#same with hancock
ohhyperbola · 28 days
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(not a ship art)
og post
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chocmoon-latte · 2 months
The amount of posts/fanart/memes I've already seen surrounding Cooper and Hancock only proves to me that Hancock NEEDS to make a cameo in a later season. Somehow. I need them to get in a knife fight. I need them to get up in each other's faces and kiss intimidate each other.
Cooper's look was originally supposed to have black eyes and have scars identical to the Fallout 4 design, but the idea was ultimately scrapped. Boy oh boy, who else has black eyes and- HANCOCK. Hancock does. HE looks like that. This was clearly a sign from the universe.
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sualne · 9 months
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shopping with the worstie for the bestie
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fandomcringebucket · 13 days
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"Same gimmick?"
"Same gimmick!"
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mallleus · 11 months
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This isn't the scoop Morgans wanted
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epicqtefail · 20 days
not an ask BUT if I don't think about your art/see it at least once a week I die. My skin sags and hair falls out, til I think about your tumblr and suddenly I'm young and spry again. HOPE YOU'RE TAKING CARE AND HAVING A MANAGEABLE WEEK ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
you, waking up from Young & Spry surgery: where's connor?
surgeon: who do you think gave you the elasticity?
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FOR REAL THOUGH THIS IS A LOVELY THING TO BE TOLD THANK YOU SO MUCH WAAAAAHAAAHAAA (not that its lovely that you die but you know what i mean haha) you've made my week so much more than manageable honestly you've made me feel so good that i'm going to accept the compliment without self-deprecation or guilt :'''^)
Thank you, friend! you take care too, and i hope your days are as beautiful as you have made me feel <3
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theranciddwarf · 1 year
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First finished art of 2023. Of course it’s going to be the ghoul mayor. Look at him. You’re just been naughty and he’s wondering just what he’s going to do with you. You’re in big trouble now. Pssst. I also do commissions.
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joy-girl · 4 months
Jinshi from The Apothecary Diaries and Boa Hancock from One Piece have so much in common:
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- both are beautiful af and use that as an advantage to get what they want (and both are shocked when that doesn't work with Maomao and Luffy)
- neither of them feel attraction for people swooning over them
- both are drama queens
- both fell in love with weirdos (affectionate) that don't look at them with heart eyes like all the others
- both of them are so down bad, that they either went through depressive episodes or delusional fantasies when their crush is not around, or even fell ill because of love
- both have silly reactions when it comes to interacting with their crush
- both are strong and intelligent
- both are sooo jealous
- both have a position of power, also tied to an empire
- they have a similar haircut
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amazinglyegg · 11 months
companions react to sole crying when they raise their voice at them
AWW this one's sad
For clarity I'm going with the idea that the companions aren't yelling at Sole out of anger (like, a low affinity talk) but more like they're either scolding Sole over something minor ("you could have gotten hurt! Be careful!") or ranting out loud about something unrelated and Sole is very sensitive to that sort of thing!
Companions react: Sole crying when yelled at
Includes Cait, Codsworth, Curie, Deacon, Desdemona, Danse, Hancock, Haylen, Maccready, Nick, Piper, Preston, Rhys, X6-88
Uhh. Fuck.
Cait is probably Least Capable of dealing with a crying person
First instinct might be to use tough love because that's what she uses on herself and it works fine
Like "Oh come on suck it up, it wasn't even that bad"
Actually starts to feel bad after a few moments though and will change trajectory into something more gentle
Gladly lets Sole have alone time if they ask because she really needs a minute to try and think of what to say
If Sole comes back completely ignoring what happened she'll also ignore it, but if they continue to seem upset she'll make the first move and actually apologizes
Very awkward with it, every sentence is like she's testing the waters for Sole's reaction.
The apology IS genuine, though, and Sole can tell just by how awkward she is about it. She won't just brush it off if Sole won't brush it off.
