#sara lance anti
jbuffyangel · 4 months
Shame: Arrow 2x04 Review (Crucible)
The bomb of bombs is dropped....
SARA LANCE IS ALIVE! The many lies of Oliver Queen begin to unravel and even Diggle and Felicity have difficulty understanding his motivations behind this whopper.  
Let’s dig in...
Olicity (and Diggle)
Oliver, per usual, is running late for a Queen Consolidated party due to a previous engagement with some gang members. Felicity makes excuses for him to Isabel Rochev as she listens on comms to the melodic sounds of gunfire and Oliver kicking ass.
The best part however is when he shows up at the party in a tux (SWOON) and Isobel notices he has blood on his face.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
Felicity wipes the blood off his face, which is SOOOO MARRIED and why are they so perfect? This is classic "in a relationship" behavior before they're actually in a relationship.
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Laurel is attending the party with Blood because… I honestly don’t know why. The party is to attract investors so why the district attorney and ADA is there beats me. Oliver, per usual, asks Laurel if she’s okay as she tosses back a glass a champagne like it’s water. In Oliver’s defense, she was kidnapped by the Dollmaker last episode so there is some cause for concern.
Why am I slotting this scene in the Olicity section? There is a shot of Felicity watching Oliver and Laurel and her expression is one of curiosity, concern… maybe jealousy?
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Source: emilybettrickardslove:
It’s difficult to read, which is unusual since Felicity always wears her heart on her sleeve. Perhaps she is simply wondering the same thing the audience – where do Oliver and Laurel stand? Is he just a concerned friend? (Yes). Is there anything romantic in Oliver’s concern? (Nope).
Felicity interrupts them due to urgent Arrow business.
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Source: @smoakmonster
It’s rare that Laurel and Felicity’s paths cross and there is an undercurrent of competitiveness between the two characters. I don’t know if that’s written intentionally but it’s certainly not warm between them. What I love is that Felicity asserts herself more than she did their first meeting in Season 1 and holds her ground and patiently waits for Laurel to leave.
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The icy stare from Laurel Lance could freeze molten lava. I don’t know why Katie Cassidy chose to play the scene like this, but this is not the first time she’s looked at Felicity Smoak like an insect to be crushed, so forgive me if I don’t see these two going shopping together any time soon. Maybe it’s an actor’s choice or maybe she was instructed by the director to play the scene this way, but regardless if you are cold and unwelcoming to the universally liked character on the show, it does nothing to endear you to the audience.
It turns out my reasons above are not necessarily why Felicity was staring at Oliver and Laurel. Not the primary reason that is. She was staring at Laurel because Felicity finally pieced a mystery together.
Felicity: What if our masked friend that keeps showing up everywhere you go, you know her? What if we’ve been going about this the wrong way? We thought she was obsessed with you. I mean, she showed up in the DA’s office when you were there.  And in the chemical plant the Dollmaker was holed up in. But who else was at both those places? What if our masked friend isn’t following you?
Oliver: She’s following Laurel.
Oliver heeds Felicity’s advice and stakeouts Laurel’s apartment. The Lady in Black shows up as Felicity predicted and Oliver is able to capture her in some pretty nifty trick arrows. Felicity has also developed some tech to counteract the sonic thing.
Oliver: Why are you following Laurel Lance?
Lady in Black: I could ask the same thing of you. But I guess some things never change. You and her, always and forever.
This is an oddly personal remark from someone who is supposed to be a complete stranger. But she’s not a stranger.
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The Lady in Black is Sara Lance. 
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In all seriousness, this was one of Arrow’s bigger bombs dropped, but I honestly can’t remember if I was shocked to discover Sara was alive when I watched it live. The Arrow writers used Caity Lotz’s recast to their advantage. She looks completely different from the actress in the pilot. Now that her identity is revealed, they reshot the pilot scene of Oliver and Sara on The Gambit.
I do remember my heart sank when I found out Sara was alive. Why? I always felt the biggest obstacle between Laurel and Oliver reuniting romantically was A) he cheated on Laurel with her sister and B) Sara died because of that betrayal. Bringing Sara back felt like the writers were trying to fix the past to clear the way for Oliver and Laurel to be together. Particularly because they discussed in the premiere how much they wished they could go back.  
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Yeah guys, I’m gonna be straight with you. I was wrong a lot in Season 2 when I watched it live. The writers did a number on me this season – they twisted me every direction possible.
Oliver has to tell Felicity and Diggle that Sara is alive, which means he’s been lying about how she died all along.
Felicity: Sara Lance? Laurel’s sister? The detective’s other daughter, the one that you took on the Gambit with you even though you were dating Laurel, which we never talked about – I’m sorry, it’s just isn’t she dead? You told everyone that she died with The Gambit went down. That she drowned.
