#sb: why do you look so sad
barbatoskisser · 7 months
Sorry for filling up the feed ill go quiwt bow have an art as ab apology
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
I hath come bearing a request:
Bully!Eddie with an insecure Reader where he openly flirts with someone else where she can see in an effort to make her jealous, and it does. She is jealous of the nicer version of his attention they’re receiving, but she’s more sad than anything else.
She’d started to think that maybe he did pick on her because he was interested. Like how boys would pull a girl’s hair back in elementary school. But after seeing him flirt with someone else, she realizes that can’t be the case.
Reader supposes that no one wants her. Even the “freak” of Hawkins High is beyond her league.
Happy ending if you can, pretty please 🩷
I'm usually against bully!Eddie but I did like the angst in this so I'm going to do it but he won't be like a huge bully, just an ass? I hope this is what you were looking for and I tried to make it happy :) ( with the help from my SB)
Never proofread
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There's a time in life where the line between love and hate is blurry and no amount of staring at that line will make it clear.
Y/N was on the love side, she had big feelings for Eddie. Her nose in the air as she follows the scent of his strong musky cologne and a hint of weed. She couldn't pick who she fell for, it was out of her control. She didn't want to love him, but she did. She had so many reasons why she loved him but there was one big reason why she shouldn't- he hated her.
Eddie was on the hate side of that line. She can't pin point where she pissed him off or what she did to make him hate her. It was like the second they met, he pushed her and she fell in love. She's an idiot and she knew that. It was obvious he didn't like her. The rude comments sent her way about all the little things she does. He teased her, tripped her, smacked her books in the hallway, but all her heart focused on was that he interacted with her.
Her dumb heart craved to be near him, even though her brain was screaming how horrible of an idea it was.
She already suffered with insecurities and somehow Eddie knew how to hit all the open wounds.
A part of her thought maybe he did like her, he just wasn't sure how to show it. He didn't seem like the type to be affectionate and sweet. Maybe this was the only way he knew how to show his emotions. Or maybe that was a shitty delusion she created to help her sleep at night.
Y/N heard from other students that there was going to be a partner project in English and she hated that she knew no one in that class, except Eddie.
She knew if she asked he'd shut her down and embarrass her in front of everyone watching so she planned to do this project alone. But turns out the teacher already assigned partners.
"Y/N and Eddie"
Y/N perked at the sound of their names, her eyes finding his body. He had an annoyed expression on his face. She felt her heart drop, he didn't want to be near her.
"Excuse me?" Eddie announced, throwing his hand in the air. The teacher rolled his eyes but allowed Eddie to speak.
"what If I can't stand my partner and rather fail the project than spend a second with her?" His words were cruel and mean. She hated the smirk on his face when looked over at her.
The whole class erupted in laughs, with a few pity looks sent her way. She couldn't tell which hurt worse, people laughing or people feeling bad for her. She shrunk down in her seat, Eddie once again embarrassed her for his own pleasure.
"Munson. Watch your mouth." The teacher talked over the class.
Against his will, Eddie accepted that she was his partner. Her head down as she walked over to his desk. Holding her breath as she took the seat next to him.
"I'm sorry you got partnered with me " she whispered, looking at his eyes as he glared at her.
"You should be." He snapped.
Being his partner was just as miserable as she thought. Every time she sat in that English class next to him, he shared every thought he had about her. He never had anything nice to say.
"Yellow is not your color." He said in disgust as she sat next to him, in her new yellow sundress. A dress that had her smiling all morning. Now the material against her thighs made her sick to her stomach.
Then the project moved to her house. Apparently, her room was not to his liking.
"Books? Fucking nerd. People with lives don't have time to read." He snickered
She just shrugged it off.
"you know you might be pretty if you actually tried." He mocked, looking through the book, his eyes never looking at her.
....might be pretty
If she changed, would he like her?
If she changed everything he hated, would he have anything left to say?
They've been working on the project for a few days. Every day she changed little by little. She threw the yellow dress in her trash. She packed away the books she barely read. Tore off every girly poster on her wall and removed all the things he pointed out on her desk. She styled her hair every day, and learned how to do make up that would show she "tried" every day.
And he never said anything
Just found new things to hate about her.
She was starting to wonder why he hadn't run out of anything yet. He somehow found something wrong about her every single day. Things she didn't think she would dislike about herself.
But he noticed everything about her, that means he liked her, right?
He didn't like her
It was apparent now
It was the final day in class to work on the project, and the whole hour was spent watching Eddie and a random girl flirt.
Her name was Brie, and Eddie seemed to really like her.
He was.....nice
His eyes were soft, never glaring at her.
He complimented her. On her hair, outfit, makeup, and personality.
Paying no attention to the project they need to work on. He was all focused on her and how perfect she was.
If Eddie ever liked her, he would treat her the same way he was treating Brie.
The line between love and hate was not as blurry as she thought.
Watching Eddie flirt with Brie today was not how she wanted her day to go, and now she had to end her day with Eddie.
She sat silently on her bed as he made his way through the bedroom door. She wanted to finish the project and never spend another second near him again.
But Eddie looked around her room confused, and walked over to each corner.
"What?" She snapped, guessing he was taking in her room to find something else wrong with it.
"Where are all your books?" He found himself asking.
Y/N was annoyed by the question.
"None of your business, Can we work now?" Her attitude was noticeable in her tone.
Eddie swallowed and sat next to her, beginning to work on the project. Yanking the notebook paper too hard, ripping the piece in half.
He quickly crumpled it up and went to throw it in the trash, spotting the familiar yellow dress in it.
"Why did you throw this away?" He asked, taking the dress out, nothing else was in the trash so it was untouched.
She looked up, her eyes turning hard when she spotted the color. She hated that his eyes seemed guilty. He wasn't sorry.
"Who cares, it didn't look good on me so I don't need it. Look can we work or not? We already missed an hour because of your little date with Brie this afternoon." His constant interruptions were driving her crazy.
She watched Eddie drop the dress on her desk, a smirk growing on his face.
"Jealous of the pretty girl?" He mocked. His eyes switched back to that teasing look.
She rolled her eyes and put her focus on the project. But Eddie didn't appreciate the silence. Walking up to her as she sat on the bed.
"I asked you," he said, gripping her chin to look up at him, "Were you jealous of her?"
She wanted to smack the smug look off of his face.
She yanked her jaw out of his grip, slamming the book as she stood up. Chest to chest with him as she huffed.
"YES! I am fucking jealous. But not because she's pretty and she knows how to capture your attention. But because you were so nice to her. You didn't pick her apart until she was a tiny shell of a person! I just thought maybe you picked on me because you liked me, but I can see I thought wrong." She ranted out, catching her breath at the end as Eddie stared at her. He slowly blinked as he took in her words.
"I threw away the dress because all it did was remind me how much you fucking hated it. I got rid of the books because you made fun of my interests. You made me hate the remaining parts of myself that I actually liked." She continued, her eyes filling with water.
Eddie didn't know what to say, but the regret was clear in his eyes as he looked at her sadly. He figured he should start with an apology.
"Y/N...I am so sorry...I'm sorry." He whispered, reaching forward to wipe her tears but she stepped back. Protecting herself as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Just go." She whispered back, keeping her focus on the floor.
"Please let me f-" He started but she caught him off.
"Eddie, I don't care what else you have to say. I am done talking to you. Please just go."
She dreaded going to school. Eddie left last night when she asked, and she's been terrified to see him again. She didn't bother to believe his apology, there was a good chance he didn't mean it.
She stayed up all night finishing the project, she did not want to work with him again.
She was walking to class, eyes on the floor as she always does. She grew more and more nervous as she made it closer to English. Preparing herself to see Eddie again.
