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GARDEN BARDINI - The statues of Bacco abd Cerere and the Basilica of the Holy Cross, Florence, ITALY
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iridediluce · 3 months
Figurina di Demetra seduta Mark Cartwright Demetra era una delle divinità più antiche dell’antico pantheon greco . Demetra era la dea dell’agricoltura e garantiva la fertilità della terra. Ha protetto sia l’agricoltura che la vegetazione. Lo stretto legame con la terra è stato ereditato dalla madre di Demetra, Rea . Demetra era probabilmente una reincarnazione delle dee locali della Madre Terra…
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netmassimo · 2 months
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Un articolo pubblicato sulla rivista "Communications Earth & Environment" riporta la scoperta di aree ricche di ammonio nelle celebri macchie bianche sul pianeta nano Cerere. Un team di ricercatori composto da Maria Cristina De Sanctis, Filippo Giacomo Carrozzo, Mauro Ciarniello, Simone De Angelis, Marco Ferrari, Alessandro Frigeri e Andrea Raponi dell'INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) IAPS (Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali) di Roma e da Eleonora Ammanito dell'ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) hanno esaminato dati raccolti dalla sonda spaziale Dawn della NASA concentrandosi sul cratere Dantu per identificare questi composti, che includono un nuovo sale di ammonio.
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luigiviazzo · 1 year
Il Delfino astronomico nuota a est della brillante Altair, α Aquilae, e trovandosi proprio sopra all’equatore celeste, è visibile ovunque con l'eccezione dell’Antartide sulla cui verticale brilla il Polo Sud Celeste., 
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dimensionesogno · 2 years
In fieri, signori in carrozza, prendete i vostri quattro stracci, si parte, si parte per l’Oriente con l’Express, per amoreggiare con Mata Hari, per guarire il putinot dal cancro alla prostata e l’osel putinel dal male oscuro del sangue infetto. Si parte per curare la depressione e la guerra, l’Alzheimer nel mondo e la sola igiene dei popoli, si va da santa Lucia stazione a santa Lucia badia, da…
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
Love is in the air! (La propriu) Cerere in casatorie la “inaltime”!
Love is in the air! (La propriu) Cerere in casatorie la “inaltime”!
Love is in the air! (La propriu)🛫 Pe zborul Craiova-Monastir am avut parte de o surpriza romantica – o cerere in casatorie la “inaltime”. Un mod inedit de a-si pecetlui iubirea si viitorul. Multa fericire si o viata “fara turbulente”. Multumim echipajului HiSky care a surprins momentul.
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blueiskewl · 1 month
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‘Ancient Roman’ Solar Roof Tiles Power Pompeii Villa
Ancient Roman ruins at Pompeii have been fitted with invisible solar panels, in a move that will contribute to the archaeological site’s sustainability efforts and cut costs. The innovative panels, which blend into the background by imitating traditional materials, were installed on the House of Cerere, on a thermopolium — a Roman snack bar — and on the House of the Vettii, which recently reopened following 20 years of restoration work.
“They look exactly like the terracotta tiles used by the Romans, but they produce the electricity that we need to light the frescoes,” said Gabriel Zuchtriegel, the director of the archaeological park of Pompeii, in a press release.
Each year, 3.5 million tourists explore the vast ruins of the ancient Roman city, which was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. But due to Pompeii’s size, energy bills are expensive and conventional methods of providing power across the site can threaten its appearance.
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“Pompeii is an ancient city which in some spots is fully preserved,” Zuchtriegel said. “Since we needed an extensive lighting system, we could either keep consuming energy, leaving poles and cables around and disfiguring the landscape, or choose to respect it and save millions of euros.” The new technology will help the archaeological site to cut energy bills and make it more enjoyable, he added.
The invisible solar panels — or “traditional PV tiles” as they are technically known — were created by the Italian company Dyaqua. They can be designed to appear like stone, wood, concrete or brick, and hidden on walls, floors and roofs, according to Elisabetta Quagliato, whose family owns Dyaqua, in the press statement.
“We are an archaeological site but we also want to be a real-life lab for sustainability and the valorization of intangible heritage,” Zuchtriegel said. “Our initiative is not merely symbolic. Through the million tourists who visit us every year, we want to send a message to the world: cultural heritage can be managed differently and in a more sustainable way.”
