#sano manjiro x fem!reader x kurokawa izana
paroslineage · 5 months
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TW : Gore, Description of Torture, Killing, and Reader death, female reader, Mafia themes, gun violence, shooting, blood.
All boys are aged up don't come at me.
All characters except reader belong to Ken Wakui i do not own them.
Don't steal my idea or I'll hunt you down :D.
Y/N L/N the wife of the most dangerous Mafioso in the of Tokyo having an undettering face of cold ruthlessness and having a uninterested facade is only sweet for his lovely darling YOU.
What happens if the mafia organizations having grudge on your husband go after the unsuspecting sweet little bunny of the dangerous mob boss.
"My sweet darling! I'm home and I brought your favorite choco chip pastry from the bakery!"
"Why is it dark honey?" He chuckles
He turns on the light and what he sees makes his blood run horribly cold.
The entire mansion was ransacked.
The table broken, cabinets upturned and His darling's favourite flower vase shattered.
He drops the box and runs frantically up the stairs pulling out his gun for the the holster to the both of your shared grand bedroom.
He breaks down the door and what he sees makes him turn unhinged.
His darling... Laying on the center of the bed fully bled out.
Five holes on the chest, three in the temple and four in the stomach and two in your abdomen.
But your eyes were stuck open, the life in them drained a long time ago.
He walks over to you, eerily silent kneels on the bed his eyes trembling and hands fiercely cradling you to his chest and he buried your cold little face into the crook of his neck.
"I'm so sorry for being late my dove, forgive this asshole."
"I'll take revenge for you my dove just you see."
"I'll murder those son of bitches and feed their bones to the wolves I swear on your life darling."
He kisses your forehead looking into the empty void of your eyes and closes them by his hand his tears running down his anguished face.
His eyes frantically and disturbingly wide not even once blinking looking into your dead ones...
As he caressed your hair on tenderly kissing you on the forehead right where the bullet mark was present...
God did his heart hurt.
His lips trembled as he spoke but not the words..
They were spoken loudly and fully finalized...
♡ Would be the one to hunt down your murderer
And brutally and ferally slaughter that bastard
That includes.
Gouging their eyeballs, Their brains from their noses, waterboarding them till their last seconds of consciousness, Skinning them alive, flaying them, dipping them in acid.
And lastly shooting them exactly the number of times and the precise location that monster shot you.
Which totals to 14 times.
And then fed them to the wolves of and burning the bones.
"Revenge taken my little dove... Just as I promised."
He whispered quietly to no one as he smoked a cigarette and looked up at the night sky full of stars shining brightly than usual.
With tears dripping endlessly down his emotionless visage.
"I see you looking after and smiling at me darling keep doing that."
He exhaled his smoke through his nose smiling painfully.
"Because soon I'll be joining you up there my love..."
Characters : HANMA , KISAKI , Izana, Kakucho, Ran, KAZUTORA, Rindou, Mikey, Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, SANZU SANZU SANZU.
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suzukis-posts · 5 months
𝗜𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺 - 𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗝𝗜𝗥𝗢 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗢
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Manjiro Sano x Fem!Reader
𝗔𝗗𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗜𝗔: sexo explícito, actitud enojada, breeding. NSFW en general.
Ni siquiera recuerdas la razón por la que estás enojado con él.
Fue un borrón honestamente. Gritos de enfado, portazos, la terquedad tanto tuya como de Manjiro no cesa.
El argumento te trajo aquí. En el club para intentar aliviar la tensión y reconciliarnos.
Fue idea de Draken porque, de lo contrario, Manjiro y tú no habrían intentado hacerlo por ti misma.
Sentada en el taburete de la barra con el cuerpo alejado de Manjiro, tomas un sorbo de tu bebida con una expresión de irritación permanente grabada en tu rostro.
Manjiro es el mismo, mirando al vacío con el ceño fruncido con Draken sentado entre ustedes dos.
Él suspira pesadamente. ── Ya no son niños. Es hora de que ambos se disculpen y lo superen.
── Oh, por favor. No quiero escuchar eso de ti. Tú y Manjiro peleaban todo el tiempo en la escuela secundaria. ── Dices con dureza antes de tomar otro sorbo mientras Draken gruñe.
── ¡Bien! ── Se pellizca el puente de la nariz con un suspiro exasperado mientras se queda en silencio entre ustedes tres.
La música fuerte y estruendosa llenó tus oídos mientras observabas a las otras personas bailar y festejar.
Luces de colores destellaron en tu rostro mientras sorbías sin pensar, la discusión volviendo a tu mente. Ni siquiera recordabas quién estaba equivocado, pero todo lo que sabías era que querías que Manjiro se disculpara primero.
Sí, como si eso alguna vez pasara. Te burlas ligeramente, sabiendo que Manjiro era terco y nunca retrocedía.
Al mirar la figura de Manjiro, lo ves mirando al suelo sin comprender. Con un suspiro, te levantas de tu asiento y alisas tu vestido.
── Bueno, también podríamos aprovechar al máximo nuestro tiempo aquí. Vamos, Draken. ── Lo tomas de la mano y lo llevas a la pista de baile mientras protesta.
── ¿No quieres esperarlo? ── Manjiro observa, con el ceño ligeramente fruncido ante la vista cuando colocas tus manos sobre los hombros de Draken.
── ¿Es esta tu primera vez en un club nocturno? ── Preguntas con una pequeña sonrisa mientras te balanceas suavemente con la música.
── Sabes que me mantengo alejado de este tipo de lugares. ── Draken responde mientras mira tu bonita cara.
Tú tarareas. ── ¿Eso significa que no sabes bailar?
Draken levanta una ceja. ── Puedo arreglármelas muy bien. ── Te ríes antes de darte la vuelta e inclinarte hacia su cuerpo. ── ¿Bien entonces?
Colocas tus manos en el aire y te pierdes en la música mientras Draken lentamente desliza sus manos por tus curvas. Una sonrisa aparece en tu rostro antes de que te tome por sorpresa cuando Draken apoya su rostro en el hueco de tu cuello.
── Hueles bien. ¿Perfume nuevo? ── Una risita juguetona sale de tus labios. ── Nop. El mismo que uso todo el tiempo.
Miras por el rabillo del ojo y ves a Manjiro con una expresión agitada con el codo apoyado en el mostrador.
La satisfacción aumenta en tu pecho, por lo que inclinas más tu rostro cerca del rostro de Draken, lo que hace que inhale con fuerza.
── ¿Es este tu plan? ¿Enfadar a Mikey y ponerlo celoso? ── Draken pregunta sombríamente mientras agarra tu cintura.
Solo le haces un puchero inocentemente hasta que una mano de repente te aparta bruscamente.
── Manjir– ── Comienzas mientras te arrastra fuera de la pista de baile. Miras hacia atrás y ves a Draken solo hasta que Manjiro te empuja dentro del baño.
Con un grito ahogado, te das la vuelta para mirarlo mientras cerraba la puerta. ── Oye, me estaba divirtiendo con Draken, ¿sabes?
Manjiro no quiere escuchar nada de tu descaro, así que te interrumpe con los labios antes de empujarte contra la pared.
Decides que no vas a ceder y lo alejas bruscamente. ── ¡Oye! ¿Estás escuchando? ── Exige con las manos en las caderas, pero su actitud arrogante se tambalea cuando ve la mirada oscura en sus ojos.
Tus muslos inconscientemente se aprietan mientras sientes que tu vientre se enciende.
Manjiro se da cuenta y sonríe. ── ¿Eso es todo lo que necesitas? ¿Una buena cogida para que te comportes?
Tu rostro se transforma en un ceño fruncido, pero antes de que puedas responder algo sarcástico, Manjiro te agarra la cara y te mira a los ojos.
── Creo que he sido demasiado indulgente contigo últimamente. Has olvidado a quién perteneces. ──  Murmura mientras tus rodillas se doblan por su declaración.
Se ríe sombríamente al sentir tu cuerpo tembloroso. ── Chica traviesa. ¿Te gusta cuando soy posesivo contigo? Siempre actúas como si lo odiaras, pero tal vez realmente lo disfrutas. ── Su rodilla roza entre tus piernas haciéndote gemir mientras te mueves para una mejor fricción.
── Este es tu castigo. Recuérdalo. ──  Inmediatamente después de decir esas palabras, te empuja hacia el mostrador del fregadero y te empuja boca abajo.
Ni siquiera tienes tiempo de reaccionar cuando te separa los pies para abrirte las piernas y tira de tus bragas por el suelo.
── Manjiro, espera- ── Jadeas hasta que él rodea tu clítoris con dureza y te causa un espasmo.
── ¡A–Ah-!
── Bien. Eso es todo lo que quiero escuchar de ti. Solo tus bonitos gemidos. ── Manjiro afirma con una sonrisa perezosa mientras te retorcías debajo de él. Él tiene tus manos detrás de tu espalda para evitar que escapes de sus dedos implacables.
Las lágrimas se forman en tus ojos mientras te ahogas con un sollozo, rogándole a Manjiro que disminuya la velocidad.
── Me pregunto si podría hacerte un squirt... ── Murmura para sí mismo, pero lo escuchaste. Algo sobre tu próximo orgasmo se sintió diferente de lo habitual.
── ¡M-Manjiro! Por favor, yo- ── No puedes contenerte más y tu cuerpo se contrae mientras lloras, Manjiro se encontraba metiendo dos dedos dentro de ti.
── ¿Oh, nada? Tendré que esforzarme más la próxima vez. ── Arrulla antes de empujar sus pantalones hacia abajo, sus hábiles dedos abren tu entrada.
