#san diego handyman
sandiego-handyman · 5 days
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anevbarry · 6 months
San Diego Bathroom Remodeling - San Diego Home Remodeling
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San Diego Bathroom Remodeling is a distinguished service provided by San Diego Home Remodeling, which is dedicated to transforming bathrooms into exquisite getaways that balance efficiency and beauty. Our skilled staff builds tailored solutions based on individual preferences and expectations, emphasizing individualized design and meticulous attention to detail. From current enhancements to timeless classics, they expertly mix high-quality materials and creative features to enhance comfort and style. Whether it's a spa-inspired refuge or a space-saving solution, San Diego Bathroom Remodeling ensures that each project reflects the essence of coastal living while exceeding expectations for beauty and functionality. Visit our website to learn how we can elevate your bathroom's sophistication and comfort.
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deadboyfriendd · 3 months
Captain Seeks Mate
This is so stupid. 
At four cents a word, Early Bird had taken Steve Harrington for all he was worth. 
“Captain seeks mate– must be into pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. Mid-to-late 20s, witty and funny. Tall, dark, & handsome. Write to me and escape. Box D183.” 
He couldn’t believe himself, yet, here it was, nestled between Handyman Wanted and 1978 Plymouth Volare. The product of his own desperation, printed in Times New Roman– staring him in the face for this Sunday’s very own Early Bird edition. He wondered where it had all gone wrong, wondered where he went from Steve Harrington, local heartthrob, to an ad in the personal column of the absolute rag sheet that The Early Bird had always been. 
He wanted to blame Scoops Ahoy, those stupid little shorts and sailor hat. He wanted to blame Nancy Wheeler, who made him out to be an absolute idiot– No, he shook his head, you did that to yourself. 
And then he thought about you, golden under the blistering sun of Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona State University wreaked havoc on this life and he left with a minor in possession, 36 C-average credits in Business Administration, and a heart kicked directly in the ass. He wanted to blame you, he wanted to blame his father for sending him there– his own alma mater, he wanted to blame W. P. Carey himself, but even Steve wasn’t stupid enough to try to push this on someone else. 
Stupid, but not that stupid. 
It had been three years, and Steve had found himself settling into the comforts of blissful, beautiful stagnation. His apartment was nice– far nicer than his current job would allow him, thanks, Robin. 
It wasn’t like he frequented this place often. His home was adrift, on board The Lady May. It was an inherent truth that Steve belonged on a boat, preferably in the absence of a shirt– and this job had been the calling of a lifetime. Where Steve had struggled in the areas of statistics and business analytics, he learned the laws of the sea, learned the fishing regulations and how these animals functioned. Now, Steve got to live life as slow as the rolling waves of San Diego would take him. For that, he was thankful. 
“You’re seriously advertising yourself in the paper now?” Robin asked him, her eyes peering over the top of the paper with both wonder and disgust, “Do I dare bring back the board?” 
“What?” Steve asked her, turning around from his barstool. 
“Captain seeks mate, Steven? This has you written all over it.” 
“Why are you even reading the personal column?” 
“Because I like to laugh at them.” She said to him with her brow raised. Her hand came down to gesture at those horrible, ambiguously worded advertisements, “But this? This is just sad.” 
He reached over to her, snatching the paper from her hands. He unfolded his glasses, letting them sit low against his nose, now unabashed by his need for them– his unyielding desire to see outweighing the once debilitating vanity that overtook his ability to simply wear them. Robin never pointed this out, she was just glad to see him doing something for himself for once. But this? There was no way she was letting this die. 
He read the paper with his brow furrowed, feigning confusion and nonchalance. Perhaps he could play this off, but there was nothing he was able to skirt past her. 
“Nope. Not me.” He started, face stone cold. It was an immediate sellout, but Robin was feeling generous today. She would let him have this. 
As he handed her the paper back, she gave him a sideways glance through a raised brow, wondering what had ever prompted him to be this desperate. Maybe he had finally gone crazy, all of those hours on the water finally turning him into a regular Castaway.  
This is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever seen. 
Well, second most. The first had been moving to San Diego to cut your teeth on some rag sheet with the promise of being the sole graphic designer. Something new and exciting. You could do new and exciting, you tried to convince yourself of this. You had graduated summa cum laude from one of the top ten design schools in the country– you just didn’t mention that that had been Arizona State and you had also gotten a minor in underage drinking. New and exciting was your game. 
But this? This had been one of the most entertaining things you had ever seen, staring you right in the face. You couldn’t stop the laugh that tumbled from your lips, drawing looks from the editors perched at their beige desks like the world's most modern gargoyles. Had no one else seen this? 
“Captain seeks mate– must be into pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. Mid-to-late 20s, witty and funny. Tall, dark, & handsome. Write to me and escape. Box D183.” 
It had been three years since Steve had disappeared without a trace, your golden boy under the glowing sun of your homeland. He was the greatest gem the Midwest had to offer, a diamond in the rough. Gold-skinned and eager, with a laugh like sunshine and a touch like Midas, gone back home with little to no warning. Your heart had been shattered in the process, manifesting itself in a nose to the grindstone and an early release of a BS in graphic design. The sun stung too much in his absence. You’d needed something frigid. 
Or maybe you’d been frigid enough. 
You rolled your shoulders at your desk, the cramping in your neck signaling the end of the work day and your ticket out of here– your home the promised land of naproxen and that waning bottle of Don Julio 70, a gem you’d grown to love an appreciate with all of your newfound adult money. 
