ravenclawkward-art · 4 years
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@sterek-bingo​ 2020: Wildcard

Spark!Stiles from As the Lights Go Down by standinginanicedress, one of my all-time favorite Sterek fics
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josjournal · 4 years
Don’t Think I Will
Written for @sterek-bingo Theme: Wild Card
Stiles checked his phone again, the blue dot of his own on Find My iPhone getting closer to the green dot of Scott’s. He grumbled as he turned the flashlight on that he’d grabbed out of the back of his Jeep, flashing it around the treeline of the preserve. He cursed under his breath as he double-checked his backpack at his feet for the spare set of clothes that Scott had messaged him for at one-thirty in the morning. 
One-thirty in the morning he gets a text to come running out to the middle of the woods because his best friend had been at a party and gotten lost, falling into a mud puddle and ruining his clothing. And, of course, being the great friend that Stiles is, he snuck into Scott’s house using the key made without Scott’s mom’s knowledge, and grabbed a change of clothes and drove out to the preserve, parking his Jeep on the side of the road as close to Scott’s green dot as he could get.
Now, he hiked the pack up onto his back and swept the light over the edge of the trees, finding the path that he and Scott usually took into the woods. Heading down the path, he kept looking down at his phone and back up to keep himself from falling face-first over any roots in the path. He stopped moving when he noticed that his blue dot bypassed Scott’s green one. Groaning, he turned to the left and took a step off the trail, his pace slowing with no actual path to follow.
He made it a couple of hundred yards and looked at his phone again, noticing that Scott’s dot had disappeared. Cursing, he opened his texts with him just as one came through from Scott: Busted by mom. Being dragged home by ear. Grounded.
“Fuck,” Stiles said. Of course, Mama McCall beat him to finding Scott and now he had wasted time walking through the woods in the middle of the night. Turning around, he started to head back the way he came and stumbled into a tree, dropping his phone. 
By the time he’d gotten the phone picked up, he was turned around enough that he wasn’t sure which way he’d come from. Groaning, he thought about his dad’s advice to stay still and wait for someone to find him. He was getting ready to send a text to his father, despite knowing it would get him grounded when he heard a twig snap to his right.
Whirling around, the scream he’d been planning on letting out froze in his throat as he found himself looking at the glaring visage of the best looking man Stiles had ever seen. “What are you doing here? This is private property!” the man growled, literally growled and Stiles stumbled backwards, landing on his butt and sprawled out on the ground.
“I have a perfectly reasonable-” Stiles started, cutting off when the man moved closer. He scrambled back a few feet, staring up at the man who kept advancing, his eyes beginning to grow wide. “Okay I know that being in the woods at 2 am is a weird thing to be doing but my friend called me and-” He cut off again when the guy reached down and grabbed him by the front of his Captain America shirt and yanked him to his feet so their faces were only a couple of inches away from each other. He swore the guy’s eyes glowed blue in the moonlight. “Wait, why are you in the woods at 2 am, fuck I’m going to die aren’t I?”
The man stepped backwards, jerking Stiles with him and then turning to point him to where he’d just been lying, which turned out to be the edge of a very large cliff.  “You will if you don’t watch where you’re going.”
“Well, I can’t watch where I’m going when I’m too busy watching you to be sure you don’t kill me!”
The man rolled his eyes and let out a huff that probably sounded a lot fonder than he’d intended. Stiles felt himself relaxing despite the fact the man still had a hold of his shirt and was dragging him through the woods. He really should have been fearing for his life, but every time Stiles stumbled, the man looked back over his shoulder at him to check if he was alright.
He was surprised when they ended up back at the path and the man released him, shoving him none-too-gently towards where he could just see his Jeep through the trees. Despite the roughness, he still reached out and grabbed the back of his flannel to keep him from falling when he’d stumbled again.
“Damn. Can’t you walk?” he asked, moving his hand to Stiles’ bicep and stomping towards the Jeep, his pace slow enough that Stiles didn’t have to struggle to keep up.
“I can when I’m not fearing for my life. Or tired. Or hyper. Or...yeah, no, I can’t walk,” he said, counting it as a win when the corner of the man’s lips twitched. “I’m Stiles.”
“What the hell is a Stiles?” Stiles gestured to himself with his free arm and raised his eyebrows. “I’m Derek,” the man said after a moment, coming to stop next to Stiles’ Jeep. 
“Well, it was nice meeting you, Derek. Maybe I’ll see you around?” Stiles said, aiming for sarcasm but feeling it came across as hopeful.
“Stay off my property,” Derek responded, but Stiles saw the grin as he turned away and disappeared down the path.
“Yeah….don’t think I will,” Stiles said to himself, climbing into his Jeep, chalking up the laugh he heard to the wind in the trees.
Cross-posted to AO3
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lifebeginsbyleaving · 4 years
Mama Mia Scotts A Peace Pimp
Hey ya!!! So this is my last entry for @sterek-bingo I've had such a great time and I'm so glad I did this!!! So all the love to the admins over yonder 💜💜💜 I hope to see you all well when sterek week rolls around. Also the biggest of thank yous and the mostest loves to @halevetica Girl you know how important you are to me. I wouldn’t have even dreamed of attempting this if it wasn’t for you. So, *strums guitar* I love you bitch. Thank you for your endless support in my shenanigans (Like shlongshire, naming this mama mia scotts a peace pimp, and my endless unnecessary backstory that stresses both of us out.) and for brainstorming with me well past two in the morning multiple times. Oh and also for your help wrangling Brian, god that asshole. She also made this amazing mood board for me ahhhhh!!!! She is so amazing an talented I love her. You should check her out!!! She writes 1000x better than me, so you will not regret it if you like sterek. Anyway, this is around 10,000 words. 
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Derek could feel himself losing his patience. He got it already. Fairies were tricky. Don't offend them. Don't accept gifts from them. He got it, they all got it, hell they had it ten minutes into his half hour rant. But Stiles went on and on.
"Don't accept anything. Anything at all. Pay attention to wording. And, for the love of God, don't-"
Derek's patience snapped. "Eat anything, we know."
Scott went to move in front of Stiles, but Stiles put an arm across him. Derek puffed out his chest unconsciously.
They had been so territorial and snippy with each other lately both packs were sick of it. Especially Stiles, though. These last few months had been filled with uncooperative alpha instinct bullshit. It was the last thing they needed right now while dealing with fairies, beings that were known for being cutthroat at exploiting weaknesses to kill entire packs if they so wished it. Stiles hated being in the middle of it, but as Scott's emissary he needed to keep the peace between packs.
"Would you quit it you two. You're both pretty. And petty."
Scott protested, "You're just trying to explain everything. Why does he have to be like that? You don't even have to help their pack, but you are. He should be thankful."
Derek tried to ignore how that grated on him. Scott, unconsciously, had been referring more and more to Stiles as being his and separating them from Derek and his pack. He supposed he had been doing it as well, but he couldn't help it. Still, it didn't escape his notice that he had been pushing everyone from Scott's pack to be separate except Stiles. Deaton had warned them two alphas sharing a territory would be hard, but they could do it if they were determined. He also said some things about compromise and not challenging each other, but that wasn't as memorable. "Stiles is your emissary, not your beta. And he certainly isn't anyone's bitch. He can help whoever he wants without you."
Stiles gave him the murder face and once again, with greater difficulty, stopped Scott from going forward. "Both of you need to chill the fuck out or I'm leaving both of your furry asses and taking your packs with me."
