my completed masterlist of @becs-bunker Bec's Kinktoberfest Challenge, this was such a fun challenge, even if half of my things didn't even post when they were supposed to. But anyway, thank you again, I loved writing for a multitude of fandoms and thanks for giving me the opportunity to explore these different characters.
I Need More - Mutual Masturbation - Billy Russo x Reader
Protection on Vacation: Smut Drabble - Sneaking Around | Forbidden Love - Bodyguard!Dean x Princess!Reader
They’re Gone - Voyeurism | Exhibitionism - John Winchester x Reader
Blood and  Ice - Hot/Cold Play - Frank Castle x Reader
Teasing Texts - Sexting/Phone Sex - Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Piss Me Off - Angry or Hate Sex - Jake Peralta x Reader
Dad Joke Seduction - Comfort Sex - Scott Lang x Pregnant!Reader
Teach an Angel New Tricks - Dirty talk | Size Kink - Castiel x Reader
Folded Chair - In front of a mirror - Ruby 2.0 x Reader
The Little Princess and her King - Toys | Praise Kink -King!Brunhilde x Reader
Spelled Eyes: Part 2 /Spelled Eyes: Part 3 - Threesome/Moresome - Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Cas x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Hands to Himself - Sir Kink | Bed Sharing - T’Challa x Reader
Call Me Out - Public or Semi public sex - Sam Wilson x Reader
All for Show - Filming Themselves - Oscar “Spooky” Diaz x Reader
Little Peter - Caught Masturbating - Peter Parker x Reader
Dino Nuggets - Daddy Kink - Daddy!Jared x Momma!Reader
The Ladies Room - Casual Sex - Danneel Harris x Reader
Sweet Tasting Demon - Touch Deprivation | Somnophilia - Sam Winchester x Ruby 2.0
Lucy Gives Up - Oral Sex - Wanda Maximoff x Powered!Reader
Selfish Hearts - Make Up Sex - Diana Prince x Reader
Stupid Plans end in Exciting Lessons - Teasing - Thor Odinson x Reader
Don’t Waste Perfect Lingerie Sets - A/B/O | Lingerie - Anael x Reader
“It’s not illegal if you pay for it.” - Camp fire - Rough Sex | Camping - Hunter Hardon x Venus Ryder (Pornstar!Dean x Pornstar!Reader)
Make it Up To You - Shibari | Bondage - Regina Mills x Reader
Save Me, Supergirl - Roleplay - Kara Danvers x Reader
Only at Home - Orgasm Denial - Finn Balor (Fergal Devitt) x Reader x Seth Rollins (Colby Lopez)
So Close to your Reward - Spanking - Adrian Chase x Reader
Imperfectly Perfect - Body Worship | Nipple Play - Killian Jones x Reader
Don’t Drown while I’m Trying - Aftercare - Carol Danvers x Reader
I Can Last Longer - First to come loses - Henry Cavill x Poc!Reader (aesthetic)
Mommy, Daddy, and their Baby Girl - Dealer's Choice - Jared Padalecki x Reader x Genevieve Padalecki
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ruby1pt0 · 3 years
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Love could be labeled poison but we'd drink it anyway.
- Atticus (Canadian poet)
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billiewena · 3 years
you gotta spend some time, love
you gotta spend some time with me
and I know that you’ll find love
I will possess your heart
sam & ruby // I will possess your heart (youtube)
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solarcas · 3 years
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Suptober Day 8: Leather & Lace
local blood freak has a problem with addiction
[Open for better quality]
Bonus glitter close-up:
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jessmalia · 3 years
like imagine a world where ruby wasn’t recast for season 4 and dean and bobby track sam down to this hotel room and a fucking half naked ruby answers the door like dean’s been back for less than 24 hours and before he even sees sam he finds out that he and ruby have been fucking while he’s been getting tortured in hell
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vampireinterview · 4 years
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ruby 2.0 // spn ladies
“I was the best of those sons of bitches! The most loyal! Not even Alastair knew! Only Lilith! Yeah, I'm sure you're a little angry right now, but, I mean, come on, Sam, even you have to admit -- I'm -- I'm awesome!”
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Not Your Mother's Dean Winchester
He's a Knight of Hell, he bears the Mark of Cain, he's a little darker than we're used to, or he's being controlled by an archangel.
