#same with the other ask from my dear 🌸 I’m going to keep this ask near and dear to my heart
rosicheeks · 1 year
I never thought I would see a video of you singing! You are so beautiful. Your voice is amazing! To see your cuteness while you sing is wonderful. Those cheeks! Your face is so expressive, and your shoulder roll was so fun. Those freckles! and that giggle at the end...(big sigh)...
The sound I made when I saw the ask about it was not as embarrassing as the sound I made when found that the video was still up. You have made me so happy with this. I know it's silly but I teared up listening to it because I had to close my eyes to stop from crying. This is so beautiful! You are so beautiful and it has nothing to do with how you look. Thank you Princess! Thank you!
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#I know I’ve used this gif before#but this is literally me right now#I’m not OKAY#I’m a fucking mess right now actually#I’ve had a really bad day and to see all the positivity and kind words about my singing video is literally making my day#I’ve thought about making a TikTok specifically for singing videos and now I’m feeling a little more confidence about it 🥺#still don’t know if I’ll ever do it#but it just sounds fun#I have a few duets that i sing by myself and I thought it would be fun to do both parts somehow#either do some sort of edit#or like different makeup on either side of my face and turn to the camera whatever character I’m singing (if that makes sense)#ok getting distracted#back to one of the sweetest asks I’ve ever received#same with the other ask from my dear 🌸 I’m going to keep this ask near and dear to my heart#this means more to me than I can ever express#like I’m going to screenshot both of these asks and save them for a sad day and when I need a pick me up#I said before but I’ll say it again voice compliments are one of my favorites#I’m speechless and I don’t know what to say anymore tbh#you are way way WAY to kind to me 😭 I don’t deserve all these lovely words#thank you so much for this ask and being such a sweetie#can’t imagine anyone tearing up over me singing popular tbh 🥺😭#that’s just so sweet#maybe I’ll have to sing one of my super sad ballads and see if I can make you sob#some of the songs I sing to myself hit my heart really deeply so I sometimes cry while singing them#also ‘you are so beautiful and it has nothing to do with the way you look’ hold on I need a fucking minute#I’m sobbing again#thank you so so so so so much#idk how much longer I’ll keep the video up cause face but go enjoy it while it’s there 😇#fav asks#sweet asks
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yuuniee · 1 year
💘 Ships Guide (for those who don’t know my canon x oc ships) 💘
♦️ Split Rose 🕊️ (Cater Diamond x Renée Rose Menken)
Magicammer boy who has never had a friend x the real life Cinderella who has never known freedom
They are acquaintances to friends(chapter 1-2), and that to best friends(2-5), and maybe to lovers(6 - more) from that
When they noticed their feelings for each other;
— Cater tried to hide it as he was noticing.. changes in himself. Making her laugh, liking her smile, constantly complimenting her, keeping her little gifts and many more... He was indeed falling for the kind and loving girl who used to be seen as a cold hearted stranger from another world. At first, he thought his feelings would just come and go. One day, during her absence, he caught himself how it would make him feel to see her smile again, and that right there made him realize that these feelings wasn’t temporary. They would just stay in his heart no matter how many times he tries to distract himself.
— Renée, on the other hand, was afraid that she would get rejected as her feelings for him was very different from what she felt to John. And that sparked up a thought in her mind;
“Is it really alright to feel this way towards an upperclassman..?”
She kept asking that to herself because she was really afraid that it would ruin their friendship, and she didn’t want to lose a person she cares a lot more than others. But at the same time, she tried not to overwhelm Cater as she thought he might be busy. So she often left gifts for him on his desk during the breaks.
♦️ “Rennie~!” 😊 ‼️
🌸 “Oh, if it isn’t my dear upperclassman?” 😁
[She hugs him.]
♦️ “Hehe~ You missed me?” 😉
🌸 “Of course! ...I-I mean..!” 😊 😳
♦️ “It’s fine, relax~♪ I missed you too~” 🤭
🌸 “So, how did your class go?” 😲
♦️ “It was... eh.” 😔
🌸 “I take it you didn’t enjoy it...” 😔
♦️ “Nope... But hey, at least I can enjoy my free time now~! ...With you, of course~♪” 😉
🌸 “Oh, how lovely~” 😊
“Shall the magicammer admit his feelings, or shall the origami master take the first step?”
🐆 Hidden Claws 👠 (Ruggie Bucchi x Sakae Satou)
Basically, poor boy x rich girl
As they get to know each other, they start to be friendly since they had negative opinions on one another. One thing led to another and both of them found themselves fallen in love.
When Ruggie realized his feelings for Sakae, his doubts began to form in his head. He knew she was from a place with an overabundance of money, expensive clothes and jewelry and he thought that he can’t give these kind of things to her. He thought to himself, ‘Why would she fall for someone like me when there are better guys around the school like Leona and Kalim? Yeah, I can’t even stand a chance in love against them...’