Before she knew it, she felt her body being shoved to the ground. She didn't have time to catch herself and smacked her nose against the floor. She gasped at the horrible pain that shot through her nose, cradling it softly. She could feel her hands getting wet from blood. She looked up, expecting it to be Eddie, but it wasn't. It was someone who bullied people to an extreme amount, Jason.
She felt the tears flowing down her face. Crying from the pain in her nose and the embarrassment running through her body as everyone laughed and stared.
"HEY!" she heard Eddie's familiar scream. Her body froze as he raced towards her. Fear in his veins as she worried about what he would add to her suffering.
His eyes looked over her frame, glaring once he spotted the blood leaking through the cracks of her fingers. The familiar dangerous look in his eyes almost had her apologizing for nothing at all. But then he turned, right fist clenched as he knocked Jason straight to the floor.
The crowd gasped and moved closer. Silent for a small minute before another punch landed on Jason's face. Once the students caught a sight of blood coming out of Jason's nose, the crowd began to scream, encouraging the violence in front of them.
She didn't understand why Eddie was beating the hell out of Jason, and not joining him. She used the distraction to get up and race to the nurse. Running as fast as she could away from the crowd that was focused on the new fight at hand.
The anger in Eddie's voice almost made her turn, almost made her feel protected, almost made her feel safe...but just almost.
She sat in the nurses office, the bleeding stopped but she held the tissue to her nose just in case. Minutes later a fuming Eddie wandered in, his bloody knuckles caused the nurse to gasp and race for an ice pack in the back freezer, down the hall.
She tried to avoid looking at him. Praying if she didn't move a single muscle, he wouldn't see her.
"Are you okay?" The softness in his voice was something she never experienced. She made herself look at him, trying to see if that truly came out of his mouth.
She sat quietly, she still didn't want to talk to him.
"I'm sorry he did that to you." He said, the softness still lingering.
"mad because you couldn't do it first?" Okay, maybe she did want to talk to him. She wanted to snap at him, yell at him, make his life hell the way he did to her.
Eddie flinched at the blow. Her words stung worse than the cuts on his knuckles.
"Mad that I ever did it in the first place. You never deserved any of that." He admitted. He was ashamed of himself. " I grew up with bullies and I became one. And the worst part is I bullied the most beautiful girl on the planet that has a fucking heart of gold. I adored how fragile you were and I destroyed you with my bare hands. And the reason is so stupid and selfish." He ranted out. Wayne would be so disappointed in what Eddie has become.
She felt like screaming at herself, hating the way her heart skipped a beat when he called her beautiful.
"what was the reason?" She asked, her voice quiet as she took in his apologetic gaze.
"I used to like this girl and I thought she liked me too. We dated for months and it turned out to be a prank with her friends. I was so hurt and angry at myself for being so stupid. I promised myself to never waste time on liking a girl in high school ever again. Then you and your bubbly personality walked in and I was scared. I liked you instantly and I needed myself to hate you. I was selfish. I tore you apart just to make it easier for me. It's not something I ever think deserves forgiveness. I know it's so fucked up to take out on you. You were just an innocent girl and I hate what I did to you."
She took in his words. The emotion in his eyes told her he meant all of it. But at the same time, he was right. She didn't deserve a single thing he did to her. She never once hurt him or put him in a position where he needed to protect himself.
"You never even gave me a chance, Eddie. Why couldn't you just ignore me? Seems like us never talking would have been better for both of us." She wished more than anything she never gave him her time. Let his opinions change the way she felt about herself.
"I wanted to, but in some twisted and toxic way, it made me feel special? I could treat you so poorly and you'd still come running up to me. And I know that is such an asshole thing to say. I wish I could take it all back. Treat you the way you always should have been treated. Given you a chance to show me you wouldn't hurt me. But I caused all of this damage and I know it's something I'll never fix. I'm sorry for everything." He apologized
" I appreciate the apology, but I don't forgive you for shit. You are an asshole, incredibly selfish, treated me like shit all because you were scared of a little crush? You're pathetic." Eddie winced at her words. "But, it shows you are flawed and human. Right now, I really don't want to be near you. Maybe in time I'll find it in me to forgive you, just not today."
He respected her honesty above anything.
"I understand. Thank you for letting me explain." He said with a small smile, turning around to walk out into the hallway.
Before he made it out of the doorway she spoke up, "why did you stop him?"
"No one gets to bully my girl but me." He said, a smirk on his face, throwing her a wink before he disappeared out the door.
God she hated him.
I could not figure out a real "happy" ending but to me, I like this ending so I'm sorry if you read this whole thing and was very disappointed in the ending :(
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingwicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila
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merakiui · 11 months
thinking abt step brother floyd who immediately becomes attached to u when ur first introduced to him n jade when u were all little, who always loved to be around u, picking on u or pulling ur hair, teasing u, but when u would cry n push him away telling him to stop he'd get rlly pouty n sad so he'd kiss ur cheek n tell u he's sorry bc that's what they taught him to do! sb floyd who when u both got older developed an obsession over u n always had to be close to u! who decided it'd be best for him to always be close to u n to protect u! to let no one near u or take u away from him! sb floyd who decided he didn't like it when others would look at u the same way he does so he goes up to them n "teaches them a lesson", sb floyd who has no shame n ALWAYS has to be touching u in some way, holding ur hand, playing w ur fingers, licking, sucking or biting them too, ur cheek n neck as well, (yes he has an oral fixation <3) but he especially loves to leave his teeth marks on ur neck, loves to lick up the little drops of blood that come out from how sharp his teeth are n let's out a content little hum :( clingy sb floyd who also loves to inhale ur scent bc it calms him down, always has his face in ur neck :( <3 clingy sb floyd who gets so pouty n annoyed when ur attention isn't on him! hates when ur talking to someone n he keeps poking n prodding at u for ur attention but u just ignore him n continue talking to the other person :( so he settles for grabbing ur hand n putting it on his head, signaling u to play w his hair or massage his scalp at least! clingy sb floyd who gets so antsy when ur not around him! he's more of a nuisance when ur not around that the teachers had to switch all ur classes just so u can be w him n placate him! clingy sb floyd who hates when u leave the dorms to hang out w ur friends n tell him he can't go! why can't u just stay near him n spend time w him at all times? why won't u let him join u? clingy sb floyd who ignores ur request n still follows u quietly n smiles when u finally notice him but immediately deflates when u walk up to him w a frown on ur face. clingy sb floyd who looks like a sad little puppy when u scold him for following u n tell him to go home n let u enjoy ur time w ur friends ALONE! clingy sb floyd who nods his head yes but still follows u around except this time being extra careful so u don't spot him! clingy sb floyd who loves to sneak into ur room n cuddle u! who lifts up ur shirt while ur sleeping n starts sucking on ur nipples n occasionally biting them, leaving marks n not forgetting to neglect the other one! who falls asleep just like that bc he can't sleep without u :( <3 clingy sb floyd who slowly starts to wake up to u pushing him away from u n frowns but immediately realizes u just put his head on ur pillow to start giving him his morning kisses! clingy sb floyd who fully wakes up w a smile on his face, all sharp teeth displayed n pulls u down to him so he can give u a proper good morning kiss on the lips <3
grr this is saurr long i am so srry!! but i just had to talk abt this fsthkftjnh it's 7am this is what no sleep does to a mf! anyways gnnnn 💋
AAAAAA ANON, THIS IS SO GOOD YES YES,,,,, orz orz sb Floyb,,,,,, T_T he's so clingy and cute. How can you possibly hate him? Sure, he can be annoying when he suffocates you with affection, but he really does adore you. How can you expect him to stay away? He's loved you ever since he first met you; he wants to spend his entire life with you. He's so in love and it's definitely not at all platonic.