Brimstone - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s exactly what she wants.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother's Dean Winchester
Words: 450
Discord and Rhyme - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean x female reader
Summary: He’s on the prowl.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, rough anal sex, crying during sex, blood during sex, there’s a lot of purple prose and excessive descriptions of taste and smell here, sexual coercion, dirty talk
Words: 1,750
Ennui - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean x unnamed female character
Anonymous Prompt: “I really want demon dean stalking someone but I don’t know how to do that with consent? But guh just the thought of him.
Tags/warnings: 18+ only; this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester; stalking; exhibitionism; voyeurism; dirty talk; horny on aisle 3; fuck it, we ball
Words: 2,400
Fall Away Into - Dean Winchester x Ruby 2.0 x female reader (voyeur Sam Winchester)
Prompt: “Dean x reader x Ruby 2.0 with Sam watching from the corner.”
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother's Dean Winchester, drug-induced sex, OOC Dean, mff spit roast, use of the word bitch during sex, rough sex, hate sex, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 530
Hark and Hush - Purgatory Dean x wolf spirit in a female body
Summary: This is the story of how Dean Winchester hunted, became enamored with, and slew the ancient spirit of the Big Bad Wolf.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, stalking, blood, gore, rough sex, character death
Words: 2,200
His Sword - Michael/Dean x female prostitute
Summary: Michael takes some time to remind Dean who’s in control.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother's Dean Winchester, edge play, bondage, knife play, blood play, choking, rough sex, name-calling, character death
Words: 2,300
Just One More Peaceful Day - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Prompt: angsty Dean with the line “I can still remember just the way you taste” from the song “It’s been a while” by Staind
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, blood play, knife play, mentions of addiction
Words: 710
Leaving Heaven - Dean Winchester x Taziana Smith (OFC)
Summary: Tazi is a bounty hunter of mostly human things. She isn’t firmly seated in the supernatural world, but she’s familiar enough that she’s recruited by an old friend of John Winchester’s to capture and deliver a brief acquaintance of her own.
Characters: MOC/Knight of Hell/Demon Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Crowley, Lee Webb, original characters
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, brief dub-con, mentions of the foster system, references to past rape, commiserating over childhood trauma, threats of sexual violence
Words: 16,500 IN PROGRESS
Nihilism - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean x female reader
Prompt: Can you tell me about the morning after going several rounds with Dean he rolls over in bed and adjusts the covers, causing you to forget your shift to be his good girl a couple more times?
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother's Dean Winchester, name-calling, rough sex, nihilistic themes, Knight of Hell Dean, fantasies of being fucked to death? Idk it’s one of mine, might as well be yours, you’re female AFAB in this scenario
Words: 800
Pretty Reckless - MOC Dean Winchester x pre-slayer Faith Lehane
Summary: AU where s10 Dean stumbles upon another hunter so much like himself. When their connection grows inexplicably stronger, they find an answer they never thought existed.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Faith Lehane, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley, Cain
Warnings/tags: 18+, this is not your mother's Dean Winchester, rough sex, prostate massage, magical bond
Words: 15K
Rules Are Rules - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean hasn’t been himself lately. The Mark has seen to that.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother's Dean Winchester, hand around the throat, rough sex, squirting
Words: 2,410
Run Me Like A River - AU Dean Winchester x AU Jessica Jones
Summary: AU wherein Jessica Jones is super-powered by gov’t experiments to create elite soldiers, the Winchesters are military officers in humanity’s War Against Evil, and they have all gone AWOL from their assigned roles. Dean and Jess embark on a relationship that ends abruptly and explosively until Dean calls her for help on a very personal case.
