#samsung display screen
gender-euphowrya · 6 months
you could never pay me enough to go back to iphones i've been given way too much freedom to customize shit on android
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recoverandroiddata · 2 months
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geekceptiontech · 4 months
Ultimate Galaxy S24 Ultra Guide: Mastering Your Device with Apps, Tips, and Tricks
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i'm so fucking stoked abt the transparent screens that were shown off at CES and like i feel like news outlets are completely glossing over the sheer potential of this tech
- make it thin enough & stack the displays and you've got yourself as close to a 3D hologram as we could to get
- new transparent tech wave, anyone? show me those guts from all sides baby
- multifunctional walls that can serve as big windows when unused, screens for presentations or movies, and privacy dividers when turned to black or an image
- tutorials. finally you can do as you watch, copying the movements as you go. no more watch, pause, copy, play, watch, pause, copy (...).
like... "no more big ass black slab taking up space in your living room" is just the start of it
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replacebase · 9 months
Samsung Galaxy Fold is at the forefront of foldable screen technology that brings new possibilities. Learn about the future of foldable screens in smartphones.
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shaiderxxx · 10 months
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rudyboxman57 · 10 months
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For all the MUSIC EVENT FESTIVAL lovers, Rudy Boxman designed for free-no charge a few POSTERS in #HD High Definition for you which you can use on the USB port of every tv screen like SAMSUNG tv sets or SCREEN DISPLAY's or just PRINT IT. #MUSIC #EVENTS #FESTIVAL #RudyBoxman #NEWS
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celltophone · 1 year
High-quality product with 100% perfect fit.
Complete display combo with LCD screen and digitizer touch screen.
Tested before shipping (QC done).
Brand new product with manufacturing defect warranty.
For Purchase Contact: Send us an Enquiry at
Ph-8285641156 / 7838599109 (Call+Whatsapp) 
💌Email us at [email protected]
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codewithmhb · 2 years
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ch6sos · 1 month
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑ teen!nanami headcanons
love my emo king so i decided to make headcanons for him because love himso sosooo MUCH <3 I am obsessed with nanami I am sorry guys for the amount of nanami but he is my beloved and my hyperfixation wooooooooooo
lmk if i should make an emo teen nanami as ur bf headcanon ill gladly do it sweetie pies
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He is much quieter as a child and rarely speaks. I believe he will be more reserved as a teenager, not because he is shy, but because he dislikes talking to strangers. He is distant, but not unfriendly.
Haibara is the only person who is allowed in his room, and I do not make the rules. 
Owned an iPod/iPod touch (even though Nanami is the Samsung king) and he would stream his little emo bands.
As a teenager, he appears to be more immature and irrational, displaying difficulty in controlling his emotions sometimes. Despite his calm exterior, he is still a teenage boy so he has regular outbursts here and there.
HATED IT when he tried one of Shoko’s cigarettes; he most likely took one puff and began to cough as though he was going to die.
Sassy king who rolls his eyes and emo hair flips at least 7 times per second, 24/7.
“Nanami, can you do that thing?”
"Do not bother me at this time, Gojo." 
"What did I do."
"The hair flip thing... hahaha you need to cut your bangs."
"I prefer to keep it this way so I can focus on you with one eye and spare the other from seeing more of your face."
Haibara is an extrovert who encourages him to attend events and socialize with others. 
His backpack is tidy. His books are neatly organized, and his papers are not crammed together.
 He was forced to go to karaoke rooms with Shoko, Geto, Gojo, and Haibara, where he would sit and listen to them sing loudly.
"C'mon, Nanami... sing!" 
It turns out he was singing all along, albeit softly and quietly, while they sang along loudly to the screen lyrics.
He spaces out a lot when people talk to him because he just wants to go home.
Haibara is subtly affectionate towards him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder like many guys do. He doesn't push him off, but the other guy freezes and maintains some distance.
He once woke up from a nap and found himself wearing eyeliner, black nail polish, and eyeshadow. He immediately ran out to scold Gojo (it wasn't just him) (but he secretly liked it).