They quickly snapped their mouths shut because they knew he could and would. Their posture slumped.
Stiles looked pleased. "Good. Now shut the fuck up if you don't want to die. These fairies aren't like the tooth fairy, and they sure as hell ain't Tinkerbell. They can and will kill you given the chance. Do not give them the chance. Watch your words and mind your manners. It is easy to offend a fairy, so don't. I don't care if you're non verbal through it."
Liam spoke up from the couch, "I don't see why we have to sit here for this. Only the pack alphas, Derek's first beta, and you, cuz you're Scott's emissary, are allowed to go."
"So you know for the future."
Issac spoke from where he was at Derek's side, "But why would they be so hostile towards us? We have that treaty thing with them. They couldn't hurt us without breaking that."
Stiles groaned and looked at Derek. "You see, this." He shoved a hand out towards Issac. "This is why I repeat myself. We don't have shit with them. Derek's mom saved the fairy queen. Her and her pack had the treaty. It's Derek pack now, hence the moot point you just made. Some things like a life debt or a blood oath can be passed through the generations, but not a treaty. Not when the terms or people involved change. Believe me, I do not want to be doing this any more than you do, but it's important. I found their fairy ring and Deaton said they would know I found it. He also said it would be akin to an open declaration of war if we ignored it. Apparently they're touchy about being snubbed and want to be introduced. Which shouldn't be a shock, they're touchy about everything. Now, the options are say hello to the fairies on our land, don't offend them, and hopefully sign a new treaty, or get the fuck out of Beacon Hills and hope they don't hunt us down. Should we put it to a vote?" He asked sarcastically.
Lydia looked analytical. "So is there something we can do to please them?"
Stiles gave her a flat look. "Other than not doing and doing all the things I've told you about for the last half hour? No, not really. Die, maybe."
Derek crossed his arms. "What do we actually need to know?"
Stiles gave him an annoyed look. "I'll start at the beginning."
There was a loud chorus of groans.
Stiles was glad the pack was out of his hair. He had stayed behind to help Derek clean up and was relieved to have finally shooed out Scott after both alphas had apologized. For all their bickering, at the end of the day they were friends. Even if their wolves wanted to tear the other to shreds. Stiles folded another blanket as Derek walked back out from the kitchen.
"That could've gone better. Can you help me wi-" Stiles' words were cut off as Derek hadn't stopped in front of him, but had continued right into his space. Derek wrapped an arm around his waist and quickly pulled him closer. He pulled him into a forceful kiss and Stiles was caught off guard.
Once Stiles recovered from the shock he tried to slow him down. He finally was able to pull back and ask, "Okay, what was that for?"
Derek only tried to kiss him again, but Stiles pulled back to look into his eyes. Derek huffed. "Mine." It sounded like it was barely able to be growled out.
Stiles smirked. "What's got you all gruff, sourwolf?"
Derek only reacted by sniffing deeply to smell Stiles' satisfaction. It was one of his favorites, despite how he hated seeing it on his face when they were arguing. Stiles smiled and tilted his head to the side slightly. Derek rumbled out his approval and dove into the offered space. He kissed and licked at his neck till he felt Stiles' light laugh bubble up. He pulled back and looked inquisitive.
"I bet you don't even know you're half shifted right now."
Derek immediately shifted back as if to prove his point. Stiles leaned forward with a smile and kissed him. "It's okay. You know I think it's kinda hot."
Derek kissed him again and the harshness was gone, but it was still insistent. Right before he spoke, Stiles wiggled his eyebrows at him. "I bet you were listening to Scott. I bet you only waited one second after he was out of earshot to come in here and kiss me. I bet yo-"
Derek cut him off again, but this time he added a nip to his lip to curb his snark. "Kiss me. Shut up."
Well, who was he to refuse such a polite request. Stiles wrapped his arms around his neck. Derek harshly grabbed his hips and leaned into him.
"Okay, are you going to tell me what's got you like this?"
"He said you don't have to help their pack. He said it like you're separate from us."
Stiles sighed and looked down. "I am separate Derek. I am, and always will be, in Scott's pack. I wish I could choose both of you, but if I can't, I choose him. Scott's my brother. I can't turn my back on him, not when he's always had mine. So until we figure out a way to work it out, I'm in his pack." Stiles looked up guiltily even though he'd done nothing wrong.
Derek rested their foreheads together. "He's your family. I get it. I do, anyway. The wild in me just wants you to myself though. It wants to take care of you myself. To keep you safe myself. To have you in my pack. To love you. It wants you to be mine." Derek's eyes flashed red. "Mine. I want you. I want you to share a pack with me. I want you with my pack. I want you with me."
Stiles gripped the back of his neck harder. "I am with you. I'm here. We are together."
It pained Derek how much that wasn't true. They had been dating for over six months and both packs were in the dark. He hated having to lie, but Stiles said it was for the best and in the end he agreed. He didn't want to start a pack war over Stiles with Scott. Mostly because he knew it would kill Stiles for him to have caused it. So they both agreed they'd get the alpha instinct pissing contest over with first and then tell everyone. Derek smiled at him. "You're right. You being here is enough."
Looking at Derek's insincere face rolled Stiles' stomach. "Don't be like that. Don't smile at me if you don't mean it. Don't say shit you don't believe. Me just being here isn't fucking enough." Stiles looked as sad as Derek felt. "I want to be able to stay with you. I don't want to sneak around with you. I don't want to have to make up stupid emissary shit that Scott believes because I'm a bridge between packs so he doesn't get all territorial with me sharing info with you. Or any other bullshit Deaton says. I want to belong in Scott's pack, but I also want to belong with you and yours." Stiles scratched at the hair on the back of Derek's neck.
"Fine. I hate this. I hate that we can't tell anybody. I hate that I don't get to scream it from the rooftops that you're my boyfriend. I hate that we can only go on dates in the preserve, so no one recognizes us. I hate that Scott gets more of your time. I hate that you see Scott at all, even though I know that's not really me talking and that I don't. I hate that you don't smell like me. I hate that once you walk out that door you aren't mine anymore. I hate that more than anything. God, I hate that."
Stiles kissed him softly and after kept his eyes closed with their foreheads together. "So show me tonight. Make me yours. Make me forget I have to walk out that door. Right here, right now I am yours. Make me want to wake up everyday yours. Make me crave you Derek. Make me need you. Make me yours sourwolf."
Derek's hands moved from his hips to his ass and he yanked him up and he immediately wrapped his legs around him with a smile.
"Are you going to carry me to your bed?"
Derek growled out around fangs, "I'm going to fuck you into my bed."
A thrill raced through Stiles and he leaned forward to kiss him as Derek walked him to his room. "Atta boy."
Derek woke up knowing the bed was empty, but a soft smile curled on to his face hearing the movement in the room around him. He squinted against the light coming through the curtains and turned over. He faced Stiles who was moving around the room to get changed. "Good morning sunshine."
Stiles looked at him and his face mirrored Derek's smile. "Mornin yourself hot stuff."
Derek grinned and patted the bed. "Come here."
Stiles obliged and leaned hand down on the bed to give him a good morning kiss. "Your breath is terrible."
"Yours is minty fresh."
Stiles flashed his gleaming teeth and picked his shirt off the ground. Derek always appreciated the lithe beauty of his mole dotted skin, but Stiles covered in the marks he left the night before would always be his favorite. Derek looked up and Stiles had caught his staring in the mirror. "I think you missed a spot."
