#saw them play a garage a couple weeks back and it was incredible
as-you-think · 1 year
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Every band needs to make booty shorts so I can add to my collection
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weneverlearn · 8 months
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Mary Weiss, me; outside Magnetic Field, Brooklyn, 2008 (photographer unknown)
Mary Weiss, R.I.P.
It was 2005, and I'd lived in NYC for less than a year. I somehow finagled my way into a listening party for the incredible new Rhino Records box set, One Kiss Can Lead to Another: Girl Group Sounds Lost & Found. It was at some small event space in midtown, I don't remember what it was called. Cool joint though...
I felt a bit overwhelmed in this packed room of esteemed scenesters, aging industry big wigs, and the incredible original performers from the box set they were able to round up and sing a few songs.
Luckily the ever-fun couple of Miriam Linna and Billy Miller (Norton Records) were there, scanning the room with eyes as wide as anyone's, and the two introduced me to a few heps, like Richard Gottehrer -- the amazing producer/songwriter who sprung form the Brill Building and ultimately produced some of my faves, like Richard Hell, the Go-Gos, and Marshall Crenshaw, among many.
Then I saw Sune Rose Wagner, singer/guitarist of the Raveonettes, one of my newer faves of the moment, and he was crying. I'd interviewed him over the phone a couple years earlier for a Cleveland mag, so I re-introduced myself and asked what was wrong. We hugged. He said that earlier in the week they'd played and had all of their instruments stolen afterwards, and he was so distraught he was thinking about quitting music. I told him no way, maybe they'll find the stuff, etc... He kind of perked up, and then once the women started singing with a live band, his teary eyes started shining from the glow of the stage taking over the pretty dark room. These women -- and I can't remember which acts they came from, but they were all on the box set -- were resplendent in glittering dresses, hair done big, and smiles wider than 5th Avenue.
I saw Billy and Miriam again, and they were chatting with Mary Weiss lead vox/face of the Shangri-Las -- arguably one of the top three acts of the whole mid-60s "girl group" scene. I was introduced quickly, but I let them get at their convo as I assumed the Norton nabobs knew Mary from way back.
However, Billy comes up to me later and tells me he had never met her before, that she was his first female musical star crush, and he absolutely sounded like a 16-year old trying to cram his melting heart back into his chest. I was pretty floored myself -- I always loved the Shangri-Las from first hearing them slip out of oldies stations growing up to when I first started diving into girl group sounds as a record-amasing teen. They, the Ronettes, and Darlene Love were the cream of the dreamy crop in my book.
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The whole night was not unlike making your way through a Shangri-Las compilation: every emotion possible heaving up and down, surrounded by sounds lilting, swelling, crumbling, but always with that Big Beat bubbling, ready to shove you out of the sadness...
After the news of Mary Weiss' sad passing yesterday, of course many acknowledged her teen stardom of the mid-60s; the influence of the Shangri-Las' street-tough image and emotions on the New York Dolls (who used Shangri-Las producer, Shadow Morton, for their second album) and much of the early new wave of the mid-70s; the respect of her keeping a singing career going through the years, and the glorious third act she had in the late 2000s with the help of Norton Records and the great album, Dangerous Game, where Weiss, in excellent voice, was backed by the rulers of garage pop of that era, the Reigning Sound.
No, it wasn't some top 10 album, but it just oozed with a kind of vintage-to-ever cool that is so rarely captured in a "comeback." (And it definitely got her press and new young fans.)
In fact I think that album, and especially that incredible Rhino box set, brought back that '60s malt shop-meets-back-alley girl group ouvre to a whole new generation.
This was not front page news. Nevertheless loads of acts like King Khan & BBQ, Peach Kelli Pop, Shannon & the Clams, Hunx and His Punx, the Vivian Girls, Baby Shakes, Black Lips, A Giant Dog, and even the re-emergence of Nikki Corvette and Ronnie Spector to the stage brought the cloud-bound reverb and scruffy riffs of vintage girl groups back to prominence in the underground garage rock scene. And again, due to their sounds and looks, the Shangri-Las and the Ronettes were the template.
It has since dawned on me many times that Mary Weiss -- and the Shangri-Las as a whole -- have a nearly singular place in R'n'R history. Considering the admittedly limited catalog of songs, their outsized influence has spread from radio hits in the '60s to the underground proto-punk not ten years later; to the CBGB scene; early '80s new wave and power pop shadow-pep (like Blondie, Go-Gos, and many more); Aerosmith covered "(Remember) Walking in the Sand," and others of the big coif/high dramatics of hair metal had some Shangri-Las DNA in the hair spray; from transgressive filmmakers like John Waters to drag queen blueprints; to 2000s female neo-soul hitmakers -- arising at the same time as the aforementioned garage pop underbelly -- and even up to the recent talk/sing busted romance stylings of mega-popsters like Taylor Swift.
I saw Weiss at a couple shows over the next year or so. She was always so excited and grateful for all the accolades and thanks people laid on her. She played a remarkable show in Brooklyn that Lee Greenfeld booked, at the Atlantic Antic street fest in September, 2007 -- right outside Greenfeld's madly-missed club, Magnetic Field. We felt the Antic gig would be the first of many, but there were just a few more local gigs, if memory serves.
Somewhere in 2008, at an A-Bones / Yo La Tengo show at Magnetic Field, I chatted with Weiss for a bit afterwards. I can't express enough how inspiring was her love of music and hanging out at a small bar with a bunch of music obsessives knocking back cheap beers. At the 1 a.m. chime, she kissed my cheek, I laid one on her's, I walked home, and I will assume that if there is a Heaven, that moment should get me into the meetings where they discuss how to improve Heaven. It's a cinch it's improved today.
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Variety obituary here.
From obituary:
The group’s tough-but-vulnerable New York City teen image was genuine. “Overall, the girl groups had very sweet images, except for the Ronettes and the Shangri-Las, who had a tougher, harder attitude,” Greenwich told the website Spectropop in an undated interview. “By today’s standards, they were as innocent as the day is long. Back then, they seemed to have a street toughness, but with a lot of vulnerability. Mary Weiss [had] the sweetest long straight hair, an angelic face, and then this nasal voice comes out, and this attitude — the best of both worlds.
“In the beginning, we did not get along,” she continued. “They were kind of crude, with their gestures and language and chewing gum and the stockings ripped up their leg. We would say, ‘Not nice, you must be ladies,’ and they would say, ‘We don’t want to be ladies.'”
From Chapter 33 of The Downtown Pop Underground — order online, or from a local independent bookstore
THE SHANGRI-LAS’ INFLUENCE ON PUNK LOCATION Brill Building The Shangri-Las were one of the common musical denominators that Blondie shared, and Clem Burke explained the Shangri-La’s proto-punk appeal: “They had their black leather vests and their tight black leather pants, and they sang ‘Give Him a Great Big Kiss.’ They sang about dirty fingernails, wavy hair, and leather jackets, and things like that.” The Shangri-Las cast a long shadow over glam and punk rock. The New York Dolls’ “Looking for a Kiss” borrowed the spoken word intro from their “Give Him a Great Big Kiss,” and another Dolls song, “Trash,” copped the campy “How do you call your lover boy?” line from “Love Is Strange,” a catchy 1956 hit by Mickey & Sylvia. The group’s final album, Too Much Too Soon, was produced by Shadow Morton, who had crafted the girl group classics “Leader of the Pack” and “Remember (Walking in the Sand)” for the Shangri-Las. As Burke recalled, “Bubblegum rock was part of the roots of the New York music scene. Some of the old-school guys like Richard Gottehrer or Marty Thau—who had some money and success in pop music—they understood the music because they were coming from that Brill Building mentality.” Thau was the New York Dolls’ first manager before McLaren took the job, and he had previously made a living as a record promoter for late 1960s bubblegum groups the 1910 Fruitgum Company (“Simon Says”) and the Ohio Express (“Yummy Yummy Yummy”). Thau recorded the Ramones’ first demos and released Suicide’s debut album on his independent label Red Star, and also formed the production company Instant Records with the old-school industry hit maker Richard Gottehrer. “Richie was part of that whole Brill Building rock thing,” Leon said, “which had a lot of nostalgia for us because we grew up with it on the radio when we were kids.”
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sande5098 · 2 years
Gone Wrong
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Kim Burgess x fem. Reader
An undercover mission goes wrong but we’re does that leave Kim and Y/N’s relationship.
Warnings: Swearing, abduction, drugs, assault.
Word count: 1191
Gif not mine
Part 1 —————> Part 2 Here
You tried to give Kim a reassuring smile as you had a wire attached by Mouse, she was standing in front of you giving you a hard stare, you knew that she didn’t want you to go under, but even she knew that there was really no other way. “Babe, I’ll be fine nothing bad is gonna happen.” You gave her a half smile as Mouse finished, going over to give her a tight hug. “I’ll let the team know you’re ready.” Mouse said awkwardly, interrupting their little moment and quickly leaving them in peace.
“I’ll be back in a couple of weeks, and you know it nothing will keep us apart and you know it.” You whispered to her, lightly kissing her ear. “I love you. Don’t you dare come back to me hurt or so help me-“ you kissed her short and sweet, cutting her off, “honey you have nothing to worry about, I love you.” She gave you a sad look, “I hope so, I love you too.” You both placed your foreheads against each other, silently sending each other all the love and support that the other needed, you just had to hope that every day you wouldn’t be coming home in a coffin.
Yours and Kim’s moment was interrupted by the rest of intelligence coming down to the garage, she stepped back, just giving you a sad look that made you feel incredibly guilty. You wished you could back out now, but the meet was organised, so no turning back. Turning to face Voight to get the complete run down and what information that they needed to put these guys away.
“Madison Hughes, Halstead’s C.I has gotten involved with this new gang that’s moved in to the south side has started dealing tampered Coke. The guy we need to get is Finnian Herring. He’s the highest up along with Jesse Nadir and Gus Walker…” you continued to listen knowing exactly what you would have to do just to get to them. You just knew how pissed off Kim was as Voight continued, you wanted to let her know it was okay. That you weren’t going to be alone through it. “Isn’t there another way? One that doesn’t involve Y/n getting into their pants.” Kim pointedly asked, staring at Voight. Their boss just stared back, “Burgess, L/n can handle herself, she doesn’t need you trying to play hero. And if you’re going to be this affected by the job, get out.”
You looked back at Kim, who looked torn between staying and leaving for fresh air, you smiled at her and she rubbed your arm.
You stood outside the nightclub that Madison had arranged the meet at, Jay was talking about some information that might be useful, but you weren’t listening. You just hoped that Kim would be alright, and praying the next time she saw you wouldn’t be at your funeral. You just wanted them to hurry up so you could get home to Kim as soon as possible. You already missed her touch and it had only been 45 minutes.
After another 5 minutes in the cold someone finally appeared, unfortunately not any of the people that they were after. You were led away silently praying that everything would go to plan and that no one would be hurt.
The nightclub was extremely busy and loud, you could see Adam and Hailey at the bar looking on and giving status updates to Voight and Jay on the other end. You kept following the guy up to the private room, where they all lost sight on you and you knew that apart from the com you where on your own. You held your breath going up the steps and into the small room that all your people where in, now just to catch them dealing, which would be easy based off the amount of girls there. The runner who never introduced himself took you to the three people that you needed. Now, hopefully this would be a quick in and out.
“Boss, this is the doll that Madison wanted you to meet,” they shooed him away and left you with just them, they brought you to another room. This whole place gave you the creeps along with the three men, you couldn’t help but feel a bit intimidated. You could see the Coke sitting on the table in front of you, “You’re a cute wee thing aren’t you? No wonder why Madison sent you, you look like everything I like in a woman, one of the men, Gus said. “And you are everything I look for in a man.” You flirted back, throwing up in your mouth a bit. You swallowed the bile in your throat, “I know how to expand your markets on this new Coke you have, I just want 15%.” Finnian, the main man raised an eyebrow, “and why would we need to expand our markets, we’re doing just fine.”
You rolled your eyes, “sure right now, but people will get over it and then you’ll be in the dust, I’ve got too many connections and known how to get it all through the city and out of state. I just want 15%.” You gave him a sweet smile. “I’ll give you the 15% if you let me see just exactly what this stuff does to you.” Your eyes widened slightly and you felt your throat starting to close over. Taking a deep breath you watched as Finnian started walking closer to you til he was at your neck, kissing and whispering in your ear, thankfully the one that didn’t have the wire in.
“Y/n you have your safe word.” Voight quietly reminded her. You said nothing as he circled you, “but then again, maybe you’re a spy…” you could feel yourself starting to panic, “A spy? What makes you say that?… and you do realise that its not very nice not to offer me a lovely glass of that red wine, especially since I love red wine.” There, now you could only hope that they heard the safe word and were in the way up.
You looked up at Finnian, and his eyes flashed a vicious colour as he reached for her wire, “she’s a rat, let’s get out.” The man reached for your hair as he roughly trailed you out a back exit.
Okay, you could officially start panicking, you tried to get out of the man’s grip but it was no use, as his hand shifted to hold your neck as you struggled. Fuck, this was not how it was meant to go, fucking Hell, Kim. You should have listened. You couldn’t bare the thought of worrying her, a face broke through your panic, “I swear if you don’t stop struggling I will put a bullet in your head and leave you somewhere you will never be found.” Finnian’s nose was right against yours as his grip around your throat tightened until you were spluttering and gasping for air. “Please.. I.. I” you could feel a prick in your upper arm and yourself getting drowsy before everything went black…
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Dear Fucking Diary: Entry the 5th - The Model and the Mouth That Almost Killed Me
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Pairings: Dean x Fem!OFC (Daisy)
Explicit 18 +/Warnings: None really. A kiss. Dean being sexy af! (That's not new, but I feel the warning is warranted! 😁)
Word Count: 2,711
DFD: Series Masterlist
Series Summary: I’ve been tasked with writing in this fucking diary like a some teenage girl. It sucks, but who else am I going to talk to about the incredible hottie who lives next door?
Chapter Summary: 5th Entry: In which Dean holds my hand and kisses me - not sure how I'm alive to write this!
A/N:  This series has popped into my head from out of nowhere. It was supposed to be a whole other thing, but then it just morphed into this. (Cause I needed more series to work on! 🙄😄) Hope you like it, I should be releasing a new entry every few days, and I think there will be about 7 or 8 entries. The first entry is short and sweet, but most of the others will range between 1000 and 3000 words. Thanks everyone!! 🥰
The awesome divider at the bottom is created by @talesmaniac89
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So, he kissed me. Let me write that again.
HE FUCKING KISSED ME! Jesus, everything I write sounds like a teenage girl! But you know what - fuck it! I'm just gonna embrace it.
Omg! Omg! Omg! Dear Diary, he kissed me! Let me tell you about it!
K, being a teenage girl again is kinda fun!
So we've spent the last couple weeks chatting over text and he's been back a few times to my apartment to check on my ankle (pretty much all healed now, btw) and every time I talk to him, I turn right back into a gushing moron.
But I have actually been able to carry on some conversations with him without devolving into a puddle of mush.
He has one younger brother, Sam, who's a lawyer out in California, but they sound really close and he says they get together as often as they can.
He gets this look in his eye when he's talking about his "baby brother"; he's clearly full of pride! It's pretty adorable. From what I could gather, since he kinda downplayed it, he actually helped to raise him.
It was just the two of them and his Dad. Both his parents have passed on now, just like mine. But he lost his mom when he was really little.
I guess his Dad worked a lot building up the garage Dean now owns along with his Uncle Bobby. (He's the "Singer" in Singer Auto, btw. Dean's last name is Winchester.) He lost his Dad a few years ago.
We had a pretty deep discussion about all of that the other night. We were talking about the difference between losing your parents when you were really young, like he'd lost his mom, or losing them after you'd really known them, like his dad and my parents, and which was worse.
We came to the conclusion that losing your parents, no matter what your age is terrible. But we also agreed that no matter what, we were grateful for the time we got with them.
We've had a couple really great conversations like that actually. He's sweet and smart, and funny as hell. He's modest and cocky at the same time and it's just a fucking deadly combination.
And holy shit, does that boy know what to do with his mouth.
So, the kiss.
Yesterday we ended up meeting at our mailboxes after work. Purely by coincidence you understand. I absolutely did not make note of the fact that he gets off earlier on Tuesdays and then I for sure didn't purposely delay walking into the building after my shift just so I could bump into him at the mailboxes.
That would be pathetic. Right?
Anyway, we ended up at the mailboxes and started chatting about our day. All of a sudden I saw his face draw into a grimace and he spun away from the front door.
Instinctively, I turned away from the door too and faced the mailboxes with him.
"Shit." He said under his breath.
I looked at him questioningly and he gave me a pleading look.
"I will owe you so huge if you just play along. Please?" He said.
And before I could ask what the hell he was talking about, he'd grabbed my hand and spun us both back around to face the front doors of the building.
And the smoking hot woman walking through them.
She definitely looked like she'd stepped off a runway in Milan or out of the pages of Vogue; right down to her incredibly chic, minimalist black mini dress, and eight inch stiletto heels.
I would have looked like a baby deer on new legs in those friggin' things, but she strode in on her incredibly long legs, without a problem.
She was ridiculously beautiful, with a willowy figure and an angular face that probably photographed very well. She had perfectly highlighted blonde hair that was twisted into a perfectly styled chignon.
She was stunning. She was also very clearly pissed.
She came to stand directly in front of Dean, and because she was runway model tall, and had added eight inches of heel, she ended up being a bit taller than Dean which is really saying something.
Standing near them, I felt like an elf. And I still didn't understand why Dean had hold of my hand, but the heat and roughness of it was distracting me from thinking clearly or I probably would have figured it out quicker and maybe seemed less flabbergasted.
"Why haven't you returned my texts, Dean." the woman said without preamble.
"Hi, Lois." Dean said, his voice sounding extremely exasperated.
"Why?" She demanded again.
Dean heaved a sigh and ran a hand down his face. "Well, for the same reason I gave you when we got together that. one. time." Dean said, emphasizing the words.
"The same reason I repeated to you when you showed up here at my apartment two days later, and then repeated again when you showed up at my work the week after that." He continued in a long suffering tone.
"And then once again, I gave you the same reason when you showed up at my favorite coffee place the very next day."
He took a deep breath. "The reason I haven't returned your texts is the same reason I gave you every one of those times; I am not interested in pursuing a relationship with you."
Lois gritted her teeth, and seethed.
Dean's voice remained firm but also held a note of compassion as he continued. "Now, as I've said before, I really am sorry if I was unclear about that, or if I made you believe, for any reason that I was interested in something with you long term. But I'm just not."
He raised our joined hands. "And now I'm with someone, so I'm really, really not interested."
Lois turned her wide, brown, doe eyes to where I stood next to Dean and raked her gaze contemptuously up and down my body.
And then scoffed; like, didn't even try to hide it, just looked me over and laughed at the idea that Dean would be dating me.
She turned back to Dean and shot him a look that said she refused to believe it. "You're telling me, you passed me over," she swept a hand up and down, encompassing all her perfection, "for that?" she finished with a dismissive wave at wholly unspectacular me.
I mean, I couldn't exactly blame her, it did stretch credulity that Dean was going to pass on this runway model with legs up to her ears to settle for the slightly dumpy, Plain Jane girl that barely reached his shoulder.
But still, she didn't have to say it out loud, geez.
In the couple weeks I've been stalking known Dean, I've never seen him be anything other than cordial and kind, and often downright sweet and charming.
But when Lois issued her incredibly accurate insult his face changed in an instant and, I gotta say, it was just a little scary. And also hot af! His expression became hard and his jaw set, the muscle there jumping.
He squeezed my hand tighter and pulled me into his side, before dropping my hand and sliding his arm around my upper back, his hand coming to rest against my ribs.
His voice was deeper and harder when he spoke to her, all compassion having disappeared.
"Yeah, actually." He said in answer to her skepticism. "I'm with Daisy because she's beautiful and smart, funny and kind and not a um..."
He snapped his fingers in rapid succession. "What was the word?" He asked as though it was right on the tip of his tongue.
He shook his forefinger like he just remembered. "Right! Not a raging psychopath!" He nodded. "That was it. So yeah...yeah, I think I'm happy with my choice."
Lois' beautiful face was turning a slightly less attractive shade of red. "You're an asshole." She told Dean.
He clicked his tongue and shot a finger gun at her. "Noted."
She turned scathing eyes on me. "Well, best of luck, Daisy."
She said my name with derision dripping from her tone. "But let me give you a warning. He may be a hell of a lay, but he's gonna fuck you and forget you."
I felt Dean tense a little beside me and I became inexplicably defensive on his behalf. As I result, I blurted out my next words without thinking. "Oh, he's already fucked me and he still seems able to remember me fine."
I turned to look at Dean. "You remember my name, right, babe?"
His face split into a surprised grin for a moment before he scowled, playing along. "It's...Daisy? Right? Is it?"
"Hey! Way to go!" I said and offered him a fist bump which he returned promptly.
I turned back to the fuming blonde in front of us. "Yeah, I feel like we're good, so..."
She spun on her eight inch heel (another impressive feat from her!) and stomped away.
"Aw, she's mad!" I said in mock sadness. I turned to Dean. "I think we made her mad."
He was grinning so wide it was almost blinding. "You're awesome!"
My brazenness seemed to desert me almost as fast as it had come and I ducked my head. "Well, only in comparison." I said with a wave toward the departed Lois.
But Dean shook his head. "No, seriously. Thank you so much." His eyes sparkled and I was suddenly very aware of his hand, warm against my ribcage.
"I owe you dinner."
I sputtered my way through a denial. "No, you don't...I mean, you don't owe me...there's nothing..."
He remained quiet, just smiling at me while I stumbled over my words. When I finally ran out of rambling denials he tilted his head to the side in that incredibly endearing way he had.
"This is my very subtle way of asking you on a date." He smiled and shrugged. "In case that wasn't clear."
My mouth gaped open and shut like a fish on land for a few seconds before I pulled away from him and began my second round of rambled idiocy, it was all half started sentences and stuttered words.
He just shook his head at me. "You can say no." He raised his hand like he was being sworn in. "I promise I won't turn into an asshole."
He gave me a gentle smile that melted the only brain cell I had left into mush.
And then I heard myself say, "Okay, sure." No more rambles, no meandering speeches. I think my brain was just putty and acquiescence was the only option left to me.
His smile turned blinding and I swear to god, I might commit murder just to keep that smile on his beautiful face.
I mean, Jesus Christ, there's only so much I can take.
But it was about to get so. much. worse. better. worse?
"Really?" He confirmed happily. "Great! Pick you up at 7:00?"
I nodded. "Sure. Just don't get stuck in traffic on your way over!" I joked lamely.
Amazingly, Dean chuckled. "I'll try not to."
I nodded. "Okay, see you then."
"See you then."
And we both left. To go to our apartments.
We took a few steps and stopped.
Dean let out a bark of laughter. "We're both awkwardly going in the same direction now aren't we?"
I nodded. "Mm hmm. Because we live beside each other."
We started walking together again, heading up the flight of stairs to our floor. On the landing in the middle of the flight Dean stopped and turned to me.
"Maybe we can make the moment a little less awkward and maybe even take some awkwardness and worry out of the date later."
He had a mischievous glint in his eye that I will know to be on the lookout for next time.
He subtly shifted so that I was up against the wall and his body blocked me from continuing up the stairs. He leaned in toward me, resting an arm on the wall above my head, caging me in and making my heart hammer so hard against my ribs I was sure he had to be able to hear it.
Then his next words made it abruptly stop beating and I'm honestly not sure how I'm still alive.
"Can I kiss you goodnight ahead of time?"
I returned to my trusty fish imitation before croaking like a bullfrog. "You want to kiss me?"
As questions went, it wasn't a terribly intelligent one.
But Dean smiled and nodded, eyes flickering to my lips. "Since the moment I first saw you walking into your apartment."
I felt my face flush, so I can add blushing to the list of schoolgirl actions this man has brought back into my life along with writing in a diary and squeeing a whole lot.
I shook my head. "Wow. That's quite a line."
"Not a line." He denied. "It was about two months ago, not long after I moved in. You were coming home after work and I was headed out. You had your purse, some kind of giant binder, and a bag of takeout in your hands and you were fighting with your keys and cursing loudly at them."
He chuckled and the sound made my stomach swoop. I dropped my gaze from his, trying to get myself under control.
I tried for a nonchalant tone. "You remember me because I got pissy with my keys?"
With his forefinger he tipped up my chin so I was forced to look up at him again.
"Actually," he said with a wolfish grin. "I think it was the short black skirt and F-bombs that stuck with me."
He dipped his head incredibly close to mine, his deep voice causing my stomach muscles to clench low in my belly. "There's something incredibly sexy about such dirty words coming out of such a pretty mouth." He plucked my bottom lip with his thumb. "Very memorable."
I stared at his plush lips and nodded. "I know the feeling." I said, breathless.
And then he was kissing me.
Fuck. I wasn't wrong. He uses that goddam mouth like a weapon.
He sort of nibbled at the corners of my mouth at first and then pressed his closed mouth against mine, applying pressure gently at first and then increasing it slowly.
So slowly that by the time he was finally pushing his tongue against my lips, I was desperate to feel him invade my mouth and opened to him immediately.
He tasted like mint and honey.
Every sweep of his tongue was absolutely delicious, and he could have kept me pinned to that wall for days and I would have been just fine with it.
