#sam x bucky x wade
evil-youth-messrs · 24 days
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somehow, they're all the same flavor of gay✨️
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marvelsgirl616 · 14 days
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they’d be besties <3
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guardianjameslight · 5 months
Does anyone else love when Marvel gives us the duos fighting side by side against threats?
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httpscomexe · 28 days
Kink-Tober 2024 🎃🏵️🍁🍂
🎃First fic will be posted on October 1st, 2024. All currently added on this list are the ones I have completed thus far. List will update nearly every day. All fics will include smut🎃
Days with this emoji (🛑) will include triggering abuse such as non-con, kidnapping, etc.
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please let me know. Please refer to this post to see what will be posted each day 🏵️
Day 1 - Double Pen - Stucky - 🛑Double Trouble
Day 2 - Blindfold - Loki Laufeyson - Ballroom Dance
Day 3 - Bondage - Peter Parker - 🛑 No, You Don't
Day 4 - Virginity - Wade Wilson - You? A Virgin?
Day 5 - Swallowing - Sam Wilson - 🛑 Swallow
Day 6 - Praise - Quentin Beck - 🛑 Little Witch
Day 7 - Overstimulation - Steve Rogers - Almost There
Day 8 - Face Sitting - Steve Rogers - Getaway
(Still adding to the list, updates almost daily)
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r4inyclouds · 6 days
I got... bored. And had an epiphany so I shall gift and bless the Tumblr land with my memes from scratch with pictures I pulled put my ass/gallery
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They lit just kept getting worse and worse
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winterspiderpurrs · 9 months
The team is having a meeting for an upcoming mission. They need Intel, but the only way in, is if you were an omega.
And Spiderman pipes up. " I can do it! I'm an omega, " and they just turn and stare at him. Peter pulls his mask off and gives them a smile. " Hi. I'm Parker. I mean, I'm Peter Parker"
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emberedroses · 3 months
Hands that Heal [Bucky x Reader]: Chapter 2
Masterlist | Prologue | Chapter 1
Summary: You're the Avengers newest all-star Medic. Your life changes when you meet the infamous Bucky Barnes, who is unlike any veteran you've met before in your career.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Doctor!Reader
Word Count: 8.7K
!! Warning 18+; Minors DNI !!
Chapter Warning: Mentions of anxiety.
The Doctor is In
Bucky could have turned either right or left and avoided the office at the end of the hall entirely.
He could have pretended he was lost or on the wrong floor and turned back around to avoid the doors that separated the office from the rest of the rooms on the level.
He could have easily avoided seeing a doctor.
Bucky could have gotten out of this situation and gone about his day as if nothing had happened.
Yet, he didn't. He couldn't bring himself to go through with his escape tactics.
Bucky knew he needed help. Whether he liked it or not, visiting 'Dr. Delmar' was the only way to get rid of the pain plaguing his back.
'It's just a check-up,' Bucky reassured himself. He stood in front of the glass sliding door, his finger hovering above a security keypad. 'You've faced worse. Like Steve said, it's just a check-up. It's not the end of the world.'
He couldn't lie to himself. This big jump out of the realm of his usual routine was the end of the world. Or at least it felt like it. The only reason Bucky found himself walking down the third-floor hall was to prove he wasn't the weakling coward he feared he had become.
The keypad lightly beeped with every number he inputted. A small green light flashed in the corner of the keypad, and the glass door quietly slid open.
'Breathe.' Bucky took a quick breath and stepped inside. 'It's not the end of the world.'
He took a few more steps inside the office. It was far enough that the door slid shut behind him. He knew now there was a point of no return.
'This office is huge,' Bucky almost whispered. 'It's more of a clinic if anything.'
He couldn't help but admire the details of the clinic. If Bucky could spare one compliment to Steve's snarky billionaire husband, it would be that he spares no expense when it comes to interior designs.
The same teal that was seen contrasting the white and grey marble tiles was the exact same shade of teal that formed a line toward the end of the office contrasting the rest of the off-white wall. The doors leading into the consult rooms were grey with a white letter in the middle.
Even the air smelled like a walk on a beach. The scent was stronger once he stepped through the foggy transparent door, though, the cold ventilation was a big contrast to the nostalgic warm summer rays and reminded him that he was still in a doctor's office.
But the color scheme or the aroma wasn't the best part about the clinic. No, the highlight of the entire space was the water wall near the desk.
It took its name literally, as it was an entire wall of falling water. There was no glass casing over it, but the stream was thin enough to give the illusion that it was part of the dark blue backdrop. The bed of white rocks lined on the floor caught all of the water as it fell. The gentle pitter-patter of droplets made the entire place feel less intimidating.
'This place is beautiful,' No, 'beautiful' isn't what he would describe this place. It was calming. He forgot that places are capable of making one feel at peace. 'It's definitely calmer than most medic wards in the tower.'
His eyes lingered on the man at the desk a little longer than he wanted. It was hard not to when he seemed so hyper-focused on the screen in front of him that he hadn't noticed someone walk into the room.
'I haven't seen him before. Must be new.'
"Woah, I'm so sorry about that. Welcome in," Bucky nearly jumped from the sudden greeting. He hoped the man didn't catch on to his staring earlier. "Are you seeking treatment?"
"Um, yes, my back hurts?" 
Bucky walked closer to the desk. The man's hazel eyes followed him as he approached, and his pearly white teeth shone as bright as his smile. Getting a better look at the man, Bucky could confirm that he'd never seen him anywhere around the tower before.
 The man's face was youthful and clean-shaven, and his curlish brown locks were gelled back. The navy scrubs complimented his olive skin tone, and he could see the outline of defined muscles underneath the grey compression sleeves he wore on each arm. 
'Tony really hired an entirely new staff for this place. This doctor must really be something.'
"Did you sustain an injury?"
"I'm very sorry about that. Good thing you came to the right place,"
The man's words bleed with perkiness despite his deep voice. Part of him envies how happy he is, to have such joy that it seeps into your tone and diction.
'What is it like to have a fraction of that?'
"Have you been here before?"
"No," Bucky shook his head. "This is the first time I've heard about this place."
"That's okay; my name is Cristóbal or Cris, and I'm an RN here," Cristóbal pointed to his shirt pocket, which had his name embroidered in white cursive text with a white heart next to it. "I'll be checking you in and taking your vitals once we get you set up in a room. Could you give me your name and date of birth so I can pull you up in the system?"
"It's James Barnes. Birthdate is March third, 1917."
"Ah, you look good for your age."
Bucky tried to match Cristóbal's smile. It was a light-hearted joke, but there was this pain that lingered inside his chest. He badly wanted to respond: "I wish I didn't have to be this way," but he knew better than to go around making bad impressions on the new staff.
Cristóbal focused his attention back on his keyboard. He typed something into the computer before looking back up at Bucky.