Derek tossed the sheet aside and got up despite the slight chill. He slid behind Stiles and put a hand around his waist. "Oh sorry, did I? Can't have that."
Stiles' head lulled to the side unconsciously. "We really can't. That's the only spot people look at really. That one tiny uncovered part of my neck."
Derek smiled and started kissing his shoulder then worked his way up. Stiles carded his hand into Derek's hair.
Derek seemed satisfied. "Did I make you forget?"
"Forget what?" He seemed distracted.
"That you have to walk out that door."
Derek saw his grin in the mirror they both faced. "Baby, you made me forget I could walk at all last night."
Derek tried to smile back at him, but he couldn't muster it. Not when he hadn't gotten the answer he had wanted.
Stiles moved away to continue getting ready. Derek leaned against the dresser.
"Alright, I better head out. I'll see you in a couple hours for the meeting with the fairies." Stiles kissed him. He was almost out the door when he turned around. "Oh, I almost forgot!" He went to Derek's night stand and grabbed his bracelet. He put it on and instantly the scent of them together was everywhere in the room except on Stiles. He waved his hands a few times and let a few sparks go. The marks on his neck and undoubtedly everywhere else started to fade.
Derek's wolf howled like it had been burned. He looked away from the vanishing marks. Tears threatened to gather in his eyes. His voice was thick as he softly said, "I don't think you know how much that hurts."
Stiles turned around concerned. "How much what hurts?"
Derek gestured to his neck. "It's like you rejecting everything we did last night. It's like you regret it. My wolf thinks that you are deciding to leave me for good every time."
Derek could see the disheartened look in his eyes, but he still tried for humor. "Well, what about you? Leaning against that dresser all sleep ruffled and naked. It's practically a crime. Nay, a sin. You shouldn't be able to look that hot. How could I reject you when you stand there practically begging for someone to make sure you don't get cold or lonely. I don't know if I can leave you like that. All naked and hot."
Derek let out a huff. He muttered, "Is that all it would take?" He looked up. "I'll never put in pants again if you stay."
Hurt flashed briefly on Stiles' face and Derek instantly felt guilty. He walked over to him. "Hey, no I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that like it's your fault. It's not up to you, and it sure as hell isn't up to me. I get that we can't do anything about it right now, it just frustrates me. I didn't mean to guilt you. I'm sorry."
Stiles folded into his arms. "I know. I hate it too."
Derek kissed him. "You should go."
Stiles nodded. "I'll see you in a bit."
Derek nodded bittersweetly.
"This is it? This is just twigs."
"Issac, what did I say? Watch your mouth. Besides, you can't see how amazing it looks."
Derek looked over to his wonder filled eyes. "But you can, can't you?"
They all turned to Stiles. "Yes. Ground fairy wings sprinkled into my eyes allows me to see through their illusions. I didn't want to be fooled by pretty faces as well as mellifluous words."
"Damn, that's hella metal." Issac tilted his head in consideration while Scott looked disgusted. Derek looked impressed.
"Whatever, just listen. Their spring moon festival will be going on so hopefully we can blend in with all the other royalty and dignitaries they met. And also they should be in high spirits. Ground rules. No eating, I do most of the talking, but don't ignore words directed at you, no insulting, no dancing, stay close, no gifts or favors, and-" Stiles pointed a finger in between Scott and Derek. "Absolutely no alpha macho fighting."
They looked offended but agreeable.
Stiles turned to the gate. "Now, follow me."
The tall intimidating ethereal being that towered over them steepled their hands. "I have given you much to discuss. We will leave you to make your decision. This room is warded against all prying eyes, no one will listen to you here." The king's impressive guard and extensive council readied themselves to leave.
All four of them let out a breath of relief at having a moment to themselves after nearly three hours of talks.
As they filed out a female voice spoke, "Father?"
Stiles caught the easy smile that took over their face. "Yes, my petal?"
She locked eyes with Issac even as he desperately tried to send help signals out to Stiles and Derek. "I want to dance with that one."
Issac locked pleading puppy eyes with Stiles.
Stiles stepped forward slightly. "I think we are all too tired, your grace. He would probably step on her toes more than anything." Stiles tried for the easy humor and high spirits they had been sharing all night.
They clearly missed the king. Their eyes went sharp and demeanor cold. "You wouldn't allow my daughter to dance the night with your beta?"
Issac and Derek both went to speak, but Stiles cut them off. "He may dance with her for one dance. Any more would be too high an honor." Stiles turned to Issac with a look.
Issac opened his mouth, but seemed to think better if it. He simply bowed his head to the king and princess.
"Very well. Come petal. Come boy."
Issac left with one final traumatized look over his shoulder. Stiles nodded calmly and confidently to him and Isaac looked slightly calmer.
As soon as they shut the door Derek exploded. "What the fuck Stiles! What happened to no dancing and stay close?! Issac is bad with this kind of thing and you just let him go? Do you just not give a shit about him, huh!?"
Stiles was about to placate him when Scott jumped in. "He's doing the best he can. Besides, he has no obligation to watch out for you. You're not h-"
Derek interrupted through clenched teeth, "His pack. Believe me, I know."
"Can we focus children? Issac will be fine as long as he listened to me. Besides, a refusal of the fairy king's prized daughter would've ended in death for all of us. They could come back any moment and demand an answer. And I don't know about you, but I don't trust our odds about getting back to the portal through that literal army of ancient ruthless beings. So stow your crap and let's get this figured out."
They grumbled but complied.
"Good. Okay, so we know their claim on the eastern woods is complete bull, and we can get out of it easily. But what are we doing about the claim hierarchy? If both of you die or are unable to lead they want to take control of the territory. Which is something that shouldn't happen, but we don't have a way out of it, not really."
"Is that what they were saying? I thought they were talking about pack kids. With all that legacy shit. Also where's the queen? What happened there?" Scott looked thoughtful. "So, what do we do?"
"We can't agree to that. It would paint a target on your backs if they ever wanted to take over and that's all they would have to do. Also, I swear to god Scott, if you bring up the queen I'll cut your balls off. If he wanted us to know he would've told us, he could kill us if she died and it's a sore spot. Now, back to business. We can leverage their spot where they are right now, I think. It takes a lot of time and energy to built a fairy circle as powerful as that one, they won't want to just pack up and leave it. Even if the land they're on is now back to your ownership. So, I say we leverage their current part of the woods for the claim hierarchy they want. Sure, what we offer them is what they have, but they don't have to put in the effort and sacrifices again to build another circle."
Derek furrowed his brows. "You said time does not concern fae and that they are willing to put in the effort. Don't you think they would just forcefully take more land and make a new circle?"
Stiles looked considering. "No. I think most of this is just to size us up. I don't think they want more than what they have right now or they would've taken it by now. The king looked more playful than aggressive, which isn't to say that couldn't change."
They went back and forth debating possible terms and conditions for several minutes.
"Yes, but the northern preserve is Hale territory indisputably. Given that, I think we're in agreement. What about th-"
The doors slammed open with a loud bang and their heads snapped up.
Issac had his hands still outstretched and his chest was heaving. They took in his appearance. He was absolutely covered head to toe in at least an inch of glitter, his hair was wild and there were twigs woven into the strands. He was wearing a long robe also covered in glitter and falling off one side. Most disturbing there was what looked almost like a dead rat that fell off his shoulder, but Stiles knew it wasn't quite a rat. There was a desperation and terror in his eyes as he spoke, "Guys! I think I just got engaged!?"
