#sarahs face in that last gif always makes me smile idk why
comicbookddr · 2 years
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Erica is just a little bit upset
Serica Week Day 6: Dance Explosion 3/3
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Rating: Teen Pairing: No Outbreak Joel Miller x Female Reader Word Count: 4,550 Summary: Your ex boyfriend Simon is marrying Sabrina, the woman he left you for. You were sure you'd have have a date in time for his wedding... too bad you were wrong. Once again. your best friend Maria has to save the day by letting you use her handsome, single brother-in-law that owes her a favor as your date. Warnings: fluff, idk what's going on with me but there's so much fluff, soft joel, fake wedding date, rom com vibes, crying over a broken vibrator, no outbreak, maria and tommy are married, sarah and kevin live, british ex boyfriend, reader and joel are close in age (reader is 36, joel is 40), alcohol, i know the gif is marcus pike but i can't stop seeing young joel in this gif, anyways here's wonderwall, no use of y/n, not beta read
A/N: This was written for @justagalwhowrites' Joel Miller Birthday Celebration. Thank you to the always wonderful @ohheypedrito for suggesting the fake dating trope when I asked her what to write.
Fizzy mimosas, fluffy pancakes, crispy hash browns, and sweet maple syrup. Brunch on Sundays with Maria has been a long standing tradition for the two of you. Fifteen years of friendship kept stronger by always promising to make time for each other no matter what is going on in your lives.
These days, Maria’s raising a toddler while building a very successful career in the Austin district attorney's office whereas last night you cried over your vibrator dying while trying to pull an orgasm out of you for an endorphin rush. God knows you need one.
You’ve been in a hole since the arrival of Simon’s wedding invitation. The man you spent your most youthful and fulfilling years with is now marrying Sabrina, the beautiful co-worker he crashed your relationship for. Yeah, yeah, your twenty year partnership was already headed for the cliff, but her perky tits and pouty lips sure did speed up the demise. 
“So, Simon’s wedding is next weekend, how do you feel?” Maria interrogates from across the table.
“Fine!” you stuff a pancake triangle into your mouth. “It’s fine! I’m fine!”
“Mm,” she lifts a skeptical eyebrow. Why do you lie to her? She makes three figures locking away liars, she can spot them a mile away. “Let me guess, you still don’t have a date?”
“Ugh, no, why did I mark two on the RSVP?” 
“I told you not to,” Maria shakes her head 
“Yeah, but, I-I want to show him I’m doing great without him.”
“Babe,” Maria grabs your hand and squeezes it, “I say this with all the love in my heart… you’re not doing great.”
“I knoooow!” you sigh, closing your eyes. “I just thought… I’d show up in my pretty dress with a hot man on my arm and show Simon I’m happy and fulfilled without his love.”
“But you don’t ha–”
“Please, I know. I just– I’m happy for him in some really odd way but I also want to be… happy for myself.”
“Okay,” she nods before taking a deep breath, “here’s what I’m going to do for you. You know Joel?”
“Your… brother-in-law?”
“Yes, he owes me a favor, soooo, he’s going to be your date,” she sits back folding her arms across her chest with a smug smirk. “He’s handsome as hell and a good man but he’s very quiet and intimidating to those who don’t know him. He’s perfect for this situation.” 
You do know Joel… just not very well at all. There have been random run-ins at Miller family parties, but nothing more than a quick “hello” and “how are you?” exchanged between the two of you. He seems the opposite of your Dartmouth educated, polo playing yuppie of an ex. “Yoo hoo,” Maria waves her hand in front of your face catching your attention. “Does that work for you?”
“Oh, sorry, yeah, I think… it does,” a relieved smile lifts your face.  
Maria has, once again, fixed your problem. 
Your fingers nervously tap against the countertop. “Come on, pick uuup, pick uuuup, pick uuu–”
“Miller,” a deep voice answers.
“H-Hi, uh, Joel?” You feel a third your age, like you’re right back in middle school calling the cute boy in your science class because your friend dared you. 
“Hey, uh, you’re my wedding date? Maria… she gave me your number so we can plan?”
“Oh, yes,” his voice softens. “Saturday, right?”
“Yeah, uh… I think it might be good to go over a story for us before the big day.”
“Right,” he chuckles, “I’m all ears.”
Your eyes roam down your notes from the call. “So, we formally met at Kevin’s graduation party. I call you ‘honey’, our first date was to a movie and then to pizza. We’ve been together for a little over a year. You hate sushi and love tamales. You don’t like water slides. You play the guitar. You have a daughter named Sarah who’s a senior in high school. You own a construction company with Tommy… I think that’s about right?”
"Believe so," the bass of his quiet voice causes goosebumps to pebble your skin. If he's doing this to you over the phone, what will the wedding be like?
"Okay," you settle against your sofa, "and for me?" 
Papers shuffle before Joel clears his throat. “Hm, okay. I asked Tommy for your number after Kevin’s graduation party. You work at an insurance company, but you dream of owning your own bookstore one day. You love mashed potatoes. I call you 'baby.' Your favorite color is bronze. You’re a night owl forced to be an early bird. You love Taylor Swift unapologetically. You like staying over at my home because your favorite coffee place delivers to my house.”
“Perfect. I know this is totally weird and all, but, thanks for doing this. Sometimes I allow my pride to sabotage me... and Maria has to come in and save me.”
“She’s good at that.”
“Thanks again Joel.”
“You’re welcome,” his voice feels you with warmth. “I’ll pick you up on Saturday.” 
“Yes, Saturday. Until then, have a good week.”
“You too.”
After saying goodbye, you hang up with a plume of butterflies in your stomach. 
“Okay! Get ready!” you shout from behind your bathroom door. 
Your Sunday brunch date with Maria has been moved up to a Saturday afternoon primping and preening spree in your home as she helps you get ready to watch the once love of your life marry someone else. 
You step out of the bathroom to find Maria sitting cross-legged on your bed. As soon as she sees you, she leans forward with wide eyes.
"Wow," she breathes, her voice filled with awe. "I mean, seriously, wow."
"Really?" you ask, giving a twirl in your mauve dress, adorned with a delicate print of sequined flowers blooming across the bodice.
“Really,” her eyebrow angles as she nods, “I can’t wait for Miller to have to deal with keeping his cool around you.”
Maria just smiles, “Let’s just say, you look hot, that’s all I’m going to say.” 
A shiny black truck pulls into your driveway. Panic jolts through you as you watch the door swing open from your front window. Out steps Joel Miller, impeccably dressed in a black suit. Oh good lord–he’s your date. Like, date date, as in the guy you’re going to be spending the rest of the night with. The anxiety over Simon and Sabrina’s wedding fades into the background, replaced by the overwhelming challenge of maintaining your composure in the presence of someone who looks that stunning in a tuxedo.
The doorbell rings. 
Okay, okay, you got this.
A gust of pleasant autumn air hits your skin when you open the door. Oh good LORD, he looks incredible. His hair is longer than you remember, falling in gentle waves you dream of running your fingers through. His beard is neatly trimmed, though slightly patchy with a strong mustache that frames his plush lips. He has a shy smile, his dimple makes a divot you want to press your finger into. His simple black suit stretches around his obviously toned and broad shoulders. 
“Hi, it’s uh, nice to see you again. Come on in,” you say, opening the door wider and stepping aside. 
“Course,” he replies, striding in past you. His hand twitches nervously when he turns and takes how you look fully in. “You look– y’look beautiful.” 
A flush of warmth spreads through you at the compliment from the most handsome man you’ve ever seen, now standing in the middle of your living room. 
“Oh, thanks, uh, it’s not every day your ex boyfriend of twenty years gets married to the woman he left you for… so I guess I needed to show off.”
“It’s–yeah–good,” he stammers, his eyes darting around the room, clearly avoiding your gaze.
“Well, uh, I just need to slip on my shoes and grab my bag, then we can get going. Make yourself at home.” 
“Sure thing.” 
As you head down the hall to get your things, you hear him let out a long sigh. 
Don’t worry dude, I get it. It’s going to be a long night. 
“So, um, I know, this is awkward,” you say, returning to the living room and dropping your shoes on the floor, “but I’m really grateful to you.”
He chuckles, sitting on the edge of your couch. “S’alright. I can’t say no to a free meal and open bar.” 
“If I still know Simon’s taste, it’ll be a top-notch open bar too,” you muse, slipping into your high heel and bending over to fasten the buckle. 
You glance up when you hear Joel’s breath catch. He’s staring intently at you–more specifically, at your exposed leg and thigh, courtesy of the high slit in your dress. 
You really had to pick the dress that Maria dubbed “the revenge dress,” didn’t you? He clears his throat and quickly averts his gaze, but the charged atmosphere lingers. You try to ignore it, buckle your other shoe and grab your clutch.
“Ready?” you ask. 
“I am," he replies, standing up and adjusting his neck tie, a hint of color warms his cheeks. . 
Joel’s truck looks quite out of place pulling into the Hurts Family’s grand estate. Of course Simon’s getting married at Father & Mother’s sprawling manor. You can’t help but wonder if the altar and ceremony will be located in the same conservatory you and Simon lost your virginity to each other in. 
The whole drive over, you and Joel practiced your spiels, all the while you tried to ignore the waves of attraction that vibrated between you and him in the small cab of his truck.
He pulls up to the valet and reluctantly hands his keys over to the college aged kid before hurrying over to your door, cutting in front of the doorman to help you down. What a gentleman.
Soft violin music floats through the air and white flower petals line the walkway leading into the massive estate that once felt like your second home. A nagging thought lingers in the back of your mind that you’re about to live what should’ve been your wedding day. 
You breathe out deeply, Joel grabs your hand as he guides you into the house. 
People mingle, some you don’t know, many you do. Aunt Billie, Uncle Martin, the cousins from Manchester, Simon’s favorite professor. Familiar faces surround you, what the hell were you thinking this would be okay?
You’ve known this home since you were twelve, Simon showed up in your seventh grade algebra class, a new student with bright blue eyes and blonde hair, you thought he was the prettiest boy you had ever seen, even before he spoke… the British accent would’ve been enough to sweep you off your feet. It took a couple years of friendship before you both admitted your crushes on each other, the confessions happened in the movie room, just down the hallway you stand near.
Love is fleeting, love is hopeless. You’ve learned to care for yourself like Simon once cared for you, but now in this home you used to sneak into, you feel just as alone as you did the day you moved out of the house you shared with him for a decade just two streets down from here. 
“Hey, you okay?” Joel leans in and whispers. “Squeezin’ my hand mighty hard.”
“Oh,” you blink, refocusing on him, “I am, it’s just… really bizarre and everything. Seeing so many familiar people I haven't seen in years feels strange.”
“You’re doing good, I got you,” he says, letting go of your hand, and wrapping his arm around your waist, guiding you farther into the mansion. 
The impressive altar stands in the conservatory–you know your ex well– this windowed dwelling means everything to him. Everywhere you look, peach and champagne flowers are nestled among lush green foliage. You and Joel settle eight rows back on the groom's side, just a few feet from the bench you lost your virginity on. Jamie, Simon’s friend from college, sends you a kind smile when you sit next to him. 
Your foot taps nervously against the stone tile, keeping rhythm with the soft string music lilting through the air. You take a deep breath to center yourself as the processional begins. The family minister you’ve known since you were fifteen leads the way then–Simon. Still just as handsome, in that specific pretty way that drew you to him as a teenager. The slight waves of his dark blonde hair are more controlled and slicked back. His slender body is topped by wide shoulders from all his years of playing polo. His equally handsome brother Liam follows, along with a handful of friends you used to consider your own. 
Joel’s arm wraps around you as Simon takes his place at the altar, his fingers resting firmly on your bare shoulder just in time for the bridal procession to begin. Everybody takes their rightful places waiting for the bride. Simon stands at the altar, laser focused on the doorway, oddly, you feel a sense of happiness for him. Maybe you feel less lonely with the comfort of Joel’s strong arm around you, maybe you’re just caught up in the emotions of the day. 
