thefatedthoughtofyou 3 years
Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap) ~ Part 19: Wizards Aren't A Thing
Summary: Sam inherits Steve Roger's crime empire after a handful of his men betray and kill him. The rest of the crime world, sensing an opening, go after Sam and the territories he's inherited from Steve. Thankfully, Steve left him a number, someone to call if he ever needs help. Someone, Steve claimed, he can trust. But can Sam really trust a mercenary with that much blood on his name? And that many knives in his pockets.
WARNINGS: (there will eventually be all of these things) blood, violence, murder, shooting, stabbing, sex, blood play , food related things: malnutrition, feeding, blow jobs, bathing/washing, chronic pain. Limb loss and regrowth. Bullet wounds. Gore.
18+ Content: Make Good Choices Kids <3
Sam's POV
The lunch had gone badly. Not because of the brothers. But because of another, albeit small, attempt on his life. Loki had spotted the man in time, freezing him in place with a simple flick of the wrist. Thor had taken care of it further, having Loki teleport them home swiftly, Sam hadn't asked what he'd planned to do with him. And he and Bucky had gone home to await further instructions and/or further plans.
Loki had sent them a letter late in the evening, it had flown through a small portal, smacking Wade in the face as it flew past him and landed in Sam's lap. He'd given Wade a small grimace of apology and opened the letter. It burst into green flames after he'd read it. It had a time and location. Nothing else.
They'd been waiting in front of the Strange mansion for almost twenty minutes now. Loki had met them at Bucky's and brought them here. He, Wade, and Bucky had been ready. They were now waiting for Thor. Sam leaned his back against the wall, glancing to his right, watching Wade shuffle through music on his phone. Wade noticed his gaze and looked up at him with a smile before looking back down.
"I'm thinking Cherrybomb for any fighting that might happen. Unless that'll cause some kind of copyright issue. I'm never sure how that works for things like this." Wade said to his phone. Sam looked at him for a moment, waiting for further explanation, he got none.
"Are you ask me?" He said, lifting his head to look at Wade properly. Wade looked back to him, his brow furrowed under his mask.
"What?" He asked, his head tilting.
"We're talking to me? Just then." Sam clarified.
"What? No. I was talking to them." He said, nodding his head upwards once. Sam felt Bucky move a bit closer to him, peeking past Sam to look at Wade as well.
"I'm sorry... who?" Sam asked, feeling more and more confused with every word Wade said.
"Them. Up there. The person writing this." Wade said, speaking slowly like he was explaining something complicated to a small child.
"The... huh?" Sam asked, sounding intelligent. Wade sighed, loud and long suffering.
"The writer. The author. The person sitting on their phone right now typing this all out while watching Lord of the Rings for the millionth time." Wade said, pointing his finger up in the air like it was obvious if they'd just look. Sam glanced upward, and then back, saying nothing. He wasn't sure what exactly he could say. He glanced at Bucky quickly, starting to worry very seriously about one of his partners mental stability. Wade rolled his eyes and looked back to his phone.
"Ya know what? Nevermind. Cherrybomb it is. If we get in a fight. I'm handling the music. Jesus." He huffed, finger sliding agaisnt his phone screen as he scrolled aggressively.
Sam startled when Bucky's hand dropped onto his should. His eyes wide as he turned to look at him.
"Don't worry about it. He's always sayin shit like that." Bucky assured him. Falling back against the stone fence they'd been waiting by. Sam nodded, falling back into place as well, but glancing at Wade again. He lifted his hand to wave at Sam but didn't look at him. Sam furrowed his brow and shook his head as they fell back into silence and waited.
"So. You and Heimdall huh?" Wade's voice broke the silence about ten mintues later, throwing a question out, apropos of nothing. Sam watched Loki lean forward, a hard to read look in his eyes as he glared at Wade. Wade looked at him, the eyes on his mask wide and expectant. Loki sighed. And nodded. Once. Wade nodded back with a smile and pushed himself forward off the wall.
