#sasamoto rena
vladlen4i · 13 days
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sketches and studies from absolutely beautiful musicals
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marleneoftheopera · 1 month
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Character photos of the principals for the Love Never Dies production in Tokyo!
Phantom: Masachika Ichimura, Ishimaru Kanji, Satoshi Hashimoto
Christine: Ayaka Hirahara, Rena Sasamoto, Maya Kiho
Raoul: Mari Tashiro, Kazuki Kato
Meg Giry: Madoka Hoshikaze, Konan Mayuko
Madame Giry: Kasu Tatsuki, Sumire Haruno
Side note: Rena previously played Meg in at least one of the runs in Tokyo, so she can be added to the Christine/Meg list!
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roadtophantom · 3 months
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Love Never Dies returns to the Japanese stage in January and February next year with a cast led by Ichimura Masachika, Ishimaru Kanji, and Hashimoto Satoshi as the Phantom, and Hirahara Ayaka, Sasamoto Rena, and Maya Kiho as Christine.
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sad-and-t1red · 6 months
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rudolf ~the last kiss~ — tokyo, japan (2008)
yoshio inoue (rudolf), rena sasamoto (mary vetsera), rina chinen (stephanie), kenji urai (pfeiffer), tatsuki kohju (larisch), kojiro oka (taaffe)
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chibimyumi · 4 years
Hi I have a question if you don't mind I would like to know what your thoughts are on the musical Marie Antoinette and what the story about and what for character Axel von Fersen is and what he does in the story? Thank you for answering my question
Dear Anon,
TOHO’s ‘M.A.’ is either my favourite or second favourite musical EVER. The story and script are SO well written, and the characters feel so real, I have never seen anything like it in the stage media form.
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The story focuses on two women with the initials M.A. (Marie Antoinette and Margrid Arnaud). These two women are legit the titular characters and never get their spotlights stolen by others. They are both equally strong and flawed characters in their own rights, no bullshit like ‘she is strong because of GIRL POWER’ or ‘she is strong for the sake of romance’. The writers had the guts to make Marie stupid and Margrid a vicious snake, but also had the skill of never dehumanising either.
I really hope that more people could watch this musical (I offer free English subtitles for A-Version in exchange for proof of legal ownership), so I without spoiling anything essential:
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This show starts with Fersen receiving news of Marie’s execution. He is well aware that the revolutionaries have grossly dirtied her name for the sake of propaganda, and mourns how the slanders about the Queen will be passed down as canon history. Indeed, the infamous phrases ‘let them eat cake’ or ‘madam deficit’ are what most of us get taught about her, but recent historic research has found that Marie Antoinette was in fact innocent of most claims against her name.
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In the prologue, Fersen reminisces about Marie as he knew her, and serves as some kind of narrator of the opening scene. As Fersen sings he brings the audience back in time to meet Marie Antoinette and the events before the revolution broke out.
Main Story
The main story opens on one evening in Paris. Margrid storms into a party organised by Duke d’Orléans where the Queen is also at. Margrid communicates the dire situation the common people are in, hoping that the people with the power to make a difference would open their eyes. The nobility however, seemed most unconcerned, and that event becomes a catalyst of the French Revolution.
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One of the most amazing things about this musical is the antagonist who wishes to remove the King and Queen, Duke d’Orléans. He has his own view on politics, and just like the people, he can no longer bear to watch France perishing under the incompetence of Louis XVI. This person is the man who would later be known as Philippe Égalité.
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He is played by Yoshihara Mitsuo, and the only single actor I have seen in ALL versions that managed to make this ‘villain’ a character so three-dimensional he could be the hero of his own story. In an interview Yoshihara said in accordance with his own performance:
“Can you imagine being the person who has the potential to provide for the French people, but having to witness the country suffer while doing nothing? From d’Orléans’ point of view, if he had not stood up to fight for the legal power to make a difference, he would have been the bad guy here.”
Margrid and d’Orléans decide to cooperate. With intelligence, ambitions and fierce hatred combined, their growing team manage to use the people’s bias against the foreign Queen to turn her into the scapegoat of the toxic monarchy.
Hans Axel von Furusen
Anon, since you asked, I shall do a mini-deep section on Count von Fersen played by Furukawa Yuta. (I only watched the version with Tashiro Fersen once, so I only have an ‘impression’ of him. If you are interested in Tashiro’s Fersen, I trust @wildandwhirlingwords would fill you in on him ^^)
⚠️ If you don’t want to spoiled then stop here! ⚠️
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Many would think that Fersen is the love interest of Marie Antoinette, and would therefore fulfill a main role in the musical, perhaps the tragic hero to whom the two M.A.s are the fuel of his heroism. But no, just like I said above, the two M.A.s are the legit titular characters of this production, and Fersen is support cast. Though a phenomenally important role, he never even threatens to take over the main spotlights.