As you expected, Lia and Ewan, Simon’s niece and nephew, are the ring bearer and flower girl. You were at the hospital when both of them were born. You taught both of them how to swim. They used to call you their aunt. 
The small orchestra begins playing “The Wedding March,” the audience stands in anticipation of Sabrina’s entrance. The curtains part and she appears shimmering down the aisle in her ivory dress. Okay, you have to admit, she looks gorgeous. Joel pulls you closer, his hand rests against your hip as Sabrina and her father pass your row. You’re grateful for his presence, even if it’s just a comforting distraction that just happens to be pretend.
The look on Simon’s face is unmistakable when he takes Sabrina’s hand–it’s the same look he would give you whenever he told you loved you all those thousands upon thousands of times. 
You take your seat, Joel’s hand finds your shoulder once more. It’s going to be damn hard to concentrate on the ceremony.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today.
You survive the ceremony… thanks to Joel and his calloused hand rubbing circles on your shoulder. As Simon and Sabrina lead the recessional out of the conservatory, Simon spots you and sends you a knowing wink and smile when he spots Joel next to you. Maybe it’s a good thing you attended, it’s the final picket placed in the closure fence. 
“You good?” Joel whispers in your ear while watching the rest of the party leave. You turn to respond, failing to realize his face is now right next to yours. His lips now sit a breath away from yours. Panic slips in, overwhelmed by the thought of anyone catching an awkward moment like this, especially since you’re the ex girlfriend the groom left for his brand new bride. 
Fuck it. You lean forward and place your lips against his, leaving a delicate peck against them. At least now you’ll have this moment that’s just for you. 
The warm autumn sun is beginning to set casting the preened and pristine gardens of the Hurts Estate in amber tones. Thank god for the cocktail hour and open bar. 
You sip your champagne and smile at a few familiar faces while gazing out upon the vast lawns you used to spend lazy days sunbathing and playing croquet on. What a bizarre homecoming of sorts. Joel is taking his role seriously, constantly checking on you and never leaving your side.
A familiar voice calls your name, pulling you from your reverie.
“Oh sweetheart! It’s so lovely to see you!” Simon’s mother, Adeline, greets you with kisses on both cheeks before pulling you into a warm hug. You’ve always liked the woman and she always adored you. She turns to your date, her eyes lighting up when she looks Joel up and down. 
“Addy, this is my boyfriend Joel.” A rush of excitement is sent through you at the simple introduction. “Joel, this is Simon’s mom, Adeline.”
“Good evening ma’am,” Joel says, extending his hand to shake hers gently. “It’s quite beautiful here.”
“Oh, thank you! Aside from our two boys, this is our pride and joy. There’s nothing better than seeing your child get married in the place you call home.” . 
“Well, I’ve heard a lot of nice things about this place, you have a lot of good memories here, right baby?” Joel looks at you with an affectionate smile. Oh he’s good.
“I do,” you smile warmly at Addy. 
“Oh sweetheart! That makes me so happy! You’re always welcome here, I’m so happy Simon invited you!”
“I am too, it’s so nice to see you,” you say, realizing how much you truly miss her. You spent twenty years of your life around so many of these people before being cut off cold turkey from them.  
“Shoot! I better keep moving and making my rounds! Do enjoy the bar, and make sure tell them Addy sent you; they’ll give you the real good stuff. Joel, are you a whiskey man?”
“Yes ma’am,” Joel replies with a nod.
“We’ve got some Old Rip Van Winkle, aged 25 years. Just tell them Adeline insists and they’ll pour you a glass.” 
“Thank you ma’am,” Joel says gratefully.
“Oh, I like him darling!” Addy winks before turning to leave, her gold dress gleaming just as bright as her personality. 
The large tent erected for the ceremony glows in pink and orange hues. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling overflowing with roses and garlands. It’s gorgeous and opulent everywhere you look. 
You’ve been nervous about your table assignment since you sent in your RSVP. Who will you be stuck with? You prayed it would be strangers versus people you used to call friends. You thank your lucky stars when you’re led to table eleven, where you’re greeted warmly by strangers. You tell your new tablemates you’re an old friend of Simon’s, Joel grabs your hand and gently holds it while you introduce yourselves,  shocked you still haven’t had to utilize the stories you and him invented. 
Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hurts! 
The two lovebirds make their grand entrance, glowing and grinning in their newlywed aura before the symphonic melody of “Can’t Help Falling In Love” begins to play. Hilarious, the last time you heard this song it was on a playlist Sabrina had made for Simon… a couple weeks before your ultimate separation. You got into a fight over the amount of times he’d play it, he told you were overreacting and being dramatic, you should’ve trusted your instincts right then and there.
They look so happy and gorgeous together, dancing their first dance surrounded by all of their loved ones inside this picturesque setting. It should’ve been you…
Joel leans in closer, wrapping his arm around you, stealing your attention from your spiraling thoughts. “I can’t play this song on violin or cello, but I can play it on guitar, maybe I can play it for you sometime.” 
You look up at him, your eyes locking with his, “I–I’d like that.” 
“Thought you would,” he smirks, before leaning down to place a tender kiss on your forehead.
He’s been touching you all night, always considerate and tender, as if he holds an actual amount of reverence in his heart for you. God, he’s either the sweetest man to ever live, or he should give up the construction job, move to Hollywood and start acting. 
Simon and Sabrina make their rounds after dinner, they’re a table away laughing and galavanting with friends you used to call your own. It’s been over a year since you last spoke to him and now as the ultimate final thing you’ve been dreading is near, you’re nervous as hell. Joel casually drapes his arm around the back of your chair before leaning forward and pressing his lips to the top of your head, helping subside some of your anxieties. 
“You good?” he checks in with a soft whisper. 
You nod, scooting closer into the shell he’s created for you with his large body. 
Simon catches your eye with a warm, gentle smile as he leads Sabrina over to your table. You can’t be too mad at him, he’s been nothing but a gentleman since he forced the end of your already faltering relationship. Sabrina, well–she was just a better match for him. You wish them well, no matter how much it still seemingly hurts. You just want Simon to miss you a little bit.
The newlyweds greet the rest of the table, collecting well-wishes and flattery from the guests before turning their attention to you and Joel. 
Simon bends forward and gives you a tight hug before thanking you and saying how lovely it is to see you. Sabrina says hello, you tell her she looks beautiful, she returns the favor. 
Simon extends his hand to Joel and introduces himself. “I’m Simon, I’m sure you’ve heard a bit about me–hopefully some good,” he says, his ever present British charm helps cut through the tension radiating off of Joel’s gruff reservedness. 
“She has,” Joel replies, shaking Simon’s hand. “I’m Joel. Nice to meet you both. Congrats. S’been a lovely wedding.”
The four of you make casual conversation. Joel mentions he’s a contractor, Simon’s eyes light up before he mentions how he wants to build a pool house. Your heart twinges a bit when you remember it’s all for pretend and there’s no way Joel could take the job. Joel makes a joke about how dinner was better than a No. 5 from Whataburger, eliciting a ruckus laugh from the newlyweds. You feel good, until the sinking feeling inside rears its ugly head and reminds you this is all a sham. 
Sabrina nods to Simon in an unspoken understanding that they need to move on with their greetings. Joel wishes them well and thanks them for the lovely party. You smile and do the same. 
“It’s good to see you happy,” Simon says as he gives you a parting hug. 
If only he knew…
You’re quiet as you watch Simon and Sabrina walk away, Simon’s hand is placed on Sabrina’s back lightly stroking up and down. Joel softly says your name, breaking your concentration on the happy married couple. 
“I like this song, let’s dance,” he says, rising and extending his hand to you. 
“Wonderwall?” you ask, taking his hand and letting him lead you to the dance floor. “Let me guess, you can play it on guitar.” 
“I do,” he confirms with a smile, pulling you close against his body. His large hand splays against your lower back, and yours finds its place on his firm shoulder. The wedding band has slowed the song down, couples gently sway around you. The twinkling lights above reflect in Joel’s dark brown eyes. You can’t stop looking at him, he can’t stop looking at you. The moment is intimate, to any other wedding guest, you look like a couple just as in love as the newlyweds. 
You rest your head against his chest, breathing in the scent of his cologne–woodsy, smoky, with a hint of cinnamon. His thumb strokes against the skin of your hand as your bodies synchronistically move together. This doesn't feel like pretending at all.
The song ends, Joel makes no move to pull away, and you don’t either. The first notes of the next song begin and you recognize the drumbeat anywhere. You can’t believe you’re hearing it here, of all places.
“We can leave the Christmas lights up till January…”
“Ohh,” you let out a soft sigh against Joel’s chest, feeling your heart drop. “This was going to be our first dance song, I-I told him it as soon as I first heard it all those years ago.”
Joel tilts his head down, his concerned brown eyes peer into yours. “M’sorry, did you want to stop?”
“No, no, it’s–I can’t leave the floor during this. What if he sees me?”
Joel nods reassuringly before tightening his hold on you and pulling your joined hands in closer. His head rests on top of yours engulfing you with his broad body, like your own personal fake wedding date security blanket. 
Your heartbreak slowly dissipates, mended by the gentle touch and attention of Joel. The song ends, he asks if you want to get a breath of fresh air, you gratefully nod before taking his hand and telling him you know a place.
The breeze rolling off the lake sends a chill across your skin, Joel takes notice, quickly removing his jacket and places it over your shoulders without hesitation.
“Thanks,” you say, sinking into the leftover warmth of Joel.
“No problem,” he says, shuffling his neck tie open and unbuttoning the top two buttons of his crisp white dress shirt. “I’m burnin’ up under it.”
You both fall into a comfortable silence as you watch the tranquil waves lap at the shore. “Sorry about earlier. It was just… a shock to hear that song. He moved on so quickly and I feel like I’ve just been left wondering how I can so easily be… replaced.” 
“No need to apologize,” he sighs, “I’m not good at any of this stuff, but, you don’t seem like someone that’s so… easy to get over.” 
Your heart skips a beat when you look over at him. The soft ambient glow of the full moon reflecting off the water bathes him in an almost ethereal glow, making him look like a knight in shining armor who walked through a portal to help save you from your own wounded heart you’ve been trying to heal for the past two years. 
“Guess you just don’t know me very well then,” you joke, trying to slow down the thoughts racing within your heart and mind. 
“No, but I think I’d like to,” he says, turning to you with a sincere look in his eyes. 
“I-I’d like that too.” 
Joel hesitates for a moment before asking, “There’s a new Curtis & Viper movie releasing next week. Did you want to go with me?”
“Like a real date?” you ask, your voice tinged with excitement.
“Suppose it would be. We could recreate our ‘first’ date that we told that one aunt of Simon’s all about. We’ll get pizza at the place across the street.”
“I’d love that,” you say, your excitement clear in your voice. 
From across the yard, you can just make out the sound of the band playing for the wedding guests. 
Joel takes a deep breath and turns to you with a warm, playful smile. “I feel better asking you here so you know I’m being for real. I really want to dance with you. May I have this dance?” 
“I’d love nothing more,” you reply, a smile spreading across your face as he pulls you closer.
You remind yourself to send Maria a bouquet of flowers for setting up your fake wedding date as you settle into his embrace.
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not-alien-girl-v · 2 years
R-Dog (Rory Keaner)
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Summary: Saturday morning, cold air and warm blankets. Cuddle session, fluff, general cutesy stuff.
Warning: No curse words, attempted biting (he didn’t mean it, lol)
Note: Wrote this in 2 hours idk why it took me so long, a little break from my usual ahs stuff
Friday night had long passed. The entire gang, being you, Ethan, Benny, Sarah, and even Erica had grouped together in Rory’s living room for a movie and game night. Despite having strict parents, Rory’s family was out of town for the weekend, making this a golden opportunity. 
You had all sat in a mixture of on the couch, onto the floor, back to the couch, then to the kitchen once more to grab more pizza. The fun seemed never ending, until everyone got tired, and it came to an end. 