The doors slammed back closed. Scott's face looked confused. Derek's eyebrows were high in shock. Stiles just closed his eyes and tilted his head down to let out a deep sigh while pinching the bridge of his nose.
Stiles didn't even look up before he began to speak, "Issac. I thought I was pretty clear, don't accept anything from them. I'm pretty sure a freakin marriage proposal qualifies as anything!" He looked at Issac disappointed, but not surprised.
The distressed beta walked closer to his alpha for comfort. "I didn't! I promise!"
Scott still looked confused. "I thought you were going to dance?"
"We did! But then they started shoving me into this robe and covered me with glitter and put branches in my hair. I thought it was just a party thing, but no one else got a dead rat so I got concerned. I asked what's going on and they told me I'm engaged to marry princess Annalise! I can't get married! I don't even have a credit card yet!"
Derek put a hand on his beta's neck to soothe him. "Calm down. We'll figure this out." He looked to Stiles.
"Oh, don't look at me. Your dumbass beta did this. You get him out of it, big guy."
Derek gave him a flat look.
Issac looked over at him desperately. "Stiles I know we don't always get along, but please. I am literally begging you, I cannot marry her." He looked white as a sheet when he leaned forward to murmur, "When she smiles you can see bug legs in her teeth."
Scott's face scrunched up. "Gross."
Stiles grinned. "And you can't even see her true form. That'll give you nightmares come wedding night." Issac whimpered.
"Stiles." Derek raised an eyebrow. Stiles huffed and crossed his arms. Derek simply raised it higher. Stiles rolled his eyes. Derek raised the other one and looked expectant. Stiles squinted at him. Derek kept both brows up as he tilted his head towards Issac.
Stiles huffed and threw out his arms. "Oh, my, god, fine! I'll think of something."
Scott piped up. "Wait, would you have to stay here if you married her?"
Derek sighed. "Well, she certainly isn't going to become a PTA mom."
Stiles huffed. "Issac, explain. Everything. From the beginning. Don't leave anything out."
"We were just dancing and not talking like you said, then they grabbed me and started doing all this weird stuff to me." He shook some of the glitter off and a twig fell from his hair.
Stiles looked confused. "You didn't talk at all?"
"No. Nothing. Other than when she asked to dance."
Stiles closed his eyes breathed through his nose heavily. "Yeah, and what exactly did she ask you?" He squinted at him and pursed his lips while nodding waiting for the answer.
He seemed insistent for the first part. "She just asked..." His eyes widened. "For my hand."
Stiles turned away from him to face Derek and Scott. He threw an arm behind him to the general area of Issac. "This! Is why you listen to Stiles! This! Is why you appreciate Stiles and listen to him! This! Is why Stiles is always right and you listen to him. This! Is why when there's a clan of fairies about to declare war on you if you don't meet them you show up to the fucking pack meeting ready to mother fuckin-"
Scott and Derek chorused with Stiles. "Listen to Stiles." "Listen to Stiles." "Listen to Stiles."
"If it helps, I'm sorry for not listening."
"If it helps, I'm only moderately considering wishing her well on training you to listen to her and hoping she likes scarves."
The door opened, this time much more calmly and less violently. "The king would request to see at least one of their mortal guests. If not the groom, then the emissary."
Issac made a choked off noise and looked wildly at Stiles before opening his mouth just to be interrupted.
"I think our discussion has concluded. We will all join the king to finalize their treaty terms."
The two guards filed out into the hall. Scott followed them and Derek motioned for Issac to do so as he fell into step with Stiles at the back. They had a bit of space between them.
"Have you thought of something yet?" Derek whispered.
They both kept their eyes forward. "I'm working on it."
"Well, work faster. You know what I'll do to you if you don't get my beta out of this." It was said with harshness in case someone was listening, but after he finished he looked over with a raised brow and smirk. Stiles resolutely looked forward and shut everything else out to focus.
The no sex treatment was brutal.
Stiles' mind raced with ideas on how to get them out of this. He thought about all he knew about fairies and couldn't think of anything about how to get out of a marriage proposal. There were so many stories, but none that didn't end in death. There had been one thing about a fairy and a human truly falling in love, but the groom made his bride dance until she died. Definitely not the solution, no matter how much he didn't get along with Issac some of the times, he was still a good friend. Stiles and him had grown closer even despite the occasional ribbing or friction.
They came up on the dance hall and were guided through the bustling floor to the king's harvest table. Annalise immediately went to Isaac's side with a sharp toothed smile.
Stiles thought about all the different fae he'd read about and their rules. Somehow he didn't think spilling some salt would help here. He tried to remember everything he'd read, but there was so much and somehow he couldn't think of anything. Stiles began to feel frustrated as he had to tune out the three of them talking with the king trying to buy him some time. Deaton had showed and told him so much, why was it so hard to get them out of this! He had a story or book about everything. About lore, about fae folk, about how Talia dealt with them and got her peace treaty. He made it sound like a movie. Talia sounded like a great hero to him. Stiles was next to tears as he thought about how much better at this she would be.
Stiles remembered a lore book about how, if a person saved a fairy child, that person could dictate what that fairy child did. Most used them for an I'll advised marriage, or slave. Both never ended well. They would just have to be careful to make it seem like they aren't wronging them. Talia had gotten her peace treaty because she had saved the life of the fairy queen. The fae hated owing or being in someone's debt so they penned the treaty. If Stiles gently mentioned that the king's daughters would never have been born if not for Derek's mother. They would owe Derek for them. In that same book he learned that blood oaths and life debts were passed down, even if treaties weren't.  Stiles smiled as a plan took root. He would mention the life debt and that that Derek could claim to dictate Annalise's life as well as her sisters'. They would say very carefully that they wished her nothing but happiness in a marriage to a fae to continue the line of great rulers. Perfect!
The king was speaking, seemingly agitated. "You speak in circles more like fae than humans. Enough. Why can't you marry my beautiful daughter Annalise?" They demanded and let just a little of their glamour fade to reveal their horrific face. The once glittering beautiful wings turned to a pitch black with twisted roots digging into and fixing them to their back.
Stiles was ready to jump in and save the day. "I would lik-"
Issac blurted and full volume, "Because I'm already married!"
Stiles craned his neck to look at him with an incredulous look. Scott looked bewildered and Derek just swore under his breath.
The king looked disbelieving. "Really?"
All four of them looked at each other as hopelessly lost and fucked as they felt.
They were in an unfamiliar place with a literal supernatural army between the four of them and the door. There was no way they could fight their way out, and his last plan was shot now, when they had to get him out of this lie first. Stiles figured he might as well roll with it.
"To me." His words came out just as Derek's did. "To me."
Stiles and Derek caught each others eye.
Stiles cleared his throat and gathered himself. Derek knew from the set of Stiles' shoulders he wasn't going to like what came next. He walked up between Derek and Issac and grabbed each of their hands. "To us." Stiles gripped their hands as harshly as he could for getting them into this before letting up.
A ripple of chatter erupted from the king's table, but the dance hall around them continued the festivities.
The king narrowed their eyes before motioning for a servant to come forward. They whispered into his ear and the servant left. "We will see."
Stiles swallowed harshly and Derek squeezed his hand.
The servant hurried back in with what seemed to be a crystal vial of a shimmering light blue liquid. The king tilted their head back and the servant put a few drops in each eye. The king blinked before focusing intently on the three of them.
Stiles had his eyes narrowed in confusion before they widened. "You're using fairy wings."