The script for him is relatively minor in comparison to the two leads, but Furukawa’s amazing eye for detail has managed to flesh him out so thoroughly you still know exactly what type of person Furusen is. This ‘fleshed out result’ is something that I have yet to see in any other version of him, even in other musicals, mangas and movies.
Background and Personality
Fersen played by Furukawa is calm, fiercely intelligent, and a jaded war veteran. Having seen the American revolution first hand, he understands the   mechanisms behind mass dissatisfaction and the power of people’s anger. Furusen rushed back to Marie from whom he has separated for years to warn her against the dangers he foresees. As isolated as she is however, Marie cannot manage to understand what the war veteran is warning her against.
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“I have witnessed a revolution with my own eyes. I learned that much more than any cannon or rifle, it is thoughts and words that are powerful.”
Except worldly savviness, Furusen is likewise characterised by restraint. As Furukawa himself puts it:
“I tried to approach this role from a platonic perspective. He loves Marie deeply, and he realises very well that only by loving her platonically can she remain safe. Rather than proximity, the more sustainable way of love for them is restraint.”
Indeed, Furusen's love is not a fiery romance, instead it is more akin to courtly love. He constantly tries to maintain a safe distance from the Queen.
Finally Marie and Fersen manage to reunite after many years, and she eagerly grabs for his hand. Furusen’s expression however communicates clear concern, and he respectfully takes a step back.
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Furusen is not aloof towards Marie because he doesn’t love her anymore. In a later scene it becomes clear that his restraint is his ultimate display of love; he knows too well how Marie’s reputation can’t afford any more blemishes.
After they sing “because my love for you will never disappear,” Marie attempts to kiss him on his lips, but Furusen quickly dodges, silently reminding the Queen of their respective statuses as Lady and vassal. This is a very noteworthy detail that can only be seen between Furukawa’s Fersen and Sasamoto’s Marie. #HyperDetailedActing
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Another characteristic of Furusen is his immense frustration. Furusen is constantly desperately trying to find a way to save Marie. But with the ever-growing rumours of Marie whoring around, he finds himself bound hand and foot. If he takes action to help her Marie will be hurt; if he does nothing Marie will also be hurt.
Instead, this famed strategist finds his chances reduced to... being passive-aggressive... After d’Orléans had his first clear victory and the Royal entourage take their leaves, Furusen makes a show out of going up to his foe to warn him. They don’t exchange a single word, but the tension and history between these foes are clear as day.
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Furukawa and Yoshihara were very passionate about their roles, and they shared in a talk-show how both of them spent hours together discussing their histories. The amazing chemistry between them cannot be described in words, but the result of their character-building are self-evident in the musical. (Click here for an in-joke between these actors.)
Masculinity and Aura
Furusen displays a very gentle, non-toxic kind of masculinity. As discussed above, he knows when to restrain himself, and he knows when to admit wrong. He is also not shy to show vulnerability, COMMUNICATE, and shed some genuine tears.
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Generally he just displays a very elegant type of masculinity, never taking up more space than anybody else. It is very pleasant to watch!
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Furusen is not just elegant though! He also displays a very sassy and sarcastic side that are evidence of his highly critical mind.
In this post I expanded on Furusen’s sass, but to put it very short; Furusen is REALLY funny too. In the race against the clock to evacuate the King and Queen, the King steps out of the carriage and suggests they go for a leisurely picnic, and dismisses Fersen. Unable to defy the King’s command, Furusen then makes a cross while ROLLING his eyes.
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So yes, I can’t tell you why exactly M.A. is one of my all time favourite musicals without spoiling the critical things, so I highly, HIGHLY recommend you buy the musical for yourself.
I know this DVD is very expensive, and normally I would not dare suggest anybody just spend this amount of money based on my word. But please, this one will surely NOT disappoint you!
If you really are unsure, @wildandwhirlingwords hosts live-streams from time to time, and she told me she is also willing to take requests if she has the time/capacity. She hosts the streams without subtitles out of respect for me (thank you, dear), but she does give live commentary to explain the essentials. Her blog is absolutely great and contains lots of interesting info about Japanese musicals, and M.A. specifically ^^
Here is the purchase link of Version A (Furukawa x Sasamoto x Sonim) from TOHO Mall.
MASTERPOST How to buy DVDs/BDs, and get Free English subtitles from me.