Ethan, Benny, Sarah, and Erica all slept downstairs. A small fight had broken out when Erica called dibs for the pullout sofa bed for her and Sarah, insisting Ethan and Benny sleep on the cold, hard floor, but eventually (after no budge in Erica), the boys came to term with their fate.
Rory, however, yanked you away from the sofa bed at the last minute, insisting you sleep in his room alongside him, as ‘boyfriends and girlfriends are supposed to do,’ or whatever his excuse to be close to you was.
That was the thing about Rory, he was always finding new, creative ideas excuses to get as close as he can to you. He never expected you to take these things seriously, however. He’s a very open guy with his feelings, and has no problem admitting how he feels for you and showing his physical affection towards you, he simply just liked hearing you laugh and knowing he was the cause of it.
Now, it was about 6 in the morning, and for whatever random reason, Rory had found himself wide awake. Maybe vampires didn’t get hangovers. Lucky bastards.
Like he always was at any time he was awake, he was squirming around, filled with energy. The air was cold, it being the dead of winter in Canada, and all. You hadn’t realized how much heat the undead boy next to you was providing until he started moving to get up.
“Mmm, don’t,” you whined. He turned back to look at you. 
“What’s wrong? Do you need something?” He placed both hands on your outstretched arm reaching for him.
“I do need something, warmth,” you buried your face into the pillow, a little shy to look directly at him when you demanded cuddles like this.
“Oh, I can turn the heater up. Do you want more blankets? Or a hoodie? I’ll get it for you,” he stood up, off the bed, and begins trifling through his closet to find layers for you.
“No, come here,” you demanded now, getting the gist that he wasn’t understanding what you meant. He turned around, hoodie in hand, and walked back over to the bed where you lay with a concerned look on his face.
He approached the bed close enough to where his legs just barely brushed the side of his soft Star Wars bedsheets. From there, you reached out and grabbed his arm, softly yanking it closer. “Ohhh,” he said.
He slowly crawled into the empty space next to you, laying down. You shuffle your body to rest fully over his, allowing your body weight to engulf his own. You rested your knees on either side of his body and leaned your front forward to land on his chest, wrapping your arms around his middle to get as close to him as possible. 
“Why didn’t you just say so?” He asked with a kind smile on his face.
“I was shy,” you muffled into his chest, but he still heard you anyway. He placed a warm hand on your back and soothingly rubbed up and down.
“You don’t need to be shy, R-dog’s not gonna hurt you,” he laughed to himself at his own joke, and you laughed a tiny bit at it as well. 
When he fell silent after that, you couldn’t help but look up. Rory’s never silent and still unless something’s up. You raised your head to see his handsome face smiling at you, watching you contently.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked softly with a smile, the effect of his own contagious one looking back at you.
“Nothing, I’m just happy when you’re around. I mean, I have a girlfriend. How sick is that?” He raised his hand to high-five you and you just stared at him with amused curiosity. He hesitantly put his hand down.
“I’m happy too. I’m pretty glad I have a boyfriend.” You placed your head back down on his chest and squeezed him a little tighter. He placed a kiss at the top of your head. 
“Rory?” You called out to him.
“Yeah, baby?
“I love you,” you couldn’t see it, but this caused a furious blush to emerge onto his face. It wasn’t the first time you’d said it to him, yet it might as well have been, since he always had that same adorable reaction to it.
“I love you too. Hey do you wanna get more pizza from downstairs? I think there’s still some pepperoni left, I know that’s your favorite,” he changed the subject rapidly, as he always did.
“I think I just wanna stay here for a few more hours, with you,” you cooed. He gently flipped your bodies, leaving him on top and you below him.
“Hey, I’m starting to get the idea you’re just using me for warmth!” He playfully accused.
“Of course I am. What else are you good for?” You playfully mused.
“I’m kidding. You’re good for much more. Like, you know, buying me pizza, walking me home, tying my shoes,” you poked at his cheek.
“Oh, come on, I’m good for more. First of all, I’m ruggedly handsome, second of all, I’m a stud muffin, and third of all, I’m the hottest guy around. Also, I’m a super cool vampire. Add that to the list,” he bent down and pretended to bite your neck.
You squealed through your laughter and pushed him away gently through giggles. “Yeah, yeah. Something like that.” You pulled him closer to you, cradling him like a baby in your arms. 
You inhaled deeply as he comforted himself in the knowledge that you loved him, undead monster and all. Being R-dog’s girlfriend wasn’t that bad at all.
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avnkin · 4 years
The Bet
Chapter 1 - Surfer Boy
JJ Maybank x Reader
Warnings: foul language, fuckboi!jj, underage drinking ya know the gist 
Word count: 2k
Summary: John B bets JJ that he can’t get kook princess Y/N Y/L/N to fall in love with him and not one to turn down a challenge JJ takes the bet unaware of the repercussions it would have. (I suck at summaries lmao i’m sorry)
(A/N): I wanna make this a series or at least a 2-3 part fic but I also have to write for the pogues and ughhh i’m so overwhelmed idk why I do this to myself,, someone send help. (gif by @rue-bennett​)
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“Okay- uhm, Sarah Cameron or Y/N Y/L/N?” John B questioned JJ as they sat at the front of the HMS Pogue enjoying the sun that shone down on the pair of them “easy Y/N” JJ asserted like it was the most obvious thing in the world, John B gave JJ a side eye “seriously, that girl seems so uptight, she needs a dick in her asap” John B chuckled taking another swig of the beer that was placed in his hand.
“You’re not wrong about that” JJ agreed, when John B suddenly had an idea mischievously staring JJ down who only shrugged, his face a question mark “what?” he finally asked glancing up at his best friend “I’ll bet you a hundred dollars that you can’t get her too fall in love with you within a month” John B dared, smugly looking over at JJ knowing he wouldn’t have the patience to be with a girl for more than an hour.
JJ wasn’t one to turn down a challenge, chuckling as his eyes met John B’s brown ones, staring each other down until JJ finally accepted the challenge shaking John B’s hand before saying “you’re on”.
You stared at your reflection in the mirror that stood before you, content with the fourth bikini you had tried on in the last ten minutes. Sarah had called you earlier asking if you wanted to join her and a couple of your other friends down at the beach, you weren’t one to turn down an offer like that so you got dressed before grabbing a bag that contained all the things you could possibly need for a beach day.
You quickly swung your bedroom door open calling out into the empty hallway that you were leaving only getting a small ‘okay’ in response from your dad, you rolled your eyes before making your way downstairs and towards the front door grabbing your car keys you headed towards your car and placed the bag in the passenger seat before starting it and driving down your long driveway towards the main road.
The weather was amazing and you’d spent the entire car ride listening to your ‘summer vibes’ playlist on Spotify belting out the lyrics to every single song as you drove down figure 8 and towards the cut.
When you finally arrived you grabbed your bag out of the passenger seat making your way towards your group of friends who were easy to spot amongst the crowds of people.
Sarah smiled when she saw you patting the empty spot next to her gesturing for you to sit down, you jogged over to them and immediately grabbed your towel and laid it neatly next to Sarah’s, quickly removing the clothes that covered your bikini.
“Damn Y/N, looking good” a sudden voice could be heard from behind you, you quickly turned around seeing JJ Maybank stand before you, he was infamous around these parts, best known for sleeping with girls and never talking to them again, you weren’t going to be one of his conquests, so you scoffed ignoring his flirtatious gestures as you sat down next to Sarah grabbing a white claw from the mini cooler your friend Lisa had brought with her.
This was going to be harder than he thought, JJ quietly spoke to himself eyes focused on your figure, he couldn’t deny it he liked what he saw, you were exactly his type but he knew if he was going to win this bet he couldn’t treat you like one of the many girls he’d been with, he knew you were different.
The weather was especially good today, your skin glistening in the sun rays as it shone down on you, “there’s gonna be a party down here tonight, we should totally go” you heard Sarah’s voice from beside you, you only shrugged not really feeling up to it knowing how those parties usually ended. “I think I’m gonna stay in tonight” you sighed propping yourself up on your elbows “no Y/N you’re not, you never go out with us come on it’ll be fun we can have pre-drinks at my house-” you raised your eyebrow at her cutting her off “come on don’t be such a party pooper” Sarah frowned giving you her best puppy dog eyes, you groaned letting your head fall back onto the towel “fine”.
The night quickly rolled around and you found yourself standing outside Sarah’s house. You took a deep breath before knocking on the door, within seconds Sarah was stood in front of you grabbing your wrist and dragging you behind her into the house.
Music was blasting from Sarah’s bedroom, all of your friends had already arrived and started drinking greeting you with hugs and compliments as you walked in the door, the only one sober was Lisa since she had been assigned driver for the night.
It didn’t take you long to start feeling a bit tipsy after downing a couple of shots, since if you were being honest you were quite the lightweight.
You wore jean shorts that perfectly complimented your figure and a white bandeau top along with your white vans, you were quite content with the girl who stared back at you in the mirror feeling confident about yourself for what felt like the first time in a while.
You were feeling very lightheaded when Sarah asked Lisa to get going wanting to get down to the beach as quickly as possible, maybe drinking so much hadn’t been the brightest idea you had.
“Y/N come on we're leaving” Sarah slurred grabbing your hand and leading you out the front door and into Lisa’s black jeep. Music was playing loudly out of the speakers as you belted along with the lyrics rolling down the window loving the feeling of the wind in your face.
It was a short drive down to the beach which felt even shorter in your intoxicated state and as soon as Lisa parked you immediately got out of the car Sarah trailing behind you as you made your way towards the crowds of drunk teenagers.
You hadn’t been there long when you decided you wanted more alcohol and made your way towards the keg to fill your cup with yet another drink, this isn’t gonna end well you thought downing the liquor in what could only be described as record time. “Didn’t know you had that in you Y/L/N” a familiar voice sounded behind you, you quickly turned around being face to face with the all too familiar Maybank boy.
“Well there’s a lot you don’t know about me” you flirted raising the cup back to your lips, feeling the alcohol coursing through your veins give you a newfound confidence, he chuckled shaking his head as he got closer to you “wouldn’t mind getting to know you better princess” he hummed, his confidence evident in the way he spoke, princess the word fell so graciously from his lips causing your knees to weaken but you quickly composed yourself clearing your throat and stating “in your dreams Maybank”.
“Always” he replied taking one step closer to you, placing both arms onto the keg behind you trapping you between him and it. You felt your breath getting caught in your throat as you looked back up at him lips only inches away from his, in your intoxicated mind this was a dream come true, but your sober self quickly took over, you didn’t feel like getting your heart broken by someone like JJ, not tonight at least.
You pressed your index finger against his chest pushing him away from you, “you really think I’m that easy, huh?” you scoffed biting down on your lip as you made your way past him ignoring his lingering stare as he watched you walk away.
When you were almost out of sight John B came up behind JJ putting a hand on his shoulder “wanna give me my hundred dollars now before you embarrass yourself any further or?” he gloated chuckling at JJ who only gave him a glare in return.
“I’m only getting started, you just wait” JJ assured him eyes lingering on your figure as he watched you dance with one of your many friends he didn’t know the name of, “whatever you say big man” John B chuckled ruffling JJ’s hair before going back to Pope and Kiara who sat in a circle around the bonfire.
“Care to dance?” his voice could be heard again from behind you, you rolled your eyes “you never give up do you?” you challenged turning to face him “not my style princess” he smirked knowing exactly what he was doing “stop calling me that” you really hated being one of those girls boys thought they could treat however they wanted and you knew JJ was only trying to sleep with you and you weren’t going to be one of the many girls he played, having more respect for yourself than that.
“Listen JJ I’m not interested in sleeping with you so if that’s the only thing you’re trying to do go find someone else” you spoke bluntly, JJ feigned being offended at your words as his hand went up to his heart “wow Y/N I’m hurt that you would think so lowly of me”
“seriously? with your reputation?” you scoffed raising an eyebrow at the boy who stood in front of you “didn’t realize I had a reputation sweetheart, but I’m flattered that you’ve heard of me” you rolled your eyes turning to walk away from him, but before you could he grabbed your wrist preventing you from moving any further.