You’d drained the last of your savings on a (most-likely overpriced) two bedroom a block away from the ragged coastlines of La Jolla Cove, where, every morning, you would watch the run rise along the tide pools where you’d tote your lukewarm mug of coconut cold brew, and watch the sun set over a rocky shore. It was a slow life, and you’d liked it that way. 
But tonight, as you watched the boats bob back and forth in the orange glow of the marina, you couldn’t help but to feel a semblance of nagging withing you. 
Captain Seeks Mate. 
It was ridiculous. It was stupid. But maybe something ridiculous and stupid was what you needed. Something with no pressure, something that was fun. Something that wouldn’t shatter your heart into another million pieces when it would disappear. 
So here you were, stupidly folded into a stupid, ridiculous pile at your stupid counter, drafting a big dumb letter on to a piece of paper: 
 Hello tall, dark, and handsome. 
I am writing in response to your ad in the personal columns of The Early Bird from the Sunday, June 27th edition. Three years ago, my heart was broken by another tall, dark, and handsome type. I read that the ocean heals, so I traded my land legs for sea, and now I seek a captain to guide me to smoother waters. 
 I will spare the formalities. I am not into hiking or health food. I live a life of comfort and leisure. I eat when I am hungry and drink when I am thirsty. I like to live my life in good company between work days, and you seem like the company I’d like to keep.
I am particularly fond of getting caught in the rain– when it happens, that is. I hail from the desert southwest, and I thrive on sunshine and sand. I live quietly. I like to read and paint. I keep houseplants. I am nobody’s poet, but I’m into champagne. 
I want to meet you. I want to cut through all of this red tape. 
It is true, I like pina coladas, though I prefer a tequila sunrise at the best of times. The Pisces bar on Mission and El Camino De Playa conveniently has both. Meet me there at tomorrow, noon. 
Tequila Sunrise
Box 1751.
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half-oz-eddie · 5 months
Thank you @shieldofiron for passing the baton my way ♡
here's my contribution for the @harringrove-relay-race!
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There’s never a dull moment at 1566 Main Street, where Neil Hargrove is a slumlord. He owns a shitty building that’s hanging on by a thread and he’s too cheap to pay for the upgrades. But he wanted that ceiling rent, right? Cheap Bastard.
More often than Billy would like, his phone rings, because this or that is busted and fucked up, and Neil just leaves it all on Billy’s shoulders to get it done, and do it right or else.
He didn’t give a shit that he’d left Billy with such a mess. Their handyman quit months ago, and it was up to Billy as the superintendent to make sure this shit show of a building was running just enough to not end up with an investigative reporter exposing them on the channel 7 news.
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Billy sat up, groaning in annoyance when his phone rang again. It was the new tenant down the hall, calling to tell him that his lock was broken.
Billy dragged himself to 3F, knocked on the door, and a preppy, bright-eyed pretty boy answered with a welcoming smile.
“Hey, thanks for coming so quickly. I was afraid I’d have to miss work.”
“Not a problem.” He assessed the lock. “This is a shit building anyway. My old man doesn’t do what he should for the tenants.”
“Well at least you care about the tenants, right?”
“Guess so.” He mumbled back, focusing his attention on the door.
The lock was a quick fix, only taking Billy roughly 10 minutes. Thankfully, he had all the right tools on hand. 
“Finished already?” The tenant asked.
“Yeah. Y’mind if I use your bathroom to wash my hands?”
“Go right ahead!” He said welcomingly. “It’s uh—“ He stopped himself with a laugh. “You probably already know where it is.”
Billy nodded, inviting himself down the hall. He caught a brief glimpse into the bedroom, spotting the curtain sheet and mattress on the floor as he passed by.
He washed his hands and headed back to the door, preparing to let himself out.
“I’m right down the hall in 3A, so, if you need anything, you can just knock on my door. Like I said, this place is a shit hole, so…I’ll expect to hear from you again.”
“I’ll probably uh, call first.” He nervously chuckled. 
“Whatever floats your boat, Mr. Harrington. See ya around.”
Billy turned back. 
“I’d love to thank you. My friends say I make a mean cup of Joe.” He persuaded with a smile.
Billy shrugged. The neighbors weren’t usually so friendly, so this was a change of pace. “Why not?”
He was offered the only chair in Mr. Harrington’s apartment at a wobbly little table.
A few minutes later, Mr. Harrington joined him at the wobbly table, offering him his only good mug, keeping the mug with a broken handle for himself. He sat on a storage box, his chin meeting the tabletop.
“So, Mr. Hargrove—“
“Please call me Billy. My dad’s Mr. Hargrove.”
“Only if you call me Steve.” He grinned.
“Deal…Steve.” Billy charmingly enunciated his name.
“So, Billy,” he continued “have you always lived in Los Angeles?”
“No. Lived in San Diego most of my life. My gramps left this building to my dad about 4 years ago, and he made me the super.”
“Oh, I see. I kinda moved out here on a whim.” Steve shrugged. “I was staying in a shitty motel for a few days before I secured this place. My dad’s not too happy I’m here, so we’re not on speaking terms.”
“What’s he got against LA?” Billy curiously asked, eyebrows raising as he sipped the surprisingly delightful cup of coffee.
“Nothing, I don’t think. He’s just pissed I didn’t wanna join the family business. I wanted to give modeling a try.”
“Modeling?” Billy snorted.
“Y-you don’t think I can?”
“Pretty boy like you? You could definitely be a model.” Billy nodded.
Steve hung his head down, hiding a blush. “You’re uh…you’re a nice looking guy yourself. You’ve never considered modeling?”
“I did once, but the photographer said I’m…difficult to work with.” Billy smirked mischievously, causing Steve to laugh. “I just don’t like people telling me what to do. Stand like this, stand like that, poke your cock out a bit.” He joked. “Not my thing.”
