#maybe I’ll have to sing one of my super sad ballads and see if I can make you sob
vitaminwaterreviews · 10 months
IU - Palette
Like Perfect Velvet, this was an album of two halves for me. The first half was a bit faster, the second half was a bit slower. And as you can guess, my ratings more or less track.
I do think it’s an incredibly cohesive album though. The song Palette is a minimalist song, and the entire album follows that cue. The only song which feels completely saturated sonically is Jam Jam - everything else has quite some empty space. That’s not a bad thing inherently; it’s just a thing. And it really helps the theme of the album, I think. A “palette” is something you use to make art; it is not, traditionally speaking, the art itself. Thus the palette is kind of a pre-art; it’s more simple, in a way, than the artwork.
IU’s voice continues to be gorgeous; half of these songs would have dropped a point or two if any other vocalist had done them. This is clearly an album that was created for IU to sing; the songs showcase her voice, and her voice specifically. That said, the features also fit pretty well. G-Dragon does feel a tad out of place on Palette, but the lyrical content of his verse makes up for it. The duet lines with Oh Hyuk were super pretty, fantastic addition to the album. Average rating of 7.8 which might be a tad too low, but it’s about right. Some really good songs, but ultimately I’m just not a huge fan of the quiet ballads that the second half of the album became.
I know Palette and Jam Jam, and I love them both. Also, full disclosure, I’m not using my usual headphones for this one, I’m using my earbuds. They’re reasonably good quality earbuds, but they’re no headphones. If the quality is too much of an issue then I’ll figure something out.
Oh, I definitely recognize this though
Haha, “wow, wow, wow”, cute
I really enjoy the instrumentation of this
Also structurally, how it alternates between soft and loud
Really cute, fun, classic IU
I found this song recently enough that it wasn’t on my Favorites list last time I updated it
I suspect it would end up somewhere in the top 20
I always loved this music video. It’s so simple that it really lets IU’s beauty shine. In the same way that the song is simple enough that it lets her voice shine.
I also love the minimalist style in general. Like, all of these shots could be wallpapers
(In fact I currently have a couple of shots from this video as my phone wallpapers)
The g-dragon part of the MV (and song tbh) does feel a bit off
Maybe it’s smoother if you can read the korean
But otherwise it’s kind of just glamor shots of IU while someone else sings to her
Ending Scene
Well this sure is romantic
Just piano and vocals so far
The MV shares a similar color palette with Palette
Oh no, what’s wrong
Why is it all grey now
Why is she all sad oh no this is so sad what
And now they’re happy?
Okay wait I don’t get at all what’s going on here
I bet the lyrics would sure help here
Bro the symbolism here is going way over my head but it certainly seems deep
The scissors - she cut him down and now she’s cutting herself down
And now what, she died?
Okay that won’t do, let me go look the plot of that MV up before I judge it
I see. Hmmm… I dunno. It definitely follows nicely from Palette
Can’t Love You Anymore (With OHHYUK)
Oh okay, this guy has a pretty voice
Instrumentation is incredibly simple. Probably a theme for this album then?
This duet section is gorgeous
Have I ever mentioned how much I love IU’s voice?
Jam Jam
The fact that they teased us with a clip for this song and never produced a whole MV is literally criminal
Actually, since I’m familiar with the song, let’s pull up a lyric video this time around
Woah okay, I knew this song was sultry, I didn’t realize it was Bad lol
I really, really love the sound of this song. From a purely sonic perspective, this might be my favorite IU song
Mkay, so it’s kind of “bad romance” vibes
9/10, love this song
Black Out
This is rather synthy for IU
I’m not sure I like it either, we’ll see
Otherwise, still very minimal, still prominent voice
Hmm… That guitar there is also a bit odd
Where’s the chorus at
This reminds me of an f(x) song, I can’t remember which one
Yeah I dunno tbh. It’s trying to do a lot and yet also be minimal and idk about that
Oh okay, we get a guitar solo
Hmm… I really don’t know about that one
6/10 to be honest, it was alright, but I am not convinced by it
Full Stop
Piano now
Oh, some flute, nice
Maybe it’s a clarinet actually? This lower register sounds more clarinet-y
Through The Night
Is that a book in her hand?
Woah that was loud
What a tiny microphone haha
She’s knitting!! Sakura knits too
Guitar and vocals
That shot of the pond was gorgeous
A little flower hair clip
These harmonies are exactly what this song needed
Ball of yarn!
Broken mirror
This is minimalist too, but in a different way than Palette
8/10 for the MV
Love Alone
Now we’re even quieter
Talk about intimate, I can hardly hear her
Alright guitar, pop off
Yeah, songs like this are kind of annoying, because they’re probably great if you know what she’s saying, but I don’t
I can appreciate just how Quiet she is though. Kpop tends to be obsessed with loudness
Dear Name
More quiet, more piano
Kind of hoping for a crazy high note, not much of that in this album yet
Oh no, it’s a Proper slow jam, oh god
At least it’s an IU slow jam, so her voice is enough to carry it well
0 notes
timextoxhajima · 3 years
The Boyz as things and feelings (just cause)
this is a small thing @haechanhues​ needed help with so i decided to make it an actual post uwu [this is gonna be pretty long cause i might write little scenarios]
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mirrors make a place look bigger than it really is - i feel like sangyeon has that ability to make you feel like you’re more important on your worst days
the things he’ll do just to make sure you’re alright, even when he knows you’re not
he also has the ability to reflect what you need: sad? he’ll come and hug you and let you cry or talk about your shitty day. happy? he’ll joke about the way you snort while laughing then he’d probably do something dumb to keep the energy up there
mirrors also feel very private and at-home, and that exactly how i feel he curates an environment
pillows are self-explanatory ig, smth to cry into, smth to fall asleep with while hugging, has the best homely scents ever, very comfortable
i imagine going home after a long day and finding your partner also tired, but he’s cooking or like in the couch watching tv and he just invites you into his arms uwu
“tell me about everything! whatever that makes you happy or sad and i’ll try my best to be who you need at that point of time!”
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ok like jacob with a guitar is just a stellar sight to behold, he looks like he was born to hold one, and his vocals are super underrated imo, most of tbz’s discography doesnt really suit his voice - i really wish he had a chance to have more lines in more ballads or maybe even a solo thing
he would drag you out to go on walks after he knows you’ve buried yourself in your work the whole day, and he’d be the kind to stop at a pretty flower and contemplate plucking it but he wouldn’t cause he’s a fairy and wouldn’t hurt a fly, much less a pretty flower
would probably play a piece in the background while you’re stressed w work and hum a tune so the singing wouldn’t distract you
would stop when he notices you stopped working and your sad ass is probably crying lmao
he’s a very soft and gentle man imo
he’s the innocent daisy amidst other bright colored, flamboyant flowers but he still stands out
“i’ll grow you a rose bush in the yard so i don’t have to be sad about plucking flowers next time.”
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he definitely radiates tsundere vibes on first sight, but when you get to know him, he’s obviously the opposite: a crybaby
but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t keep up his model-like appearances when he’s outside - in fact, he’d be the one to influence you into caring more about how you look (of course not materialistically, but more into actually caring about making yourself feel good with your fashion and appearance)
i chose winter coats as a symbol of coverage - he doesn’t show much of himself unless he’s close to you (like when you wear winter coats to keep warm, he’s a burrito because he doesn’t bother too much about sharing his feelings), but when he does, it feels like he has the ability to keep you warm and comfortable, even on the coldest days, even if his inner savage comes out
it’ll be like he scooped you into his coat and has you warm in one of this inner breast pockets
i see him as the kind to get regular coffee and like, a tart or something, at a cafe. it adds on to the warmth, when he remembers what you like. the details. maybe you like your coffee with cinnamon or less sugar or something, but then he tops it up with a muffin and he knows you like it heated up so he specifically asks for them to do so
ok but he’s defo the kind of guy that catches people’s attention at public spaces so every now and then when he’s laughing or smiling, some girl would gawk at him and he would be embarrassed about it, but lucky for you, you’re already wearing matching coats so they know the man’s taken uwu
“if only they knew how long it took to convince you to wear that coat.”
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classy but calm. dream-like but realistic. 
i say concerts as in the instrumental, ballad kinds. he loves it and he knows you probably need the sleep where you have that kind of background white noise/music that provides you the best quality of sleep there is. but when you’re not dosing off, he’s admiring how much time you’re willing to invest into being at something he loves
of course, in turn, he doesn’t complain much when you’re hungry and you meet him down the street at the nearest convenience store for some instant noodles and potato chips with a coke and he lets you ramble about your day 
he would probably buy you an ice cream just so you’d feel better, then regret it when you get a stomachache later cause it was like 2am in the morning
you probably have like 5 of his hoodies at home that you refuse to wash cause his scent is tainted all over it and the only time he gets to take them home is when he stays over or visits and he sneaks one into his bag when you’re in the kitchen making tea or a bowl of noodles
then you’ll get it back without even knowing it was gone
the kind that would probably surprise you after a day of work with a casual date idea to the movies, and i mean showing up at your place, impromptu, after he knows you’re home with two tickets 
“act like my girlfriend for once and go on a date with me, would you? your work isn’t going to be there with you when you die at 90.”
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as dumb and sometimes bimbotic as he seems he is, he’s gotten most of the visible constellations memorised and he would not hesitate from telling you all about his childhood with his family when they would travel and try to spot every single constellation they can remember
which brings me to the point where he remembers what you like, but... backhandedly. he doesn’t remember what you like but he remembers what you hate instead, so you don’t ever have to worry about getting that licorice flavoured jelly bean
he would offer a midnight walk to help you relieve your stress, cause he knows you just like seeing the nightsky amidst the peace and quiet while he rambles on for his own satisfaction. not everything has to be so emotionally attached and shared. you can share blissful moments without being the reason for each other’s and that’s totally fine.
juyeon is kind of a scaredy cat in the sense that he isn’t really into horror movies or games but he’s always had that dream to become a pilot and so for his birthday, you brought him to a vr game arcade where he played some plane simulator and ever since, you’ve been taking turns to surprise each other with a new vr arcade spot or adding on to the vr game console set you have at home
“maybe i should digitalise you so i can see you in the vr game”
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the best-friend kind of partner you would come across once in a lifetime
a billion film shots of you after he drags you to the karaoke and he beats you at super intense songs like the bohemian rhapsody just cause he can hit those high notes and solely because he was screaming on the floor when he did it
almost left his film camera behind 
absolutely LOVES those walks along streets where there are a million neon lights
would come across that one sus neon light signs that indicate a sex toy store and he would give you that sly smile and probably joke for you to go in 
kevin has a moon neon light in his room and you have a star or something (whatever you want)
corrects your grammar and pronunciation, only for you two to bicker about it even more when you use google translation and there are different pronunciations depending on where/what accent you’re using
he really is your light in the dark, even if he’s known to be introverted. once he’s comfortable enough with you, he makes you feel like the most important person in the world
has one of those portable speaker microphones at home and he drones on and on and on with some billie eilish song until you hurl a pillow at him
“so you’re the tough girl, like it really rough girl, justcan’tgetenoughofkevingirl, chest always so puffed girl”
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(i could not find a more candid, softer aesthetic pic for chanhee rip)
his entire wardrobe fits you - the only problem is that he’ll never let you wear it in fear that you’d stain or tear something
shared playlists because that’s how similar your taste in music is, and so sometimes when you have your earpiece in and you’re humming the melody of that song, chanhee picks it up immediately despite not hearing that song, and ends up harmonising with you
got kicked out of the library once or twice because it was exam period and the two of you won’t shut up
ironically doesn’t sing that much if you’re not around
chanhee is a true blue introvert - which is a miracle that you’ve managed to tear through that barrier of his and find out that he giggles at every stupid thing you do: he’s having a bad day? trip over the pavement. he’ll laugh. it works
dragging him out to go strawberry picking was so difficult - but of course chanhee isn’t safe from how beautiful and enticing the fresh fruits were.
didn’t touch anything strawberry flavoured OR any strawberries for the next month or so
his straightforwardness comes with the breakdown of his barrier - but that’s what brings you comfort. he will never lie, he will only be sarcastic and even then, you’d know it’s true
i used duets as a symbol of harmony and being in-sync, though never really exactly the same, and that’s how it is with chanhee. your thoughts are very similar even though he’s much more introverted than you, but that’s what binds you 
“i’m gonna tell the librarian i don’t know you if we get kicked out again.”
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city tours - the kind that you already know inside out and yet you STILL travel the area as if you were a tourist 
that’s exactly how it is with changmin: you know him inside out, after being friends for so long, but it never gets old
you’re used to him biting your hand out of nowhere and yet it startles you all the time. that stupid chucky doll in his living room? old, but it never fails to scare you
he doesn’t ever talk about it that much, but he loves it when you co-ordinate outfits
no, it doesn’t mean you wear couple tees, but it’s aesthetically pleasing to changmin that if he wears cool tones, you would too
he’d be reserved about his thoughts and feelings sometimes but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t think or feel them
there’s a strange sense of familiarity with changmin, because you kind of know what to expect but then you’re never disappointed, you know?
“i got you this white pigeon cause it looks like the one i already got... you can give it back to me if you don’t like it though-” /he takes it before you can accept it/
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there’s something about ju that makes it very casual and easy-going
he hates horror genred themes so fuck that, he would queue online just for the latest ali wong comedy show, even if it’s an online show, and he would laugh until he cried
sometimes he’s a drama queen but that makes it alot easier for you to know what he’s thinking or feeling - it makes communication alot easier
that means a lack of arguments
he’s also very empathetic but straightforward, exactly like how comedy shows are - because they are relatable, they are funny because they bring out the irony and sarcasm and all the dumb things in life that people are sometimes afraid of talking about and hak just says whatever he wants to say, even if he knows it might be hurtful or upsetting
he prioritises truth and honesty over anything else
it makes you a better person, honestly
beach walks - very calming, very liberating. he lets you yell and scream and kick sand back into the water because you can, and he does it with you
tries to teach you how to skip rocks but you suck and you can’t so he just pulls you away from the pile of rocks you amassed
“flick your wrist like that, not like you’re meowing!”
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he will NOT go easy on you in a friendly match: you might be one of the fastest players of the female team but he’s ruthless in his ball-stealing, so even if you were fast enough to keep the ball out of his reach, he’d still be able to snatch it right out between your feet
very, very competitive and does not like to lose
you would always play the ‘ladies first’ card but then he’d throw the ‘feminism’ card back at you 
sometimes you act more like siblings than anything else 
the only time when he isn’t fuming with competition is if you’re injured because he accidentally tackled you - he’ll gracefully give himself a yellow card before absolutely trashing you in the next match
has one foot into the production game recently - likes to play with the beat board and mixing tunes, and since you’ve had your hand in doing music remixes for a deejay job before, you’re there to identify which songs have the same bass line or beat counts for easier mixing
would make you a playlist of remixes but wouldn’t admit that he spent a whole day in the studio without you just so it would be a surprise
a soft boy stuck in the wraps of an egoistic man
“a day? please. i illegally downloaded half these remixes off the internet cause i’d think you’re too internet-dumb to find them.”
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full of impromptu, casual ideas to hang out 
baking is a fucking mess - why did he suggest it when he doesn’t even have the right ingredients?
wanted to replace eggs with water - like ok thats supposedly healthier, but why????????????
he likes cleaning so that was the only fucking bonus in baking - had to call his mom for help halfway through because the cookies looked more like goop than playdough
gave up in the end and he repaid his debt by helping clean your kitchen
tried to teach you how to skateboard, but he ended up falling off his own in the process and now he’s got a grazed knee 
the kind of person you’d have so much chaotic fun with, he’s that friend your mom told you to NOT hang out with that much if not you’d get run down by a car 
has the most fucking random pieces of clothing in his wardrobe, like where did he even get that pink coat from?
“no you have to do this and like lift up your leg and then kinda rest your weight on it before flicking your ankle and like- whOA- OH OW OHNO OHOHOH OW”
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m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s · 3 years
hehe, so i have been wanting to do one of these again for a while now, so here we are! but instead, we’re doing my youtube playlist, which has all the slowed, sadder versions of songs that i like. yes, i like sad songs, oops :P. ballads have always been my jam, probably always will be so, here are some songs from my playlist! once again, putting the playlist on shuffle and just going with the flow besides the occasional skip lol :P
people i feel like would like to see this: @loth-wolffe @weirdcharacter @ladykatakuri @ahsokasleftbicep
happier by olivia rodrigo but it’s ten times sadder
by wisterxiaa
i love slowed versions of songs, that is like the way to my heart lol 😂 this is really nice, her voice sounds really cool slowed down like this. the electric guitar in like the middle sounds so cool omgg. is it sad? yeah, a little, but it’s really nice slowed down like this. most of the time, the titles say this in my playlist, but i just like the way it’s slowed lol 😂. the thumbnail is so pretty 9/10, love the purple and the monarch butterflies :) overall, recommend this song when your in the mood for some olivia rodrigo, but a tad bit sadder. AND THE OOH’S AT THE END HIT DIFFERENT OMGGGG AND SHE SOUNDS SO BROKEN AND SOFT AT THE END APOBIHJ[OADSIJB
everybody loves somebody - dean martin (slowed n reverb)
by starclouds
pretty sure i got this song from General Angsty (if i didn’t, apologizes), but this slowed down verison HITS THE SPOT. i love his voice in this slowed way, it is so interesting. also, it’s reverb? like? yes, please. the thumbnail is actually a GIF that is a fountain, it’s pretty cool, 7/10, also this makes me wanna sway with like Echo or something (actually now that i think of it, i’m pretty sure i got this from General Angsty’s dancing post with the boys, which made me so SoFt omg :)) overall, recommend listen to this when you wanna sway with your lover in like a dance club, but your nestled into their neck and your pulled so close and it’s warm in their embrace :) the instruments also are really nice in this verison.
