#sanggyun reactions
lordsicheng · 7 years
Another: Kim Sanggyun
Kim Sanggyun x OC
400-500 word music drabble challenge #3
word count: 481
song: Magnets - Disclosure ft. Lorde 
a/n: gonna do a read more bc slightly suggestive oops :-)
I love this secret language that we're speakin' Say it to me, let's embrace the point of no return
Your eyes shift to a young man whose arm slung around another woman’s waist, giving light laughter as he talked with other businessmen by the buffet table. You couldn’t help but stare at how he looked dashing in his sleek, formal suit; something you’ve always loved about his fashion sense. He knew how to dress himself and my, he totally knew what suit him best. 
You gave a soft chuckle, slowly sipping on your glass of champagne as you looked to the side and at that moment, his eyes stole glances at you in your red, fitting bodycon dress. He couldn’t help but let his eyes roam around your curves, flippantly biting his bottom lip as he looked back at the woman next to him
“Sweetie, you alright?” she asked, raising a brow while giving Sanggyun a soft smile
“I’m okay. Just feeling a little stuffy.” Sanggyun softly kissed her cheek, beaming a smile right after
“I need to entertain the guests at the poolside. You wanna come?” she said as she slowly grabbed on to his hand
“I’ll stay here. I’ll just get something from upstairs.” he nodded, letting his grip go as he turned to go upstairs and for her to go outside. She passed by you with a wide smile, giving you a cheek kiss as she asked if you wanted to go out as well
“I’ll be right there. Just need to use the bathroom.” you smiled as you moved away to go upstairs to where their bathroom was located
You looked from side to side to see any sight of Sanggyun, but failed. You just shrugged, walking off to the bathroom and before you closed the door, a strong grip of another hand from the other knob stopped you, definitely knowing who this was.
He let himself in the bathroom as he immediately closed and locked it, grabbing the back of your neck as he hungrily kissed you and you let him. He let his other hand roam to your side, stopping on your waist as he gripped on your dress, aching for it to take it off from you
“Sanggyun, wait.” you panted, breaking off the kiss that made him huff out a sigh and look at you with eyes full of lust
“I can’t wait.” he groaned, trying to pull you back in
“No. We can’t keep doing this behind her back.” you chuckled, almost suggestively as he ended up staring at your neck, wanting to place a few tiny bites here and there. You pushed yourself away from his grip, slowly opening the door to check if there were other people around
“Nice try. Maybe next time. Kenta’s waiting for me downstairs.” you gave a wink as a tease, walking out of the bathroom and leaving him almost appalled while shaking his head as he took a deep breath
“Y/n, you’re mine.”
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honeyutoda · 5 years
Group: JBJ/JBJ95
Pairing: Sanggyun x reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 853
A/n: here’s some fluff of my bb I love this man with my whole heart. Please go stream Spark! It’s genuinely one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard and the concept of the video is so amazing. This group deserves so much more love and support! ❤️ (feel free to send in requests or feedback!)
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Sanggyun took his headphones out at the sound of your voice and quietly placed them on the table next to him. He slid off the couch and began making his way to your room in your shared apartment.
When he arrived at the doorway, he saw you sitting in your desk chair with your head in your hands, laptop open to one of the many documents you had been trying to complete for work. Why you always waited until the last minute to do things was beyond him – why would anyone ever want to be so stressed?
He leaned against the doorframe, raising his hand to the open door to place three quiet knocks. You lifted your head up from its place in your hands and looked at him, not even caring about the tears beginning to form in your eyes. Pushing himself off the doorframe, Sanggyun made his way over to you, grabbing the stool from your vanity on his way over. He slid it beneath him and sat down beside you, taking your hands in his.
“Hey,” he said, concern laced in his voice. He shifted his gaze from your hands to your eyes, “what’s wrong?”
You swallowed as to try and hide the tears brimming your eyes. You sighed.
“Nothing, I’m just really stressed about all of this stuff that I have to have done for work tomorrow,” you turned your attention to your laptop screen, letting your eyes roam over what little you had accomplished in the span of three hours. Doing so, however, only caused you more stress. It was already 12:45 a.m. and you were absolutely drained from working on it for so long.
Sanggyun took in your tired expression, letting his thumbs lazily draw shapes on the back of your hands. He hated seeing you like this, even if it technically was your fault for procrastinating for so long.
“Take a break, love,” he cooed.
You turned your head back towards him before sniffling. “It’s not that easy, Sang.”
He lifted on of his hands to cup your face, grazing his thumb against your cheek as a lone tear escaped your eye. He leaned over, using his other hand to shut your laptop. “Sanggyun, I’m serious. I need to get this stuff done,” You whined, tugging at his wrist.
He chuckled. “No, what you need is some rest,” he stated plainly as he stared into your eyes, bringing his other hand up to cup the other side of your face before pulling you in and placing a kiss on your forehead. He stood up from the stool, placing his hands underneath you and gently lifting you up with him, carrying your bridal style. As much as you wanted to protest, you had no energy to do so, the lack of sleep finally catching up to you. He walked towards your bed before bending down and releasing you gently onto the mattress.
He went over to your lamp – the only light source in the room – and turned it out before making his way back to the bed and crawling into the silky sheets. He covered you with the blankets before covering himself, scooting his way over to you and placing a soft kiss to your temple before pulling your back against his chest and draping his arm across your waist. It didn’t take long for sleep to slowly take over you, Sanggyun’s hands smoothing down your hair the last thing you feel.
You woke up to the sunlight pouring in through the tiny cracks in the window blind, the warmth of Sanggyun no longer present. You rubbed your eyes and lazily picked up your phone.