“What is your thing?”
“Surfing, swimming, cars, I dunno. If I could do all 3 for the rest of my life, I would. But I’m stuck here, fixing shitty locks and making sure my old man doesn’t get sued.” Billy glanced at his vibrating phone and stood. “Gotta go. Thanks for that…mean cup of Joe.” Billy smiled. “See ya around.”
“Bye!” Steve waved, a wide smile on his face. He let out a happy sigh. Maybe living here wouldn’t be so bad, after all.
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A week later, Billy received a call after hours. It was Steve Harrington again.
“Hey. You having some kind of emergency? I’m…sorta off the clock.”
“Yeah I—shit—sorry! Something happened with one of my pipes and now there’s—ah! God dammit! There’s water everywhere. Couldja help me?”
“Be right there.”
Billy sighed and put his shoes back on. “I’m so tired of this shitty fucking building.” He grumbled. “Something’s always fucking fucked up.”
He swung his door open in annoyance, locked it swiftly and headed down the hall. 
He gave Steve’s door a harsh knock, his eyes narrowing at the wet idiot standing before him.
“I uh…” He exhaled. “I tried to fix it myself, but I made it a whole lot worse.”
Billy rushed in, groaning. “Jesus, Harrington, What did you do?”
“I-I dunno!” He exclaimed worriedly. “I just—I didn’t wanna bother you after hours.”
Billy was so irritated, but he couldn't find it in his heart to shout at the pathetic, sopping wet dumbass. One look in those shameful, doe eyes behind those dripping bangs, and Billy simply had no fight in him. It was pretty sweet of Steve to think of him by trying to fix the pipe on his own. But jesus, what a mess!
“This place is hanging by a goddamn thread, Steve.”
Billy went to work fixing the pipe, water splashing all over him in the process. It took him twice as long as the lock, but he was able to fix the problem before the kitchen began to flood. 
“I’m really sorry.” Steve apologized, handing Billy a towel. "I'll clean everything up."
Billy took off his shirt and rung it out in the sink. “Just…promise you won’t try to fix anything else by yourself, okay?”
Steve slowly nodded, as he was too stunned to speak. His eyes were glued to Billy’s wet, chiseled body, following the water droplets that fell into his jeans. 
“Uh—I—yeah. Yeah I promise.”
“Is there anything else you need fixed before I go?” Billy asked.
“N-no. Nothing else. I’ll let you know. I promise.”
Billy gently patted Steve’s shoulder and let himself out.
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Billy returned to his apartment and opened up a can of beer, aggressively chugging it as he fought back the tears in his eyes.
Crisis fucking averted. He couldn’t imagine the world of pain his father would bring upon him if Steve’s apartment flooded.
He didn’t blame Steve. It wasn’t his fault. It was all Neil. Neil and his shitty expectations. His shitty demands and his shitty fucking building. 
Billy wanted to get out of there more than anything, but his father controlled his life for so long, he didn’t have anything to his name. He barely paid him a decent wage for being the building super. What was the fucking point anymore? Billy was destined to be alone and miserable in this dreary building. 
He cried himself to sleep. 
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Another week passed. There were only 2 repairs needed in the building, and things felt fairly calm these days. Billy and Steve would catch one another in the hallway. Steve would always wave, and Billy would make a joke about Steve swimming in his indoor pool. 
One afternoon, Billy was on his way down to check the mail and Steve was waiting for the elevator.
“What’s with the big boxes? Moving out already?” Billy smirked, causing Steve to laugh.
“No, no. I bought some new furniture.”
Billy got a closer look at the boxes. Those were some pretty high end brand names. Looks like Harrington came from money. He wouldn’t have moved to an awful building like this, if he were Steve.
“D’you need some help assembling the furniture?”
“Really?” His eyes widened in surprise. “You gonna charge, like, an assembly fee?”
“I won’t. Just being friendly to a tenant and neighbor.”
They exchanged soft gazes and sweet smiles.
Steve accepted the help. “That’d be great. I really wanna get this table together before my friend comes to town to visit me this weekend. She’s gonna bring her girlfriend and her girlfriend really doesn’t like me.” Steve confessed with a laugh.
“No? How come?”
“She thinks I’m stuck up or something, I dunno. I guess it’s because I was an asshole in high school.”
Billy shrugged. “Yeah me too.”
“I’m gonna bring these boxes down and then we can put together my furniture now, if you can.”
“I don’t have anything else on my schedule. I was gonna grab my mail and binge watch something.”
“Sorry for ruining your plans.” Steve teased as the elevator door opened.
“You’re not sorry.” Billy softly chuckled. 
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They returned to Steve’s apartment together and assembled his table.
“Finally, it’s not a piece of shit little table like the last time you were here.”
“Yep. An actual decent table with some nice chairs.” Billy nodded satisfactorily. “Looks pretty good.”
“You wanna stay for dinner? A-as a thank you. I’ve got a lasagna prepped, if you’re hungry.”
Billy paused before accepting the invitation. “Sure. I could eat.”
Steve popped in his lasagna and toasted some breadsticks, then made 2 plates for himself and Billy.
“Looks damn good, Harrington. I didn’t know you could cook.”
“My mom was always cooking and baking for charity events and dinner parties so I helped out in the kitchen here and there.”
Billy took his first bite, a moan nearly slipping out of his mouth. “Jesus, this is the best food I’ve had in a long time.”
“Really? I-I’m sure you probably cook quite a bit yourself.”
“I don’t cook at all. No idea how.”
“Really? W—I could teach you, if you want. A-and we could eat a few meals together, if your schedule’s free.”
