Going back to my YouTuber! Self insert x sans idea, what if we are just a YouTuber in his world and he just watches us from time to time. Doesn’t matter what our videos about, he will always be the first viewer.
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hyacinthmonster · 1 year
Mild rambles at first)
I love Sans. He's been who I daydream about the most aside from his bro Papyrus whom I simply don't daydream as much of.
I was obsessed with Undertale when I was younger so I know alot of small things about the game and different AUs because I thought that stuff was super cool, but everything eventually got all muddled together in my head. Sometimes I'm unsure if I actually have any idea of how the cannon characters would act or I mix them up. I probably do fine with my interpretation of all the characters. Well almost all. I have no actual humor, I don't joke that much aside from sarcasm and even then I don't often. So Sans is my favorite, but I can't get his character right, ever, when daydreaming unless it's a him that doesn't really make puns or anything like that. Even then it feels a little off somehow. So I ended up making this: Aggregate!Sans.
Aggregate means "1. a whole formed by combining several (typically disparate) elements... 2. a material or structure formed from a loosely compacted mass of fragments or particles." (Definition from from Google dictionary.)
This is the rough draft I made but I'm uncertain if I should clean it up and post it or just make it for my view alone. The anomaly is a slight self insert, I'm just kinda warning I suppose.
(clicking will probably make it look better)
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Just not sure what to do...
I mean I'll probably continue drawing him for me from time to time but I kinda wanna share, I suppose this is me seeing if anyone would be interested in it. I still might post about him from time to time just not in this kinda way...
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battleczar · 1 year
Y'know, ever since I discovered radical feminism, I have more confidence than ever
Like, enough to apply for a fancy job I'm wildly unqualified for, but still got an interview anyway
Anytime I doubt myself I always think, if a mediocre man can do it, so can I
Yes you can!!! Congratulations on getting the interview 🥰
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catnippackets · 1 year
the art style contrast for horror in the most recent backmaker pages was very well done - it was still clearly a part of the comic's style but rendered differently. hats off to you, i think this is one of the better renditions of that effect i've seen out there - really makes it feel like something horrible you'd see irl
thank you so much ;;;U;;; I'm so happy you found it so chilling!! <3
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do you think hannibal would be a ferret
I do think Hannibal could be a ferret. Ferrets are considered invasive in some parts of the world, and while Hannibal is just one man, he does want hia ideas to be adopted by others, so in a way, his morals and opinions and thought processes are a bit invasive.
Ferrets are also carnivores. While they are true carnivores and Hannibal is omnivorous, there is an obvious emphasis on his meat eating habits. He also has sharp teeth (at least in NBC universe) and it known to bite (in many universes), which ferrets will do to consume and when threatened.
They will also do a little dance when threatened as a way to distract their predator. (They will also do this dance when excited). Hannibal does not do ballet or anything but his fighting style is very graceful and dancer-like.
There is also a rumor that ferrets "have a smell" or smell bad. Like any animal, they have unique scent glands and things, but the emphasis on their smell and with Hannibal's super smelling powers, its all very funny to me.
They also bond very closely to other ferrets and it is recommended not to have one alone. Hannibal can live alone but attaches to Will and greatly prefers his company over none. And Hannibal has "replaced" will with another person to keep from being alone
They can also team up with falcons, and falconers will use both to reach their goal. Which is interesting because falcons can hunt and kill ferrets, but now they are working together. Much like Will and Hannibal with Will fantasizing about killing Hannibal multiple times but in the end deciding to work together.
Intact female ferrets can die from not mating, because too much estrogen can cause certain blood issues. Its funny because Hannibal is constantly trying to give Will a baby but in the end, takes all of them away from him. A horny ferret that cannot make up his mind.
They were also bred in early domestication to hunt rabbits and it reminds me of that scene where he tells Jack the food is rabbit and Jack jokes that the rabbits should have hopped faster.
They are also used in research especially in the field of neuroscience, which is super interesting seeing how Will had encephalitis and Hannibal was kind of treating Will like an experiment. (I guess that makes Will the ferret but shhhh)
The name ferret also comes from a Latin term meaning "little thief" and while Hannibal did not really do petty theft, he did steal things from people (like Will's family away from him.)
