#santa girl was cute but i HATE the name of that one
I forgot how good The Holiday Calendar was too.
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catiuskaa · 4 months
Game On, Game Boy.
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SUMMARY: dating someone from the opposing team is banned? So what? Minho isn’t dating that cute girl with the purple headset, they clearly hate each other! …wait, what? You never said it was her? O-oh… um, well…
REQUESTED! here by my pookie dookie @15092000volcano, who OMG LOVE YOU GOT SOME IDEAS™️ and i’m 100% here for it!
WC: 3.8k
CW: extensive use of curse words, use of petnames, gaming lingo that i won’t explain (sorry), a sneaky mention of changlix and a ridiculously explicit mention of hyunin because idk broski i just felt like it
[♦️★ 🎯 ★♦️]
“Are you sure this is the section you’re supposed to be in, Lee?”
Minho’s eyes turned darker and he chuckled a cold laugh that could’ve frozen the Han river over a hundred times.
No one noticed the slight smile he let out that was quickly hidden again.
“Look who it is,” Minho beamed a newly found energy, as if a dark, bad, and rude soul had just taken control of his mean smile. “If it isn’t other than the wrongly chosen personality hire of… mhh… I don’t remember… sorry, dollface, what’s the name of your team again?”
Behind him, a blond guy stared at him, eyebrows shot up, eyes wide. He turned around and faced one of his other team players.
“Hey, hyung. Does Minho know that girl?” Felix asked in a low voice. “He… doesn’t look too happy.” That was a nice way to put it.
Changbin rolled his eyes at the encounter, throwing his arm over Felix’s shoulders.
“Her username is something like ‘soondondori25”. Minho and her met a while back, in high school. As little as he’s said, one thing’s for sure: they really don’t like each other.”
Despite it not looking too good for the team the fact that its leader wasn’t behaving with their opponents, Seo huffed, not paying any mind to the arguing pair, unlike Felix, whose eyes stayed glued to his other hyung and the new girl, still going at each other.
"I bet you’re still using the overpowered weapon. Can’t really get past Nerf Bastian, can ya?” You stated mockingly, your cheeks red as you kept arguing. “I guess you need all the help you can get."
"Says the one who relies on camping. Can't face me head-on, huh?” Minho grinned with a sense of superiority, stepping forward. “Scared, dollface?”
You bit your lip, your eyes locked on his.
"You won’t need to worry about my team’s name, sweetie. I’ll make sure you never forget it.” Your stare would’ve burnt a forest just by staring at the grass for a bit too long.
“Still can't win without relying on cheap strategies, can you?"
Minho settled his hands on his pockets, halfly staring down at you, as if mocking your height.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” You chuckled lowly. You said it with a smirk, which Minho was fast to return. “Still stuck on that low-tier character, right? It seems like you need to step up your game, buddy."
“Oh, please!” Minho passed a hand through his hair, his tone hinting mocked amusement. He bent down lightly, his face in front of yours. “You're just a sore loser who can't handle a fair fight. Go back to your corner and cry some more, dollface.”
“Keep telling yourself that. We both know you're just jealous I'm better at this game than you."
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, dollface. I still manage to win against you. Seems like you're just bitter about losing."
The battle of comebacks kept going on, both of you stepping closer to each other with each sentence, as if about to throw hands.
“Ah, fuck! They do this every year!” Someone from your team approached the both of you while cursing. You ignored him at first, but then halfly gasped, facing your teammate.
“Jisung, I swear he started.”
“Yeah, Jisung. I started.” Minho cackled mockingly. “Tell Santa so I don’t have toys this Christmas.”
Han squinted at Minho. “Sure. As if I fucking care.” He then turned to face you, handing you a red shirt. “Yours. We’re red for the first round.” He stated seriously, taking on the role of team leader.
Minho and you stared at each other deeply just as Jisung flew the scene, missing how you two were basking in the glow of shared secrets.
“I’m team red, bunny,” you snickered at him in a smug tone. “You know what that means.”
“Superstition is for the rookies, dollface,” he said, his smile confirming the nickname you gave him was well justified.
No one knew the troubles the both of you had gone through. That’s why you smiled, knowing that when the round ended and you were both done for the day, —when you won, of course—, your boyfriend would still owe you a kiss.
All this mean smack talk was purely for the benefit of the other rival teams. Minho was happy to let you prove yourself to those who couldn’t grasp the idea that a girl in sparkly, cute dresses and what some would call ‘over the top’ makeup belonged in the competition. Minho and you both knew that one of the toughest rounds would certainly be against one another. You know exactly how good of a gamer he is, and likewise, his team had already heard about how your team had broken records during trials —named team Levanter, even if your endearing opponent pretended not to know it—, but there was no real animosity here.
Not an easy thing to hide, considering that to you it was obiously noticeable how Minho’s eyes hadn’t left your lips in what seemed like ten minutes. But yeah. No animosity. Just a knack for competition. And a bet that decides who’s making dinner for the night, but right now…
Right now was about the fight.
Both team Levanter and team Thunderous were sat in places, red vs blue once again as several cameras from the streaming platform that broadcasted the event were turned on, recording each player while the ref briefly introduced them with a loud tone for the crowd.
“Levanter, ready?” He asked with a smile meant for the thousands and thousands of viewers streaming online as the camera focused on him shortly.
“Ready,” Jisung smirked, to which everyone in your team logged in the computers before you as a response.
“Thunderous, ready?”
Minho smiled in your direction, holding back a chuckle when he noticed you had already been staring, then threw a wink at him.
“Ready,” he said.
You two exchanged a glance, openly competitive, any other meanings hidden between you two and the red thread that joined your little fingers, a silent agreement breaking the rules —the same ones you broke barely half an hour ago, when his lips consumed yours, or that you’re probably going to be rehashing the whole gameplay in your shared apartment and no one will know.
(And sure, you might do other things, too.)
The sound blasted in your headset when you settled it in place. You gave one last look to Minho, and he mumbled towards you with a smile.
“See you on the other side, dollface.”
“You’re the worst.” An easy shorthand for love you.
He smiled, and there was a knowledge that made your heart smile too, because winning or losing, in the end, you were coming back to his arms.
Your hands tightened and you cracked your knuckles, settling them back in place, one over the keyboard and the other on the mouse. You were nervous, yeah, but not afraid. This was your comfort zone. This is your comfort zone.
“COUNTDOWN,” the ref shouted, the numbers showing up in the complete view in the big screen behind him. “STARTING IN 3…! 2…! 1…!”
[♦️★ 🎯 ★♦️]
The vehicle shuddered when you closed the door with a thud.
You two stayed in silence for a bit, merely listening to the rain as the droplets hit the car nonchalantly.
“Can I be smug about it?” You smiled cheekily.
“Just ‘cause I ain’t that much of a sore loser, you get two minutes.” He scoffed with fake annoyance, which wasn’t truly worrying because he didn’t put any effort on hiding his smile, too.
You snickered, turning your body to face him, teasing him even before starting.
“But you owe me something first, dollface.”
You rolled your eyes. “It ain’t even that good of a nickname, Min.”
But then his hand, always a little colder than yours, swiftly gripped you by your neck, fingers stroking your nape as you held back a shiver, easily less than an inch away from him now.
“Would you rather I call you buddy?”
You smiled, eyes wondering where to focus, in a trance between his eyes, deep and enticing, or his lips, sweet and so stupidly kissable.
“Hurt much?” You pouted mockingly. You were obviously not expecting him to bite your lower lip.
He laughed, a menace he was, but he was quickly winned over —dare I say once more— when you pulled him towards your lips by tugging at the collar of his shirt.
Minho smiled as you let him take control.
“Your two minutes are over.” He whispered over your lips, leaving a small peck on your forehead before turning to the steering wheel.
You were about to complain, but that was before his hand, a bit warmer now, was strategically placed just a bit further up your knee.
He gave you a playful side eye.
You rolled your eyes again, to which he chuckled.
“Before you start snickering and bitching about what you want for dinner, princess,” Minho started speaking with a smile, his hand not leaving your leg as he started the engine, “seeing as I didn’t go to the grocery store and neither did you, we’re doing take-out.”
“That’s so unfair!” You argued as he manoeuvred to get the car out of the parallel spot. You stayed silent until he did, faking a pout. “You made me buy groceries last time I lost.”
He cackled. “Because I drive, silly.”
You glared at him. He grinned.
“I’ll call your mom.” You threatened. “I’ll make sure she takes the cats with her the days you have free.”
He gave you a stare with wide eyes once he encountered a red light.
“But honey, those are my children too.” His fake tone of worry was too funny to not burst out in laughter, to which he happily joined in.
“Shits and giggles aside, don’t,” he smiled. “Last time you did she told my dad and he still makes jokes about it.”
You acted smugly as you fetched for the aux cord and plugged it to your phone, scrolling down through your music app.
“Of course he does,” you snorted with a toothy grin. “I’m amazing. And even if we’re doing take-out I will beat the shit out of you if you don’t make lasagna before Friday.” You threatened again with a silly smile. “You know I can.”
He snorted too, his hand playfully squeezing your leg for a second.
“I know,” he mumbled absentmindedly, tracing patterns over your knee. “But we’re getting sushi tonight.”
The idea seemed nice enough, so in a silent agreement you settled on a playlist you knew he’d sing along to. Just as Wonder Girls started to play, he giggled, his hand tickling your knee —something as ticklish as confusing, really—.
“Cheeky.” He snickered, unable to not join in to your efforts into making the korean lyrics make sense, singing for a fun time, not a long one, specially when after Tell me finished, the next songs calmed down the upbeat vibe and soothed it sweetly, your boyfriend humming only when he concentrated on the road ahead.
He shoved you one of his hoodies that he had kept in the seats in the back, because he knew you’d show up with clothing that as beatiful as you looked with it, he just clicked his tongue and tutted at you when you tried to enter the restaurant after he parked, and sneakily locked the doors. You squinted your eyes at him.
“Put that on, missy.” He snickered, eyebrows up. “As funny as the idea may seem, cold as a concept isn’t psychological.”
You chuckled at his commentary, and quickly threw it on, a silly smile on your face when you realized that it smelled like him.
“Sure, Mr Charmer.” You shook your head sideways, smirking once he unlocked the car and you could open the door. “For the record, pretty boy, I’m just doing it cause you left money on the pocket.” You cackled and skipped inside the restaurant, with him chuckling just a bit behind you.
The restaurant was fairly empty, saving a couple of tables that were reserved for later and other customers that had barely started to eat.
You hid the twenty bucks bill you found in your phone case, and Minho pretended to forget about it when he saw you grin. You smiled at him gingerly, thinking where would it be a good place to put the it in where he could find it later.
He let you choose from the menu, trusting your taste and letting you pick the items for the both of you, doozing off slowly, distracting himself with the strange tipping device that the restaurant had on the counter top. Upon inspection, it was clearly a lucky cat figure, that when coins were placed on its hand, he’d just… eat them…?
“To go, yeah?” the young man at the counter asked with a tiny smile, wearing a small name tag that read “JEONGIN” in big letters.
You nodded, but noticed ‘Jeongin’ gave your really-interested-in-the-stupid-ass-tip-animal-robot company a look, and you stared at Minho too, scratching your cheek absentmindedly.
“Is he with you?” He asked nonchalantly, merely starting small talk.
You smiled. “Yeah. A girl needs a wallet from time to time.”
He snorted, nodding in agreement. “He’s… something.”
“Thanks. He’s rescue.”
You felt a hand slither into the pockets of your hoodie. Well. Technically his.
“Stop telling people that.” He huffed, laying his forehead on your shoulder.
Jeongin snickered at the two of you. “My boyfriend is a rescue too,” he winked. “This is his uniform, because he used mine by mistake and stained it with soja sauce.”
“Oh. So you’re not Jeongin, I guess?” You chuckled gently.
“I’m Hyunjin.” He corrected with a smile. After a bit, he handed you your order in a plastic bag. “It was nice to meet you two!”
You waved back with a sheepish smile as you two exited.
[♦️★ 🎯 ★♦️]
“WHAT?!” You screamed, the mic on your purple headset able to catch it flawlessly, as in response you started hearing laughs.
You stared at the screen, the music lowering as your character approached your house —or what used to be your house—.
“Y-yeah,” Seungmin’s voice chimed in, who tried to explain once more in between laughs, “Changbin added landscape mods o-or something,” he chuckled. “The storms can start fires.”
“B-HUH?” You frowned, trying to extinguish the fire that remained around. “Fuck that! What the fuck was Notch onto with this bullshit?”
Felix and Changbin still were unable to speak, as they continued to laugh loudly in the call. You went to Discord for a second, and muted them both. “You guys, shut up!”
They were muted, so you couldn’t possibly know if they had listened to you —most likely not—. Going back to Minecraft, you went in your house, and started looking around in your chest room if you had any wood to spare to repair the ceiling.
“Motherf- I gotta go chop wood?” You scoffed. “Brother.” You were starting to get pissed off, so you breathed in, fixing your glasses in position and your mind went back to the stream, and you started talking to the chat while getting the materials.
“Shit, I ran out of torches,” you cursed, going on your inventory to see if you had more. Oops. You didn’t. And you didn’t have much food either. Suddenly, zombie noises started to blast in your headset, several arrows hitting you.
“Fuckfuckfuck,” you used your shield, trying to find your enemies. “Where is this bitch?”
Minho went to the kitchen, that was a door away from your streaming room, able to hear loud noises coming from inside. He raised his eyebrows, wondering what could be happening in the gameplay.
You stormed out of the room, encountering Minho barely a couple steps away from the door.
He blinked, puzzled. “I’m making lasagna…?”
You struggled to calm down, just knowing you didn’t want to lash out at him.
“Time-out?” He questioned, wondering if you wanted some time on your own.