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Source: Paige
Oliver Queen has many secrets, so many things he does not talk about, and to a certain extent Diggle and Felicity have accepted he needs to reveal those traumas in his own time. But this lie? This lie is a gut punch. This lie is not only difficult to accept it is difficult to understand. Felicity and Diggle's anger is palpable.
It puts a lot of other things that are never discussed on the table for Felicity. Her rambling feelings tumble out as she processes the truth, which is quite similar to what the audience was experiencing and feeling. I know it was for me. She brings up Oliver and Sara cheating on Laurel – another topic in a long list of things Oliver will not discuss.  It’s a glimpse into Felicity’s frustration with Oliver – there’s so many questions, so many things he doesn’t say, so many things she wants to understand. As close as Oliver is to Felicity (and Diggle) there is still an almost impenetrable wall.  This lie is not only a betrayal to the Lance family; it is a betrayal to Diggle and Felicity who have put so much trust in Oliver. Felicity is angry and rightfully so.
Sara’s arrival in Starling City forces the confession from Oliver, whether he likes it or not.
Oliver: When The Gambit capsized, Sara was pulled under. It was so dark and cold. And I thought she drowned.  About a year later, I saw her.
Diggle: You saw her where, on the island? She drifted to the Island too?
Oliver: Not exactly.
Felicity: Why didn’t you tell the Lances that she didn’t die in that boat? Laurel and Mr. Lance, they blame you.
Oliver: It was my fault. What happened was my fault.
Felicity clearly cares about Oliver and cannot understand why he would allow himself to be blamed for Sara’s death when in fact she did not die in the way everyone thought. Even in her anger and confusion, Felicity is protective of Oliver.
The answer for why Oliver never discusses the cheating, how Sara really “died” or why he’s allowed himself to be hated by the Lance family is so very simple. Oliver is ashamed.  Shame is powerful. It can make a person hate themselves. It can make a person lie to the people they trust and love most. It can be more difficult to confess our sins to those we love because we want them to see us as a good person. We want to be worthy in their eyes, even though shame makes us feel anything but worthy.
Diggle: Where has she been all these years Oliver?
Oliver:  I don’t know! Diggle, I swear to God. I was sure she was dead.
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Source: bratvaolicity
Felicity’s anger is fading more quickly than Diggle’s. She’s truly not trying to make light of the situation. This question is deep with genuine empathy. The more Felicity learns about Oliver’s past the worse it gets. It’s not terribly difficult to understand why he does not want to talk about it. Despite her anger and frustration, Felicity can see that Oliver is a traumatized man in pain.
Diggle: Alright, so just to make sure I understand this correctly, after not drowning when The Gambit went down Sara didn’t exactly make it to the island with you where you would see her die yet again. Feel free to fill in the blanks.
Oliver: Not right now.
Diggle: You mean not ever.  Don’t you Oliver?
Felicity: Don’t you think her family had a right to know she made it to the island too?
Felicity and Diggle rarely push Oliver to speak about his years on the island, but they are pushing hard now because they feel they are owed answers. They feel the Lance family is owed answers. They are right. They do deserve the truth and Oliver feels their fair and understandable questions pushing up against his secret shame.  But it won’t make the wall come down. At the end of the day, Oliver is a traumatized man and when experiencing trauma the body has one of two reactions – fight or flight. For Oliver Queen, it’s always fight and he pushes right back.
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Felicity gets the answer to her question. No, Oliver Queen does not have any happy stories. He bore witness to horrors and whatever hate or recrimination he must bear is preferable to truth. 
Oliver: And they were better off not knowing.
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Angel: Some lies are necessary...
Buffy Summers: For what?
Angel: Sometimes the truth is worse. You live long enough, you find that out.
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Source: @andjustforthismoment
We see Felicity’s forgiveness in this moment. There is nothing but empathy in her eyes.  She may not understand why Oliver lied. She may be angry and frustrated with his lack of trust in her and Diggle. But Felicity clearly understands Oliver is a man who has suffered greatly and at the end of the day she has nothing but unconditional love for him. 
Unfortunately, Oliver does not understand the only way out is through. The only way to heal from trauma is to share it with those we trust. We have to accept help. Human beings are not built to bear suffering alone. We need to share out pain with each other.
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But Oliver is not ready to do that. In order to accept unconditional love, he must understand he is deserving of it first. But shame and guilt is all Oliver can feel right now.
This revelation does not stop Team Arrow from fighting crime. A local gang lord who calls himself the Mayor has military grade weapons that he is selling in Starling City. Every gun crate has a GPS, but the Mayor deactivated it. After Lyla provides Diggle with a similar GPS, Felicity is able to track down where it’s made – none other than Queen Consolidated.