When Sakae realized her own feelings towards Ruggie, however, she became more affectionate and started to hang out with him more. Whenever she got the chance, she bought him doughnuts to eat with him later. (Spoiler alert: She ends up eating one while Ruggie takes the rest! 😔)
🐆 “Oi, Sakae!”
👠 “Oh, what’s up Rugs?”
🐆 “Nothin’ much, what about you?”
👠 “Same as before.”
🐆 “...”
👠 “Hey, wanna hang out after classes.. or whenever you’ve got some free time?”
🐆 “I would like to, but I’m full this week.”
👠 “M’kay, but the offer’s on the table. Oh, and I’ll bring some homemade doughnuts today.. for you.”
🐆 “OKAY! I’M IN!”
👠 [She smirks.] “You have to be patient Rugs, I’m up whenever you are~”
[Sakae kisses his cheek and leaves with a wink and a wave.]
🐆 “...😳”
🏹 Moon Hunter 🌓 (Rook Hunt x Lilith Aries Fontana)
Appreciator/Poet/Hunter x Dancer who thinks the world is an ugly place.
— When Rook noticed his (and Lilith’s) feelings immediately, he began to write poems about it. Vil immediately noticed that Rook was falling for someone. Otherwise, how would he write over thousands of poems for a girl who’s identity is unknown to some extent? 😉
O’ the piece of moon whom I have given my heart to,
When will you hear my serenades and answer my call?
Shall you be able to tell me how you feel too,
Or shall you keep your them away until they come into a rise and fall?
— Lilith, on the other hand, was frozen in place, because she feared that he was like the fake friends from her world; only together for her skills and abilities. Even if Rook isn’t anything like that, she still feared that it will end up this way. She can’t trust others without being skeptical about them after all. She chose to deny her feelings in the end because she couldn’t just accept that she could love and be loved by someone too.
🏹 “Oh, Dame Double... You become more beautiful each day!”
🌓 “...Okay... Uhm... You are getting more... eccentric each day..?”
🏹 “Fufufu~” (You keep hiding your feelings, I can see it in your eyes clearly...)
🌓 “Tch. Whatever.”
🌓 “I do not love that eccentric monkey, stop saying I do.”
🌸 “Well, do tell why is your face red then.”
🦉 “You like him~”
🌓 “NO I DO NOT!”
🗡️ Thorn Adorned Beauty 🦉 (Silver x Ian Anderson)
Sleepy knight prince who invades your dreams x extremely curious owl boy with a heart of gold,, 🥺
They actually fall for each other during the ceremony with Silver helping him calm down when Ian has a panic attack due to being in an unfamiliar place, yet neither of them acknowledges their feelings until they hit hard.
— When Silver realized his feelings for him, thanks to Lilia, he went ‘Oh... I think I love him...’ and sighed. What he didn’t expect, however, was to see him in his dreams after realizing he fell for Ian. He started to see him resting next to him, but sometimes in his owl form too. Then they became more domestic, like waking up in his dream to see Ian cook for him or waking up for real and see him laying next to him with Ian caressing his face, then hearing him say ‘Good morning, Silver... Did you rest well?’ with a bright smile. The animals from the forest were also bringing him to Ian when he was about to fall asleep.
— When Ian realized his feelings, thanks to Lilith, he became much more open to Silver and started to hang out with him even more. Whenever he spotted him sleeping, he came next to him and let him rest on his shoulder until he woke up. Whenever the bell rang, he gently woke him up with pokes and light shaking. If he’d wake up, he accompanied him to his classes to make sure he doesn’t fall asleep. If he didn’t, he’d wait until he does.
🗡️ “...Oh...”
🦉 “Good morning Silver...”
🗡️ “How long have you been here..?”
🦉 “I just came...”
🗡️ “How long have I been sleeping..?”
🦉 “I dunno, but the classes ended a few minutes ago.”
🗡️ “I... missed a class...”
🦉 “We can take some notes from Kalim. He was your classmate, right?”
🗡️ “Mhm, we can.”
*Ian smiles.*
🦉 “Then let’s go!”
🗡️ “Wait, right now?”
🦉 “...I forgot you woke up a few moments ago... Sorry.” 😔
🗡️ “It’s okay, don’t worry. Now let’s go.”
🐺 Wildlife Wonders 🐇 (Jack Howl x Elsie Laranetta)
Partially flirty actress with split personality x tsundere wolf jock, as to put it shortly
Their feelings form at the very start, during the ceremony when they were about to get sorted to their dorms.
— When Jack realized his feelings, he pushed them away and focused more on his training, his classes, his assignments and etc. He tried to distract himself with anything he could find, but no matter what he did, Elsie wasn’t getting out of his thoughts. Until he couldn’t take it anymore...