I honestly couldn't tell you if I kissed him back, or just stood there and let him ravage my mouth.
But I have to imagine that whatever I did he liked it, because I have the very distinct memory of the sound of his moans, soft at first but increasingly ragged and deep as he slanted his mouth over mine again and again.
Finally though (absolutely NO idea how long we stood there!) he pulled back and buried his face in my neck (which was a whole other level of shivers and heat running up and down my body!) before he stepped away and tugged my hand, leading me up the other half of the stairs.
When we got to my door he waited beside me while I unlocked my door just as though he really had kissed me goodnight.
I opened my door and turned back to him. "I'll see you in a few hours." I was once again all blushes.
He didn't help when he leaned close and pressed a feather light kiss to my temple.
"Looking forward to it."
He smiled again as he walked backwards towards his apartment and I ducked into the sanctuary of my own.
That was about an hour ago and now I have to start getting ready.
What the fuck am I supposed to wear?
Jesus Christ, I'm perpetually thirteen years old when it comes to this man.
I kinda like it.
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The Nanny - Tom Hiddleston x Curvy Reader
“Papa!” India ran towards her father, Chris Hemsworth.
Hemsworth picked her up, looking around for whoever had the other two. When he spotted you, he waved and laughed seeing both boys clung to you. You had one on each hip. A big perk of being curvy is that it makes it a lot easier to tote the little ones around.
It was rare that him and his wife, Elsa, both had projects going on at the same time, but when it did happen, they had a close friend nanny the children near one of the projects. With the twins being a year old and able to be away from their mother for a short time, Elsa reluctantly took a month-long job where she would be doing quite a lot of traveling. Chris put her worries at ease and told her she had put her own career on hold quite a lot for their family. You had met the couple back when you nannied for their manager. When they had India, you helped them navigate having a child while working in Hollywood. When the twins arrived, you once again moved in with the family and helped smooth the hectic schedule involved in being a parent to three kiddos while working in such a high-demand and publicized job.
“India, I told you to wait for me” you gently scolded the young girl.
“…but I saw papa n unca Tom” she replied, hiding her face in her father’s neck.
“India, you know you need to listen to Y/n. She just wants you to be safe” Hemsworth said, rubbing her back with his hand.
“…m sorry” she said, peeking her face out and smiling at you.
“Thank you” you replied.
“You look like you’ve got your hands full” Tom said, a soft smile on his face as he looked at the two boys sitting on your hips. “I think we’re done for the day” he added, gaining the attention of Tristan, one of the twin boys.
Tristan reached out a hand, making grabby gestures towards Tom. “Looks like you’re about to have your hands full” you quipped, safely passing the 1 year old to Tom who happily took him into his arms.
“Hey, buddy” Tom said, smiling as the young boy gently played with the wig he was wearing. Tom was great with everyone’s kids. It kind of made you wonder why he hadn’t had any of his own.
Hemsworth spoke to India, bouncing her up and down. “Papa and uncle Tom need to go get out of our costumes and then we can all go home and eat. Does that sound okay?” Chris was talking to India, but he looked at you and Tom as well just wanting to confirm that this plan worked for everyone and making sure Tom knew he was welcome to join.
“Sounds wonderful” Tom replied.
“India, why don’t we go get dinner started for everybody. I could use some help.” You knew that India LOVED to help cook.
“Your papa takes a lot longer than me to get ready…” Tom teased, making Hemsworth laugh. “So why don’t you let me walk you back to the car with Y/n so he can get a head start?”
India started squirming, wanting her dad to put her down. “Make sure you hold uncle Tom’s hand the whole way.”
When you got back to the car, you put Sasha in the first child safety seat and turned to grab Tristan from Tom. “Thank you for walking them back with me”, you smiled up at your always generous friend.
“No need to thank me” he said, passing off the second boy. “You’re incredible with them, but I know it has to be a lot of work.”
Strapping Tristan into the second child safety seat, you replied. “You’re a natural with kids, Tom. You’re going to make a wonderful dad someday.”
Slightly blushing, he replied. “Well, I’ll take that as the highest compliment coming from you.”
Tom’s sincerity kind of stopped you in your tracks for a second. “I’ll take that as a compliment as well”, you failed at hiding the grin he’d put on your face. “India, say bye bye to uncle Tom. He needs to go get ready so him and papa can come home.”
The girl gave Tom a hug before reaching for you. “I’ll see you guys soon” Tom said, waiting to leave until you got the third child strapped in so he could open your door for you.
“Always a gentleman” you smiled at Tom who was still in full Loki garb.
As you climbed into the car, Tom said “A woman such as yourself deserves to be served by the gods.”
You felt your cheeks warm as you thanked him again. “Remind Chris that he promised he’d bring home ice cream for India.”
When you got to the house where you, the kids, and Chris were staying during filming you pulled into the garage and unloaded the kids. The two boys were in their safe gated area in the living room so they could play, and India was sat on the counter helping you tear apart lettuce for the salad.
“Good job, sweetie.” You said, finishing up the grilled chicken and squash. “Can you go wash your hands for dinner while I get the boys set up in their high-chairs?” you asked, setting India on the ground. “Make sure you use the bathroom downstairs. No stairs without an adult!” you called out. You continued making the salad at the counter
“Dinner smells wonderful” you heard, feeling a hand on your shoulder. You were startled, not knowing the guys had arrived home.
“Shit!” you yipped, turning and almost dropping the bowl in your hands.
Tom grabbed the bowl, trying to hold back laughter. “I’m so sorry” he laughed out, setting the bowl on the counter and wrapping his arms around you.
“You made me say a bad word” you replied, laughing into Tom’s chest. You wrapped your arms around him and leaned back against the counter for stability. Looking up at him you added, “No swearing in front of the children”.
“Well, I’m not the one that said it, darling” a smirk present on his otherwise serious face.
“You’re supposed to leave the mischief at work” you laughed, dropping your arms from around him and turning to finish the salad.
“What fun would that be?” he said quietly into your ear as he reached around you and snagged a vegetable out of the salad.
When you turned around, he was stepping over the child gate to grab one of the twins and get them set up at the table. You shook your head as if you could shake away the very inappropriate thoughts you were having about your friend.
You could hear Hemsworth laughing in the other room, India giggling along with him. “Well, are you going to tell me the secret?” he said. “No one else can know?” he questioned. India must have been trying to tell him something. “Well, they can’t hear you, just whisper it to me.” It got quiet for a moment. “Ah, I see. I’ll have to pay attention and see for myself.”
“Are you telling secrets?” Tom asked after grabbing the second twin and setting them up at the table.
“Mmhmm” you heard her say as you brought the platters full of food to the table.
“Do I get to know?” you asked, turning to grab the twin’s bowls since they weren’t eating adult food yet.
“Maybe” she answered before telling her dad she could get in her own chair. She was quite proud that she wasn’t in a high-chair anymore and she wanted to seat herself.
“Do you need help with anything else, darling?” Tom asked, following you back into the kitchen.
“Help me grab the cups of water?” you answered, handing him two full cups before grabbing your own and a small juice cup for India.
“Dinner was delicious” Hemsworth said, leaning back in his chair with his hands over his stomach.
“It truly was” Tom added, standing to gather the dishes.
“I’m glad” you replied, gathering the dishes Tom hadn’t grabbed. “You don’t have to clear the table.” You said, reaching for the last dish.
“Nonsense” he replied, grabbing your hand before you could grab the last dish. “You worked hard preparing this wonderful meal. The least I can do is help clean up.”
He wouldn’t let go of your hand until you conceded. “If you must” you said with a smile. “Thank you.”
You saw India crawl into her dad’s lap and whisper something to him. “I see” he answered, looking between you and Tom.
You shot him a look, letting him know you were suspicious of whatever they were talking about. Hemsworth shrugged, acting innocent.
After dishes were done and leftovers were put away, Chris put the twins to bed. You could hear him singing along with the giggles of the twin boys. “India, do you want to take a bath before bed or in the morning?”
“Tomorrow” she answered, crawling up the stairs to her room with you right on her heels.
“Tom, there’s a bottle of red wine already out on the counter if you want to grab a few glasses. I’ll be back down in a few.” You called down the stairs.
When you finished getting India dressed in her jammies and got a movie playing in her room, you headed back down the stairs. You could hear the guys talking in living room, but you couldn’t really make out what they were talking about. “You make it sound a lot easier than it is” you heard Tom say before you made it to the bottom of the stairs.
“All good?” Hemsworth asked, getting up to go say goodnight to his daughter.
“As per usual, she’s a dream. She’s watching Big Hero 6.” You answered, walking into the living room.
“Come sit” Tom said, holding out a glass of wine for you.
You grabbed the glass and sat in the spot next to Tom. “Thank you for pouring the wine” you said, taking a sip and sighing, laying back against the soft couch.
“Long day?” Tom asked.
“Not nearly as long as yours. I can’t imagine going non-stop all day like you guys do.” You answered, turning your head to face Tom as you took another sip of wine.
“Ridiculous” he said, tapping his glass against yours. “You take care of three tiny human beings that have all of the energy and attitude of their father”, he laughed. “I’d argue that your job is harder.”
“They’re great kids. The only reason this week has been a bit tiring is because the twins are teething. Sasha seems to be getting it worse, though” you explained.
“Poor thing” Tom said.
“I know. He’s been clung to my side all week. I’m surprised Chris got him to sleep, actually. He’s been fussy at bedtime and usually ends up passing out in my arms.” You felt Tom’s arm slip from the back of the couch to your shoulders.
“Well, enjoy the break” he said, pulling you to lean into his side a bit. “Though I can’t blame him for wanting to sleep in your arms.”
You looked up at Tom. “You’ve been awfully complimentary today.”
“I’m just saying, you’ve got a wonderfully voluptuous figure, darling.” He cleared his throat. “I imagine anyone that gets to fall asleep in your embrace is going to sleep well.”
“Well, if I thought you were interested, I might just tell you to find out for yourself.” You could hear Hemsworth coming down the stairs.
“Tom, I got the spare room all set up for you so we can ride into work tomorrow. No point in going to your place since we both have to be in the make-up trailer at 7 tomorrow anyways.” Chris said, laying out on the couch across from the two of you after grabbing his wine glass. “Y/n, I checked Sasha. He’s still asleep.”
“I’m glad. Hopefully his teeth aren’t hurting him as much.” You answered.
Chris looked at how you and Tom were sat and made eye contact with Tom, raising his eyebrows and looking between the two of you. “Anything you two want to tell me?” He asked, grinning like a little kid.
“Whatever do you mean?” Tom smirked, drinking the last of his wine. “Would you like more wine, Y/n?”
“Yes, actually. Thank you.” You sipped the last of your wine, handing the glass to Tom. When he got up, you watched him walk away with a smile on your face.
When he was out of earshot, Hemsworth imitated him. “Oh, whatever do you mean?” He laughed, looking at you and waiting for some sort of response.
“I have no idea what’s gotten into him” you shrugged, unable to keep the smile from your face.
“I’d wager a bet that I know what’s gotten into him.” He looked you up and down, sipping his wine, as if to say ‘duh!’ You’d become practically family to Chris and Elsa, and unbeknownst to you they’ve always thought you and Tom would make a great pair.
“Then why now?” you asked.
Chris shrugged. “India’s big secret earlier was that she thinks uncle Tom over there thinks you’re pretty because he looks at you like I look at her mom.”
Your face softened, thinking that was the cutest damn thing you’d ever heard. “Your daughter is officially my favorite of your children. You aren’t allowed to tell the boys. Or their mother.”
Chris laughed. “But seriously…give it a chance. Trust that I know something you don’t.” He was trying to help without breaking Tom’s confidence.  
You could hear Tom walking back. You whispered, “I didn’t know I had a chance!”
“Here you go, darling.” Tom sat back down, opening his arms so you could resume your earlier position.
“Thank you” you answered, snuggling further into Tom.
The conversation went back to normal after Tom came back. The guys talked a bit about what they would be filming tomorrow, and they answered questions as you had them. Chris talked about the fact that Elsa would be coming to visit for a few days since Tom and him had two days off from filming after tomorrow.
“Y/n, Elsa will be here for 2 nights, 3 days and she wanted to make sure you knew that you didn’t need to work that whole time. You’re obviously more than welcome stay with us and keep your schedule, but she wanted you to know you could make plans.” Chris explained, knowing that you usually stayed and helped even when one of the parents was going to be around full time for a while.
“I don’t think I have any plans to make, but I’ll keep it in mind” you answered.
As the night wound down, you could feel yourself drifting off while cuddled up next to Tom. “I think I’m going to call it a night.”
“It is getting quite late” Tom responded, his hand running up and down your arm.
“Thank you two for a nice kid free night” you laughed, pulling yourself from Tom’s embrace to stand up.
Tom watched as you slightly adjusted your clothes, his eyes gazing over your body as you stretched. “The thanks should go to you, love.” He stood, grabbing the three wine glasses so that they could be rinsed in the kitchen.
“You have to stop giving me all the credit” you replied, grabbing the glasses from Tom. You leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before taking the glasses to the kitchen.
When you were far enough away, Chris started teasing Tom. “Oh, whatever do you mean?” he repeated from earlier.
Tom threw a pillow at him, leaving the living room to find you in the kitchen. “I don’t want to startle you again” he spoke before he entered the kitchen, peeking around the corner with his hands raised.
“I didn’t even know you guys were home earlier” you laughed. Your hands were in a sink full of water, rinsing the wine glasses.
“I just wanted to come and say goodnight.” Tom walked up behind you, placing his hands gently on your hips and kissing your cheek from over your shoulder. “I hope you get some well-deserved rest.”
“You too” you answered, but he was already walking away when you turned to look at him.
When you got in your room, you felt like you were floating. Today felt crazy. Sure, you and Tom had been fast friends from the start. You’d certainly grown close, but today felt like something entirely different.
“Chris said to trust him.” You stripped out of your clothes and took the time to decompress in the shower. You towel dried your hair, threw on a pair of short spandex shorts and a baggy t shirt, and crawled into bed.
You were woken up by the baby monitor in your room. “Oh, Sasha.” You crawled out of bed and quietly made your way down the hallway. “Come here, sweetheart.” You picked Sasha up and he threw his arms around your neck. You walked back and forth, bouncing him in your arms.
“Is everything alright?” You heard Tom quietly ask from the doorway.
“I’m so sorry if he woke you” you said, feeling bad that they had a full day of shooting tomorrow.
“Don’t be” he replied, walking into the room and rubbing Sasha’s back comfortingly. “I take it his teething woke him up?”
“Must have.” You answered. “I’ll get him back to sleep if I take him to my room.” You turned to check on Tristan and he was standing up in his crib with tears running down his face.
“I’ll grab him” Tom said, moving to pick the boy up out of his crib and holding him to his chest. “What do you normally do when they both wake up?”
You couldn’t help but smile at how cute Tom was in his pajamas and glasses. “I’d take them back to my room with me. They usually fall asleep pretty quickly after that.”
“Would you like some company?” Tom asked, kind of in awe of how easily you handled the craziness of taking care of three very young children.
“I’d love some” you answered, turning and walking to your bedroom. Holding Sasha to your chest with one arm, you pulled back the blanket and crawled into your bed. You were sat up, just a bit, with the already half-asleep boy draped across your front with his head snuggled into your chest.
Tom followed suit with Tristan draped across his much leaner figure. “Come here” he said, lifting his arm so you could tuck the two of you against Tom’s side.
“I hope you aren’t too tired tomorrow” you said, feeling yourself already drifting off to sleep.
“Don’t worry about it, darling. Get some sleep.” Tom pressed a kiss to the top of your head before dozing off, himself.
You woke up to Hemsworth trying to wake Tom with the biggest grin on his face. “Brother, we need to leave in a half hour.”
Both boys were still passed out on top of the two of you. You rolled out of bed, still holding Sasha. “Let me go put Sasha in his crib and I’ll be back for Tristan.” You walked to the boy’s room and laid him down in his crib. Before you could even turn towards the door, Tom walked through with Tristan. “Good morning” you whispered.
Tom set the boy down in his crib and gestured that the two of you leave so you wouldn’t wake them back up. “Good morning, beautiful.” Tom gently closed the boy’s door and pulled you to him in a long, lazy hug.
“You’re not allowed to be charming this early in the morning.” You laughed against his chest.
“Nonsense” he said, letting his hands slowly slide to rest on your ass. “If I’m not allowed to be charming then you’re not allowed to be irresistible.”
“That road goes two ways” you said, sliding your hands under the back of his shirt and grinning up at him.
“Oh, does it?” Tom replied, dipping down to kiss your cheek before whispering “I think you should stay at mine while Elsa is here.”
“Tom!” Hemsworth whisper-yelled down the hall. “Get your hands off my nanny’s ass and get ready for work.”
You both tried to quiet your laughter as not to wake the boys back up.
“Consider it?” Tom said, releasing you and walking towards Chris to get changed and on their way.
You quickly walked to your room to brush your teeth and wash your face. You threw on a more modest pair of shorts and quickly put your bra on so you could go make the guys some coffee for the road.
Once in the kitchen, you brewed some coffee and got two travel mugs ready. You grabbed a piece of fruit and a protein bar for each of them before Tom walked in. “I hope you got enough rest”
“Actually, I feel incredible.” He said, eyeing the coffee and breakfast you’d set up for him and Chris. “I don’t think it has anything to do with rest, though, if I’m being entirely honest.”
“It must be something in the air” you blushed, ducking your head.
Tom took a step towards you. “At this point, I don’t think I could spend all day trying to pay attention to my lines and cues and such if I’m preoccupied with wondering whether or not I’ve made my feelings clear.”
You looked up at Tom, realizing this is the first time you’ve ever seen him look nervous. “Was your invitation serious?” you asked, filling the gap between you and sliding your arms around his neck.
“Very” he answered, holding you tight against him.
“Then, yes” you answered, going onto your tippy toes and pressing your lips together in a slow, gentle kiss.
“Brilliant” he breathed out, dipping back down to connect your lips once again.
Part 2? Let me know! (I haven’t edited this so I apologize if there are errors. I’m too sleepy.)
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joannasteez · 3 years
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: EZ Reyes x Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: Mature Themes.
Credits to who made the gif @angelreyesgirl
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @my-rosegold-soul @appropriate-writers-name @est1887 @xladymacbethx @blessedboo @brownsugarcoffy @elektriknachosss @queenbeered
Let me know if you’d like a tag!!!
Your annoyance was simmering, daring to merge into the depths of some irreversible state of agitation. The engine of the classic Dodge Charger RT in your possession had, with incredibly poor timing, began to knock. The unsavory noise resonating into the thick air of the street, stilled heat of the day pushing back the regular ebb and flow of the Santo Padre streets to make way for the obnoxious sound of your engine. Your head was spinning, dazed by the bitter humidity and a steady brew of fear trembling in your fingers to dance just under the surface of your skin. The classic car was given by your father, who'd gotten it from his father, the mass of glistening matte black metal of significant value. If the engine failed, you'd be reduced to tears, wading in the dread of some existential crisis.
Your grandfather had had this car for twenty years, the imprint of his essence etched into the leather seats, and when he became grey and withered, he relinquished it to your father for another fifteen years, till finally, it was yours.
You pulled over just as the last knock sounded, the tremble in your fingers worsening. Your eyes welled, sure to leave a soft red glassiness. The need for air consumed you, the space to walk freely about, a puff of smoke or two maybe.
The pavement was hard under your feet, slam of the door accented by vexation. You picked behind your ear, that nicely rolled spliff safely kept and waiting to be lit. The lighter in your front pocket an easy grab, the flicker of orange a short friendly blaze as it singed the paper. The pull you took was slow, measured, as if to savor this minuscule moment of stillness that lived among others not so still. Not so peaceful. With release, you blew into the air, dried eyes taking in the vast blue of the sky. The never ending expansion blurring your vision as your mind sifted through slim courses of action. If you could just get the car to your garage, then you could figure the battery out on your own, saving time you didn’t have on a mechanics trips you couldn’t afford. All you needed was a—
"Need a boost?"
"Yes". The answer was so quick, it nearly gave you whiplash. The tension in your bones dissipating as you got rid of the sizzling flame around your spliff.
The stranger spun his car from its position just beside yours, the hood of it now facing yours head on before he turned it off and got out.
"Thanks so much for this".
"No problem. It's a nice ride you got, don't really see too many classics rolling around Santo Padre much", he said, eyeing the shine of the paint job. His fingers skimming the hood before he lifted it. "Where'd you get it?"
You step closer to him, a grin stretching your lips at his admiration. The RT was your pride and joy, the height of your ego bursting through to rise above some invisible ceiling whenever folks gave it compliments and stares of approval. "My dad had it for a while, gave it to me when he couldn't keep up with it anymore".
With a nod, he retrieved the cables from his trunk, the wide stretch of his back shifting just under the white fabric of his t-shirt to reveal the curve and ripple of muscles. They traveled down his arms, the bulge of them mixing with defined veins that ran across thick powerful looking fingers. He stretched one of those hands out toward you.
"Ezekiel Reyes".
You considered his hand for a moment, slipping it into your own as your eyes racked him with all the subtlety you could muster. It mustn't have been enough because that innocent friendly smile he gave you had turned into something more knowing. He knew you were checking him out but he didn't mind much. "Y/N".
His thumb skimmed the back of your hand just before letting go, turning his attention to attaching the cables to both cars properly. You minded his movements with the cables closely, triple checking the order in which he connected them with a hawks eye, a concentrated intensity that your dear old Charger RT deserved. Abruptly then, like the quickness of a blink or some single strike of lightning, a thought came to you. "Wait, not Reyes as in Carniceria Reyes?"
"Yeah it's my pops shop",
"Felipe's a real sweet guy. It's not everyday you can look through a deep book collection while the butcher cuts up your dinner". You paused, giving the beauty of his face another glance. "He should've warned me though, never told me both his sons were so handsome".
"You met Angel", he stated, a low dip in his tone. Was it disappointment?
"A couple of weeks ago. He was passing through when I stopped by to pick up somethings. He's a real charmer your brother, but I wouldn't worry. I don't think he's messed up your chances just yet", you flirted.
The assurance produced from him a toothy grin. "I'm not worried".
Silence took ahold of you then, anticipation of the moment charging the pressure in your chest to fall straight to your gut. ‘Please work' you whispered while swinging the door wide to slide into the warm leather of the drivers seat. With the key in the ignition, you twisted your wrist forward, a huff of relief puffing from your chest when the engine roars to life. You close the door quick, that relief bubbling under your skin, your head sticking out the window.
"Thanks again Reyes".
He stepped to the window, those warm endearing eyes taking in the summer glow of your face. His tongue slipped just over the plump flesh of his bottom lip. It was a rosy color, the curving dip of it enticing. He liked the way you said his last name.
"It's no problem".
You put your RT in reverse, backing away from his broad body. "See you around?"
"Maybe", he called.
You speed off, the rev of the engine blending into the ebb and flow of the town once again. Existence dipping into the horizon.
You'd saw him again at some hole in the wall you frequented at. The smooth slow tempo of some classic 70s song strumming through the stereo to seep into your ears richly like fresh honey. The atmosphere was subdued, the short clinks of beer bottles and incomprehensible murmurs of frivolous conversations sating the air. It was the perfect place to think, to allow your mind to wander directionless through the never ending abyss of happenings and circumstances that had presented themselves down through the week. You made idle chitchat with the bartender about a laundry list of things of no particular significance, small smiles and light chuckles ringing from you both every now and then.
The night was going good, till you felt a creeping touch just at the low end of your back.
"Let me buy you a drink". The voice was rusted, withered by too much tobacco.
You held up the beer in your hand. "I've got already, I'm good".
This guy was tipsy, blood red creeping into his eyes, body swaying just the slightest bit. "Don't be like that, let me buy you another".
"I said I'm good", you asserted. The coolness of the bottle creating a tingling sensation in your hand. You'd crack it over his head if he touched you again.
"Sorry I'm late, everything alright?", another voice asked, but this one you knew. That deeply textured tone wrapping sweetly around your senses. You tore your irritated gaze set on the almost-drunk guy, softening it as you took Ezekiel in. He looked slightly different, refreshed it seemed, or maybe it was just his barbered hair. A Mayans kutte rested over him, comfortable like a second layer of skin, the black leather accentuating the swell of his muscles. You'd have to figure out later why your eyes diverted to them so often, they were becoming a hindrance to your thinking.
"Everything's good now", you played. Giving him a light peck to the cheek to sell the story. His arm wrapped around you in what appeared to be some reflexive reaction, all natural like he'd done it countless times before. When he realized Ezekiel wasn't leaving, the guy swayed away in true tipsy fashion. Mumbling incoherent things with a griped attitude. Ezekiel took his chair, the proximity of it in regards to yours making the point of his knee knock and slide the smooth plain of your jeans. You watched him take a glance over the bar before he called for a beer.
"Thanks for that".
"No problem", the corner of his lip turning up. "Seems like you've been needing my help a lot lately".
"Don't flatter yourself Reyes, this is just a coincidence".
"Any reason why you're at a bar alone?"
Your face screwed up in a show of confusion, but you could guess quickly the reason for the question. "Any reason why you're at a bar alone?"
He sipped at his beer. "Outside gets loud sometimes y'know, hectic. It's quiet in here. Good place to think".
"A little unsafe for you though no?" And there it was.
"Everywhere's unsafe for me Ezekiel, I'm a woman. I mean I couldn't guarantee safety in my own home if I wanted to, but that's just how the world works". You paused, mischief rising in your face. "Don't worry though, I've got a little surprise for anyone who wants to test their luck".