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Other locations in Italy using the invisible solar technology are the commune of Vicoforte in Italy and, soon, Rome’s contemporary art museum Maxxi. Public buildings in Evora, Portugal, and Split, Croatia will also install the panels, according to the press statement.
Pompeii’s recent use of these panels is just the beginning, Zuchtriegel said. “From now on, we will be taking this solution into account for all future renovation and restoration projects.”
By Garry Shaw.
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heycerulean · 6 months
desert bluffs is to night vale is what ohio is to michigan. kind of. without any of the sportsmanship. i still find it funny cecil doesn't know what michigan is. i feel like i need to write a fic where someone explains to cecil the history of the ohio-michigan rivalry. i feel like that would be fun.
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somethingwithmoles · 1 year
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Bartholomäus Spranger, Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus, ca. 1590, oil on canvas, 161.5 x 100 cm, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Source: Wikimedia Commons
The Latin proverb serving as title for the painting can be translated as “Without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus freezes” and is based on a quotation by the Roman comedian Terence. It inspired several paintings of Northern Mannerism and Baroque, in which its basic meaning (’love cannot thrive without food and wine’) is illustrated in a sometimes more, sometimes less moralizing way (Source: Wikipedia).
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jurnaldebucovina · 3 months
Preotul Alexandru Lungu: "Astăzi am văzut cea mai frumoasă cerere în căsătorie"
Astăzi am văzut cea mai frumoasă cerere în căsătorie. Într-o zi caldă de final de februarie, spre orele după amiezii, drumurile m-au adus în curtea unei mănăstiri frumoase din Bucovina cea mult râvnită. Mănăstirea în mod special are un duh aparte pe care nu il găsești nicăieri altundeva. Nu întâmplător, întrucât unde altundeva nu încetează rugăciunea decât între zidurile mănăstirilor? În ce loc…
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chingisufetextile · 5 months
Lanturi de ancorat marfa pe camioane, lanturi de arimare Total Race
COMANDA AICI Pe lista ta de achizitii se afla lanturile de ancorare marfa?🔥Iti recomandam sistemele de ancorare profesionale comercializate de catre TOTAL RACE!👉Livram din stoc in toata tara dispozitive complete de ancorare, lanturi de ancorare pentru utilaje agricole sau industriale , utilaje militare cat si pentru incarcaturi grele.👉-3% pentru plata cu cardul: https:…
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pikasus-artenews · 11 months
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NO DIAMONDS IN THE SKY L’artista marchigiano Davide Mancini Zanchi si è fatto conoscere per una produzione di oggetti e scenari dove i media artistici tradizionali si scambiano ruoli e funzioni mescolati con elementi comuni tratti dalla vita quotidiana
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livestockscales · 1 year
Popular digital grain moisture content meters
Moisture meter Unique on the market: handy, small and professional for Ugandan grain farmers and stores
 This specific range of coffee bean moisture meter is calibrated and tailor made specifically for the coffee industry. Easy to use and highly portable device that has been used by many companies across the globe.
Moisture meter DRAMINSKI TwistGrain Pro gives possibility of modifying calibration curves. Moisture meter users can calibrate the device on their own, i.e. modify preset moisture curves for each bean type, which curves have been created based on comparative studies with the use of an oven-drying method.
A large graphic and LED- illuminated display allows reading the result in any conditions (field/warehouse, full sun/night). The menu enables the user to adjust the display settings: illumination time, illumination intensity and contrast
The TwistGrain pro device is equipped with the real time clock, which, together with huge data storage capacity, allows recording 50,000 moisture measurements and temperature measurements from the external probe (records with date and hour).
Thank you for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales (U) Ltd the privilege to serve you in advance.
For inquiries on deliveries contact us
 Office +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917
 Address: Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036
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luigiviazzo · 1 year
Cerere, Padre Piazzi e il primo asteroide oggi diventato pianeta nano: una storia da raccontare lunga due secoli e andata in scena nel giorno di Capodanno tanto tempo fa (222 years ago).
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Lime Cereal Alex Bone, 2022
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