#sang vamps
teen-vamps-anon · 7 months
what are all the different types of vampires?? like what does sanguine and psychic mean?? /gq
Hi! Glad you asked :)
Sanguine - feeds off blood
Pyschic - feeds off psionic energy
Hybrid - feeds off blood AND psionic energy
Sexual - exactly what it sounds like, feeds off of sexual acts/energy
Emphatic - feeds off emotions
Soul - feeds off soul energy, not to be confused with psychic :)
Hope this helps! If anyone else wants to correct something or add something please do!!
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My go-to resources for vampyres demonic and otherwise:
These resources will be in 3 sections. Sanguinarian, Psychic/Psi and misc. I made sure these resources were for free and readily accessible for all that may be newly awakened, forced to be solitary with little to no information or just want to learn what's going on with your vampyre friend donor or not. There will be updates to these free resources and the links will be underlined and colored red.
For sanguinarians:
The Red Cellar is a website in which you can find all the tips and tricks for your feeding needs. It has topics including but not limited to: Practical advice (safety when dealing with🩸and caring for cuts, precautions with donor-sang relationships, how to get 🩸and handle it safely from your local butcher), Recipes and Health and Wellness. This is also a great resource for "med sangs" or vampires that believe that they require blood for health reasons. (Thank you lexsang for tipping us off.)
The Misanthropic Vampire is for the more demonic vampires. It is a more spiritual approach than med sangs as its written by a Luciferian vampire like me but it still has a lot of great material. There's explanations and resources of/from the vampire community, vampyre book recs, the myths and legends commonly used, glossary of terms (incubi/succubi are classified as sanguinarian subsets here), and rituals to become one with your true self "the divine/beast/dragon/demon etc" and sit on the throne of your soul. Although the author has since abstained from being a practicing sanguinarian from personal reasons, they still mention the symbolism and sacredness of the intimacy between 🩸donors and the vampyre.
For Psychic/Psi vampires:
The Old Vampire Codex is free on sacred texts donated from the author themselves. From what I know, M Belanger founder of House Kheparu is actually publishing an updated edition of the newer "psychic vampire codex". But before that happens, I recommend this because it's pretty much still the basics. The foundations haven't changed. Everything from awakenings, dreamwalking, feedings, energy work and healing is here.
Miscellaneous links
The Vampire Jack Townson has two different guided meditations. One is a basic one where you clear your mind, the other is putting your troubles to the side for a bit and going to your sanctuary to relax awhile. If you'd much rather relax in your soul's sanctuary then use this. Misanthropic vampire's throning ritual can be intense for newly awakened vampyres/demons etc so this is a nice alternative first step.
Orlee Stewart's Incubus/Succubus Playlist has a lot of things about incubus and succubus spirits. She talks about what they are, how to get them, the types of spirits she's encountered matching this description, how to encorporate their energy and become like them etc..
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fangshusband · 1 year
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Teresa Graves in Old Dracula (1974)
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sakuhai · 10 days
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vampyre-kin · 1 year
Sometimes I just randomly think about this one time when I was 13, I tasted my best friend's blood (don't worry ab it) and told her that she probably had an iron deficiency. I shit you not, like a week later she went to the doctor and I was fucking right.
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sangaverage · 26 days
1. Vampirism as a Condition
Its finally here folks, My long awaited and long Text attempt at writing up something I've promised for a little while
This will be based on more personal experience and the experience of a primarily sanguine Vampyre, there may be a few mentions of other feeding methods here and there
(as far as I know) There is a word limit so I shall try to cram as much in as possible here!
Lengthy and somewhat messy post under the divider (Credit: here!)
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Yes we drink blood, or at least the Sanguinarians and Medsangs do, some feed on energy, some feed on both and much more.
There is a genuine Need when it comes to "IRL" vampirism, sure it won't kill us but it makes it incredibly hard to function properly sometimes and the symptoms can be intense.
Now the symptoms are different from vampyre to vampyre so I can't give an exact list...
Some symptoms however can be found Here!
How it may feel to feed Here!
(Thank you: as-others-were, and sauromatos )
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What Causes Vampirism:
It has yet to be proven but the general agreed on consensus here is that for some unknown reason A vampyres body either fails to or cannot produce a specific thing it needs well on its own, for Sanguinarians my guess is Something in heme iron is what gives them what they need and as heme often equates to blood, its the most logical thing to consume and also gives us the most of this energy that we need, for psychic vampires it's theorised something in prana (aka a person's life force) is what gives them the energy they need.
Despite what some "Fluffier" sources may tell You, this is not parasitic behaviour, we are not to be shunned/feared/ to be constantly protected from! more often than not the Vampyre and Thier Feeding partners/ Donors can come to a symbiotic agreement! Though many who can detect our energy signature do have some form of stigma or are otherwise unnerved around us.
More in this type of feeding relationship sort of in This post.
See This post For more details as to possibly why.
