mercysstray · 1 year
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typeris · 5 years
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Just fast little picture of Santa-Torb to say ‘Happy New Year’ and ‘Happy Holidays’ ❄️(it’s kinda late for x-mas sry). I want to thank all people who appriciate my art, who started follow me this year and thanks for all likes that I get, I have never had so likes and reblogs Soo… I hope your 2020 will be much better tham 2019 was, love you all really ♥💕🥰 (by the way…English is hard sorry)
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dawndrell · 5 years
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zephyrwashere · 7 years
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Santaclad ready for work you know what I mean (widcwmxker is my instagram, drew this this other night and felt semi proud of it !!!!)
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sister-says-go · 7 years
You’re all on my naughty list.
(I actually lagged so bad during the round after this that I made it through an entire Molten Core before my screen unfroze. Needless to say I took a break after. Freaking Spectrum internet.)
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roodle-things · 7 years
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19/24 - My Favorite Overwatch Skins - Santaclad Torbjörn
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lava-tears-liar · 4 years
Blizzard has outdone themselves
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Amazing. Superb. Look at this boy. A classic (literally).
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Two thumbs up for two great googly eyes.
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Look. They even bothered to put them behind his glasses in his Santaclad skin. That’s the greatest amount of dedication I’ve ever seen from them! 😏
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When you see the booty.
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Wow. Amaze. The eyes are so far apart, it’s perfe--
oH SHIT WAIT!!!!!!
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Thanks for this blessed content, Blizzard Entertainment. Never have I enjoyed an April Fools’ prank more.
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toogaytolift · 8 years
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>An actual exchange I had in a PC skirmish a few days after Christmas
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aurous-android · 7 years
I’m genuinely curious as to what Roadhog’s new skin is going to be, and if it’ll couple with Junkrat’s.
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I have every single torbjorn skin
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Torb and/or Rein for the character ask? Would love to hear your opinions!
For this ask game! This post turned out really really long so I'm putting it beneath the cut for the sake of the mobile users.
Torbjorn (my beloved):
a song that reminds me of them What I've Done by Linkin Park. Something about the more industrial sound and the themes of regret really hits different. If you want my really weird one, When They Come For Me by Linkin Park as well. I can't really explain this one as well. . . I know this song is literally about a rapper's journey but the kinda vibe of working hard to get better and rejecting what people expect you to be? That's what I associate. I'm worried I'm going to be mocked relentlessly for this one, because most people simplify Torb's character down to "haha funny dwarf man" but fail to mention the part where he's fiercely independent and is dealing with a lot on his plate. Okay and finally! Burn It Down by Linkin Park. This one is self explanatory, it gives me big Omnic Crisis vibes and the chorus is almost word-for-word his typical catch phrase.
what they smell like There's a very specific scent that I'll try to describe. There are chemicals used to get gun powder and other gook off of guns, and they have a very astringent, oily scent to them. No matter how many times you wash your hands, the smell always lingers. I imagine it lingers on him too.
an otp Him and his wife!!!
a notp Pretty much any other ship with him. I'm not really a shipper in general and I dislike breaking up canon ships.
favorite platonic/familial relationships Brigitte- I like to think he's a good dad. I like their relationship a lot, where they're obviously very close but he respects her enough to let her go her own way with things. I like the themes of legacy that surround them, the almost love-hate relationship Torbjorn has with her becoming an engineer like him, the almost love-hate relationship Brigitte has for joining an industry that already has her father's name plastered all over it. It's fascinating. Reinhardt- bubbly optimistic loud man is best friends with the grumpy pessimistic quieter man? A character dynamic made in heaven. Bastion- I thought I had already made a post where I outlined my thoughts on Torbjorn and Bastion, but I can't seem to find it. In short, not only are they the "cute dad robot child" combo, but Bastion also represents so much for Torb. Bastion is a walking reminder of the Crisis that he helped cause- the violence, the trauma, and most importantly, the legacy. Bastion is Torbjorn's redemption: if the most destructive robot he ever built can choose non-violence then maybe the Omnics can be a force of good after all. He hates Bastion but he needs them. And Bastion, looking for their own redemption and purpose, needs him too.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with Literally everything to do with the "haha funny dwarf man" side of the fanbase. I guarantee you, if Torbjorn was a normal height and typically attractive man he'd be one of the most beloved characters in the fandom but because he's short he's a joke. It makes me so mad!!
the position they sleep in Flat on his back, all sprawled out. Alternatively, I think he likes being the big spoon with his wife.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in Probably Transformers Prime. He'd be best freaking buds with Ratchet!