"What a catch. You got some skill man. First Buck, now that hunky tall drink of water. What's your secret. And don't say magic. Cuz i mean i know Bucky definitely would be susceptible to your magics but i'm-"
"Hey." Bucky said. Wade ignoring him as he walked closer to Loki. The stream of words leaving him barely pausing for him to breath between them.
"I'm almost positive that Heimdall would see you coming a mile away. Unless he let you. Like maybe that's his thing. Ya know? And i can see the appeal. Someone wanting you so badly they magic you to be with them. Kinda flattering. If a bit sad that you're can't get someone without magic, that i-" Wade finally stopped talking, Loki's dagger digging into his throat as he spun Wade and pressed him agaisnt the wall slowly.
"You were saying?" He asked, eyes dark, pale slender fingers curled around the hilt of his dagger like a coiled snake. Wade laughed.
"Hey come on. I was just kiddin around Loki Doki. I get why they like you. I mean this is here is really doing it for me." He motioned to the situation he was in. Sam realized belatedly that neither he, nor Bucky, had moved to help Wade. In fact Sam was almost sure Bucky was smiling down at his feet. Loki's eyes narrowed as he moved his dagger back, but only a small amount.
"Yeah see, this is nice. And I'm gonna call you Loki Doki forever now. Just so ya know. Okie dokie Loki Doki?" Wade asked, Sam could here the smile under his mask. Loki rolled his eyes and his dagger disappeared with a small flash of light. He sighed deeply and stepped away from Wade. Wade stumbled forward and walked back passed Bucky and Sam.
"I can see why you liked him." He muttered to Bucky as he passed him.
"Do you ever stop talking?" Loki asked, not looking at the man that was currently pushing his buttons.
"Not while I'm awake."
"Not while he's awake." Wade and Bucky answered in sync. Wade gasped and turned to Bucky.
"Oh my god how adorable are we?!? Oh don't answer that here's comes Thor." He said, waving off whatever Bucky had opened his mouth to say, pushing past them, and running toward the man who was indeed finally approaching. Sam watched him run at the man, jumping as he got close. A startled laugh escaping him as he watched Thor catch him with a smile.
"Everytime I'm around him I feeling I'm having a conversation with a hurricane." Sam said to Bucky, glancing at him as he watched Bucky, watch Wade and Thor, with a dopey smile.
"Does that ever go away?" Sam watched Bucky turn to him. His smile smaller now. Lingering at the corners of his mouth.
"It does not." He said, laughing a little as Wade jumped out of Thor's arms as he joined them.
"Sorry for the delay. But you all did have a teleport, so who's fault is it really?" He said, a smile on his lips as he eyed his brother playfully.
"Really? You're going to blame me for this? You walk up here, in a bright red, velvet suit, and you're gonna blame me?" Loki said, dragging his eyes over his brother's fashion choice pointedly.
"I was trying to make a statement." Thor crossed his arms.
"Oh you are." Wade assured, nodding slowly, staring at Thor's biceps stretching his suit jacket.
"Yes. You look like Santa's body building son. Congratulations. May we get this over with please?" Loki asked, exasperated. Thor chuckled and clapped him on the back roughly, shaking Loki's entire body.
"Yes yes alright. In we go." Thor walked toward the gate, Sam followed, the other three trailing behind them, covering Sam.
"I hear Wade's in charge of the music this evening." Thor said conversationly, leaning closer to Sam.
"Yeah. I think he might always be in charge of it. And maybe other things too." Sam glanced at the sky again, still thinking about his conversation with Wade. Thor laughed next to him and nodded.
"He is an odd duck that's for sure." Thor said, smiling as they reached the door of the mansion. It was bright red, and had strange markings Sam could never to seem to look straight at. Steve had always told him it was magic. That that's why Sam couldn't see them right. The markings hid the house from people who weren't wanted. He should have guessed something like this would be Strange's doing.
Steve had never been able to look at the markings either.
