eufoniasdelarteemm · 9 months
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librosyfragmentos · 1 year
Las partes del juego deberían quedar con un sentimiento de razonable y recíproca satisfacción, a la luz del principio esencial de que no es dado tenerlo todo.
ECO, Umberto: "Dire quasi la stessa cosa. Esperienze di traduzione". Bompiani, Milano, 2003, p. 18.
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Aunque el bienestar no parezca ser para siempre... Siempre hay que ser agradecidos
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byfa · 6 months
Cuando haya obligación no hay diversión porque después viene la satisfacción.
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prof-gutierrezf · 8 months
Tener un pasatiempo se relaciona con menor depresión y mayor satisfacción vital
Pasatiempos relacionados con niveles más bajos de depresión entre las personas mayores Compromiso con pasatiempos y bienestar mental entre personas de 65 años o más en 16 paísesResumenEl envejecimiento de la población en aumento representa una amenaza para la salud mundial debido a los desafíos sociales y psicológicos que experimentan. Para mitigar esto, muchos países promueven la participación…
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deepnightcowboy · 9 months
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A las chicas realmente les gusta que le hagan esto?
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Diccionario mundifinista parte 54:
Adultarado: Adulto tarado.
Cordura: Fingir demencia, hacer de cuenta que todo está bien, o que todo va a salir bien, o que aunque todo está mal podemos con eso, lo soportamos.
Insomnio: Perderse en la vigilia, no encontrar el camino de vuelta.
Literal: Personas que por ejemplo ven una película de Spiderman y la critican porque es imposible que alguien adquiera poderes por la picadura de una araña del tipo que sea.
Nadear: No hacer nada mientras se hace algo, o hacer algo al pedo.
Preso: Hay dos tipos: quienes están en la cárcel y quienes están de uniforme (policial o militar).
Salud: Concepto abstracto manipulado vilmente por la medicina, farmacéuticas, clínicas “estéticas”, gimnasios, tiendas deportivas, ciertos nutricionistas y otros cómplices para inyectarte culpa y paranoia en tu organismo, agentes muy eficientes para hacerte soltar toda la plata que tengas en busca de la aceptación y la inmortalidad.
Satélite: Cuerpo que gira alrededor tuyo atraído por vos. Quiere vínculo de pareja y vos querés vínculo de amistad, pero no le importa, queda ahí dando vueltas en órbita conformista geoestacionaria. Es fácil de reconocer porque eventualmente le ves ojitos de perro mojado bajo la lluvia.
Satisfacción: Lo que llega al final de una venganza exitosa.
Sigla: P.Q.S.F.C.L.L.I.D.U.F.O.D.N.D.U.I. (Palabra que se forma con las letras iniciales de una frase o del nombre de una institución).
Silencio: Sonido de la nada.
Sol: Estrella cancerígena más cercana a un planeta.
Sufrir: Lo que estaba escrito con letra chica en el contrato que firmamos cuando aceptamos esto de vivir.
Torpe: Yo tratando de arreglar cualquier cosa que se rompa en casa.
Urano: El culo del sistema solar.
Vacaciones: Simulacro de libertad.
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Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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eltiolouis · 1 year
Que rico
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prontaentrega · 15 days
hay que matar a martin menem
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gmolasherl · 1 year
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La #noche te #proveerá de muchas #satisfacciones #GmolasherL #Majestic #Zelena #Esteban https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl49IikOqFj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lizveroworlds-blog · 4 months
Sus palabras me dejaron impregnado el deseo en la piel, no podía apartarlo de mi mente que lo imaginaba allí, junto a mi desnudez,
provocándome a sentirlo migrar de lo profundo, justo donde surge el inagotable manantial de mi ser.
A merced de su voz que palpitaba fuerte en mi interior no dude nunca en dejarme hacer, no admití razones para la entrega que a medida que transcurría se volvía cada vez más intensa.
Por cada poro exude el placer de ser uno con él, abriendo paso al descaro una vez lo tuve preso de mis ganas y me mantuve saboreando de sus colmadas ansias que me atrapan.
Subyugados al encuentro nos reclamamos por derecho a pertenecernos, después de haber desfallecido a las puertas del pecado y renacer con ese último suspiro, empapados.
Pd. Entregada al dominio de su mente que me arrastra, satisfacciones.
Angel Liz
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sinfonia-relativa · 11 months
Quizá es él la más bonita de todas mis equivocaciones, un error del confuso destino que me causaría dolores terribles, pero también las más extraordinarias satisfacciones.
Efimera Lunar Intemporal
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Los pensamientos son los generadores de nuestras acciones, si son positivos las satisfacciones llegarán pronto.