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn My favorite skin? Honestly, his classic skin is extremely iconic. . . but if I had to pick another it'd be Santaclad. It's literally flawless. Now for Reinhardt:
a song that reminds me of them Whenever I hear Reinhardt's name I immediately think of Sabaton. The entire band embodies his whole vibe- epic power metal telling and embellishing war stories of the past. I know this is stereotypical and often used as a joke pick, but I seriously do associate The Last Stand with him. It's a story from the time frame of the crusaders, although it follows a much more noble group of defenders- just like the Overwatch Crusaders. There's also a lot of overt religiousness in this song and while I don't headcanon Rein as religious, he does believe strongly in faith and the strength of spirit.
what they smell like It would be nice to think that he smells good, but honestly. . . I don't see him using any sort of cologne or anything. Like yeah, he showers, but he's so active that I bet he's always sort of sweaty. He smells very masculine in that sense.
an otp I don't really ship him with anyone because I headcanon him as aro/ace.
a notp I just. . . I don't like shipping him with Ana, purely because I think their platonic relationship is 100x better
favorite platonic/familial relationships Ana- I have a lot of thoughts on this one. . . I feel like these two would be the type to use the phrase "my better half" platonically. There's a contrast between them, yes, with Ana being the quieter and more responsible and Reinhardt more energetic and outspoken, but their differences cover each other's weaknesses. Both care so deeply about the ones they love and would do anything to protect them. Both of them are dealing with the fallout of Overwatch in almost the exact same way as well, and I think it would be good if they met up sometime in canon and coped together- except for the fact that she left him behind to begin with. It's that friendship with that hint of tragedy that really gets me. Brigitte- Platonic mentor/mentee relationship???? Reinhardt being godfather status????? How could you not. How could you not adore them. Bastion- They're not friends. The dev teaser for OW2 made that one very clear. But. . . their interplay is going to be interesting as hell. It always has been. They're two old soldiers with a sizable and frankly quite understandable chip on their shoulder. Will they reconcile, will they heal? There's a part of Rein (and Bastion as well) that wishes to befriend everyone he meets. Will it be able to overcome the trauma between them?
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with This is fanon but instead canon but- some of Michael Chu's short stories imply that Ana and Jack don't like Reinhardt and that is. Not Correct. They're all friends because I said so.
the position they sleep in I think he sleeps on his side or his stomach, but never on his back. I also imagine he cuddles- be it a person or a pillow.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in Knight Rider, simply because he adores David Hasslehoff so much.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn I'm an absolute sucker for power armor, and Reinhardt's classic crusader armor is peak power armor design.
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dawndrell · 5 years
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Torbjörn - Santaclad
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sirius-nightstream · 4 years
Hey here’s a slightly weird Torbjörn headcanon
He doesn’t prefer wearing shoes.
Like, he still wears boots when he’s working or building something but actual shoes just aren’t his style. Too cramp for him
He has that one good pair of boots, crocs, flip flops, and slippers
Boots for working
Crocs for recreational activities. (Going to the park, riding a bike, everyday stuff)
Flip flops for hot days or when he’s at the beach/boardwalk.
Slippers for when he’s just at home or runs to the store real quick
I can’t answer why I feel like this is right but it just is. He’s a function over form type person anyway. Why have a whole shoe closet when you have a few good pairs of footwear per occasion?
As for some of his skins in overwatch, those count as cosplay. I.e Viking, Lumberjack, Santaclad, etc
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celzarts · 4 years
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octoberwatch days 19-21! had a hard time picking between skater & magician sym for this one
Demon Hunter Sombra | Figure Skater Symmetra | Santaclad Torbjorn | Graffiti Tracer
Days 1-4 / Days 5-8 / Days 9-12 / Days 13-15 / Days 16-18 / Days 22-24 / Days 25-28 / Days 29-32
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cuddles-edits · 6 years
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Overwatch Winter Wonderland Icon Set
1. Rime Sombra 2. Andes Lucio 3. Jingle Tracer 4. Shiver Reaper 5. Scrooge McCree 6. Mei-rry Mei 7. Rudolph Roadhog 8. Santaclad Torbjorn 9. Yeti Winston
Please like or reblog if using.