Clair De Lune Ethereal Remix
by A.Krishna
IF ALL MUSIC SUDDENLY BECAME ETHEREAL ON YOUTUBE, I WOULD MOST LIKELY CRY. so i love ethereal remixes, there’s just something so… whimsical about ethereal remixes. this song is so pretty and beautiful on ethereal omgggGGGg. the thumbnail is beautiful 10000000/10. I just- this sounds like a song you would use as like a look back through your entire life, like every memory and moment just appearing as this song plays WOW. and when the piano climax’s in the midDLE OMGGGG it is INSANE, LIKE THE EMOTIONS THAT GO THROUGH MY BRAIN AOBIASDNB and then it gets super soft and quiet aaaahhhh CAN YOU TELL I LIKE ETHEREAL?? IDK IF YOU CAN 😂 anyways, overall recommend this song when your just watching the rain fall and reminiscing about good times in your life :)
heather - conan gray ( slowed + reverb)
by Vibey
okay definitely this song is sadder slowed, like THE FEELS OMGG but it’s amazing slowed, like the original is awesome, AND THEN THIS???!! so the thumbnail is a really pretty GIF of this VHS tape just playing, and it’s purple so 10/10. this definitely brings the raspy part of his voice, and i really like it (or that’s just the reverb lol 😂) only thing i do not like about this slowed version is it cuts off the end of the song at the end of the video, and I don’t know why, but it’s still really good, so i don’t mind too much :). it’s very pretty and sad all at the same time. overall, recommend listening to this song when your just chilling, staring up at the ceiling and your like “let’s be a puddle of sad for a sec”
by Brown Aesthetic Syndrome
billie eilish - my future - slowed dreamy reverb
by ayabe
so this song is incredible, like it slowed really hits different. billie’s voice has always been so interesting to me because sometimes she sings like very whisper like, and other times she is full on belting like going insane, and i really like that she uses her voice in multiple different ways during her songs. billie is the number one artist i go to when i really wanna be in the feels, and this verison of my future is so amazing. the beat is so interesting, and the thumbnail is really cool 9/10, also i don’t know what the language is nor, do i know what it says, so if you do, let me know lol 😂 but the picture is cool. this song is one i listen to all the time because it’s just- yes. overall recommend this song when your chilling in bed, just in the dark, with the window open on a summer night :)
friends on the other side - s l o w e d
by angelicsounds
THIS IS SO EPIC SLOWED OMGGGGG I CAN’T NOT EVEN EXPLAIN AOBPINADOPBNF I REALLY FEEL LIKE A SPOOKY DUDE WHO KNOWS HOW TO DO SOME SPOOKY STUFF OMGGG i love the original song, and i also really like the cover by annapantsu, definitely recommend her verison too! this has got to be the coolest disney villain song slowed down, hands down. the thumbnail is a GIF of this anime character’s eyes doing weird looking highlight stuff lol idk what to call it, 8/10. overall, recommend when you wanna listen to a song that makes you feel like the main villain in a story :) AND THE ENDING HITS DIFFERENT OMGGGGGGGG
le valse de l’amour - patrick doyle (slowed down)
by mari
okay, so we all know that I love Cinderella. and this song is so incredible, i can’t- okay, but just imagine… the bad batch, undercover at a senate ball, you, trying to make sure the senators are safe. the boys are in their separate locations, you know, watching, making sure everyone is good. some random dude from out of nowhere tries to make you dance with him. you are obviously like “um, what the heck, please no sir.” and suddenly…
“may i have this dance?”
it’s Hunter (or crosshair, but i’ve written a fic about Hunter dancing with the reader, so i feel like he would be a good dancer).
anyways, he whisks you away from random dude, and your like “Hunter there’s no music” because the orchestra just finished their previous song, and he’s like
“just wait.”
bam, this song comes on.
and suddenly, Hunter’s waltzing with you and you didn’t even know he could waltz. and it’s exactly like the scene from Cinderella 2015. So you two are doing your own thing in the middle of the ballroom, and everyone starts moving out of the way because woah these people are really good at dancing
and you are just shocked because HOW??
and he just leads you through the whole thing. he spins you around, and if your wearing a dress and it’s got some tulle on it, it swishes around when he spins you and oh my god the butterflies and smile he gets when you giggle because you love the way it swirls around you. and then people start backing up more, because at this rate, you guys are taking up the whole dance floor.
and you just keep going, and he starts pick you up and spinning you around when the harp comes on. and he grabs you by the waist and starts swinging you around just like Kit & Ella do in the movie. and then the end of the song comes, and he dips you, brings you back up, and that’s it.
and when it’s all said and done, you just look at him, and well, he obviously looks extremely handsome, his suit is all pressed, and his hair is done back in a bun, but he’s got a few wisps coming out from your whole little dancing experience, and all you can say is:
“shhh, mesh’la. later. i’ll tell you later.”
anyways, thumbnail is a solid 11/10, and recommend if you wanna daydream about dancing at a senator ball with Hunter.
no i am not planning on writing a fic about this, what you you implying? okay, yes i am, i am. no shame 😂
sleeping beauty - once upon a dream (slowed + reverb)
by Paige Coddington
sleeping beauty is one of my favorite disney princesses besides rapunzel & cinderella, so i love this. The GIF is so pretty, 10/10. Aurora’s voice is pretty, and her vibrato is so much more prominent in this verison, and i am obsessed. this is so pretty, I- speechless, actually. and then philip comes in and it’s just ✨ also, i always like aurora in the pink dress when i was younger, but now i kind of like the blue dress more. they should have just given her a purple dress i guess lol 😂 overall, really pretty, recommend when you are in the mood for some more nostalgic disney vibes :)
D a n c i n g Q u e e n 女王
by v a p o r w a v e
okay so i originally found this on an edit of “the snap from avengers infinity war, but dancing queen” -
and when i tell you that the snap got even sadder, I-
anyways, i also really like vaporwave music, very interesting and very cool. i love the video because i’m pretty sure it’s the original music video, but it looks like your looking through a kaleidoscope, so 100000000/10. this song is so good vaporwave, like, just yes. like when i say this hits different, like for real, this hits different. ABBA is always good, but this by far has to be my favorite thing of ABBA music i have ever found. It’s like…
it’s just incredible.
like i said with the ethereal remix of clair de lune, this is like a song that you put on your life, and just look at all the memories and moments that have happened to you.
overall, recommend when you wanna just sit and think for awhile, or maybe make the snap from avengers infinity war sadder
and that’s it! i decided that i would just stick to 10, the other ones i have done are about 12, and i just thought it was a good number lol 😂 i hope you guys enjoy these as much as I do, and check out my pinned post to see them all linked on one post :)
lots of spells (& music listening),
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bomnun · 3 years
favourite pentagon b-sides? sorry if you've answered this before I'm just curious
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i may have answered this before but it’s a conversation I’m always down for, so… just from the top of my head … till pops up. i could listen to till for the rest of my life, but it’s also a song that fills me up and I get extremely into almost every time. it’s so overwhelming and the buildup to the climax and the vocals !! an all time favorite. seasons is such a beautiful song too, with such a natural wonderful flow. i don’t know why but i really am drawn to yuto songs, because camellia and dazzling are some of my favorites too. dazzling is so warm and hypnotic and the preview of it sounded horrible when they released it…I’m still amazed by how they made that song sound so bad . I’m still impressed they made me like a song with so much stylistic/repeated autotune because that’s something I despise in 98% of songs. one vocal delivery mixed weirdly can ruin an entire song for me… the singing doesn’t have to be flawless but if there’s a vocal sound effect in there that my ears doesn’t like…they just don’t 🤷🏻‍♀️ don’t worry ‘bout me too the bridge/climax of that song is to die for I feel so weirdly strengthened by it and not to be me but ✨shinwon✨…both of those songs were robbed of being the japanese title track in 2021… we could’ve had 1.5 comebacks last year but we only got one 💔💔 the
just do it yo!! always cheers me up… to me it’s one of the Most Pentagon songs because I can’t imagine another group releasing anything resembling this in sound (and it’s a very comforting, simplistic in a way…compared to kpop, I guess, sound and one that I adore) or lyrics… and the lyrics ♥️ on the theme of that I have to mention alien and fantasystic, two other Extremely pentagon songs. (re:fantasystic) maybe I am a sucker for pentagon singing about how they’ll all go and rest on vacation together. i can envision a music video for this song (a very silly one that cube would never invest in due to the amount of cgi required, but 💔 I have a Vision for this…maybe I’ll make a moodboard and elabprate)
among other older, less known songs I’m weirdly fond of it’s over… and beautiful (I used to really dislike that one, and the fact that the bridge/climax is like 72828 years long… it’s so funny but their high notes and harmonies ✨✨) & you is another pentagon song I love crying my eyes out to, too
shower of rain … saved my life and many others . it’s just so melancholic and sad and sort of wallows in it but it’s also healing… it’s not a ballad but it’s mid tempo
but I can’t talk about pentagon b-sides without talking about the funky, winky ones, because while pentagon’s heartbreak meltdown songs and their anti-capitalist tunes (joking…a little bit) … that’s me… it shouldn’t work and no one else could pull it off hxksjsj they ARE super hot funky winky boys and that bass… it works … it works… clare if you see this and haven’t listened to this… do it 👏 (if you want to)
10s and … idk how they made counting down from 10 into a whole song that goes off and from time to time when listening to it I hear what honk was on when he wanted it to be the title track for love or take bc this seems like it’d be another song they could have so much fun performing, similar to the do or not stages, when ptg just radiate positive energy in such an infectious way that feels so genuine … so pentagon… all of the good stuff churned together and it feels real because they seem to really mean it and I’m so sorry to other people lmao but because they wrote so much of them themselves … it’s what they really seem to want to share and it does make it special to me. tbh 10s and isn’t really like this lyrically, it’s more repetitive hdjsjsj but it has that pentagon(tm) feeling…one of the pentagon feelings anyway. they can do insanity and positivity and friendship and divorce songs in ways that no one else does to me personally.
mandatory honorable mention to spring snow, when it rains in night, off road, sing-a-song…and the rounds. i don’t have them pinned for nothing and both of those songs were vital to me becoming a universe so 🤨🤨🤨 (the shinwon is a rock star with rock star blood flowing through his veins…i was so obsessed with that verse over a year before I stanned ptg 🙈)
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oh, and I’m sorry…it’s not even a bside because it’s never even been officially released at all, but…my brand…wth is a song I could listen to forever. I do really like rock pentagon, especially when they’re playing around and can go all in without being made to sound more mainstream… insanity and friendship compressed into one song #ptginstafollow with those guitars and hui imitating guitars like his life depends on it … give me more give me moooore of the low bass guitars 🤩 hdjshsjs obsessed with how shinwon made hui this interested and immersed in rock so much that this started out as a hui solo song
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Bulgaria brings a mentally reassuring anthem to Rotterdam 2021
I’ve said so that VICTORIA herself sort of agreed to have done “Tears Getting Sober” if she was allowed to, but for one I have to thank that EBU said that the artists can’t have their 2020 songs back? You’ll see why when I get to the review after two boring paragraphs of text with technical info, for the country that is Bulgaria!
Victoria Georgieva (or VICTORIA, but I can’t be arsed to continuously capitalize her name so I’ll just say Victoria from now on) was born a singer, for she started to sing at the age 11, went to a specific school of angel voices (no really that’s what it was called), and tried to go to the X Factor while a liiiiiittle too young until realizing that she needed to wait for a few years, and wait a few years she did, and went on to the X Factor again.
She didn’t win, but she still got to sign a contract and sing some stuff in Bulgarian before she decided to rebrand, started singing in English, and completely decided that ballads is her style. She cannot really do upbeat most of the time. So you can’t really have a bop from her in the future. (Well except that there’s a couple of songs in her discography that I personally classify as “bops” but they’re more like... idek sad bops?? but they can be danced to, but I get her, she doesn’t do anything that’s more loud and upbeat and clubby and summery kind of - in short, nothing you can go “YAAASSSS QUEEEEEN” over to.)
The entry she ended up singing, “Growing Up Is Getting Old”, is what I can describe to be about overcoming the emotional twists and turns inside of you as you grow older, because as it turns out, it ain’t what you thought it would be - but if you push just a little further, you realize that if you’re growing up, maybe the life isn’t so bad, afterall - you are able to get up. Somehow. It was written as part of Boris-Milanov-led songwriting camp held during summer, and a lot of people seemed to be a part of it because multiple different folk have songwriting credits on the potential Bulgarian entries this year.
Let’s get this out of the way immediately. I prefer “Growing Up Is Getting Old” to “Tears Getting Sober”. The former sounds a lot less irritatingly underwhelming and a lot more positively overwhelming you with warm emotions and sunglow. “Tears Getting Sober” was a song I could never really connect with - maaaaybe the last chorus is much better on there, but it doesn’t do much for me either, I guess.
Their 2021 forray however is a much different kind of thing - once again, going for lyrical non-cliches, Victoria tells a tale about her inner turmoils and continuing in life, in a way that’s personal to her and also kind of relatable to all of us. We all have these moments of fear and anxiety and nervous systems aching. If only there was someone who’d tell us that we’re worth saving... thanks a lot Victoria, you’re the MVP. Filling in the void that Netherlands from last year had brought us but not anymore - another personal song about getting old and having those kind of feelings inside - and doing a great job at taking the baton in the right way (even with featuring the word “grow” in both of the titles, neat coincidence).
Not only the lyrics feel like a hug, the song just emulates ray of sunshine and golden glitter coming down from the sky, Molly Sanden style. The violins in the G major key playing so precisely, building up momentum throughout the entire song, slowly but surely - starting with the ticking clock in the first verse that may have subtle violin in there; and the first chorus is just so simple piano, and then the second chorus has a tinge of electronic something, and the last chorus goes full in with the backing vocals boosting the song, after Victoria performs the quite magnificent bridge... now I don’t have synesthesia but I associate music keys with colors, and to me G major would always come across as something yellow or orange - “Growing Up Is Getting Old” is a perfect example of why’s that for me. And obviously, Victoria’s love for harmony-humming (even if there’s just one instance of it after she sings “star crossed soul”) complements the song to a T.
And it turned out to be a much better choice than last year’s. Maybe finally a female ballad I am getting behind.
Now I wanna know why the bookies don’t appreciate THIS entry as much as last year?
Granted, now it’s 2021 and the environment is so much different, and the songs have changed, and the dynamics have changed, and now there’s suddenly more competition at stake. And for Bulgaria it fares quite much more underwhelmingly - well, at this moment they’re like 6th, which isn’t bad, but there’s a lack of sung praises coming its way, not quite a feat that “Tears Getting Sober” actually achieved, being the bookies fave right before the cancellation of last year. In general the year has been pretty dry for the previous winner picks like Iceland, Lithuania and this, but I can’t say that the previous winner bets from 2020 are all that dead either? Though I gotta say that Bulgaria wasn’t gonna win 2020 anyway, so it’s a lose-lose in this case.
Also I just can’t at that music video being a little dramatic at the beginning, with the cancellation of Eurovision being presented as if it were a worldwide disaster during which we all shall lock ourselves into bunkers and wait until the better days, eventhough the panini is not war and war supplies kit is not just enough to survive it. But it seems like that the world is quite literally falling apart, as evidenced by Victoria going through all kinds of pathways away from her living room, meeting a  (presumably) mini version of her somewhere in between, and literally surrounded by the shaking environment by the last moments of the song
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before we realize it was just reality recursing from the TV’s point of view that Victoria was watching all along, and then she leaves the living room again, but in her world, everything is normal and she could just go wherever she wants by car. Even I can’t come up with a storyline ending that’s somewhat intertwined and all plot-twisty and more confusing than that. But props to her team I guess
Approval factor: Let’s say I somewhat approve this message. Follow-up factor: For the sake of argument let me just say that Bulgaria is moving on a great path, eventhough the former entry leaves me cold, at least the current entry keeps me warm at all times, like a cup of cocoa and a good blanket. Please Bulgaria, never run out of sponsors. Qualification factor: I’ve seen one or two people throw around the “surprise NQ” tag for this song and I don’t get why??? There’s no way that the tense atmosphere of semifinal 2 would sure-fire-ly kill Bulgaria, even if they have a lot less chances to win this year than they had the last one. There can be some shock NQs indeed though, and if there are, I am paging... uhhhhh Finland? Idk why but you might see what I mean if I ever get around to reviewing “Dark Side”. Bulgaria? Never. It may not win the semi but it will cradle around the top 7 somehow.