Well she's certainly not too mad to flirt with him!
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Source: @andjustforthismoment
Felicity determines how to turn the beacon back on and delivers the location of the guns.
Felicity: I believe you ordered a crate of stolen milatary weapons, Mr. Queen
Felicity calls Oliver “Mr. Queen" and he likes it. A lot. COMMENCE ALL THE EYE SEX.  The chemistry is INSANE.
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Felicity and Diggle don’t push the Sara issue anymore. Their silent resignation is their acceptance that Oliver is not ready yet. But it doesn’t mean they aren’t getting through to him. We will see their impact with Oliver’s interactions with Sara.
Sara and Laurel Lance
If it’s possible, I would say Sara is even more traumatized than Oliver. We may not know everything that happened to Oliver the five years away, but he did make the choice to return home. He told his family he was alive. Sara may be in Starling City, but she has not come home.
She is equally as vague with Oliver as to her whereabouts the last five years. Other than a disquieting remark about Slade, she is fairly mum on the details of her past as well. What we do know is this:
A year ago Sara heard about a man in the green hood and knew it was Oliver. She previously thought he was dead.
Sara learned to fight AFTER the island.
She came back to Starling City after the earthquake to make sure her family was safe.
Sara’s primary reason for not wanting her family to know that she’s alive is because she is changed. She is not the Sara they will remember. But as Oliver points out, Sara hasn’t left Starling City yet. In fact, she’s come up with vigilante persona of her own.
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This is how she met Sin – she saved her from being attacked by a group of men. These are not the actions of someone who’s ready to leave town. Instead she’s been living in the shadows and watching her family through windows. Clearly, she wants to come home but she doesn’t know how.
The other Lance daughter is not doing much better. I’m sure Detective Lance never thought he’d be asking Oliver Queen for help with Laurel, but after she is pulled over for a DUI he’s ready to ask anyone who can get through to her. Lance is convinced Laurel has inherited more than his sense of justice. She’s also inherited his drinking problem.
In the immortal words of Cordelia Chase, Laurel is “campaigning for bitch of the year” and lashes out at Oliver as soon as he broaches the subject of her drinking. She fills him in on all the dirty details of Detective Lance’s alcoholism and insists it’s his problem and not hers. But by episode end, Laurel has added pills to diet of booze and we’re officially in a full blown addiction storyline.
Oddly enough, it’s Blood who gives Oliver some insight into the Lance women.
Blood: Sooner or later we all go through a crucible. I’m guessing yours was that island. Most believe there are two types of people who go into a crucible. The ones who grow stronger from the experience and survive it and the ones who die. But there’s a third type. The ones who learn to love the fire. They choose to stay in their crucible because it’s easier to embrace the pain when it’s all you know anymore.
Clearly, Sara is the third type. We can reserve judgment on Laurel’s crucible for now since it’s just getting started. Oliver straddles the line between surviving the fire and remaining in it. The key in pushing Oliver over that line is his ability to open up to those he loves and share his pain. He has Diggle and Felicity begging him this episode to do exactly that.
Sara: We’re both ghosts. We died on that island.
Oliver: No we didn’t. We both lived.
It’s interesting Oliver used the term “lived.” Typically he uses “survive.” Seeing his own shame and pain reflected in Sara brings about some self realization. Oliver doesn’t have to stay in the fire anymore than Sara does. There are so many sins Oliver cannot fix. There are so many losses he can never get back. He knows the Lance family will hate him for lying about how Sara died, but what he wants more than anything is to bring Sara home. It’s not just for her benefit. It’s for Oliver’s as well. This is one wrong he can make right. He all but begs Sara and finally she relents. They take a step out of the fire together and walk towards the living.
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But Laurel is consumed by her shame and continues to burn.
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Stray Thoughts
Does Oliver shower between the hood and tux change?
 Diggle makes sure Lyla knows he’s single. It’s so slutty and I love it.
Oliver’s cash for guns reveals a cash flow problem, but I think Isobel is cheap and he’s more multi millionaire versus billionaire these days, which doesn’t feel like a real problem.
The DA was totally hitting on Laurel and she rejects him. GOOD. We aren’t moving on from Tommy any time soon. IT’S WHAT HE DESERVES.
So glad they are not going the love triangle route with Roy, Thea and Sin. Rather enjoy this little trio.
“Living is not for the week.” Anatoly is here! HURRAH!
Sara is wearing a Starling City baseball cap, so her mother was right about that photo.
Do I need to care more about the bones the island bad guys are looking for? I feel like I should care more about the bones.