“What time is it?” You muttered to yourself before pressing the home button, eyes immediately widening at the time displayed on the screen. “10:32!?” You shouted, “how did I over sleep? Oh my god, oh my god.”
You jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, almost tripping on the way down. You rushed to the kitchen to see Sanggyun standing at the stove, scrambling eggs in a pan.
“Why didn’t you wake me up for work?” You half yelled.
“I don’t think they need you right now,” he replied, setting down the spatula he had been using before turning to you and enveloping you in a hug.
“What do you mean?” You asked, beyond confused.
“A little birdie might have told them you weren’t feeling so well.”
You looked at him, shocked, “You called me in sick?”
He kissed the top of your head, slowly rocking the both of you side to side. A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. You pressed your face into his chest.
“Yup. And I made you your favorite,” he gestured towards the stove. You lifted your head and smiled at him, your eyes crinkling. “There’s that smile I wanted to see last night,” he beamed before releasing you from his hold and returning to the eggs. You sighed, raising yourself on your toes to press a kiss to his cheek, gushing.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
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JBJ “They meet the person of their dreams at a fan sign”
Ask:  Hi ~ Can I ask a JBJ reaction when they meet the perfect girl of their dreams at a fan sign ? Thank you 🎀
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You were everything he looked for in an s/o. You were extremely kind, helping a girl who had fallen over and made sure she was okay. It made you stand out to him. Once you were stood in front of him, he was even more sure. You looked like the sweetest person on the planet and it amazed him. He was speechless, but he quickly turned that into confidence. 
“You are the person of my dreams.” 
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Kenta could see something in you, there was an immediate attraction. From the second you sat down he was whipped and just knew that you were the person of his dreams. The second you sat down in front of him with a warm smile, the cheesy jokes came out and so did the shameless flirting. He leaned over, touching your hand and lacing your fingers. 
“Oh so you think I’m the person of your dreams? Funny, I think you’re mine.” 
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His confidence seemed to have faded a little, seeing someone who was like the perfect person to him. His weird personality being pushed to the back so that he could actually get to know you during your portion of the fanmeet. He seemed touchier than with other fans and that he was more subdued with you, wanting to make a good impression. 
“I feel nervous all of a sudden.” 
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You had managed to fluster him by speaking fluent Chinese to him and that was something he admired. You seemed like someone he had met in his dream and he couldn’t control his cheeks turning red. Quickly he turned into a stuttering mess and wanted to just ask you out on date, but he knew he couldn’t. 
“So, you learned Chinese for me huh, God you’re perfect.” 
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He seemed so intimidating, by appearance but only someone like you could make him a giggling mess. Hyunbin didn’t know how to respond to you, you were perfect and he was avoiding eye contact. He didn’t want to embarrass himself but would do an awful job at it and have red cheeks the whole time. 
“Ahh, i’m not usually this clumsy. No I am that’s a lie.” 
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Donghan reeked confidence all the time and that didn’t change when he saw you. On the inside he was terrified to see you that close and to hold a conversation, but he played it cool. Holding your hand, touching your face, letting you touch his and doing his best to make things memorable for you both. 
“I better be the only thing on your mind when you leave here.” 
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cb-143 · 6 years
Xeno-T Reaction: Giving them your jacket when they’re cold
Anon: ok! xeno-t and day6 react to their bodyguard giving them her jacket during an event because they were noticeably cold and she must protect them!
The smile Hojoon wore went across his entire face. Never in his life had he been so excited for something. After years and years of wanting to do it, he finally came to cologne for the Gamescom. Unfortunately, the doors weren't open yet. Hojoon, Sangwon, and their bodyguards had come very early so that they'd have a chance to get in early and hopefully try out a game or two. Sangwon visibly shivered next to Hojoon. It made his motherly instics kick in, and he wished he had brought a jacket to give to him. He was happy to see when one of the bodyguards gave him their jacket. Next, the other bodyguard wanted to give Hojoon their jacket. however, he didn't feel cold at all. He was fine, so he refused it. The bodyguard apologised, looked visibly flustered and uncomfortable.
"Thank you, I really appreciated it" Hojoon added then, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'd rather have all of you stay warm."He smiled kindly at them and they smiled back. Their interaction ended there, though the gesture and their reaction stayed in Hojoon's mind for the rest of the weekend they spent there.
Today, it snew for the first time this winter. It looked beautifully, complemented the event in its uniqueness. It was very pretty to look at and Sangdo snapped many pictures of the snow, of the buildings and plants covered in it, and of himself. However, he didn't fail to notice how cold it had become. Sangdo was shivering, more so than before. He had noticed his bodyguard, Y/N, beside him. Their teeth chattering, as they tried to warm themself by rubbing their hands together. Sangdo acted quick and without thinking, worried for them. He lent them his jacket.
Since then, however, he had been the one to shiver and more or less be in the danger of freezing to death. Of course his bodyguard noticed, and gave Sangdo his jacket back, with a kind smile on their face.
"It's fine." They said before Sangdo could even open his mouth, "It's more important that you're alright."
It was a chilly night out. Yooncheol had made plans to play some of his songs at a friend's party. Just to make sure, he brought his bodyguard with him. The party would start in about thirty minutes. There was no one at the venue yet – not even his friend, who had told Yooncheol to 'come as early as possible'. He had since made a mental note not to listen to this friend's words anymore, or to question his motive.
Either way, they were now waiting in front of the closed gate. It was such a windy day, too. Yooncheol blamed his friend, though he knew that it hadn't been his fault that the weather was like this – he couldn't control it, after all. As for their absence, he tried to be positive and think that perhaps he just got caught up in something else.