“Seriously Y/N I really do like you- I’m sorry if I’m coming off as an ass I’ve just- I don’t know never felt this way about a girl before, I want to get to know you” the lie fell so perfectly from his lips, his eyes stuck on yours not breaking eye contact once as to sell the lie even more.
You were surprised at his words you’d never talked to him before and now he was saying he liked you? it didn’t make any sense. “Come on Y/N one date, that’s all I’m asking and if you still think I’m an ass after that I’ll never bother you again alright?” he pleaded. You were tempted at his words, he seemed sincere, his brows contorting as he stared at you hopefully.
“Alright one date, that’s it” he felt a boost in pride, your words feeding into his ego, but he was careful not to show it smiling innocently at you as he took his phone out so you could put your contact information into it.
“Better not make me regret this” you warned handing him his phone back “I promise you, I won’t” he smiled turning to walk away, blowing you a kiss causing a small chuckle to slip past your lips, maybe he wasn’t as bad as people had told you.
JJ walked towards John B, his head held high as he threw him his phone with your contact information open “no fucking way” John B stated in disbelieve staring down at the number with your name above it “told you I could do it man” JJ chuckled sitting down beside him opposite Kie and Pope.
“Do what?” Kie asked taking a sudden interest in JJ’s radiating confidence “It’s nothing me and JB just have a little bet going on” JJ smirked grabbing the phone out of John B’s hand, “whatever” Kiara waved him off turning back to Pope.
JJ felt a hint of guilt as his eyes met yours and a blush crept onto your cheeks, your eyes quickly diverting from his and back to Sarah’s, only a hint though.
next part
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cherryobx · 4 years
Environmental stuff//JJ Maybank x reader
requested?: yes hon “have you ever done something like Kie meeting this cool person at an environmental thing on the mainland, and finding out she’s moving to klidare? and then maybe her and jj getting together? idk I just thought that would be cute. thank you for reading this Request! :)”
A/N: I don’t nreally like the way i wrote it but thank you so much for requesting!!!!
summary: Kiara meets you at an environmental event and finds out you’re moving to kildare. so she introduces you to her friends.
warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of an injury
WC: 1546
(not my gif, creds to the owner!)
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“I like your poster.”
You were currently at this small environmental event and you had made a huge poster. You spent hours on it last night, wanting it to be perfect. So it felt really awarding when someone commented on it.
“Thank you,” you said, smiling at the teenage girl in front of you. Her messy hair was thrown into a bun and she had a light blue headband on her head. 
She smiled back at you, showing her pearly white teeth.
“My name is Kiara, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.”
“I just had to come over to you and talk to you. You seemed to be here alone. And I’m alone here too today. So I thought I’d give you some company. I usually drag one of my friends here but none of them wanted to be here today so I decided to come by myself.”
“Yeah, I’m alone here. I’m actually here for the first time today. I’m currently moving to a small town near-by and my parents are still transporting some stuff there. I didn’t want to spend an entire day in a car or a boat, so I came here.”
“Oh, where are you moving, if you don’t mind me asking?”
She raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Kildare? That’s where I’m from. Pretty cool that you’re moving there. Trust me you’re going to love it.”
So the entire day at the event was spent talking about the life of Kildare. Kiara told you about her friends and how all the people were divided into two groups there. The richer people, who lived in figure eight, were called the kooks and the working-class people, who were living in the cut, were called pogues. She also told you about her favourite hangout spots there.
Overall, you had a great time with her that day. She was fun to be around. Your humor was pretty much the same so you made dumb jokes a lot and laughed at them. Not to mention that she was absolutely gorgeous. Even her laugh was adorable.
“Are you coming to Kildare today?” she asked when the even was about to end.
“I think so. I hope my parents are done transporting everything and are at the house. Let me call them real quick.”
You took out your phone and dialed your dad’s number. When he answered, you asked if the house was ready and if all the stuff was already there. Getting a positive answer, you hung up.
“Yeah, I’m going there today.”
She clapped her hands excitedly. “Oh my God, that’s great! Do you want to come to a kegger that my friends are throwing tonight?”
“I haven’t even spent a day in Kildare and you’re already inviting me to a party? Hell yeah, I’m coming.”
So you both arrived in Kildare almost at 10 p.m and you went to Kiara’s place to get ready. You knew it wasn’t the smartest to go to a stranger’s house but you didn’t really care. You felt like you had known her for years.
You even met her parents and they were literally the nicest people you had ever met.
Kiara lent  you some of her clothes since your stuff was still unpacked in boxes at your new house.
And then you went over to the place the party was held at.
There were a lot of teens at that party for a small town. And you were acting a bit anxious. Being around a lot of teenagers always felt weird for you. You didn’t really know why. Maybe it was just because you started to feel a bit anxious and insecure. Everyone just seemed so much better than you. In every way.
“Come on!” Kiara grabbed your hand and pulled you through all the people to a small group of people, red cups in their hands.
“Guys, this is Y/N. I met her today at the event I went to. She’s really cool, trust me.”
In front of you, there were 3 boys and a girl. You gave them a small wave with your hand to greet them.
“Nice to meet you Y/N. I’m John B and these are JJ, Pope, and Sarah,” one of the guys introduced himself and the people standing next to him.
The girl with dirty blonde hair, who was supposedly called Sarah came closer to, wanting to start a conversation. “Are you new here? I haven’t seen you around.”
“Yeah, I just moved here.”
“Oh, you did? That’s so cool. Maybe we can hang out sometime?”
“I’d love that,” you smiled.
“Go get her a drink, you dumbass!” one of the guys whisper-yelled to the other one.
“No fucking way.”
“Come on, JJ.”
“Fine,” he sighed, giving up and rolling his eyes at the other dude. He took a clean cup and poured some beer into it. Then he came over to you and handed you the cup.
You weren’t really a fan of beer but you were polite so you took it. “Thank you!”
As the night went on, the blonde boy, who brought you a drink earlier, started talking with you more and more and when it was almost 2 a.m, you and he were basically the only ones left outside.
He told you about himself and you told him about yourself. Occasional jokes were thrown into the conversation and you actually really enjoyed talking to him. JJ was the kind of person you’d want to pour your heart out to.
And that’s exactly what you did. The night ended with you half-drunkenly crying in his arms, telling him how much you missed your friends from back home and how all of that moving and leaving everything behind made you feel.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be your friend. Everything will be fine.”
He kept his promise. You hung out every day after that. You were spending more time with him than Kiara, which made her jealous. Jokingly, of course. She was actually fine with it as long as you’d spend at least some time with her.
One day, he thought it would be the best ide to teach you how to surf, which ended up with you at the hospital with stitches on your right knee.
“Come on, Y/N! It’s not hard.” 
“Yeah, says you. You’re literally a surf god.”
A few hours into JJ teaching you, you lost focus for a second and fell. And of course, there were some weirds sharp rocks right underneath you in the water.
It was the worst pain you’d ever felt. JJ took you to the hospital and you had to walk around with crutches for almost 2 months.
He felt so bad. Seeing you in pain hurt him mentally. So he did his best to take care of you as well as he could when you were unable to walk properly.
He carried you up the stairs at your place and helped you get into the van when you were hanging out with the pogues. He even made you like 20 “get well soon!” cards, which you all stored in your dresser beside your bed. They held a special place in your heart.
At that time when JJ was taking care of you and helping you all the time, you came to a huge realization.
You liked him.
A lot.
And you were hoping so badly that he would feel the same. 
So a few weeks after your realization, you had build up a bit of courage to finally tell him, how you were feeling.
So you texted him and asked him to come to your place since you couldn’t really walk properly at the moment.
As he entered your room, he asked. “What’s up? You wanted to talk about something?”
You patted the spot next to you on the bed, motioning him to sit down.
“Yes, I did want to talk to you. Well, i wanted to tell you something.” You made a little pause in you speech, nervously fiddling with your fingers. JJ noticed it and placed his hand on yours.
“Whatever it is, it will be alright.”
You nodded, staring at the ground, unable to look him into the eyes. 
You took a deep breath and then blurted it out. “I think I’m in love with you.”
JJ felt like the whole world stopped. He felt like you and him were the only people left in the world. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. There was no way you were feeling the same way that he was. At least that’s what he thought.
“I understand if you don’t feel the same. How could you? But I thought I’d just tell you now. Better now than never, right?”
He placed his hand on your cheek, turning your head so you had to finally face him. 
He didn’t say a word. He leaned closer to you, your lips almost touching. Your heart was literally beating out of your chest.
“I think I’m in love with you too, Y/N.”
And then he connected your lips at last, making a million butterflies erupt in your stomach. The kiss was passionate but sweet. It was everything you had dreamed of and even more.
taglist: @teamnick @www-imbored-com @delightfullynlove @prejudic3 @afterglows7b-tch13 @tomhardybby @ad-infinitums @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @ilovejjmaybank @mdlyncline @allycat449-blog @teenwaywardasgardian @copper-boom @canibeoneofthepogues @fttayla @ifilwtmfc @bedazzledbanks @jeyramarie @joshy-obx @pink-meringues
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mindswriters · 4 years
Family Meeting - jj maybank × reader {one shot}
Summary: for the first time you decide to take your pogue boyfriend at your family's annual meeting, and let's say that your relatives didn't have the best reactions in the world.
Pairing: jj maybank × kook!reader
Warnings: language, underage drinking, mentions of hook ups?, "drunk" driving [IF YOU DRINK DON'T DRIVE]
Word count: 3.3K (is this big? idk)
A/N: hell yeah, i'm a shitty writer. Y/f/n means "your full name" btw
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not my gif, credits to the owner ;)
Your surname is pretty infamous at the Outer Banks, your dad owns one of the biggest parts of Tannyhill, what makes you full kook. That's why you always lived in that shitty bubble wrap, you understand that living in the Figure 8 gave you privileges that you wouldn't have if you lived on the south side, and you hate the fact that everyone around you always pretend that everything is perfect when there are people to miles from there surviving from water and bread. But, as a blessing, a while ago your friend Sarah Cameron started dating John B, a Pogue guy who worked for the Cameron's, and you also started to hang out with them, and that's where your life started. At first your parents didn't liked your "new life", but they also did nothing to stop you (probably because they knew you would find a way to sneak out). You found your real crew with the Pogues, they were very receptive with you, John B is really kind and fun (way better than Topper, Sarah's ex boyfriend); Kie became your third musketeer, she's smart and is always there for you; Pope is your favorite nerd eveeer, y'all would be screwed without him. And last but not least, JJ Maybank, at first you thought he was cute, at second that he was a stubborn dumbass, and third? Oh, third you've fallen in love with him.
That's what brings you here, getting dressed for the Y/l/n's annual meeting at the Country Club, while JJ, your actual boyfriend is sitting on your bed with a messy hair and a clumsy suit. This meeting is nothing but a bullshit that your parents "require" you to go every year, you actually don't like it a lot, but today you are especially excited, you can't wait to see all your old aunts and envious cousins staring at you, when you arrive holding hands with your Pogue boyfriend. The most handsome Pogue of this island.
"Hey, J, which one is better, this one or this one?" you asked showing him your hands, each one holding a different pair of earrings.
"Hmm, this one." he pointed to your left hand with a smirk after carefully observed both the jewels.
You whispered a "thanks" and turned back to the mirror, putting the bright jewels on your ears. You were giving a last check on your marine blue dress, when you heard a knock at your half opened door.
"We're waiting for you kids." your dad tried to disguise the complain with a smirk.
"Sorry for the delay, dad, you know how long it takes for me to get ready." you pouted leaning on the door "But you and mom can go ahead, JJ and I will go with my car in a little while." you looked at your boyfriend and smiled when he waved to your father.
"You sure?" you quickly nodded "Okay then, see you there." the gray haired man sighed and went down the stairs.
"Thank you, daddy." you murmured but he definitely didn't listened.