“I live where I work and I have all my meals alone. It’d be nice to eat with someone for a change.”
“You uh…want some wine? I dunno if you drink or—“
“I drink. I’ll take a glass.”
Steve poured a glass of wine for each of them, and they continued to chat into the late hours of the night. Steve fell asleep on his new couch and Billy washed the dishes before leaving Steve’s apartment and heading to bed.
His heart was racing practically the entire night and he couldn’t understand why. What was so great about the hot neighbor-slash-tenant with his soft, fluffy hair and his smooth voice and his stupid smile. Yeah, okay, maybe he looked sexy in an apron and knew his way around the kitchen and he was like a wife, who could also be a husband and he was every goddamn thing Billy wanted—but what’d that matter? He was damned to spend his life alone in that shitty building until Neil died and he was free to demolish it someday. 
Only then would he be free.
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A month passed. Billy had dinner with Steve at least twice a week. Sometimes their dinners would turn into movie nights. Steve even invited him over for party games when his friends came into town to visit. 
And each moment they spent together, only caused Billy to fall deeper in love. 
Steve had to work, so there wouldn’t be any dinner that night. He made sure to give Billy some leftovers from the night before, so Billy heated them and ate them before going to bed early.
He groaned in annoyance when his sleep was disturbed by a late night phone call. 
“Another emergency?” He wondered, when he noticed Harrington’s name on the screen. It was 9:52 PM. Did his pipe burst again?
“Hey, Steve, what’s wrong? Is it the pipes?”
“No, but, I do need something repaired. Could you come by for a moment? If it’s not too much trouble.”
Steve was more of a treasure than trouble to Billy. He was the only sense of life in his dreadful world. He would come anytime Steve called, no matter how late.
“No problem, be right there.” He responded cooly, concealing his excitement to see Steve again.
He grabbed his tools and headed down the hall. Steve opened the door before he could knock.
“Alright, show me where the problem is.”
“It’s uh…not something you can use tools for.”
Billy raised a brow in confusion. “What’re you talkin’ about, Harrington?”
“Can—can you fix a broken heart?”
This is what he called me over for?
Billy laughed. “If I knew how, I’d fix my own.”
“Whenever I catch a glimpse of you around the building, you always look so sad and alone. I just…I hate seeing you like that.”
“I’m not like that when we hang out, if that makes you feel better.”
“It does. Because I feel better when I hang out with you too.” There was a long pause as they averted each other’s eyes. They could feel their hearts nearly beating out of their chests. "You like my coffee, you-you laugh at my jokes. You support my ambitions. Even my friends like you!"
"Yeah, your friend's girlfriend seems to like me more than she likes you."
They shared a laugh, and Steve's smile slowly faded as his gaze turned serious.
“W-what I’m saying is...” Steve clenched his sweaty fist “I think…I think I’m falling for you.”
Billy gasped upon hearing the confession. Was this a dream? Was he still in his bed, fast asleep? Maybe he should pinch himself to find out.
“You sure you’re not just trying to get a rent-free apartment?” Billy joked.
“Is uh…is it working?” Steve replied in jest.
Billy nodded. “Yeah. A little bit.”
When Steve gently pulled Billy into his arms, embracing him, Billy knew for sure this wasn’t a dream. He hadn’t been held like this in forever, maybe never. His mom used to hold him tight, but that was familial love. This was…a new and unexpected romantic gesture.
Billy did everything he could to hold back his tears. 
Steve gently pulled away, looking into Billy’s cloudy eyes with his own. 
“You really can fix anything, can’t you?” 
“I dunno if I would call this fixing, but I’m definitely building something new with you.”
Steve kissed him softly, and Billy melted into his arms. For a split second he imagined merging with Steve and never parting with him again. 
“One day, you and me, we’re gonna get the hell outta here. We’re gonna do everything we’ve ever dreamed of, and we’re gonna be happy.”
“Steve, this is the first bit of happiness I’ve felt in a long time. I’m almost satisfied with this.”
“You don’t have to settle, babe. We’re gonna have a beautiful life together, and you’ll never have to fix some shitty pipes ever again.”
“I’m holding you to that promise, pretty boy.”
They sealed the deal with another kiss.
And Steve did keep his promise. 
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Thank you for reading! Please look forward to something incredible from @adelacreations ❤️
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Writing Analysis: Of Mice and Men (Cultural References)
Bindle: A bag, sack, or carrying device.
Bindle Stiff: Hobo; transient who carries his belongings in a sack.
Bunk House: A sleeping quarters intended for use by multiple people.
Talcum Powder: Very similar in texture to baby powder, talcum powder was used mainly after bathing or shaving.
Apple Box: A box used for storage or as a stepstool capable of holding a person's weight.
Scourges: A widespread affliction, an epidemic illness or the consequence of some natural disaster, like fire, flood, or a migration of locusts.
Pants Rabbits: A sexually transmitted disease, known as pubic lice.
Graybacks: The equivalent of ticks or lice.
Liniment: A topical cream for the skin that helps with pain or rashes.
Jerkline Skinner: Lead driver of a team of mules
Stable Buck: A derogatory name for an African-American man who works in the stables.
Stetson Hat: A famous brand of hats, especially cowboy hats.
‍Swamper: A general assistant; handyman.
Murray and Ready: An employment agency, specializing in farm work.
Work Slips: Proof that people had been hired to do a job.
Cultivator: A farming tool used to stir and soften the soil either before or after planting.
Cesspool: A well or pit filled with drainage or sewage.
Slough: A muddy or marshy area.
Tart: A woman who tempts men or who is sexually promiscuous.
Buck Barley: To throw large bags of barley on a truck.