"It's cold, isn't it?" His bodyguard asked, though it really was more of a statement. Yooncheol nodded at the rhetorical question. He had just taken off his own jacket, when he felt the warm coat of his bodyguard being placed around his shoulders.
"oh!" he exclaimed in surprise, "I was about to.." His cheeks were pink, though not just from the cold air. His bodyguard giggled, when she saw the black fabric in his arms. They apologised, yet Yooncheol saved them, gave them his jacket. He pulled them closer to himself – it could only bring them more warmth, after all. Maybe it wasn't so bad to stand here, when it gave him the opportunity for awkward situations and to get to know Y/N a lot better.
Byungjoo was sure, today was the coldest day of the year. Plausibly even the coldest day of this century. His fingers were about to break off, transformed into ice, despite being shoved into the pockets of his trousers. His feet were cold, though he wore boots. The other members seemed to be in a similar state of freezing. So, B-Joo being B-Joo, he suggested his creative idea of playing catch – they could run around and get warmth that way, while also having fun. Everyone agreed – to his surprise even Sangdo, who usually stayed out of Byungjoo's idiotic ideas. Today, it must have been too cold for him.
They all stood up and were ready to select the first person who would catch them, when their bodyguards stopped them, to inform them that they'd have to remain seated for the time being. Hojoon argued that it wouldn't take long, they'd just want to move around after all, but there was nothing that could be done. The bodyguards had another solution though, and brought them blankets, jackets, scarfs and more.
Byungjoo accepted the jacket from the bodyguard, but somehow, guilt rose in his chest.
"Won't you be cold, then?" He asked. The bodyguard shrug their shoulders.
"I have to protect you. It's more important anyway." Byungjoo shook his head at that explanation. He opened the zipper of the jacket again and pulled the bodyguard close to him – too close. The bodyguard blushed, suddenly being pressed against B-Joo, who strugged to close the jacket around the both of them – but he managed.
"Now, we can both stay warm."
It's not that cold. Jiho clenched his teeth and looked around at the members, at the idols around him. Some of them seemed to shiver, the girls were huddled close together, and the manly men, wearing just their shirts, were not bothered by the weather or the wind at all. Xero was like them, like those cool, manly men. He did wear a jumper, but that was just for the aesthetics. It was the same with the goosebumps beneath his shirt. Just part of his outfit.
"Aren't you cold?" Byungjoo asked him. He had offered to bring him a blanket when he went off to get one for himself, but Xero had refused.
"No, I'm good." He replied, continuing the lie that he had created simply to look cool. He thought perhaps, watching some of the performances that went on on stage. It did help to some degree. He was more focused on the way they danced, how the choreography was structured, and how all of them sung and rapped. He didn't know the song that was being performed, but it was a very good one and it intrigued him. Jiho was so invested in watching them, he didn't notice when his bodyguard wrapped their big winter scarf around Xero – not just his neck, they mummified him. Jiho turned around and faced them with a surprised expression. Before he could say anything, or refuse, they winked at him.
"I know you're not cold. But it would be a shame for you to catch a cold. I'm just doing my job."
He was on an open wide field at night, together with Kenta. They'd shoot a scene here for a music video, but currently, it was Kenta's turn to stand in front of the camera, lipsyncing, and look cool. So Sanggyun stood back and watched, while he rubbed his hands over his arms. It was quite cold out here, but they filmed in light clothing. Sanggyun could already feel his nose tingle, the sneezes coming along with a cold that would stay with him for weeks.
"You alright?" One of the bodyguards came up behind him. They put their hand on his shoulder and inspected him closely. "Is there anything I could do?" The empathy and worry that laid in their voice made Sanggyun smile. It seemed genuine, not just done because they had to do their job, but because they cared and wanted to protect another person.
"I'm just cold, don't worry." He replied, showed them his handsome smile. They did worry, however, and took off their own jacket. They were left in a thinner, long-sleeved shirt now, which left Sanggyun to refuse the act of kindness.
"One of us is going to catch a cold at that rate." His lip was tugged up at one side only now, a sad attempt at keeping up the positivity.
"But you're more important." They argued.
"I am important. What would someone important like me do without someone like you?" Sanggyun argued back. They giggled at that, jacket still in their hands. They kept it off, Sanggyun didn't take it either. Sanggyun stepped closer to them. They immitated his actions, now their shoulders touched.
"Let's go down together."
Sangwon felt grumpy. It was super cold, and he had to sit there with the other members, watching idols perform for hours and hours. There was no end in sight and no limit to where the temperatures would drop to.
"I can get you guys some blankets." One of the bodyguards said.
"Yes, that would be very kind." Sangdo said, smiling through the feeling of his toes turning to ice-cubes within his shoes. The others agreed, looking for some warmth and comfort. Only Sangwon stayed quiet until the bodyguard had left. Why couldn't they just leave? Why couldn't they have planned an event inside? The bad news kept coming. As the bodyguard returned, they only brought back four blankets.
"I'm sorry, they didn't have any more." The blankets were distributed, of course Sangwon was the one without a blanket at the end.
"We can share.." B-Joo offered, but Sangwon shook his head. The boys left him alone then, but the Bodyguard was overcome with guilt. They couldn't stand to see him upset, and knew of their task to protect all five of the members. They gave up their own comfort, taking off their jacket and putting it on Sangwon's shoulders. The boy turned around, looked at them with a mixture of confusion and gratefulness.
"Just return it later." They said, smiling at him. Sangwon nodded, for the first time that night, he smiled.
"Thank you."