— When Elsie realized her feelings for him, she laughed it off and thought to herself that she can’t be falling in love before graduation. She eventually comes to realization that she was indeed in love with him and brings up the courage to hang out with him more unless he is busy.
🐺 “I know you’re here Elsie, come out.”
🐇 “M’kay, you got me Jackie...”
🐺 “Hey, I told you to not call me that!”
🐇 “Sorry, old habits die hard I guess... So, what should I call you then?”
🐺 “Just Jack’s fine...”
🐇 “Gotcha...”
🐺 “...”
🐇 [She sits next to him.] “...”
🐺 “...Nngh, why are you even here?”
🐇 “I thought maybe we could hang out when you’re done..?”
🐺 “Sorry, I got a lot of work done to the next week...”
🐇 “Oh, I see... Good luck then!”
[Elsie kisses his cheek.]
🐺 “..!”
[Then she leaves, closing the door behind.]
Confession: Jack couldn’t push his feelings anymore, he searched for Elsie and found her under a tree crying. He immediately went there and comforted her, then asked her what’s wrong. She told him what was bothering her, including him busying himself with anything which made her think she did something to upset him, and after a moment of silence he told her why he did that; to hide his own feelings. Not long after he was done talking did he get a small kiss on the lips. He then embraced her with his tail wagging fast.
🦈 Underwater Danger 🧜🏻‍♀️ (Floyd Leech x Coral Viotto)
Moody eel x future songstress, basically
Their feelings towards each other started when they met in Night Raven College, and it grew and grew to this day.
— When Floyd realized his own feelings, he tried deny them. Since some of the mermaids are able to get people to follow them to the depths of the sea, Floyd thought Coral did the same to him. So, he went to give her a squeeze, but he was later stopped by Jade and a shocked Azul. So, Jade sat him down, and the three talked about what he is really feeling. After realizing that this is, in fact, a new feeling, he got scared but then he gradually relaxed as he noticed that it wasn’t as bad as it looked. He gradually started to hang out with her even more.
— When Coral realized her own feelings, she simply smiled and let out a soft laugh. But in her head, she was panicking. She knew him for the longest time, and knew about his mood swings. She thought that she might be rejected because he “doesn’t feel like it”. But at the same time, she wanted to hang out with him too. She kept doubting her feelings as she thought they would just go away, but much to her dismay, they didn’t go away. Instead, they just grew and grew and grew bigger. So, she decided to hide them from everyone.
🦈 “Coraaaaaaal~”
🧜🏻‍♀️ “Yes, Floyd?”
🦈 “How about we study together today? I promise it’ll be fun~”
🧜🏻‍♀️ “...Alright, but we will do this after the shift. Is it alright?”
🦈 “Yaaaaay~!”
🐍 Desert Puppeteer 🧵 (Jamil Viper x Farah Alnazar)
Basically, the enemies to lovers trope.
Emotionally constipated man x upbeat and cocky tomboy
— When Jamil realized his own feelings, he obviously pushed them off at first. It made him feel a bit disgusted of himself for falling in love with a former thief. But after watching her closely, he realized that she wasn’t anything like before. She wasn’t calling anyone “weaklings”, “bugs” or anything of these sorts, she wasn’t insulting or hurting anyone. She was just being polite to them. He smiled, but the smile immediately dropped when the realization dawned on him. He fell for the former thief. He fell for a thief. He is now in love with a thief. He tried to shake himself off of this feeling, but they were now completely mixed-up.
— When Farah realized her feelings, she grinned. It was the time when she found herself thinking for handsome he looks after the club practice. She went “No no noooo! I can’t think of him like that~!”, but realization hit her. But she didn’t deny them. She openly showed her feelings to him without making him realize that he is her crush now.
🧵 [smooches his cheek]
🐍 “Hey! What was that for, thief?!”
🧵 “For luck, Jamal.”
🐍 “..! ...My name isn’t Jamal!”
🧵 “Yeah, it’s Jamil Viper. The oh-so-magnificent vice head of Scarabia.”
🐍 [He groans.]
🧵 “Anyway, good luck on your practice.. Jamal.”
🐍 [He huffs and walks away.]
🍎 Poison Apple Jam 💧 (Epel Felmier x Vivienne Schönheit)
Country boy who wants to be manly but gradually learns to use his appearance to his own benefit x city girl who is an actress but dreams of living in a peaceful village (long, I know, but that’s how I sum it up-)
Since Vivi is Vil’s stepsister and she is with her brother for the most of the time, it’s quite hard for them to hang out. But ever so often, she sneaks out and searches for Epel to hang out with him.
Here is also how they met before!!
— When Epel realized his feelings, he tried to push them off because it felt wrong to fall for her. Even if they were not related by blood, she was still Vil’s sister. He just couldn’t bring himself to talk about it with anyone else. Soon, Rook and Vil realized something is amiss and they pulled him to the side to have a talk. When he admitted it, even if it was a bit forced, Rook wasn’t too surprised while Vil was... Let’s say that he put him in some seemingly impossible trials.
