#sandra babcock
aviscranio · 2 years
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Paranorman (2012) dir. Chris Butler and Sam Fell
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jugger-heads · 2 years
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traditional doodles masterpost
mainly laika but also some random stuff
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Wanted to clear up a little bit of lore with this comic. My headcanon has always been "Aggie is a poltergeist, therefore others can see her." But I feel like I never explained the concept before, so here it is. The last batch of comics I made were all up tying up loose ends, paying off plot points and worldbuilding. After such a long hiatus, I figured it was important.
With the publication of this comic, we're officially done with Season Nine! But don't worry, there's more coming soon. Me and my brother are working on a Halloween arc we think you guys are gonna love!
Bonus panel
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obscuremilfoff · 1 year
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loveaetingkids · 2 years
Although ParaNorman was and will be one of my favorite movies,I would like to point out a little nitpick of mine,and that is this mf:
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While Parry Babcock wasn’t supposed to come off as pleasant to viewers,of all his family, he scolds Norman the most for his "otherness," without making any attempt to talk or understand the situation.And yes,he was written to play this role of “unsupportive father who always finds something to be angry with his kid”.But unlike Courtney and Sandra(sister and mom of the main character)-who either tried to support Norman to the best of their ability or grew found of him through time-the dad was left off a hook for all the hurtful things he said to his youngest child,without apologizing and such.Whether they didn't address it because they couldn't fit the plot in time or they just forgot, I'm upset when cartoons take the responsibility off parents for their attitude towards children, which can come off as a bad lesson for younger audience.
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bugchuckles · 4 years
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And I don't wanna know why I just want to know how to move on now The past is buried in time And the future's an anxious invention Oh, and you never arrive Unless you accept your dead ends Yeah, you will never arrive Unless you make peace with your dead ends
- Radical Face, Dead Ends
happy eighth anniversary to paranorman. here’s to moving on, letting go, and still holding the people who love you in your heart. 
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bobauthorman · 3 years
Mystery Kids’ Families
I’ve been thinking about the Mystery Kids Mega-crossover thing that used to be going around, and I wonder, how would the Kids’ families interact? I’m talking about the three most ‘normal’ shows, Gravity Falls, Para-Norman, and Coraline. And it’s funny, because each of these families have a different level of supernatural awareness.
The Jones’ (Coraline’s parents) have no awareness, because they can’t remember being abducted by the Other Mother.
The Babcocks are somewhat aware thanks to the events of the movie, but are also trying not to make a big deal of it.
And the Mystery Shack Staff are aware, but have different manners of dealing with it; Stan is in denial, Soos is...Soos, and Wendy just lets to breeze by.
So while the Kids are going off on their big adventures, there’d be these moments like Wendy and Courtney talking about their guy troubles, which leads to Wendy mentioning the time Mabel almost got abducted by gnomes, Mr. Jones and Mr. Babcock talking about their kids and Babcock is trying to dance around Norman’s gift, and the wives are utterly bewildered by Soos for his talk about a sea-monster-that-was-a-robot-driven-by-a-hillbilly, which Stan is insist is all part of the show and they should pay extra, while trying to get that darn cat away from the Vending machine.
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coraline-mel-jones · 3 years
Mystery Kids assemble part 2
After they defeated one of the Zomblobs.
Coraline : YES !.
Zomblob throws up on Coraline.
Charlie and Mel : CORALINE !.
Coraline : I don't wanna be a Zomblob !.
Everyone runs to her while she shakes it off.
Raz : The goo's all over you. But you're not mutating
Mel : She's okay ?.
Dipper : There's something special about you Coraline. I think the Goo must have a negative reaction to the hair dye.
Coraline : Yuk !. Now I know how an Ice cream feels under all that strawberry sauce !.
They go back to the mystery shack and they look on the monitors and see that the Blob is closer.
Coraline : No !. Her voice changes Your world will END. My Blobs of destruction will rain over your world and take control !. HAHAHAHAHA !. Coraline shakes her head and she looked dazed
Mabel : Good voice Coraline !.
Wybie : Jonesy. Are you okay ?.
Coraline : I think so...
Charlie : Looks at Mel. What was all that about ?.
Mel : I don't know Charlie. But whatever that was. Did not sound good.
Charlie : I didn't even know she could change her voice.
Mel : Coraline can't change her voice....At least not to sounding like she's been smoking for 20 years. Somethings wrong.
Charlie : I have a feeling that Goo has something to do with it.
Mel : I do to but right now we've gotta help Coraline and her friends save the world.
Charlie : Right. If we don't then there will be no home to go to.
Mel. Coraline and Charlie along with Raz and Lili head out to Blith Hollow and they defeat another Zomblob but it throws up on Coraline again.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 3 years
A moment in a paranorman Au where Norman introduces Aggie to the family (In a “new Friend” way not a romantic way.
Sandra: Norman, would Aggie be coming for dinner?
Norman, from his room: She says yes!
*Lightning Strikes outside*
Sandra, without missing a beat: Hello, Aggie.
Agatha: Hello, Mrs Babcock.
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Nylee, my boy!