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seariii · 7 months
My take on Kotoko as a morally gray person, about a morally gray character who thinks in black and white
first of all, i absolutely love this woman, so all of this comes from a kotoko enjoyer, but when talking about canon i can not turn the blind eye to the wrongs she has done. i will talk about my perception of her murder, of her as a character and about her beating up the guilty prisoners (i will put this emoji 🐺 when i jump subjects just to keep it organized)
this next phrase is my personal take, i know some will disagree with me and thats okay, which also works as a tl;dr:
Kotoko didnt do anything wrong outside the prison, but she did wrong inside of it
i know beating up people isnt actually good, but she did research upon research to get to the bottom of the cases she was investigating and found the culprits this way. "but she could've brought them upon justice" and you arent wrong about that, but the victim she actually murdered, even when his identity was revealed to the public, the law didnt bring justice upon him.
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screenshots & translations from @/maristelina (i didnt put everything in here, if you wanna check all the articles, please go check on their post!)
her victim was a child murderer, he had already killed 10 girls in 2 years, but even then, he was still free because of his father’s position of power. 
then we have her other victim, the man she beat up and sent to the hospital
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there are a couple articles dedicated to this one. but a quick run down: the man, Mikio Oshii, was wanted for theft and assault, having tricked at least 2 or 3 elderly people, pretending to be a bank employee, and convincing them to hand over cash, he pushed one of his victims, fracturing her ankle. 
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then we have the article about Kotoko’s assault. again a quick run down: someone heard screaming and found a man lying on the ground, who had lost consciousness after being beaten up, and was taken to the hospital. the police suspects a man (kotoko was wearing men’s sneakers and covering herself up). the victim was wanted for theft and assault charges and was Mikio Oshii.
further proving that she was aiming at people who prayed on the weak, she had good intentions (at least at first), and we also have the facts that she was trying to go through the lawful(?) path at first 
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she was studying law, showing us that she genuinely believed her cause, bringing justice to the world and protecting the innocent, or “weaklings” as she calls them, more on that later.  that she was gonna try and go for the morally correct route, but what changed? what is that thing she “wants to do”? i hope we get to see her reasoning on the next trial. for now i agree with the theory that says that her or her family was victim of someone like the guy that was above law for having money and a father with a position of power. showing her the flaws of the law/justice system and thus taking matters into her own hands.
🐺 i personally believe that there are some people who dont deserve second chances, like pedos and rapists, and like the man kotoko murdered, between others. so this is why i forgive her from her crimes. she did proper research, she is passionate about it, she wants to protect the weak, or thats what she tries to convince herself of, because this brings me to my next point
she does have those violent tendencies, and she enjoys them
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“this feels so good”
this is from the t1 trailer, people suspect this were phrases they said after their murders. so i think there is a possibility that while she was trying to convince herself that her actions were for justice, to try and protect the weak, and i dont doubt that that was where it came from at first, she ended up doing it out of personal enjoyment.
i once read that “if you do a good deed because you want to do it, it means that you arent a good person. to be a good person you need to do good deeds without wanting something in return” meaning that you should be uninterested on even the satisfaccion of said deed. this is a phrase that i absolutely hate and dont agree with, but i think it applies in here. kotoko was trying to do something “good” (morality is on the bearer’s eyes) by bringing to justice people who kept escaping it, by taking revenge for those weaklings she so desperately wants to protect, and while thats her main motivation, she also does it because she wants to.
i believe my girl has a thirst for power. she is self righteous, the way she refers to the people she wants to protect as “weaklings” its like shes putting them down in some way, the way on her VD she just wants to keep rambling about her theories, the way she inserted herself on Mikoto’s interrogation, the way she just assumes Es’ intentions and doesnt seem to accept when they call her out on it. she doesnt listen to others at all and once her mind is set on something, there is nothing that can move her from there. she isnt a good person…. but also, she isnt a bad person, and i feel that the fandom forgets those two statements can coexist. even if she sees herself as a saint, and firmly believes that she did nothing wrong, thats because
🐺 her world view is black and white. and this is why while i condone her actions on her murder, i do not condone her actions of beating up the guilty prisoners.
a lot of the prisoners have a black and white morality, heck, milgram itself as a system IS black and white. and from what i’ve read, a lot of the fandom also thinks in black and white. all of which i find extremely… interesting…. tbf its the nd majority vote game about nd murderers on the nd website, so makes sense (im half joking, sorry)
kotoko attacked the guilty prisoners because thats what she had been doing, and thats what she got voted innocent for on t1 (i wasnt around). but no one told her to do that, she acted on her own, she misinterpreted her judgment and forced her opinions and methods on others, claiming it were Es’, without their knowledge and without ours.