— When Vivienne realized her feelings, she tried to hide them. She tried to hide how she thought of hugging him and kissing his cheek. She thought Epel looked so cool when he was flying, playing Magift or whenever they chat, and cute whenever he tries to be manly in front of her. She opened this up to Rook first, because she knew Vil would get really overprotective of her if she would tell him that. Rook told her to embrace the feelings and tell them when she feels ready, so she did it.
🍎 “Vivi, I did something for you..” 😊
💧 “Oh?” 😯
[He gives her a small swan carved on an apple.]
💧 “Epel, you shouldn’t have...” 🫢
🍎 “Hehe~ Do you like it?” ☺️
💧 “I love it, thank you~!!” 😊
[She hugs him.]
🍎 “Ehehe~ You’re welcome..” 😊
💀 Deadly Mermaid 🦪 (Idia Shroud x Fawn Mortimer)
Childhood friends to lovers, but with a twist.
Her, Idia and Ortho know each other since they are little kids (4 - 6 - 6), so they are quite close. They have been there for each other when any of them needed help. They were really very close until an incident happened...
She came even when Ortho became the Ortho we know today, and spent time with Idia.
When they met in Night Raven College, both of them were shocked... Neither of them thought the other could make it.
— When Idia realized his feelings, the first one to notice was none other than Ortho. His entire hair went blue to bright pink, he grabbed his pillow and screamed. He found himself thinking about the scenario of her when she said she would like to go to a flower field with him sometime. Ortho comforted him in the end and told him that he fell for her.
🤖 “...So, you fell for Big Sister?” 😉
💀 “Y-y.... y-y...y...y...es...” 😖 😣
After he was convinced that it’s alright, which took a lot of time, he started to get out a bit more to see her and hang out with her if she has time. What he didn’t expect was, however, her starting to come to his room to play together at some point. (cue him going red-)
— When Fawn realized her feelings, she shut herself in her room for a few weeks. She was scared of these feelings because they felt overwhelming in her mind. Later, she searched from the internet if it’s alright to feel like this. She was relieved when she got her answer, and she came out of her room. It made her smile a lot, laugh a lot, enjoy the moments a lot... So she made sure that this new feeling was positive. After that, she began to visit Idia after her classes and shifts and hung out with him and Ortho.
💀 (tablet voice) “So, how was your day?”
👻 (notepad) “It was alright, I guess... What about you? Did the trio you were talking about chase you again?”
💀 (tablet voice) “LMAO nope. They fortunately didn’t.”
👻 (notepad) “Good!”
🔔 Scorched Bells 🕯️ (Rollo Flamme x Fleur Dominique)
Emotionally constipated man 2.0 x literal sunshine with lots of love and care for everyone but herself.
This was the love at first sight, I tell you, with Rollo falling for her first and Fleur falling harder~ :)
— When Rollo realized his feelings for Fleur, he thought she put a spell on him so he started to stay away from her as much as possible, like drowning himself in work and saying he has lots of plans when he doesn’t have anything. He later realized that his feelings weren’t the result of a spell, but rather his heart that yearned for her.
— When Fleur realized her feelings for Rollo, she thought it was unacceptable and kept telling herself that there would be no way someone as serious and dedicated as him would like someone like her. But she also helped him out to lessen his workload, which failed for the most of the time.
🔔 “Fleur, if you do not mind me asking...”
🕯️ “Yes, President Rollo?” 😊
🔔 “...Why are you in my room?”
🕯️ “I wanted to help you out with the papers, so you could have a bit more free time in hand. It’s not so good to tire yourself out, you know?” 😟
🔔 “That is some wishful thinking... However, it is not necessary to go out of your way and do something like this. Please refrain from doing it again.”
🕯️ “...I see...” 😔
[Fleur stands up and quietly leaves the room...]
[Rollo sighs as he sits down, noticing almost all the papers are done.]
🔔 “...Whatever shall I do with you, Fleur...”
🔔 *He puts his hand over his heart with a faint blush on his cheeks.*
🦊 [NO NAME YET] 🪄 (Fellow Honest x “Phantom”)
🏷️ Taglist: @achy-boo @ameleii @iseethatimicy @asmodeusdarling @glowingsleepystarry @hyac1nthus @pixxlate @thehollowwriter @tisafinedayforsimping
❥ Last Updated: May 1st
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demonichikikomori · 1 year
Hi D, Sakura 🌸 here! So this summer has been major bumsville and today I went Through It (basically my possibly - still figuring that out - neurodivergent brain absolutely freaked out over something small) and I decided to start collecting commissions from writers I like so that I have comforting fics that were tailored towards me to read the next time I feel like —> 😭🤯😰🫨🫠 I’d love to commission you but in all my years of reading fan fiction, I’ve never done it before! I’ve read through your commission rules but I just wanna double check if you are still accepting them as of right now and ask how exactly I ask for it 😫 Like do you need my first name, a detailed or concise summary of the plot, should I send it as a message (I’ve got a tumblr account!) or an ask? Pls help lol I’m lost
Ah! Welcome back to my page my dear Sakura!~!