Proper good morning kisses definitely segue into sleepy, lazy morning sex hehe. <3 he promises he'll be gentle and he really does try, but Floyd's wanted this for years. You can't blame him when he starts waking up more and soon he's pounding you into the mattress and all you can say is his name amidst loud, bawdy moans. <3 he'll make you breakfast in bed to make up for the fact that you won't be able to walk very far after he's done with you. :) just let your step-brother take care of you!
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scoliosisgoblin · 6 months
Do you think Jerry Smith deserves the hate from his family?
honestly? IT DEPENDS
Jerry is one of the most pathetic fictional men of all time and he constantly made it known, if that makes sense?
the hate Rick had for Jerry in the first few seasons is truly understandable — a young Jerry knocked up his 17 y/o daughter, which forced her into a situation where she felt the need to have the baby and get married to him. he gets by in life being pathetic and making people feel sorry for him, which is why I DON'T hate the conflict between him and Rick at all. however, I would've liked a scene where Jerry calls Rick out for potentially abandoning Beth (not knowing what actually happened)
I feel bad for Summer, she used to be quite close with Jerry and Jerry seems to take advantage of that, or at least TRIES to. in S2 Ep 9, Look Who's Purging Now, Jerry tried to get Summer to give him money, since he lost his job in S1 iirc. I'm pretty sure it's happened a few times because of it. also, she's a teen, teens hate their parents and stuff, so yeah
with Beth, I hate it for the most part. she was so obviously in a toxic relationship with her father that never really got addressed until Space Beth showed up, but it wasn't even explored all that well. she's so quick to hate on Jerry because of Rick's grudge against him, which would've been such an interesting topic to discuss — addressing the trauma she's gone through instead of just playing it out for jokes. I also don't like how toxic Jerry and Beth's relationship is majority of the time, and how they never explore it unless it's for a joke. it could be funny, yeah, but it's really just a waste of an opportunity to address their toxic behaviors and better them as characters
finally, with Morty, I get why he thinks so little of Jerry. he's a young teen viewing the world more from his grandpa's point of view. his views on life and the world around him is so heavily put into hsi head because of Rick, WHICH I LOVE TBH. I just dislike how.... they don't explore it very well....
Rick having a huge impact on Morty's thoughts and how he goes about his life is something I wish was handled better. they practically just said "this relationship is toxic, Rick is gonna fuck off for half an episode, then come back and everyone is gonna hate him" but that's a different story
also SPACE BETH — HER HATING JERRY IS GOOD FOR HER CHARACTER ‼️‼️ her getting along with Jerry nowadays is FINE, but SB is literally just Beth's more toxic traits exaggerated. and I love that about her, I love their rivalry. I always liked Beth and Jerry's rivalry tbh, but sometimes it'd get out of hand (which is what I was talking about earlier), and I dislike that their relationship has just become like "man I hate my husband", "honey I built a jigsaw :D". takes the fun out of it, makes it just.. sad
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
Not so happy introduction.
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Sugarboo looked over their crew and then to the intruder that tried to fight their boyfriend. Scout held a gun to the brown haired man's head with a wicked smile. It's been a while since anyone dared try to harm their crew and they all ended up bonding with Alphonse. Knowing that he was the captain's partner who did have a past of pirating but not as good as them.
"Now now Scout. Don't hog the fun for everyone now." Chuckling out as Sugarboo slowly ascended down the stairs from the helm. Tiping their hat up they then glared at the tan man in front of them. "Alphonse, dear explain this." The pinkette perked hearing his name and began to tell everyone what happened.
"This is....Seth, he's an ex of mine. He doesn't mean harm please Hound, move the gun from his head!" The nickname of Scout was earned after they hunted down the man that tried to kill Rook. Their also referred to as Sugarboo's hunting Hound if they need someone captured.
"Ah, fine! Never let me have fun. Be lucky Candyfloss wants you alive." Pocketing their gun and walling to Casper who was rummaging through Seth's things.
"Hey! Don-" Wind whipped past his head as Sugarboo's trusty sword hit the Main mast. Alphonse flinched a bit at it, but he knew SB wasn't too keen on a intruder and prisoner making demands on their ship.
"I don't remember addressing you. Speak when spoke too!" SB then turn to Casper, "Ghost what's in his bag?" Questioning as they finally reached the deck walking to Alphonse first checking all over him.
"Some coin, food, and ooooh!" Aweing at the gun they pulled Casper spunned it in their hand "I might just be takin' this beauty!" Greedy eyes lit up as they saw the carvings on the gun.
"THAT WAS MY MOTHER'S PUT IT BA- ACK!" Shouting was cut off when Rook slapped the back of Seth's head. All the crew glared at him for thinking that he could even THINK of raising his voice at one of their crew members.
"Your goin' to tell us why you dare invade MY ship." Words said darkly as SB stalked twords Seth like a predator. Seth felt alarm bells ring through his head as the others began circling him as if waiting for a signal.
"I...I wanted to see if Alphonse was safe. I'm...I'm sorry for not asking for permission to aboard your ship." Choosing words carefully seemed to work out as Alphonse gave him a sad smile. This seemed to caused the captain to back off a bit, the other followed suit.
"Well, all ya had to do was ask. Now why'd you grab him roughly then?" The question caused the glaring to come back as most of the crew stood in front of Alphonse. Angel was the closest checking on his body for no brusing, SB always threw a fit when he got hurt.
"I...I was trying to get him to listen and I said somethings and they pissed him off." A look was shot at Alphonse who nodded to confirm the statement. SB sighed as they turned to Seth once again sighing they decided to say their verdict.
"Since ya did caused a hole in my ship and we need a repair man. You'll be staying." Noises of complaint were sounded at the orders of their captain. "I also see you need to talk to my partner. Once you do you can do as you please." Seth nodded and Alphonse looked at Boo with worry. Giving a signal to Rook Seth was released from his bindings to the main mass.
"Here's your shit back." Weight hit his chest causing him to groan and look to see 'Ghost' looking down at him. "Nothin' valuable anyways. Hound wanna go eat what Petals grew? I think they're trying to cross breed a Apple and Peach." Scout gave a crooked smile and came to Casper's side walking away. Buddy who was on top of the stairs looking for the next island to go to finally spoke up.
"Oi! Sweets, found a good one we could go to! It has a good market for us to restock our things." SB sighed thinking of their low supplies. With so many people they really need Sunflower to get better at that cross breeding thing. Star's preforming can only do so much for funding their supplies. Rook started for Buddy giving SB a sign they would handle it and to chat with Alphonse about his old ex.
After everyone left SB looked at Seth and Alphonse, "Now, let's start with that talk yeah?" Taking Al's arm gently they walked to their cabin with Seth running after them. He really didn't want to be slow since almost all of the crew did NOT like him.
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Okay! So the pirate AU got stuck in my head and I needed to write about it. Yes all the listeners have some type of nickname:
Sugarboo - Sweets, bc they love sweet things and baking too.
Scout - Hound, is a name they made for hunting people, and their refer to as Sugarboo's hunting dog.
Casper - Ghost, they seems to disappear like one after swipping your things.
Sunflower - Petals, they hair falls like them and they love collecting them.
Star - Nova, they shine bright like one when they take the spot light.
Rook - Monarch or Rookie, Rookie was the og nickname but then as they grew stronger they were called monarch for how they act like a tyrant in the crew. (Mostly bc SB isn't harsh on the crew like they are)
Angel - Halo, it seems like they have one when taking care of everyone when hurt.
Buddy - Chuckles, when they get in mischief you'll hear their chuckling as a sign your going to not like what they have planed.
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makerofmadness · 1 year
What's with Balloon Boy and the Daycare Attendant?