That’s right, Bulgaria managed to do both.
At the time when one other of Bulgaria’s songs got released, within the *Special* Eurovision September 1st-onwards range, people naturally succumbed to their primal instinct of asking whether that’s her Eurovision song... only for Vic to probably announce this early on that no, it’s just *one* of potential ESC entries she’s harbouring. And the remaining potential ones were all on her debut EP. Who actually got a more well-orchestrated schedule for everyone to follow, and yet, people were much more keen to cling on the first EP song out of the gate, “Imaginary Friend”. Now I get that the fans of that song were super upset at the revelation that IF is not going, but it is a technically strong song for the sake of being a technically strong song, and I don’t want to think that Victoria is only forced to choose the songs that can win for her, so she’s such a sweetheart for gravitating towards a song she could dearly care about. So props to her team saving the initial winner for last to be revealed, lol.
Though wasn’t her personal favourite a Billie-Eilish-lite-upbeat-kinda-track Phantom Pain?
Which was also my personal favourite?
Look, I know that favouring the only non-ballad in the whole lineup (well “Ugly Cry” is also not quite a ballad but its beat is kinda so-so, so I tend to ignore it) is kinda sus, also, y’all are sick to death to Billie Eilish comparisons, but I do believe that Billie would never be able to do an “Imaginary Friend” while Victoria could do a “Lovely”. This makes me remember the cover art of Billie’s debut album where she sits on her bed, dressed in white, and so is Victoria on this very MV, with strange shit going on behind her in the mirror. To the mirror, her reflection acts creepy, back again.
The other 2 I don’t feel like caring about enough, sure they got their cred, sure there’s one entry properly crediting Milanov (who seems to not have an actual entry this year that’s purely attributed to *him*, as opposed to 3 last year, 2 of which were performed by acts that returned this year????), sure there’s the funny thing about having a funeral song where out of this and Finland only Austria managed to send a quote unquote “funeral” song, but I think the funeral song would’ve sounded better if the pre-section of it on the “Phantom Pain” video was THE “funeral” song itself, and not whatever was that other funeral song.
In between there was a public sort of survey where people could submit feedback and positive words to Vic’s choices to help her decide - I didn’t get to vote but I feel fine with the winner eitherway, and that counts for something! And the end result was revealed at the very end of Victoria’s very own rooftop concert.
The colors on the circle thingy of this, they were meant to symbolize all Bulgarian entries up to Victoria’s 2nd one, in pictograms that kind of reminded me of Coldplay attributing every song on ‘Mylo Xyloto’ its own little symbol.
The concert was not only full of music and also adverts for the inaugural sponsor iCard (that also included some element of foreshadow in between the suspense, you’ll see why), but also the Bulgarian folk talking before each song, saying all the positive nice words they can for Vic; that she’s talented, and that they were so excited that Bulgaria was doing well in the odds last year prior to cancellation, bla bla bla... also some people were proud of voting for Bulgaria outside Bulgaia, and they made puns about the forthcoming songs on the concert that they were introducing, and so on, and there was also someone called Dara, whom I really want to be sent by Bulgaria one day to show off that they’re not afraid of doing trashy-esque bops that don’t necessarily win
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Also they reminded me that Lucy from No Angels (aka the sole reason Bulgaria 12′d Germany in 2008) still exists.
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Also Azis.
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There was also an intermission where Eurovision 2021 acts could say all the nice words to Victoria on their own part. And several artists chose to... how shall I put it... use up their several seconds rather interestingly. Like how The Roop would say something real quick only to delve into more of their usual “let’s dance, let’s discoteque! *hand scissors* ;P” self-promo, and Senhit carelessly being allowed to say whatever she wants in Italian without subtitles <3 Sorry sis, they’re only given to people from another white-green-red flag-color country.
About the iCard foreshadow... so there’s their advert about Victoria waiting in the line to get something in the Soft Vocals Store, and people ahead of her giving her money the standard oldfashioned way, and the old lady at the counter is... slow, to say the least. After a good amount of time spent waffling around, Victoria finally pulls out the iCard application and pays for the imaginary items she wants, then narrates some stuff about said application, and a Eurovision entry of hers plays when the old lady is at home, spending time in front of TV enjoying the music. Before the concert, the song that played was “Tears Getting Sober”. The advert played once more before Victoria’s big entry decision and entry MV reveal, and in place of the 2020 entry, “Growing Up Is Getting Old” was the one that sounded out loud... Now you may think that there were attempts at some sort of spoilage here, but after that ad before the concert EP NF result, there was this other advert starring Victoria that played “Imaginary Friend” at the end, a last-ditch effort to trick viewers into going “see? just because that ad played the chosen song doesn’t mean it’s the chosen song!! this song could as well be a chosen song as well!!” yeah no shut up GUIGO IS the chosen song kthxbyebye.
Having said all that praise, I actually have “Growing Up Is Getting Old” fairly low on my ranking. It’s just because the year is so damn good and I have a lot more songs to care about more than this, but I appreciate the gesture that this singer is sending very much. Good luck on your road to conquer Europe, Victory-ia, I’m sure you get the best of the experience and all, because you would deserve it.
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My Thoughts on Zombies, Run! The Musical (Part 2*)
(*I had so many thoughts I had to put this into two posts, find part 1 here)
In my previous post I have talked about some overall thoughts I had, about how well the team did for having no budget and recording remotely. Also how good the instrumentation is, and reviewed the first seven songs.
Some thoughts on the story:
It is insane how much they managed to put into just the first act! Sure, there is a lot missing and some events are a bit out of order, but most of the main characters are there, and all the important plot points. I honestly thought that the stuff that is in Act 1 would be the WHOLE musical, not just Act 1!
Yes, there is no radio mode, and that makes me sad because, well, you know me, I love the Radio Cabel crew. But also Radio Mode was overall not that crucial to the story, and there are many fans (especially newer fans) who don’t even listen to it much, so it made sense to not have it in there.
Mildred though? Mildred is the star or ZR, and should have been included for sure ;)
Okay, that’s it, great job with the story, love it love it!
And now here is my review of the rest of the songs:
8. Morning Run
The idea of bringing a ukulele to a run is so stupid, I could really see Simon do that. I like the idea of having the actor play it on stage, without any additional music. The “Good Morning to the Apocalypse” theme that is introduced in Welcome to Abel comes back here, and it’s a lot of fun.
Special shout out to the Waterloo part in the end, Simon “handing over” the song to Sam who is just like “Simon...” and then he says “Back to me” before finishing the song. It’s hilarious and I enjoyed it. Well done, everyone!
9. Reunion:
I have to repeat what I said about A Voice in the Dark. I don’t like ballads in musicals. No matter how amazing they are, they are usually my least favourite moments of any musical (or opera). But as far as ballads go, this one is really sweet. I like how the melody goes down at the end of the lines, like in “in Bristol” and “drizzle”, loved that.
The singers did a really great job! In the end when they sing together, it’s the same story as in Welcome to Abel, it’s a bit difficult to understand either of them, and if they had sung this together in the same room, it would have taken the song to a totally different level.
But it’s still well done, and a good song, and kudos to the singers! Performing a duett without the partner next to you must be super difficult! And I could feel the emotion in the song, thank you :)
10. Have you met my friends:
Yeah, I love this song because it’s an Archie song and it is just as well made as “Archie to the Rescue” but I hate hate HATE the ending.
Not because the song isn’t good, but because I hate what happens to Archie in the story and I feel like you should have totally re-written everything so that in the end Archie is happy and living a long and happy life with Jamie and then Sara joins them and they live in Buckingham Palace together okay being badass? Okay.
Awesome song, amazing performance!!
11. Oh, look at that:
It’s a short song, well made, well performed. Very dramatic, give me ALL the drama!!
12. There’s Still Time:
I like this song a lot, because it brings back the “This is how you live forever” theme that I really liked about Van Arks song. There is also a short reprise of the “Run for your live” theme, and it is in a lower register and maybe that’s why I love that part even more than the original song!!
The song ends with Janine and Sam, and again I really enjoy these two together. The combination of their voices is really nice!
13. I’ll be waiting:
Again, ballads, not my thing. 
Didn’t stop me from crying though, so there’s that.
It is such an amazing performance, the “I’ll see my boys again” part was super sad. The last “You want my advice, you better run for your-” was haunting. So well made, from start to finish! Also, did you HAVE to make  the actress sob and cry during the performance. That makes ME sob and cry!
How dare you, all of you. Make me feel things. During a ballad.
15. Close Your Eyes:
My favourite line of that song is for sure “You wanted a hero, but I’m only a man” line!
This song is quite confusing; without the lyrics it’s a bit difficult telling everyone apart and following the plot. But that somehow works because it is supposed to be chaos and confusion, and a big crescendo of all the storylines so far (Van Ark, Abel, Simon).
Starting half way through the song, there are some beautiful lines sung by the choir (”Close your eyes and cover your ears”) and it sounds like a church gospel! That is performed so beautifully, and so clean, especially for a remote recording! Are you kidding, how beautiful was that!! Especially that first line!
16. The the Fallen and to Freedom:
I like this song. Again, not a big fan of ballads, but here you really need one, it is all about mourning the dead. Very well performed!
The part with the choir is again really well made, it must be so difficult to record!
In the beginning I was a bit confused because to me it felt like this should be the first song of Act 2, not the last of Act 1. But then when Moonchild showed up it made sense, and of course this needs to the be Act 1 cliffhanger!!
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I love it!
There is not a single song that I didn’t like, there is not performance that I didn’t like. There are only songs that I love, and songs that I love more. There are songs that I will listen to A LOT and songs that I will listen to a little less.
And in the end, all of that comes down to personal preference.
I want to thank everyone from the musical team for their passion and the time they invested, simply to celebrate this game we all love. And thank you for sharing all your passion and talent with us. I feel truely grateful that I got to listen to this Act 1, and I got to enjoy the story.
Thank you!
Love Love Peace Peace
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I'm very excited to read your thoughts on Louis' music video performances!
Thanks anon - it’s been a bit of a roller coaster ride of emotions watching all of Louis’ videos.  He was so full of joy, energy and connection in early 1D videos.  Then in 2012, when avoiding being read as gay became the imperative, you see him withdrawing and also trying with new performance techniques that just don’t work (the pointing!). He has this way of Performing with a capital ‘P’ that is unreal and distracting.  He can’t be hammy without completely disconecting. What’s interesting to me is that he begins to find his way back and gets stronger as a solo music video performer.  But there are still aspects of his earliest music video performances that he’s never recaptured.  At this point he’s very good at bittersweet or understated joy in his solo music video performances, but the pure joy of the early 1D music videos - he hasn’t really found a way to do. 
Two of Us: This is a spectacular performance - there’s no hiding - the entire video rests on it.  Louis is incredibly open and vulnerable.  But he also brings real light and shade to the video.  There’s moments of joy, when he remembers his Mum (1.08) as well as pain.  
One Thing: There’s nothing complicated about this performance - it’s just joy, energy, interaction with others, and easy naturalistic movement.  But I love it.  I particularly love the way Louis adjusts the mic for Niall and then kind of looks over him (and the way Zayn rests his chin on his shoulder) - you get so much a sense of who they are as people and their relationships with this performance.  I’m on record for how much I love this music video.  And I think part of my reaction is that Louis is so free and easy in it.
Don’t Let it Break Your Heart: What’s really great about this performance is that Louis brings both joy and vulnerability (and my tastes in music video performances are predictable - if I’ve got both of them I’m happy).  He’s best when he’s doing something, playing football or in the pub (and he’s good at the most acting-y bits of a heist as well).  But right the way through he brings out the emotion of the song.  It is this song of having surviving a lot and still being there and really caring about someone - and he captures all of that. 
What Makes You Beautiful: They were all such tiny babies on a beach.  Louis doesn’t have the shine through the camera thing that Zayn and Harry had from the beginning.  You can tell he’s a little bit less used to the camera and it makes a difference.  But this has the same free ease, joy, and interaction with each other of One Thing.  And Louis in particular, is very focused on the other members of the band, which makes his perofrmance more grounded. 
You and I: Two years after One Thing, we have another great music video performance from Louis. He has no problem being vulnerable to camera, and connects in totally naturalistic way.  In 2012 and 2013, the differece between Louis in music videos ballads, and other music videos is really noticeable. And I think that shows how difficult it was for him to find a new register to operate in.   (Also this is the last time that 1D interacted as a group in a music video.  After this they would always be shot singing in a line or a circle, but barely acknowledging that others existed.  That didn’t improve Louis’ music video performances.  Or anyone else’s).
Miss You: I think Louis’ performance is the strongest part of this video.  At the very beginning there’s so much emotion in the regret in the half light.   He manages to capture both real joy, and slightly hollow enjoyment in the party scenes (here some of the capital P ‘performance’ aspects that I will criticise further down are used well - as he’s not supposed to be fully enjoying it).
Story of My Life: Louis isn’t in this video much (at times it almost seems that they’re editing around him - particularly at 1.25), but his performance is still really strong.  Most of the performances in the concrete bunker have a ‘I’m feeling something important’.  But when Louis’ solo he gives it an undercurrent of joy, which works really well with the song.  He really gives an emotional range in his performance, both with his grandparents and in the bunker.  Watching was a real reminder that Louis’ always had strengths as a music video performer. 
Walls: Right at the end Louis sings the line ‘Nothing wakes you up like waking up alone’ in three different scenes - in the fire scene he’s completely vulnerable, but when performing he captures the bittersweetness.  There’s a lot in this performance (and of course I’ve bumped it up a few spaces just for the joy in the mask scene), and I think it shows so much of Louis’ strengths as a music video performer - particularly vulnerability and bringing joy to a song. I’m not that into the blankness in the formal wear scenes (although it’s probably intentional I don’t think it adds), but bringing a performance at the end also ups the energy in a way that really works.
Little Things: My bias towards joy in music videos is well documented.  Almost every shot that you see Louis in htis video - there’s some element of joy. A lot of that comes from the interaction - he’s laughing with someone else in the video.  When he’s singing - he’s OK - again the moments of joy really bring it up (love is joyful) - but it’s not as good as he would be in the future.  He was still learning to connect to camera on the slower songs.  
Perfect: Louis is pretty joyful for most of Perfect, joyful and naturalistic, which sends it soaring up my rankings.  I think it helps that he’s interacting with Liam, but even when he’s alone there’s an easy playfulness.  And then they come to perform of the roof and he just loses all of that and he’s back with a ‘Performance’. Twenty seconds from the end and you get a particularly bad example of it and it’s particularly interesting compared to the rest of the video, because it gives you a sense of what specific situations he can’t or doesn’t let himself relax/connect/be vulnerable.  Because he’s good in this video, both interacting with people and not interacting with people, in these reasonably naturalistic settings.  And it’s only in the admittedly quite bizzarre scenario of five people singing at a roof (without even the structure of an imaginary performance) that he enters into this false hammy register.
Back to You: This isn’t a great performance, but I think it shows how far charm and comfort can get you. It’s so interesting to me that after all these 1D music videos which didn’t bring out his strengths he was like ‘I’ll go to Doncaster and eat in a cafe with my family’.  And the video still has a lot of the performance techniques that really brought down Louis’ performances in later 1D videos (the pointing! Acting out lyrics! jumping into a capital P performance mode).  But he’s relaxed enough in the video that his charm comes through. 
Kill My Mind: It’s hard to assess this performance, because Charlie Lightening is determined to do everything he can to ensure the audience doesn’t sit with Louis’ performance for two seconds together.  I think Louis generally does well in music videos when he’s supposed to be making music, with a band and a microphone.  And in general this works.  There’s also some sweet moments where he connects with the audience.  But the shooting style is so uninterested in connection - it does get in hte way.
Steal My Girl: Is Louis trying to look dangerous when Danny De Vito gives him a label? Or is he trying to look confused that anyone called him Dangerous. Because it definitely looks like the second.  Given that most of what Louis does in this video is bond with a chimpanzee it’s hard not to be charmed, but I’m not sure that’s a result of the perofrmance.
We Made It: He’s OK in this, not a lot is asked of him.  He connects reasonably well in a performance that is meant to be in the background and there are moments of vulnerability.  But he could have elevated this performance so much with more range.  In general, Louis has often been pretty good at bringing joy to a video - and this is a performance and a song that is crying out for more joy.  
Gotta Be You: Why were they so sad in this video? That’s one of the things that makes it fudamentally unappealing (besides the song - and the way Liam scrunches up his trousers).  They’re just so sad and serious all the time and why would anyone want to be with them? Louis isn’t bad at it exactly, but he’s not shining through the screen the way Harry and Zayn do occasionally.  He’s obviously still learning how to connect with the camera, but he’s mercifully unawkward.