Descansas tu cabeza en el mostrador frío, respiraciones pesadas que te dejan, demasiado aturdida para siquiera moverte.
Manjiro toma aire cuando entra antes de agarrar tus caderas con fuerza magulladora.
── A veces actúas como una puta, ¿lo sabías? ── Manjiro gruñe antes de recoger un mechón de tu cabello y levantar la cabeza. Un gemido patético se desliza por tus labios cuando lo sientes golpear contra tu trasero.
── Mira. ── Manjiro jadea. ── Quiero que mires el espejo mientras te follo. ── Tus ojos se abren para ver el gran espejo frente a tu rostro y ves el estado desaliñado de Manjiro. Su cabello rubio está pegado a su frente por el sudor y sus cejas están fruncidas por la frustración.
Él se encuentra con tus ojos en el espejo y hace que tu corazón se salte un latido. Él solo sonríe antes de volver a concentrarse en cómo se movía tu trasero con cada embestida.
── Todo lo que necesitas es mi polla, te hace sentir mejor, ¿no? ── Pregunta con voz ronca mientras se inclina hacia tu oído.
Un gemido lascivo sale de tus labios ante un empujón áspero particular. ── ¡S-sí! M–Manjiro...
── Te amo. Di que me amas. ── Manjiro gruñe mientras sollozas.
── ¡Te amo, te amo te amo! ── Susurras mientras continúas mirándolo en el espejo. Todo sobre él era tan perfecto en tus ojos. El rostro de Manjiro se sonrojó ahora a medida que sus movimientos se volvían más frenéticos.
── Voy a correrme dentro. Yo... ── Manjiro exhala pesadamente, con el ceño fruncido. ── Quiero un hijo _______. Un bebé.
Tu mente estaba en una neblina, pero parecías salir de ella ligeramente por esas palabras.
¿Un bebé...?
Con un gemido tenso, Manjiro finalmente se corre, derramando su semilla dentro de ti. Tu orgasmo llegó con él, los ojos se cierran mientras disfrutas de su cálido líquido llenándote.
Manjiro eventualmente se aleja después de un momento y suelta tu cabello. Suspiras y descansas en el mostrador, sin apenas tener fuerzas para levantarte.
Él ve su semen a punto de gotear, así que con el ceño fruncido, rápidamente te levanta las bragas. Te da la vuelta suavemente para que puedas mirarlo, te sostiene cerca de su pecho mientras te alivia el cuero cabelludo.
── ¿Duele? ── Pregunta en voz baja mientras sacudes la cabeza con cansancio.
── Estoy bien. ── Tu susurras. Incluso después de estar enojado, Manjiro seguía velando por tu bienestar. Pasa un momento de silencio hasta que abres la boca. ── Yo–
── Lo siento. ── Manjiro se disculpa primero mientras frunces el ceño y lo miras.
── Iba a decirlo primero. ── Saca la lengua juguetonamente. ── Sí, bueno, te gané.
Ambos se ríen antes de limpiarse para verse presentables antes de irse. Al salir del ruidoso club con Manjiro, ves a Draken apoyado contra la pared con las manos en los bolsillos.
Se da cuenta de tu presencia y te mira. ── Bien. Entonces supongo que las cosas se han arreglado. ── Él dice mientras se pone de pie mientras ustedes dos se acercan.
Te ríes tímidamente mientras arreglas tu cabello. ── Sí. Gracias por venir con nosotros Draken. Lamento que hayas tenido que esperar tanto...
Aparta la mirada. ── No te preocupes por eso.
Manjiro bosteza mientras camina adelante. ── Vámonos a casa. Estoy cansado.
Tú y Draken los siguen mientras caminan uno al lado del otro, la brisa fresca les roza suavemente la cara.
── Sabía que esto se resolvería rápidamente. Después de todo, Mikey te ama. ── Draken te sonríe mientras te sonrojas.
A punto de responder, Manjiro de repente salta con el ceño fruncido.
── ¿Eres tonto Ken-chin? ¡No la amo! ── Sientes como si te hubieran apuñalado en el corazón cuando la cara de Draken pasó de la sorpresa a la ira. ── Mikey- ── Exclama en tono amenazante hasta que Manjiro continúa.
── Pero yo… ── Aparta la mirada, sus mejillas se tiñen de rojo. ── Realmente, realmente, realmente, realmente, te amo. ── Afirma mientras se encuentra con tus ojos tímidamente.
Lo miras fijamente, con la boca abierta antes de hacer un puchero, con lágrimas en los ojos. ── Estúpido. ── Draken suspira mientras Manjiro sonríe antes de alejarse para reanudar la marcha.
── Él es un idiota. ── Draken sonríe mientras te mira para ver que te estás limpiando los ojos con un brazo.
── No llores _______. Volvamos a casa de regreso con Emma e Izana! ── Manjiro sonríe alegremente mientras toma tu mano.
Olfateas y asientes ── Está bien. Pero es tu culpa. ── Manjiro solo se ríe antes de arrastrarte con Draken siguiéndote.
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hxpel3s5-slxxt · 5 months
𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧
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❝𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐞; 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧..❞
╰┈➤ I thought coming back to Tokyo was going to be an easy task. I had a stable job and not-so-stable friends. But what happens when the instability causes me to not only meet these handsome men, but put myself in danger?
﹄Manjiro Sano, Ken Ryuguji, Baji Keisuke, Kazutora Hanemiya, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Izana Kurokawa, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Hanma Shuji, Nahoya Kawata, Souya Kawata, Hakkai Shiba, Mitsuya Takashi, X Fem!Black!Reader
﹃ angst, 18+, MDNI, cheating, love triangle, smut, fluff, black!reader, first timeline, bonten timeline, mentions of pregnancy, tension, weapons, heartbreak, mentions of breeding, blood, unhealthy relationships, canon-typical violence, weddings, language, suggestive content, mentions of alcohol, smoking, drugs, suicide ideation, graphic depictions of suicide, sexual assault attempt, triggering language based off sexual assaults, homosexuality, homophobia, nonconcensual videotaping/photography, sharing of private footage/images, harassment, abuse, manipulation, hallucinations, symptoms of PTSD, graphic depictions of torture, additional tags may be added as the story progresses.
Chapter 1: Heavenly
Chapter 2: "Sick"
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©all works belong to @hxpel3s5-slxxt. Do not copy, repost, or claim as your own.
Inspired by @physicalturian and @rjbaxter (wattpad & AO3 only)
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Hello! can I ask for "sitting on their lap" with fem reader and Mikey and Izana?
okay first off, i firmly believe this man gets rock hard whenever you sit on his lap or brush through/pull his hair
something so subtle but gets his nerves going
sitting on his lap is also one of his to-go-to’s
will ask you to during meetings
might also absent-mindedly grind into your clothed cunt and won’t even realize it-
i mean come on, he won’t just leave you hanging, but he just has to tease you beforehand 😞
wouldn’t mind
will def ask for it as a relaxing sorta thing
but grind on him once and you send him into oblivion. he is just done
also, let’s be honest here, he probably longs for cockwarming but just doesn’t know how to ask for it
all he wants is to stuff your cunt full while he works or is in a meeting 🙁
sitting on his lap starts this want too
but… don’t worry. he will get equally as needy regardless and will ask to fuck eventuallyyy
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m-ilkiee · 4 months
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Monsters: Manjiro "Mikey" Sano x Reader x Izana Kurokawa
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“He ate my heart”
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Pairings: Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano x female reader, Izana Kurokawa x female reader
Series summary: Your grievous sin was Emma standing up for you to her brothers. And now you’re going to pay the heavy price for destroying their perfect family dynamic.
Content warning generally: DARK CONTENT, Tokyo revengers AU, female reader, virgin reader, heavy smut, polyamory, Dark Impulse Mikey, Manipulative Izana, inaccurate/inconsistent university terminology, heavy angst with little comfort, betrayal, misogyny and sexism, emotional, physical and mental abuse, mental break, manipulation, gaslighting, sexual harrassment, dubious consent, noncon, drug, alcohol and substance misuse/abuse, extreme violence, use of weapons, Torture, criminal activities, PTSD, paranoia, emotional incest, power imbalance, character death(s) (not reader), anal penetration, mention of self-harm, religious guilt and trauma, religious themes, Vouyeurism, gangbang, masochism, sadism, hard kinks, strangulation (non sexual), psychological horror (more warnings to be added soon)
main masterlist||taglist link||playlist
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Chapter 1: Warning Signals
chapter summary: Being friends with Emma Sano is nice, until you get on the wrong side of the Sano brothers.
cw: DARK CONTENT, NSFW, misogyny, alcohol/drug use, brief mention of violence, religious and purity culture themes, classism, slutshaming, p*rn mention, sexual assault, noncon, public initimacy, fingering (fem recieving), dacryphilia, gaslighting, manipulation, mention of vomitting, victim blaming.
wc: 10.1k
Chapter 2: Shots Fired
chapter summary: Izana Kurokawa demands your attention and he doesn’t take no for an answer. Not even when his demands are outrageous.
