#sanggyun imagines
lordsicheng · 7 years
Another: Kim Sanggyun
Kim Sanggyun x OC
400-500 word music drabble challenge #3
word count: 481
song: Magnets - Disclosure ft. Lorde 
a/n: gonna do a read more bc slightly suggestive oops :-)
I love this secret language that we're speakin' Say it to me, let's embrace the point of no return
Your eyes shift to a young man whose arm slung around another woman’s waist, giving light laughter as he talked with other businessmen by the buffet table. You couldn’t help but stare at how he looked dashing in his sleek, formal suit; something you’ve always loved about his fashion sense. He knew how to dress himself and my, he totally knew what suit him best. 
You gave a soft chuckle, slowly sipping on your glass of champagne as you looked to the side and at that moment, his eyes stole glances at you in your red, fitting bodycon dress. He couldn’t help but let his eyes roam around your curves, flippantly biting his bottom lip as he looked back at the woman next to him
“Sweetie, you alright?” she asked, raising a brow while giving Sanggyun a soft smile
“I’m okay. Just feeling a little stuffy.” Sanggyun softly kissed her cheek, beaming a smile right after
“I need to entertain the guests at the poolside. You wanna come?” she said as she slowly grabbed on to his hand
“I’ll stay here. I’ll just get something from upstairs.” he nodded, letting his grip go as he turned to go upstairs and for her to go outside. She passed by you with a wide smile, giving you a cheek kiss as she asked if you wanted to go out as well
“I’ll be right there. Just need to use the bathroom.” you smiled as you moved away to go upstairs to where their bathroom was located
You looked from side to side to see any sight of Sanggyun, but failed. You just shrugged, walking off to the bathroom and before you closed the door, a strong grip of another hand from the other knob stopped you, definitely knowing who this was.
He let himself in the bathroom as he immediately closed and locked it, grabbing the back of your neck as he hungrily kissed you and you let him. He let his other hand roam to your side, stopping on your waist as he gripped on your dress, aching for it to take it off from you
“Sanggyun, wait.” you panted, breaking off the kiss that made him huff out a sigh and look at you with eyes full of lust
“I can’t wait.” he groaned, trying to pull you back in
“No. We can’t keep doing this behind her back.” you chuckled, almost suggestively as he ended up staring at your neck, wanting to place a few tiny bites here and there. You pushed yourself away from his grip, slowly opening the door to check if there were other people around
“Nice try. Maybe next time. Kenta’s waiting for me downstairs.” you gave a wink as a tease, walking out of the bathroom and leaving him almost appalled while shaking his head as he took a deep breath
“Y/n, you’re mine.”
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topp-bap · 7 years
Soulmates Who? (Part 2)
slight fluff// when you don’t believe in soulmates but the moment you meet Kim Sanggyun, it changes everything.
After the incident with Sanggyun, he was all you thought about. You stared at your wrist and constantly felt the tattoo. Honestly, why did the world decide to make this happen to you during school? You weren’t able to focus in your classes and even if you tried, your thoughts went back to Sanggyun. “Fuck,” you groaned. So much for the whole ‘who cares about soulmates’ thing. You were lucky you hadn’t run into him because if you did, you were pretty sure you would fall in the soulmate trap. You had lived your whole life hating the concept of soulmates and you were adamant about finding love your own way. Even your friends thought you’d never marry your soulmate, but here you were. Daydreaming about your… soulmate. You shivered at the thought and face palmed. You never realized how hard it would be to go against the universe. Honestly you hadn’t put much thought into what you would do if you met your soulmate and how it would affect them, let alone if you actually liked your soulmate. “What the fuck. I just met him for five minutes.”
You had avoided going to the library for the past week in case he was there, but today you had no choice. You walked in cautiously and slinked to a computer to look up a book. As you found the section it was in, you rushed to it and picked out the book at lightning speed. You walked speedily to the librarian to check it out and was thrilled to have made it out of the library without seeing any signs of Sanggyun. “Hey!” You whipped your head hearing the familiar voice, but cursed yourself. How could you recognize his voice and worse, why did you turn around so fast upon hearing it? “It’s you,” he smiled, “You know, I never get your name.” You closed your eyes briefly before opening them as he neared you. “Y/N. Y/L/N Y/N,” you breathed. “Well nice to meet you Y/N,” he reached his hand out, “I’m your soulmate, if you were wondering.” You looked at him and smiled a little. He seemed like a pretty funny guy and snap out of it Y/N. Needless to say, you still shook his hand earning a wide smile from him. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted. “Hey Sanggyun. Let’s go eat! We’re getting shaved ice,” a deep voice said. “ You looked behind Sanggyun to see a gang of 8 boys making their way towards him. “Nice!” he shouted before turning towards you. “Wanna go?” he asked you. Your eyes widened at the unexpected question. Before you could answer he grabbed your hand and led you to his friends, “This is Y/N, guys. Y/N meet Jiho, Byungjoo, Hojoon, Hansol, Sehyuk, Sangwon, Yooncheol, and Sangdo. She’s coming to eat with us.” You shyly waved at the boys who greeted you back loudly with bright smiles. Sanggyun let go of your hand as you all started walking, and you couldn’t help but feel an absence of warmth without his hand holding yours. You bit your lip, mentally cursing yourself. Sanggyun wasn’t even doing anything and was respecting your space, never mentioning you were soulmates to his friends (who were all very sweet). You felt starstruck, observing Sanggyun while eating. You couldn’t help but notice a few things: he was super funny and seemed like a class clown, he laughed at the dumbest things with a high pitch, his eyes shaped into crescents when he smiled, and he was super cute in general. Upon this realization, you wanted to cry. You were in love with your soulmate.
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honeyutoda · 5 years
Group: JBJ/JBJ95
Pairing: Sanggyun x reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 853
A/n: here’s some fluff of my bb I love this man with my whole heart. Please go stream Spark! It’s genuinely one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard and the concept of the video is so amazing. This group deserves so much more love and support! ❤️ (feel free to send in requests or feedback!)
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Sanggyun took his headphones out at the sound of your voice and quietly placed them on the table next to him. He slid off the couch and began making his way to your room in your shared apartment.
When he arrived at the doorway, he saw you sitting in your desk chair with your head in your hands, laptop open to one of the many documents you had been trying to complete for work. Why you always waited until the last minute to do things was beyond him – why would anyone ever want to be so stressed?
He leaned against the doorframe, raising his hand to the open door to place three quiet knocks. You lifted your head up from its place in your hands and looked at him, not even caring about the tears beginning to form in your eyes. Pushing himself off the doorframe, Sanggyun made his way over to you, grabbing the stool from your vanity on his way over. He slid it beneath him and sat down beside you, taking your hands in his.
“Hey,” he said, concern laced in his voice. He shifted his gaze from your hands to your eyes, “what’s wrong?”
You swallowed as to try and hide the tears brimming your eyes. You sighed.
“Nothing, I’m just really stressed about all of this stuff that I have to have done for work tomorrow,” you turned your attention to your laptop screen, letting your eyes roam over what little you had accomplished in the span of three hours. Doing so, however, only caused you more stress. It was already 12:45 a.m. and you were absolutely drained from working on it for so long.
Sanggyun took in your tired expression, letting his thumbs lazily draw shapes on the back of your hands. He hated seeing you like this, even if it technically was your fault for procrastinating for so long.