"Oh really".
"Yeah, you men are dangerous out here. I gotta be prepared always".
His brows furrowed. "That's a bit of a big generalization to make".
"But if it's true it's true. Name one thing a man doesn't get dangerous about. Doesn't even have to be rejection", you say, turning to fully face him.
He considers the question for a moment, staring into the color of your eyes as if he'd find the answer in them. "Love".
"A man who loves, whose in love, would do any and everything, no matter how mad the shit is. He'd risk lives, his life even. If that's not dangerous then I don't know what is".
A speck of something lit in the hazel of his eyes. As if your words had brought to the present some memory buried deep within the grave of his soul. What you said hit rather close, closer than expected. "Who is she?"
"Doesn't matter, it's in the past".
"Humor me".
His jaw ticked before he spoke. "Her names Emily, but that shits all just history now. Doesn't matter". He turned the focus from himself. "What about you. Whose going all reckless about you".
"Who says he exist"
"You just did, I never specified who in particular".
So much for playing dumb. "His name is Jason".
"Sounds like an asshole".
You snort, the teasing of a headache coming as you thought on the insufferable man that was Jason. "He is. He's got that weird alpha male thing about him. Has to be in control of everything, doesn't know when to leave well enough alone".
The muted energy of the bar rose between the two of you, each taking quiet sips of your beer. You took notice of the way he surveyed the room from where he sat. That golden gaze sifting through the space and over bodies with quick ease. He was assessing, the gears in his head turning, calculating and considering every and all the possibilities of danger. It reminded you of someone.
"How long were you in for?", you ask.
"How'd you know?"
"You've been on the defensive since you sat down, lookin’ everywhere like someone's gonna up and shank you for no reason. My cousin was the same way when he got out, always looking over his shoulder". You shrugged. "Grew out of it eventually.
His eyes were a bit sullen, as if the truth would scare you. "Eight years".
"He was in for fifteen, and that prison shit is unbelievable, I mean the stories he's told me are crazy". You laugh suddenly at a memory, the resonance of it making him smile in admiration of the sound. "He did this thing for a while when he got home where he'd only have one knife, one fork and one spoon in his kitchen and I swear it was the funniest shit".
The smile falters, his body shifting awkwardly in the bar stool, embarrassed. 
"Oh my God Reyes don't tell me you've been doing the same thing".
"In my defense I live alone".
"But what if you have a special guest over, you'd be a sorry ass host", you tease.
"If you wanted to have dinner with me then just say that".
You force away the heat daring to rise in your cheeks. "We have to take a trip to home goods before I even consider a dinner with you”.
You both give hearty laughs, till the vibration in your pocket pulls your focus. With a quick slip of your phone, you realize how fast time had gone on. “Shit I gotta go, but it was real nice seeing you again Ezekiel".
"It was good seeing you too".
You press your hand against his patch, laying a sweet lingering kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Make it home in one piece for me yeah".
"I have to. You might need me again".
"I'm counting on it".
You were a joke it seemed, the universe and fate in a gaming mood, as they were using you as a source for their own amusement. Commissioning their faithful associate to do the heavy lifting of masking their scents. The two of you were at the right place, at the right time again, what a damn coincidence. Before the present week, you'd never even seen Ezekiel's face, just learning of his existence a week or so before that, and now you'd seen him twice in a matter of days. This night being the third.
He was surrounded by men who donned the same kutte as him, curious eyes swimming through the sea of bodies as they did in every other setting, till they met yours. He came to you without a second thought, eyeing the tight leather of your pants and how they clung to your thighs. The cropped cut of your vintage top revealing skin he longed to touch. Since the first time he saw you his mind raced with thoughts of your voice, visions of your lips touching his skin again, plaguing his body with the desire to have you.
You stepped away from your group of friends, meeting him half way. "You're just stalking me at this point. Not that I mind".
He clutched the openings of his kutte, that signature grin lighting his face, even with the casting over of the nights darkness. "Something told me I'd see you again. How's your RT?"
"Good, resting in my garage. I've been kinda scary about replacing the battery".
"I'm good with cars don't get me wrong, but something about fucking it up just makes me sick. It's a lot of history behind that car. I don't wanna destroy it".
"Understandable", he nodded. Noting the caution behind your words, the way you spoke with such passion and care about the thing you loved. It was endearing.
The heavy crunch of gravel and sand tore through the beginnings of some silent stare, an undeniable enticement brewing. It was Angel.
"I see you met this asshole already", the older Reyes said.
"I'm not an asshole Angel, just 'cause I turned you down".
He sent a smirk your way. "You didn't turn me down, we made a mutual decision that you couldn't handle me remember?"
"Right. That's exactly how it went".
A call sounded through the dewy air of the night, signifying the start of a race. You started toward a cherry red car.
"That's me", you said. In regards to the call.
Ezekiel was confused, intrigued. "You racing?"
"Yeah, the mustang", you called, strutting over to your 1970's Mustang, adding the slightest dip to your hips. Giving the brothers something to admire, before dropping low into the leather seats.
With a quick twist, the mustang roared to life, the rumble tearing through the air, growling like a fierce rolling thunder through hazy storm clouds. Another car pulled up on your right, the blue electric color of it dazzling, clashing against the fine cherry red of your own to deliver a sweet contrast for the eyes that watched on in excitement. A woman, with a dangled bandana in her hand, set herself between your car and the other, whistles of admiration thrown her way as she gave the summer evening crowd an alluring smile. At the point of her finger you revved your engine, adrenaline pumping through your veins, rushing from your chest to pulse under your skin. The leather feel of the steering wheel was smooth, the grip you held to it steady. With the downward pull of her hands she set both cars to race and you pulled your mustang swift into the night.
The road before you was a muddled darkness, the outward spreading glow of your headlights stabbing it and tearing it apart as your wheels took a glide against the smooth road. At the mark line, you shifted your car into reverse, whipping left, back into drive, soaring back down the road to where the crowd watched and waited. Their rigid bodies of anticipation lit by your headlights, bellowing screams waning under the busting sound of your revving engine. Your mustang tore through the finishing mark, the tingle of victory surging through you.
Pulling back up to the crowd, you rolled your window down, a slim roll of hundreds placed in your hand by the guy who’d set the race up. You showed up to win and now you were done.
Ezekiel and Angel were a little ways away from your car, your voice carrying over to them. "A little party at my place. You and your guys are cool to come".
They both nodded, heading to their bikes when Angel answered after you. "We'll follow you".
Ezekiel swung his leg, resting on the seat of his bike as he buckled the helmet over his head, his fingers gripping the ape hangers, feeling the vibration of the engine as he followed the sleek vibrant red of your car. The afternoon he met you, he'd been turmoiled, plagued with the natural uncertainties that came with being a member of the MC. That new patch stitched into the upper corner of his kutte had bought a sense of pride and belonging he hadn't felt in forever, it gave him drive, fueled his determination, but as the saying goes, all that glitters is not good. Expectation deceived him, the reality of all things made clear. And that reality was shoveling makeshift graves for men whose names he couldn't even remember, but he remembered yours. Committed himself to it like the loving kiss he gave to the jar that held the remnants of his mother every time he stepped a foot into his fathers house.
He found you flustered, out of yourself with anxiety in the dimming light of the afternoon, and then at the bar, body rigid, eyes wired and ready to do your worst to a guy who could barely keep his posture straight, and now he was following behind you, backing his bike toward the sidewalk that laid just in front your home.
Upon entry, the knock of the speakers bled a thumping bass that pulsated through the floors. Your home had seemed to expand with every new corner that came into view, the walls pushing back to make room for the swell and scatter of bodies. Sweet smells mixed with more pungent ones, the hazy aroma of weed slipping past him as he walked further into the house. A hand placed itself at his side. It was you.
"Can I get you a drink? A beer or something".
"Yeah a beer is cool".
You intertwined your fingers with his, leading him to the kitchen where the sound settled some. Beer bottles clinked, the air releasing as you opened them, handing one over to him.
He gave a quiet "thanks" before sipping, eyeing the way your lips wrapped around the top of the bottle to taste the liquid. They looked soft, full and alluring. He redirected his gaze before the temptation overtook him to do something impulsive that had the prospect of unnerving you. His eyes flitted to the side of your face, an illustration about two inches or so etched into your skin. He hadn't noticed it till now.
You could feel him staring as you tasted the beer, the heat of it tingling your skin. "It's a dagger".
He reached forward, thumb skimming over the finely crafted design, it was a professionals work. With the simple touch of his thumb, your nerves were riling, heat rushing to pulse under your skin, he could feel it. It drew him closer, lured him in. "Did it hurt?".
"Like hell, but when you've felt more painful shit, tattoos like this don't really compare". You lifted the hem of your top some, bringing his fingers to feel the raised skin there. Four inches or so worth of a healed gash rested under his considerate touch. "Got it when I spent a year and a half inside. Grand theft", you admitted.
The reasoning behind telling him wasn't sound in the slightest bit, but what was reasoning when Ezekiel had awakened such dormant feelings inside you. With those beautiful, sunny colored eyes and the warm hand caressing your side, you were liable to tell everything. Truths you hated and dark secrets that laid deep inside your past. You reached up to lay a kiss to those pouty lips, the feel of them mesmeric, dazing. Fulfillment burdened itself onto you, finally you'd got a taste of that rosy pink bottom lip, and now your body was calling for more. Begging for it with such longing that you licked your way through his mouth, his tongue acting in kind. It was slow and all consuming, his body pressing you into the counter to surround you.
"Come with me", your voice airy. Breathless. You lead him to the back of the house. Your room first on the right. A gasp left you when your feet left the floor, body in his arms as he laid you against the fresh feel of the sheets. You kicked your shoes off with ease but the discarding of other pieces left behind a sinking feeling, a pressure forming in your chest to push down straight into your gut. He was glorious, the plains of his skin bound by rich thick tanned muscles and long veins. The dilation of his pupils darkened the air around him, physique imposing. This is what you’d wanted, Why were you feeling so anxious all of a sudden?
"What's wrong?"
Your body had raced miles ahead of your mind and now you were trying to catch up. "I don't know, I just... I feel..."
"It's sounds so stupid when you say it out loud".
"But it's not, It's natural, and I'll do whatever you want me to do. Whatever makes you feel comfortable baby".
He sounded so sure of it, it made you believe him. You laid against the pillows, beckoning him with the outstretch of your fingers. "C'mere".
He obeyed, body atop yours, your legs wrapping loosely around his waist as your head tilted up to give those lips another kiss. It was messy this time, fueled by desperation, your tongues slow to lick as they tasted each other's. The remnants of beer still there. He took hold of your lip, sharp teeth pulling before he kissed his way down to the heated flesh of your neck. There he sucked, bombarding your skin with pressure causing your hips to grind against the coarse fabric of his jeans. The thin cotton layer of your underwear leaving you to erupt with a fresh wave of need. He feathered kisses down your body, pushing your legs up and apart to open yourself for him. A shudder drove down your spine, that soft wide tongue of his licking so close to where you needed him. He peeled away your underwear leaving you bare before him.
"Talk to me baby. What do you need".
You could hear the pulse of your heart in your ears. "Take care of me Ezekiel, make me feel good".
He hummed, loving the airiness of your voice. So drenched with need for him you were. He was methodical despite the desire boiling in his blood threatening to burn through his skin, so he'd settled with toying with you for now. Giving that sweet glistening clit teasing licks. They were measured, the constraint of them existing solely to wreck you, to kill your resolve completely till you were reduced to in-apprehensible words filled with air. The wide-ness of his tongue felt so good, your nails running over the faded part of his head as your hips drew tight circles.
The teasing, the game of it all. He didn't know but you loved it so much. "That feels so good baby, so good", you praised.
Your words were disembodied, wandering in another plain of existence as they rolled off your lips. Your senses were bursting at the seems, and then reborn again to erupt on impact when he sucked against your sensitive nub, lapping your slick salaciously. As if he'd been starved for years, only just finding you now. The line of your spine arched, waist swiveling, grinding to meet his wet tongue. A low "fuck" fell in the air as your felt the rise of your impending release. With taut, rough fingers he hooked at the back of your knees, pushing them into the sheets. The action opened you completely to him, no choice but to surrender to his will and the feel of his lips as he drew you closer to the edge.
"Please, I'm so close", you whimpered. Vision splotchy, thump in your ears intensifying.
He sucked at you again, holding his lips still as your body shook. Quivering against the sheets. He reverted back to soft licks, tasting as you rode the high.
He rose when you settled, eyeing the heavy rise and fall of your chest as he did away with his jeans. "You Ok?"
It took you time to register the question but when you did, you threw a pillow at him. "You just sucked the soul out of me, don't ask me that damn question".
He laughed, watching your eyes dim in bliss. You hadn't noticed, but he'd done away with his underwear as well, the weight of him causing the bed to dip as he came up to where you laid. His thick fingers rolled you over, setting your face to rest against the pillows as your hips raised in the air to rest against the hot flesh of his length, the veined skin laying along your slit. You moaned in anticipation, pushing back against him.
He gripped your cheeks, spreading them to see the quivering flesh of your opening, the flushed pink shinning in the dim light of the room. His tongue slipped against his bottom lip again, reveling in the taste of you as he pushed in. He groaned, and you gave a single fleeting "yes" , the thickness of him giving a delicious stretch, rigid length hot as he pushed and pulled in and out of your depths in a slow manner. Wanting to test the waters same as he did moments ago before building you back up again. The squeeze of you made his chest tight, head swimming with delirium.
"You feel so good mama, so tight around me", he groaned.
His thrust were dizzying as they picked up to set a steady pace, your hips rolling and pushing to take him deeper. To reach that place in you that would force your vision to blur and be replaced by disfigured stars. You reach to lay a finger at your overstimulated bundle of nerves, rubbing the soft slick flesh with lazy pleasuring circles that spurred the knot in your gut to grow. A single tear fell to dampen the pillow, your depths tightening at how full you felt, at how unrelenting the stimulation of his strokes were.
The sharp drive of his hips made you go rigid, the vice like grip you formed around him causing him to fall into his own high. Pace going all slow sloppy to ride out the blissful feeling.
He pulled from you, both your body and his collapsing against the bed. His face formed with satisfaction, a beautiful buzz running through him. "You know what this means right?"
"What", you asked.
"We’ll have to see each other around more often now".
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vxmorpheus · 4 years
It’s been 30 years
since she first landed, and 15 years since we lost contact with her and she died. We knew the day was going to come at some point, but it didn’t make it any easier. We watched her progress, enjoyed her photos, and played music to wake her up. Now, here we were, on Mars and I had a plan. I wanted to find her, not just for myself, but for everyone who cared, everyone who cried at our loss, everyone who wondered where she was and what state of disrepair she was in. 
I quietly influenced where we should land, my crew had no idea what I planned on doing. I wasn’t even sure if they remembered her. Sure, over the past 15 years there were many others like her… but they weren’t her. She was only supposed to live for 90 days and she survived for 15 years. She shared so much with us… pictures, data, and she even discovered water (in the form of ice of course), and she shared her life with us from millions of miles away. I was determined to find her, to show her… we still remember everything you did for us.
We landed between Sunderland Point and Spirit point, not far from where she was last known to be, it took a couple of weeks to set up camp and set up our land rover, but when everything was said and done… we were here. At nights, I would stare out the window at the moons, the huge sky of stars, and the vast dry dusty horizon, it was beautiful. This is what she saw every night before ‘going to sleep’, this is what she lived under, this is where she had lived for 15 years, this is where she lied in permanent slumber. Being able to share this beauty and experience with others was a gift… But she was alone her entire life on Mars and she was alone when she died, in a physical sense. We were there but we couldn’t be there with her. She deserved to come back, she may be unable to come back to working order or back to Earth… but she deserved to come back into the human hands that built her, and loved her for what she was and what she did. The hands that played her music every day to wake her from her coma and sent the final message of I’ll Be Seeing You in hopes that maybe, one day, we will see her again. 
In the morning, I told the crew I was going out to explorer. They told me to be careful, to not stray too far from camp, and to come back before nightfall. Getting on the land rover and driving around was… amazing, weird… alien, yet it felt as if I were driving in a desert on Earth. The land was vast, the terrain was difficult, it took hours to thoroughly search the small area I had marked for day one. In the end, she wasn’t there. She wasn’t anywhere I looked in the week that followed. I wanted to give up… but I couldn’t. She didn’t give up after 90 days, and neither will I. The search continued, I was asked questions by my crew about what I was doing. I wanted to tell them, but I was worried they would think I was stupid or would tell me to give up and that there was no hope in finding her, so… I told them I was mapping out the surrounding area, which in a sense is true. I was mapping out the area, just not for the reason they thought.
Days passed… then weeks… then months… with no luck. Not a single sign of her. But I still didn’t give up. I didn’t want to give up on my personal mission. It might sound weird, but I didn’t want to give up on her. I wanted her to be back with the people who cared and not at the hands of a merciless landscape. The sun was 3 hours from setting and I was on my way back from another failed exploration. Could she have moved? Could she have wandered aimlessly, searching for a way to communicate to us again, only to finally succumb to the dust storm? No… no that sounded stupid… right? But… no, it’s dumb to think such things. It makes no sense. I shook my head and looked off to my left, knowing the terrain by heart by now, I felt comfortable looking away for a time. I needed to clear my thoughts before getting back to base. 
I idly hummed a song to myself, watching the land go by as I drove. I slammed on the breaks, almost causing the rover to tip over, but I swore I had just seen something. I tore my hands away from the steering wheel and slowly got out of the vehicle. I stepped alongside it, staring out to where I saw something reflect, and that’s when I saw the shine again. Taking a sharp inhale, I slowly walked over to the reflective object. It was covered in a heavy amount of dust, but some had blown off from a recent wind storm… I looked down at the large object if it weren’t for the storm, I would have never seen it… it just blended in with everything so well. I knelt down and dusted it off, the air caught in my lungs, and tears formed in my eyes. 
It was her. It had to be her.
I desperately cleaned off everything I could and tried pulling at her to get her tires free from the 15 years of accumulated dust and dirt but she was stuck pretty hard. I crouched down to my knees and grabbed a rock, stabbing and digging at the dirt around her tires, and by the time I freed them… the sun was setting and it was getting cold. Running to the land rover, I dug around for rope to hitch her up to it. I hooked the rope to the rover and walked over to her, looking for the best way to tie her up and not break the fragile machinery. The only way I thought I could do this was by tying her up by her box body, the WEB. I was as careful as possible and even more careful as I towed her back to base. I was freezing cold by the time I saw base, the last bits of the sun just beginning to disappear. There were lights outside moving around, probably the crew doing last minute checks before heading to bed… That’s when a loud radio buzz came over my com before the captain’s voice yelled at me, asking where the hell I was, why I was so late coming back. The yelling continued until they showed their lights onto her, then there was a long silence that overcame them.
Once I parked the rover and got out, I fell down to my knees. I couldn’t feel my legs, I hadn’t moved them once on the way back. Everyone rushed over and helped me to the base to warm me up. I was setting into hypothermia, I couldn’t process anything anymore at that point. They threw so many questions at me, I just couldn’t understand anything they were saying, all that I thought about was, “at least she was found finally and she wasn’t alone. At least I’m not alone either…” before passing out. I thought I was dying… well… I guess, in a way, I was dying, but… since I wasn’t alone… since I had people around me who cared… they helped me. They saved me. When I came to some time later, a couple of days later, I was once again questioned on my reckless actions and what I had brought back to base. I told them everything. I told them how I searched for her every day, how I found her, why I wanted to find her, why I risked my stupid life to bring her back, who she was…
They didn’t believe me at first, so we took her to the garage with the land rover and began looking at her parts. We cleaned her out, checked all the hardware, and somehow… we were able to run diagnostics on her. She should have been a heap of junk on the Martian wasteland, but here she was… still in, mostly, one-piece and somewhat functional. We ignored everything for a while and just worked on her for a couple of days. Replacing a small part of her solar panels, shining light onto it, hoping for something… anything… but she didn’t wake up. We checked her body, checked everything we could… and retried again. We watched the computer eagerly, waiting for something, and there was something. There was a small bit of charge, we waited for hours but it hardly went up any. 
She somehow charged to a small 5% and connected to our computer. We began receiving data slowly before she started to smoke, making us panic. One of the crew went to take the light away, but before he did… we received a message… or rather… she received our final message. I’ll Be Seeing You played for her while we sat there and watched…
I'll find you
In the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you…
Then… she powered down for the last time. Nothing we did brought her back. But… it’s for the best… it was time to let her go. It was her time to go. She stayed fighting for so long… just long enough for someone to find her… so she could hear our last message to her. Our love song for her. Our good-bye song to her. We all started crying as soon as we realized she was gone for good. Even though she was ‘just a machine’, she still meant things to us. We humanized her, gave her a name, watched her explore and discover new things, watched her age, and now… with a final good-bye… we watched her die.
We humanize the most mundane and inanimate things, we love them and care about them as if they were alive… and when they die or get destroyed… we grieve for them. We grieve for the humanity we put onto them, we grieve for something that felt like somebody, and that’s ok. It’s ok to grieve or something that seems so… abnormal or stupid… it’s not stupid or abnormal in the end though. It’s only human to love such a thing so deeply that you humanize it and miss it when it’s gone. And it hurts if we feel we never had the proper good-bye with them.
Knowing that Oppy, Opportunity, died, despite many attempts to wake her up, and then get sent the final song I’ll Be Seeing You is… touching, comforting even, but it still makes me incredibly sad. She was long since passed when we sent the final message, I’m not even sure if she truly received the good-bye she oh so deserved, which makes me cry even more to think about.
But maybe
Just maybe
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We will be seeing you again one day.
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Meant To Be Yours | Luke Patterson
A/N: this is for all the Heathers fans and Musical Theater lovers out there! I was listening to the soundtrack today and realized how incredibly good Luke would be at singing meant to be yours...  Nobody asked for this but... Here ya goooo! 
Pairing: Luke Patterson x Musical Theater Program!reader 
Warnings: angst, fluff, minor swearing 
Words: 5,470
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Being a Musical Theater fan and in Los Feliz High’s Musical Theater program has never made Y/N very popular with her peers. Besides her friends at the Musical Theater program and Julie and Flynn, she never really had many people taking as much as a glance at her. None of that really improved when she and Luke started dating. No one believed she was dating the cute hologram band member from Julie and The Phantoms. Thank God they don’t know the truth. Dating a ghost would get her twice the bullying. 
The first time she saw them was when the boys performed ‘Bright’ with Julie at the spirit rally about three months ago. Julie had never told Y/N she played with a hologram band, and though Flynn was upset about it, Y/N just found it incredibly confusing. Julie would’ve told her and Flynn about a hologram band. There must be something else that she’s not telling her, she figured. Something just doesn’t add up about the whole story. And after an entire night of lying awake in bed, she heads to Julie’s garage before school the next day , finding the three hologram band boys there, hanging around together. 
She glances from the cute guy behind the drums, to the other with the flannel, to finally land on the -- in her opinion -- cutest of the three with the orange beanie covering most of his dark hair, trying to connect the dots. “Oh, hey, Y/N,” Julie greets when she enters the garage, making Y/N snap out of her thoughts. “Dad told me he saw you walk into the studio.” She glances at the boys, trying her hardest to pretend they’re not even there. “So… Are you going to tell me why your hologram band is in your garage?” Julie’s eyes widen at this question, then dart to each of the boys, who look about as confused as her. “Y-you can see them?” Julie stutters, trying to figure out what’s happening. “Yes? Am I not supposed to?” Y/N’s eyes dart over to the boys again as they gather closer towards the two girls. “Why are you all looking at me like that?” She’s growing more and more nervous. Maybe she has something on her face. “You better sit down for this one,” Julie gently pushes her down on the armchair before standing in front of her with the boys behind her. “They’re ghosts… They died in 1995 when they ate some bad hot dogs and I’m pretty much the only one that can see them… Except for you, apparently.” Y/N tries her hardest to understand what’s happening right now. Those three boys are ghosts. And she can see them. She can see three ghosts. “I knew the hologram story was bullshit,” she finally manages to bring out after a couple of seconds of silence. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I didn’t want you to think I’d gone completely crazy…” Y/N lets a small smile shine out. She’d been there for Julie when she’d lost her mother and Julie  had been there after Y/N’s grandmother had passed away too. “You know my grandmother used to be in this voodoo crap when she was alive, I would’ve believed you if you’d just told me.” The two girls chuckle at this, remembering the times Y/N’s grandmother used to babysit the two after school and she’d tell them these stories about ghosts and witches and voodoo. Back then, the girls used to giggle at them and mimic Grammy Dottie on their sleepovers. “I know, I’m sorry. I should’ve told you…” Julie takes Y/N’s hands in hers, pulling her up on her feet again. “Will you forgive me?” Y/N pretends to think about it before nodding, the two of them giggling as they embrace. Y/N’s eyes then land on the boys behind her. “You might wanna introduce me to your band though,” she whispers in her best friend’s ear. “Right,” Julie lets go of Y/N and turns to face the boys. “Boys, this is Y/N Y/L/N. My best friend since diapers, pretty much. Y/N, this is my band.” “I’m Reggie!” the boy in the flannel raises his finger, “Hi!” He gives her the most excited smile, followed by a little wave. Y/N returns the favor. “I’m Alex,” the blonde guy she’d seen behind the drums earlier, takes his turn to introduce himself. Y/N let out a soft ‘hi’ before looking over at the last member. The one in the orange beanie. The one with the gorgeous, tender  hazel eyes and the soft smile plastered on his face.  He doesn’t introduce himself at first, it takes Reggie nudging him with his elbow before he flinches back to earth. “I-I’m Luke….” A faint blush creeps onto his cheeks. “It’s very nice to meet you, boys,” she says to all of them, but keeps her eyes on Luke. There’s something about him that attracts her eyes to him. Maybe it’s the smile or the eyes. Or the arms. But just maybe there’s something about this vibe he’s giving off. This kind-hearted, passionate, excited vibe that makes him so much more attractive. Just something about the way he carried himself with so much humbled confidence. There was just something about Luke. 