"Gojo, what the fuck is this?"
"This is your culture!" 
"Please refrain from touching me while I am sleeping."
“Hey! Who said it was only me?”
“Jesus Christ.”
Probably got a double helix piercing (that eventually healed when he became an adult) (sorry guys).
(Though he still has his earlobe piercings as an adult, he just never really wears earrings anymore. Though you can see the various holes.)
Geto accompanied him to get piercings, and despite feeling nervous at first, he ended up loving the experience and feeling badass.
"It feels good, right?"
"Oh, yeah, I suppose," he mumbled, trying to suppress a broad smile. As he arrived at his dorm, a dorky grin spread across his face. He stood in front of the mirror for several hours, hyping himself up.
Listens to My Chemical Romance, Nirvana, Van Halen, Metallica, Guns N' Roses, AC/DC, Linkin Park, Green Day, Foo Fighters, The Strokes, and Paramore. And more. :)
He would probably like gothic characters from cartoons or shows, like Raven from Teen Titans.
If you quietly make your way into his dorm room while he's listening to music, you'll catch him singing out the lyrics to his beloved emo songs. As the music moves him, he'll start air guitaring and air drumming with fervor. However, if he catches you witnessing his private performance, you'll see a flicker of embarrassment cross his face.
Gojo once tried to dye one of his hair strands purple or blue, but he failed. Instead of turning the strand the desired color, it only lightened his hair slightly, resulting in a lighter shade of blonde that looked like gray hair.
"Gojo, you made me look like a grandfather. I should've done it myself.”
"Looks great on you, Nanami! Fits you too since you kind of act like a grandpa.”
"Oh you, son of a—"
He secretly owns a Tamagotchi named Helena after remembering it is a My Chemical Romance song.
Wept when they split up.
Has secretly attended several concerts, raves, and gatherings, enjoying the kindness and energy of the events.
Has previously used an Ouija board with Gojo, Geto, and Haibara, and the "spirit" liked him.
He goes to the Japanese equivalent of a Hot Topic to get his clothes.
He smells earthy and musky because he is emo, and he probably has a cologne fragrance bottle shaped like a skull.
He rarely posted on MySpace, and when he did, it was only about his music and book reviews.
Likely wore a fake lip piercing, a silver skull necklace, and one of those spikey emo bracelets.
Read Scott Pilgrim comics for a while. 
He was not too dry, so he used emoticons like "-_-" "-.-" "._. ".-." "^_^"
In his spare time, he enjoys reading books about horror and mystery. 
Owned a black Nintendo DS and always handed it to Haibara so he could play with it. Was not upset when Haibara accidentally dropped it in the water, but was sad that he lost his Pokemon progress.
Never had a genuine crush on someone, though when he does he becomes shy and awkward around the person he has a crush on, often finding himself avoiding them like the plague. Whenever he catches sight of them, uncertainty clouds his mind, nerves all over the place.
Despite his efforts to suppress his feelings, they only seem to intensify. This is his first experience with a serious crush, and his initial reaction is to try to shake off the emotions, but he soon realizes that he can't - he's simply head over heels in love.
Whenever he sees them, he does a cute, dorky thing - he goes to his mirror, fixes his bangs, and hypes himself up. He sprayed more cologne than usual, coughed a little, and made sure his skull necklace, helix piercings, and slight eyeshadow looked good. He gives himself several minutes for a pep talk because he still gets so nervous.
He fidgets a lot, constantly finding ways to occupy his hands even when he appears outwardly calm. It's as if he can't help but engage in some form of repetitive movement, whether it's tapping his fingers, twirling a pen, or adjusting his sleeves.
He also stammers a bit sometimes especially when talking to someone he likes.
Talks to Haibara about how he feels most of the time. Out of everyone he trusts Haibara.
He draws on himself when he is bored. He intended to get a tattoo, so he drew on himself to see how it would look.