"Alright, got your chart going," Cristóbal reached underneath his desk, pulled out a tablet, and slid it toward Bucky. What appeared to be a sign-in form was on the bright white screen. "Please fill this out so we can check you into the system. Once you're done, we can bring you back," As Bucky grabbed the tablet off the desk, Cristóbal pointed towards the water wall. "You can sit over there. It's more comfortable than standing here."
"Oh, okay."
Bucky was a bit embarrassed that he had been so engulfed in taking in the scenery that he hadn't noticed the line of chairs in front of the wall.
"Just bring it over when you're done."
Bucky nodded and made his way over. The moment he hit the chair, another wave of pain shot up his back. He huffed as he adjusted his back to gain some relief, but still, there wasn't any.
'If this works, I won't have to be dealing with this any longer.'
Most of the questions on the screen were auto-filled with his information. Bucky scrolled down, checking to see if there were any mistakes or blank answers.
"Everything seems to be in order," Bucky mumbled to himself. "Is there something I'm missing?"
From across the room, he heard the sound of a door clicking open, followed by the soft mummers of a woman's voice. Bucky looked up briefly, but no one other than Cristóbal was near the desk.
'Why did he hand this to me if everything was answered for me?'
His eyes focus back on the screen and he scrolled further down on the page. A blank table finally came up. He sighed as he read the question at the top.
'Place an "X" in the column that describes your level of pain?'
He read through all fifteen works that ranged from 'throbbing' to 'cruel-punishing'. He feared putting an 'X' next to any of them.
'I have to put something...' Bucky stared at the words. He felt his face grow hot as he read them. The thought of him being in this position in the first place filled him with shame. 'It's definitely not 'cruel-punishing'. I'm not supposed to feel that helpless.'
Bucky placed an 'X' next to the words 'sharp', 'aching', and 'tender'. It seemed less embarrassing than the other thirteen descriptors.
Below the chart was an outlined diagram of a man's body with one facing frontways and the other facing backward.
'Mark the area where your pain is the most persistent.'
Bucky gently pressed his finger to the area between his neck and shoulder and zig-zagged the jagged line near his lower back. When he moved his hand away from the screen, nearly half of the diagram was covered in red lines.
'That's a good way of describing it.'
He scrolled further down away from the diagram only to see two questions in bold lettering, along with a little box big enough to type in a number or two inside.
'On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?' Bucky clicked his tongue while thinking. 'An easy five, maybe?'
'How long have you had this injury?'
Bucky re-read the question a couple of times. He didn't know why. He had come to terms with what he had for a while, but seeing it on paper felt different. He forgot that underneath the bouts of serums and enhancements, he was still human.
He forgot the curse that comes with being one.
'Five days. I've been injured for five days.'
Bucky scrolled down, hoping to see more. At the end of the page was a green 'submit' button.
'Thank fuck that's all,' Bucky thought, pressing the button at the bottom of the chart. A green check mark took up the page. A sigh left his lips at the sight of it. 'Halfway through this.'
Bucky got up and saw Pietro coming out from one of the rooms and standing in front of the desk. Bucky tried to be quiet as he lined up behind him.
'I wonder what happened to him?'
"It's good to see you better," Cristóbal's overly cheery voice echoed through the clinic. "We don't have a follow-up scheduled for you, but do come back if you have any complications."
"Sounds like a plan. I'll catch you later."
Pietro turned around, and his face lit up with a smile. Bucky could only awkwardly move aside so the speedster could get through.
"Hey, what happened to you?"
"Hey, bad back," Bucky pursed his lips in a slight smile. What brought you here?"
"I got an arrow stuck in my shoulder. The emergency medics were able to take it out, but it caused a bit of nerve damage. But that's what I get for making bets with Sam."
"Well, be more careful, I guess?"
"No promises!" Pietro laughed, patting Bucky lightly on the arm. "Hope you feel better!"
Bucky waved the silver-haired man away as he turned to leave. He was painfully aware he sucked at small talk. As much as Steve assures him that the others on the team like and respect him, he doubts it with the way he awkwardly makes conversations with the rest of them.
"Thank you for waiting. I appreciate you filling this out," Bucky nodded at Cristóbal and placed the tablet on the desk. The preppy nurse moved it to the side. He typed something on his computer before standing up. "Let's get you to a room, James."
"You can call me Bucky. Everyone does."
Cristóbal turns his head, stopping them from stepping into the empty consult room. His smile had dropped slightly by this point. An almost invisible gleam cast over his eyes, making them glossy. 
'What the...?'
Bucky squinted, unsure if he had really seen what he thought he saw. 
"Is that your preference?"
He felt something pang in his chest like nothing he'd ever felt. It might have been how the nurse was staring at him so intensely that made him so uneasy.
"Okay, Bucky, right this way, please!"
Cristóbal blinked; the glossiness was gone, and his smile returned. 
'Are you going crazy already?'
Bucky exhaled lightly through his nose, trying to ignore his voice of woe as he walked into the empty room. 
'This is different.'
His eyes wandered around for a little too long. He couldn't help it. The room is unlike anything he had ever seen before. It had the same setup as most intake rooms in the emergency and non-emergency wards. Everything from the bed, the sink, the cabinets, and the chairs were identical other than color. All the furniture matched the color scheme of the office to a T. 
The only distinct difference was a multi-layered fountain built into the corner of the wall. It almost blended into it if it weren't for the teal-jade accents of the fountain blurring through the crystal-clear water.
'This place loves its fountains.'
"Have a seat for me right here, please," Cristóbal's voice interrupted his thoughts. The nurse held his hand out toward the chair next to the sink. "I need to check your vitals before the doctor can attend to you."
Bucky didn't hesitate to nod and shit down. His eyes locked on the nurse, but he refused to look into his eyes again after what he had seen moments before. There was a bit of silence lingering in the room. Bucky wanted to ask Cristóbal about the fountain, but before he could, the nurse was already scurrying around to the other side of the room toward a white cart carrying some machinery. Bucky watched intently as he plugged and unplugged some cords and pulled out a thick white cuff. He gulped as he knew what came next. "Do you mind rolling this sleeve up for me?"
Cristóbal pointed at his left arm. His body twitched uncomfortably. The words were stuck in his throat. Bucky contemplated showing him what lays beneath the black fabric of his loose-fitting shirt. He hoped the silent gesture would tell the nurse to use his other arm.
But Bucky didn't want a pitied look from the man. He didn't want to have to make up a fake explanation as to why he had such an advanced prosthetic or explain what the red star stands for.
"Oh, um, use this arm," He stammered. Bucky's eyes twitched a bit. He wasn't made to stammer. " It'll be easier."
Cristóbal smiled and undid the cuff. The sound of the velcro ripping apart made him a bit uneasy.
"Whatever you are comfortable with, just roll it on up for me."
"Right, sorry."
Bucky tried to be neat about it. But Cristóbal's eyes seemed to burn into him, and he ended up messily driving the end hem up to his shoulder. He looked back at Cristóbal and the nurse smiled and started lining the cuff up with his arm.