Poor Codsworth would do a complete 180 and start comforting Sole
Sort of has a hard time if they want to be alone to collect themself, he's worried they'll hate him forever (he has a bit of separation anxiety after being alone for 200 years)
Will note exactly what made Sole cry and will never talk about that topic with that voice again
Like if they cried because he was worried about them getting hurt every interaction like that afterwards will be "You NEED to take better care of - I mean, please take better care of yourself please"
If Curie is raising her voice at Sole she's probably scolding them for not taking care of their health
She wants them to take care of themself but she didn't mean to make them so guilty they cry!!
She'll immediately comfort them and apologize for being so strict
100% mom friend, will not stop apologizing and trying to make it up to them via food and comfort
Gives Sole a hug and a forehead kiss and tucks them into bed with a warm cup of soup. Maybe cries a little
Probably tries to stand up for them on their behalf in the future, like if someone yells at them she'll scold the person yelling for being mean
Ah shit
Deacon prides himself on being able to stay calm during conflict and read the other persons facial expressions, it's his job after all
But anger always managed to get to him somehow, and it made him ignore the small signs that Sole was getting stressed out
He wasn't even upset at them, he was just having a bad day, but he knew he fucked up the second their face scrunched up and they looked away
They're crying. Sole is crying because of him
Might try to fix things by making jokes but if he realizes Sole is genuinely upset he'll probably end up leaving and giving Sole their space
He leaves them to cry for a while and comes back once they've calmed down so he can sincerely apologize
Tries to make Sole feel better for the next few days by pulling some strings
Their favorite animal is brahmin? What a coincidence, Des is telling us to go to a safe house with a huge brahmin farm! They really like Blamco Mac and Cheese? Deacon just found a HUGE stash behind HQ, we better eat it!
Just kinda. Freezes.
This never happened before?? And either she doesn't really know Sole that well (agents faces tend to get confusing since so many come and go) and doesn't know what to say, or they're like, the best agent in the Railroad and she's very worried that she managed to make them cry.
Tries to brush it off as smoothly as possible and excuses them somewhere private to calm down so at least they're not crying in front of everyone
If she's closer with Sole she'll actively search them out herself and apologize directly
If not she'll honestly probably go to Deacon or someone first being like "Are they pissed at me?? Should I apologize or do I pretend it didn't happen?"
Might take the silent approach of giving Sole less work/more support and makes the mental reminder not to yell at them
Listen, this man is used to reprimanding people. He can practically do it in his sleep
But when he hears Sole burst into tears? He immediately loses all train of thought
He's probably the type of person to go "... Are you crying?" because this has never really happened to him before
Super worried that he's pushed Sole too far, regrets even yelling at them in the first place
Doesn't really know what to do, ends up waiting for Sole to make the first move (explain themself, run away, etc)
If he isn't as close with Sole he'll probably hesitantly give them space - it's what he would want if he burst into tears
If they're close/romanced he'll default to trying to talk to them and calm them down
He is a bit awkward and tends to fumble a lot, so Sole may have to be direct with what they need from him (Space, comfort, apology, etc) but Danse will do basically anything to get them to calm down
Like a person who is very bad at dealing with a crying toddler: "no no don't cry... Here's some candy... and twenty bucks... we can get ice cream if you want just please stop crying"
I imagine Hancock to be a pretty touchy guy, so if Sole started crying his go-to comfort is by hugging them or rubbing their arm/back
He has high energy and expresses himself loudly so he realizes that he can be overwhelming at times
He'll quiet down and focus on comforting them and getting them what they need
Absolute KING at respecting their space and autonomy
The only thing worse than crying is crying in public so he's bringing them to a quiet room and letting them cry it out distraction free. They make the tiniest action that seems like they don't want to be touched and he'll back off, no questions asked
Also a bit of the "poorly dealing with a crying toddler" person: "You want chems?? No? Candy?? Would it make you feel better if you punched me??"
Very empathetic towards Sole, immediately switches to a "Oh, hey, come on, it's okay..." type of voice
She gets that the Brotherhood is overbearing and it can take a while to get used to being reprimanded/spoken to in such a harsh way
If she's spent a good amount of time around Sole she's probably pretty in tune with their emotional needs and can work with that
Sole won't even have to ask, she'll just show up with some hot chocolate and a blanket, or apologize, or pretend like it never happened, or any mixture of those
A little worried and overprotective of them for a while after, though, especially if she's already worried about their mental health
Might talk to them to try and see what's wrong or convince them to take a break
Another member of the "Wait... are you crying?" group.