as a side note, when i first got into the fandom, i found surprising to see that kotoko was inno and fuuta was guilty on t1, since from my perspective their crimes are basically the same, they both exposed and harrowed “bad” people.
i make a lot of emphasis on black and white thinking, since its something im familiarized with, for example lets talk Amane since its her trial is still going
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she is the type of girl who will correct other’s mistakes, who will call them out and try to fix them so that the others can be right, like her. her truth is absolute and even when it flails, she stands her ground and proceeds to believe in herself and her views of the world. in what i said, you could re read that and it would also apply to kotoko, and just like her, Amane also convinced herself of doing something she wanted to do by telling herself it was the right thing to do. kotoko’s “protecting the weaklings” directly translates to amane’s “punishing her mother for her sins (hurting the cat)”. so while in both cases there were hidden feelings, something tells me neither of the girls knew about their own ulterior motives, thats how well they convinced themselves.
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people who think in black and white just see it as it is, right or wrong, left or right, green or blue, there is no other choice but those two. and from my personal experiences with myself and with others, its something you end up applying in almost every aspect of your life and its really difficult to change up this way of thinking. beginning to see the grays of the world and its other options its not an easy task without some proper help
overall, i dont believe she was right for hurting the guilty prisoners, and fuuta losing his eye because of her gives me a horrible gut feeling. overall, it also ties on her need for power, since she firmly believes shes Es’ “fang”, thus reducing herself a weapon for justice, not implementing her own judgment anymore, but someone else’s, ours, which my problem with her actions in this scenario. i firmly believe that if outside the prison she had came across mahiru or fuuta, she wouldn’t have attacked them, but  after her t1 inno, and getting her ideals supported, her beliefs became radical, and now shes going based on our ideals, our judgments, our right or wrong, our black and white morality, MILGRAM’s black and white morality.
🐺 im still a kotoko inno truther, and i love her, shes my favorite character. but i dont expect her to get innocent this trial, as she did wrong. i dont want to say it was our fault that she harmed the other prisoners, since we had no way of knowing this would happen. in retrospect we can say whatever we want, but none of us can read the future. 
i dont even have a real argument on why you should vote her innocent “shes pretty” is not good enough lmao… but who knows, maybe we will see something that makes her worthy of an inno vote on her second trial a few months from now (not counting on it, probably wont be enough)
in the end i wrote this because im really passionate about this character and her black and white views on the world (shes so intense). and because this beautiful person @archivalofsins told me to "keep talking about kotoko" and i have zero self control regarding this fictional woman.
🐺 i believe with the help of a third party, someone who could act as a moral compass to her and could teach her that the world has more colors, more choices, and if she actually learns about this, she would end up being an amazing thing. 
also, if the theory about her being an accomplice of the serial killer turns out to be true, i will puke and cry :) 
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esuemmanuel · 15 days
When the night comes, and I find myself covered by the stars, I can't help but think of you. It's been a long time since I let you go, but it still makes me nostalgic for what I experienced with you. Sometimes, I miss that naive child I was, because it brought me many satisfactions that I never thought I would lose once everything between us was over. I still miss me with you, even though before you that didn't happen to me, because I was free… even from me. I have grown and matured, it has hurt, but I have endured, even though this feeling of not being the same keeps taking away my will to go on. I cling to continue as if the one who died for my sake will come back to me; perhaps I have the hope that I can revive him. Well, at least some of his naivety is still intact in the adult who mourns him every night that comes and sees himself without him.
Cuando llega la noche, y me encuentro cubierto por las estrellas, no puedo evitar pensar en ti. Ha pasado ya bastante tiempo de que te dejé ir, pero sigue causándome nostalgia lo que viví contigo. A veces, extraño a aquel niño ingenuo que fui, porque me traía muchas satisfacciones que jamás pensé iba a perder una vez que todo lo nuestro terminara. Sigo extrañándome contigo, aunque antes de ti eso no me pasara, porque era libre… hasta de mí. He crecido y madurado, me ha dolido, pero he aguantado, aunque este sinsabor de no ser el mismo sigue quitándome las ganas de seguir. Me aferro a continuar como si fuese a regresar a mí el que murió por mi causa; quizás tengo la esperanza de poderlo revivir. Bueno, al menos algo de su ingenuidad sigue intacta en el adulto que lo llora cada que llega la noche y se ve sin él.
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beautifulblueheart · 7 months
Las acciones buenas que cosechas en tu corazón es lo que te dará más satisfacciones en la Vida 
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