"Can you just don't call him daddy when I'm around? It's kinda awkward." he slyly said when stood up from your bed.
You giggled rolling your eyes and walked towards him, looking up to stare his blue eyes "I never thought I would live to see JJ Maybank wearing a suit." you joked.
He just looked away and gave a shy laugh, while you delicately straightened his tie and collar. As much as you are excited, you don't see the same in JJ's expression, let's say he is not extremely comfortable in the middle of the Lion's den, as the Pogues call places with many Kooks.
"Come on babe, spit it out, what's wrong?" you ask kindly wrapping arms around his neck.
He shook his head hesitating to speak, but only with your gaze he eventually convinced himself that you wouldn't let it go unnoticed.
"Are you sure you want me to go? I mean, it's a family thing and-" he was about to vent put you stopped him.
"You are part of my family, JJ." you smiled placing a small kiss on his lips.
"Say it to your father, at this time he must be bad-mouthing me for the rest of your family." he complained snorting.
"So what?" you intertwined each other's fingers on both hands "Look, JJ, I don't care about what my father thinks and says about you, I just want to show up there holding your hand and telling everyone that you are the guy by whom I fell in love, and fuck what those idiots will think! It'll always be you." you sighed relieved after you vent all that was in your throat.
"Wow, unexpected PDA from my little girl uh?" you felt the heat blushing your cheeks, but he immediately filled your face with plenty kisses.
"I meant it, J, I meant it!" you both laughed when you tried to escape from his lips "Let's just go there and enjoy us, eat those weird foods, drink expensive drinks and if it gets too boring we can leave, okay?"
"Fine, fine, I'll go." he rolled his eyes pretending to be angry with you.
You held the boy's cheeks joining his lips lovingly and jumped up to the chair where your purse was hanging.
"I can't wait to see the faces of my envious cousins when they see me coming with the hottest guy on the Outer Banks." you sent a wink and asked him to follow you downstairs.
You drove all the way to the Country Club and when you got there you already saw all the chic decor and the other cars that were in the parking lot. JJ seemed to be nervous again, dangling his legs and biting his nails, but holding your hand before entering the party was what helped him to be calm. As soon as you took the first step, you were surrounded by the looks of everyone, some from close relatives who looked disappointed, and others from people you didn't even know were family members. Soon in the entrance hall you met your parents, talking to one of your aunts, when you were a child you gave her a loving nickname, auntie witchie.
"Hi dad, hi mom! I didn't know that half of Outer Banks was now our family." you teased kissing your parents cheeks.
"Less, Y/n." your father whispered discretely.
"Oh, Auntie Mary! How long I haven't seen you!" you greeted your aunt with an exaggerated (and false) smile.
The lady returned the smile but soon frowned as she spotted the messy blonde hair right behind you, even in a suit JJ was still clearly a Pogue.
"Let me introduce you, this is JJ, my boyfriend!" the boy politely kissed the top of your aunt's hand "I don't think you will need to worry about my relationships anymore."
You smiled confidently exchanging looks at the boy as your aunt seemed to analyze and judge every inch of him with a disgust feature. She looked at your parents and they just sighed and shrug.
"Y/n, darling, can I talk to you for a second?" you nodded in response and your aunt pulled you 2 steps to the side, which did not help from anything if she wanted a conversation reserved.
"What happened?" you asked as if you didn't knew what was coming.
"Is this boy really your boyfriend?" you nodded again, always smiling "And is he a-"
"A Pogue? Yes, he is a Pogue." you cut her even before she could finish the question "Any problem?"
"No, dear, but I mean, don't you think you should look some more? I don't know, someone here in Figure 8, with a good surname, I always thought that you would make a beautiful couple with the Cameron's prodigal son." you sighed thinking about a polite answer for the lady.
"I'm sorry, auntie, but you are completely wrong. I don't need to look anymore, JJ is definitely my lobster." you smiled leaving her confused with your words.
You turned your back politely and pulled JJ by the hand, with the intention of literally walking with him around the room and telling as many people as possible that this handsome blonde, mop headed Pogue is your boyfriend. While walking around the space you drank a few drinks, teased some people and received many, many looks of judgment. In addition to some cousins of yours commenting things like "I heard he was that crazy guy who shouted a gun at the Boneyard". But you couldn't care less, even more after some doses of alcohol.
"I need to go to the bathroom, stay here, it'll only take a sec." you gave a kiss on JJ's cheek before leaving him near the bar counter.
You were on your way back from the bathrooms when bumped into someone. It was Amber, she is your cousin, but you two didn't always get along. One time when you were 7, she threw your plush turtle in the pool and as revenge you stuck chewing gum in her hair. There was also the time when you were in 8th grade and she told your mom that you and Sarah went to Topper's house at night to drink vodka with powdered juice. Well, after that you have distanced and now when you meet by chance you pretend to like each other.
"I'm sorry!" she said with that annoying voice "Oh my God, Y/n, is that you?"
"Yes, cousin, it's me!" you smiled pretending to be excited.
"Look at you! You mean you have boobs now?" yeah, and my boyfriend loves them! okay, that's what you thought, in fact you just smirked raising eyebrows.
"Yeah, I think so. But you remain the same! Just with a little more chemical in the hair." you teased in the same mocking tone of her.
"Y/n/n, always so funny." she let a fake laugh and looked away "Damn, since when did the waiters from the Cut get so hot?"
You turned around and soon realized that she was talking about JJ, who was still leaning against the counter. As much as you were a little jealous for hearing her call your boyfriend hot right in your face, you were also proud to be able to tell her that he is already yours.
"Oh, actually he's not a waiter, he's my boyfriend." you smiled confident biting your own lip.
"Shit, don't mock me Y/n, you and that guy?" she laughed trying to disguise the wide eyes, Amber always made a point of telling that you were too ugly to get a boyfriend.
"Yep, me and that guy." from a distance JJ realized you were staring and then waved at you, who responded with your most proud smile.
"Ugh, I can't really understand what you and Sarah see in those Pogues, they're disgusting." funny to see how she changed her mind just in a few seconds.
"Let's say they're like that song."
"Song? What song?" she asked confused moving her gaze to you.
"You know, harder, better, faster, stronger, oh and add 'bigger'." you slowly said containing your laughter by biting the inside of your cheek.
She stared at you with a shooked look, and speechless. You must admit that the situation was quite satisfactory, seeing your dear cousin unresponsive on learning that you are not the ugly duckling as she always liked to say. You couldn't help but let out a little laugh, and then you excused yourself to return to your boy's arms.
"Who was that?" he asked when you leaned beside him on the counter.
"It's my cousin Amber, I hate her." he giggled and you fake smiled looking over your shoulder to see the fake blonde girl staring at you two.
"So what were you talking about?" he fixed your hair behind your ear gazing you.
"Nothing much, I was just telling her how is to be dating a 'dirty Pogue'..." you teased bending to whisper on his ear.
"Dirty Pogue, huh? And how is it like?" he frowned with a mischievous smirk.
"Well, it can be so many things, and I would risk to say that "dirty" is one of them." you smiled biting you lower lip with your eyes fixated on his blue ones.
JJ smiled back and moved his gaze to your lips, quickly kissing them and moving his wet lips to your cheeks, until reach the sweet spot behind your ear. Fuck, this is pretty good but let's say that the middle of your family meeting isn't the right place for you guys do it.
"J, stop, not right now." you giggled raising your eyebrows and softly pushing him away.
"Why not?" he pouted with puppy eyes.
"Because all my family is seeing us?" you used an obvious tone, 'cause it was obvious.
"Maybe we could sneak out?" you narrowed your eyes thinking about his proposal.
"Soon, first we'll show that people how we move on the Cut." you answered when heard one of your favorite songs playing outside.
You dragged your boyfriend by the hand until you reach the middle of the dance floor, at first he was kinda shy, but being with you makes him feel more comfortable, and as soon you both were already moving your bodies like no one was around. Laughing, drinking and kissing, you were stealing the show, this until you feel someone tap your shoulder and when you turned, you faced a man who was probably the photographer, since he held a professional camera in his hands.
"Excuse me, are you Y/n Y/l/n?" he asked politely.
"Yes, why?" you frowned holding JJ behind you.
"Oh, they're looking for you to take the annual family picture, can you follow me, please?" he pointed to the entrance hall.
"Ah sure, come on baby." you nodded bringing JJ with you.
When you reached the hall everyone of your family was there posing and waiting for you, soon you found your parents on the left side and before joining them, you stopped to straight your hair and JJ's bow tie. When you had just finished fixing his suit, your dad stopped you by your shoulders.
"Y/n, sweetie, I know JJ is important to you, but I think it's best that he doesn't appear with you in the official photos." you frowned when your dad moved his gaze to the blonde right behind you.
"Wait, what are you talking about?" you snapped with a bit angry tone.
"It's nothing personal, honey, it's just 'cause you know, you’re still young and he’s just your boyfriend, we don’t know if it will last long." your father said making you chuckle shooking your head, that's unbelievable.
"Nothing personal, right? So why can Andrew's girlfriend appear in this stupid picture and JJ cannot?" you stormed pointing to your cousin and his girlfriend already posing to the camera.
"Y/n please, don't make a scene." you dad sighed when noticed that everyone looked at you.
"Is because he's a Pogue, isn't it?" you asked with anger burning your face.
"Y/n it's okay, it's just a photo." JJ tried to calm you down and leave it, but you didn't listen.
"You see, sweetie, it's not a big deal." and you're also sick of your dad pretending that everything is perfect.
"You know what? You guys can keep with this Kook bullshit and take this fucking picture, but I will not be part of it." you said confidently causing JJ to giggle behind you and your father give you a pissed gaze.
"What the hell you think you're doing, young lady?" your dad murmured holding your arm carefully.
"I'm throwing off my chains." you stepped back confronting him.
"Y/n, darling, stop it! You're embarrassing me and your father!" your mom shout out when she noticed that you were about to leave.
"Whatever! I'm already the family’s shame!" you shouted taking a few steps back until reaching JJ, who have a proud look in his face.
"Y/f/n! Come back here! You can't do it!" Y/m/n shouted one more time.
"Yeah, but I'm already doing." with a twist on your own feet you answered back while stealing a drink from the waiter's tray that passed by.
At this time everyone is looking at you with wide eyes, your parents flushing in anger and JJ, oh JJ is paralyzed with a huge smile on his face, he's so proud of seeing his badass girlfriend facing everyone to defend him. This was something you wanted to do a long time ago, and a family meeting seemed like the perfect time for you to throw everything up in the air. And that is what you did.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" you stopped making exaggerated expressions "Auntie Mary! You should find your own husband before give hunches on my boyfriends!" you said with a soft tone pointing to your old single aunt standing a few meters from you.
"Y/d/n, you should fix your daughter!" she yelled angry.
"And Amber!" the fake blonde jumped when she heard her name "Cousin, you should try to hook up with a Pogue anytime, they're so fucking hot!" you smiled biting your tongue and looked to JJ, who let out a big laugh and soon disguised because of your father's gaze to him.
Everyone was staring at you and your parents with jaw dropping, you always showed some personality differences compared to the rest of the family, but no one ever imagined you were that bold. Okay, the drinks helped you do that, but they say that when a person gets drunk is when she shows who she really is. And this is you for real. While hearing comments like "How absurd" or "This is a shame", you poured your entire drink in a single sip and dropped the glass on the floor, hurrying to leave that shit party.
"Come on, blondie, are you with me or what?" you raised your eyebrows calling JJ to follow you. He looked at your parents and they gave a serious look to him. But he didn't care right now.
"Sorry, Mr and Mrs Y/l/n," he laughed stepping backwards "your daughter is crazy!"
He shouted shooking his head and turning around to run towards you. You both laughed and you waited for him to embrace you at the big front door, you explicit kissed and left everyone behind, running hand in hand until you reached the parking lot. Inside of your car you two waited for the laughter to lose their strength to catch your breath.
"Oh my God this was insane!" you smiled heavy breathing and looking at the blonde on your passenger seat.