A group of ferrets is called a "business" and Hannibal always means business and wears the suits to prove it.
They also love jumping and we all saw the final scene of the show :)
Also sidenote: male ferrets are called hobs (hoblet when neutered) and the connection to Hobbs is too real
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scorndotexe · 2 years
me and the mutuals ruining our sleep schedules together
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dancefevers · 2 years
goes to the library to play my switch
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chibitabathasloves · 2 years
i think when it comes to learning a language it's better to learn smth fun than smth u "should" i never was able to get into spanish. and theres no real reason for me to learn lithuanian but its fun ! gl w danish !!
if you do end up reading the books i'll have to warn you of p much every trigger warning on earth ? thomas harris managed to trigger me on things i didn't even know could be a problem. so be safe out there. i haven't watched SOTL in a way that matters so i can't say anything about it (i know) or hannibal rising for that matter (havent even read the book version of that) but manhunter is also another hannibal i love ! he's in it for 8 minutes though. up to you if thats worth it. feed the book notes ! :) also i wouldnt be able to judge u for ur handwriting ! i have severe dysgraphia so i understand how it is sometimes. i can't promise id be able to read it though. (also unrelated and a bit late but if you want to share the italian will/hanna nicknames i think i'd love that knowledge)
my favorite part about NBC lecter is definitely his self control. his need for control actually. and to me the most important part about lecter is his survivability. that's why to me its always funny to think "oh old man needs his fancy silk and fine dinners, he'd crumble like feta if he didn't have them" but if this turns into serious analysis of his character then its glossing over the fact that hannibal lecter has reached almost perfect ataraxia ? like, he has perfect control at all times. he has control over the situation (his constant manipulation and schemes) but if the situation slips from him (getting tied up christ style and slashed at the wrists, getting kidnapped and tied up in the stables), then it doesn't matter, he still has control. because... he doesn't care ! hannibal doesn't lose his shit pulling his hair out crying screaming if his plans don't go according to plan because he's reached perfect control over his emotions. therefore he doesn't care if things go wrong, it's just another interesting thing happening in his life. if he doesn't allow himself to feel upset, if he doesn't allow himself to freak out over the loss of control, then he's never lost control in the first place, he can't get traumatized, and it's like nothing bad happened. that's why i think any upset he might have felt over the assassination attempt was played up/acted out so he could lure alana (who is attracted to pathetic men in need of fixing like a moth to the light). thats also why i think hannibal couldn't have suffered THAT much from being in jail for three years because... idk like sure it cost him something, it cost him his freedom and everything. freedom from murder. but the fact he gave it up willingly is so much more important to who hannibal lecter is - someone who will never be in a traumatic situation ever again and never get hurt again - than any luxury he might have had when he was free and has now lost. i think in comparison the s2 finale was more of a loss of control albeit partial and i think it affected him more negatively. what are ur thoughts
Okay, so I actually have my notes out, because I am an absolute little gremlin. And you're right about the sense of control over his emotions. When he had a noose around his neck he was still cracking jokes. And you're also right about playing up the trauma. If you watch him with Jack, he has his regular collar, buttoned all the way up with a tie. With Alana he wears the shirts open with a scarf to cover up the bruises that may or may not still be there. He acts like the idea of having something constricting around his neck is unappealing, but still steps into his tailored suits and ties a scarf around his neck anyways. Its a very shallow and easily seen through disguise (bruises from a noose would be much high up his neck).
When he was in the straight jacket at the pig pen he only had eyes for Will. Understanding that despite the fact that Will could easily dispose of him, it is still not the reckoning he was promised. So its only a matter of time until that happens. Its part of the reason I think he ledt Will unconscious while abducting Mason. A lot of season 2 is about the pull between Will and Hannibal I think.
The culmination of that tug of war leads to the first time that Hannibal is let down. It was a loss of control over his emotions, after all, one cannot help with who they fall in love with. He thought that Will would join his side, or kill him. Instead he had to deal with Jack Crawford in his kitchen. Hannibal smelled the betrayal on Will’s skin and gave him a choice. But what Hannibal couldn't see was Will trying to sort out his affairs, asking Freddie to not write about Abigail, to only write about him. I think Will was getting ready to leave with him, but unfortunately due to Jack it was taken from him in the form of a knife wound. Gutting him in the literal sense compared to the emotional gutting Hannibal received.
