herbgerblin · 4 years
yea anon is pretty much right - trav did a panel w/ a bunch of dms (ik matt mercer was there and i think griffin joined) and trav said it got him super hype so they were doing an ep a week for 3 wks :) some ppl think it's to try and wrap up grad but i dont think he's said anything about that (i havent listened to the new ep tho but i always listen to ads so if he says something i'll let you know lol)
part of me is :< at the thought that trav is trying to wrap up grad, I feel like they still have a lot to cover, (I think my biggest concern with amnesty was the lack of breathing room.) But the campaign is going great and I am not complaining about looking forward to taz again next week :>
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jzixuans · 3 years
"turns out i do miss them a little bit" YEA omg that gifset of Virgil and Logan I- :(( miss them now
yeah  😔
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terezis · 4 years
Have you listened to cr s1?? I’m wondering if there are ever those kind of TAZ-esque moments like finding out Magnus is a Red Robe or that the Voidfish actually had a child - those kind of “oh SHIT” moments when the plot like totally unfurls before you. Does CR have those? I feel like that’s something that made TAZ, especially Balance, so absolutely amazing to me
oh big agree about taz!!! 
i watched campaign one in a rly dumb way (clicking around to whichever plot point sounded interesting at the time) so if there were plot twists, they probably had less of an impact on me... tbh i think most of the ones i was interested in come towards the latter half of the story as well. the last twenty or so episodes, even.
imo campaign two has more of those moments? LOL so you might have better luck there if that’s what you’re looking for :0
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barry-j-blupjeans · 4 years
No stop now that you’ve said Lup as Anastasia- stop I can’t handle the emotions rn
i was gonna write something just to make u suffer, but my writing isn’t working rn (rip), so instead I will GO OFF on who I think is who
obvi spoilers for Anastasia (broadway version) ((u can find it on youtube, WINK))
but there listen-
Anastasia/Anya - Lup, obviously. I like playing around with Lup having amnesia/lost memories instead of Taako, I think it’s fun. + Anastasia is generally a really strong character by the end of the play? I really think the “memories are covered in flames” thing fits Lup and she’s also very certain about what she wants, even if she doesn’t know why. 
In particular, these lines have Lup vibes: Traveling the back roads, sleeping in the wood Taking what I needed, working when I could Keeping up my courage, foolish as it seems At night all alone in my dreams
more under the cut bc this got kinda long I'm so sorry slfkdksldf
Dmitry - Barry, again, obviously. He’s the love interest. Barry and Dmitry differ in several ways, but there’s also the factor that we’d have to change a bit of Barry’s backstory, which would make him more like Dmitry in the end. If he grew up on the streets, having the steal n cheat n stuff, then he’d be a lot less of a timid person and more like,, more like he was in Here There Be Gerblins, I think slkdfsfdkl. Tho not as asshole-y without reason.
Barry vibes: Boils down to There are some Who have walls Yet to climb You and I On the fly Just in time But tonight There’s a sky And quite a view
Vlad - Merle. Merle, Merle, Merle. Look, I just think it’s funny slkdfjlds. but also it kinda fits Merle? Vlad is very,, he’s an asshole but he cares about you. In the play, when they first meet Anya, he helps her feel better w/ food n stuff and listens to what she has to say seriously. They both share that “i will cause problems on purpose” vibes.
Merle vibes: (lksdfjlkdsjf) And though I know I've grown a tiny bit gray Some women say I look distinguished this way I'll bow as if I'm still a frisky young pup Let's hope that I can straighten up! If she says no, we'll all lay low And we'll go from there!
Lily - Lucretia. This is a part I’d have to change, obviously, bc in the play, Lily and Vlad are together. I like the idea of Merle being like “i’ll seduce her to get us in” and then lucretia’s not having any of that shit. + lucretia would be like “the right hand man” of the Dowager Empress, which I think fits, bc I can see lucretia as both a comforting person and a “get shit done” person. and having kinda crazy parties in the background. she deserves it. 
Lucretia vibes: The Dowager is coming But she's running very late. I'm certain that her majesty Will set the record straight. But royalty is royalty. One always has to wait—Wait, wait! I'm really not at liberty To gossip with the press! Her majesty is coming And till then you'll have to guess!
Empress - Taako. The empress is Anya’s only living relative. I’ve got an idea that Taako and Lup’s aunt each took them to Paris for the summer, but could only take one at a time. because of this, taako was away when the palace was attacked and never returned to Russia. eventually, their aunt dies, leaving taako the supposed sole heir. but he still wants to believe lup is alive somewhere and says he’ll pay whoever can prove that she’s lup, thus leading to the whole plot. the empress is generally very no-bullshit but does gain respect when they stand up to her bc no one has ever done that, yknow.
Taako vibes: These strangers Sent packing What do they expect? So grasping So lacking Why not be direct?