You flinched when you finally realized he was in front of you, your shoulders lowering and your body physically relaxing as you sighed and shook your head sideways.
“A storm burned down part of my roof and then a creeper blew me up when I was trying to fix it.” You sighed. “And then Changbin stole all my materials.”
“Did you turn off stream?” He wondered soothingly, his hands cupping your face and lightly scratching the back of your head.
You shook your head again. “I just turned the camera and the mic off, but it’s still on.”
“And you want to keep playing?”
“Yeah.” You smiled, one of your hands traveling to his. “Thanks, Min.”
He entered the streaming room with you, his arms over your shoulders.
“Where is she though?” Changbin questioned. “She’s not answering.”
“Dude.” Felix let out in shock.
“Lix?” Seungmin questioned.
“Guys, look at her stream.”
Minho left a peck on your head and ruffled your hair.
“Text me if you need anything, yeah?”
You smiled. “Thanks, bunny.”
You put your headphones back on, moving the mouse to turn on the screens again.
…maybe the camera hadn’t exactly been turned off.
You stared at the stream, eyes wide open as the chat started going wild.
[♦️★ 🎯 ★♦️]
catiuskaa, may 2024 ©
~kats, who now wants to go play some minecraft.
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roseharpermaxwell · 9 months
RWRB FirstPrince Holiday Recs
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Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve - click below for my favorites.
I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling... by @iboatedhere. T, 794 words. Four birthdays in Alex's life.
it was the fourth of july (you and i were fireworks) by dreakawa. G, 1k. Alex has always loved fireworks. They were loud and bright and beautiful; in a way, he felt at peace among them.
Tonight, though.
Tonight, Alex watches in amazement as his roommate and best friend, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, gazes up at the display, his big blue eyes taking it all in, lips curved in a gummy smile that takes up his entire face, and oh.
Alex isn't watching the show.
Alex is watching Henry.
love, we begin by rizcriz. T, 1.1k. Henry loves his best friend. Absolutely adores Pez for all he’s worth and then some. But current circumstances have left him with a deep sense of loathing that cannot be outweighed by his hatred for any other thing in existence. In fact, Henry hates Pez so much right now that he wishes they’d never met.
All this to say, it’s two minutes to New Years, Henry’s at a party with only one person he knows—who has very much abandoned him— and is surrounded by horny women eyeing him like he’s going to be their magical prince in shining armor New Years kiss.
or, Henry gets a New Years kiss.
kiss me, and tell me that i’ll see you again by fxckingeyelashes. T, 2k. “Forgive me if I’m being too forward, but are you into guys perhaps? I’d like to know if I have a chance.”
“A chance at what?” Alex raises his eyebrows. It’s only then that he notices the rainbow G A Y under Henry’s name.
“A chance to be your new year’s kiss.”
(you can start) a family who will always show you love by @waterloolovers. T, 2.1k. “Confetti eggs.”
“Cascarones, but yes,” Alex grins, “I’ll give you a pass since your Spanish is a bit tragic.”
“Rude.” Henry rolls his eyes fondly. “So you just… chase each other around and try to smash eggs on each other? Seems rather messy with confetti going everywhere.”
“It’s very messy, but that’s the fun part of it. It’s meant to bring good fortune for the rest of the year."
The Spirit of Giving by @cha-melodius. T, 2.3k. His practice tamales come out pretty damned good, if he says so himself, and the ones for the holiday party are going to be even better. Alex is confident now that there’s no way his won’t be the best dish a the whole potluck; he’s definitely going to win (and no, he doesn’t care that you can’t ‘win’ a potluck, June).
(1 million words challenge holiday edition, prompt: “My holiday dish is better than your holiday dish.”)
Speaking my Language by HMS_Chill. G, 2.3k. Prompt:
"Alex always saying sweet things to Henry in Spanish but won't tell him what any of it means, and he's always google translating them and awe-ing at how cute Alex is and then like maybe he learns how to say something adorable to and says it to Alex and Alex just like melts or something"
one of your girls. by seafloor. M, 2.4k. New Years Eve; three years later. An hour before midnight.
Santa, Tell Me by @harrysglasses. G, 2.5k. Henry receives a very special gift from his office Secret Santa and is determined to find out who it's from.
we play all day (and spread holiday cheer) by headabovethewater. E, 2.5k. Nora guffaws. “You fucked Santa’s Elf?!”
“I mean,” Alex pauses and shrugs, “not with the costume on, obviously.”
“I can’t fucking believe you,” Nora exclaims, her hands cupping her own face in disbelief. She looks over Alex’s shoulder and cocks an eyebrow, before she lowers her hands and her tone, and asks, “Since when do you have a thing for blondes?”
I'll Have a Flu Christmas by @three-drink-amy. G, 2.7k. Plans go awry when Alex comes down with the flu right before Christmas while Henry waits for him to fly over and meet him in England. Prepared to spend Christmas sick and alone, Alex doesn't expect Henry to take matters into his own hands.
i think i'm falling for you by WaterlooLovers. T, 2.8k. Henry blinks at the man. He’s thankful the rink is fairly dark, only disco lights and black lights surrounding them, so the man can’t see the blush on his cheeks. The man is gorgeous, and still holding his waist, and Henry might be hallucinating. Maybe he did crack his skull on the hard rink floor. “Um.”
Trick or Kiss by @hillerskas. NR, 2.9k. Henry’s been here for ten minutes and he’s already causing Alex to feel some feelings. He supposes Henry has made him a bit scared with his costume, but not in the god given Halloween way he should.
Or, Alex is throwing the Halloween party of the year and can't quite figure out why the Prince of England is haunting his every thought.
onward to adventure by rizcriz. T, 3k. Some men would call Henry a fool.
He’s standing at a bar an hour to midnight in a packed nightclub on New Years Eve hoping to catch sight of a man he’s met all of once. Perhaps fool is too lighthearted a word for what he is. Foolishly optimistic—though, he’s never been deemed the optimistic sort before, he supposes there’s a first for everything.
Some people, people like Pez, who are standing watch—or, rather, dancing watch from a respectable distance away—call Henry a reformed fool. Because the fool part came a year ago when he let the world’s most perfect match disappear into a crowd and out of Henry’s life with the promise of returning in a year.
May Your New Years Dreams Come True by chamel. T, 3.1k. “In fact, I’d wager money my date will by far be the hottest there.”
Hunter scoffs, which honestly Henry doesn’t understand. It’s not like Alex hasn’t pulled in some real lookers to previous years’ parties, much to Henry’s chagrin. “Really? You want to bet?”
Alex shrugs. “Sure.”
“Henry,” Hunter says suddenly, finally—and unfortunately—acknowledging that he’s actually been standing there the whole time. “You want in on this?”
(1 million words challenge holiday edition, prompt: "Competition to see who can bring the hottest date to the New Year’s party")
you and me, forevermore by @theprinceandagcd. T, 3.1k. "He pushes up on his toes to kiss Henry, who returns the kiss immediately, greedily, tongue brushing against his in a way that makes Alex's brain short circuit just as much as it did a year ago.
A year ago.
It still does something to him, stirs something deep inside him that makes his entire body feel like pure mush. It's a memory burned so bright in his mind - cold air, a buzz in his veins, a tree in a quiet garden, fingers gripping his face, soft lips against his.
The night his world turned on its axis and shifted toward Henry, altering his path and forever tilting him closer."
Or, Alex and Henry on New Year's Eve, one year after their first, and Alex wants it to be special.
don't let me get drunk again by @getmehighonmagic. E, 3.1k. Alex had never wanted to cancel plans as much as he had while watching Henry pull a pair of light wash, tight jeans over his stockinged legs and bare ass.
Christ, he’s getting hard thinking about it now.
Merry Christmas, Darling by lucy_in_the_sky. E, 3.2k. Alex and Henry's first Christmas together as a couple. Just some good ol' fashioned Christmas smut
Wherever you are, as ever I remain by gallifreyandglowclouds. M, 3.4k. 'It’s transparently a lie, and he shouldn’t lie to Alex, but he can’t help it in the moment. He so badly wants everything to just be fine, to love this new life without a foot stuck in the old one.'
Henry can't help but feel a little homesick during his first Christmas in Brooklyn.
stars by the pocketful by weather_stained. T, 3.7k. Henry is having a terrible Halloween, so terrible that he completely forgets it even is Halloween until Alex shows up at his door asking to borrow a prop for June's costume.
Though Henry opts out of June's Halloween party, Alex makes sure he doesn't spend the holiday alone.
Call It Even by @smc-27. T, 3.7k. Alex shrugs. “I’ll go with you.”
Terrible, terrible, no good idea.
Too bad his mouth works faster than his brain. Which is…another thing he wishes to not think about. His mouth, and Alex, and all the things he could do to that man.
“All right.”
(aka: henry needs a +1 for a holiday party. his roommate offers.)
Help Yourself to Happiness by ronans. NR, 3.8k. ‘So you’re taking the post down, I assume? Now we’re both sober and in control of our impulses?’
Pez barks a laugh. ‘Absolutely not.’
‘I know we discussed the very real possibility that I would cry myself into oblivion without you here singing horrendously off key Christmas carols, but… isn’t this a little… desperate?’
‘I’m willing to see where this will take us, aren’t you?’ Pez asks, raising an eyebrow.
‘Says the man who would be safely out of the country after setting his best friend up with a potential murderer.’
Pez levels him with a look and then picks up Henry’s phone. ‘How many polos did he play?’ Pez turns the screen around so Henry can see the comment. ‘Does that sound like a person with murderous tendencies?’
Henry snatches the phone back. ‘This is a terrible idea.’
Or, A drunken night leads to Pez posting on Reddit, calling on any singles in the area to help Henry be a little less lonely this Christmas.
to see myself in someone’s eyes by saintsnames. G, 4.4k. five fathers, five father’s days
or: a father’s day each in the lives of oscar, arthur, leo, henry, and alex
I'm not gay, but my apparel is by @clottedcreamfudge. T, 4.5k. “I’m not a salesman,” Alex points out, coming out from behind the counter and rolling up his sleeves. “I’m a purveyor of oddities, curiosities, and intrigue.”
“Yes, I saw your sign.”
“And now here we are,” Alex says, gesturing grandly and expansively to the space around him.
“Here we are,” the man says softly, then pulls one hand out of his coat pocket and holds it out to Alex. “Henry Fox-Mountchristen. I would like to purchase an oddity, curiosity, or an item of intrigue.”
you bring blue lights to dreams by headabovethewater. E, 4.5k. When Alex pulls him a bit closer and kisses him again, he thinks he sees a flash of blue peek through the opening in Henry’s shirt, but he ignores the thrill that travels down his spine and shrugs it off. Wishful thinking, he’s sure.
Or, Henry surprises Alex as they celebrate New Year's Eve together.
baby, be mine by strwbrryfox. T, 4.8k. five times alex asks henry to be his valentine and one time henry beats him to it ♥️
many times, many ways by @littlemisskittentoes. M, 4.8k. The thing is, Alex knows he can’t replace the bittersweet wave of memories that swarm Henry’s head at the sight of snow flurries and smell of peppermint in the air. He doesn’t want to. He wants Henry to keep those close, even if it is through the sepia tone of melancholy.
But Alex can’t help but wonder if maybe he can find a way to balance poignancy with something a bit easier. Something a little bit lighter. Something Henry can revisit to understand where he belongs, how he fits into the “happy” of it all any time he needs.
He looks over to Henry, finally asleep against his chest. He takes in the gentle slope of Henry’s nose, the fluttered fan of eyelashes against moon-bathed cheeks. He fixates on the subtle canyon, the soft part of Henry’s lips, the phantom wind of a silent snore, and Alex knows: the very least he can do is try.
or, holidays have always come as a reminder to Henry of what he’s lost. But Alex always manages to remind him of everything he’s gained too.
Ink it in on my skin, sign me up, make it last against the time by @hgejfmw-hgejhsf. E, 5.2k. “Okay, then,” Alex says, and Henry can’t help but smile at the hint of mischief creeping into his voice, “there’s two weeks until Valentine’s Day. We each have that long to make it happen, and we’ll do a big reveal that night. Deal?” Flecks of gold are shimmering in his copper eyes. Henry leans forward, catching Alex’s lips to seal their accord.
Alex and Henry both decide to get tattoos.
I must tell you what you will not ask by @lizzie-bennetdarcy. E, 5.3k. Henry's plans for Christmas fall through, so Alex invites him home for the holidays. They're best friends, strictly platonic roommates, so why does everyone think they're dating?
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room? by @hgejfmw-hgejhsf. T, 5.4k. When the Legendary Balls-Out Bananas White House Trio New Year's Eve Party is interrupted by a security threat, Henry, Pez, Nora, June, and Alex find themselves locked in the White House library for their own protection with nothing but time, a few bottles of champagne, and some lighthearted conversation, until a single question threatens to change everything for Henry.
You and Me, Forevermore by milowren. NR, 5.6k. When Henry gets sick a few days after Christmas, he and Alex end up celebrating New Year's together in a different way than they planned.
Red, White, and British Blues by lucy_in_the_sky. E, 5.6k. Instead of the warm Texan sun, today Alex wakes up to an English chill. Instead of a lively barbecue packed with friends and family, he and Henry are scheduled to attend a state banquet later in the afternoon.
Again, he tries to not be disappointed. It’s just, he was really looking forward to a chance to take a break from all this nonsense for the weekend.
God bless the USA, or whatever.
where every wish comes true by @hypnostheory. E, 6k. “Locked out?”
“I forgot my keys,” Alex says with a sigh, leaning against his door with a muted shiver. He was planning on a heated Uber ride to June’s apartment, not standing out in the cold ass hallway. Alex hugs his coat closer to his chest. “My friend has my spare.”