I think the second time he is let down is around the time that Will decides that he doesn't want to know where Hannibal is. Will went to forgive Hannibal, to see if he could love him, even if he wasn't aware of the love he carried just yet. And he was met with a bone saw and the promise of having his brain eaten. Will had enough, but Hannibal thought they could move on from it. I think that Hannibal knew that despite the fact that Will said he was cutting ties, that he didn't mean it. It's really hard to tell, but Will isn't making eye contact. And I think that's really telling.
I think that part of the reason that Hannibal gives himself up in front of Will is to show that he doesn't need all the trappings, just Will's regard. Its a cheap shot, but it clearly works. He seems to grow into his ability to roll with how his love for Will makes him feel. Reveling in the unpredictable nature of it and the man who causes it. I do believe Hannibal when he said he has found Will in his mind palace, victorious. Even if its just a shade of the man he desires. Which is why I agree that the S2 finale was much more rife with trauma for them both.
I am going to stop rambling now before this turns into a dissertation oh my god
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plumedepoete · 1 year
Une personne sans nom - David Frenkel
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J’avais trente et un an en ce début du mois d’avril. L’hiver, cet artiste, n’en terminait pas de découper le tapis céleste en lamelles. Les fines tranches de nuages blancs ne cessaient de tomber sur la parure décatie d’une terre encore somnolente. Je marchais d’un bon pas sur un sentier qui traversait un champ de blé. Eloigné de toute habitation, il reliait la maison où j’habitais, à un village éloigné de trois kilomètres. C’était dimanche, je me rendais chez un proche ami ; j’avais hâte de le retrouver. Cet ami était ma cellule familiale. Enfant unique, je m’étais attaché à lui lorsque nous fréquentions l’école située dans la ville la plus proche. Je perdis mon père lorsque j’avais onze ans, et ma mère quand j’en avais quinze. Une malicieuse connivence nous liait les deux. Elle alimentait un humour noir qui se jouait des difficultés de la vie, et quand tout allait bien, elle nourrissait nos fous rires. J’enfonçais avec délice mes pieds dans la neige fraîche. Mon esprit s’absorbait dans cette poudre glacée. A mi-chemin, je croisai un vieillard qui portait un sac en bandoulière. Il m’apostropha avec un sourire narquois : – Jeune homme, pourquoi vous hâtez-vous ? Ce qui doit vous arriver, s’accomplira. Votre vie a tout son temps. Si quelqu’un doit se hâter, c’est moi ; j’ai fait mon temps. Or, mes jambes ne me portent plus. – Je me dépêche par simple habitude, lui répondis-je. Et puis, ajoutai-je, qu’est-ce que vous en savez, demain, je pourrais mourir, et dans dix ans vous pourriez encore me sourire. J’avais l’intention de le dérider mais mes propos produisaient un effet contraire. Ses petits yeux éraillés, d’un vert terne, me lançaient des signaux de détresse. Gringalet, le dos voûté, l’homme avait le menton et les joues qui tombaient. Ces marques de vieillesse donnaient aux légers tremblements de sa lèvre inférieure une allure pathétique. Je ne pouvais poursuivre égoïstement mon chemin. Certes, me disais-je, un ami m’attend, et moi aussi j’ai envie de le rencontrer, mais je m’en voudrais de ne pas avoir été un viatique. Aussi pris-je la décision de m’intéresser à lui. – Où habitez-vous ? poursuivis-je. – J’habite à trois kilomètres d’ici, dans le hameau qui borde la route nationale. Chaque matin, je me rends au village pour me maintenir en forme et me pourvoir du nécessaire si besoin. – Moi, j’habite de l’autre côté, à environ deux kilomètres de chez vous, ma maison jouxte la grande plantation de colza. Mais comment se fait-il que je ne vous ai encore jamais rencontré ? Vous avez pourtant l’habitude de vous rendre au même lieu que moi, Etes-vous motorisé ? A pied, je ne connais que ce chemin. Il traverse votre hameau, passe par le tunnel sous la