See This post As to a funky theory that it's also possibly something to do with our eyes,
no it's not the scleric ring theory!
(Thank you to: fugamextenebrae and Confessionsofabloodfreak )
it is also theorised that vampires suffer a damaged solar plexus and thus cannot adequately hold on to or break down the energy they need well themselves due to this.
Vampirism is not thought to be genetic nor can someone be "turned" in the sense you may be thinking, there is however something known as the awakening.
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The Awakening:
Despite what you may be thinking The Awakening is not a 100% sudden occurrence! Sometimes it takes the individual Vampyre several "mini awakenings" before the true realisation/ finally ignoring the doubt happens and the confirmation and learning process can begin proper.
The Awakening itself is hard to describe to non vampiric, but is often explained as some form of realisation or coming into ones own, generally around or just after puberty (some can be much earlier and some can be much much later) where the individual realises that they need said energy source to remain "fit and healthy" in a sense, an unawakened Vampyre or Vampyre coming into thier awakening is often called a "latent".
Usually, being around other vampyres is said to be the catalyst that leads to an awakening, however in some cases, be it lack of vampyres in an individuals area or other external factors, this is not entirely needed. And some vampyres can awaken solely on their own, this is said to be a slower process however...
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Are Vampyres Spiritual:
Many of us are, yes but not all of us, first and foremost, Vampirism is not a religion!
Ones vampirism can be incorporated into spiritual practice or Those who are not vampyres but have weak energy systems, can still practice vampirism and are willing to do so spiritually!
Many but not all vampyres are attracted to Predatory spirituality at some point in there lives, vampyres are more instinctual, after all but not all vampyres do this, some are pagan or wiccan, some are Buddhist, etc etc some aren't even spiritual at all!
(more on predatory spirituality and how it equates, Here! And Here! Thank you: fugamextenebrae and Xerxeswitch )
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Common misconceptions:
-We have reflections, can be filmed and have our pictures taken
-we do not set on fire or burn to ash in sunlight, hower some of us do suffer heatstroke more easily or are more prone to sunburn and eye strain in strong sunlight
-Stakes to the heart will kill us, but they'll kill pretty much anything
-Religious symbols and other holy items do not bother us, however there is a theory that faith can bother some of us, but that is just a theory, we do not spontaneously combust on church ground
-we can mostly wear silver and eat garlic, allergies do exist though
-we are not immortal and live and die as you do
-we can get sick, we are not living corpses despite the fact we may look "dead" sometimes (I am not a morning person lol)
-we do not have Supernatural superpowers, however some of us do have well developed clair senses
-we are chill with "werewolves"
-Animals do not hate us more than anyone else, however there is a theory some animals are sensitive to odd energy signatures so may behave a little strange in our presence (prolonged eye contact, overly friendly etc)
-we can cross running water (if it's shallow or we can swim lol)
-we can enter places uninvited but it's common courtesy and manners to be invited in anyway
-many of us do not "bite", let alone hard enough to puncture skin, we are still biologically human and bites can and often will cause infections, rather we use sterile tools should we need blood or substitutes
-we do not die without the ingestion of blood/ prana etc, we can also eat human food
-we don't all "get off" on blood, though some of us vamps can have a fetish for blood, fangs or biting, we're biologically human after all and there's no harm in it!
-we look just like any other human and no we don't sparkle (unless we use body glitter or something)
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I think that's everything really!
For stuff I didnt cover, please check the "general living Vampirism" section of my Important posts as it may be there!
More posts like this possibly in the future!
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Tip to all vampires, go buy a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Cheap, lasts a long time and you'll never have to worry about blood stains again.
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xerxeswitch · 1 day
Honestly, this is one of the best examples of explaining vampirism to others. It's with respect and it's pretty accurate. I'm impressed! I am surprised she explains the things that I already do consciously anyways. I do recommend this video for anyone who's curious, as a PSI vampyre myself. (This is mostly on vampire magic or psi vampirism, as a heads up)
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bisaster-energy · 1 year
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ghost-proofbaby · 9 months
WIP Ask gameee
It will come back - Kas!Eddie (or the other vamp!Eddie one on there) 🖤
BAABBE i know if no one will let me scream about kas/vamp eddie, you will.
i'll be honest the other vamp!eddie one is solely porn no plot (well sort of plot, cause... vamp!eddie). i just wanted post upside down eddie to bite my ass. my bad.
BUT it will come back? WOOF. surprisingly, this one isn't a spotify wrapped one, but is still based on the hozier song. and i'm a huge sucker for the vampire trope of forming blood bonds/connections... so, this happened haha.
snippet below the cut <3
His nights were plagued with bad dreams, with thirst and cravings he couldn’t quite name. He’d wake up, burning up from the inside out with a fever that never existed. Tearing skin. Puncture wounds. Blood spilling across floors and his lips alike. He could never tell if the shivers that traced his spine had been from the cruel visions that had become his nightly visitors or if it was due to his perpetual drop in temperature that had worried Nancy since the very first night home from the hospital, that had concerned the nurses who piled blankets atop him during his week long sleep of recovery. 