"My girl is a huge badass!" he pulled you for another kiss, this time it was longer and full of proud and desire.
"Okay, your place or the Chateau?" he said breathlessly, pulling away and looking at you.
"Definitely the Chateau. And hope John B isn't home." you gave a nasty smile and started your car.
You're gonna be dead when you see your parents again, but it's fine, still worth it.
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eberles · 4 years
i hate u, i love u
Rafe Cameron
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(gif by @toesure :)
Request: A Rafe fic based on the song “I hate u, I love you” by gnash (ft Olivia O’Brien) PLEASE MAJOR RAFE VIBES 🥺💖 @fav-imagines
A/N: I wanted to cry writing this lol idk why but it hit me right in the feels!! it’s kind of all over the place, if anyone is confused by, don’t worry bc i am too!!!! lol anyways enjoy!! (this is probably the first thing ive ever written that goes with rafe’s character) bold = lyrics, italics = flashbacks
Warnings: angst, mentions of drugs, cheating, lying, toxic relationship, swearing
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feelin used, but im still missin you and i cant see the end of it just wanna feel your kiss against my lips and now all this time is passing by, but i still cant seem to tell you why it hurts me every time i see you, realize how much i need you
I’ve spent months sitting in my room staring at the ceiling, and at the walls. I did a full Bella Swan from New Moon and let 3 months go by without being present for any of them. I didn’t care honestly...Even after spending all that time alone, i’m not still not healed from the heartache that was caused by him. I still miss him, his scent, his kisses, his clothes, everything. Rafe.
I went out once and he was the last person I wanted or planned to see, but of course, he was the only person I actually saw. Sure, there were other people around, but none of them mattered. Everyone else felt greyed out except for him. He was the only light I could see in those short moments. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion, my breath hitched in my throat and it felt like there was no air left to breathe.
After months it still hurts to see him again. It hurts because I realized I still need him even after everything. I hate him. So why do I love him? The feeling of him being the only one I want, the one nobody could ever replace...it’s overwhelming and I can’t seem to shake it. But me? He replaced. It looked like it was easy from my point of view. He needed her, wanted her, and i’m not her.
i miss you when i can’t sleep or right after coffee or right when i can’t eat, i miss you in my front seat, still got sand in my sweaters from nights we don’t remember. do you miss me like i miss you? fucked around and got attached to you.
My head was consumed on thoughts of you. It was constant. Like the leaky faucet in the bathroom or the loose floorboard. Always running, always broken. I miss you. Maybe you’ll come around, but for now...I wish you were here instead. When it’s late and I can’t sleep, I think about you. When it’s early and I can’t eat, I think about you.
“Where are we going?” you giggled excitedly, grabbing my hand from across the console in my truck.
“Shh, I told you it’s a surprise baby, we’re almost there anyways.” I laughed at her giggling like a kid, she had so much excitement in her eyes. She was always ready for anything, even if it was 2 in the morning and I love that about her. I love everything about her.
“Ugh fine!” she groaned dramatically and rolled her eyes in a full circle looking up at the ceiling. “Why are we at the beach?” you didn’t even give me enough time to answer before jumping out of the truck and running towards the sand laughing the entire way to the water. Once I caught up with you, I grabbed your hands and pulled you close into my chest, kissing your forehead. When we broke apart I laid down a few blankets on the sand, noticing you were cold, I also gave you my sweater.
We stared at the stars and talked about anything and everything for hours. It felt magical. We stayed until the sun came up, watching the sunset before driving back to my house for some much needed rest.
Walking over to my closet, curious to know if that same sweater ended up back in my closet after that night. I reached in, digging around not finding anything and decided to look in my dresser instead. Of course, it was folded neatly in the drawer you used to call yours. Grabbing and shaking it out I noticed the light pieces of sand that fell from it. I brought it in to my nose wondering if it still smelt like your perfume. It did. I’m always tired lately, but never of you. Do you miss me too?
if i pulled a you on you, you wouldn’t like that shit, i put this reel out, but you wouldn’t bite that shit. i type a text then i never mind that shit, i got these feelings, but you never mind that shit. you’re still in love with me but your friends don’t know.
To Y/N: i wanna talk, i think...maybe i miss y-
To Rafe: I miss you so much, it hurt someti-
“Y/N...what’s going on? You’re off in never never land! Do you still miss him?” Kiara asked, gently shaking my knee to gain my attention back to the group. I looked at her and around at the rest of the pogues and put a smile on my face, shaking my head.
“Of course not, it’s been months! I’m so over him, guys. Besides even if I did, it wouldn’t matter.” I tried so hard to sound confident. I hope they bought it. Of fucking course, I miss Rafe. I’m still in love with him for gods sake. I hate that I want him.
Sure, i’ve moved on, but I think about y/n, just about everyday. I guess for me, moving on is finding someone new, but not actually wanting anyone new. I just couldn’t bare to be alone anymore with my thoughts. I deserve better than that, personally.
“Anyways Topper, if y/n wanted me still, she would say so right?” I looked at Topper, silently hoping he would lie to me, just tell me what I want to hear, man. “If I were her, I would’ve never let me go. She’s missing out.”
“Hell yea, dude! That’s the right attitude.” Topper said, jumping up to high five me. Of course, that was the statement he was on board with. I hate that I want you.
I haven’t been to a party in months, Kiara and Sarah thought that this would be the most fitting post-break up activity for me. Maybe meet a new guy or something. I tuned out when they were telling me about it and just agreed. What I neglected to listen to, was that it was a kook party. So now, i’m at a party alone, since my friends ditched me to dance with each other. And on top of that, I watch him watch her, like she’s the only girl he’s ever seen.
It took less than an hour of being at this party for us to end up in a room alone together.
“You don’t care! You never did!” Rafe shouted, running his hands through his hair, clearly exasperated with this conversation. I don’t even know how it started. One minute I was watching him with another girl, and the next he was hauling me off, away from everyone.
“You don’t give a damn about me, Rafe! How is it you never notice that you’re slowly killing me?” you wanted to yell back at him, to scream at him for putting you through this again, but you couldn’t. He didn’t say anything in return so you continued, “I hate you, and I hate that I love you, Rafe.” I’ve tried to move on, but even the simple thought of dating anyone but him, makes me physically ill. Why does it have to be like this?
“I don’t mean no harm, I just miss you on my arm, babe. Do you ever wonder what we could’ve been y/n?” He’s taunting me by asking dumb questions, as if I wanted this to happen, as if i’m the cause of all of this. Rafe’s the one that was closed off, not me. Of course, he switches the stories and i’m sure everyone at this damn party thinks I left him heart broken.
“You have a girlfriend, why are you even asking me that?” I was starting to get angry, I felt like he was toying with me.
He’s laughing. Of fucking course, he’s laughing at me. This is all one big fucking joke to him. “Lie to me, lie with me, get your fucking fix. Isn’t that what you always told your friends Rafe?” I was furious, how could he act that way after everything? He’s still a child though, that will never change.
You were right. I did lie to you, multiple times. About where I was, who I was with, what I was doing. I didn’t want you to know I was such a fuck up. You didn’t deserve the pain of finding out I was lying and cheating and drugging. You did anyways though. Now all my drinks and all my feelings are all fucking mixed.
“Rafe! Come dance with me!” I downed the rest of my drink before throwing the glass down and walking away from the new girl I was seeing. I didn’t care anymore.
I don’t want you, Y/N. I shouldn’t fucking miss you. I don’t deserve to! Seeing you again is such bullshit. If you wouldn’t have shown up here, I wouldn’t have said those things to you. Sometimes you gotta burn some bridges, just to create some distance. You didn’t deserve that, I knew it, but at least now you might learn your lesson and stay away. It’s for the best, right?
I hate that I love her, but I can’t put nobody else above her.
I wasn’t sure if I had the closure I needed, but after that particular conversation with Rafe I felt a little better. I returned to the party with my head held high and danced with my friends. I hoped he was watching me too since i’m not sure what he was trying to do by joking around at my expense. But maybe if he thinks it didn’t bother me he will know how it fucking feels. 
I learned from my dad that it’s good to have feelings when love and trust is gone. I guess this is moving on. I hate you, I love you.
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soccerbites · 4 years
arrogant son of a bitch, JJ Maybank
masterlist in bio
a.n: i wrote this around april ?? i don't really know, but it deleted when i deactivated and im posting it again, if you feel it familiar that's probably why :) english is not my first language so i apologise in advance for any mistake.
words count: 1,8k
warnings: cursing ?? other than that idk
(gif not mine if it's yours please tell me so i can give you credits)
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The alarm on your phone went off letting you know it was time to get up and help your mum at work. After getting dressed with a loose lavender dress and a pair of sneakers you exited your room and poured yourself a cup of coffee just to afterwards cross the little door besides the fridge and get into the family clothing store and finding your mum placing some shirts near the building entrance.
- "Hi" you mouthed taking a sip of the drink while walking towards the desk.
- "Good morning sweetheart" she smiled without stopping doing what she was doing "how did you sleep" this time she quickly glanced at you.
- "Like an angel" you answer and she giggled.
The morning went by slow, even though you were one of the few countable with one hand clothing stores in the island, the beginning of summer was almost a month ago and most of the residents had already bought their clothes for this season.
You looked at the time on your phone. It was half past ten in the morning when one of your friends, who you were starting to find kinda attractive as the summer went by, entered the store with a big smile on his face.
- "JJ!" your mum happily said as she walked towards him and hugged him, she loved JJ, "it's been so long since the last time I've seen you around!" she let go of him and he came closer to the desk where you were sitting.
- "it really has" he said while looking at you and smiling.
- "what brings you here?" you asked with your hand placed on your chin as support.
- "Well, John B had this amazing idea of a pic-nic at the beach, so i came over to see if your mum would be gentle enough to let us borrow you for the rest of the day?" he said and you both turned your heads towards her, "i promise to bring her myself back here before ten p.m all in one piece" she kept looking at you two with her eyes furrowed, "pleeaasee i'm begging you" your mum laughed at JJ's words.
- "i want her back by nine p.m" your best friend looked at you and you just grinned at him.
- "nine thirty?" JJ asked with his eyes wide opened waiting for a yes as an answer.
- "fine, nine thirty it is" your mum gave in and he yelled a 'woohoo' while throwing his hands on the hair and running to where your mum was to give her a kiss in the cheek.
- "thank you so much" he said to her.
- "yes yes whatever, go inside and look for something to eat and share with everyone else" you smiled at her and entered the house with JJ following you behind.
You went to your room and put on a yellow bikini, took the backpack you usually used and threw a towel and your suncream inside of it. JJ helped you prepare some sandwiches and then walked through the store to say bye to your mum and go out to the street.
He approached his bike and you followed him as he handed you a helmet.
After a short ride you two arrived at John's B house.
- "You're not as afraid of the bike as you were before" JJ said to you while he took his helmet out.
- "i think so, i've got used to it" he smiled to you and together walked to the beach were your friends were, Kiara was laying down on the sand with Pope and John B was coming out of the water.
- "Y/N" your girl friend ran to you with open arms to hug you since you hadn't seen each other in like three days and you were inseparable.
- "I've missed you kie" you giggled as you hugged her too.
A few hours had gone by and now you were sitting on the sand next to your best friend while eating the sandwiches you and JJ had prepare before and watching the boys surf.
- "where's Sarah?" you asked, she wasn't there when you arrived but thought she might go later, she didn't.
- "she couldn't come today, something about a trip with her father i think, JB didn't say too much" Kiara said before eating the last portion of her sandwich.
You smiled at JJ as you saw how he was nailing one of the waves.
- "what's up with you two" your friend asked and looked at you.
- "what do you mean" you stopped looking at the boy you had a crush on to look back at Kie.
- "You perfectly know what i'm talking about Y/N, these past three days we barely saw JJ and you because you were hanging out together, this morning he was all excited about going to your house so he could, and i exactly repeat 'ask your mum in person' if you could come here, which is completely silly cause we both know she would never say no" you laughed at that last part.