"Good thing this isn't sketchy at all." Wade said, his voice low and still echoing around the nearly empty room. Sam didn't say it, but he agreed. He'd never seen this room before. And it had never been at the front of the house when they visited, though he'd heard stories of the Strange house changing and moving on it's own for years. The stories of its owner were less than kind. He'd been a mage, once. Long ago. But he'd been banished, his powers taken from him. And so he'd gained power another way. Through fear. And violence. And death. The house had clearly retained some small amount of magic, moving and shaping itself at his will.
It was a large room that looked like it may have been a library once. There were empty shelves lining the walls and a balcony second floor circling the room. Perfect for people to fill in and ambush them. He heard Bucky draw his guns and knew he was thinking the same.
"Stay calm." Loki's voice, sounding very much not calm. Sam nodded anyway, moving a step closer to Thor.
"You wanted a meeting."
The voice seemed to boom through the whole house, the walls shaking. Their small group shrinking in on each other, backs together, around Sam, ready to protect him.
"We did. And here we are. We kept our word." Sam said, his voice sounding much more confident than he felt. A low chuckle filled the room and then the lights flickered off, leaving them in darkness. Sam felt Bucky's back press hard into his shoulder and leaned into it, letting him know he was okay, and trying to stay close. The lights flickered back up, and there was a man standing on the balcony, a bright doorway of light behind him. Sam squinted at the sudden brightness, he wasn't sure but it looked like he was wearing-
"Is that a cape?" Wade's voice called over his shoulder. Loki shh-ed him.
"I wanna cape." Wade whispered, leaning closer to both Bucky and Sam. Loki made another hushing noise but Sam heard Bucky laugh. He couldn't keep the smile off his own face either.
"You'd just get killed with it. Cape's are dangerous." Bucky whispered back.
"Oh right. Edna. She's so smart. No capes!" Wade whispered back. Sam snorted this time and then cleared his throat.
"Would you please shut up." Loki hissed, Sam's eyes had now adjusted to light, and he could see the man staring down at them. He'd never liked Stephen Strange. He'd always seemed pretentious, and like he was smirking at everything Steve ever said to him. Sam felt rage boil inside him. Of course he'd been a part of this, Sam should have fucking known. His hands clenched into fists at his sides.
"Hey." Wade's voice in his ear now, serious, no joking now. One of his gloved hands wrapped around Sam's wrists, squeezing gently until Sam felt the tension leave him.
"It's gonna be okay." Bucky now, on his other side, reassuring as he pressed his back to Sam's shoulder again.
"Deep breath." Wade again. Another squeeze and his fingers slid away from Sam.
"If you're all quite done. What is it that you came here for?" That pretentious voice had Sam's rage spiking again. But he took a deep breath and kept his cool.
"Honestly. I kind of came to ask that you stop trying to kill me." Sam said, feeling his confidence now.
"Is that so? And why would i do that?" He asked, his hands spreading on the bar of the balcony. His voice and face looking smug.
"Because if you do not." Thor stepped up beside Sam, shoulder to shoulder.
"We'll have to send you another message." He finished, glaring up at Strange.
"Oh? A message hmm? Like a warehouse full of deadmen? Did that work so well for you last time? Perhaps if you hadn't sent such an incompetent pair to do your jobs, you wouldn't still be fighting for a place at the table." He said with a chuckle.
"Hey!" Wade yelled, offended.
"We might be incompetent, but at least we're professionally incompetent! Or.. wait... incompetent professionals. One of those!" Wade called, attempting to defend himself and Bucky.
"Yeah!" Bucky joined,
"And i mean shit. We're not that incompetent. We went to kill a wearhouse full of guys and we did that. I'd say we're doing great. Better than most for sure." He bumped his shoulder into Wade's with a smile.
"Hey yeah! You've been trying to kill Sam for like... how long? And look," he pointed over his shoulder, not turning his back on Strange,
"Still here. So, i mean, between the three of us, who's fucking incompetent dude?" Wade shurgged and pointed silently at Strange. Sam bit his lip to hide the smile that was threatening, Strange looked livid. If he'd still had magic Sam was sure they'd all be dead right now.