Lynch: To illegally execute a person, generally applied to the hanging and/or burning of African-Americans in the south.
Slug of Whiskey: Equivalent to a hip flask of whiskey.
Gut Ache: A stomach ache.
Airedale: A type of dog, specifically Terrier.
Pulp Magazine: During the 1920s-1950s, inexpensive fiction magazines. From 1950 on, the term also came to represent mass market paperbacks.
Luger: The Luger pistol was an expensive, high maintenance weapon manufactured and used primarily in the German army.
Euchre: A card game played in England, Canada, and some parts of the U.S.
Two Bits: Twenty-Five cents.
Rag Rug: Rugs created from rags that were tied together by knots.
Kewpie Doll: A particular style of doll, one that was usually won at carnivals.
Phonograph: The first device for recording and playing sound, most specifically music.
Parlor House: Could be considered a restaurant, but more often parlor houses were brothels.
Hutches: A form of furniture, very similar to a wardrobe.
Welter: A boxer (refers to welterweight, a weight class in boxing).
Nail keg: A wooden barrel that could usually hold 100 pounds or more inside.
Russian Hill: Affluent residential neighborhood in San Francisco, California.
Travels with a Donkey: Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes (1879), one of Robert Louis Stevenson's earliest published works.
Varro: Marcus Terentius Varro (116-29 B.C.E.), Roman scholar/author and horticulturist.
Velasquez's Cardinal: Seventeenth-century painting by Spanish painter Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez.
Zane Grey: American adventure novelist (1872-1939).
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callsigns-haze · 4 months
Short love: Chp 18
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Summary: The is about widowed father Bradley Bradshaw who enlists his brother-in-law Jake Seresin and childhood best friend Robert Floyd to help raise his three daughters, eldest Donna Jo Margaret (D.J for short), middle child Stephanie and youngest Michelle in his San Diego home. 
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Warning: Fluff, flirting
With a shared vision in mind, Jake and Y/n roll up their sleeves and dive into the renovation project with gusto. The attic, once a neglected space filled with dusty boxes and forgotten treasures, is soon transformed into a bright and spacious bedroom, complete with multiple functional areas.
Together, they brainstorm layout ideas and design concepts, drawing inspiration from magazines, online resources, and their own creativity. They envision a space that is not only stylish and modern but also practical and versatile, catering to their various needs and preferences.
The first step is to declutter and clear out the attic, sorting through years of accumulated belongings and deciding what to keep, donate, or discard. With determination and teamwork, they tackle this daunting task, motivated by the prospect of creating their dream bedroom.
Once the space is cleared, they begin the renovation process, starting with structural improvements such as insulation, flooring, and walls. Jake's handyman skills come in handy as he handles the more technical aspects of the project, while Y/n lends her creative touch to the design and decor.
They install large windows to let in plenty of natural light, creating a bright and airy atmosphere. They also add built-in storage solutions to maximize space and organization, ensuring that every corner of the room is utilized efficiently.
As Jake focuses intently on drilling the wooden plates into the walls, Y/n watches with a mixture of amusement and admiration. She can't help but chuckle as she sees him maneuvering the drill, occasionally getting stuck or encountering a stubborn spot.
"Need a hand there, handyman?" Y/n teases, her laughter filling the room.
Jake looks up with a playful grin, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. "I've got this under control," he insists, determined to conquer the task at hand.
But as he continues to drill, a particularly stubborn spot causes the drill to jam, and Jake lets out a frustrated sigh. Y/n can't help but laugh at his predicament, finding his determination endearing.
"Maybe I spoke too soon," she quips, moving closer to offer her assistance.
With a grin, Jake accepts her help, and together they work to free the jammed drill and continue with the task. As they work side by side, their laughter fills the room, turning the mundane task of renovation into a fun and memorable bonding experience.
As they continue renovating the attic, Jake and Y/n find themselves knee-deep in paint cans, power tools, and endless to-do lists. Despite the occasional mishaps and setbacks, they tackle each challenge with determination and a sense of adventure.
One afternoon, while attempting to install a new light fixture, Jake finds himself tangled in a mess of wires, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tries to decipher the instructions. Y/n watches from a safe distance, stifling a giggle as she sees him struggle.
"Need any help there?" she offers, trying to suppress her amusement.
Jake grumbles in frustration but eventually accepts her offer, grateful for her assistance. Together, they work to untangle the wires and install the light fixture, laughing at their shared clumsiness and enjoying the camaraderie of working together.
Another day, they decide to tackle the task of painting the walls, armed with brushes, rollers, and plenty of drop cloths. But their ambitious plans quickly take a comedic turn when Jake accidentally spills a can of paint, sending a cascade of white paint splattering across the floor.
Y/n's eyes widen in disbelief as she surveys the mess, but before she can scold him, Jake bursts into laughter, realizing the absurdity of the situation. They spend the next few hours cleaning up the mess, turning the ordeal into a lighthearted paint fight and making memories in the process.
Despite the inevitable hiccups and mishaps, Jake and Y/n press on with their renovation project, fueled by their shared determination and love for each other. With each coat of paint applied and each piece of furniture assembled, they inch closer to transforming the attic into their dream space, creating a home that reflects their love, laughter, and unique bond.
Jake looks up from his work as Y/n enters the room, her eyes sparkling mischievously as she approaches him, a small item hidden behind her back. He furrows his brow, curiosity piqued by her secretive demeanor.
"Hey, Mr. Handyman," she says smiling and kicking her feet.
"What do you have there?" he asks, unable to contain his curiosity.
Y/n smiles mysteriously, holding the item out of his reach as she teases him with a playful gleam in her eyes. "You'll have to wait and see," she says, her tone teasing and coy.
