#sarah novak hunt
ashpkat · 3 months
rip sarah novak hunt you would’ve loved millionaires
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theenemyod · 10 days
We going to give Sarah credit for -- idk -- KILLING THE MOTHERFUCKING ENEMY OF DEATH or like at least his body he decided to possess her son but still, give Sarah some fucking credit
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secretly-a-catamount · 2 months
RIP Sarah Novak, you would’ve loved the Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan.
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Master Rufus' apprentices through the decades
Sure hope nothing bad happens to these kids!
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thebettermaddentwin · 27 days
Stupid things both Constantine and Sarah have done:
Nearly got me killed
Throw knifes
Attempt to lick a knife
Alistair again
Attempt to murder Declan
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armory11 · 2 months
Marauders and the Magisterium
I truly believe that Magisterium has HP to Marauders energy. There is a group of previous-generation friends who all met tragic ends. So much potential here.
If you like marauders, pls go read the magisterium series
let's get these poor kids some recognition!!!
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sub-urbanwitch · 7 months
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I have been wanting to draw teenage Sarah for a hot while, and here she finally is!
It was a lot of fun doing her clothing. My personal headcanon is that her family are Orthodox Jews, and trying to balance that with a more alternative style was an entertaining challenge. I have no idea if this fits with what teenage girls were wearing in the nineties. I went with what was fun.
The wee necklace she’s wearing *should* be the first letter of her name in Hebrew, but I don’t speak the language so I could have read the Wikipedia article wrong.
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sarah novak is so this is me trying and declan novak is so mirrorball
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thedoodlecat · 2 years
Sarah: You 3 have gotten me into the hospital more times than I count! Declan with a disappointed look: You should really learn how to count past 58
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Closed the nomination form! I made a list with all nominations by category! I'll accept suggestions of stuff to move around (change a character from minor to one of the other lists, but not the other way around cause the minor list is long enough). The Main Character list is a bit awkward with 18 characters, but I'm not really willing to move any away from it even if people might disagree? Unless I see a very strong argument.
the only nominations that didn't get in were the artifacts, since people voted for those to have their own poll later on!
So here's the 3 lists I have under the cut!
Main Characters 
Jonathan Sims
Martin Blackwood
Timothy Stoker
Sasha James
Basira Hussain
Daisy Tanner
Melanie King
Georgie Barker
Elias Bouchard
Jane Prentiss
The Distortion
Nikola Orsinov
Peter Lukas
Gertrude Robinson
Jonah Magnus
Gerry Keay
Annabelle Cane
Minor Characters with Major Impact 
Michael Shelley
Adelard Decker
Michael Crew
Oliver Banks
Jude Perry
Simon Fairchild
Robert Smirke
Mikaele Salesa
Agnes Montague
Simon Fairchild
Jurgen Leitner
Julia Montauk
Trevor Herbert
Mikaele Salesa
Breekon and Hope
Mary Keay
Minor Character
Joshua Gillespie (MAG 002)
The Admiral (Georgie’s Cat)
Major Tom (MAG 016)
Helen Richardson (MAG 047) 
Karolina Gorka  (MAG 071)
Graham Folger (MAG: 003)
Alexander Scaplehorn (MAG 054)
Jordan Kennedy (MAG 055)
Hezekiah Wakely (152)
The Piper (MAG 007)
Gabriel/Worker of Clay (MAG 126)
John Amherst (Corruption Avatar)
Naomi Herne (MAG 013)
Amy Patel (MAG 003)
Werewolf/Hunt Avatar (MAG 031)
Alfred Breekon (MAG 096)
Alexia Crawley (MAG 110)
Emma Harvey (MAG 167)
Elias Bouchard (original)
Evan Lukas (MAG 013)
Laverne (MAG 136)
Callum McKenzie (MAG 125)
John Haan (MAG 072)
Tom Haan (MAG 030)
Jonathan Fanshawe (MAG 127)
Fiona Law (MAG 167)
Spider on the wall (MAG 038)
Leto (MAG 184)
Nathan Watts (MAG: 001)
Sebastian Skinner (MAG 087)