The Balloon World arcade machine exists, it's in the DA's room and both characters are involved in it. It's probably one of the most cryptic minigames in the FNAF series as a whole, but while we could ponder what exactly it's supposed to mean (maybe I'll do that for all the security breach minigames eventually), the main question I have is this:
WHY Balloon Boy specifically? Why is the minigame about HIM?
Is there a connection between the two characters? Or was it a completely random decision?
Out of nowhere, thinking about Balloon World, I came to a realization:
The Lights.
Balloon Boy's entire gimmick in FNAF 2 was that if he got into your office, he would disable your flashlight and vent lights (...somehow. I know we all make the jokes about him taking the batteries [and then that FNAF 57: Freddy In Space thing in FNAF World said he just straight-up steals your entire flashlight], but you never see the battery icon disappear or appear empty in FNAF 2 itself when he gets into your office. And the vent lights also stop working, so unless they also operate on batteries, then... does he actually take them from you?).
What's the one rule in the daycare?
Keep the lights on.
His mechanic is the antithesis to what Sun wants and exactly what Moon would want. Balloon Boy doesn't keep the lights on. He prevents you from turning them on at all.
(which also makes me kinda sad there wasn't a Glamrock version of BB. Then again, I don't know how exactly he would've uniquely affected like anything. Regardless I am hoping for the day someone in the fandom makes a glamrock bb who is arch-enemies with sun and gets along well with moon skseijdndndnd-)
It feels kinda obvious and I'm guessing I'm not the only person to think about this, but I have never seen anyone else bring this up. Not on YouTube, not on tumblr, nowhere. Maybe if I go looking for it I'll see, but i'm surprised I haven't bumped into anyone else saying this just naturally. I go into the BB tags a LOT, surely SOMEONE would've said something, right? I don't even see it noted in the trivia on the page for the arcade game on the fnaf wiki.
...but is this supposed to mean anything? Or is it just a cute little reference or callback? it's hard to say, especially with how ambiguous the minigame is.
Though I DID think of ONE thing... (possible minor spoilers for Ruin under the cut):
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Saw this pointed out in a youtube video that the BB World screen (with Eclipse, who makes their proper debut in Ruin after effectively being foreshadowed by the minigame in SB's base game) can be seen on the ceiling in the DA's room. Which makes sense, obviously, but also take note of the pirate-themed windows in the hallway leading to it.
...now, which character do most of us tend to associate with Balloon Boy? His "tag-team partner," of sorts?
Foxy. The Pirate.
With this, I found that there's more Foxy-related stuff associated with the daycare area than I had previously realized because I had never made any connections before. I mean, Kids' Cove is directly linked to it for god's sake.
Like. I hope i haven't forgotten to mention anything (I've been writing this post over the course of hours 'Cus I had stuff to do in the middle of it all). My brain's kinda starting to fry. But basically: Was Foxy originally meant to be the Daycare Attendant, in-universe? Was there gonna be a Glamrock Balloon Boy with him, like as his first mate or something??? Were they gonna be connected to Fazbear Theater????? (Uh basically Sun/Moon to my knowledge from confirmation in the books and a lot of more subtle implications in-game mainly involving environmental pieces were originally meant to be in the Fazbear Theater as a stage animatronic but got moved to daycare duty instead and being reprogrammed. Which actually explains a lot about them when you think about it-)
Like. Ok I'm forgetting where I was going with this, I'm sorry, but I guess it's food for thought/adds to the weird connections between DA and BB, I guess. Idk. I can't focus that well right now to keep making new ideas.
felt like sharing my interpretation of the Balloon World minigame itself at least since earlier I did kinda finally get it down concretely:
I kinda developed a theory that Eclipse is Sun/Moon's "safe mode" and that rebooting DA reactivated Eclipse as a result. Like, they're their own AI that was at one point implemented. but then Vanny happened and locked them out thanks to the whole Glitchtrap virus thing (albeit it only seemed to reach Moon, while Sun remains seemingly unaffected. Guessing it's because they're different AIs [finally implied/basically confirmed by their Ruin dialogue). Eclipse has seemingly not been active for some time, or at least never post-pizzaplex closure, given how they're seemingly completely oblivious to the fact that this place is closed with no signs of opening.
So the minigame was foreshadowing Eclipse's existence and implying their "trapped" nature, which also could be seen as paralleling Vanessa's whole "Vanny" situation, especially given how iirc one of the messages related to princess quest can be found near the arcade machine.
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New Theory on Bonnie's Disappearance!
Major Spoilers for SB and Ruin DLC
Every so often I've been seeing posts or comments stating that Monty did destroy Bonnie, and that the ride showing how Monty became the bass guitarist was a a cover up.
I don't think that is true. As Bonnie Bowl from what we see in game, the larger one that's a full on attraction. Has it's own Green Room. Why on earth would Fazbear Entertainment make a room for an animatronic, with it's own recharge station, for an animatronic that they can't use? This is the only case of a Green Room not in Rock-star row. Monty Golf, Mazercise, Fazerblast, and Roxy Raceway don't have this at all. That means Bonnies room is a unique thing just for him. Likely had to be made for him if Monty was using his old room. Meaning that it is highly likely he was still in working order while Monty was the new Bass guitarist.
This is just something that's bothered me since the start. Why would Fazbear entertainment choose to keep the animatronic known for destroying another? Yes they are greedy corporation who will do anything to save a buck. There also a greedy corporation who will do anything to save a buck. Why risk fixing the animatronic that could destroy more, and isn't much of a fan favorite. For the seemingly innocent one that was just attacked, and is a fan favorite. From the endings of SB. The animatronics can take heavy damage and still be repaired.
Now we can't know when Monty replaced Bonnie, it could have been after the plex opened up, or even before and what we see in the ride is an explanation for why Bonnie is a side act but not Monty.
Either way.
The entire thing with Monty destroying Bonnie was that he was looking to kill and replace him. With Bonnie already stepping down and letting Monty in. Monty has no reason to destroy Bonnie. The main motive for the murder is gone.
I also think it explains what actually killed Bonnie, and why Monty hates Freddy.
So bear with me ...heh,...bear.
Bonnies real killer. Was Freddy.
Oh but not that Freddy. This isn't a tail of betrayal and sadness for Bonnie. It's a tragedy of betrayal and anger for Monty.
I think Monty witnessed The Prototype Freddy attack Bonnie while he was going into Monty Golf. I'm not sure what happened next. We do see the prototype is heavily damaged. This could have been Monty attacking it to try and save Bonnie, Bonnie acting in self preservation, or just the natural state of ruin.
Either way, and this is another thing I want to point out. If you look at Bonnie's body. It is scratched up, and it appears Monty would be the culprit due to having claws that can damage like that. If you look at the animatronics, they all have claws that can prob do some damage. Especially the Prototype Freddy who has some really sharp nails. As for the green paint. I think that's just an undercoat primer or mold. If it did come from Monty attacking. Which I know paint can adhere to other surfaces with friction. You wouldn't have those soft blended areas. That and there a bits of green in grooves from what appears to be scratch marks. If we go by the logic the color is from the paints scrapping off. It would be black. That is Monty's nail color, and his fingers are too stubby to make those types of small indention. So while I don't think Monty is off the table entirely (He doesn't have a motive to kill, that doesn't mean there wasn't self preservation or mind control in place) I also think we can open this up to other suspects now.
A collectable you find in both SB and Ruin is the Tragedy Mask. Both of which are found in Gator Golf. Monty witnessed his mentor being attacked by someone he most likely looked up to with the rest of the band. Then from his perspective, he got to see the victim not be fixed, while his killer seemingly stayed. This also explains Monty's behavior in SB. We know he has anger issues, and from messages, despite being a spotlight hog. He will miss shows to walk the catwalks alone. Monty's behavior is a mix of survivors guilt and rage against Freddy being able to stay despite what he seemingly did, and the unfairness of him not being punished for it.