Henry nods, leaning against his own door frame. Alex isn’t sure what the man does outside of going to grad school at NYU, but it must be bench-pressing horses based on the size of his biceps. Henry reaches up to push his glasses higher on his nose and Alex swears he wasn’t that bisexual when the day started. “Would you like to wait in my apartment for your friend?”
Alex gets locked out his apartment on Christmas Eve. He's forced to take refuge in his neighbor and occasional fuck buddy Henry's apartment, and together the two get into the Christmas spirit with the help of a festive costume and a silk ribbon.
The Honeymoon Suite by clottedcreamfudge. E, 6.1k. Henry's plane is grounded, which is absolutely fine, and not at all the worst possible outcome on Christmas Eve when he should already be on his way to London. Alex's plane is also grounded, but fortunately for his leggy British co-worker, he's a generous soul who's happy to share the room he managed to bag at a local hotel while they wait for their new flights.
So, so generous.
Baby, it's Halloween and we can be anything by sheisraging. E, 6.3k. Alex is furious. More furious than he should be about the whole thing, but still. Plans were made. Money was spent. Costumes were purchased—not even rented—purchased!
it's in the stars, it's who we are by @indomitable-love. E, 6.4k. 'Henry pulls back with wide, startled eyes, releases him roughly and staggers backwards. He lets out a mumbled curse and turns on his heel, and Alex has just enough of something still firing in his brain to reach out and catch Henry’s wrist. Just enough awareness of the fact that Henry is about to run, to say, ‘No, wait,’ before he can disappear through the snow.'
or, the AU where Henry doesn't run after the New Year's Eve kiss.
Re: Inappropriate Festive Party Conduct [Sent with High Importance!] by @largepeachicedtea. E, 6.5k.
Alex has changed his suit into something soft-looking and appropriately red, though the white shirt with the holly pin is still there, now accompanied by a trail of sparkly tinsel around his neck like a festive scarf. He’s holding a whiskey glass in one hand, leaning into something Nora is saying, and looks positively lethal. “Christ,” Henry mutters through a gulp of cider. “He looks good,” Pez agrees through a cheshire grin. “He always looks good,” Henry says. “Right now, he looks–” “Henry! Pez!” “Fuck.” “Alexander!” Pez hollers. “Babes!”
An office holiday party AU where Alex and Henry ignore the first rule of corporate festivities: Don't hook up with your coworker.
Ho for the Holidays by @whimsymanaged. E, 6.8k. “Listen, don’t worry about this,” Henry says quickly, already mentally crafting the passive-aggressive text he’s going to send Pez. “Better luck next year. I’ll just be off—“
“Hold your damn horses.” Alex stops Henry with a fast, surprisingly gentle hand to his wrist. His eyebrows furrow. “What did you put on your questionnaire?”
Henry’s ears go hot. “That’s none of your business.”
Alex scoffs and leans in closer. “Baby, we matched. It’s safe to say we have at least some interests in common. Be honest—was it because you confessed to having a secret desire to slap me?”
Or, Pez organizes an event called Ho for the Holidays, and these two idiots get paired up.
all my time is yours to spend by smc_27. T, 6.8k. Any way you look at it, Bea is not meant to be here, and if it were just the lights, he’d assume she forgot to turn them off. The fire burning is another thing entirely. The weather has been dreadful, and perhaps her flight was canceled. Surely, she’d have told him as much.
He should investigate.
Waffles & Conversation by clottedcreamfudge. E, 7k. “I’m fine, I swear. I just need to give it a proper clean and I’ll be fine.”
Ellen isn’t convinced. “Okay, but you’re letting Henry look at it later.”
Alex grits his teeth for what must be the thousandth time today and tries to keep his voice level. “No, I’m not. He’s a vet, mom.”
“And he’s the closest thing to a doctor we have coming tonight,” she says firmly, letting him take his hand back and raising her eyebrows at him. “It’s that or the ER, honey. Your choice.”
You're the Perfect Gift for Me by @cha-melodius. T, 7.2k. “Twenty-one-year-old Scotch,” the man says with a low whistle, looking more impressed than anything else. “Special occasion or just expensive taste?”
Alex can’t stop his grimace. “Came up here to propose,” he says, even though this random stranger doesn’t need to hear his woes. “Found out my girlfriend’s getting back together with her high school sweetheart.”
“Ouch,” the man replies, the word sounding slightly absurd in his rounded, posh accent. He looks at the bartender. “Leave the bottle.”
(Dumped two days before Christmas by his girlfriend, Alex meets a British writer who's spending Christmas on his own in generic Tiny Town, USA, and together they discover something new to celebrate.)
Snowed In? Snow Problem by @rmd-writes. E, 7.3k. The challenge: to write a fun college AU for the queen of college AUs (though she’ll probably be mad at me for saying so). Bonus points for also including the only one bed and getting caught doing something sus tropes.
The result: hopefully all of the above, plus they’re snowed in for the holidays.
AKA Henry and Alex get snowed in at their dorm for the holidays, whatever will they do?
It's Not Thanksgiving Without the Turkeys by allmylovesatonce. M, 7.5k. Thanksgiving 2020, Alex invites Henry to join the Claremont-Diaz family for Thanksgiving. More than anything, they're excited for another excuse to be together.
(Valen)Tie Me Up by @happinessofthepursuit. E, 7.7k. “Well, I actually made your gift at one of Pez’s workshops, though I’m sure they would’ve gotten it out of me anyway,” Henry says, voice fond.
Alex’s mind is whirring, going through the monthly calendars from Seize the Play. Pez leads classes multiple times a week, but there’s only a few that Henry could’ve attended, and one in particular that would explain his own gift…
“Which one?” Alex asks.
“I think that’ll immediately be clear.”
Or, Alex and Henry exchange gifts for their first Valentine’s together—then proceed to use them.
you make it look so easy, i know it's not by @anincompletelist. T, 7.9k. Bea’s to his left, speaking frantically on the phone with who Henry hopes is the fire brigade or someone else trained to deal with these— situations. In front of him, Pez is fumbling frustratedly with the water hose, showcasing his colorful vocabulary with a flourish of jerky hand movements and chaotic pacing. On either side of the fence, his neighbors are peaking over the sides to ask if everything’s okay, and Henry feels the resolution to make a good first impression crumbling and slipping rapidly out of his grasp. Even David watches on from inside the house, his sage eyes and patriotic bowtie appraising the scene and looking back to Henry as if to say I told you so.
And the fryer — the fryer itself is up in flames, thick gray smoke swirling up into the air and soaring high above the tree line now. In the distance, the echo of sirens. Henry may faint right here, in the middle of his backyard at his new home before he's even unpacked, with all the neighbors and his family and friends watching on, on his first official American Thanksgiving. It is, by all means, not what he’d envisioned for the day.
everything ever written about love by greenandmoss. E, 8.4k.
“Bet you’re glad you knocked on this door.”
“I am, actually.” Smiles should not be this disarming. It’s disconcerting.
It’s like they’re in a movie, where all the lines are pre-written, and the smiles and the looks all mean something. The couple are scripted to catch eyes, and fall in love with each other the second their lips touch. But that’s fucking ridiculous. Henry sits there like some kind of James-Bond-Jude-Law heartthrob, and Alex’s life is not a movie. This is not how real life plays out.
Or: The Holiday au but it's just that one scene where Cameron Diaz meets Jude Law
Save a Horse, Ride a Princess by @affectionatelyrs. E, 8.6k. “I have to say, this is all quite literal, don’t you think?”
Alex wouldn’t know literal right now if it hit him in the head. “Huh?”
Henry points at Alex: “Pillow Princess,” and then to himself: “Cowboy. Ready to ride and all that.”
Alex nods dumbly. “Right.”
Or, Alex and Henry dress up as the ultimate couples costume for Halloween — themselves — and they both feel some kind of way about it
the world watched (and the world smiled) by fangirl6202. M, 9.1k. "Oh,” Alex says finally, faintly, touching one hand to his lips. Then: “Shit.” 
His mind catches up then, realizing that Henry is walking away and he doesn't even think twice. He begins to quite literally chase after him, trying to get to him before he can get away or, God forbid, try to fly back to England and ghost him. 
Henry is very pointedly not looking at him, stuttering apology over apology until Alex has to quite literally throw himself in front of him to get him to stop. Alex doesn’t know what to do. But the answer is simple, isn’t it? So fucking simple.
He takes Prince Fucking Charming’s lapels into his hand and kisses him back. 
Or; it's New Years, and Henry stays.
more than you could ever know by indomitablelove. T, 9.5k. He watches Alex’s bright smile as he talks to Bea and Leo, the way that Ellen and Catherine have their heads bent close together and how Nora is talking with Pez, Oscar and June. He feels something catch in his throat, something blooming in his chest with such strength that it threatens to burst its way out. He never, in a million years, thought he would have this.
this year i will fall by @rmd-writes. E, 9.8k. Henry has many regrets in his life, but leaving the ice rink after a literal run in with the potential love of his life without even obtaining his name may be his biggest. With his family visiting for the holidays for the first time and ever-present work deadlines looming, he's too busy to think about how to engineer his own happy ending worthy of the novels he edits.
But what if fate has other ideas?
Ye Merry Gentlemen by allmylovesatonce. M, 9.9k. Across three different years, at different points in their lives, Alex and Henry celebrate Christmas together.
On My Mind (Let's Go) by @sparklepocalypse. E, 10k. Pez blows into his hands and rubs them together to warm them. “Listen. Just… whatever happens in there, say yes, alright?”
“I don’t follow,” Henry says, his brow furrowing. “Say yes to what?”
“Whatever opportunity comes knocking,” Pez says breezily. “You forget, I’ve seen your messages. The booze is flowing tonight, and everyone’s got their best fit on – so opportunity will knock, and you will say yes.”
(A movieverse New Year's Eve fix-it that started as crack and turned into crack taken seriously. With dancing. And smut. Like... a lot of smut.)
Someone Special by bleedingballroomfloor. E, 10k. "That was Shaan," Henry explains as Alex snuggles closer to him, pressing his nose to his neck. "The blizzard hit early, apparently. Too risky to fly."
"So Christmas here?" Alex says in that sleepy drawl of his that Henry will never get tired of. "Fuckin' sweet."
Happy NY by @myheartalivewrites. E, 11k. “Hi,” he says, and Henry looks into his eyes, taking in the brown colour and little flecks of black and gold that give it depth; the tiny freckles dotted across his nose and cheekbones, only a shade or two darker than his deep bronze skin. “Uh, sorry about that,” the man says, but he doesn’t step out of Henry’s arms. Instead his eyebrows go up, and his expression changes, from one of embarrassment to something Henry thinks is surprise, and maybe, ever so hopefully, a little bit of interest.
would you wait for me? by smc_27. T, 11k. Henry Fox has made Alex nervous from the second they met.
Now it’s different. Now Alex has to try and find a shirt to wear to a party where he’ll inevitably see Henry for the first time in a year. For the first time since Alex’s heart was broken and he’d made what felt like the brave and smart decision and left.
Coming back might be a mistake.
Gonna Give You Something (So You Know What’s on My Mind) by @affectionatelyrs. E, 11k. Alex hums, turning around to pull open the freezer drawer. “You want anything?”
But Henry barely registers his question. Not when Alex is slightly bent over, allowing Henry a perfect view of his perfect ass. Each individual ridge of his spine is visible due to his lack of shirt. All of these things combined would normally be a large enough issue in itself to render Henry dumbstruck, except—
Except, that’s not the only thing that Henry’s faced with.
Right there, clear as day: blue lace, delicately peeking out from the waistband of his joggers. Henry’s hand immediately flies up to his cheek. The skin is hot to the touch, and he feels the imprint of where the material once lay like a brand.
Or, With the help of a white elephant gift, Henry learns that maybe the whole being-in-love-with-his-roommate thing isn’t as one-sided as he thought
Love and Hate at the Farmers' Market by myheartalive. T, 11k. Alex and Henry both work at a farmers' market and they hate each other, until suddenly— oops! They don't!
(Secret) Santa Baby by @indomitable-love. E, 11k. "When it comes to Secret Santa, Alex really does have a reputation to uphold. Everybody wants Alex to get them. Nobody actually wants to get Alex, which is why he usually ends up with novelty socks or a political biography, but he doesn’t care. Ultimately, everybody wants Alex to get their name. And right now, Alex is seconds away from finding out who his new mark is. The person that he’s going to spend the next few weeks learning inside and out to ensure that he gets them the perfect gift."
Alex gets his work nemesis, Henry, in the office Secret Santa and realises that he doesn't know nearly as much about him as he thought...
Trim my Christmas tree by @clottedcreamfudge. E, 12k. Henry is a writer, not a mall Santa, but unfortunately this year - thanks to his adorable and conniving nieces and their Aunt Beatrice - he's going to have to be both. This doesn't leave him a great deal of time to pine horribly over the part-time bookseller and Law student over at June Claremont-Diaz's shop, but somehow he manages to jam it in anyway.
Ho ho ho.
i'll be home for christmas by @dumbpeachjuice. M, 12k. He books a tiny cottage in a village called Little Snoring (not to be confused with the nearby Great Snoring) somewhere in Norfolk and tries to tell himself Christmas by himself in a foreign country is going to be an adventure from which he will have an adorable story to tell his friends and family, and not just totally depressing. At the very least he can take a cute picture of his snowy cottage and pretend he’s not totally fucking jealous of his entire family gathering in Austin without him.
If he ever fucking gets there, that is.
Or, Alex's first Christmas in the UK gets ruined by the British weather. A handsome stranger invites him to spend the holiday with his family instead.
The Holiday by @dracowillhearaboutthis. E, 13k. Henry is in no mood to attend his family's holiday gathering this year. So when June Claremont-Diaz asks him via a Home Swap website whether or not his house is free over the holidays, he jumps at the opportunity to escape the country and his family for the holidays.