"Yes. Still here. And you've brought him right to me." Strange said, his lips curling into a sinsiter smile. He raised his hand and several doors around the room opened, armed men filing into the room quicky, surrounding them. And yeah, Sam thought, that seemed right. He probably should have listened to Bucky's warnings about not showing up here himself, but he needed to. He had to do this. Be a part of things.
"Well. I guess we should have seen that coming." Wade sighed, his swords clinking as he his arms drooped and their tips hit the floor.
"Who says we didn't?" Loki's voice was full of mischief. Sam glanced at him and saw his eyes were full of the same, as were his brothers, Thor was smiling. Loki looked to him, Thor nodded. Loki raisied his hand above his head, his fingers glimmering green with magic, and snapped his fingers. Over half the men in the room glimmered green as well and then disappeared.
"Sorry about that. It just didn't seem fair. You having an army while we walked in here nearly weaponless in good faith." Thor explained, glancing at Sam with a smirk.
"So my brother paid your some of your men a little visit. Ya know, a little something to even the odds a bit." Thor explained, smiling up at Strange now.
"Oooh ho ho! I love this. These are much better odds. I fucking love magic. Loki Doki you're kind of a badass. I'm a little turned on." Wade agreed, raising his swords again. Sam would have sworn he saw Loki smile.
"So it's a fight you want?" Strange asked, his voice tight.
"It's you who wanted the fight. I didn't start this. But i intend to finish it." Sam slid his hand into his jacket and pulled out his gun, his finger pressed to the trigger as he lifted it.
"I see. Well then. Go right ahead." Strange lifted his hand, the men around them began to close in as he turned on the spot, his cape flowing behind him as he left the room, heavy doors closing behind him with a deafening thud.
"Oh shit! We get a fight scene! Hit it Cherie!" Wade yelled as the men ran toward them. Wade lifted his swords and ran forward as Cherrybomb started blaring from seemingly nowwhere and everywhere, filling the space around them better than any surround sound Sam had ever heard. Bucky pressed himself to Sam's back, both of them firing their guns as men ran at them, Loki and Thor beside them tossing men aside like they weighed nothing, fighting so in sync it was difficult to tell where one of them ended and the other began.
"How did he do that?" Sam yelled over his shoulder, grabbing a man and firing his gun into his chest twice before tossing him aside. Bucky turned, grabbed Sam's arm and spun him to the side just as a man's knife came down where he'd been standing, Bucky's arm around his waist, holding Sam to his chest. Bucky smiled at him.
"I find it best not to ask." He wiggled his eyebrows and spun Sam out, like they were dancing and not in the middle of a fight. Sam swung his fist out, dropping the man he hit and turning to shoot a man coming up behind Thor.
"Thank you Sam!" Thor shouted, tossing two men who'd been holding his arms and then jumping into the air, flying three more men into the far wall, a bolt of lightning shooting into them for good measure. There were flashes of green light all over the room as Loki teleported and took out man after man. He landed next to Wade, who was struggling to remove one of his swords from a dead mans spine, his foot on his back, yanking as hard as he could. Loki grabbed the man sneaking up on Wade, spun him to his chest and sank a dagger into him three times before pushing him away again. Wade looked up at him as he walked over.
"Need a hand?" Loki asked, not waiting for an answer and he wrapped his hands around Wade's and yanked. The sword came free with a sickening squelch and Wade's eyes widened as he stared at Loki, looking love struck.
"Teleporting is cheating ya know!" Wade yelled over the noise of the room. Sam didnt know if it was the heat of the battle or Wade teasing him, but he watched Loki smile at him.
"Wanna come?" Loki held his hand out to Wade, wiggling his fingers.
"Oh god that is such a layered question but god yes!" Wade reached out and grabbed Loki's hand, disappearing in a green flash instantly.