He has a journal, emphasizing that it's not a diary, where he writes down his emotions. He finds solace in jotting down his innermost feelings as he often struggles to express them verbally.
In his journal, not a diary, he vents a lot. He is frustrated with himself because he is so bad at expressing his emotions. When he wants to, he can't, and he just pushes people away, which he despises.
"Sometimes I wonder why. Why do I have to be like this? I do want to talk to people and express my emotions to them, but I could never. It genuinely scares me, and that is something I want to fix about myself."
Owns several band shirts and wears them to bed. When he is older, they're smaller on him. I wonder why.
When he's out with Haibara and the group, he always wears his headphones and drifts off while listening to music.
*pretends not to hear gojo*
In the modern world, he would be the quiet student who consistently gets top grades, sits at the back of the class, and rarely participates.
When someone shares the same interests as him he tries not to look too excited but ultimately fails.
As a teenager, he adamantly refuses to pursue a romantic relationship but secretly desires one to fulfill his need for affection.
Thus, he spends his time reading romantic novels, gaining insights into how the male protagonists treat their significant others. This newfound knowledge inspires him to learn how to treat his future significant other.
Even though he is mature for his age, he sometimes wishes he had been raised differently. He genuinely feels like he is wasting his youth by not spending more time being a teenager.
Converse + Vans are his specialty and they’re all beat up.
He sees Geto as a fashion inspiration because he is another emo king.
When he's not in uniform, he enjoys wearing oversized, tucked-in T-shirts paired with sleek black pants and a studded belt. His fingers are adorned with multiple rings, and he complements this look with a sleek black watch.
He always spends an extra dollar to buy someone something from the vending machine. Need a soda? He gotcha.
He always seems to be munching on something, whether it's the crunch of Doritos or potato chips. However, he doesn't seem to have as much of a sweet tooth.
an emo king who deserves the world
a/n: i love my goat
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sirfrogsworth · 17 days
I got a screen calibrator thingie.
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I'm starting to edit photos for actual clients and if they are going to be printing any of these images I have to make sure my display is as accurate as possible.
I went through and looked at all of my recent edits to see if any of them were egregiously out of whack except for that one weird photo of the red baby that seems to only be red on my Samsung phone. Thankfully everything else looked close to how I intended. So that is a relief.
Color accuracy used to be a much worse problem. In the old days you could look at identical displays from the same company and they would have completely different colors. But now with the exception of the cheapest of the cheap, every display in the last 5 years is calibrated at the factory. Though TVs are a mixed bag because the "standard" or "vivid" modes are usually set as default so they stand out in stores and most people don't know to change that to the cinema or movie mode to get the accurate colors.
Oh, and did you know the ambient light can affect color accuracy too? So if you aren't looking at my images in a darkened room then your eyeballs could be seeing them way different than my intentions.
Makes me want to pull my hair out.
From now on you all have to come over to my house when I publish an image. We'll have a little viewing party and I will bake everyone cookies and we'll head to the basement and turn out the lights and you can be all, "That baby is the perfect amount of red."
I think going forward I will adjust according to my calibrated screen and if my colors look funky on your device I can just say, "Not my fault, Datacolor Inc. says your screen sucks. Deal with it."
Actually, I would like to get an iPhone as a reference display.
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Combined with my Samsung phone, I'd be able to see how my images look on ~80% of smartphones. And I could be reasonably sure my colors are decent for the majority of folks who see them.
But iPhones be spendy so that will have to wait, as my finances took a sudden infuriating turn recently. But hopefully I can keep getting clients to help me stave off homelessness. You'd think close family would be concerned about something like that. I think I'm just going to choose my family from here on out.
Wow, this post about colorimeters took a dark turn.