route, rejoint ma demeure et aboutit au village. – Non. Il existe un autre chemin qui n’est pas balisé. Il longe la rivière. A un certain endroit celle-ci se rétrécit, et des planches posées par des promeneurs permettent de l’enjamber. Ensuite un sentier mène à travers champs vers le village. Le chemin est plus long, mais je préfère l’emprunter car il me permet d’admirer un plus beau paysage. – Avez-vous de la famille ? – Non, pas ici. Des parents du côté maternel vivent encore ; ils habitent outre mer. Je ne me suis jamais marié. – Ainsi vous êtes seul. Je comprends que vous soyez triste, lui dis-je avec l’espoir qu’il se confiât à moi. – Je me débats contre une vieillesse lugubre, finit-il par m’avouer. – Mais vous paraissez en bonne santé ! m’exclamai-je. – La santé physique, c’est une chose ; la santé mentale, c’en est une autre, me répondit-il sur un ton plaintif. Je sentais un vif désarroi dans les propos du vieillard. Je le priai de s’asseoir sur un des bancs de pierre que l’on avait installé le long du chemin pédestre. Une fois assis, je lui dis : – Je suis trop jeune pour me rendre compte des tourments d’un vieillard, alors, je vous en prie, dites-moi exactement ce qui vous tracasse. – Cela m’attriste quand je me surprends à dire : «Peut-être demain, je ne serai plus de ce monde.» Quand j’étais jeune, je me disais : «Demain, je ferai ceci, j’accomplirai cela.» – Diable, pourquoi penser à demain, vivez l’instant présent ! – Mais comment puis-je le vivre quand mes articulations me rappellent que la mort a sonné ? Comment ne pas penser à ma fin prochaine quand mon cœur a tendance à s’effacer devant elle ? Comment faire des projets lorsque je ne suis pas certain que je m’en souvienne ? – Vous mangez, vous dormez et vous vous lavez, n’est-ce pas ? – Oui, et alors ! me dit-il en haussant les épaules. – Vous prenez soin de votre corps, malgré votre abattement, parce que votre instinct vous le commande, sans vous poser des questions. Alors chassez également vos idées noires par instinct de conservation. – Oui, mais mes idées noires, mon désappointement, sont véhiculés par un sentiment qui relève aussi d’un instinct, celui de revivre sa jeunesse. Pourquoi la nature est-elle si cruelle avec nous, les hommes ? Elle n’a pas éteint le désir de retrouver cette beauté et cette vitalité qui nous caractérisaient il y a bien longtemps. J’étais un apollon, j’avais des muscles, j’avais une mémoire d’éléphant. La société m’adulait pour mes traits d’esprit. Regardez-moi ! Je suis un vieux sapajou, un être qui tient à peine sur ses deux jambes, et il m’arrive de buter sur des mots. Je l’avais remarqué. Il ajouta encore : – Cela serait formidable si nous gardions notre jeunesse jusqu’à trépas et si nous mourions lorsque nous aurions perdu goût à la vie. J’étais désemparé. Que lui répondre ? La neige avait cessé de tomber. Un moineau pépiait, il avait l’air de fêter l’événement. Heureuses sont les bêtes, me dis-je, ils ne savent pas que la mort les attend. Nombre d’oiseaux crevaient chaque jour, faute de nourriture, durant cet hiver qui n’en finissait pas. Lorsque leur heure a sonné, ils se cachent pour mourir, comme si la honte de n’avoir pas vu venir la mort, les mettait mal à l’aise dans cette nature insouciante. Je restai pendant un long moment silencieux. Jeune et en bonne santé, je culpabilisais devant ce vieillard fragile. Je pris sa main veinée dans la mienne. Les veines ressortant du dessus de sa main pétrifiaient mes doigts. Ils n’osaient presser la vie précaire qui s’écoulait en elles. La tristesse de la vieillesse pénétrait mon esprit et me faisait entendre le ressac d’une vie qui se brisait sur les lignes de la mort. Je voyais cet homme dans le miroitement d’une jeunesse se riant d’une fin inéluctable. Elle l’accable en ce moment. Je m’imaginais cet homme, fait au moule, se moquant d’un vieux birbe. Ce dernier prend présentement sa revanche. Je concevais la verve d’un godelureau au regard assassin dévorant les arguments d’autrui. Maintenant, la décrépitude engloutit son verbe, me faisais-je encore la réflexion. Soudain, je