cw: DARK CONTENT, MISOGYNY, NSFW, r*pe mention, depictions of PTSD and CPTSD, emotional incest, incestuous assault (NOT THE SANOS), abandoment issues, violence, revenge porn, depression, filming without consent, drugging, domestic (physical and sexual) abuse, victim blaming, blackmailing, depictions of rape culture, manipulation, gaslighting, noncon, dry humping, mind break, psychological and sexual torture, use of firearms, attempted su*cides
wc: 11.6k
Chapter 3: The Lesser of Two Devils
chapter summary: Emma has a suspicion that both her brothers are into you when you all go shopping. She couldn’t be farther from the truth.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 4: The Calm
chapter summary: After your college professor tries to harass you for grades, you turn to the oldest Sano for help. But nothing comes for free, not even for Emma’s sweet friend.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 5: Act on Dark Impulses
chapter summary: You knew better than to trust Mikey and Izana. Yet you fall for their plan hook, line and sinker and live through the worst night of your life.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 6: The Closest you’ll ever get to being in Love
chapter summary: Things get sicker and twisted with the two brothers and Emma is none the wiser.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 7: Trials and Tribulations
chapter summary: You learn the hard way what happens when you refuse to be their stress relief because of your important exams.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 8: Divine Intervention
chapter summary: You are called home to bury your mother and learn that nothing has changed since you left.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 9: Lead me not into Temptation
chapter summary: Emma notices that something isn’t right with you when you come visit her in the Sano residence.
cw: coming soon
Chapter 10: Deliver Me from All Evil
chapter summary: You’ve finally broken the cycle, but at what cost?
cw: coming soon
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authors notes: updates are irregular, depending on when i have time. some chapters have been re-written to fit the original storyline. don't pressure me to update and please don't be rude to me. I do not condone any negative actions done on this fic. comments, reblogs and asks are very much appreciated. if you are a minor, please refrain from interracting with this series.
taglist (please turn on your mentions in 'settings' before filling the form.): @officiallyjaehyuns @haikyuusboringassmanager @ilybbg @merrymerrykiss @cockonoi @Rindou24689 @short-cxke @kokoch4n3l @GenAwi @ryuguji-sana @nuyoo @getonite @anxious-chick @reiners-milkbiddies @kiwixpi @gh0stgirl333 @brisssaaa009 @fushiqruo @kawaiikoalagarden @damidamimongalam @raven-nevra
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yanderederee · 6 months
𖤐 FandomList 𖤐 YandereEventMasterList 𖤐
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Tokyo Revengers
SlusheePreferences Headcanons - All
TomanBand Headcanons - multiple
StarGazing Ask - Mitarashi
PrettyBoy - Chifuyu Matsuno
Trying to Leave Him - Izana Kurokawa
Collateral - Takashi Mitsuya <yandere>
LibraryKisses - Manjiro Sano
ForeverYours - Manjiro Sano
Love,Manjiro - Manjiro Sano <nsfw>
Perfect - Manjiro Sano <nsfw/yandere>
Misguided Drabble- Manjiro Sano <ansgt>
I’mHere - Manjiro Sano <yandere>
Dear Dead, All Mine - Manjiro Sano <yandere>
FragileDearest › Baji x Tutor!Reader Series
Burn it Down - Baji Keisuke <yandere prompt>
CaughtOffGuard - Baji Keisuke <nsfw>
Nightmares - Baji Keisuke <angst>
Teasing - Baji Keisuke
SocialCues - Baji Keisuke <comfort>
Rest - xTimeskip Baji Keisuke <comfort>
Neurodivergent!Reader Ask - Baji Keisuke
Wind Breaker
TummyAche - Hiragi Toma
Orange Theory - Bofurin
Negai no Astro / Astro Royale
OnStage - Kuran Yotsurugi
Kuroko no Basket
LittleSnack - Atsushi Murasakibara
PurpleRosesxCandyRain - Atsushi Murasakibara <nsfw>
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
MeantToBeMine - Gokudera Hayato <yandere prompt>
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*most posts are written in Fem!Reader perspective …
*please reference my Intro Post of extra information
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
and what about tiny boys in the omegaverse?? (waka, mikey, izana, fuyu)
Good Things Come In Small Packages: Manjiro Sano/ Wakasa Imaushi/ Izana Kurokawa/Chifuyu Matsuno x Fem!Reader 
wc: 1.8k
tw: smut & fluff
Manjiro Sano - Alpha (smut)
Mikey is mean when he's in a rut. Mean like grabbing your hips and jerking them against his.
"Hips up for me, baby."
He's dirty. Like... finger in your ass dirty.
"Got you all worked up now, huh?"
You look up at the black-haired man and allow yourself a moment of pleasure before pretending to hate it again. "Mikey, you're so rough..."
Mikey chuckles, twisting the finger in your ass a little. "You're so submissive for me, though. Want me to ease up and go slow?" You shake your head no, then bury it in the covers. "Ah, ah, ah." The blanket is snatched off of your head, and Mikey pulls you up to meet him thrust for thrust.
"What, princess?" Mikey wonders, shoving his full length, knot and all, into your waiting pussy. "You don't want me to stop, do you?" Your entire body yearns for him. You shake your head no again, and Mikey runs a hand down to your clit before biting your earlobe.
"You're gonna let the whole pack know whose pussy this is before the night's over." You cry out a little, stars dancing in your vision as he picks up his speed again. Mikey holds you against him and doesn't let up, even for a second, but when you almost go limp from overstimulation, he lays you across the bed.
His hands roam around your flesh as he drills his cock into you ruthlessly. "This pussy is mine," he growls ferally. "All mine."
Wakasa Imaushi - Alpha (smut)
"It's for the good of the pack."
You're laying on your back underneath a long-haired alpha, his features smoothed into a half-bored, half-asleep expression with fully lidded eyes and soft grunts reminding you of snores. But they're not snores, and he's fully awake. His hips remind you of that.
"I'm sorry it has to be this way," he said before undressing and folding his clothes neatly. You watched as he placed them on the end of the bed and then motioned toward you. Lay on the bed.
You return to the sensations building between the two of you, the feeling of his knot swelling and your heart beating ever-so-fast. It's common for an omega to be mated with an alpha of a different pack, but this differs from how you imagined a courtship. It had been a middle-of-the-night thing with hurried rituals and rushed ceremonies. All of them left you breathless and unsure, especially this one.
The red stains of your former virginity are on a sheet tossed to the floor, but you can't think about your former ways now. You're fully engaged in sex with your... husband.
"Ah," you groan, the knot at the base of Wakasa's dick swelling even more.
"Mmm," the man murmurs, burying his head in your neck. "I'm gonna cum."
Your slick - produced by a false method to prepare you for this - makes a sound you can't quite place, but Waka doesn't seem to mind. In fact, it seems this makes his thrusts sloppier and more hurried, each one rocking you against the sheets.
"Oh, god," he whines, squeezing his eyes shut and cumming long and hard into you. You gasp as his cock pulses inside you, and the knot sinks in a little deeper - further than you thought possible. When all is said and done, Wakasa moves you so you're lying on your side and facing him. "My knot will go down soon," he huffs. "Are you okay?"
"'M fine," you grumble, tucking your face into his chest. Waka places an arm around you and kisses your forehead tenderly.
"Just rest." Those two words ease your transition into sleep. When you awaken, Waka isn't there. The sheets at the foot of the bed are gone, and you can smell the coffee being prepared from the kitchen downstairs.
Just as you shift up from the bed, the door opens slightly, and Waka walks in, his hands holding orange juice, fruit, and eggs. "You're up," he mentions, barely smiling. You don't reply, but you watch him carefully place things on the night table beside you. "Thought you'd like something to eat."
"Where's the coffee?" you wonder, and Waka snaps his fingers.
"That's what I forgot." He disappears only to reappear with a steaming mug filled with coffee. When it's cooled, you take a sip and taste the familiar flavors of your usual homemade brew. "Two sugars, three creams." You peer at him over the mug, and he smiles sheepishly. "Your parents told me. How are you feeling?"
"Fine," you reply, noting the sticky feeling between your legs. "A little sticky."
"That can be fixed with a shower." Before Waka can walk off, however, you reach out for him instinctively.
"You should eat." Waka blinks, but you offer him a slice of apple. He grabs your wrist and feeds himself by your hand, his tongue swirling around your fingers lasciviously. You shudder in pleasure, and Waka grins.
"You're right," he begins. "I should eat."
Izana Kurokawa - Alpha (fluff)
You're lost. You're horribly lost in the dark. In the dark and on one of the emptiest streets in a town you don't know.
“This is not a place for a tiny Omega to be this late at night.” You leap out of your skin, holding tightly onto your sweater. You turn around and spot the white-haired man lingering in the alleyway with his arms crossed.
"I... I..." The scent of the man in the alley is strong and heady, and you begin to feel fearful in the presence of an Alpha. You're an unmated Omega wandering around in a city you have no clue about; you're prime real estate by all accounts.
The alpha shifts off the brick wall and smirks at you, his purple eyes flashing as if he was prepared to play a game with you. "Are you going to run?" Your feet don't move even though your common sense tells you to take off. You're... stuck.
The man stops in front of you, reaching out to stroke your cheek before twirling a strand of your hair around his finger. "You smell incredible."
"Please," you murmur, feeling your stomach quiver. "I--"
"Where did you plan on going from here? I can get you there, sweetheart." You suddenly can't remember as his scent envelopes you. All of your senses calm to a slow crawl as his musky, warm, spiced scent eases you into a dream-like state. "Let me get you there," he murmurs gently, tilting his head.
You reach out to him and take his hand as if you were in a dream, holding onto him with only a shred of sanity left. When the man gets you to his car, you find your tongue to ask him his name. He replies, "Izana," so casually as if you'd asked him what color his shoes were. You can't imagine being anywhere but in his car, in his presence, and saying his name back to him like a transfixed siren.