I can understand summer being a lil’ lame this year. As you get older, it becomes a lot less magical than when you were in school. Even vacations aren’t as fun with the looming thought of returning to work. It’s a bit exhausting! But that’s okay, living in the present is much easier than thinking too far ahead. Neurodivergent… I understand completely.
Ah! You haven’t commissioned before? I promise it’s a super exciting experience for the first time! Knowing you can get something custom to your personal tastes… It makes it all the more special that you have a book written just for you! <3
I am still accepting commissions and my slots are open for certain word lengths. Do keep in mind that I have three others I am currently working on and I am going back to my full time job on Monday so I won’t have a lot of time to work on it. But I do offer the option to let the customer see the link I work on so they can see me work and offer comments if they’d like! However, in recent times, most of those who have ordered from me have preferred a surprise!
So, when reaching out, most anons of mine have secondary accounts or won’t mind using their mains! You don’t have to give me anything super detailed at first, we can work on an outline and I’ll ask you some detailed-ish questions to see if I’m following what you’re asking for.
Unfortunately when writing a commission, not all the time to people link up with how they see a story being lined out. So I try to ask a lot of questions when possible so I know me and the person spending their money are on the same page.
But please don’t feel anxious. I’ll cheer you on for when that time comes for you! Just be confident! Don’t stress!
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0 notes
yakumtsaki · 2 years
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The crime career requires constant work-outs and Don is shredded now, looking good, king!
-I’d like to see Cyn cheat on me now!!!
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-Ok Donnie, I’m off to cheat on you!💗
So Cyn currently has 6 loves out of the desired 20: 
1) Don 2) Culturally Appropriating Drama Professor 3) Town Slob 4) Matthew Hart 5) Castor Nova 6) Jack Do’s insane ass
And now the time has come to add Malcolm Landgraab, our dead grandmother’s lover, to this exquisite collection. Malcolm insultingly didn’t fall in love with Cyn on the first date, but tonight we seal the deal!
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We arrive at FM where the Count and Mary Gavigan beating each other up by the front door immediately puts us in a romantic mood.
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-That’s the most disgusting light I’ve seen in my life, I thought you were rich!!!🌸 -I am! That’s my entire identity, but *I* thought you didn’t care about that stuff!
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-I’m sorry, Malcie, of course I don’t! All I need to be happy is a photobooth to publicly cheat on my husband in!💗
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I try to send these two to do some karaokeing but it’s occupied by the local flasher so I guess we’ll cut right to the chase:
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Drain the life out of him, Cyn! 
(While we’re succubus-ing Malcolm you might notice that the painting in the background is on the floor, I downloaded a default replacement that made all the base game paintings height adjustable. Soon after I realized I don’t have the patience to go fix them in all the community lots Cyn is gonna be fornicating in so I deleted it, but the weird paintings are gonna be in a couple more places.)
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Photobooth time, hang on to your life force, Malcolm!
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We got you, sucker!!!! 7 down, 13 to go.. fml.
One thing I’ve noticed about Cyn that really intrigues me is she never EVER falls in love with these flops first, or even at the same time as them. Like it really takes a while for her to get there, high standards icon.
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We do really need her to get there though, because I don’t think it counts towards the LTW if the love is not mutual, but thankfully one more classy photobooth romp does the trick. The cute ‘in love’ melody has barely stopped playing when I hear the awful ‘out of love’ one and I’m like WTF where did that come from-
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-and it turns out it came from our old friend Jack Do who was also on the premises and IS FURIOUS that he’s not the only guy Cyn is cheating on Don with. Jack Do bro for real, wtf is your problem?? First you break up Cyn and Don, then you bring your oppressive mother along on a date, and now this? Can you get a grip??
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I guess seeing Jack Do brought up some sweet memories of getting caught cheating by Don, because Cyn now wants to ‘Ask Malcolm Home’ and presumably introduce him to her husband, Cyn ffs. 
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We say goodbye to Malcolm, and go APOLOGIZE to Jack Do. God this is humiliating, but they have 3 bolts and we’ve already done so much work with this freak that I refuse to let it all go to waste.
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-Jackie I’m SO sorry for cheating on Don with someone that wasn’t you! I should have realized monogamy is something very near and dear to your heart!🌸
-Keep those flower emojis behind you teeth, Cyneswith! Mother was right about you, you are a liar and a temptress and I never wanna see you again!!
