deepperplexity · 4 years
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Prompt: 3. Smiles
A/N: Here we go, day 3 of SNAPEMAS and today we get Smiles as a prompt! :D I decided to play with one of my favourite Snape love tropes in this one; age difference. So while you are young - a mere 21 of age, Severus is 43 (so, 22 years age difference - same as my grandparents btw xD)
Also, please know that I use the term 'Christmas morning' since some celebrate on the 24:th (Christmas Eve) and some celebrate on the 25:th (Christmas Day). I don't want to limit it by writing Christmas Day Morning or Christmas Eve Morning ^^ Same goes for when I write Christmas - rather than Christmas Day or Christmas Eve :P
Setting: Diagon Alley, Sugarplum's Sweets Shop
Pairing: Snape x Reader
Word count: 1467
Warnings: Fluff, Age Difference
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Diagon Alley was brimming with activity, teeming with merriness and joy as people rushed here and there. But you, however, did not rush. You simple walked slowly through the crowd with your boyfriend next to you. Your arm wrapped around his. Your heavy coats kept you nice and toasty as tiny flakes of snow sifted through the cold air.
You could not have been happier. This would be your first Christmas with the love of your life. Your first Christmas by his side. The first time you exchanged presents and the first time you'd wake up on Christmas morning and be able to cuddle in his arms. Oh, how you longed for Christmas to actually come around so you could make many new memories with your beloved.
It would be different this year of course. Your family had shunned you after you got together with Severus; he was more than twice your age and your family did not approve. He was almost as old as your own father - but what did it matter? You loved him, he loved you and you never felt as cherished as you did under his loving gaze. He was all you could ever have hoped for. And you chose him, you would always do so.
"Do you want to go in?" Severus asked as you had stopped in front of a second-hand bookstore. You shook your head, today was not for books. You both usually got stuck and the whole day would be lost. No today you wanted to be with him, in every way. "Let's go there," you said and pointed towards a very pink store called Sugarplum's Sweets Shop. Severus's lips tugged in a half-smile as he nodded. "As you wish, love," he said and your heart pounded at his voice and the utterance of the word 'love'.
The store was quite full of people but they seemed to clear a path as Severus strode in with his commanding presence. He always did that, it was just who he was and you loved it. His command, his aura, his posture and the respect he seemed to demand just by breathing. You relished in his strength and felt as soft as cotton in comparison. As brittle as glass. Yet he was like a barrier between you and all things that could break you. You were safe with him. Strong with him. Happy and carefree with him.
You looked around, there were sweets of all kinds; and pastries. The air was thick with a sugary scent and it was too hot with the heavy cloak you wore. But it didn't matter. You took his hand and dragged him over to the liquorice corner. So many goodies, you thought as you let go of Severus and looked at all the sweets. You smiled so broadly, had you not had ears it might have gone all the way around your head.
"What should we get?" you asked and turned towards Severus. He smiled at you, one of those smiles he never gave to any other person, as his arms laid crossed over his chest. "Whatever you wish, love," he said in that rumbling voice of his that made your heart pound a little harder as your knees grew a little weaker. You gave him a joyful expression before you turned back to the liquorice. you grabbed a bag and started to fill it with four pieces of each candy you wished to eat and share with him.
You walked around the store, filled your bag with care and grabbed a few pastries as well. You wanted to share them with him, with your beloved Severus and see his smile as you both shared such a sweet little moment in private. You were well aware that he had a different persona in front of others. That he had to, it was like a protective wall of his own. Like he was to you. But you didn't mind. You knew his true nature and the love he held for you. Just thinking about it made you all giddy.
He came up behind you as you were pondering whether to take the pumpkin pastries or the cinnamon rolls. He gave the top of your head a kiss and whispered in your ear, "Take both, darling. You know you will regret it later otherwise." You giggled as he gave your warm ear a little nibble before he kissed your jaw tenderly. You grabbed both the pastries and the rolls before he led you to the register.
Your goodies were packed, Severus paid and out the door you went. Your arm yet again wrapped around his as he carried the bag with all the goodies in his free hand. You talked animatedly about how you wanted to decorate his house, buy a tree, make a Christmas dinner among many other Christmas related activities. He barely said a word but every time you glanced up at him he wore the brightest of smiles. Despite being in public. Despite the looks everyone gave you. Despite the whispers and the people who swirled to avoid walking in his path. He smiled so brightly. You could not help but smile just as brightly as you walked down Diagon Alley.
When you arrived at Severus's house at Spinner's End you hung up your coat, kicked off your snowy boots and slipped your feet in the fluffy slippers he had bought you a few weeks ago. You had only complained once, once, that the floors were a little cold and just an hour later he presented you with the cutest little bunny slippers that were so soft and warm it felt as though you walked on sun-heated clouds.
You had grabbed the bag from him before you headed to the kitchen. You unpacked the goodies and placed them in different boxes to keep them fresh in the hopes you would be able to enjoy it all for a few days at least. Severus came in on muffled steps. His arms wrapped around you as he kissed the top of your head again. You leaned back into him and that smile was back yet again.
"If you don't stop my cheeks are going to hurt," you chided softly as your hands landed on his forearms that were wrapped right over your chest. "Stop what?" he murmured softly and the words vibrated through your entire body as his voice seemed to reach every inch of you. "Making me smile like this," you hummed and closed your eyes, completely content.
Severus chuckled and kissed your temple. "Never. It is my mission in life to keep you smiling," he said and you giggled. "Sev, you're so sweet." "Hm, perhaps for you. For you," he murmured and kissed your temple again, "I will be as sweet as I can." His words made you tremble and you felt so adored it nearly burst out of you in pure energy.
"This Christmas will be the greatest one ever," you sighed happily as your thumb stroked his arm. "I am sorry your family has not-" "Oh hush, they can rot in their mansion without the joy of watching the golden star on top of the tree." Severus leaned back a little and you looked up at his pondering face. You smiled wickedly on a soft shrug of your shoulder. "It's mine, the golden star was a gift from my great grandfather and it always sits at the top of the tree, every Christmas. Well, except, this year it will sit at the top of our tree," you said with that wicked smile and he let you go on a soft hum.
You spun around and embraced him as you tilted your head back to look him in the eye. "It is mine and it will be where I will be. And I, I will always be with you, from now and until the end of time." Severus's arms encased you in warmth as he gave your smiling lips a soft kiss. "You are a wicked delight, my love," he chuckled, "and I am the happiest man in the universe to be with you." You reached up and kissed him to convey all the feelings you had for him. He returned the favour.
You kissed while you smiled and everything seemed right in the world. Warmth, light and heavenly love filled you up as he refused to let you go until you wined about eating the goodies you had purchased earlier. And even then he only let go a little bit, so you could reach the goodies before he walked you to the living room with his hand at your lower back. His face in such a bright smile it made you feel as if the brightest of Christmas lights had nothing on his shine.
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Day three of SNAPEMAS and this was just a pure joy to write - I so rarely stick to just fluffy love stuff ( I don't feel I'm really good at it so xD ) but this was so rewarding to write. I feel as though our lovely Snape deserves to have some pure love and joy in his life. Especially around Christmas!  
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and please join me for SNAPEMAS - it is not too late! :D 
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Tags: @lizlil​  Want to be tagged? Please tell me! :D
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