"I'll protect you," Izana states, turning the key to start the car. As it rumbles to life, you reach for the buckle, but Izana is already leaning over you, his hands making quick work of the device. He takes his time to lean back into his seat, his eyes lingering on your lips, and then wandering up to your eyes once more.
"What?" you wonder, your voice barely a whisper as Izana settles in his seat.
"Nothing. Are you visiting from out of town, or..."
"Yeah," you quickly chime in. "I'm staying in a hotel but was hungry and didn't have a car, so..." Izana puts the car in drive and coasts out of his parking spot.
"We have food at the pack house," Izana begins, flicking on his turn signal. "Or we can get McDonald's if you'd like. That's the closest thing to us."
"McDonald's is okay." You settle into silence as the car makes a few turns before merging onto the highway. You know you should be frightened by an unknown man chauffeuring you around a city you don't know, but there's something so soothing about him that makes you feel warm and--
"You have a pack?"
"A pack of what?" you shoot back, but when you look away from the window, a frown has settled onto Izana's face.
"A pack," he states again. The meaning settles into you, and you look away nervously. "You don't smell like..."
"I don't," you admit. "I've just been wandering for a while."
A ghost of a sad smile crosses Izana's face. "I know what you mean." He clears his throat suddenly and murmurs, "My pack is full of those who don't have a biological family. For... whatever reason."
The bright lights of a McDonald's cross your vision, and you grip the edges of your jacket. "Maybe we can eat there, then."
"At the house?" Izana wonders, and you nod. He smiles gently, reaches over to squeeze your thigh, and then chuckles. "Not unheard of. McDonald's is kind of trash anyways. I'll introduce you to the boys. We'll be happy to have you."
Chifuyu Matsuno - Beta (fluff)
“You don’t happen to have any heat suppressants on you, do you?”
The shocked beta stands in the doorway, his eyes glazing over as your scent hits him. "I, uh..." The pause is enough for you to stare at him for a moment, then he scrambles into his dorm, leaving the door ajar for you.
After slipping past it, you walk into the somewhat messy area and watch while your close friend looks around for something he probably doesn't have.
"Y/n," he mumbles, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. "I don't have any. But I..." As you prepare to leave, he stands akimbo in the room but then offers his hand. "I could help if you wanted."
"How?" you wonder, and Chifuyu smiles shyly.
"Baji taught me a thing or two a few years ago."
It's uncommon for betas to want to help with a heat or encourage anything other than sex - however casual it may be - with an Alpha. But seeing as Baji was nowhere to be found and Chifuyu felt up to the task, you lay on the surprisingly comfortable bed and cuddled by the warm and inviting beta.
"Baji taught me that I could hold an Omega close and turn the heat into something less... uh..." Chifuyu fumbles for the word, but you nod, understanding it. "Just let me know if you start to feel uncomfortable."
"This is nice," you hum, snuggling into Chifuyu's soft shirt. His scent lulls you into a gentle desire to be held and never let go. "This is really nice."
"Yeah," Chifuyu whispers, resting his chin on your head. "He said he would do this all the time with his mate. She'd be intensely in heat, too. I'm surprised he made it through all of that without..."
The silence is enough for the both of you to settle in, and your eyes flutter shut as Chifuyu begins to talk again, his voice soothing you to sleep.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 2 years
May i have mikey, mitsuya, and izana having a sex with they s/o.
I want to suck izana dick
Since there are a few characters on here I'll make these little drabbles for you. 😙 Here goes nothing, I think this might be one of the first TR requests I've gotten on here, other than Draken things anyway since that's my main mans right there. 😌
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Genre: drabble
Character(s): Mikey Sano, Takashi Mitsuya, Izana Kurokawa (x reader)
TW: pet names, nsfw content, smut, 18+ content, fem!Reader, cunnilingus, oral sex, blow job, inappropriate language (swearing)
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Manjiro "Mikey" Sano:
The way your name rolled off his tongue was intoxicating, and the way his hips thrust into your own was just as bad. Mikey Sano knew exactly what he was doing and he wouldn't ever let you forget it. The way your walls squeezed around his shaft over and over as they pulsated... and he couldn't help the small moans that accompanied the way that he slowed his pace. "Fuck, feels so good angel."
Your hips pushed back on him, matching his movements, slowing when he did to keep that rhythm. Every time you were with him it was like the first time all over again. Always making it special for you, no matter what he had to do. "Mikey- s'good. I'm so... so close."
Knowing that he had you on the verge of falling apart seemed to give him a second wind. He would never get enough of you. The way you sounded. The way you moved. The way your face scrunched up as you gripped onto the bedsheets, knuckles turning white. Everything you did was food for him, taking it all in as he took a fist full of your hair and tugged, speaking softly in your ear. "Mmm, gonna cum nice and hard for me? Is that what you're gonna do angel?"
"Y-yes. Just wanna cum. M'so close, fuck." Everything threatened to fall apart as your walls clenched around him. A warmth flooded your body as you rode out your high, nails digging into his back. That's what he had wanted and he was more than happy to be the person that delivered it for you.
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Takashi Mitsuya
His fingers dug into the sides of your thighs as you squirmed underneath him. The way his tongue flicked over your sensitive bud felt like heaven, your legs trembling as he tried to hold you in place. "Now now, pretty baby. Don't go running away from me now. I'm not finished with you."
He taunted more as he moved a hand between your legs, loving how your face contorted as he spoke, the bliss almost too much for you to wrap your head around. "You always look so beautiful when I have you at my mercy. Such a desperate baby, who just wants to get that release. Don't you?"
You nodded your head quickly, hands covering your eyes as you tried to stop yourself from moving around as much as you were. It was futile as he nipped at the inside of your thigh, tongue darting in and out of your core as his thumb rubbed circles over your clit. "W-wait, fuck, I'm not gonna make it much longer."
Takashi chuckled against you, the vibrations sending even more pleasure through your body, coming up for air one more time as he coaxed you toward the climax that you so desperately wanted. "Isn't that exactly what you want, darling? To see nothing but white as you feel better than you ever have before? Go on. Cum for me."
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Izana Kurokawa
His hand rested on the back of your head as he smirked down at you. You had always looked the best to him settled between his legs. He loved you, he really did, but there was just something that was so inebriating about the way you looked with your hands on his thighs and your mouth on his cock.
He hummed with contentment as he helped your head bob up and down, fingers wrapped into your hair. "Such a good girl. Making me feel so good, you know that?" A sharp breath left him as his cock twitched against the roof of your mouth. "Just like that baby, gonna make me finish early if you keep that up."
Your tongue swirled around his tip as you chuckled softly, every noise and every word that he praised you with was enough to keep you going as long as he wanted you to. The tug on your hair made a small moan escape your lips, the feel of it against his length making it twitch once more. He was close, the way that he tugged harder and harder on your hair with every passing second told you that.
Your hands reached up, nails running down his chest as you looked back at him with those signature bedroom eyes that you had always been so good at. "Can't believe you're still playing this little game after all of this time, but I guess I couldn't ask for a better baby, now could I?" His head fell back as he felt his climax hit him, a loud groan filling the room as he emptied himself out. "What am I ever gonna do with you?"
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Taglist: @monic00l @strangeinternetwasteland @kyu-pine @kaissimpparks @nikiniki743 @saudade-mayari @mykuronekome @inu1gf @trinityjadec @passionateuchiha @gonuclear @stygianoir @animepickle7 @kaiyaki-sano
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©️2023 bakubabes-tatakae, please do not repost/modify without permission, please do not use my work as ASMR without my permission
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hey Softxsuki; nice to meet you, I'm
Mitsuya's Babygirl.
I don't know if you consider this urgent request, But if you are okay with it.
Can I get a request with female sick reader who has vary bad allergies such as dry stuffy nose, painful ear ache at same time drainage in the ear into the throat , arthritis pain in the upper body, vary sore throat and upset stomach.
On top being vary emotional when not well and being vary clingy too.
Reader wants lots of love and care.
Reader wants Shinichiro Sano, Manjiro Sano, and Izana Kurokawa to stay by her side. She just to cuddles and by cuddle I mean being right up against them in bed grip their shirt because it bring Reader comfort. Reader also would like to get get forehead kisses, and to be care for.
I do not feel too good; bad allergies, dry stuffy nose, painful ear ache and drainage in the ear which cause my throat to hurt, arthritis pain in the shoulder,neck,part of my arm too, and upset stomach.