Night Changes: Louis isn’t bad in Night Changes.  He’s not super awkward and you’re not worried that he’s a homocidal maniac (the standards are low when it comes to this video).  He even connects once or twice (2.10 - you’ve seen it gifed and maybe looking in the mirror).  There’s only one moment where he goes full 'I am Performing’ (3.20 - although I get a bit distracted assessing his peroformance once the police arrives.  Both because I hate the police, and because it seems pretty telling that the only black person in a sigificant role in a 1D music video is a cop). But ultimately there’s nothing that appealing about his segments - not being awkward isn’t enough. And as usual, Louis’ version of heterosexuality is pretty unappealing. He seems far more iterested in being seen to be a good boyfriend, and his car, than acutally connecting with y/n (although to be fair, he’s more interested than usual in being seen to be a good boyfriend).
Drag Me Down: Oh dear god the pointing! The noticeable difference between this and Perfect, is how much less Louis has anything to do, or anyone to interact with.  There’s this very brief moment with Niall, where you see some interaction and it’s so much better.  He could always do relaxed interaction - and there are some good bits while he’s driving.  But mostly in Drag Me Down Louis is stuck in the limbo of nothing in particular to do, with no solution but to point. 
Best Song Ever: Is the beginning of this video the most convincingly heterosexual Louis has ever been? (Both him playing a sleazy executive and then him as him checking Zayn out). It may be, but less unconvincingly heterosexual is not part of my criteria for a good music video performance.  His performance in this video is full of all the strategies he developed in 2012 to hold tension (more of that below).  I think in the ‘you know/I know’ bit we start to see him learning what else he’s good at.  But he’s not quite there yet - he’s not quite connecting - for all his arms are outspread.
Live While You’re Young: It was watching this music video, that I realised that reviewing Louis’ music video performances was much more emotionally charged, even than reviewing Zayn’s.  Because you can see when Louis stops moving in a free and easy way, you can see the techniques starts to use to ensure he’s holding tension throughout his body, you can see when ‘don’t be read as gay’ became the first imperative for Louis’ in music videos - over engagement or connection.  And it starts here.  
Mostly it’s just less - less engaged, less joyful (still quite interactive, but less effective).  But then there’s the moments where instead he goes for ‘Performing’ - but with tension all through his body. Right from the video diaries, Louis would go for a hammy, silly performance register (I think often to cover his nerves), and it was fine in a short clip.  But Louis’ can’t be hammy and connect - so this doesn’t work in a music video.  Rather than being charming, he just looks like he’s trying too hard.  You see it particularly towards the end when they’re in the pool. He’s silly in a way that takes you out of the moment and reminds you he’s performing.
Kiss You: And in this video, we get introduced to Louis’ second strategy to hold tension, and that’s a very fake kind of toughness (depending on how you look at it, you could either say it’s short lived, or that he learns to be tough with a little bit of openness).  There are still some really lovely moments of joy and interaction in Louis’ performance here.  But throughout this video you can see Louis practicing toughness in different and wildly ineffective ways.  And none of it works. All of it takes away from the joy and interaction that makes the video work more broadly.
History: So I know this was filmed in 35 minutes, by a group of very burnt out people and having any expectations is absurd.  But it’s so bad. And it’s such a good example of the fundamental weakness of later 1D music videos.  Who thought having them standing around in a circle singing, not interacting with each other, and also not pretending to perform in a more structured way - was a good idea? (We know who - and the only reason that I’m not saying it was his worst idea is, because his worst idea has a death toll that is still climbing).   None of them are good in that environment - it’s the opposite of what makes their early music videos work (and why the very low camera? What is that supposed to add?).  Anyway Louis is predictably terrible, and at 0.56 seconds his capital P performing leads to him actig out out the song in a way that makes me wonder if he thinks he’s in the wiggles. 
Midnight Memories: His outfit is good.  And there’s one moment in 3.05, where you get a glimpse of him reacting to being on Tower Bridge (oh and he’s OK at someone not having fun at the party in the beginning).  Apart from that, this video is a combination of the worst of Louis’ music video performace techniques.  He swings from fake toughness, to hammy children’s performer and back regularly and neither of them have anything to be said for them.
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haus-of-wu · 4 years
Bonamana (미인아) 10th Anniversary Album Analysis/Rediscovery
Happy 10th Anniversary to Bonamana / 4jib !
I viscerally remember this album coming out when I was in the 8th grade and using my damn iTunes gift cards to buy the album tracks for my iPod nano. (WTF was streaming in 2010)
Bonamana was the first album of many in SJ’s discography that didn’t have the full lineup of members. Hangeng had departed SM, Kibum had announced a hiatus to focus on acting, and Kangin was starting off what would become SJ’s almost decade-long military rotation era.
We’ve come a long way, and we’re still out here !!
Track analysis and re-reaction below the cut - as a veteran ELF I find that middle school me fixated on certain songs (and was the biggest Ryeowook stan), and then completely forgot about entire other songs, so it’s always a fun time going back down memory lane.
Bonamana (미인아)
Even if you look and look, look and look, look and look There’s no one else but me.
It’s true, true that my feelings don’t have a place to go. You know that I adjusted myself to fit you
honestly the best iteration of the “SJ Funky” sound that started with “Sorry Sorry” imo
an absolute headbanger !! if you aren’t already bobbing your head to the bass line and percussion in the first 10 seconds you are not human
this has just the right tasteful amount of autotune that makes it age a lot better than sorry sorry over the years
i’m sorry but the choreo absolutely fucks especially with kyuhyun going out there being like “you thought i was a main vocal? i’m in this fucking dance break”
re:choreo, it’s understandable that they’ve pivoted to the rock remix of this for super shows bc there’s a squat move they do that is not friendly on the knees at all
if you wanted a club BOP about a guy trying his hardest to figure out how to get a girl’s attention, this is it
donghae doing a magic trick for every music show performance of this, while looking fiercely in character while delivering his line as a man who is hella stressed about what to get the girl as a present
the way ryeowook and sungmin (tenor line !!) exchange lines
this song made me go feral in 2010
No Other
Hearing you tell me that you love me, I have everything in this world, You & I, You’re so fine, Is there someone like you? I love you Oh, please know it, to me there’s only you, That I stupidly see you As my everything 
that feel-good cute love song that served as the foil to Bonamana
the softest MV !!
just super chill and smile inducing
all the music show performances of this are just...so cute (also featured so many shenanigans like leeteuk yelling HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEENIM/GOOD LUCK SHINEE, and random members playing rock paper scissors in the middle of the performance)
probably has the most evenly split line distributions for the time (each member has their own verse of sorts)
contains one of my favorite hyukjae rap parts - it flows in such a relaxing way
Shake It Up (Remix Version)
Hey get up, (Hey get up) everyone come here (everyone come here) Just shake (all your thoughts) Just shake it up!
your everyday repetitive life, right now shake it up your repeated thoughts of sadness- right now shake it up Are you separated from the world? It all depends on you
SJ said shake it up !
chill club song with the touch of autotune, heavy synth, and weird background “oh OHs” of the time
the predecessor to the electronic chill vibe that Skydive has
they really told us to have fun and enjoy
honestly the song i didn’t realize i’d need in quarantine as i jam out at my desk
All My Heart
The words I still can’t say The words that got stuck in my throat I love you more than anyone else It’s still you and me, me me me me me me me me
In this moment I’m really happy I’m really grateful that you came to me The one who gives everything to me It’s only you and me, me me me me me me just you
a simple guitar instrumental with soothing vocals, a wholesome r&b
composed by LEETEUK AND HENRY? fuck me up fam
as a kid this was just the “nanana nanana na” song (that’s the me me me part of the chorus lmao)
this is the happy song that you’d like wave your lighters to maybe
hyukjae’s been singing “don’t wake me up” for eons
god this song makes me so soft
A Short Journey
My heart that loved you My eyes that looked at you Are still here
Oh baby say goodbye, for a short while goodbye I’ll go back to the place when I once was When I open that door and take one step So that I can stand in front of you who I missed
My heart that loved you My eyes that looked at you Will wait
Kangin going to the military tribute song composed by Donghae and lyrics by Hyukjae? they really had all the rights in 2010
god the lyrics really hit me in my ELF heart. like we really went through a whole decade of military service and said goodbye for now so many times
the opening piano intro? i hate you donghae i really do
hyukjae these lyrics man. why. why you gotta make our hearts hurt like this
another simple instrumental with soothing vocals, but this time it hits you in the feels a bit
if you weren’t listening to the lyrics, this feels like a song you’d watch your parents slow dance to in the house
thanks for triggering the “i miss kangin” hours G O D
Boom Boom
From head to toe you are wrapped with all luxury things Hoo~ so eye-blinding, who would ever dare to touch you?
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star I’m trying to get a hot girl, I’m drawn to her bad look look look am I wrong?
It’s nothing but such a beautiful sin
yeah i feel like 13/14 y.o. me only was here for bonamana and boom boom back in 2010 which is like...pretty valid given the taste of your typical middle schooler in 2010
but literally. if you thought bonamana was about a guy desperate to get the girl, boom boom was legit like “shit she’s hot like sin and hooking up with her might be a mistake for me but oh well wtf why the hell not”
kyuhyun’s line at the beginning “from head to toe/머리부터 발 끝까지” is apparently used in a lot of lyrics, to the point where D&E were like, Bout You’s Korean title is gonna be that, AND it’s gonna be in the chorus. this was totally off-topic.
the whiplash in this album honestly. soft love songs to trying to get girls in the club to i’ll wait for you to finish military service. they have the RANGE
On the window and on my eyes Dew forms, tears form, a small stream is made Where they’re from and how they form over and over even I don’t know The only thing I know is that I just really hurt My formerly burning heart is slowly becoming cold It seems even I don’t know what to say, or how to hold on to you
time for a KRY ballad (can you BELIEVE they are finally having their first whole-ass album in june ??)
break up crying song included with the album of two absolute bangers
just close your eyes and get taken away on the sad rainy day ballad
Your Eyes
I want to erase all of my insufficient former self It seems like someone like me has nothing to give to you
Do you still remember, do you believe that it’s only you for me Do you know how long you can keep me by your side In this large world, there’s only one person (I only want you) Did you know this about me
sad piano r&b time !! brought to you by yesung and kyuhyun only
kyuhyun’s bridge though
easily a candidate for some drama OST
i feel like this album really just had two sides - party rock central and r&b feels
My Only Girl
Even if I cover my ears I can hear it, even if I close my eyes, I can see it Even if I shut my mouth I keep calling out for you I am stupid I hate how I can’t get over you
we really opened this song with “cause i’m lonely” huh (screams at how applicable this still is for them TEN years later)
i love everything about this song except the chorus
the chorus is very underwhelming
My All Is In You
Even though I’m pretending to smile Without knowing why In truth I want to cry
It seems love is ending like this Before I know it our parting is approaching You say “goodbye” To me, letting you go is still difficult Please give me a little more time I can’t live without you My all is in you
another sad breakup bop why are you guys so good at this genre
the percussion comes in so nicely
little strings in the background that help accentuate the words (chef’s kiss)
KRY really were already yelling not even halfway into this song - perf
we literally are only in the second chorus folks
this song is great, it’s only sin was that it said “rap line you just don’t get lines”, so rip heechul, hyukjae, and shindong
Shake it Up!
the original - way less electro, more acoustic
has a very lo-fi beginning and then it amps up
has some interesting high pitched synth piano twiddling up there
a tad slower than the remix, but not by much if at all
dude the horns coming in behind hyukjae’s rap !! it fucks !
if the remix version’s vibe is people having fun in the club, this one’s vibe is a summer bbq party in the backyard
god i really love the horn line - it gives it such a nice vibe
another point in the “feel good” bucket
In My Dream
She’s walking away Embracing another person My chest’s like it’s being crushed under a heavy weight
I’m dreaming again, right? Cold sweat runs down my body It hurts to dream about things, I hate to remember
I wish I would fall asleep forever like this I wake up with her presence still… although I hope I don’t dream again, Like today, it seems I fall asleep with her presence
piano and string sadness here we go
bring back SJ KRY + donghae + sungmin
this chorus for this song stabs me in the heart every time
i’m mad where’s the MV for the heart-wrenching sad ballad
kings of emotional power vocals
we really are out here singing our hearts out about that ex-girlfriend that haunts us as we try to fall asleep
if they ever perform this all ELF in the vicinity would immediately die
One Fine Spring Day
A warm wind is blowing like it was that night The flowers you lovingly planted have bloomed Before I know it spring has come again I still want to deeply sleep like it’s winter
You are so very far, so very far To be honest I miss you every day Even the very small, very small trivial things make me think of you every day
still laughing the ryeowook brought up bonamana as his favorite album on weekly idol bc it contained his first ever solo track ;kasjf;aksdf king of promoting only himself
this is v soft, v much aligned with the little prince image that wasn’t even in the works yet
the imagery of the lyrics man. cute winter to spring yearning uwus
s o f t e s t
like this is literally the song that inspired every fanfic writer that’s ever written ryeowook as persephone in some greek god au
Good Person
When you laugh I feel good too, even when you say it’s just pretend You bring happiness to the days when I wait for you, the nights when I miss you Even when I’m alone it’s okay if I can just see you I’m always behind you, I’m always looking out for you, but it seems like I have to share
The difference between me and the person who makes you cry is that all I can do is comfort you
this song sounds like something that would be in the opening of an animated show that takes place in a high school
now that i’m looking at the lyrics, this is literally an upbeat sounding song accepting that they’ve been friendzoned and all they can do is support her relationship with the other guy
bittersweet nostalgia bop i guess
Here We Go
cue family/action movie credit music vibes
i don’t have much to say about it - i just isn’t something i’d listen to on the regular
it’s just happy-go-lucky finale type music
it has a really old-school hyukjae/shindong rap verse lmao
vocal line is out here yelling, very on-brand
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mingishoe · 4 years
50 kpop questions
Just because I’ve been stuck inside for exactly 31, almost 32 days, which is terrible for my mental health sO i’m doing this to keep my mind off of things. Also I’m really sorry for not posting this week, I’ve been working on requests and I’ve just been taking my time and stuff so yeah. Thank you for being patient babes~~
1.)The first song that got you into kpop? So surprisingly it wasn’t a  BTS song even though Run was the first kpop song I heard... it was Sorry by The Rose  
2.) The first group you starting staning in kpop? So sorry was a song that really stuck with me for the longest time and almost immediately after I started staning The Rose. Usually when I tell people its a band and not necessarily a ‘normal’ kpop group that has choreo and stuff, they’re always really surprised because even now they’re not super super popular. 
3.) Your first bias? So even though The Rose isn’t a normal choreo kpop group my first bias was Dojoon but pretty soon after I got into BTS and before I learned their names I was really drawn to Namjoon, so I’d say either one of those.
4.) Your first bias wrecker? Okay so in The Rose I didn’t really have one but in BTS my bias wrecker was Yoongi and obviously he wrecked me because uhh yeah Yoongi is now my bias BUT it’s still Yoongi after years sooo...
5.) Your favorite boy group? My favourite boy group is Ateez (obviously lmao)
6.)Your favorite girl group? My favourite girl group currently is Itzy but I’m really stuck between BlackPink as well.
7.) Your ultimate bias If it’s not obvious enough, its Mingi... hence my username
8.) The main fandom your apart of? I’d say I’m mainly Atiny, but there’s a huge Army inside of me.
9.) Your ultimate group? My ult group is also Ateez
10.) Your favorite era of your ultimate group?
Dude all of Ateez’ eras are literally all perfect but I’d say either this past comeback, the Answer era or the Wave/Illusion era.
11.) Your opinion, black haired idols or dyed hair? I love me a good pretty hair colour *Cough* mingi’s red hair and Yoongi’s mint hair *cough* but also P L E A S E let their hair B R E A T H E BEFORE IT FALLS OUT!
12.) Aegyo master girls?
So the groups I watch honestly don’t really like/don’t have the best aegyo but Lisa is really cute so I’d say her
13.) Aegyo master boys?
We all know our boy Jooheon- as much as it makes me wanna invert on myself it’s also insanely cute
14.) Your favorite maknae
So you know... it’s between Jongho and Jungkook but I think I’d have to say Kook.
15.) Your ‘child’ group?
I don’t really know what that means so UHHH
16.) The group you could see yourself becoming best friends with?
Dude honestly as much as I love ateez I just wanna be best friends with BTS so FUCKING BAD like dawg they’re just so funny and yeah 
17.) Your favorite boy group kpop song ?
This is a really hard question because there’s like a million answers but I’d say Utopia. That song without a doubt makes me cry every time I listen to it because it’s just so beautiful and it just makes my heart so happy,
18.) Your favorite kpop song girls?
I don’t wanna be basic or anything but it’s either ddu-du-ddu-du by BlackPink or ooh-ahh by Twice
19.) Are you more into girl groups or boy groups?
I’m more of a boy group stan because I’m not a huge fan of the cutesy stuff most girl groups do, but I do enjoy girl groups as well it’s just more difficult for me to get into them.