Though Y/N found it weird at first, having a crush on a ghost, she couldn’t stop her brain from thinking about him or her heart from beating faster every time he was near. Julie and Flynn even noticed her drawing hearts in her notes from class, and humming love songs in the hallways. They couldn’t keep themselves from teasing you about it either. “Back on Cloud Luke, Y/N?” Flynn makes her snap  out of her thoughts when Julie and her join Y/N at the lunch table. A scarlet tint crawls onto her cheeks as she subtly hides the ‘LP’ doodles she’d drawn in her musical script. “What?! No!” she yelps out a little too defensively. “I don’t have a crush on Luke, you guys. I don’t know where you get your information…” she chuckles nervously before sipping from her drink. Flynn and Julie exchange glances. “Exhibit A,” Julie starts and tugs the script from underneath Y/N’s arm. “Your billions of doodles of hearts and his initials in your script and notes.” Flynn whips out her phone, opening Twitter on Y/N profile. “Exhibit B,” she stars, and shows her friend the last few tweets, “You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams,” She dramatically reads out the most recent one. “And I'd give up forever to touch you, 'cause I know that you feel me somehow. You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be and I don't wanna go home right now.” “That last one is a great song,” Y/N points out. “Sure, but you never Tweet any quotes or song lyrics unless you’re truly feeling it,” Julie reasons. Y/N knows her friends are right. She does have a crush on Luke but she doesn’t want to admit she’s crushing on a ghost. A ghost. Made of air. “You can’t deny there’s chemistry between the two of  you, Y/N. You’ve been inseparable since day one. Plus, he’s hella cute,” Flynn states. Y/N’s lips curl up into a smile at this. “Just remember he’s made out of air,” Julie adds, making all three of them chuckle. “Cute air,” Y/N retorts with a shrug. Flynn places a hand on hers, making her look up at her friend. “Just don’t get hurt, okay? It’s clear the two of you are mad for each other.” Y/N’s eyebrows furrow at this in confusion. “Luke doesn’t feel the same for me. Who would ever fall in love with the Musical Theater Nerd?” Her voice lowers, as does her head as she stares at her fidgeting hands on the table. “Uh, have you taken a look at yourself in the mirror? Ever?” Julie exclaims, almost angrily. “You are so gorgeous, Y/N,” Flynn chimes in with affirmation. “You have a killer body,” Julie continues. “A killer voice,” Flynn goes on. “And  you are so hilarious. Luke would be really stupid if he didn’t see that!” Y/N can’t help but smile at these compliments. Julie and Flynn always know how to cheer the girl up. “Just talk to him tonight after rehearsals.” Y/N nods her head, inhaling slowly. That night, Julie, Reggie and Alex quickly left after rehearsals, each with another excuse just so the two love birds could be alone. Y/N rolled her eyes at that, turning back to her script. Luke places his guitar in its stand before joining the girl on the couch, swatting away the script from her lap, and lying down with his head in her lap instead. She doesn’t say anything, but just lets him do whatever he feels comfortable doing. She’s now holding her script in one hand, resting it on his chest, while her other goes to his hair. It’s become an automatism for her to do that. Whether he was lying in her lap or they were just sitting next to each other, she always found her fingers tangling up in his hair. Ever since figuring out she could touch the guys, Luke has been very clingy towards her, asking for cuddles or grabbing her hand and playing around with the rings around her fingers or the bracelets around her wrists. “What are you doing?” he asks, looking at the script. “Preparing for the audition for the new musical next week,” she replies without taking her eyes off the script. The boys knew the girl could sing, and they often let her talk about her favorite musicals even though they had no clue about any of them since they’d come out after they died. “Which one is it?” he asks, his fingers running up and down her arm that’s resting on his chest. “Heathers,” she replies, “It’s based on the movie from the 80’s, do you know that one?” “Yeah, I think I watched it with Alex and his sister,” he replies, “They made a musical from that?” Y/N nods her head, her eyes glancing at his. He’s on his back, looking up at her. “Please, tell me you’re not going for one of the Heathers, though?” She shakes her head with a giggle. “Good, because I didn’t really like either of them in the movie.” “None of their parts are really in my range. I’m going to audition for Veronica.” He nods his head slowly, trying to remember which character that was. “The part Winona Ryder played in the movie.” He let out a whispered ‘aaaaaah’. “It’s a pretty big role, so I doubt I’ll actually get it.” Luke frowns at this, and sits up to face her with a disapproving scowl on his face. “You’re insanely talented, Y/N! If they don’t cast you as Veronica, they’re just crazy!” She smiles at his compliment. “Thanks, Luke…” she trails off a little, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “There are just so many talented people in the Musical Theater Program that I doubt they’ll pick me instead of them.” She chuckles at her own pathetic behavior. “It’s lame, I know…” He reaches for her hand when these words roll out of her mouth, capturing her attention again. “It’s not lame, Y/N. I get insecure sometimes too! Sometimes, I get these bouts of anxiety where I think our band will never be good enough for the music industry or for any manager to ever take us on. I sometimes think our songs aren’t good enough, or I’m not good enough. It’s normal, I think.” His words do make her feel a little better. “You just need someone to tell you otherwise and get those ugly thoughts out of your pretty head,” he taps her temple softly twice, making her giggle. “That’s really comforting, Luke, thank you…” She offers him a thankful smile whilst ignoring this gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach. She wants to kiss him so badly, and judging from his eyes darting from her eyes to her lips and back, he’s thinking the exact same thing. She leans in a little, her head tilting and eyes fluttering. Butterflies erupt in her stomach as she catches Luke to do the same. They’re inches away when Carlos abruptly opens the garage doors, making the two of them jump away. The little boy’s eyes widen when he finds his sister’s best friend on the couch, cheeks reddening. “Oh, hey, Y/N. I didn’t know you were still here,” he chuckles awkwardly. Y/N knows why he’s here though. He likes to use the bathroom in the back, especially for all his number two’s. “Yeah, I was uh… Rehearsing for my audition next week,” she holds her script up in the air as proof. “You need the garage, don’t you?” He shoots her an awkward, toothy smile, which is enough for Y/N to know that he needs it for the exact reason he always needs it. “All right, I’m gone…” She glances at Luke whilst reaching past him for her backpack. “Meet me outside,” he tells you before poofing out. You do as told after saying goodbye to Carlos and leaving the garage where you find Luke sitting on the rock near the stairs to the house. She walks up a few of the stairs, so she’s on his eye-level. “I have an idea. If you want, I could help you rehearse some songs and dialogue? I could even ask the boys to help out?” She can’t withhold a smile at this suggestion of his. “You don’t know any of the music, though?” she fairly points out. “We’ll do our homework,” he replies with a grin. “Trust me, Y/N. We’ll be able to help you prepare for this audition, I promise!” Without thinking twice about it, she reaches up and kisses him on the cheek and whispers a thank you in his ear before turning on her heel and leaving the boy flustered on the rock. You didn’t talk to him like you’d promised Julie and Flynn. But at least now you know he kind of feels the same. 
The first kiss happened during the first rehearsal they planned in preparation for the audition. It’s after the Julie and The Phantoms rehearsal. Y/N’s on the couch, waiting for them to finish while going over some lines and lyrics, though her eyes often diververt to Luke. He watches her too, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He can’t wait to start rehearsing with her. When he told the boys about helping Y/N out with her audition, the boys had given him knowing glances. They told him he had to do something about this obvious crush he had on her. They often teased him about kissing her, even during their rehearsals when they caught the two looking at each other with desire in their eyes. “Are you ready, Y/N?” Reggie asks when the rehearsal with Julie finishes. His voice makes her avert her eyes from Luke’s, clearly far away on Cloud Luke. “Mmh?” she hums, not having registered his question until she repeats it in her mind, “Oh, yeah!” She gets up from the couch to join the boys at their instruments whilst Julie sits down on the couch instead. She offers Y/N an encouraging grin, excited to hear her sing again. Julie and Flynn were always the ones on the front row during any of the musicals the Theatre Program put on. They were there when Y/N played Chris in Carrie, and when she played Janice in Mean Girls. That last one was Julie’s favorite role she’d ever seen Y/N in. “We listened to the entire soundtrack last night, Julie showed us,” Alex informs his friend excitedly, proud he’s so informed on the musicals from the last decade. “We listened to the Broadway version and the West End version, so just tell us what you wanna do.” “I’m kind of stuck between these two songs to do for my audition. I wanna do I Say No, from the West End version because it showcases my range really well. But I also wanna do Seventeen because it’s my favorite, though I’m gonna need a person to duet with.” She can’t hide the fact that she wanted to duet the song with Luke, even though he can’t join her on the audition. Because one, you can only audition with someone from the program, and two… Luke is dead. “Let’s try the first one first?” Reggie suggests, looking over at Y/N. “Sure, you guys know the chords?” she asks the two with the guitars. They both nod before starting to play, Alex joining in with the drums too. Y/N grabs Julie’s white microphone after silently asking for her permission, which she granted by nodding her head. “You are a drug You are a poison pill I've got to kick this habit now Or else I never will I loved the rush When you would hold me close But you will not be satisfied Until I overdose” Julie has always admired how she can switch off from the world around her and get into character so quickly. The passion in her eyes and facial expressions are convincing, to say the least. “This is it Hit the brake I am finally awake Let me be Let me go You need help I can't provide I am not qualified This troubled teen is getting clean I say no” “Veronica, who else is gonna be-” Y/N’s eyes widen for a second when Luke chimes in with JD’s line in the song. But recomposes herself and turns to him completely, singing the next part to him. “No, no, no, no! Don't say a word You speak and I cave in You'll twist the truth again And drill deep down beneath my skin You said you'd change And I believed in you But you're still using me to justify the harm you do” She turns to Julie again, as if speaking to the audience like she would in the play. This leaves Luke a bit disappointed. He keeps his eyes on her, a smile tugging at his lips as he admires her. “This is it Hit the brake Call it all my mistake Long as you let me go You need help I can't provide I'm not Bonnie You're not Clyde It's not too late I'm getting straight I say no” Julie gets up from the couch and moves to the keyboard to back up with some softer tones for the bridge as the boys stop playing their instruments, whilst Y/N turns to Luke again. Imagining him as Jason Dean would be a terrible idea, but she’s going with it. “Blame your childhood, blame your dad Blame the life you never had But hurting people? That's your choice, my friend” The boys join in with their instruments again, building up the rest of the bridge. “'Cause I believe that love will win And hate will earn you nothing in the end This is the end” Luke looks at her in admiration and so much love, and decides to say JD’s line, though with a softer touch. “But I love you!” Y/N almost believes it, but recomposes herself, remembering the role she’s supposed to play and withhold during an entire musical. “Dude” She steps away from him while the boys sing the chorus along with her. “This is it I won't cry Starting now, I will try To pay back All the karma I owe Start again Somewhere new Far from cold guys like you So goodbye 'Cause now I I say no Just in time I say no Somehow I'm saying no Just say no I say no No!” The boys stop playing as Y/N lowers her microphone, panting from the last high notes she had to hit, and hit flawlessly. Reggie and Alex exchange glances with Julie while Luke simply stares at Y/N, a content sigh leaving his body. “That was so good!” Reggie makes Y/N snap out her thoughts -- like why Luke’s ‘I love you’ sounded so real. “I got ghost bumps!” He shows his arm even though it’s covered by his leather jacket. Y/N chuckles, biting down her lip nervously. “Let’s do the other one,” Alex then suggests, “Which was that? The duet, right?” Y/N nods her head slowly as nerves course through her body. She knows Luke’s going to want to play JD, like he’s done in the previous song too. “Luke, are you up for it?” The words roll off her lips before she allows them to. He nods his head eagerly, making the others chuckle, knowing why. They’d talked about this song last night, the boys teasing Luke by telling him he should probably learn this by heart if he wants to conquer Y/N’s heart. Y/N nods at Alex, who counts them in before hitting his drums, Julie and Reggie joining in with their instruments when needed. Y/N turns to face Luke, getting into the character of Veronica Sawyer again. “Fine! We're "damaged" Really "damaged" But that does not make us "wise" We're not "special", we're not "different" We don't choose who lives or dies Let's be normal, see bad movies Sneak a beer and watch TV We'll bake brownies or go bowling Don't you want a life with me? Can't we be seventeen? That's all I want to do If you could let me in I could be good with you” Her soft melodic and angelic voice makes Luke all mushy inside. “People hurt us” “Or they vanish” He sounds as vulnerable as JD does in this moment. “And you’re right, that really blows But we let go” “Take a deep breath” “And go buy some summer clothes We’ll go camping” “Play some poker” Y/N chuckles a little as her eyes tear up slightly at the tenderness of his voice. “And we’ll eat some chili fries Maybe Prom night” “Maybe dancing” “Don’t stop looking in my eyes” The power behind her voice surprises Luke that he has no other choice but to look in her eyes. All while the others join in with their instruments at full force. “Your eyes” “Can't we be seventeen Is that so hard to do? If you could let me in I could be good with you” The music gets more powerful, as do their voices. “Let us be seventeen If we've still got the right” “So what's it gonna be? I wanna be with you” “Wanna be with you” “Tonight” The electricity between the two of them and the desire that had been there all along now takes the better of her. In the heat of it all, she launches herself in Luke’s arms, pressing her lips to his in a fiery, passionate kiss. The others don’t stop playing, but they do exchange surprised and relieved glances. She breaks the kiss, but presses her forehead against his as she continues singing the song like the true professional she is. “Yeah, we’re damaged” “Badly damaged” “But your love’s too good to lose” “Hold me tighter” “Even closer” “I’ll stay if I’m what you choose” “Can we be seventeen?” “If I am what you choose” “If we’ve still got the right” “‘Cause you’re the one I choose” “You’re the one I choose” “You’re the one I choose” Suddenly, the lyrics have gotten an entirely different meaning. Especially the way they’re singing it, makes it seem like they’re actually singing it to each other. Like Y/N is singing to Luke and Luke to Y/N. Not Veronica and Jason Dean. Y/N coughs awkwardly as she steps away from Luke, glancing at the others who have their teasing grins at the ready. “That’s in the script…” she tries, but the laughter that erupts from their friends tells her she can’t lie to them. Luke and Y/N stare at each other, a shy smile on their faces as they let them laugh it out. It takes a little while before they actually die down. “Sure, Y/N, that looked very scripted,” Julie says, patting her best friend’s shoulder. There’s nothing left to hide now. You and Luke are very much in love with one another. Though it still feels weird to be in love with a ghost who, quite frankly, would be about twenty years older if he hadn’t died, Y/N couldn’t hide the feelings she had for this boy. There was no hiding it after that outburst they had just now. But maybe that’s for the better. 
Thanks to the help of the boys and Julie, Y/N landed the role of Veronica Sawyer in Los Feliz High’s rendition of Heathers the Musical. Not only that, Luke and Y/N have now been dating for a month now. He’s been incredibly supportive over the course of the rehearsals of the musical, and she has been supportive of the band. It’s been fun and games, so far. Making out in the loft after band rehearsals or backstage in the auditorium, singing songs together at the top of their lungs whilst dancing around her room (though her parents complained about that), and cuddling on the couch whilst going over Y/N’s lines together. Nothing ever happened to cause an argument until Luke sat in a rehearsal for the musical when they were going over the Dead Girl Walking scene. Watching his very alive girlfriend kiss another very alive boy isn’t quite the confidence boost. He lasts until halfway through the song when the guy playing JD rips Y/N’s shirt open. That’s when he just had to get out of there. Y/N couldn’t tell anyone they were dating, and if she did, no one believed her she was dating the hologram boy from Julie’s band. Which also meant boys hitting on her when she was in her Veronica costume, mostly the boy who played Jason Dean. “Having a girl on top of you makes you realize things,” he had said. Y/N told him she wasn’t interested, but that didn’t stop the boy from trying. She had told Luke that. Her first mistake. Because ever since then, he has never missed a rehearsal. Y/N knew this scene was coming up, and she had tried to tell Luke he shouldn’t come, but of course he didn’t listen. And now he’s upset with her because she had told him about her minor crush on Christian Slater -- the original JD from the movie -- and about the JD song she loved so much. He knew how sexy she thought that song was, especially when the actor sings it as raw as Jamie Muscato or Ryan McCartan did in the West End and off-Broadway version. She’s not surprised to find Luke and the boys in the studio when she gets back, their instruments in hand, but no Julie to be seen. Only the very familiar riff of a Heathers song sounding through the amps. She halts in the doorway, crossing her arms as she watches the boys. None of them has seen her yet, which gives her the rawest and most honest version of this song. “You chucked me out like I was trash, For that you should be dead— But! But! But! Then it hit me like a flash, What if high school went away instead Those assholes are the key! They're keeping you away from me! They made you blind, messed up your mind But I can set you free!” Reggie jumps around whilst playing the bass, letting himself go on the beat. Even Alex is so lost in his drumming, he doesn’t even notice the girl in the doorway. And Luke has his scowl set on the void, possibly imagining the boy’s face and wanting to punch him in the face. “You left me and I fell apart, I punched the wall and cried— Bam! Bam! Bam!” Y/N flinches at the sudden loudness of his voice. “Then I found you changed my heart and set loose all that truthful shit inside! And so I built a bomb Tonight our school is Vietnam! Let's guarantee they'll never see their senior prom!” His voice grows a little softer at the chorus, showing his more delicate side, the side Y/N has come to love so much. “I was meant to be yours! We were meant to be one! Don't give up on me now! Finish what we've begun! I was meant to be yours!” He sounds angry and frustrated during the next verse, a hint of menace laced in his voice. To his girlfriend, it sounds incredibly sexy. He suddenly seems twice as attractive. “So when the high school gym goes boom with everyone inside— Pchw! Pchw! Pchw! In the rubble of their tomb We'll plant this note explaining why they died!” She sees this as her chance to announce her presence. She quickly runs over to Julie’s microphone and starts singing along on the bridge where the ensemble would join in. Luke’s head snaps up at her, bewilderment and surprise in his eyes, along with some embarrassment. “We, the students of Westerburg High Will die. Our burnt bodies may finally get through To you. Your society churns out slaves and blanks No thanks. Signed the Students of Westerburg High 'Goodbye.'” Y/N gives him a nod of encouragement, telling him to continue. He does as he’s told with even more power behind his voice and even some amusement as a smile plays at his lips. She grabs the microphone from the stand and dances up to him. “We'll watch the smoke poor out the doors. Bring marshmallows, We'll make s'mores! We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!” Along with Reggie and Alex, Y/N takes care of the backing vocals whilst Luke lets himself go in the song. His voice becomes more and more raspy with the second, sending shivers down his girlfriend’s spine. “I was meant to be yours! We were meant to be one! I can't make this alone! Finish what we've begun! You were meant to be mine! I am all that you need! You carved open my heart! Can't just leave me to bleed!” He turns to her as she offers him her microphone for the next bit. The fact he’s looking into her eyes doesn’t help her subdue her feelings. At all. In fact, it just increases those butterflies and shivers and curling of the toes. “Veronica, open the—open the door, please' Veronica, open the door. Veronica, can we not fight anymore' Please, can we not fight anymore' Veronica, sure, you're scared, I've been there. I can set you free! Veronica, don't make me come in there! I'm gonna count to three! One! Two! Fuck it!” She can’t detain her feelings anymore and crashes her lips onto his again, exactly like that time they rehearsed Seventeen together and they had their first kiss. Reggie and Alex exchange glances, though this time it’s with an eyeroll. Luke pulls away when he has to sing the very last bit of the song, keeping his forehead pressed to hers. His voice is back to its vulnerable side as he stares into his girlfriend’s eyes with so much regret for ever feeling so jealous of any lifer guy she’d ever interacted with. “Please don't leave me alone You were all I could trust I can't do this alone” He steps back from her to hit the last high note whilst Alex goes off on the drums one last time. “Still I will if I must!” Y/N watches her boyfriend for a moment, a tender, proud smile on her face and admiration in her eyes. Luke’s confidence when he plays his music, or any music for that matter, is so hot and attractive to Y/N. Though she loves his more vulnerable and adorable side he mostly pulls up whenever he’s with her, that rockstar side of his really is a close second. “Are you guys really gonna make out every time you sing together or…?” Reggie asks, capturing the couple’s attention. Y/N takes Luke’s hand in hers, intertwining their fingers together whilst her other hand rests on his bicep. “You would too if your boyfriend was so hot,” she answers, and presses a kiss to his bare shoulder. Luke smiles down at her before returning a kiss on her hair. “Now, if you guys don’t have anymore rehearsing to do, I’d like to take Luke to go and rehearse another scene together…” she trails off. As she looks up at her boyfriend and his eyes meet her suggestive glance, he already knows what’s up. “No, we’re done here, I think,” he says quickly, “Right, guys? Yes, yes, we are!” He rushes his girlfriend out the garage and to the house next door to the Molina’s where he helps you ‘rehearse’ the Dead Girl Walking scene.
 Taglist: @hannahhistorian92​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @bookdealer5​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @hemmingsness​ @iainttakingshitfromnobody​ @ifilwtmfc​ @angryknightstatesmantrash​ @kiss-themoongoodbye​ @parkeret​​ @lukeys-giggle​ @gingerxarmy​ @lovesanimals​ @lolychu​ @perfectlywrongformend3s​ @luckylouiebug​ @kiss-themoongoodbye​ @camiladelrio98​ @myfriendscallmebeans​
362 notes · View notes
mah-gah-lee · 4 years
They had been lovers - (alex mercer x sibling! reader) + (luke patterson x reader)
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words count: 2052
request: no
summary:  Y/N find a huge secret about his brother and need some time alone. But Alex seems to want talking about all of this.
warnings: sadness (?)
a/n : I tried to make this fic gender neutral, I’m not sure I've succeed but I really tried.
If you want to be tagged in my next fic, let me know! Don’t forget to tell me if you've liked it!  
tagged: @standingtalllove​ @happinessinthedarkesttimes​  @asdfghjkl-fanfics  @lukeys-giggle​
The night was beautiful, the clear and dark sky made it possible to see the thousands of small dots twinkling. The stars were multiplying in the sky like the hundreds of thoughts going through your head. You were serene, calm and the immensity of the night did not scare you. You wouldn't trade your seat for anything in the world. Even though your head was full, you had the strange feeling of being emptied. Being alone on this roof didn’t scare you, on the contrary, it washed away all the anxieties that had been created in the hollow of your chest these last hours. After finding out about this secret, you couldn't blame your brother. Or rather, you couldn't be mad at him for that reason. But you were hurt. A twenty-five years silence had been broken, an intimate information Alex had kept deeply for himself, for them. A secret that destroyed the dusts of hope that had formed in your soul since you were fourteen. The theories about twins have never been truer than now: they shared everything, down to the person they had feelings for.
 This will teach you to dig through your old stuff. But could the boys really blame you? The loft was a mess, it was flooded with all your stuff. Rose seemed to have kept everything: some of the boys' clothes - most of which belonged to Luke since he had mostly lived in the garage when he had run away - their instruments, the many songbooks, the demos, the band's banner, but also, countless memories like many Polaroids.
Among the photos that you had browsed to get drunk of the times when the four of you were still alive, you have discovered some more intimate than others. It all started with a photo of Alex asleep on the sofa: "First night", another where you could see two hands intertwined, you recognized Luke's rings. Alex also wore rings, but it was the tricolor bracelet that made you realize it was him with Luke. Another cliché was becoming even more obvious: Luke licking Alex's cheek as your brother grimaced in mock disgust. In the white space of the Polaroid it was written in black felt-tip pen with a messy handwriting: "playing with the handsome boyfriend"
 But it was the last picture that broke your heart. Luke seemed to be the most romantic of the couple, which surprised you a bit as your brother was quite sentimental. The last shot showed the guitarist, supposedly lying on the sofa bed. Around his neck, Alex's blonde head could clearly be seen. He was tight against him, hiding, perfectly asleep. Both were shirtless, which made you uncomfortable looking at the photo. Once again, a note was written on the white space of the polaroid: "a year of love".
 One year. A full year, twelve months of a secret relationship and maybe even more. How long have they loved each other? How long had it lasted? Because you couldn't really deny this information anymore, the photo made it obvious: they had been lovers.
 A distinct pop sound was heard. The sound of a few footsteps on the roof tiles caught your attention, but you didn't move. The movements approached you, a fuzzy pink shape giving you a clue to the disruptor of your thoughts. Soon, the intruder comes to lie down next to you, leaving you overwhelmed by the scent of his cologne. You don't need all these little details to recognize your neighbor on the right. There was only one person who allowed himself to enter into such a private moment: your brother.
 You felt blue and you let the darkness of the night engulf you. The secret that you had discovered explained many things like: this complicity that Alex shared with him and only him, the small touches, the looks that you had sometimes intercepted between the two musicians. You knew now: They had been lovers.