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heymrspatel · 3 months
✨✨Weekly Tag Wednesday! ✨✨
i was tagged by @mybrainismelted @deedala @energievie @creepkinginc @lingy910y and @rereadanon 💙
Name: julissa ✨ Age: 33
First Pet? my sister and i had a big fishtank full of fishies 🐠🐟🐠🐟
First Word? apparently it was a neverending "mamamamamama"
First Celebrity Crush? joshua jackson in the mighty ducks asdlfkjlk (this totally continued as i aged... because i loved him as pacey also)
First IRL Crush? julian. he wore really baggy clothes and played basketball asldkfj
First kiss? eddie in the school hallway lol
First Car? never had a car!
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? hows about i tell you about the first time that i was able to live alone at the ripe age of 31, eh? because my apartment is tiny but it's so damn lovely 🥰
First time on a plane? i was 1!
First cellphone? man idk it was a samsung silver flip phone with a green screen and an antenna you could extend lmaooo
First concert? a spanish music band i have no recollection of 😐
First Foreign country you visited? the dominican republic at the age of 1
First sport you ever played? was never a sports girlie
First career aspiration? i wanted to be a vet because i genuinely thought they just hung out and played with puppies and kittens all day
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow" i entered an art competition in 7th grade. they would pick a handful of pieces from kids throughout the city to display at the bus station terminal. i was chosen!
i will tag @whatthebodygraspsnot @whatwouldmickeydo @metalheadmickey @gallawitchxx @gardenerian @mickeysgaymom @michellemisfit @tanktopgallavich @crossmydna @blue-disco-lights @jrooc @lupeloto @deathclassic @darlingian @sickness-health-all-that-shit @sam-loves-seb @too-schoolforcool if you would like to play! if not, this is just me giving you a BOOP 🐾
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timetrek24 · 4 months
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🇰🇷 Transport yourself back in time with the Samsung SPH-WP10 watch phone! Released in 1999, this groundbreaking device marked Samsung's foray into the realm of wearable tech, combining the functionalities of a mobile phone with the convenience of a wristwatch.
⌚️ The SPH-WP10 was ahead of its time, boasting impressive features such as a built-in antenna, phone dialer, and LCD screen. Despite its compact size, it packed a punch, allowing users to make calls and send text messages on the go.
⚙️ Equipped with innovative technology, the SPH-WP10 supported basic phone functions and offered a sleek design with a digital display. Its futuristic appeal was enhanced by features like a built-in speakerphone and vibrating alerts.
💾 Despite its limited memory and basic functionalities compared to modern smartphones, the SPH-WP10 paved the way for future advancements in wearable technology, showcasing Samsung's commitment to innovation and user convenience.
🌟 The SPH-WP10 may have been a relic of the past, but its impact on the evolution of mobile communication is undeniable, earning its place in the annals of tech history.
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mekkyz-dubz · 11 months
Update: 7/9/2023 (I will update the listings if they are added to the stores.)
Drawing Tablet Buyer's Guide 2023
Are you looking for help to get into digital art? Are you confused for what models would you pick? Do you want success in your art career? Then this blog is for you. These are the buyer's guide for artists who wanted to take approach on digital art. As always, you don't need a latest and greatest tools just to make good art. Your handy mouse and a trusty old tablet can do fine art at the time. My Intuos 4 L still works today, even if it was released on 2009.
Here are the basic categories you'll fit into: Beginner, Intermediate and Professional.
Beginner - This is where you start making digital art for the first time.
Intermediate - These are experienced artists who are on mid-range level at a greater value.
Professional - These are same as intermediate but who are on to take approach an high-end level to mimic the meaning art.
There are three types of pen tablets for you to decide. These have pros and cons on these tablets.
Pen Tablet - A pen tablet doesn't require a screen and can benefit for a user experience such as good posture, portability and pricing, but this requires hand-eye coordination as this type of tablet has a steep learning curve and drawing on it feels unnatural to use.
Pen Display - A pen display is a monitor that can be drawn into. It is easier to learn how to use pen displays and can mimic a sketchbook you were drawing. However, there are issues such as bad posture, expensive pricing and limited portability. Sometimes, your hand gets in the way through pinpoint cursor while drawing.