Hey there Sara is on the freighter!
Blood is a villain. Not surprising. Anyone standing on that much moral superiority has to be evil.
The serum Blood use on the mayor ultimately fails and kills him. So, we have wacky evil science on top of the deeply disturbing hood.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x04!!!
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lecoindecachou · 4 months
I guess my issue with Sara x Snart is that they did genuinely have a lil bit of chemistry in the pilot and then... nothing. Just a whole lot of talking, I guess, but nothing that felt even close to the flirtatious tension in the very first episode. It's like the chemistry just disappears after that. And then Sara meets her hot nurse in the 50s and tells Rip she hadn't felt anything romantic/sexual for anyone since she died and thought she wasn't even capable of that anymore, like okay?? So by episode 10 it's canonically established she has not had any feelings like that for Snart at all, and there's only five episodes left until he's dead lmao
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alphawolfice1989 · 7 months
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Sara is laughing with laurel in heaven that ava married an alien hybrid clone of her
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I can't stop thinking about how Sara Lance got her happiness as a clone and the real one is dead
And no body cared in the show and outside, because she got a perfect copy with her memories to continue her life. I guess I just have to imagine her soul is with her sister's and they both kick ass in the after life.
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The woman who inspired us all with how she protects women was killed and cloned off screen by a man, who artificially created a female clones to serve him as slaves. I mean how twisted is that, and how is nobody seeing how sexist it is.
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non-pressurizeddiamond · 11 months
Getting tired of Avalance. Their relationship adds nothing to the story or even to the characters themselves. It’s toxic. The level of jealousy and pettiness that Ava puts into the relationship is far from healthy. Dating someone who would break your boundaries simply because they can’t handle waiting for you to tell them is not romantic. Dating someone who wants you to prioritize being “in their corner” over your own morality and everyone else in your life is not romantic. Dating someone who constantly ignores your feelings and makes decisions without considering you is not romantic.
Sara isn’t perfect either, but Ava’s “flaws” are giant red flags. And while there’s Ava talking about things with Sara, Sara never once talks about her trauma with her girlfriend, and once they get married, well, Sara no longer has thoughts or feelings that don’t have to do with Ava.
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crypticbeliever123 · 2 months
Possibly an unpopular opinion but I like Ava's friendship with Mick FAR more than her romantic relationship with Sara. Ava and Mick actually have chemistry. Ava and Sara on the other hand feels forced. Ava treats Sara like there's something there that needs fixing and that just rubs me the wrong way.
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jooeeydee · 5 months
We know how Sara Lance likes her coffee, black with lots of sugar! We learn that early on in Legends Season One. You might like your coffee differently and that's fine, so is artistic liberty in matters the show didn't elaborate on but if the show gave us the answer, stick with it. And the shows gave us several people's coffee preferences. Sara drinks it black with two sugars, Oliver likes it black, Felicity drinks a none fat latte with extra sugar (that makes zero sense on a nutrition level) just to name a few. We got the info. So do your research. Use another methaphor. Sorry things like that just really annoy me. But then again, I spend hours working out the smallest detail and researching things like Max Fuller's wife's name...
She doesn't like her coffee bitter, like her relationships and dirty martini, the woman mainly drinks scotch!, like do your research if you use it as something to make a point about a character and their actions.
And Sara was not sleeping with whoever tickled her fancy during her time with the Legends. There were a few choice people she hooked up with but she wasn't sleeping her way through time as so many Avalance people would like to make it out.
And who the hell thinks Ava's sweet while Oliver is bitter? It's like the exact opposite. Oliver's the sweetest person on the planet, Ava is so fucking bitter it's not even funny anymore.
And I don't why I'm over here ranting. Blame it on all the people tagging fics as Canarow simply for mentioning the fact that Sara used to date Oliver. That's a fact, you don't need to tag it that for two sentences.
I swear I get heat for also tagging a Canarrow story Olicity because technically in the story Oliver is with Felicity as in the present but Avalance and Olicity people tag a story Canarrow just because Sara and Oliver having been together is mentioned or they break up in the first chapter and them actually being together is never shown in the story.
Make it make sense and stop tagging your toxic bullshit with my ship! There are so few Canarrow fics out there don't throw your anti-fics in there I don't want to see those toxic ships under my happy tag.
I think I'm done now.
And where are my fellow Canarrow writers at? I sort of want to go through with "there can't be a none Canarrow ship at the top of the Canarrow tag" but I'm one person, my muse is flakey and given the amount of Avalance and Olicity people that are currently falsely tagging their fics Canarrow I will not be able to do that.
Wow this post just turned into something entirely different.
Anyway... I hope everyone has a great day.