 Silence reigned for several minutes without it being awkward, neither of you or Alex knowing how to start this conversation. Come to think of it, was there really a need to discuss it? It was the drummer who finally broke the silence.
 “y/n…i’m sorry”
 You let out a sigh before smiling weakly into the night. It was typical of your brother: apologizing when there was no need. Alex was a sensitive person and even under his armor of sarcasm he was incredibly gentle.
 “why are you apologizing about, ‘lex?”
“I didn’t know. I’m your brother, your twin, and I didn’t know.”
“I am the one who hides his emotions the best.”
"Why didn't you tell me?"
 Slowly you turned your head to look deeply at your brother. You could see the worry in his eyes but also the regret. This question, you could very well have asked him in return because between you two, it was him who had hidden a huge secret. But you couldn't blame him, it was his right. You didn't have any and that's why you kept your feelings quiet.
 "Because you would have tried to control your feelings to make me happy."
 Alex couldn't lie about it. It didn't matter what he had been through with the guitarist and lead singer of their band. If he had known his sibling had feelings for Luke, he would have suppressed his in a second. Despite your lying positions, you could see him look down, seeming to consider your words. He knew you were right, that he would have done anything for you even if it meant sacrificing his feelings for his best friend.
 "Alex, you have the right to be happy."
 But it was not enough. Your brother was moving his thoughts like you had done a few minutes before. This situation seemed to upset him, like any situation involving change.
 "’Lex ..."
 The blond drummer turned his face to you, lost. You knew you would have to find the right words, in addition to repeating the ones you had already said just a few seconds ago. You sighed to give yourself a little courage, helping him to find a calm that had escaped very slightly.
 "I don't blame you. We don't control how we feel. I'm not mad at you. You deserve to be happy, Alex."
 A faint smile played on the corners of Alex's lips as a few tears beaded from his eyes. Slowly, you stretched out your hand to erase them with the back of your index finger. It was your turn to be the protective sibling. Sometimes Alex needed to be reminded that he was important and that thinking about himself wouldn't hurt him.
  You've always had a crush on Luke. You realized your feelings for your brother's best friend when you were fourteen. You had never declared yourself, however, considering that the friendship that existed between your brother and the guitarist was too precious. Friendship ... If only you had known that there had always been more than that between them. Because the reality was there: They had been lovers
 But despite your feelings, you had always been close to Luke, as you were to Reggie. They were first and foremost Alex's best friends, but step by step they had become yours.
 “Does he know? Does he know that…I love him ?” you asked
“I think he's starting to understand.”
 Since your arrival in 2020, things had changed between you and Luke. The first time the guitarist had been to see his parents, Alex, Reggie and you had followed him in secret. But when the boys left, finding it best to leave Luke alone, you stayed. You stayed until he saw you and got angry. You stayed until he exploded again, in your arms as you ran your hands through his messy hair, kissing the top of his head tenderly to give him the much-needed comfort. Because deep down you knew. You knew Luke just needed to be loved again, he needed to be “touched” after seeing his parents again.
 After that moment everything started to change. It was like Luke needed your presence all the time, to feel against him. He was eager to hug you, rub his nose on your neck, or just kiss your cheek. You had the impression to feel his gaze sliding over you more than usual, you melted when he gave you a warm smile. But all of this, all of these signs that you thought you saw might have just been your imagination.
 Silence came over you again and once again it wasn't embarrassing. You liked the silence, you liked looking at the stars without any noise around you. Only your breaths disturbed this soothing silence. As you gazed at the sky, you couldn't help but countless thoughts cross your mind. You had so many questions for Alex. How did it happen? When did it happen? How long had it lasted? Were they still together today? You seemed to know that last answer already, having noticed the looks Luke had been giving Julie over the past few weeks, especially at the concert they played Finally Free. But the only question that crossed your lips was this one:
 “Do you still love him?”
 You looked back at your brother, only to see him smirk, almost nostalgic.
 “Part of me always will. He’s my first love.”
 It seemed like a logical answer and it broke your heart once again, although on a certain side hearing this from your brother seemed to hit you less and less hard. Reality hit you with less pain. You were starting to get used to this idea. They had been the most important person to each other for a year: they had been lovers.
 “You know…it’s over…between me and him”
 Unconsciously, your brother had answered one of the questions you had been asking yourself since the moment you discovered this secret. In a way, you were sad to hear that your brother was no longer with Luke. That their relationship was over and your curiosity took precedence, once again.
“because we work better by being best friend. Because I know he’s falling for someone great.”
 You regretted your question now. Luke had evolved, just like Alex was currently doing with Willie, although that's what led you to Caleb and those really painful electric shocks. But it was obvious, Luke was also starting to recover from this love affair and you noticed how not special you were another one was. All those looks, those moments where your skin had touched, everything was in your head, everything was only the rantings of a teenager in love.
 “Yeah, Julie is great”. you said with a little disappointment in your voice
 Alex chuckled. You had both risen to a sitting position. Your arms circled your knees as you rested your chin on them. You turned your head towards your brother, raising an eyebrow. And despite the darkness of the night, he could see your questioning expression thanks to the reflection of the moon on your face.
 “It’s not Julie I was thinking about”
 Alex laughed again before sighing gently. You couldn't be so oblivious or you just tried to ignore the possibility, shielding yourself from possible teenage grief.
“Yes, y/n. You. Luke is falling for you. ”
“But… Alex… he’s.. And, you ..”
“I'm okay with that. You deserve to be happy and I know you’ll be good to each other.”
 In perfect timing, the distinctive sound of a pop was heard behind you. Alex looked up and his shy smile confirmed the doubt that had settled in you as to the identity of this new arrival. Your brother gave you a protective look and then gave you a slight wink.
 "I think you need to talk to each other."
 The blond drummer stood up cautiously and when you turned your head to see him go, you noticed the hand he placed on Luke's shoulder. And the last thing you heard before your brother disappeared into a ghostly cloud was, "I trust you. Take care of her/him like you took care of me, Luke."
 They had been lovers and now, strange as it may sound, you had Alex's blessing ... leaving you the possibility for Luke as for you, of being, in turn: lovers.
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Business AU - Working Late, Part 8
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7
There’s one scene in there I had in mind ever since I started writing that small fic and HELL YEH I’m gonna draw something about it at some point because fsdfbbsfbsdhbfgsbgdfguidfg it just looks aesthetically pleasing in my head.
(also reminder that I base Donnie’s place on this video. The only part I change is the “kids” area - which is horrendous imo :’D - and I make into a lab/small training area)
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There was something different in the air when Vee got to work the next day. This feeling that wanted to explode out in the open, an incessant rush in her veins that made her heart beat faster whenever she’d spot the terrapin. Their tasks for the day didn’t give them much time to talk, but everytime they’d be exchanging words or documents, there was this longing sensation that slowed down time to a honey sweet pace. Fingers brushing against the other, light touches here and there. Professionalism remained king in the work place and they intended to keep it as such.
By the end of the day, she knew she couldn’t leave without at least wishing a good and proper evening to the mutant. She walked to his office, remaining at the doorframe as she watched him place various papers into a briefcase. Vee gently knocked, signaling her presence, to which Donnie responded by looking up to her and adorning the cutest smile.
“At least this time I didn’t scare you,” started the woman.
“As I said yesterday, I had a lot on my mind. At least today my thoughts are a little clearer, so I can’t be easily scared. Come in!” he added, gesturing for Vee to step inside.
“I won’t take much of your time, I just wanted to check up on you before leaving.”
The turtle placed some final documents in the case, snapping it closed afteward.
“I was actually about to leave as well. Want me to drive you back home?”
“Do you have something planned?” asked Vee, raising a brow with a small smile.
Donnie faked pondering, lightly drumming his fingers on his desk: “Hmm, I suspect I might be spending the evening with a pretty lady, if she agrees.”
“Lucky her, I’m sure she’ll say yes,” winked the woman.
Already on the move, Donnie offered a hand for Vee to hold, the duo then walking together in order to reach the indoor garage at some levels below.
“Is it okay, though? Did you have something to do after work?” asked the terrapin.
“I was planning on having a drink back home, but if I can share one with you, that’d be even better.”
“How about you have that drink at my place? I have a couple of bottles that might interest you.”
“You know that if I am to step foot into your place, I will be incredibly jealous, right? ... I’m sure you must be living in a luxurious place or something.”
“A little castle in the sky, but it sure is missing a beautiful presence inside of it.”
Vee blushed, definitely enjoying the compliments that were left here and there.
Once in the vehicle, the duo made their way to the streets, the conversation light and simply glad the week was finally over. Vee did notice that their path led them to streets that featured tall buildings in the Tribeca district. For a moment she felt out of place, definitely not the target audience for such a high-end environment, but her curiosity kept her on edge only to be able to get a view of Donnie’s place. They were first facing a tower with a blank stone facade, extending so high up in the sky. The entrance’s interior was as elegant and refined as the exterior, the place giving out this feeling of prestige from every corners. As they stepped inside an elevator, Vee’s eyes widened a little as she saw Donnie press the button for the 78th floor. Castle in the sky, indeed.
As they arrived at the desired level, they were soon facing the entry door, the turtle smirking to the woman as he held the doorknob and waited.
“Open the damn thing already so I can cry a little inside,” answered Vee amusedly.
The door fully opened, she couldn’t retain her gasp as her eyes started to devour the interior of what was rightfully a penthouse.
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The very first few rooms she saw around left her speechless, the single thought of ‘this is bigger than my whole damn apartment’ flooding her mind. She knew there would be more, her curiosity would lead her to visit every rooms anyway. She did notice french doors leading to an outdoor balcony, her instinct pushing her to get out and take in the view.
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Stopping by the the rails, she could feel the refreshing gusts of wind go through her hair, accentuating the euphoria of being so high over the city.
“So, what do you think so far?”
She turned around to face Donnie, the terrapin leaning against the open doors’ frame, always this smile on his face - glad to see her reaction. Vee tried to play it cool, shrugging.
“Heh, I’ve seen better,” she joked.
“Ah damn, and I wanted to impress,” tsked the terrapin in a similar tone.
Vee couldn’t retain her smile any longer, happily trotting back inside.
“You still have your chances. Show me the rest!”
The lower level was also home to a small office and a formal living room, but the next area was what retained the woman’s attention the most.
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The kitchen was a thing of beauty, Vee unable to resist the urge to feel the marbled island and counters, in awe of the space.
“Damn, I WISH I had such a kitchen. I'd be cooking all the time!”
“You fancy yourself as a chef?” questionned Donnie.
“I do like to experiment from times to times,” she winked back.
She clapsed her hands together, bringing another subject on a rather similar topic:
“SO! What should we eat? I could even prepare something if you want.”
The turtle waved that offer away.
“Nonsense, you're my guest, you shouldn't be doing anything of that sort. … I uh-” He opened some cupboards, then the fridge and its freezer. “Wow, I have almost nothing! Except one frozen pizza for dire situations,” he added, waving a box out in the open with an unpleased expression.
Vee was instantly on board: “You know what? Fuck yeah. It's Friday night, we deserve that.”
“Now that's a line of thought I can get behind.”
As Donnie was starting to preheat the oven, Vee got closer, some questions raising in her mind:
“Although, I'm kinda susprised you don't have much variety, judging by the size of this place.”
“Not gonna lie, I need to go grocery shopping,” shrugged the mutant. “Also that tends to happen at certain times of the month. Mikey has us go through our stock, fresh and canned, in order to donate to food banks and soup kitchens.”
“That's amazing and kind!” Vee was pleasantly surprised.
“He does have this city at heart, and he loves to give back to the people,” continued Donnie. “We all love the idea. Since we can afford pretty much anything we want, it's only fair that we help those in needs. … Heck, this city has done a lot for us in the past and we had to rely on what others were throwing away for us to survive. Now it's time to pay back.”
“I find that to be very admirable,” commented the woman gently. “… Not a lot of people would do the same.”
“Indeed. It’s not because we’re mutants that it means we’re savages. We do have some heart under our shells,” he playfully added.
The oven ready, the food was placed to cook and the tour then continued. As Vee was heading to the staircase in order to reach the upper level, Donnie stopped her, pressing a button nearby and opening a encased door in the wall to reveal a small elevator.
“Show off!” laughed Vee
“What?! It can be helpful!” he quipped back with a smile.
The second floor offered two sections, one part leading to the bedroom, but the other leading to entertainement and other things. They first got to the media room, the place cozy for a nice and quiet evening.
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But Vee’s eyes brought her to the glass doors that led to a juliet balcony, not wasting any time to open them and take another good look at the city.
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She sighed dreamily, barely hearing the faint clinking of glasses and a bottle opening back inside.
“You like the view, don’t you?” started Donnie as he next got near, offering her a glass of red wine.
“It looks and feels like a dream. Didn’t know such a place could be found in this city.”
As she took it, the terrapin next sled his free hand and forearm gently around her waist, unable to resist the need to feel her closer... Vee did not mind, actually leaning back a little against him, gladly taking a sip of her drink before answering:
“You’d be surprised, there are bigger places laying around.”
“I’m sure they wouldn’t look as tasteful as yours.”
“Nonsense. It only looks good right now ‘cause you’re in here. ... Any places you’re in looks a thousand times better than before.”
Vee’s blush was more apparent as she could feel the other gently nuzzle the top of her head, slowly making his way to a temple and leaving a soft kiss there.
“You’re one heck of a charmer, did you know that?” added the woman with a smirk.
“I only aim to please, I can’t help it.”
She turned to face him, raising a brow in amusement.
“And so what now? You brought me to your place only so you could woo and please me?”
“That does sound like a good plan.”
The feel of his hand next cupping her cheek brought a shiver across the woman’s body, leaning slightly to his touch. His scales did feel foreign compared to human skin, but there was a certain softness to it as well that only made her crave for more...
“Each days I wake up and wonder if meeting you was ever a dream...,” softly said the mutant.
“I wouldn’t mind making it feel a bit more real to you.”
That brought a quiet chuck out of Donnie, but also gave him enough courage to lean in and place a sweet, slow kiss on Vee’s lips. Each instances would bring their bodies closer, the duo mindlessly making their way back inside and only breaking their kiss to leave their wine glasses on a nearby coffee table. It was that magnetism, a certain je ne sais quoi that sparked that fire in them whenever they’d get that close. Last evening’s passion was still lingering and right now it felt as if there had been no break at all since then. As Vee was starting to unbutton the mutant’s shirt, both heard a beeping sound, stopping them dead in their tracks. Their eyes fell on Donnie’s right wrist - his watch.
“Shit, the food,” said the terrapin. “I, uh, I’ll be right back,” he added, trying to gain back his senses. “I’ll get it out and let it cool for a bit on the counter.”
“Sure, go,” replied Vee with a small smile, slightly flustered as she replaced her crooked glasses and moved some strands of hair away from her face.
She took back her wine as she watched him go. A part of her was telling her to slow down, but on the other hand she couldn’t deny that the need was there - on both sides. What harm could there be? It was just about having a little bit of fun... She proceeded back to the hallway, sipping as her gaze scanned the decor. She heard hurried steps in the staircase, soon Donnie’s shape coming into view. He tried to play it cool as he noticed the woman looking at him, vaguely gesturing in the kitchen’s direction downstair.
“It’s ready whenever you want.”
Vee took another sip, then adding: “We still haven’t finished the tour yet. Let’s do that first!”
“There’s not much left, but alright.”
“‘Not much left’, says the guy who lives in a two-story penthouse WITH an elevator,” pointed Vee, amused.
The mutant chuckled, inviting the woman to follow him as he left a hand at the small of her back. The next part had been completely renovated in order to have one room be a small lab, and the other one be a private gym and training area.
“What kind of trainings do you do?” inquired Vee, looking around at the equipment.
“Mostly nin-uhm, martial arts,” Donnie quickly corrected himself.
“’Nin-uhm-martial-arts’, sounds interesting,” laughed the woman. “Any specialty?”
“Bōjutsu,“ he replied, grabbing a pole from a rack nearby.
Vee whistled in appreciation, her eyes scanning the weapon.
“I’ve heard that can pack quite a punch, surprisingly.”
“It’s good to whack some butts, not gonna lie,” added Donnie, rolling the staff in one hand. Then in one swift movement he brought the woman closer, the pole resting at her back. “It can also be helpful for some maneuvers,” he ended with a smirk.
“Such a tease,” said Vee, playfully tapping at his exposed plastron. “I wouldn’t say no to a demonstration.”
“Another day, perhaps.”
He let her free, putting the staff back to its resting place
“Aight, come on, one room left!”
“What about that lab part?” asked Vee, following the terrapin next.
“There’s nothing much to see, frankly. It’s pretty messy as well.”
“Or maybe you’re just a mad scientist and you don’t want me to see your evil inventions?”
Donnie faked a surprised gasp: “Alas, you’ve uncovered my secret!”
Both were laughing as they made their way to the last room; the master bedroom.
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It was quite simple and charming, but the main feature remained the large windows that gave that same phenomenal view of the city. Vee took some time to appreciate the decor, sipping the last drops of wine from her glass.
“... I can’t imagine waking up every day with such a view,” she mused, her gaze drifting back to the windows. “You must feel on top of the world.”
“Wait, I can make it even better,” said the other as he moved to the light switch.
As soon as he turned the lights off, the room’s atmosphere changed, suddenly illuminated by a sea of stars below them.
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Envelopped in darkness, yet glistening in colorful lights, Vee felt at peace - a hidden watcher over this tumultuous city. She next felt her glass gently get taken away from her hold, the mutant leaving it on a small table nearby. It didn’t take long for him to get back close to her, his arms surrounding Vee’s form as he stood behind her. The woman easily slipped into that feel good moment, closing her eyes and exposing a faint smile on her lips. He felt so strong, yet tender - the promise of a good man that would never do her wrong...
“... I’m so glad you’re here,” he murmured, his hands travelling along Vee’s arms in light touches.
Oh to hell with it. She decided to move out of Donnie’s hold, proceeding to remove her shirt. She turned around to face him, noticing his gaze studying her form and probably a bit surprised to suddenly see her in her bra. But she didn’t give a damn. That’s what she wanted.
“And I’m glad to be here,” she answered calmly.
She heard that deep churr rise again in the mutant’s chest, an expression of desire which would entice her so much in return... Vee couldn’t help bringing her hands to his exposed chest, feeling the faint vibration and appreciating the texture of his plastron. Her touch lowered, continuing her previous task of unbuttoning his shirt. The turtle helped a bit by detaching another button behind his neck and then at his lower back, allowing the clothing to be properly removed from around his shell’s attachment. Without a shirt, Vee could rightfully observe the terrapin’s muscles, her fingers lightly hovering his toned arms and appreciating every inches of what she saw. All it took was for their gazes to cross, her greens in his golds, to bring back that same need from earlier. Kiss me again and again, and never stop...
The feel of his lips was pure addiction at this point. A slow dance that lightened up all her senses. Soon enough he was sitting down on the bed, Vee inviting herself unto his lap only so she couldn’t break their kissing. To feel his three-fingered hands across her skin kept her in such an incessant need, feeling like she was drowning in-between her legs. The terrapin dared to unclasp and remove her bra, although the whole movement felt very natural. In return, the woman removed her glasses, as well as Donnie’s, taking a moment to admire his traits.
“... You have such beautiful eyes,” she cooed, next tenderly sliding his bandana away.
She couldn’t get over the feeling of his scales under her fingers, soon nuzzling his cheek and her lips trailing light kisses here and there.
“Fais-moi l’amour (make love to me),” she whispered.
Donnie answered with a stronger churr, his hands travelling lower on Vee’s body only to bring her closer into one delicious wave motion, her lower core meeting his hidden erection. The movements were repeated, getting a momentarily release for all that sudden need. It was when he started to hear quiet moans out of her that he decided ‘screw it‘ and proceeded to shift her position to have her lay on the bed, on her back. Bringing himself over her, he left some kisses on her lips before starting to trail along her features, his tone husky as he started:
“You smell nice...”
He went along her throat, his pace slow and delightful. His path led him lower and lower, from her breasts to her stomach.
“I’m sure you taste nice too,” he added.
Sitting on his knees, he brought Vee’s hips over his thighs, but he gave himself a pause, his palm caressing the front part of her jeans.
“You good? You still wanna go on with this?” asked the terrapin.
She nodded, biting her lip in delight.
“Absolutely, or else I wouldn’t be laying here, half naked. ... What about you?”
He smiled, already at the task of unbuttoning and unzipping Vee’s pants.
“I never want to stop.”
In one swift movement, he removed her panties as well, undressing her completely without issue. He took a moment to study her form softly illuminated by the lights outside. She was a work of art to his eyes and right now he felt like the luckiest man alive... He lovingly squeezed her hips and altered with languid caresses over the woman’s skin, only to next bring one of his hands closer to her core, his thumb starting in slow circles over her clit. He could feel the relief washing over Vee’s body, her waist lightly following his motion only so she could feel more. The greater her need, the more Donnie didn’t want to let go. He even got to slip one finger in her at some point, her moans an absolute delight as he took his time. After a moment, he dared get his finger out, his gaze plunged in Vee’s as he licked his digit with a low churr.
“... You do taste nice,” he commented lovingly. “Now I wonder how you’d feel around me.”
Vee was unable to speak, her heart beating so hard and throwing any reason out the window... As she saw Donnie about to unzip his pants, she got on the move and decided to take the matter in her own hands. They joined in a kiss as she got to the task, the mutant’s hands caressing her skin and sometimes getting lost in her hair, visibly as much in need as her for their imminent union. He was able to get out of his pants and underwear in a slight clumsy fashion, but he was quickly back on his knees, allowing Vee to observe him. Of a mixed pink and purple color, his penis did present some characteristics that were not human, such as a slightly flared tip. As it had been internal until now, the organ was coated in natural lubricant when out, most probably allowing for an easier penetration and accomodation to any partner. He was a bit longer than what Vee ever experienced with other partners, but right now her desire was surpassing any concerns. They didn’t need to speak, Vee bringing the mutant into another kiss, allowing herself to climb back into his lap only for their cores to meet and rub in a delicious manner. The world around them was a blur of shadows and lights, only their presence the most real and tangible aspect in the room. Their thoughts were a cloud of mixed emotions, but right now what mattered most was that they wanted this. They needed this. A demonstration of love they’ve been holding back for some time now... Donnie instinctively started to shift forward, getting Vee back on the mattress. He was careful enough to hold back some of his weight on her, having enough strength to sustain himself, even when the woman would cling to him. He felt her legs gently caress along his, finding the best position to hold close to his hips, his shell proving to be somewhat of a challenge. That slight shift in her position allowed for better friction, the turtle’s languid motions bringing delighted mewls out of Vee. At some points he could feel his tip trying to slip in, to which he thought ‘fuck it’ and decided to go all in. Vee’s gasp brought him to a pause, remaining inside of her only so she could adjust.
“You okay?” he murmured, encouraging her with some kisses here and there on her features.
She nodded, her fingers lovingly going across his scales at his neck and shoulders.
“I’ll go slow, I promise,” he added.
He’d never excuse himself if he ever were to hurt her, anyway. His churr rumbled again as he slowly moved his hips in a circular motion, Vee sticking to him like glue. Her toes were curling due to pleasure, her body soon following Donnie’s pattern only to better meet his thrusts. Some slurred “fuck” and “oh oui” would leave her at times, sometimes interrupted by kisses that translated all the desire in her. At some point Donnie shifted their position so they would lay on their sides, still facing eachother. He helped one of Vee’s leg to stay up, his palm resting behind her thigh, allowing her to feel his muscles at work.
“You feel so good,” he complimented, back into an amorous motion.
The friction created by this new proximity was bringing Vee on edge. She was unable to answer anything, her breathing making her lose her words. It was the only encouragement the mutant needed, nuzzling her as he kept going. Everything felt so natural. As if all the pieces of an intricate puzzle had finally been assembled. There was this sensation of completion between them, knowing that something in their bond would definitely shift - hopefully for the best.
“You like that, baby? I won’t stop. I wanna feel you cum around me...”
She moaned his name in return, her eyes remaining shut as she lost herself even more in the moment. Every touches and kisses heightened all sensations, bringing both of them to an edge they so very craved for. Feeling Vee’s body tensing up slightly, the terrapin knew she was close to an orgasm, lightly squeezing his hold on her and bringing her into a french kiss. His thrusts were a little more forceful, their bodies tingling in anticipation. It was when she gasped for air, her nails digging into his scales, that he knew she was high on a cloud. He could feel her walls deliciously clamp around him, the sensation bringing him to his own edge as well. His orgasm brought him to slow his pace to long and langorous pumps. Their moans intertwined, riding this wave together. Neither of them wanted to depart once the high died down, keeping close and slowly petting eachother. Vee did bring Donnie’s attention on her as she left small kisses along his jawline. His golden eyes seemed to shine in this surreal lighting, conveying many unspoken words. There was this feeling of peace he never experienced with anyone else before. An affirmation that this was where he belonged, in her arms, as well as she belonged in his. They were still connected and it felt so right...
“Well, now that really opened my appetite,” finally said Vee with a small smile.
He smiled in return, leaving a kiss on her forehead. His appetite was growing as well, and for many things too...