Jake chuckles, leaning in closer to try and catch a glimpse of what she's hiding. "Come on, don't leave me hanging," he pleads, reaching out to try and snatch the item from her grasp.
But Y/n deftly sidesteps his attempts, dancing out of reach with a playful laugh. "Not yet," she says, her smile widening as she revels in his curiosity.
With a grin, Jake sets down his tools, determined to uncover the mystery behind Y/n's secretive behavior. He follows her playfully around the room, determined to discover the surprise she's hiding. And as they laugh and tease each other, their bond grows even stronger, fueled by the joy of their shared antics and the love that binds them together.
Jake's eyes widen in astonishment as Y/n reveals the positive pregnancy test hidden behind her back. For a moment, he's speechless, the weight of the moment sinking in as he realizes the significance of what she's showing him.
"Is this...?" he begins, his voice barely above a whisper, unable to fully comprehend the news.
Y/n nods, her eyes shining with unshed tears of joy as she confirms his silent question. "We're going to be parents," she says, her voice trembling with emotion.
A surge of overwhelming happiness washes over Jake as he wraps his arms around Y/n, pulling her close in a tight embrace. He presses a kiss to her forehead, his heart bursting with love and excitement for the new chapter they're about to embark on together.
"We're going to have a baby," he murmurs, his voice filled with wonder and awe.
As they stand together in the newly renovated attic, surrounded by the promise of their growing family, Jake and Y/n share a moment of pure happiness and anticipation for the journey ahead. With their love as their guide, they're ready to embrace the joys and challenges of parenthood, knowing that they'll face them together, hand in hand.
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datascraping001 · 2 months
Scraping RealtyTrac Real Estate Listings
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Unlock Real Estate Insights with RealtyTrac Listings Scraping by DataScrapingServices.com. In the ever-evolving world of real estate, having access to accurate and comprehensive data is crucial for making informed decisions. RealtyTrac is one of the leading sources for real estate information, providing detailed property listings, foreclosure data, and market trends. DataScrapingServices.com offers a cutting-edge solution for extracting valuable information from RealtyTrac, allowing real estate professionals to gain a competitive edge.  
At DataScrapingServices.com, we understand the importance of data in driving successful real estate strategies. Our RealtyTrac Real Estate Listings Scraping service is designed to help real estate investors, agents, and analysts gather essential data efficiently and accurately. By automating the extraction process, we provide our clients with up-to-date information that is crucial for market analysis, investment decisions, and strategic planning.
List of Data Fields
Our RealtyTrac Real Estate Listings Scraping service covers a wide range of data fields, ensuring that you have access to all the information you need. Some of the key data fields we extract include:
Property Details: Address, property type, size, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and other relevant details.
Listing Information: Listing price, listing date, and status (e.g., for sale, sold, pending).
Foreclosure Data: Foreclosure status, auction dates, and lender information.
Market Trends: Price trends, market activity, and neighborhood statistics.
Owner Information: Owner names and contact details (where available).
Tax Information: Property tax assessments and historical tax data.
Sales History: Previous sales data, including sale dates and prices.
Property Features: Amenities, renovation history, and special features.
Geographic Data: Coordinates, zoning information, and nearby landmarks.
School Information: Details about nearby schools and school district ratings.
Benefits of Scraping RealtyTrac Real Estate Listings
1. Enhanced Decision-Making: Access to comprehensive and accurate data enables real estate professionals to make well-informed decisions, from property investments to pricing strategies.
2. Time Efficiency: Automating the data extraction process saves valuable time, allowing you to focus on analyzing data and formulating strategies rather than gathering information manually.
3. Competitive Advantage: Stay ahead of the competition by leveraging detailed and up-to-date information on properties, market trends, and foreclosure data.
4. Cost-Effective: Our realtytrac real estate listings scraping services reduce the need for manual data collection and minimize errors, leading to cost savings and more efficient operations.
5. Customized Solutions: We tailor our RealtyTrac real estate listingsscraping services to meet your specific needs, ensuring that you get the most relevant and useful data for your business.
6. Scalable: Our RealtyTrac real estate listingsscraping services can scale with your business, accommodating growing data needs and larger volumes of information.
Best Business Directory Scraping Services Provider
Ezlocal Business Directory Data Scraping
Scrape Verified Business Data from Europages.co.uk
Google Map Businesses Data Scraping
Yellow Pages Business Listings Scraping
Canpages Business Listings Scraping
Scraping Handyman Services from Thumbtack
Scrape Australian Businesses Listing from Truelocal
Scrape Business Listings from FreeIndex
Goldenpages.bg Data Extraction
Google Business Reviews Extraction
Best Scraping RealtyTrac Real Estate Listings Services in USA:
Fort Worth, Kansas City, Orlando, Sacramento, San Francisco, Austin, Philadelphia, Houston, Chicago, Indianapolis, Omaha, Mesa, San Francisco, San Diego, Raleigh, New Orleans, Washington, Bakersfield, Long Beach, Nashville, Jacksonville, Virginia Beach, Albuquerque, Wichita, Tulsa, Las Vegas, Denver, Colorado, Fresno, El Paso, Atlanta, Memphis, San Antonio, Columbus, Milwaukee, Colorado, Louisville, Seattle, Sacramento, Dallas, Orlando, Charlotte, Oklahoma City, San Jose, Boston, Long Beach, Fresno, Tucson and New York.