“Take a break, love,” he cooed.
You turned your head back towards him before sniffling. “It’s not that easy, Sang.”
He lifted on of his hands to cup your face, grazing his thumb against your cheek as a lone tear escaped your eye. He leaned over, using his other hand to shut your laptop. “Sanggyun, I’m serious. I need to get this stuff done,” You whined, tugging at his wrist.
He chuckled. “No, what you need is some rest,” he stated plainly as he stared into your eyes, bringing his other hand up to cup the other side of your face before pulling you in and placing a kiss on your forehead. He stood up from the stool, placing his hands underneath you and gently lifting you up with him, carrying your bridal style. As much as you wanted to protest, you had no energy to do so, the lack of sleep finally catching up to you. He walked towards your bed before bending down and releasing you gently onto the mattress.
He went over to your lamp – the only light source in the room – and turned it out before making his way back to the bed and crawling into the silky sheets. He covered you with the blankets before covering himself, scooting his way over to you and placing a soft kiss to your temple before pulling your back against his chest and draping his arm across your waist. It didn’t take long for sleep to slowly take over you, Sanggyun’s hands smoothing down your hair the last thing you feel.
You woke up to the sunlight pouring in through the tiny cracks in the window blind, the warmth of Sanggyun no longer present. You rubbed your eyes and lazily picked up your phone.
“What time is it?” You muttered to yourself before pressing the home button, eyes immediately widening at the time displayed on the screen. “10:32!?” You shouted, “how did I over sleep? Oh my god, oh my god.”
You jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, almost tripping on the way down. You rushed to the kitchen to see Sanggyun standing at the stove, scrambling eggs in a pan.
“Why didn’t you wake me up for work?” You half yelled.
“I don’t think they need you right now,” he replied, setting down the spatula he had been using before turning to you and enveloping you in a hug.
“What do you mean?” You asked, beyond confused.
“A little birdie might have told them you weren’t feeling so well.”
You looked at him, shocked, “You called me in sick?”
He kissed the top of your head, slowly rocking the both of you side to side. A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. You pressed your face into his chest.
“Yup. And I made you your favorite,” he gestured towards the stove. You lifted your head and smiled at him, your eyes crinkling. “There’s that smile I wanted to see last night,” he beamed before releasing you from his hold and returning to the eggs. You sighed, raising yourself on your toes to press a kiss to his cheek, gushing.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
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sunflowerstrays · 6 years
i think i know you // kim sanggyun
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kim sanggyun x reader.
requested? yes!
words: 1.7k.
genre: fluff, soulmate au.
The worst part about your long day was catching the train. You lived a thirty minute train ride away from your workplace, and you couldn’t be catching a busier train if you tried. Most days it was jam packed with all the weird and wonderful that humanity could offer. You’d be pressed up against the door, at risk of falling out every time it stopped. If you could drive, you would, and if the walk wasn’t almost three hours long you’d rather walk through rain or snow or hail to avoid the train.
The only good thing about the train was when you got to towards the outskirts of the city. Most people would jump off of the train whilst you still had ten minutes to go, and you’d be able to give your poor legs a rest and sit down. There wasn’t much you valued more than those precious ten minutes of rest before a walk home. Just you and your music and the swaying of the rattling carriage.
Only today, there was someone in the seat you usually grabbed. His face was both unfamiliar and familiar at the same time, as if you had seen him somewhere before. You raked your memory as you took the seat opposite him, staring hard at his face. His sharp eyes and soft cheeks made you smile, reminding you almost of a puppy; his hair was messy and unkempt, and when he smiled at you your heart began racing.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he says with a mocking tone that makes you blush brightly. Hiding your face behind your scarf, you continue peeking at him over the top of the scarf, determined to work out where on each you know him from. “Seriously, did I offend you or something?”
“I- sorry,” you give up finally, crossing your leg over the other before sighing. “You look like someone, but I can’t place who it is. Just, familiar.”
“Perhaps it’s my looks,” he chuckles, running a hand through his hair. “I often get mistaken for idols all the time.”
“Oh stop it, you know what I mean,” you laugh, putting the scarf down and looking at him properly. Now that you think about the feeling, knowing him is so overwhelming. You are convinced that you’ve known him before, you can feel it in every part of your body. Almost as if he was a missing limb that you still felt some times.
“For what it’s worth,” he shrugs, “I see you every day on this train and wonder the same thing. I was curious how long it would take for you to recognise me.”
“Every day?” You ask, horrified. How had he seen you on this busy train every day, and you’d never realised? Slouching forwards, the boy laughs gently and extends a hand to you.
“Sanggyun. And yeah, for the last three months,” you widen your eyes in shock, feeling horrible for never noticing him before. Perhaps if you had paid more attention rather than hiding yourself from the world on the train, you would have cracked the code on this young boy already.
“Y/n, and I’d like to formally apologise for being weird and staring at you,” you say, pushing your fingers together as you overcome with a sweat. How could you be so careless?
“I guess I also owe you an apology, I’ve stared at you for three months,” Sanggyun laughs at you, making you giggle with him. The train calls out for your stop, but you don’t want to leave; you are determined to crack the code on Sanggyun, and you doubt that you’ll do that in the next two minutes.
“Have you got a pen?” Sanggyun asks, and you reach in your bag for one. He takes your hand and writes his phone number on it. You are left feeling confused as you step off of the train and begin the walk home. Though, in all of your time catching that train home from work, this has to have been your most exciting trip.
It’s almost nine o’clock in the evening now, and you’ve been on the phone to Sanggyun for hours. You called him from your landline the second you got home and had changed into comfortable pyjamas, and after reheating your left overs from last night, you had sat by your computer and researched whatever weird symptoms you were having. Random flashbulb memories of the boy you had known for half an hour, and the ever-odd sensation that you had known him forever were beginning to drive you mad.
Of course, you hadn’t mentioned this to Sanggyun on the phone. Instead, you told him about yourself, your job, why you got the tedious train into the city every day and had done for three months. He listens to you explain yourself for what feels like hours, before questioning you further with questions that seem odd to you.
They aren’t odd in the sense that he makes you feel uncomfortable, or they are really out of the ordinary questions. However, they are odd because he is asking you questions that are purposefully getting you to explain yourself in more depth - almost as if he was desperately trying to work you out, like you were him.
When he gave up with questioning you, you made him talk about himself in depth. He was currently floating between jobs, working hard on trying to find a music producer to help him write music properly. It had been his dream forever, but had never found the right producer to help him.
Everything he was telling you you were making a note in a separate document on your computer. You were doing anything to figure out who he was, because it was beginning to drive you mad. It had been hours and you had eaten your way through endless amounts of leftovers, yet you were no closer. A few forums of people that had experienced the same sensation as you, but they had never figured out that feeling. They usually just ended up spending so much time with that person to work out who they were that they ended up marrying each other, and at this point your brain was burning with the thought that one day, you’d marry Sanggyun due to fate.
“Have you ever heard of soulmates?” Sanggyun asks suddenly, which makes you pause with your furious typing. “Hello? Y/n?”
“That’s what I thought I said,” he says jokingly, sounding nervous now that he had thrown the question into the air, “in fact, ignore me.”