WOW well your loss, asshole! Sorry I made you apologize to this loser, Cyn.
-It’s ok, always useful to practice my fake apologies, huhu!💗
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We immediately move on to this guy whose name I don’t remember, it was J-something. Jeff? Whatever. We strike gold as ProbablyJeff also has 3 bolts with Cyn (who doesn’t at this point), so I’m like great, we lost a Jack we’ll get a Jeff- 
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-and then PJ pulls this pro-gamer move and cucks himself. Interesting strategy. The Jack Do shit has me paranoid though that another one of Cyn’s lovers is lurking so we refuse the date..
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..and go hug the Good Witch’s magical cat. Those Union genes istg, Cyn your cab’s been honking for 5 minutes, can we fuck off home please? Lord knows we have cats there too.
-But this one’s magic!💗
Our cats are magic too!
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Magically stupid that is, as the kittens keep getting trapped in this fucking gap on our porch and somehow they can get in but they can’t get out. They’re so tiny I keep losing sight of them and don’t realize they’re trapped, we’ve gotten like 20 warnings ‘you need to take better care of your pets’ blabla-
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-and apparently our butler shares the mental capacity of the average kitten because he keeps dumping trash on the porch gap of all places and then he can’t pick it up so he wastes all day there whining uselessly. Charitable queen Sophie went to help his dumb ass and she got stuck, this is the porch from Hell.
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I finally put a fence around the whole thing but even that wasn’t enough to quench the butler’s thirst for garbage-porching and now we got cockroaches, perfect! 
Please note in the pic above that three sims rushed to the site of the cockroaches and of those three, two of them went there to freak out and only one went there to actually spray the roaches. Like when I tell you guys that Sophie is singlehandedly keeping these morons alive, there’s really nothing she could do to make me hate her-
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BRUH. Literally the most critical thing to making this generation manageable was having the kids late af aka after the awful LTW’s had either been completed or were near completion. Like I’ve been having a ridic hard time with this many sims and this many pets, literally just keeping everyone fed has been a struggle and now, BABIES. FML
And it is of course gonna be babies, plural, because I need the Shaj and Cyn spawns to be the same age. So here you go Donaldo, it’s the day we’ve all been waiting for, curse us with your DNA:
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-Moonflower finally! We’re gonna be parents! We’ll have a little baby that’s half me, half you!
-Well, let’s hope for a slightly different distribution there, Donnie🌸
Man, Cyneswith’s face is legit me. 
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THANK GOD not twins. Small mercies. (I legit never use that ACR pregnancy scan thing but I just HAD to know)
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-Man, I’m so hungry all of a sudden!
Sophie I hate you so much.
-I know, baby, I know.
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somebrokensaiyan · 2 years
You know how in dragon ball xenoverse 2 you can be like the top soldier in Frieza’s army and the player is basically best buds with Appule? Since Appule is on the table, may I request a male reader that is so busy with work that he hasn’t had any free time? And Appule just misses him too much he just goes up to the reader, talks to him about it, and after the conversation, Appule realizes his feelings for the reader?
🌸Hey lovely! I’m so sorry this took ages! But I’m finally here to give you the Appule content that you deserve!🌸
💗Ps I’m also sorry if I got a little off of what your requested, I hope you still love it-💗
“You’re Too Dear to Me”
Appule x M!Reader
This one has a bit of angst but there’s some good ol’ comfort in the end!
Word count:2,373 words
Warning(s):Swearing, slight homophobia
When you first joined the Frieza Force, as expected, you were placed among the lower ranks until you could prove your worth. At the bottom, you met many other soldiers who seem to all have the same boring personality. Every voice, face, and name blended into one another. No one ever caught your attention or interest or struck any interesting conversation. That was until you came across a soldier by the name of Appule.
When you first met Appule, you both instantly connected. Appule was just such a sweetheart. It was a nice break from all of the gruff, brutish men that surrounded you on a day to day basis(which didn't entirely bother you too much). With Appule's sweet and nervous nature you wondered why he was on the Frieza Force at all, or how he hasn't been eaten up yet.
But you were glad he was here. You couldn't even imagine what your life would be like without him. You realized that for once in your life you actually had something to lose, and you vowed to yourself you damn well wouldn't lose him.
And so you trained. Hard. Ever single day.
You'd take high risk tasks and come back with a new and higher rank every time. A few scars of course too. Scars that you get to show off to Appule!
"Why don't you ever take the easier jobs like everyone else? You're such an over achieving (Y/N)." Appule chuckled as he traced his fingertips across the scars on your skin.
He'd always say that after you came back from a mission all scathed. He'd always say it in a light tone, but he hated seeing you like this. He hated seeing you hurt, knowing you're missions are only going to get more extreme from here on out. He's witnessed it firsthand plenty of time before after all. All the rookie recruits way over their heads and set on being the best, all whom rarely lasted a month. He did have hope for you though. He knew you were different. He could just feel it.