DataScrapingServices.com's RealtyTrac Real Estate Listings Scraping service is an invaluable tool for anyone involved in the real estate industry. By providing detailed and accurate data, we empower our clients to make smarter decisions, stay competitive, and maximize their investment returns. Whether you are a real estate investor, agent, or analyst, our scraping services can provide the insights you need to succeed. Partner with DataScrapingServices.com and transform raw data into actionable intelligence for your real estate business.
Website: Datascrapingservices.com
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bussinesservice · 10 months
Transform your space with our professional epoxy flooring services at Double G Painters. Discover durable and visually stunning solutions for residential and commercial spaces. Enhance aesthetics while ensuring lasting quality. Explore our epoxy flooring options for a seamless blend of style and functionality. For getting more information about Epoxy Flooring Contractor in San Diego, CA you visit:-https://www.doublegpainters.com/epoxy-flooring/
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captainfrostsblog · 1 year
Yacht Repair in San Diego,
Sailing Smoothly in San Diego: San Diego's Premier Marine Service
Greetings, From Captain Frost, We're here to welcome you to an unparalleled marine service experience in America's Finest City. San Diego, nestled along the picturesque coastline of Southern California, is a true haven for sailors. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring that your maritime adventures are nothing short of extraordinary. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or new to the world of boating, our comprehensive marine services, which encompass Boat Repair in San Diego, Yacht Repair in San Diego, and Boat Handyman services, have been tailored to meet your every need, guaranteeing that your journey on the open waters is a voyage of delight and serenity. We invite you to join us as we discover the countless opportunities that await you in this maritime wonderland.
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likeastarmuses · 1 year
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Kirk Tiberius James
Age: 32 (August 20)
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Pronouns: He/him
Residence: San Diego, California
Hometown: South Bend, Indiana
Primary occupation: Coffee shop manager
Secondary occupation: Odd jobs, comic book artist
Personality traits: Goofy, warm, aloof, directionless
FC: Andrew Garfield
Kirk is an up-and-coming comic book artist who moved from midwestern Indiana all the way to San Diego, California in order to pursue his career. He earned his fine arts degree in college and, ever since then, has been passionate about his art. Because he can never guarantee getting published, he also works as a manager at a local café and does odd jobs on the side. Despite being rather clumsy and having a stutter, the odd jobs thing has made him quite the handyman.
He has ADHD and can therefore be quite the energizer bunny. He's infamous for having multiple projects at once and never quite finishing them. A lot of his early days in high school and college were spent pining over his crushes; he's a bit shy to come on to the people he likes. But once he admits his feelings and enters a relationship, Kirk is loyal and prioritizes it.
He also loves drumming. As a child, he was born partially deaf and therefore has to have a cochlear implant. When he first received the implant, his doctor encouraged him to play percussive instruments to learn about sound.
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sandiego-handyman · 5 days
Plumbing Service Lakeside
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Plumbing Service Lakeside provides both residential and business clients with a wide choice of plumbing solutions that are specifically designed to fit their needs. Their team of professionals prioritizes professionalism and high-quality service, offering prompt and effective troubleshooting for typical plumbing problems such as leaks, clogs, installations, and maintenance. The most important lesson to learn from Plumbing Service Lakeside is their dedication to providing dependable, customer-focused services, guaranteeing that all plumbing requirements are met to the best standards in the sector.
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anevbarry · 9 months
San Diego Remodeling Contractors - San Diego Home Remodeling
Among San Diego Remodeling Contractors, San Diego Home Remodeling is the best option. With unmatched workmanship and attention to detail, our skilled staff turns ideas into reality. We take great satisfaction in converting houses into customized works of art as dependable experts. Our committed approach guarantees a flawless remodeling experience from start to finish. The specialty of San Diego Home Remodeling is designing enticing rooms that complement your way of living. Our contractors have a dedication to quality and offer knowledge, dependability, and originality to each job. Elevate your house with the reliable knowledge of San Diego Home Remodeling, where passion and accuracy meet to create the home of your dreams.
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North San Diego County Handyman LLC
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With over 6 years in Home Improvement. Our mission has remained the same—to provide unparalleled service and allow our work to exceed all expectations of professionalism, integrity, and effectiveness. From the smallest and easiest job to the most strenuous, we make sure that we’re not finished until the satisfaction of our customers is met. We aim to finish each project in a timely-manner and with the highest level of quality. With a focus on personalized service, competitive rates and customer satisfaction, we’re always striving to meet and exceed industry expectations.
address: 2033 San Elijo Ave. #611, Cardiff by the Sea CA,92007
Phone: 858-241-7328
Business email: [email protected]
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waltersmanagement12 · 2 years
A HOA The executives Organization: What Might It at any point Accommodate An Affiliation?
A Property holders Affiliation or HOA obligations can fluctuate incredibly contingent upon the singular characteristics of an area. Keeping up with or expanding the worth of every property is the fundamental objective of delegating an overseeing body. Desk work, support, legitimate choices, and different administration errands are expected to make a very much run local area. A few affiliations choose to use the experience presented by an expert organization. A HOA the board organization can be a handyman arrangement where undertakings like snow expulsion, normal region upkeep, and inhabitant objections are eliminated from the long program of obligations put on the affiliation. The monetary assets important to oblige all private necessities can be surprising and require the fitting equilibrium to guarantee all cost perspectives are properly covered. Expenses are charged to occupants to make an asset for overseeing monetary commitments, for example, contracted administrations or routine support errands. These expenses might be charged month to month, quarterly, or at times yearly relying upon the degree of standard consideration expected by an area. An HOA Management Temecula expert organization conveys explicit information an affiliation might use to work on monetary preparation or obligation satisfaction.