But you are already busy hammering away on your keyboard, typing in soulmates. You can’t believe the prospect hadn’t even crossed your mind yet. You’d read countless books about soulmates in the past, and always found the idea fascinating, but anyone that you had spoken about them had brushed you off and told you to be realistic, not idealistic.
However all of the results and forums resulting from your search explain exactly what you were feeling. That feeling like you’ve known someone forever, had a burning passion for them, but can’t remember who they are and have no physical recollection of where you’ve met them. It’s almost as if your sudden relationship with Sanggyun was written out on a page before you.
“Soulmates,” you mutter back to the boy on the phone, who just dismisses your comment with a mumble of his own.
“It was me being stupid-”
“It makes so much sense!” You exclaim, finally letting your arms drop to your sides. “Sanggyun, you have got to be the smartest person ever!”
“You feel it as well?” He asks quietly, as if he isn’t sure how to approach the question. Nodding, you explain that feeling in your chest that you’ve had ever since you’ve laid eyes on him.
“It has been… like that, for me, for months,” Sanggyun finally confesses, sounding exasperated as he replies. “I didn’t know how to talk to you. I figured that eventually you’d spot me and there would be some blinding moment of love in the middle of the street.”
“I guess there was,” you giggle, feeling giddy with joy now, “only it was on the phone a few hours after meeting.”
Sanggyun was waiting for you in your seat just when you expected him to. In his hand was a small journal, and on his face the brightest smile you would ever see. He lifted his bag from the seat beside him, letting you take its place, and just placed the journal in your lap.
“What is this?”
“The Journal of You,” he shrugs, “all the little things that I’ve remembered about you for a while now. I was determined to crack the code one day, but I guess we did so together,” the faint blush on his cheeks makes you smile as you rest against him, feeling at peace all at once. Flicking through the notebook slowly, you read all of the awful scribbles about you.
“For someone as cute and intelligent as yourself,” you confess, making him freeze, “you do have awful handwriting.”
He bursts into laughter, making a few of the people on the train look up at the pair of you. They all smile as they see you both looking at each other with, not love, but complete adoration in your eyes. Never have you ever looked at someone in this way before; and honestly, you don’t think you will ever again.
It’s the oddest feeling, knowing that you’ve found your soulmate. Or rather, not your soulmate, but one from a past life maybe, where times were easier and you had met and fallen in love with Sanggyun under completely different circumstances. The thought makes you smile as the pair of you sway gently with the motion of the train, lost in each other’s thoughts and a blissful happiness.
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park-chan-yall · 6 years
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Kpop Moodboards- Cyberpunk Hooligans- Requested by @jxyfulfandoms
Taehyun is just a good kid with a sick sister and friends who would do anything for him. With her body wearing down more and more each day, the obvious solution is to get her an android body. An expensive android body. Taehyun isn’t well off. He knows that the only way to get what he needs to save his sister isn’t going to come legally. So he collects his friends and together they start wreaking some havoc. He is the leader of the gang and the idea man. If they want to even breath funny they have to run it by him. Who knew he would take to a life of crime so quickly? Donghan is his right hand man. He’s beautiful and not above using that to get what he wants. He will sleep with anyone..blackmail anyone...to see he gets what we needs for his friend. Longguo is Taehyun’s oldest friend and, conveniently, also a hacker. He is a valuable asset but doesn’t get along with everyone in the crew. His personality can be a little grating to some people but he couldn’t care less. He knows what he’s here to do and he’s going to do it well. Kenta is a fun dude who is always willing to open his stash up for needy travelers (for a price) He never thought of Taehyun’s group of friends that way and has offered up his services as the team’s healthcare provider. He isn’t afraid of blood, has the perfect hideout, and his activities were already pretty illegal even before getting asked to join. Sanggyun is the muscle of the group. Someone isn’t talking? Sanggyun with just break their thumbs. Someone trying to break into their hideout? Never heard from again. It takes a particular kind of person to do what he does and still sleep at night and Sanggyun is that person. He doesn’t give a shit who he hurts or how brutal he may behave. The rest of the boys aren’t treats themselves but they are starting to question his humanity. Sweet soft Hyunbin looks scary but would never hurt a fly. Technically considered the muscle alongside Sanggyun, all the does is stand back and try to appear intimidating. He has to close his eyes every time there’s any action. He’s afraid that if any of the other boys are put in danger....he won’t be able to hide from the life he’s living anymore.
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jbjsflower · 6 years
JBJ REACTION - Their S/O getting a tongue piercing
He would be super worried at first, asking things like “Did it hurt?” “Can you eat?” and so on. But later he’d find it super sexy and end up loving it. He loves how that tiny metal ball looks on you, and would want to know how it feels like kissing you now. Also he might have thought of something else you can try... “Let me see what you can do with that”
He would love it since he first noticed it while making out. You decided to get it done as a surprise while JBJ was on tour, so when he came back it had already healed. He would ask you to show it to him, and grin at the thought of feeling it again. He's for sure in love with the ideas that are coming to his mind. "Come here, let me kiss you one more time."
You were just talking when he saw it. He asked you to open your mouth and would be absolutely shook.He didn't expect you to show up with that piercing at all, but he found it cool. At first, just like Taehyun, he'd ask if it hurts, but he would keep repeating how cool it is.
"You look so savage. Should I get a matching one?"
This tiny bean wouldn't be as happy as the other members. He'd be worried, and wouldn't really like it much, but of course he would still support your decision and smile to you once he knows you're fine. And at least it was a cute pink one.
"You'll always look beautiful to me, it's fine as long as you like it."
He had said something so funny that you couldn't help but laugh out loud. Of course, he would immediately see that there's a little metallic thing in your mouth, so he'd ask you what it is. He would be super shook and wouldn't find the words at first, but he would like it a lot, and would think it looks both beautiful and sexy on you.
"Wow I love it! Babe, it looks so sexy, seriously."
A tiny smirk would appear right in the moment he saw it. He had suspected something already, since you were bad at hiding things, so it wasn't really a surprise for him. He would make you come closer and grin before kissing you. He'd love the new feeling and he would certainly have some ideas he wants to try.
"I had never imagined something as hot as this..."
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bjrdonghyuck · 6 years
Happy Donghan Day
Happy birthday Donghan, hope ppl stop sleeping on you qwq"
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
stay joyful // JBJ
♥  bff! jbj & reader
♥  this is so sad because I'm sad but I promise to add some fluff in it
♥  1k+ words
♥  summary: an end to a group is not the end to a friendship
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Months have passed and the apartment you frequently visited on your days off felt empty, not only because the space was tidied up and their belongings were packed into boxes by the side, but also because you no longer could visit the place you called your second home. Many tears were shed at the sofa, over sad romance stories or the heart-wrenching disney scenes you would watch on movie nights. And the kitchen where many catastrophies unfold as all of you decided that the kitchen would only be used to cook ramen and nothing else. Not forgetting the two adorable creatures that roamed around, giving you your daily dose of furry cuddles whenever your day seemed gray and of course the numerous times you would find shirtless men, or more specifically Sanggyun, and having to remind them of your presence until your eyes became numb to the nudity and that it no longer bothered you. And it all came rushing back, the memories filled with arguments and squabbles, heart-to-heart conversations that never seemed to tire any one of you and the relentless support and love that brought all of you together. Tears began to drench your reddened cheeks, your eyes turning bloodshot in a matter of seconds as you struggled to keep the sniffles silent.