"There's no risk without reward! And the reward is pretty sweet." You replied.
"Yeah..." Appule half-chuckled.
You looked to see Appule hanging his head, his gaze at the floor and his shoulders slack.
"Hey, what's up buddy?" You said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"It's just..." Appule looked up at you, locking eyes for a moment. "Don't...forget about me okay?"
"...what?" You titled your head.
"You've really been climbing up the ranks (Y/N)... and...I am...so, so proud of you but...I'm afraid with every step you take, you'll leave me more and more behind." Appule clenched his fist as he tried to let every word fall off his tongue without his voice choking up.
"Appule...Buddy...I would never forget about you...how could I? Come on...you can't get rid of me that easily!" You said, giving him a light punch in the arm.
"OWWWWW!!" Appule yelped.
"OH SHIT SORRY-" You panicked realized how much strength you accidentally put into that punch. "I underestimated my self- a-are you okay???" You say, keeping a safe distance between you and your hands.
"Y-yeah- I'm fine..." Appule chuckled with a pained smile.
"I'm- I'm going to grab an ice pack for you- do you- do you want an ice pack?" You ask as you start making your way out Appule's room.
"YES PLEASE-" Appule said still holding onto his arm.
"I'm going to get you an ice pack-"
There was so much more that Appule wanted to say to you that night. That night when he finally realized just how enamoured he had become with you. How much he really couldn't bare to lose you. But he knew he'd probably lose more than he gained with confession like that. He didn't even know if you were into men, and even if you were, he highly doubted you'd be into a man like him.
He just didn't want to lose you.
He couldn't.
But...he was starting to.
You kept getting assigned more and more dangerous missions because no one else could or would take them. Causing you to see Appule less and less.
Appule would often call you and ask to hang out and watch a movie, and you would often have to turn his offers down after being exhausted from your last mission, knowing you had another the next day you needed to be ready for.
Appule would never even catch you walking the same halls as him anymore. The most he'd see you is passing by one another in Frieza's throne room. A place where you could never have idle chat. Only smiles and silent waves.
Appule's calls soon ceased. There was nothing but radio silence between the two of you for a long while. It seemed he finally accepted that he has once again been left to be forgotten.
Until a particular call found it's way to Appule.
"Appule Speaking." Appule said, answering the call.
"Appule, this is Zarbon. I know you and (Y/N) are very close so I think it's best that you hear this... I just got word that (Y/N)'s last mission didn't go as planned and he's now being rushed to medical. His condition is...I'd advise you get there as soon as you can."
Appule felt his stomach sink as he heard those words.
He immediately terminated the call and began sprinting to Med.
"No (Y/N). Not like this...please...please...I can't lose you. I need you..." Appule pleaded within his mind as he ran as hard as he could.
It was there that he managed to catch you just as they were bringing you in.
"(Y/N)!" Appule's voice cried out.
"A..Appule?" You strained.
Appule's heart damn near shattered when he heard how weak your voice sounded.
"(Y-Y/N), oh my- what happened to you?! Is he going to be okay? is he going to be okay?!" Appule's sobbed as he saw just how broken up you were. He's seen many other soldiers as injured as you were. He knew those soldiers rarely came out alive.
"Someone get him out of here." An irritated doctor commanded.
The two soldiers that carried (Y/N) in had began escorting Appule out.
"NO! STOP! PLEASE! I need to be with him!" Appule shouted, struggling against the two who had his arms locked.
The soldiers just chuckled to each other.
"So it is true huh?" The shorter solider chuckled. "You and (Y/N)?"
"Don't worry, you'll see your boyfriend soon enough. Once they bring the body bag to carry him in." The taller one joked, causing both of the soldiers to erupt in laughter.
Appule managed to break one of his arms free and jab his elbow in the taller soldier's stomach, and then biting the shorter's tail.
One soldier haunched over holding his stomach, while the other teared up holding his tail.
"HE BIT MY FUCKING TAIL!" The shorter one yelled.
"WheN ThE fUCK diD he gET sTRONG?!" The shorter one strained.
Appule rushed back into the medical room, seeing the doctor struggling to get you into the recuperation tank.
"Finally... can you two idiots help me get him u- What? You? Oh whatever- JUST HELP ME-" The doctor yelled, frustrated as he nearly dropped you on the floor.
Appule wasted no time rushing over to assist the doctor in getting you situated and stationed in the recuperation tank.
The doctor started up the tank which soon began filling up with healing liquid. You were so still. The only sign that you were still breathing were the bubbles that'd exit your mask every few seconds.
"So...." Appule looked at the doctor, his voice and body trembling. Afraid to ask his question. "Will he-"
"He's stabilized. His wounds were incredibly extensive, worser than he's ever had before." The doctor sighed and cleaned his glasses. "Only time will tell." The doctor said walking away to go sit at a desk.