Characters: Jessica Jones, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Arthur Ketch, Malcolm is Jess’s cat 
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, major character death, unhealthy relationship dynamics, bondage, rough sex, anal sex, ptsd
Words: 14K
Shattered Like A Stone - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean Winchester x original female character
Summary: The Mark is demanding, and the demon in Dean can’t deny it any more than he can deny her; it just might get everything it wants tonight.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, rough sex, bondage, multiple object insertion, suicidal ideation, darkfic, self-destruction, bloody sex, sadism and masochism, anal sex, Jameson as lube, spit as lube, face fucking, Daddy as title, misogynist language, choking, strangulation, assisted suicide
Words: 6,800
Supernova - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Since Dean’s had the Mark and the Blade, he’s pulled away from you, afraid of hurting you. You miss him, and you’ve had it. One night you push him to the edge.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother's Dean Winchester, bondage, blood play, biting, bruising, knifeplay, rough sex, dubcon/mindfuck
Words: 2,500
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thebiggerbear · 3 months
Ship Masterlist
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Beau Arlen x Cassie Dewell (Big Sky)
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3x07: After Dell - where Cassie finds out just how worried Beau was when he saw how close Dell had been to her
At the Boot Heel - where Beau and Cassie have a moment (alternate scene from Thunder universe)
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Heartbreak - Jenny is witness to the first Christmas Beau is in Montana and spends at Cassie’s
Kiss Me Again - where trying to sneak around isn’t necessarily Beau and Cassie’s strong suit as they come to find out
Nerves - where Beau’s nerves are making themselves known & Cassie decides to intervene
Their Silent Thunder Matches Mine - After a night of drinking and her walls coming down, Cassie makes a decision that could have repercussions on both of her friendships with Beau and Jenny.
where all the dreamers go - When Beau asked Cassie to speak with him outside alone for a minute, she had no idea just where that conversation would lead and what she would be agreeing to.
Dean Winchester x Castiel (Supernatural)
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Masks - where the Winchesters are attempting to get lunch during the pandemic & Jack finally works up the courage to ask for a dog
you taught me the courage of stars - (15x18 AU) When Chuck snaps his fingers, Dean figures that’s it. Everything they had worked hard to avoid, everything they had fought for, everyone they had lost along the way, Sam, Jack, Cas – this is the end. They had lost. Or had they?
Bella Swan x Jacob Black (Twilight)
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why are you wearing my sweater (because it smells like you) - where Jacob gets ready to meet Bella at a bonfire the Pack is hosting and can’t find his hoodie
You Win, Jake - Scene post-BD where Jacob and Bella compare war stories, playing a game of who wins the supernatural like they used to when comparing life skills for ages
Wanda Maximoff x Pietro Maximoff (MCU)
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You Didn't See That Coming - Wanda had never known pain like thia. After everything she and Pietro had endured, why did this have to happen?
Daenerys x Margaery
Daenerys x Tyrion
Ned x Cersei
Grey Worm x Missandei
Beau x Jenny
Colter x Reenie
Colter x Billie
Billie x Reenie
Cedric x Hermione
Harry x Luna
Seth x Bree
Edward x Esme
Edward x Leah
Esme x Leah
Sam x Bella
Sam x Renesmee
Leah x Renesmee
Sam x Rosalie
Charlie x Bonnie
Octavia x Niylah
Lucy x Taylor
Jason x Lana
Marcel x Hope
Freya x Davina
Rebecca x Dani
Prue x Andy
Phoebe x Cole
Alex x Isabel
Max x Tess
Max x Liz
Liz x Tess
Michael x Liz
Michael x Maria
Michael x Isabel
Ben x Max
CJ x Jen
CJ x Joey
Tom x Sarah
Jake x Dakota
Priestly x Tish
Sam x Sarah
Anna x Ruby 2.0
Anna x Mary
Anael x Castiel
Anael x Ruby 2.0
Dean x Ruby 1.0
Rowena x Soulless!Sam
Dean x Lisa
Dean x Cole
Call x Enona
Call x Mattie
Mattie x Amanda
John x Sam
Goliath x Elisa
Optimus x Mikaela
Clary x Luke
Jocelyn x Luke
Aragorn x Arwen
Eomer x Eowyn
Eowyn x Faramir
Xena x Ares
Xena x Callisto
Daisy x Tatanga
Link x Ilia
HM Gray x HM Mary
HM Cliff x HM Ann
HM Kai x HM Popuri
Castiel x Buffy Summers
Russell Shaw x Cassie Dewell
Russell Shaw x Jenny Hoyt
Colter Shaw x Jenny Hoyt
Reenie Greene x Jenny Hoyt
Dean Winchester x Jenny Hoyt
Dean Winchester x Cassie Dewell
Soldier Boy x Jenny Hoyt
Dean Winchester x Piper Halliwell
Dean Winchester x Jessica Jones
Dean Winchester x Bella Swan
Bella Swan x Edythe Cullen
Edythe Cullen x Jacob Black
Beau Swan x Rosalie Hale
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*I will add more as I post works
Ships Taglist: @nancymcl
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged for any of the ships listed here.
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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