The king focused on Stiles. "Don't sound so appalled boy. Did you think we didn't know you used some as well to see our true forms?" They smiled. "Fairy wings have many magical properties, but most notably their use for sight magic. Mix the right ingredients in and you can see just about anything. For example: myrrh, basil, and valerian root."
"And what are you using those ingredients for?" Scott inquired.
"If one knows how to look, you can see a sort of line, a link one might say, between people. You can see what ties bind people. I believe wolves think a pack bond is something intangible by everything except instinct, but they are wrong. There is nothing magic cannot see or touch with the right entity wielding it. No matter how one tries to his or conceal it, it is always set free with patience. Ah ha, there you are."
They all took in a breath and held it as they looked in-between them. They looked puzzled for several moments. They tilted their head and made an inquisitive noise. Their council began to murmur and that seemed to distract them.
"Oh. Most interesting." They turned to their daughter. "My poor sweet Lise, the wedding is unfortunately off."
They let out a relieved, if not confused, breath.
Scott spoke, "Wait, what?!"
The king turned to Scott with a predatory grin. "You. You are quite the enigma. True, we had wondered how two alphas were possibly keeping the peace sharing a territory, but this? This was unexpected. A true alpha arranging a marriage between his emissary and greatest friend to his rival alpha and also his rival alpha's first beta? Unexpected, but well played." The king looked like they were appraising a clever chess game. "I am curious how you knew that an emissary building a relationship with a different alpha can quell instinct and unite packs?"
Scott gaped at him.
Stiles let go of Derek and Isaac's hands to wave his around. "Wait. What?"
The king turned to him with furrowed brows. "You did not know? Hm, I would have thought you would have been the one to figure it out. Clever human must not be as clever as I thought. Yes, he used you. But with how strong those bonds are I would say it did not work out entirely disadvantageous for you, did it?"
Stiles didn't know how to respond as Scott gave him a, 'What the fuck?!' face. Stiles sent back a, 'Just go with it!' face. "I would say not."
"Well, now that the nuptials are halted, should we continue our negotiation?" The king settled back against their chair.
Stiles quickly gathered himself yet again. "As the emissary representative of both packs I put forth the same treaty you and Talia Hale had. She gave you favorable terms and we are willing to do the same. You stay here and live on our territory peacefully in exchange for protection against things. You can draw from the nemeton without dealing with the things it draws. You stay on your side of the circle and we will keep our side there. We find it agreeable that instead of involving you in the care of our territory through a claim hierarchy, you keep your portal here. It would take a great deal of effort and sacrifice to move your circle closer in order to defend and manage Beacon and the nemeton, if it were ever to come down to a claim. It is better for all parties if we manage our territory and you manage yours. Agreeable?"
The king held his chin up by resting it on three of his fingers. "And if we want more?"
"If you wanted more then you'd try to take it. Are you?"
The king spoke aloof. "And if we did try to take your land?"
Stiles' eyes went hard and cold. "We'd protect it."
Scott looked to Stiles nervously after his risky answer.
The king grinned. "Good. No sense in having a treaty with packs that won't protect their land or us." He turned to Derek. "Your mother would approve of this one. He reminds me of her. His voice never wavered, exactly like hers. But do not be concerned with your strength little human." They looked at Stiles with an almost paternal interest. "Her hands shook just like your as well."
Stiles gaped, awed at how the king had seen right through him. He wondered what ingredients he had used for that one, or if it just came with a long life. Derek looked down at Stiles' shaking fist and reached out to hold it. Isaac saw it and after momentary hesitation mirrored it.
They laughed and then inclined their head toward their hands. "You know, it is intriguing to watch you mortals run in circles. You have such short lives so you dare not waste time looking to the past to learn from it, but we fae live long enough to see you as what you really are. Rats. Forever spinning on a wheel. Fun to play with and good pets, but ultimately you end where you started."
Everyone looked confused and they all looked to Stiles then, but he was just as confused.
"True, everyone in her pack looked to her just as you all look to the emissary, but that-" They once again motioned to Derek and Stiles' hands. "That was what your father did when he noticed her trembling. He didn't take over, he didn't talk over her. He supported her and trusted that she could handle it. Round and round you go, living the same lives in different bodies. He may have an edge to his voice like she had, but I see the same steadfast faith your father had for your mother in your eyes. You carry it for the emissary. The same relationships in different people. You bore me. Give me one good reason I should let you leave here alive. Especially when the fae could do so much more with the land."
Derek knew the fae could sense the fear coming off each of them.
Stiles spoke with conviction, "Does the juniberry flower get less beautiful with each passing season that they bloom? Is every peaceful ruler boring because there have been so many before it? Is a trick any less fun because you've already pulled it? You cannot deem us less worthy of life because we live it with the same burning love of those before us, the same beauty, the same compassion, the same embrace of frivolity. Repetition, while in our nature, isn't its entirety. Humans are known for their growth. Fae are born with magic and always have been. Humans learned to harness and use it. We grew with it, we invent and change it. There will always be humans fighting to love, to discover, to live, to be happy, to destroy, to hate, to do so many things good and bad. You call that fight not as important while you sit on a throne built by fae who did all the same things. The fact that you are immortal does not exclude you from the truth that you are also a part of the circle. Here you are again making another treaty. We are not two forces, we are one. But if you would like to divide us in two, pit us against each other in a way that would cost both sides lives, you are not breaking the circle. You are completing it. There has always been war, there has always been peace."
The king smiled. "And what would you have me do?"
"Do not attempt to break the circle. Appreciate it. Slow down and realize there have been before me, there will be after me, and I am being now. Make peace when possible, and war when it is not. Create when you can, but also destroy when it is necessary. Love your family, hate your enemies. But most prudent, know the difference between friend and foe, and have the wisdom to act accordingly. That his my advice, take it or leave it." Stiles bowed his head slightly while all three boys looked at him awed.
The king looked impressed. "You have moved my opinion and taught me, that is no small feat. Consider the treaty done according to your stated terms. Will you accept this favor from us?"
Scott and Derek went to jump in, but Stiles held up a hand. "We will accept no favors, but we accept the treaty."
The king nodded approvingly. "You are the clever human. Well done. Not many survive a fairy court. Much less on that was intent on killing them eventually from the moment they walked in. Consider the treaty in effect. This will probably be the last time you hear from us. That is, unless you need a favor."
"We'll see about that one."
The king motioned to the guard.
Stiles bowed and the other three followed suit. "It has been an honor."
The king bowed back. "Likewise emissary." The king nodded to the other three. "You as well." He looked to a guard who then began to lead them out. As they left fae talked and pointed at Stiles as they walked out.
They made their way back through the halls and to the circle.
"Well, we're not ones to over stay our welcome." Stiles nervously laughed. Upon seeing the fairy's unchanging face he nervously shoved Issac through the circle. "Best be going." Derek stepped through and they both followed.
As soon as they stepped back into the, now dark, woods they spoke hysterically, "Stiles, what the fuck!?" "What the ever loving hell Issac!" "Oh my god guys we made it! Hallelujah." Derek remained quiet.
Stiles turned to Issac. "Hallelujah. Hallelujah?! Like I want the one that got your ass out of there?"
Scott looked absolutely shell shocked. "Stiles? What the fuck?!"
Stiles looked back through the circle and saw the impassive guard still there. He gave a tiny wave. "Not here guys. Let's get back home."
"But yo-"
Stiles grabbed his arm. "Not. Here."
They walked in silence back to their cars.