fus pris d’angoisse. Mon cœur battait la chamade. Je me voyais cinquante ans plus tard, sourd et aveugle, attablé en chaise roulante, aux mains d’une infirmière me donnant à manger et essuyant ma bave. Le vieillard était le miroir de mon devenir. L’élan que j’avais vers le vieillard se transforma soudain en retenue. Je retirai ma main de la sienne. Afin de faire diversion à mon geste, je lui posai cette question philosophique : – Si on pouvait photographier une jeune tête à l’âge de sa vieillesse, l’homme à qui on présenterait sa future figure, deviendrait-il sage ou pervers ? La malice lui tordit la bouche lorsqu’il l’ouvrit pour me dire : – Je vous réponds par une autre question : si le portrait d’un jeune visage pouvait se greffer sur celui d’une vieille peau ridée, l’homme, se regardant dans le miroir, serait-il heureux ou malheureux ? Un groupe de jeunes scouts portant une chemise kaki et une culotte brune à franges en guise d’uniforme passa près de nous, L’un d’eux avait un appareil photo. Je l’interpellai et lui demanda : – Rendez-moi un service, photographiez-nous. Mais uniquement nos deux têtes. Je me blottis contre le vieillard et collai mon visage contre le sien. Sa peau rugueuse me piquait comme la révolte froissant l’insouciance. L’adolescent gentiment nous photographia. Son appareil développa la photo instantanément. Il nous la remit avant de rejoindre au pas de course ses camarades. Je dis au vieillard : – Mon cher, gardez la photo. Alors, êtes-vous heureux ou malheureux ? Une larme perla sur sa joue, il me répondit : – Merci. Je viens de m’apercevoir que lorsque la vieillesse et la jeunesse sont côte à côte, les regrets du passé sont les embellissements du futur, et les laideurs d’un avenir sont les reliques d’un temps révolu. Je suis envahi de tristesse mais ivre de bonheur. . Le vieillard se leva et partit sans prendre congé de moi comme si le silence était une des meilleures salutations lorsque l’émotion nous prend. L’intelligence de sa dernière réplique — il l’avait prononcée sans buter sur un seul mot — m’avait chaviré. Je demeurai assis un bon moment, ne voulant pas rompre ces instants de grâce. Je n’ai plus jamais revu ce vieillard. Pourquoi ne lui ai-je pas demandé son nom ? Je ne saurais répondre. Mais au fond, le souvenir des personnes anonymes n’est-il pas le plus beau ? Read the full article
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abed-mydear · 2 years
oh my god youre dancefevers
oh my god you’re sansnom
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hyacinthmonster · 1 year
Kinda wanna make Sansnomaly related stuff but I know everything will be Ooc so I'm so very hesitant.
I also don't know how exactly... I mean I have a few ideas and I really wanna do them but also idk...
I shall try later, I still kinda suck when drawing sans.... Hmmmmmm
My head is spinning.
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battleczar · 11 days
Supracervical hysterectomies remove the upper portion of the uterus and leave the cervix behind in the body. While some doctors believe this kind of hysterectomy has been made redundant by advancing medical technology, they are still a fairly common procedure. Not that that negates the point you made on that post a few hours ago, just wanted to share a fun(?) fact
Thank you for the additional information!
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post-leffert · 7 months
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11th September, Frankfurt Germany.
via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!
“The International Motor Show (IAA) was held in Munich last week. At this summer show, all manner of multinationals were once again able to show off their gleaming, beautiful cars and congratulate themselves on their economic success in their air-conditioned conference rooms, limousines and exhibition halls.
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So we torched a few new Tesla cars this evening in Frankfurt. In salute to the Munich protests. One of many attacks on the destructive automotive industry.