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jbjsflower · 6 years
JBJ REACTION - Their S/O getting a tongue piercing
He would be super worried at first, asking things like “Did it hurt?” “Can you eat?” and so on. But later he’d find it super sexy and end up loving it. He loves how that tiny metal ball looks on you, and would want to know how it feels like kissing you now. Also he might have thought of something else you can try... “Let me see what you can do with that”
He would love it since he first noticed it while making out. You decided to get it done as a surprise while JBJ was on tour, so when he came back it had already healed. He would ask you to show it to him, and grin at the thought of feeling it again. He's for sure in love with the ideas that are coming to his mind. "Come here, let me kiss you one more time."
You were just talking when he saw it. He asked you to open your mouth and would be absolutely shook.He didn't expect you to show up with that piercing at all, but he found it cool. At first, just like Taehyun, he'd ask if it hurts, but he would keep repeating how cool it is.
"You look so savage. Should I get a matching one?"
This tiny bean wouldn't be as happy as the other members. He'd be worried, and wouldn't really like it much, but of course he would still support your decision and smile to you once he knows you're fine. And at least it was a cute pink one.
"You'll always look beautiful to me, it's fine as long as you like it."
He had said something so funny that you couldn't help but laugh out loud. Of course, he would immediately see that there's a little metallic thing in your mouth, so he'd ask you what it is. He would be super shook and wouldn't find the words at first, but he would like it a lot, and would think it looks both beautiful and sexy on you.
"Wow I love it! Babe, it looks so sexy, seriously."
A tiny smirk would appear right in the moment he saw it. He had suspected something already, since you were bad at hiding things, so it wasn't really a surprise for him. He would make you come closer and grin before kissing you. He'd love the new feeling and he would certainly have some ideas he wants to try.
"I had never imagined something as hot as this..."
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bangchan-sonyeondan · 7 years
JBJ | They confess to their best friend
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He had his whole confession played out, but when it finally came time to put his words into motion, he was speechless. “So, Y/N... uh-” he got choked up on his words, clasping his hands together. He looked at you for a moment. “What is it Taehyun?” you asked, smiling at him. 
He giggled nervously, trying to gather his thoughts. “I like you!” he exclaimed quickly. You laughed. “Yeah, I like you too~” you said happily. “No... I mean, I like you, like you.” 
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He was really cute about it. He brought you flowers, which you didn’t even realize were for you. You furrowed your eyebrows, looking at the flowers. “Who are those for?” you asked. He smiled, holding them up and blowing you a kiss. “You, duh~” 
You giggled and walked over to him. “What are these for?” you asked, looking up at him. He smiled, handing them to you. “I like you a lot, Y/N.” he said cheerfully.
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He looked at you with his cute little smile. “What are you looking at me like that for?” you asked, stopping what you were doing and looking at him. He didn’t expect you to catch him looking at you, but he did and now he was at a loss for words. 
He giggled, not being able to take his eyes off of you. “You’re just really beautiful.” You tilted your head and watched him, debating if he was serious or not. “Sanggyun, are you.... flirting with me?” you joked. “Would it be so bad if I was?”
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He was really shy about it. He stuttered and couldn’t really look you in the eyes. “Yongguk, hello~” you sang, snapping your fingers at him. He hummed, looking at you. “Sorry...”
“What are you thinking about?” you asked, concerned. He looked at you for a moment. “How much you mean to me.” You laughed, a blush creeping up to your cheeks. “Don’t joke.” you said, running your fingers through your hair. “I’m not joking... I like you.”
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Hyunbin was so confident about his confession. He sat across from you at the table you were sitting at and watched you eat for a moment. “So, there is something I need to tell you.” he said as you shoved a spoonful of food in your mouth. You looked at him and nodded. “I like you so much more than a friend.”
Your eyes widened and you choked on your food. He ran his hand through his hair. “Not the reaction I was hoping for..” He sulked, but immediately perked up when you told him the feeling was mutual.
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He would be in between Taehyun and Hyunbin. Not too nervous, but not overly confident. He was more open about it. “Hey, Y/N.” he said, getting your attention. “I like you~” he said, leaning in for a kiss. He stopped, kissing the air and looked away. “You didn’t try to stop me,so I’m assuming you feel the same way.”
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junsolismysoul · 6 years
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Forget Me Not
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crushenthusiast · 7 years
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~Jbj appreciation~cuz fantasy was fuckin bop and my babies are so damn talented so Stan them they need some love N support
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kpopcorn-requests · 7 years
JBJ Reaction: Saving you (vampire au)
so i’m on an au kick lately because i don’t know i’ve been reading a lot of au’s apparently
anyway i watched My Flower for like the twenty-second time and i truly love that mv it is a work of art you guys should watch it if you haven’t stan talent stan jbj
fantasy is also amazing wow these 6 bois are just straight masterpieces
i don’t know if i’m adding these boys to the group list yet we will see :)  anyway enjoy this!
admin lil
He knew staying with you was going to be a problem, but he had no intentions of not seeing you. He had no idea the problem that would occur would risk your life. He was lucky he got there when he did, having heard your screams from inside your apartment. He knew there was a neighbor that had an infatuation with you that was thoroughly pissed you had a boyfriend, and Taehyun couldn’t believe he was so much of an idiot he let you walk home alone. He ran out, using his enhanced speed unconsciously, his only thought was to get to you. Seeing your neighbor standing over you laughing at how hard you were sobbing had him walking over to you until he saw the awkward way your arm was bent. He hurt you. Taehyun swore he had never been as angry as he was in that moment, and he quickly walked over to the scene, knocking the other man out before he rushed to you and held you in his arms, not quite knowing what to do but glad he found you when he did.