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[Video] 地球ゴージャス25周年祝祭公演「星の大地に降る涙 THE MUSICAL」(chikyuu gorgeous 25 shuunen shukusai kouen ~ hoshi no daichi ni kudaru namida the musical)
the Blu-ray will be released on February 3rd, 2021☆ ☆ ☆
☆ Blu-ray         ♪ Amazon ☆ Blu-ray         ♪ CD Japan
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chiyamabunny · 5 years
Miyano Mamoru LINE Blog: 2020/1/8 (Eng. Translation)
笹本玲奈マリーア! Sasamoto Rena Maria! 2020/1/8 21:25
「ブロードウェイ・ミュージカル ウエスト・サイド・ストーリー in ステージアラウンド Season1」 “Broadway Musical: West Side Story in Stage Around Season1”
本日の公演で、 Today's performance,
なんと、 Somehow,
なんと、、 Somehow、、
笹本玲奈マリアとの組み合わせが、 Combination with Sasamoto Rena's Maria,
最後でございました、、、。 It was the last、、、。
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今日の公演、、、 Today's performance、、、
ヤバかった。 Was terrific.
魂震えた。 My soul shook.
最後おれ、 At the end, I,
記憶無くなるほどだったなぁ、、、 Got to the point where I pretty much lost my memory, didn't I、、、
立ち直れないかと思った。 I thought I wouldn't be able to recover.
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玲奈ちゃんから、 From Rena-chan,
本当に本当に、たくさんの感情をもらいました。 I really received so, so many emotions.
すごい女優と出会えた。。。 I've met an amazing actress。。。
役者としての新たな自分を、 As a new actor myself,
たくさん引き出してもらった。 I was able to draw forth a lot out.
一緒にお芝居するのが、心底楽しかった。 To be able to perform together, I was happy from the bottom of my heart.
心から感謝です。 I'm thankful from the bottom of my heart.
リスペクトです。 I have respect.
可憐で、強くて、純粋で、 Sweet, strong, pure and genuine,
愛情の深い玲奈マリア。 Loving kind-hearted Rena Maria.
一緒に生きてくれて、 For having lived together with me,
本当に本当にありがとう。 Thank you so so much.
トニーより。 From Tony.
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そして!! And!!
最後に!! At last!!
蔵出しマモレナ写真、大公開!!(笑) Delivery of Mamo Rena photos, a great release to the public!!(lol)
かなり前に、 From a while ago,
実は、 Actually,
NHK総合「うたコン」で共演してまして、 During NHK General "Utacon" we co-starred,
まだ「ウエスト・サイド・ストーリー」発表前だったので、 Since it was before "West Side Story" was announced,
出しそびれてた写真です(笑) I wasn't able to post this photo(lol)
実はこの時に、 Actually during this time,
「舞台よろしくお願いしますーーー!」ってしてました(笑) "We're looking forward to the stageーーー!" is what this was(lol)
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Announcement] 地球ゴージャス25周年祝祭公演「星の大地に降る涙 THE MUSICAL」(chikyuu gorgeous 25 shuunen shukusai kouen ~ hoshi no daichi ni kudaru namida the musical)
the show will be running from March 10th, 2020 to April 13th, 2020 (Chiba) @ 舞浜アンフィシアター (Maihama Amphitheater) & May 3rd, 2020 to May 14th, 2020 (Osaka) @ フェスティバルホール (Festival Hall)
Arata Makkenyuu Sasamoto Rena  Matsumoto Toshio   Kozuki Wataru Manaka Ayu Shima Yuika Izuka Kenta Matsuuchi Tsukasa Oohira Shunya Oomine Takumi Usui Nao Harada Osamu Kamiya Naoki Ogose Ikuko Taguchi Ena Sunazuka Kento Katou Mao Ooto Tomomi Sakura Suzuki Momoka Ori Saori Takagi Yuzukijirou Sarry Sugiyama Marika Aoyama Erika Kouda Asaka Naiki Katsuhiro Tanabe Hirohito Takagi Aki Chikushi Shuraku Satou Shiori Mori Kumiko Kishitani Gorou Terawaki Yasufumi
homepage twitter natalie
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brooke-the-poet · 6 years
TOHO's Marie Antoinette 2018.
September 15th, 2018 Curtain Call.
Marie Antoinette: Sasamoto Rena
Marguerite Arnaud: Kon Natsumi
Fersen: Furukawa Yuta
It's incredibly adorable when you're so nervous you call the man whose been playing your lover for the last 2 hours by the affectionate suffix "kun", forgetting the formality for a second.
More cast info in English:
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margridarnauds · 4 years
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Hanafusa Marie and Rena Sasamoto in the titular role of Toho’s Stage’s 2021 production of Marie Antoinette das Musical
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queengurako · 4 years
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Some pictures by Sonim (via her instagram) of Marie-Antoinette musical’s cast from Toho Stage.  