He did not include Alex into the calculation - June's charming and gorgeous brother who suddenly appears at her doorstep.
Airplane Mode by clottedcreamfudge. E, 14k. Getting into an argument with someone in the airport lounge had probably been a mistake, in hindsight; Alex knows this. But with so many fucking delays and the fact that the signal on his phone is currently making it about as useful as two paper cups joined by a piece of string, he’s kind of on-edge. It’s not entirely his fault that he snaps.
Attractive people with perfect hair who take the last almond croissant before Alex can get to it probably just need to understand this. Alex is at the end of his tether, and he will not be swayed by, “Well, I was here first,” in a British accent so smooth it could butter bread.
Home for the Holidays by lucy_in_the_sky. E, 14k. “How would you feel about maybe spending Christmas in Texas with me and my family?” He bites his lip after popping the question.
Henry’s eyebrows shoot up. But before Alex can regret asking, a soft smile blossoms on his face.
“I want you there with me. I- I wanted you there this week, too-” Alex starts to ramble. “And, like, it’s totally ok if you want to go to England to be with your family, duh, but I’d love to show you Austin and introduce you to my family and teach you the Claremont-Diaz holiday traditions and kiss you on Christmas morning and-”
He’s cut off by the hard press of Henry’s lips against his own.
“Yeah?” Alex beams.
“Yes, love. Of course yes.”
Sweet Dreams of Holly and Ribbon by @villiageidiot. T, 14k. He falls asleep on the loveseat, Nora and June curled up on the couch across from him, as a terrible Hallmark Christmas film plays in the background. It’s the fourth night of sleeping alone—Henry taking care of some business back in the palace—and he’d rather wake up cold and cramped across from the two of them than alone in his own bed.
That’s how Alex falls asleep.
That is not how he wakes up.
A Fine Line by indomitablelove. E, 15k. Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Whatever is inescapable. In the worst way possible. He’s always fucking there. Alex turns up for his shift and Henry is there behind the coffee machine, apron tied around his waist and stupid, tight white T-shirt clinging to his biceps. Alex turns up for open-mic night at the cafe and there he is again, reading his fucking poetry. Alex goes to the grocery store, or the bookshop, or the fucking campus library, and who does he see? Henry. Always Henry.
Always Henry, always with a different guy.
Alex hates Henry. He's only letting Henry and his stupid long limbs and his overly symmetrical face stay on his couch because he has to, because 'tis the season not to be a massive dick, because it's Christmas. Isn't he? -also coffee shop/roommates
12 Days of Christmas with Alex and Henry series by @coffeecatsme. E, 16k. "It seems I've gotten myself in quite a tangle."
"Tangle?" Henry's voice is hoarse, eyes darkened as they travel over Alex's body. They stop at his crotch, and Alex can see it even under the dim lights—Henry's growing hard too, a visible bulge pushing at his sweatpants. Alex's cock gives a desperate twitch.
"Y'know, I was trying to put them around the tree," he starts, gesturing at the plain tree at the corner. It's clear he didn't even attempt to touch it. "And somehow I've managed to completely trap myself. Can't even move my hands." Henry makes a desperate noise at the back of his throat as his eyes snap up to Alex's face. Alex flashes him a suggestive grin, teeth biting down on his lip. "Seems I'm completely at your mercy."
(Dil)Do It Yourself by @happiness-of-the-pursuit. E, 16k. “Listen,” Nora starts, turning her body once more so that she’s sitting sideways in the chair with her legs thrown across the armrest. “I did the math. There’s a 79% chance you’re gonna become a slut to the power of the prostate, and while we’re not dating anymore, it’s my duty as your fellow slutty bisexual to get this party started.”
Or, when Nora drags Alex to a holiday dildo workshop, he doesn’t expect to find someone to use it with.
Spirit of the Season by @pridepages. M, 17k. Henry was dead to begin with. That much you must understand, or nothing that follows will seem strange or wondrous...
Alex Claremont-Diaz doesn't believe in ghosts. And he really hates Dickens.
But that's not going to stop a very unusual Christmas Spirit...
Henry Fox is on a mission. Once a year, he finds a soul in need of his help. (Too bad this one's such an utter berk.)
When two lost souls find each other on Christmas Eve, they may just find everything they never knew they wanted.
The Christmas Guest by @omgcmere. E, 17k. Alex is looking forward to a relaxing winter break catching up with his sister after her semester abroad, but June's gone and ruined everything by inviting her insufferable international student friend to stay with their family for a real American Christmas experience. Henry is irritatingly gorgeous with a completely obnoxious superiority complex, and Alex is prepared to hate every single second he's forced to spend in his presence. As Alex starts to get into the Christmas spirit, however, he finds that maybe there's more to Henry than meets the eye - and maybe, just maybe, this will actually be the best Christmas ever. - also college
Four Christmases by @hgejfmw-hgejhsf. E, 19k. From Washington to Austin, London to New York, Alex and Henry spend Christmas with different members of their families from 2020 - 2023. Funny couples' Christmas sweaters, festive swimsuits, statement-making ties, and family pajamas all bring lots of laughs, some tears, and a bit of fun to be had by all along the way.
A Year in the Life series by milowren. NR, 19k. Alex and Henry are coworkers, Henry has a crush, and they end up at a haunted corn maze together a few nights before Halloween. Shenanigans ensue! And - When Alex's flight home is canceled at the last minute, Henry invites him over for Thanksgiving - despite never having hosted an American Thanksgiving before.
and you would be there too by smc_27. M, 20k. It’s mostly dark out here, just the lamp poles in the parking lot casting a warm yellow glow across the packed snow.
“We’re closed.”
Henry spins around, heart racing, and sees the beautiful man from the café and from earlier at the shops. He cuts a stunning image, swinging one leg over the wooden fence rail and stepping into the parking lot as he pulls a red and black plaid shirt over his shoulders, his tan pants tight enough across his thighs to make Henry blush for noticing.
This Hell of a Season by Chamel. E, 21k. (Nova, Baby follow-up) “The first few years, it was a relief to get away from all the stupid family drama,” Alex says, blowing a long sigh. The hand that’s not holding Henry’s slides onto his stomach, a warm, comforting pressure. “Then I started to resent it. It hurt to be stuck out on a mission while everyone celebrated without me.”
“And now?”
A grin slips onto Alex’s face as he walks two fingers across Henry’s bare chest. “Now I have you.”
(Or, 3 times Alex & Henry spent Christmas on missions and 1 when they didn't; or, A Very Nova Christmas Special.
Love on the Menu by berrybluefae. M, 23k. Henry Fox has a side hustle at his job as a host in an upscale restaurant. He loves setting up romantic moments for guests who want a little something extra for their night out to dinner. A bouquet of flowers and a bottle of champagne for the couple celebrating their 50th anniversary? Easy. A special table with candles and a dessert with a surprise for the woman about to propose? Child’s play. But despite playing Cupid for the restaurant’s guests, Henry has never been on the receiving end of a grand romantic gesture. So imagine his surprised delight when anonymous gifts begin appearing just for him.
Who is Henry’s secret admirer? Only Valentine’s Day will tell.
You Make Every Day Feel Like It's Christmas by allmylovesatonce. T, 25k. Burned out on work, Alex goes to visit June who is on assignment in a sleepy Vermont town called Snow's Landing. June is determined for him to see where she's been living for the last six months and to love it as much as she does. The most intriguing part of it all is June's best friend there, a man named Henry, that Alex believed was a jerk at first but is starting to discover a new side of as they spend more time together.
Paper Chains by @myheartalivewrites. E, 25k.
DAY 751
Henry is… Well, if Alex is being honest, Henry is everything to him.
But it’s kinda hard to explain.
I have no idea how to summarise this one, folks. The best I can do is… Alex and Henry's journey from awkward beginning as colleagues, to best friends, to spending time apart and finally to finding each other again.
But it’s not as straightforward as that.
Every Day's a Holiday (When I'm Near to You) by bleedingballroomfloor. E, 29k. I know this is a long shot, but if anyone’s going to Texas/anywhere south for the holidays and is crazy enough to drive there instead of fly, I’m looking for a road trip buddy. We can split gas money and snacks if you pick good ones. DM me if you’re interested.
And Henry knows he's about the make the most idiotic decision he's ever made in his life.
Or, Henry impulsively tags along with Alex on a road trip to Texas with absolutely no plan. Surely this won't backfire.
in a holidaze by @tedddylupin. E, 49k. Alex didn't mean to spend his New Years Eve thrown together with a perfect stranger at an airport. He didn't mean to offer up to share his hotel room with a very attractive stranger. He also didn't mean to find the man insufferably perfect either.
Or: the one where Alex and Henry find each other during different holidays throughout a year's time.
When I think about you by @clottedcreamfudge. E, 50k. Dream sharing is absolutely not a thing, even though Alex would very much like it to be.
The magic of soulmates, however, means that someone you’ve never met – someone whose soul is tied to yours, in whatever way that manifests – can appear in your dreams, like an extra character who keeps popping up over and over again. They won’t be having the same dream as you, and you won’t actually meet, but whatever you remember from the dream can start to take shape in your waking hours; you can figure things out, bit by bit, dream by dream.
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teeswrites · 3 months
C.L- Never be the same
Sneak peak: Chapter 1- A girl with hazel eyes and a hand full of scars
Chapter 1 will be out this week. Enjoy this sneak peak by now. :)
"Is it a good time?" It wasn't a good time, he hadn't stopped Super Max and he climbed the grid to get the pole. But even so, he smiled politely "Yes, sure" he wasn't convincing himself but seemed to convince the lady "Good! Charles, how do you feel?" Broken. Useless. "Not in my best mood, but... Looking forward to better days" "That's the spirit. Can we do something to up your mood?" Force Max to retire next season and leave his car as heritage to me, he thought. "Just keep supporting me, seriously, your love messages... Mean a lot to me" the interviewer opened a warm smile "You're lovely" he opened the same smile "I'm just being honest" and he was "would you like to make a retribution for a fan?" No! At least not right now. I was hoping that you all would leave me alone to hate myself for the crap I'm feeling today, he answered in his mind only "Sure" "Great! Please follow me" Nice! Now he had to relocate. "Wait here" She walked a few feet towards a tall man "Excuse me" She started. The man who was laughing with two girls turned to the lady who Charles knew as 'the interviewer' "Daniel Ric? Are you the fan of mine?" Daniel opened his big signature smile "No. I mean, I am but the surprise isn't for me but for this little one here" Daniel stepped to the side and showed a little girl, who was about 6 to 8 years old, wearing Ferrari's whole outfit. The journalist squatted and asked the girl "Do you want to meet my friend?" 'We are not friends' Charles thought. The kid nodded "Charles, would you like to join us?" "Sure!" he said shyly and the child tapped her mouth as she was meeting Santa "Oh, my God" he didn't know why but her reaction gave him the power he wanted back. He smiled and offered a hug to the little one, lifting her up with one arm only "I didn't know the fan was her. Could have warned me so I would have aligned my hair" he told Valeriana running his fingers on his hair, causing everyone to laugh "Hi, nice to meet you, princess" she was still the same way, frozen like a photograph "She's a shy lady, don't be offended" Daniel placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed lightly "Hi!" she said quickly just for him "Hi! How's your name?" he replied warmly, a smile on his face "Celeste" "That's a beautiful name. Is it French?" "Yes" "Nice to meet you, Celeste. I'm Charles" "You're amazing" "Do you think?" "Yes" "Well, thank you, Celeste. You're also amazing" she blushed, wishing to disappear "Would you like me to sign your cap?" "Please" "And take a picture?" she nodded affirmatively " Okay, let's do it. Will you take the picture, Dan?" "Sure!" Daniel grabbed Celeste's mother's cell phone and photographed them "There you go" "Does someone have a pen," Charles asked. People started to look around for a black marker and the first person who did it was a girl, one of the girls who was talking to Daniel when he first came to the scene "Here" she had a strong American accent and her hands had tones of scars. He didn't feel as hypnotized as he was at that moment in a while. She had short brown hair but long enough to be tied, hazel eyes, and light skin which he figured out was soft even with all the scars when his fingers brushed on hers at the moment he grabbed the marker "Thanks" she nodded. Charles placed Celeste on the ground and knelled to sign her cap and shirt "There you go, Celeste" she hugged him "Thank you!" he hugged "You're welcome" Then he stood up "Say goodbye to Charlie, Celeste" Daniel told her "Goodbye" he smiled, she was so cute "Bye bye" then she ran for her mother. "Thanks, Charles" "It was my pleasure" Then he walked away from the journalist and walked towards the owner of the pen "Your pen, miss" "Thanks" she grabbed it quickly "Would you like me to sign something for you?" "No, thank you" "Or a picture?" "I'm good" Wow, she was tough "Do you know I..." "You're Charles Leclerc, I'm aware" "Oh... okay"' he coughed "Goodbye, then" "Goodbye" If little Celeste didn't appear to cheer up his day, he would be fucked.