His skin grew with goosebumps from the feeling of the cool cuff mixed with the warmth of Cristóbal's fingers brushing against his skin.
"You're going to feel a tight squeeze," The nurse whispered to him as the cuff began to tighten around his arm. Bucky learned to plant his feet when he was nervous. It was safe to say the soldier was a few seconds away from trembling from the tension between his legs and the floor. "just try and relax for me."
'Easier said than done, pal, easier said than done.'
Though Bucky's eyes were locked on one of the tiles of the floor a few feet away from him, he could hear Cristóbal shuffling around and hitting things against the metal of the cart. He then felt something light clasp over his right index finger.
"It's just to check your O2 levels. Look up for me, will you?" Bucky did what Cristóbal asked and his eyes met the ceiling. The light void gave him some comfort until he felt something glide against his forehead and rest below his chin. "And we're done!"
'Oh, thank goodness.'
The cuff released its tight grasp and Bucky nearly sighed in relief when Cristóbal began to remove the cuff and finger clasp from his body. He watched as Cristóbal load everything back onto the cart and push it away until it softly hit a wall.
"Good news, everything came back normal, so have some piece of mind about that. The doctor is currently finishing up with another patient, but they'll be within to meet you shortly, okay?"
"Sounds good, thanks."
"See you outside."
The door clicked when Cristóbal left the room. Bucky was alone for the first time since he entered the office. The first thing he did was let out an exhale he didn't realize he was holding in.
'It's almost over,' Bucky nearly whispered. He rolled his sleeve back down to his elbow, trying to make the wrinkled fabric seem neat. 'It's just a doctor. He's not gonna hurt you.'
There was a soft knock at the door. Bucky stared over at it before it opened, and a woman that he didn't recognize walked in.
"Good morning," You said, smiling through your teeth. "Am I speaking to Mr. James Barnes?"
"Great," The door clicked behind you, and you tucked a strand of (h/c) hair behind your ear. You picked up a tablet that was on the sink counter. Bucky watched you scroll through it for a moment in silence. You finally looked up at Bucky and he straightened his posture up to try and match yours. "How are you today, Mr. Barnes?"
"I'm doing okay."
"That's amazing to hear!"
You went back to looking over the tablet, leaving Bucky to just continue to stare at you. He couldn't stop himself.
"Let us see here..." 
As your voice trailed off into the silence of the room, Bucky's eyes trailed over your body. He noticed right away your outfit differed from Cristóbal's. While he wore a full set of scrubs with his name on full display, you were wearing a thin, black fleece jacket with a pair of navy blue scrub bottoms. Your name was nowhere in sight. 
'Is she a nurse too?'
"I have noted here you've been having back pain? How long has that been going on for?"
'More questions?'
"Oh, um, I've already had my intake."
You laughed a little bit to yourself. Bucky could only stare at you in confusion.
"Yes, I know, Mr. Barnes. I'm sorry for the confusion, I should have introduced myself first," You stood up and walked toward him with your hand out for him to shake. He stared down at it for a moment before you interrupted his gaze with your voice. "My name is Dr. Delmar, I'll be treating your injury today."
'Oh shit.'
Bucky's face flushed with embarrassment. Immediately, he took your hand and gave it a firm shake, and he grabbed your wrist with his other hand, caressing it slightly.
"I'm so sorry, I did not mean to be rude by any means."
"You're alright, don't worry about it."
Something about your words calmed him. It might have been your sweet and quiet tone or the way your eyes softened whenever it met his. It could have been anything, really. What he was sure about was that it felt nice to be talked to in a way none of the other nurses and doctors talked to him in the other medical wards.
"So, you've been having pain in your back leaning to the left?"
"Yes, I fell from a rooftop right on my back five or so days ago."
"Oof, yep, that'll do it to you," Bucky nodded politely. You finally set the tablet down again and clapped your hands together, getting his attention again. "Now, do you mind removing your shirt so I can get a look?"
"No problem."
The cold air painfully hit his body upon taking off his long sleeve. Bucky sheepishly crumbled it up in his hand and lazily set it over his knee. He could see the outlines of wrinkles already forming in the black fabric. And he would have cared more if not for how nervous he was being shirtless and alone with a woman he barely knew.
"Alright, I'm going to feel around. I apologize if my hands are a little cold."
Bucky had to physically stop himself from jolting away from your touch. He must have been so wrapped up in his own head a second ago he didn't even notice how freezing you were. And it only seemed to get worse the more you pressed around on his skin.
"I'm feeling some inflammation around this area. You may have a muscle tear or a damaged nerve. But nothing that can't be fixed here!" You moved away from his back and came back around to stand in front of him. "But I need to know something first."
"Is your prosthetic removable?"
"Not particularly?"
He heard you hum an 'okay' as you nodded your head slightly.
"I assume you shower with if that's the case?" You questioned again. "Does that mean you can get it wet?"
"Yes, my treatment program requires that I get your back wet."
'This wasn't what Steve and Tony told me at all.'
If he could be honest with himself. He didn't know what exactly to expect. But getting questioned by a doctor about whether or not he can get his metal arm wet while shirtless wasn't something he was prepared to have happened during his session with the famed 'Dr. Delmar'.
"Um, yeah, it should be fine."
"Okay, Mr. Barnes, I need you to lie down on your stomach for me, alright?" You went over to the other side of the bed and lifted up a padded head cradle. You then walked over to the cabinet pulled out a few small white towels and laid them around the padding, careful not to cover the hole in the cradle. "I'm going to perform a water scan on your back to get to the root of the problem. Then we can discuss treatment and a possible follow-up."
"Water scan? What do you mean?"
"I should really invest in infographics," He heard you whisper. You looked back at him and moved your chair out from behind you. "I'm not sure if Mr. Stark mentioned it, but I have the ability to heal people using water. Give me a moment so I can bring in my demonstration."
Bucky watched you leave the room quickly, only hearing you say something along the lines of, "Cris, come here."
You went over to the fountain in the corner of the room and dropped something from the bottle into the water. Bucky's eyes widened when he saw the clear water sparkle. You placed the dropper into your pocket and placed both palms underneath the stream. When you pulled them out, a small orb of water floated over your hands.
'This seems...different.' Bucky's left leg swayed while he waited. He was almost relieved when he heard footsteeps approaching the door.
"Nurse Cris will be my demonstration," Cristóbal looked unamused as you brought him into the room by his arm. He awkwardly waved at Bucky before you let him go. "You're arm?" He pursed his lips as he looked over at you. You smiled at him and pulled a bottled dropper out of your pocket. "Give me one second."
'This is VERY different.'
You moved your hands around, and the water manipulated itself between your palms. Bucky couldn't take his eyes off the way it danced around so effortlessly.
"Impressive, isn't it?" Cristóbal laughed out. "You would think you'd see it all as an Avenger."