Happy Holidays!
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Lore Compilation - Hero: Torbjörn
This post is the 20th [Tanks | Bastion | Doomfist | Genji | Hanzo | Junkrat | McCree | Mei | Pharah | Reaper | Soldier:76 | Sombra | Symmetra] in a project I’m carrying out to compile all the lore on every individual hero, scattered through the various pieces of media we’re provided with. While I’m sure many people already know all of this, it’s intended to be a good starting point for people who don’t, and a good reference point to those who do. This post will include links to official media, screenshots and descriptions of voice lines.
This post will not include sprays, nor any kind of analysis, speculation or theories. However, it is important to note that every piece of media is being given to us through the perspective of an unreliable narrator, so while the material is canon, it may not be the truth of the situation.
(Rest under the cut.)
Hero Bio:
Origin Stories:
Despite not having his own Origin Story, Torbjörn appears in Ana’s and Brigitte’s, and makes a cameo appearance in Sombra’s. He is also in the Uprising Origin Story. 
Cinematic Appearances:
Torbjörn makes a cameo appearance in the Cinematic Trailer. 
Comic Appearances:
Torbjörn stars in the comics Destroyer and Binary. He also features in Uprising , Junkenstein and The Return of Junkenstein, and makes a cameo appearance in Reflections. 
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[above: Torbjörn’s cameo appearance in Reflections.] 
Torbjörn is one of the playable heroes in the Archives event’s Uprising story mode. While playing, multiple conversations can be unlocked. There is no canon resource listing all of them (aside from the game itself), but here is a video containing most, if not all of them. Please note that this is not a canon source.
History of Overwatch: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/news/20130523
A letter from Torbjörn to his wife: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/news/21574699
Torbjörn has three (3) skins with bios: Viking, Santaclad and Chief Engineer Lindholm
Viking: After his village was buurned down by a dragon’s fire, the viking now travels the world, hunting them.
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Santaclad: At the gentle urging of his wife, Ingrid, Torbjörn dresses up as Santa for the Lindholm holiday celebrations.
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Chief Engineer Lindholm: For many years, Torbjörn Lindholm served as Overwatch’s chief engineer, designing many of the organization’s iconic weapons and technologies.
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Torbjörn does not have a ‘home map’. There is a photo of him on Winston’s desk on Watchpoint: Gibraltar.
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[above: Winston’s desk.]
He has voicelines on the following maps:
Dorado:  “I'd love to get a look at that fusion core."
Junkertown: “The uh quality of the craftsmanship here hurts my soul.” | “How in the world does this place even work?”
King’s Row: "If you ask me, the Brits have their heads on straight! Omnic rights? Pah!"
Nepal: "This place is like a terrible culmination of a thousand of my worst nightmares! Are you kidding me?!"
Numbani: "No, no no! N-O, NO!"
Volskaya Industries:"Now this is my kind of factory!"
Watchpoint: Gibraltar: "[sighs] This brings me back."
Using the telescope on Horizon Lunar Colony:  "Well, the view’s not bad."
Voiceline Interactions:
Torbjörn has pregame conversations with the following heroes: 
Torbjörn: Ana?! We all thought you were dead. Ana: Well, I had to come back. I was worried you'd get bored not being able to stick your nose in my business.
Torbjörn: I hate working with these talking tin cans! Bastion: [sad beeping]
Bastion: [beeping] Torbjörn: Hey! Stop following me around. Shoo!
Torbjörn: Bastion, I bet you haven’t had a systems check in years. Who knows what kind of weird behaviors you’ve picked up. Bastion: [weird beeping]
Brigitte: Papa, what do you think of my armor? Torbjörn: Not bad, not bad! I'm glad you let me add a little something to it.
Torbjörn: Your armor seems to be working well! I guess you were right about the core integration design. Brigitte: I knew you'd come around!
Torbjörn: Isn’t it enough to be an engineer Brigitte? Brigitte: I felt like I had to do more.