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
I am here for you
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This is a little Aemond drabble I wrote for my dear friend @hamatoanne​​ because she is sick these days 😔 Get better soon bestie, and I hope you will like it 💕
Paring: Modern Aemond x reader Word account: 1500 Warning: none, it’s a fluff A/N: English is not my 1st language
“Omg, who is it?” you thought to yourself as you slowly walked to the front door. Someone was frantically ringing your doorbell. “I am coming,” you tried to yell, but you barely whispered because your throat hurt like hell. “I love to hear this sentence from your lips, kitten,” Aemond chuckled behind the front door and you blushed. Your boyfriend always made comments like this, loving the way how your cheeks turned pink afterwards. “Please take your finger from the door bell, my head hurts,” you said and he immediately stopped. “I am sorry baby, I tried to call you for 2 hours but you didn’t pick up your phone and I got worried. I called your mum and she told me that you are sick. Are you OK, kitten?”  “I feel like shit, Aemond,” you whined. “Open the door, Y/N,” he demanded. “No, you will be sick too, and I don’t want it. Trust me, my love. I feel horrible. I don’t want to pass this misery on you.” “My immune system is amazing, kitten. Don’t worry, I am a big guy, I can handle being sick, but as I said, I am never sick, just let me in, I hate the idea of you sitting alone in your house and feeling miserable”. You sighed and opened the door for him. He was right, you missed him, and you felt so sad and tired. You wanted his warm embrace. “Oh, my poor little bunny, come here,” he wrapped his big strong arms around your figure. You snuggled against him, enjoying his warmth.  “I look like shit,” you sniffed, suddenly realizing how you look. Your eyes were teary and slightly red, your nose red and sore from all the sneezing and blowing - you could easily make it as Santa’s reindeer Rudolph. Aemond gently kissed your lips and you were very aware that your lips are really chapped. But Aemond wasn’t complaining, he was looking at you like you are the most beautiful woman in Universe. “Don’t look at me, I look terrible,” you buried your head into his chest and he slowly lifted your chin and made you look into his blue eye. “You look beautiful as always, my love. You just don’t feel well. But in my eyes, you are the most beautiful woman in this world. So stop talking like this. Let’s take you back to your bed, my love, you need to rest,” he lifted you into his arms and walked inside your bedroom, gently placing you on your bed. “Do you want to watch movie or something on Netflix, kitten?” he asked as he lied next to you, cuddling you closer to his broad chest. “No, my head hurts and my eyes are sore, please tell me some stories from your work,” you pleaded. Aemond worked as a vet for exotic animals and his stories were always interesting. He told you a story about that one time he was almost eaten by a crocodile. He was laughing like it was nothing, but you were terrified that he could easily lost one of his limbs or die. “OK, baby girl, I will tell you a story about cute little lion cub I inspected this morning,” he smiled and kissed the top of your head. “But first I should make a strong tea with citruses, ginger and honey for you. I saw a perfect recipe on TikTok,” he said and froze. “What did you say? Did you say TikTok?” you laughed. Aemond was always mocking you for using this app, saying that it’s ridiculous and pointless. “No, I said on Youtube,” he tried to save the situation. “Liar,” you burst out laughing. “OK, fine. Aegon created an account under my name and forced me to watch few videos. I have to admit that I became addicted,” he finally admitted and you started giggling. Unfortunately your giggles soon turned into a fit of coughing. “I see that you really need that tea, my love,” Aemond watched you with worry. “I don’t have any ingredients here, Aemond,” you said but he replied that he will take care of it. You were cuddling and talking for a while and you felt much better when you had him next to you. Aemond always made your day better with his presence. “I will stay with you until you get better,” he announced and you looked at him in panic. “But what about your clinic and your patients,” you protested but he placed his finger on your lips to hush you. “Don’t worry, I already called Lucerys, he will take care of everything, he is capable to run the clinic for few days alone,” he assured you and you raised your eyebrow. He was usually very skeptic about his nephew's abilities. “Stop worrying about my job, love. You are sick and I will be here for you,” he kissed you slowly and shortly, knowing that you have problems with breathing now. “I love you Aemond, so much,” you snuggled closer to him. “Awww, you two are so sweet that it makes my teeth hurt,” you heard from the doorstep and you screamed. “What the fuck, Aegon. What are you doing here? How did you get inside?” you gasped, your heart pounding in your chest. “Relax, Y/N. Aemond texted me, that you need some vitamins,” he winked at you. “And you gave me your spare key last summer when you asked me to water your plants when you had been on vacation with Aemond,” he explained. “You still have it?” you asked him in disbelief. “Of course, we are almost family,” he enjoyed your outraged expression. “Leave the supplies and the key on the table and leave, brother!” Aemond warned him and Aegon raised his hands defensively. “Don’t worry, I am leaving. I won’t stay here in this lair off sickness. There will be so many Christmas parties filed with alcohol and willing pussies, I can’t be sick,” he chuckled and left you two alone. “He is unbelievable,” you scoffed and started coughing again. “Yes, he is and I am going to make that tea for you, kitten,” Aemond softly kissed the top of your head and left for the kitchen. You fell asleep for a while and when you opened your eyes he was there, his arms wrapped around your much smaller frame.  “How do you feel, my love?” he asked you and gently brushed a lock of your hair of your face. “I feel good when you are with me,” you mumbled, your voice changed with the sickness. “Liar,” he brushed his fingers across your face. “Here, try this tea, that girl on the video swore, that you will feel better after drinking it,” he handed you the cup and watched your reaction closely. You took a small sip and it surprisingly tasted really good. “It’s delicious, Aemond. Thank you, babe,” you slowly drank the rest of the tea and felt the warmth and sweetness running inside your body. When you finished it you placed your head on Aemond’s chest, your eyes slowly closing again. “I feel so tired, I am sorry to be such a boring company tonight,” you apologized and he scoffed. “Don’t be silly,  I love spending time in your company. You don’t have to talk or entertain me. Your presence alone is a blessing,” he assured you and you felt the happy tears in your eyes. Aemond kept you close to him, his hand was making soothing circles on your back and you slowly fell asleep. 
************************************************************************************** Aemond took care of you for 3 days, making you hot tea, feeding you chicken noodle soup his mother Alicent sent to you, using Aegon again as a messenger. You two were watching movies together, Aemond read you stories from his favorite books, and he told you so many funny stories about his work and his family, that your tummy hurt from all the laughing. You slowly got better and on Saturday morning you felt almost all right. Aemond made love to you, asking you thousand times, if you are alright or if you are not too tired. When you assured him that you are more than OK, your love making turned more passionate but he refused to fuck you hard like you both liked it, because you were still recovering. The patience of this man will be the death of you one day. Aemond was right, he didn’t get sick even after spending the whole time next to you. But Alicent called him on Sunday morning, telling him than Aegon is lying in his bed sick, acting like a moodiest brat on Earth. You decided to avoid Aegon until Christmas dinner with Aemond’s family, because you could imagine how pissed off he must be for getting sick. 
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Christmas at Pemberley Manor (2018)
This is it. The last Hallmark movie on my list praise be
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Elizabeth is an event planner. This is her first time being more than the behind the scenes planner and such - she'll be doing an event for small town Lambton for her old friend George. Her boss Caroline is like hey do a good job since you convinced me to do it under the company name so it'll reflect badly on me if you don't!
Darcy has a new freshfaced assistant who is very very nervous. Darcy always works on Christmas and needs to sell his family manor (Pemberley). He's gonna sell it to an investor who is going to tear it down and build condos.
George is the new mayor of Lambton, and campaigned on making big changes, so expanding the holiday celebrations is symbolic to him even though his assistant is nervous about it. By the way, George thinks Elizabeth is amazing. Er, an amazing friend, of course.
Turns out they went on one date back in the day, but "they" (cough cough, Elizabeth, clearly) decided they were better off as friends.
PS Travis, the assistant, does NOT understand Darcy's jokes. He thinks he might actually get fired if he gets the coffee order wrong. Elizabeth is in line for coffee and is like uh that's not okay. She confronts Darcy in the town car. I think he is bantering, but I think she is arguing.
Travis is like "I didn't ask her to do that, I don't even know who she is." "That's too bad," Darcy mutters to himself.
There's a caretaker for the manor that looks like Santa Claus. He is decorating the exterior for Christmas, even though Darcy doesn't see the point.
Oh no! A water main break under town square. The celebrations are in peril. But they used to host them at Pemberley manor - so Elizabeth wants to convince Darcy to let them use the grounds/manor like they use to, since no one really lives there and it won't be torn down until after the new year.
Darcy is reluctant, for insurance purposes. But he receives an email from the company that someone complained bitterly about the plan to tear down Pemberley, and they want him to engender goodwill. He agrees to host the festival, as long as she agrees to keep his name out of it.
Oh did I mention that Darcy has fond childhood memories of Christmas celebrations at the house, but clearly nothing recent to make him enjoy it.
They only have 3 days to get everything ready! He offers his help, half-heartedly, and she's like GREAT I need you to drive me around I don't have a car. She talks him into it.
Hey George's assistant (Jane) and Darcy's assistant (Travis) have a meet-cute! They're both shy and tongue-tied. Adorable.
Darcy and Elizabeth are spending time together. He is surprisingly open about his childhood memories and how his dad always worked Christmas for the company and so he does too. They have A Moment as they say goodnight after decorating a tree for the window of his house.
The next day she's like oh no I think I offended him and he wanted me to leave. George tell me about him so I don't mess up this festival, since you went to law school together. "It's not my place to talk about him." I was primed to hear some Wickham hate spew forth, but instead he confides in her that Darcy does a TON of charity but only ever anonymously.
Late at night with 48 hours to go, Darcy comes across her still working. He asks what she would do to relax, and she admits that she would probably be baking Christmas cookies. Cut to them in his kitchen, making Christmas cookies. He compliments her singing and they talk about childhood dreams... he says no his father always impressed upon him how he was going to take over his father's company. "What would you do if you weren't" she asks, and he looks at her meaningfully and says "bake cookies." Then they have Another Moment.
The next day Elizabeth and Jane are working together, and Travis stops by, and they all blush and stammer at each other. Both girls denounce interest in Darcy/Travis.
George wants Darcy to make sure he's sure about tearing down Pemberley and that he considers all his options.
It's the day of, and they're fixing up a carriage. Now she's opening up to Darcy about her ex-fiance. She even confesses that when she had to convince her young niece to write a letter to Santa, she wished for true love.
Elizabeth tries to convince Darcy to come out for the tree lighting, but he stays inside so the press focuses on the celebration and not him. Jane invites Travis to come out for the tree lighting, and he eagerly agrees.
The kindly caretaker who looks like Santa Claus, Kristopher, has been operating as a mentor to Darcy. He encourages him to go outside and enjoy the true spirit of Christmas - people. Elizabeth sees him through the crowd and comes to his side. "We make a good team," she says, and he agrees.
There are thirty minutes left what the heck is going to even happen
Oh! Someone snapped a photo of Elizabeth and Darcy shaking hands, and it ended up in the paper. Elizabeth's boss sees it and gasps, but I don't know what reaction that is. Darcy isn't even upset about it.
Oh no! Santa came down with the flu, but luckily Kristopher is there and just happens to look like Santa. Jane suggest that Travis could be an elf so there he is.
George and Darcy are talking about Elizabeth. Darcy is "nonchalantly" asking about them dating in college, and George confesses that he can't help but wonder what it would have been like if she had agreed to a second date. She wanted to be friends and he wanted her in his life so that was enough. But he wonders what she would say if he asked again.
Darcy and Elizabeth almost have Another Moment but then she asks his advice on a gift for George. Darcy tells her George is very fond of her. She says she's fond of him too. He's trying to feel her out - "I'm beginning to think you only appreciate me for my car, is that it?" "I mean, what else could there be?" she responds [eyeroll]
Caroline has shown up and Elizabeth is like uhhhhhhhhhh. She's like why didn't you tell me you were planning an event with Darcy's company?? "I'm not," she says. "I'm planning an event with the city, he just donated the use of the house." Caroline doesn't care because it makes her look bad, that she's not the face of this event that everyone thinks is for Darcy. She insists they'll be up all night going over every detail of the event and see how they can salvage it. Elizabeth doesn't understand because everyone is enjoying the festival, but Caroline is talking about the reputation of her company.
It is now the next day and Caroline hates everything. Elizabeth apologizes to Darcy and explains she'll be taking a step back. Darcy is not happy but agrees not to say anything at Elizabeth's request. Caroline takes him to lunch.
Darcy invites Elizabeth to take a carriage ride with him. Caroline is busy changing the whole vibe to be more elegant. Darcy admits that he might take Christmas off this year to say goodbye to Pemberley, and that he's only selling it because the board of directors decided to.
Oh no! The soloist has a sore throat! Luckily Santa tells Caroline about how Elizabeth can sing even though she's nervous. (Also their grand finale was just an a capella soloist? Not sure why that was their finale, or why they were sooooo worried about it)
George thinks he's gonna ask Elizabeth for that second date. Caroline pulls Elizabeth aside and is like hey take a step back. I need to establish a relationship with Mr Darcy myself, so you're done here. You don't even have to come tomorrow.
There's another Santa mentor moment where he's like hey Darcy you seem down. Darcy thinks George and Elizabeth are better suited, but Santa convinces him to let Elizabeth decide.
George is like hey sorry Elizabeth, Caroline would not listen to me. He tells her she did not let him down. Elizabeth asks if they're still friends and you can see the pain in George's face, but he agrees. Darcy pulls up across the street just in time to see them hug, and drives off.
Darcy signs the final paperwork for the sale.
Now that the sale has gone through, the company cancels the last day of the festival. They're tearing it down and Caroline tells Elizabeth that Darcy headed back to New York.
George admits to Elizabeth that he thinks Darcy cares about him.
Jane calls Travis and convinces him to get Darcy to do something. But Darcy admits that the sale isn't final final until the Darcy board ratifies the contract, so technically Darcy still owns Pemberley.
Elizabeth is like look Caroline I know you don't want me to overstep, but this festival is more important to the town than to you or me. They're throwing it back together.
Travis admits that he lied to Darcy about the helicopter not being ready, and that he was supposed to keep him there until he realized that he loves Elizabeth and she loves him. So they head back to the Christmas festival.
Oh no! The reader of The Night Before Christmas? His wife just went into labor. The public is expecting a minor celebrity to read the story! It would take a Christmas miracle!