Carlita Sloane (MAG 033)
Erika Mustermann (MAG 034)
Jan Novak (MAG 034)
Piotr Petrov (MAG 034)
Pavel Petrov (MAG 034)
Fulan Al-Fulani (MAG 034)
Juan Pérez (MAG 034)
Jane/John Doe (MAG 034)
Lee Kipple (MAG 042)
Robin Lennox (MAG 100)
“John Smith” (MAG 100)
Celia/Lynne Hammond (MAG 100)
Brian Finlinson (MAG 100)
Carlos Vittery (MAG 016)
Francis (MAG 172)
Wilfred Owen (MAG 007)
Father Edwin Burroughs (MAG 019)
Maxwell Rayner (MAG 002)
Rat from the Bone Turner’s Tale (MAG 017)
Sergey Ushanka (MAG 065)
Angela (MAG 014)
The Anglerfish (MAG 001)
Jan Killbride (MAG 106)
Natalie Ennis (MAG 025)
Alfred Grifter (MAG 042)
Benoît Maçon (MAG 102)
Dr Lionel Elliot (MAG 034)
Rosie Zampano (MAG 192)
Manuela Dominguez (MAG 135)
Petite Scarabée/Little Beetle (MAG 102)
Sarah Baldwin (MAG 001)
Agape (MAG 153)
Monster Pig (MAG 103)
Callum Brodie (MAG 173)
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lucreziaborgiagf · 5 years
au where Constantine isn’t quite so murderous even if he is still the Enemy of Death and he becomes Call’s “secret evil godfather” who just takes him out to gossip over ice-cream when Sarah and Alastair aren’t looking
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ashpkat · 3 months
sarah novak says: eat the rich
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theenemyod · 1 month
Magisterium afterlife au thing. Basically what's going on with the dead characters.
Jericho was the first to get there. He was isolated and alone for years. His skin is cracked and burned with chaos and his eyes are the same as a chaos ridden, he hallucinates and can't tell what's real and what's fake due to the years of loneliness and the chaos in his mind.
Verity was next, almost ten years later, her neck burned and red and her face blue from the strangulation it caused. It was the first update Jericho got about the living world in years, he was horrified when he found out what his brother had become.
Declan came less than an hour later, his face blue and eyes bloodshot, affected more by strangulation than anything else. He didn't say anything for a long time, but stayed with Jericho because he finally has him back, even if they've both changed since then.
Callum came before Sarah, looking like a ghost as only his soul had died, not his body. He would age with Calls body but his soul would stay a baby, most the time would be in control of his body but would sometimes involuntarily move to match Calls actions in the living world at the time. It would be the only way everyone knew how much time was passing and a small idea of what might be happening.
Sarah came a few minutes later. She was scared when she saw Callum there as she knew it meant Constantine had stolen his body. She was confused when she saw Verity and the first person to point out Verity shouldn't be dead because Constantine was at the ice cave, which confused Verity, who didn't know Joseph was in Constantine's place at her last battle. Sarah's body had the visible stab wound, even in death.
The next person they saw for several years was Drew, who they got a lot of new information from once they could convince him to speak about it -- Constantine/Call not remembering his past life, Joseph taking Constantine's place at Verity's last battle, a new Makar called Aaron. It was a lot of information, useful, but there's not much anyone there can do about it. They're all dead.
Next was Aaron. He was confused and sort of scared by the ghost-like version of the real Calls soul, but didn't say anything, he didn't get along with Drew but did fine with everyone else, the only thing Drew asked about was Alex, which Aaron refused to answer.
It was very scary and confusing when Aaron randomly disappeared from the afterlife.
Next one was Alex, who Drew immediately ran up to hyperactivily and only a week later asked about how he died and what happened. Alex, like Callum, was like a ghost as only his soul was dead and Aaron was inhabiting his body. He'd move involuntarily to match Aaron's movements a lot more frequently than Callum would do to match Calls movements.
The last was Anastasia/Eliza, who neither Alex nor Jericho even attempted to talk to or treat like their mother. She only ever liked Constantine anyways.