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He saw the blood before he smelled it, watched as a spot of red grew and turned your previously light colored shirt a dark color. He looked up and saw a hunter, the crossbow in his hands, the realization coming to him slowly. You saved him, and you were severely hurt because of it. He fell to his knees, his hands on your abdomen as the blood stain continued to grow darker in color, letting Kenta know just how much trouble you were in. He quickly checked for a pulse, finding a small one that was steadily decreasing. The scent of your blood would have usually appetizer him, but the thought of knowing it was your blood and the cause of the blood was actually killing you made him feel sick. You weren’t going to survive if he didn’t change you, he just hoped that you wouldn’t hate him after this. He saw you smile gently, heard your heartbeat go even slower, and decided that he would rather you hate him than never see you again.
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The phone call he received from you, your voice shaking as you told him you loved him, made his already dead heart stop. The goodbye you said seemed final, and he wasn’t going to let that happen to you. He had no idea where you were or what happened but he knew what you smelled like so he ran. He followed your scent as long as he could, found you in the old warehouse the two of you used to meet at when a relationship hadn’t formed yet and he saw you tied to a chair, head lulled to the side limply, a heartbeat heart to find even with his enhanced hearing. Tears pricked his eyes as he advanced towards you, sobbing quietly when you whimpered for him to help you, begging for him to make the pain stop. He asked you quietly if he could change you, and was thankful that you had enough energy to respond before he bared his fangs, his head full of saving you above everything else.
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He was reminded of how he met you when he pulled up to the situation behind the club the two of you regularly went to, and incidentally, many other vampires did as well. He knew how attractive you were, and he knew how absolutely delectable your blood smelled, so he often kept an eye on you. Yet, the one time he looked away from you, you got in trouble. He glowered as he stood at the beginning of the alleyway seeing a different vampire advance on you, you unconscious for whatever reason, but that detail wasn’t necessary. You were unconscious, someone was getting close to you that wasn’t him. That just wouldn’t do. A quick movement and growl scared the other vampire enough for him to run, and Yongguk gathered you in his arms, worried.
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Being a well-known vampire had more cons than it did pros. One of those cons being the fact that most hunters and other clans knew you existed and you were basically his only weakness. No one had the balls to challenge him, until now. He smiled when he saw you and then looked around in confusion when you were gone. He could hear the laughs of a new group of vampires, one he heard about for their recklessness. And then he heard your voice, full of panic and he grew angry. He usually didn’t have a reason to live up to his reputation, but the love of his undead life got involved. Using his hearing he found you rather quickly, and effortlessly snapped the other vampires’ necks, pulling you into his arms, kissing your head. You were safe now.
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His eyes watered as he saw you lay limp in front of him, having suddenly been attacked by his old clan, cuts and wounds all over your body. He caused this. He ran from a clan he knew he shouldn’t have been with in the first place and he got you involved. You still had a pulse, but you were in pain, and he saw the silent beg of ‘help’ in your eyes as you looked at him. He knew what he had to, and it seemed that you did too when you bared your neck for him. He held your face gently as he kissed you, praying that it would work but knowing that it would be a miracle if it did. It was a kiss for good luck, but also a goodbye kiss if needed. He took a deep breath before he sank his fangs into your neck. He just hoped he knew when to stop.
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sinsofstrays · 7 years
In honor of getting LOA for JBJ does anyone have specific requests for them?
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im-youngmin · 7 years
New Weekly Idol teaser with JBJ, MXM, Sewoon and Samuel
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lordsicheng · 7 years
Stand By
Kim Sanggyun x OC
g: oneshot, kinda fluffy?? idk
summary: Sanggyun finally gets to see you again after your 2 week trip, but you didn’t know that you were going to arrive home later than expected because of the horrible traffic on the way, so he just does some random stuff while waiting for you, only to end up suddenly preparing himself from his excitement for your arrival
w!: a little bit suggestive oops
requested? yes!♥
You were impatiently sitting inside a taxi cab while on your way home and stuck in traffic, fifteen minutes in as you left the airport. You were beginning to get worried, but your tiredness got over you and you caught yourself almost falling asleep while waiting for the traffic to subside
“Has the traffic been this bad for a while?” you asked the taxi driver as you leaned in a bit
“Even I am surprised, ma’am. It’s not even rush hour.” he sighed as he moved the taxi a bit, and you leaned back on the chair while seated at the back, blowing a raspberry out of frustration
“Don’t worry, I’ll do my best to find a shortcut when we’re near the city.” the taxi driver assured
“Thanks.” you gave a nod as you grabbed your phone and scrolled through your contacts, looking for your boyfriend’s name as you tapped it and immediately dialed his number
“Babe, traffic really sucks right now so I’m really sorry if I arrive home late.” you puffed, looking at your nails
“Ah, it’s alright. I just got home now. Have you eaten?” he asked as he sat down on the sofa
“I just had a snack in the plane, but I’m not really hungry yet.” you pouted as you turned to look at the window, seeing that the cab hasn’t moved much from the traffic
“I can try to cook for you?” he offered
“Kim Sanggyun, I don’t want you to burn the apartment building down.” you rolled your eyes and chuckled
“Okay fine, I’m making ramyun then?” he grinned
“Gee, best boyfriend ever.” you sighed and shook your head
“I’m kidding, but I actually do want some ramyun right now even though I’ve already had dinner with the boys.” he chuckled
“I miss you a lot.” you rubbed your temple with your free hand out of frustration
“2 weeks was too long, babe. I really miss you too.” he whined
“Gosh I have a whiny boyfriend.” you laughed
“How long until you arrive the city?”