Darcy and Travis are stuck in the snow with no service, oh no! Buuuut suddenly out of the darkness comes Santa, I mean Kristopher. Or do I mean Santa, because he says he's had to drop everything on Christmas Eve to make sure Elizabeth gets her Christmas wish of true love.
George insists that they can't wait anymore, but wait! What's this? Darcy! A minor celebrity! He's going to read the book! And also he canceled the sale of the house! A Christmas miracle!
Jane and Travis are together. And Darcy and Elizabeth said "merry Christmas" and kissed, so now it's over immediately.
I would describe this movie as emotionally beige. I didn't love it or hate it. I didn't even like or dislike it. It exists. Jane and Travis are a bit cute. I don't know if it's my secondary-love-interest-sympathy but I wished for more for George. If I hadn't written this post as I watched, I think I would be hard pressed to tell you anything about it at all. And thus ends my thoughts.
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mayakern · 2 years
now i’m curious what were ur fav MP goofs !!! :0
ok i have a 10 image limit and some of these are multi-image jokes so i’ll try to distill these as best i can. also these jokes are all from i think chapter 4 and later, where i really flourished my sense of humor more
1. marina’s high school crush/bff sharkwanda being a highly contentious contestant on a spoof of top model
this is specifically a spoof of the early seasons, which usually had an assessment within the first 2 or 3 episodes, including a weigh in. as much as i loved trashy tv, i always hated these moments so i thought it would be funny to have a literal shark and to have her be weighed against mostly average-sized humanoids because it would be ridiculous for anyone to expect a healthy shark to weigh the same amount as a human.
there were a couple other layers to this: george idolizing her as a strong, independent woman. george’s brother freaking out because sharkwanda just ate a man on camera and no one’s overly bothered by this. george chastising him for not realizing it was obviously fake/over dramatized for the ratings (and not examining that then this moment of “self empowerment” would also be fake). and then also i named her after a fish named wanda. except she’s a shark named wanda. she’s also the most beautiful and popular girl in the world and she wins her season and becomes a very successful model.
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2. the tinsley family thanksgiving outfits. actually their themed outfits in general. i think shit like this is super cute and funny. i also just enjoy writing siblings who rib each other lovingly.
also the part of this where george’s mom has three eyes (she’s psychic) and her dad has no eyes, so her brother has two eyes and for all intents and purposes looks human, but he is a full blooded monster. early on i had some ideas for an off shoot chapter about eli and his struggles with his identity (being a monster but not looking like one and not feeling at home in either community), but it got scrapped for time and also because it felt like too close a parallel to mixed race people who pass as white and that’s not my story to tell.
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3. sharkwanda’s cover (up) girl ad campaign during the superb owl half time show. some of this stuff was a bit on the nose, but there’s a line about sharkwanda finally having makeup that doesn’t melt off her face like hot cheese that i still like
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4. this multi-strip joke where franny’s dad pulls a turkey out of a hat. just read it there’s nothing to explain lol
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5. basically every part of the magic shop scene, but especially the part where percy meets franny’s dad for the first time during a very tense situation and franny’s dad is wearing a skeleton (this is a reference to ranma 1/2). and then also percy sits and there’s a whoopee cushion. it’s incredibly awkward and not exactly haha funny, but it simultaneously cuts and adds to the tension in a way that is very monsterpop.
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6. human!franny getting ben a dog toy as his secret santa gift (he doesn’t own a dog) and then dropping it and then it making a horrific, shrill squeak when it bounces
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7. the whole situation with chadler, his horrible christmas outfit, the marshmallow gun, and him taking sexy santa ben as prisoner.
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8. ben, killed by glitter, soon to be avenged by his crush comrade (or not)
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9. george being gifted a framed painting of a photo of herself, asleep during class, which she later carries into an actual museum and gets in trouble for because a guard thinks she stole a piece of art
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10. the brotebook
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this has been very long but i hope u enjoyed it
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cranberrv · 5 months
i think it’s finally time to fill u guys in on my roster LOL.. be prepared for blood sweat and tears
his name is geography cuz i met him in geo class for the first time! he looks like a skinny matt dillon w lighter hair, and he’s literally 6’1”. i used to like him sososooso much and when we sat together in a desk change i went feral!!!1! he’s sooo funny and i lowk miss when he was normal cuz he used to be so cute and awkward but now he’s so weird and immature ughhh. he asked me out last semester and i said no and i kinda regret it but idk i wanna like him so bad cuz i literally liked him FIRST but ig hes more like a friend. we argue a lot (teasingly) and its sooo obvious hes flirting with me and its so cute but i dont know.. maybe high school sweethearts maybe not (bye pov him to our future kid “ya ur mom liked me first then rejected me and then hated me and now likes me again and we r married and we had you”)
hehehehe hes so cute! he is blonde and goes to the school im transferring to and hes totes my type! (but then again my type is toxic red flags) we snap a lot and i quickadded him (whoops) but ive had my eye on his forever because his pfp on tiktok is so cute and we have mutual friends and i have been waiting for him to appear on my quickadd for forever! he wants me to move to the new school and thats sweet and he apologized for losing our 50 day streak :((( he was like “whoops mb” and i was like “abt what lmao” and he said “for losing our streak!” like awwwhhh u care! hes lowk depressed (i stalked his reposts) and he doesnt do super well in school but i can help him! hes my moms fave boy
mickey mouse:
i added him as a joke cuz hes only a couple years older than me and hes related to a celeb i like and i found his snap and he added me back and we’re snapping me full face and stuff. hes SO cute and i only just met him but he seems so sweet i stalked his insta
dw thats not his actual name its an inside joke! anyway the way i describe this is gonna sound like true love but i swear its not hehehe <3 ive known him since gr6 and we instantly clicked on a canoe trip and got along sooo well, talking to him for the first time is a core memory. we were homeschooled together during the pandemic and we started liking each other and it was middle school so it was obvs so innocent and adorable! he got me flowers and chocolate for secret santa when we were 12 :(( i lost feelings but he liked me for a whole year after and i promised we would date in high school and now its high school and i broke my promise. i feel bad lowkkk.. but anyway i heard me might like me again! we have been kind of distant recently because he became one of the “cool kids” and i became one of the “popular girls” so ig we’ re in super similar and close circles but idk we never talk. i ran into him at the gas station and hes still so cute tho
person d:
thats who i left jeremiah for LMFAOO we met in gr7 and he was in gr8 and i was instantly head over heels, he has a big nose and dusty brown hair and brown eyes and hes so cute awww :(( we barely talked in middle school but then we added each other and started full on talking! he was soooo sweet but he had his days when he was kind of a jerk. we argued a lot and i think he thought it was teasing each other but it does get a bit tiring. we stopped talking for a bit but were kind of back again, its so off and on. when its good its so good.
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ind1exo · 3 months
First Impressions of WH Characters (In My POV)
The reactions I had were based on their appearance, trailers, or their appearances in routes. Some of these may be goofy but just bare with me, thanks.
Elias - Link?! (From Legend of Zelda)
Yukiya - Ike?! (From Fire Emblem)
Luca - He doesn't look like any of the characters I recognize... He's just green and that's it.
Klaus - Like Santa claus?
Randy - He looks like a nice guy and also giving off zesty vibes.
Azusa - He's so pretty! Why is there so many "???" in his bio? welp
Joel - Wow a cute boy with different colored eyes!
Vincent - He looks... kind of old.
Leon - He looks strange and why is he white all over?
Cerim - Why tf did he put a knife on the MC's throat? I don't like him already.
Guy - Well he IS a guy...
Glenn - A samurai warrior looking guy is in a wizard game?
Leslie - Is that a girl? *Quickly realizes it's a boy* Oh, duh-
Sigurd - Never thought I'd see a purple haired boy with yellow eyes. Odd.
Mel - This guy has an attitude for someone younger than the MC-
Zeus - He seems like a pompous prick based off that CG of him cornering MC.
Klaus 2 - OMG KLAUS GOT A SEQUEL?! *Does the route immediately*
Hiro - Emo boy vibes.
Alfonse - He looks an AWFUL lot like Elias and Klaus. Suspicious.
Caesar - *Thinks of Julius Caesar... then of Caesar salad.* A character that turns into a pig is... Well, alright then.
Lucious - Femboy prince vibes over here!
Hugo - Isn't that an enemy? We get to date an enemy now?
Hisoka - I can tell he's not a human by his appearance. He reminds me of Sascha from BiR.
Rembrandt - Hold up we're dating the Headmaster now??? How is that supposed to work-
Nox - Didn't really care to know about him at first What is he wearing? Is he a prince or something?
Rex - Also didn't really care to know about him at first He was a night classer? Why does he kind of look good in that night class uniform though?
Gray - His name is a color? Alright... He probably went by something else originally. And I bet he's some bratty pretty boy prince based off that smug of his... not sure where I drew that conclusion
Ted - Ted like Teddy bear? Wow we're really dating more furries and animals...
Lars - He seems to really like the MC a LOT. I feel bad that his own brother hates him. Woah that dancing CG though!
Clive - Uhh why does he hate his brother so much? That one face is creepy af. I don't really like him ehh- aged REALLY badly
Florin - He seems okay but, I don't like his last name. I've had conflict with someone who's name was this guy's last name so... yeah
Albert - He's wearing clothes similar to Klaus... An Auburne?!
Light - He lowkey reminds me of Dark Pit (From Kid Icarus Uprising). And... very creative name.
Viggo - A random emo night classer I guess.
Vain - What in the world are these strange looking characters?
Felix - Ugh he looks so scary and emotionless-
Lacan - Phew, glad he's way more friendlier than Felix.
Liz Hart (Older design) - I expected her to appear Japanese... She looks cute but I don't. Like. The. Hair.
Liz Hart (Newer design) - Thank the Lords!! She looks SO much better now.
Amelia Nile - I like her vibe. I was worried about a potentially bad roommate before I even saw her.
Augustus - He seems like one of those athletic frat boys, I guess.
Scarlett - Finally a female lover! ...Only in the spin offs? Uh, alright? At least Amelia gets some action herself.
Randolph - *Automatically thinks of Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer for some reason*
Schuyler - He seems edgy and I have a bad feeling about him.
Merkulova - I can tell he's the nicest professor.
Carbuncle - Looks like a Pokémon.
Taffy - Like the Laffy Taffy candy?
Eress - Is she a bug?
Ronny - This squirrel has an attitude-
Chica - Her name is literally girl-
Mischa - She seems suspiciously neutral.
Hachi - I like him already with the occasional "woof woof" he does.
Chocolate Cake - Is that supposed to resemble Morgana..? That's bootleg Morgana.
Nidhogg - I don't like how he looks like an Oni, he's definitely not a friend at first. *Originally gave him Monokuma voice*
Shu - Aww, a cute dragon!
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Encanto Christmas headcanons!
Hey everyone! Wow, what a year, huh? Yes, even the obvious bots that just follow for the sake of it, this is for you too! Okay, first up, I want to wish y'all a merry crisis, whatever you're doing or not doing this time of year! This year, I am in my parent's caravan celebrating with them and going to the races tomorrow which should be fun.
And seeing how it's the season of giving, I am giving you more Encanto Christmas headcanons! Last year's still remain, especially with Camilo and the church (there's a reason the priest loses his hair and it ain't Bruno!) but I wanted to write and share some more and write and share some more, I shall! Now, you may notice a name that is definitely known amongst the Encanto tumblr fandom, that being the lovely Elena who is owned by @prophetic-hijinks and has been my hyperfixation for the past week. Elena is the wife of Bruno and easily one of my favourite ocs. Having worked as a singer in a bar for years, she's heard it all and can throw back just as much as she's given, but she has such a soft and gentle side from her childhood and it is her dream to become a mama. She's a total firecracker in the best way and compliments Bruno beautifully.
So, I wish you all a pleasant holidays, be merry and bright and please be careful!
Lots of love,
Charlotte x
Alma announces that the town is to have a special visitor for Christmas. Mariano deadass asks if it's Santa as 'special visitor' and 'Christmas'. It's Father Francisco from a neighbouring church. This is based on something that happened last week to my twin sister. It was announced at her work that there'll be an important visitor and as its Christmas, she thought 'oh, Santa!'...it was safeguarding.
It is on Christmas day that Pepa finds out she's pregnant with Dolores and Julieta announces she's expecting Isabela. Congratulations all around the table but the ladies later have a laugh at the coincidence.
Dolores is desperate for a baby brother or sister. To the point that when she is three, that's all she has on her list and steals the baby Jesus at the nativity that year and refuses to give him back. Neither Pepa nor Félix imagined they'd have to put 'negotiating with a three year old over a baby that's not even theirs' on their parenting resume, yet here they were.
When Camilo is five and his first Christmas with his gift, he turns into Santa and convinces the kids of the Encanto to give him their presents. If it wasn't for Alma and Pepa interfering, then the likelihood of Camilo being the leader of a tiny cult of kids was rather high.
Julieta and Agustín find out the hard way that Agustín is allergic to mistletoe.
Speaking of mistletoe, Elena gets some from Isabela and with help from Casita, she hangs it on the doorway of Bruno's room. It takes him a few minutes for him to notice and then a few more to comprehend the meaning.
Elena pursed her lips up to the plant with the pearlescent berries that was hanging delicately above the doorway. She gazed at Bruno through hooded eyes, hoping he'd get the hint. "Huh, mistletoe." "Mmhmm." He frowned for a moment. "Um, pretty?" Elena mentally facepalmed. He is so lucky he's cute.
Favourite Christmas songs
Bruno - Santa, Baby *clutches his vinyl record of Elena's version tightly* "It's a nice song, is all," he squeaks, trying desperately hide his boner with his ruana.
Elena - Santa, Baby "I may have a few tricks up my sleeve for mi pájaro carpintero," she purrs with a wink when asked. Cue Bruno with a nosebleed not too dissimilar to anime.