Only wearing their underwears and glasses, both were now cuddled up in blankets on the couch in the media room, the television on to a random channel as they were eating their pizza (which they had to reheat, to their amusement). As they finished their meal, Vee did not mind cuddling closer to the turtle, simply enjoying eachother’s presence. Her attention did drift from the television at some point, observing Donnie’s traits instead. She was used to seeing him with his purple bandana, but even with a bare face and only his glasses he still had a lot of charms. He had a kind face and the cutest snout, the mere sight of him a wonder when compared to humankind. The terrapin did notice her focus on him at some point, smirking.
“Yes? Can I help you, madame?”
“I have a question.”
“Outrageous,” he added playfully. “... Do tell.”
She shifted her position a bit, bringing an arm against his chest, softly petting the scales at his collarbone and base of his neck.
“Why do you and your brothers wear those bandanas? ... If it’s too personal, you don’t need to answer.”
His smile was renewed and sweet, his arm around her bringing his hand to pet her shoulder and skin in return.
“I don’t mind answering at all, although I’ll skip some details.... But long story short, it was a gift given to us by our father, years ago. It has a great significance for us and it’s still a great proof of all we had to learn and overcome in order to be who we are today.”
“Something symbolic then, that’s nice,” added Vee. “As long as it brings something positive in your life, that sure can be as nice as anything. .... Also, not gonna lie, purple looks good on you.”
“It’s my favorite and it’s the best color, that’s why! What’s your favorite color?”
Vee was amused by this simple question, but that brought her to move once more. She was now straddling the terrapin, her eyes scanning him as she answered:
“It’s green.”.
“Oh,” added the other in amusement. “So I guess I must be quite the jackpot for you?”
"You're everything I want..."
There was no ounce of hesitation as she leaned forward to give him a sweet kiss. Donnie easily gave in, his hands resting at the small of the woman’s back This time there was no shyness in-between them, only comfort and peace. Soon enough the television was nothing but background noise as they kept going for a second round that night...
((Part 9))
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics with everyone’s favorite trope - sharing a bed! We hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Just Like Live Wires | Explicit | 5427 words
Harry climbs into Louis' bed when he's cold. Louis pines.
2) Been Gone Way Too Long | Explicit | 8836 words
“This can’t be happening,” Louis says, banging his hand against the window. “This seriously can’t be happening right now.”
Things like this only happen in the movies. Things like this don’t happen in real life. There’s no way that he’s seriously been snowed in. There’s no way that the heating is broken. There’s no way that it’s going to take upwards of twenty-four hours and probably a lot longer for the storm to break and someone to come and rescue them.
“Just sit down, Louis,” Harry sighs from somewhere behind him. He sounds miserable, like he’s already feeling the cold.
Louis whirls around and points a finger at him. “Did you plan this?” he demands a little hysterically. He regrets the question as soon as it’s out of his mouth, but he thinks he’s got a valid point. It’s not like this storm just came out of nowhere - it has to have been on the news for a couple of days, at least. Plenty of time for Harry to have canceled this excursion.
3) I'm Trying Not To Make A Sound | Explicit | 10452 words
Louis thinks he could die right there. He can’t feel anything but the tingling sensation all over his skin. He’s throwing away all his past thoughts on trying to be straight and denying his reactions towards other men, he just wants more of this numbing feeling. Everything else is a long lost memory, can’t think of anything else besides, wow, this feels incredible.
4) Enjoy The Ride | Not Rated | 11103 words
The one where Louis, an omega more than tired of being treated as lesser than alphas, is forced on a road trip by his beta besties only to meet Harry who might just be the alpha he never knew he wanted.
5) Cuffed | Not Rated | 15254 words
What would you do if you were handcuffed to your enemy for 48 hours?
6) Up For It | Explicit | 18223 words
The one where Liam is Mr Organised, Zayn is too perceptive for his own good, Niall is a compulsive matchmaker, and Harry and Louis might just have the surprise to shock them all.
7) Holiday Greetings (And Gay Happy Meetings) | Not Rated | 18417 words | Sequel
Note: This fic has no smut, but it has omega Louis. The sequel has smut.
The one where Niall's dead car and and a foot of snow conspire to force Louis into spending time with an alpha he hates.... or does he?
8) The Aurora Zone | Explicit | 19633 words
The one where Harry is busy crossing off his bucket list while Louis is busy falling for the guy he's supposed to hate.
9) I Wanna Be More Than Friends | Not Rated | 20721 words
The one where Harry’s an alpha with no sense of smell, Louis’ an omega who isn’t allowed to scent his best friend, and that’s all they’ll ever be. Obviously.
10) Etched In Salt (Is A Cathedral Of The World) | Explicit | 24417 words
Note: This fic has BH mentions. It is also locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis asks for very few things in life, and they are: to solve cases, to keep bad people from doing their bad things, to get good coffee, to go home to a spacious apartment with nobody else in it, and to manage his stupid telempathy powers with minimal interference. And now he's stuck in a tiny cabin in a snowstorm in the middle of god-awful-nowhere with Harry Styles. Because of course he is.
11) Like A Siren In The Night | Explicit | 25868 words
“There is an infestation in my home,” Louis hisses, righting himself quickly and pushing his way past Harry, heading directly for the kitchen. He’s rather haphazardly dressed himself, a coat thrown on over a loose flannel shirt and black pants, slippers on his feet.
Harry resists the urge to sigh, closing the door and trailing behind him slowly. “What kind of infestation?”
For all he knows, Louis is going to claim that there’s a ghost infestation. Harry has no idea what the end game is here – all he knows is that Louis has found at least three complaints a week to bring up since he’s been living on Harry’s property, and he’s been living here for six months.
It’s way too many fucking complaints, is what Harry is saying. Especially when most of them are ridiculous to start with.
12) Always Come Back To You | Explicit | 28682 words
“I’ll do it,” Harry offers brightly. No one even blinks. “I’ll do it?”
Louis sighs irritably. “Shut up,” he orders, tossing a pillow in the general direction of Harry’s face. This is a terrible time for jokes, especially Harry’s lame, old people ones.
Not that it was an old people joke. Just that most of the time Harry’s jokes consist of knock-knocks or terrible puns. The type of jokes old people like, Louis’ pretty sure. His nan always finds them hilarious when Harry tells her one.
Harry bats the pillow out of the air without even blinking. “Be reasonable, Lou,” he says in his most reasonable voice.
Louis is perfectly reasonable, thank you very much, and he’s also frustrated and upset and tired and he really wants to punch something. Maybe he should have held on to that pillow a little longer.
“You’re not gonna fucking do it,” he snaps. “That’s the last thing I need.”
13) We’re Not Who We Used To Be | Explicit | 30611 words
“Harry…” Louis’ voice catches in his throat, thick with tears threatening to fall out, so he coughs to clear it before trying again. “Harry is Liam’s best man?” “You didn’t know?” Harry is standing at the entrance of the garage, mouth slightly open and face pulled together. He sets his bag on the ground and puts his hands on his hips. When he does that, he looks just like the Harry that Louis remembers (and loves, he thinks with an aching heart). “I’m sure I mentioned it,” Liam says, but Louis can tell he’s lying by the way he chews on his lower lip and twists his fingers together. “You’re all a bunch of dick heads, I’m getting in the car.” Louis isn’t sure if he’s being unreasonable. He has no idea what the protocol is when your ex-boyfriend shows up after three years and nobody bothered to give you a heads up. He’s pretty sure he’s allowed to be upset about it, even if it’s only for a bit.
14) Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving | Explicit | 31170 words
"So, I guess we'll go?" Louis asks later, when Harry has calmed down and eaten his weight in Chinese food. He plays with this chopsticks, spearing another piece of chicken and pops it in his mouth. "I mean, I wouldn't mind. We could make it an adventure."
Harry observes him, watches him seated across from him on their old living room carpet, with a container of food on his lap. He's fidgeting, avoiding meeting Harry's gaze–he probably knows that Harry's mad at him for ruining the one chance they had to get out of this situation. And he's not wrong, Harry is definitely very mad. Harry wants to strangle him and castrate him and smack him upside the head.
But he's also Harry's best friend, and despite everything, despite all the fuck-ups and the plot twists and everything just not playing out the way it should, he'd still rather be stuck in this situation with Louis than any of the other boys. He's got Harry's back, and in a weird, abstract way, he knows they'll be able to get out of this situation, together.
Harry sighs. "We're going," he says resignedly, his shoulders slumping.
Oh well. There are definitely worse ways to spend the weekend than pretending to be engaged to his best friend.
15) Welcome Back From The Friend Zone | Mature | 32584 words
The one where an idea to create a fake wedding with the sole intent to receive gifts from billionaires took a turn no one, but also everyone, saw coming.
16) Let Me Feel Your Heartbeat | Explicit | 34572 words
Harry is 98% sure Louis hates him. So he feels like his bewilderment is justified when the omega offers to help him through his rut.
17) Close To Nowhere | Explicit | 34589 words
Louis and Harry are psychics who kind of hate each other. They go to Tennessee to investigate a haunting.
18) Playing To Win | Explicit | 36732 words
Big Brother UK alumni Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles are selected for the UK vs Australia All Stars series with a massive one million dollar prize in the offing. They’re both fit and smart and would make a great alliance... if only they can stop their feelings from getting in the way.
19) If I Stay | Mature | 37226 words
Harry and Louis agree to a temporary arrangement that Harry can't seem to walk away from no matter how many times he tries.
20) The Space Between | Explicit | 39917 words
Harry Styles is the alpha rockstar who can’t sleep and doesn’t know why.
Louis Tomlinson is the omega PhD student who helps him figure it out.
21) Strangers In Love | Explicit | 42207 words
Louis wakes up to find himself in a marriage with the last man he thought he'd ever end up with.
22) Tangled Up In You | Explicit | 45152 words
Harry blinks once. And blinks again. And says, his voice dangerous: “Niall, did you get me a mail-order bride?”
Because what the actual fuck. It kind of looks like Niall’s just purchased a person. For Harry.
Niall blinks back at him for a few moments, before throwing his head back and howling with laughter. Harry throws a pillow at him. Hard. “No, what the fuck, Harry.”
“A prostitute then?” Harry also doesn't want a prostitute.
“Of course not!”
“A stripper?”
Damn, he’s running out of ideas. He settles for launching another pillow at Niall’s head. Niall bats it away easily, still laughing. “Stop!”
“What did you get me, then?!” Niall must hear the tinge of hysteria in his voice, because he’s pulling himself together, trying to stop himself from laughing.
There’s still a big grin on his face, though, when he says, “I got you a professional cuddler.”
A professional…what. “What?”
23) No Going Back | Explicit | 56102 words
Sales reps Harry and Louis are bored with their jobs and their lives. After meeting at a conference in Cardiff they hook up, have a few too many drinks, and jokingly apply to become remote lighthouse keepers. Six months, just the two of them, looking after the southernmost lighthouse off the bottom of Australia. It’s not like their applications will be accepted. Right?
This is the story of how one choice - a left instead of a right, a go instead of a stop, a yes instead of a no - can change the future forever and that sometimes, taking that leap of faith, is worth the risk.
24) Waiting For The Tides To Meet | Explicit | 59873 words
Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with heterochromia — one eye is their own eye colour, while the other is the colour of their soulmate's. It's only when they meet their soulmate for the first time that their own eyes match properly. After a hazy night at a frat party, Louis wakes up to blue eyes and the shocking realization that he had met his soulmate, without any sober recollection. Seven years pass where Louis comes to terms with the fact that he'll never know who his soulmate is. Then one fated summer, a beautiful green-eyed photographer arrives at Louis' workplace, with promises of endless laughter and a familiar feeling in Louis' heart.
25) Swallow The Knife | Explicit | 76158 words
“You came,” Louis says, still breathless, clinging to Harry, uncaring that his sweat is getting all over Harry’s presumably clean dad shirt, or that he’s making Harry hold up all of his weight.
“Of course I came,” Harry says. He shifts, one arm curled underneath Louis’ arse, the other spreading wide in the middle of Louis’ back. “If I ignored you every time you pissed me off we would have stopped being friends a long time ago.”
Louis already knows that, of course. It doesn’t do anything to stop the pleased squirm in his belly every time Harry proves it, though. They fight like nobody’s business, both of them too stubborn to pull their punches when they’re arguing, and it used to get them in trouble, but they always make up.
Adrenaline makes Louis loose-lipped, and they both know it. He tightens his arms around Harry’s neck, buries his face in his hair. “I missed you,” he confesses, quiet. “Doesn’t feel the same up there by myself.”
26) Waiting On You | Explicit | 76584 words
“Vampires,” Louis says with disgust, glaring over at the vampire who is noisily slurping from the woman’s neck nearby.
Zayn gives the neat fang marks on Louis’ neck a meaningful look.
“Can’t live with them, can’t live without them,” Louis finishes, ignoring Zayn when he rolls his eyes.
Louis takes a long sip of his milkshake, presses his fingers against the marks on his neck, and definitely doesn’t think about the vampire who left them there.
27) Perfect Storm | Explicit | 80230 words
What do you do when your best friend asks you and your (now) ex to be the best men at his destination wedding? You can either tell him the truth, tell him you’re not together anymore, and deal with the consequences, or you can pretend you’re still together and roll with it, just pray you don’t spiral. Fake it ‘til you make it. You know, for the sake of the wedding.
Harry and Louis choose the latter.
28) Nothing Worsens, Nothing Grows | Mature | 102528 words
Another roadtrip AU featuring Harry as the misunderstood hipster, Louis as the bitter psych major, Liam as the one with the secret boyfriend, and Niall as the one who just wants everyone to be happy.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
226 notes · View notes
fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 18 -Chemistry
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, what will they do?, 2.5k
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17
“Two, three, four!” Alex counted off and the band sprung into action inside the studio. The one good thing about the drums was that it made him hyper aware of every limb on his body. There was no room for distractions or intrusive thoughts when he was keeping time. It was almost like the euphoria of being dizzy, only without the dizziness. He could be okay in this state for a little while - just long enough to reset his mind and declutter itself.
As they finished their take, they heard a familiar voice from the sound booth.
“Sounds incredible boys!”
Caleb. There went the whole ‘reset and declutter’ thing he had going.
Each of the guys looked around at each other, knowing they would have to do their best to pretend they didn’t know anything. This was the first time they were seeing him since Alex had given the news to the rest of the band. None of them had actually discussed what they would do the next time Caleb happened to stop in. Setting down their instruments and slowly filing into the sound booth, they all greeted Caleb, trying to appear happy to see him.
“Let’s hear that playback, shall we?” he said as they all sat together. He pressed a few knobs on his soundboard and they all listened closely to their own song. It was just gonna be another session with notes on where they could dub vocals here and there or duplicate tracks to fill things out - it had to be normal, Alex prayed.
“And let’s stop here for a minute,” Caleb was saying after getting into a couple minutes of the track. “Reggie. What happened to the bassline?” Reggie sat up, blinking at being called out. “That’s not what was on your demo; why did you change it?”
Reggie’s face had already fallen as he made flustered attempts to respond.
“I-I...I just liked that line better...I think it fits the style and the direction of the song,” he stammered, shoulders slumped, avoiding eye contact. His hands came together in his usual fidget - the one he did when he got yelled at. Alex saw Bobby’s hand curl into a fist.
“Alright, alright, trust me,” Caleb placated. “I understand, probably more than any of you, why improvising a part feels so good. I wouldn’t host a jazz club if I didn’t get that. But here the difference is that no one knows your songs yet, boys.”
“We’ve had faithful fans for years,” Luke interrupted.
Caleb cut him off with a mere look. Shutting his mouth, Luke scratched the back of his head nervously. After taking a breath, Caleb simply let out a sigh.
“Boys.” His tone was really drawing on the charisma, Alex noticed. “My job in helping you reach the stardom that you all one hundred percent deserve is to help you create a footprint on the walk of fame. A footprint means as beginners we can’t mess with the core elements that make your brand. These songs need to stay consistent until we have thousands of fans singing back to you in the audience the very lines you wrote in your humble garage. They need to know the first few seconds of that drumbeat and recall who you are on the radio. They are going to learn those basslines and those chords and add them to their own repertoire while they aspire to be legends like you! Don’t you see how important that is? I know. Playing around is fun; experimenting with new ideas and sounds is the whole reason we’re here. But from now on, I want you boys to stay in one lane, and I will match your speed.”
Eyeing each other warily, they all awkwardly murmured and nodded to agree with him. None of his words had been all that comforting. Alex was stuck thinking about how Caleb had made an appeal to every single one of them and somehow been right on the nose. It was like he could read their minds and it felt rather invasive.
“We’ll remember that,” Alex told him. He knew the other three were battling with their fight or flight responses and it would be suspicious.
“Oh, good,” Caleb replied. “I can see we’re having an off day, but maybe Alex can get the rest of you on board. Let’s run that song again.”
Exchanging glances, the guys stood up and headed back into the recording booth.
“Man, chemistry sucks,” Bobby complained from his seat in the armchair in his garage. Books were spread out around him, as well as about a dozen crumpled up pieces of notebook paper. “Reggie would get this.”
Alex looked up from the history homework he’d been focused on. He was gaining such an ear for whenever Reggie or Bobby mentioned one another and it made him laugh inwardly. For now, though, he had to hide the smirk.
“Well, I would call him, but he’s taking care of his sister tonight.”
“Yeah, I know. I don’t want to bother him anyways.”
This was one of the rare occasions where it was just Alex and Bobby together. Usually at least Luke would be around, but he was out on some date with Julie and there was no telling when he was expected back. Bobby had been helping Alex with history for a little bit but about half an hour ago remembered his own homework in a panic. Now they were both having trouble focusing. Their time in the studio that morning was clearly still on both of their minds.
“Hey, did Reggie tell you we were playing for his cousin’s wedding?” Alex asked in a non sequitur fashion.
“What?” Bobby said, finally sitting up and tearing his eyes off the diagram he was making. “No, he didn’t. Since when was that happening?”
“I’ve known for a couple weeks,” Alex told him casually.
“Oh.” Bobby looked down at the floor. “Any reason you haven’t mentioned it until now?”
Alex shifted in his seat on the couch at the suspicion in Bobby’s voice, but tried to play it off with a shrug.
“I just forgot. We’ve had a lot going on since he mentioned it to me.”
It did the trick. Still, Bobby sat in thought for a while, playing with his tongue inside his mouth absent-mindedly. Alex physically bit his own tongue to keep himself from asking what was on Bobby’s mind and pretended to turn his attention back to his history work. There was a long, static pause.
“Reggie’s been really weird lately,” Bobby said.
“Is that so?” Alex didn’t look up this time.
“Yeah. I mean, he’s always been goofy and everything, but I mean, he’s been unusual even for him. You know what I mean?”
“I guess I haven’t been paying as close of attention.” Alex flipped a page in his text book. “But I’ll take your word. Are you worried about him?”
Furrowing his brow, Bobby frowned in thought.
“I’m not sure,” he said. “I mean, I always worry about him, you know, cuz of everything he deals with at home. But I don’t know...this is different.”
“Is it because of what Caleb said today?”
“I didn’t like that either, but no, that’s not it.”
He looked so serious that Alex couldn’t find it funny anymore. Actually, Bobby seemed so distressed by it that it was making Alex distressed.
“Hey,” he said with concern. “Why do you look so bummed about it?”
He received a glance as though a great weight sat upon Bobby’s shoulders. It was so familiar it shot him in the chest. His friend looked so lost and uncertain, so afraid to speak his mind. And Alex thought Reggie had been conflicted. It was a little worrying.
“I think you actually know what's going on, huh?” Bobby said in resignation.
Nope. Now it was just frustrating. Alex sat up and looked at Bobby directly.
“Okay, I know expressing yourself isn’t your strong suit, Bobby, but please say it out loud. You can do it. Especially with me.”
His friend’s eyebrows knit together even further, trying to convince himself to get it off his chest. A minute passed, and finally he shut his chemistry book, set it aside, and faced Alex.
“I have feelings for Reggie.”
Thank god.
“Good job! You’re officially the last to know!”
Bobby’s face fell into a confused expression.
Alex merely shrugged. They were so helpless, but luckily he was better at trying to solve others’ problems than his own.
“I had to let you come to your own conclusion. It was exhausting; you took forever.”
Bobby folded his hands and fidgeted with his thumbs.
“How long have you noticed?”
“Technically? Since before playing at the Pearl. But that’s when it really started to be obvious.”
Smirking, Bobby just bowed and shook his head.
“You know,” he began. “When I was first getting to know you, I didn’t trust you. Luke and I were already so close, and he introduced me to you and Reggie and you two already were such good friends. For a while I couldn’t figure out when you were being sarcastic or serious and I didn’t want to admit I was too sensitive. Reggie helped me figure out the difference and I just sort of dropped anything I was upset about.”
Alex listened carefully, nodding at his words.
“And now you’ve started getting all personal because you know I’m the most trustworthy one here, right?” he half-teased.
Nodding, Bobby smiled a little.
“I guess this is the part where you tell me to get my crap together and tell Reggie?”
“Yep,” Alex said. “But go at your own pace. The last thing I want is you two making things even weirder than they already are by trying to discuss things when you’re not prepared. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great, but don’t forget the rest of the band in the process.”
“Oh, yeah,” Bobby pondered. “You have a point. Speaking of weird business, I’m still not cool about us pretending to go along with making the album while knowing what we do about Caleb.”
“Me neither, but I think Luke was right. We’re just being careful.”
“Since when is Sunset Curve careful, though? We would just set up and play wherever we could until we got chased off the property, and then we’d just find a new location the next night.”
“The difference is we were nobody fifteen year olds who didn’t have contracts signed. You said it yourself, we could risk losing the rights to our own music if we break things off.”
“We read the contracts, though, right?” Bobby insisted. “I made sure we did. I don’t remember anything that seemed too controlling in them.”
“Would we have known what to look for?” Alex responded.
Sighing heavily and flopping back into his chair, Bobby stared up into the ceiling. It felt like no good answer could be given. Alex was frustrated too, but he remembered what Tía Victoria had told him as well. He believed Willie, of course, especially since Victoria hadn’t actually seen or spoken to him. She hadn’t been able to get a sniff of Caleb’s true nature, and she was a professional investigator. If Caleb could fool her that easily, he’d tied their hands while they willingly held them out.
“Bobby,” Alex started. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking we should stop laying ourselves on the ground and letting him walk all over us. None of this ‘establish the brand’ B.S.”
Straightening his posture, Alex sat up and folded his hands. That was exactly what he wanted to do, too. Even if he didn’t know anything else about Caleb, the way he’d gone after Reggie had left a sour enough taste in his mouth. Before he could say anything else to Bobby, Luke stepped into the garage.
“Guys, I was thinking - ” he started.
“You wanna go after Caleb too?” Bobby said.
“Whoa, how did you know?” he sat back in surprise.
“Bobby and I were just talking about it,” Alex told him. Luke raised his eyebrows as he flopped onto the couch beside Alex.
“Were you guys mad when he singled out Reggie, too?”
“Nobody shames Reggie like that!”
“Bobby, you should go cheer him up,” Luke suggested. “We all know you’re in love with him.”
“Oh my god!” Bobby cried, throwing his arms into the air in exasperation. Immediately he stood up and gathered all his books. “Just for that, I’m turning in you guys. Have a nice night, Alex. Luke, I hope it’s cold.” He stormed out of the garage and into his house while Luke and Alex simply laughed together.
“I, uh… I already gave him a speech about it,” Alex told Luke, smirking.
“Thank you!” Luke cried. “I know they tease me about being dense but at least I go for what I want! And so do you!”
Smiling at the acknowledgement of him and Willie, Alex slowly started packing up his homework. He could finish it tomorrow night.
“By the way, how was hanging out with Julie?” he asked.
Placing his arms behind his head, Luke got that dreamy far-off look on his face. The ‘Julie on the mind’ look. He smiled like he’d seen an angel and the angel had smiled back in kind.
“Oh, she’s awesome. She’s way better at roller skating than me. I wish there were two of me just so one of us could hold her hand while skating with her and the other could sit down and watch.”
Alex made a face at the odd visual, but he understood what Luke was talking about. He wondered what he and Willie looked like from an outside perspective. Did they look as happy as he felt? Did Willie bring out something in him that he’d never seen in the mirror? Or even something the rest of the guys didn’t know yet? That was something he really wanted to discuss with Willie now.
“I can’t wait until her mom gets out of the hospital,” Luke was saying. “I want to learn everything she can teach me. She told me she took two years just working on the production of an album for her band. Imagine what we could do with our songs if we had her in the studio instead of Caleb.”
“Wow,” Alex commented. “At this point, I really wish we were working with the Molinas. At least they seem to get us.”
Luke looked at him and Alex knew he’d heard all the underlying meaning in that sentence. All the guys had been accepted by Julie’s family in a way none of their own seemed capable of. Alex almost wished he hadn’t said it out loud because it only tempted him to forget about heading home.
“Maybe one day, we will, Alex,” Luke said, giving him an encouraging smile.
He chuckled as he shouldered his backpack and headed out the door.
“Yeah. That’d be sweet.”
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When All Is Said And Done
⚠️stop! have you read part one, the winner takes it all yet? if not, click the link and read it cause idk if this will make much sense!
Summary: You slowly repair you relationship with Reggie as you get closer to the end of the show.
Category: high school au, musical au?
Fandom: JATP
Paring: Reggie x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings/Includes: mentions of cheating
A/N: this is for @reggiepetersappreciationweek day 5? whatever yesterday was, i have a trash memory, and i forgot to post this so... whoops!