Affiliation The executives Administrations: Filling In the Holes Where Help is Required Most
Affiliation the board services are contracted in light of the specific necessities of the administering body. While the obligations change, a couple of fundamental obligations stay predominant among affiliations. A HOA should deal with building support, contract for fixes, keep up with public regions, and give protection. These errands are commonly included as a component of the occupant charges, making it basic for the suitable monetary wanting to be set up. Things avoided with regard to the financial plan might make an affiliation demand extra cash, pursue faster routes, or disregard significant support that diminishes occupant fulfillment as well as an expected expansion in the gamble of injury. Protecting the local area clean and takes an enormous part of the financial plan in light of the fact that various administrations, for example, junk pickup should be contracted out. Not going to these fitting lengths diminishes the general allure of a neighborhood alongside property estimation. Disregard of these significant expense viewpoints prompts a more exorbitant tidy up process that can be tried not to by guarantee all segments of neighborhood care are appropriately remembered for the monetary financial plan and supported by the hold reserve.
A HOA might utilize affiliation the executives administrations to make a more strong monetary financial plan, gather charges, and gain knowledge on forthcoming support costs. The on location chief has everyday contact with inhabitants for expanded information about unambiguous issues. They complete normal examinations to assess the state of normal regions as well as unambiguous homes. This helps with planning in contracted administrations, for example, yard care or building fixes. This administrator directs all contracted responsibilities to guarantee the cost has been appropriately appointed to the right contracting supplier. Charge assortment is taken care of by the HOA the board organization to forestall aggression among individuals and different inhabitants. On the off chance that an inhabitant is late, the chief can make the fitting moves to endeavor assortment. The board organizations carry information to the arranging table that may somehow or another not be feasible. The right organization can incredibly further develop financial plans to consider better support planning and obscure expenses.
For more details, visit us :
Real Property Management Temecula
Property Management San Diego
Community Management Temecula
Homeowners Association Management San Diego
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handymandubai23 · 2 years
What are the most requested handyman services? Call:045864033
Our handyman services include all aspects of the handyman trade. We are a full-service handyman company that has been serving the greater San Diego area since 1998. We offer complete construction services, from minor projects to major renovations. For more information contact now : 045864033
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datascraping001 · 3 months
Owler Company Database Scraping
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Owler Company Database Scraping
Unlock Competitive Insights with Owler Company Database Scraping by Datascrapingservices.com. In today's dynamic business environment, having access to detailed, up-to-date, and accurate company information is crucial for making informed decisions and gaining a competitive edge. Owler, a leading business information platform, offers extensive data on companies across various industries. DataScrapingServices.com provides specialized Owler Company Database Scraping services to help businesses harness this valuable information efficiently.
Owler is renowned for its comprehensive database of company profiles, including information on competitors, financials, executives, and more. Manually extracting and analyzing this data can be a daunting and time-consuming task. Datascrapingservices.com's Owler Company Database Scraping service automates this process, delivering precise and timely data. This service is particularly beneficial for market analysts, business development professionals, and strategic planners who need reliable data to inform their strategies.
List of Data Fields
The Owler Company Database Scraping service covers a wide range of data fields to ensure a comprehensive dataset. Key data fields include:
Company Name
Company Description
Social Media Links
Utilizing the Owler Company Database Scraping service offers several significant benefits:
1. Comprehensive Market Insights: Gain a deep understanding of market trends, competitor strategies, and industry developments by accessing detailed company profiles.
2. Enhanced Competitive Analysis: Monitor competitor activities, financial health, and strategic moves to stay ahead in the market.
3. Informed Decision-Making: Leverage accurate and up-to-date data to make well-informed business decisions and strategic plans.
4. Time Efficiency: Automate the data extraction process, saving valuable time and resources for your team.
5. Accurate Data: Ensure your business strategies are based on reliable and current information.
6. Improved Marketing Strategies: Use detailed company data to tailor your marketing campaigns and outreach efforts effectively.
7. Strengthened Business Development: Identify potential partners, acquisition targets, and investment opportunities with ease.
Best Owler Company Database Scraping Services Provider
Scraping Handyman Services from Thumbtack
Yellow Pages Business Listings Scraping
Google Map Businesses Data Scraping
Goldenpages.bg Data Extraction
Scrape Australian Businesses Listing from Truelocal
Google Business Reviews Extraction
Ezlocal Business Directory Data Scraping
Scrape Business Listings from FreeIndex
Scrape Verified Business Data from Europages.co.uk
Canpages Business Listings Scraping
Best Owler Company Database Scraping Services in USA:
Long Beach, Nashville, Denver, Colorado, Fresno, Sacramento, El Paso, Washington, Fort Worth, Kansas City, Orlando, San Francisco, Omaha, Mesa, Houston, Chicago, Indianapolis, Virginia Beach, Charlotte, Tulsa, Las Vegas, Memphis, San Antonio, Bakersfield, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Austin, Philadelphia, Oklahoma City, San Jose, Boston, Albuquerque, Seattle, Dallas, Orlando, Long Beach, Fresno, Sacramento, San Francisco, Wichita, Columbus, Milwaukee, Colorado, Louisville, San Diego, Raleigh, New Orleans, Tucson and New York.
In the competitive business landscape, having access to detailed and accurate company data is essential for success. Datascrapingservices.com's Owler Company Database Scraping service provides businesses with a powerful tool to gather and utilize valuable information efficiently. By leveraging this service, market analysts, business development professionals, and strategic planners can enhance their strategies, optimize their decision-making processes, and drive business growth.
Don’t miss the opportunity to transform your market analysis and strategic planning. Invest in Datascrapingservices.com's Owler Company Database Scraping service today and unlock new growth opportunities for your business.
Website: Datascrapingservices.com
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