"Let's talk at the loft. If my phone is right it's been over eight hours. Our packs will be worried."
Derek nodded. Scott jumped into the Jeep. Stiles followed him and started it. Issac watched them turn around then drive away before whirling on Derek. "What the hell? Why did the fairies think we had a bond?"
"Get in. It's going to take a little bit."
Derek started from the beginning and explained how Stiles and him had been in a relationship for over six months, how Stiles didn't want to betray Scott and his pack, and how the packs absolutely could not know, under any circumstances.
Issac understood quickly and they were on the road to the loft.
"Wait, you guys got the treaty signed, but somehow Issac almost got married off and then he did. But to Derek and Stiles? Now I'm kinda sad I didn't get to go. His little sad puppy face would've been hilarious." Jackson snorted.
Erica crossed her arms. "If you would have gone they would've taken one look at your cold conniving heart and made you stay because they thought you were one of them."
Lydia high-fived her and Jackson flipped both of them off.
Malia looked confused. "Did you actually all get married?"
Stiles sighed. "No matter how many times a different person asks, no. No, we did not get married."
Thankfully he got Scott to the loft without answering anything, but now it was him against both packs, who had been waiting for them together.
"Why isn't my brother here yet? Check your spouse bond. You can telepathically speak to your spouse if you're a werewolf. Ask him."
Stiles was so sick of them. "Cora, you absolutely cannot telepathically speak to your spouse if you are a werewolf. For Christ sake, you are the only born wolf here! You know that, stop being a dick."
She snickered.
Erica decided to join in. "Go on Stiles, check your spouse bond." Boyd cracked a small smile beside her.
"There is no such thing as a spouse bond!" He sounded manic.
"So you are married?" Allison played dumb.
"I swear to fucking Christ I will murder you all!"
As he screamed that Derek and Issac walked in with hesitant and fearful faces. "Bad time?"
"Perfect. Get in here and tell them we didn't all just get married."
"We didn't?" Issac looked relieved. "Oh thank fuck. I mean, you guys are better than Annalise, but no thanks. I thought with that bond shit he did he married us."
Jackson and Cora snorted.
Derek's pack walked up to him and checked to see if they were alright. "And just where the hell have you been? Stilinski drives recklessly, but he's not that much of a speed demon." Cora crossed her arms.
"Had to make a stop." Derek gruffly replied.
No one believed it.
Lydia finally piped up after having an analytical look on her face for awhile. "Wait, but how did the king see the bonds? He would've had to have seen something in order to believe you guys. Fairies hate lying. He must've believed you. What did he see?"
Issac looked at Stiles and Derek's panicked faces and thought about how much Derek had stressed their relationship remain a secret. His wolf howled for him to quickly defend and protect his alpha. He anxiously tried to think, but there were to many people staring expectantly. "I'm fucking Stiles!" He blurted.
Everyone's faces went wide with open shock, especially Stiles'.
Both packs instantaneously hurled questions. They overlapped and drown each other out with their volume.
"Everybody stop!" Stiles commanded.
There was silence.
"And here I was thinking Isaac was a bottom." Jackson snarked.
At least eight, "So did I."s were heard.
Isaac's cheeks flamed.
Stiles rolled his eyes. "He is a bottom. But thats no-"
The questions came from everyone except Issac who looked embarrassed and Derek who looked reserved.
"Everybody shut up! I'm not fucking Isaac!"
There was confused silence.
"Yes you are!" Isaac replied petulantly.
The shouting began once again.
Derek burst and finally roared at them while showing his eyes and teeth. They stopped. He grabbed Stiles' wrist and began yanking him behind himself. "We need to talk."
Scott instantly moved closer. "Whoa, whoa. Just because he's dating your beta doesn't mean you can shove him around! I get that you don't like it, but you don't see me pushing Isaac somewhere to give him the shovel talk."
Derek just growled threateningly.
Scott was about to respond when Stiles got in-between them. "Hey, hey, stop. No. Bad dogs. No fighting over the Stiles. Scott, just let me talk to him. I can handle this."
Scott opened his mouth.
"Remember what we just learned about trusting Stiles?" Stiles raised his eyebrows.
Scott closed his mouth and backed off.
Derek continued dragging Stiles up to his room. As the door shut behind them, Stiles was grateful for the soundproofing. "Thank God. I hav-"
Derek harshly clawed off Stiles' bracket without tearing his skin.
"Dude! What the hell!"
Derek didn't respond he just slammed Stiles against the wall and shoved his head into his neck.
"I repeat, dude, what the hell!?"
Derek licked a wide stripe up his neck. "Mine." He licked another stripe up the other side. "Mine."
"Okay, do you mind explaining? Because I'm starting to feel like a milkbone."
Derek teased the sensitive skin of his neck between his fangs. "He said we all had bonds."
Derek pulled back and looked calmer, but sad. "He saw bonds between all three of us, not just me and you. And then Isaac said that, so I thought-"
"You thought Isaac and I?"
Derek nodded to confirm. "I thought you were fucking him too. I needed to know, to smell that you were just mine."
Stiles shoved him back and off of him. Derek's eyes flashed hurt, but Stiles' held anger. "Fuck off!" He shoved his chest again. "Fuck off if you think I would ever do that to you. And especially fuck you for implying all we do is fuck. Derek, I love you. Fuck you for thinking that." Stiles' voice broke as he said the last sentence. Tears started to fall from his eyes. "God, fuck you so much."
Stiles went closer to the door and Derek quickly followed. He grabbed Stiles' arm. "Hey, hey. No. No baby, please. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's just, shit, we can't tell anybody, you never smell like me, you use spells so I don't smell like you, we can't even go on dates. I'm going out of my mind here. We are so much more than fuck buddies, that isn't what I meant. I just want you to be mine. Hell, that's all I've wanted for the longest time. I just want you." Stiles turned back to him and Derek leaned their foreheads together. "I just want you. I love you."
Stiles closed his eyes and another tear raced down his cheek. They stood there together for a moment.
"Don't lose me thinking you already lost me. Because I swear to god Derek if you ever accuse me of cheating again, I'll shove wolfsbane so far up your ass you'll have to pick it out of your teeth. I love you so much it hurts my heart knowing you thought that about me. I could, and would, never cheat on you. You hear me Derek Hale? Never." Stiles looked deep into his eyes with glossy ones. "You're it for me. God, you are. You're the person I want to wake up beside and not have to leave covering up your marks. Hell, I don't want to leave our bed at all. I don't want to ever have to leave you. It tears me up inside."
Derek kissed him and Stiles kissed back ferociously, like he had to leave the second their lips parted. Stiles pulled back for air, but clung onto his neck desperately.
"What are we going to do?"
Stiles wiped his eyes and then  smirked. "I've got a plan."
"I'm going to hate this."
"You're going to love this."
"I have hated literally every single one of your plans since day one."
Stiles drew circles in the hair on the back of Derek's head with his finger tips. He smiled. "You didn't hate the one with the picnic and the strawberries with chocolate sauce and the-"
"Okay, I liked that one."
"You didn't absolutely hate your birthday with the-"
"Yes, I did like that one."
"What about two weeks ago with the woods and th-"
"Alright fine, your sex plans are perfect. Is this a sex plan? I would like to stress that this is the only time I'll say this, please say no."
"No, it is not a sex plan."
"Oh good. Then I probably will hate it."
Stiles grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together to pull him along. "Let's find out."
"Wait, wait! You're not wearing your bracelet."
"I don't need it."