Sam spun quickly, grabbing the man who was just about to hit him, he wrapped his fingers around the man's wrist and twisted his arm behind his back.
"Hey Bucky, little help. I'm outta ammo." Sam yelled, Bucky turned from where he'd been beating a man to a pulp with his metal arm and smirked at Sam. He reached behind him, pulled a knife from somewhere Sam couldn't see and threw it, his eyes already back on the man in front of him when the blade left his fingers. Sam never questioning for a second that it would hit its mark and not him. The blade sunk into the man's skull, no resistance at all, and he went limp in Sam's arm. He let the body slide the floor, pulling the knife from his as he fell and sinking into the man running past him, toward where Loki and Wade were now tossing one of Wade's swords back and forth, taking turns with the one he had left, the other clearly lost somewhere as they'd been teleporting from deadman to deadman.
The voice screamed through the air. Covering and cutting off all noise in the room. The screams and music stopping on command. Everyone still left alive, cowering and covering their ears. Bucky and Thor both moving instantly to Sam's sides, Wade was on the floor covering his ears, Loki cowering over him, face etched with pain.
The scream stopped, the pain leaving immediately as silence descended on the room once more.
"That. Is enough." Strange was back, standing on the balcony again.
"Perhaps we should make a deal." His voice was quiet. Wade and Loki walked over to Sam slowly, circling to stand behind him, Bucky and Thor moving to the front.
"Probably for the best." Sam nearly snarled, his hands, and the men beside him, covered in blood.
"Hmm. You have terms i take it?" Strange asked, his head tilting.
"Just the big one currently. Stop trying to fucking kill me man." Sam said, his hands lifting and falling back down to his thighs. There was a long pause, Strange just staring down at them all.
"Fine." Was all he said.
"You'll stop?" Sam narrowed his eyes.
"Sure. It's in my best interests after all,聽 isn't it?" He sounded smug again. Sam really fuckin hated this guy.
"I assure you, it is." Thor said, his voice deep, Sam had never heard him so angry, and felt gratitude run through him.
He was about to open his mouth and give Strange a half assed thank you, maybe lay down some other terms, when he was yanked sideways. Wade's hands on his arm tossing him to the side roughly, Loki barley caught him as they both tumbled to the ground, Sam's back slamming into it, the wind knocked from his lungs. Wade was standing where he'd been just seconds ago, a large blade through his chest. He was looking down at the blood covered metal, his hand moving slowly to touch it.
"Wade?" Bucky's voice, a whisper. Sam looked to him, his eyes were wide, there was horror on his face as he looked at Wade, and then anger, and then fury. His hand moved to his waist, fingers wrapping around a knife as Strange began to laugh behind them.
"You fucker." Sam growled, letting Loki pull him to his feet. His eyes back on Wade, who was oddly silent, blade through the chest or no. Sam had seen him missing an arm and a foot and still chatting, but this seemed different. Wade's knees buckled and Sam and Loki rushed to him.
"You think. For one second. That'll I'd just let you take his spot? A spot not even HE HIMSELF deserved?" Strange spat. Bucky turned to him slowly, knife in hand. Loki grabbed Thor, brought him closer.
"Bucky." Loki said, voice low. Sam grabbed Wade's hand as blood pooled around them on the floor. Bucky glanced back at them, Loki moved two of his fingers, motioning for him to move, Bucky took two steps backward, closer to them, and then turned back to Strange.
"I AM THE HIGH WARLOCK. THIS CITY IS MINE!" Strange bellowed, the walls shaking again as he screamed.
"No one fucking cares bitch." Bucky said, sounding bored, and threw the knife. Strange turned as he did. The blade landing in his shoulder instead of his chest.
"HEIMDALL!" Thor yelled his name and they were immediately bathed in light as the bifrost ripped through the room to take them.
They landed in Thor's thrown room, Wade was choking now. Bucky turned and fell to his knees, quickly reaching forward and pulling off his mask.
