#sanseveria aesthetic
thegreencorner · 5 months
Elevate Your Workspace: Creative Ways to Incorporate Office Plants into Your Home in Singapore
In the hustle and bustle of city life in Singapore, finding ways to create a harmonious and refreshing home environment is essential. One innovative way to enhance your living space is by incorporating office plants, bringing a touch of nature indoors. The Green Corner, your go-to source for premium greenery, introduces creative ideas to seamlessly integrate office plants into your home.
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Vertical Gardens for Compact Spaces:
Singaporean homes often come with limited space. Optimize your space with vertical gardens that not only add a splash of greenery but also serve as a unique decorative element. Hang planters on walls or use wall-mounted shelves to showcase a variety of plants, creating a visually appealing display.
Desk Buddies for Productivity:
Boost your productivity by adding small potted plants to your workspace. Succulents, cacti, or small ferns are perfect desk buddies, adding a touch of nature to your work area. The Green Corner offers a diverse selection of low-maintenance plants that thrive indoors, enhancing your home office environment.
Statement Planters as Focal Points:
Make a statement in your living room or bedroom with large, eye-catching planters. Choose statement plants like a fiddle leaf fig or a snake plant to serve as focal points in the room. The Green Corner provides a variety of stylish planters that complement the aesthetics of your home.
Herb Gardens in the Kitchen:
Transform your kitchen into a culinary haven by incorporating herb gardens. Not only do they add freshness to your dishes, but they also contribute to a healthier indoor atmosphere. Explore The Green Corner's collection of herb plants and stylish pots to elevate your culinary space.
Create Zen Spaces with Indoor Trees:
Embrace the serenity of nature by introducing indoor trees into your home. Consider a miniature palm or a bonsai tree to create a Zen-like atmosphere. These plants not only enhance the aesthetics but also contribute to a calming ambiance.
Related Products:
Verdant Woods
Zamioculcas Zamiifolia in Box Black
Sanseveria ‘Snake Plant’ in Box Black
Customized Plant Arrangements:
Personalize your green space by creating custom plant arrangements. Mix and match different plants and pots to suit your style and preferences. The Green Corner offers expert advice on plant combinations and arrangements to ensure your home is a reflection of your unique taste.
Incorporating office plants into your home in Singapore doesn't just enhance aesthetics; it promotes a healthier and more vibrant living environment. Visit The Green Corner to explore a wide range of premium plants, stylish planters, and expert guidance to transform your living spaces into green havens. Elevate your home with nature's touch, and let The Green Corner be your guide to a greener, more vibrant lifestyle.
Blog Source. https://thegreencorner.com.sg/creative-ways-to-add-office-plants-into-your-home/
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the-flowerman · 4 years
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joiblr · 4 years
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I don’t feel very well today, i don’t have a lot of energy, but I still managed to finish the summary of one of the last extracts I have to read for my literature exam
Only 2 more books to go and I’m finally done prepping for this one✨
Bonus: breakfast pic because I felt really at peace this morning, with my coffee and my plants around me 🌱
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allmyplants · 5 years
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Bedroom windowsills 🌿
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pinktoastt · 5 years
P l a n t
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zornofzorna-blog · 7 years
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The corner of my desk...
@showmeyourhouseplants, @planthoardersanonymous
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herbwicc · 5 years
recs for plants that do okay with no light?? Thank you
Let's see, sanseveria for sure (my friend thinks these are boring, but I think they have an excellent minimalist aesthetic and there are so many different kinds!), zz plant, cast iron plant, uuuh Chinese evergreen (so far the ones I've mentioned also don't require a lot of water, so that's good in case you forget often!). Hmm what else, my calatheas seemed to really enjoy low low light... Oh, pepperomias too!Those are funky and cute. Lucky bamboo? And as always, pothos would be fine in pretty low light. Honestly also creeping fig I think, and it can climb up your wall!
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scriptflorist · 4 years
Not sure if you could help or if this makes sense but are there any typical professional flowers? I mean flowers that could decorate an office. Or at least avoiding flowers that are way too causal or anything?
Hey nonny. 
It’s really going to depend on the office and the aesthetic that they are going for. As far as avoiding things that are too casual, they’d probably avoid carnations/pinks because they get a bad rap as being a “cheap” option, even though I think they are lovely. I would definitely suggest that they don’t have anything with misty blue because it stinks. Lilies are iffy. They look showy and nice, but they need their pollen removed or it will stain skin and clothes, and it’s poisonous to cats if it’s an office with cats around, and a lot of people associate them with funerals. Orchids can be a bit touchy, but might be used by some offices. I certainly know a few managers and executives that kept them in their offices.
Jana and I both agree that most commonly we’ve seen offices with greenery. Potted plants like Ficus, some sort of Palm type tree, Spathiphyllum, Sanseveria, crotons, or possibly succulents. Chrysanthemums might bet used here too. Bonsai if they really want the aesthetic and can commit to the maintenance in some way.It’s really going to depend on what the office is looking for in terms of style and what kind of care level they are going to provide. Do they have staff that can take care of the plants as part of the regular duties? Will they hire an outside service to come in and check the plants on a regular basis? If they have cut flower designs, they will need those to be replaced on a regular basis. Or would they go with fake plants/flowers to get the look without needing the level of care or worrying about the office being full of half dead/dying plants?
There aren’t really any plants that we think would be inherently professional for an office, and very few that we think would be inherently unprofessional. Which, unfortunately means that it’s really to be done to the specifics of the office in your story and what aesthetic you want it to have.
