#same with the muse au
starrspice · 11 months
Next month in August, I’m going to do another once-a-day drawing challenge. But this time it’s going to be a bit more focused. I want to draw other people’s OC’s, Self-Inserts, and Y/N characters. If you’re willing to allow it, choose one of these types of characters that you have and I’ll draw them. It can be your most popular character, or it can be a character you feel like doesn’t get enough love. What ever you chose, I’d love to draw them.
AYOOOOO im so late to answering this ajdnakdjd im so sorry lec
Well if I had to pick one I feel like Muse AU Y/N could always use more love
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itsthislake · 11 months
Shen Yuan transmigrated as a Spirit Cat AU
Shen Yuan had only just finished processing the fact that he had reincarnated-slash-transmigrated at all after his death, never mind into a cat’s body, when he was forced to confront the equally insane reality that was this new world that he had ended up in.
A place that resembled ancient China, but where people didn’t bat an eye at seeing someone literally flying on a sword. A place where cultivation and immortality were very much real and attainable. A Xianxia world, basically. Like the setting for Proud Immortal Demon’s Way, the novel he had literally died cursing.
Shen Yuan had read enough novels in his life to, upon concluding this was in fact real and not just a very vivid hallucination, make the safe choice to send a very quick but genuinely heartfelt prayer to whatever deities were listening that he hadn’t somehow transmigrated into the world of Proud Immortal Demon’s Way.
God, he really hoped this wasn’t Proud Immortal Demon’s Way.
Getting used to being a cat after a lifetime of opposable thumbs and no tail wasn’t as hard as he imagined it’d be. His body seemed to know how to move even if he didn’t, and the new instincts and different senses were easy enough to get used to.
The hardest aspect of his new life was actually finding food, given how a vast majority of the people from the small village he’d woken up in seemed perfectly happy to ignore or even chase him out no matter how cute he acted. The rest were all small children, who at best could give him some sweets, and the two old ladies that lived a little up the hill and occasionally confused him for their own cat, Baobao.
So, naturally, he had taken to stealing from the bastards that annoyed him the most as a form of payback. They should’ve thought twice before throwing rocks at him if they didn’t want their food stolen. Shen Yuan had gotten pretty good at sneaking in and avoiding traps out of sheer pettiness in recent times.
…Perhaps he had gotten a little too good, actually.
Really, why else would the village chief decide to call for help catching him? Also! How could he have known they’d call a whole-ass cultivator to deal with him?! Wasn’t he just a normal (if smarter than average) cat?! Why were these people calling cultivators to deal with their day-to-day problems?! Wasn’t that just lazy?! Wasn’t it overkill?! What’s up with that?!
Shen Yuan hissed and attempted to scratch the hand that had grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and held him up in the air. The owner of the hand, a cultivator with a truly beautiful face, stared back at him utterly unimpressed.
“Stop that,” the cultivator said.
Shen Yuan hissed at him, but ultimately stopped struggling. He had given a good fight, even managing to scratch the man in the face before he was caught (something he was very proud of, despite the cultivator healing it with his qi almost immediately) but even he knew when to call it quits. He would just have to wait for the man to lower his guard before trying to escape again.
The cultivator huffed, then turned around to inform the village chief of his capture. Shen Yuan sullenly endured the whole song and dance, hissing at any bastard that looked too smug on the way. It was only as they were walking out of the village that the cultivator lifted Shen Yuan up to eye level and stared.
“How did a creature like you even end up in this place?” he suddenly asked, eyes narrowed with a level of suspicion that was, frankly, uncalled for. “Your kind isn’t from this area.”
What kind! What creature! He was just a normal cat! Shen Yuan had seen plenty of them around the village, had gotten into fights with old strays for some food more than once. He had convinced little Baobao to not attack him on sight even!
“I’m taking you back to my sect. Will you attack me if I try to hold you properly?”
Yes, Shen Yuan meowled viciously.
As if he understood anything, the cultivator nodded once and unsheathed his sword. Then he stood on it and took up flight holy fucking shit—
Shen Yuan made an alarmed sound, holding on for dear life the moment the cultivator moved him close to his chest. He sunk his claws deep on the silver robes, not wanting to find out if cats truly had nine lives in this world or if he’d survive a fall this high, and glared viciously at the man.
The cultivator had the gall to look amused.