Panics, probably. Doesn't know what to do or what to say.
He'll end up apologizing to them either way
If he's close with Sole he's more likely to do so first and more quickly, if not he might wait to gauge Sole's reaction before talking to them
A little bit awkward but he's got the spirit, will probably try to understand what made them cry and what he can do to make sure it doesn't happen in the future
Will also do a sort of follow-up check in after the fact or if they're having a rough day some other time
Tries a lot to stay more in-tune with Sole's emotions and what makes them upset after this point so they don't end up crying again because of him
Nick Valentine
For Nick to raise his voice like that he'd probably have to be distracted in some way
Either thinking about his words and not his voice as he reprimands Sole or snapping about something unrelated that's on his mind
So he doesn't even realize Sole started crying until their tears manage to snap him out of his thoughts
He's the type to try and comfort them straight away by cautiously reaching in for a hug and apologizing
If Sole runs off or yells at him he takes it personally, getting upset at himself for making Sole so uncomfortable
He will eventually reach out to them and get them to talk about what's bothering them, even if it takes a while
He'll immediately step up and sincerely apologize, and then turn his focus onto Sole's mental health
He realizes Sole has A Lot going on and them crying was probably the result of many days/weeks/months of bottled up emotions
Sole crying stops her in her tracks and makes her re-think everything that's happened between them in the past 24 hours
Was it something she said?? Or something she did?? What did she do wrong!?
Depending on the situation will either try to explain herself ("I didn't mean it like that, no don't cry I was just joking I swear -") or immediately be worried for Sole and try to comfort them
Might take Sole needing alone time a bit personally, she'll end up worrying that they're REALLY mad at her
She feels like she's not the best at comforting people so she'll try to turn to acts of service/gifts to bring them comfort
Buying them their favorite food, carrying more of their items, giving them hugs, etc.
Almost confused at first
He's never had anyone shy away from him before - if anything people didn't take him seriously and tended to look down on him
So the fact that he managed to make Sole cry really made him reassess their entire conversation up to this point
Immediately apologizes and asks what's wrong because surely there has to be something else going on for them to cry like this, right?
If Sole doesn't give an explanation he'll default to assuming they're overtired and stressed from work
Probably ends up feeling guilty for every time he gave them more Minuteman-related work to do
Might end up in a bit of a self-deprecating spiral of "I pushed them too hard, now they're upset, it's all my fault, how the hell can I fix this..."
He'll really focus on being there for them, whatever they need.
Less work? He'll take on their load. Shoulder to cry on? He'll stay up all night for them. A warm hug? He won't let go until Sole lets go first.
Alright he's an asshole
Kind of goes on a power trip about it too
Like "Haha yes I made them cry. Because I am the strong alpha male of the group"
At some point might come to the conclusion, either through his own means or by Danse/Haylen calling him out, that he was being a little bit of an asshole
If he apologizes though it's extremely short and awkward.
Like "Hey. Uhh. Sorry for making you cry. Just don't do it again. It's weird." And never brings it up ever again
Alternatively, takes the "Older Brother When The Younger Brither Starts Crying" approach of "Don't tell Danse! I didn't even yell at you that much! You can punch me back so we're even just please stop crying dude Danse will hear you and he'll get mad at me"
It stops him in his tracks
Part of him is freaking out because Oh God Someone Is Experiencing Emotions Around Me
And the other part of him is freaking out because He Made Sole Cry Uh-Oh
Will probably give Sole some space immediately and waits for them to calm down - he's never been good at dealing with emotional people
Once they're calm he'll revisit them with a peace offering of sorts, like a fancy lad snack cake or some tea or something
Very curt apology, hands them the gift, leaves a moment of silence as an opportunity for them to speak up about what made them cry if they want
Once that's over he'll just try and pretend it never happened while also keeping them safe from whatever else could trigger that
He'll try not to yell at them and actively avoid putting them in situations where they'll be yelled at again whenever possible
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brahmin-lard · 2 months
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Meet the Sillies !