- "we're just amazing friends Kie, that's it" you said turning your head towards JJ again, he was looking at you two too and waved with his right hand.
- "friends don't look at other friend's the way you look at each other" she smiled and tried to make you look at her, thing she did, "you like him, don't you" you could not help the little smile in your face as you scrunched your nose, "you do! oh my god you really do!" you faced her, "you have to tell him, right now!" Kiara grabbed your face between your hands.
- "you know i can't there's a specific rule about that" you tried to speak as your friend did not let go of your face.
- "oh come on! that rule is the most stupid thing i've ever heard!" you blanked your eyes at her and she finally let go of you.
- "even if that rule didn't exist i'm pretty sure he doesn't feel the same"
- "who doesn't feel the same about what Y/N?" JJ asked as he walked towards you two and sat down, you looked at him as he took your towel out of your backpack and used it to dry his face, "because if it is me about feeling completely mesmerized about how beautiful you are i have to say that you're wrong" he smiled at you.
- "you arrogant son of a bitch!" you yelled at him while laughing. Kiara looked at you and winked her left eye before getting up and go running to the water.
- "so? what is it? my eyes?" he opened his eyes wide open "my beautiful and soft hair?" he ran his hand through his hair, you just kept looking at him play silly "or is it my abs?" he slapped his belly.
- "oh shut up!" you rolled your eyes at him and he just laughed at you.
- "no, seriously i want to know" you stopped looking at him and laid down on the sand, JJ copied your actions "ok, so if you're not gonna tell me what you like about me, i'm going to tell what i like about you" he turned over, now his back was facing the setting sun.
- "COOOME OOON, DON'T DO THIS TO ME, KIARA COME BACK PLEASE" you screamed as you covered your face with your hands.
- "sshhh, can you please not be dramatic for once in your life?" you still had your face covered but you could feel JJ gaze on it, "first of all you're the most careful person i've ever met, you always make sure everyone is ok and having a great time, you have amazing taste in music, your hair smells so good-"
- "oh my god have you stopped yet?" you laughed a little.
- "almost, you're an amazing cooker, you've the most amazing mum of all, i'm pretty sure there's no woman as beautiful as you are-"
- "finished?" your hands still on your face.
- "and one more thing" he lifted up one of his fingers in the air.
- "thank god" you took your hands of your face and looked at JJ who was smiling at you.
- "the Wi-Fi signal in your house is" he pecked his lips with his hand which made you burst on laughing and he too, "now, tell me what are the things you like about me".
- "i like" you kept looking at him with a frown on your face to make it seem as if you were thinking, "i like your name" you teased him.
- "my name? really?" you nodded, "i say all these beautiful things about you and that's what i get back?" you nodded again with a little grin on your lips, "you're gonna pay for this woman".
He quickly got up, grabbed you and positioned you over his shoulder as he started running towards the ocean, your friends were watching the scene.
- "JJ DON'T PUT ME DOWN THE WATER IS FREEZING" you yelled while 'punching' his back.
- "and what you gonna do if i do put you down?"
- "i'll kick your ass you pretty boy" you stopped punching his back.
- "i'd actually like to see that" instantly he jumped on the water with you still on his arms.
You two came out of the water facing each other. JJ hugged you when he saw that you were shivering.
- "now tell me, do you like eyes?" you nodded, "and my hair?" you kept nodding because you were so cold that talking was hard, "and what about my abs" you nodded again and he smiled and looked at you without breaking the embrace.
- "your Wi-Fi is pretty shitty tho" you said between shivers, he laughed and finally kissed you, JB and Pope were yelling lots of 'woohoo' and Kiara screamed 'FINALLY YOU BITCHES I HATE YOU' to which JJ and you smiled through the kiss.
The rest of the evening went fast, you ate some cookies Kiara had made and drank a little bit of beer. And at nine twenty five JJ and you said goodbye to your amazing friends and he took you to your house, arriving exactly at nine thirty and in one piece as he had promised your mum that morning, but he didn't leave for another ten minutes you spend just making out outside.
- "I knew i had heard JJ's bi-" your mum came out of the store while you two were still kissing and fast pulled away "oh, ok, i'll go back inside, food's ready by the way" she turned back and entered the store again.
JJ and you started crazily laughing and he pressed his forehead against yours.
- "i'll see you tomorrow?" he asked looking into your eyes.
- "of course you will pretty boy" you gave him a little peck on the lips and entered the store while he watched your every move and smiled.
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A Starry Night. [Bill Hader]
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Prompt: Bill is reminded of the age difference he has with the love of his life.
Pairing: Bill Hader x OFC
Warning: Swearing, fluff.
A/N: I was stuck between this and another title The Age Of The Stars. but I thought that this one works better with the text. idk
Next up McLoving Part 3!
Word count: 2005
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He had woken up a few minutes before by his alarm and was waiting for her to wake up. He looked at her in awe like if he was looking at every star in the galaxy. She was beautiful and she was laying in bed next to him. She had been every night for the past four months and Bill still couldn’t wrap his head around it. He saw her scrunch up her face a little before she slightly opened her eyes. She smiled the second she saw him looking at her. She closed her eyes, still smiling and moved to snuggle against his chest. Her right hand placed itself almost by inertia on his waist while the left one stayed with her, holding herself from the waist. Her head was against his chest, letting her hear his heartbeat and breathing.
He felt his heart fluttered, and the hand on his waist grabbing him ever so softly was only making him smile wider — Good morning. — Sarah mumbled, her voice a bit ruff and tired but he still found it endearing.
— Good morning, sweetheart. — he replied. He let his right arm under his own head, so it would stay out of the way, and put his other hand on top of the one she left on her waist, grabbing her hand an caressing her skin with his thumb.
They stayed like that for a moment talking about the things each had to do that day, Bill only moving to leave a kiss on her forehead every couple of minutes, taking the chance to share he affection in other way than caressing her skin.
After almost forty five minutes laying together -which still felt like it wasn’t enough- they both had to give up their intimate moment and get up to start their day.
Bill always showered before bed, so when Sarah entered to shower Bill went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Taking advantage that the kids weren’t there and he didn’t have to make a healthy, balanced breakfast, he started making pancakes. Some with blueberries for her, others plain for himself.
He was half done when he heard her come into the kitchen and felt her arms slid on his torso to hug him. She rested her cheek against his back for a brief moment, almost like she was snoozing off an alarm just to put her head on top of the pillow for five more minutes. He smiled and intertwined his fingers with her’s leaving only one hand on top of his stomach, flipping pancakes with the other — How was the shower? — he asked with a soft chuckle, rubbing her knuckles slowly, as a way to bring a bit of the soft mess of caressing, kissing and laying together in bed to the kitchen.
She smiled brightly and kissed his shoulder blade — It was great. How are the pancakes?
He smiled a bit, noting her playful and teasing tone — I hope they’re good.
Without moving their positions too much she swung to her right and looked to the pan where the pancakes were — They’re not burnt. — she observed, jokingly saying it as it was some sort of unbelievable event.
— Alright. It happened only once. — he teased back, getting the pancakes of the pan and putting them in two different plates — And, to my favor, — he turned the stove off and turned around, her hug not breaking but leaving her with her chin on his chest, not far from his face — they weren’t really that burnt.
— Honey, they looked like coal. — she teased a bit before releasing him from the hug and taking both plates to the table, he laughed softly and followed her with the orange juice, the butter and syrup. They ate chatting about new movies coming up, their schedule for the upcoming filming season and the girl’s school grades.
It always amazed him how much calmer he felt around her. It didn’t matter what they were doing, he felt calm. She was, to him, the equivalent of a quiet and warm starry night. When he looked at her was like looking at the stars, everything seemed to make sense because of it, every problem felt a thousand times smaller and it just made him feel as if he was where he was supposed to be, it just felt right.
Soon they both had to leave, Bill was writing season 3 of Barry and Sarah went filming a tv series she was working on. His office wasn’t far from the set she was filming on, so they would always do little lunches or dinners to see each other on the day. They saw each other at lunch were they arranged she would get back to the house, since she was leaving earlier, and if Bill didn’t left too late and tired they could watch something and have a dinner.
The rest of the day went by easily and Bill was lucky to get back home early. When her entered their house the lack of music or tv sound struck him immediately. Making him know that something serious was going on. He went to the living room and saw Sarah sitting on the couch, her legs stretched across, a large t-shirt she supposedly borrowed from him on and looking into her cellphone with concentration — Hey. — he said, surrounding the couch to face her.
Sarah looked up from her phone, he could see she was reading an article but it didn’t seem like a fancy one. A conflicted and sad look in her eyes where what made him concerned — Hey. — she pulled her legs slowly close to her body, leaving a place for him to seat near her.
He sat on the couch right next to her. He looked at her face, almost as if he was looking for clues — What happened? — he asked, getting a lock of hair behind her ear.
— They found out about us. — she stated before stretching her legs above hi legs and laying her head on his shoulder. Her left arm slithered around his back, softly grabbing his torso. Bill’s arm surrounded her torso and grabbed the shoulder that was left exposed to the warm night, keeping her closer to him. He thought of it for a second. He didn’t mind people knowing. Not one bit. He tried to understand why she seemed upset but he wasn’t sure what she would be so he rested his free hand on her leg and waited for her to explain it — It’s just- they’re saying mean stuff. About both of us.
— They are? — he asked. She looked for her phone and he pressed his lips against her forehead. He didn’t care what people would say but he could see that she did, to some degree it affected her. He had learned to ignore those click-bait articles about people’s lives but she was fairly knew to the weird stoplight they were in.
41 year old actor Bill Hader seen having romantic lunch with 23 year old actress Sarah Kaufman.
And, without even reading it he knew what it would be about. But he read it anyway. They gave details about his life taking special attention to the fact that he had been married and had children, and that she hadn’t had any public long lasting relationships. They centered mostly about the age gap between them, basically saying that she was a midlife crisis to him and he was a help for publicity to her.
He felt guilty for a moment, seeing Sarah with her look lost in the air, probably thinking about the situation and how to handle it, evaluating all the choices. He felt guilty because, every bad thing they said about her was because of him. Because he was older, because of their age.
He knew about the age difference. Of course he knew. It had tortured him since the day he met her. She was almost half his age, he had felt like and asshole when he realized it. She was twenty-three. Eighteen years younger than him. That number was like burden everyday he fell in love with her, except when he was with her, except when she talked and carried herself in a way that seemed more mature, more mature than anyone he had ever met. She would always be patient, understanding and giving but not to an extreme where one could take her as a fool, she could stand up for herself or others without hesitation and she would do it, she was more familiar with feelings and could express them in a way everyone would understand. It’s said that one can’t be young and wise, well, she was the exception. It wasn’t that she made him feel young, it was that, for them, there were no numbers, there was no age, they were soulmates, nothing past that mattered. But he still felt guilty.
— I’m sorry. — he said, making her snap out of her train of thought. She turned to him, straightening herself, looking concerned and confused — About this… getting out. All the thing they’re saying about us. About you. It’s all wrong. I’m sorry I put you into this.
There was a look in her eyes he had seen a million times. It was understanding. But it wasn’t that she was just sympathetic for him, she actually understood what he meant, where he was coming from. It had always been easier with her, understanding, listening, talking. Bill had always found it hard to understand other people, to communicate with them, but she was something else. He could understand her, even if nobody else did.
— Bill, stop. — she shushed, taking her hand from his back and resting it on his cheek — You didn’t but me into anything and you shouldn’t be apologizing for anything. I want this. I don’t care what they say. — he looked at her, his eyes darting between both of her eyes. Some sort of sadness and hope glimmering in his eyes. He settled herself and looked at him, he played attention to her every move and every word she started to utter— Look, for the most part of my life I just wanted somebody to be there with. I would get on my bedroom window and look at the stars and hope that one day someone would sit there with me. I always thought that it could be anyone, but it can’t be. It doesn’t feel right to just be with anyone else. You’re the only one that it makes it all just- feel right. You’re the one, alright? — she shook her head, letting a smile light up her face — And it doesn’t matter what anyone says about us because it feels right. Because, no matter where I am, I feel the breeze from my bedroom window and I see all of the stars if I’m with you, Bill. I love you.