"I don't mean to seem so surprised. I've never seen anything like this."
You smiled and stretched out the water as you made your way back to Cristóbal.
"Come here for a second, Mr. Barnes," Bucky quickly got up, still staring intently at the water flowing between your hands. He watched you place the stretched out water on Cristóbal's arm. "What I'm doing is taking this water and aligning it above his skin," Bucky nodded. He saw as the water showed faint outlines of nerves, arteries, and muscle. It was like the water made the top layers of skin and fat invisible. "You see that blue mark? That was from him pressing on it earlier. Everything else looks healthy and he is in no need of healing or care. What I did to him is what I will do to your back. Do you have any more questions?"
Even if he had questions, he would be too afraid to ask what he had just seen. He thought he would be used to all the magic and unusualness that surrounds him, but someone always comes along with some new ability he has to pretend to understand.
"Great. Thank you, Cris."
"It's always a pleasure, Doctor."
Cristóbal waved again and left the room in silence. Bucky made his way back to the bed. As he sat, he processed everything that he had just seen.
'No wonder Steve was so serious. Was he this surprised, too?
"So, um," Bucky weakly muttered out. "Do I lie down now?"
"Yes, sorry about that. Go on and get comfortable. We can get start as soon as you tell me you're ready."
Bucky aligned himself up with the bed and he was soon faced with nothing but the room's marble floor.
'Nothing to worry about.'
There was a silence interpreted by his own exhale. He checked his body to release any tension he thought he was holding. As his shoulders relaxed, he muttered softly, "I, I think I'm ready."
"Perfect," Your sweet voice followed his own hushed one. He exhaled again, doing his best to try and lean into your words. "Now, I'm going to be transparent. This may tickle. Can you promise me to be as still as you possibly can?"
"Sure I can do that."
"Thank you. Let's get started then!"
Bucky felt something cold tingle its way all around his back. He did what he was told and stayed as still as possible. Not one muscle in his frame moved. He heard you mumble a list of 'okays' and 'alright' to yourself. He imagined your eyes scanning over his open body. The image of his own veins and organs made his stomach churn, but he knew he had to contain himself.
'I don't want to be known as the patient who threw up all over the floor on his first check-up.'
"Just as I thought," You hummed. "Torn muscle."
'Steve was right after all.'
"This is an easy fix, Mr. Barnes, I understand this is your first treatment with me. What you are about to feel may be painful or even unnatural. But for your safety, I need you to do your best to hold still for me, okay?"
"O-okay," Bucky felt himself tense up a little. It was his nerves taking over. He let out a shaky exhale to try and ease his body back to being relaxed. "Sorry."
You light out a little giggle. It was a sound that made something in his chest flutter.
"There is no need to apologize, Mr. Barnes. I'm here to help you in the way that's most comfortable for you. If the healing session becomes too intense, please, just say so."
"Oh," Was all his brain could respond with. Bucky's eyes wanted to gloss over, but he knew better than to let a stranger see him cry, much less a kind stranger who happened to be his doctor. "Thank you."
"No need, Mr. Barnes. I want you to understand that this is a judgment-free area. And I am here for you."
'I am here for you.' He repeated. 'She is here for me?'
There was a moment where Bucky had to stop himself from getting up and engulfing you in the biggest hug of either of your lives.
'She's so...' His anxious mind, once racing with thoughts, could only settle on one word: 'Kind.'
"I'm going to begin now. Remember what I said, okay?"
"Yes. I'm ready."
Bucky wasn't prepared for the immense pain of the healing process. The entire left side of his body burned with an ache he had never felt before in his entire life. He never knew there were more levels of pain until this moment.
"Mphf!" Bucky muffled his own sound of pain by sucking in his lower lip. To distract himself, he tried his best not to bite into it, but the pain was so intense he was willing to risk scarring himself if it meant at least a bit of comfort. "Mphf...mphf..."
'Holy hell, how long is this going to take?'
"I'm almost done, Mr. Barnes. You're doing amazing. Thank you for holding still."
"Mhm." That was all he could say to you.
'What the...' The pain lasted only a few more seconds. Soon, the cool water was all he could feel on his back. No more burning pain or numbness. 'Is this real?'
"All done, Mr. Barnes," He felt the water lift off of himself, but he still felt damp skin. "Let me dry you off first, and then you get up."
The towel was warm against his skin. He shivered a bit but soon softened at the feeling of relaxation it brought.
"There we go."
Bucky lifted himself up and hopped off of the table. He adjusted his muscles, smiling at the feeling of his body being 'normal' again.
'Whatever 'normal' is for me anyway.'
"Would you like a warm robe?"
"No thank you," Bucky paused to slip his shirt back on. He used his hand to try and iron out the wrinkles but gave up halfway through, knowing that he would never get it crisp again without a real iron. "I have a mission brief after this."
"Understandable," Bucky caught a glimpse of your glistening pearly teeth as you talked. He couldn't help but smile at the sound of your voice. "How do you feel now?"
That is what Bucky wanted to say, but there was no way he was going to blurt that out to her.
"It doesn't hurt anymore."
"That's what I like to hear!" You exclaimed. Bucky watched as you washed your hands and dried them with a towel. He heard you mumble to yourself again before turning to look at him. "So, may return to regular activities, but I do want to schedule a follow-up if you plan on embarking on any combat missions in the next week."
"I have one scheduled in two days."
"I suppose I'll be seeing you tomorrow then, Mr. Barnes. Just following precaution."
"I know," He nodded. "Thank you, by the way."
"Of course. Thank you for trusting me enough to do this for you, Mr. Barnes."
"Careful what you say. You might be the only doctor I come to see from now on."
You laughed and bowed your head slightly.
"Well, I'd be my honor. Here, let me walk you out," You rushed to the door, holding it open for Bucky. He slightly thanked you and waited for you to close it back up so he could stay at your side. He followed silently as you strode your way to the front desk, where Cris was typing something into the computer. "Cris here will give you your discharge slip and schedule your next appointment."
"Thank you, Doctor."
"No problem. Take care, Mr. Barnes,"
You flashed him a last smile. Bucky felt so at ease looking at your face. He'd never known such kindness before. He's been to the medics on base, and they are respectful, but none of them were as nurturing as how you treated him.
It was different. The type of different he wouldn't mind getting used to.
'I can't get that ahead of myself.'
"Cris, I need to get something from behind the desk, so try not to kick me."
"Go for it," Cris didn't move his eyes away from his monitor as he picked up his keyboard and scooted his wheeled chair to the left. He finally looked up at Bucky and smiled. "Good to see that you're better, Bucky,"
Cris clicked his mouse a couple of times before grabbing an energy drink with various cherries decorated on the can. "I see the doctor has you scheduled for a follow-up tomorrow. What time works best for you?"
"I can make it around this time."