Appule stayed by the tank. Watching each breath you took, so fearful they'd cease.
"Y/N..." his voice whimpered softly to himself as he sat down by your tank.
There's no telling how many hours had gone by until the doctor finally came by and found Appule just sitting there, a broken man by the tank. He just sighed and patted him on the shoulder.
"C'mon sport. Help me get him out. He should regain consciousness soon." The doctor said as he began draining the healing liquid from the tank.
Appule's tear stained face lit up when he heard the doctor's words and was quick to get on his feet.
"He's okay?" Appule asked, tears threatening to well up in his eyes again.
"He's going to experience a bit of fatigue for a few days so make sure he doesn't do any work for a while. He may be a bit sore but that's nothing new to him."
There are no words to describe how happy and relieved the doctor's words left him feeling. He wasted no time helping him get you on a bed and situated for when you awoke.
Bright lights fought with your ability to see clear or open your eyes as you came into consciousness. Your vision had been blurry as you looked around trying to gather your senses. It took a few tries before you were finally able to make out a familiar shape.
"A...ppule?" You tried to speak. You saw Appule smiling...but he was also crying. "Appule- h..ey- wha..wr..ong...bud…?"
"YOU NEARLY DIED YOU BIG DUMB IDIOT!" Appule yelled at you as his slammed his fist into your gut before laying his arm atop you and resting his head on your chest as an embrace. "D-dont ever scare me like that again okay?!"
You looked down at Appule as he sobbed on your chest. You wasted no wrapping your arms around him and holding him close.
"Hey now...I'm okay Appule...you have nothing to worry about...I'm fine see?" You said, trying to reassure him.
Appule lifted himself up to look you in the eyes.
"But it's not fine..." He said. "This isn't okay...why do you do this? You know it's only going to kill you! It's practically killed you already...you're not you anymore..you've changed..."
"I...have?" You asked.
"Yes...you're so...so distant now...I never get to see or hear from you anymore...you..forgot abo-"
"No.." you cut him off. "I told you..." You cupped the side of his face, making him go stiff as you looked so intensely into his eyes. "I would never forget about you. I could NEVER, forget about you, Appule. You're far too...dear to me..."
Appule looked deep into your gaze before his lip began to quiver once more, a tear falling from his face as he asked "then why? Why do you still do all of this? Why do risk so much? Do you want to be number one so badly?"
"I never did this for the ranks Appule....I did it for you. I just...wanted to be strong. Strong enough to protect you. I wanted to keep you safe and destroy anyone who so much as looked at you funny. I'll admit..I climbed higher than I needed too. I should've backed down the moment we began losing one another, and for that I am..so sorry." You confessed to him.
"You..." Appule stared at you, wide-eyed for a moment. "You did all of this...for me...?"
You simply nodded before Appule embraced you once more.
"You...big dumb idiot..." He chuckled between soft receding sobs.
"Hey, I'm only a big dumb idiot for you." You laughed.
Appule leaned in on you as he laughed. You leaned in as well, laughing and basking in this beautiful and soft moment.
Once you and Appule's laughter died down, you were left with the silence of your shared gaze. Your face had been so close to his, and as much as Appule tried to hide it, you caught him glancing at your lips before he began leaning back.
However, you were quick to stop him as you place your hand behind his head, pulling him close once more so that you could place a soft kiss on his cheek.
He stares at you stunned for a moment.
"Hmm..." You hummed. "Didn't know you could turn red."
Appule sputtered for a moment before pulling you into a sloppy, but loving kiss.
You wasted no time leaning in and holding him tightly to your frame.
"Y/N- suffocating- sUFFOCATING" Appule wheezed.
"Oh right- sorry-" You said, loosening your embrace.
You both turned your heads to see the doctor with his arms crossed. You and Appule began to sputter and try to play off the situation best you could, but the doctor simply shook his head.
"Look. I don't care if you kids make out or create some abomination of an offspring. I ask that you simply don't do it in my workspace." The doctor said.
"Sorry-" You said. "We'll get out of your hair right away-"
"Yeah-" Appule nodded as the doctor just walked away, back to his desk.
When he was out of sight you and Appule looked at each other and erupted in a small fit of giggles.
"Alright...let me get you back to your room..."
Appule helped get you from the table and to the floor. He put your arm around his shoulder to help support you when you walked, but you only winced and yelled in pain when he did this.
"WHAT- Oh Y/N I'M SO SORRY- Are you alright what happened?!" Appule asked as he tried to figure out what ailed you.
"My arm- AGH- it-..." You sucked in a quick breath through gritted teeth.
"I'm so sorry Y/N- show me where does it hurt- doctor- DOCT-" Appule began freaking out until you started laughing.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just messing with you." You said between laughs until you felt Appule throw a surprisingly hard punch into your arm.
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