"(Y/n), where did you keep- hey, hey what's wrong?" Kenta rushed over, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and his lips curling into a frown of heart ache as he pulled you to him, examining your face while his fingers grazed your back in a comforting motion. Or at least that was what he thought it would be – comforting. But it only made you yearn for them to stay longer as you began to bawl your eyes out, no longer having the endurance to keep everything bottled. Why did it have to be so complicated?
"Kenta, can't you guys stay just a little longer?" you mumbled in between hiccups, your voice nearly being drowned out by his sweater as he hugged you tight – his hugs were always the best despite being smaller than the others. But you would never mention it, afraid that the others would get their egos hurt.
"(Y/n)... You know we can't, it's already been decided. But guess what, we'll meet up with each other whenever we can and of course Taedong will join too," He smiled towards you, wiping your tear-stained cheeks as you let his words sink in ever so slowly, still a little stubborn on not letting this place go. Because without this apartment, meeting each other would be much more difficult. Taehyun and Sanggyun would return to their groups for good and would be busy with their own promotions, as well as Yongguk as he went back to his duet group. Kenta and Donghan was unsure of what thier future would carry and Hyunbin would most probably continue his career as a model. They would go back to their previous lives before JBJ. Before you.
"What's with all the ruckus– Kenta why did you make them cry?" Hyunbin gasped as he lowered his tall stature to your level, to scan your features as his heart shattered from the looks of you. "I-I didn't. I was j-just trying to help," he stuttered, his eyes brimming with tears as his mind began to fill with your words. What will they do now that the end was nearing? Soon the rest came rushing in from their respective rooms, hearing the sniffles and cries for help as their hearts raced with worry. They knew you would be like this, and internally, they felt the same. But they tried their best to keep their emotions in check as they trapped you in a big hug, hoping that maybe the tighter they held on, your broken heart would begin mending.
"Since we're all done packing, I have something prepared. Guys, get ready the car, plan 'Be Joyful' is in motion," Taehyun chuckled as he wiped his damp cheeks, the rest cheering as you looked around in confusion. What were these 6 men up to now?
It had nearly been an hour ever since they had dragged you into the van, the back full of miscellaneous items you couldn't quite identify. Even when you were bombarding them with questions, the only answers you got were short replies of 'I don't know's and 'you'll see'. With the vague answers you could only sit back in your seat as they jammed to their favourite songs, some of them bringing a smile to your face as they enthusiastically danced to the beat. After an hour full of laughing and singing your hearts out, the van finally stopped, revealing the oceanic view and the empty yet serene vibes that the ocean gave you. But why were you at the beach?
"C'mon (y/n) open the door, we don't have much time," Hyunbin chuckled, pushing you teasingly as you opened the door with a hint of reluctance. You weren't exactly dressed to go to the beach and neither were they. It only filled the empty spaces of your mind with more questions as you admired the view.
"Seeing as you're done with your exams, we planned out a little outing for you as a present," Donghan sighed, swinging his arm around your neck as he dragged you through the sand, the smell of the salty water hitting you yet a sense of refreshment engulfed you. It had been a while since all of you went out together. Especially with their hectic schedules and promotions, there was rarely a time for all eight of you to meet up and not have to worry about the time.
"Guess who?" a familiar voice sent your heart racing as a pair of hands covered your eyes. In a split second, you turned around to see yet another familiar face, a wide smile plastering your face as you hugged him with all your might. "Geez did you guys plan all this? And I missed your dumb butt," you pouted, punching him in the chest as he backed away slightly in 'pain'.
"But weren't you on the phone with him last night? You guys were so busy you totally forgot about movie night," Yongguk teased, pinching your cheeks slightly as you pushed him away, rubbing the spot and glaring back at the cat butler. "As much as I like seeing you guys bicker to no end, we still have a day planned out," Taehyun sighed, strolling towards the ocean as the rest followed suit.
After hours of heart warming talks and silly shenanigans, the moon began to peek out from behind the clouds while the sun was embraced by the calm ocean before you. "it's about time, let's go to our next station!" Kenta cheered as he dragged you up onto your feet and ran straight for the van, the rest taking their time and cherishing the moment as much as they could. "Do you think they'll like it?" Sanggyun asked, a hint of worry and anxiousness floated around him as he struggled to keep the emotions from showing.
"I know they will. In fact, they'll love it so much, they'll start crying," Hyunbin chuckled and if someone were to listen to him a litttle closely, they would have been able to hear the sadness in his tone. It was obvious they were all keeping their emotions bottled up and knowing that letting you know about your emotions would send you into another melt down just like that morning. They just have to hold it in a little longer, make this day as joyous as they could.
"Why do I have to get blindfolded? And are we in a forest? Did you guys come here to kill me instead as a sacrifice?" You threw questions in every which way, confusion and curiosity overwhelming you as you held onto Taedong's and Yongguk's hands tightly, afraid that whatever in front of you, or even your own legs, would trip you. " Is that what our friendship has become?" Yongguk questioned, chuckling at your numerous questions.
"Well, you did choose to feed Tolbi and Lucy first before my dying sick body, so I don't see why me being a sacrifice isn't possible,"
"That was ONE time and I didn't even know you were sick until you came out of your room like a mess,"
"aren't they always a mess though?" Sanggyun added as you attempt to send a punch to the source of the teasing remark and instead hit an innocent passerby as Kenta let out a loud yelp, causing you to remove your blindfold and check on your dear friend.
"Kenta are you o- OMG are you guys crazy? what is this?" You exclaimed, your hands flying to shut your gaping mouth as you admired the set up before you, completely ignoring the injured Kenta. "Yes, I'm very much fine thank you," he sighed, but once he saw the twinkle in your eye, and the lopsided grin, his mind was quickly brought away from the pain and onto you.
"We asked out managers and staff members to help out while we were at the beach. I hope it's enough," Taehyun smiled softly, while you stood before him with your teary eyes. "You guys should be professionals in making people cry like this is the first time I've ever cried three times in a day,"
"But you cried five times when we were having movie night!" Sanggyun stated as a matter of fact while you stood there defeated, silently agreeing while he jogged towards you to hug you tight, saying something along the lines of 'not meaning to hurt you'. But you knew and always have been. It was just his way of showing affection. "You're lucky I'm feeling nice today," you giggled, hugging him tightly as you finished it with a strong loud pat to his back.
"What are you guys waiting for? let's get the meat cooking!" Hyunbin screamed, rushing towards the barbecue pit while the others set up the foldable chairs and brought out some board games to play.
And just like that, hours of joking around and eating an abundance of food came to an end; Kenta still doing his iconic Despacito dance despite the hype of the song being dead, the guys doing aegyo one by one as they attempt to win your hearts, and not forgetting the boys being 'possessed' by Hyunbin with his famous line from Produce 101. Time flew too fast as you sat on the couch with Hyunbin and Sanggyun on either side as all of you cuddled under the blanket pile, sipping on your drinks and watching the fire crackle and slowly burn out.
"Time passed too quickly, huh," Taehyun mumbled, his last few words were stuttered as he began choking up, tears brimming in his eyes as the seconds go on.