"Wade. Wade? Hey hey I'm here." He soothed as Wade reached for him. Sam moved to his other side. Not wanting to let go of his hand as Bucky moved closer still, cradling Wade to him, wiping blood off his face as he choked again.
"We have to get this out of him." Loki's voice was calm, soothing even, as he eyed the giant peice of metal in Wade's chest. Bucky grimaced when he looked at it.
"Loki's gonna get it outta you okay? And then you're gonna be okay." He said, sniffling as he pulled Wade's head closer, soothing his hand over the scarred skin. Wade shook his head, his eyes watering.
"What? What does that mean? What do you mean no?" Bucky asked, bending closer still, his fingers pressing into Wade's shoulder so hard Sam could see them sinking into him. Wade squeezed Sam's hand as he looked up at Bucky, Sam squeezed back, his throat burning.
"Poison. I- i can f-feel it." Wade choked out. His teeth red, little dropplet of blood staining the front of Bucky's shirt as he spoke.
"No that's. You can heal. You can heal from poison." Bucky said, his voice growing frantic. Sam wanted to reach out to him. But he was frozen. This wasn't right. This wasn't how this was supposed to go.
"It hur-urts." Wade grimaced.
"I have to do this now." Loki said, his voice filled with sympathy.
Wade reached up with his free hand, pressed it to Bucky's cheek.
"You're fine. You'll be fine." Bucky whispered, tears dripping down his cheeks. Wade moved his thumb over Bucky's lips, slowly, as he looked up at him.
"Feels different. I don't- i don't know." Wade stammered, shaking his head gently. Sam could see him struggling. See him trying to say more. But he could also see him not needing too, Bucky's entire body drooped, curing itself around Wade like a shield.
"It can't be different." He shook his head gently, moving his hand to Wade's cheek now.
"I need you. I need you here. With me. You have to heal. You have to." He sniffled, wiped more blood from Wade's mouth. Wade smiled and nodded. His eyes fluttering.
"I know big guy. I love you too." His voice barely a whisper.
"I didn't say i love you."
"Yeah but you meant it."
Bucky laughed through a sob, Wade tired to laugh too but just coughed up blood. Bucky whined in the back of his throat and leaned forward, pressing his forhead to Wade's. Sam gripped Wade's shoulder hard, silently willing him to heal. To just heal. Because they needed him. It couldn't end like this. He felt Wade take a deep shuddering breath.
"Alright. Ta-take it out. L-loki Doki." His voice trailed off as his head fell to the side. Loki yanked the blade out swiftly, barely moving Wade's body at all. He tossed the blade to the side, Sam watched it spin across the marble floor into darkness. He shook his head and moved his eyes back to Wade. His eyes were still closed. The wound in his chest however, was still open.
"He's not healing." Thor's voice, from Sam's left. He was kneeling at Wade's feet, hands resting on his ankles.
"He will." Bucky whispered, trying and failing to clean the blood off Wade's face. Sam reached into his pocket mindlessly and handed Bucky the handkerchief that was always tucked away in his suits. Bucky looked at him, his eyes wide and glassy. Sam nodded. Bucky took it and wiped at Wade's face some more, the cloth helped a little, but there was so much blood.
"Bucky." Loki this time, trying to get through.
"He's not-".
"He. Will." Bucky growled. Looking at Loki with a glare Sam could only call murderous. Sam squeezed Wade's limp hand and closed his eyes. The mantra of "Please heal. Please wake up" running over and over in his head like a broken record.
"He will heal. He has to." Bucky said, his voice hollow as he looked down at Wade, his blood covered hands cradling the man's head so gently, his knees tucked up under Wade's body as he held him close. Bucky closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Wade, pulling him closer still. Tears dripped down Sam's face as he began rocking slightly.
"Please wake up. Please." Bucky's voice was shaking, along with the rest of him. He rocked Wade's body, quietly pleading to him, begging him to come back.
Sam had never understood when people described someone being broken by grief. His own parents had passed peacefully, and it hadn't been sudden. They'd had time to... prepare. And he'd seen people broken from pain, and from torture, but this? This was different. This was hard. He'd never seen anyone cling to someone they loved, willing them to come back.