Pen Computer - These are pen tablets that can be used by themselves and don't require a computer, it can be portable for travel use. However, they are very expensive, limited to none upgradability, difficult and costly repairs and have a short battery life. As such, I do not recommend getting these pen computers for these reasons above and instead look for other mobile tablet alternatives such as iPad Pro, Surface Pro 8 or Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Here are the list of drawing tablet recommendations based on three categories.
NOTE: Prices may vary due to sale discounts so I only put links to the official store from drawing tablet brands so I'm gonna keep the original price for future references. However, Amazon is safer for returns and good units and eBay is the way to go for second hand offers.
If you're an osu! player looking for a pen tablet, I'd suggest getting an Intuos Pen and Touch Small 2013 (PTH-480) on eBay. One by Wacom Small (CTL-472) has the same performance yet cheaper. The only good alternative that doesn't suck is Gaomon S620. I recommend getting OpenTabletDriver for that purpose.
If you want to invest digital art, I highly recommend getting a medium size tablet for larger hand gestures.
Pen Tablet: $30-100 Range
One by Wacom Small (CTL-472) - $49.95
One by Wacom Medium (CTL-672) - $99.95
Huion HS611 - $79.99
Huion Inspiroy H1161 - $89.99
Huion Inspiroy 2 S/M/L - $49.99 - $89.99
Huion Inspiroy H640P - $49.99
Huion Inspiroy H950P - $59.99
XP-Pen Deco Fun XS/S/L - $29.99- $49.99
XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 - $59.99
XP-Pen Deco M/MW - $49.99 - $69.99
XP-Pen Deco L/LW - $69.99 - $89.99
Pen Display: $170-420 Range
Wacom One (DTC-133) - $399.95
Huion Kamvas 12 - $239.99 w/ stand
Huion Kamvas 13 - $264.99 w/ stand
Huion Kamvas 16 (2021) - $419 w/ stand
XP-Pen Artist 10 (Gen 2) - $169.99
XP-Pen Artist 12 (Gen 2) - $249.99
XP-Pen Artist 13 (Gen 2) - $299.99
XP-Pen Artist 16 (Gen 2) - $399.99
Pen Tablet: $100-200 Range
Wacom Intuos Small Wireless (4100WL) - $59.95
Wacom Intuos Medium Wireless (6100WL) - $199.95
Huion Inspiroy Dial 2 - $139.99
Huion Inspiroy Giano - $199.99
Huion Inspiroy Q11K V2 - $139.99
XP-Pen Deco Pro S/SW - $99.99 - $129.99
XP-Pen Deco Pro M/MW - $129.99 - $159.99
Pen Display: $260-1300 Range
Wacom Cintiq 16 (DTK-1660) - $799.95 ($649.95 on Amazon)
Wacom Cintiq 22 (DTK-2260) - $1299.95
Huion Kamvas Pro 13 2.5K - $399.99
Huion Kamvas Pro 16 2.5K - $599.99
Huion Kamvas 22 Plus - $549
Huion Kamvas 24 Plus - $899
XP-Pen Artist 12 Pro (2019) - $259.99
XP-Pen Artist 13.3 Pro (2019) - $279.99
XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro (2019) - $369.99
XP-Pen Artist Pro 16 (2021) - $449.99
XP-Pen Artist 22R Pro (2020) - $599.99
XP-Pen Artist 22 (Gen 2) (2021) - $499.99
XP-Pen Artist 24 Pro (2020) - $899.99
XP-Pen Artist 24 (2021) - $799.99
Pen Tablet: $140-500 Range
Wacom Intuos Pro Small (PTH-461) - $249.95
Wacom Intuos Pro Medium (PTH-661) - $379.95
Wacom Intuos Pro Large (PTH-861) - $499.95
XP-Pen Deco Pro MW (Gen 2) - $139.99
XP-Pen Deco Pro LW (Gen 2) - $179.99
XP-Pen Deco Pro XLW (Gen 2) - $199.99
Xencelabs Pen Tablet Small - $199.99
Xencelabs Pen Tablet Medium - $279.99 for standard, $359.99 for bundle, $379.99 for special edition
Pen Display: $800-3500 Range
Wacom Cintiq Pro 13 (DTH-1320) - Formerly $799.95 but less than $379.99 on eBay
Wacom Cintiq Pro 16 (2021) (DTH-167) - $1599.95 ($1529.99 on B&H Photo Video and Amazon)
Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 (DTK-2420) - $2199.95
Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 Touch (DTH-2420) - $2699.95
Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 (DTH-271) - $3499.95
Huion Kamvas Pro 16 4K Plus - $899