William Nylander: *is benched in the third period*
Me: *screaming*
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perry-tannenbaum · 3 years
The Falling and the Rising Offers a Kaleidoscopic View of the Military Experience
The Falling and the Rising Offers a Kaleidoscopic View of the Military Experience
Review: Opera Carolina Presents The Falling and the Rising  By Perry Tannenbaum March 11, 2022, Charlotte, NC – Four men give their lives to save just one woman soldier, a woman so severely injured that she must be placed in an induced coma to give her any chance of continued survival or even partial recovery. The math and the logic may not seem to add up unless you’ve served in the military or…
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itsthemysterykids · 3 years
Coraline's mom: "Uhmm... So you're the people running this... Summer camp?" Stan: "Yes!" Norman's dad, "And the fact we came to the end of summer parents, counselor meeting to the kids apparently trying to put out a fire on the couch is..." Ford: "Perfectly normal."
Lucille Lovat: Mr. Pines, what kind of a camp are you running where children set fires at random and go hunting in the woods?
Loretta Lovat: Lucy, lighten up! It toughens kids! And Lord knows your grand son needs some thick skin, ain’t that right, baby? *Tussles Wybie’s hair*
Wybie: *Groans* Auntie!
Tammy Downe: Neil’s allergies haven’t been flaring up, have they? He needs to take his pills.
Patrick Downe: And then there’s the animal dander probably lingering around.
Stan: Taken care of… Mostly.
Perry Babcock: And the um… Camp mascot?
Sandra Babcock: *Points to Gompers chewing on a log* Is that a legal pet?
Stan: … He’s had all his shots.
Augustus Aquato: Now, I’m sure you’ve gotten my email that Raz can’t swim, so he hasn’t gone near the like, right?
Ford: We made sure of it. But we do offer swimming lessons-
Augustus: No, no, I will not risk it- I can’t.
Truman Zanotto: I do hope there are some learning experiences as well.
Lili: Daaaaad!
Ford: Yes, there’s home economics, nature studies, astronomy, the basics you would learn at a camp.
Mel Jones: Now about this fire.
Charlie Jones: Yes, let’s trail back to that.
Linda Pines: I hope our kids, your grand niece and nephew weren’t involved.
Malcolm Pines: Lin, lighten up. Kids start fires all the time.
Loretta: Ha! I like this guy!
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Aggie gets along great with Norman’s whole family! She even gets along with Perry, and nobody likes Perry!
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obscuremilfoff · 1 year
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uppersidedreams · 3 years
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[ jamie drysdale, cis man, eighteen ] Let’s give a warm welcome to one of Sparkwood’s finest, NORMAN BABCOCK !! Before coming here, he once lived on the pages of PARANORMAN. Though now they currently spend most of their time as a STUDENT. If you ask the townsfolk about what they are like, you will hear that they are IMAGINATIVE but also ISOLATED. If they had a theme song it would be GRAVES - ECHOS.
note: you can find my full muse page HERE !
bio triggers: death.
norman babcock had always been the black sheep of his family, something that he couldn’t prevent even if he tried. he was born to two loving parents, perry and sandra babcock. his father was a very uptight man with traditional beliefs that were grounded in science whereas his mother was a new-age believer in the paranormal. it was a bit fitting due to their respective jobs, sandra being an astrology professor and perry being a handyman. so from an early age when norman told his parents that he could see and speak to spirits, his father was quick to roll his eyes in response. whereas his mother insisted on believing norman, knowing that her side of the family had people who had unique abilities when it came to spirits. although both of his parents were quick to insist that he hide his abilities, wanting to ensure that norman wouldn’t be bullied at school by his peers.
he wasn’t too bothered by his abilities as a child, but as he grew up it only became more intense. especially when norman’s grandmother passed away, the woman who was his only friend in this world. it was comforting to know that she was still lingering around, but it hurt to know that she was stuck in their living room instead of knowing that she was in “a better place” like people were supposed to be. it was hard for him to hide his abilities, distracted everywhere he went and often appearing as if he was talking to himself. this caused norman to become a target of bullying. luckily as he became a teen, his physic abilities faded and he could only sense spiritual presences and sometimes hear them rather than see them. his parents naively hoped that it was something that would go away completely.
after graduating from high school, he ended up deciding to escape the small town of blithe hallow, massachusetts and applying to school in sparkwood, virginia. he just wanted an escape but didn’t know if he would ever find one. he just wanted to show his parents that he could live a normal life and be successful, to prove everyone who made fun of him and called him “abnorman” wrong. when he finally made the move, he was scared of such a big change but ready to finally feel happy and hide his gifts as much as possible.
norman currently majors in creative writing and uses the stories of spirits he encounters as inspiration for his writing.
he is an avid fan of horror films and especially loves movies or television shows about zombies or vampires.
now that he is older, he realizes that he has tools to help him deal with his physic abilities such as tarot, spirit boards, etc. having that divider between himself and the spirit world makes him feel safe.
still has problems with putting himself out there and making friends, he’s terrified that people will judge him harshly or make fun of him.
he has an older sister named courtney that used to be fairly mean to him when he was a child but now they’re pretty close.
the only friend that he has ever had was named neil and they still keep in touch.
he identifies as bisexual.
his great uncle had the same physic abilities that he did and he was the only person that he ever felt truly connected to in his family, despite his parents insisting that he not speak to the man. 
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