On top be vary emotional right now, I don't know why, but when I don't feel good; I get vary emotional and cry for no reason. I want some one to care for me and cuddles in bed, give me forehead kisses, and let me grip Their shirt for comfort unlit I fell asleep. 🤒🤧🥺
Shinichiro and Mikey (Separate) Comforting Reader When She's Sick
Pairings: Shinichiro x Fem!Reader, Mikey x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of feeling sick/not feeling well
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 630
Summary: In which Shinichiro and Mikey comfort you through your sickness that you got from your allergies
[A/N: Hey! Nice to meet you! Thank you for your patience! Unfortunately I don't write for Izana, so I had to exclude him. I also just recently added Shinichiro to my writing list (I still don't know a ton about him) so apologies if his part is shorter or not as accurate as I'd like it to be. I hope this does give you some comfort though. I hope you're feeling better, but if not, I'm sending you all my well wishes that you get better soon! Enjoy <3]
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Gets so nervous
Thinks you’re about to die and debates whether he should take you to the hospital or not but just let him know that you’re this way because of your allergies, that should calm him down
He’s at your service–whatever you need he’ll bring it to you
Doesn’t really want to get sick as well, but if you ask him to stay near you and allow you to cling to him while you were sick, he wouldn’t say no
So he sucks it up and decides to accept the sickness that will eventually befall him as well
It pains him to see you in so much discomfort and pain, he knows what it feels like to be unwell of course, and wishes you didn’t have to go through the same thing
Internally starts to freak out when you cry because he genuinely doesn’t know how to help you feel better other than give you the medicine you have in your house and hold you close
He’d run his fingers through your hair as you cling to his shirt and whine in pain as you’re half asleep
Really, he just wants you to sleep as much as possible so you don’t have to be in pain
Relief floods through him whenever your eyes finally close and your grip on his shirt loosens
He takes your hand in his and holds it, staying by your side the whole time, praying for you to get better soon
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I picture him to also be clingy so he welcomes your clinginess during your sick days
Work? What is that? You’re entirely his until you’re feeling better
Doesn’t care that you could get him sick, he welcomes all the germs to infect him as well, it would be proof of his love and care for you
He can’t cook for the life of him so he probably calls Draken or Mitsuya over so they can buy you something soothing to eat that might help you feel better
He WOULD go get it himself, but he doesn’t want to let you out of his sight or leave you alone–not even for a second
When they arrive with your light,soothing food like soup or porridge, he doesn’t let them get a glimpse of you, just opens the door a crack, takes the bag of food, mumbles a quick thanks, and then closes the door again
Back in bed, he helps you sit up a bit and feeds you the food he got
It’s painful to swallow from your sore throat, but he urges you to take at least a few bites, knowing the importance of having something in your stomach when you’re sick
Afterwards, he invites you into his arm and you both cling to each other
Fear settles in the pit of his stomach at your condition, though he tries to rationalize with himself that it’s just a cold because of your allergies, he’s always scared of losing you
You pull on his heart strings as tears start to fall from your eyes–you’re the only one who has this effect on him and he’s mad that he can’t do much to help you other than remain by your side
So as you drift off to sleep in his arms, your hand still tightly gripping his shirt for comfort, he presses a kiss to your forehead and keeps his eyes on you
Literally stays up all night watching you, putting a finger under your nose to make sure you’re still breathing
He’s tense the whole night until you awaken the next day and reassure him that you’re feeling a lot better, only then would he be able to fall asleep, knowing you’ll be okay and there when he awakens again
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Posted: 6/13/2023
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katsune-nya · 1 year
♡ Masterlist ♡
Requests: OPEN!
SMAU Masterlist.
Headcanons Masterlist.
One Shots Masterlist.
TR Memes.
Drabbles Masterlist
Tetta Kisaki:
Stressed Tetta.
Shiba Siblings:
Taiju's lil babies are gay.
Hakkai Shiba:
A beast in bed.
Incorrect Quotes:
"Mikey" Sano Manjiro:
Masochist Mikey.
Y/N fell.
Two straws, please.
Mikey is cute and small.
Draken loves Mikey.
Responsible adults.
Anatomy test.
Little brother things.
Third raccoon battalion.
Step on me.
Difficult life.
Takemichi Hanagaki:
Dating advice.
Push and Pull.
"Draken" Ryuguji Ken:
Do you hear something?
Mikey's love advice.
Being that pretty must be tiring.
The clock is ticking. (Ft. Mikey)
Draken, to the front desk. (FT. Y/N and Mikey)
Edgelords. (Ft. Y/N)
Mikey's in trouble. (Ft. Y/N)
Matsuno Chifuyu:
Fuyu loves chaotic Y/N.
Fuyu is in love.
Baji Keisuke:
Kei thinks. (Ft. Fuyu.)
Lying. (Ft. Y/N.)
Hanemiya Kazutora:
Y2K flavored baggage.
Kazu has a very normal crush.
Kawata Twins:
Kawata Twin vibes.
Hanma Shuji:
Lazy Shuji ain't getting any tonight.
Hanma is a Kisaki Simp.
Friends with benefits?
Pick-up lines.
Did it hurt when you fell?
Hanma's motto.
Sapiosexual Shuji.
Give Tetta a break.
Shuji has a crush ♡ (Hankisa).
In love. Ft. Tetta.
Tsundere Y/N. Ft. Tetta.
Kisaki Tetta:
Sapiosexual Shuji.
Stupid Hanma.
You should touch some tits.
Bottoming? (Ft. Hanma)
"When I first met you-" (Ft. Hanma)
Shiba Yuzuha:
Bro, i had a dream...
Down with murder. (Ft. Emma)
Girls like flowers. (Ft. Taiju)
Don't break someone's heart.
Lets tell a secret.
Gay name.
Shiba Hakkai:
Dealing with haters.
Kurokawa Izana:
Sano Emma:
Mikey's grounded.
Climber Y/N.
Mizo Middle Five:
Mizo Five after a fight.
Mizo Five VS big tiddie vampires.
Mizo Five and Joe Mamma jokes.
Mizo Five when Michi and Hina finally do it.
Mizo Mid and the shared braincell.
Mizo Mid under censorship.
Akkun's First Detention.
Mizo Five home alone without Mom Akkun.
Mizo Five playing hide and seek.
What do rainbows mean?
One shared braincell.
It's always Michi's fault.
Mold water.
Would they stab someone?
Platonic pick-up lines.
Friendship is ruined.
"Akkun" Sendo Atsushi:
I'm in love.
Yamamoto Takuya:
You get catcalled.
Suzuki Makoto:
Takemichi VS Draken when their gfs are cold.
Hina is the best wing woman (Drakemma + Takehina).
Girl Talk~ (Emma, Hina, Yuzuha, Senju).
Housewife Emma (Ft. Draken).
Team Park. (Baji, Fuyu, Ken, Mikey, Tora, Y/N)
Point of view. (Mikey, Fuyu, Baji, Ken)
in the works (please tell me if you want 'em so i have pressure to actually finish them):
Keisuke Baji Random Texts 2 and 3.
What the characters smell like (mean).
What the characters smell like (nice).
Akkun x Reader (Mizo Middle Five Six, reader is a fellow friend). Mutual pinning.
Shinichiro's First Kiss. (Shinichiro x GN!Reader. Various alternatives cuz i just have so many ideas.)
Mitsuya x GN!Reader. Slow Burn. Reader is in the home economics club. Mutual Pinning. Idiots in love.
Kokonoi x Male!Reader x Inui.
Ran x Reader x Rindo (x South) Dom!Haitani Sub!Reader (Dom!Cuckhold!South).
Tetta Kisaki x Reader CNC.
Shuji Hanma x Kisaki!Reader (Tetta's older sister).
Sanzu x Haitani!Reader (Sanzu offers drugs to the youngest Haitani in exchange for sex ♡).
Shin-nii x LilSis!Reader (Shinichiro's slightly younger half sister).
Hanma Shuji x Hanma Reader (Yes, siblings again, leave me alone).
Detective!Naoto x Detective!Fem!Reader.
SoftDom!Takuya x GN!Reader.
Pegging Takuya. GN!Reader.
Sub!Mikey x Mommy!Reader.
SoftPleasureDom!Takashi x Reader.
Sanzu x Male!Reader CNC.
Shin x Imaushi!Reader (Waka's sibling).
109 notes · View notes
haitaniapologist · 2 years
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╰┈➤ many were the names that helen of troy was called by the poets. the most beautiful woman in greece, a daughter and a sister of kings and gods, an evil witch, a whore. but she was just a girl torn between love and duty, wasn't she? just like you. exactly like you. but there weren't guns in ancient greece, and the trojan war could never be compared by the bloodshed that could happen in tokyo if you fell in love with the wrong person — especially being married to his worst enemy, and brother.
pairings — izana kurokawa x fem!reader x sano manjiro.
warnings — reader is the youngest haitani, cheating, gang things, talks about a gang war, non-explicit s*x, dubcon, guilty feelings, heartbreaking, light angst.
prologue — next chapter — masterlist (taglist form can be found there)
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verse one
you were used to waking up to a cold and lonely bed, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell. 
the exact moment your marriage with izana became such a shallow thing was still a mystery for you, but everything seemed to change when you two came back from your honeymoon. it seemed as if he wanted just to possess you, to call you his and put a beautiful ring on your finger, just for the sake of saying he managed to settle down with the haitanis' younger sister. 
kakucho, when you voiced your worries to him, said it was just the way izana was — he didn't know how to show love, even though you disagreed with him. you felt loved in your dating months, loved like no one else ever loved you before. why things needed to change now, that you two were married? and change for the worst, actually. 
the only thing keeping you relatively happy were the notes. 
at first, you thought it was your husband, the sender of them. it made sense — who else would be doing such a thing? and it made sense, too, due to kakucho's explanation about how izana truly loved someone. but you could recognise your husband's calligraphy in a heartbeat, and it wasn't his. the thought about who was a fool enough to send such romantic and tender notes to the woman married to japan's most wanted criminal haunted you for months, even though the notes were your source of happiness.
the worst part was that you couldn't tell a soul about it, because if word about it reached izana's ear, they would end in the spot. 
but when the first signed letter arrived, you knew izana could do anything he wanted, but he wouldn't stop writing them for you. 
sano manjiro was the name in the bottom of one of them, a note that left you in tears — manjiro had a way with words that nobody would ever think a man like him would have, and all of his words touched your heart like nothing ever did. you almost couldn't read the signed name due to your tears but, when you did, your heart started to race inside your chest. 