Tesla is one of our greatest enemies. This company represents better than any other the ideology of green capitalism and the pursuit of global and colonial destruction. Electric motors are constantly presented as the clean alternative. This is a cynical lie. Like other companies, Tesla exploits resources all over the world. The raw materials needed for electric car batteries, such as lithium and cobalt, are mined in Latin America or Africa under miserable conditions. Despite the pretty green paint job, fossil fuels are used to transport and extract them.
All this is linked to the oppression of indigenous communities, whose resistance must spur us to action.
Tesla accepts all this in order to produce cars that can slither through city centers. Which will show day after day that there is wealth to be had. But not for everyone. According to Tesla’s logic, only a few are entitled to own such cars. It’s a question of class that determines who drives or has the right to drive these cars.
This time, in a show of resistance, we attacked a parking lot housing Teslas for sale. Often, and just about everywhere, it’s Teslas belonging to private individuals that are hit, when it’s not the construction of its factories that are sabotaged, as in Berlin-Grünheide. All these acts are important to damage this group. Not only economically, but above all politically. To show that we don’t agree with the green lies, the plundering of raw materials or the cities and roads that belong only to the rich. In our opinion, these poisoners must pay a high price!
Tesla is part of a conglomerate of groups owned by Elon Musk. His patriarchal fantasies are apparently inexhaustible. He is one of those people who want to dominate the Internet, space, new technologies and artificial intelligence, and seems to know no limits to his fantasies of domination.
SpaceX, for example, is a company that wants to create more resources, rockets and spaceships to make space a vacation destination for the rich and advance the idea of one day inhabiting Mars. The appropriation and subjugation of territories for capitalism continues, all the way to Mars. A dystopia that speaks volumes.
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But like SpaceX and Tesla, Neuralink also aspires to a longer-term perspective, in which individuals have a different value. In which some people have a right to a better life in the midst of the ecological catastrophe that is already upon us. Incorporating certain thoughts and ideas into the development of AI can only give rise to a deeply racist technology.
Some may claim that their electric cars are not responsible for the destruction of the world’s ecosystems, exploitation and displacement of populations. Some grant themselves the right to be blind to their privilege of colonial and ecological destruction. We must destroy these patriarchal and colonialist conceptions of the future. They are the enemy of a world and a way of life that are ecological and based on solidarity.
Greetings to all those on the run and in prison! Switch Off – the system of destruction!”
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like when you learn how a kidney works or any organ or even just a process or just how a neural synapse works. life is fucking beautiful
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dancefevers · 2 years
do you think hannibal would be a ferret
yeah i think so
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chibitabathasloves · 2 years
i agree w the notes !! i hadnt noticed the scarf stuff but it makes a lot of sense. nice catch !
sorry the brain fog is taking a bit. i love that u have a notebook for that btw. if you ever end up watching manhunter, it's an ok adaptation of the book red dragon. im kind of insane about red dragon willnibal and manhunter willnibal : i think manhunter will is VERY different from red dragon will, in bad ways, but both are kind of insane to me. i have book fandesigns but idk if its worth posting the content bc everyone is so used to NBC ? but then again i literally draw manhunter designs which are from a movie literally Two people in the fandom have seen so
i like ur interpretation of hannibals feelings for will ! i do have a bit of trouble being as optimistic about it as other people in the fandom. i kind of don't really know where the control freakism starts and where it ends w his feelings for him. you're right that he didn't choose who he loves, which i'm sure made him ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS, BECAUSE HOW DARE, but also so he can play chess with will properly instead of just making him a pawn he does have to relinquish some control... and he can't just detach himself emotionally from the situation, he's in love... but then it means he has to give up control. i love willnibal so much, i love writing it so much, it's so fucking complicated.
also i love the italian nicknames they're so cute :) i love the idea of italian nicknames in general. hope u can kick ur friends ass !! i do love the idea of will trying to connect w hannibal thru languages. italian seems like a good middle ground, lithuanian is really pushing it too far imho. remembers lovingly that mspaint comic i made w will thinking it would be a VERY good idea to practice saying "i love you" in lithuanian and chiyoh begging him to stop because it was the worst idea alive
Hello again, sorry I was at a wedding last night trying to wrangle small children that aren't mine.