"heh, yeah. It all felt like a dream," Sanggyun chuckled but soon kept silent as his head leaned onto your shoulder.
"and we're sorry we couldn't give you much for the amount you've given us," a small sad smile crept onto Donghan's lips as he fidgeted with the bouquet of forget-me-nots with his fingers, lips trembling as he said so.
"B-but I hope you don't forget us," Kenta sniffled, wiping away the stray tears while Yongguk comforted him. "and that you don't forget the moments we had together" Yongguk added on.
"But I'm sure we'll meet again," Taedong spoke up, sitting up from his own foldable chair and squeezing himself into the cuddle pile on the couch. You couldn't help the tears dampening your cheeks and the sneaky mucus threatening to escape. But neither did them. The quiet night that was once filled with laughter and heart-warming talks were now filled with the sniffles of each and everyone of you, no longer being able to keep it in. But with this newfound hope, and the last speck of optimisim swimming in your mind, this was simply a beginning. And that this joyful meeting was the start of something more.
A/N: h a h i almost lost 3/4 of this whole thing but its here!!!! Also i hope my other joyfuls stay strong through this period and if you need a virtual shoulder to cry on, my askbox is always open 💗
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crushenthusiast · 7 years
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Fat mood
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besweetbebiased · 6 years
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Soft-Dom Sanggyun
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lordsicheng · 7 years
Stand By
Kim Sanggyun x OC
g: oneshot, kinda fluffy?? idk
summary: Sanggyun finally gets to see you again after your 2 week trip, but you didn’t know that you were going to arrive home later than expected because of the horrible traffic on the way, so he just does some random stuff while waiting for you, only to end up suddenly preparing himself from his excitement for your arrival
w!: a little bit suggestive oops
requested? yes!♥
You were impatiently sitting inside a taxi cab while on your way home and stuck in traffic, fifteen minutes in as you left the airport. You were beginning to get worried, but your tiredness got over you and you caught yourself almost falling asleep while waiting for the traffic to subside
“Has the traffic been this bad for a while?” you asked the taxi driver as you leaned in a bit
“Even I am surprised, ma’am. It’s not even rush hour.” he sighed as he moved the taxi a bit, and you leaned back on the chair while seated at the back, blowing a raspberry out of frustration
“Don’t worry, I’ll do my best to find a shortcut when we’re near the city.” the taxi driver assured
“Thanks.” you gave a nod as you grabbed your phone and scrolled through your contacts, looking for your boyfriend’s name as you tapped it and immediately dialed his number
“Babe, traffic really sucks right now so I’m really sorry if I arrive home late.” you puffed, looking at your nails
“Ah, it’s alright. I just got home now. Have you eaten?” he asked as he sat down on the sofa
“I just had a snack in the plane, but I’m not really hungry yet.” you pouted as you turned to look at the window, seeing that the cab hasn’t moved much from the traffic
“I can try to cook for you?” he offered
“Kim Sanggyun, I don’t want you to burn the apartment building down.” you rolled your eyes and chuckled
“Okay fine, I’m making ramyun then?” he grinned
“Gee, best boyfriend ever.” you sighed and shook your head
“I’m kidding, but I actually do want some ramyun right now even though I’ve already had dinner with the boys.” he chuckled
“I miss you a lot.” you rubbed your temple with your free hand out of frustration
“2 weeks was too long, babe. I really miss you too.” he whined
“Gosh I have a whiny boyfriend.” you laughed
“How long until you arrive the city?”
“I don’t know, but I’m guessing a little over an hour and a half. Good thing the taxi I got is metered.” you nodded
“Ah, alright. I’ll just wait for you.”
“My battery is going low so I’ll call you when I’m nearby. Love you.”
“Love you too.” Sanggyun dropped the call and put his phone to the side, looking around on what to do while he waits for you to get home
He saw the game console by the TV and looked at the cases of games that were nearby, scrunching up his face as he wasn’t really interested on the games you both had at home
“We need to buy new ones.” he mumbled to himself as he arranged everything back to its place and stood up to go to the bedroom, looking at himself on the mirror as he fixed his hair a bit
“A shower could do the trick.” he nodded to himself and pouted as he kept fixing his hair, shortly taking off his shirt as he looked at the mirror again, admiring his own reflection
“I haven’t worked out in a while.” he sighed and nodded more, laughing to himself as he walked off to the bathroom and grabbed a towel by the door
Sanggyun dried his hair with his towel while holding his phone with his other hand, checking out some new songs he could listen to. He heard the doorbell ring, and he was confused for a second since he wasn’t really expecting anything that time other than you arriving from the airport. He walked over to the door while his towel was on his head, opening it to see one of his friends carrying a box that caught Sanggyun’s attention
“Uh, yes Kenta?” Sanggyun raised his brow as he looked at Kenta and then to the box
“So the postman sent this box to the wrong room, aka mine.” Kenta sighed as he walked inside the apartment and put the box by the sofa
“Are these supposed to be mine?” Sanggyun asked confusingly
“I opened it, and I wish I hadn’t.” Kenta facepalmed and shook his head
“What’s inside?” Sanggyun asked as he went over to the box, partially opened
“Ask your girlfriend.” Kenta walked out of the apartment and closed the door, leaving Sanggyun all perplexed as he continued to rummage through the box, only to be shocked to see a few sets of lingerie you bought online that came earlier than you expected. Sanggyun widened his eyes as he grabbed a bra by its strap, pouting and nodding as he put it back and moved the box aside
“Y/n, y/n. Always full of surprises.” he chuckled to himself and stood up as he then walked over to the bedroom and back to the mirror, raising his shirt a bit to see all of his ‘hard work’
“Hmm, a few crunches wouldn’t hurt?” he thought to himself as he walked back to the living room and laid down on the carpet by the sofa, slowly positioning himself to do a few crunches and stopping every ten crunches before he could do another set
He was able to finish five sets, panting a few times as he realized he was sweating already. He stood up and walked over to the mirror again and this time, he took off his shirt and flexed a bit, admiring yet again his own self
“Now that’s more like it.” he grinned
“Y/n doesn’t know what she’s been missing these past two weeks.” he chuckled to himself and threw his shirt to the laundry basket nearby, grabbing a red plaid bathrobe as he put it on, looking back at the mirror to see if it looked good on him
“Oh, you’re home?” he acted as if you had arrived while looking at the mirror, trying to practice his expression and what he would say the moment he sees you arrive
“Ah, babe, you’re home!” he smirked and wiggled his brows as he continued trying to act out what he should do, eventually becoming tired as he sighed and went back to the living room and lied down on the sofa, grabbing his phone to continue on checking out new songs to listen to
Just a little over forty minutes later, you arrived the apartment and slowly dragged your luggage in. You were about to call Sanggyun, but you saw him asleep on the sofa, chest bare with nothing but the long, plaid bathrobe and black jogging pants.
You chuckled to yourself as you put your bag to the side, seeing the box full of lingerie by the sofa. You widened your eyes as you walked over to the box, and then looked at Sanggyun with an appalled expression. You sighed and grabbed the box, putting them by the bedroom door. You walked back to the living room and leaned over to Sanggyun, kissing his lips since you didn’t want to wake him up. But well, he did.