Torbjörn: Why does everybody keep pestering me about my aardvarks? Brigitte: It’s true you have been slacking off a bit lately.
Torbjörn: Any chance you'd let me peek under the hood of your mech? D.Va: Hey, hands off!
Torbjörn: Whoever built your mech did a good job, none of that AI mess. D.Va: Well, if you wanna give me some upgrades, I’m all ears.
Doomfist: Retirement suits you. Torbjörn: And I think a hammer upside your face would suit you!
Torbjörn: McCree, what happened to your arm? McCree: Always admired yours, figured I’d get one of my own.
Torbjörn: I was wondering... If I could have a look at your little robot? Mei: I suppose so....just keep that hammer to yourself.
Torbjörn: Doc, I’ve been having the worst headaches. Mercy: I’ve always said you should get your head examined.
Mercy: Reinhardt, I don’t approve of you dragging that poor girl around on your adventures. Torbjörn: Angela, you should know that no one could stop Brigitte from doing something she had her mind set on. She is a Lindholm after all.
They have a Winter Wonderland specific interaction:
Mercy: Torbjörn, I miss Ingrid’s apple pie at the holidays. Torbjörn: [laugh] Well, it just so happens she has some saved for you.
Orisa: Torbjörn Lindholm! You are responsible in part for my creation. Torbjörn: Why does that feel like an accusation?
Orisa: I consider Reinhardt to be the model upon which I base m own behaviours. Torbjörn: What a terrifying thought!
Pharah: Hey Torbjörn, check out my new suit. Mk. VI; State of the art. Torbjörn: [clears throat] Jump jets... concussion rockets... well, yes. It's looking pretty good.
Torbjörn: You know, Fareeha. I could take a look at fixing up your suit if you’d like? Pharah: And mess it up with a bunch of scrap metal bolted on the side? No thanks! I like it the way it is.
Torbjörn: Reinhardt! Least number of eliminations buys the post-mission drinks? Reinhardt: [laughs] Let's show these kids how it's done. / Agreed! May the best man win.
Torbjörn: I sometimes wonder if all that armor slows your brain down. Reinhardt: Ja. And I sometimes wonder if your height is why you're always in such a bad mood! / Ah,could you say that again? Sometimes it’s hard to hear you from all the way down there.
Reinhardt: You always did take good care of my armor! Torbjörn: Just try to keep it in one piece... for once.
Torbjörn: How’s Brigitte doing? Keeping everything in working order? Reinhardt: A knight could not ask for more from his squire!
Torbjörn: You need to stop telling those ridiculous stories, Reinhardt. No one believes they’re real. Reinhardt: Ridiculous stories? My tales of adventure and glory are all true!
They also have two that only play during the Winter Wonderland event:
Reinhardt: You know Torbjörn, you would make an excellent Santa Claus. Ho ho ho! Torbjörn: Maybe this year you can be the elf! I think Ingrid’s been working on something.
Torbjörn: Reinhardt! You better not be filling my daughter’s head with stories. Reinhardt: Ah! She hardly listens to them anyways.
Symmetra: Armor? How positively medieval. Torbjörn: No one asked for your opinion./Last I checked, I didn’t ask for your opinion./Everyone’s a critic.
Symmetra: I am impressed. I would not think such crude creations actually functioned. Torbjörn: Why, thank you! I must admit, I'm surprised— hey...
Torbjörn: There's something on your dress. Symmetra: No, there isn't.
Torbjörn: Winston, are you still using that silly feather duster of a gun? Winston: Why don't you come over here and ask that again?
Zarya: The suffering of my people rests heavily on your shoulders, Torbjörn. Torbjörn: Believe me, I don't need reminding.
Zenyatta:  I hear that you have taken in an omnic, Torbjörn. Torbjörn: I don’t want to talk about it.
Torbjörn: I hate working with these talking tin cans! Zenyatta: Your will is strong my friend, but in time I know you will realise we are not so different.
Additional Links:
The children surrounding Torbjörn in Reflections are his grandchildren https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/discrepancies-in-lore/12820/2
That’s all for now! If there’s anything that you know I missed, please let me know and I’ll add it. If anything new is added to the game, I’ll be sure to edit accordingly.
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