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ilove-superheroes · 9 months
Ava clones
Why were they presented as a negative part in Ava's story. When Sara sees them she doesn't see human beings, why? If Ava is unique and is a human with a soul - aren't they also? Or we have to believe they are disposable goons that just need to be beaten up. And even of they are, did the show ever proved this? But what is the message behind this. That they are a threat to her uniqueness? How are people with twins supposed to feel about that? If there is a person who looks like you, this is a bad thing? Why didn't Ava felt them as sisters, wanted to get to know them. Ask how they feel? And should we forget that Ava was also disposable at one point, when Rip said that she is the 13th clone that joins the bureau. So even Ava we saw the first episode might not be Ava we see in episode 9. I am sorry but how are people fans of Ava and not bothered by this story. I know I would be.
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keeloves · 1 month
I have said this before I will say it again a majority of Oliver’s & Laurel’s problems stemmed from the fact that Oliver did not know how to keep his pants zipped. I mean if he did then Moria would not have paid off Samantha to prevent to Oliver knowing about William. I am not saying it was right of Moria to do that but it would not have happened if Oliver didn’t sleep with every pretty face he saw
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jbuffyangel · 4 months
The Canary: Arrow 2x05 Review (League of Assassins)
Yeesh there is a lot of Lance drama in the beginning of Season 2. We finally get the backstory on Sara, but it’s the spectacular Oliver and Laurel scene that has me cackling.
Let's dig in...
Sara Lance
They reshot the whole pilot scene between Oliver and Sara only this time, we see what happens to Sara after the boat sinks and she’s swept out to sea. How this woman did not get hypothermia from only wearing a bra and underwear in the North China Sea is beyond me.
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This scene just incenses me.  It irks the absolute crap out of me when Sara says, “Laurel is gonna kill me.” Sara says it like she’s borrowing Laurel’s sweater without asking. YOU ARE SLEEPING WITH HER BOYFRIEND.  This destroys a relationship. She’s not going to kill you, but she will absolutely cut contact with you, Sara.
I know he’s pre-island Ollie and he’s just the absolute worst, but the smarmy “Your sister will never know” as he climbs on top of Sara is just so disgusting. I cannot fathom why people would ever want Laurel to be with Oliver after what he did. Forgive him, fine. Date him? Absolutely not.
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Okay, the rage is dying down. Hopefully this is the last time we have to watch this scene.
Sara is staying at the Queen mansion, which doesn’t see very covert, but with Moira in jail and Thea sleeping at Roy’s all the time it actually is a good place for Sara to crash. Better than a clock tower at least.
Oliver is still trying to convince Sara to let her family know that she’s alive, but she’s not convinced all family members *cough*Laurel*cough* will be happy to see her. Sara asks Oliver if he ever got back together with Laurel after he returned home.
Oliver: We tried. It’s too much.
Sara: Some things are better left in the past.
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After The Gambit sinks, Sara is floating on a door similar to Rose in Titanic when she’s picked up by the freighter.
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Source: saralances
We’re all going to pretend the canary landing right next to Sara is not the most obvious foreshadowing in the world. For anyone questioning if Arrow is making Sara their OG Canary – there’s your answer. You know - if the suit, wicked fight skills and sonic weapon didn’t answer it for you already.
The color of the Canary is important though. It’s yellow. Not black. Arrow is drawing a clear distinction between the two. This is an origin story. It’s not Green Arrow and Black Canary. It’s The Arrow and The Canary.
Sara is thrown in a cage on the freighter, similar to Oliver’s current predicament, but Dr. Ivo protects her from the crew members.  He tells Sara he is going to save the human race and invites her to help, so I can only conclude we’re going with Stockholm syndrome in the flashbacks. A twenty something college kid would have very little to offer a mad scientist.
However, Sara’s reticence to return to her family is not related to whatever happened on the island, but rather who she became and what she did to survive AFTER the island. We’re just about to get some details when a man dressed exactly like Malcolm Merlyn comes crashing through a window.  Oliver and Sara fight him, but before we can get any answers the man disappears. This is getting annoying. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN SOMETHING?
Oliver introduces Sara to his team and we get the iconic first meeting between Sara and Felicity.
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Source: oliversmoak
Sara does not want Team Arrow to find the assailant however. She knows exactly who he is. 
Sara: He’s called Al Ow-al, “The First.” And he’s a member of the League of Assassins.
Oliver has a very strong reaction to this revelation so we can deduce Sara didn’t join the Girl Scouts. The League is, you guessed it, a bunch of assassins who kill and vanish like ghost - previously thought to be an urban legend by Diggle. The League rescued Sara after the island, remade her into an assassin and she swore them her allegiance.