"Let's see here; I think we have that opening available," More clicks filled Bucky's ears. He noticed you pulling some items out from beneath the desk and platting them onto the desk. Several bottles of unlabeled drop bottles and boxes of gloves began to clutter the free space of the desk. Though Cris was concentrating on his screen, he kept looking to the side to ensure nothing would slide onto the keyboard. "So, I have you down for eight-thirty tomorrow morning. Does that sound alright with you?"
"Sounds perfect."
"Okay, let me get your discharge paperwork in order, and you'll be on your way," Cris clicked his mouse a few times before looking to his left. "Careful, Nene. I'm going to head to the back for a second. We're out of ink and paper at the desk printer, I'll get more after my break."
"Alright," Cris got up from his chair and nearly jogged back toward the other end of the clinic. You must not have noticed he was gone because Bucky could still hear you whispering about what you were missing. "Hey, Cris? Do you happen to know where the spare to-"
"Lady Delmar! Lady Delmar, are you in here?"
"Thor-? Fuck!" You cut your own voice off with a yelp. Then you got up and rubbed the top of your head with a face stung with annoyance. "I shouldn't have gotten up so fast," You hummed to yourself. You must have forgotten Bucky was there because the moment his eyes met yours, he could see your face flush with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Barnes, I didn't realize you were there."
"Are you okay?"
Bucky reached out toward you, and in your dazed state, you took a step back. He immediately felt his face fall. Had he already overstepped with you?
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. Is your head okay?"
"No need to apologize. I'm okay," He watched as you moved the stuff on the desk to the side. You dusted your pants off before striding out from behind the desk. You reached out your hand, and he nearly flinched when he watched your fingers lightly grace his left upper forearm. "Thank you for worrying. I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Barnes. Please excuse me."
As you walked off, taking your hand off his body, he had to stop himself from snapping his head back to watch you walk off.
'Did that really happen?'
He knew it was just a touch, but he couldn't stop replaying it in his head. You knew he couldn't exactly 'feel' the way your fingers felt on his arm, but you knew what arm you were touching, and you did it anyway- no apprehension, no judgment. It was hard for him to comprehend how someone could treat him with such normalcy.
"Thor," Your sweet voice rang through the clinic. "My favorite God of Thunder."
"Lady Delmar, fair as ever. I always had a suspicion I was your favorite."
"By default, as you are the only God of Thunder I know," You retorted sarcastically. "How is your arm doing?"
"Amazing! See, good as new."
From the corner of his eye, he could see Thor flexing his arm- presumably the one that had been injured before. Bucky self-consciously touched his right arm. It may be unfair of him to compare himself to a literal God, but he had more muscle than the average man.
'That has to count as impressive, right?'
"That is always good to hear. Do you have an appointment? I didn't see your name down in my books."
"No, thankfully, I am in excellent health. I mean, look at me, perfect as ever, no flaws. Would you not agree?"
'He may be a God, but he isn't indestructible. I've seen him banged up before and it's never pretty,' Bucky felt a little invasive for eavesdropping. But his only other option is to stare at a wall until Cris returns. It didn't help that Thor's voice was loud enough to be heard from several rooms over. Bucky was inclined to say the lack of secrecy was a flaw of God. 'And I would count arrogance as a flaw too. No one is THAT perfect.'
"As your doctor, I am happy you aren't in pain. What really brings you in here?"
"I have a patient for you."
"Really? Whose is this 'oh-so-mysterious' patient?"
"One moment, he has escaped from me."
Thor's loud footsteps could be heard leaving the room.
"Hello there."
'I forget he is able to do that.'
"Loki, is everything alright? Your brother seems to be worried."
A muffled sentence could be heard from the other side of the sliding door. Bucky nearly broke and turned his head. He worried you would judge him if he found out he was listening to the conversation and he was already struggling with trying to make a good first impression.
"He burned his hand on the stove!"
"She didn't need to know that, you goof!"
"Why not? It is normal and important information. How embarrassing said information can be is not for anyone to judge."
"My apologies to him. He insisted I come to undergo your treatment once again."
"He's just looking out for his little brother. It's very sweet of him."
"I have been told I am very kind. Thank you for noticing."
"Let me see your hand," There was a pause in the conversation. Bucky couldn't help but roll his eyes at Thor's incessant flirtatious remarks. He couldn't judge him too harshly. He couldn't count how many times he would shamelessly hang around the health wards during his time in the Army, hoping to woo the women there. "Hm, that looks like a second-degree burn, but it isn't anything I can't treat. Come on back, I'll have you out as quickly as you came in."
"Can I come back too?"
"The person being treated has to make the decision. Loki?"
"I suppose."
"Alright, come on, you two."
"Thank you for being so patient!" Bucky's eyes jolted toward Cris. He was so focused on the conversation behind him that he had forgotten why he was waiting there for him in the first place. "I apologize for the wait. Here you are!" He took the slip of paper in his hands and stared at it. It smelled like a gas station receipt with how pungent the ink stunk in his nose. A code with a website link underneath it was printed in navy blue lettering. Right at the bottom was tomorrow's date and the time of his appointment. "Just follow that site, which will give you access to the client portal. Other than that, I'll be seeing you tomorrow!"
"Thank you, I'll be seeing you."
Bucky awkwardly walked out of the office. The way he darted toward the elevator felt like deja vu. A part of him was scared Cris would clear his throat and call him back.
'I got to get out of here.'
He pressed the elevator and smiled softly when it dinged. The smile was nearly wiped off his face when he saw Sam standing there.
'Of course, it had to be him of all people.'
"Isn't someone a little late to the meeting?"
"Aren't you late too?"
"I'm always late. I thought you were better than this, Barnes."
Bucky chose to stay silent. Sam chuckled and shoved at his arm playfully. He only stared bullets into Sam rather than saying anything.
Another thing that came with reconnecting with Steve was getting along with his friend.
A friend he hated.
Hate was a strong word to Bucky. He doesn't hate anyone. Not even Tony, who, despite finding him annoying beyond belief, he can't find it in him to hate. He can never do that to the man who changed Steve's life. It would be disrespectful.
Sam wasn't Tony. He'd prefer to deal with another Tony than Sam. Tony respected him in some regard despite their strained relationship. Sam, on the other hand, never liked him and never tried to hide that fact.
Bucky would want to say his transparency was admirable, but he'd instead jump off two more buildings than dish Sam a compliment.
"Lighten up, man, it's called a joke. They didn't have that in the forties or something?"
'They did. They were a hell of a lot funnier than you.'
That is what he wanted to say. Instead, he held back a glare and nodded while forcing a smile.
"No, I got it."
"We're set on a mission together in two days," The elevator dinged. Bucky didn't get a chance to move before Sam shoved past him to get in front of the doors. "Try not to get in the way this time."
Bucky huffed as Sam walked off. He locked his jaw trying not to let Sam's childish words get to him.
'"That's just his sense of humor,"' He could already hear Steve telling him. '"If he jokes around with you, that means he likes you.""