His eyes widened the moment he saw you right in front of him, immediately sitting up as you just grinned and crossed your arms as you looked at him
“Uh, did you arrive just now or…” Sanggyun mumbled as he scratched his head
“Few minutes ago.” you gave a nod
“I fell asleep…” Sanggyun yawned
“No kidding?” you chuckled and walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water, turning to Sanggyun who stood up, looking all confused again
“Explain to me why you’re wearing such an outfit?” you tilted your head a bit in question while smiling, and he couldn’t help but laugh and become embarrassed
“Well… I got bored while waiting for you, so…” he pouted
“Seems like you enjoyed fumbling through my package over there?” you pointed to the box by bedroom door as Sanggyun also turned to look at it, then looked at you
“Kenta actually brought it here and accidentally opened it because he thought the package was his.” Sanggyun grinned awkwardly, and you widened your eyes as you put the glass away
“Kenta… saw?” you asked in surprise, and Sanggyun slowly nodded
“Um, yeah. Guess he knows what undergarments I wear too now.” you left your mouth open in shock as you tried to walk over to the bedroom, but Sanggyun grabbed your arm and pulled you slowly closer to him into a hug
“Hey, Kenta’s not like that. Besides, he’s just as mortified as you.” he chuckled and kissed your forehead
“I was gonna save those for our anniversary next week.” you pouted, and Sanggyun suddenly widened his eyes again
“Wait… next week?” Sanggyun furrowed his brows
“Oh wow, you totally forgot. Alright.” you sulked jokingly as you pushed him aside and walked over to the bathroom, and he just looked at you confusedly
“Wait, babe!” he called out, but you slammed the door shut right when he was by the bathroom
“Babe, I’m sorry!” Sanggyun said as kept knocking on the bathroom door
“Sure you are!” you yelled back
“No, I really am!” Sanggyun pouted, and shortly, you opened the door and wore nothing but a towel on, which Sanggyun gulped the moment he saw you, but you just crossed your arms and looked at him sternly
“Uh, yeah. I kind of lost track with the dates…?” Sanggyun scratched his head
“Sure you did.” you closed the door again, and Sanggyun just sighed
“Seriously, babe? I’ve waited for you for two weeks and we end up like this?” Sanggyun crossed his arms and whined, but you didn’t reply when in reality you were trying to hold in your laughter and excitement while inside the bathroom
“Babe! Y/n!” Sanggyun called repeatedly and knocked on the bathroom door again, so you finally felt bad and opened the door and grabbed his arm, pulling him inside swiftly and closing the door shut, both yours and his giggles erupting from the bathroom within the next few minutes
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woojinieemoved · 7 years
cuddling with jbj
a/n: hi its my first time doing something with all of the members but i just had to do it bcuz of a convo i had with @jinguobells that started off from sanggyun’s abs to somehow cuddling i hope you enjoy
my masterlist
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Noh Taehyun ―
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ah yes my jbj bias
ok bitch but first you need to go this video and skip to 1:04:25 it will really help out your imagination :-)))))
lol edit sorry i forgot to link the video lmao
if you’re too lazy basically taehyun has got some muscle buildin in his arms
that video is a liiiiiittle old so they might be more defined now ,’;)
anyways, knowing that, he probably has you where he can wrap his arms around your waist and have his head on your collarbones (or tits idk lol)
his grip would be tight but then again it makes you feel safe??? 
plus you can wrap your arms around his head and pet his hair
he’d mess with you and say you smell like a grandma and would be giggling into your shoulder when you playfully smacked him lightly
tbh he would fall asleep first since hes always moving around and he finally feels relaxed once hes in bed with you
gives you time to pepper light kisses on his forehead and moving his hair back to appreciate everything about his face before going to sleep as well
sometimes he would pretend to fall asleep just so he could hear what you were mumbling about him and feel all fuzzy inside 
a whole fuckin mans!!!!
Takada Kenta ―
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this gif is so cute im crying protect this bb
ok but imagine him waiting in bed for you and this is his reaction when he sees you in a cozy sweater (which happens to be his), shorts, and some fuzzy socks and your face slightly flushed from washing it 
he’d coo you to come to him with his arms out and pull you in when you just fall onto him
he would pet your hair softly and run his fingers through it
then he would use both of his hands to grab your cheeks and give you a big kiss
you would probably watch a couple things on netflix before sleeping
gettin to the snuggling part
i feel like kenta would like spooning? he probably likes feeling dominant (not like that nasties) and would like to have his arms around you
he likes the feeling on your arms on top of his when you are in that position 
would probably like to have his face in your hair cuz its soft and it smells nice since you took a shower before coming back to bed
another position he’d prob like is him on his back and you snuggled next to him with your arm on his chest and legs wrapped around one of his
and his arm would be under your head stretched out or wrapped around you
a soft, snuggly man
Kim Sanggyun  ―
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ok just imagine you’re hyunbin dont worry about it
this boy,,,, we all know he sleeps shirtless
ok now get this
he came straight out of the shower, his hair is kinda damp, hes got loose sweat pants barely hangin onto his hips, and this bitch doesnt have a fucking shirt on
honestly you should be used to it by now but you still choke on your own spit when he comes out like that
hes probably looking at his phone while he shuffles towards the bed and you’re like eyeing him the fuck down
this is supposed to be soft i am sorry
similar to the position that hyunbin and he is in in that gif, you’d basically be on top of him
hes shirtless but hes still super fucking warm????
your face would be laying against his chest and his arms would be lazily draped over you or his hands propped on your waist
your legs would be in between his 
you’re basically bear hugging him at this point
since your face is on top of his chest, you could hear his heartbeat
so that, the rising of his chest as be breaths, and the warmth = so therapeutic 
 would place many kisses on top of your head or would whine until you smooched him a couple times on the lips before sleeping
he’d be smiling like the idiot that he is after he got the kisses
Jin Longguo/Kim Yongguk  ―
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ah yes @jinslongguo ‘s mans
we know how much he loves his cats so i assume that he cuddles with them ALOT
but now that you’ve become apart of his life, hes kinda like “????”
bcuz hes just so used to cuddling with 2 small cats how is he supposed to do this with a full grown human!!!
like the first time you guys cuddle, he’d be really awkward and would constantly be fidgeting which made you fidget so its just a never ending cycle of fidgeting bcuz neither of you are comfortable
“omg yongguk pls stay still”
“but idk whats comfortable??? i’ve only cuddled with cats my whole life how am i supposed to do this with humans”
you had to suppress your laugh bcuz he was genuinely confused about it and you had to guide him through basic cuddling
“ok just stay still and i’ll just adjust myself”
a couple shuffles later
“is this what cuddling is”
“are you comfortable”
“yeah, are you not comfortable?”