20.) Favorite kpop girl dance?
Once again I don’t wanna be basic but I really like either Whistle or BOOMBAYAH by BlackPink or Cheer Up by Twice. 
21.) Favorite kpop boy dance?
I really like Love Shot and Ko Ko Bop by EXO or Serendipity by Jimin BTS 
22.) If you were stuck in a horror movie you’d want which group with you?
Okay so no matter what group I’d pick I’d be dead bUT I think my best bet would be maybe Ateez because they got Jongho and that boy is strong and not scared of anything.
23.) Favorite fandom light stick?
By far my favourite is the BlackPink light stick because it’s literally the cutest thing ever aND IT SQUEAKS!!! like someone please buy it for me. Please and Thank You.
24.) Favorite fandom name?
I really like Ikon’s ikonic and Ateez’ Atiny
25.) Visual king?
Yeosang PERIODT, baby gets slept on way too much on his visuals and KQ was right to make him a visual.
26.) Visual queen?
Dude Jisoo from BlackPink. She’s so beautiful and shes in my top 3 of female idols I think are the most gorgeous thing in the world.
27.) Dance queen?
Lisa from BlackPink. If you’ve seen her mentoring on that chinese show- BITCH you can see how serious she takes it and it’s so satisfying to watch but also I’d cry if I’d ever have to dance in front of her.
28.) Dance king?
Hoseok from BTS. Like once again you can physically see how serious he takes it and its insanely hot but also very scary and like Lisa I’d cry if I’d ever have to dance in front of him.
29.) Rap king?
This is an opinion and I’ve met so many people who have actually fought with me on this one but Hoseok from BTS is literally such a good rapper. I understand he might not be the best but he is my favourite rapper in kpop. I just absolutely love his tone of voice and idk UGH i just love Hoseok overall.
30.)Rap queen?
I know a lot of people are probably gonna disagree with me on this one but uh I think Moonbyul, Hyuna, and Jessi are some of the best rappers because personally I just really like their tones and UGH they’re all just beautiful. 
31.) A group you’d really like to get into?
There are SO many groups I would love to get into but I’d say a girl group would be Dreamcatcher because I listen to their songs and they’re all great but I just haven’t found the time to sit down and learn their names or anything. A boy group would be MCND because I saw their debut like an hour after it released and it was really good and once again I really like their debut album but I just haven’t found the time to sit down and learn their names either.
32.)Your favorite ship?
I’m personally not really into ships so I’ll just use ships as friendships so I’d say either Yoonmin, sope, but probably Vmin would be my favourite, which are all BTS ships.
33.) Your favorite intergroup friendship?
I think I’m gonna say Jackson Wang from GOT7 and Namjoon from BTS. They’re both just really cute so yeah kjdfskd
34.)Ballads or upbeat songs?
Personally ballads because I prefer slower more cute or sad songs or the complete opposite and like trap with a loud ass bass.
35.) Have you ever met any of your idols?
No but I would love to. Rationally thinking I think I would completely shut down and not know what to do because some of these people I look up to so highly and literally thank them for the sole reason of me being happy and being able to get through such difficult times.
36.) Do you prefer cute themes or sexy themes?
Once again I don’t really like cutesy themes that much so I’m going to go on the sexy themes side. also i’m a hardstan so obviously.
37.) How long have you been a kpop fan?
So I’ve been around Kpop for a really long time because a few of my friends listened to BTS and Super Junior and stuff like that I always listened to it but I was forcefully trying not to get into it but eventually I gave up and secretely got into kpop around 2017 but then i “Came out of the kpop closet” as my friends like to say after the Burn The Stage movie came out because my friend took me to go see it with her when it came out in 2018. But yeah if I let myself I would’ve been a kpop stan a long ass time ago.
38.) Your favorite comeback song?
There were so many comebacks that I really loved so there’s a few but Got7 You Calling My Name and Ateez Wonderland are two of my favourites.
39.) Do you have any kpop company you tend to prefer?
Not really, but I’d say I listen to many artists from JYP.
40.) Barefaced idols or make up?
41.) Is you bias list as out of control as mine?
My bias list is pretty much all rappers except maybe 2 or 3 so I’d say I have a type sdfskfhskjd
42.) How many groups do you actually keep tabs on?
A lot more than I actually realize but mostly Ateez, BTS, Monsta x, and Itzy. But I heavily rely on twitter for the rest of my groups
43.) Your current favorite kpop song?
I really don’t even know... but I’d say Utopia by Ateez.
44.) First kpop dance you’ve attempted to learn?
So I attempted to learn a bunch of dances but I really just gave up bUT a dance I’ve actually solidly learned is Ddu-du-ddu-du by BlackPink.
45.) When I hear kpop songs in public I....?
Personally I’m not ashamed to like kpop in public or anything. Like I’ll wear merch and stuff in public sO I’d probably not even make a big deal out of it and just sing along quietly.
46.) If I knew someone irl who had the same bias as me I would...?
Honestly we could like thirst and bond over having the same bias> I don’t get the people who get actually offended if people have the same bias and then defensive and possessive whenever they do have the same bias.
47.) Kpop idol I would most like to meet?
I probably would like to meet Wooyoung or San from Ateez. They both just seem like the nicest, sweetest people ever and I’d just love to have that experience.
48.) Kpop idol who is like a role model to me?
Namjoon from BTS. Do I even have to explain that? Honestly that man should be a role model and an inspiration to everyone but...
49.) Favorite kpop lyrics?
Sunrise by Ateez. The lyrics have helped me through many difficult times and every time I listen to it it’s a reminder that everything is going to be okay.
Why is my life so dark? Why, always makes me hard? A lost heart The burden on my shoulders Let's wait a little longer, even if it's cold. It's gonna rise. Sooner or later. Let's wait and see, alright. What I want someone to say to me, even if it's a lie. "You don't have to worry." "You're doing great." "Just keep it up. Just like you do now."
50.) If I had a whole day with my bias I would....”
I would honestly just wanna do something chill. Like Imagine just chilling and watching movies while eating snacks with Mingi- idk about you but honestly that’s probably the best thing I could imagine.
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hana-bean · 4 years
Ayumi Hamasaki Picks:  A Song for ×× era (1998-1999)
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I’ll admit, I avoided A Song for ×× like COVID for way, way too long. Her vocals were hard to adapt to if you had only heard her I am... material and beyond. I personally found her voice high and squeaky; seemingly years and miles away from the Ayu I was introduced to at 14 years of age in 2002. There were a few tracks in their remix form I was able to stomach but otherwise, this album was an Ayumi I didn’t care to know. In fact, you’ll notice on most of these tracks I note that I prefer remixes over originals.
Within the last couple of years, I listened to this album in its entirety and ultimately fell in love. I realized now how important this debut is in considering and appreciating where Ayu started. Yes her sound is relatively high-pitched and un-Western, but it’s endearing AF. This album is able to span both sides of various spectrums: fun and sad, innocent and experienced, light-hearted and heartfelt. It exudes such a compelling, youthful perspective of love and heartbreak that I can’t help but empathize with it. Honestly, I don’t think I would feel the same emotions if this album was recorded with a more mature, older voice.
Rating system:
☆☆☆☆ Love - play this at my funeral ☆☆☆ Like - skippable, but still good ☆☆ Meh - this does nothing for me ☆ Hate - I’ve only listened to this once just to confirm I hated it (⭒ you might see these little guys pop up from time to time, which represent a half star because I can’t make up my damned mind)
For a couple of tracks I give two different ratings because sometimes a remixed version is better than the original.
A Song for ×× album tracks
Track 1: “Prologue” Rating: ☆☆☆ Like It’s a prelude. Not the best or worst, but a good one.
Track 2: “A Song for ××” Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Love Are you really even an Ayu fan if you don’t like this song? Kidding! But seriously, I think it’s safe to say that this is a very, very important song to Ayumi; if the number of its live performances aren’t an indicator, the drama from even watching one is enough to move you. One of my favorite live performances ever is from her A Museum tour—the a cappella beginning of the first verse and bridge lures you in and forces you to listen, for her only to then blow you away with the booming orchestral intensity of the chorus. GAH! Fuck me up, Ayu!
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Her “030213 Session #2 Take” re-recording of it on the A BALLADS compilation album provides a more organic, and arguably more powerful listening experience. Though she is older, you still can hear the strength of her despair. Her loneliness and strong façade hasn’t left, but has only changed and grew up with her.
The “Ferry Corsten Chilled Mix” from her first ayu trance album is also a total vibe. Great remix.
Track 3: “Hana” Rating: ☆☆☆ Like I’d file this one under: “the remixes are better than the original.” I mean the original is still a good listen, but the “dub’s trance remix” and acoustic orchestra version give it more oomph and dimension respectively (both are found on the first ayu-mi-x compilation). The lyrics reflect a fear of the relative unknown, or rather, a fear of growing, only to wilt or get stepped on. And I love how her considerably sad and pensive lyrics are backed with lively arrangements; it’s one of the many things I love about her music.
Track 4: “FRIEND” Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Love This 👏🏼 song 👏🏼 is 👏🏼 underrated 👏🏼 OMG do I love this song, it’s so fucking wholesome. This track was the one which truly solidified my love for ASf××. Like if this had a music video, I can totally see it popping up on the Disney channel back in the late ‘90s with Ayu dancing at a beach carnival in a pair of Keds or something. Though this song is not devoid of sadness, there is a bit of hope to it, and it’s just simply, super pure. It’s definitely a personal fave. 
Track 5: “FRIEND II” Rating: ☆☆ Meh It’s forgettable... I’m having a hard time trying to remember how it goes. I’m sure if I heard it, I’d be like “Ohhhh yeah!” but my mind is only broken picture links rn.
Okay I’ve listened to it and for some reason I get “Song 4 u” vibes like the very beginning guitar riff sounds like the “S4u” chorus, and even the build to the “FII” chorus is similar, I almost expect “S4u” sung over this. At least she copied herself LOL I mean it’s not a terrible song, but the first FRIEND is the better FRIEND.
Track 6: “poker face” Rating: ☆☆ Meh Yes it’s her first single ev4r so like, it’s all important and shit. But I feel there are better tracks on this album which easily eclipse the song. Though it fits in well with the album as a whole. Perhaps as a single compared to only “FRIEND” it holds its own but honestly, just it being Ayu’s debut song is really the only reason why I even remember it.
Track 7: “Wishing” Rating: ☆☆☆ Like I believe this is the first (and only) slow ballad that pops up on the album, and also believe this was a good foundation laid for the rest of the slow ballads of her career. This song showcases the youth and yearn of her voice very well. Does anyone know if she has even performed this song live?
Track 8: “YOU” Rating: ☆☆ Meh (original); ☆☆☆☆ Love (”Aggressive Mix”) I’ll be real: this original track is boring. Though the “Aggressive Mix” on the first ayu-ro mix album slaps for years and I don’t even really care for Eurobeat. The “FINE MIX” on the ayu-mi-x album is also pretty groovy with that—albeit slow—reggae vibe. I’d argue any remix of this song gives it way more personality and likability. 
Confession time: back when cosplay shows at cons were just like a mishmash of skits planned the day of and walk-ons, I thought about actually doing some kind of one-woman interpretive dance to the “Aggressive Mix.” It never happened so you’re welcome. 
Track 9: “As if...” Rating: ☆☆☆ Like This is just a good bop. I love the fake-out beginning of the slow piano and then: !!!TATOEBA!!!
Also I really appreciate the bass during the verses, like it goes ~BUM BUM~ every four counts and it’s just something nice and subtle which contributes positively to the song.
Track 10: “POWDER SNOW” Rating: ☆☆☆ Like (original); ☆☆☆☆ Love (acoustic orchestra) Three words: acoustic orchestra version. Are y’all seeing the pattern here? But seriously, this song supported by the simplicity of a haunting piano completely changes the mood of this song for the better. I will agree that the original arrangement has a great buildup, but it doesn’t compare to the emotion of the acoustic version.
Also, do any of you fellow old people remember Kazaa? When I was Ayu-curious, I was looking for random songs to download and the acoustic orchestra version of “POWDER SNOW” was one of the first songs I ever downloaded (maybe that plays into my bias). 
Honestly, now that I think about it, it might have been Morpheus at the time...
Track 11: “Trust” Rating: ☆☆☆ Like Also one of the first songs I ever heard from Ayu, so I like it for nostalgic reasons. Otherwise I would have relegated this to the ‘meh’ pile. 
This is one of the first Japanese songs I ever learned to sing, so I gotta give credit to my 14-year-old self.
Track 12: “Depend on you” Rating: ☆⭒ M— (I don’t hate it, but don’t not hate it enough to warrant the full ‘Meh’) This song is overrated :D The only good thing to come from this single is “Two of us.” Next! 
Track 13: SIGNAL Rating: ☆☆⭒ Meh-eh? Well...? It’s a good track, I respect it. Not as memorable as the other songs but it fits well in the album. A good filler song.
Track 14: “from your letter” Rating: ☆☆☆ Like The very beginning with the snaps and twinkly sounds are pretty cool. The song is enjoyable and calls for some shoulder moving at least. There was a remix on AHS a long time ago by sleeperspaceborn which was pretty damned good, and in fact made me like this song. 
Track 15: “For My Dear...” Rating: ☆☆☆⭒ Like Like  Here for the drama and the high notes, shoot it straight into my bloodstream and do not resuscitate. The Acoustic Version is also a great remix, I love how she sounds like she’s screaming over the piano and guitar.
Track 16: “Present” Rating: ☆☆ Meh Like “FRIEND II” I can’t remember this song...
Ah there it is! *proceeds to forget again*
Non-album tracks:
“Two of us” Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Love I absolutely l-o-v-e this song right down to the cheesy, slow dance prom-y feel to it. Hell, even the “touch of mahogany mix” is one of the best remixes; I dare you not to at least bob your head when you hear it. This song can only be found on the Depend on You single and it’s a damn shame it didn’t make it to the ASf×× album. However maybe this can be considered her first slow ballad... but again, solid foundation. The lyrics are once again so pain-ridden and sorrowful, but then when you hear it against that funky rhythm on the “touch of mahogany mix,” you can’t help but submit to the dissonance of snapping along while in tears.
Also Xelakad provided an ah-mazing remix of this song on AHS a while back too. It seriously turns this song into a spiritual experience.
Average era rating: ☆☆☆ Like
If I could describe this album in two words, they would be: cohesive and precious. Yes her lyrics reflect hurt, rejection, and cynicism, but against the pop rock beats and her high voice, the album maintains an element of innocence. I believe it was a strong and consistent debut relative to her discography, as we are introduced to a young and weary Ayu who’s uncertain about the future, of love, of herself... *le sigh*
But let’s tie everything up in a nice pretty bow. For the list of Ayu’s creative bests, the common denominator is how much I really loved the drama and uniqueness of the tracks. Given that Ayu’s music style quickly evolved after this album, we conceivably don’t and won’t hear any songs like these ever again, and that’s why they’re just special.
The ‘Loves’ (only in order of track listing): A Song for ×× FRIEND POWDER SNOW (Acoustic Orchestra) YOU “Aggressive Mix” Two of us
Ayu’s creative bests: A Song for ×× POWDER SNOW (Acoustic Orchestra) For My Dear... Two of us
Credits: -Album art from Wikipedia -Concert screenshots from eneabba.net/ayu
Disclaimer: this post is solely my personal view and opinion. I am a Westerner with no fluency in Japanese, and so my viewpoint is shaped from English translations provided by ahsforum.com and all the feels from years of daily listening.
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Wakana - magic moment (2020) Album Review
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My girl releases another album less than a year after her first. What a hardworking woman! First, let’s do some overall thoughts:
I really love the title of this album, it’s a happy title for a mostly happy sounding album
I also love the cover, maybe even more than the ‘Wakana’ Album
Are those shoes the same ones from the Aki no Sakura EP?
I really love the diversity of sound in this album. One of my complaints of the first album was the lack of variety. I love me some ballads (70% of my playlist of all the music I listen to are sad songs) but it felt a bit stale after a while.
My complaints with Wakana’s singing is always going to be the same thing since her vocal delivery has not really changed technically that much. Her vibrato is actually quite nice as opposed to what some people would say as ‘Goat Wakana’ (great criticism I must say), especially at the end of 442, her lower register is gorgeous but has no support (as expected of a soprano) and her higher notes in her chest voice are quite nasally. Her falsetto however is quite grating on the ears (I’ll elaborate later)
Why is Orange on the album? To fill up space, that’s why (I get it, making an album is hard, but why not just leave it out? There’d still be 10 songs) And Wakana wrote the lyrics, I guess?
I’m really interested to see how some songs will be performed live with some overlapping vocals (in 442) and strings being in many of the songs (without a violinist for the upcoming live)
I listened to the album first when I was in a bit of a bad mood so everything seemed super average. I’m feeling a bit better about most of the songs. Also after reading the self-liner notes for the album and listening to the lyrics, I was able to appreciate some of the songs more.