Gleb - Magnus. We need a Gleb and I think Magnus would fit and here’s why!!! Gleb is certain he’s doing the right thing at the start of the play. He was in the revolution against the royals, or at least his father was, and grew up doing what he thought was right. Gleb does fall for Anya, yea, but we could always twist that to be like,, Magnus doesn’t have the heart to kill her. Not just bc he loves her, just bc he doesn’t do that kinda thing. 
Magnus vibes: The children Their voices A man makes painful choices He does what’s necessary, Anya For Russia, my beauty What choice but simple duty We have a past to bury, Anya
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vvanite · 3 years
I follow you bc you’re my friend!! And I started following you bc fellow East Asian in the fandom and we had good good discussions
AWWW YEAHH ty and love you sassy :> and yes we gotta stick together east asian solidarity 🤝
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I asked my friend once what she thought my aesthetic was and she just said “like 2016 tumblr” I-
the real question is did she mean it like a compliment or an insult
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goodcastlegazette · 4 years
please @sassycc8 and I need to know for science ;-;
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bewarethelavender · 4 years
@sassycc8 is bullying me for liking warrior cats!!!! she’s proudly warriorphobic, make sure to block her and stay safe!!!!!!!!!!
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21 Questions
I got tagged by @weartirondad !! *very hyped*
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Answers by me:
1.) Height: 160cm
2.) Zodiac: Scorpio 
3.) Last movie I saw: The Favourite (I didn’t like how it ended but i really like the way it was told)
4.) Favorite Musician: Lorde is literally all I listen to
5.) Favorite Author: Almost impossible to decide but let’s try. Jay Kristoff, Leigh Bardugo, Erin Morgenstern, Margaret Atwood and newly added to the list - Nikita Gill (I will die for every sentence she writes.)
6.) Favorite Fanfiction: Haven’t read fanfiction in a really long time, but i read those small text post fanfictions of iron dad and victuuri.
7.) Favorite Movie: Can’t even. Should narrow this a little more. 
9.) Play any instruments? Nope, not gifted, nor trained. I learnt Kathak for some time when i was young.
10.) Random fact: I recently got bangs?! (is this okay?)
11.) Lucky number: I don’t believe in luck, but just to spite everyone and everything, I choose 13.
12.) Do you get asks?: Nope. I am not famous so, *shrugs*
13.) Favorite fandom(s)? MCU, I guess.
14.) Favorite song: What’s Up Danger?  since i saw Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
15.) What are you wearing?: A weird green coloured tee
16.) Hair color: dark brown
17.) Eye color: also dark brown
18.) Favorite food: after not having homemade food for so long - anything my mum makes 
19.) Hobbies: reading, writing, binge-watching TV
20.) Favorite weather: light drizzle
21.) Favorite superhero(s): Iron Man, Okoye, Nakia, The Wasp
And now for the 21 people to tag, just gonna tag the people from the notes my only post ever - @sassycc8, @panicislife, @writeinmysoul, @bio415, @sparklycreampuff, @theblairtrilogy, @aliceandjaspersbitch, @cityoftheflower-cityofmon, @tonystark4evr, @hyperfixations-and-stuff, @justanotherloserwithoutfriends, @anxious-af-but-fandoms, @pandimensionaltraveler, @trinitybailey2003, @vanalovesvillains, @sad-kkid, @eitherfeline, @xofannaaah, @brightsky0417, @wolvenstormsstuff, and @qruacktastic
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herbgerblin · 4 years
is krav's dialogue in mongoose just the squirrel speak from Emperor's New Groove- (but also i love the new piece omg)
yes, the idea is @asimovsideburns and I’ve been wanting to draw this for a week
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jzixuans · 4 years
ahahaha I feel your tags about the Sanders Sides thing
I’m still tryna be kinda active bc I’m still writing fics and stuff but tbh at this point I’ve been writing them so long they feel closer to my own characters than from a series (if that makes any sense)
Honestly I just watch the new vids when they come out but I don’t rly interact with the fandom anymore 😅
lol yeah rip sanders sides hyperfixation 2018-2020
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jzixuans · 4 years
Blink I’m on ep 20 of grad should I be scared-
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jzixuans · 4 years
The John mulaney in my head is constantly going “okay, okay! okay, okay! okay, okay!” between my rational thoughts and my bullsh*t
god me though
Tumblr media
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jzixuans · 4 years
Happy Sanders Day 🥺
happy sanders sides day!
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jzixuans · 4 years
They did NOT do the red and blue motif with Luke and Reggie, stop-
lowkey lowkey i've started shipping them unironically lmao but like. just a lil bit in the background
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jzixuans · 4 years
blinkkk how did you link your tag in your desc. bc i've been trying for a bit now and it ain't workin out :/
update im a genius and figured it out (i clicked on your tag and copied the url you used but changed the details to my blog-)
ah okay good lmao bc i wouldn’t have been able to tell you right off the bat
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