“no, i am. just checking.” 
save this poor soul
anyways he eventually got used to cuddling and would google more cuddling positions and would bother you to try it out
Kwon Hyunbin  ―
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a very large baby!!!
you’d already be in bed, scrolling thru sns
hyunbin waddles towards the bed bcuz hes just that tired and flops onto it, making you bounce a little from the impact
he would crawl up and plop himself onto you, his face on your tummy and his arms wrapped around you
you would go and pet his hair, pinching his cheeks a little so that he would look up
he would lift his head with big puppy eyes, his chin now resting against you 
“cmon you big baby. your feet are hanging off the bed”
he just shoves his face back into your tummy groaning, the vibrations tickling you a little
then out of nowhere, he would prop himself up to hover over you and attack your neck and face with kisses
this is the same thing as having to calm down your dog that’s way too excited to see you lol
he’d finally stop and roll over to the side of the bed
his arms would be out, a big smile stretched across his face
you’d roll your eyes but smile immediately after, knowing what he wants
and that is...
despite being the giant bear himself, he lovES to cling onto you since you’re smaller that him and just that alone is super cute to him???
and boy hes got some long ass fuckin arms so that shit really wraps around ya good
this results in not being able to get up in the morning bcuz he doesnt want to let go and you cant really do much about it
Kim Taedong  ―
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theres not a lot of gifs of taedong i miss him :(
a man with pretty long arms and big hands like hot damn
anyways, taedong would probably enjoy having you close to his chest, one arm around your waist and the other going around so that he can hold your head softly against him
your head would be resting on his shoulder and your arms would be under his arms, your hands resting on his back
he would rub your back slowly until you fell asleep and would be pretty attentive to your breathing patterns
i imagine him just being so,,, warm,....
sometimes you guys dont even need that much of the blanket bcuz the warmth you two make just get bundled up under the blanket and you both wake up feelings kinda sweaty lol
“we need to get a thinner blanket”
“yeah i dont know why we always fall asleep with this huge fluffy blanket”
this is why you keep a small towel on the drawer incase yall wake up feeling grossly sweaty
Kim Donghan  ―
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kim donghan who idk him
you know it the actual cuddly baby of jbj
an actual kid??? like serously??????
he’d walk into the room with his jammies on, shoving a handful of chips into his black hole of a mouth
cue your mom mode
“donghan no you’re gonna get crumbs all over the bed again”
he would pout but shove more chips in his mouth right after
and you would just give him that mom stare
he’d let out a huff and walk out of the room and walk back in like 3 minutes later
he went to finish the chips in the kitchen lol
you saw him walk in empty handed and smiled
“now you can come on the bed”
will not hesitate to jump onto the bed
“oh ym god how are you not tired enough yet to do this”
he would drag his body up and hover over you with a stupid smile on his face
honestly you cant really stay mad at him for too long, so you just smiled too
he’d lean down to kiss you a couple times and then grab your body, rolling it so you could be on top of him
you guys dont always fall asleep cuddling, but whenever you dont, donghan always ends up wrapping his arms around you
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i hope you enjoy this this took like 2 hours its almost 3 am goodnight
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wanna1studio · 7 years
special notice: here’s a new series with JBJ where it’s based on otome games // hope you like them!!
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genre: FLUFF & SMUFF
ficstyle: chapters & bulletpoints // 
summary: you move into a sharehouse, this is your first time living without friends or family. you’re excited to meet your new roommates.. ONLY TO FIND OUT THEY ARE ALL GUYS. how will your life be like now?
note: it’s all up to you guys to pick who makes your heart flutter huehuehue
you rolled up to the house with your hefty suitcase and a backpack
“JBJ Sharehouse, huh” you whispered as you looked at the house
it was fairly big and it had a big cherry tree in the front yard
you couldn’t wait to meet everyone
“I reckon it’s going to be like a big sleepover! a girl’s night in!” you thought out loud
“well you reckoned wrong there buddy”
you turned to see a tall guy topped with brown hair and different colored highlights that were muted
without a word, he picks up your suitcase that even you struggled carrying with ease and makes his way to the entrance to the house
“who even says reckon anymore..” he mumbles 
“HEY.. WHO ARE.. WHAT DO YOU.. HEY!!” you toggle after him and grab his sleeve
“I didn’t say I needed your help!” you huffed (in his eyes it looked like you were pouting.. it was kinda cute?)
the dude dropped your suitcase in front of the door and smirked
“let me know if you need me to take it to your room” 
he opens the door and leaves it open for you to walk in
(the nerve that boy) you thought
you walked into the house and the interior was super homey!
there were boxes that had your name on them in the living room
(weren’t they suppose to be in your new room?) you scratched your head
you saw a group of guys scattered around the house and you were confused
“wait isn’t this suppose to be a female sharehouse?” you turned to look at the snobby boy from earlier
he pats you on the head, in which you took as him mocking you
“oh.. you’re that poor girl who they didn’t have room for so they stuck you here”
you were in shock, you were excited to live with girls since you grew up in a house and a neighborhood of boys
“now, now Donghan, you didn’t have to say it like that!” a fluffy looking boy pops out from the kitchen (wow he looks like a Shiba Inu)
“hey guys let’s meet and introduce ourselves to our new housemate” the Shiba Inu boy yelled across the house
6 boys lined up, side by side
they were all different, so it was easy to distinguish one guy from the other
a shorter, but mature guy spoke first
“hi, I’m Noh Taehyun, I’m the housekeeper here, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know~”
he gave you a boy-next door vibe; you felt like talking to him would be super easy
surely, he’s someone you can depend on
the next guy was the Shiba Inu boy 
“hello~ I’m Takada Kenta, I’m currently living here as an exchange student from Japan~ let’s get along~”
talk about a fluff ball; you wanted to ruffle his hair and squish his cheeks all day
after Kenta was a calm-looking guy; he gave a mysterious vibe
“um.. I’m Kim Yongguk, I’m also an exchange student but I’m from China.. i hope you’re not allergic to cats because I have two of them..”
“oh, don’t worry! I’m not! I love cats” you assured
he looked at the floor and gave a little smile
wow that was adorable; he seems like the quiet type of person that everyone admires 
(I bet he likes to sit on his window stile and read books as his cats nap on his laps)
you were so focused on Yongguk, you were caught off-guard by an energetic and bubbly chuckle
“if you look at Yongguk for too long, he’s going to turn into stone”
you looked up and blushed as you saw a smiley-eyed boy
he looks like a little troublemaker; maybe a little bit of a playboy as well
“my name is Kim Sanggyun, I work at the cafe right across from here, you should visit me if you aren’t too busy” he winks
(yup definitely a playboy)
you turn your attention towards the tallest being in the room
he looked like a Greek God someone carved into a statue and became human 
how can anyone look so divine
“hey, I’m Kwon Hyunbin, I’m a part-time model, part-time student. If you any interest in photography or modeling, let me know! I’ll talk to my manager”
he’s already accomplished so much at such a young age, I could learn a lot from him 
last but not least, the snobby dude from the entrance
“hmm, well, I’m Kim Donghan, I’m a student and a trainee. Let me know if you need help with carrying” he chuckles
he’s a jerk.. but he’s a good looking jerk
like one of those neighborhood boys you grew up with
at least you’re accustomed to his types
“nice to meet you all.. I’m y/n..I guess.. I DIDN’T MEAN THAT IN A BAD WAY.. I’m just flabbergasted by the turn of events but I hope that I’m not too much of a hassle here at JBJ Sharehouse...”
everyone claps in unison; congratulating your arrival
“ah one thing y/n... you have to share a room with someone here because your room is still under repairs.. who would you like to share a room with? of course it’s only temporary for a month..” Taehyun says
your jaws dropped
first you were shoved into a sharehouse with all-boys
now you have to live with one of them for A MONTH
“isn’t a month too long, hyung?” Kenta exclaims
everyone, including you, nods
“well there’s nothing we can do.. the repairs will take a long time because you guys were being too reckless and now the walls and the windows are in horrible shape. it’s the winter time and I’m not trying to have y/n freeze in her sleep” 
(Taehyun is a literal angel)
Sanggyun looks at you
“well y/n, who do you want to stay with?”