Huion Kamvas Pro 24 4K - $1299
XP-Pen Artist Pro 14 (Gen 2) - $419.99
XP-Pen Artist Pro 16TP - $899.99
Xencelabs Pen Display 24 - $1899
Brad Colbow: YouTube | Brad.site
Teoh Yi Chie: YouTube | 2nd Channel | Parka Blogs
The Seven Pens: YouTube | Website
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youkaiyume · 2 years
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I DIY’d a fancy frame for my TV and now it can be an art centerpiece when not tv-ing! I AM OBSESSED.
I’ve been fantasizing about having a Framed TV forever, but the Samsung Framed TV costs an arm and a leg!!! And it doesn’t even come with a nice frame!!! You have to buy a nicer frame which can cost up to $500+ (on top of your $1400+ tv) for it if you don’t like the thin plastic frame it that’s built into it, can you believe???
My parents gifted me one of their extra huge 60 inch TV’s when I got my new place and it works great even if it’s from 2012 so I absolutely did not want to get rid of it for a smaller and more expensive tv just so it can have a frame ugh. So I’ve been looking at DIY tutorials but they’ve been really complicated until I found THIS ONE :
And the great thing about it is is that it costs under $100 to make and it can fit over any flat screen TV. some tips tho not mentioned in the video if you’re keen to make one:
- using wood glue is fine for this, I used Gorilla wood glue. 
- very important! make sure to measure and cut your trim according to your SCREEN MEASUREMENTS, not from the outside of your TV. I’ve seen a lot of tutorials that do the latter and the frame sits outside of your tv instead of framing your screen nicely so there’s just huge gaps, and you can see the entire TV including the black plastic around it. we don’t want that. 
- Depending on your TV, you might have to be conscious about whether or not you will need to drill out a hole where your sensor is located for your remote to work. My TV worked completely fine despite being covered up with the frame, but it’s just something to be aware of. 
- instead of having the wood block mounts in the video, I’ve also seen some ppl adhere an L-shaped piece of wood either on the sides or the top of the TV and use command strips to mount it if that’s your jam. I preferred the method in this video so I could easily remove it if I wanted.  
- obviously before making the mount of your choice, make sure to measure where it should sit in the back of your frame so when you mount it onto your tv, it fits properly onto your screen.
Lastly! There’s some app services including Samsung TV where ppl get some free art to display but a lot of them requires a monthly subscription for a bigger library but if you’re like me--fuck that! Youtube is free, baby. Here’s some channels that I really like using:
- Art Deco
- Vintage Art TV
- Abstract Art TV
But literally if those aren’t to your taste you can search youtube for similar channels to find art you like. Or like the tutorial states, you can use a photo app and upload art or photos of whatever you want.
- Don’t forget to change your brightness level to be dimmer for a more realistic look on your wall. 
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soft-bellied-tannies · 8 months
Chubtober Day 29!
Listen, you don’t have to tell me that today is absolutely a stretch for the prompt, but I love this idea and I’m willing to make the reach. 😂
So, hear me out. Today’s prompt from fatguarddog’s list is Android. Are there any actual androids in this story? No. But! JK uses his phone which is likely a Samsung so android…right?
Jungkook and Jimin started their dynamic a little over a year ago after graduating college.
Jimin had gained his “freshman 15” throughout college and their relationship which awakened something in both of them.