I think this is why Monty hates Freddy and wants to replace him as the lead. He likely thinks that if Freddy is no longer the main mascot. Fazbear will have no reason to keep him and trash him. Thus avenging Bonnie. Also look at all of the cutouts in the ride. Only Freddy is in Shadow. In the AR golfing mini-game. Monty shares his side with Roxy and Chica leaving Freddy alone, and while he takes the role of leader. He still has the girls join him on stage.
Monty isn't an evil mastermind who's looking to replace Freddy for fame and fortune. He's someone who initially looked up to Freddy, and did likely want to be the leader of the band one day to carry the legacy. Then saw "Freddy" for the monster he really is, and wants to replace him to ensure justice and to protect the remaining members.
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koschei-the-ginger · 5 months
Scott Bakula's pre-QL filmography
*sigh* I'm doing it again ...
On Our Own - 1978 - wait a minute... 1978-1954=24... he's twenty four??? 24????????????????????????????????????????????????
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I-Man 1986 - he's already playing a character at least 5 years older than he was irl why did they dye his hair???
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My sister Sam - 1986 - he got fumbled tbh
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Gung Ho 1986 - the more 80s sitcoms I watch, the more desentitized I am to how unfunny they are, anyways mrs umeki hard carried
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Designing women 1986-1988 - I appreciate this for being the show that kept him booked for the next 3 years but it also caused that terrible typecasting. A womanizing jerk?? guy who looks like this? be for real
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The last fling 1987 - I wanna call the cops on john ritter
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The infiltrator 1987 - an excited scientist's extremely experimental and underfunded project goes... a little caca? Now he has no control over his body??? And he loses his memory???? What is this, a screen test??
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Matlock 1987 - whore
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Eisenhower & Lutz 1988 - a low budget tv sitcom's equivalent of a crime against humanity
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Sibling rivalry 1990 - you can tell this was filmed after QL because he's not even the bad guy, he's not even mean, he's just DJ Khaled coded
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Necessary roughness 1991 - I was watching this a year ago for an unrelated reason and even back then I was like okay I get it
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Mercy mission 1993 - oh no that was so sad 🧍‍♂️
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In The Shadow of a Killer 1993 - you can tell how much hope they had in this movie by how many times they showed SB shirtless to give people at least one (1) reason to keep watching lol
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For Goodness sake 1993 - are you tired of going apeshit? don't you just want to be nice?
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Sorry I hope this ask is okay but. I've been looking through your sadistic beauty posts because I am also a minho stan, and I had some thoughts which are kind of rambly. Firstly, I think that Duna *is* happy and loved, which is what makes me so fucking mad. She's a manipulative rapist and just so fucking awful, so why does she get a happy ending while Minho is turned into a sex slave? Literally keeps me up at night 1/
Secondly, people don’t really say a lot about Haesol and I think he was cute and likable UNTIL he met Minho and was like “you just can’t keep her satisfied sexually :)” while she was literally raping Minho every damn day. And then that scene where he sticks out his tongue while he fucks Duna in front of Minho while Minho is sobbing and pleading with her… Psychopath behavior. I know Haesol probably has an impression of Minho as an obsessive, violent, and abusive ex-boyfriend who deserves to be hurt but he literally has no idea the trauma Minho has gone through, and inflicted on him by the girl Haesol loves even! And yet he’s so obsessed with her that he’d probably excuse it even if he found out. Anyway, Haesol was like, one of the least hateable characters in the manhwa until that point and now I hate his guts but I do feel kind of bad about it 2/2
TW: r*pe, alc*hol, sm*king, ab*use
Duna isn't happy. A happy person doesn't drink and smoke like that. She's still a sad pathetic sack, unable to commit to the person that claims to "love" her cause subconsciously she's still not over Minho. 117 chapters still failed to give her any ounce character growth. Did she face any legal consequences of her disgusting actions? No. But is she happy? Also no. Is she loved? By haysool but I'd not feel flattered to be loved by someone like haesol. Gyrien left her cause she saw through her bs. Minho also finally got over her in a healthy way (the person she actually wanted to be loved by). She's still unsure if she could love haesol back, I doubt she'd ever be able to do so. Her and heasol's relationship is far from healthy.
I liked haesol at first but he lost my adoration for him when he continued to persue Duna despite her saying no. He doesn't respect boundaries like at all. He's obsessive and creepy in many ways but his cutesy behavior makes reader forget about his creepy actions. He's very similar to Wookyung. Both are innocent looking but very creepy.
I laughed at the scene where he retorted back to Minho about not being able to keep her satisfied. I mean bro, you couldn't do that either by your logic. She still sought out Gyrien, Minho, Wookyung while she was banging you. When Minho professed his love for her, she literally ignored your ass, until wookyung managed to break them apart. She was still surprised to find Minho leaving her house. She looked shocked.
I started hating haesol when he helped duna torment Minho and showed his tongue at him as if it was something cute. 🙄
Haesol and Wookyung are creepily alike in many situations. Both are obsessed with one person, doesn't respect boundaries, act innocent but can be devious. I really hate two faced characters like this.
Also fun fact, Wookyung also got attached to his first partner who taught him BDSM but his partner didn't return the feelings, just like haesol got attached to duna without his feelings getting returned. Haesol is a psychopath in the making. I'm pretty sure he'd end up like wookyung and would get obsessed with another person after getting dumped by duna and do the things to his victim like wookyung did to Minho. But he wouldn't get away with his actions cause unlike wookyung, haesol isn't wealthy.
Haesol is the most boring character in SB and I've seen people saying he's very forgettable. Some couldn't even remember his name lol
Anyways, this story doesn't have a happy ending for anyone. Duna is going to be a miserable alcoholic and smoker and end up with liver and lungs problems with her current lifestyle. Haesol is a doormat who'd get what he deserves. Minho will be miserable with Wookyung unless and Wookyung would be miserable too cause Minho wouldn't be able to love him the way he wants.
But I only care about Minho's happiness. Who knows maybe in future he'd become more independent and will be able to getaway from his captor/rapist. One can only hope.
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yuri-cocaine · 3 months
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trucking along on msq
-bakool ja ja i owe you an apology. i wasn't familiar with your game.
-i ran into some fuckass weirdo who held up the whole run of skydeep cenote to complain about how much they hate msq. holy shit ive never seen anyone do this even for arr and sb. i tried vote kicking but it didnt work :/ block v'runja raqu on balmung to save yourself a big headache
-every zone is gorjus but my fav zone so far is urqopacha, fav zone music is kozama'uka, and fav towns are in yak tel. theres something really cozy about hroth town and mamook is a beautiful stonework city in a blue magical forest. mamook reminds me of lost city of amdapor but Blue. ive headcanoned yuma's hometown of camoa village to be something similar so maybe i can gpose in mamook instead of queueing into amdapor
-zoraal ja is my failhusband. all he does is scowl and want everyone to die in a big war. talking to everyone in the landsguard hq is kinda funny bc they're all like uhhhhh when's commander zoraal ja coming back. is he even coming back or...???
-awwww im glad wuk lamat made koana co-dawnservant ;w; now they can build infrastructure
-gulool ja ja's "oh right" when he tried looked at his brother's head and stopped casting his big fireball is rly sad now bc his brother isn't asleep, he's dead :( imagine living with your brother's dead head grafted onto your body for three years. what if it....starts to smell bad......
-as much as i like wuk lamat, i really didnt enjoy the feats so im really excited to travel xak tural with erenville. shaaloani's desert landscape is also gorjus with the graphics update bc before all that sand would just be a badly textured lump (sagolii desert...)