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lordkimhodu · 7 years
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watslyf · 7 years
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was bored so i made a kyoOoT edit of donghan ~ 
fave or reblog if u like it (✧ω✧) 
follow me hehe - watslyf.tumblr.com 
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toppdoggfanfics · 7 years
may i get a smut fanfic of atom x reader
Hi anon!! This was written around last year and thankfully was still saved on my notes so here you go~
“Wat u doin?“ Sanggyun texted. You decided to give yourself a little break and replied to him. He was just 2 rooms away from you, but he’s busy practicing while you are too busy catching up with school to even see each other for a small talk.
It’s been 4 months since you started your internship in Hunus Ent. and in those 4 months, you and Sanggyun have been a little to comfortable around each other.
You didn’t like him at first because in your eyes he was just one talkative, arrogant teen idol who don’t have anything better to do with his free time. But him religiously following you everyday and even rapping freestyle about how to get your number was enough for you to succumb in his charms.
"I’m trying to study 😭”
“They hyungs left already. But I don’t feel like going home yet. 😘”
You decide against not replying because it is obviously an idle talk but you played along after all.
“Then what are you doing there?”
“Waiting for you to see me.” Your heart stopped as you saw his message. As much as you don’t want to admit it, you wanted to see him too. But do you have the luxury of time to be flirting with a bored idol when you have a shit ton of school work?
You decided that a super quick break is probably healthy for your mind. You stood up from your desk, checked your make up before finally walking in to their practice room.
“Sanggyun?” You called as you walk in in the partly lit room. You turned your head to where the light music was coming from and saw a top less Sanggyun, with his back turned against you, just mindlessly browsing his phone.
“Ya!” You screamed to call his attention. He paused the music and turned to look at you.
“You’re here! You didn’t reply. I thought you won’t come.”
“I was tired from all that studying.” You said. You sat beside him and stared at yourself in front of the mirror.
“Eww. I hate studying. That’s why I became an idol.” He replied mindlessly. You were suddenly cautious when he moved closer to you and leaned his head on your shoulder.
“I’m so tired… but I’m having a hard time on the steps so I’m staying late.” He said in a low voice. His hand accidentally brushed yours, making your heart stop for a second.
“You wanna eat out? I’m hungry.” You said to shake off your nervousness.
“Let’s just have a delivery. My treat.”
“No! My treat. I invited you first.” You insisted.
“Let me treat you. Maybe I can win you with that.” He said jokingly. He grabbed his phone to call for a delivery but before he could make a call you snatched his phone from him, making the both of you fall on the floor with you on top of him.
The impact was quite strong that none of you spoke for a minute, recovering from the fall.
You tried to stand up but he stopped you by wrapping his arms around you.
“Ya! You brat, what are you trying to do!”
“I don’t want to let you go yet.”
You tried to squirm away from him but his grip just gets tighter as you move. “Ya! Kim Sanggyun!” You yelled. You tried to shift your position so you can pull away from him but the both of you roll to the side, making him now on top of you. You stopped moving when he pinned both of your wrists on the floor.
“Ya! What are you planning!” You asked him. The room fell silent and he was staring at you intently, his hands still on your wrists. He leaned forward, and you closed your eyes, prepared for what’s coming.
You opened your eyes a few seconds later and found his face just an inch away from you.
“You were waiting for it, aren’t you?” He teased. You felt your cheeks flush so you once again tried to escape from his grip but before you can move, he already pressed his lips against yours. It definitely caught you off guard, but the feeling was not bad. If anything, it was quite pleasant.
He broke the kiss and smiled at you cheekily. “You didn’t resist! I knew it, you like me too!” He exclaimed happily. He was still on top of you and you are starting to feel his weight crushing you.
“Ya, Sanggyun. You’re too heavy.”  
“Want to go on top, then?” He replied cheekily.
“Ya! You are so-” before you could finish your sentence, he leaned again for a kiss but you are prepared this time. You kissed him back and allowed him to explore your mouth with his tongue.
The door of the pracrice room was wide open and if anyone walks past it, they could easily see the two of you on top of each other, kissing hungrily.
You broke the kiss to remind him of the door. He chuckled and hurriedly slam it shut before running back towards you.
“Why are you running? I’m not going anywhere.” He smiled at you ever so gently and it it felt like some force pulled you towards him.
Both of you were standing in the middle of the room now. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck on his lips.
“I hope you don’t think that this is a one time thing for me. I like you. I’m serious about it.” He whispered.
“I know. Don’t worry.” Your hands travelled down to undo his jeans. Sanggyun couldn’t stop himself from grinning, even when you were kissing.
The two of you broke apart for a while to remove your clothes. You were both on your last garment before he pushed you against the wall and slammed his body on yours.
His mouth wandered on you, from your lips down to your neck, to your chest, before going back to your lips again. He grinded on you and you moan on his mouth while pushing back, desperate to feel more of him. You felt a fire-like sensation creeping up your veins as you feel him between your legs. It was your first time and you are clueless but whatever it is he’s doing, it feels so damn good.
Finally, he removed his and your underwear and without breaking the kiss, he guided you on the small couch beside the speaker playing light music.
“I like you so much.” He whispered on top of you. He gave you a last quick kiss on the lips before finally penetrating you. You gasped at the sudden unfamiliar feeling in you and slowly, pain wrapped around your entire body.
A tear escaped from the corner of your eye and Sanggyun brushed it gently with his thumb while caressing your face. His touch has become lighter now, the pain is slowly being replaced with pleasure. You felt his thrusts become gentle, but with force that pulls you into insanity.
“Fuck.” You muttered. It felt good. So good that you didn’t notice you were cursing and moaning and making lewd sounds that  drives Sanggyun crazy.
It was so good that you thought you were slipping into unciousness but each time you are almost gone, Sanggyun hits that one spot that brings you intense pleasure.
“Shit, if you keep making those sounds I’m going to come soon.”
Your heart swelled with joy as his fingers gently travelled on your sides, tracing your arms and finally locking them with your own fingers. He is finally picking up his pace and a loud moan accidentally escaped your lips, causing Sanggyun to curse loudly too.
You felt him throb inside of you and your legs started to shaking and felt weak. Suddenly, you felt a wave of orgasm hit you. Sanggyun thrusted harder as he climaxed together with you.  You bucked your hips up to meet his thrusts to ascent your orgasm more.
You buried your fingers on his back while your other hand cluthes his tightly as the both of you ride your orgasm down.
Sanggyun sat up immediately and you followed suit. He grabbed his jacket on the corner and wrapped it around you.
“I’ve sweat on that jacket tho. But it’s all dried up now.”
“Eww!” You exclaimed playfully! “I’m sorry if it wasn’t what you expected. I know you’ve had sex 100x better than me. You were actually my first so…” Your voice trailed off when he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to him.
“Are you kidding me? It was the best sex of my life!”
“Ya! Stop it Sanggyun. I’m serious. I didn’t have a single clue on what to do.”
“Aww, don’t worry love. We’ve got a lot of time to practice.” He replied.
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