you couldn't deny that mikey was someone that sometimes crossed your mind. not always, but you always remembered his onyx eyes at the most inappropriate times. they had an enormous impact on you, as you thought they always did with anyone that looked straight at them. but you tried not to think too much about him — after all, you had your own husband, someone that was mikey's enemy and brother. nothing good would come if you pursued such thoughts, but manjiro was a stubborn man, managing to reach you through his letters, with the help of someone that you always wanted to know the identity of. 
you weren't the only traitor in bonten. 
some nights, an enormous guilt crashed over you. you were clearly cheating on your husband — even if nothing physical happened, you were receiving love letters from another man that wasn't him, you were thinking about another man whenever you two had intimate moments together. that was cheating, but you couldn't stop. through his letters, manjiro showed you more love and care than your husband did since your return from your honeymoon, and he made you feel wanted and important with just some words written in black ink.
you weren't even sure that izana wasn't cheating you on too. 
sometimes, you wanted to ask your brothers about it. but izana was their boss, and just the implication of such a thing happening could cause a war between them — and that happening was going to be your downfall. you wouldn't be able to endure seeing your brothers fighting with your husband, and you wouldn't know which side to pick, even if izana was cheating on you. deep down, you wanted to believe he still loved you, even though his actions spoke otherwise. 
you sighed, watching your reflection in the mirror. you had changed since you married izana — no longer wearing the soft and pastel colors you loved so much to wear, always choosing the colors your husband said fitted you best. they were normally red or black, bonten's colors, and you didn't mind wearing them to match with him. however, he wasn't home now, and you could wear whatever you want without him criticizing your fashion choices. 
wearing your favorite colors always managed to make you happy, and the thrill of receiving another love letter from manjiro was the cherry on top. he tried to send one every day, and they always managed to make your heart race and cheeks red — even if your heart was being consumed by guilt.
you didn't have much to do. izana always insisted that you didn't need to work, as he could provide everything and anything you wanted. but sometimes you missed going to university, having some girl friends around you, people who you could tell what was happening. 
you excited your room, heading to your living room. maybe seeing some TV would be good for you, but a glimpse of pink hair caught your attention. 
only one person in bonten had pink hair, and even though you knew he was aware you were following him, that didn't stop sanzu haruchiyo from delivering another of mikey's letters. 
a gasp left your lips and he chuckled. “surprised, princess?” he was holding the paper between two of his fingers, his twin scars up due to his smirk. “your brothers never told you about my involvement with mikey in the past?” it was a genuine question, and you knew it. you were observant, of course, and knew all the bonten members' mannerisms. haruchiyo had his head slightly tilted to the left, the indication that he was curious about your answer. 
“no.” you answered, taking some careful steps towards him. “i've only known you as a tenjiku member, and nothing from your past from before it.” ran and rindou always made sure you weren't involved with gang matters while you were growing up, to give you some sort of normalcy during your teenage years — a thing they didn't have. 
sanzu nodded, his green eyes shining with something you couldn't pinpoint what it was. “i was a toman member. i still am.” he confessed, quietly, as someone would confess their sins to a priest. your theory about a traitor was right, after all, though it was someone you would never suspect. haruchiyo seemed such a loyal person, someone you were sure was ready to give his life to izana — but his loyalty lay somewhere else. “what are you going to do with this information, princess?”
you came to the conclusion that it was a test. probably an order from manjiro. 
“nothing, but only if you give me my letter.”
the smile on haruchiyo's face could be seen as a sinister one, but it had a small amount of relief on it, too. if you decided to tell your husband, you would probably end years of planning both manjiro and haruchiyo did, and lose the only thing keeping you sane throughout the days. 
he quickly lowered his hand, and you took the paper from his fingers, eager to know what manjiro had to say for you today. 
my y/n,
i hope this letter reaches you on a good time. and that you discovered and took with your gentle eyes the new information about haruchiyo i gave you. he can now be our source of connection, if you wish to return a note — i don’t care if all of this is one-sided. sanzu says everything i need to know about what you feel towards them, and it always pleasant news to my heart. 
though, on this one, i won’t declare my undying love and adoration for you. you already know that, my sweet. but i wish i could say what’s in my heart looking at your eyes and holding your face in my hands, but only if you wish this too. i know how dangerous it’ll be for us to meet, but i would take any risk just to look at your eyes once more. i won’t pressure you on anything, but, at least, ease the ache in my heart — for the good, or for the bad. 
always yours, 
the beating of your heart was so loud that you were sure sanzu could hear it, your cheeks red and hands shaking with the prospect of seeing manjiro once more. the first and last time you saw him was on the day you became izana’s wife, and his eyes had never left your mind since. before knowing where sanzu’s loyalty really laid on, you thought seeing him again would be just a daydream of yours — but now it was more tangible, something that you could almost touch with your hands if you reached enough. 
“will you deliver something for me, sanzu?” you asked in a hushed whisper, afraid that one of the staff could catch you and one of your husband’s executives having a moment together — if izana ever dreamed you were cheating on him with sanzu, you were sure both of you would be dead by the next morning. 
but the house’s staff was nowhere to be seen, and you realized it was sanzu’s doing, too. 
“of course. i would do everything for you and mikey, y/n.” you were flustered at his words, but you could understand where they were coming from — you made mikey happy, and that made sanzu happy. his loyalty was admirable. 
“then get me some pen and paper, haru, please.” you smiled at him, already making your way to your room once more. “we’ll need to plan this meeting very carefully if we want to not die.”
verse two
“where’s sanzu?” 
izana’s voice reverberated through the room, his orchid eyes scanning his executives sitting around the table. his first instinct was to search for takeomi’s eyes, as sanzu’s older brother, but everyone in the room knew they didn’t want to be affiliated with one another — a story with deep roots that he wasn’t able to extract from both him and shinichiro, and apparently just a few knew the exact reason why the akashi brothers seemed like stranger than siblings. 
instead, his eyes landed on mucho. 
“he asked to be the one in charge of y/n’s protection this morning, sir.” it was yasuhiro’s answer, and it made izana content. sanzu was someone that he knew he could count on, especially to take care of you — he once heard him saying you reminded him of his little sister to rindou, and such an information soothed his heart. he couldn’t only rely on your brothers’ to be the ones in charge of your security, as they were more valuable members to bonten than haruchiyo. 
though your brothers didn’t seem so happy knowing you were with sanzu. but they said nothing, knowing that now you were izana’s property instead of their own. 
izana nodded, eyes now fixed at takeomi. “very well. shall we start this meeting, then?” 
at the agreement nod of all his executives and of the ex-members of the black dragons, his advisor started. 
the topic was, as always, sano manjiro’s growing gang — the tokyo manji gang, mostly known as toman. it was a topic that didn't worry izana that much a few years ago, as toman had always been there, like a bug that could be easily crushed. but mikey was worse than their older brother, as takeomi said to him once, and his charisma was enough to be able to make someone’s loyalty change with the blink of an eye, and that was worrisome. some of bonten’s lower members had already left izana’s side, traitors that were now in the protection of mikey, making it difficult for sanzu and mucho to kill them. 
that wasn’t a good thing, and takeomi always made that izana knew the consequences of another powerful gang in tokyo — the city couldn’t handle two powerful gangs at the same moment, hence why izana made sure he had defeated every single one of them, making their members his members and their leader, his executives' play things. if toman continued to grow like it was, stealing members and disrespecting bonten’s influence, izana couldn’t see an outcome that wasn’t a war to determine whose gang the hegemony would be of.
and he knew mikey knew that, too. 
he let takeomi explain the situation to his executives, his mind wandering to you, his beautiful wife. sometimes he felt like he was neglecting you, but you were always ready to welcome him with open arms and legs spread, so maybe it was just in his head — you knew, of course, about how hard he worked to make tokyo his and yours kingdom, how hard he worked so you didn’t need to, so you could have whatever you wanted at the crackle of your fingers. 
the only thing he expected in return was your loyalty, and izana knew nobody would be able to make you change it. he was your first love, your first everything. you would never betray him and, if you did, he preferred you dead than between another man’s arms. 
ran and rindou knew nothing about that, of course. you were their precious little sister, and if you died, izana didn’t know what they could do — but accidents always happened, right? he shook his head imperceptibly, though kakucho noticed the change in his behavior. you weren’t cheating on him, and he was just paranoid. maybe the situation with toman was making him more and more stressed, and such intrusive thoughts were always lingering on his mind. 
izana dismissed kakucho’s puzzled eyes with a nod, orchid eyes back at takeomi. 
“it is izana’s decision what we should do, but a war is inevitable.” the older akashi finished his presentation, and the atmosphere in the room was gloomy — war always meant deaths, and every single one of them had dear people back at home that their deaths would make their heart suffer the most. “wakasa and benkei can attest on my behalf if someone doesn’t believe me.” he continued. “tokyo can only have one big gang around.” 