Mirabel - Step Into Christmas - "How can anyone hate this song? STEP INTO CHRISTMAS, LET'S JOIN TOGETHER, WE CAN WATCH THE SNOW FALL FOREVER AND EVER!"
Luisa - Lonely Pup in a Christmas Shop *in between sobs* "The...the puppy! It needs a home!" Augustín proceeds to comfort her and reassure her that the puppy is fine and it does find a loving home at the last minute.
Isabela - Grandma Got Runover By a Reindeer "Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?"
Alma - Do They Know It's Christmas time? "It's about helping others with what we are blessed with!"
Julieta - Christmas Wrapping "MOOD."
Agustín - Mary's Boy Child Hums to it whilst prepping dinner, with Casita making sure he doesn't injure himself. Casita swears that that man will be the death of it one day.
Pepa - Christmas time (Don't let the bells end) "It helps release my emotions!" she shouts over the music as it blasts out of the speaker. Dolores tends to avoid these times.
Félix - Feliz Navidad "I wanna wish you a merry Christmas from the bottom of my heeeeeeeeart!!!!"
Dolores - All I want for Christmas "All I want for Christmas is mi amor. And some earmuffs. Oop!"
Mariano - Last Christmas "It's the perfect love story! Drama, betrayal, heart, its beautiful! Just like Dolores." Blows a kiss to Dolores and she giggles. Camilo and Antonio gag at this.
Camilo - Fairytale of New York "Where else would I be able to call someone a gusano?"
Antonio - Hippopotamus for Christmas "I love any song with animals!"
20 notes · View notes
jealousjersey · 6 months
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all works are smut unless stated otherwise <3
reader is afab/gn unless stated otherwise!!!
thank you @whimperly for helping me with this :3
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josh futturman hc's 1 josh futturman hc's 2
josh futturman hcs 3
buzzed dom!josh futturman uses a vibrator on you for the first time.
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be a good boy clapton has always teased you. whether it was your hair, your clothes or just you in general.
do what i say dom!clapton x sub!reader blurb
fuck you everything is doing well in your last period AP biology class, except one thing. your lab partner is clapton davis. e2l.
clapton sneaks into your house late at night from a party
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come home your work has been consuming you, working long hours, barely coming home on time, sleeping all until your next shift and just being busy. your boyfriend, mike, hates it.
pussy pleaser mike eats you out
mike schmidt hc's 1 mike schmidt hc's 2 mike schmidt hc's 3 (f) mike schmidt hc's 4 mike schmidt hc's 5 mike schmidt hc's 6
mike schmidt hc’s 7
bong rips “is this okay?” mike asks with a rasp in his throat “yeah” you reply. his fingers travel to your inner thigh and reaches the soaked crotch of your leggings.
accidental you walk in on mike jerking off-and did he just say your name?
rebound all it takes is for you and your boyfriend to break up for mike to confess his love to you.
pretty girl mike comes home as you’re staying there babysitting abby, and he gives you a new nickname.
mike x tradgoth!reader hc's
oh shit mike gets reader pregnant after he goes crazy with his breeding kink.  part 2 (f) futuredad!mike schmidt x pregnant!reader
under the weather (f) you’re sick due to it being absolutely freezing outside and you refuse to wear a sweater
wet dreams “whatcha need?” you ask as you yawn, pretending he wasn’t balls deep in you in the dream you just had. “need you s’bad” he whimpers, practically begging for your touch at this point.
mike your eyes roll mike wants things “casual” and you’re fine with that, until you realized your utter obsession with him.
sit on my face “i want you to sit on my face” he repeats, you know he’s being serious right now. “mike-“ you say as he cuts you off. “listen, i know you’re thinking about it but let me make it clear. i will make it good for you, i just want to give you the utter most satisfaction i can give you. please sit on my face baby”
interlinked mike finds out everything about you and uses that information to ask you out.
first time “i was wondering if we could...you know.. take our relationship further?” you slightly grin at him. “you mean like, sex?” he says as you nod.
last night mike always had a slight crush on you, even if he just saw you doing your job. he always caught himself staring at you wiping down tables in the food court. and you can’t lie, you’ve always thought he was pretty cute too. 
under the mistletoe mike loves christmas day. the presents, the happiness, the warmth of sitting around a fire, but most importantly; you in that tight little santa suit.
too sweet
mike comforts you while you’re stressed, until it turns out to become more
casual - inspired by casual by chappel roan, angst smut
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you and derek grew up together in high society, you both forgot about each other until one day you get a text (not smut)
daddy’s girl
you and derek danforth meet at his party. you supplied the weed, but he wanted more, even if it took blackmailing you to your strict parents about your smoking habits.
no such thing as free
you wanted that purse so badly…the only way you could get it was to suck him off…
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peeta headcanons
pent up
40 notes · View notes
1.10 commentary
from the earth to the starbucks
steve franks kelly kulchak james roday dule hill
The "right chair at the right time" star discovery was reflecting the kid shawn trying to get gus to go ahead of him
You couldn't have her carrying a bushel of carrots to hide that the actress was pregnant
Named for tom blaire, & this episode aired after his bday "Your present is on tv, friday at 10
"When you don't get the dialogue, it's usually referencing my friends"
six foot high painting of a blonde shirtless surfer that he wants that he is not going to get
My mom just notivced a random lobster on the table. I wish you could see how cute she is
Michael Zinberg
He eats ice because shawn is adhd, not because JRr claims this, eating ice is historically a sign of sexual frustration, It sets in here that shawn is not going to be getting lucky tonight, I did that assuming everyone knew that that's what that means KK & DH: I've never heard that
walking around stanley park
DH: I had a telescope KK: What did you look at? DH: Stars ...
How drunk should he be?
"special feature's not rated! I didn't want to scar anybody!" Dude you say hard ass in the show, you can say hard bottomed here
KK: I just like that he carries [his handcuffs] wherever he goes
Seriously? someone calling Dule already?
Improv: I'll never see you again
"All of that engagement stuff was just to get tim (lassiter) right to the floor"
SF: I pay attention to One Credit: theme song my steve franks. *doesn't care abt "created by"*
Let the eyes leave the body
"Literally half a page of nutshelling, I can't stop writing it"
KK hates the fist bumping?
The fish!!! "First of all who did not put this in the show?" We had to cut out some important stuff to get the fish scene in
kkarlton, but the second one is silent
JRr: *high fives Juliet's shrug* & Maggie Lawson was able to continue acting, even after she laughed
Oof these poor surfers at 2 degrees celcius
SF: genius dream JRr: Clem DH, acting &listening to the scene: this guy's an idiot
Network: Shawn... follows gus around? tat's a little creepy SF: No no no
not thursday
a minute & a half of the parking lot XD
crab fountain
Best location ever
JRr: the jackal has arrived
KK: Space run where your feet are hitting your ass. Sorry, butt. SF: Bottom. KK: We did it again SF: Sorry Paul (his nephew)
SF: My high school days when it took eight to twelve months to ask a girl out
the run XD
She's just gaslighting relaying the entire case
The seed for this show was "shawn goes int othe planetarium & for some reason narrates it"
*none of them are real constellations*
space capsule trash can
DH commented on the run & they kept it in the show
couldn't touch the telescope *giant storm trooper leg*
simon toque & this nice jumpsuit
WOULD have been funny to make him walk around like the micheline man, in an astronaut suit
Santa barbara with mountains & snow in the background!?!? (pretend it is water
That guy who fell, I love it
I forgot lassiter did golf
SF: I was in that suit.
I had to check the timers on the crab spray
JRr: Fact: we shot this at 6:00 in the morning & it was COLD & later that day neither of us could remember we shot it. DH: We just zoned out
No shot of the sign that sold the joke :(
With the roots & the dirt
Congrats to Hill's brother for getting engaged
"it's been fifteen years!"
Jack's wife, first AD!
It was supposed to be that she picked up a knife in the restaurant, but they couldn't do that :(
DH: Gus takes everyone on the same date
XD headbuts
Receive my ass cap award???
0 notes
pugs-cats-bb-8 · 1 year
I forget that Akechi has a first name.
Does Ann know of Akechi?
Unvoiced conversation.
That Santa Claus comment is cute.
That host is thirsting after Akechi. And I thought I was bad when it comes to Ren.
Just ask me out already!
I wouldn't doubt Akechi is horribly lonely.
They added the handshake in Royal.
You start the link with him and he's nowhere to be found. 🤣🤣
I think part of Ryuji's hate of Akechi is because he has a crush on Ren and sees Akechi as competition.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different question.
Oh boy, the Makoto bugs the hell out of you arc 🤬🤬
You just straight up leave Morgana in the bag 🤣🤣
Unvoiced conversation.
Ren looks so pretty without his glasses. 😍😍
I'm pretty sure with the clot Shido has. He probably didn't need to lie to the police.
I hate Mika. 🤬🤬
Is it me or does Akechi sound like he's coming on to you?
Same question.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different question and answer.
Unvoiced conversation.
Ann could've just said the cat got run over by a car. That alone would result in surgery and vet bills.
I love how even if you know where Nishiyama is. You have to ask people where to find him.
In Royal, you have to talk to Mishima. He doesn't acoste you when you step out the door. (I may be wrong on this).
You can just fast-travel to the library after talking to Mishima once in Vanilla? In Royal, if you try to do that the game puts him in your path and makes you talk to him.
"Are you that transfer student"? What other transfer student do you know, my man?
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
I love how all the parts leading up to acosting Iida aren't voiced. But the last part is.
Pizza smuggler🤣🤣.
"Cats have nine lives, right? Morgana can spare one". 🤣🤣
5k Yen is a lot when you're just starting out.
5,000 Yen=35.23 dollars Kawakami is a cheap maid.
No gift hints.
Some gifts were taken out.
The truffles got downgraded from 3 notes to 2 notes. Which isn't bad, but it's better to go for the 3 note gifts if you can.
Unvoiced conversation. I think.
Not the kind of modeling you're thinking about Ann.
You have to talk to your friends? In Royal, you just go straight to the alleyway.
Unvoiced conversation.
Hustle hour. Muscle hour. 🤣🤣
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Let's flirt with Yusuke... He doesn't seem to get it. Ryuji gets confused. At least Akechi flirts back.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Chihaya looks so skinny in her portrait.
Unvoiced conversation.
Ryuji and Ann were also involved with Kamoshida. But I guess it's not nice to throw your friends into the spotlight. So Mishima it is.
Poor Mishima. 🤣🤣 If he thinks talking is forward. Then what does he view sex as? The anime version of this is so funny. We are feeding Mishima to the wolves. 🤣🤣
A money bath sounds unpleasant.
No helicopter yet.
Ryuji almost gets run over.
I love how even in NG+ you can't pay Kaneshiro, even if you have the money.
I hate Price. Price Another version is better. Price in dancing sucks ass. The chart is insane. I accidentally perfect'd it when I was combining modifiers to unlock links.
"I get carsick". Maybe that's why he drives in Mementos?
Kitty Talk 🤣🤣
My man just falls asleep. 🤣🤣
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Morgana was sleeping on the lower railing.
They changed smuggler to courier in the anime.
How does she look like an Empress when she's the High Priestess?
"Witch". 🤣🤣I mean you're not wrong, but it's a little too much.
Smashy at the top of the stairs is in the corner, opposed to in the middle.
No Showtime tutorial.
Why do the big shadows limp?
"I've totally got girl power". 🤣🤣
Somehow I can imagine him saying that.
There used to be an enemy and a chest by the stairs.
No enemy in the office.
The Watchdog had been moved back.
Shouldn't that be considered animal abuse?
I like how some of his third eye lines sound like he's sexily whispering. 😋😋
Riding on top of an elevator. Totally not dangerous.
Why do the beams sound like squeaky boots? Or is that his boots?
Different kick camera sound.
No camera off sound.
I like how he kicks the switches. 😍😍
Different layout.
Isn't Angel weak to gun and curse? I've also never seen her outside Mementos and Kamashido's.
Shadows can self-destruct on you?
I like the screen where it looks like he's stepping on you. 🥵🥵
God, how inaccurate are these guns?
Some of these options for negotiations. "Why do you wear a mask"? "I care about my looks". Well, he does look hot. "It keeps my foes' blood off". 🤣🤣 That's fucking metal. "That's what I want to know". Confused cutie.
You can hear Treasure Demons in smashies? Also, how do they fit in there? Do they like fold themselves like origami?
Different layout.
Smashy on the ledge instead of a chest.
I can see where the first will seed goes.
You have to go around because of the cameras on the steps down to the vault.
Kaneshiro is way more paranoid in Vanilla.
So the shadow running in slow motion is in Royal?
The good version of Price.👌🏻
Unvoiced conversation.
It took me forever to get used to sneaking and avoiding cameras.
Different layout.
They just added a door for the second will seed. Which is very easy to miss. Same with Kamoshida 3 and Madarame 2.
Dying deletes your progress!? The most I lost was Personas I'd recently gained, new showtimes that I'd seen for the first time and I had to climb back up.
Ren's frozen yet his coat's flapping. Also, the next shot of him is him slumped over.
You had to catch the Treasure Demons in Vanilla! Is that why I had to chase them across the area in Strikers?
That dude spawned in as they went down the steps.
So I guess my problem with him running in Strikers, came from Vanilla?
Unvoiced conversation.
I like his little "Okay" in the velvet room. He sounds excited and confused at the same time. 🥰🥰
I love the animation for the locks opening.
I always try to go the wrong way in the vault.
The walls look like doors.
The vault got a big redo.
Lots of things to climb on.
Is it me or are the enemies bigger? Different mini-boss.
Wow, it takes so much more time to get through the vault in Royal.
I see where the 3rd will seed was added.
I wish there were more safe rooms in the vault. Because if you die you have to unlock every lock again.
I love how you don't get a prompt to leave.
I love how you can cheat if you have PSN.