-the fact that ppl in shaaloani have american accents is taking me out LMFAO
-my theory for why erenville has such a strong icelandic accent is bc in addition to taking an eastern viera name, he also copied the eastern viera accent. as for why vieras living in othard have icelandic accents, uh...other than it being a carry over from ff12, maybe viera language is just. icelandic. but in dalmasca.
-ive always thought sharlayan is the scandinavia of etheirys but they're also greek-ish so who even knows at this point.
-in elpis, there's a sidequest where an ancient has a yellowish cactuar called notos 626 and he couldn't think of a suitable name for it. in urqopacha, the same kind of cactuar is all over the place and they're called notocactuar!!! so in the end, i guess he never named it :0
-why are the nopalitenders so fucked up.......estinien likes eating them tho
-i bet my cowboy boots that the sheriff in town is corrupt and it's up to a rootin' tootin' by god be shootin' young upstart to challenge him and restore peace to the wild west
-and by that, i mean the wol. wol will restore peace. i love that erenville just does not fight at all, so when those mad max from shein lookin ass bandits threatened to hang erenville up by the ears i got so protective of him LMFAO eat the full force of my level 100 burst bitch
-im not fucking bakool ja ja
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Hi Steph! I hope you're doing alright :)
I only now realised that Crowley suggested the rainstorm, because he says they'll seek shelter and then 'one fabulous kiss and we're good'. Like, he didn't understand how kisses work in the beginning of the season and in the end he still doesn't. It's so sad that he reached out like that at the wrong moment.. Like, in the book it literally says he's an optimist, so he must've held out some hope that that would fix everything and make Aziraphale realise 'they were made for each other' I'm in pain.
(Also: Did you see how after Aziraphale takes the car, not only does it change (and follow him like a puppy), but Shax can't materialise in it? She waits in the door and asks him to invite her. As if it was his property. ...Our car indeed xD Crowley honestly must have accepted that in his heart. Like isn't that sweet.)
Also I love your blog so much. Honestly, I read pretty much every post <3 If I could send asks on my sideblog (sb in real life knows my main and I'm not mixing fandom and rl), I totally would.
Hey Nonny!!
AHHH Thank you so much for your kind words!! I'm glad you enjoy my blog and your time here, and it means the world to me that you read all of my posts! LOL I feel ya on the sideblog thing, I wish Tumblr let you switch between them for asks.
YEAH, the rain thing still fucks me up, because he is, at heart, a romantic and (as you said) an optimist, so he genuinely thought the kiss would fix everything. I also think he thinks the canopy is romantic because it's a core memory for him as the first kind gesture Aziraphale did for him after his Fall, after the First Rain. AND I genuinely believe it's his wish as well, to be caught in the rain under a canopy with Aziraphale to recreate their kind gesture to each other... I think this BECAUSE one of the first promo photos for S2 was the two of them, under an umbrella (canopy) in the rain, leaning into each other. It's not just Nina's deepest desire, it's Crowley's as well. Only this time, he wants them looking into each other's eyes. I think he thinks that was the missing element that kept them from VaVooming, so yeah, he's craving that deeply.
So it is very sad that he thinks the kiss will solve all their problems, when really, they NEED to communicate. They're NOT seeing each other properly, and they haven't all season during the modern scenes. They talk around each other, and avoid things, but never discuss things, really. And Honestly, Crowley had the right idea, but SHIT-ASS timing. They were both angry, hurt, and over-emotional after everything, and Aziraphale was already being manipulated at that point to where he fears Crowley and himself being retaliated against for loving each other (remember, Azzie DOESN'T know why Gabe was cast out; from his perspective, it was because he fell in love with a demon). And Crowley, well, his ridiculous devotion to protect Azzie from all the bad in the world is his downfall, and why Aziraphale is in the mess he's in now. GUH, I need them to finally talk.
The WHOLE SCENE was SO deliciously beautiful in a very angsty way, I loved it so much.
And regarding the car... OMG I DIDN'T even notice that about Shax!! You're ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. The car became a space where Aziraphale needs to allow someone into Crowley's heart it. So YEAH, shit you're right! That said, Crowley loves Azzie so much, it's very sweet that the Bentley is essentially a manifestation of his feelings for Azzie.
Thank you again for your ask, and I hope you continue to enjoy your time here!! <3 <3
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redtoondevils · 7 months
I don't think that Vanessa really is a bad person in SB.
I don't think that Vanessa really is a bad person in SB. If anything, Gregory is showing himself to be a troublemaker. Then that of Cassie. I mean, yes she had quite the attitude on her.
And she treated Gregory with dis respect, and kind of abusive. That she locked him in, in her office, and gone to get changed into the Vanni suit, to stalk him. Likely, to spook him.
Still does not make it okay. Yet, on the other hand, she is doing her job. And she must of been a good police officer, especially how she appeared in the movie.
By the looks of things, she wasn't bad. She genuinely looked like a good woman, and is helpful. And eventually, we find out, that she has problems. A lot of people have problems of course.
In SB, she was helpful. Like the DCA, she has a dark side. Only difference is, is that she's human. So far, with what's happened in the main game, with the virus.
It also brings the worst out of them, too. And put it this way, let's reverse the roles between Vanessa and Gregory.
What if she really was on the lookout for Gregory, because of what he might be up to? Gregory is a strange kid, you'll find out that he's homeless as the end.
There's not much background for him, and his situation is sad. But the things that he can do, to get what he wants. He can manipulate that. He once baited Chica into the crusher.
And rammed Roxy with the go cart. Even though, the animatronics were on persuit with this boy. But, he still taken care of them, by his own hands. (Even if it's no other choice kind of thing.) He will do it, and he's going to do it brutally.
Overall, he is a complicated child. But, he will do things, even if it means to destroy the property. It's kinda scary for a kid to do.
There are motives of him, that are not clear as of yet. When he asks you what to, some of his requests are a little odd. How far can we trust this kid? I know, you would be referring him as the Mimic, that it was him that lured Cassie in.
That wasn't Gregory. I'm talking about, how he first met Vanessa. When he said, "No! No. I don't trust her!" there's a question. Why, doesn't he trust her?
She didn't do anything wrong to him, from the beginning as of yet. She did alert the other animatronics. But maybe, you got to ask. Perhaps she didn't know they were under control?
As Vanny, I thought that she was the master mind over every animatronic. From the base game. But then, when more games has been released showing more material about Vanny.
And also, with the Princess Quest mini game. It turns out, at the end of those comics that Vanny is also victimized too. I thought that she was all out psycho.
When Vanny has been revealed, as Vanessa by Gregory in the SB comics. It looks like, she looks just as scared, and confused just like Gregory.
And how she appeared at the arcade box, with the Glitch trap in her hand. And she squished him, and she was really large. What is Interesting with this Villain. Vanessa isn't really an all out villain.
It's like in a way metaphorically, that Vanny has been under control, and been through manipulation with Glitch trap. (I think.) That she's been looking for revenge for quite some time, and she finally got it.
And when she waved at the player. Stright away, you'll get both Impressions. She waved to you like to say, 'Good job. And I'll see you later!" Or "Finally! You found him for me! He's gone, goodbye I'm free now!" And Vanny is gone.
If that is correct, then there is a possible chance. That Vanny, as Vanessa is actually not bad. And was pretending to be evil, because Glitch trap was corrupting her. It isn't safe to say that she was Innocent.
She wouldn't after being reported of stealing kids. But, it is something to know that she is a villain, that has childlike lore about her. And finding out, that she had also been used.