“I don’t know, but I’m guessing a little over an hour and a half. Good thing the taxi I got is metered.” you nodded
“Ah, alright. I’ll just wait for you.”
“My battery is going low so I’ll call you when I’m nearby. Love you.”
“Love you too.” Sanggyun dropped the call and put his phone to the side, looking around on what to do while he waits for you to get home
He saw the game console by the TV and looked at the cases of games that were nearby, scrunching up his face as he wasn’t really interested on the games you both had at home
“We need to buy new ones.” he mumbled to himself as he arranged everything back to its place and stood up to go to the bedroom, looking at himself on the mirror as he fixed his hair a bit
“A shower could do the trick.” he nodded to himself and pouted as he kept fixing his hair, shortly taking off his shirt as he looked at the mirror again, admiring his own reflection
“I haven’t worked out in a while.” he sighed and nodded more, laughing to himself as he walked off to the bathroom and grabbed a towel by the door
Sanggyun dried his hair with his towel while holding his phone with his other hand, checking out some new songs he could listen to. He heard the doorbell ring, and he was confused for a second since he wasn’t really expecting anything that time other than you arriving from the airport. He walked over to the door while his towel was on his head, opening it to see one of his friends carrying a box that caught Sanggyun’s attention
“Uh, yes Kenta?” Sanggyun raised his brow as he looked at Kenta and then to the box
“So the postman sent this box to the wrong room, aka mine.” Kenta sighed as he walked inside the apartment and put the box by the sofa
“Are these supposed to be mine?” Sanggyun asked confusingly
“I opened it, and I wish I hadn’t.” Kenta facepalmed and shook his head
“What’s inside?” Sanggyun asked as he went over to the box, partially opened
“Ask your girlfriend.” Kenta walked out of the apartment and closed the door, leaving Sanggyun all perplexed as he continued to rummage through the box, only to be shocked to see a few sets of lingerie you bought online that came earlier than you expected. Sanggyun widened his eyes as he grabbed a bra by its strap, pouting and nodding as he put it back and moved the box aside
“Y/n, y/n. Always full of surprises.” he chuckled to himself and stood up as he then walked over to the bedroom and back to the mirror, raising his shirt a bit to see all of his ‘hard work’
“Hmm, a few crunches wouldn’t hurt?” he thought to himself as he walked back to the living room and laid down on the carpet by the sofa, slowly positioning himself to do a few crunches and stopping every ten crunches before he could do another set
He was able to finish five sets, panting a few times as he realized he was sweating already. He stood up and walked over to the mirror again and this time, he took off his shirt and flexed a bit, admiring yet again his own self
“Now that’s more like it.” he grinned
“Y/n doesn’t know what she’s been missing these past two weeks.” he chuckled to himself and threw his shirt to the laundry basket nearby, grabbing a red plaid bathrobe as he put it on, looking back at the mirror to see if it looked good on him
“Oh, you’re home?” he acted as if you had arrived while looking at the mirror, trying to practice his expression and what he would say the moment he sees you arrive
“Ah, babe, you’re home!” he smirked and wiggled his brows as he continued trying to act out what he should do, eventually becoming tired as he sighed and went back to the living room and lied down on the sofa, grabbing his phone to continue on checking out new songs to listen to
Just a little over forty minutes later, you arrived the apartment and slowly dragged your luggage in. You were about to call Sanggyun, but you saw him asleep on the sofa, chest bare with nothing but the long, plaid bathrobe and black jogging pants.
You chuckled to yourself as you put your bag to the side, seeing the box full of lingerie by the sofa. You widened your eyes as you walked over to the box, and then looked at Sanggyun with an appalled expression. You sighed and grabbed the box, putting them by the bedroom door. You walked back to the living room and leaned over to Sanggyun, kissing his lips since you didn’t want to wake him up. But well, he did.
His eyes widened the moment he saw you right in front of him, immediately sitting up as you just grinned and crossed your arms as you looked at him
“Uh, did you arrive just now or…” Sanggyun mumbled as he scratched his head
“Few minutes ago.” you gave a nod
“I fell asleep…” Sanggyun yawned
“No kidding?” you chuckled and walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water, turning to Sanggyun who stood up, looking all confused again
“Explain to me why you’re wearing such an outfit?” you tilted your head a bit in question while smiling, and he couldn’t help but laugh and become embarrassed
“Well… I got bored while waiting for you, so…” he pouted
“Seems like you enjoyed fumbling through my package over there?” you pointed to the box by bedroom door as Sanggyun also turned to look at it, then looked at you
“Kenta actually brought it here and accidentally opened it because he thought the package was his.” Sanggyun grinned awkwardly, and you widened your eyes as you put the glass away
“Kenta… saw?” you asked in surprise, and Sanggyun slowly nodded
“Um, yeah. Guess he knows what undergarments I wear too now.” you left your mouth open in shock as you tried to walk over to the bedroom, but Sanggyun grabbed your arm and pulled you slowly closer to him into a hug
“Hey, Kenta’s not like that. Besides, he’s just as mortified as you.” he chuckled and kissed your forehead
“I was gonna save those for our anniversary next week.” you pouted, and Sanggyun suddenly widened his eyes again
“Wait… next week?” Sanggyun furrowed his brows
“Oh wow, you totally forgot. Alright.” you sulked jokingly as you pushed him aside and walked over to the bathroom, and he just looked at you confusedly
“Wait, babe!” he called out, but you slammed the door shut right when he was by the bathroom
“Babe, I’m sorry!” Sanggyun said as kept knocking on the bathroom door
“Sure you are!” you yelled back
“No, I really am!” Sanggyun pouted, and shortly, you opened the door and wore nothing but a towel on, which Sanggyun gulped the moment he saw you, but you just crossed your arms and looked at him sternly
“Uh, yeah. I kind of lost track with the dates…?” Sanggyun scratched his head
“Sure you did.” you closed the door again, and Sanggyun just sighed
“Seriously, babe? I’ve waited for you for two weeks and we end up like this?” Sanggyun crossed his arms and whined, but you didn’t reply when in reality you were trying to hold in your laughter and excitement while inside the bathroom
“Babe! Y/n!” Sanggyun called repeatedly and knocked on the bathroom door again, so you finally felt bad and opened the door and grabbed his arm, pulling him inside swiftly and closing the door shut, both yours and his giggles erupting from the bathroom within the next few minutes
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pinksugamonster · 7 years
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JBJ Masterlist (no longer updating)
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~nothing yet~
How JBJ would propose
How JBJ would kiss
They see the person of their dreams at a fansign
~nothing yet~
~nothing yet~
~nothing yet~
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cb-143 · 6 years
Jealousy - (Byungjoo x fem reader) [NSFW]
@huis-totally-innocent-smirk: I'll need a holy water after this, but couldyoupleasemakearoughsexwitheitherBeejorJenshe ? Thank you lol
A/N: It ended up really soft? But it’s still good :D I like it~ I hope you do too~
word count: 1.6k
warnings: slight bondage, smut, i think that’s it?