The moment they landed, Shen Yuan wasted no time jumping away. Unfortunately, the man’s reflexes were faster than him and he managed to catch Shen Yuan before his paws could even graze the ground.
Shen Yuan meowled pitifully, turning big sad eyes that had occasionally gotten him free food in his direction. He even heard a number of young kids in the background stop and coo at him.
The man, apparently heartless, only raised an eyebrow.
Shen Yuan sighed and resigned himself to his fate for the foreseeable future. Settling down on the man’s arms (they were unexpectedly comfortable and warm, okay?), he watched idly as people hurried about, barely stopping to bow in the cultivator’s direction and glance curiously at Shen Yuan before continuing on their ways.
Eventually they reached what was definitely some kind of doctor’s office and the cultivator barged in like he owned the place. Shen Yuan could’ve believed that, if it weren’t for the real owner of the office looking up sharply from behind the cluttered desk at their entrance.
“Liu-shixiong!” The poor doctor looked genuinely startled, understandably so, as he reflexively stood up. He hadn’t even seemed to notice Shen Yuan yet. “How may this shidi help you?”
In response, the cultivator —Liu?— shifted Shen Yuan in his arm so he was more visible while still keeping a tight hold on him. Not like there was anywhere for him to run, mind you, seeing as all entrances to the office were firmly shut.
The doctor blinked and adjusted his glasses, peering closely at Shen Yuan.
“Is… that a Colored Claw Spirit Cat?” the doctor asked slowly, and for some reason he looked just as baffled as Shen Yuan abruptly felt.
Excuse me? I’m a what now?
“En,” the cultivator confirmed. “I found him terrorizing a village near Huan Hua Palace. With Lan Qingyi in seclusion, I thought you could give him a check-up.”
‘Terrorizing’ was too strong a word for what he’d been doing, in Shen Yuan’s honest opinion. He was only trying to eat! It was everyone else that overreacted to his presence! Also, Huan Hua Palace? Why did that sound familiar? Did he hear of it somewhere in the village?
“Hmm. I agree that Lan-shijie would be best for this. I don’t think anyone else at her peak has even seen a Colored Claw Spirit Cat in person before, given how rare they are,” the doctor agreed, rummaging through drawers for this and that. “Alright. Set him on the table, please. This shidi will see what he can do.”
“He’ll attack you,” the cultivator warned as he gently set him down on the table, one arm posed to catch him were he to try and get away. Shen Yuan stared at him deadpan. Again, there was nowhere for him to run unless someone were to open the door for him.
The doctor settled a couple of items down on the table next to him and smiled wearily at the cultivator.
“Ah, how much does shixiong know about Spirit Cats?”
“I know they have the capacity to cultivate a human form, as well as achieve immortality. Though it’s extremely rare.”
Shen Yuan… had not known any of that. In fact, up until a couple minutes ago, he was convinced he was just a normal cat. It’s not like he had any other frame of reference to work with here. All the little kids at the village called him a cat and rural villages from Xianxia worlds were hardly overflowing with mirrors. He couldn’t have possibly known if there was anything special about his appearance that gave him away as not-a-normal-cat.
But this… wasn’t this kind of cool actually? He could become an immortal master! And get back his human form! And have opposable thumbs again! God, did he miss those.
Unaware of Shen Yuan’s growing excitement, the doctor nodded at the cultivator’s words.
“Shixiong is correct. Furthermore, Spirit Cats tend to have a level of sentience on par with humans long before acquiring a human form themselves. One can usually tell their age just by how much they’re able to understand, since even young ones are somewhat intelligent. This one certainly seems to understand us just fine. Isn’t that right, esteemed spirit?”
Not expecting to be addressed so suddenly, or at all, Shen Yuan gave the doctor a somewhat startled meow, tail twitching.
“See? This one must be a teenager on the cusp of adulthood. His growth phase must not be long now.”
Growth phase? Shen Yuan wondered, then filed it away for later thought, alongside all that information about Spirit Cats.
The cultivator grunted, eyeing Shen Yuan for a moment before finally stepping back, seemingly deciding that Shen Yuan wasn’t about to run for the hills if he let down his guard. Shen Yuan, no longer worried about acting out of character for a normal cat, pointedly rolled his eyes at him.
An odd noise drew his gaze back to the doctor, who quickly schooled his expression back to a mask of pleasant neutrality.