“any objections?” izana asked, eyes scanning the room. nobody dared to utter a word, and izana smiled. “very well. ran, rindou, you may start the preparations. i’ll send y/n to our house in okinawa, so i expect you two to focus on your task.” he sounded harsher than he intended, but he couldn’t have his two strategists not thinking straight because of their little sister’s safety. sometimes, he even wished he still had such a relationship with emma — but she was a traitor, like everyone else. “the others can expect orders soon.” 
with that, he left the meeting room, kakucho on his side. 
if it was war that sano manjiro wanted, izana would grant his little brother’s wishes.
verse three
the izana you met, the one you fell in love with, always managed to come back when he needed to relax — and by that, he needed your body to take his mind out of whatever was troubling him. and you weren’t strong enough to not fall for his sweet words and wandering hands, your arms already opened to welcome him whenever he arrived home and buried his face on your neck and his hands already massaging one of your breasts. 
however, as much as your body was under izana, reacting beautifully to his ministrations with the sounds he loved to hear, your mind was still trapped in the prospect of meeting mikey in the next day. it was sanzu’s idea, of course, as he knew how much his true boss wanted to finally hold you between his arms — if you denied manjiro of another day without your presence, haruchiyo said he would probably march inside your house and steal you away. 
that couldn’t happen, of course. it would be a formal declaration of war, the transgression of territories, and you couldn’t put mikey in danger just because of his urge — and yours now, too — of seeing you again. 
a particularly hard thrust of izana was what took you away from your thoughts, a mewl escaping your lips. you were cheating on your husband, weren’t you? thinking about another man while he was balls deep inside you, when he finally acknowledged you after days without sparring you a glance — you should be happy, shouldn’t you? he was finally being the izana you met those months ago. but you couldn’t bring yourself to be happy, like you used to. 
was that what you were for him? just a whore that he could use whenever he wanted, but a whore that belonged to him and no one else? it needed to be that, and you felt like a fool for always falling for his antics. maybe everything had been a competition between him and your brothers, and you were the prize — and maybe that’s why they looked so gloomy on your wedding day. maybe they knew that once you were married, izana would become distant and cold, but couldn’t tell you. 
but why did he do that? why he needed to play with your feelings if he was just going to use you for sex? it would’ve been better if he made you his personal slut, without the attachment a marriage would bring. it would be better if you knew his real intentions with you, than marrying him and falling for his estranged brother. 
tears started to burn in your eyes. “am i making you feel so good that you’re crying, my love?” you heard your husband ask, and you were glad he had mistaken your tears with pleasure than seeing how heartbroken you were. 
you could only hum, afraid that your voice would denounce that you were feeling everything but pleasure. you let your husband do whatever he wanted with your body, trying to mask your real feelings with a few moans and whispers of encouraging words to him, even though you weren’t feeling good. it was the first time that sex with izana wasn’t a pleasurable moment, and you felt dirty and like the most foolish woman in the word. 
faking your orgasm a few seconds before izana’s own release, you almost sighed in relief when he slide out of you, his cum dripping from your pussy. he smiled at the sight of you fucked out beneath him, fingers sliding inside your hole once more making you whimper in overstimulation. “need to make sure everything is inside, love.” he explained, kissing your lips. “don’t you think a little me or little you running around would be a blessing?” 
if he said those words before today, you would have agreed wholeheartedly with him. but now? dread was pooling in your stomach.
verse four
the mornings after izana was a husband again were always the worst.
they were always a remind of what he became, since it only take him only one night to revert to a cold and heartless man - and the realization of what you were to him wasn't helping you with the intrusive thoughts. was he like that since the beginning and you were blind by the spells of first love to acknowledge that? 
you sighed, turning around in your bed. you were wearing only one thin nightgown, not enough to protect your body from his smell and touch, and you almost flinched away when he kissed your neck - more tenderly than usual, and that worried you. did the prospect of having a child with you enough to make him be like he was? but, would he treat your child the same as he did with you? that wouldn't be fair.
“what do you say about having breakfast together, my love?” his offer was tempting — he didn't let you have dinner before he was ravishing your body, and your stomach was starting to rumble with hunger. 
however, you knew such an offer wasn’t being made because of his big and generous heart. no, izana had other intentions than just eating breakfast with you, and you started to get anxious about what it was. did he know about your plans to meet mikey in the afternoon? did he know about the letters, or that you’ve started to fall out of love with him? you were sure you were masking your feelings well, he couldn’t be able to know. you still acted the same, you were sure of it.
you nodded, almost imperceptible, but he noticed — smiling sweetly at your agreement. he held his hand for you and you took, not as firm and tight as you used to, the feeling now foregin and strange. his hand was too big and too demanding, squeezing and interlacing your fingers while you followed him to the dining room, only with a flimsy nightgown protecting your body from the eyes of the staff, the breakfast table already prepared, all your favorite foods and drinks displayed on top of it. 
he knew. he knew about your plans with mikey. 
once, if he had pulled the chair for you to sit on, your heart would be beating loudly inside your rib cage and your cheeks would be read like a rose. now, however, you managed to give him a small smile, but your heart was beating quickly inside your chest for different reasons. if he noticed the change in your behavior, he said nothing. 
breakfast was filled with small talk, mostly done by izana — he updated you on how bonten activities were going about, or funny things that happened to him and his executives. that brought a smile to your face and laughter to bubble from your lips. the boys were also a comforting presence in your life while you grew up, and hearing about them and your brothers being relaxed around each other. 
you wish you could’ve been there to see it for yourself, and not just listen to it by your husband’s lips. 
breakfast was ending and izana showed you no signs of having discovered your afternoon plans, which made everything even more suspicious. that wasn’t just an act of love of an absent husband to his not so faithful wife, far from it. however, when he started to speak again, you understood why he had done that. “y/n, my love.” honey laced his tone and you knew something was going to happen. you tried to act as normal as you could, but anyone could see how nervous you were feeling. “i don’t wish to alarm you, but war is coming. i hope you understand the implications of it.” 
you knew what he meant. bonten and toman were going to clash, and you were in the middle of it. 
“i’ve made a deal with your brothers to make you safe. tonight, you, sanzu and mucho are going to leave for our house in okinawa.”
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blueparadis · 2 years
ONE. I write for a variety of fandoms. I mainly write n.sfw & dc, and rarely sfw; if your suggestions interest me I'll take it without further thought. You can refer to this post if you have any doubts regarding thirsts & suggestions vs requests. you can send thirsts/suggestions for drabbles, scenarios and headcanons (0.5k -1k) and headcanons ( 4 characters ).
TWO. ⁰¹do not send me n.sfw suggestions if you're a minor or ⁰²don't have an age indicator in your blog or ⁰³it's stated: “closed”. I'll decline it, even if its piques my interest.
THREE. I'll not write sequels of any fics but that doesn't mean you can't send your thoughts, you definitely can send your after thoughts. I might write about it, maybe a drabble but generally I don't think I'm built for part twos.
FOUR. I'll write fandom!versions of a headcanon post that I HAVE previously done for another fandom. Suggestions of characters for headcanons for “part two”/ different fandom!version is welcomed. All characters I write are adults, that is, twenty years of age and above. expansion of fandoms can be found at the end of this post.
FIVE. I use third person pov/second person pov with she/her pronouns ( preferably f!sub!reader ) Some of my works are in the second person with afab!reader/fem!dom!reader. Each posts have proper content warnings so read carefully before proceeding. since my default is f!reader, I'll stick to that if you don't specify it.
I do not take requests anymore unless it is for an event I make but I do take suggestions.THIRSTS ARE ALWAYS ENTERTAINED.
I also do writing commissions. You can view the details HERE. And if you want to tip me, here is my ko-fi.
Since I'm a multifandom blog i do not have much hard no's for characters. so, if you have doubts shoot an ask if I'll be willing to write on them or not. that being said. I DO WRITE SAPPHIC CONTENT, THAT IS, FEMALE CHARACTERS ( with fem!reader / afab!reader ) ARE ACCEPTABLE TOO.
I’LL WRITE ABOUT : —» SFW + N.SFW, DC — yandere, taboo topics ( incest ), porn without plot, porn with plot, (heavy) angst, major character death, polyamory, fluff, hybrids, a/b/o dynamics, dubcon, various bdsm plays and hard kinks like cnc . . . ANYTHING EXCEPT - bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia, rape, vore,scat-play.
NON-ANIMANGA —» stranger things, wednesday, game of thrones, house of the dragon,how to get away with murder, supernaturals, tvd, bbt, b99.
→ bleach [ ukitake jushiro, urahara kisuke,shinji hirako, yoruichi,rukia kuchiki, byakuya kuchiki]
→ tokyo revengers [ chifuyu matsuno, manjiro sano, sanzu haruchiyo, haitanis, kokonoi hajime, inui seishu, izana kurokawa, wakasa imaushi, yuzuha shiba.]
→ genshin impact [ kaveh, xiao, kaeya alberich, thoma, zhongli, childe, ayato kamisato, al-haitham, pantalone.] [ Arlecchino, Ayaka, Candace , Columbina, Nilou,Raiden shogun,Yelan ]
→ jujutsu kaisen [ uthahime iori, shoko ieiri, geto suguru, inumaki toge, yuuta okkotsu, higuruma hiromi.]
→ chainsawman [ yoshida hirofumi, aki hayakawa,power,quanxi]
→ kimetsu no yaiba [ tengen uzui, sanemi shinazugawa, nezuko, mitsuri.]
→ attack on titan [ armin artlet, eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, pieke finger, annie leonhart, levi ackerman.]
→ haikyuu [ sakusa kiyoomi, atsumu miya, sugawara koushi, oikawa tooru.]
→ blue lock [anri teieri, hyoma chigiri, nagi seishiro, bachira meguru, reo mikage, oliver aiku,itoshis, isagi yoichi ]
→ boku no hero academia [ aizawa shouta, shigaraki tomura, keigo takami.]
although I've listed my favs but i'm flexible with most of the characters. fandoms listed here are open for suggestions and thirsts.
honkai star rail, spy x family,hell's paradise,vinland saga, tokyo ghoul, castlevaniayuukoku no moriarty, vanitas no carte, gangsta, kuroko’s basketball, obey me, tougen anki, psycho pass, buddy daddies, wind breaker, one piece, kaiju number eight, sakamoto days.