(also @williexmercer asked to be tagged in this so.... ta da?)
Mandatory Thanking of the Betas: ahhhh ty so so much @wrhen for helping me give this story the ending it deserved, i had no idea how to end it, so thank you!
AO3 link here (nope)
Please don’t repost my work without my permission, in part or whole. My work can also be found on AO3 under the same username. Thank you!
Here's to us
One more toast
And then we'll pay the bill
Closing night was always a sad thing. But after the last three months, all of the drama, and the nightmares… You could tell that the smile on Reggie’s face was his, and he was happy. Truly happy.
Deep inside
Both of us
Can feel the autumn chill
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I’ll be better. I want to explain, so I’ll be at our spot at 7 pm tomorrow.” You listened to his voicemail over and over, trying to decide if you should trust him this time. You got one of these voicemails every week on Monday. It had been a month since “the incident” and he wasn’t giving up.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I’ll be-” You tossed your phone at the wall as hard as possible, but with your bad luck it landed on the soft white sheets of your bed and you let out a scream. It was loud and heart-wrenching, and you collapsed into the shag carpet. The soft blue carpet he had bought for you when you found out you had landed the role.
And from your spot on the floor, there was the photo of the two of you that you had framed after your second date. When you knew he was the one. He had taken you to the fair, and one of his friends had come over to take a photo of the two of you, but someone had bumped into him, and there was a ton of bright pink cotton candy in his hair. That was your favorite moment with him.
You rolled over, and like a bad omen, your phone played the voicemail again. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I’ll be better. I want to explain, so I’ll be at our spot at 7 pm tomorrow.” You had crawled onto your bed to turn it off when you heard him whisper something he hadn’t in any of the other voicemails. “I love you.”
As you lay down to sleep that night, your brain looped his words. I love you, I love you, I love you. I. Love. You.
He hadn’t ever said it before.
Birds of passage
You and me
We fly instinctively
The cast all had slight tears in their eyes. Most of them were seniors, including you and Reggie, so this was your last show at a school you had grown to love.
When the summer's over
And the dark clouds hide the sun
Neither you nor I'm to blame
“Y/N and Reggie.” Your science teacher moved on and continued calling out other pairs to work together.
He moved to where you were sitting. It seemed as if his personality had changed. He was no longer the confident, happy boy you knew, but a shy, quiet one. “I- I can ask for a different partner. You probably don’t, don’t want to work with me.” His eyes were transfixed on the desk.
You don’t know what led you to do this, but you slipped a finger under his chin and tilted his face to look at you. “We have 5 minutes left in this period, and then we have rehearsal. You have that long to come up with a convincing argument as to why I should trust you, go it?”
He nodded softly, and you released his face. Now you had that long to figure out if you should trust him again.
As the bell rang you began to pack up your stuff when a note fell out of your bag. You picked it up and began to read it.
“Y/N. I kissed him. I’m not trying to cover for him, it’s the honest truth.” You looked up at your teacher.
“Y/L/N, get to rehearsal, or at least get out of my classroom.”
“Yeah, sorry!” You said, hurrying out of her classroom. You stepped into the hall, and you continued to read the note.
“I know it sounds like I’m covering for him. I’m not. I came into his dressing room, I kissed him. (I’ll spare you the details) But you two are an amazing couple, and he’s been a mess without you. There’s a hole in his heart that only you can fix.”
And just like the “I love you,” those last words rang in your head through rehearsal.
“There’s a hole in his heart that only you can fix.”
When all is said and done
In our lives
We have walked
Some strange and lonely treks
He crossed the stage and looked back at you. The strength it would take the entire cast to not laugh like children would be incredible.
Slightly worn
But dignified
And not too old for sex
We're still striving for the sky
No taste for humble pie
“Thank you.” He said, passing you a coke. “The pie will be out in a second.”
The booth in the back of the diner was a quiet one, but there were so many memories here. Your first date, your first kiss, Reggie asking you to be his girlfriend, and getting cast as Donna and Sam. You had found out sitting in this booth.
The waitress came over. “Two slices of apple pie, enjoy you two,” She said, with a little wink.
You took a fork and stabbed the pie like an enemy. “Talk.”
“I didn’t mean to. She came in, and she started it, I-” You shoved some pie in his mouth. His face was alarmed for a second, and then he smiled.
“Not about that, idiot, about the project. We have to present tomorrow.” You took a bite of your pie.
“I thought…” He was lost in thought for a moment and then he spoke. “I was thinking we could alternate slides? Or if you just want to do the chunks you wrote, that’s cool too!” He said, eating some more of his pie.
“That sounds good, we can alternate slides. Also, could you help me with my math homework? I’m- well, I’ve got a D. Can you help me? I brought it with me if you want to now, I have it with me, or we can do it later?” You rambled off.
“Scooch over,” He said, standing up. As you did, he sat down next to you. “Okay, pull it out, and show me what you’re struggling with. We’re not leaving till you have it down.”
He smiled at you, and you knew you were back to normal now. Or at least, a new normal.
Thanks for all your generous love
And thanks for all the fun
Neither you nor I'm to blame
As he sang that line, you both glanced into the audience where your former-best-friend-now-acquaintance sat. Your relationship had healed over the last month. He and you were clearer, and when/if anything happened, you both gave each other a chance to explain your side of the story. It was better now.
When all is said and done
It's so strange
When you're down
And lying on the floor
“Okay look up when you open your eyes,” He said, removing his hands from your face. You looked out at the beautiful rolling hills and then up. Up to the sky, and the shining stars. You gasped as you saw them, each one more beautiful than the last.
“Woah, Reggie this is so beautiful, I-” You turned around to face him. He had a picnic all laid out. There was a full apple pie and ice cream, along with a bunch of your favorite sweets and some popcorn and pretzels.
“Reggie, when did you have the time for this? It’s almost tech week,” You said as you sat down next to him. “Not that I’m ungrateful but seriously, when did you-” He cut you off as he stuck a bit of pie in your mouth.
“Did you?” He nodded. “You bought a full pie from the diner?” You smiled at him so big. And it was a wonderful night.
How you rise
Shake your head
Get up and ask for more
Clear-headed and open-eyed
With nothing left untried
Standing calmly at the crossroads
No desire to run
“I’m scared Alex.” It was Reggie’s voice you heard as you walked up to the garage. Over the past 2 and a half months, your relationship had changed, and now, it was the Saturday before tech week.
You froze outside the garage as you listened to Reggie.
“I- I, I messed it all up before, and I keep feeling like I’m gonna mess up again,” Reggie said. His voice was shaking if it was even possible for a voice to do that.
“Reg,” Alex said. “What happened wasn’t your fault. They came in and kissed you.”
“I should’ve stopped it. I should have stopped them.”
“Reggie, she forgave you. And trust me, Y/N wouldn’t be with you if she thought you had done it on purpose.”
You knocked on the garage door. “Reg, you in there? We’re gonna be late to rehearsal!”
“Yeah- yeah, I’m coming, I’ll meet you in the car babe!” He hollered back.
There's no hurry anymore
When all is said and done
Then he did something unexpected. Something unscripted. You just felt him pulling you in and dipping you down, and for a moment in one amazing kiss, the audience wasn’t there.
You pulled away, smiling and breathless as the audience cheered.
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Reggie Tag list: @willex-owns-my-heart
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The Man on the Side of the Road - Part 8
Title: The Man on the Side of the Road - Part 8
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 4,932
Warnings: Minor Angst, Lots of Fluff, Playing with their hair, did I mention Fluff?
Summary: Driving down the road, going well over the speed limit. You come across a man walking in the opposite direction with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. His head cast down as he walked. Your gut instinct is telling you to check on this man, no matter what your parents told you growing up. Little did you know just how much this would change your life.
The Man on the Side of the Road - Masterlist
Square Filled: Bed Sharing ( @spngenrebingo​)
A/N: I think y’all are going to like this one! Lots of fluff to make up for the angsty last part! As always, feedback is incredibly appreciated ( seriously thank you for it!) Happy reading!! 
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 “Alright, beef jerky?” Dean called out from the list he had in his hand.
 “Check,” you shouted back.
 “Potato chips?”
 “Got it.”
 “And finally, my best friend?” he smiled widely, looking over the top of the car to see you. You shook your head with a wide smile.
 “I’m right here, dork,” you giggled. “I think we’re road trip ready, don’t you? I didn’t get up at six in the morning for nothing, Dean.”
 “I think we’re ready too,” he nodded. “We’ve got a long road ahead of us today. We’re stopping later tonight. We’re staying in a cheap motel and we’ll be back on the road in the morning.”
 “I like that plan,” you stated. “Let’s get this show on the road shall we?”
 You and Dean were on the open road within minutes. All the doors to your home were locked. You had your security system triple checked. No one knew you were leaving town but Bobby, and he was going to check on your house every day. He was more than happy to let Dean have the week off to go with you on the road trip. You both needed it. You needed to have that breath of fresh air. You needed to get away from everything for a little while.
 Since the night you had a full on breakdown, you and Dean had been closer than ever. You felt so much closer to him and it was a strange feeling for you. You never felt that way with Ketch. Not even in the beginning when everything was so fresh and new. You never felt like you fully knew who he was and what he was about. You knew things about Dean that no one knew. You shared things with him that you had never shared with anyone. It made you wonder if it was weird for him too. If he liked how close you had grown in the time you knew each other.
 “I’m feeling pizza for dinner,” Dean brought up about an hour into the drive.
 “I could go for some pizza,” you nodded. “With everything on it.”
 “Everything?” he cocked his eyebrow. “Now you are definitely my kind of girl.”
 “Speaking of girl,” you licked your bottom lip. You had to know.  “When are you going to ask that girl out? You know, the one you told me about?”
 “I don’t know,” he shrugged. “I don’t really know if I’m going to. Yeah, it’d be great to put myself out there again and all. I have no idea if she even likes me back, or if she’d ever go out with me in the first place. I don’t want to push myself back with all the progress I’ve made so far.”
 “That’s a good point,” you nodded. “But you’re going to have to put yourself out there sometime. The girl isn’t going to wait forever if she does like you back. As soon as she thinks you’ve lost interest, she’ll move on. I know you said you’re not a long term kind of guy but it could be worth a shot.”
 “I’m not. But I don’t know, maybe this time I should give it a try. I’m older now. The sounds of settling down don’t scare me nearly as much as they used to. I guess I have you to thank for that one.”
 “Why me?”
 “Because of the whole you thought you were pregnant,” he said nonchalantly. “The idea of having a kid of your own, and starting a family with someone sounds a lot better than it did years ago. But I want what you said. Two parents that love each other to raise the baby.”
 “Sounds to me like you want a future,” you pointed out.
 “Yeah. I do,” he agreed. “Something more, you know?”
 “I say take a chance,” you breathed out. “You never know what could happen. Besides, I know you. Any girl would be lucky to be with you.”
 “Thanks, Y/N,” he smiled. “What about you? I know you haven’t really been single for all that long, but have you considered putting yourself out there?”
 “The more I think about it, I’ve been by myself for a lot longer. After all, Ketch and Jo have been fooling around for two years behind my back. We weren’t like most couples. People wouldn’t say oh you guys are so cute together and that shit. Ketch was and has always been closed off. He wasn’t open with me the same way I was him. We didn’t have a good solid relationship when I think about the kind of relationship I want to pursue in the future. It wasn’t even about sex for me.  And to be honest, Ketch and I didn’t really sleep together all that often the more I think about it. Our last few months before our wedding was probably the most we were together. Probably because of Jo. As much as there was wrong with our relationship, I know it won’t be the same with someone else. I know that I’ll meet someone and things will just click,” you paused. “I’ll be able to have sex with the lights on, and I’ll be able to say no when I’m not in the mood and have him respect me. I’ll be able to cry and he won’t freak out, and I’ll be able to make him laugh when he needs it. I was so afraid of so many things when I was with Ketch, because I knew he’d leave me, and I didn’t want my mom to say the horrible things that she already has to me. I’ve accepted now that I’m never going to be good enough for her and I don’t care that I’m not. I would much rather be with someone who loved me for who I am. Someone who doesn’t care that I don’t get along with her and understands why. I don’t want that same unrealistic expectations the next time around.”
 “Your mom really shouldn’t matter all that much anyways. No offense but she’s a bitch,” he chuckled.
 “You’re not wrong about that one,” you let out a laugh. “Someday I’ll put myself out there again. I just want to be one hundred percent sure that I know the person I’m going for this time around. Someone that doesn’t have hidden agendas, or girls he likes to fuck behind my back.”
 “Can I ask you who this Jo chick is?” he cocked his eyebrow, looking over at you for a split second.
 “Jo Harvelle -”
 “You have to be fucking kidding me,” he said loudly.
 “Oh god, you know her too?” your jaw dropped.
 “Yeah, I do. Quite well actually,” he stated. “When I was growing up, my dad brought me around the garage a lot so he could show me the ropes of a car. At the time, my Uncle Bobby was dating her mom so Jo was around quite a bit in the summertime. Her mom and Bobby didn’t last too long thankfully. Bobby met a really nice woman and he’s been with her for ten years, I want to say. When school started back up again, Jo thought we were friends and it stayed like that for awhile. It was fine for the most part. Awkward at best. When we were in high school, she made it known that she had a crush on me. Flirting in the hallway. Trying to sit with me at lunch. She forced herself on me at a party after she had too much to drink, and I had to leave. She and Ketch were pretty close in high school too from what I remember. Which is why I couldn’t understand why she was chasing after me. She’s younger, and I saw her like a kid sister. She was always looking for male attention.”
 “Figures. She slept around a lot when we were friends. I thought it was her way of dealing with things after her mom died. Everytime we went out, she took someone home. Never thought it would be my at the time fiancee,” you told him. “The more I think about everything that’s happened over time, the more I wish I had realized what was going on. I wish I would have picked up on how poorly Ketch treated me, and done something about it. I wish I would have realized that Jo wasn’t really a friend to me. I wish I would have paid more attention, and knew my worth more than I did.”
 “But you know it now, and you’re not in the situation with either of them anymore,” he reminded you. “You have me looking out for you now, and I’m not going to let you go through something like that again. And, I’m not going to steal your boyfriend either.”
 “Haha!” you giggled. “Funny!”
 “It was a little funny,” he smirked. “I mean it though. I’ve got your back, if you decide you want to try again with someone else. You seem to be doing much better since our talk last week.”
 “I feel a lot better since we talked,” you admitted. “It’s hard for me to open up, I know that. I never wanted to be too much for you either. You are already going through so much as it is. Talking to you is easy. I like talking to you about everything. The big things. The little things too. You give me a sense of home.”
 “You can always talk to me,” he assured you.
 It wasn’t too long after that when your eyes began to grow tired. You knew that if you rested on the door, you’d feel every bump. You decided to take a chance. After all, you and Dean were close. You wouldn’t be able to sleep otherwise. He was a safe driver and the backseat was free for the most part.
 “I’m going to see if I can get some sleep,” you yawned. “You mind if I crawl in the back?”
 “If you want,” he nodded. “Or you can rest your head in my lap. My leg might be a little more comfortable than the bags back there.”
 “You wouldn’t mind?”
 “Nah. I’d rather you be comfortable,” he smiled. “‘Sides, I’ll play with your hair every once in a while. Help you relax.”
 “Do you want to marry me?” you joked.
 “In a heartbeat,” he winked. “I’ll change routes to Vegas.”
 “It’d be the best wedding ever,” you giggled.
 “Get some sleep, sweetheart. I’ll keep you safe.”
 You had no idea how long you were asleep for. What you woke up to was Dean running his fingers through your hair as he hummed along with the quiet radio. You couldn’t help but smile. You were more than content with your life at that moment. It made you wonder if there was a chance that you and Dean could be something more. More than roommates and friends. You got along well, and you had a good chemistry between the two of you. You could see yourself with someone like him. The real question was, could he see himself with someone like you? Did he like you in the same way you liked him?
 You shifted in his lap, adjusting yourself a little. Dean still continued to run his fingers through the locks of your hair. It made you wonder if he liked it just as much as you did. If he would be okay with you doing the same to him.
 “Sweetheart, are you awake?” Dean asked softly.
 “Maybe,” you chuckled. “You need something?”
 “I’m going to pull over at the next gas station. We need gas, and I’m probably going to pee myself if we wait any longer,” he admitted.
 “Okay. How long was I asleep?” you asked him, yawning in the process.
 “About three hours,” he revealed.
 “Oh my god. I’m sorry!” you breathed out.
 “Don’t worry about it. You’re a pretty sound sleeper. I’d rather you rest,” he half smiled.
 “Thank you for letting me sleep in your lap, and for playing with my hair,” you told him.
 “You won’t be thanking me when you see what your hair looks like,” he let out a laugh. You sat up instantly, looking in the rearview mirror. Some of your hair was sticking up a little. Nothing you couldn’t fix. You’d much rather his hand in your hair anyways. It was the most comforting feeling.
 “I think this is a good look for me,” you giggled. “Why don’t I drive after our pit stop? Give you a chance to nap.”
 “Yeah okay,” he nodded. “I trust you enough to drive my car.”
 “Gee thanks,” you shook your head with a side smile.
 Dean stopped at the closest gas and sip. He pumped the gas first before heading in to use the bathroom. You sat in the car, checking your phone to see how much further along you were until you arrived to Sam. It was still a long drive, and you wouldn’t be there until tomorrow night at the earliest. You knew all the travel was going to knock you out.
 Dean came out of the gas and sip with a paper bag in his hand. You wondered just what he could have picked up in there when you had a lot of stuff in the car already. You slid over to the drivers side, allowing Dean to sit in the passengers.
 “Alright, I’m hungry so I picked up a little something from the diner they had in there. I’ve got fries, pie, and two burgers. Figured you’d be hungry too.”
 “Thanks Dean,” you smiled. “I am actually. It’s going to be a while on the road. We’re not pulling over until eight if we’re going to get there by tomorrow.”
 You were on the road, eating your burgers and fries. Dean gave you a couple of bites of his pecan pie, feeding it to you from the fork while you drove. Eventually, he decided he was going to shut his eyes for a little while. That’s when you offered your lap for him to sleep this time. You took the chance to run your fingers through his hair, just like he did you.
 Being on the open road with nothing but the soft sounds of one of his cassette tapes playing, and his head in your lap, gave you a lot of time to think about everything. Dean had been a part of your life for a little over two months now. The more you thought about it, the more you realized that time had flown by. Dean was a big part of your life, and you wanted him to be an even bigger part of your life. You wanted to wake up next to him everyday. He was the one you looked forward to coming home to, and spending time with. He saw sides of you that no one else saw. The sides you didn’t want anyone else to see. You just wondered if he saw you as more than a friend. If he ever could see you as someone he wanted to be with.
 You knew more about him than a lot of people did. At least, you liked to think you did. Dean clearly didn’t share a whole lot, and he shared quite a bit with you when he became more comfortable with you. You knew he didn’t have many people in his life, and if he did, they clearly didn’t stick around long enough. You couldn’t quite understand why. Dean was easy to get along with, and he made damn sure he was there when someone he cared about needed him. Dean had been there for you more times than you could count. Maybe it was the same for everyone else, and they just never did the same for him. You had no idea what happened between him and his brother. You just hoped they could fix things on this trip.
 “You’re comfortable,” Dean muttered, making you laugh.
 “Thanks, Dean.”
 “How long was I asleep?” he asked.
 “Two hours or so,” you answered.
 “Sweet,” he yawned, sitting up from your lap. He rubbed at his eyes a little, trying to wipe away the sleep. You had about an hour left to go before you were in Boulder. “You tired of driving yet?”
 “Eh. It’s only three in the afternoon. If you want me to drive further, I can. The sooner we get to Sam, the better, right?”
 “Yeah that’s true. I’ll let you drive for a couple more hours, then we’ll switch. Whenever you want to switch let me know,” he offered.
 “Yeah I will.”
 It was just after eight thirty when you pulled into the parking lot of a motel. If your mother could see you and where you were staying for the night, she would throw a fit. She wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like this. It almost made you smile to think about it. It reminded you of how much you weren’t like her. How different you were was one of the things you were proud of. This didn’t bother you one bit and that was because you were doing this with someone you deeply cared about.
 Dean had gotten the key to the room while you ran to grab something to eat for dinner from the restaurant across the street. You managed to grab a pizza with a bunch of toppings like you talked about earlier, and some drinks. Dean was waiting for you outside the room with the keys in his hand.
 The room wasn’t anything special. For eighty five dollars a night, it wasn’t the worst. There was only one bed and it was pretty small for a queen. If anything, it looked like a double. Not that it mattered all that much. You and Dean had shared a bed a few times before. It was nothing new. You were just going to be a little closer than you were at home. You were going to have to be more respectful of his space.
 “When I was growing up, my dad liked to take me and my brother on road trips like this. Time for us to spend together. Since we lost our mom so young, he knew it was important to spend time together. Granted, my dad and my brother never saw eye to eye. I always had to share a bed with one of them, because they refused to look at each other until we moved on from wherever we were. But this just reminds me of those good times growing up. I’ve never really had anyone to do something like this with.”
 “I know you said you’re not big on commitment, but did you ever have a girlfriend that you did little road trips with?” you asked.
 “Nah, we stayed in town. The girls I’ve been with weren’t into seedy motel rooms and long trips in the car,” he shrugged. “What about you and douchewad?”
 “Once thankfully,” you chuckled. “Spring break, freshman year of college. He thought it would be a good idea to head down to Miami. He also thought it would be a good idea to have six shots of tequila with no chaser and he passed out. He refused to go to the beach because he hated sand and he would only eat out of five star restaurants. On spring break, you would be lucky to find one. He complained the entire time that he was going to get an infection or disease. He wouldn’t be caught dead in a motel like this. He and my mother were more alike in that way.”
 “And stuff like this motel room doesn’t bug you?” he furrowed his brows.
 “No. Not really,” you shook your head. “I’ve never been that kind of girl. But if I see one bug, be prepared for me to freak out. I don’t do bugs of any kind.”
 “Okay,” he smiled. “I have to say. I’m really happy you’re not with Ketch anymore. I don’t think you would have lived your life to the fullest if you married him.”
 “Me either. I certainly wouldn’t have done any road trips like this. Or been allowed to talk to you. As upset as I was when I found out about him and Jo, and everything that happened. It’s given me a lot of perspective on what I deserve, and how poorly I was treated. The next time I date, I’m going to make sure its someone who isn’t a bag of dicks.”
 “Good,” he smiled. “You look happier.”
 The pizza was finished quickly. Both of you were pretty hungry, and you were actually surprised you could eat that amount. You both showered and brushed your teeth. You knew you had to get to sleep early. Especially if you were leaving in the morning, and early at that. You and Dean wanted to be at Stanford by tomorrow night, and that meant at least another thirteen hours of driving.
 You climbed into bed first, adjusting the covers. Dean was out of the bathroom, wearing a fitted t-shirt and a pair of black boxers. You couldn’t help but stare at him a little longer than usual. You found yourself doing that lately. It wasn’t just when he was in his boxers. It was anytime. When he was helping you make dinner, or when he walked in the room.
 He crawled into the small bed, settling next to you. It was just after ten and you knew you had to get to sleep soon or else you’d be grumpy come the morning. Not that you weren’t going to be anyways.
 “This bed is super lumpy,” you chuckled.
 “Tell me about it. I think my car would have been more comfortable,” he scoffed.
 “Your car is more comfortable,” you pointed out. “Let’s just make the best of this. Tomorrow, we can get a nice hotel room with a hot tub and we’ll forget all about this room.”
 “Good plan,” he let out a laugh. “G’night sweetheart.”
 “Night handsome.”
 Your body slowly began to wake. You could feel the light in the room, and you knew then you had to get up within the next couple of minutes. You nuzzled into the pillow a little more, only to find it a little harder than you remembered the night before. Your eyes shot wide open, realizing that you were no longer sleeping on your pillow, but on Dean’s chest. Your arm wrapped around his middle. No wonder you felt well rested. You fell asleep on your best friend.
 He slowly began to stir beneath you, and you knew there was no way you were getting away with this one. He was going to find out either way. You may as well take the punishment for what it was. You enjoyed it, hell more than you should. You weren’t going to deny yourself that, not after everything you’ve been through.
 “Sweetheart, you awake?” his deep, gruff voice muttered. That’s when you noticed it. His hand on the small of your back. His thumb rubbing circles on your spine. If he was uncomfortable, he certainly didn’t show it.
 “Hmm, yeah,” you yawned. “Time to get ready?”
 “Yeah. Long day ahead of us,” he reminded you. “Should arrive there tonight.”
 “Hot tub,” you chuckled.
 “Non lumpy bed. Although you seem to be pretty comfortable,” he teased.
 “I didn’t keep you up, did I?”
 “Nah,” he let out a little laugh, tightening his grip on you. “Bed was small anyways.”
 “Definitely not a queen,” you stated. “We better get out of here. We’ll grab some breakfast on the road.”
 “Sounds good.”
 You were up and out of the motel room within fifteen minutes. Both of you had a coffee and a breakfast sandwich, ready to take on another long day of driving. Dean decided to take the first driving shift. You searched through his cassette tapes to find something different to listen to, but also something of his standards. You could only play certain things in his car.