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j2zara · 2 months
YAAAAAAY EHEH I GET TO SEND YOU A BUNCH OF ASKS 💖💖💖💖💖(<- these ones are just me being excited)
HIIIII SORRY THIS TOOK ALL DAY im so exhausted which is why i feel like my answers are not the best but here u go
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
Argh…. Ngl i sent this one to more than one person in the circle of perverts bc I want to force ppl to say nice things abt themselves and now i gotta do the same thing. I feel like my answer before this year would’ve been my dialogue!!!!!!! Like. I do think i’m good at that. It’s hard to even say that because I feel like when I do enjoy a good quip and i feel like whenever i reread my original stuff im like “oh. I’m so marvel brained”. I don’t think dialogue is my strength in cloneverse tho.  At least. I don’t think it stands out. But otherwise that’s what i would land on.
Maybe it’s bc i’ve been in a very sorry for myself slump lately bc my current wip is giving me such a struggle but i don’t even know. Before now and my latest wip driving me crazy I would’ve said. Maybe coherence or theming? Like i don’t even know if thats a thing i CAN say like is it possible to be good at themes? Sorry im being so hard on myself rn I think if i were to look at my writing i would say i think it’s halfway decent but i don’t know the answer to the question…
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Oh this is an interesting one. For such a long time the answer would’ve been my old Talentswap fic for DR, tbh it always was like. Surprising and honestly kinda nice to get like a random comment of someone being like ‘hey i just discovered this! Sad its not updating but i really enjoyed it!” something like that. And I think b/c it was multichap it was very interesting and different when ppl were reading Almost for sure.
My secret weird answer is IYWD. Like. I’m at peace with the fact that its practically dead and nobody is gonna find it again i guess but a small part of me still considers it my favorite thing i’ve done in a long time so nobody does comment anymore but. That would be the thing i secretly kinda want. I’ll take literally anything tho obviously i love anybody that ever comments on anything.
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
I have a Love is Blind au for a fandom I’m not gonna mention. Idk i might’ve mentioned it somewhere but eh. Its like ten chapters but only the first 5-ish are done i’m kinda 
And i’ve talked abt this this isn’t really a. Like. Oh I’m hiding this forever thing but. I have a DR Togakure hookup fic that’s written like. To take place during a naegiri wedding like in the post first game canon. And it is one of my favorite things i’ve ever written even tho it is smut, ngl my friends have been trying to convince me to post it and i might but im genuinely terrified nobody is gonna read it and im gonna be. Sad about it
📊 Current number of WIPs
Lol um… lj3porter fic. I’m two sentences into twelfth night coded j2 wooing Jace for Porter fic. Unfinished creeper Jace + j2porter fic…  a Jace topping Zara zarajaceporter fic. A fic that is in the IYWD verse that’s like a prequel that’s normal SB related. And if we could old fandoms I have semi abandoned talent swap (the ch 3.3 doc is like 10k lmao). Love is blind au.
If we’re counting original projects. My fantasy pseudo taming retelling. Horror comedy / locked room mystery called Date / Die. I have a. Sports romance (don’t look at me). And my weird lofty rom com thing that is this decade spanning story and used to be abt a “platonic” romance but idk I was like. They’re best friends they’re the most important ppl in the world to each other and they like having sex does that make this a normal romance. Maybe. Maybe not.
So ten. Yikes.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
This is such a weird pull b/c i haven’t read it in years but Wing Man is a Bokuaka fic thats one of my fav of all time that makes me so happy idk its so like. Sweet and tbh i feel bad i never commented on it i really should bc they deserve to know i still think about it. but i just don’t reread fic all that often even my favs.
Actually that’s a lie i just remembered! I’ll cite something recent and i’m a little shy to cite something from the circle of perverts but also this is completely sincere i know i jokingly call @innskeep bambi’s LJ3 fic the perfect piece of fiction all the time but i do reread it… I just like them. I think it’s really cute and i like my little guys…  I love getting J3’s pov so much like i genuinely think its so comforting and special…
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
I won’t lie I have a total DurDawn soft spot so like. I do think it wouldn’t fun to write something small for them. Also fucking hilarious as zukkacore that I’ve never written zukka and like. In my heart I would like too but they’re almost too precious for that? It’s hard to explain. Actually another answer might be for Mailee I actually think Mailee is soooooo underrated as a ship bc they have so much potential to be good for each other that wasn’t able to foster under azula’s thumb so I like that slightly toxic edge 
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
I do a little bit of research but honestly not at much as i should. Last super deep dive i did was on the different filipino mythologies and history throughout the different regions bc ithink that subject is so interesting. but that has nothing to do with the sb circle that was for my own stuff. Lately I had to look up a little bit of elvish for something sb related lol. im such a fake fan of LOTR i love it but i’ve never actually read the books
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
A few! I’ve talked abt Jace hireling au I think that would be fun. And I joke abt Clone gamechanger au all the time and I SAID I wanted to try and make it work so like. Maybe. I’d love to try clone gamechanger au i think its funny and cute and i wanna do something indulgent.I feel like i’m forgetting something. Jess has real estate in j2porter vegas roleplay so i kinda wanna try maybe doing J2porter 50s housewife roleplay as a sort of sequel? I still like the idea of doing a You’ve Got Mail Shop Around the Corning fic. And. I feel so so so so indulgent wanting to write LJ3 stuff but like i just like them. I don’t know what i would wann write for them but i just like them
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leagueofdccm · 4 months
Michelle and Soldier Boy for ship memeee 💕
ULTIMATE SHIP MEME! || @twiicetheheart
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Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Fucking. Forever.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - I don't wanna say too quick, and i don't wanna say it took forever for them also. least for soldier boy, the second something happens to her that involves dealing with homelander. whether she was hurt-- or just feelings hurt, i think seeing the look on her face--- broken and all, that's when he realizes... that he hates seeing her sad, hurt--- and that's when it hits him that he loves her.
How was their first kiss? - oh my god. you know michi and i haven't talked about that, but i do have an idea of when they first kiss. def think it's when he tells her about his past-- like his real past, and also telling Michelle about his time with the russians-- maybe not entirely, because lbr he's still trying to block our most of his trauma and also probably can't recall what ELSE they done to him. -- but i imagine when he finally gives his name to Michelle, not his supe name. his real name. like letting her in--- fully. which he hasn't done in a long time. and also i think Soldier boy would be the one to make the move first, it would have been soft. despite who he is, cause he's not a soft man-- but with Michelle ? he's definitely got a soft spot for her. It would have been sweet and slow, filled with so much emotion, want & just vulnerable.
Who proposed? - lbr soldier boy would. he's old school. man bs.
Who is the best man/men? - .... nobody. LMAO WHAT FRIENDS ? xD
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - damn idk. starlight maybe xD though she's gonna be like Michelle--- him ? LMAO idk guess we gotta see what bg characters are Michelle's friends.
Who did the most planning? - Michelle would. but why do I feel like she would try to still have him involved in SOME STUFF.
Who stressed the most? - Michelle. She's planning it after all.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? -
Who is on top? - soldier boy is top dog-- but that doesn't mean he won't switch to let Michelle *cough cough* ride him.
Who is the one to instigate things? - soldier boy ! LMAO C'MON how can he not ? she's a babe.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - listen soldier boy is a supe, he's never out of energy he's always up for it, and also women can last so ayyye ! these two can go hand in hand-- unless Michelle gotta be somewhere and THEN a quickie is in the works.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - yes, soldier boy definitely is a man when it comes to wanting his women to cum. so yes, he will make sure she reaches climax before him ( which also means he cares about her, putting her needs before his )
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. // SO i think they can be both. cause it's SB and he def would have soft moments with Michelle, but also he's a dirty talker when needed.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - maybe two. soldier boy did say he wanted to be a dad after all.
How many children will they adopt? - none sorry kiddos.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Michelle but don't think she doesn't have soldier boy help-- she makes his ass.