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It didn't surprise her when he pushed her against the wall as soon as they hurriedly entered their shared bedroom. His jealousy got to him, as it always did.  He was so posessive of her, so scared of losing her that it turned into jealousy, turned into anger. And it was always her goal to turn that anger into lust, lust that he would take out on her. That's why she felt no shame in that moment, it's why she didn't feel any shame at all, to dance with strangers in the club, to grind up against them, to flirt with them, and to almost kiss them. She had been slightly intoxicated back then, but now, with Byungjoo's tongue in her mouth, moving skillfully against her own, she was fully sober.
"Just what," Byungjoo started, pulling away momentarily to look her in the eyes as he spoke to her, "did you think you were doing?" By the time he finished his question, the tone of his voice had almost come down to a growl. They stared each other in the eyes for a moment. His were dark, full of rage and lust, and hers seemed as dark, yet much more scared, feigning innocence all of a sudden.
"I don't know. What did I do?"
"Ahh! Really.." He grabbed her arm, yanked her so he was facing her back. He was so violent with her all of a sudden, that she was scared she might have gone too far. She knew how protective he could get, but he'd never hurt her, right?
Her hands ended up being tied together with the tie he had worn tonight. She could barely move them in the tight position behind her back, so when Byungjoo threw her onto the bed, she could not do anything except for falling. The mattress dipped down beneath her as Byungjoo joined her, and she almost felt like she was going to slip, slide off the bed, but the next moment she was trapped right under her angry, dangerous boyfriend.. falling off of the bed was the least of her problems now. His hands helt himself up, digging down into the mattress right next to her shoulders. His knees were by her waist, and she truly did feel as if she was in a cage all spun up with electricity. One wrong move, and things would get more than just tense. "You're such a naughty girl, Y/N. I think I need to teach you a lesson." After hearing those words, she felt Byungjoo's lips on hers. For a second, she felt overwhelmed. Her head was spinning, both from the alcohol she had previously consumed, and from the fear and anticipation of what her boyfriend would do to her. One of his hands then lifted up her shirt, slipping underneath its hem, before making its way up to cup her still clothed breast. A violent tug, and a sharp, yet short pain in her back later, and the bra was off of her breasts, violently ripped off of it, but still hanging onto her due to the restriction of her arms.
When Byungjoo now cupped her breast again, giving it a light squeeze, she gasped, causing them to break the kiss.
He now latched onto her neck, kissing her eagerly. His fingers started playing with her nipple, circling around it, flicking it, even tugging on it.
"byungjoo.." she moaned quietly; then his mouth was off of her. His eyes were staring into his again, a bit less angry than before.
"I don't want you to make any sound, y/n. Be quiet, and I'll keep going."
She nodded, simply wanting to feel his touch on her again. After looking into her eyes for a few more seconds, he leaned down once more. Byungjoo kissed her neck again, his hand travelling further down. Just as he opened the button, he bit down on her neck.
She bit her lip to keep from making a sound. She loved it so much when he bit her, the slight pain turned her on even more, and his lips felt so good on her, she wanted to moan. When he started sucking as well, possessively marking her as his, she had to squeeze her eyes shut. The zipper of her trousers were being pulled down, and soon Byungjoo sat up on her legs. The bruise on her neck was a purple colour already, it was glistening with Byungjoo's saliva. He was satisfied with how it looked, with how his girl looked right now. She seemed slightly scarred, her hair already a mess. He pulled down her jeans, together with her pants, leaving her exposed to the cold air in the bedroom. He was still fully dressed while she was half naked. Byungjoo rolled off of her completely now, to take off her pants, and lay them down beside them.
"Spread your legs for me, baby."
She obeyed, doing as he told her, and shamelessly spread her legs for him, as far as she could. He moved in between them, smirking smugly when he saw how wet she was for him already.