“Esteemed spirit, this Mu Qingfang will examine you now and narrate what he is doing. Would that be acceptable?”
Shen Yuan meowed an affirmation, something about that sentence tickling at the back of his mind, and the doctor finally got started.
It was only a moment later that the realization hit him in full.
Mu Qingfang, a healer. ‘Liu-shixiong,’ who flew them all the way here and up a mountain. Even the off-handed mention of goddamn Huan Hua Palace.
Oh fuck.
He’s inside of Proud Immortal Demon’s Way.
Next Chapter.
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if molt and rem met dream and nightmare, how'd you think itd go?
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Largely depends on who met who first. either way tho, capital D Drama.
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yomawari · 5 months
I *love* modern political Jamilton AUs, but the lack of general knowledge about Washington, D.C./U.S. politics creates so many missed opportunities. For instance, most people don't seem to know (or choose to ignore) that the Secretary of Treasury and the Secretary of State do not work in the White House.
The Treasury Building is a 20 minute walk* from the State Department. The idea of Alexander or Thomas making that trip just to argue with the other in-person is absolutely hilarious. (Or, even funnier, one being forced to make the trip because the other is screening calls, etc.)
Also, there is the amusing possibility of banning each other from their respective buildings in purely petty acts of retaliation.
*Technically, it's only 20 minutes if you cut through the White House lawn, which has restricted access. It's a 30 minute walk for the public or a 5-10 minute drive.
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hinamie · 10 hours
it happens every now and then but it's always such a pleasant surprise when i realize i'm actually rly happy with my art and where i am skill-wise
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*peasant English boy voice* please, miss, may i have some more treats 🥺
have some modern au Legend!!
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He is waiting for his tea to steep :)
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crabsnpersimmons · 3 months
If Clip is competitive (and likes attention)... how would they respond to people purposely giving more attention to Sun n Moon instead, like.. to rile them up, or something? Or giving Sun and Moon more 'points' in something?
when it comes to his Sun and Moon, Clip doesn't mind! he knows he's the best 😌 (and he knows he can always destroy them in Mario Kart later)
Clip: yeah! and like, Moon would obviously have more himbo points! and Sun would have more AdultingTM points!
he just likes riling them up because when he does they both act a little more honestly. like they used to. like they're back at their old daycare.
if Clip were to be like completely ignored, like no one talks to him or looks at him… he might not like that.
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So like, mini disclaimer before the post. I was not and am not a believer in the "Sonic is going to be forced to choose between his original friends and the shatterspace variants" theory, nor the companion to it "all the variants are just gonna essentially live with their memories inside the og friends' hearts"
However, I do have brainrot over the idea of Nine meeting Tails in his dreams, and some of these ideas require a prerequisite of "in which Nine exists within Tails' heart but does not currently have a body.
Imagine, if you will, a setting post canon in which the variants exist within the hearts of the original and (kingdom hearts style) they would just need a body/vessel of their own to exist again. Tails is sleeping, and after dreams upon dreams of meeting the variants, experiencing their fleeting memories and their hurt (their feelings about everything), he comes across Nine.
Nine... Tails has had a hard time remembering much of his dreams while awake, but when he's dreaming, he remembers that Nine has been perhaps the angriest and most conflicted of all the variants. All of them want to be alive, of course. Tails wouldn't be surprised if *all* of them have been parsing through his own memories in exchange for sharing theirs.
But none have been so volatile as Nine, harder to reason with. The others at least face him more often than not, but Nine has directly done so few times.
But...Tails can't blame him for that, especially not after what he knows. He understands how Nine likely feels (abandoned, lonely, forgotten). Perhaps he wouldn't be so agreeable either if he fought tooth and nail for a better future, and the universe denied him that (nay, punished him to watch but to never have).
But tonight...
Nine is standing under a palm tree, facing the vast ocean past the beaches of Green Hill. Tails takes a few steps down the hill he's on, and soon enough he's standing off to the side (dream logic, he understands)—where he can see Nine from the front, but isn't standing directly in front of him or obstructing his view.
It's at this moment that Tails realizes he's never seen Nine so clearly before. The tips of his ears, to his permafrown, to his 7 mechanical tails, and down to his shoes. He's fought the fox before in his dreams, seen glimpses of him, but this is the first time he's had a chance to really see him.