And surely that had happened before. Wade had surely died and come back before. Sam had heard those stories. But he'd said it was different. Had felt different. But it couldn't have been like this, the way Bucky was holding him, his eyes were open, Sam could see them, but Bucky wasn't there. He was somewhere far away. Pleading for Wade to wake up.
Sam didn't know if it was possible to will someone back to life. But this was Wade. Bucky's Wade. His Wade, even. So he was going to fucking try. He tightened his grip on Wade's hand, holding it closer.
"Please." He whispered. Bucky looked up at him, eyes red and empty. He clung to Wade. Sam nodded at him and closed his eyes.
"Please wake up." Sam sighed.
"Please. Wade i need you. You have to wake up." Bucky shook him that time. Jostling his body in frustration.
They stayed that way for three hours. Sitting there. On the cold floor. Holding him. Heimdal joined them at some point, kneeling beside Loki and pulling him close. Sam hadn't noticed until then, but there were tears in his eyes, shinging trails down his cheeks. He'd looked at Heimdall, eyes glassy the same way Bucky's were.
"It won't work. I tired." He sounded lost, looking at his empty hands. Heimdall had wrapped his hands around Loki's, pulling them to his chest.
"I know." He'd said, voice full of sorrow as Loki fell against him.
They sat there. Waiting. Sam's feet and legs had been numb for hours. The silence in his ears screaming that this was his fault. Everything that had happened was his fucking fault. He'd done this to save Sam and now they'd lost him. Fresh tears fell from Sam's eyes, warm agaisnt his cold skin.
Cold skin.
The words echoed in his mind. His brain was struggling to put thoughts together. He was cold. From sitting on the stone floor. His feet were cold, his legs, his ass, and chest, and his face. All cold. And his hands. They had to be cold too. Sam focused. They weren't. His hands, still touching Wade, were warm. The synapses in his brain began to fire, just not quite fast enough. Before he could find the thought he was trying to reach, a stangled gasped rang through the room as Wade shot up.
His head smacking into Bucky's, knocking him back a bit. Sam's heart was in his throat, face to face with Wade, alive, for only a second before he fell back. Bucky catching him and holding him.
"Wade?" Bucky's voice was small. Wade's breathing was heavy, his chest, still not healed completely, rising and falling rapidly. His eyes squeezed shut.
"Hey there. Fuck that hurt." He breathed, his hand shaking as he moved it to cover Bucky's.
"You're okay. Are you okay?" Bucky asked, moving his hands to Wade's head again. Wade nodded slowly.
"I think- i think so." He looked down at his chest and groaned, the long slit in his skin bright red. He dropped his head back onto Bucky, looking up at him.
"That's taking forever." He sighed, and then smiled.
"Hi." His toothy grin spreading as Bucky smiled back at him.
"Hi yourself. You asshole." He laughed. Leaning down and kissing Wade's forhead. Wade made a happy sound and then he was looking at Sam. And then Loki and Heimdall. And then Thor. All of them smiling at him in turn.
"Oh. You're all still here. That's nice." He sighed again. His eyes closing as he rested on Bucky. They shot open again seconds later.
"Hang on. Have we all just been on the floor this whole time?" He asked, looking around dazzedly.
"Mhm." Sam hummed.
"This whole time? The whole time!? Why!?" He kept moving his eyes around the group standing around him.
"Guys, we're not young men. We can't be on the floor this long we're not gonne be able to get up. I can't feeling my ass. And Sam, oh god Sam, you're human! You don't even have super strength you're gonna be down here forever! This floor is your home now!" Wade wailed, drooping his arm over his face dramatically. All of them laughing, a little harder than normal, as they watched his dramatics. He peeked out from under his arm and winked at Sam. Sam smiled back, shaking his head as he laughed.