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Straight friend groups be like: *blonde girl* *chad *the funny one* *kyle* *brunette girl* *frat boy* Gay friend groups be like: *boy who has powers that eventually end up causing a war and killing his brother and we still dont know if he's got brown hair or blond hair canon but im pretty sur e everyone thinks he's a blond* *boy who gets killed by his brother accidentally but it was all his mentor manipulating him into doing so* *girl who has knife and tries to kill her son who's got her ex friend's soul* *boy who ends up being the only one who lives and deals with the angst forever* *stoner man*
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selene-kaito · 4 years
How Did it All Change?
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How did it all change? Alastair Hunt wondered as he looked upon his smiling son. Back where they lived everyone said that Call was just like him. But they were wrong. Yes, thirteen year old Cal was almost identical to thirteen year old Alastair Hunt. 
But it was his actions that distinguished him from both his parents.
The was Cal threw his head back as he laughed, how he tilted his head in confusion, that sly smile of his lips, the devil may care attitude. It all belonged to another silver eyed boy.
 A boy who  had so much life inside him that had suddenly vanished.
At first glance everyone thought that Call had inherited his own grey eyes, but he hadn’t. No, Call’s eyes were silver, the same silver Makar who Alastair had grown up with.
He looked at the four friends, Call was leaning against the wall and laughing at something the blond boy- Aaron, Alastair remembered. The Rajiv girl, Tamara and Jasper DeWinter were shaking their heads in exasperation at what the two boys were laughing about. 
He closed his eyes as he remembered the events of his own silver year, just two months before everything changed.
Alastair and Jericho were running through the  halls with large grins of their faces, as they looked at the furious Declan who chased after them, they ran to their room and Jericho crashed right into his brother knocking both of them to the floor. 
“What in the world is going on!” Sarah asked looking at the two teenagers in exasperation. Declan opened his mouth no doubt to say that nothing was wrong but before he could, Jericho burst out the information in excitement. 
“Dec is dating Calliope Summers.” There was a mischievous smile on the normally mild-mannered boy. Alastair and Jericho fell to the ground with laughter as Constantine and Sarah both had twin looks of astonishment on their faces.
“What?” Constantine half choked, half said. Apparently that was enough to jerk Sarah out of her shock, as she turned to her blushing younger brother.
“WHAT?” Declan just sunk further into the couch. Calliope Summers used to be a total brat. She would stride through he halls with her twin sister Cheryl. They bullied with veiled insults and barbs as they flipped their mahogany curls. 
“How could you?” Constantine asked dramatically, “You have betrayed us.” 
Declan glared at Constantine and said, “Shut up House Mouse.” Constantine frowned at the nickname that indicated he was shorter than the rest of them, 
“And Sarah,” Declan pleaded looking to his sister, “She really got better now that Cheryl was killed by the elemental.”
Sarah gave him a skeptical look and Jericho cut in, “She really did change Sarah.” 
She sighed  and looked to Declan who still looked hopeful, “Fine I believe you, and I’ll give her a chance.” 
Declan gave his sister a huge grin and hugged her.
Sarah shrieked as she was swept of her feet and slapped her brother, begging him to let her down.
Jericho was shaking his head in mock exasperation at the quarrelling siblings.
And Alastair’s gaze was fixated on Sarah, she really was beautiful. He felt someone bump his shoulder and turned to see Constantine his gaze focused on the Novak siblings. 
“We do have an odd family don’t we?” Alastair asked.
Constantine grinned, “We do.”
As Alastair walked away to get water Constantine called out to him, “Sarah and you will be next.”
Alastair had thrown his shoe at their resident House Mouse.
He looked to his now scowling son as Aaron ruffled his hair, no doubt making a comment about his height and he thought of his brother in all ways but blood, their house mouse, their Constantine. His son was indeed Constantine re-born, but not the enemy of death, no he was their house mouse re-born, if Jericho had never died and took a piece of Constantine’s soul with him. If Constantine never lost the mischievous spark in his eyes.
Though he had a feeling that this friendship would never be shattered.
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wing-shot-firstold · 4 years
Constantine: who needs flowers and chocolate when you can have bullets and body armor!
Alastair, as Constantine walks away: sometimes I wonder if I'm allowed to be scared of my boyfriend
Sarah: oh yes, you should be very scared
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