Sara left after she killed a local diplomat in Guyana and his children found his body the next morning. She didn’t want to be a murderer anymore, but now The League is coming after her.
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Source: laurelscanary
Felicity’s humor and compassion put Sara at ease after her horrifying confession and this is why I love this character.  There’s no judgment from Felicity. She sees Sara for what she is – a person in pain, even if Sara doesn’t see herself that way. Not unlike how Felicity looks at Oliver. And just like Oliver, Sara Lance is SMOAKED.
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Source: smoakamell
After Felicity finds Al Ow-al, Sara and Oliver argue about whose fight it is. Sara isn't used to playing with others, but you'd think she'd understand basic strength in numbers. This is the guy who trained Malcolm Merlyn. He stops an arrow with his bare hand while his back was turned!
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Al Ow-al: The child of Ra’s Al Ghul awaits your return.
I know who Ra’s Al Ghul is from my Batman days, but in Arrow's world he has a kid. A kid who sent Al Ow-al  to collect Sara alive or dead. This is getting complicated. Is there like an employment flow chart we can follow for the League of Assassins?
Oliver: The League of Assassins. Why wouldn’t she tell me what happened to her all those years?
Diggle: Probably the same reason you didn’t tell us what happened to you on the island.
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Wow. This is stunning lack of self awareness. Oliver, in case you haven’t noticed, Sara is the girl version of you.
The League has threatened Sara’s family, so Oliver keeps watch over Laurel. Felicity calls Detective Lance to convince him to leave town - while promising Sara to not reveal she's alive.
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Source: @noone-seesyou-likeido
Unfortunately, Lance does not listen to Felicity, so Sara decides her secret is not more important than her father’s life. Finally, she is seeing some sense. Diggle, ever the loyal solider, offers to go with as back up, but Sara continues to have this thing about fighting on her own. I guess being an assassin is a solitary job. This does give us one of the best bad ass Sara Lance speeches ever, however.
Sara: Dig, you may be a three tour Special Forces veteran, but I was trained by the people that make the Special Forces look like a kindergarten class. So step aside or get put down.
The reunion between Lance and Sara is all we hoped it could be. It’s not every day your kid comes back from the dead, but Paul Blackthorne does a phenomenal job of moving from shock and disbelief to overwhelming joy.
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Source: laurelscanary
Quentin wants answers, but he’s careful not to spook Sara who is still reticent to give details. They go through the nuclear bomb that was set off in their family (the divorce, the alcoholism).  Sara apologizes for the damage she caused, but Quentin insists he was to blame, which is more proof he is a really good dad.
He can clearly see his daughter has changed. She speaks Chinese now and is ready to fight to the death with a butter knife. He pieces together Sara is the woman in black; she knows Felicity, The Arrow and is wrapped up in this League that’s after both of them. How this man has not put together Oliver Queen is The Arrow I will never understand.
Quentin: If these assassins, if they hadn't shown up, would you have ever let us know that you were alive?
Sara: No.
Well, at least she’s honest. Sara promises Lance that she never forgot who she was or him despite staying away for so many years.
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She takes her father to the clock tower which she’s outfitted with booby traps for when the League comes for them both. Sara and Lance hold their own against the assassins, but when The Arrow arrives they achieve the upper hand. Sara has no problem breaking Al Ow-al’s neck, but allows one assassin to live to warn Ra’s Al Ghul.
Sara: Tell Ra’s Al Ghul that my family is off limits. His quarrel is with me.
She is ashamed to show Quentin who she has become – a killer.
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Source:  sohpiabush 
But Quentin feels only pride. How little children understand the depth of a parent’s love. We have already forgiven anything you’ve done or may do the moment you are born.
Quentin: I think you’re a survivor. I think you’re one of the bravest people I’ve ever known. You’re my daughter.
Sara leaves town to lead the League away from her family and Quentin agrees to keep her secret. He will not tell either Laurel or Dinah that Sara is alive because it would get them killed… or something.  The logic is not logical, but I don’t really care. They’ll hold the “Laurel finds out Sara is alive” card for May sweeps.
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Source: @laurelscanary
This is not the last we will see of Sara Lance. The Canary’s story is just getting started.
Oliver and Diggle
Despite Oliver's spectacularly hypocritical statement about Sara and honesty, there is serious emotional growth this episode. Oliver making this statement about forgiveness a year ago would have been unthinkable. He did not return home with any hope of being forgiven or even welcomed back. I'm going to give the Lance family a shoutout because they had the most to be angry about with Oliver. He asked both Laurel and Quentin for forgiveness and they each have extended olive branches at various time. Hell, Laurel was ready to get back together with him. So, the fact he's able to offer the same hope to Sara is really a full circle moment.