Nine turns his head away from the sea, and suddenly Tails is beside him, mere feet away.
Tails opens his mouth, a dozen questions and sentence starters flying through his head. What eventually comes out is just a simple, "Nine?"
Nine smiles at that, and yet...Tails can tell almost instantly that it's not because he's happy or excited to see him. No, the smile is almost...accepting, if not a little bit sad.
Then, Nine sighs. "This could have been the other way around, but...it has to be you."
Tails hesitates for a moment before pointing at himself. "...Me? Why?"
"There are so many people connected to you—all of you, if my hypothesis is correct. It often is. You're me, so...you can feel what I felt. You could...feel how I feel."
And maybe it's true that Tails can feel what Mangey, Sails, and Nine are feeling, but all that proves is that one is affected by the presence of others residing within their own consciousness.
Tails shakes his head. "No. You're you, not me."
There's a moment of silence before Nine chuckles, and Tails continues, "I want you to know that you deserve to live as your own person, just as much as I do."
"Every time we've fought—here—I've asked you the same question. Do you remember it?"
Well, of course, Tails finds multiple questions as he tries to think back, but by keeping the terms of Nine's question in mind and employing process of elimination–
Nine turns back to the sea, squeezing both gloved hands into fists at his sides. "I was angry—among other things. I just couldn't understand why I was here. After everything I'd fought for, everything we'd been through together, I couldn't understand why he chose you. And every time I asked, you never gave me an answer."
Nine's right. Tails has never given him an answer to that question.
But to Tails...that question was never his to answer, at least in his opinion. Unless Sonic told him, Tails would never know why he put in for him, Amy, Knuckles, and Rouge over worlds of new friends. All he does know (straight from Sonic's own testimony) is that Sonic would have never made the choice he did had he known it would lead to all this. Sonic had wanted home, Tails, and all his friends back, but he never meant to erase the other worlds. Even as he tries to pretend otherwise, Tails knows Sonic has been beating himself up for the choice he made ever since.
Shouldn't Nine know that—that Sonic didn't mean to hurt him, that Sonic feels regret, that Sonic wasn't intending to choose between one or the other?
"Save it," Nine says, cutting him off. "It doesn't matter anymore. Sonic made his choice, but you still have that chance."
Nine turns back to Tails and holds out a hand.
Tails looks down, then back up at Nine. He hesitates for a second, but ultimately takes Nine's hand.
Tails is an observer, a spectator without form, as memories begin to play out before him in quick succession. Despite the lack of form, somehow his head begins to ache in pain that only grows over the moments.
And then, he begins to notice a pattern in the memories shown to him. Despite the pain, he recognizes the clear shift since a certain blue hedgehog—Sonic, of course—saves Nine from being hit by a train.
Each and every memory, if Sonic wasn't centered or mentioned in it, then his palpable absense was the focal point. Nine fought him, he worked with him, he almost lost him, he thought he lost him, and then he fought him again.
Nine had spent most of his life lonely, though he hadn't realized that until his life was almost over.
A waterfall of emotions hit him then, just before the highlight reel crackles into black.
And then, Tails is standing beside Nine again, head pulsing and heart pounding. He can hardly remember what he's just seen, and that waterfall of emotions seeps through his fingers as he tries to catch them, to study them.
All he knows is that he understands. Somehow, he understands why Nine feels the way he does. Now, more than before, he understands why Nine is hung up on Sonic the way he is.
Perhaps, Tails thinks, he understands how it feels for Nine to be with Sonic (and without him) far more than anyone else.
Tails musters up a look of determination as he stares into Nine's eyes, and he squeezes his hand. "I'll figure it out. No matter how long it takes, I'll make sure you—you, and Sails, and Mangey, and the rest—can walk along the beach. You don't deserve to sit here and watch like this. None of you deserved to have your lives taken."
And Nine... Nine smiles, like he just can't help it. "Don't you see? That's why it has to be you."
There's a feeling, an almost indescribable feeling, that strikes Tails' heart at that.
"I promise," Tails says.
And then, he’s sitting up in his bed, breathing deeply.
As he makes himself get up, get ready, and rush into his lab, there's little he remembers from his dream as always.
But he knows what he has to do.
I'll make sure of it, Nine.