 Your mind was constantly on the fact that you had somehow fallen asleep cuddling him. He didn’t make a big deal out of it, but to you it was. This was Dean, your best friend Dean. The man you had strong feelings for, Dean. It felt so great to cuddle with him the way you did. It was great to feel safe in his hold, and to just be cuddled. It reminded you a lot of what you didn’t have with Ketch. He hated cuddling, especially at night. He slept as far away from you as possible on the nights you did share a bed. It was probably one of the many reasons why he didn’t want to live together until marriage. Personal issues, as he called it.
 “What’s on your mind, pretty girl?” he asked after about an hour on the road. You turned to look at him with a soft smile. His eyes were softer than usual as he looked at you.
 “Oh you know, stuff,” you teased, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.
 “Spill it,” he chuckled.
 “Last night, I didn’t make you uncomfortable, or cross any lines, did I?” you questioned. Worry was evident in your voice.
 “No. You didn’t,” he shook his head with a smirk. “I’m actually surprised it hasn’t happened before.”
 “Why do you say that?” you asked curiously.
 “Because you’re a really affectionate person, and you crave that very same affection back,” he pointed out. “You like it when I play with your hair, and squeeze you tightly when I hug you. You played with my hair for awhile yesterday. Since the first day I met you, you’ve been touchy and you probably didn’t even realize you were. You helped me get across the road, you hugged me tightly, you rubbed between my shoulders. You’re an affectionate person, and you shouldn’t have to hold back. I don’t mind cuddling, or hugs. Even when you kissed me on the cheek, it wasn’t weird. I accept you for who you are, Y/N.”
 “You know you’ve basically just given me permission right?” you giggled. Dean let out a laugh, shaking his head.
 “I know. I’m cool with it,” he assured you. “I like cuddling too.”
 The day was spent the same as the previous day. One of you napped while the other drove. You stopped for lunch and a few bathroom breaks. You talked about little things that were insignificant to some, but not to you. You learned his favourite kinds of pie, and his favourite colour. You learned that he had his first kiss at sixteen and that he knew how to play the guitar. The little things that were common knowledge. You mostly wanted to know the things that only a best friend would know. He learned the very same about you.
 You played a couple of games. One on your phone that was much like twenty questions, but this was a list of about one hundred. Some were completely random, others were strange. Either way, it killed about four hours.
 “We’ll be there in fifteen minutes,” you told him. “You ready?”
 “Yeah,” he nodded. “Hopefully he’ll want to see me.”
 “At the end of the day, you’re his brother. He’d be crazy not to,” you reminded him.
 “Where would I be without you?” he chuckled.
 “Do you really want me to answer that?” you shook your head with a smirk. “We’re getting chicken for dinner tonight, just so you know.”
 “Fine by me,” he smiled. “I could go for some too.”
 “And pie,” you added in. “Need pie.”
 You pulled into the apartment complex that Dean had pointed to. This was the last known address he had for Sam. If he didn’t live there, then someone had to know where so you could look next. You parked the car, cutting the ignition. You could tell Dean was nervous, but excited at the same time. He didn’t want his brother to turn him away.
 His brother's apartment was on the third floor. Room fourteen. Dean glanced up at the building, taking a deep breath. You smiled at him, slipping your hand into his for reassurance. You knew he wasn’t going to move unless you forced him to. You were a little nervous yourself. You were meeting his brother for the first time. It was the only real family he had. Bobby wasn’t his blood, technically. You wondered if Sam looked like his older brother, or if he looked more like one parent and Dean looked like the other. Either way, you were going to find out.
 “Here we are,” he breathed out, releasing your hand.
 “You’ve got this,” you reassured him. “Time to see your brother.”
Dean raised his hand, knocking three times on the door before taking a step back. You placed your hand between his shoulders, much like you had done before. You could hear a little commotion going on from behind the door, which meant someone was definitely home.
 The door unlocked, and opened up just a little. You swallowed hard, suddenly growing a little nervous yourself. You took a step back behind Dean, knowing you’d have him to protect you, in case Sam wasn’t the one living there anymore and it was some big drunk dude.
 “Dean?” a voice called out from the doorway. You glanced up to find a taller man with longer brown hair. His brows were furrowed, and he was more surprised than anything. That had to be his brother.
 “Hiya Sammy.”
Part 9 coming Tuesday!
Did you like it? What was your favourite part? Share your thoughts with me via reblog, reply or send me an ask! Your response is what keeps me sharing stories like this! 
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lozzatnt · 3 years
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a few weeks ago, I went on my first overnight trip on my motorbike. it was quite a big deal for me, as I've never gone more than a few miles from home, in my usual commute. so 2 days work down in Bognor Regis was the perfect chance to get out of town!
the timing wasn't ideal, to say the least... I just had my first covid jab on the day I planned to travel down. its safe to say that my arm felt a bit achey. but I couldn't let that stop me! I was honestly just glad that it didn't make me feel ill.
secondly, I checked the weather forecast and it was set to piss it down for the whole week! but regardless, I put on my rain gear and set off.
my bag was pretty heavy. I had my chain lock and disk lock (paranoid londoner alert), as well as 3 days worth of clothes and toiletries. as it was a work thing, I bought my laptop too. it all added up to a fair weight on my back, but I figured I was pretty strong (and a bit cocky??) and went for it.
as I left, it started spitting a bit. I figured that would be the extent of it, but after about 5 miles, the heavens absolutely opened. I was drenched a few minutes into my first big trip. but I've seen plenty of bikers braving the elements so kept my head down and plowed on.
I'll be honest - I was a bit stressed about the navigation. I used my wireless earphones (just one) and the voice of apple maps to take me down south. it actually turned out great. I only made a couple of wrong turns, which did add a bit of time to the trip! but overall, it worked well. it would have been great to see the map too, but without a phone holder on my bike, that simply wasn't going to happen. regardless, apple maps delivered!
I got out of London fairly quickly and painlessly. it was a Tuesday night at about 8pm and therefore more or less dead on the roads.
what I didn't totally think about, was going through the albeit amazing country roads of Surrey, with the world's wankiest LED headlight on my poor little 125. oh. and in the pouring rain!
I can imagine all the experienced bikers out there rolling their eyes at me being a massive snowflake. but yeah it wasn't my usual well lit London commute that I'm used to! far out of my comfort zone but a good challenge, providing that I came out alive!!
the visibility was so poor but I knew that in the sunshine, this place would be incredible (which I found out on the way back!).
about half way, my legs were cramping, my back ached a bit and I was drenched. I couldn't pluck up the courage to open my bag to find my clothes damp and creased. and yep. no iron in the Travelodge!
but I hopped back on and carried on to my next stop - the shell garage, about 3/4s of the way there. it was a bit of a slog, I'll be honest. but I gained so much from the trip. I felt much more natural on the bike, which I never totally achieved from my commute alone. I normally chicken out of riding in the rain, and just get the bus instead, so it was useful experience to see what I could handle in the rain. and also importantly, what my bike could handle too.
I checked my phone to see how far it would be to the garage. I must admit, I was a bit worried if I'd make it on my pea sized fuel tank. I really should have stopped sooner. the hills were sapping at my fuel, and my gauge kept going up and down, every time I looked.
It felt a bit weird to be going 60 on some of these super bendy roads. in London, it's 30mph or even 20 in most places, so it was a bit of a test for me to keep up all the time on my little bike. the cars seemed to be going 60 most of the time, where I was happier a bit slower. I pulled over to let them pass, and carried plodding along! I wish I could keep up to be honest, but I was acutely aware of the mental weather conditions, my terrible lights and my ability not to lock the brakes. but I played it safe, and as I neared Chichester, I felt a real sense of achievement. something I've not felt in a long time, to be honest.
It was a relief to find streetlight lined A roads on the way into the city. I could see again! and although sopping wet, I had a real second wind. I reached the shell garage and filled her up. I must have looked mad when I walked into the garage with a birds nest for hair and dripping all over the floor. sexy.
I treated myself to a coke and some chocolate (yep still a kid at heart) and got on my way to the hotel. As I fannied around trying to find the hotel, in the city centre (apple maps did mess me around...) I finally saw the sign to the hotel and parked up next to the bike rack. always gets me in a good mood when there's something to lock on to!
I checked into my room and hung my gear up, in desperate hope for it all to dry out by the morning (no such luck of course), and fell asleep almost instantly with a bit of family guy on.
my laptop survived, probably due to it's snuggly case, and although my clothes were a bit fucked - creased and soaked to the max, it was so worth the trip.
I could have just got the train there, but I feel like I have so many memories from the trip, that it would be such a shame to miss out on all that. after my 2 days of work were over, I drove back in the sunshine - it was such a highlight. Surry really is amazing.
I just wish I took more photos, but I still have some great memories and the hope of another trip sometime soon. I think motocamping will be on the cards next! rude not to
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ais-for-alex · 3 years
The Scars of Our Past: Chapter 18
Welp, here is this. I hope y’all like it this is low key one of my favorite chapters 😊 as always these characters belong to the lovely @lumosinlove
For the entirety of the following week Finn felt electric and buzzy with nervous excitement. He made sure to get Leo’s key cut and move all the miscellaneous things that had collected in his spare room into the hall closet. Other than that though, he had little to do to burn off the energy that coursed through him like a current so he threw himself enthusiastically into practice. The team thought he was simply excited for the away game they had coming up on Friday but in reality, Finn just couldn’t get the sound of Leo’s words out of his head.
‘Maybe I like listening to your voice’
It played on an endless loop in that sweet southern twang whispered low and hushed into his ear.
As excited as he was to have Leo live with him, Finn couldn’t help the nerves that set in only moments after he hung up the call that night. How was he supposed to live with Leo, see him every day, learn all the little bits and pieces that made up this beautiful man. How was he supposed to wake up every morning to find a sleepy Leo in his home, and come home every night and hear his soft voice welcoming him back? The more his brain obsessed over it the more anxiety settled in Finn’s stomach, making it roil with fluttering butterflies.
In all honesty, it wasn’t the thought of living with Leo that was making him anxious. No, that part was exciting, he wanted all those things, wanted to learn and live with Leo. The anxiety came from the nagging feeling at the back of his mind that Finn had been in this exact place before, with the other man that never strayed too far from his thoughts. Finn was terrified that he would be allowed to get so very close to Leo, he would let him into his life only to be turned away yet again. Just like he had been so many times before by Logan.
Finn was petrified by the thought that history would repeat itself, that he would be left in another one sided love. But Leo wasn’t Logan, and this thing between them was new and fragile rather than the years of feelings pushed aside or bottled up.
“What’s with the face?”
Finn nearly jumped out of his skin when Logan suddenly plopped down next to him in his stall. Finn was still half dressed in his hockey gear but it looked like Logan had finished changing into his street clothes.
He huffed a laugh when he realized who had startled him, “What face? This is just my face?” Finn asked.
Logan rolled his eyes and bumped his shoulder, “No, that’s your ‘I’ve been thinking in circles for hours and I’m about to punch something out of frustration,’ face.”
“Ok well first, that’s an incredibly specific face. And Second, I don’t have that face,” Finn scoffed before standing up to finish changing.
“Come on Fish, you’ve been fidgety all week and now you have The Face. Finn, you’ve been my best friend for years, I know when you’re anxious,” Logan’s voice turned serious as he spoke, making Finn turn back to look at him.
With a sigh he sat heavily back down next to Logan. “Alright you win,” Finn resigned, even after all these years he never could hide things from Logan. “I’m letting Leo move in with me.”
Logan’s eyes went wide as he turned to look at him, “Really? Why?”
Finn pulled his lip between his teeth and bit down before responding, “I don’t know Lo. I just… you saw that motel he’s living at. I just hate to think of him there and when he was talking about finding a place to live he sounded so sad and I just kinda… offered it.”
Logan chuckled softly, the warm sound washing over Finn making his heart ache. He felt Logan reach a hand up to brush through the sweat damp hair at his temple then thread through the waves at the back of his neck.
“Mmm, you care about people so much,” Logan sighed, his voice was filled with a tender sound Finn didn’t know how to interpret. His fingers pressing into the tense muscles in his neck and all Finn wanted to press back into his hand. He wanted to feel Logan’s palms against his skin, wanted to feel his gentle touch.
It’s too much.
Logan’s words came crashing over him painfully, shredding holes in his heart with each unspoken word. He was too much, too intense, too obsessive.
“I need to go shower,” Finn stood up abruptly letting Logan’s hand fall away from him. And for this first time in all the years they had been circling, dancing around each other, it was Finn's turn to walk away.
The days leading up to Sunday seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye. The time was lost in long grueling practices, in stupid memes and texts sent between the three of them. Then suddenly before he realized Finn was behind the wheel of his jeep heading to Leo’s motel to pick him up and bring him home. Finn sighed and squirmed in his seat thoughts racing through his mind as he drove. His anxiety had been building throughout the entire week, not even the Lions win over the Snakes at their away game had calmed the feeling of wriggling worms in his stomach.
Finn pulled up to the curb outside the motel and shuddered at the sight, it was dirty and run down, it looked like one or two of the rooms had plywood covering holes that used to be windows but the glass had long since been shattered out of the frames. Jumping out of his car Finn climbed the rusty metal stairs that creaked and groaned under his weight and finally made it to the room number Leo had texted him. Finn breathed in a deep breath, it was now or never, he thought to himself then finally knocked on the door.
The door swung open almost instantly revealing Leo his grin brighter than the summer sun, his baby blue eyes soft and happy as they looked Finn up and down then settled to gaze into Finn's very soul through his eyes. His blond curls fluffed out from under the hem of a beanie to curl around his ears, and he looked so incredibly cozy in his pullover hoodie and jeans that hugged his hips in just the right way it almost made Finns mouth water.
“Morning sugar,” Leo said with a little wink that seemed to knock the breath out of Finn's lungs, he chuckled softly and stepped to the side letting him into the room.
“Morning,” Finn said once he caught his breath. Then somehow, just like that all of Finn’s anxieties melted away like the morning frost under Leo’s warm sunlight. Finn didn’t know why, maybe it was his voice, or his eyes but somehow Leo’s presence put him completely at ease, made him feel like not only was this the right decision but it would be the best decision he ever made. Finn couldn’t help but grin back at him as he walked into the cramped motel room. Leo had a couple bags packed and ready on the bed, a fairly small suitcase, a backpack, and the same skate bag Finn had seen him lug to and from the rink.
“Is this it?” he asked, slinging the skate bag over his shoulder and snagging the handle of the suitcase.
Leo chuckled and grabbed the strap of his backpack, “yeah, like I said, my mama’s gonna send the rest once I get settled somewhere more permanent. So yep, this is it for now,” he shrugged.
“Alright then, let’s blow this popsicle stand,” Finn said, making Leo laugh as he led them out of the room and back down to his car on the street.
“So how was your game?” Leo asked once they had loaded his bags and settled into the car.
“Well, we won,” Finn said, glancing over at Leo with a grin, remembering the countless celebratory snapchats sent after the game.
“I knew that , you dork,” Leo rolled his eyes.
Finn laughed and felt a bit of heat creep up the back of his neck, “Honestly, the game was good, especially against the snakes. I mean as per usual Snape was all over Cap, the bastard kept trying to get dirty hits in. But damn, that goal Lo got past Riddle was a thing of beauty.” Finn heard Leo breath in sharply and glanced over at him, “you alright?”
“Yeah, fine,” Leo replied with a little shake of his head, “just sounds like an exciting game.”
“You should come to the next one!” Finn cried as he pulled into his apartment's parking garage.
Leo laughed softly, “I don’t know Fish, it depends. I need to focus on practice, my program isn’t quite where it needs to be before I start competing this season.”
The moment he put the car in park Finn turned in his seat and stuck out his lip in a pout, he let his eyes take on that wide doe eyed look that never failed to make people give in to him.
Leo looked like he was trying to hold his resolve but Finn saw the exact moment it melted away, in the way he sighed and sagged against the seat.
“Alright, alright! You win,” Leo said exasperatedly reaching out to push Finn's face away a bit, “I’ll come. Now stop it with the Bambi eyes.”
“Ah ha! Success!” Finn shouted before hopping out of his car and grabbing Leo’s bag from the back. “And for what it’s worth, I think you skate beautifully Le.” Finn felt his chest fill with warmth as he watched a pretty pink flush dust across Leo’s cheeks at his words.
Making their way towards Finn's apartment they continued talking about the Snakes game, or rather Leo asked a question that led to Finn recounting the entire game for him. When they finally reached his door, Finn snapped his mouth shut realizing how much he was talking.
“Sorry!” he said shaking his head, “Didn’t mean to just word vomit this entire time.”
“S’ok,” Leo chuckled softly, “your excitement is kinda adorable if I’m being honest here.”
For just a moment Finn’s brain blue screened at those words, “Um… well… I,” he stuttered turning to unlock the door and hide the blush that was turning his face the same shade of red as his hair. “Welcome home,” he finally said, stepping into the apartment and letting Leo follow him inside.
Finn watched as Leo wandered in, looking around curiously. He huffed a laugh realizing it reminded him of watching a kitten exploring a new environment, all wide-eyed curiosity as he poked about.
“Alright this is just sad,” Finn heard Leo callout from the kitchen. When he got there Leo had a cabinet open his face was pained as he took in the contents, “Please, for the love of God tell me why the only ‘food’ items in this kitchen is a vat of protein powder, and a box of Wheat Thins.”
Finn laughed at the disgust written on Leo’s face, “Sorry, I’m not much of a cook. I usually just do take out or steal snacks from the players’ lounge at the rink.”
Leo just sighed and slumped against the counter in defeat, “Alright I’m going shopping tomorrow, there’s no way in hell I’m letting you live like this.”
“So what? You’re gonna cook for me?” Finn asked a bit skeptically.
“Yes, yes I am,” Leo fixed him with a look that seemed to say fight me. “Any food allergies I should know about?”
Finn laughed but accepted his fate, “walnuts, other than that I’m more or less a garbage disposal and will eat pretty much anything.”
“Walnuts, got it,” Leo said making his way across the kitchen and bumping Finn with his hip, “I’m gonna go unpack.”
“Alright,” Finn said a bit breathless from Leo’s close proximity, “let me know if you need anything.”
“Will do,” Leo whispered, his lips pulling into that wide dimpled grin of his, his baby blue eyes seemed to trail over Finn for just a moment before he was making his way down the hall towards his room. Finn breathed in shakily, the air felt charged in Leo’s absence like he was lightning that hit ground one moment then was gone the next leaving behind scorched earth and pure energy. It felt intoxicating and Finn breathed it in like he could taste it in the air.
Well now what? He asked himself meandering out of the kitchen and flopping down on his couch. He snagged the book left sitting on the coffee table and pulled out the plastic knife he had used as a bookmark the last time he opened it. He fell into the familiar words and the familiar world of a story he had read countless times before and would read countless times again. Finn let the thoughts inside his skull dissipate like fog burning off on a summer morning until the inky words reconfigured themselves into pictures, into movies, into snapshots of a different reality with different people.
“Knock knock.”
Finn nearly jumped off the couch at the sound of Leo’s voice. Taking a deep breath to calm his heart rate he glanced up to see Leo sniggering at the entrance to the hallway.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he said through his laughter.
“Nah, it's fine I startle easily,” Finn said finally relaxing back against the cushions, glancing around he realized the apartment had grown a bit dark while he was lost in his world of words, the light outside the windows had faded leaving behind the velvet blanket of night.
Leo laughed again before wandering closer, “believe me I get that. I swear I jump at the stupidest things. Do you mind? There’s more room out here,” Leo held up a thin yoga mat and nodded over at the open area next to the couch.
“Sure, feel free,” Finn replied. “So, you all settled in?” he asked as Leo laid out the mat.
“Yeah, for now,” Leo sighed, beginning to stretch. “Talked to my mama earlier, let her know she could send some of my things when she gets a chance.”
Finn hummed in acknowledgement; his book lay long forgotten in his lap as his eyes were unable to look anywhere but the man currently stretching in his living room.
Leo breathed long, deep, and even breaths as his body pulled and flexed with the motions. He twisted into impossible positions that displayed so much flexibility and strength, Finn didn’t want to even blink and miss a moment. Leo had changed out of his jeans and was instead wearing a pair of tight spandex shorts that left very little to the imagination, somehow, they made his long legs look almost endless. Finn nearly choked when he pulled one leg into the air in a perfect vertical split. He stretched methodically, carefully working the tension and tightness out of his muscles and joints until his body was warm and loose. It seemed that Leo was completely oblivious that he was being watched, or maybe he was just ignoring it, either way Finn drank in the sight gratefully.
When Leo pulled out of his final stretch and began rolling his mat back up Finn quickly glanced away from him, after all it was probably weird to just sit there and watch your roommate stretch. He quickly snagged his abandoned book and opened it to a page at random to pretend like he wasn’t watching. He heard a soft chuckle as Leo sat at the opposite end of the couch, his legs all curled up into himself.
“You know,” Leo began his voice soft, “books are usually easier to read when they’re right way up.”
Finn felt a flush rise in his face as he realized his book was in fact upside-down, “What? You mean you haven’t heard? This is how all the cool kids are doing it nowadays,” he joked in hopes of salvaging his pride.
Leo laughed, “Well if that’s what the ‘Cool kids’ are doing I’ll have to try that.”
A soft smile took over Finn's face as he closed and set the book aside, he glanced over at Leo and felt his heart melt at the sight. He had the hood of his sweatshirt pulled over his head and his bare legs curled up into his chest and arms wrapped around them. His head was tilted to rest against the back of the couch and his eyes were closed but the contentment on his face made Finn feel warm inside.
“Thank you for letting me be here, Fish,” Leo’s voice was soft, full of a tenderness that washed over Finn in a warm wave.
“’Course,” Finn mirroring Leo’s low tone, he swallowed hard to keep the feelings inside him from bursting free. “Hey,” he said letting his voice settle back to its normal volume, “com’ere.”
Leo blinked his eyes open to send a mildly confused look his way.
“Come on, there is no possible way those gazelle legs of yours are comfortable like that,” Finn gestured to his balled up position at the end of the couch, “you can stretch them out if you want.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, of course,” Finn laughed.
Leo hesitantly stretched his legs out until his feet were just shy of touching Finn's thigh, it left his knees still bent a bit. Finn rolled his eyes and gently wrapped his hand around Leo’s ankle and maneuvered his leg until it was extended fully letting his foot rest in his lap. Leo sighed now much more comfortable; Finn grinned watching him nuzzle a bit further into the couch. He was just about to release Leo’s ankle when Finn realized there were large cuts and blisters littered across the man’s feet, they looked so very sore and painful he hissed slightly in sympathy.
“They’re not that bad,” Leo whispered, Finn flicked his eyes over to look at him but Leo still had his eyes closed and face pressed into the couch cushion.
“Le,” Finn breathed his name so softly, “yes they are. Sweetheart your feet are torn to shreds.”
“Mmm,” Leo hummed, “it’s just been long hours of practice since I got here.”
Finn nodded in understanding, he knew what it was like when you were starting out in a new place, he knew what it felt like to think you have to work yourself to the bone just to be on an even playing field with the others around you.
“You’re working so hard,” he said trailing his fingers around Leo’s ankle, marveling at the goosebumps that rose up in their wake.
“Yeah, ‘m tryin,” Leo’s voice was breathless as he shivered under Finn's gentle touch.
“Stay here,” he whispered, squeezing his hand gently around Leo’s ankle before sliding out from under his legs. Leo just blinked up at him his eyes had taken on a sleepiness that made Finn want to wrap him up in a blanket and hold him close until he fell asleep. It took barely a minute for Finn to slip into his bathroom and snag the little box of bandages he kept in his medicine cabinet. He settled back on the couch and lightly tapped Leo’s shin with the box before pulling his feet back into his lap.
“What are you doing?” Leo asked with a little surprised huff when he saw the bandages Finn was pulling out of the box.
“I’m fixing your feet,” he said evenly as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Fish, you don’t have to do that,” Leo said, beginning to pull his legs back, but Finn wrapped his hand around his ankle again and held him still.
“They have to hurt, don’t they?” Finn asked, “please, just relax let me make it a little bit better.”
Leo let out a soft laugh, “Yeah, they do,” he looked up and met Finn's eyes and smiled, “alright.”
Finn very carefully bandaged each tender cut and broken blister on Leo’s feet. Soft little sighs fell from Leo’s lips as his hands brushed against sore spots, Finn pressed his thumb into his arch massaging gently making Leo positively purr. The sound that bubbled up from his chest was just shy of a pleasured moan, Finn couldn’t help but grin at how sensitive the man was to his touch, as he shivered under even the lightest brush of Finn's fingertips.
“Alright,” Finn said with a last squeeze of his hands, “that feel better?”
Leo looked up at him with that happy sleepy look and nodded, “yeah, it really does.”
“These are waterproof,” Finn said tapping him with the box of bandages again, “and they generally stay on pretty well, you should be fine wearing them in your skates. I usually keep a box in the bathroom if you need any more.”
“Thanks,” Leo’s voice was soft and breathless but full of genuine gratitude.
“No problem, I’m gonna go put these away really quick,” he said, making his way back into the bathroom to stash the box away again and wash his hands. When Finn sat down again Leo easily let his legs extend back to rest in his lap as they both relaxed into the couch. Finn snagged his book again and let one of his hands come to rest on Leo’s calf, his fingers stroking the soft skin absentmindedly. Glancing over to the other end of the couch Finn felt warm affection rush through his veins at the sight of Leo snuggled into the cushions dozed off in a light sleep.
Man, Finn thought to himself very much aware of the effect Leo was having on him, he’s been here less than twenty-four hours and I already feel like this. I’m fucked.
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Chapter 17
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