'If he was so dang funny why haven't I ever laughed at a single one of his lousy jokes?'
Bucky couldn't help but let out one last huff as he made his way down the blue-lit hallway. The door automatically slid open as he approached. He could hear Steve, Tony, and Bruce talking amongst themselves. 
'This better be quick.'
"Buck, you're alright?"
Steve got up from the briefing table with a grin on his face. Bucky's cheeks tinted. Steve had the habit of sounding like his mother when it came to his woes and it turned him back into a blushing little kid.
'Now I know how Peter feels.'
"Yep, better than ever," Bucky retorted. "About the mission..."
"We just about wrapped up. I sent notes through the portal."
"I'll go over them later then."
"Well, it's still good to see you not squirming anymore.” Steve said, patting his shoulder. “How was meeting Dr. Delmar?”
Those eight syllables pulled the entire room toward him. Loud conversations died down into hushed whispers and the sound of swivel chairs adjusting could only mean one thing: 'They're watching you.'
"So you did take our advice?" Tony cooed. "Truly, I'm touched, Tinman."
Bucky stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the snide comment. Steve didn’t even bother giving his husband the ‘look’ anymore like he used to whenever he poked fun at him. 
"Me? I'm fine," Bucky waved off. As soon as those words left his mouth he saw everyone's eyes were off of him faster than they were ever on him. "Where did you find someone like her anyway?"
"What do you mean?"
Bucky looked away from Steve for a second. His heart beat like a drum against his chest.
‘Why did you say that out loud?’
"I mean, she was talking to Thor and Loki like old pals, I assumed she must be important."
"Sounds like someone's jealous they could talk to people."
"To answer your question, not particularly. She spent years working down at the Veterans Center in Brooklyn before Tony recruited her."
"I’ve heard of that place before. They said it was underfunded as hell, but they’re medical wing was the best in New York."
"(Y/n)'s only accolade before was being a star student. She graduated high school at fifteen, became a licensed physical therapist at nineteen, and became a Doctor by twenty-four."
"Tony, do you mean to tell me you hired teenage protege (y/n) Delmar?" 
"You were in the room when I was researching, how did you only now notice?"
"Still! You should have told me; I would love to meet her!"
In all the time Bucky has conversed with the seven-time doctorate scientist, rarely has he ever seen him this bashful. According to Nat, he’s easily impressed with anyone in the STEM or medical field. 
‘But he’s heard about Delmar before. She isn’t just something, she’s a real hotshot if people like Tony and Bruce are fanatics.’
"I asked you, and you said, to quote, 'I don't have time to meet every new hire.'"
"I was probably brain-dead then because I would never turn down a meeting with THE (Y/N) DELMAR!" Bruce chuckled at himself before using his cupped hand to cover a sigh. "I am a big fan. Did you know her thesis on the benefits of water therapy is the inspiration behind the spa pools I installed in the lounge?” 
"That was the best idea you've ever had by the way,” Tony interjected. “I mean, it’s only logical. Humans used nature to heal centuries ago, why is it such a surprise now that we should incorporate them more in the healing process?”
“It’s incredible stuff! Remember when I read it to you, Nat?”
“Oh, I remember. That was the longest coffee date you’ve taken me on.”
“I heard government agencies were trying to recruit her. I would say it’s a shame she turned them down, but if she didn’t she wouldn’t be working here with us,” Bruce's laugh echoed through the lab. Tony nodded in agreement with his words. Steve and Natasha were side by side and could only pretend to understand what they were conversing about. “I can’t wait to show the lounge to her, I know she’ll be impressed. Right, Nat?”
“Yes, I’m sure she will.”
“So what I’m hearing is she’s too smart for me?”
“On a technical level, yes, I would say she is too intelligent for you.”
Bucky tried to stifle his laugh, but he couldn’t help himself to at least smile at the comment.
"Smarts rarely get you anywhere. You gotta win her with charm, Wilson."
Steve gave Nat a look, but he rolled his eyes in response. 
"What? Look, if you aren't smart enough for a woman you gotta be funny or charming. You gotta have at least ONE."
"Hey, I'm funny!"
"I'd beg to differ." Bucky interjected quickly.
“I don’t recall asking you, Barnes, but noted.”
"Before you go harassing my new hire, keep in mind that Dr. Delmar is a resource for post-mission injuries and inquires only. Don't pester her with needless flirting.”
"She might not want to stick around when she meets you."
"Ha, you're one to talk, Barnes,” An annoying laugh echoed from the walls. Bucky hoped his frown was visible. “When was your last date? 1939?"
"It was actually 1943. You should ask your grandmother how it went."
"Oh yeah?"
"What do you plan to do about it, Wilson?"
A silence lingered amongst the team. Bucky watched Sam approach him from the other side of the room.
‘What do you plan to do?’
"Are you two done?” Tony’s voice boomed through the office. It did little to break the eye contact between him and Sam. “Unless you're in here for a mission, get out!"
"Yeah, Barnes,"
Sam got close to his face. 
Too close. 
The only time somelike like Sam should be this close is if he’s looking for a fight.
‘Don’t try me, Wilson. You won’t like where this will get you.’
Bucky’s chest puffed out from the instinct of the fighting thrill. Bucky wasn’t one to start fights, but he was more than willing to put an end to one.
‘Now he’s asking for it.’
“That’s enough, you two, not even my own son acts this immature! ” Steve managed to separate both of them before either one of them could get a word, much less a punch, in. “Bucky, Sam, I sent you both the briefing notes for Thursday’s mission. Go over them and report to me if there’s an issue. Don’t make me regret choosing you two for this.”
Bucky turned and left the room without another word. He heard Steve say something to him, but he couldn’t stand to look at Sam’s face any longer.
‘I don’t even know what his problem is. Tony doesn’t treat me this badly!’
He dragged himself back into the elevator and practically smashed the ‘close door’ button. He didn’t want to risk anyone from that room joining him. 
Bucky was angry. He practically fummed as he folded his arms.
‘I gotta get some air.’
Bucky pushed the button for the ground floor and sighed as the shaft descended.
"It’s been a hell of a long day," He muttered to himself. "I can’t wait for it to be over."
The elevator lifted slightly and his eyebrows rose at the floor he was stopping at.
'Third floor. Could it be…'
His heart skipped a beat as the door opened. To his dismay, it wasn’t you, but another one of his teammates.
"What up, Barnes?"
His cheery voice entered the elevator shaft before he did. Bucky forced a slight smile and stepped to the side to let Clint inside.
 "Hey, Barton," He responded half-heartedly. "Did you also get an arrow in your shoulder?"
"I saw Pietro earlier, he said he got an arrow stuck in his shoulder?"
"Oh, no nothing like that!" He laughed. "Just came down to greet the new doctor. She’s real a real sweet girl. Have you got a chance to say hi yet?"
"Y-yeah, she treated an injury I had. She’s nice."
"Oh shit, you alright?"