Derek's eyebrows furrowed. "Have you finally learned how to block your scent?"
"No. Thanks for rubbing it in. I just don't need it." Stiles once again turned to the door and he stopped him.
"If you walk out there, they'll know. Scott, your pack. I can't do that to you. No matter how much this hurts, I can't do that because I know how much it would hurt you."
Stiles smiled softly and kissed him. "I love you for that. But it's okay."
Derek started to shake his head, but Stiles put a hand on his cheek. Stiles grinned. "It's okay. Trust Stiles." He pecked his lips and looked at him expectantly.
Derek nodded his head and Stiles' stroked his cheek with his thumb. "Perfect. Now, follow my lead, and when the moment is right you better sweep me off my feet, Hale."
"How am I supposed to know which moment you're talking about?"
"Trust me, you'll know when it's the moment."
Derek's eyes went emotional and his hand gripped Stiles' tighter. "Every moment with you is the moment Stiles."
Stiles rolled his eyes and kissed him, then pulled him to the door. Right as he reached for the doorknob he hesitated.
"Next Friday is half off milkshake day at Sassy's. You'll order curly fries too. And I will eat half of them while you pretend not to notice. I want a proper out in public diner date. I'll meet you there at seven. Don't you dare be late, sourwolf."
Derek was over the moon. "Don't you dare be late. We both know I'm going to be there twenty minutes early nervously organizing the sugar packets and wondering if I put on enough cologne. Next Sunday I want to have breakfast with your dad. Don't you dare embarrass me."
"Perfect. And you know I will, but it won't matter because you've already won him over."
Derek held onto his hand like a life line. "Perfect."
Stiles let go and marched down the stairs. Derek followed.
They all quieted, but heard the last thing uttered. "You don't think he'd kill him for fucking Isaac, do you?"
"I'm not fucking Isaac, Alli."
"You ar-" Derek silenced Isaac by lifting a hand up. Isaac looked at him questioningly.
Derek shook his head. "Isaac is not fucking Stiles."
Stiles piped up, "Derek is fucking Stiles."
Everyone was stunned silent.
Derek's face was still not giving anything away. "And sometimes Stiles is fucking Derek."
Isaac let out a relieved breath. "Oh thank God that's over. Erica asked me what your face looks like when you come."
Derek shot her a dirty look and she stuck out her tongue. "Now I'll just ask you."
Everyone's shock faded at once, other than Scott who remained stunned. Loud, 'I told you,'s and, 'You owe me,'s exploded.
"For the love of fuck, shut up!" Stiles screamed.
Everyone looked at him.
"Thank you."
Scott finally caught up. "Wait. What!?"
Stiles turned to his gaping face. "Now Scott, I would like for you to bless the Hale alpha and I. Officially, that is. It's a little too late otherwise. Been there, done him multiple times."
Scott still looked confused. "Wait, like the fae king said? No! I don't want to use you like that! I'm not going to pimp you out for peace!"
Stiles rolled his eyes. "Scotty, keep up. Me and Derek bone like bunnies, we're in a relationship. I want to stare at his stupid face multiple hours of the day for the foreseeable future."
Scott looked like his brain broke.
Stiles huffed. "Oh for the love of God. I love him!"
Scott's face melted into a sappy grin. "Bro really?"
"Yeah, really."
Scott looked over to Derek who had a flat face. He sighed. "I love him too."
Scott turned back to face Stiles. "Broooo!"
Stiles grinned and looked down. "I know."
Scott seemed to get serious. "Okay, I give you to him."
Stiles pinched his brow. "You're not giving me over like I'm the last dinner roll on Thanksgiving dinner. You're giving your agreement and blessing to our relationship."
"Okay. I bless you."
"What are you, the pope?" Jackson snarked.
Scott's shoulders went up in a shrug. "Well, sorry! I don't know how to do this! I'm fine with it okay! You have my blessing."
Erica turned to Stiles. "You're good to go the next time you sneeze."
Derek pinched the bridge of his nose.
Stiles furrowed his brow in concentration. Derek put an arm on his shoulder. "What is is?"
"It should've worked."
"What should've worked?"
Lydia spoke, "You were hoping that if Scott blessed your relationship, you could bridge the two packs like the king said. You were hoping to make them one."
"But it didn't work. Maybe, Scott are you really not okay with it?"
Scott looked defensive and confused. "What? No. I'm so super okay with this! It's not me. I just want you to be happy. I know Derek is a good guy. It has to be something else. Stiles are you okay with it?"
Stiles looked defensive and snippy. "Of course I'm okay with it! I'm the one that wanted this! I am so beyond okay with this! I'm actually out of this universe okay with this! Derek are you okay with this?"
Derek looked like it was obvious and crossed his arms at the stupidity of the question. "Yes." He turned to Isaac sarcastically. "Are you okay with this? Husband ours?"
Isaac answered genuinely, "Yeah, of course."
Stiles crossed his arms back at Derek. He started to pace. "Okay, that should've worked. Why didn't work? The king said I could be the bridge to the packs, but why didn't it work? Do I need to do it with Isaac too? No, that doesn't make sense, it should work with just Derek. Maybe I have to actually marry him. No, in magical matters usually intent matters more than the actual contract. I intend to be with him. I intend to unite the packs..." Stiles looked up and stopped pacing. "Maybe its not about my intent. Or Derek's, or Scott's. You can't force a wolf to accept a pack. They have to choose it. I'm supposed to be the bridge, but you all still have to walk across it. You all have to choose to join each other. If I'm uniting packs, I kinda need packs permission. Are you guys okay with it?"
Four, 'Yeah!'s were heard and one, 'Hell yeah!' sounded. Cora looked at Stiles with squinted eyes. "Don't break him Stilinski."
They all turned to Jackson. He huffed and turned to Derek. "If Stilinski comes over at midnight to watch The Notebook with Lydia and he wakes me up with his blubberin, it's your ass I'm gonna paralyze."
They looked to Erica. "You all know I'm going to say yes. Especially with all the work batman put into trying to get the packs to get along."
Derek and Scott looked confused.
"Oh come on, we all know Scott is clueless, but you didn't know Derek? Lydia and I have standing nail appointments together ever since he took her on a day I just "happened" to be going. Jackson and him help Isaac with his complicated social worker law shit on Thursdays, which I have no idea what kind of magic he uses for that. Somehow, god knows how, he found out Boyd used to go deer hunting with his dad, and now he goes with Malia. That's just some of the shit he's done. Hell, he put together a training session without you guys about how to deescalate alphas challenging each other."
Cora piped up, "Oh come on Derek, you haven't smelled Isaac coming home on Fridays?"
He didn't want to mention that the spell Stiles used to get rid of his scent on Derek also kept him from smelling Stiles sometimes.
She continued, "He reeks of the sheriff and Stilinski. The sheriff all but adopted Isaac after hearing his sob story. He goes over there every week. Stiles is the main reason he's even surviving college. He wanted to get close to your beta, so he put all the fighting behind them. Well, most of the fighting." She shrugged.
Scott and Derek looked at Stiles. "Oh, don't give me that. The packs needed a lot of work, forgive me for wanting a head start. I wanted for them to at least be friends by the time you two got your heads out of your asses. Side note Derek, the bond between Isaac and I the king saw was probably the new friend thing we've got going on and the bond I was trying to forge to bridge everyone. That paired with how close you and Isaac are he probably couldn't tell the difference. Sight magic is hard, especially if there's a block. Like my bracelet or the spells I use on you. It probably muddled our relationships to each other enough." He turned to Erica. "Also, that wasn't a yes."