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ri2enx · 1 year
ri2enx’s catalogue
< cosy up between these sheets >
* fem!reader x Izana Kurokawa
# nsfw; yandere themes; childhood friends; fem!receiving; tenjiku timeline
- completed!
< baby you and me, are a twisted fantasy >
* fem!reader x Ran Haitani
# suggestive; toxic relationships; kanto manji timeline; hurt no comfort
- in progress
< wishing on you >
* fem!reader x Hanma Shuji
# suggestive; fwb; angst; nightclub!au
- in progress
< plum-flavoured candy >
* fem!reader x Manjiro Sano
# suggestive; angst; yandere themes; kanto manji timeline
- in progress
< future lover >
* fem!reader x Shinichiro Sano
# mentions of depression; angst + comfort, timeleaper!au, eventual fluff
- in progress
< his barbie >
* Izana Kurokawa
# yandere; hurt no comfort; dead dove do not eat.
- completed!
to be continued xx
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Hi! I would love to see prompt "finding clothes for them + making them try it on" with Izana and Mikey and fem!reader.
this man, oh my gosh, he is so hard to shop with
he is very picky about the brand, if not that the color, if not that the fabric type, if not that the price, if not that the cut, and it goes on and on
he normally gets too frustrated and walks out with nothing lmao
when you offer to look for clothes, he is hesitant but agrees nonetheless
you prove him wrong though and find things that he grows to become quite fond of
lets you buy for him from now on
y'all match most of the time anyway, what is the difference?
now if it is for business suits, hell no he picks those, but other than that, by all means, buy and look for him
doesn't give a flip about pricing
if you suggest it, he goes with your word and buys it
he is probably off buying dorayaki or something else to munch on anyways, why not kill two birds with one stone ig
gives you his credit card and shoos you away for the day
you have a blast though, which always puts a smile on his face
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m-ilkiee · 4 months
》》𝕋𝕠𝕜𝕪𝕠 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤 🎂
》》 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤
= Monsters - Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano x Fem Reader x Izana Kurokawa
= Deadly Affairs - Bonten Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano x Bonten! Reader, Bonten Members x Bonten! Reader
》》 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤
= The Grimm Reaper of Kabuchiko - (Shuji Hanma x reader)
= Guys my Age don't do it like You do - (Shinichiro Sano)
= Impulsive - (Keisuke Baji)
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airisu-desu · 3 years
Misunderstanding ? " Sano Manjiro x fem!reader x Kurokawa Izana "
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★- genre : angst .
★- warnings : y/n gets bullied , cursing words , hurt/comfort ( hurt by Mikey , comforted by Izana )
★- Sum : " .. Why do I keep losing my dear people ? .. "
★- wc : 1182 .
★- Airisu : so this kinda really sad . and the longest fic I've wrote 'til now . I hope you enjoy reading it . and I really really want to hear opinions on it PLS comment it down or send it to my inbox (◍•ᴗ•◍)
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" Fuck Fuck Fuck " you mumble under your breath , :" why it's always me ? Why did I do to deserve this ? I hate it . I hate it . " with tears hanging in the corners of your eyes holding 'em to not burst crying Infront of your schoolmates . You hurry to the roof so you can hide from everyone else . You take your phone from your pocket searching for Mikey's number , calling him *ring* ... *ring* ... *ring* :" please answer Mikey .. " *ring* ... *ring* ... :" Hi babe " you let a sigh of relief after him finally answering your call . Your voice shaking :" Mikey I need you— " . He cut you off :" sorry babe I can't talk to you now . I'm at a touman meeting right now , talk to you later 'kay !? " . " Wait Mike— " he hang up the call .
Your hands start shaking , you drop the phone . Trying to process what just happened :" d-did Mikey just i-ignored me ?! " You say in shock , he didn't bother asking what's wrong even after hearing your voice shaking , it was too obvious that something happened to you , he always knew when you were not alright , when you were feeling down , he is your boyfriend and the love of your life what happened so suddenly ? . :" Is he really ignoring me ? Was I too annoying ? Did he lost interest in me ? " Tears start falling down your cheeks by the thoughts overlapping in your head :" Mikeyyy I really need you by my side now ! " Your vision gets blurry and mind fuzzy you felt your heart in pieces , you pick up your phone from the floor with your hands still shaking you start searching on your contact :" p-please someone— " you tap on a random number and it starts to ring , they pick up the moment you call :" hello ! Y/n what's- " you cut them off crying not even recognizing whom you're talking to :" please come pick me up ! " You say between cries . They get surprised hearing your shaky voice :" what happened y/n ?? Where are you ?? " , :" I- I don't know I think I'm in school " you say crying trying to hold your self together you can barely think properly :" O-okay stay there I'm coming right now ! " , They hang up , :" what happened to y/n ? " Kaku asks curiously looking at Izana , " Kaku , follow me we're going to y/n's school " , Kaku nods and follow him , they drive to your school ..
: " Y/N ! Y/N ! WHERE ARE YOU ? " he starts shouting looking for you , to finally find you on the roof you sitting on the ground :" Y/N ! " . You raise your head wiping your tears so you could see :" I-Izana !? " You gasp , Izana runs to you , cupping your cheeks :" what happened to you ? " , :" I-i just talked to Mikey and .. and—" you start crying again remembering Mikey's words ringing in your head , :" it's okay . I'm here with you now " he says pulling you to his chest hugging you , you can feel his warms make you feel safer , you hug him back , clinging to him . He carries you princess-like while you burying your head in his chest hiding your messy crying face . He walks Infront of your schoolmates giving them a death glare carrying you to the car ..
" Thank you Izana you mumble before you doze off on his chest , he comments :" she slept " . :" She'd be tired of all what happened , btw I'm driving to your house " , :" after that take care of things Kaku " :" yes " Kaku responds to him .
Izana puts you to bed when you arrive to his place , he brushes hair locks off your face , feeling his chest tightening on the look of you :" how could he hurt such an angel " he says gripping on his fist hard , he let you sleep closing the door behind him . Your phone starts ringing in his hand :" hmm.. it's Mikey . Why the fuck are you calling her now ? " He picks up :" Hi babe ! I'm free now , what did you wanna talk about ? " . :" So you're calling her when you're free now ? Not bad " . " Huh ? Who the fuck are you ? Where is y/n ? " Mikey shouts through the phone . " Hmm.. why don't you guess ? " , :" That voice , Izana !! 's that you ? What did you do to y/n ? " . " What about we meet and talk about that properly ? Wait for me there I'm coming " .
:" Hey , Mikey ! " Izana says to Mikey smirking . Mikey glares at him :" Izana you MF where is y/n ? " . " I wonder about that " , feeling the rage filling his head :" you- " Mikey kicks Izana with all his strength throwing him on the ground but Izana doesn't resist at all , Mikey grip on Izana's neck :" WHAT HAPPENED TO HER ? " , he free himself from Mikey's grip " She got bullied by her classmates , but you know who hurt her more ? It's you ! " . Mikey's eyes widen :" what did you just say ? " . Izana get himself off Mikey and stands :" Like I said , she called you didn't she ? " . " She did but I've been in a gang fight I didn't talk to her- " . Izana chimes in : " she called me so I could comfort her 'cuz you were too busy to listen to your girlfriend . where were you when she needed you most ? " Izana's voice getting deeper : " She couldn't find you by her side . You were too busy with things that are more important than her , right ? "
:" Huh !? " Mikey says with a low voice , Izana looks Mikey dead in the eyes :" You had Shinichiro , but I won't let you take y/n away too " , :" the fuck you're saying , she's My girlfriend " . :" She chose me . She's mine Mikey "
Mikey says in disbelief :" wait , did she chose you over me .. you said ? Did she say that ? " ..
By that Izana walks up on his own way raising his hand high to his victory :" I won this time Mikey , btw I took good care of the bullies " he chuckle
Meanwhile Mikey falls down on his knees feeling betrayed :" y/n wouldn't do something like that , I'm sure .. " " No , it's my fault. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you y/n , Izana is right . I neglected her " , :" Fuck , why did I do that ? Was she gonna wait for me if I told her the truth ? Why do I keep losing my dear people ? " tears pool in the corner of his eyes ..
— 02 hours ago —
*ring* .. *ring* .. *ring* .. *ring* :" WHO'S PHONE IS RINGING IN SUCH A BAD TIMING ? " Draken shouts while beating a guy's ass , Mikey checks his pocket :" ah , it's mine Ken-chin " , :" BEHIND YOU MIKEY !! " Mitsuya shouts at him , Mikey punch the guy behind him then pick up :" Hi babe " , :" Mikey I need you— " . Another guy running towards him :" sorry babe I can't talk to you now . I'm on touman meeting right now , talk to you later 'kay !? " . " Wait Mike— " he hang up the call kicking the guy running towards him . :" Why did you lie to her " Mitsuya asks , :" I know she'll get worried if I tell her , I'll treat her to something later as an apology " . :" Your unexpectedly considerate huh !? " Baji Chimes in . :" Hey ! what that's supposed to mean ? " Mikey pouts at Baji . " Anyway let's beat those assholes for now " Draken comments ..
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★- Airisu : copyright ©2022, airisu-desu all rights reserved ( written originally by me , do not edit or repost my work on other platforms like Wattpad , Quotev .. Likes and reblogs are appreciated ) thanks for reading .
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