"I fell off a building a couple days back and Steve needs me on a mission with him and Sam in two days."
"Oh shit. How bad was it?"
"Torn muscle, but I'm good as new."
"Glad you’re alright, man, you should have said something before. Remember, we look out for each other, no matter what."
Clint smiled and faced back towards the door. Bucky held back a sigh. There was something strange about the entire thing. How someone can work with someone else for so long, know everything from their fighting style, their flaws, and fears, yet not know their favorite color is?
Steve would always tell them they’re a big family. They might be HIS family, but who knows what the rest really think about him.
'What’s wrong with you?'
Clint turned toward him and waved as the door split open.
"Take care, man. No more injuries, alright?"
"Bye," Bucky said so quietly he wasn’t sure Clint heard him. The door opened right then and Clint sped off into the cold and gray parking garage. "Good talking to you."
Bucky stood back and watched him for a second before also stepping off away from the elevator. He didn’t bother going further than a few steps before plopping himself on a blue steel bench. 
‘Even if I wanted to go anywhere, I didn’t bring my damn keys.’
Bucky didn’t want to head back to the Tower anytime soon. But he also didn’t want to ride his bike when he was still hot from his conversation with Sam. 
"I just need a few seconds…" He mumbled. "Sam’s just being a dumbass."
He cringed slightly when he heard the small echoes of his muffled words pang through the garage. He didn’t want to know what would happen if someone heard him.
'When did my life become some mellow-dramatic mess?'
A sigh so loud drew out from his lips that it vibrated throughout his body. He could feel every muscle twitch with the force of his own anguish. He rolled back his shoulders and relaxed them. For the first time he noticed how painless he physically felt. 
'It worked,' He exhaled a breathy laugh and ran a hand through his brown locks. 'She really is the best of the best.'
You were not someone he expected to feel fondness for so early. He feared doctors with a passion, but he feared talking to others outside of Steve and Natasha more. It could have been anything really. Your kindness and understanding. The way the water carried his pain away. Or even the way your hands melted onto his warm skin.
'It could have been anything, really.'
He sighed, even louder than before this time.
His life really was a mellow-dramatic mess.
'I have to see her tomorrow too.'
Something about the sentence made his face grow hot. Not with embarrassment, or anger, or anxiety. There wasn’t an ounce of negativity in his face. He was excited, no, ecstatic, at the thought of you, of getting the chance to see you again. 
'What the hell is this feeling?'
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spiderlily-w1tch-blog · 9 months
Peter Parker
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Tony Stark
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒯𝑜𝓃𝓎 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓀 [Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism]
Bucky Barnes ²
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Sam Wilson ¹
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Loki Laufeyson
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Scott Lang
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Logan Howlett
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝐿𝑜𝑔𝒶𝓃[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism]
Scott Summers
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Kurt Wagner
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Erik Lehnsherr
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Hank McCoy
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Wade Wilson
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Eddie Brock(+Venom)
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
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braveclementine · 4 months
Face Claims
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Warnings: None.
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs: Elizabeth Silvertongue and Clementine Greenleaf. I also own Clementines' brother Donavan. The following OCs are owned by other Wattpad writers as this is a collaboration project. Their OCs are on the face claim page. I do not condone any copying of this.
Elizabeth Silvertongue:
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Clementine Greenleaf: 
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The OC of Project Lētālis by @XOXODessyGirl 
Destiny Blakely:
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The OC Of Project Enigma by @sw33tdr3ad 
Helen Thrace: 
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The OC of Project Eitr by @Sleepyfanfic : 
Ivy Crow
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The OC of Project Vision by @RoseRomanovaMaximoff 
Venus Howlett:
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Side Note: The main stories are on Wattpad and also a few of the writers have paused their stories since they're not working on them right now.
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literaryavenger · 5 months
If you’re still taking requests can I ask that you do a Bucky x Reader but the reader has the ability to see through the fourth wall? Could it also be angst with a healthy amount of fluff at the end :)
I was so excited when I got this request because it gave me an idea for a one-shot with Deadpool, and I don't know how I haven't done one already, but then I started thinking.
Aren't all fics basically breaking the fourth wall? So if whoever asked me this could send me another ask, even anonymous again I don't care, and explain a little better this request? Thank you!
Btw, yes, I'm still working on the requests I already got, it's just taking me a little time.
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rev-glut · 1 year
Request Rules
Current request status: Closed.
I write character(s) x reader, so yes I also write poly ships with reader too and love doing so.
AUs are welcomed. Specify if you want the reader to have a specific trait or I’ll just write whatever comes to mind. This also goes for Reader’s gender, I will write for pretty much any gender and sexuality.
I will also reject any requests for whatever reason (unable to write it, it makes me uncomfortable, etc.) I will still respond to the ask and tell you that I can’t write and open it up to other writers (unless it makes me uncomfortable to post the ask)
Yes: Matt Murdock, Peter Parker (Holland, Garfield and Maguire), the Moon Knight system, Eddie Brock, Venom, the main Across the Spiderverse Spiders.
Yeah: Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Gwen Stacy, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff/Natalia Romonov, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson (minus the Loki series), Wanda Maximoff, Stephen Strange.
Sure: Carol Danvers, Brunnhilde/Valkyrie, Charles Xavier, Scott Lang, Wade Wilson, Erik Lehnsherr, James “Logan” Howlett, Spider Noir.
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dragon-chica · 2 years
Wood Pile - Marvel Preference
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I've been hauling wood for 3 hours. This isn't a 'Thanksgiving' preference, but everyone is over and I believe Sam would make good pies.
You ask your guests and friends for help bringing in wood, a question to the general crowd,
Steve Rogers: A polite guest and happy to help, will chop and stack, he likes the workout and enjoys feeling helpful.
Tony Stark: Agrees to go help right after Steve says yes and is clearly doing so because he sees it as a competition, which Steve does not know about. Quickly gives up on that and goes back inside, the soldiers can deal with this.
Peter Quill: Laughs. He is not going out there, no siree, he's going to stay inside. kicks his feet up on the table leaning back.
Natasha Romanoff: Tells Quill he will go outside and assist if he knows what's good for him. Backs up the threat with a glare when he says he's not scared of her.
Peter Quill (part 2): Goes outside complaining the whole time and carries up two, maybe 3 very small armfuls of wood before saying 'fuck it' and hiding somewhere outside.
Sam Wilson: Will go out to help and to banter with Steve but not for too long because he said he'd make pie and therefore a very valid excuse to come inside. Stays in to play cards.
Peter Parker: Happy to help, not allowed near the chopping block, works up a good sweat, keeps going until someone tells him to go inside. Collapses on the couch exhausted and says "Anytime" with a weak smile when you thank him.
Thor: Happy to help! May also take a lighthearted competition with Steve who will put up a good fight. Mead for everyone afterwards, a good days work.
Vision: Tries talking you into a source of heating that is less strenuous for you. It would be nice.
Stephen Strange: No.