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Source:  anissagraces
Oliver beginning to believe he is worthy of forgiveness is a direct result of the many hours of therapy with Diggle and Felicity. He is finally starting to really hear them. That's why this moment with Diggle at the end of the episode is truly note worthy.
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Diggle should have this date embroidered on a pillow because it's not often Oliver will admit he was right. But Oliver is not done yet.
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He breaks out some Russian vodka and confesses to Diggle he was not always on the island the five years he was gone. Oliver is ready to unburden some of the secrets he works so hard to keep buried.
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Source: laurelscanary
Oliver is able to see his own demons reflected in Sara and it finally connects the dots for him. He doesn't have to remain isolated in the world like Sara. Oliver can see Diggle (and Felicity) reaching out to him and he FINALLY reaches back. This is monumental character growth.
Sara: You three are quite the team.
Diggle: We have our moments.
Why Diggle and not Felicity? I think it's easier for Oliver to tell his war stories to another solider. He also doesn't have any fuzzy bunny feelings towards John, which makes things simpler between them. But every time Oliver opens the door to the past, and shares his pain, he is one step closer to the future he truly deserves.
Laurel Lance
Laurel is sitting second chair in Moira Queen’s prosecution, which is actually an INSANE CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Marc Guggenheim, you are a lawyer sir. What is this nonsense?  
Never fear! Laurel has used all her pull to get Moira a plea deal - life with the possibility of parole. Understandably the Queen family isn’t thrilled. It’s either life or the death penalty.  Laurel even discussing Moira’s case with Oliver is improper ex parte contact. She should be excluded from the case and sanctioned, but this is Arrow and that’s never going to happen.
In the middle of all of this, Oliver continues to ask if Laurel is okay. She is trying to kill your mother, Oliver. I feel how this is impacting Laurel shouldn’t really be your top concern. He is so exhausting around her. Take the hint, my dude. She doesn’t want your help and I’m tired of you two having the same fight episode after episode.
But this episode is not just another round of the same old some old. No, my friends this is a very special episode because it contains one of the best Laurel and Oliver scenes to ever grace our television. Oliver needs to protect Laurel from the League of Assassins, so he takes her out to dinner. Then he walks Laurel back to her apartment (because assassins) but she thinks he’s come up for a very different reason.
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And OLIVER REJECTS HER.  The way I cackled.
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I’m going straight to hell, but I don’t care. This moment is glorious. First of all, Laurel did not have a drink at dinner, so she can’t blame the booze and pills. She just flat out reads the situation wrong. Oliver apologizes for sending a mix signal, but he’s a bit confused. Didn’t they decide they shouldn’t be together out of respect for Tommy? Yes, Oliver. Yes you did. WHAT ABOUT TOMMY, LAUREL?!! This woman did not deserve that man.
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Oliver promises Laurel he will never leave her and has certainly made every effort to help her, but it is the capacity in which he will stay in her life that is really in question. This moment is HUGE in terms of where Oliver is at emotionally. He is drawing a firm line in the sand. There was a time when Oliver would’ve welcomed Laurel trying to climb him like a tree no matter the circumstance, but not anymore. He clearly states that he cares about Laurel but only as a friend. His concern has no romantic undertone to it.
The balance of power in their relationship has always been tipped toward Laurel. This is the first time it feels like a more even playing field. Instead of Laurel rejecting Oliver – he is rejecting her and for a very good reason. Oliver is not stoned on pills and he remembers they don’t work. They tried to go back and it failed. Oliver has not interest in trying again. For the first time, Oliver is looking forward.  
And Laurel, cemented in the past and alone her in apartment, takes some pills.
Stray Thoughts
This secret Moira is keeping is a real humdinger if she’s ok with life with the possibility of parole.
Oliver and Thea promise Moira that she will not lose them no matter the secret. Sure Jan.
"Gee I didn't get you a bag of dirt." Bless this cupcake.
Where did Sara get her suit?
Malcolm Merlyn is also a member of The League of Assassins.
"Oliver’s lucky to have you both as friends. He hasn’t always had the best of luck in that area." Sara’s not so casual remarks about Slade and Shado are friggin ominous. It’s time to get real nervous about the flashbacks.
“You think because you are the beloved that you will be granted your freedom?” We all know who Sara’s beloved is and I’m very much looking forward to her arrival.
"Pain and I came to a little understanding a few years back." Sara takes a licking but keeps on kicking. This is such a bad ass line. The episode is chalk full of them. I love the OG Canary.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x05!!