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aramajapan · 6 years
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Kis-My-Ft2, Aimyon, Suzuki Airi, and More Perform on Utacon for February 5
This week’s guests were Matsudaira Ken, Sakai Masaaki, Kis-My-Ft2, Miyama Hiroshi, Park Junyoung, Kawakami Daisuke, Sanada Naoki, Suzuki Airi, Sasamoto Rena, Aimyon, Sakamoto Fuyumi. Matsudaira Ken x Cast – Matsuken Samba II Sakai Masaaki x Cast – Kitakaze Kozou no...
Read more on aramajapan.com
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drinkwithhyde · 5 years
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Jekyll and Hyde the musical 2018 Japanese version
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combatwarrior · 5 years
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2020 02 18 Sae’s twitter (1) (2)
Mamo’s blog
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Musical theatre performers from Japan (+ Ramin) sing ‘Do You Hear The People Sing?’ (民衆の歌) from Les Misérables
Shows at Home Project: https://showsathome.wixsite.com/showsathome
Japanese Lyrics by 岩谷時子 (Tokiko Iwatani)
Cast: 浦井健治 (Kenji Urai) | 大原櫻子 (Sakurako Ohara) | 音月桂 (Kei Otozuki) | 尾上松也 (Matsuya Onoe) | 海宝直人 (Naoto Kaiho) | 加藤和樹 (Kazuki Kato) | 加藤清史郎 (Seishiro Kato) | 上山竜治 (Ryuji Kamiyama) | Crystal Kay | 小南満佑子 (Mayuko Kominami) | 小西遼生 (Ryosei Konishi) | 昆夏美 (Natsumi Kon) | 斉藤 慎二 (Shinji Saitov) | 咲妃みゆ (Miyu Sakihi) | 笹本玲奈 (Rena Sasamoto) | 佐藤隆紀 (Takanori Sato) | 清水彩花 (Ayaka Shimizu) | 城田優 (Yu Shirota) | 田代万里生 (Mario Tashiro) | 中川晃教 (Akinori Nakagawa) | 西川大貴 (Taiki Nishikawa) | 愛希れいか (Manaki Reika) | 三浦涼介 (Ryouske Miura) | 宮澤エマ (Emma Miyazawa) | 濱田めぐみ (Megumi Hamada) | 原田優一 (Yuichi Harada) | 平原綾香 (Ayaka Hirahara) | フランク莉奈 (Rina Frank) | Ramin Karimloo | 山崎育三郎 (Ikusaburo Yamazaki) | 
Chorus: 石田佳名子 (Kanako Ishida) | 川島大典 (Daisuke Kawashima) | 木南清香 (Sayaka Kinami) | 杉浦奎介 (Keisuke Sugiura) | 持木悠 (Yu Mochiki) | 横田剛基 (Yoshiki Yokota) | 
Pf.奥田祐 (Yu Okuda) | Drs.岩根圭佑 (Keisuke Iwane) | Gt.川相賢太郎 (Kentaro Kawai) | Bs.遠藤優樹 (Yuuki Endo) | Vn.地行美穂 (Miho Chigyo) | 
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springawakeningfan · 3 years
KAAT Spring Awakening (Japan) Links 2017 e 2019
KAAT「春のめざめ」= nome em japones
na wikipedia da play de spring awakening menciona que essas duas versões são versões DA PLAY e NAO DO MUSICAL 
as versões de 2017 e de 2019 foram dirigidas por Akira Shirai e do KAAT JP produções
entrevista no youtube da versao de 2019
post no site oficial do KAAT
twitter oficial
2014 Performed as a reading drama at the Galaxy Theater
Starring: Hiroki Aiba Ayumu Nakajima Rena Sasamoto Kouhei Takeda Yuya Kido Louis Kurihara Miki Yokota Eiko Kanazawa Akiyoshi Sakurai
trailer da versao de 2017
Jun Shison = Melchior da versao de 2017 -> post sobre
Haruna Sawada = Wendla da versão de 2017 -> entrevista
Postagem sobre o diretor
post completao
postagem sobre a producao com datas e etc
playbill sla
post do theatre times sobre (post em ingles)
videos com o cast
video 1
video 2
video 3
post completao com fotos lindas
outro post completo com fotos lindas
OUTRO post com fotos lindas
Kentaro Ito = Melchior da versão de 2019
Louis Kurihara “Kurihara” = Moritz da versão de 2019 ,citado aqui
Natsumi Okamoto = Wendla “Vendra” da versão de 2019
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