Okay, now for the individual songs:
(Lyrics: Wakana | Arrangement/Composition: Yumemi Kujira)
The orchestra sound is so gorgeous. At first it was weird hearing the japanese lyrics though lol. I like how they added different instruments for variety’s sake. The choir in the background was more hit or miss for me. During the first chorus is was really distracting but it was great for the rest of the song. My main problem is not the song itself but Wakana’s delivery of the falsetto; it’s very disconnected and screechy. It’s very hard to listen to and since the same chorus is repeated 4 times? It makes it a bit of a hard song to listen to overall. Wakana needs to develop better placement, breathing techniques and support when hitting notes in her head voice.
揺れる春 (Yureru Haru) 
Lyrics: Wakana |  Arrangement/Composition: Miki Sakurai
I don’t really like this song? The lyrics are quite nice, but it just feels like a plain upbeat song about being happy and reaching for goals and all that fun generic stuff. But what Wakana said in the self liner notes made me feel a bit better about the song:
“The hook’s 駆け出した (run off) and 君の叫び (your scream) are connected, right?”
“The urge to run off and shout. It’s exhilarating, and the canvas that you have now is white so you can draw freely and go with the urge. And the second verse’s 睫毛に触れたのは 昨日の自分の欠片 (What touched my eyelashes was the pieces of yesterday’s me) are about tears. The tears hit my eyelashes and one part stops there. The fragments that came out of itself include those that you pick up yourself (I had a hard time translating that sentence so I used google translate hehe). 
Lyrics/Composition: AlbatoLuce | Arrangement: Akihito Takashi
I LOVE Wakana’s low register in this song and the verses. I also really like the acoustic guitar, it provides a really contrast to the more dance-centric feeling of the song. The first chorus still lacks the appropriate punch, but the key change for the second half of the song makes up for it. Also those ‘wooah’s’ are really awesome. Wakana’s voice during the 3rd verse (after the key change) is just gorgeous. 
Lyrics: Wakana, Airi Okamoto | Arrangement/Composition: Koichi Ikekubo
I really wanted to know the meaning of the title, and apparently it’s the hertz sound of a baby crying for the first time!
“The lyrics are co-authored. First we talked about the subject (of the lyrics), we said “When we plan the song, let’s make the theme the reason why you started singing”. So when looking at the lyrics given to me, words came out from inside of me. In particular, the phrase 愛の声が聴こえた (I heard the voice of love) that Okamoto-san produced for us for the hook. [...] I thought that I was born to listen to the “voice of love”. And so, that singing voice is echoing throughout my whole body. It’s strange to cry with the same sound of when we were born. I wonder why? I thought about it, I was born to do something and I thought that your first cry was a singing voice that expressed it.”
I love the melody and instrumentation of this song, especially the chorus. The chorus holds an incredible amount of weight. Apart from her nasality, Wakana’s singing is quite solid throughout this song. I love Wakana’s ‘ai no’ at the last chorus. So much power! I also really like the violin and am disappointed that there won’t be any in the live... Also I love the last line 響き渡る歌声 (resounding singing voice) and the music stops when Wakana sings ‘singing voice’. I don’t have anything objective to say about it, I just adore that part.
ひらり ひらり (Hirari Hirari) 
Lyrics/Composition: Silence! | Arrangement: Mamoru Kuge
Bland... It might take me a few listens but I don’t know if I’ll like this song. Wakana’s singing during the verses is gorgeous, very clear and the melody of the verses and pre-choruses are lovely, but the chorus is really bland and forgettable. I like what Wakana said about the song though.
“It's a song for people who want to meet but can't meet, whether it’s because you can't meet because you're away or because you don't have the courage.”   
I’m in a long-distance relationship, so this song hits home a little bit. The lyrics are actually quite sad. If the whole song was like the verses I’d like it a lot more but the chorus is so uplifting...
アキノサクラ (Aki no Sakura) (Acoustic ver.)
Lyrics: Kei Saito, Yoshitaka Taira | Composition: Kei Saito | Arrangement: Toshio Uchida
I love the combo of bongos and accordion! There isn’t much to say about this song apart from the new instrumentation and the tempo. I really like the former but not really the latter. I don’t think I like it more than the original, but it’s a very nice song. The vocalisations during the bridge is also a pretty touch, especially when Wakana sings along with the music. and that ‘naite’ at the end was so emotional
Lyrics/Composition: AlbatoLuce | Arrangement: Yoshifumi Ise
When I first heard this song, I thought it was BORING. On the second listen, I really liked it. Wakana’s voice is so gorgeous on this song. I love the melody of the line 壊れぬように抱きしめてた (I embraced it so it wouldn’t break). Her vibrato is a bit shaky with the delivery and her low register is not as clear as other tracks (but maybe that’s because of the mixing). Some of the strings sound synth, especially during the bridge but I’m not very sure. The parts with just the one violin instead of the quartet are my favourite bits of the instrumentation; it sounds really lonely. There’s nothing much else to say about it, a very solid song.
Lyrics: Wakana | Composition/Arrangement: Satoshi Takebe
I was disappointed. I really like this song and in my review of the live version I mentioned that her high register suits a song like this. But the way Wakana’s singing in the recorded version sounds different to me. The vowels are shaped in a way that sounds like a sadder song. Maybe this me being picky, but it took away from the happier experience. The nasality in her voice is the worst in this song, it literally sounds like she needs to sneeze and drink some water. Also the added noises (synth bells?) during the pre-chorus is very distracting. My review sounds very negative, but I really like this song and the lyrics are gorgeous. 
Happy Hello Day
Lyrics: Wakana | Composer: Akihiro Kasuga | Arrangement: Shu Kanematsu
At this point, the strings are really nice, even if they’re getting a bit old. But the piano during the verses is very cool... I really like the strings in the chorus and the melody of it too. The message of the song is quite sweet and easily applicable to anyone in every day life. These lyrics in particular:
手を叩き軽やかに Clap your hands lightly, 口笛吹いて whistling. ありふれた幸せで僕らはできてる We are made of ordinary happiness.
君が空を仰いで涙流し You look up at the sky, shedding tears. 息を詰まらせて動けなくなったら If you get short of breath and can't move, 此処に僕が居る I'm here.
These lyrics (for like the first 2 lines) are about a performer and the audience. Creating the atmosphere of a happy and chill live (clapping lightly, still listening to the music) and everyone being the same, even the performer. The second section reflects the way some people view performers and music to be an escape from their life. But it can also be interpreted as just an everyday person being happy to have met someone they like. I love how it’s so interchangeable and up for interpretation. 
magic moment
Lyrics: Wakana | Composer: SIRA | Arrangement: Shu Kanematsu
The strings are gorgeous (why no strings for the live????!!!!) and so are the verses. I particularly love the pre-chorus. The chorus however is quite bland and boring and the changing rhythm is a bit hard to grasp. The lyrics are lovely as well. I mean, I’m biased because Wakana wrote them. But I love these ones:
いつから夢も見ない大人になったの? Since when did I become an adult that never dreamed? 最後の場所は決めたよ さあ行こう I've decided on the last place. So, let's go!
The song is actually quite growing on me. I’m sure I’ll keep liking it but the chorus is still weighing it down. 
I really like this album. An unimpressive first impression followed by a very nice second and third one. I’m impressed with the amount of variety in the songs and her singing is mostly solid. I just wish she would improve on different places and I’ll probably keep complaining about them. I think Wakana is liking the independence when it comes to helping the creation of these songs and I’m very happy for me. 
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rattmemes · 5 years
Beetlejuice: the Musical OBCR Starters! ACT 1
((>>act 2<<))
all changeable titles/pronouns will be in [italics and bracket!]
“ in times like these, we have no words, we only have each other ” “ we only have each other ” “ today we come together to mourn ” “ scripture tells us: “sorrow not, for we do not walk alone” ” “ sorrow not, for we do not walk alone ” “ you’re invisible when you’re sad ” “ clocks tick and phones still ring ” “ the world carries on like mad ” “ the world carries on like mad, but nobody sees a thing ” “ nobody sees a thing ” “ whispering behind their hands, lost for kind words to say ” “ nobody understands, and everyone goes away ” “ nobody understands ” “ everyone goes away ” “ grownups wanna fix things, when they can’t it only fills them shame ” “ they just look away ” “ is it being greedy to need somebody to see me and say my name? ” “ seems when you lose your [mom], no one turns off the sun ” “ folks carry on, that’s that ” “ holy crap, a ballad already? ” “ such a bold departure from the original source material! ”
“ hey folks! begging your pardon! ” “ hey folks! ” “ begging your pardon! ” “ ‘scuse me! sorry to barge in! ” “ ‘scuse me! ” “ sorry to barge in! ” “ let’s skip the tears ” “ let’s skip the tears and start on the whole, y’know, being dead thing ” “ you’re doomed! ” “ you’re doomed! enjoy the singing ” “ the sword of Damocles is swinging ” “ if i hear your cell-phone ringing, i’ll kill you myself ” “ the whole being dead thing! ” “ death can get a person stressed ” “ we should have carpe’d way more diems, now we’re never gonna see ‘em ” “ we should have carpe’d way more diems ” “ i can show you what comes next ” “ don’t be freaked ” “ stay in your seats ” “ don’t be freaked, stay in your seats ” “ i do this bullshit like eight times a week ” “ so just relax, you’ll be fine ” “ drink your fifty-dollar wine and take a breath ” “ welcome to a show about death! ” “ you’re gonna be fine on the other side ” “ DIE! YOU’RE ALL GONNA DIE! YOU’RE ALL GONNA DIE! ” “ i’ll be your guide to the other side ” “ oh, and full disclosure: it’s a show about death! ” “ everybody gets on fine here ” “ everybody gets on fine here, like Rodgers, Hart, and Hammerstein here ” “ the women’s bathroom has no line here ” “ just... pee where you want! ” “ you’re just gonna love the folks here ” “ yes, i know you’re woke, but you can take a joke here ” “ i do, like, a TON of coke here ” “ nobody is bullet-proof ” “ “i work out! i eat clean!” jesus, pass the Dramamine ” “ jesus, pass the Dramamine ” “ time to face the brutal truth ” “ we’re all on a hitlist ” “ might not live ‘till christmas ” “ choke to death on Triscuits ” “ hey, that’s just statistics ” “ take a little break here ” “ kinda like a wake here ” “ the scenery is fake here ” “ there’s a giant snake here! ” “ how you doin’? not good! ” “ seriously though, this is a show about death ” “ death is taboo, but it’s hardly something new ” “ there’s nothing medical professionals could do, ‘cept maybe just bill you ” “ if you die while listening to this album, it’s still gonna keep playing ” “ there’s no destiny or fate, just a terrifying wait filled with people that you hate, and on a certain date, the universe kills you ” “ that’s the thing with life: no one makes it out alive ” “ toss that body in the pit ” “ gosh, it’s awful, ain’t it tragic? ” “ blah blah bible jesus magic ” “ when you’re dead, who gives a shit? ” “ pilates, no more yoga ” “ namaste, you fuckin’ posers! ” “ from the cradle to cremation, death just needs a little conversation ” “ i have mastered the art of tearing convention apart ” “ how about we all make a start on the whole being dead thing ” “ god, i hope you’re ready for a show about death! ”
“ look at this crib ” “ look at this crib, in all of it’s glorious antiquary ” “ every curve and surface speaks to me, saying pamper and spoil me, sand me and oil me; come on ” “ i know to the untrained eye it’s boring ” “ nothing’s a chore when you’re restoring ” “ apart from frustration, pain, and financial drain, it’s fun! ” “ why do you polish your crib when you don’t have a kid? ” “ even if you did have a kid, this crib is too precious for placing a baby inside it ” “ it simply exists to remind you your sense of perfection is just a reflection that you are not mentally prepared to make room for a kid ” “ why don’t you live? ” “ just make a start ” “ are you willing to take the next step? ” “ ready, set - ” “ look at these jugs! ” “ amazingly glazed and terracotta-ery ” “ i took some clay and made you pottery ” “ the world will never wreck you, i’ll protect you in a mother’s embrace ” “ why can’t you see that ceramics is simply a manifestation of [motherly] panic; by making a baby that’s breakable aren’t you creating a way of translating the terror of making [maternal] mistakes into clay, hiding away so you don’t have to face being a bad [mom]? ” “ that’s what you’ve done, ___ ” “ here we stand at the end of a 10-year plan ” “ a house, a yard, a minivan, a baby should be next ” “ together let’s leap off the cliff, fall forever, then smash to bits ” “ trapped in a terrifying viper pit ” “ trapped in a terrifying viper pit of diapers and regret ” “ are we willing to take the next step? ” “ ready, set - not yet ” “ why rush? ” “ soon enough our hopes and our dreams will be crushed ” “ but not yet ” “ not now ” “ we can’t start a family in a house with creaky floorboards ” “ you are absolutely right, let’s add it to the list ” “ with the cracks in the plaster ” “ the wi-fi should be faster ” “ this sofa needs a castor ” “ the bathroom’s a disaster! ” “ what about global poverty? ” “ what about world peace? ” “ then there’s the whole darn economy ” “ the whole middle east ” “ we should learn mandarin ” “ yeah! or spanish at least ” “ no habla espanol, dos cervezas por favor ” “ and that’s all we got, and that’s not a lot ” “ do we want a bilingual household or not? ” “ so let’s go slow, no breaking a sweat ” “ what’s the point of having children if we’re drowning in debt? ” “ see, i wasn’t kidding, it’s a show about death! ”
“ ready? okay! ” “ hi! i’ll be your guide! i’ll be your G-U-I-D-E to the other side! ” “ don’t go to the netherworld ” “ netherworld? ” “ did i say netherworld? never mind ” “ jesus, i can’t spell ” “ he’ll be your guide! ” “ let’s all get naked! ” “ let’s all get naked! eh, worth a try ” “ what is happening?! ” “ i understand that it’s a lot to process ” “ the good news is you and our spouse died in your own house ” “ that gives you clout ” “ that means the two of you should stick around ” “ lucky for you i dropped by ” “ yeah, you seem like nice guys ” “ a little on the pottery barn and dry white wine side ” “ as for me, i’ve been scaring for millennia ” “ i’m the bio-exorcist giving houses enemas ” “ push out all the breathers so you can breathe easy ” “ just stick with me ” “ i’m like a ghost zombie jesus ” “ ghost zombie jesus! ” “ i do it for the love of it. money? ah, who gives a shit ” “ i think we’re a perfect fit, c’mon let’s make out a bit ” “ it’s the perfect day to die ” “ it’s the perfect day to die, ‘cause this guy happened to be passing by ” “ to give you control of your soul ” “ to give you control of your soul for the whole being dead thing ”
“ hey [mom], dead [mom] ” “ hey [mom] ” “ i need a little help here ” “ i’m probably talking to myself here ” “ i gotta ask, are you really in the ground? ” “ i feel you all around me ” “ are you here? ” “ i’m tired of trying to iron out my creases ” “ i’m a bunch of broken pieces, it was you who made me whole ” “ i’m a bunch of broken pieces ” “ it was you who made me whole ” “ every day [dad’s] staring at me, like all “hurry up, get happy” ” “ move along ” “ forget about your [mom] ” “ [daddy’s] in denial, [daddy] doesn’t wanna feel ” “ [he] wants me to smile and clap like a performing seal ” “ ignored it for a whole, but [daddy’s] lost [his] mind for real ” “ you don’t believe the mess that we’ve become ” “ you’re my home, my destination ” “ i’m your clone, your strange creation ” “ you held my hand, and life came easy ” “ now jokes don’t land ” “ no one sees me ” “ nothing seems to fit ” “ are you receiving? ” “ i want something to believe in ” “ take me where my soul can run ” “ i’ll be in my bedroom, wake me when i’m twenty one ” “ won’t you send a sign? ” “ i’m running out of hope and time ” “ a plague of mice, a lightning strike, or drop a nuclear bomb ” “ no more playing [daddy’s] games ” “ i’ll go insane if things don’t change ” “ whatever it takes to make [him] say your name ”