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azurecanary · 1 year
Redditor: "Lauryssa is a terrible ship, they didn't even like each other and Nyssa tried to kill her whole family"
Me: "Bold words coming from someone who thinks that the Dinah Lance ripoff is one of the best written female characters of all time"
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joeey-dee · 1 year
I know you’re pretty anti Olicity but how do you feel about avalance if you don’t mind me asking. Love your fics by the way.
Thank you for your message. I don't mind.
Short answer is I feel about the same way about Avalance as I do Olicity. In my opinion Ava is about the same level of toxic as Felicity. She has a tendency to make everything Sara's going through about herself and never considers Sara's feelings yet expects Sara to always consider hers and even go as far as putting her own morales, convictions and feelings aside just to make Ava happy. I also don't like the way Ava treats Sara because of her past, and I don't just mean the League but also her former relationships or casual hook-ups. Plus can't stand her utter disregard of Oliver's importance in Sara's life and what loosing him did to her. And this turned out a lot longer than I intended, sorry. I feel Sara deserved better, just like Oliver.
I hope I answered your question, don't hesitate to let me know if I haven't or if you have any further questions, I'm happy to answer them.
Aw, thank you so much! This means a lot to me. I hope you have a wonderful day.
I forgot to mention that Avalance was one of the main reasons why I stopped watching Legends, just like Olicity had been for Arrow.
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hurricanejane · 8 months
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Season one of Legends of Tomorrow is Not Great™ but one of the worst things they tried to do was throw together two of the queerest characters ever instead of make them each other's evil gay bestie.
It's okay though, they spent the next 6 seasons making up for it with better writing and being hella gay.
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Only recently started watching DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and I finished season six and it was. It was shit. It’s like the entire season was to insert Ava into the captain position, which was completely unnecessary (I’m of the opinion that making her co-captain took away from Sara’s leadership role, something she didn’t really want in the first place).
I haven’t watched season seven, but from what I’ve heard about the Avalance baby, I’ve gotta say, I’m not a fan. The sapphic couple having a sudden unplanned pregnancy and just accepting it makes it harder to like the couple because it takes away the only thing I really liked about them. That they didn’t want normalcy. The marriage, in my opinion, really didn’t work for when it happened, and just felt like they were trying to domesticate them. I wasn’t ever a fan of Avalance, what with Ava being unreasonably jealous of Oliver after he literally died, and just her general extreme insecurity, but making them more normal was completely unnecessary.
I still love this show, but it definitely slowly (meaning very quickly) went downhill. There are too many things to point out that I just flat-out dislike, and they definitely outnumber the things that I like about it. In case it wasn’t obvious, my brain is mostly attached to Sara, so that’s what the post centers around, though there are definite things I disliked about the handling of every character and relationship.
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
Oh honey. You screwed playboy Oliver. While he was dating your sister. Then you screwed vigilante Oliver. Thankfully that time around he wasn’t dating your sister.
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jooeeydee · 1 year
Oliver got so much hate for not wanting Laurel to take on Sara’s mantle and join his team. I always felt it was unfair and rubbed me the wrong way. 
I really wish people would try to look at his perspective from time to time. He was under the firm impression that the life he choose, as a vigilante, would eventually lead to his death, just like it had led to Sara’s death. So why would he want Laurel to join that same bleak fate? 
He even told Quentin: „I  didn’t want anyone to be involved in this.“ Because he didn’t want anyone he cared about to share what he felt was his inevitable fate, which is an early, probably very painful death.
Plus also, I imagine having Laurel step into her sister’s footsteps and trying to be like her might have been like pouring salt into an open wound. She was a constant reminder of Sara’s death and in Oliver’s eyes his failure to save her. Even if there was nothing he could’ve done to prevent her from being killed, he’d still feel responsible for it. I can’t even imagine what it must have felt like to him. Having Laurel sort of parade around in Sara’s clothes, taking credit for her accomplishments and acting as if she were Sara. 
It’s actually kinda ironic now that I think about it. Laurel accused Sara of stealing her whole life… flash-forward less than a year and Laurel pretty much stole Sara’s whole life. Wow, the hypocrisy in this show is mind-blowing, and the fandom just going along with it and not realizing how hypocritical they are with some of their claims… sorry, got a little off track here, but I just thought it was important to mention.
Oliver also knew, the last thing Sara would’ve wanted was for Laurel to put on her mask. Sara would’ve never wanted her sister to follow her into the darkness and Oliver knew that. Given the fact that she told him shortly before she was killed that they needed people in their lives that didn’t wear masks.
I could go on forever, honestly, I just feel really strongly about this. And anything really when I feel Oliver had been done wrong and people just hate on him without ever considering his point of view. Even more so if people in the same breath also do Sara wrong. 
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