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questionablemuses · 2 months
@peppy-jester || ( x )
Betelgeuse only scoffs at the continued glare, waving the jester's reply off with a flick of his wrist. "Look, sweetheart, doll face, I was hired to be your body guard. It ain't necessarily my fault if I just so happen to get bored on the job & decide to prank a few locals while I'm at it."
Technically, it is, but he's just gonna ignore that little detail. 
"Besides, yer safe, aren't ya ? So that means it's working ! " No, he did not hear Fizzarolli practically encouraging him. "Whoa, wait, really ? So, then what the hell's with the third degree ? " 
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gildedmuse · 11 months
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[Thanks to @jhaernyl whom I can always count on sharing any picture that makes you think, "huh ... Yeah Law needs to make out with that dude."]
I'm aware of what this scene is, but I am in love with Zoro's facial expression (and his dedication to even buying a shirt that looks like it is somehow three sword style?) so very much. Not just because then lovely exposed throat, earrings that make me want to tug them *just to see what happens* or because of my god look at that puppy dog expression. I'm aware he could rip out my throat, I still want to pet him.
I can't tell if he's confused or he's thinking, "Wonder how many times I could cut it up before it's no longer sliceable?"
Like Nami's expression says they're staring at something horrifying.
Zoro's says "Huh, so that's what a shichibukai looks like."
"Kay gonna go attack now."
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frankenjoly · 6 months
been having band au thoughts since "hunting dogs and doa for future stuff" (thanks mune) and ofc the need to make all lore be consistent with my first band au fic is A Need
which led me to songwriter bram
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ashton-ryder · 6 months
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moodboard meme send me one of the following symbols and i’ll make a moodboard for my character.
@rosiesdiner asked:
"white heart - bc we all want the tea" ❤ - for a moodboard about a romantic relationship of my muse
exes - astor mayfair
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel my heart?
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soraeia · 7 months
Duels Round 1 - The Winners!
@arcxnumvitae , @fatestouch , @soulsxng , @desiderium-eden
Kaisei vs Melchior. Winner: Kaisei! Yukaine vs Riliane. Winner: Yukaine! Chercia vs Tristan. Winner: Tristan! Azalea vs Edmund. Winner: Azalea! Cecil vs Alsina. Winner: Cecil! Jai vs Xiaodan. Winner: Jai! Fisette vs Darrow. Winner: Darrow! Azrael vs Robin. Winner: Robin! Sarakael vs Jinx. Winner: Jinx! Kadios vs Cari. Winner: Kadios! Minglian vs Wrenn. Winner: Minglian! (this wasn't a coin toss, Wrenn just couldn't give it his all orz) Oleander vs Ysa. Winner: Ysa! Avelan vs Zahine. Winner: Zahine! Huaxiu vs Meihui. Winner: Huaxiu! Typhon vs Hatius. Winner: Hatius! Iomhar vs Phuong. Winner: Iomhar!
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savedpeople · 2 months
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why. If tagged, copy and paste into a new post – DO NOT REBLOG!
(Since this is a single-muse blog, I'm going to include muses I've played on other blogs. I'm not going to include every muse I've ever written though because 1. it already feels funny talking about muses that 99% of my followers have never seen me write, and 2. some of them were very short-lived. So I'm only including the ones that I've written most or were most significant, plus my newest one that I haven't written yet, since they've been on my mind a lot lately.)
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise) - Strictly personality-wise, softest to toughest: Ted Logan (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure), Max Caulfield (Life is Strange), Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!), Amaimon (Blue Exorcist), Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen), Negan, Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan.) This is kind of funny though because aside from Ted and Max, none of these characters can really be considered "soft."
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly? - Gojo. But he's also rich rich, so $1000 is nothing to him. He canonically owns shirts that cost more than that. Aside from him, I think if you gave Ted $1000 he could easily blow it all on music gear and albums pretty quickly lol.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them? - Negan has been called "Neegs" by a few, but not many can get away with that. "Ted" is short for Theodore, and "Max" is short for Maxine (never call Max by her full name, she hates it.)
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school? - Ted, Gojo, and Max are most likely to be up-to-speed on trends, but Max appreciates the old school stuff (she prefers analog cameras over digital for her photography, for instance.) Levi and Negan are more old school, though Negan might attempt to learn trends to seem cool to his students/the kids (it rarely works.)