Wanda Maximoff: Makes delicious warm hot chocolate for everyone and curls up in front of the cozy woodstove.
Bucky Barnes: Enjoys it, takes zero exhaustion and enjoys the simple and repetitive task, minds his busniess and zones out a little, gets the most actual work done.
Clint Barton: Would definitely help and bring in a good amount of wood but there's more than enough other people out there with superhuman stamina, does this all the time at the farm, he's staying in to play cards.
Wade Wilson: Cheers on the men with their bulging muscles and scores them during competition. Accidentally chops his hand off, joins you inside for cards sticks his hand in Sam's pie.
By the end of the day you have so much wood stacked in your house, in your garage, and Tony obviously footed the bill to pay to feed everyone. It was a cozy chaos and a task you appreciate not having to worry about anytime soon.
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marvelsgirl616 · 5 hours
sambucky & poolverine 🤍
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the wilsons being all wrapped up and confined while both of the grumpy old ass men named james are basically free. = ✨ your honor they’re soulmates ✨
(also I just know Bucky wished Peter would’ve webbed Sam’s mouth shut) 😭💀
[ the two best ships in the mcu…idc what anyone else says ]
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moodylittlesoul · 3 months
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𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 ↑٫ 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐛.
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2024 Kinktober Masterlist
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I'm so sorry for not posting like at all this year but it's been a very long year. College classes started up again this fall and I'm swamped with work. This is my list for Kinktober this year. I will do my best to keep up but anywho, I hope you enjoy!
Banners by @vase-of-lilies
Key: Fluff; 🌙 // Angst; 👿 // Smut; 🔥 // Dark; 🕸️
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Day 1: Deepthroating/Facesitting (Daryl Dixon (Prison Era) x Fem!Reader)
Day 2: Semi-Public Sex (Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader)
Day 3: Knotting (Alpha!Jim Hopper x Assistant!Omega!Fem!Reader)
Day 4: Phone Sex (John Winchester x Hunter!Fem!Reader)
Day 5: Squirting (Obsessive!Perv!Billy Hargrove x Bimbo!Fem!Reader)
Day 6: Cuckolding (Shy!Jake Jensen x FemmeFatal!Fem!Reader x Franklin Clay)
Day 7: Biting/Marking (Possessive!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader)
Day 8: Morning Sex (CACW!Steve Rogers x Avenger!Fem!Reader)
Day 9: Praise Kink (Insecure!Geralt of Rivia x Healer!Fem!Reader)
Day 10: Mommy Kink (Needy!Johnny Storm (CE) x Mommy!Fem!Reader)
Day 11: Caught (Daryl Dixon (Prison Era) x Fem!Reader)
Day 12: Sex Toys (Lawyer!Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader)
Day 13: Virginity Kink (Professor!Logan Howlett x Virgin!Mutant!Fem!Reader)
Day 14: Shotgunning (Needy!Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader)
Day 15: Tentacles (Part-Kraken!Steve Rogers x Princess!Fem!Reader)
Day 16: Spanking (Brat!Johnny Storm (CE) x Dom!CEO!Fem!Reader)
Day 17: Breeding (Wolf-Hybrid!Geralt of Rivia x Fem!Reader)
Day 18: Tittyfucking (Wade Wilson x Plus-Sized!X-Men!Fem!Reader)
Day 19: Hate Sex (Robin Buckley x Cheerleader!Fem!Reader)
Day 20: Edging (Young!Logan Howlett (X-Men1) x Professor!Mutant!Fem!Reader)
Day 21: Dub-con/Non-con (Grumpy!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Sunshine!Innocent!Fem!Reader)
Day 22: Stripping (CEO!Nick Fowler x Stripper!Fem!Reader)
Day 23: Anal Sex (Dark!Steve Kemp x Innocent!Fem!Reader)
Day 24: Pegging (Brat!Wade Wilson x Mean!Dom!Fem!Reader)
Day 25: Lactation (Dad!Steve Rogers x Mom!Pregnant!Reader)
Day 26: Age Difference (Older!Daryl Dixon (Alexandria Era) x 20s!Sunshine!Fem!Reader)
Day 27: Gagging (Mob!Bucky Barnes x Bimbo!Fem!Reader)
Day 28: DP in One Hole (CEO!Married!Stucky x Assistant!Fem!Reader)
Day 29: Gloryhole (Jim Hopper x Fem!Reader)
Day 30: Panty Raid/Panty Kink (Shy!Perv!Jake Jensen x Slight!Perv!Fem!Reader)
Day 31: Videoing (Camboy!Eddie Munson x Girlfriend!Fem!Reader)
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simpingforheros · 10 days
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Fluff - 💗
Hurt/Comfort - ❤️‍🩹
Angst - 💀
Spicy but Not Smut- 🥵
Smut - 🔥
Dark - ⛓️
Disclaimer: While I do my best to label any and all trigger warnings in my posts, I would like ask that yall take a good look at any warnings before you read anything online. Minors DNI as I intend for all my stories, whether NSFW and Dark or Fluffy and SFW, to be for an 18+ audience. While I do my part as the writer to accurately give trigger warnings and label my content appropriately, please be conscious of the triggers and take care of yourselves.
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Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Bring Me To Life (Arkham Knight! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) 💀❤️‍🩹⛓️ (One Shot, either a future series or rewritten someday)
Corruptions (Arkham Knighy! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) 💗❤️‍🩹🔥⛓️ (part two to Bring me to Life)
Jason Todd Headcanons 1 💗🔥⛓️
Jason's Girl ?? (Jason Todd x Female! Reader) 🔥💗
Gifted with Love (Jason Todd x Female! Reader)🥵💗
You Belong to Me (Hush! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) (Coming soon)
Safe (Gotham Knights! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) ❤️‍🩹💀
Barbara Gordon
Clark Kent
Conner Kent
Diana Prince
Cole Cash
Oliver Queen
Dinah Lance/Queen
Roy Harper
Lay All Your Love On Me (Roy Harper x Single Mom! Female! Reader) 💗🥵 ((coming soon))
Barry Allen
Wally West
Martian Manhunter
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Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanoff
Sam Wilson
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Yelena Belova
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Wade Wilson
Eddie Brock
Logan Howlett
Miguel O’Hara
Sunny X Miggy Series (Grumpy! Miguel O’Hara X Sunshine! Reader) 💗❤️‍🩹 (Retired series from old account)
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Moonlight Lies ( Bi-Han X Female! Reader) 💀🔥 ((coming soon))
Noob Saibot
Hanzo Hasashi (not the child)
Kuai Liang
Tomas Vrbada
Clearing the Smoke (Tomas ‘Smoke’ Vrbada X Female! Reader) 💗🔥❤️‍🩹💀 ((coming soon))
Johnny Cage
Kenshi Takahashi
Takeda Takahashi
Kung Lao
Liu Kang
Shang Tsung
Li Mei
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37 notes · View notes