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bloomr1 · 4 years
5 Best Ways to Revamp Your Office with Artificial Plants
Decorating your office can be quite a challenging task! After all, you need the office to look stunning yet subtle to attract clients and prospect employees’ attention. You must add décor elements that represent the style and culture of your company. The office interiors must also give employees and visitors a feeling of freshness and positivity. Plants are a great way to enhance the feel of your office. However, real plants can be quite difficult to care for. This is where artificial plants come into play. Faux plants can create unique and aesthetically pleasing office interiors. Here are a few ways to revamp your office with artificial plants:
 1.       Artificial Topiaries
Topiaries can make an excellent style statement in your office. However, maintaining a real topiary can be quite difficult as it requires a lot of continuous pruning and shearing. This makes artificial topiaries the perfect alternative. They can make your office look quite lively and exciting. You can choose topiaries in various forms like spiral, cone, and balls.
2.       Tall Plants
Tall plants are a great option for your office especially if you have limited space in your office. Faux Areca Palm trees or Faux Topiary Spirals are some of the best choices for your office décor. The lustrous green color of the leaves, the stem-color, and the texture of the artificial plants can deceive any onlooker for looking like real plants.
3.       Artificial Flowers
Artificial flowers are a superb way to add color to your office. By adding fake flowers according to the season, you can make the office more vibrant. Artificial flowers are a great choice as they require zero to none maintenance and look extremely realistic, ensuring your office remains vibrant throughout the year.
4.       Hanging Plants
You can also add hanging plants to your office wall as well as add plants that can easily hang from hanging baskets in a chandelier style. To add vibrant colors to your office interiors, you can use bright baskets dripping with flowers. These beautiful artificial hanging plants will surely make a great impression on the customers while making your employees feel joyous after a long day at work.
5.       Combining with Lighting
When combined with interior lighting, artificial plants can brighten up a dull-looking office space. This combination can also be a great yet affordable way to brighten the office during festivals such as Christmas, Thanksgiving or New Year, etc. Moreover, pairing artificial plants with lighting can also make the office space look more vibrant and inviting.
 Looking to buy artificial flowers for your office? Check out the massive collection at Bloomr. The online store offers a variety of artificial flowers including Peruvian succulents, potted sanseveria, hot springs succulents, Salvador succulents and more.
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pattycohenremax · 7 years
How to 'green up' your home, office or dorm with houseplants
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Looking for a fresh new look for your home or office or want to add some color and cool for your college digs? House plants are always in style. For an easy transformation for any space, house plants add high impact and eco flair that rival expensive makeovers. Whether you choose orchids or Bonsai, house plants fit any lifestyle, mood and taste. From finding the perfect plant to decorating ideas at your fingertips, check out the new digital magazine GrowingStyle. This free download and app is your go-to resource for the hottest plants, green living tips, expert advice and lots of eco eye candy. Whether you're a long time plant collector or novice, these tips from top garden experts show just how easily house plants will "green up" your life. The air in there. Did you know that house plants do double duty? They not only add beauty to indoor spaces but also clean our indoor air and remove nasty toxins from carpets, paint, household cleaners, printers and even furniture. "Besides what they give back in aesthetics, one of the greatest things house plants do is provide much needed humidity in the winter months and freshen the air year round," says Justin Hancock, editor of Better Homes and Gardens online (BHG.com). Plant hunter and expert, Mike Rimland, says that house plants help clean indoor toxins commonly found in homes, apartments and offices. "What house plants you choose and where they're placed are important considerations to maximize air filtering benefits." Rimland suggests house plants like peace lilies for bathrooms and Sanseveria and Golden Pothos for your entryway and living spaces. "They're easy to grow and can help remove volatile organic compounds found in cleaners, carpets and furniture like benzene, formaldehyde, acetone and xylene." Set the mood. From added drama to a touch of whimsy, house plants instantly liven up any room or office with natural beauty and add a funky touch of greenery to boxy dorm rooms. For happy plants, Rimland recommends you assess your rooms for optimal lighting conditions and care requirements, follow the plant care guidelines on the tags and choose plants that fit your lifestyle. Want to create a quick and easy upscale look or a serene retreat? Nothing beats orchids, arranged in simple or elaborate containers, for high impact drama and Zen-like simplicity. "As a great 'everyman' plant, orchids can't be beat," says Hancock. "Mini orchids are easy to grow and perfect for a centerpiece or a thing of beauty and tranquility alone on a windowsill." Green-up your space with living walls. If you have limited space or want a visually dramatic, high impact design for a room, living walls are the ticket. Not only can they improve air quality, but they are quite a conversation piece, adding instant "wow factor" to any room. Rimland says that living green walls are a great way to maximize the benefits of house plants to purify and beautify spaces. "Whether you buy one of the new kits available or have a professional install your living wall, your rooms will spring to life with living art you create." Go green and groovy. Looking for fun and easy house plants that are practically a no-brainer? Water-retaining, light-loving, easy-care succulents and cacti are virtually indestructible and come in many colors, shapes and varieties. So mix them up in containers for a visual feast that draws the eye and soothes the soul. "Succulents are great-looking, low maintenance plants that make it easy for everyone to bring the outdoors inside," adds Hancock. For more ways to spruce up your home with the hottest house plants and tips on decorating with a splash of sophisticated and refreshing greenery, visit www.growingstylemag.com.
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the-flowerman · 4 years
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