“ okay, listen up, i’m not gonna lie; right now you couldn’t frighten a fly ” “ you ever stop to ask yourselves why? ” “ both of you are super polite, middle class, suburban, and white ” “ well, all of that is finished tonight ” “ take your places ” “ i want scary faces, now go! ” “ bigger! ” “ further! ” “ harder! ” “ not bad! ” “ i want scary faces, now go! bigger! further! harder! -- not bad! ” “ sever a head, preferably someone you know ” “ look at me, i’m so scary! ” “ don’t be so vanilla, would a little anger kill ya? ” “ c’mon drop your panties i’m trying to fill you -- with wisdom and skill ” “ and the instinct to kill ” “ again, we do not want to kill anyone! ” “ fine, but somehow, someway, you gotta make ‘em see ya ” “ i’m talkin’ jumpscares, the jerky japanese ghost-walk ” “ learn how to throw your voice! -- fool your friends! -- fun at parties! ” “ now THAT is cool! i wanna do THAT! ” “ whatever it takes to make ‘em go crazy ” “ raising the stakes by punching a baby ” “ scare ‘em away till they break ” “ they’ll be quaking in fright ” “ you’ve got some evil deep down inside you ” “ put all the farmer’s markets behind you ” “ you’ve gotta work, gotta haunt till it hurts through the night ” “ give those guys the fright of their lives! ” “ let’s start with things that you hate ” “ hate’s a very strong word ” “ perhaps when people are late ” “ or getting pooped on by birds ” “ no, what fills you with rage? ” “ what fills you with rage? ” “ being mean to a pet ” “ chefs who use too much sage when they make beurre noisette ” “ over-glutinous food ” “ when kids call me dude ” “ oh, i find that so rude! ” “ well, there’s lots there to use ” “ take a deep death and give me your best primal scream ” “ [weak, lame scream] ” “ that was brilliant! ” “ try it again, maybe this time pretend like you mean it ” “ [lame scream but deeper] ” “ that was even better! ” “ i want freedom ” “ to get my freedom i need to get a living person to say my name ” “ i know that beggars can’t be choosers, but do they have to be such losers? ” “ both of them are deathly dull and lame ” “ why God slash Satan did you send these bed wetters? ” “ even, like, a tax attorney would’ve been better ” “ somebody with gravitas, somebody to fear ” “ excuse me, ___, we can kinda hear you ” “ yeah? well that was a soliloquy, so you’re the one who’s being rude ” “ turn all the lights on ” “ dress like a baby ” “ ___, i don’t even -- no. ” “ get your heads in the game ” “ let’s hide their phones! ” “ screw their phones! ” “ ugh, these dopes are hopeless ” “ how will i ever survive? ” “ unless they get the fright of their lives ” “ yes, we’re feelin’ it! ” “ they gotta get the right of their lives ” “ we’re scary, very very scary! ” “ they’ll never get the fright of their lives ”
“ that needy pervert was right ” “ if we want our house back, we have to fight for it ” “ how? no one can see us! ” “ we’re ghosts, damn it! let’s haunt this bitch! ” “ oblivion calls ” “ we might as well walk through some walls ” “ i’m sure we can haunt our own halls ” “ we’re ready as we’ll ever get ” “ i gotta get right outside my comfort zone ” “ we’ll rattle chains and, i don’t know, just wail and moan until they go ” “ ready, set let’s oooOOOoOooOooOo [ghost noises] ”
“ the universe is more than just space with no end ” [sung] “ la-la-la-la-la! ” “ just think of the universe as a female best friend ” “ hey, universe, what’s happening girl? ” “ oh nothing. just running the world ” “ you’re on the right track, [girl], i got your back, [girl] ” “ i’m helping you grow ” “ think positive, act positive, you are a child of the Earth! ” “ life coaching! nailing it! ” “ time to take command you dictate the hand the universe deals ” “ look, science makes no sense; who needs evidence? ” “ go with yours feels ” “ i’m like a radio tuned to the stars ” “ i found my frequency, crystals speak to me ” “ what are they saying? ” “ buy more crystals ” “ everything, EVERYTHING, happens for a reason ” “ be a beacon of light in the world, put a little alright in the world ” “ there are spiritual guides above, look up and see ‘em ” “ perception is reality ” “ just listen to the melody the universe sings ” “ everything happens for a reason ” “ gee, i hate to break it to you: the universe is just the contents of time, matter and space ” “ ninety-one billion light-years across and the Earth’s a small place ” “ good people die in famine and wars ” “ the pacific islands are sinking, but negative thinking is hardly the cause ” “ you think life is all unicorns and rainbows ‘cause you’re bored ” “ positivity is a luxury that few can afford ” “ we’re gonna die, yes you and I, in meaningless and alone ” “ no no no! no! ” “ one day you may wake up alone ” “ your husband and his boyfriend bought a boat and then they sailed away to Rome ” “ that’s specific ” “ so you cry yourself to sleep in deep despair, talking to the walls ‘cause there’s no one there, and you have to buy a cat ‘cause that’s your last chance to have a family ” “ take it from me, your aging ass will have to believe that everything happens for a reason ” “ put some more fun in the world, a little “I AM STILL YOUNG” in the world ” “ be prepared to take your eggs and freeze ‘em ” “ is this still about me? ” “ sounds like terrible things can happen ” “ because the universe is random ” “ yes, but, random for a reason ” “ no reason ”
“ you’re invisible when you’re me ” “ there’s no one to see my truth ” “ if they could look up they’d see: hey! somebody’s on the roof! ” “ god, it’s mortifying, what’s the point of even trying? ” “ now i’m trapped with no escape ” ��� banished! disavowed! i vanished like a cloud of dirty hipster vape ” “ i vanished like a cloud of dirty hipster vape ” “ nobody said life’s fair ” “ guess they will never see the demon who isn’t there ” “ whoa, what have we got here? ” “ by the time you read this, I, ___, will be gone ” “ there’s nothing for me here ” “ i’m alone, forsaken, invisible ” “ that makes two of us ” “ who the hell are you? ” “ can you... see me? ” “ yeah...? ” “ you can SEE me! ” “ I’M GONNA HAVE A NEW BEST FRIIIIIIEEEENND! ”
“ you could use a buddy ” “ don’t you want a pal? ” “ yes i do! yes i do! ” “ the way i see, your [daddy] should be leaving and you should stick around! ” “ and kill him! ” “ ... what? ” “ nothing! ” “ don’t end yourself, defend yourself ” “ [daddy] is the one you should maim ” “ together we’ll exterminate, assassinate! ” “ the finer points can wait ” “ first you gotta say my name! ” “ go ahead and jump but that won’t stop [him] ” “ here you got a solid plan B option ” “ i can bring your [daddy] so much pain ” “ all you gotta do is say my name ” “ just say it three times in a row ” “ you won’t believe how far i’ll go ” “ i’m in the bench, but coah, just put me in the game! ” “ i don’t know your name ” “ well, i can’t SAY it ” “ how ‘bout a game of charades? ” “ yes, let’s play it! ” “ close, but no ” “ wow, i’m impressed ” “ all you gotta do is say my name three times ” “ three times in a row it must be spoken, unbroken ” “ you’re so smart, a stand-up bro ” “ i’ll think about your offer, let you know ” “ i prefer my chances down below ” “ being young and [female] doesn’t mean that i’m an easy mark ” “ i’ve been swimming with piranhas, i don’t need a shark ” “ yes, life sucks, but not that much ” “ be a doll and spare the lecture ” “ i’m offering you a full-time specter! ” “ are you any good? ” “ you bet’cha! trust me, baby! ” “ really, it’s a flattering offer ” “ don’t you wanna see [dad] suffer? ” “ i think i’d rather just jump off ” “ i may be suicidal but ___, it’s not as if i’ve lost my mind ” “ so, playing hardball, huh? you are tougher than you look ” “ just wanna make sure i know who i’m working with. go any references? ” “ ___, there you are! ” “ get away from [her] ! ” “ this is a dangerously unstable individual ” “ ___ is sexy! ” “ ___ is smart! ” “ ___ is a graduate of Julliard! ” “ [he] can help, we found [him] on yelp ” “ our troubles all ended on the day that we befriended ” “ every word is the truth ” “ what the heck was that? ” “ so violating! ” “ there you go, kid, couple of five-star reviews ” “ that was possession ” “ any ghost can do that in less than one lesson ” “ pretty much any ghost’ll do, sure ” “ then, ___, what do i need you for? ” “ woah, woah, woah woah woah! hold up! ” “ hold up! i’m your pal! ” “ they’re sweet, but i’m a demon straight from hell ” “ i know, i went a little hard on the sell ” “ we’re BF-F-F-F’s forever! ” “ what? he was already dead ” “ we don’t need that demon ” “ together we can make a grown man weep ” “ we got a dinner date to keep ” “ okay, so what’s the plan? ” “ [he’s] gonna freak when we possess him ” “ i’ll lead that lamb to slaughter ” “ yeah, i got game! ” “ i’m gonna make [him] say my name ” “ not running away ”
“ what’s going on ___? are you alright? ” “ i don’t -- i dont know what just happened ” “ ___? do you need to lie down? ” “ what is happening to me? ” “ work all night on a drink of rum ” “ daylight come and me wanna go home ” “ stack banana till the morning come ” “ wait, why aren’t you dancing? ” “ it’s like i told you, ___, this house is haunted, and the ghosts who live here want you OUT ” “ who wants bacon? ” “ no! no! i’m a vegan! ” “ shut up, you moron! don’t apologize, we’re gonna be RICH! ” “ a genuine haunted house? it’s a goldmine! ” “ these ghosts are gonna make us a fortune! ” “ no! you’re supposed to be scared! ” “ there’s one thing that can still stop [him] ” “ ___, no! you don’t know what’ll happen! ” “ i can’t keep living like this! ” “ oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! i’m so glad you changed your mind! ” “ you are never gonna regret this! ” “ we are gonna make such a great team! ” “ give me just... one... more... ” “ it’s SHOWTIME! ” “ it’s our house now, kid! ” “ looks like we’re not invisible anymore! ”
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justkimberley · 5 years
HSMTMTS Thoughts Episode 1
Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5
Ms. Jenn watching HSM in her car is a mood
Ricky seems so excited to “start over” (oof)
She sounded neutral, that’s good right”
Ok, here’s the thing though… announcing that you love someone FOR THE FIRST TIME should be a private thing, not posted for the world to see (in my opinion).
Oof, Ricky’s face, that baby is not sure how to deal with love
So here’s the thing, at this point the audience doesn’t know this yet, but as I am rewatching this, I know what’s going on and Ricky at this point has no frame of reference where “love” works. He thinks that his parents are still in love (or at least he hopes), but his mom has been going away for long periods of time, he knows that their marriage isn’t doing too hot, and he is in the middle of it. Of course he couldn’t say it.
“It was a BREAK it wasn’t a break UP.” “ I’m sorry Ricky, but it’s a break UP now.”
*strong independent Nini face**sad and confused Ricky face*
Ok so like, I love Courtney and she gets better as the season goes on but the “I’m dismantling the patriarchy this year, and I’m not afraid to start with you,” was just,,, I don’t know I guess it just reminds me of the people that I went to high school/worked with that were all talk and buzzwords and no actual sustenance
The “interviews” where Nini’s like: “everything is great” and Ricky is like; “everything is terrible, love is dead” is hilarious and I love it
I love Big Red 
Ugh… Miss Jenn is too much, (she might be my least favourite character I’m sorry) “triggered as a millenial” line also gross, thanks
Carlos - BABEY
Nini has some serious imposter syndrome
Carlos is NOT a HSM historian. You can’t have only seen the first movie all the way through and not seen the other ones.
Mr. Mazzara, the epitome of my least favourite type of teacher
“We don’t call colleagues sweetie,” you know what? Point to you Mr. Mazzara, that is a thing we shouldn’t do. Very patronizing.
I feel like Mr. Mazarra would be more likable if he didn’t have a mustache? Weird thought but okay
“Looking this fabulous while also fighting for intersectional feminism IS my job” again, buzzwords and no sustenance
V hudge - uhhhh??? No one says that.
All the talented senior girls graduated last year” that is probably the most realistic line in the series
Yay finally good Courtney, actually showing us a little bit about who she is
EJ noticed Nini two years ago, why did he not talk to her until the summer?
I know what he does later is not good, but he does really like her and he cares about her, so at least that counts for something
Natalie! I forgot about her, I wish she had a bigger part in the rest of the show
Nini’s grandma and her moms!
Nini’s imposter syndrome returns
Ricky’s dad! He’s trying so hard to give Ricky’s mom space, and he’s stressed and obviously Ricky is aware, but at least his dad is trying to be reassuring “it’s gonna be fine bud”
Also why does nobody talk about how what Ricky’s mom is doing is kind of really shitty? Like she left her child for weeks at a time, without explaining what was going on?
“Shouldn’t he be fighting to save this?” *goes to fight to save his relationship*
“I’m actually bummed that we don’t have any competition here” - also a very realistic line but the cockiness needs to go (I’m guessing it might be a major point in his redemption. He’s definitely used to getting what he wants all the time, so it would be good to see him start to accept that that’s just not how life works)
Gina! - Sofia Wylie’s dancing, so good
Also, who is the guy with the grey/white hair? He’s one of my favourites.
Also how do they think that Gina should be Gabriella? She’s definitely more of a Sharpay, and if they want to go with a boy for Sharpay (we love Seb) then she should at least be Ryan (why not genderbend the both of them?). She should be someone who is super out there and has lots of musical numbers so she can dance and show off her talent and personality, Gabriella just isn’t that kind of character.
Also miss Jenn’s type casting is really not my thing (you look like a Taylor, you’re a Chad, etc. Should they not just choose who they want to audition for and then be put where they actually fit?)
“I dabble…” (Ashlyn, we love you) also why would Miss Darbus have a power ballad?
“This is my nightmare” *getcha head in the game on repeat *
That Armie Hammer comment is creepy, Miss Jenn
Once again, Gina is too much of a powershow for Gabriella. She’s not showing the vulnerability
Also a look into Gina’s home life that I forgot about. “If you’re not the best don’t do anything at all,” Yikes, total stage mom living vicariously through her daughter? Maybe?
That british accent thing is very strange and also never addressed again (so far) whyy? Why did they do it?? Does anyone in real life actually do this?
“That is why I love you” - *wide eyed flashback* also EJ, its been like one month, slow down tiger
“That’s a really big thing to post online” my thoughts too, Ricky
Okay so here’s my thoughts about Ricky calling the break. His mom has been away for a long time (because of the whole divorce thing) so in his mind, being far away from each other means that the love thing will kind of be messed up and also like his mom texts him right before and definitely reminds him.
It also gives us sight into what Ricky thinks will happen with his parents. He thinks as soon as his mom comes home for good that it will all be fine with his parents, and that’s not what happens (as we know from episode 4). This is also mirrored in Ricky and Nini’s relationship.
Also long distance for teenagers? (grade 10s going into grade 11 at that point) like that isn’t something they’ve ever been told could work
I’m not saying that Nini’s reaction isn’t valid, I’m just trying to explain what I think is going on with Ricky
Although Nini is the only person Ricky goes to for advice, so shouldn’t she kind of be aware of these issues? Although I guess Ricky’s not even very aware of what’s going on at this point either
“Troy would have arrived on time” incorrect - many people have mentioned this but like, Troy was always late. It’s a major plot point in all of the movies.
EJ’s “You got this babe,” is what caused Miss Jen to spill on the light thing and then made the lights go out → metaphor? EJ is actually stifling Nini by being so “supportive” (by accident)
“I’m not thrown,” queen! Literally 1. Boyfriend tells her he loves her causing slightly traumatic flashback 2. Ex boyfriend runs in to auditions for something he’s said he hates and 3. Lights get messed. We stan. Not thrown, what a legend. (and then proceeds to sing and face her dream fears)
Ricky! With the flashlight first, because he believes in her, EJ with his light because he needs to one up Ricky.\
RED! Coming to support his friend.
Temp -tress girl → then immediately improvises lines just to tell Nini that he loves her
“Was this in the movie?” Miss Jenn and Carlos → fake fans
“Cause that’s like not even a word your parents say to each other anymore” → he’s trying to explain his actions (or lack thereof). Also ow, that is a hard thing to hear.
I like Ricky’s version better than Nini’s oops
Also Nini is charmed by it, even though she doesn’t want to be → cue jealous EJ
Everyone subtly impressed, and also are like “awww”
“Don’t not love you” so quietly, this boy has emotional intimacy problems and he needs to talk to a therapist or something cause his parents are really messing him up with their divorce, or “legal separation” I guess. I don’t really know what the difference is.
Ricky’s face when Nini tells him he broke her heart → immediate regret
“I… don’t… not… love you,” oof
Nini and Ashlyn’s faces, my babies are so excited they got their parts!
Gina, shocked
“She thinks I’m a ChAd?”
Ricky looks so impressed with himself and he’s also like *play ball, let’s go boys*, Nini’s like *uh oh*, and EJ’s like *maybe I’ll slip him a rotten egg too*(oop ep. 4 spoilers)
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sameoldghostie · 5 years
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The Master and Margarita: I’ve seen the musical; I don’t speak Russian; I haven’t read the book.
We open with a moonlit bridge confrontation. Ivan Ozhogin, who appears to be a menacing alien insect warlord prince, is up against a soft-spoken robed guy who looks like the human equivalent of the bible. Bible Man drives Ivan and his horde of black leather goblins off the bridge, banishing them beyond the veil of space-time. Here’s where it gets weird.
Ivan somehow exists in both planes of existence at once despite having been banished. @caramelcosmiclatte had mentioned something about liminal space, so I’m assuming that the bridge world is a parallel dimension that Ivan (and Bible Man) can project themselves out of, and it doesn’t necessarily correspond to time as we understand it. Things get hellish in bridge world, and Ivan picks a team of goblins to accompany him to the human world, c. 1930 judging by the clothes. We see a series of old-timey images that clearly mean something, and I’m guessing that Ivan’s goal is to prevent some sort of catastrophic historical event. Or he just wants to retrieve his lady love.