She rolled her eyes. "Oh for godsake, yes, you can be my new daddy Stiles. Scott too."
Just like the latch clicking behind you when you get home, they all felt the new pack bond slide into place like it was always waiting to.
Scott whispered awed and joyful, "Did we all just become one big awesome pack?"
Derek pulled Stiles' body to himself and dipped Stiles with a passionate kiss.
The pack hollered around them and Derek pulled him back up. "That was the moment, wasn't it?"
Stiles smiled at him. "Every moment is the moment with you, big guy."
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dearericbittle · 4 years
Don’t take offense (at my innuendo)
Read it on AO3
Summary:��The Beacon Hills bakery has been let at last! By the town’s very first werewolf. And he’s an Alpha too! It makes him a very appealing prospect to all of the single (and bored) inhabitants of Beacon Hills. Deputy Stiles Stilinski may be single and very bored, but he’s pretty sure that it’s no use even trying to flirt with the hottest baker he’s ever seen. He’s already stuck his foot in his mouth about half a dozen times, anyway.
AN: The next offering for @sterek-bingo - for prompts Baking & Wildcard (because Deputy!Stiles is a good wild card prompt). Also my second @fandomtrumpshate fic - thanks to the lovely Kali for making this happen, you were a damn delight. Bless you for the bakery break-in, that was gold - and naturally a ton of other trope-y goodness. Hope you love reading it just as much the second time!
Also, this is 20k of delicious flirting, banter-y fluff. Read responsibly!
Preview: (P&P vibes completely intentional!)
Beacon Hills loves its gossip, because let’s face it, the town is boring as fuck. Nothing ever happens in Beacon Hills - the Sheriff’s Department is small and unused to working anything bigger than a drunk and disorderly and the occasional domestic. Still, Stiles Stilinski would not want to be anywhere else but here. This is home, this is where his father is, this is where all of his friends are. And if he ever gets restless, he looks at the crime rates in the city he’s thinking about, and he loses all wanderlust pretty rapidly. 
Still, it doesn’t mean he isn’t bored. It means he’s terminally single and he’s pretty sure he will die alone, and it means he’s stuck doing donut runs and getting his colleagues coffee. Being the Sheriff’s son makes him the narc, his colleagues seem to think. And because his Dad does not want to show any favoritism, he gets to do all the fun rookie jobs until he earns something bigger and better - which won’t happen until someone retires and they hire a new rookie. 
Okay, so maybe Stiles really would want to be anywhere but here. He’d like to work challenging cases, perhaps even involving Lycanthropes or other Supernaturals - because apparently they have those in the outside world. Not in Beacon Hills though, not ever. 
Until the For Sale sign in front of the old bakery disappears and the entire town loses its collective shit. Because someone new is coming into town, and this someone new is apparently a werewolf. And not just any werewolf, but a proper Alpha werewolf, son of an important Alpha up in Oregon. Apparently he recently became an Alpha when saving someone’s life. 
Which… does he save kittens from trees too? Stiles doubts anyone would live up to all of the hype that the town has been putting on over this. Only a legitimate Prince Charming could, and Stiles is pretty sure this guy is not that. If he is, why would he come to Beacon Hills? There are no princesses here, no dragons to slay, no monsters or unexplained happenings ever. So clearly this guy is hiding from something and probably trying to rehabilitate his image. 
Read the whole thing on AO3
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stacinadia · 4 years
My third entry for @sterek-bingo 2020!
Title:  Spring Picnic
Rating:  T
Warnings:  None
Themes:  Wild Card
Words:  1453
Summary:  Stiles takes King Derek on a picnic in the spring.
The first non-drabble in The King and the Kitchen Servant AU!
AO3 link
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kayefraser · 4 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Lydia Martin, Erica Reyes, Laura Hale Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Mistaken Identity, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Costume Parties & Masquerades, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Baking, Sterek Bingo 2020, Humor Summary:
Stiles wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary with his summer bakery job. But a case of mistaken identity during a routine delivery suddenly lands him in a fake relationship with one of the most eligible bachelors in the country. What's a regular, starving college student to do?
Created for Sterek Bingo 2020
A/N: A story created belatedly for @sterek-bingo last minute on a whim.
Let's see how far I can get and how many themes I can hit before it ends in ...umm... 3 days. (Wildcard theme: Masquerade/Costume Party, additional themes added/tagged as they’re addressed in each chapter.)
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darkjediqueen · 4 years
Burning Effigy
Title: Burning Effigy Series: Sterek Bingo 2020 Ratings: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom(s): Teen Wolf Category: M/M Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski Tags: Sterek Bingo 2020, One-Shot, BDSM AU, Dom!Derek, Sub!Stiles, Spanking, Burning Cock Candle Summary: Derek wasn't sure what he was going to be coming home to, but a four-course meal and his Sub, Stiles taking care of him was not it. He really should have been prepared for what Stiles was going to do next but he wasn't. Word Count: 8,806 Year: Future Spoilers: Everything Notes: This is a completed One-shot. There will be no more written in the universe. Beta: ScarsLikeVelvet Gift For: wildamongwolves, ThePornFairy, whatthefridge
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sterek-bingo · 4 years
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Happy May 1st everyone!!! Or more specifically- happy first day of Sterek Bingo!
Because of the mods being a bit pinched from real life circumstances at the moment, this year we will not be doing the daily theme spotlights, and THIS will serve as our tag reveal post (no don’t worry, you haven’t missed it!) however, everything else will remain the same! We’re so excited to see you all here, welcome to Sterek Bingo 2020!!
Below, you’ll find the tag list for this year, happy posting!!
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ao3feed-sterek · 4 years
Don't Think I Will
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36MVlcY
by JoMouse
Stiles runs into a stranger at 2 a.m. in the woods.
Words: 959, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Sterek Bingo 2020
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, First Meetings, Sterek Bingo, Sterek Bingo 2020, sbwildcard4, Don't copy to another site
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36MVlcY
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ao3-sterek · 4 years
Don't Think I Will
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36MVlcY
by JoMouse
Stiles runs into a stranger at 2 a.m. in the woods.
Words: 959, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Sterek Bingo 2020
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, First Meetings, Sterek Bingo, Sterek Bingo 2020, sbwildcard4, Don't copy to another site
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36MVlcY
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josjournal · 4 years
Sterek Bingo 2020
I succeeded in getting a Bingo this year (by the skin of my teeth again).
Here are the stories I managed to finish and post (I have six other stories started that didn’t get finished but hopefully will one day):
A Cup of Coffee - Theme(s): AI
My Treat - Theme(s): Neighbors
Here Comes the Sun - Theme(s): Overworked
Don’t think I Will - Theme(s): Wild Card
Never Doubted it for a Minute - Theme(s): Neighbors, Rivals, Baking
Sweet Dreams, Derek - Theme(s): Insomnia, Madness
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kayefraser · 4 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Lydia Martin, Erica Reyes, Laura Hale Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Mistaken Identity, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Costume Parties & Masquerades, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Baking, Sterek Bingo 2020, Humor, College Student Stiles Stilinski, CEO Derek Hale, POV Stiles Stilinski Summary:
Stiles wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary with his summer job at a boutique bakery. But a case of mistaken identity during a routine delivery suddenly lands him in a fake relationship with one of the most eligible bachelors in the country. What's a regular, starving college student to do?
Created for Sterek Bingo 2020
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