"Hmm.. who made you this wet, baby? Was is those fucks at the bar? That dirty old bastard you grinded up against?" She shook her head, looking at him, pleading him to do anything. He hit her thigh, making her close her legs again and yelp out in pain. She hadn't expect her to hit her, and though she didn't dislike it, and it only turned her on further, it came surprisingly. "Speak up. Tell me who made you this wet!" "You! It was you, Byungjoo. I'm so wet for you. I need you." she rambled on, being so needy for him, so wet and horny, but at the same time she didn't want to get punished any further. She just wanted to get fucked by him now. Seemingly satisfied with her answer, Byungjoo pried his hand between her legs again. She immediately opened them again. "Atta girl.. Keep them open for me, love." He said it in a softer voice now. He reached out with his hand, mesmerised by the way her arousal was glistening in the light coming from the lamp in the corner of the room. He collected some on his middle finger, spreading it around between her folds, and gliding through them. She felt wet and warm, and he wasn't even inside of her yet. He wanted to feel it around his cock, wanted to feel the walls of her tight wet cunt engulf him whole. The thought made him throb inside of his pants. His middle finger slowly entered her, knuckle by knuckle. He had no real reason to, but still he went slowly; he just wanted to watch his finger disappear deeply inside of her. As he pulled it back out, and slid it back in, his ring finger joined, stretching her. She was always so tight. They did it almost every day, but every time she was this tight. It drove him crazy sometimes.. and tonight was one of those times. He kept his fingers moving in and out of her tight wetness as he watched her close. She was looking back at him, keeping up the intense eye contact. She was obviously feeling good, yet she kept biting her lip, only her breathing speeding up, in an attempt to not make any noise.
"Does it feel good, Y/N?" She nodded.
"Am I making you feel good?" he repeated. Again she nodded. He added another finger and at the same time also retrieved his other hand. Steadily moving his fingers, even picking up the pace a bit, he used his other hand to rub circles around her clit. This caused her hips to lift off of the mattress, trying to meet Byungjoo's movements halfway. The eyecontact between them broke when her eyes rolled back a bit, before she had to close them. Everytime he touched her like that, everytime he flicked her clit, and curved his fingers just right inside of her, she lost it.
"fuck.." he whispered and pulled his fingers out of her. He had only fingered her for a bit, but she needed him, and he needed her just as much. His jealousy and anger had been long forgotten. Byungjoo pulled down the zipper of his pants, didn't even bother to fully take them off, but just reach inside to grab his dick and pull it out.
Soon enough, he was thrusting into her harshly. It was as if his forgotten anger from before had turned into raw passion and lust, and now it all came out just to fuck his girl. As if bringing her pleasure, and making himself come in that same time, was his mission, was all he ever had to do. Byungjoo's thrusts were quick, yet harsh, and it was so hard for her to hold back her noises. When he leaned down, kissing her neck as he played with her clit, he whispered into her ear: "scream for me, babygirl." and she complied. She screamed out his name, her walls contracting around his cock as she came. Byungjoo kept steadily moving his hips, helping her through her orgasm. It wasn't much later that he felt close himself, and so he pulled out to finish on her chest.
Afterwards, the room was quiet. It was a content silence. They were both very tired, from their past activities and from the alcohol they had consumed beforehand. Byungjoo was about to drift off to sleep when he heard his girl mumble, in a very sleepy voice "sorry for making you jealous." she yawned "i love you."
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soft-imagines · 7 years
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let me just say that
he’s probably super shy at first
doesn’t know if he should hold your hand, kiss your cheek, etc.
when he does get comfortable
and becomes more open
hugs are a must
so are constant kisses
he may not seem like it
but he’s cheesy
when he’s bored he’ll send you selcas and random pick up lines
kisses your head a lot
never wants to let you go
you have to remind him that you need to breathe 
he’ll apologize sheepishly 
but you’ll only giggle at his involuntary cuteness
if his face isn’t buried into your hair
the crook of your neck is another option
probably wants to cuddle after
mostly long kisses
holds you close
forehead kisses are another must
always willing to peck your lips
both of you giggle a lot
asks you for kisses
make out sessions are sweet and full of giggles
i feel like if you two are walking past stores
and you want to go into one
he’d open the door for you
and follow you while guiding you with his hand by the small of your back
once lasted a full two days
always ends up with naps
always plays with your hair 
ain’t even lying he really would and it’d be the best thing ever
sings for you
usually spring day or open up
likes it when you hum along
likes when you nuzzle his neck or his chest
he becomes soft inside
always has his arms around you
makes sure his face is close to yours so that he can kiss you every once in a while
result from cuddling
usually sings you to sleep first
takes selcas with you while you’re sleeping
sends them to the pd101 guys saying ‘goodnight’ probably
listens to your breathing
internally fanboying
probably melting into a puddle
eventually falls asleep
if you wake up first:
you take pictures
send them to the guys
record yourself pinching his cheek and messing with him
send that to the guys
you probably wake him up with your giggling
you say good morning in japanese
he’ll smile
kiss you
and won’t even bother telling you to delete anything
because he knows you wouldn’t even if you said you would
whines about it anyway
if he wakes up first:
probably watches you for a bit
takes more pictures
sends them to the guys saying ‘good morning’ or something sweet about you
kisses you
wakes you up
says good morning
you say it back in tired japanese
he laughs and says he loves you
pecks your lips
you say it back in japanese
making him chuckle and give you another kiss
movie nights (whether it’s just you two or with other people)
takes you out to eat
hang out and talk 
watching the sunset
star gazing
going to the beach/boardwalk
nicknames for you:
sakura (cheery blossoms, they’re beautiful)
always talks about you
texts you a lot
especially when you guys are in the same room (lol)
or when he hasn’t seen you for three minutes
always thinks about you
always says ‘i love you’
aegyo always
so, so cute
super sweet omg
he couldn’t be any sweeter
tbh a troublemaker
gets you annoyed
but you always forgive him and never stay mad
it’s kenta
honestly just so pure???
and cute???
and loving???
i give you our sweet cherry blossom
our glowing boy
our beautiful
Takada Kenta 💖
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