My notes have like insightful little quips and then bullshit like: "Fucking monster. Licked a newspaper." Like, ah yes. They're going to give the cannibal glue. No, no they won't. But he sure did lick that newspaper for his weird little scrapbook.
I'm not going to lie, the reason I've actually thought about watching Manhunter is cause of you. My one friend told me the movie isn't very good (I'm notoriously bad at watching bad films) but I wanted to be able to interact with your art for those things because I like your art so much. Also now that I am an unhinged Hannibal fan, he got me to watch Hannibal Rising (i think I told him I wanted my time and money back), SOTL and Red Dragon. My first thought when seeing Norton as Will was "Really? The fight club guy?" But i remember so little of the film other than 'wow, Freddie Lounds is a dick whether he has one or not' and 'hehehe exercise leash'. And then with SOTL I was like "wow, good thing all these characters appear to be the pinnacle of mental health." But they sure didn't seep into my brain. I might try watching them again. But I def want to watch Manhunter. Give me insane. I'm down for the sickness (brain rot).
Also, give me the fan designs. I'm still a partial Witcher fan, so I love seeing the book designs people come up with. I love that for people! I love that for me!
The weird thing about Hannibal's feelings is that he's so blasé about them. I think at first he saw Will, and was intrigued about the potential of being seen. But clearly it wasn't the superpower it was practically claimed to be. After all, Will looked him dead in the eyes and didn't see the creature behind the veil. But maybe Hannibal saw something else in those eyes that wouldn't settle. Like a feral animal curled into itself, eyes darting around, looking for the best and quickest exit. Unlike when he met Lass, who was hardworking and smart, he kept her because of that intelligence. Will had something, but he wasn't sure what. And I think that's why when he says he was curious about what Will would have done with Hobbs when he had placed that phone call, I believe him. Will was either going to be another of Jack's bloodhounds stolen from under his nose, or he was going to be something else. I think that Hannibal struggles with some form of depression, the surface level attachments to his creature comforts, so the boredom is stifling. Hannibal himself is so incredibly nuanced and shifts from "Will is my friend" to "Guess I have to eat him" in the same conversation. I don't think Will was ever safe from Hannibal's knife. At least not until like S3 finale. The issue with an emotion you're not used to is its volatile, and we can see that in how Hannibal talks of Will and to Will. I do think that he joined Jack in helping to groom Will to kill himself, because it would be a worthy challenge.
I know some of the Fandom elevate Will to a god-adjacent status in Hannibal's eyes. But again, I think that comes and goes. I think there are moments where Hannibal looks at Will and sees the God of Righteous Fury, and other times he sees the man who is ruining his life. Hannibal's body language and facial expressions are all very neutral (props to Mads Mikkelsen for that), so you have to watch his eyes and mouth for the smallest flickers. And they are small. Matthew Brown was a fool and a tool, but he was right about the eyes.
NBC Hannibal's past is very patchwork-y but from what I could scrape together he would have stopped speaking Lithuanian around the time he was mute, would have shifted into at least understanding or attempting to understand Russian (soviet occupied Lithuania) before he fled to France. In France he was still a mute. NBC specifically said his Uncle Robertus took him in at 16. Boarding school. So we can assume he learned French in boarding school. Japanese would have been next up, Lady Murasaki and Chiyoh would have used it to speak to each other, both so far from home, it would have helped ease the homesickness. So I do believe Hannibal would have learned Japanese. But Japanese would be tied to another heartbreak (like Lithuanian) when Murasaki sends Hannibal away after he refuses to stop stabbing people. He goes to his mother's homeland of Italy, and eventually settles in Florence, where he learns Italian and comes to grow into the man we know today. So that's why I advocated hard for Italian nicknames. And why I think that language for Hannibal is important, but also an insane field filled with landmines.
Welcome to my Hannibal TedTalk lmao
And I will kick his butt, because I want to write suburban murder husbands calling each other il mio mostro and il mio tutto, and I think we chose a German nickname for Abbie, but I don't remember it now. Had to look it up Jägerin, for huntress. Cause we're unhinged and can lmao
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