Here are my Lone Wanderer, Courier 6, and Sole Survivor (+ an old oc) !
Info on them under the cut <3
Lone Wanderer: Axel Nessley
Age: 19
Gender: nonbinary (they/them)
Sexuality: queer (hasn't figured it all out yet, but they know they like boys)
Companion(s) of choice: Butch DeLoria <3
Weapon(s) of choice: Lead pipe and 10mm pistol
Courier 6: Jesse Elliot Ruthford
They get ghoulified after they successfully activate the purifier, I have doodles of that I'll post later.
Age: 26
Gender: trans man (he/him)
Sexuality: pan demiromantic
Companion(s) of choice: Arcade and Rex. Sometimes Boone or Veronica and ED-E.
Weapon(s) of choice: ratslayer, revolver, and Oh Baby!
He genuinely doesn't remember anything past first obtaining the platinum chip and even then that exchange is foggy. He's not too worried about getting them back either as long as he's still aim is still straight.
Gender: transmasc (he/they)
Sole Survivor: Fletcher Melbun
Age: 32
Sexuality: bisexual (male leaning preference)
Companion(s) of choice: Nick Valentine, Hancock, and Dogmeat
Weapon(s) of choice: modified combat rifle, molotovs, .50 hardened sniper rifle, serated switchblade
Has been going through a nonstop gauntlet since he left the vault. Long story short: he sobbed when he found Codsworth, he sobbed when he managed to make his way back to Valentine's office, and he sobbed anytime his Pip-Boy map would glitch out. Despite this, not a pushover. Don't test him.
Age: 23 (at time of ghoulification), now? They'll never tell.
My ghoul oc: Warren "Renny" Knewman
Gender: Won't tell anyone to keep them on their toes, but genderfluid (any pronouns)
Sexuality: asexual biromantic
Specific game origin: he could be applied to any title tbf, but I mostly imagine her in Fallout 4.
Weapon(s) of choice: sawed off shotgun, laser pistol, baseball bat
Just kinda hangs around, you could find her pretty much anywhere with a terminal and/or a surface to sleep on. When he's in the commonwealth, he likes hacking Diamond City’s turrets for fun when there's nothing too serious going on. Either that or they're camped out in Goodneighbor.
If you have any questions about them, don't be afraid to ask !!! I'll be rolling more art out of them soon enough :]
Thanks for reading ! And please reblog <3
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serknighted · 9 months
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If there's something wrong with you, then I know there's something wrong with me. Maybe it's better to stop fighting that— I don't have the strength to keep pretending I hate you, when all I hate is me.
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batattack409 · 10 months
How being a Luffy fan in the One Piece universe must work:
Luffy fan: Monkey D. Luffy's great Non-Luffy fan: He's a convicted prisoner who broke out of prison and is one of the world governments most wanted people Luffy fan: *wistful sigh* I know
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shima-draws · 4 months
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onepiecehiperfixation · 6 months
Luffy: You're the most jelaous woman I know. Boa hancock *eye twitching*: You know other women?
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shroudkeeper · 4 months
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Master Takahashi - I now understand how long your nights feel when you watch your daughter's ascension from the murky depths, where apparitions of rattling bones, and the whispers of displaced souls, are there to bid their farewells; she is returned to you again teetering between the living and dead. I am but a businessman, like yourself, who has been introduced to this otherwordly path that she has paved. I only know profit, not the ways around her world. Each day I discover a part of her that I had not come to know of, it is both exciting and terrifying. Yet, I am learning to curb this near-crippling fear of the unknown that now encompasses my life, though I confess I can't quell this swell of worry inhabiting my thoughts, that one day she will be pulled far too deep, and into the bowels of a place where I can not reach. If that were to ever happen, if her fingers were to ever slip from my own, then I would dive in after her, face the land of darkness and beyond if it means to be with her. ..this is my promise to you.
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luffys-basement · 2 years
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day 1: Evil Luffy & day 3: Medusa Hancock of ProjectKanjuro by OPLAFandom ♡
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