#san gatsu no lion
nikaidou-stan · 2 years
every night i cry myself to sleep knowing sangatsu will never produce a tumblr sexyman to compete against reigen arataka in a twitter poll
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berwarnabiru · 1 year
Akhir-akhir ini suka banget sama anime yang genrenya sport.
Well, thanks to Tsurune.
Karena anime sport tuh ceritanya lain daripada sekedar slice of life maupun romance yang ceritanya cenderung ketebak.
Tapi sebenernya, nggak cuma sport aja sih. Lebih suka ke anime yang membawakan kultur tradisional Jepang. Ya, kaya Tsurune (kyudo), San-gatsu no Lion (shogi), Barakamon (kaligrafi), Cider no You ni Kotoba ga Wakiagaru (haiku), dan mungkin masih banyak lagi yang belum aku tonton.
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Sekarang sih, lagi nonton Mix: Meisei Story (2019), yang ternyata merupakai semi-sequel dari Touch (1995), dari kreator yang sama pula. Ceritanya sama-sama tentang baseball dan dengan kriteria tokoh dan mungkin alur yang mirip. Meisei Story ini agak underrated kalau dibandingkan sama pendahulunya. Ada yang mengeluhkan kalau pace-nya lambat, dan satu season nggak cukup buat menggambarkan seluruh cerita. Tapi tenang, Meisei Story ada season kedua.
Gegara lihat ulasan, jadi pengen nonton Touch juga, tapi mikir-mikir lagi karena ada 101 episode. Hahaha.
Sejauh ini, baru nonton 2 episode sih, Meisei Story cukup bagus. Penyesalannya cuma satu sih, kenapa nonton yang kualitasnya 480p, kalau 720p pasti lebih bagus visualnya. Hiks. Tapi apalah daya, sayang memori.
Wkwkwkwk. Well, aku jangan sampe lupa kalau masih ada tanggungan lain deh ya. Cuma sekali ini aja karena weekend. Hmhmhm.
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whirling-fangs · 9 months
Colorful interview - Olive and lime! (@thebutterflymansion)
[ olive ]  what gives you the most inspiration for your muse(s)?
[[ The longer I write a muse, the less I tend to do this, but sometimes I'll rewatch some super specific scenes featuring my boy just to get a better feeling of how he acts. Until I start developing fraud syndrome and get scared that I'll find a detail which makes me rethink my entire portrayal :')
[ lime ]  describe yourself as a character / mix of characters you've always related to the most.
This is a really tough one because I honestly don't have much of a personality to begin with, I just find characters I absolutely love and absorb everything from them :') My first two muses pretty much shaped who I am right now haha. And Inosuke is just an even worse influence xD
The characters I like tend to have veeeery different lives from mine so it's hard to relate at all. I guess the closest one would be Rei from San/gatsu no Lion? Living on his own far from home at a young age, forced to balance extremely difficult studies and adult life... His struggles just felt TOO real. So much that it physically hurts to rewatch the anime (an all-time favorite) because it brings me back to horrible times in my life ;-; ]]
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newgameplus · 1 year
Tagged by @sagurus!!!! bless jade <3
Last song: Waltz Right In by matt maeson and ofc ofc OFC hozier's new ep. been listening to a Ton of the mountain goats lately especially some of the older shit like hot garden stomp but the last one i listened to was moon colony bloodbath
Last show: lmao i got out my computer to watch anime and saw this notif n got distracted, so it's gna be last night's taskmaster episode we watched w dinner- somehow we ended up watching JUST the last 2 episodes of s14 for no reason? but its fine still deeply funny show even 2 rewatch
Currently watching: w victor: darker than black and the 2nd season of the legend of vox machina! i still have to foist badlands rumble (trigun movie) upon him .... soon... eyes dot emoji. but on my own im watching game changer, katanagatari, and various random shows that ive seen go by- i just finished deaimon, and was just gonna start bocchi the rock <-guy who genuinely appreciates a good slice of life.
Currently reading: shifty eyes. yes. r- reading..i do that. jk. mairimashita! iruma-kun, san-gatsu no lion, things like that. just light stuff. fending off the naruto or bleach reread w a stick
Current obsession: my dnd guys AUGH. AUGH... ruckus tiefling rougeslinger of my dreams. when im done his character design sheet maybe ill post it. im super proud of it.
not tagging anyone 2day but if you'd like to do it as always feel free to say i tagged u <3
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noname-nonartist · 2 months
top 5 animes?
Okay, soooooooo…
Honest time, but like when it comes to series or anime, it actually takes a while for me to get really invested in a series.
Like if you just tell me a plot to a show, it wouldn’t fully motivate me to actually watch it.
What usually gets me to watch a series is that I found a character within it interesting so I give the series a shot to learn more about it. And like it sometimes becomes my hyperfixation for who knows how long.
Example would be, I was initially interested in Miles Edgeworth in the Ace Attorney series, Goro Akechi in Persona 5, Kaeya in Genshin Impact, Maki Zenin in JJK, Mafuyu in Project Sekai…
(Just ignore the fact that these characters are mostly from games lol)
It’s either through that, or like. Someone introduces me to a series by us watching it together or in the rare occasions in that they recommended a series to me and I trust them that they know my taste/preference.