Ending college at 150, but having active lifestyles and busy schedules meant that Jimin’s gain was slower yet just as enjoyable.
Jungkook was an excellent feeder. They both loved looking through forums and coming up with plans together.
Jungkook buys one of the electronic scales that connects to his phone with an app when Jimin is around 170.
Since he is a big tech guy, Jungkook figures out how to change the function on the scale to always display a number less than what Jimin actually weighed, but he could also see the actual results on his phone.
Jimin had been trying for his current goal of 200 for months and always pushes more with dinner or a stuffing when he weighs beforehand.
No matter what he does, Jimin is still under 200 every time he steps on the scale.
He’s already catching on to something being up with the scale situation, but Jimin doesn’t say anything, thinking Jungkook will admit that he’s doing something soon.
When Jungkook tries to push it farther by making the scale show that he had lost weight, Jimin finally feels that he has confirmation his partner is doing something with the scale.
Jimin’s not a tech guy at all so he doesn’t know how Jungkook is doing it, but he’s certain that has he rigged it up somehow.
Jimin obviously wants to gain so he doesn’t care that it obviously has encouraged his gain.
However, Jimin did have a surprise for Jungkook at his 200 goal that involved special lingerie he bought and he’s going to be pissed if it doesn’t fit because of his extra unknown gaining.
Jungkook is away the next weekend for a bachelor party so Jimin buys his own scale to see just how far over his 200 goal he is, certain that he hadn’t lost weight with the way he had picked up his eating lately.
Jimin tests the scale they’ve been using and gets 193, unsurprising as he’s been fluctuating between 185-195 for at least two months according to that scale when he feels like his weight is steadily going up.
Then Jimin gets out the new traditional scale he bought, assuming the number will be higher.
He is in absolute shock when it says 223 meaning Jungkook has managed to ‘hide’ over 30 pounds from him.
Jimin thought he was just going to be a few pounds over 200, maybe 205-210 at the most.
He isn’t mad in the slightest because he’s feeling both proud and turned on by 223.
However, he also thinks that Jungkook most know his actual weight since he’s the one messing with the scale.
Jimin decides he needs to get back at him.
When Jungkook gets home, Jimin decides to ask for a big dinner to absolutely stuff himself as a welcome back - ordering a massive takeout order with his favorite dessert.
He also asks to weigh in before the meal as they occasionally liked to see how much Jimin ate by weighing before and after.
Jimin uses their normal scale and it again says 193, putting on his normal pouting act that he will never hit 200 at this point.
Jungkook comforts him and takes them back to the living room to have a massive meal.
Jimin does push himself to make his point even better and eats more than he ever has, needing help up to go weigh himself after the meal.
Jungkook gets their scale out, but Jimin stops him.
“Wait, let’s try my new one.”
Jungkook panics internally as Jimin pulls out a scale he has never seen and proceeds to step on it, seeing 227.5 light up the screen.
Jimin thinks to himself that 4-5 pounds of food is impressive since he knows his real starting weight before dinner and uses that energy as he puts on another act with Jungkook.
“Oh my god, that’s impossible. I’ve never eaten that much in my life, but there’s no way I ate 30 pounds of food…unless…”
JK immediately knows his little game is up and is ready to grovel.
“Baby, listen, I can explain.”
“Oh, you better. You are in trouble.”
Jimin’s ‘punishment’ for Jungkook is that Jimin is still going to wear his fancy lingerie and eat a huge tray of desserts like he planned.
However, instead of letting Jungkook hand feed him or even tie Jimin up like he planned for 200, Jungkook is now the one who has to sit across from Jimin with his hands tied up, unable to touch or feed Jimin throughout the entire night.
Jungkook learns to never tamper with anything in their house again, quickly learning of the mean streak in his typically soft and sweet Jimin.
Also, when Jimin hits 250, the reward of being the one to feed and pamper his beautiful baby in celebration is much better than any punishment could ever be.
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