"Okay seriously though, seriously? Get me off the floor. I'm all blood sticky. And it's gonna take me forever to get this ass outta these spandex." Wade groaned. Thor let out a bellow of a laugh and hopped to his feet, leaning forward to pull Wade to his. Bucky and the others stood as well. Sam groaned when he moved to his knees. Bucky's hand dropped in front of him.
"Fuckin annoying when he's right ain't it?" Bucky said, grinning down at him. Sam breathed a laugh and took his hand, grimacing as he pulled him up. Bucky fell into step beside him as they followed Thor and Wade, slowly, as Sam's joints learned how to move again.
"Seriously, I'm gonna have to cut myself outta this. Look at this." Wade pointed to the little waddle he was doing. Thor made a show of leaning back and watching Wade walk.
"I'd be more than happy to help get you of that." Thor said, a cheeky smirk curling his lips as Wade gasped and looked at him.
"Don't tease." Wade batted at his shoulder.
"Who said i was teasing." Thor looked down at him, serious this time as he reached up and wiped a stray drop of blood from Wade's neck. He smiled at him and walked on ahead of them. Wade's eyes widened as he turned to look back at Sam and Bucky, he mouthed 'oh my fucking god', and then waddled forward quicky, trying to catch up to Thor.
Bucky laughed beside Sam shaking his head. Sam looked at him, trying to keep his brain from wandering.
"What?" He asked, bumping his shoulder into Sam.
"I just... i don't know." Sam said, shrugging, shaking his head.
"You don't know in general, or you don't know how to ask?" Bucky smirked at him, and then smiled when Sam rolled his eyes. The fucker.
"Closer to the second one i guess. You and Wade. You're relationship... confuses me." Sam said slowly. The laugh that burst out of Bucky startling him.
"Join the club." Bucky said, shrugging, but smiling fondly.
"No i mean. Not like that, i ... i get that. I think." He laughed when Bucky raised his eyesbrows.
"It's just. You two seem... i mean you care so much about each other. But he's... i mean he's going in there with... with Thor." Sam said, his eyes moving around like he was trying to mentally calculate something.
"Oh right. That part's confusing you. Okay well, that's an easy one at least." Bucky said, doing a little hop skip and turn until he was in front of Sam, walking backwards as Sam moved forward.
"The thing is. Simplest terms i guess. We love each other. But uh..." he shrugged, his hands shoved deep in his pockets.
"There's always room for more. We don't like to limit ourselves." He shrugged again. And then the fucker winked, spinning again as he chased after Wade, and Thor, and Loki and Heimdall. Leaving Sam walking slowly through the throne room. Wondering what the fuck they were gonna do next. And wondering why the near mention of "more" with Bucky and Wade had made his insides flutter like a school boy. He shook his head and took a deep breath. Strange first. He could examine his feelings after they were rid of the nonmagical wizard.
Not that there were any feelings to examine. High stress situations were a breeding ground for perceived romantic feelings, you could ask anyone that. They'd tell you. The movie Speed could tell you. He groaned, stretched his knees a little, and followed the other's deeper into the clusterfuck that his life had become.
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irishvampireboy 2 years
For the writing asks! 5,10, and 11 please 馃榿
Thank youuuu!!!!
5. How many wips do you have? What fandoms/pairings are they for?
I have... do vague ideas count as wips? I really hope not... I'm gonna saaaaaayyyyyy.... I'm gonna say it's an even 5? I'm gonna give you a super confident 5... maybe 6.... and most of them are steddie (steve harrington x eddie munson). I have one sambuckywade fic happening. And one eddie munson x asexual plus size reader fic.
10. Answered here!!! 馃挌
11. Do you write scenes in order or do you jump around?
Oh i have to do them in order. Even thinking about writing things not in order it makes my skin feel like it's vibrating. Hahaha!
Thank youuuuuu!!!! So so much!!!
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irishvampireboy 3 years
I need.... a bucky icon... a sambucky one would be optimal. Or even a sambuckywade one buuttt... i am far too lazy to even attempt to make one. There's just no way.
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