Your nights were even less kind. Horrific memories were the demons that haunted you — remembering the way you had watched Eddie cut that sheet rope, remembering finding him bloodied on the ground, remembering the warmth of his blood seeping across your palms and how when your ear had turned just as heated with it as you pressed it to his chest. Only to hear nothing. Emptiness.
His heart had stopped for minutes. Plural.
It had been your steady rhythm, your desperate hands and your gasping breaths breathing into his lungs. You’d sunk your claws into him, caught them right between his ribs and had decided he couldn’t leave you.
Some nights, when you wake up screaming, you can still taste his blood on your lips. You sometimes still swore that when you’d checked for a pulse after that, you hadn’t heard anything. Still worried that Eddie Munson’s heart never really restarted and resumed beating. 
The worst was when you’d stare through the faded grey of  mornings plastering across your room’s walls, and could still remember that initial look in his blown out pupils, once honey brown swallowed in pure black as he’d taken his first breath on his own. 
You’d felt it, too. Shame riddled you on the nights you’d come down from the nightmares and remember it; it was as though the Universe had snapped back into place the moment you’d watched his chest first rise. A need so ardent to remain at his side. A chain clicking into place, binding both yourself and Eddie to one another, unaware of just what price had been paid to keep the boy that had laid under you in this world. Unaware of the hunger you had struck the match too that would become both your downfalls.
And so it had been buried. Something alive, even with your doubts of Eddie’s liveliness, and choking on dirt while six feet under. You and Eddie, two sides of the same coin, had decided to not speak of it. He never told you how he had come to be able to pinpoint your heartbeat in every shared room he entered, throat burning as his gaze always settled on you, and you never told him of the matching aches that had shamefully sparked within your chest and between your hips for him. 
A hunger to be near one another. A hunger to devour. Neither of you really understood the heaviness.
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faewiles · 2 years
Just Sanguinarian things
Ever just consume vampire media? Not necessarily because it's well produced, but because it feels right?
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darkling-est-2023 · 10 months
Hoping to find people on here, so hi. Call me Mave for now. I'm a physically young vampyre (I'll be voting in the next election), but I am no youngling. I'm a sanguinary and psychic vampyre, and a founding member of a House. I live in the South, and if you frequent a famous vampyre parlor here, you probably know me (and if you do, I'm terrified of you).
I'm a transsexual, use he/him unless I say otherwise. I have autism and dissociative identity disorder, which causes me to interact with people "strangely." I'm also ethnically Jewish. Don't be a fucking freak.
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I got my first 🩸 transfusion for medical reasons two days ago. I still feel amazing. First thing I noticed an hour after was my skin was much softer and veins were more plump the minute I got it. Also my eyes went from cloudy to shiny and overjoyed. My joints got looser and muscles got relaxed too. I definitely don't regret doing this for both The Hunger™ and my chronic pain. I think the only side effects I had was feeling really tired after but it's because I got two hours of sleep the night before. However, I had the best sleep of my life afterwards.
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x-cottoncandycrow-x · 2 years
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Yes, this be me. My fav pic of me rn 💜
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sangaverage · 10 days
It seems myoglobin* may not be cutting it as a good enough substitute as it used to, that's thrice I've been "hungry" still afterwards now...
Black pudding is fine, it gets the job done, energy works but sometimes it doesn't quite cut it and I'll need something more,
Perhaps I should try albumin** again?
or perhaps it's the time of year, Cold months and dark months tend to vamp me out a bit more,
who knows?
*aka the "blood" from steaks and a protein that contains heme iron
** aka a processed chemical protein in blood, occasionally used in some foods such as Hematogen
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Hello, good evening, do you have any blog recommendations for other real vampires here on tumblr? I feel like I'm drawing a blank whenever I look at tags
Hi! I do have some great real vampire recommendations, there aren't many of us on Tumblr who are active posting but here go some of my favorites.
@lexsang - great for sanguinarians or vampires in general, a lot of information and answers to many questions. I learned a lot from it. Love this blog.
@vamp1r3luv3r and @valentineodium - great blogs, lot's of visual vampire related posts as well as a number of amazing bits and reflections. Trad vampires, vampire kins and lovers of the aesthetic must follow.
@sauromatos - another informational blog. The content on it is great, from answers to basic questions to insight into vampire philosophy. It's been inactive for some time now but it's still very good.
@theredcellar - this one is especially good if you are a sanguinarian looking for a way to implement blood into your diet in a more discreet/enjoyable way. Lots of recipes from sweet to salty.
Unfortunately I don't follow blogs that focus on psychic vampirism so I can't recommend any but you can find them much more easily and in bigger numbers than sang blogs.
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