He felt his breath stop for a second. It was the first time any of them had said it but there was no hesitation, no doubt in the air, they both knew they loved each other — I love you, too. — he saw her smile and found himself in absolute glee — And you’re the one for me, too, Sarah. — he was sure she knew but he said it anyway. She smiled sweetly and leaned in to kiss him softly. After a few seconds they broke away from the kiss and looked at each other, seeing every beautiful detail and every minimal imperfection, they felt as if they were looking at the stars in the middle of a dark, vast field. It was sublime. It felt calm and oddly familiar but it awakened a wide sense of wonder and amazement from within. They both stayed like that, completely marveled by the love of their life
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barnestruck · 6 years
The Divinity of Notre Dame (II)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Medieval!AU)
Summary: All of the officials of Paris are in pursuit of the g*ps* Y/N. She finds a safe haven in an unlikely place where she encounters both the ominous archdeacon and the charming Captain of the Guard.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Use of the term “g*ps*”, more Womanizer!Bucky, Pierce being creepy, not a warning but the reader is a badass!, fluff ensues when the soldier and the g*ps* meet!, mention of religious things
*UPDATE* it has recently been brought to my attention that the word “g*ps*” is used as a slur, and that the people of the descent prefer to be referred to as Roma/Romani. i’m really sorry for not doing my research and just going off of the content of the movie/musical to help me with my writing.
A/N: wow! so soon! idk man, I just really wanted to write about these two meeting :) and happy birthday to the loml, a one mr. james buchanan barnes! i swear, that man owns my ass heart <33
Part I
Y/N tiredly rested her head against the doors of Notre Dame, doors she had never been through before. The first thing she noticed as she walked in the cathedral was the light. She stopped and beheld all the beauty, like a beggar receiving an alms. Each window, pillar, and arch seemed to fill her with the light of Notre Dame. The light that shone through the immaculate rose window. Y/N felt at peace, safe for once in her life. A calming feeling settled in her subconscious, compelling her to close her eyes as she basked in the light. Though, her serenity was short lived as the archdeacon’s voice pierced through her ears.
“So a g*ps* dares to enter this holy place,” he said. Y/N’s eyes snapped open with a sense of alarm, pushing her to get as far away from that voice as she could. Y/N felt panic creep its way through her mind and morphing her expression. She wouldn’t let it. She wouldn’t let him see her fear.
“Why shouldn’t I? The cathedral is open to the public,” Y/N replied, masking her vulnerability with confidence.
“Because your kind isn’t allowed here,” the Judge snapped back.
Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion. “Why do you hate us so much? What did we ever do to you?”
The g*ps*’s words struck a chord in Pierce’s mind. Her words brought him back to the moment where his brother lied, as a cold lifeless body, in the archdeacon’s arms. And all because he decided to run away with...Sarah. “Your kind has done more than you know. What are you doing here?”
The girl put her shoulders back as she spoke to him, just as she had earlier in the town square where she publicly defied him. “I came here looking for the bellringer. Someone had to help him.”
“That boy doesn’t need your help,” Pierce retorted. “He is my responsibility. God loves even a monster.”
A look of distaste washed over the g*ps*’s face. “That boy is no less human than the rest of us!”
“Well some of us are less human in the moral sense.”
Y/N scoffed, the Judge was so close-minded not even a guillotine could cut through it. “Do you mean me?”
Pierce grew more agitated and defensive. “You dance in public without shame.”
“I dance because I enjoy it! Others...enjoy it too.” Y/N interrupted.
“You use your beauty to mesmerize.”
“My beauty is none of your concern. It is mine to utilize it as I please,” she shot back.
“It is a beauty given to you by God. A God who certainly did not intend you to use it in such a...licentious way,” spat Pierce as he turned, back facing the girl.
The way he said that word...licentious. It disturbed her. She didn’t want to keep arguing with Pierce, acting like this was the reason why their world was still plagued with so much conflict. Y/N took it upon herself to be the bigger person, to propose a compromise. If only she could get him to see…
“Your Grace,” she began. “There must be...some charity within you. If you were willing to help the bellringer, then surely you can extend that kindness to others...almost as unfortunate.”
The archdeacon still did not face her. Y/N had to push harder.
She sighed. “How you would wish others to treat you, could you not treat them?”
That seemed to do it. The Judge waveringly looked over his shoulder to look at her. He spoke his words with hesitation, “Our Lord Jesus said...something very similar.” Just then, the bells rang through the cathedral, signaling the beginning of the midday mass.
“Midday mass is starting. I must go,” the archdeacon said with his head down, trying to escape the g*ps*’s presence. He hesitated for a moment before turning to her saying, “My child, though you people are lost, there could be something in you that can be saved. Stay. Perhaps you will see the meaning of true beauty.” With that, he left. Y/N was now alone to her own devices. She was met again with the grand divinity before in the form of the cathedral.
As a young girl, Y/N had not been in touch with the Savior everyone around her seemed so close to. Judge Pierce was already named archdeacon during her childhood and under him, gypsies were shunned from the church. She never got the chance to seek comfort through prayer, despite having a curiosity towards it. She watched those lining the pews before her, nobles decked in neat clothing, and decided to join them, indulging her interest. She knelt, brought her hands together and whispered:
“I don't know if you can hear me, or if you're even there. I don't know if you would listen to a g*ps*’s prayer. Yes, I know I'm just an outcast, I shouldn't speak to you. Still, I see your face and wonder, were you once an outcast too? God help the outcasts, or nobody will.”
Y/N didn’t know what it was, but something had changed in the atmosphere, allowing her to hear what those surrounding her were praying for as well.
“I ask for wealth.” “I ask for fame.” “I ask for glory to shine on my name.”
Y/N didn’t hold anything against those in her company. Everyone had the right to their own desires and hopes. If they asked to be indulged with more materialism than they were already exposed to, she wouldn’t fault them for that. However, that’s not what Y/N wanted. She didn’t care about being blessed with all the riches available to humankind; she could care less about drowning in the world’s finest jewelry. In fact, she didn’t really think about asking for anything. She could get by with what she had, despite it really not being that much. But Y/N knew that there were people living around her with nothing. All she really desired was having those less fortunate than her cared for; blessed. Were they not all children of God?
As Y/N finished her prayer, she heard shuffling and whispering from behind her. She recognized the voice belonging to that of the Captain, the one who attempted to carry out her arrest earlier that day.
Bucky and Sam had been searching for the g*ps* girl for what seemed like hours. They were surprised to find her praying in a church. Bucky gestured Sam towards the exit. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this.”
Bucky proceeded to greet the girl with caution. “I...thought you disappeared into a puff of smoke.”
Y/N was suspicious of the Captain, unclear of where his loyalties lie. She noticed his hesitation in carrying out the orders given to him by the archdeacon. Still, that was no reason to trust him. She pulled out the knife from under her skirt and concealed it by keeping it low. “Don’t believe everything you see.”
Y/N rose from her kneeling position on the pew. Bucky approached her to halt her escape. “And where do you think you’re going?” he asked.
The g*ps* girl could hear the Captain’s breaths behind her. She backed up and turned around to face him, just in time to hold her dagger to his throat. He held up his hands in surrender.
“Oh, easy! I just shaved this morning,” he said in an attempt to charm her and buy himself enough time to free himself from her knife’s hold.
“Oh really?” She asked, humoring him, his remark clearly not working. “You missed a spot,” she said adding a little more pressure to her knife against his skin.
“Hey, hey, calm down. Just give me a chance to apologize,” said Bucky.
Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion. “For what?”
“This.” Bucky knocked the dagger out of her hand by striking her wrist and he shoved her, forcing her to the ground.
A fire burned behind her eyes as she spat, “You sneaky son of a–”
“Hey, watch it. We’re in a church,” he quipped with a smirk.
She rested a hand on her hip, replying sassily, “Are you always this charming or am I just lucky?” She ended her phrase with a slight laugh. 
Well, damn him, if that wasn’t the most melodious thing Bucky had ever heard. But he couldn’t allow himself to be distracted, he was assigned to take her into custody (despite not wanting to). He wasn’t about to let the sound of her voice be the reason he was kicked off the Cathedral Guard. That excuse wouldn’t hold up well in his defense. Unless...he could use the fact that he was in the church with her as his defense. She was protected by the law of sanctuary.
His moment of hesitation bought the girl just enough time to grab the tall candelabra by her side and swing it at him. Bucky regained attention to the situation just in time for him to block her blow with his sword. That wasn’t all she had up her sleeve though. She took another chance to strike him with the other end of the candlelight, but he was still fast enough to defend himself.
“I’m impressed. You fight almost as well as a man,” he noted.
That evoked another laugh from her. Dammit, she’s making this way harder than it needs to be, thought Bucky.
“Funny,” the girl began. “I was gonna say the same thing about you.” With her last word, she forced the candlelight to hit Bucky’s side, the power pushing him back.
“That’s hitting it a little below the belt, don’t you think?” he asked.
“No,” she said with a smile. “This is.” With that, she struck him between the legs, sending him to the floor with a groan.
“Touché,” he let out, pain evident in his voice. After composing himself, Bucky decided to go about the situation in a more civil matter.
“Permit me,” he offered his hand to the girl. “I’m James, but you can call me Bucky. The rest of the ladies do.”
The girl remained defensive in her stance but her expression was passive. She rolled her eyes.
“And you are?” Bucky asked, trying to hear more of her voice. He wanted to put a name to the most gorgeous face he had seen. God knows her name could only be as beautiful as she looked.
“Is this an interrogation?” She quipped. Not exactly what he was hoping for...but it would do.
“I believe it’s called an introduction,” he said as he withdrew his sword back to its holder.
“You’re not arresting me?” She questioned with confusion on her face.
“Not as long as you’re in here, I can’t.”
The girl seemed to relax at that. “You’re not at all like the other soldiers.”
Bucky bowed his head in acknowledgment. “Why thank you.”
The g*ps* set the candelabra down and hesitantly walked toward him. “If you’re not here to arrest me, what do you want?”
She wasn’t close enough. Bucky stepped nearer. “I’d settle for your name.”
The end of her lips tugged up a bit at that. “Y/N,” she said.
Beautiful, Bucky thought. “I thought you were called La Esmeralda.”
“Oh, that’s just a stage name. The girl who dances for money isn’t really me, so I didn’t want to give her my name.”
Bucky’s curiosity peaked. “So who are you, really? If not the girl who loves to dance?”
“Oh I love to dance alright,” Y/N began. “But not for the reasons one would think. It makes me happy and I know it does the same for others. I do it to bring smiles to people’s faces; to bring small moments of joy in an ocean of memories of suffering.”
If Bucky wasn’t convinced of his infatuation for her then, he was now. He stepped even nearer, the desire to be closer to her overwhelming him. Not only did she appear as a work of art, sculpted by Donatello himself, but it seemed her heart and soul had been crafted by God as well. Just then, the sound of a thump, perhaps something being knocked over echoed from above them. That snapped the soldier and the g*ps* out of their reverie. Y/N turned away from and Bucky and toward the sound.
He tried to grab a hold of her wrist to keep her with him just a moment longer. “Where are you going?”
She looked back at the Captain with a determined look on her face. “To see that boy.”
Bucky shook his head. “B-But you can’t.” He didn’t really have a reason for her, he just didn’t want her to leave. He felt...something whenever they were in the same company. Something...different. A good different.
“Of course I can,” she said with a smirk lingering on her red lips. “You just can’t say anything.”
At that, she bolted in the direction at which the thump came from. She called out to the bellringer but was met with no response. Bucky followed the sound of her footsteps with his ears as she moved through the upper levels of the cathedral.
Just like that, she was out of his grasp again; leaving him to anticipate their next meeting.
Any type of feedback is greatly appreciated!
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