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings? - Three of them have siblings: Ted, Izaya, and Amaimon. Ted and his little brother probably have the best relationship, at least as kids, though he deals with insecurity and envy as their dad clearly favors his brother. Izaya has two sisters who are twins and about ten years his junior. Their parents were abroad for work so much that he basically raised them, but his bad influence played part in them turning out eccentric. Their relationship is complicated and a bit love/hate. Amaimon has six brothers and a sister. They are all demons (literally, they are children of Satan lol.) He's only seen interacting with one which I interpret him to have a neutral to positive relationship with. I don't see him having a close relationship with any of the others. But I also haven't read or watched the series in years, so I have no idea if more has been revealed.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune? - Ted. Max will join him with some encouragement. Negan if he's had a few drinks.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model? - Levi (he could actually probably do well as a model, but suggest this and he'll vehemently deny it.) Also Amaimon because he doesn't spend much time on Earth and probably doesn't even know what a beauty pageant is.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? - Ted and Max would be panicking (but they're having a blast.) Levi and Amaimon are unfazed.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation? - Not really. Max does get nervous about airplanes and Izaya prefers to walk or take a taxi/public transport. Gojo doesn't drive and either takes the train/subway, has his assistant drive him, or teleports/warps short distances since he can do that lol.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse. - So I can't really think of anything, but I have twd verses for most of my muses that I never got to use/talk about so I'mma ramble on about little things about them here. Ted - and Bill - were following a band on tour that summer, and were at a music venue in the Atlanta area when the outbreak hit. Bill's dad died saving them the first day, and they and Missy go on to survive traveling around in their RV for a while. Max found an old vintage photography store shortly after the outbreak and took as many packs of polaroid film as she could realistically carry. She continues taking photos, not just to document the new world but to also capture small moments of beauty and happiness within her group. Gojo acts nonchalant about the apocalypse until he loses his best friend to a walker bite, after which he essentially shuts down and locks himself in a room with the (restrained) walker for days, refusing to let anyone in. He even attempts to remove its jaw/hands to keep it with him (kind of like Michonne did), and it wasn't until after that he finally killed it. He puts on a big smile and acts fine, but the unresolved anger and grief come out in spades whenever he goes up against walkers. Izaya and his sisters are in an airport preparing to fly back to Japan when the outbreak hits, and get stranded in the Virginia/DC area. A group takes them in out of pity, despite Izaya giving them the creeps. But when his sisters are eaten in a large walker attack, the group abandons him, and he's presumed dead. Months later, cue The Saviors showing up with Izaya at Negan's side as one of his lieutenants. Surprise! Levi meets up with his uncle, the only family he has, when the outbreak happens. It doesn't take long for them to start butting heads morally - his uncle is much quicker to warm up to the idea of stealing and killing. But they stick together until they're separated while fighting a horde, and Levi's been on his own ever since, unsure if he's alive. He's eventually taken in by Alexandria, but has a hard time adjusting. I don't have anything set for Amaimon, but he's naturally violent and off-putting and very likely ends up with the Whisperers or becomes a cannibal or something lol.
tagged by: @wexarethewalkingxdead tagging: @esoterium @survivoirs @chitteringbeast and anyone else that'd like to do this (y'all are the only active mutuals I know that have multiple muses and weren't already tagged I don't think??)
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I'm gonna be real with you guys I have on multiple random occasions imagined a reality (outside of Archie Sonic) where both Tails Doll and Metal Tails exist, but also where Metal Sonic has become possessive protective over them as his little buddies
I am imagining a picture of Metal Tails and Metal Sonic holding hands while supporting Tails Doll in the middle with their other hands (like Tails Doll sitting on their outstretched robot hands they stuck together for him to sit) in my minds eye
I'm thinking back to one of my earlier Metdoll posts and imagining Metal Sonic growing to trust only Metal Tails when it can't be him to look out for Tails Doll or plant him on occasion. I do think about Metal Tails sort of looking in on Metdoll from the outside and somehow organically managing to join that group, even if it's out of the small desire to understand why those two are the way they are. I think about Metal Tails coming to experience by accident what he merely could not understand and wanted to understand before. And...I think of all three of them taking care of each other and fighting together
I'm a simple man with simple needs
Even though I think I love the idea (or potential rather) for Metdoll more, I also just think that Metal Sonic should be afflicted with the little buddy effect. Even the robot should be not immune to what Sonic parallels experience, and sometimes that extends to happening to take on multiple...
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