Who is the stricter parent? - soldier boy ? in some parts, and Michelle in other parts. so equal-- but Michelle still would be softer.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Michelle LMAO
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - also Michelle
Who is the more loved parent? - i think they are both loved. but the kids would def be clinging to Michelle more.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Michelle. can you imagine soldier boy ? god no.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Michelle. soldier boy @ himself was like : don't you dare cry pussy. don't do it-- fuck I'm crying shit.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - soldier boy lbr. he's like i got you kid, i got you don't tell your mother.
Who does the most cooking? - michelle. soldier boy can't cook for shit.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - i think Michelle. cause soldier boy looks like he has more of an appreciation for good after being in the box for a long ass time.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Michelle. listen soldier boy did it once, and he only got meat/jerky/junk food/beer
How often do they bake desserts? - i think Michelle does it a lot when she has the time. cause she seems like she knows how to bake real good.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - soldier boy loves meat. I see Michelle being our salad girl for sure.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Michelle would be the one to do this. soldier boy though will surprise her-- and try to cook.... :) didn't go well though.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - soldier boy cause he can't cook to save a life, and to take her out and show off his lady.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - soldier boy.... for sure.
Who cleans the room? - Michelle does
Who is really against chores? - Soldier boy lmao !
Who cleans up after the pets? - both do. if they have
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - SOLDIER BOY
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - neither do. cause do they really have people come over ? LMAO.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - michelle. so it's hers now :) !
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - both. both do.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - if they have one i think they would both do it together.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Michelle does it for each and every holiday, and also ben enjoys it cause he's been gone for a long time-- and like i said i think appreciates things more.
What are their goals for the relationship? - stay alive is number one for sure. but also have each other back no matter what.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - neither
Who plays the most pranks? - neither
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wavytam · 10 months
Thank you for responding to my SP vs SN comment! Your response was more than I expected and so much appreciated. :)
One thing that really stood out to me about SN relationship was regarding Sanji fear of never being good enough for being himself. The interesting thing about Nami is that 1) she understands his kindness (her comments to his brothers) 2) she respects his values (choosing to fight Kalifa) 3) she's willing to put herself in harms way to fight for him (WCI, Water 7). It's not to say Robin or Vivi or any of the Straw Hats don't show these things but Nami definitely has some distinct examples.
Pudding and even to an extend Viola have mocked him for his weakness for women, even though both women have changed their perspective on him later. So compare to Nami, it's really hard to root for them. I think Nami might have thought he was a bit of an idiot in the beginning and may have taken advantage of him from time to time but it was never an outright mockery.
Anyway I guess what I'm trying to say it's so hard not to love these two when you really look into who they are and what they stand for. Apologies for the wall of text, I get a bit carried away when I think about these two.
No problem at all! I love talking about SaNami and One Piece and you brought up interesting points. I'm sorry if I can't answer everything straight away, tho. During week days, because of my work and college, it takes me a while to sit and write a good response. So I hope you don't mind if I delay the answers once in a while.
You are so right. I feel like Nami is one of the female character who is chosen to support and understand Sanji more than the others. Ofc, we have Robin and Vivi, like you said, but I don't think any of them has so many scenes of being suportive of Sanji like Nami does.
For example, we all know Robin understands Sanji and would be supportive of resuing him just as Luffy was, but out of the girls, Oda chose only Nami to go to Whole Cake. I also will never forget the fact how, after Sanji was taken by Capone, she seemed so worried and sad and eager to rescue him.
"Pudding and even to an extend Viola have mocked him for his weakness for women, even though both women have changed their perspective on him later."
Okay, this part actually breaks my heart. I feel really bad for Sanji in moments like this, but at the same time it just shows how much of an amazing person he is.
But yes, I don't recall Nami mocking him. She uses a bit of his weakness toward women, but she does that with everyone tbh (she's seductive, it's a part of her character). And I don't remember her being cruel nor downright disrespectful to him about it. Sometimes, his antics can annoy her who can blame her, I sometimes do think his gags are too much as well), but she never uses it to put him in harms way.
It also reminds me of Oda's SBS about how Nami chose to respect Sanji for his chivalry. It's very interesting how, instead of mocking him, she was her angry at the fact that he might get himself killed for his chivalry. And once he firmly stated he would never kick a woman, even if it killed him, she saw how much a strong-willed man he truly was.
Don't worry about the wall of text!
And yes, that's why this ship is so interesting to me. Just like Sanji treats Nami the way she likes to be treated (with care and like a princess hehe), Nami understands and accepts Sanji for who he is - the only thing she is not aware of is how important she is to him though. Besides that, both can read the other very well, and know when something is off with the other.
They are amazing, and it IS difficult not to love them. Let's ship and see what the future holds.
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Ok so, I really need to know if you have any personal headcanons on ASL brothers because I need more serotonin for the day, btw I adore your art! Lots of love 💖
Thank you so much for this request! I don't actually have many head cannons for them in their universe tbh. I do have a couple for a modern au though!
this post turned out kinda long ":)
First of all: this is them 👇
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Original universe headcanons:
-Ace is proud of his freckles. He doesn't much know what his mother looks like, but he's seen his father's appearance and knows that Rodger doesn't have freckles. So he sees his mother through his freckles :)
-despite his name, Ace is the only allosexual within the trio. I do think ace is aromantic though. I just don't think romantic relationships suit any of them, personally
-sabo cuts his own hair. I read a SBS submission asking oda why sabo grew his hair out. Oda responded saying he does to hide his scar. He said that sabo doesn't exactly see it as a badge of honor. Which makes me uhhhhhhhh very sad yuh huh. But it also makes me imagine he cuts his own hair because no one else can get it right. How I draw him, his bangs are uneven so that his scarred eye is covered and his working eye doesn't get blocked out. It looks fine now, but the first couple times he cut his hair were ✨disasters✨
Modern au:
They share an apartment and it is very apparent who's room is luffy's by level of messiness. Don't get me wrong, Ace's room is messy, but it's messy in an organized way. Unlike Luffy, who is just... Who knows if there's a floor over there. No one's ever seen it.
Sabo's room is so clean it's boarder-line sterile. It also just doesn't look lived in at all. If he invited you over and you saw his room, you'd think he was a serial killer.
Sabo and Ace both have their own mini fridges in their rooms that are under lock and key so that Luffy cant get into them. little fuckin gremlin man...
There is a tally board on their fridge that keeps track of who wins in wrestling matches that break out sometimes, much like in the show.
Sanji owns a restaurant near their apt that they always go to. The three of them have a chokehold on the "Big-Ass Bowl of Spicy-Ass Ramen eaten the fastest" title as they are currently in a three way tie that not they nor anyone else can beat.
Ace flirts with Sanji and his brothers give him flack for it, saying he's just trying to get a free meal!! support your local businesses, Ace! pay for you meal!!
Luffy always be challenging his brothers to spontaneous races and is always surprised when he inevitably loses. Sorry lil guy, they just got longer legs than you, not your fault.
They love trying new weird food. Whenever they see some kind of afront of nature that a snack-food company put out, like buffalo sauce flavored pretzels or plant based jerky, they'll absolutely buy and try it. It never goes well. Ever.
Ace and Sabo are the main Money Makers for their household. Luffy is always trying to get a job, though. Under the off chance he's actually hired though, his employment is usually terminated sometime within his first day. He's trying his best, man.
Whenever theyre having an issue in their household that they dont know how to combat, they call Dadan for advice. Kinda like those scavenger monkey themed guys from the beginning of Skypeia.
Thats all i have for now, sorry for any typo's. I could add on to this list later if I have any new ideas. i'll probably draw some of that modern au, too.
thanks again for the ask! i hope this got to you within your serotonin needing day!
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