The security meter noise, when you send the calling card, unerves me.
Unvoiced conversation.
Life Will Change instrumental reminds me of Okumura 🤬🤬.
I hate Aria Of The Soul.
I love Piggytron.
I really hate the boss theme. Okumura again.
I like how in Strikers Morgana's like "My whiskers are burning"!
I lost the first time. I forgot to buff my defense before I guarded.
Palace is different and so is the boss fight. I prefer Royal.
I'm surprised Kaneshiro didn't die when he hit his head on the gold bars.
Kaneshiro makes it sound like Akechi's making bank from the palaces.
Morgana loving on the treasure 🤣🤣
Yes, let's stand there and talk while the Gold briefcase lays on the cat's head.
I like how in the anime, the bills say Kodomo Bank. Why is only half of the words translated? Kodomo- Child/Children.
"Let's go to sleep". Proceeds to curl up in the middle of your bed. ❓❓. Where am I going to sleep?
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
100,000 Yen=695. 70 Dollars
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different wording on the question.
Slight dialogue change for Morgana.
Different wording on Yusuke's card duplication.
Losing 100K this early on 🙃🙃
Different angle.
Unvoiced conversation.
If Ren's broke the day he got it. Why didn't the other's do the same?
So, rock salt is another name for table salt. I honest to God, thought they were talking about the stuff you use to melt snow and make it easier to drive.
Different question, same answer.
Koi fish! And a painting that has mountains in it.
Invasion of privacy: ❓❓ you're on a public street, sweetie. Not in a shop.
"Can't imagine you as the fashionable type". Gee, thanks Morgana.
I've never used the diner.
Different story, semi different question.
What about Ren screams punk? He looks like a cute, bumbling dork.
I see how Ryuji's ability worked. Glad they changed it.
I never noticed the shadows run from you if you're higher level than them.
We never did find out what was in the chest.
Did they increase Morgana's speed or is the dude I'm watching just the slowest driver ever.
You could get weapons from chests in Mementos!? You also got washed gear!?
There are some follow-ups to Mementos Missions, that I don't think are in Royal.
Also I thought 'Sadism Is An Sign Of Love' was a request about someone from Shujin, not Kosei.
Does Chihaya watch mafia shows in her spare time?
I don't think I ever used the temporary stat increase.
How old does Chihaya think we are?
Fucking fishing. I still don't have that award and I'm on my 4th playthrough.
When I think right-hand man. I think Akechi. Although, since he's left-handed. He can be my left-hand man. And Ryuji can be my right-hand man.
Everybody rags on Ren's curls. Poor dude. I think he looks cute.😘😘
Slightly different question, different answer.
Hints for gifts were added in Royal.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different question, part same answer. In Royal, it's a two part question+ charm and an Ann boost.
Text used to say "I want to duplicate a card". In Royal, it says "I want to work on our deal". Which can get confusing.
Different question. Which was taken out in Royal.
Did they change the SIU Director's voice?
Unvoiced conversation.
Different question.
Similar question, different answer.
Morgana's tail hangs out of the desk.
How many times does Ren accidentally grab it when he adjusts himself?
My man was ready to get naked in church. 🤣🤣. (Gives me further material for Ren becoming a nude model.) I ain't religious, but even I wouldn't do that.
Ren just seems so willing to take his clothes off. I wonder if they weren't in public, what would happen? I've only seen part of this scene in the anime. I wonder how the rest of it goes. Do they do this in the manga? I'm glad the priest didn't find out what they were going to do.
Different questions.
Similar question, different question.
Different questions.
My man booked it🤣🤣
Take your cat to the movies. 🤣🤣
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Ryuji forgets that Ann and Makoto would kick his ass if he left them.
How can you see fireworks with buildings in the way?
He pouts cutely. He doesn't have his glasses on at the festival, yet the cut-in does.
"What are you, moss"!? 🤣🤣
I believe they added a line when Sae is threatening Sojiro.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
I think they changed Ann's R.6 a bit.
Can we throw Mika off the tower?
0 notes
thelovelybitten · 1 year
vera's first watch of south park -- season 4 (part 1)
bc i know this is about to be so very long
EPISODE 1: SEGA DREAMCAST Y'ALL KNOW WHAT IS UP no I FORBID Y'ALL USUING KENNY'S TEEF TIMMEHHHH aww he's so cute NO NOT KENNY'S TEETH DFDSBKGBKSD :'(((( y'all rly stripped my son nakey... SHAME ON U i chuckled at cartman being the tooth fairy kyle is MAD MAD i was mad when i found out santa wasn't real stan kinda slayed w his plan omg MAFIA TOOTH FAIRY THIS IS SO GOOD WHAT "tits" cartman REALLY DEBATING NKDGKNJGFDJKN main four mafia gang WENDY IN FRAME I LOVE HER no bc if stan showed up in a spiffy suit working for the tooth fairy brigade at 8 years old, i don't know why wendy WOULDN'T BE WHIPPED KENNY'S HAT kyle is in his delusional arc, cartman, leave him be wtf... kyle y'all rly left kenny in the river ihy EPISODE 2:
Tolkien slayed get him
please Wendy be in the select four
hc little Stan and little wendy are extremely competitive at sled racing and make it their whole personalities when the gangs hang out for the annual sled racing every year. they still got their little crush on each other but when they break up the first time OH THEY OUT FOR BLOOD.
Tolkien still ate and Cartman is a piece of shit
HATE CRIME ???? Ngl get ur Justice king
this is actually. so good I love when cartman gets what he deserves
Bebe and Kyle in the same frame it must be so
Kenny did not deserve that slap BYE
Kyle: what the fuck is happening
the girls gaslighting, girlbossing and gatekeeping AS THEY SHOULD
juvenile hall is. Sumth.
butters: I think Clyde is the next fattest kid SIR THE DISRESPECT ON MY SONS NAME FROM MY OTHER SON ITS PAINFUL. So hard to have multiple children out here
Girls are SLAYIN idc
Clyde is literally a perfect size wtf y’all on ABT
“Oh my god we killed Kenny”
“We killed Kenny?”
“We killed Kenny, we’re bastards”
Y’all hyping up cartmans ass LMAO
Bebe slayed
this is so gross I hate it here
Tolkien rich as fuck
cartman in his gaslight era AGAIN
Jesus he’s so manipulative but it’s kinda iconic
Lmao cartman is so heartless HAHA
Bebe on the gals team let’s goooo
okay. That was. An episode. Haha.
Kyle being up until 2:00 am UGH
Timmy doesn’t have ADD but oh my lord I’d die if I had to listen to an audio book of the great gatsby
mackey and victoria asleep REAL OF THEM
specifically stendy as their heads lean on one another 🥹🥹🥹
everyone hyping up Timmy as they should !!! Wendy, Clyde and Tolkien my babies
the kids: 😐😐😐
I hate this portrayal of Timmy’s disorder 😩
Stan ate that speech
stan so unbothered by this clown
contorting girlies got GAME
omg not them trying to do the same show LMAO
not the boys naked PLEASE
Kenny reading on how to sing JSJFBDJSKD WHOLESOME
he's so cute u guys that's my fucking son
the oldies getting frisky EWWWWWWWWWWWW
wait she's dead????
Kenny side quest I love it
lil Romania girlies getting a slice of America
not the girliessss
Kenny bffr come home
note: Kenny can SING
domestic core 4 board game time
not AIDS Cartman bffr
oh my god I'm actually scared for cartman for once
Kenny being worried abt this baby
Play catch! Cute
trying to stop him from having sex GENIUS
Jesus cartman I'm so sorry don't know yet
cartman nooooo
Kenny’s dad is going thru it
these men need jail time JAIL TIME
The actual trauma NO
thank god he's okay
But kennys dad i’m so sorry
wait it's kenny PLEASE
0 notes
elains · 2 years
Hello my love!
I hope december is treating you well <3 I now have 2.5k of EDITED words for you (and more to be added) :)
Just as a little treat, I'm going to give you three songs that will tell you about some of the vibes included in your gift:
Without Me - Halsey
There's no way - Julia Michaels, Lauv
Unlearn - benny blanco, Gracie Abrams
In exchange, I need to know your take on clichés. Do you have a favorite one? Do you hate a specific one?
secret santa <3
Hello Secret Santa!!
Sorry it took a while to answer, I kept meaning too and kept forgetting. Working hasn't been very kind to me this week, I must say.
I HAVE LISTENED THE SONGS YOU SENT AND I LOVE IT. Also the Halsey's one I went "Wait this is THAT song!" and promptly added to my playlist because I didn't know its name before LMAO (I should have recognized Halsey's voice but I'm an idiot)
About clichés, I prefer a well executed cliché rather than a badly executed new idea. Execution, for me, is key. Like I'm a huge fan of Korean Manhwa, more specifically Korean Villainess Isekai/Returnee Manhwas and also some Shounen Manhwas and they're CHOKE FULL of cliches. The same things, twisted in some new ways and I DIG it if the execution (and the art!) are good.
I love meet cutes, kissing to get the person to shut the fuck up or calm them, the shy unpopular girl getting the charming and nice popular guy never gets old for me. On the other hand, forbidden love can fall flat for me, especially if it's the "Love ruins the realm" kind. I usually prefer the dutiful road which ends in a happily arranged marriage 🤣
0 notes
To Raise Children: Chapter 20
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Chris Evans X Daughter!Reader, Grandpa!Chris Evans X Flynn and Felix Evans (OCs) Tom Holland X Single-Mom!Reader (Slow Burn)
Series Masterlist
OC List
Series Summary: It's been 4 years, your sons are starting kindergarten, you're starting junior year of college, a lot has changed.
Chapter Summary: You tell the boys about their sister!
Series Warnings: Age gap (Reader is 20, Tom is 29), absent father, mentions teen pregnancy, mentions abortion, if you see anymore please let me know politely.
Chapter Warnings:
Sequel to "It Takes A village"
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"I'm glad Flynn is doing better." Tom says into the phone as he walks around his apartment. You and him were still talking despite him being back in London.
"Yeah, he's doing much better but has been in my bed the last four days, Never share a bed with a five year old." You warn him.
"Geez that bad? Why doesn't he sleep in his bed?" Tom asks you.
"He can't climb up the ladder, Felix's bed isn't big enough for them to share and Felix refuses to stay on the top bunk until Flynn can use his arm again. I'm probably gonna move Flynn's mattress onto the floor so he can sleep on it." You sigh.
"That would work. The boys at school?"
"Nope my dad took them shopping. Probably for Christmas gifts."
"Oh! What did they ask Santa for?" Tom asks as he sits on his couch looking at the ceiling.
"No clue they haven't told me, and we haven't written their letters yet cause of everything that's been going on. Have I told you that I've been talking to their sister's parents? They're nice."
"They have a sister? Wait wouldn't her dad be your ex?" Tom asks, he thought you hated your ex.
"He didn't want to be apart of the girl's life so her bio mom put her up for adoption. I've been talking to her adoptive parents." You explained.
"Oh that makes more sense. Do they know about her?"
"No, she also doesn't know about them so I'm telling the boys today, and her parents already told her this morning."
"I'm sure the boys will love having a sister! What's her name anyway?"
"That's a really cute name... Hey I got to go I promised my mum I'd have supper with them tonight since all of us are in London right now. But I'll call you when I get home if you want?"
"Sure. I forget your five hours ahead it's only noon for me."
"Just don't call me when it's your dinner time I'll be asleep." Tom laughs.
"Don't worry I'll call you at ten tonight." You laugh.
"Okay. Bye darling, Tell the boys I said hi."
"Bye Tom. Don't worry I'll tell my dad you said hi."
"I meant Flynn and Felix! But tell him I said hi too." Tom laughs.
"I know I will bye Tom."
You had no clue how you were gonna tell them about their sister. They're gonna ask questions and you'll just have to answer them the best you can. You know they'll ask about their dad eventually. Especially since they're in school now. You just hope you have more time to prepare for it.
"Boys, I have to talk to you real quick." You say to the two boys who were focusing on the TV that plays the paw patrol movie.
"Okay." You grab the remote pausing it before you sit in front of them.
"So you guys have a little sister." You begin.
"Are you pregnant?"
"No... Where did you learn that bub?"
"My friend Jackson's mom was pregnant then he got a baby sister!" Flynn says smiling.
"Oh... I'm not pregnant. Your father has another kid, and she's your baby sister." You explain.
"Will we get to meet him?"
"Probably not sweetie, but you will get to meet your sister!"
"Has she met him?" Felix akss.
"Oh so she only has a mommy like us!" Flynn concludes.
"Well no... A new mommy and daddy adopted her."
"Why?" Felix asks.
"Uhm." You didn't know how to explain this in way they'd understand. "I don't know sugar."
"Why does everyone else gets a dad though," Felix argues. Your heart broke a little hearing that question.
"Yeah I know and I can't tell you why you don't have one because I don't know either, but I do know that you have so many people who love you both."
"Like who?" Flynn asks.
"Well you have me, your poppy, your nana, don't forget your aunts, and uncles and cousins and your Gran."
"Oh... Do you think our sister likes spiderman?" Felix asks.
"I don't know and your sister's name is Amelia."
"That's a pretty name!" Flynn grins.
"Can we see her?" Felix asks.
"Yeah let me find the photo they sent." You pull out your phone and go through the messages you have with, Kevin, Amelia's dad. You find one of the little girl in her stroller, she has big brown eyes, short blonde hair, and a similar face shape as your sons. She looks a lot like them when the were toddlers. The only difference was their skin tones, they were slightly different.
"She's cute." Flynn says looking intently at the photo.
"She looks like me!" Felix smiles.
"She does. So tonight after dinner we're going to call them if that's alright with you two?" You asked them.
"Yeah! I always wanted a sister!"
"Okay." You smile at them.
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