Ah right. The list.
I’ll just tell ya like the top animes series that I really enjoyed watching/reading.
1. JJK (got super hyperfixated on the series last year, ya can see it in my old art post lol)
2. Paranoia Agent (I love all of Satoshi Kon’s works and this anime is no exception, it’s a really good thriller and like I enjoy how all the characters be flawed people and such)
3. San-gatsu no lion (it’s a really good anime that I watched during my high school years. And I still look back at it fondly, but it’s been a while since I’ve caught up to it)
4. Digimon Tamers (I honestly also like the OG and 02 seasons too, like Ken be my all time Digimon character fav. But like Tamers in general has a wayyyy better plot and better character development)
5. K-On! (Look. I sometimes like some light hearted stuff once in a while too, and like this show be my comfort show when I just wanna see some nice fluff and characters interactions. Oh god. I think now I know why I’ve been obsessed with Project Sekai lately. I mean to be fair Project Sekai tend to dive into more serious topics. K-On be 100% pure soft fluff~)
I have watched other anime in the past before. And I enjoyed them, but like. Not enough for it to change my brain chemistry, ya know?
But yeahhh. That’s all! Thanks for the ask! ^w^/
Ask game if ya guys be curious on asking me anything lol
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Problem is finding something.... to hold on to...
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studiocartoon · 3 years
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3-Gatsu no Lion
I’m looking forward to make a palette of your fav anime/cartoon! Send it to me here!
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Gonna make a list of animes that make me feel The Emotion that I cannot quite describe
Mushi-shi and March Comes in Like a Lion come to mind
Incidentally it’s similar to the emotion that I feel when I hear the song 39 by Queen
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estraven-ai-2022 · 5 years
Just finished the series finale (?) of San Gatsu no Lion who wants to talk?
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kuuka-i · 5 years
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berwarnabiru · 1 year
Ini ngomongin anime sih
Kebiasaan kalo habis nonton anime tuh mesti suka kebawa. Nyari hal-hal yang berhubungan sama animenya. Biasanya bakal berhenti dalam waktu seminggu. Cuma yah, mari kita nikmati that lingering feeling.
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Akame ga Kill
Yang paling parah, pas habis nonton Akame ga Kill. Tapi pas itu bukan "nyari-nyari", lebih tepatnya berusaha ngelupain setiap scene yang bikin mental berantakan. Tapi sempat punya pin-nya Mine (bacanya "Main").
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Tsuki ga Kirei
Setelah noton Tsuki ga Kirei juga. Animenya bagus, apalagi original. Tapi bucin parah, mana happy ending lagi. Membuatku iri. Wkwkwkwk.
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Hyouka nggak begitu, karena udah puas dengan satu season 22 episode + OVA. Tapi sampe ngebelain nyari light novelnya. Pengen banget ngoleksi, tapi apa daya tak ada dana.
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Noragami sih. Suka banget sama alur ceritanya, cuma entah kenapa pas Season 2 nggak begitu antusias. Tapi sekarang ngikutin komiknya.
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San-gatsu no Lion
San-gatsu no Lion ini keren banget. Aku nonton dua kali dalam kurun waktu dua tahun. Puas banget dengan dua season, tiap season ada 22 episode. Ada Live Action-nya, tapi belum nonton karena nggak begitu tertarik sama LA yang diadaptasi dari anime - hal yang sama berlaku untuk Hyouka. Sebenernya kepo sama kelanjutan ceritanya di komik, karena Rei sampe nyatain perasaannya ke Hina. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
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Yang terakhir ini, habis nonton Tsurune. Dua season, tapi masing-masing 13 episode, merasa kurang banget. Hiks. Dan sekarang lagi kebawa sama ini anime, berharap ada season ketiga walaupun udah ada pernyataan kalau nggak bakal dilanjutin. Tapi yah, namanya juga life, di mana nggak semuanya bisa sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan.
Next nonton apa lagi? :")
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silverbulletsama · 6 years
Happy Hot Ojisan Day to the man who deserves the world
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I feel bad so have some depression chess boys
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hoozvki · 6 years
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martialgodz · 6 years
Looking For Blogs To Follow!
I usually only do these kinds of blogs twice a year, but I just unfollowed a TON of blogs and my dash is kind of baron. So please like, reblog, or reply to this post if you post any of the following:
YURI!!! on ICE
Mob Psycho 100 
My Hero Academia 
Attack on Titan 
Sailor Moon 
Cardcaptor Sakura 
FMA: Brotherhood 
March Comes In Like A Lion 
The Ancient Magus Bride
Seasonal Anime
Red Velvet 
Block B 
Big Bang 
Stray Kids 
Your Name 
Anything Studio Ghibli
Video Games: 
Animal Crossing 
Stardew Valley 
Welcome To Night Vale 
The Adventure Zone 
My Brother, My Brother, and Me
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maximumthrill · 6 years
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