Possibly to this end, Ivan, now dressed as Colonel Sanders, and his goblins try to plant information in the human world by manipulating a man on a park bench. The attempted manipulation goes wrong, a man is run over with a trolley and beheaded, and the manipulated guy’s park bench friend is sent to the looney bin after a jar of honey falls very dramatically.
All the while, beyond the space-time veil, the Romans are sentencing Jesus to death?? Mid-sentencing, the lead Roman and Jesus freeze time and have a nice little convo while their cohort is just kind of stuck, leaving me with the only logical conclusion that Jesus is a space-time goblin as well.
Ivan sees Margarita on a bridge, clutching a yellow bouquet, about to throw herself off after a v dramatic ballad. He stops time and sings about it, but then Jesus shows up on another bridge, turns the water below to yellow flowers and then blood (was THAT in the bible??), and unites his bridge with Margarita’s. Ivan is NOT happy.
I’ll speed things up. I’m pretty sure Jesus is the Master. He and Margarita are clearly in love, but they get separated on different planes. He’s politically persecuted for trying to publish something (to the same end as Ivan? what is he trying to accomplish or prevent? I DON’T KNOW) and is thrown in the looney bin along with that first guy, but then Margarita uses her powers (she’s one of them too!!) to reverse time and get the manuscript. Ivan watches from afar like a huge creep.
IN A TRULY STRANGE TURN OF EVENTS, Ivan then puts on a dance show with his goblin friends for a bunch of wealthy men, a goblin kills someone, they reverse time, and the dancing ladies’ dresses all fall off. They’re compelled to keep dancing and are v freaked out about it. I’m truly at a loss for what this is all about. Theory: Ivan et al. can reverse time, but whenever they do, something goes wrong beyond their control.
Jesus breaks out of the insane asylum and is promptly crucified by the Romans.
Ivan sends his goblins to bewitch/seduce Margarita with some fairy dust, and she finds him in that RED GODDAMN ROBE THAT I SEE WHEN I CLOSE MY EYES. Either he super wants to touch her but can’t because they’re separated on different planes, or he just really likes dragging her around with the Force. I think he’s saying that he’s prevented from being with her because things will go horribly wrong in the world if they’re together? Or he’s threatening her. For the life of me I can’t tell whether she actually likes him or is just very compelled by that red robe in the moment. He has to keep her from throwing herself onto him, and seems disturbed that he’s had to touch her wrists, so I’m thinking there is some serious force keeping them apart.
Then we’re at a white tie ball in some sort of post-Phantom chandelier cave, a woman comes in, upset, is stripped naked and then skinned (?????), and we have that classic tango. No idea how Margarita knows her--maybe a former friend?--but she still goes and dances with Ivan, because honestly who among us wouldn’t. I mean... he knows it, we all know it. Then a rooster crows, Danse Macabre-style, and Margarita runs because she has poor judgement and is probably truly in love with that guy who isn’t Ivan, Jesus. I mean literal Jesus. Ivan’s redheaded side chick isn’t pleased about all this, and again none of us can blame her, and it turns out he’s kind of a shitty guy, just a very attractive and powerful one.
The Romans are all, what are we gonna do?? And Margarita and Ivan are all, what are we gonna do?? They end up on different planes, Ivan is emotionally crushed, but still gives her a whole field of flowers like the soft demon boy he is, and Margarita gets her bouquet and her Jesus. Ivan is sad and alone until he sees (a vision??) of himself dancing with Margarita, has an INCREDIBLE insane evil laugh, and he shatters the barrier between the planes and is then angry and alone. Bible Man shows up. They argue--I think Ivan is like, we had an agreement, what is this BS?? And then sends a goblin to poison Margarita and Jesus. They die, and Ivan... resurrects them? Or maybe the ones we see now are the ones from a different plane, before they projected themselves to earth, and Ivan had to kill the two that had somehow gone bad? Or maybe they’re just dead now, and we’re seeing them in hell. Ivan snaps his fingers and THAT’S IT? THAT’S HOW IT ENDS? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WITNESSED BUT I FEEL VERY STRONGLY THAT I WOULD NOT RUN FROM A TANGO WITH THAT MAN JUST BECAUSE I HEARD A ROOSTER CROWING. I think we narrowly avoided a large-scale historical disaster but it meant that Ivan couldn’t be with Margarita, but that was fine with her because she was in love with Jesus anyway. Anyway. Now that this is done, that I have gone through this trial by confusion, I am free to read the book and realize just how deeply wrong I am about all of this.
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artaphant · 5 years
Ever since the "There's something so tragic about you/ Something so magic about you" post somewhere I have started developing a relationship/story to hozier songs
From Eden is the easy one. And listening to it now is sounding like Essek trying to woo Caleb with consecution and murdering Trent Ikithon.
Arsonist's Lullabye is another layup song. Even when not talking about fire exactly, the mood fits Caleb and his trauma/self loathing concerning fire. "Don't you ever tame your demons/Always keep them on a leash"
Take me to Church is such a Beau/Jester song. Beau just giving herself over to Jester wholly, not even worrying about the consequence. "I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife"
In a Week is a ballad to the meta-relationship between Molly and Cadueceus and Taliesin. That Molly had to die for Cadueceus to be born and begin this journey. "I have never known sleep like the slumber that yeilds to me/ I have never known colors like this morning reveals to me" Also it's a song about death it has to have Cad involved I don't make the rules.
To Be Alone- Yasha and Zuala. I don't know what kind of pressure her tribe put on her, I don't want Yasha to have that kind of hurt in her life and I don't want any M9 to have that. I an taking this more for the "God it feels good oh to be alone with you"
Foreigner's God- Fjord and Jester. I could reasonably believe all of Hozier's babies are about Jester but the lyrics speak to me about Fjord. "Wondering who I copy/Muster in some tender charm"
Like Real People Do- So Hozier's babe is a cross between Caleb and Jester. This song seems like such a pre-stream Caleb and Nott. "I will not ask you where you came from/ I will not ask and neither should you" Let's not focus on our issues and just cuddle in bed Like Real People Do
Someone New- Jester baby! I listen to this now like Jester is singing to the Traveler about all the wonderful ppl in her life and he's just like... *facepalm*
Angel of Small Death and The Codeine Scene- Seems like a Yasha/Obann song. Of the addictive nature Obann had while controlling Yasha. "In leashless confusion I'll wander the concrete/Wondering if better now having survived" Speaks to me seeing Yasha throw that fight.
Jackie and Wilson- The carefree nature of the song and "We'll steal a Lexus, be detectives/ Ride round picking up clues" Speaks to the greatest detective duo. Those two just bring the chaos and joy out of each other in ways none of the others can. Again Jester is Hozier's baby.
Sedated- Has a vibe of Caleb and Astrid, while he's in the sanitorium, still holding tight to that love and tearing between the reality of his parent's death and the lie Trent was selling. Wanting to just be numb of it "Darling don't you join in you're supposed to drag me away from it"
Work Song- Cadueceus vibes for sure. "No grace can hold my body down/ I'll crawl home to her" The baby in this one is the Wildmother.
Run- It's kinda loose but Fjord and Cadueceus/WM. This is also a super nature-esque with verses literally talking about the ocean and the earth- NATURE "Rare is this love... I need you to run to me/Run to me lover"
It Will Come Back- This song is just like... a mix of all of the Mighty Nein. Jester is most obvious- just almost desparate for friends and she'll be howling outside your door. Beau, Caleb, Fjord, Nott and Yasha are the warning parts of this song. "Leave it to the land/This is what is knows". Molly is the one that fed the group, and Cadueceus has continued that in a different way.
Cherry Wine will always be my sad song the Mighty Nein can't have it nope they all have wonderful non-toxic relationships that it can't relate to. Maybe Beau and Tori in a weird way- not that she was toxic but that their criminal engagements caused the issues and strain...
In the Woods Somewhere is just a regular day adventuring in the Savalierwood.
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l0velyang3l · 5 years
Yowane Haku x Reader “A Wonderful Night With You”
here’s my first fanfic in over two years! I’m not really a god writer so pls be kind to me ;m;
The eerie buzz of fluorescent lights permeated the desolate atmosphere of the 7-11; after all 2am isn’t necessarily rush hour. But, as a massive otaku and night owl; you required some refueling. This new season won’t watch itself now will it? Absentmindedly you plopped your mediocre feast into the basket. Super spicy ramen, canned coffee, a matcha bun, konpeito, and dried squid weren’t necessarily healthy, but they were delicious in their own right. Your eyes drifted towards the alcohol section. You shrugged, mumbling “fuck it” as you strode over. 
In your all nighter stupor however you failed to not bump into the other occupant of the section. The woman stumbled back, nearly dropping the massive bottle of sake she clutched. “Ah crap! I’m sorry miss, you okay?” You bowed, looking down in embarrassment. 
“Eh, to be honest if you didn’t bump into me I would’ve knocked you to the ground! Don’t sweat it.” The woman chuckled, smiling sweetly. You glanced up, feeling relieved. But suddenly this woman looked a bit… Familiar. That cool calm smile, beautiful crimson eyes, that suave voice.. Oh my god it’s Yowane Haku!
“Holy hell you’re Yowane Haku!” Haku chuckled again, twiddling with her long strands of white hair.
“I am! I take it you’ve heard me sing on Nico Nico?” You nodded vehemently. 
“I really like your work actually! It stands out so much in the vast sea of utau and vocaloid idols out there, its so sophisticated!”
“Eh you really think so? You’re far too sweet, I’m not used to the fanfare. I have to ask, what’s your name?”
“(y/n)! Although it’s not too important haha!”
“It definitely is.”She looked down at your basket, pointing curiously. “Are you one of those people who live streams eating?” You puffed up defiantly.
“No I am not into mukbangs! This is just how I refuel during the night when I..” Your face turned beet red, you nearly just told your favorite singer that you’re an otaku! “Hang out.” “That was a close one.” You thought to yourself.
“Ah it’s okay, I’m just teasing! I do the same thing when I binge anime.” You nearly choked.
“YOU’RE AN OTAKU??” You blurted excitedly. She nodded proudly.
“Yup! Neru chan teases me for it but there’s just something that draws me in about it.  Maybe it's escapism?” 
“You and Neru chan are friends?” Haku nodded, the look in her eyes growing softer. That made your heart practically explode. She was even more breathtaking in person.
“Yes, for a long time now actually! She was big on Nico Nico before I really got serious about it, she’s one of my ‘biggest fans’ I suppose. We actually went drinking recently together, she really is something special..” Haku seemed to slip out of reality for a second, her expression faltered. An eerie loneliness struck you. 
“She’s this famous upcoming idol, why do I feel like I’ve uncovered a secret sadness?” You snapped out of your thoughts. “Haku san, forgive me if this is too forward.. But what are you up to tonight?” She wiggled the gargantuan bottle of sake, grinning mischievously. 
“Finishing this big thing! And.. Probably watching some shoujo anime until dawn.”
“Want company? It just so happens that my tv is pretty large and is super nice, plus I’ll buy you snacks!” Her eyes widened, pink dusting her cheeks. “I-If that’s too weird, I totally understand!” She shook her head, grabbing a basket. 
“Eh?! N-Not at all, drinking’s better with company right?” You nodded, grabbing a couple cans of Sapporo from the cooler. 
“You’re absolutely right.”
The sudden reality of your situation slammed down full force, your heart rate nearly tripling once you two entered your living room. Yowane Haku, a singer you’ve admired since her debut, is drinking with you. Not just at a bar, but in the comfort of your own home. She was so much more gorgeous and charming than you could imagine. The second you tow walked in, Haku screwed off the cap on her sake. You looked at her in awe as she took a long swig. She exhaled, clanking the bottle on the coffee table. “Ah!~ If I’d known better I would’ve gotten two bottles ehehe..” She glanced over at you, quickly becoming embarrassed. “Ah I’m so sorry, are.. You sure you want to hang out? I kind of drink a lot.. Is that bad?”
You smiled, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Of course I want to hang out! There’s nothing I’d rather be doing right now.” You were taken aback by your own words, biting your lip nervously. “The only bad thing about you drinking a bunch is the hangover you’ll have tomorrow.” You chuckled, plopping the snacks on the table, careful to avoid disturbing the ⅙ scale figure displayed on it. Haku seemed surprised by your actions, her eyes seemed to glimmer with relief.
“Thank you (y/n)..” She watched your actions closely, seeming to enjoy your company more and more. An indescribable calm washed over her, not entirely due to the sake. You flipped through AnimeHoudai, landing on Akkun to Kanojo. 
“You ever seen this show?” Haku sipped some sake, shaking her head no.
“No, what’s it about?” She mumbled,in between sips. God could she get any cuter? This was such a relaxed, casual side of Haku that you never imagined seeing. Every second felt golden with her.
“W-well it’s about this couple right? The guy’s a total tsundere and bullies his girlfriend who’s this innocent angel. It’s super cute and really funny, it’s unique seeing such a brutally tsundere guy in a shoujo series honestly.” Haku giggled, wiping a droplet of booze off her bottom lip. 
“The guy sounds like Neru, I’ve noticed anytime she gets.. Flirty with a girl she’s a total tsundere, too bad she scares them off after relentlessly bullying them!” You cracked open your sapporo, sitting beside her on the couch. 
“Not gonna lie, I could totally see Neru being a tsundere.” Haku snickered.
“I wonder why~” Haku gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “Ah I didn’t mean that in a mean way I promise! She’s very kind and gentle, please don’t get a bad impression of her!” You patted her back. 
“Haku, you’re literally one of the least malicious people I’ve met; you’re totally fine! I promise.” She looked up at you, your reassurance truly meant a lot to her. You met her gaze, her soft doe eyes entrancing you. Your heart pounded, the sudden intimacy of the situation becoming palpable. 
“Hey, (y/n) kun?” She whispered. You gulped. She inched closer to you, your faces mere centimeters apart.
“Yes Haku san?”
“I know this is probably a silly question.. But, why do you like my songs? I mean, all the other utaus are so impressive, especially when compared to vocaloids.. Why do you prefer mine?”
“Because they aren’t run of the mill sappy pop songs, they’re full of so much emotion! There’s so much passion put into each one! They connect to me on a level other utaus and vocaloids just… don’t. Sure Miku is cool and I won’t lie to you and say I’m not a fan of other singers, but none of them compare to yours. They’re ballads of raw emotion, that’s why your songs are so close to my heart.”  You placed a shaky hand on her cheek, setting your nervousness aside. “I’m really happy I met you Haku san, not just because you’re a great musician, but I think you’re a great person too.” Her mouth fell agape, she couldn’t even begin to process what you had just said to her. It was as if an angel descended from heaven, cleansing her of any worries. She placed her hand over yours, closing her eyes. Your touch was intoxicating.
“(y/n) kun, I’m happy I met you too.. More than you can imagine really.” She grabbed your wrist, pulling your arm around her waist. She snuggled against your chest, your heartbeat drumming loudly into her ear. A chill ran up your spine, awkwardly you wrapped both arms around her. In response, she tucked an arm behind your back, drawing you closer. “But, I think Akkun to Kanojo sounds fun.” 
“Y-yeah I think so too!” You pressed play, then grabbed your sapporo. Cracking it open, you took a couple sips. The earthy brew warmed you up, making you even more cozy. The two of you began bingng the series, grazing on snacks and copiously drinking. Two beers quickly disappeared, along with a bottle of sake. It became apparent over time that drunkenly watching anime with the girl of your dreams was literally the best thing ever.
“Ah, (y/n) kun you have something on your lip! Lemme get that for youuu~” Without warning Haku kissed you, the taste of sake staining her lips. No matter how much alcohol you consumed, this caught you completely off guard. She wrapped her arms around your neck, pulling you closer. Her large bust pressed against you, making your mind grow foggy. You kissed back, wrapping your arms around her waist. The kiss deepened, instinctively you nibbled on her lip. She squeaked in surprise, her drunken confidence slipping away. She crawled up into your lap, your hands raking over her petite back. She pulled her lips away, her face flushed. You placed your hands on her hips, looking up at her lovingly.
“(y/n) kun?” 
“Yes Haku san?” She paused, tilting up your chin. She inched her lips closer to yours once again.
“Is this what love feels like? This pounding feeling in my chest, the warmth and happiness… Do you feel it too?” You nodded.
“I feel it too Haku san.. I felt this way even before I met you.” She kissed your forehead. 
“I’m so happy (y/n) kun, I’ve never had this with someone before. Isn’t that embarrassing?” She looked at you, clearly ashamed.
“No, not at all. It only makes this more special.”
“Is it too soon to.. You know..”
“I love you too Haku san.” She smiled, hugging you tightly.
“I love you, (y/n) kun.” Wordlessly the two of you drifted into a peaceful slumber. The warmth of being in each other’s arms was indescribably comforting, Yowane Haku’s soft skin against yours, her flowing hair draped across you two, her gentle breathing, every last bit of it was bliss. This was definitely the start of something wonderful.
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